Society for Social Studies of Science

Annual Meeting/Conférence Annuelle



2 Society for Social Studies of Science

October 10-13 2007 10-13 octobre

Program Theme: Thème de la conference: Ways of Knowing Façons de savoir

The theme for the conference is ways of knowing. By this we mean several things: implicitly, that there are many ways of knowing any particular object, process, or event; that some of these ways of knowing have historically been more valued than others; and that processes of adjudicating ways of knowing have usually been neither nice nor neutral. So we are interested in processes of valuation (from the language of debates to acts of censorship) that result in one way of knowing as “the right one” or “the natural one.” We are interested in how people, groups, or cultures hold more than one way of knowing, and whether this is stable, durable, or problematic. When different ways of knowing are triangulated, how is this actually done in practice? What is lost and what is gained in the triangulation process?

We are interested in how certain ways of knowing are deemed to be “non-scientific,” (for example, magic, divination, astrology, etc). Several other interesting areas spring from this mixture of questions: historically, what is kept, or what is ignored, in studies of knowledges and paradigm shifts? (Including here questions of collective memory and collective forgetting.) How do new regimes of record keeping, such as the electronic patient record or the full text data base, affect what is remembered and what is forgotten?

3 (This may be true across a large numbers of fields.) All sorts of questions about translation arise in discussing these issues – Who chooses what is to be translated? Who does the translation? Does the quality of the translation impact the nature of knowledge, and if so, how? In Howard Becker's famous concept, "hierarchy of credibility," he claims that, for a well-socialized member of a hierarchical organization or institution, information coming from "the top" is de facto more credible than that coming from "the bottom." So, a bank president, regardless of what she says, is more credible than a temporary janitor. However, within science studies, and following many sorts of principles of symmetry, we do not take members' hierarchies for granted, especially as questions of voice and position are precisely the matters under analysis.

Given that our conference will be in , one of the sites where language (as a marker) of difference was bitterly disputed, we must examine the idea that language carries powerful politics. In some cases, as with Aboriginal children, the attempt to suppress a language is linked with the destruction of culture and even with genocide. Finally, there are different ways of knowing that are formed by gestures, by ways of pronouncing words, or by how names are heard and understood. Sometimes ways of knowing are different with respect to quantitative vs. qualitative; visual vs. textual, or statistical vs. enumerative. These only suggest the ways knowledges may frame findings, thus mirroring a final finding.

--Leigh Star, President

4 Background Informations Information générales


Many people helped bring the program together. I want to thank especially Wes Shrum, for handling the many details and questions regarding the meeting and program policies in general; Anne Borrero, for helping get the program into a readable shape and handling many inquiries; Leigh Star, for developing the program’s call for papers and helping with the Weds. plenary; Tracey McKee, for organizing the hotel relations, rooms, exhibits, and registration; Rick Duque, for helping with catering and other arrangements; Steve Coffee, for organizing the web site and helping with electronic issues; Jean-François Blanchette, for assisting in translation of the French; Wenda Bauchspies, for answering questions based on her experience as the previous program chair; the access committee members (Steven Emery, Florence Millerand, Ursual Naue, Kristin Snodden, Leigh Star, Ernst Thoutenhoofd); and the program committee members (Dean Nieusma, Jill Fisher, Torin Monahan, Sergio Sismondo, and Roli Varma), for reading abstracts and making preliminary panel sorts.

We also wish to thank the staff of the Doubletree Plaza Hotel in .

--David Hess Program Chair

5 Cover Photo and Design

The cover photo is printed with permission of Tourisme Montréal. © Tourisme Montréal, Stéphan Poulin. Photo 852. Terrace on Place Jacques-Cartier, Old Montréal. Terrasse de la place Jacques-Cartier - Vieux-Montréal. The cover design is by Paulina Manzo ([email protected]).

A Note on Paper Presentation Lengths

The Society for Social Studies of Science has grown rapidly in recent years, and the number of abstracts submitted has been very high compared to previous years. As a result paper presentation length has been compressed to about 15 minutes on the average. The council plans to deliberate on the issue and to solve it in future years by finding a larger space, making the selection criteria more rigorous, or finding some other solution.


Per recommendation from the 4S leadership, abstracts are posted on the 4S web site.

6 Governance Gouvernance

The 4S is governed by a President and a council of nine persons. Council members serve three year terms, and the President serves a two year term after a one year term as President Elect. All Past Presidents are non-voting members of Council.

President: Susan Leigh Star (Santa Clara University) President Elect: Michael Lynch (Cornell University) Past President: Bruno Latour (Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Science-Politiques) Secretary: Wesley Shrum (Louisiana State University)

Council Members: Sergio Sismondo (Queen’s University) Roli Varma (University of New Mexico) Joe Dumit (University of California, Davis) Maureen McNeil (Lancaster University) Martina Merz (University of Lucern) Paul Wouters (KNAW) Stefan Timmermans (UCLA) Gabrielle Hecht (University of Michigan) Michelle Murphy (University of ) Ex-Officio: Chrstine Hine, Pres. of EASST (U. of Surrey)

Student Representatives: Michelle Steward (University of California, Davis) Matthew Harsh (University of Edinburgh)




Wednesday (Oct. 10) 3:00-8:00pm Registration 1:00-3:00pm Publications Committee Meeting (Fortin) 3:00-6:00pm Council Meeting (Fortin) 6:00-7:00pm Prize Committee Meetings (Fortin) 6:15-7:15pm (Monet Ballroom). “STS in 1977: Feminist and Multicultural Perspectives” This plenary session will continue the tradition of historical retrospective sessions, featuring talks by Sandra Harding, Willie Pearson, Cheryl Leggon, Leigh Star, and Judy Wajcman. 7:15-9:00pm (Monet Ballroom). Informal senior/junior mentoring and mingling session.

Thursday (Oct. 11)

1 Thursday 8:15-10:00am 1.1 The Local/Global Politics of Regenerative Medicine 1.2 STS and Information Studies I: Cyberinfrastructure/e-Science 1.3 Ways of Knowing the Biomedical Body 1.4 Knowledge for Governing Science 1.5 Climate Change 1.6 Translating Knowledge, Transgressing Boundaries: An Exploration of Cultures and Practices Underlying the Conversion of Biomedical Knowledge 1.7 Innovation, Universities, and Industry 1.8 Crossing Boundaries in E-research 1.9 Ethics in Practice

10 1.10 Communicating Value through Language: How Language Is Used to Assign 1.11 Institutional Ideologies of Knowing: Perspectives from Eastern Europe

2 Thursday 10:15-12:15 2.1 Regimes of Production of Knowledge in Life Sciences 2.2 STS & Information Studies II: Archives & Databases 2.3 New Perspectives on Science and Social Movements 2.4 Private Sector Science: Commercial Ways of Knowing 2.5 Ways Knowing Everything About Each Other: Critical Perspectives on Web 2.0 and Social Networking 2.6 Technologies of Repair 2.7 Postphenomenological Research I 2.8 Global Knowledges and Democratic Agency 2.9 Mobilized Subjects: Militarization in National and Transnational Contexts 2.10 Ways of Knowing the Field 2.11 Ways of Knowing Within and Through Games and Play

3 Thursday 12:30-1:30 3.1 A Hands-On Mapping Workshop for Exploring Different Representational Strategies for Describing Complex Technoscientific Domains (Roundtable) 3.2 STS & Information Studies III: Doing STS in Information Schools (Roundtable) 3.3 Assemblages, Eduscapes, and Knowledge: A Critical Anthropology of Knowledge Society 3.4 Embodied Translations, Translating Embodiment 3.5 Field Science and Embodied Knowing in an Era of Virtuality

11 3.6 Faculty Panel: Getting Your First Academic Job (sponsored by the student section of the 4S) 3.7 Learning Together, Learning Apart: The Contradictory Dynamics of Mixing Disciplinary Knowledges 3.8 Postphenomenological Research II 3.9 Ask your Doctor About… Science and Commerce in Canadian Health 3.10 Intimate Interfaces: Constituting Technologies, Bodies, and Users through Seamless Relations 3.11 STS in Canada: Building Towards the Future (roundtable)

4 Thursday 1:45-3:15 4.1 Student Business Meeting (may be moved to Saturday lunch) 4.2 STS & Information Studies IV: Mapping Science 4.3 Law and the Question of Non-science: Legal Encounters With ‘Other’ Ways of Knowing 4.4 Knowledge Gaps and STS 4.5 Exploring the Nano-Enterprise 4.6 Twice Alive? The Re-birth of the Gene in Science Studies 4.7 Social and Technical Aspects of Scientific Collaborations 4.8 Knowing with Computers: How Software and Systems Encapsulate Expertise 4.9 Ethnographies of Science and Technology Across Disciplines: The Theory and Practice of “Ways of Knowing” 4.10 Ways of Knowing the Mind and Brain: Anthropologies of the Psy Disciplines 4.11 Ontology and Kin(d)ship in the Classificatory Practices of Human-Animal Relations

5 Thursday 3:30-5:45 5.1 Knowing in Action: Where's STS?

12 5.2 STS & Information Studies Stream V: The Information Perspective on Scientific Information 5.3 How do We Know our Hearts are Diseased? 5.4 Bourdieu and Beyond: Theories for a New Political Sociology of Science 5.5 Knowing Pain: The Cultural Logics of Pain and Drug Addiction Research 5.6 Institutional Decision-Making in Disaster Response 5.7 Energy, Climate Science, and Sustainable Consumption 5.8 Stabilizing Multiplicity 5.9 Latin American Science and Ways of Knowing 5.10 Science and the Politics of Food: Negotiating Risk, Credibility, and Civil Society 5.11 Growing Up Connected: Ways of Knowing through Participatory Culture 5.12 Topological Media Lab (special session at 5:25pm).

Friday (Oct. 12) 7:30-8:30am Social Studies of Science Editorial Board Meeting (Degas)

6 Friday 8:15-10:00 6.1 Translating Latour 6.2 Going Local, Knowing Global? Dilemmas and Challenges of Genomic Governance (Working Session) 6.3 Sciences and Publics 6.4 Technologies of Hope: Exploring Emerging Therapeutic Cultures 6.5 Towards a Socio-Technical Understanding of Architecture and Urbanism I: Design Thinking: an STS perspective on architectural practices

13 6.6 Pharmaceutical Ways of Knowing 6.7 Nanotechnology 6.8 Knowing Food: Taste, Technology and Skill (Working Session) 6.9 Learning in Online Communities of Practice 6.10 Transvaluing Communicative Discourse: Using New Media for New Knowledge Construction 6.11 “Alternative” Ways of Knowing: the Changing Landscape of Legitimate Knowledge in CAM/IM

7 Friday 10:15-12:15 7.1 Subject/Object Configurations in Transnational Circuits of ICT 7.2 Civic Epistemologies and Mediated Science 7.3 Visions of Nanotech: Fault Lines in Knowledge and Meaning 7.4 Engaging Whom? Intervention-Oriented Investigations into R&D and Policy 7.5 Towards a Socio-Technical Understanding of Architecture & Urbanism II: Reclaiming the city: An STS perspective on urban knowledge and activism 7.6 In the Eye of the Beholder: Surveillance and the Performance of Identity 7.7 Problematizing Technological “Appropriation” 7.8 Making, Knowing and Governing by Numbers 7.9 Managing Ecosystems: Science, Culture, Values 7.10 ICT and Hospitals 7.11 What Does it Mean to You? Making, Merging, and Judging Meaning across Socio-cultural Contexts

8 Friday 12:30-1:30 8.1 The Challenge of Diverse Ways of Knowing: Assessing Biotechnologies in New Zealand

14 8.2 From Endogenous Controversies to External Protest: Does Critique Produce new Scientific Regulations? 8.3 Ethics in Experimentation 8.4 Agricultural (bio)technologies and international development: Engaging STS to make a difference (Roundtable) 8.5 Anatomies of E-government 8.6 Time, Space, Sociality and the Uses of Mobile Wireless Technologies: In Between Science and Technology Studies and New Media Studies 8.7 Space, Material Culture, and Knowledge Production in the Human Sciences 8.8 Feminist caucus lunchtime roundtable 8.9 Ethnographies of Knowledge 8.10 Brains and Neuroscience 8.11 Managing Nature

9 Friday 1:45-3:15 9.1 Author Meets Critics: Geof Bowker 9.2 Locating Genetic Knowledge and Responsibility 9.3 Powers of Science; Powers of State 9.4 Flows of Information and Technologies of Surveillance: Adaptations and Transformations of Personal Information in the Information Age 9.5 The Traffic of Reproductive Technoscience and East Asian Modernities 9.6 Experimenting With "The Asthma Files" 9.7 Technoscience in the Production of Contemporary Security Dilemmas 9.8 Mice and Men. Bodies in Experimental Sciences 9.9 Visual Ways of Knowing 9.10 Hacking Knowledge

15 9.11 Locating Grids of Intelligibilities and Situatedness of Knowledge and Knowing

10 3:30-5:30pm Presidential Plenary (Monet)

6:00-7:00pm Business Meeting (Braque) 7:00pm Cash Bar (Gagnon) 8:00pm Annual Banquet (Monet)

Saturday (Oct. 13) 7:30-8:30am STHV editorial board meeting (Degas)

11 Saturday 8:15-10:00am 11.1 Hospitals and Technologies 11.2 Ways of Knowing Diseases 11.3. Ways of Sensing Biology 11.4 Author Meets Critics: Steve Fuller 11.5 Gender and Technology 11.6 Designing “Big Stuff”: STS and the Design of Large Technological Systems 11.7 Risk, Environment, and Technology 11.8 ICTs, Social Networks, and Communities 11.9 Funding and Publishing in Science 11.10 IT Software and Infrastructures 11.11 Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity

12 Saturday 10:15-12:15 12.1 Medical Anthropology and the Life Stakes of Knowledge

16 12.2 Examining the Structures of Participation in New Media and Information Technologies 12.3 Rhetorical Views of Knowledge-Making in Health and Medicine 12.4 The Changing Organization of Science and Its University Context 12.5 Climate Modeling and Uncertainty: Epistemology and the Construction of Climate Facts 12.6 Engineering Studies 12.7 Articulations of Value in Contemporary Technoscience 12.8 Knowing Stem Cells: Multiple Meanings in the Standardisation, Understanding, and Regulation of Stem Cell Materials 12.9 Network Ethnography 12.10 Ecologies of Hope 12.11 Technologies of Forgetting and Exclusion: Case Studies in the Social Benefits of Forgetting

