Adventures of Electric Rod Boy 193 Akira 140, 152 All About Lily Chou
Index Adventures of Electric Rod Boy 193 Dark Tales of Japan 173 Akira 140, 152 Dark Water 11, 75-6, 81-91, 99- All About Lily Chou-chou 12, 104-11, 137 100, 111, 173 All Night Long 12, 104, 111-23 Deodato, Ruggero 187 All Night Long 2: Atrocity 12, 104, 111- Deren, Maya 69 13, 115 Devil’s Experiment 10, 21, 23, 26- All Night Long 3: Atrocities 12, 104, 111- 33, 35 12, 114, 119, 121-4 Devil Woman Doctor 10, 35-7, 40- Andromedia 131 1, 43 Attack of the Mushroom People 8 Dogora the Space Monster 7 Audition 1, 105 Ebola Syndrome 1 Barker, Clive 140, Evil Dead, The 35 Battle Royale 107 Evil Dead Trap, The 8 Beautiful Girl Hunter 23 Beginning of the End 139 Ferrara, Abel 115 Blade Runner 60 Flowers of Flesh and Blood 10, Blair Witch Project, The 187 15-6, 23-6, 31-2, 34-5 Blonde Kaidan 173-4 Friday the 13th 76, 92, 95, 172 Bloody Fragments on a White Wall 23 Fukasaku Kinji 107 Brakhage, Stan 69 Bright Future 91, 170 Ghost in the Shell 164 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 92, 101 Godard, Jean-Luc 42, 69, 129, 192 Buñuel, Luis 21, 30-1, 186 Gojira 7, 92, 138-9, 169 Burst City 8 Grudge, The 173-4, 184 Cannibal Holocaust 187 Hashimoto Izo 23 Charisma 160 Happiness of the Katakuries 132 Chien Andalou, Un 30-1, 186 Happy Birthday to Me 172 Craven, Wes 99, 184 He Never Dies 10, 35-6, 42-7 Cronenberg, David 49, 51, 53, 140, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer Cunningham, Sean S.
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