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','" ,- {C'.: ',,,_/. ,",:,.- _ .' c. " • .-~- - '-'~" . ".- I _t'r: ., ' Page Five . r-: 7""~~: --_._-----,------_ .. _.- "," " ','; ~ THE. JEWISH POST - ~ .. ~' Thur~day, July 5, 1951 .. Thursday, July 5, 1951 / highlighted hy the presentation of \ ports of activities. during the past c~rtificate awards and gifts and re- year.. (See page 6.) .- THE JEWISH POST Hold Annivesary Windup: Lorne Pearlman,. so'n of Mr. and - p~ge Four Consulate General at 1260 Univer­ Dr. C. D. Rusen Heads Mrs. J. Pearlman, has returned from the Israel Ministry Education, ~eabstone of sity Street, , so that tbe Shaarey Zedek Scene of Levy.Myers Wedding Alpha Omega Dental portland, Ore., to visit here for the thei Consulate General of Israel in Twin Chapters' Windup necessary fonns can be forwarde-d 1t summer. He is attending the Uni­ Canada requests all Israeli stu­ The Shaarey Zedek Fraternity Wnbeiling versity of Oregon Dental College. dents to contact the office of the to them. SOCIAL AND synagogue was the col .. At a recent meeting of the Alpha orful setting of the after­ Omega Dental fraternity, Dr. Chas. The Family 91 the Late Jsaac Y urman Passes , . "YOU'LL ENJOY SHOPPING .ATGOLDEN'S" noon wedding of Audrey Rusen was elected president for the Entirety Air Conditioned jar Your Comfort PERSONAL Roslyn, only daughter of coming year. Other officers elected Suddenly, Aged 68 MRS. ROSE Mrs. G. Myers, and ISAACOVITCH Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Robinson, are: Isaac Yunnan, 329 Burrows ave­ I. Sheldon, oniy son of' Immediate past president, Dr. H. 334 Wellington crescent, announce nue, passed· away Sunday night, requests all their relatives and Mrs. and Mrs. I. J. Levy, Alleni president-elect, Dr. S. M. the engagement of their daughter, July 1, at St. Boniface hospital. He ,friends to be present at the . on May 24 at 2.30 p.m. Borden; vice_president, Dr. I. Wolchj Gloria Shelley, to Sydney Lewis was 68 at the time of his passing. treasurer, Dr. C. Malkin; secretary, Headstone .Unveiling Robins son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rabhi Milton Aron Funeral services were held Monday 1 Dr. H. Gelfant; ex-officio, Drs. J. dedi~ated to her sacred Robins, of Toronto, Onto The wed­ officiated while Cantor from the Chesed Shel Emes chapel RIVER HEIGHTS , Cohen, H. Kahanovitch,L. Karr, H. memory' ding will take place at 8 p.m., Aug. Jacob Lev chanted the. with burial in the Hebrew Sick I (Cant. on p8IIe 'l) ; 8, at the Shaarey. Zedek synagogue, prayers and ,blessings. Benefit cemetery. Officiating was . on Sunday, July 8th DRUGS. i, Mrs. Judith Wire played Rabbi Myer,Schwartzman, assisted THE PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY . . Hamiota, Man. - Mr. and Mrs. at 11.30 a.m. "Canasta" . ' by Cantor D. Roitman ... 1436 CORYDON AVE .•i WATERLOO • • • Jack stolback and daughters, Louise .. - . at' the Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Peikoff, 99 The late Mr. Yurman had settled The bride was given . and Rhonda, have left by motor for Kenaston ·boulevard, announce the in Winnipeg in 1929; and was an in marriage by her Los' Angeles, Calif., to attend the Hebrew Sick Benefit . PRESCRIPTIONS engagement of their daughter,~the~ broth~r, Mr. Barry wedding of Mrs. Stolback's sister, outstanding craftsman in the watch­ ..... Cemetery dispensed exactly as to Earl Robinson, son of Mr. and inakmg field. He was a. member of \ your doctor ordered. Myers. She wore an Sarah Kaufman, to Sam Orisman. Mrs. S. 1. Robinson. The wedding the Tiferes Israel synagogue, and president, Chapter