13 Saturday 12:30-1:30 13.1 Circulations of Medical Knowledge 13.2 Author Meets Critics: Peter Taylor’s Unruly Complexity: Ecology, Interpretation, Engagement 13.3 General and Philosophical Issues 13.4 Memory and Technology 13.5 Life, Death, and Dying 13.6 Engineering and Design 13.7 Contextual Lenses for Ways of Knowing 13.8 Science and Public Health 13.9 Indigenous Knowledge 13.10 Nuclear Energy 13.11 Finance and Economics


14 Saturday 1:45-3:15 14.1 Author Meets Critics: Charis Thompson 14.2 Gender and Race 14.3 War and Weapons: 14.4 Pharmaceuticals, Regulations, and Markets 14.5 Information and Publics 14.6 STS in Development and on Location: Data, Products, Practice 14.7 Health-Care, Knowledge, and Ethics 14.8 Legal and Criminal Justice Dimensions of Science and Technology 14.9 Health, Markets, and Governance 14.10 Science Technology Studies, Disability Studies and Deaf Studies 14.11 Styles of Science and Technology

15 Saturday 3:30-5:45 15.1 Governance of Science and Technology 15.2 Stem Cells 15.3 Climate Policy Initiatives and Science for Policy - climate policy 15.4 Consumers, Patients, and Health 15.5 Ways of Performing Finance (Working Session) 15.6 Computational Co-creation of Knowing Selves and Communities 15.7 Social Studies of Biology and Evolution 15.8 Magic, Religion, and Science 15.9 Communication, Publics, and Science 15.10 Sound, Visualization, and Senses 15.11 Techniques of Knowing in the Contemporary



Wednesday (Oct. 10) 3:00-8:00pm Registration 1:00-3:00pm Publications Committee Meeting (Fortin) 3:00-6:00pm Council Meeting (Fortin) 6:00-7:00pm Prize Committee Meetings (Fortin) 6:15-7:15pm (Van Gogh-Renoir Rooms). “STS in 1977: Feminist and Multicultural Perspectives” This plenary session will continue the tradition of historical retrospective sessions, featuring talks by Sandra Harding, Willie Pearson, Cheryl Leggon, Leigh Star, and Judy Wajcman. 7:15-9:00pm (Monet Ballroom) Informal senior/junior mentoring and mingling session.

Thursday (Oct. 11)

1 Thursday 8:15-10:00

1.1 The Local/Global Politics of Regenerative Medicine (Van Gogh) Organizer/chair: Herbert Gottweis (U Vienna) and Catherine Waldy (U Sydney) Catherine Waldy (U Sydney) Regenerative Medicine and the Global Tissue Economy

19 Melinda Cooper (U East Anglia) The Politics of Regenerative Medicine in China: Global, National and Local Nik Brown (York U) The Privatised Consumption of Bioscience – the Politics of Commercial Cord Herbert Gottweis (U Vienna) Regulating Stem Cell Research in the Global Arena Robin Downey (U ), Yann Joly (U Montreal) Democratizing Science? Stem Cell Research in Canada Linda Hogle (U Wisconsin) discussant

1.2 STS and Information Studies I: Cyberinfrastructure/e-Science (Riopelle) Organizers: Jean-François Blanchette (UCLA) and Geoffrey Bowker (Santa Clara U.) Chair: Ramesh Srinivasan (UCLA) Paul Wouters & Anne Beaulieu (Virtual Knowledge Studio) Changing Practices, Telling Stories, Building Tools in e- research David Ribes (U Mich.) Consequences of the Long-Term Today Geoffrey Bowker (Santa Clara U.) Cyberinfrastucture Studies - Emerging Themes about E-mergent Knowledgescapes Marina Jirotka (Oxford U) The Practical Accomplishment of Data Sharing Greg Downey (U Wisconsin) The library on the screen: Contested infrastructures for knowing in the pre-Web era Les Gasser (UIUC) discussant

1.3 Ways of Knowing the Biomedical Body (Bellefleur) Organizer/chair: Ericka Johnson (Linköping U.) and Rachel Prentice (Princeton) Elin Bommenel (Lund U.) From insecurity to security. The process of creating an instrument

20 Ericka Johnson (Linköping U.) Mapping medical experience. Simulators and the reconstruction of knowledge about the body Petra Jonvallen (Luleå U.) Overcoming the abject. Identifying with the woman while monitoring a foetus Rachel Prentice (Princeton) Cutting Dissection: Anatomy Teaching and New Tools for Knowing the Body Rachel Washburn (UCSF) Human Biomonitoring & the Lived Experience of Body Burdens Natasha Myers (MIT) discussant

1.4 Knowledge for Governing Science (Gagnon) Organizer/chair: Sabine Maasen (U. Basel), Peter Weingart (U. Bielefeld) Sabine Maasen (U. Basel) Excellence and/or Transdiciplinarity: Which Knowledge Do We Want? Peter Weingart (U. Bielefeld) Creating Knowledge about Elite / Elite Universities: Rankings and Their Institutional Impact Torsten Strulik (U. Bielefeld) Knowledge, Ignorance and Communication. Sociological Perspectives on Scientific Evaluations Martin Reinhart (U. Basel) Peer Review. How Knowledge About Quality Comes About Michèle Lamont (Harvard U.) "A Pragmatic Approach to Evaluating Quality in the Social Science and the Humanities"

1.5 Climate Change (Renoir) Chair: Elizabeth Hartmann (Hampshire C.) Elizabeth Hartman (Hampshire C.) Refugees and Rebels: Who Gets to Shape the Discourse on Global Warming? Maxwell Boykoff (U. Oxford) Battlefields of Knowledge regarding Anthropogenic Climate Change: Science, Media, Policy, Public Discourses in the United States and United Kingdom

21 Mike Goodman (Kings C London), Maxwell T. Boykoff (U. Oxford), James Martin Fellow (U. Oxford) “Celebrity Is A Bit Silly, But It Is Currency, Of A Kind”: A Consideration Of The Changing Nature Of Celebrity Politics, Media, And Climate Change Science Jasmin Sydee (U. Wollongong) Adapting to Change: The Politics of Climate Science-Policy in the Pacific Islands Context Roger Chen (Chinese C.U. Taiwan) Knowledge System and Glocalization: Mapping Taiwan's Climate Change Research and Local Response

1.6 Translating Knowledge, Transgressing Boundaries: An Exploration of Cultures andPractices Underlying the Conversion of Biomedical Knowledge (Fortin) Organizer/chair: Nobert Paul and Antje Kampf (Johannes Gutenberg U.) Rainer Brömer (Johannes Gutenberg U.) Competing ways of knowing: Translations between European and Middle Eastern civilisations facing Western colonialism (1798-1919) Norbert W. Paul (Johannes Gutenberg U.) The end of scientific revolutions? On data, industrialized knowledge production and new ways of knowing in biomedicine and the life sciences Lara Huber (Johannes Gutenberg U.) Exceptional knowledge production? Translating neuroscientific knowledge into “real” life Antje Kampf (Johannes Gutenberg U.) The absence of male genital cancer: Paradigms of knowledge of gender and medicine reconsidered Maral Erol (Rensselaer) Flawed design, terrorist media, (un)conscious patients: The story of hormone replacement therapy after WHI in Turkey Cornelius Borck (McGill U.) discussant

22 Jamil Ragep (McGill U.) discussant

1.7 Innovation, Universities, and Industry (Lemieux) Chair: Inge van der Weijden, (Rathenau Instituut) Inge van der Weijden (Rathenau Instituut) and Dick de Gilder (U. Amsterdam) Implications of research management on academic group performance Dan Burk (U. Minnesota), Kirsten Foot (U. Washington), Dana Bostrom (U. C.-Berkeley) Deen Freelon (U. Washington) Technology Transfer Offices as Intersections in Knowledge Production Max Munnecke (T U of Denmark) Knowing the Future: STS and Business Foresight Ari Tarkiainen (U. Joensuum) Innovation Policy as Translation from Theory to Practice Rhetorical Perspective to Innovation Policy Monika Kurath (Collegium Helveticum) Impact of University- industrial cooperation on ways of knowing and academic knowledge production Torben Elgaard Jensen (T U of Denmark) Knowing the User: The Political Philosophy and the Practical Demands of User-Driven Innovation

1.8 Crossing Boundaries in E-research (Matisse) Organizer/chair: Andrea Scharnhorst (Virtual Knowledge Studio, KNAW) Jenny Fry (U.Oxford) Charles van den Heuvel (KNAW) Charles van den Heuvel (KNAW) Mapping Historical Evidence - Evaluating and Annotating History in Maps and Visualizations by Experts and Non experts Pieter Calje (Maastricht U.) The Cultural Biography of Maastricht: Giving Meaning to the Past in a Digital Environment

23 Stuart Dunn (Kings College London) The structure is the message: ensuring access and sustainability for archaeological data Yu-Wei Lin, Peter Halfpenny, and Rob Proctor (U Manchester, UK) What do We Know about e-Social Science? Matthijs den Besten (OII), Jenny Fry (OII), Lina Hellsten (KNAW), and Renauld Lambiotte (Univ. Liege) Use of the Internet to Trace the Interdisciplinary Dynamic of Emergent Fields Ernst D. Thoutenhoofd and Matt Ratto (KNAW) Contact Zones in Digital Scholarship: Corpus Construction for Spoken and Signed Languages Paul Wouters (KNAW) discussant

1.9 Ethics in Practice (Colville) Organizer/chair: Christian Toennesen (U. Oxford) and Steve Woolgar (U. Oxford) Klaus Hoeyer (U. Copenhagen) The hip prosthesis between person and commodity Lucy Kimbell (U. Oxford) Practising ethics in rat art practices Daniel Neyland (U. Oxford) Using Science and Technology Studies to establish ethical accountability in medical research Christian Toennesen (U. Oxford) and Steve Woolgar (U. Oxford) It's an Ethical World After All Sarah Dyer (U. Oxford) Knowing ethical subjects? Informed consent and the production of subjects in medical research Alfred Moore (U. Cork) Public engagement and the framing of ethical concerns in the government of biotechnology in the UK.

1.10 Communicating Value through Language: How Language Is Used to Assign Cultural Value to Scientific Knowledge (Chagall) Organizer/chair: Bernadette Longo (U. Minnesota)

24 Peter Kastberg (Aarhus U.) Cultural values in the Ontogenesis of a Technical Text – an anthropological Field Study in a Knowledge Intensive Company Bernadette Longo (U. Minnesota) Technical Communication as a Tool for Assigning Cultural Value Constance Kampf (Aarhus U.) Ways of knowing at the intersection of culture and rhetoric: Engaging, (re)constructing, and communicating knowledge via Web presences Marianne Grove Ditlevsen (Aarhus U.) The Annual Report – the Janus Head of Corporate Communication Amanda Williams (U. Calgary), Cooper Langford (U. Calgary) Metaphors as tools of translation: What metaphor contributes to understanding and appreciating different ways of knowing Carol Berkenkotter (U. Minnesota) discussant

1.11 Institutional Ideologies of Knowing: Perspectives from Eastern Europe (Degas) Organizer/chair: Maria Haigh (U. Wisconsin—Milwaukee) John V. Richardson Jr. (UCLA) Harriet G. Eddy (1876-1966), California Library Organizer and Architect of Soviet and Eastern European Libraries Maria Haigh (U. Wisconsin—Milwaukee) Escaping Lenin’s Library: Ideologies of Information in Soviet and Post-Soviet Ukraine Nadia Caidi (U. Toronto) (Re-) Shaping the Information Culture in Central and Eastern Europe Olga Kuchinskaya (UCSD) Ideological Transformations of Knowledge Infrastructures and Production of Invisibility of Chernobyl Radiation Health Effects in Belarus Anna Geltzer (Cornell) Evolving notions of objectivity: changing conceptions of what counts as clinical evidence in 20th and 21st century Russia

25 Ulia Popova-Gosart (UCLA) Traditional Indigenous Knowledge as a Social, Political, and Cultural Construct

2 Thursday 10:15-12:15

2.1 Regimes of Production of Knowledge in Life Sciences (Van Gogh) Organizer/Chair: Pierre-Benoit Joly (INRA/TSV), Jean-Paul Gaudillière (INSERM/CERMES) Jane Calvert (ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society [Egenis]) The commodification of emergence: the integrative life sciences and their implications for ownership regimes Linda F. Hogle (U. Wisconsin) Intracellular Engineering and Extracellular Environments Stephen Hilgartner (Cornell) High-Throughput Governance? Life Sciences as Platforms for the Rapid Production of Regimes Christophe Bonneuil (CNRS) Post-fordist DNA : from gene action discourse to network metaphors in the new biology Jean-Paul Gaudillière (INSERM/CERMES) A new way of regulating biotechnological innovation? About cancer risk, hormones, women, and the environment Pierre-Benoit Joly (INRA/TSV), and Martin Rémondet (INRA/TSV) Republican cows, private chickens and distributed fish breeding

2.2 STS & Information Studies II: Archives & Databases (Riopelle) Organizers: Jean-François Blanchette (UCLA), Geoffrey Bowker (Santa Clara U.), Michael Koo (National Digital Science Library) Chair: Michael Koo (National Digital Science Library)

26 Peter Chow-White (Simon Fraser U.) The Informationalization of Race: Databases, the Internet, and the Next Human Genome Project Steve Jackson (U. Michigan) Crafting a history for water: modes of accumulation and commensuration Martin Hand (Queen's U.) Re-Membering The Past: Naming, databasing, and crawling Canada Ryan Shaw (U.C.-Berkeley) Archiving the Present Ann Zimmerman (U. Michigan) Mind the Gap: Taking Knowledge to Design and Back Again Heidi Gautschi (U. Paris) and Shabnam Vaezi (U. Paris) Something from nothing: the interplay between clues and emptiness in different archives Bruno Bachimont (Université Technologique de Compiègne) discussant

2.3 New Perspectives on Science and Social Movements (Bellefleur) Organizer/chair: Daniel Kleinman (U. Wisconsin) David Hess (Rensselaer) Rethinking Publics and the Lay/Expert Divide: Exploring Civil Society Research Abby J. Kinchy (Rensselaer) Scientific Boundaries across the Border: A Consideration of Kelly Moore's Political Sociology of Science and Social Movements beyond the U.S. Context Brian Mayer (U. Florida) and Christine Overdevest (U. Florida) Bucket Brigades and Community-Based Environmental Monitoring Sabrina McCormick (Michigan State) Democratizing Science: Movements in a Knowledge Society Kurt Reymers (SUNY Morrisville) The Country and the Grassroots: A Rural Movement For Energy Independence Kelly Moore (U. Cincinnati) discussant

