From idol to art African ‘objects with power’: a challenge for missionaries, anthropologists and museum curators African Studies Centre African Studies Collection, vol. 59 From idol to art African ‘objects with power’: a challenge for missionaries, anthropologists and museum curators Harrie Leyten Published by: African Studies Centre P.O. Box 9555 2300 RB Leiden The Netherlands
[email protected] Cover design: Heike Slingerland Cover photos: Left: An Ikenga of the Igbo, Nigeria. Courtesy of the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Middle: Asuman, probably of the Ashanti, Fanti and Sefwi, Ghana. Courtesy of the Afrika Museum, Berg en Dal Right: Nkisi mabiala ma ndembe of the Yombe, Congo. Courtesy of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Author has made all reasonable efforts to trace all rights holders to any copyrighted ma- terial used in this work. In cases where these efforts have not been successful the pub- lisher welcomes communications from copyright holders, so that the appropriate acknowledgements can be made in future editions, and to settle other permission mat- ters. Maps: Nel de Vink (DeVink Mapdesign) Printed by Ipskamp Drukkers, Enschede ISSN: 1876-018x ISBN: 978-94-6173-720-5 © Harrie M. Leyten, 2015 For Clémence Contents Glossary vi Foreword xv 1. FROM IDOL TO ART:INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Two Epa masks in a missionary museum: A case study 1 1.2 From Idol to Art: Research question 11 1.3 Theoretical framework 15 1.4 Objects with power 29 1.5 Plan and structure of this book 35 2. IKENGA,MINKISI AND ASUMAN 40 2.1 Ikenga 40 2.2 Minkisi 49 2.3 Asuman 65 3.