Proceedings of ADVED 2018- 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey TÜRKİYE’DE GELENEKSEL MEDYADA YAYIN YAPAN TEMATİK TV HABER KANALLARININ DİJİTAL KUŞATMA ALTINDA OLAN YENİ NESLİN BAKIŞ AÇISINDAN NİTELİKSEL DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ Mihalis Kuyucu Associate Prof., İstinye University, TURKEY,
[email protected] A Qualitative Evaluation of the Thematic TV News Channels in Traditional Media from the Perspective of the New Generation Who Is Under the Digital Siege Abstract News represent one of the most important functions of the media. Media informs people using the news function and provides the public with detailed information on events developing in that society. News function of the printed media and radio gained new aspect with the emergence of the television. Offering visual elements, television added visual aspects to news compared to the former two platforms and it provided the advantage of viewing in addition to reading and listening to news. Communities started to prefer televisions more for news with the emergence of television platform. As a result of neo-liberal economic policies that became dominant in the world following 1980s, increased “privatization” had reflections in the media. Consequently, privately funded television channels took their place in addition to the state-owned television channels. This quantitative increase brought about thematic television channels broadcasting in different teams and addressing different group of viewers. New channels became a part of such thematic television channels. News channels focus on contents with news theme and they spare their entire time for news. CNN, the most popular news channel around the globe, broadcast Gulf War live in the beginning of 1990s and showed the important place of the news channels in the social live for the first time in the world's history.