27 2.4 Private Sector Science: Commercial Ways of Knowing (Gagnon) Organizer/chair: Rebecca Lave (U.C.-Berkeley) and Samuel Randalls (U College London) Arthur Daemmrich (Harvard Business School) Innovation and Degradation Philip Mirowski (U. Notre Dame) MTAs and Research Tools as the Cutting Edge of the Commercialization of Science Kerry Holden (King's College London) What can the life of the scientist tell us about science and society? Rebecca Lave (U.C.-Berkeley) Banking Streams: the commodification of restoration Samuel Randalls (Oxford U.) Commercializing meteorology: weather, commerce and the emergence of weather derivatives Arthur Mason (Arizona State) Consultants & Components of Producibility in Liberalized Energy Markets Philip Mirowski (U. Notre Dame) discussant

2.5 Ways Knowing Everything About Each Other: Critical Perspectives on Web 2.0 and Social Networking (Renoir) Organizer/Chair: Michael Zimmer (Yale), Anders Albrechtslund (Aalborg U.) Malene Charlotte Larsen (Aalborg U.) Understanding Social Networking: On Young People’s Construction and Co- construction of Identity Online Michael Zimmer (Yale) Surveillance 2.0: Peer-to-Peer Surveillance, Amateur Data Mining, and the (Unintended?) Consequences of Web 2.0 Anders Albrechtslund (Aalborg U.) Placing Myself on the Map: Social Networking as Participatory Surveillance Ingrid Erickson (Stanford U.) Way of Knowing in Community, Online and On the Street

28 Ben Light (U. Salford) and Gordon Fletcher (U. Salford) Gaydar on the Radar: Sexualities, Technologies and Cultures Trevor Pinch (Cornell) Where is the Goffman of the Internet? Søren Mørk Petersen (ITU Copenhagen) discussant

2.6 Technologies of Repair (Fortin) Organizer/chair: Lindsay Smith (Harvard) and Jason Cross (Duke) Lindsay Smith (Harvard) “Science in the Service of Human Rights”: Forensic DNA and transitional justice in post- dictatorship Argentina Jason Cross (Duke) Instrumentation and Expertise in the Anthropology of Governance Sarah Wagner (Harvard) Piecing Them Back Together: International Interventionism and Identification of Bosnia’s Missing Persons Kimberly Coles (U. Redlands) Electoral Forms and Knowledge Carlota McAlister (York U.) Playing Dead: The Mimetic Production of Human Rights Facts in Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Peter Redfield (UNC Chapel Hill) discussant, and Rosemary Coombe (York U.) discussant

2.7 Postphenomenological Research I (Lemieux) Organizer/chair: Don Idhe (Stony Brook U.) and Catherine Hasse (Denmark U) Don Ihde (Stony Brook U.) Postphenemenological Research Evan Selinger (RIT) Postphenomenology and the Village Phone Program Azucena Cruz (U. Paris) Locating Oneself in the Complex Map of Knowledges Taylor Hammer (Stony Brook U.) Agricultural Biotechnology and Globalization

29 Robert Crease (Stony Brook U.) Trust in Science Catherine Hasse (Denmark U.) Multistable Perceptions of Scientific Renderings Adam Rosenfeld (Stony Brook U.) Bose-Einstein Condensates as Thaumaston Arthur Piper (U Nottingham) Ways of Knowing the Soul with fMRI

2.8 Global Knowledges and Democratic Agency (Matisse) Organizer/Chair: Daniel Barben (Arizona State), Clark Miller (Arizona State) Daniel Barben (Arizona State) and Clark Miller (Arizona State) Global Knowledges and Democratic Agency: A Research Agenda Alastair Iles (UC Berkeley) Measuring Chemicals in Human Bodies: Knowing Locally and Globally Through Biomonitoring Kyriaki Papageorgiou (UC Irvine) Genetics, Goethean Science and the WTO's Fact Finding Quest: a View from Egypt Laureen Elgert (London School of Economics) Global Discourse and Local Recourse: Closing Doors and Opening Windows? Does Global Environmental Knowledge Help the Poor Secure a Voice in Resource Management Deliberations? Shobita Parthasarathy (U. Michigan) A Contested Boundary Organization: Understanding the Role of the Patent Office in Global Context

2.9 Mobilized Subjects: Militarization in National and Transnational Contexts (Colville) Organizer/Chair: Caren Kaplan (UC Davis) Caren Kaplan (UC Davis) What Counts as Militarization? Mobilized Subjects in a Long War

30 Minoo Moallem (UC-Berkeley) Objects of Knowledge, Subjects of Consumption Inderpal Grewal (UC-Irvine) Feminist Theorizations of Security Kristen Ghodsee (Bowdoin College) News Friends from Former Foes: The Geostrategic Tango of America's Military Presence in Bulgaria Jennifer Terry (UC-Irvine) Traumatic Brain Injury: An Instance of the Mutual Provocations of Medical Science and Militarism Sarah S. Lochlan Jain (Stanford U.) Video Death / Urban Death Chandra Mukerji (UC-San Diego) discussant

2.10 Ways of Knowing the Field (Chagall) Organizer/chair: Christopher J. Ries (Roskilde U.) Christopher J. Ries (Roskilde U.) Cartography, authority and credibility: Field stations and field knowledge in early twentieth-century Arctic research Sverker Sörlin (Royal Institute of Technology-Sweden) Credibility on ice: Forming fragile climate knowledge in fugitive fields Suzanne Zeller (Wilfrid Laurier U.) Conflicted Ways of Knowing: Art, Science, and the “Realistic” Animal Stories of Ernest Thompson Seton (1860-1946) Ronald E. Doel (U. Utah / Oregon State U.) Field Stations at Sea: Pedagogy and Practice in the Physical Environmental Sciences Julia Lajus (Russian Academy of Sciences) Transference of knowledge in marine sciences: field stations, expeditions and applied research in the Russian North in the end of the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries Michael Harbsmeier (Roskilde U.) discussant

2.11 Ways of Knowing Within and Through Games and Play (Degas) Organizer/Chair: Casey O’Donnell (Rensselaer)

31 Douglas Thomas (U. Southern California) Blurring the Boundaries Between Worlds: Conceptual Blending in Virtual Worlds Hector Postigo (U. Utah) and Sean Lawson (RPI) A Hopeful Mirror: Military Games as Visions of the Future Army Casey O'Donnell (Rensselaer) "It's like Spy vs. Spy": Playing the Global Video Game Industry Game Rebecca Carlson (Temple U.) and Jonathan Corliss (Columbia U.) Found in Translation: The Global Circulation of Video Games Shira (Rensselaer) What Do Feminists Know About Play, Anyway?: Understanding Feminism Through Digital Play Robertson Allen (U. Washington) The Spaces and Soundscapes of Games and Game Rooms T.L. Taylor (ITU Copenhagen) discussant

3 Thursday 12:30-1:30

3.1 A Hands-On Mapping Workshop for Exploring Different Representational Strategies for Describing Complex Technoscientific Domains: Roundtable (Gagnon) Organizer: Atsushi Akera (Renessaler) Chair: Thomas Staley (Virginia Tech) Adele Clarke (U.C.-San Francisco) discussant Peter Taylor (U. Mass Boston) discussant Atsushi Akera (Renessaler) discussant

3.2 STS & Information Studies III: Doing STS in Information Schools: Roundtable (Riopelle) Orgainzers: Jean-François Blanchette (UCLA), Geoffrey Bowker (Santa Clara University) Chair: Jean-François Blanchette (UCLA)

32 Paul Edwards (U. Michigan) discussant Nancy van House (U. C. Berkeley) discussant Leigh Star (Santa Clara U.) discussant Leah Lievrouw (UCLA) discussant Ole Hanseth (U Oslo) discussant

3.3 Assemblages, Eduscapes, and Knowledge: A Critical Anthropology of Knowledge Society (Van Gogh) Organizer/chair: Francis Lee (Linköping U.), Ulf Mellström (Luleå University of Technology) Ulf Mellström (Luleå University of Technology) Eduscapes: Knowledge routes and travel in the world of higher education Per-Anders Forstorp (Royal Institute of Technology) What to think about when you are exporting knowledge society Karin Skill (Linköping U.) Legitimizing Indigenous Knowledge as a Mean to Challenge Edcuscapes? Francis Lee (Linköping U.) Neocolonial Technopedagogies

3.4 Embodied Translations, Translating Embodiment (Bellefleur) Organizer/Chair: Stefan Beck (Humboldt U.) Allan Young (McGill U.) Manufacturing Epidemics: Epidemiologists Respond to 9/11 Jörg Niewöhner (Humboldt-U.) Manufacturing Selves Preventively Stefan Beck (Humboldt-U.) Manufacturing Histocompatible Selves: learning to know oneself (and others) through bone marrow transplantation Helen Cox (U. York, UK) Molecular Diagnostics and Clinical Effectiveness: Innovation, Communication and Clinical Decision-making

33 3.5 Field Science and Embodied Knowing in an Era of Virtuality (Renoir) Organizer/chair: Jennifer Cool (U. Southern California) Tom Boellstorff (U. C.-Irvine) The Ethnography of Virtual Worlds Elizabeth Losh (U. C.-Irvine) Field Studies in Digital Rhetoric Jennifer Cool (U. Southern California) Walking the River: Reflections on Fieldwork in the Information Age Douglas Thomas (U. Southern California) discussant

3.6 Faculty Panel: Getting Your First Academic Job (sponsored by the student section of the 4S) (Fortin) Chair: Matthew Harsh (U Edinburgh)

3.7 Learning Together, Learning Apart: The Contradictory Dynamics of Mixing Disciplinary Knowledges (Matisse) Organizer/chair: Richard Norgaard (UC- Berkeley) Richard B. Norgaard (UC- Berkeley) The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment as a Construction Across Scientific Communities Leah Nichols (UC- Berkeley) The Academic Labyrinth: Understanding the Infrastructures of Disciplines Douglas M. Bushey (UC- Berkeley) Interdisciplinary Deliberation and Dis ciplinary Hegemony: Expert discourse in the Clean Development Mechanism

3.8 Postphenomenological Research II (Lemieux) Organizer/chair: Don Idhe (Stony Brook U.), Catherine Hasse (Denmark U. of Education) Peter Paul Verbeek (University of Twente) A postphenomenology of ultrasound Frances Bottenberg (Stony Brook U.) First Person Reports and Cognitive Psychology

34 Robert Rosenberger (Stony Brook U.) Postphenomenological Imaging: the Debate over the Eberswalde Delta on Mars

3.9 Ask your Doctor About… Science and Commerce in Canadian Health (Colville) Organizer/chair: Mavis Jones (Dalhousie U.) Janice Graham (Dalhousie U.) Inside Out: From the Test Tube to the Dinner Table Sharon Batt (Dalhousie U.) Epistemological Partners or Sugar Daddies? The contested legitimacy of Pharma funding and patient advocacy groups Mavis Jones (Dalhousie U.) Knowledge Translation of a Different Kind. Taking the social with the technical. Liz Toller (Dalhousie U.) Commercial Advertising of Natural Health Products: Do Patents and Trademarks Mean ‘Good’ Science?

3.10 Intimate Interfaces: Constituting Technologies, Bodies, and Users through Seamless Relations (Chagall) Organizer/chair: April Huff (U. C.-San Diego) Tom Waidzunas (U. C.-San Diego) Sexualities Built with Brain Scans: Locating the machine in brain tomography research on sexual arousal Cynthia Schairer (U. C.-San Diego) The Many Users of an Artificial Limb: Reading a Personal Technology April Huff (U. C.-San Diego) Pleasure by Design: Women’s sexuality and sex toys David Serlin (U. C.-San Diego) discussant

35 3.11 STS in Canada: Building Towards the Future: Roundtable (Degas) Organizer/chair: Patrick Feng (U. Calgary) Darrin Barney (McGill U) Yves Gingras (UQAM) Kathleen Lowrey (U Alberta) Sergio Sismondo (Queen's)

4 Thursday 1:45-3:15

4.1 Student Business Meeting (Van Gogh) Chair: Matthew Harsh (U Edinburgh). Note: At the time that the program went to press, this meeting was in the process of being moved to Saturday at noon. Check program inserts.

