Iraq SITREP 2015-5-22
Iraq Situation Report: July 07 - 08, 2015 1 On July 6, Iraqi Army (IA) and Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS) reinforcements arrived in 6 On July 6, the DoD reported one airstrike “near Baiji.” On July 7, one SVBIED Barwana sub-district, south of Haditha. On July 7, Prime Minister (PM) Abadi ordered the exploded in the Baiji Souq area in Baiji district, and two SVBIEDs exploded in the Sakak deployment of SWAT reinforcements to Haditha. Also on July 7, Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and area west of Baiji, killing ten IA and “Popular Mobilization” members and wounding over tribal ghters, reportedly supported by Iraqi and U.S.-led Coalition air support, attacked ISIS in 30. Federal Police (FP) and “Popular Mobilization” forces repelled an attack by ISIS at Barwana and Alus sub-districts, south of Haditha, and destroyed two SVBIEDs in al-Sakran area, al-Fatha, northeast of Baiji, killing 20 ISIS ghters. On July 8, IA and “Popular Mobili- northeast of Haditha, before they reached their targets. Albu Nimr and Albu Mahal tribal ghters zation” reinforcements reportedly arrived in Baiji. Clashes reportedly continue in the Baiji later repelled a counterattack by ISIS against Barwana. IA Aviation and U.S.-led Coalition Souq area of Baiji and in the Sakak area, west of Baiji. IA Aviation and the U.S.-led airstrikes also reportedly destroyed an ISIS convoy heading from Baiji to Barwana. Between July 6 Coalition conducted airstrikes on al-Siniya and al-Sukaria, west of Baiji and on the and 7, the DoD reported eight airstrikes “near Haditha.” On July 8, ISF and tribal ghters repelled petrochemical plant, north of Baiji.
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