North,_ Have your doctor .'ankle length gown of They are visiting with Mrs. Stol­ will take place at 8 p.m., Aug. 2, at a close follower of Zionist and cul­ OF pbone Goldens pink natee consisting of back's mother, Mrs. Kaufman, Min­ the Shaarey Zedek synagogue. tural events in the community. As DELICATESSEN -three rows of escaly nie Kaufman and Sarah Kaufman. MRS. B. NEMY \"STANT DELI\lERy_D~'( ORNI·6Hr • • • an amateur violinist; he. was a de­ in Winnipeg since 1916 Mrs. B. Asowitch announces the trim. A Julianna cap • • • . president, Chapter South - trinuned with white and Dr. and Mrs. Irving H. Katz, nee voted and appreciative . listener at J)rabstonr Mr. .GroBn~ i, marriage of her daughter, Sarah is specializing for your presorlptlonSp drugs. toiletries, drInks,lce ere'm. Cigarettes, etc.-In the all Jewish community musical i n i~portinv The annual windup and twenty­ Gertrude, of Washington, D.C., to pink lilies of the valley Gilva Silverberg, announce the birth 1\tnuriltng all kinds fifth anniversary of the· Deborah RIVER HEIGHTS, TUXEDO,CRESCENTWOOD& FORT ROUGE DISTRICTS Arthur A. Simpson, of Los Angeles, helli the fingertip veil. of their daughter, Arlene Ruth, on events. His qui~t way of life, and delicatessen. __ Refresh Yourself at Goldeit·~ Soda and Milk Bar' ..' • Bring the Kiddies'·'· -- June 17, at Maternity Pavilion; Win­ Smoked' chapter of Hadassah was held at the Calif., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. She· carried a bouquet COSMETICS _ COLOGNES - PERFUMES - Du BARRY C CHANE!. The Family of the Late Salmon Glendale Country club on June 4, Jacob Simpson. The marriage took' of pink ·baby. roses. en­ nipeg General hospital. . Smoked Cod LENTHERIC - MAX FACTOR ,circling ~ orchid. • • • Smoked OBTAINABLE AT GOLDEN'S place on June 1 in Washington, D.C., Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Rosen, of Herring' OPEN DAILY 8.30 A.M. to 11 p.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS AND 1I0LIDAYS The maid 6f honor, _Photo by Stein Smoked "In view of a world-wide census where the couple will reside. ' Cleveland, Ohio,' national_ president BEN TADMAN ,.. ' Miss Bernice Levy, sister of the' The best man was Dr. Sydney . of Prtnce Albert, Sask. Karp of Israeli students . conducted • • • of the" Alpha Omega Dental frater­ Scumbies Miss Miriam Cohen, of ' Los gro~m, chose ~ arikle length gown Granove, cousin of the groom, and Anchovies throughout the month of July by nity, were - visitors in Winnipeg request their relatives and Angeles, is visiting her parents, :M.r~ of yellow nylon over yellow satin. ushers included Julius Lister, Mor .. Lnrge Olives 'over week-end, guests of the friends to be present at the . Fat Herrings and Mrs. B. Cohen, 95 St.. Cross Her Julianna cap was of the same ley Sirulnikoff and Leonard Gordon. 'the Corned Beef material. and she carried a bouquet A reception followed the .cere- Winnipeg chapter. Dr. and Mrs. Headstone Unveiling Pastrami street. Rosen were entertamed by the Salami of yellow and white baby roses. mony and was held at the home of to his sacred memory Tongue. ,"VT()~I§T§ ex~cutive ~n Friday night and' an Rye Bernd t t t :yWHA Young Women Mrs. G. Myers, mother of the Mr. and Mrs, D. Wolfe, aunt and Beloboritzll Ho~d Annual Windup bride" chose an ankle length gow;n uncle 'of' the groom. informal "reception was held Satur­ Sunday, July 8th Kercher At l3anff~ Alberta of deep ,blue Chantilly lace' over After a honeymoon in Chicago, day evening, in their honor, at the_ Cheese at the Special attention is given to IT'S deep blue satin. Her hat was of the Mr. atid Mrs. Levy will take up Glendale Country Club. country storekeepers Hebrew Cemetery same material and she wore a cor- residence at suite 15 Rivera Court. Orders shipped promptly and are sage of yelloW roses." Out-of-town guests included: Mr. NOTICE' TO . SUBSCRmERS: in well packed. PHONE 67922 Prince Albert, Sask. Mrs. 1. J. Levy, mother of the and Mrs.