4.2 STS & Information Studies IV: Mapping Science (Riopelle) Organizers: Jean-François Blanchette (UCLA), Geoffrey Bowker (Santa Clara U.) Loet Leydesdorf (U. Amsterdam) Chair: Martin Meyer (Sussex U.) William Turner and Nicolas Ferey (LIMSI-CNRS) Cognitive conflict maps for managing distributed collective practices : An attempt to use ontology construction to explore the dynamics of collective sense-making Stasa Milojevic (UCLA) Do STS and IS Provide Compatible Theories and Methods for the Study of Scientific Disciplines? Diana Lucio-Arias (U. Amsterdam) Building Narratives from the Historical Reconstruction of Scientific Developments: From “Fullerenes” to “Nanotubes”

36 Loet Leydesdorff (U. Amsterdam) Mapping the Knowledge Structures in Patents using Co-classifications Diana Rhoten (Office of Cyberinfrastructure, NSF) Understanding interdisciplinary research and training: A picture is worth a 1,000 words Alberto Cambrosio (McGill) discussant

4.3 Law and the Question of Non-science: Legal Encounters With ‘Other’ Ways of Knowing (Bellefleur) Organizer/chair: Manjari Mahajan (Cornell U.) Michael Lynch (Cornell U.) Popper’s Problem in US Law: The Career of the Science Question in Court Manjari Mahajan (Cornell U.) Law and the Question of “Non- Science”: Legal Encounters with Other Ways of Knowing Barbara Prainsack (U. Vienna) DNA behind bars: “Other” ways of knowing forensic DNA evidence Javier Lezaun (Amherst College) Demarcations of Science and the Limits of Eloquence Marie Andrée Jacob (Keele University) Double Match: Evidence Making under Israeli Tranplant Law David Mercer (Wollongong) Quality Control, Folk Epistemology, and the Iron Cage

4.4 Knowledge Gaps and STS (Gagnon) Organizer: Scott Frickel (Tulane U.) Chair: Kelly Moore (U. Cincinnati) Jody A. Roberts (Chemical Heritage Foundation) Chemicals out of place Maria Powell (U. Wisconsin-Madison) No monitoring, no exposure data…no health risks? The Shaping of Exposure Data Gaps in Nanotechnology Workplaces

37 Sarah Kaufman (NYU) Violent Knowledge: Reintroducing Expertise into American Criminal Justice Barbara Allen (Virginia Tech) Incomplete by Design: A Comparative Socio-Legal Lens on Making Environmental Health Knowledge in Italian and U.S. Chemical Regions Joanna Kempner (Princeton U.) The Chilling Effect: Politics and the (Non)Production of Knowledge

4.5 Exploring the Nano-Enterprise (Renoir) Organizer/chair: Patrick McCray (UCSB), Barbara Herr Harthorn (UCSB) Mary Ingram-Waters (UCSB) and W. Patrick McCray (UCSB) From Space Colonies to Nanobots: Exploring a Hidden History of Nanotech Christopher J. Newfield (UCSB) Next Generation of Technology Transfer: Current Policy Limitations for Nanoscale Research Richard Appelbaum (UCSB) Timothy Lenoir (Duke U.) and Eric Gianella (Duke U.) Terre Satterfield (U.-), Barbara Herr Harthorn (UCSB), and Milind Kandlikar (U. British Columbia) Tee Rogers-Hayden (Cardiff U.) and Karl Bryant (UCSB) Deliberating Nanotechnology Risks: UK and US Perspectives

4.6 Twice Alive? The Re-birth of the Gene in Science Studies (Fortin) Organizer/chair: José López (U. Ottawa) José López (U. Ottawa) Making music and making sense out of the genome Shelley Z. Reuteur (Concordia U.) ‘Alien London’: British Blood, Jewish Immigration, and Tay-Sachs Disease, 1881-1945 Katja Neves-Graca (Concordia U.) Re-flecting the gene: the social sciences and systems biology in a post-genomic era

38 William John Leeming (Ontario College) The Presumed Singularity of Genetics as Science, Medical Innovation, and the Unintended Consequences of the New Genetic Technologies

4.7 Social and Technical Aspects of Scientific Collaborations (Lemieux) Organizer: John Parker (Arizona State U.) Chair: Ed Hackett (NSF/Arizona State ) Wesley Shrum (Lousiana State U.), Joel Genuth (American Institute of Physics), Ivan Chompalov (Edinboro U. Pennsylvania) Myths of Collaboration David B. Conz (Arizona State U.) Online Amateur Technoscientific Collaboration and its Effects: Epistolary Science Redux, Social Movement, or Business? John N. Parker (Arizona State U.) Hot Spots and Hot Moments in Scientific Collaborations Hsin-i Huang (Georgia Tech) A Study of Networked Scientific Collaboration: The Impacts of CMC, Social Network on Information Sharing and Productivity Norma Morris (U College London) Collaborators or research sites? Modes of STS/natural science collaborations

4.8 Knowing with Computers: How Software and Systems Encapsulate Expertise (Matisse) Organizer/chair: Thomas Haigh (U Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Joseph November (U South Carolina) Computers and the Unintended Demathematization of Biology Thomas Haigh (U Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Knowing Numbers: How Numerical Software Libraries Changed Scientific Practice, 1954-1975

39 Bill McMillan (Eastern Michigan U) The Origins of Structured Programming in the Mathematical Abstractions Implemented in the Transition from ALGOL 58 to ALGOL 60 Brent Jesiek (Virginia Tech) Embedded Boundaries, Embedded Systems: Historical Trajectories and Contemporary Trends Chigusa Kita (Kansai U) Familiar Look, Revolutionary Technology

4.9 Ethnographies of Science and Technology Across Disciplines: The Theory and Practice of “Ways of Knowing” (Colville) Organizer/chair: Emily Murai (U Minnesota), Emily Smith (U Minnesota), Marnie Henderson (U Minnesota), Lisa Franzen (U Minnesota) Lisa Franzen (U Minnesota) The Other Side of the Stethoscope: Competing Medical Frameworks Emily Murai (U Minnesota) Disembodied by Design: The Micro- geographies of Human-Computer Relations Emily Smith (U Minnesota) Cyborgs for Sale:Mediating the Disabled Body/Machine Interface in the iBOT Marnie Henderson (U Minnesota) Genetic Ancestry and Digital Bio-Citizenship: Portrayals and Perceptions of Recreational Genomics Karen-Sue Taussig (U Minnesota)

4.10 Ways of Knowing the Mind and Brain: Anthropologies of the Psy Disciplines (Chagall) Organizer/chair: Eugene Raikhel (Columbia U/McGill U), Ari Gandsman (McGill U) Matthew Wolf-Meyer (U Minnesota) What Matters?: Modeling Brain Damage in Biomedicine Livia Velpry (U Paris V) Ways of knowing in psychiatric practice: assessing a case

40 Stephanie Lloyd (U Montreal) Ways of knowing oneself: medications and anxiety disorders Eugene Raikhel (Columbia U/McGill U) Coding post-Soviet brains: Affect and agency in emotional-stress psychotherapy Ari Gandsman (McGill U) Mental Health Teams, Human Rights and the Formation of a Post-Dictatorship Subject in Argentina Laurence Kirmayer (McGill U) discussant

4.11 Ontology and Kin(d)ship in the Classificatory Practices of Human-Animal Relations (Degas) Organizer/chair: Carrie Friese (UC San Francisco), Mary Weaver (UC Santa Cruz) Mary Weaver (UC Santa Cruz) Kin and Kind in Dog Sorting practices: the question of making-killable in temperament testing Rheana (Juno) Parreñas (Harvard U.) Peoples of the Forest: Orangutans and the Production of Universal Humanity in Post- Enlightenment Philosophy Carrie Friese (UC San Francisco) Transposing Bodies: Negotiating the Bio-political Economies of Endangered and Domestic Species Rosemary Robbins (U. Melbourne) The Oncomouse: a Biography Rémondet Martin (INRA – TSV) Framing animal biotechnologies : When emergent biotechnical practices and knowledge meet multiple regulations. Myra Hird (Queen's U.) “Ways of Knowing Interspecies Communities”

41 5 Thursday 3:30-5:45

5.1 Knowing in Action: Where's STS? (Van Gogh) Organizer/chair: Rick Worthington (Pomona College) Rick Worthington (Pomona College) Silence, Technology and Society? Taking STS Seriously in Real Life Vasilis Galis (Linkoping U.) Studying the Development of Athens Metro and the Greek Disability Movement: Neutrality, Reflexivity, and Epistemological Choice Bonnie Green (U. Exeter) Presenting 'A Present For Anna': Using Drama to Introduce STS Research into UK Schools Rachel Morello-Frosch (Brown U.), Rebecca Gasior Altman (Brown U.), Laura Senier (Brown U.), and Phil Brown (Brown U.) Research in Communities, With Communities: Case Studies Linking Research and Action in STS Laura DeNardis (Yale U.) A Case Study for Empirically Grounded STS Activism: The Open Standards Movement Gwen Ottinger (U. Virginia) Environmental Justice Engineers: Engaging Students and Social Movements through Activist- inspired Term Projects Langdon Winner (RPI) Tell the Truth/Stop the Plant: Lessons from an Activist Campaign Robert Evans (Cardiff U.) Inna Kotchetkova (Cardiff U.) and Susanne Langer (Manchester U.) Deliberation or Declaration: Evidence, Arguments and Agreements in Deliberative Forums

5.2 STS & Information Studies Stream V: The Information Perspective on Scientific Information (Riopelle) Organizers: Jean-François Blanchette (UCLA), Geoffrey Bowker (Santa Clara U), Christine Borgman (UCLA) Chair: Christine Borgman (UCLA)

42 Christine Borgman (UCLA) Information Perspectives Diane H. Sonnenwald (Göteborg U) Human-Human Information Interaction during the Scientific Process Nadia Caidi (U Toronto) Information Scientists and the Health Sector Elisabeth Davenport (Napier U) Managing organizational knowledge in e-science projects Kalpana Shankar (Indiana U) Scientists, Data, and Hybrid Technologies Yu-Wei Lin (U Manchester), Alex Voss (U Manchester), Peter Halfpenny (U Manchester), Rob Procter (U Manchester) What do we know about e-Social Science? Blaise Cronin (Indiana U) discussant

5.3 How do We Know our Hearts are Diseased? (Bellefleur) Organizer/chair: Anne Pollock (Rice) Jeremy Greene (Harvard Medical School) The suburbs of disease: pharmaceuticals and the proliferation of cardiovascular risk factors Anthony Hatch (U. Maryland) The Politics of Metabolism: The Metabolic Syndrome and the Reproduction of Race Jonathan Kahn (Hamline) Ways of knowing race and heart disease across regulatory regimes Anne Pollock (Rice) Constructing and Supplementing the Framingham Heart Study's Typical White Americans Janet Shim (UCSF), L. Katherine Thomson (UCSF) Social and Genetic Epidemiology of Heart Disease: Division of Labor, Jurisdictions, and Ways of Knowing Stefan Timmermans (UCLA) Why do so many people die from heart disease? Pathologists at work David Jones (MIT) Who Knows If Your Heart Is Diseased? Contested Pathophysiologies of Chest Pain and Heart Attacks


5.4 Bourdieu and Beyond: Theories for a New Political Sociology of Science (Gagnon) Organizer/chair: Mathieu Albert (U. Toronto) Jason A. Delborne (U. Wisconsin) Constructing Audiences in Scientific Controversy Janet Atkinson-Grosjean (U. British Columbia) Big science, small countries: genomics as an institutional order Wendy McGuire (U. Toronto) Science policy and academic entrepreneurialism: How do scientists in the biotechnology field pursue academic legitimacy? Reijo Miettinen (U. Helsinki) National Systems of Innovation and the Language of Science and Technology Policy Mathieu Albert (U. Toronto) Suzanne Laberge (U. Montréal) The politics of social judgment on science: What do biomedical scientists think of the social sciences and why it matters? Chris Ganchoff (UC San Francisco) Scientist Activism and Human Stem Cell Research Daniel Kleinman (U. Wisconsin – Madison) discussant

5.5 Knowing Pain: The Cultural Logics of Pain and Drug Addiction Research (Renoir) Organizer/chair: Nancy Campbell (RPI) Marcia Meldrum (UCLA) "Our mire is quagged": Evaluating long- term opioid use for chronic pain Nancy Campbell (RPI) The Laboratory Logics of Pain and Addiction Research Noemi Tousignant (U. Montreal) Tying Pain to the Self: Measurement Techniques and the Psychologisation of Pain, 1940-1970 Marian Katz (UCLA) Pharmaceutical use in the narratives of children with chronic pain

44 Emma Whelan (Dalhousie U.) 'Crisis? What Crisis?' Pain Medicine Responds to the "OxyContin Problem" Alexine Fleck (U. Pennsylvania) Unruly Subjects: Pain, Pleasure and the Trouble with Trauma Theory Jackie Orr (Syracuse U) discussant

5.6 Institutional Decision-Making in Disaster Response (Fortin) Organizer/chair: Rachel Dowty (RPI) Rachel Dowty (RPI), Colin E. Beech (RPI), Peter J. May (RPI), William A. Wallace (RPI) Knowing Chaos: Cultural Biases and the Katrina Response Edward J. Woodhouse (RPI) The Lessons of Katrina for Intelligent Public Decision Making Gary Bowden (U. New Brunswick) Hurricane Katrina as a System Accident Roberto Barrios (U.Carbondale) Knowing neighborhood priorities: Planning and governmental rationality in the reconstruction of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina Robert Silverman (Fielding Graduate U.), Sharone Lee (Fielding Graduate U.) Knowing "The Other" in Contextual Loss Kathryn Henderson (Texas A&M U.) Mind Maps, Memory and Relocation after Hurricane Katrina Edward J. Woodhouse (RPI ) discussant

5.7 Energy, Climate Science, and Sustainable Consumption (Lemieux) Organizer/chair: Thomas Berker (NTNU), Ulrik Jørgensen (DTU), Marianne Ryghaug (NTNU) Michael Søgaard Jørgensen (DTU) Innovation and Participatory Design in Planning and Use of Sustainable Houses

45 Midori Aoyagi-Usui (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan) Understanding climate change issue and nuclear power Marianne Ryghaug (NTNU) Public understanding of climate and energy issues Siri Hall Arnøy (NTNU) Policy for and from hydrogen technologies Robert Næss (NTNU) CO2 storage - the Norwegian moon landing? Jøran Solli (NTNU) Translating Climate knowledge. Scientific knowledge, transdisciplinarity and the performance of expertise in preparing the transport sector for climate changes Thomas Berker (NTNU) Aesthetic energy use in everyday life Erik Hagelskjær Lauridsen (DTU) Converging technological paradigms in sustainable buildings?

5.8 Stabilizing Multiplicity (Matisse) Organizer/chair: Zara Mirmalek (U.C.-San Diego), Sophia Efstathiou (U.C.-San Diego/ London School of Economics and Political Science) Jerry Doppelt (U. C.-San Diego) Do Multiple Values Allow A Critical Theory of Scientific Knowledge? Sophia Efstathiou (U.C.-San Diego/ London School of Economics and Political Science) Collapsing Multiplicity, Retaining Possibility Andrew Feenberg (Simon Fraser U.) Formal Bias, Symmetry, and Stabilization Martha Lampland (U.C.-San Diego) The Challenge of Multiplicity to Social Theory Aryn Martin (York U.) Why Y? The Y chromosome as tool and trickster in fetal cell sciences James McAllister (U. Leiden) Empiricism and the Origins of Multiplicity

46 Francoise Millerand (U Quebec Montréal) The Challenge of Standardization: How a standard became (re)stabilized when multiply enacted Zara Mirmalek (U.C.-San Diego) Grounded in Space: Opening up the Future of Multiplicity

5.9 Latin American Science and Ways of Knowing (Colville) Organizer/chair: Christina Holmes (Dalhousie U.), Richard B. Duque (Louisiana State U.) Tod Van Gunten (U. Wisconsin) Transnational Knowledge Production: Latin American Economists in the North and South Cristian Berrío Zapata (U. Rouen & Paris XIII & U. San Buenaventura, Bogotá) The university reform in Colombia: a contractual failure Richard B. Duque (Louisiana State U.) Internet Practice and Professional Networks in Chilean Science Rossio Motta (U.C.-Davis) Translations of Madness: Psychiatry, Mental Health Policy and Deinstitutionalization in Peru David Barkin (U. Autónoma Metropolitana) The Philosophical and Material Underpinnings for a Sustainable Alternative Lilian Krakowski Chazan ( Estado do Rio de Janeiro) & Ivan da Costa Marques (U. Federal do Rio de Janeiro) Domestic ‘Video Sessions’, Consumption and Spectacularity in an Obstetrical Ultrasound in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Daniel Tagle (U. Autónoma Metropolitana) & Edith García (U. Autónoma Metropolitana) Resolving Environmental and Social Problems through Collective Bargaining Christina Holmes (Dalhousie U.) Knowing Genetic Engineering in Colombia: Balancing Hope and Scientific Hegemony

47 Fatima Branquinho (U. do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) About inlanders fiber over the sociotechnical network of Açu’s barrage: a history told by flooded rupestrian pictures

5.10 Science and the Politics of Food: Negotiating Risk, Credibility, and Civil Society (Chagall) Organizer/chair: Gwendolyn Blue (U. Calgary) Gwendolyn Blue (U. Calgary) and Melanie Rock (U. Calgary) When 'Mad Max', Patrick Feng (U. Calgary) In regulators we trust? Risk, uncertainty, and ways of knowing in Canada’s handling of BSE Kelly Moore (U. Cincinnati) Making an American Body: Markets, War and the Creation of USDA Nutrition Guidelines, 1942- 2005 David Schleifer (NYU) The unintended consequences of knowledge-based social movements Hyomin Kim (U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Foods becoming Drugs through Knowledge Wyatt Galusky (SUNY Morrisville) A tempest in a test tube? In vitro meat and the futures of food Xaq Frohlich (MIT) Food's little black box: The FDA Nutrition Facts label as information technology

5.11 Growing Up Connected: Ways of Knowing through Participatory Culture (Degas) 3:30-5:20pm Organizer/chair: Danah Boyd (UC-Berkeley and USC Annenberg Center) Lisa Tripp (Florida State U.) Your Space My Tube! Youth Media as ways of knowing social activism and participatory culture Rebecca Herr Stephenson (U.S.C.-Annenberg School for Communication) I <3 Harry, therefore I am: Fangirl identity as a way of knowing

48 Sarita Yardi (Georgia Tech) The Problem of Not Knowing: Understanding the Gap between Youths' Sophisticated Patricia G. Lange (U.S.C.-Annenberg School for Communication) How Tubers teach themselves: Narratives of self-teaching as technical identity performance on YouTube Sonja Baumer (UC-Berkeley) Modes of engagement, motivation and ways on knowing on YouTube Christo Sims (UC-Berkeley) Getting to Know You: Teens’ Uses of Digital Media for the Construction of Nascent Intimacies Heather A. Horst (UC-Berkeley) Mediating the Generation Gap: Creativity and Communitas in the Digital Family Session ends at 5:20pm

5.12 Topological Media Lab (Degas) 5:25-5:45pm Sha Shin Wei (Concordia) Topological Media Lab: Atelier, Studio, or Laboratory

49 Friday (Oct. 12)

7:30-8:30am Social Studies of Science editorial board meeting (Degas)

6 Friday 8:15-10:00

6.1 Translating Latour (Riopelle) Organizer/chair: Roy Bendor (Simon Fraser U.) and Jack Post (U. Maastricht) Roy Bendor (Simon Fraser U.) Latour's Techno-Political Ecology Darryl Cressman (Simon Fraser U.) Translation and A Hermeneutic Theory of Media Jack Post (U. Maastricht) We Have Never Been Semioticians? Reconciling Actor-Network Theory and Semiotics in the analysis of computer games Jean Hebert (Simon Fraser U.) The Networked Music Subject Peter-Paul Verbeek (U. Twente) Actor-Network Theory and Phenomenology: the Nonmodern Connection Andrew Feenberg (Simon Fraser U.) discussant

6.2 Going Local, Knowing Global? Dilemmas and Challenges of Genomic Governance: Working Session (Van Gogh) Organizer/chair: Barbara Prainsack (U. Vienna), Richard Hindmarsh (Griffith U.) Ursula Naue (U. Vienna) “Journeys of a lost brain”: Governing Alzheimer’s Disease in the genomic era Jenny Reardon (UC-Santa Cruz) The Problem of Democratization in a Time of Transnational Biopolitics

50 Ingrid Metzler(U. Vienna) Knowing the public or doing publics? Making sense of participatory arrangements in the governance of biobanks

6.3 Sciences and Publics (Bellefleur) Chair: Matthew Weinstein (U Washington-Tacoma) Matthew Weinstein (U Washington-Tacoma) Distorted reflections of science education and science studies Claude Rosental (CNRS Paris) A Sociology of Technological Demos: Going Public in Science and Technology Zoe Nyssa (U Minnesota) Public Understanding of Science off the Contextualist Continuum: New Zoos, New Modes of Public Engagement Elizabeth Shea (NEU) Retelling History of Evolution; Revising Norms of Knowing

6.4 Technologies of Hope: Exploring Emerging Therapeutic Cultures (Gagnon) Organizer/chair: Annette Leibin (U. Montréal), Virginie Tournay (CNRS Grenoble) Jonathan Metzl (U. Michigan) Rhetorics of Hope: Narrative Trajectories of Wonder Drugs Nubia Rodrigues (Federal U. Bahia) Doctors, Heroes and Monsters: An ethnography of biomedicine and politics in science fiction movies Virginie Tournay (CNRS Grenoble) Moral statements and technical devices: some collective means for collecting medical data and for setting up medical innovation Pierre-Luc St-Hilaire (UQAM / U. Montreal) Stem cells under the microscope of social scientists

51 Eric Montpetit (U. Montreal) Policy learning in the midst of controversy: a comparative survey of biotechnology policy actors Tiffany Romain (Stanford U.) Cryonics: Theorizing Subjectivity in the Long, Long Term Rachel Prentice (Cornell U.) discussant

6.5 Towards a Socio-Technical Understanding of Architecture and Urbanism I: Design Thinking: an STS perspective on architectural practices (Renoir) Organizer/chair: Albena Yaneva (U. Manchester), Sophie Houdart (LESC) Steven A. Moore (U. Texas) Design Thinking, Abduction, and Transdisciplinary Action Vincent Calay (U. Libre de Bruxelles) Re-Assembling the City with Paper Architectures: the ‘Capital of Europe’ as Urban Design Controversies Yanni Loukissas (MIT) Building Simulation and Visualization through a Socio-technical Lens Ola Söderström (U. Neuchâtel) The language of creole objects Sophie Houdart (LESC) Sticking or not to Realism: New Challenges for Architectural Illustrations Albena Yaneva (U. Manchester) Architectural Models: a tool of thinking, a tool for convincing Liam Sharratt (U. Manchester) Calculated Fictions: The Role of Models in Architectural Decision-Making

6.6 Pharmaceutical Ways of Knowing (Fortin) Organizer/chair: Barbara L. Marshall (Trent U.) Sergio Sismondo (Queen's U.) Ghost-management in/of the medical sciences

52 John Abraham (U. Sussex) Politics and Reason in Regulatory Science and Pharmaceutical Knowledge Nathan Greenslit (MIT) Storied Science and Strategic Knowledge: Drug Marketing and the Production of Scientific Fact Paula Gardner (Ontario C. A&D ) Big Pharma's Visual Strategies -- Selling Depression On-line Barbara L. Marshall (Trent U.) The Pharmaceutical Imagination in Contemporary Sexual Medicine David Healy (Cardiff U.) discussant

6.7 Nanotechnology (Lemieux) Chair: Ali Kenner (RPI) Alison Kenner (RPI) Our Shrinking Frontier: Nanotechnology, Power, and Democracy Byoungyoon Kim (RPI) Comparison of public participation in nanotechnology in the United States and South Korea Karen-Marie Woods (Simon Fraser U.) Politicizing Bionanotechnology Federico Neresini (U. Padova) When ‘non expert’ define and handle new technologies: the case of nanotechnologies in Italy Mark Philbrick (UC-Berkeley) Putting anticipatory governance into practice: An ongoing case study of nanotechnological environmental sensors

6.8 Knowing Food: Taste, Technology and Skill: Working Session (Matisse) Organizer/chair: Heather Paxson (MIT), David Sutton (Southern Illinois U.) Deborah Heath (Lewis and Clark College) and Anne Meneley (Trent U.) Foie Gras, Fowl Play: The Techne and Technoscience of Ethical Eating, or the Delicacy of Despair?

53 Heather Paxson (MIT) The Art, Craft, and Science of Artisan Cheesemaking Amy Trubek (U. Vermont) What's Good to Eat? How Notions of Taste, Place and Health Shape Food Knowledge Wendy Leynse (NYU) Taste Mastery: Child Socialization and Food Habits in France David Sutton (Southern Illinois U.) Does it Really Pass from Mother to Daughter? Cooking Skills, Knowledge Control and Apprenticeship on a Greek Island Frances Short (Independent Scholar) Who Knows About Cooking?

6.9 Learning in Online Communities of Practice (Colville) Organizer/chair: Noriko Hara (Indiana U.), Pnina Shachaf (Indiana U.) Noriko Hara (Indiana U.) and Pnina Shachaf (Indiana U.) Power distance in Wikipedia community Jason Nolan (Ryerson U.) and Danny Bakan (Ryerson U.) Learning and Play Through the Sharing of Open Access Children's Music T. Fujioka (Simon Fraser U.), Ross, B. (Simon Fraser U.), Kakigi, R. (Simon Fraser U.), Pantev, C. (Simon Fraser U.), & Trainor, L. (Simon Fraser U.), Cindy Xin (Simon Fraser U.) Andrew Feenberg (Simon Fraser U.) Pedagogy in Cyberspace: The Dynamics of Online Discourse Howard Rosenbaum (Indiana U.) Why doesn’t my system work? E- learning as a computerization movement André Somers (Rathenau Instituut) Effects of the introduction of large scale knowledge sharing infrastructures on communities of practice Elisabeth Davenport (Napier U.) discussant

54 6.10 Transvaluing Communicative Discourse: Using New Media for New Knowledge Construction (Chagall) Organizer/chair: Jennifer Jenson (York U.), Suzanne de Castell (Simon Fraser U.) Suzanne de Castell (Simon Fraser U.) It’s all happening at the zoo Jennifer Jenson (York U.) Playing for keeps Giuliana Cucinelli (McGill U.) Mapping technological literacy Nicholas Taylor (York U.) Mapping gendered play Nis Bojin (Simon Fraser U.) Game-based learning: Exploring new literacies? Michael Hoechsmann (McGill U.) discussant

6.11 “Alternative” Ways of Knowing: the Changing Landscape of Legitimate Knowledge in CAM/IM (Degas) Organizer/chair: Ellen Salkeld (U.Arizona) Elizabeth Sutherland (National College of Natural Medicine) Developing Whole-Person Measures for CAM Clinical Trials Ellen J. Salkeld (U. Arizona) Integrating Differential Frameworks in Clinical Medical Education Jun Wang (San Francisco State U.) “Knowing the Why but not the How”: Knowing versus Practicing Dilemma in Contemporary Chinese Medicine

7 Friday 10:15-12:15

7.1 Subject/Object Configurations in Transnational Circuits of ICT (Van Gogh) Organizer/chair: Lucy Suchman (Lancaster U.), Kavita Philip (UC Irvine) Adrian Mackenzie (Lancaster U.) Generating global wirelessness: from GeekCorps to Google in Abuja

55 Kavita Philip (UC Irvine) Emancipating technological subjects: Notes on India’s Location in Transnational Information Technology Networks Susan Elliot Sim (UC Irvine) Planning vs. Improvisation: Conflicting World Views in Software Interoperability Don Slater (London School of Economics) 'Knowledge of' versus 'knowledge through' ICTs in development discourse Lucy Suchman (Lancaster U.) Mapping global technoscapes as a parochial project Joan Fujimura (U. Wisconsin) Amit Prasad (U. Missouri-Columbia) Transnational “Laboratories”: Encountering Nations, Economies, Gender, Morana Alac (UC San Diego) Enacting Subject-Object Formations in Robotic Technology Design

7.2 Civic Epistemologies and Mediated Science (Riopelle) Organizer/chair: Joan Haran (Cardiff U) Joan Haran (Cardiff U) Civic Epistemologies and the Culture Industries Kate O’Riordan (U Sussex-Lancaster U) Global Civic Epistemologies: Genes, genetics, cloning and Mass Observation in the UK Maureen McNeil (Lancaster U) Bio-art and/as public engagement Jenny Kitzinger (Cardiff U) The myth of the Frankenstein myth: debunking the ‘Science Fiction’ explanation of public concerns about science Grace Reid (Cardiff U) Replicating opinions? Cross-cultural responses to TV drama about human cloning Fiona J Coyle (Cardiff U) Virtual Publics: ‘discourses about the public’ in relation to stem cell research’ Brian Wynne (Lancaster U) discussant

56 7.3 Visions of Nanotech: Fault Lines in Knowledge and Meaning (Bellefleur) Organizer/chair: Chris Toumey (U. South Carolina) Toby TenEyck (Michigan) Nanotechnology in the News: 1980- 2004 Dietram Scheufele (U. Wisconsin), Elizabeth Corley (U. Wisconsin), Elliott Hillback (U. Wisconsin), Tsung-jen Shih (U. Wisconsin), Sharon Dunwoody (U. Wisconsin) & David Guston (Arizona State) Nano Attitudes Among Scientists and the Public Jacqueline Luce (Zeppelin U.) ‘Enabling’ nanoscience and nanotechnology: Speculations on ‘converging technologies’ and scientific convergence in Germany Brigitte Nerlich (U. Nottingham) Powered by Imagination: Envisaged & Visionary Functions of the Nanobot Rosalyn Berne (U. Virginia) Family Life: A Nano-Future Tale Chris Toumey (U. South Carolina) Dialogues on Nanotech Regula Valérie Burri (Collegium Helveticum, ETH Zurich) Evaluating emerging knowledge and risks: debating nanotechnology in a Swiss citizen panel. Otávio Bueno (U. Miami) discussant

7.4 Engaging Whom? Intervention-Oriented Investigations into R&D and Policy (Gagnon) Organizer/chair: Erik Fisher (Arizona State U.) Genevieve Maricle (U. Colorado-Boulder) Shaping Science: Turning Science Studies into Science Action Brice Laurent (Ecole des Mines de Paris) STS as Facilitator for Public Engagement in Science and Technology Policy? Lessons from Current Debates about Nanotechnology in France Haico te Kulve (U. Twente), Arie Rip (U. Twente) Constructing Scenarios of Evolving Industry Structures: Tracking