· I. Levy, Liverpool, Eng­ 956 MAIN ST. Winnipeg, Man. Universal Sales & Service Ltd. groom, chose an ankle length gown land; Mr. and Mrs. I. Samuels and of navy blue crepe. Her hat was son, New York; Mrs. S. Wynstock, Mrs. S. Diamond FOR COMPLETE SATISF ACTION , navy blue trinuned with white. She Chicago; Mrs. S. Gurevitch, Cal- wore a corsage of white roses. gary, and Mrs. H. Solomon, Chicago. Onr R~vresentative , METeOR The Jewish Post takes pleasure ISAAC YURMAN LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. J. Zamphir left by Prompt Delivery MERCURY Mr. and Mrs. M. Kanovsky, Selkirk plane to attend the marriage of their in announcing the appointment avenue, have as their guests from personal orthodoxy won the friend­ youngest daughter, Athalie, which of Mrs. Sarah Diamond as sub­ Sales and Service Israel their daughter-in-law, ship and, respect of all who knew ON THE NEW Mrs. will take place on July 14 in Los scription agent in Winnipeg, A ONE.STOP SERVICE ST A TION Tamar Kanai and her three children, authorized to collect subscrip .. him. ~OMPLETE Angeles. They will be the guests of Surviving are his widow Esther; Gila, Natan and Yaacov. Mrs. Kanai tions and issue receiQ~s. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Weller, their brother­ two sons, Sam and Normanj and Modern Rest Rooms Quick and Courteous Service is a memher of the kibhutz Klar in.. law and sister. They will visit A free, independent, democratic Darom, where her husband Eliahu three daughters, Mrs. Freda Towe, CHEVROLET Mrs. ICh. Fieldhloom in San Diego, press is a people's greatest .asset. 5th AVE. and 1st ST. WEST is a prominent leader in the religious Rivke and Toni. Th~re is one grand- a sister-in-law. On their return As publishers that is OUR res­ AND , ALTA. kibbutz movement in Israel. homeward they will visit .Dr. and ponsibility. child . BANFF , ALTA. MRS. I. PELTZ • • • A free press has' no subsidies Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Walters and Mrs. S. Wintrobe in Salt Lake City; . • . pr~ident. and must stand on its own feet. Hebrew Teacher Available son David arrived from New York Jack FieldblooID, a brother, in Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen -That is your protection . . .. Well qualified to teach children OLDSMOBILE Young Women's Club of the YM to visit with. their parents, Mr. and Gold, their children, in . BUT also YOUR responsibility. and aduits in all grades and Bar •• HA held their 2nd annual windup Mrs. M. Rothstein and Mr. and Mrs. There never 'was a greater need Mitzvahs. Satisfaction guaranteed. AT \ I. walters. They are house guests '" * "',. on May 22 in the form of a dinner Mr. and Mrs. M. Blitz announce for a fighting, liberal newspaper, Phone 56297. 144 Luxton Ave. and card party. Guests of honor of the latter at 65 Bannerman ...... ,iF up ...... , the engagement of their youngest and never so few .. T' were Mrs. D. J. Shore, past presi­ avenue. Following a month's stay daughter, Sylvia, to Allen, son of To survive it MUST have sub­ \ dent of the YWCA, and Mrs. S. Bass, in Winnipeg, they will leave for • Mr. and Mrs. A. Bermack, of Tor­ scribers . . . willing to support president of the YWHA, who brough Vancouver where they plan to make OFFICE . HELP onto. ., * *' their paper. greetings