57 Nanotechnology Entrepreneurs and Multi Level Dynamics in the Food Sector Cynthia Selin (Arizona State U.) Between Hope and Prudence: Experiments with Scenaric Learning Dave Conz (Arizona State U.) Reflexivity Assessment of STS engagement of Nanotechnology Edward J. Hackett (NSF/Arizona State U.) Diana R. Rhoten (Social Science Research Council) The NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT): An Experiment in Interdisciplinary Education Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard U.) discussant Inmaculada de Melo-Martin (Cornell) discussant

7.5 Towards a Socio-Technical Understanding of Architecture & Urbanism II: Reclaiming the city: An STS perspective on urban knowledge and activism (Renoir) Organizer/chair: Ralf Brand (U. Manchester) and Andy Karvonen (U. Texas-Austin) Michael Guggenheim (U. Zürich) Determinism Lost and Found: Architectural Theory, Technological Determinism and STS Govind Gopakumar (Rensselaer) Acts of Infrastructure Making: Water supply and action in Indian cities Jeff Howard (U. Texas-Arlington) Implications of rapid climate change for urban planning – A reconstructivist STS perspective Barbara Wilson (U. Texas- Austin) Codes and Social Change: LEED versus the Environmental Movement Andrew Karvonen (U. Texas- Austin) Urban Ecology and Actor- Network Theory: Hybrid Geographies of City Landscapes Ralf Brand (U. Manchester) Facilitating war and peace – The built environment in Belfast Simon Guy (U. Manchester) and Olivier Coutard (Ecole nationale des ponts & chaussées; Technics, regional planning and society

58 research centre) STS and the City: politics and practices of hope John May (UCLA) History, Epistemology, and the Mechanization of Geographic Vision; The Case of the Urban Heat Island Concept

7.6 In the Eye of the Beholder: Surveillance and the Performance of Identity (Fortin) Organizer/chair: Andrew Clement (U. Toronto), David Phillips (U. Toronto) Torin Monahan (Arizona State U.) Corporeal Control through Information Networks Rhonda McEwen (U. Toronto) Tools of the Trade: Drugs, Surveillance and Mobile Phones David J. Phillips (U. Toronto) Infrastructures of knowing: Smart Campus in your Pocket Ian Kerr (U. Ottawa) Chatting with No One about Nothing in Particular Krista Boa (U. Toronto) Shaping our Identities Together: Approaches to Public Consultation about Identity and Surveillance Initiatives Andrew Clement (U. Toronto) I am a rightful person! Protecting personal identity in the face of pervasive surveillance David Lyon (Queens U.) discussant

7.7 Problematizing Technological “Appropriation” (Lemieux) Organizer/chair: Toluwalogo Odumosu (Rensselaer), Ron Eglash (Rensselaer), Ray Fouche (U. Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) Toluwalogo Odumosu (Rensselaer) Appropriating Techno-Agency Citizenship Ron Eglash (Rensselaer) Appropriating Nanotechnology

59 Rayvon Fouche (U. Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) Mediating Hip Hop: Technology, Cultural Identity, and the Mixer M. Cameron Jones (U. Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) Web Mashups: Technological Appropriation in Web 2.0 Min Suh Son (UCLA) The Technology of Protest: Streetcar Riots, Race and Public Activism Shib Shankar Dasgupta (Rensselaer) Appropriated Technologies: A Case study on Grameen Telecom in Bangladesh Tarleton Gillespie (Cornell U.) discussant

7.8 Making, Knowing and Governing by Numbers (Matisse) Organizer/chair: Ann Rudinow Saetnan (NTNU), Heidi Mork Lomell (U. Oslo) Ann Rudinow Sætnan (NTNU) John-Arne Skolbekken (NTNU), Marit Solbjør (NTNU), Wenche Østerlie (NTNU), and Siri Forsmo (NTNU) Potential patients making sense of numbers Luisa Farah Schwartzman (U Wisconsin) Transplanting Racial Technologies to Another America Svein Hammer (NTNU), Jon Hovland (NTNU) and Gunhild Tøndel (NTNU) Knowing by numbers: Technology of governing, and remaking mechanism? Gunhild Tøndel (NTNU) The mutual shaping of medical diagnosis practice and statistical knowledge-building Jon Hovland (NTNU) Systems of distinct knowing: How and why practices of governing-through-measuring matter. Lidia Santora (NTNU) Turning diagnosis into numbers -- The changing concept of osteoporosis over the past century Heidi Mork Lomell (U. Oslo) Crime statistics – problem or performance indicator?

60 7.9 Managing Ecosystems: Science, Culture, Values (Chagall) Organizer/chair: Evelyn Brister (RIT) David Tomblin (Virginia Tech) Mixing Science and Politics: An Experimental Recipe for the Ecocultural Restoration of the White Mountain Apache Tribe Christine Keiner (RIT) The Contested Role of Oysters in Restoring the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Evelyn Brister (RIT) Natural systems, cultural landscapes: Appraising value judgments in ecosystem management Victoria Wibeck (Linköping U.) Perceptions of useful knowledge in environmental management-by-objectives Dean Bavington (U. Michigan) The Death and Artificial Resurrection of Cod: From wild species to industrial farm animal Emma Johnson (UC- San Diego) Sound Science, Stewardship, and Sustainability: research for resource management at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center

7.10 ICT and Hospitals (Colville) Organizer/chair: Ellen Balka (Simon Fraser U.), Ulrike Tikvah Kissmann (Humboldt-U), Ina Wagner (U Vienna) Ellen Balka (Simon Fraser U.) Barky cough, stridor, ashma or croup: Computerization of triage and the struggle over ways of knowing Pernille Bjørn (Simon Fraser U) Categories do have Politics also in Healthcare: Knowledge Support embedded in Electronic Triage Systems Per Lindberg (Simon Fraser U) and Ellen Balka (Simon Fraser U) Is the electronic medical record only a modern way to keep track of patients and their health records or could it be something more?

61 Ulrike Tikvah Kissmann (Humboldt-U) The introduction of workflow-systems in the operating theatre Renate Lieb (Humboldt-U) The effect of technical change on knowledge production in hospitals Ina Wagner (U Vienna) Technology space relations - their significance for hospital work Ina Wagner (U Vienna) discussant

7.11 What Does it Mean to You? Making, Merging, and Judging Meaning across Socio-cultural Contexts (Degas) Organizer/chair: Noah Feinstein (Stanford U) Leah Bricker (U Washington) Philip Bell (U Washington) Evidentiality in Children's Talk across Everyday Contexts Jon Dolle (Stanford U) Advocacy and Objectivity in Educational Research Noah Feinstein (Stanford U) Autism, Meaning, and Action David Waddington (Concordia U) John Dewey and Technological Transparency Flavio Azevedo (U Massachusetts-Amherst) Holding on to One’s Own Personal Meanings: The Case of Hobby Practices Soowook Kim (U British Columbia) & Stephen Petrina (U British- Columbia) What is "Open" in Open Source? Ray McDermott (Stanford U) discussant

8 Friday 12:30-1:30

8.1 The Challenge of Diverse Ways of Knowing: Assessing Biotechnologies in New Zealand (Matisse) Organizer/chair: Joanna Goven (U Canterbury) Trina Taupo (Wellington) Maori negotiation of knowledge systems: responses to genetic testing and biobanking

62 Joanna Goven (U Canterbury) Knowledges and meanings: recognizing expertise and assessing biopharming David Shamy (U Canterbury) Knowledge of risk: assessing animal biopharming in New Zealand Lesley Hunt (Lincoln U): discussant

8.2 From Endogenous Controversies to External Protest : Does Critique Produce new Scientific Regulations? (Riopelle) Organizer/chair: Didier Torny (INRA) Didier Torny (INRA) Repealing compulsory vaccination laws : the contemporary case of BCG in France Francis Chateauraynaud (EHESS) Radical criticism and counter- expert knowledge in front of asymmetrical expert systems in Europe Jean-Philippe Gendron (UQAM) Framing Obesity: Rival Conceptions Rising From the Research Antoine Vion (U d'Aix) Debating on standards

8.3 Ethics in Experimentation (Bellefleur) Organizers: Martha Kenney (UC-Santa Cruz), Jacob Metcalf (UC- Santa Cruz), Astrid Schrader (UC-Santa Cruz), Jennifer Watanabe (UC-Santa Cruz) Chair: Martha Kenney (UC-Santa Cruz) Jacob Metcalf (UC-Santa Cruz) Experimental Subjectivities and an Uncomfortable Bioethics Jennifer Watanabe (UC-Santa Cruz) A Matter of Translation: Incongruities in Animal Experimentation Martha Kenney (UC-Santa Cruz) Considering the Ethics of Self- Experimentation Astrid Schrader (UC-Santa Cruz) From Bioethics to Ethical Relatings as Mattering – A Question of Temporality Kaushik Sunder Rajan (UC-Irvine) discussant


8.4 Agricultural (bio)technologies and international development: Engaging STS to make a difference: Roundtable (Gagnon) Organizer/chair: Dominic Glover (U Sussex), Matthew Harsh (U Edinburgh), Jason Delborne (U Wisconsin-Madison) Dominic Glover (U Sussex) Grand designs and other mistakes about to be made Matthew Harsh (U Edinburgh) Does STS need to step backwards to democratise ag-biotech? Abby Kinchy (Rensselaer) & Jason Delborne (U Wisconsin- Madison) The politics of “uncertainty”: How can STS contribute to policy debates about ag-biotech? Julius T Mugwagwa (Open University) ‘Newness’: Keeping Africa shackled to her old self? Benjamin Cohen (U Virginia) What do you mean ‘participation’? The assumptions of democracy, agricultural policy, and public discourse and the value of STS scholarship

8.5 Anatomies of E-government (Renoir) Organizer/chair: Anita Chan (MIT) Richard Arias Hernandez (Rensselaer) How to Measure the Information Society: Dominant Discourses at the Colombian Bureau of Statistics and the Information Society they Construct/Ignore Jericho Burg (UC-San Diego) E-famine: How Information Technologies Have Transformed Humanitarian Practice Jelena Karanovic (NYU) “Dematerializing” the Republic: Interoperability, Electronic State Administration, and Entrepreneurship in France Anita Chan (MIT) Of Mountains, Mines, and Milk Farmers: Network Logics and the Unlikely Alliances of E-Education Projects in Rural Peru


8.6 Time, Space, Sociality and the Uses of Mobile Wireless Technologies: In Between Science and Technology Studies and New Media Studies (Fortin) Organizer/chair: Licoppe Christian (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications), Judy Wajcman (Australian National U) Judy Wajcman (Australian National U-Canberra) Life in the fast lane? Mobile devices and the management of time Richard Ling (Telenor-Norway) Social cohesion and the rise of mobile communication Laura Forlano (Columbia U) Making Work Public: Knowledge- sharing and Collaboration in Mobile Work Spaces Lina Dib (Rice U) Cultivating Memory: Enhancing the Human with Mobile Recording Technologies

8.7 Space, Material Culture, and Knowledge Production in the Human Sciences (Lemieux) Organizer/chair: Christine Leuenberger (Cornell U) Andreas Killen (City College-NY) The Scene of the Crime: German Criminal Psychology and the Problem of Early Film Spectatorship Greg Eghigian (Penn State U) Confining the Psychopath: Transinstitutionalization, Diagnosis, and Prognosis in Twentieth-Century German Penology Christine Leuenberger (Cornell U) Constructions of the Berlin Wall: How Material Culture is used in Psychological Theory Allan Young (McGill U) discussant

8.8 Feminist Caucus Lunchtime roundtable (Van Gogh) Chair: Nancy Campbell (Rensselaer)

65 8.9 Ethnographies of Knowledge (Colville) Organizer/chair: Jessica Mesman (U Maastricht) Monika Buscher (U Lancaster) Order in Chaos: Making sense of major incidents Jessica Mesman (U Maastricht) Resources of Resilience: hidden competencies of frontline practitioners to cope with the unexpected in tertiary care practice. Merel Noorman (U Maastricht) Connecting humans and artificial agents Morana Alac (UC-San Diego) discussant

8.10 Brains and Neuroscience (Chagall) Chair: Eric Racine (Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal) Eric Racine, Cynthia Forlini, David Bouvier, Nicole Palmour (all at Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal) Examining stakeholder perspectives and public understanding of the ethical and social issues of cognitive enhancement (CE) using methylphenidate Martyn Pickersgill (U Nottingham) Neurologic Expectations: Anti- sociality and the Promissory Brain Dee Leahy (Lancaster U) The Mutual Construction of Epilepsy and Neuroscience

8.11 Managing Nature (Degas) Chair: Phaedra Daipha (U Chicago) Phaedra Daipha (U Chicago) Weathering the Seas: Commercial Fishermen’s Interactions with Weather and Weather Information Chantelle Marlor (Rutgers U) Clams and Measurement: A Cross- Cultural Comparison of Experts Coming to Know

66 Zdenek Konopasek (Charles U), Jan Palecek (Charles U) Catalogues, maps, and lists: Ways of knowing and evaluating nature Thomas Hoholm (Norwegian School of Management BI), Bjørn Erik Mørk. (Ernst & Young), Beate Karlsen (U Oslo) Organizing work practices through discourse

9 Friday 1:45-3:15

9.1 Author Meets Critics: Geof Bowker (Van Gogh) Discussants: Pablo J. Boczkowski (Northwestern), Jessica Mesman (U Maastricht), Amit Prasad (U Missouri)

9.2 Locating Genetic Knowledge and Responsibility (Riopelle) Organizer/chair: Miriam Padolsky (Health Canada) Margaret Lock (McGill U) Ungovernable Epigenetics Chloe Silverman (Pennsylvania State U) Changelings, Cousins, Aliens and the Search for Autism Genes Miriam Padolsky (Health Canada) Genetic Citizenship and the Alzheimer Societies Jennifer Fosket (McGill U), Laura Mamo (U Maryland), Janet Shim (UC-San Francisco) Risky Subjectivity: Making Meaning of and Acting on Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease Genevieve Daudelin (GRIS, U Montreal) Pascale Lehoux (U Montreal) In search of the innocent citizen. The experience of a science/policy network in genetics

67 9.3 Powers of Science; Powers of State (Bellefleur) Organizer/chair: Anat Leibler (UCSD) Chandra Mukerji (UCSD) Military Engineering and Social Vision: The Case of Sébastien le Prestre de Vauban Bruce Curtis (Carlton U) Colonial Governmentality and State Science: the Gosford Commission of Enquiry into Lower Canadian Grievances Patrick Carroll (UC Davis) Beyond the Regulatory State Idea: The Constitutive State as a Co-production of Science and Government Anat Leibler (UCSD) Political Demography as Means of State Building: the Case of Israel-Palestine Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard U) discussant

9.4 Flows of Information and Technologies of Surveillance: Adaptations and Transformations of Personal Information in the Information Age (Gagnon) Organizer/chair: Jason Pridmore (Queen's U) Carrie B. Sanders (McMaster U) Emergency Information and Communication Technologies: Increasing Efficiency or Disciplining Bodies and Places? Johanne Yttri Dahl (NTNU) DNA-registers: registration of the few - surveillence of many. Daniel Trottier (Queen's U) Lateral Surveillance and Social Networking Sites: The Case of Facebook Jennifer Whitson (Carleton U) Inducing Informational Flows: Identity theft and the signifying subject Jason Pridmore (Queen's U) Dynamic databases and surveillance: Modifying consumers, modifying technologies

68 9.5 The Traffic of Reproductive Technoscience and East Asian Modernities (Renoir) Organizers: Chia-Ling Wu (National Taiwan U), Adele Clarke (UC-San Francisco), Azumi Tsuge (Meiji U) Chair: Chia-Ling Wu (National Taiwan U) Chikako Takeshita (UC-Riverside) Colonizing Bodies, Building Modernity: Science and Biopolitics of the IUD Young-Gyung Paik (Johns Hopkins U) Maternal Travelers and the Globalizing Clinics: Yan-Chiou Wu (U Taiwan) Uncertain Abortion— A Modern Story of Menstrual Regulation in Taiwan Chia-Ling Wu (National Taiwan U) The Taiwanese Sperm Separation Method: Adele Clarke (UC-San Francisco) discussant

9.6 Experimenting With "The Asthma Files" (Fortin) Organizer/chair: Mike Fortun (Rensselaer) Kim Fortun (Rensselaer) “The Asthma Files” Rich Doyle (Penn State) Tuning The Breath Interface With Ayahuasca? Shamanic Itineration Among The Asthma Files Mike Fortun (Rensselaer) Care of the Data in the Genetics of Asthma Aalok Khandekar (Rensselaer ) Measuring Exposure, Accounting for Asthma Tim Choy (Ohio State U) The Matter of Breathing in Hong Kong Gregg Mitman (U Wisconsin) discussant

9.7 Technoscience in the Production of Contemporary Security Dilemmas (Lemieux) Organizer/chair: Kathleen Vogel (Cornell U), Judith Reppy (Cornell U)

69 Judith Reppy (Cornell U) The Emerging Military-Industrial Biotechnology Complex Graham Spinardi (U Edinburgh) Performance and Performativity: Understanding the Properties of the GMD Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle Ana Viseu (Cornell U) Personal Nano: Playing with biology/Designing Soldiers Dan Plafcan (U Michigan) Understanding Energy Security in Comparative Perspective Kathleen Vogel (Cornell U) Imagined and Realized Futures of U.S. Bioweapons Threat Assessments

9.8 Mice and Men. Bodies in Experimental Sciences (Matisse) Organizer/chair: Daniel Bischur (U Salzburg) Pru Hobson-West (U Nottingham) Knowing the laboratory animal: Boundaries, bodies and ambiguity Nicole Nelson (Cornell U) A Model Home for Model Mice: Environmental Enrichment and the Meanings of the Mouse Body Hanne Jessen (U Copenhagen) Human-animal interaction and the role of emotion in laboratory science Daniel Bischur (U Salzburg) The Scientists’ Bodies in Action. Craftsmanship, Emotions and Attitudes towards Animals in Scientific Practices

9.9 Visual Ways of Knowing (Colville) Organizer/chair: Janet Vertisi (Cornell U) Chad Harris (UCSD) Google Earth and the Omniscient Gaze Janet Vertesi (Cornell U) "It's Too Red": the Construction of Visual Knowledge in the Mars Exploration Rover Mission Catelijne Coopmans (Imperial College-UK ) Data, visuals and predictive ways of knowing in pharmaceutical drug discovery

70 Matt Ratto (The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) Epistemic commitments, virtual reality, and archaeological representation Katrina Boulding (UCSD) Picturing the Pieces: The Body in Images on the World Wide Web

9.10 Hacking Knowledge (Chagall) Organizer/chair: Renée Fountain (U Laval), Jacques Daignault (U Québec), Judith Horman (U Laval), Patrick Plante (U Laval) Jacques Daignault (U Québec) Hacking the virtual Patrick Plante (U Laval) Hactualizing (technological) determinism Juidth Horman (U Laval) Social software collectives as agencements machiniques Renée Fountain (U Laval) Horizontal knowledge assemblages as impossible public goods Meredith Anderson (Louisiana State U) Social Outsourcing or Sustainable Development: IT Enterprise vs. non-IT Enterprise in the Kudumbashree Mission

9.11 Locating Grids of Intelligibilities and Situatedness of Knowledge and Knowing (Degas) Organizer/chair: Fouzieyha Towghi (CSF-UCBerkeley), and Jennifer Liu (UC Berkeley-UCSF) Lauren Fordyce (U Florida) Constructing “Vulnerable Subjects”: Knowledge and Access Ippolytos Kalofonos (UCSF-UC Berkeley) A Vida Positiva: Activism, Evangelism, and Antiretrovirals in Central Mozambique Jennifer Liu (UCSF-UC Berkeley) Pure hybridity: identity and stem cells

71 Fouzieyha Towghi (UCSF-UC Berkeley) “Half A Person, Half Human”: Particularizing Rural Women’s Bodies to Normalize Injections and Hysterectomies in Balochistan, Pakistan Thurka Sangaramoorthy (UCSF-UC Berkeley) Ethnography and Expertise in Clinical Settings: Rhetorics of Prevention and Progress in the field of HIV/AIDS Charis Thompson (UC-Berkeley) discussant

10 Friday 3:30-5:30 Presidential Plenary (Monet)

6:00-7:00pm Business Meeting (Braque)

7:00pm Cash Bar (Gagnon)

8:00pm Annual Banquet (Monet)

72 Saturday (Oct. 13)

7:30-8:30am STHV editorial board meeting (Degas)

11 Saturday 8:15-10:00am

11.1 Hospitals and Technologies (Van Gogh) Chair: Nelly Oudshorn (U Twente) Nelly Oudshorn (U Twente) Emerging Ways of Knowing in Telemedical Care Ann Lennarson Greer (U Wisconsin-Milwaukee) National Topics and Local Realities Nina Boulus (Simon Fraser U) Exploring the Construction Process of Technical Knowledge in the Healthcare Sector Alexandra Manzei (Technical U Berlin) Between Representation, Reorganisation and Control – The Implementation of ICT in Intensive Care Medicine Marianne Tolar (U Vienna) Documentation and “ways of knowing” in the healthcare sector: A comparison of electronic and paper- based patient record systems in an oncology setting Susan Erikson (U Colorado-Boulder) How Immutable a Mobile? Charting the Tenuous Ground of Obstetrical Science, Ultrasound Biometry, and the Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

11.2 Ways of Knowing Diseases (Riopelle) Chair: Sharra Vostral (U Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Sharra Vostral (U Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Rely Tampons and Toxic Shock Syndrome: Mediating Technology and the Social Construction of Disease

73 Michael Orsini (U Ottawa) Knowing the Autistic Subject: Neurodiversity vs. Access to Treatment in the Autism Movement Susan E. Bell (Bowdoin College) Narratives and/in an Embodied Health Movement: Power, Knowledge, and DES Kelly Joyce (William and Mary) Creating Chagas Disease: An Analysis of How Biotechnology Companies, Clinicians, Government Agencies, and Patients Contribute to Medical Knowledge and Practice Robert Smith (U Ottawa), Shoshana Magnet (U Illinois Urbana- Champaign) Marketing Microbicides Gwen Anderson (U British Columbia Okanogan) A Theoretical Analysis of Medical Genetic Pedigrees Using Bruno Latour’s Actor Network Theory

11.3 Ways of Sensing Biology (Bellefleur) Organizer/chair: Stefan Helmreich (MIT) Natasha Myers (York) Molecular Happenings: Incorporating and Transducing the Molecular Practices of Cells Sophia Roosth (MIT) The Chance of Life-Time: Biological Temporality and Chronoception in Synthetic Biology Michael Rossi (MIT) Corpus: Porpoise Sara Wylie (MIT) Olfactory Representations and Interventions: A Proposal for Sensing Volatile Organic Chemicals Eric T. Meyer (Indiana U) Tensions between established practice and changing technologies: Marine mammal scientists and digital photography Richard Doyle (Penn State) discussant

11.4 Author Meets Critics: Steve Fuller's The New Sociological Imagination (Gagnon) Organizer/chair: Zaheer Baber (U. Toronto)

74 Yves Gingras (U. Quebec-Montreal) Discussant Fuyuki Kurasawa (York U.) Discussant Choon Lee Chai (U. Saskatchewan) Discussant Steve Fuller (U.Warwick) Discussant Zaheer Baber (U. Toronto) Discussant Francis Remedios (Independent Scholar) Discussant

11.5 Gender and Technology (Renoir) Chair: Roli Varma, (U New Mexico) Roli Varma (U New Mexico) Women in Computing: The Power of Geek? Marja Vehviläinen (U Tampere) Textual Frames for Situated Agency in ICT: Gendered ICT Expertise in Policies, Newspapers and Novels Karen Tonso (Wayne State U) Masculinities, Femininities, Engineering Practice: Complicating the Gender Equation in Engineering Education Vivian Anette Lagesen (NTNU) Beyond people-skills and technical skills: Exploring gendered epistemic machineries of software work Frances Bronet (U of Oregon) and Linda Layne (RPI) Teaching the Design of Feminist Technologies Alison Powell (Concordia U) Configuring the Researcher: Partial knowledge in grassroots technical production

11.6 Designing “Big Stuff”: STS and the Design of Large Technological Systems (Fortin) Organizer/chair: Ulrik Jørgensen (Technical University of Denmark), Bettina Törpel (Technical University of Denmark), Andrés Valderrama (Technical University of Denmark)

75 A Voss, R Procter, R Slack, M Hartswood (National Centre for e- Social Science, Univ. of Manchester and others) Building Generic Infrastructures for Research: a quest for the treasure Andrés Valderrama (Technical University of Denmark) Pavement failure in Transmilenio: knowledge, responsability and agency Birgitte Munch (Kolding Design School ) and Ulrik Jørgensen (Technical Univ Denmark) Constructing users and distribution agency – the design of the ‘Great Belt Link’ in Denmark Daniel Breslau (Virginia Tech) Guiding the Invisible Hand: Designing Wholesale Electricity Markets in the U.S. Nadine Kozak (UC-San Diego) Another Chapter in a Long Tale of Helping Themselves: Local High Speed Internet Solutions in Rural and Small-Town Alberta, Canada

11.7 Risk, Environment, and Technology (Lemieux) Chair: Michael Mascarenhas (Rensselaer) Michael Mascarenhas (Rensselaer) Indigenous Health, Environmental Inequality, and Drinking Water Regulation in Ontario, Canada Keith Warner (Santa Clara U), Jeremy McNeil (U Western Ontario), Christina Getz ( UC-Berkeley) How does the public know about biological control? Ethics, trust, and scientific communication in ecological pest management William Kinsella (North Carolina State U) Knowing Environmental Risk: A Critical, Constitutive Approach to Risk Communication Nathan Young (U Ottawa), Ralph Matthews (U British Columbia) Experts' Understanding of the Public in a Risk Controversy Pierre Delvenne (U Liège), Sébastien Brunet (U Liège) Ways of Knowing Under Great Scientific Uncertainty: The Electromagnetic Fields Case Study in Belgium

76 Kuei-tien Chou (National Taiwan U) Reflexive risk governance – a critical view of “bring the state back in”

11.8 ICTs, Social Networks, and Communities (Matisse) Chair: Marianne Ryan (U Michigan) Marianne Ryan (U Michigan) Implications of the Sociotechnical Infrastructures of Virtual Worlds: An STS Perspective Smiljana Antonijevic (U Minnesota) Second Life, Second Body: A Microethnographic Analysis of Nonverbal Communication in a Multiuser 3D Virtual Environment Anne-Mette Albrechtslund (U Southern Denmark) Ideological representation in computer games Murali Venkatesh (Syracuse U), Jeffrey S. Owens (Syracuse U) On re-stabilizing artifacts Dana Walker (U Michigan) Ways of Knowing Local Issues – Distributed Information Practices in Local Blogs Dylan Wittkower (Virginia Tech) The Sociality of the Interface: Consumer Electronics and the (Un)Concealment of Community Clifford Tatum (U Washington) Co-production of Knowledge in the Emergent Middle Media – Towards a New Framwork.