from her organization. their permanent home. Miss Clara Tenenbaum is a guest Spiralling newsprint prices .and WANTED The following slate of officers for .at the home of her parents, Mr. and generally rising production costs Good typist with office ex­ the year 1951-52 was installed (all ommUDl Mrs. 1. Tenenbaum, 414 Aikins have made it obligatory to sus­ perience. One with shol'thaud Mesdames): past president, A.. A. . Bar Mitzvah preferred. Good wages, steady street. Miss Tenenbaum is in her pend subscriptions where ac­ .Frankel; president, I. Peltz; vice­ Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Hehnan position. Apply to The Jewish second year of' nursing at Mount counts are overdue. president, H, C. Davidow; secretary, announce the Bar Mitzvah of Post, . Winnipeg. their SOD, Boruch Koppel, to be Sinai hospital in Chicago, Ill. We request our readers to re­ , A. Simkin; treasurer, 1. Nisenholt; 14, 9.30 held on Saturday, July at • * * ceive 1VIfs. Diamond with cour­ For added variety, travel acroSS the Great Lakes • I social chairman, B. Shapiro; social a.m. at the Beth Jacob . syna­ Los Angeles-Mrs. Rose Kaufman, IN A HURRY? CALL tesy, and save her the tiresome , by luxury steamer,either going or returning. Sailings co-chairman, M. Globerman; . edu­ gogue" Schultz str~et: At home, formerly of Winnipeg, announces the OLD-WORLD CHARM 33 Martin avenue, Saturday eve­ necessity of making extra trips cational chairman, S. Bell; project engagement of her daughter Sarah, in EASTERN .CANADA 1 from Fori William every T ue,day and Saturday. ning. No cards; in a job that requires so much NORTHERN TAXI ltd. . chairman, B. Gladstone; member­ to Sam Orisman, of Los Angeles. Full information Irom your local ogenl, .;';" footwork. ~ . Spend this ye~r's vacation amid Que.bee's storied charm ship and gift chairman, L. Karr; Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, nee The wedding will take place Sunday, ·-THE JEWISH POST. E: and COIOf, or visit Ontario's· beautiful lakelands for sailing ii: telephone committee, C. Goldin, N. July 8, in Los Angeles. PHON£S594 333 AUTHORIZED GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE = Betty Katz, announce the .birth of , Fingold. ' ~ G.M. APPROVED P ~TS & ACCESSORIES and varied 5ummC!f pleasures. By Canadian Pacific's famous -i!' their daughter I Shelley Brenda, on III.· E: Mrs. A. A. Frankel, retiring· presi­ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zamphir an­ Office 6040q4 .Res. 602682 924333 Lake Shore route, every travel minute means fine scenery, June 19, at the Misericordia hospital. . i! nounce the engagement of their , ;,; dent of the Young Women's club, • Our Cars Are Two-Way Radio ST. at BANNERMAN PHONE 598341 superb service and smooth-riding comfort. ~ , reported on the club's successful • • daughter Athalie to Lazar -Friedman DR.· HARRY L. GELFAIT Mrs. Sam Bereskin and sons DENTIST Equ!Ppel. To Serve . . Showrooms open until 9 o'clock ~ch evening I ~' year. Activities conducted included of Los Angeles. Rabbi Jacob So;'der­ ------~------~--- II Ralph and Barry, of Los Angeles, 807· HENDERSON ffiGHWAY I ii- a Chanukah party held at the YM ling of Los Angeles will officiate at' (Corner 9f Qakviewl ALL WINNIPEG II are"vi~iting 'in Winnipeg with her ."~ I = . HA for the chil4ren, and the raising the wedding whieh will take place Also'.Rice's u_uri",e·-Ca""'·' parentS, Mr. and Mrs. G. Filkow, EAST KILDONAN MANITOBA .- , ~ of $35 towards the purchase of a in his study July 14. ,- ' - . " at Renfrew apartments. l i.1I1 neW projector for the YMHA.

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