11.9 Funding and Publishing in Science (Colville) Chair: Nicholas Chrisman (U Laval) Nicholas Chrisman (U Laval) Interdisciplinary networks and the flavors of money Yuri Jack Gómez-Morales (U Nacional de Colombia) Measuring Science as Development: The Uses of Bibliometrics in Colombia Science Policy-Making Beate Elvebakk (U Oslo) Disciplinary publishing cultures Kenji Ito (Harvard) “Big History of Science”: A large scale oral history project of a big-science laboratory in Japan

77 Suzanne Laberge (U Montreal), Mathieu ALBERT (U Toronto) Attitudes towards funding agencies' encouragement of interdisciplinary research: the cases of biomedical, clinical and social scientists Carlos Saldanha Machado (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation), Márcia Oliveira Teixeira (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation), Ana Tereza Filipecki (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation) Local Transpositions of International Models: Analyzing an Experience in Health R&D Policy in Latin America Aaron Panofsky (UC-Berkeley) Scientific Status and Publication Bias in Biomedical Research

11.10 IT Software and Infrastructures (Chagall) Chair: Steve Sawyer (Penn State U) Steve Sawyer (Penn State) Cyberinfrastructure, data rich fields, and data poor fields Stuart Mawler (Virginia Tech) Executable Texts: Programs as Communications Devices and Their Use in Shaping High-tech Culture Yuri Takhteyev (UC-Berkeley) Foreign Knowledge in the Work of Brazilian Software Developers Floortje Daemen (Rathenau Institute) Development and implementation of knowledge sharing infrastructures; characteristics and considerations of use. Honghong Tinn (Cornell U) Exploring the History of Computers in Taiwan from 1970 to 2000-The Do-It-Yourself Computers, Commercial Districts of Electronics Products, and the Popularization of Personal Computers Ralph Schroeder (Oxford Internet Institute) Defending Technological Determinism – In Theory and in Practices

78 11.11 Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity (Degas) Chair: Susan Rogers (McGill U) Susan Rogers (McGill U) Bioinformatic knowledge networks in genomic research: Producing objective results through interoperable skills. Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue (Towson U) and Steve Fifield (U Delaware), Perspectives on mentoring among institutional and individual actors in an interdisciplinary research initiative Sahra Gibbon (U College London) Becoming (inter)disciplinary; experimental subjects in a genomic era – a documentary film project Theresa Garvin (U Alberta) and Anna Pujadas (U Alberta) The challenges of interdisciplinary research on environmental sustainability Amanda VanSteelandt (U Calgary) and Charles Mather (U Calgary) Interdisciplinary Collaboration on the Ward of the 21st Century Eveliina Saari (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) Learning between research groups: What can be learned from the ethnographic studies of a Finnish and an American Aerosol Research Group? Barbara Bodenhorn (Pembroke College-Cambridge) Communities of knowledge: sciences and other expertises Davide Nicolini (U Warwick) Organizing Scientific Work through Objects: A Case from the Field of Bioengineering

12 Saturday 10:15-12:15

12.1 Medical Anthropology and the Life Stakes of Knowledge (Van Gogh) Organizer/chair: Harris Solomon (Brown U), Elizabeth Roberts (U Michigan), Duana Fullwiley (Yale U)

79 Vinh-Kim Nguyen (U Montréal) Experimentality: humanitarian populations and shifts in biomedical epistemology. Examples from AIDS and other epidemics in Africa Harris Solomon (Brown U) Prime Destination: Science, Discourse, and Medical Tourism in India Hannah Gilbert (McGill U) The practice of HIV knowledge production: Ethnographic persepctives on an African laboratory Ian Whitmarsh (U North Carolina-Chapel Hill) Translating Bajan Ethnicity, Wheeze, and Genes: Contradictions in an International Biomedical Study Elizabeth F.S. Roberts (U Michigan) The Enchanted Laboratory: Religious Rationalities and Modernity in Ecuadorian In-Vitro Fertilization Duana Fullwiley (Harvard U) Qualifying the Pedigree of a Population 'Genetic' Effect Rayna Rapp (NYU) and Margaret Lock (McGill U) discussants

12.2 Examining the Structures of Participation in New Media and Information Technologies (Riopelle) Organizer/chair: Gillespie Tarleton (Cornell U) Fred Turner (Stanford U) Burning Man at Google: How Art Worlds Help Sustain New Media Industries Gina Neff (U Washington) At Your Own Risk: Venture Labor and Participation in Innovation Adrienne Massanari (U Washington) Blurring the lines between "users" and "designers": Co-productive interactivity online Tarleton Gillespie (Cornell U) Learning to Consume Culture: Presumptions about media, technology, and participation in industry-sponsored anti-piracy campaigns Leslie Regan Shade (Concordia U) Policymaking in the Wind? Christopher Kelty (Rice U) Imagining Neutrality: Recursive publics, free software and electronic voting machines

80 Thomas Streeter (U Vermont) A Story of One's Own: the Dean Campaign and the Internet as a Social Narrative Technology Leah Lievrouw (UCLA) Theorizing Alternative/Oppositional New Media: Exploring New Social Movement Theory and the Sociology of Alain Touraine

12.3 Rhetorical Views of Knowledge-Making in Health and Medicine (Bellefleur) Organizer/chair: Philippa Spoel (Laurentian U) Monika Cwiartka (U British Columbia) The Rhetoric of Transgenic Animal Models of Human Psychiatric Disorders Colleen Derkatch (U British Columbia) Defining “Efficacy” in Clinical Research Philippa Spoel (Laurentian U) Rhetorics of Knowing in Midwifery Healthcare Judy Segal (U British Columbia) Making Health Knowledge with New Information Technologies: A Rhetorical View Deborah Dysart-Gale (Concordia U) Suitable for Children: A Kairology of HIV Rhetoric in Children’s Literature Joan Leach (U Queensland) Valuing Communication in Medical Enquiry Priya Venkatesan (Dartmouth Medical School) Postmodernism and the Laboratory

12.4 The Changing Organization of Science and Its University Context (Gagnon) Organizer/chair: Elizabeth Popp Berman (SUNY, Albany), Annalisa Salonius (McGill U) Elizabeth Popp Berman (SUNY, Albany) Creating a New Organizational Form: The Causes and Effects of the Emergence of the University-Industry Research Center in the U.S.

81 Nicholas Rowland (Indiana U) Rise of ERP: Actor-Network Theory vs. New Institutional Theory Annalisa Salonius (McGill U) Working in the Lab: The Incorporation of Graduate Students and Postdocs into the Production of Research in the Biomedical Sciences under Competitive Grant Support and its Effects on Training Rick Welsh (Clarkson U), Leland Glenna (Penn State), William Lacy (UC-Davis), and Dina Biscotti (UC-Davis) U.S. Agricultural Scientists' Definitions of the Public Good Robert Dalpe (U de Montreal) The Role of Researchers and Technology Officers in the Commercialization of Plant Biotech Research by American Universities John Walsh (Georgia Tech), Yoshihito Yasaki. (U Tokyo), Akira Goto (U Tokyo), Jun Suzuki. (IFTECH) The Entrepreneurial University in Japan:

12.5 Climate Modeling and Uncertainty: Epistemology and the Construction of Climate Facts (Renoir) Organizer: Erich Schienke (Penn State) Chairs: Candis Callison (MIT), Nancy Tuana (Penn State) Paul Edwards (U Michigan) Trust in Data: Climate Change Knowledge and the Meteorological Information Infrastructure Candis Callison (MIT) Spinning climate change: how emerging social groups invest climate science with meaning Mark Neff (Arizona State U) Has climate changed ecology? A bibliometric analysis of the changing focus of ecology research Zachary Pirtle (Arizona State U) General Circulation Models and Philosophical Robustness Nancy Tuana (Penn State) Frameworks for Justice in Global Climate Change Policy Marilyn Averill (U Colorado-Boulder) The Ethics of Uncertainty in Climate Change

82 Erich Schienke (Penn State) Ethical Dimensions of Renewable Energy Choices in the Case of China

12.6 Engineering Studies (Fortin) Chair: Gary Downey (Virginia Tech) Gary Downey (Virginia Tech) Distance from Manual Labor: British Improvement, English Character, and Engineering Formation, 1760-1914 Darin Barney (McGill U), Patrick Little (Harvey Mudd College), Richard Hinck (McGill U) Living up to the code: engineering as political judgment Antonio Garcia (U Los Andes), Andrés Burbano (U Los Andes), Jairo Escobar (U Los Andes), Andrés Valderrama (U Los Andes) STS problems in Colombia Eva Amdahl (NTNU) and Kristin Lofthus Hope (Rokkansenteret) Changes in the performance of engineering work? Paulitz Tanja (Technical U Berlin) 'Parasitic' dependencies, powerful alliances and 'boundary work' in engineering Jonathan VanderSteen (Queen's U) Social Justice, Social Location and Engineering Curriculum Nicholas Sakellariou (Virginia Tech) Nineteenth Century Engineers and the Greek State

12.7 Articulations of Value in Contemporary Technoscience (Matisse) Organizer/chair: Sheena Nahm (UC-Irvine) and Andrea Ballestero (UC-Irvine) Jill Fisher (Arizona State U) "Entrepreneurial Agents or Pharmaceutical Emissaries?: Private Practice Physicians and Contract Research" Kaushik Sunder Rajan (UC-Irvine) The Values of Experiment: Biocapital, Surplus Health, and Clinical Trials in India

83 Elta Smith (Harvard U) “Generating health and value in corporate agbiotech: the case of Golden Rice” Andrea Ballestero (UC-Irvine) “Shaking bottles within the global scene: water’s unruly value in neoliberal politics” Sheena Nahm (UC-Irvine) Right to Play, Playing Right Allison Fish (UC-Irvine) Author(iz)ing Yoga: The Piracy of a Nation’s Cultural Heritage and its Subsequent Digitization Kristen Peterson (Michigan State U) discussant

12.8 Knowing Stem Cells: Multiple Meanings in the Standardisation, Understanding, and Regulation of Stem Cell Materials (Lemieux) Organizer/chair: Neil Stephens (Cardiff U) Lena Eriksson (U York) Andrew Webster (U York) Standardizing known unknowns Clare Williams (King’s College-U London), Steven Wainwright (King’s College-U London) & Kathryn Ehrich (King’s College U-London) Human embryos as boundary objects: exploring the interactions between the social worlds of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and embryonic stem cells Alison Kraft (U Nottingham), Paul Martin (U Nottingham), Nik Brown (U York) “Translating” the Haematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC): A Case Study of Stem Cell Innovation Steven Wainwright, Clare Williams & Mike Michael (King’s College London and Goldsmiths College, University of London) Paradigm shifts in stem cell science? Reflections on scientists’ perceptions and practices on human embryonic stem cells as a cure for disease Neil Stephens (Cardiff U), Peter Glasner (Cardiff U), Paul Atkinson (Cardiff U) Sharing Standards in International Stem Cell Banking: ‘Sameness’ and ‘Difference’ at the Spanish and UK Stem Cell Banks

84 Ingrid Geesink (Cardiff U) Regulation by the Backdoor: Conitology at Work in the Development of European Union Regulatory Policy for Human Tissues and Cells

12.9 Network Ethnography (Colville) Organizer/chair: T.L. Taylor (ITU Copenhagen), Anne Beaulieu (KNAW, Amsterdam) Anne Beaulieu (KNAW, Amsterdam) Taking Time: Ethnographies, Networks and Knowledge Danah Boyd (UC Berkeley) Choose Your Own Ethnography: In Search of (Un)Mediated Life Søren Mørk Petersen (ITU Copenhagen) Fields of Materiality T.L. Taylor (ITU Copenhagen) Bricolage, Play, and the Games Researcher Sally Wyatt (VKS-KNAW Amsterdam), Peter Peters (U Maastricht), Sanneke Kloppenburg (U Maastricht), & Wiebe Bijker (U Maastricht) CK Phone home’: Talking about practices and looking at lists Nina Wakeford (Goldsmiths-U London) Ken Anderson (People and Practices Research, Intel Corporation) Collecting visual data about temporal aspects of mobility: a study of London bike messengers Bart Simon (Concordia Ul) discussant

12.10 Ecologies of Hope (Chagall) Organizer/chair: Roopali Phadke (Macalester College) Christopher Bacon (Center for Social Economy, Nicaragua) Finding hope in forgotten places: Fair trade coffee and the struggle to scale up without selling out Roopali Phadke (Macalester College) Water Works in India Ariane de Bremond (Hienz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment) Land, nature and livelihoods in the making of a

85 future: the post-war resettlement of agrarian landscapes in El Salvador Ben Weil (UC-Santa Cruz) Solar City, Bike City, Growth City: Local Governance and Renewable Energy in Davis, California Krista Harper (U Massachusetts-Amherst) Environmental Justice in Central and Eastern Europe: Translations and Transformations Dustin Mulvaney and Anna Zivian (UC-Santa Cruz) Sowing seeds of hope in the fields of social resistance: Anti-genetic engineering activism in California Ravi Rajan (UC-Santa Cruz) discussant

12.11 Technologies of Forgetting and Exclusion: Case Studies in the Social Benefits of Forgetting (Degas) Organizer/chair: Lilly Nguyen (UCLA), Katie Shilton (UCLA) Michael Curry (UCLA) Forgetting and the problem of location Ron Day (Indiana U) The Grammar of Forgetting in Modernity Rich Gazan (U Hawaii) Rewriting History: Social Forgetting in an Online Question Answering Community Thomas S. Mullaney (Stanford U) The Infrastructural Diaspora of the Self: Personhood in the Data Age Lilly Nguyen (UCLA) Dialectics of Memory and Forgetting in the Digital Capture and Surveillance of Sex Offenders Katie Shilton (UCLA) Forgetting and the Browser: Technologies of Attention and Forgetting in Public Reading Rooms Julie Cohen (Georgetown U) discussant

13 Saturday 12:30-1:30

13.1 Circulations of Medical Knowledge (Van Gogh) Organizer/chair: Susan Craddock (U Minnesota)

86 Patricia Lorcin (U Minnesota) French Colonial Medicine and the Role of the Military Susan Jones (U Minnesota) and Peter Koolmees (U Utrecht) Debates on Cattle Plague and Bovine TB: The Roles of Germ Theory and Geography Tamara Giles-Vernick (U Minnesota) and Samba Diop (U Bamako) Malaria in French Soudan: Circulations of Scientific and Public Knowledge Susan Craddock (U Minnesota) and John Song (U Minnesota) Tuberculosis Among Somali Communities: Attitudes and Experiences

13.2 Author Meets Critics: Unruly Complexity: Ecology, Interpretation, Engagement (Riopelle) Organizer/chair: Peter Taylor (UMass Boston) Discussants: Geoffrey Bowker (Santa Clara U), Bill Lynch (Wayne State U), Sharon Traweek (UCLA), Atsushi Akera (Rensselaer)

13.3 General and Philosophical Issues (Bellefleur) Chair: Lambert Williams (Harvard U) Lambert Williams (Harvard U) The Local, the Stable and the Production of New Things; Or, how to Rethink Three and a Half Decades in Fifteen Minutes Martin French (Queen's U), Melissa Houghtaling (Queen’s U), Christopher Canning (Queen’s U), Martin French (Queen’s U) “Transgressing the Boundaries?: Ways of Knowing in the Natural and Social Sciences” John Sonnett (U Mississippi) Relativism, Relationism, and the Sociology of Knowledge Paolo Volonté (Libera U-Bolzano) Social constraints in science and the problem of demarcation

87 Daiwie Fu (National Tsing-Hua U) How different can STS be in East Asian societies?

13.4 Memory and Technology (Gagnon) Chair: Jackie Orr (Syracuse U) Jackie Orr (Syracuse U) Memory Chips: Remembrance & Oblivion as Technosocial Projects Yuya Kiuchi (Michigan State U) Online Archives for Ethnic Community Memory: African Americans in Boston Chloe Jackson (Penn State) Changing Memory, Changing Self: The Effect of Legislation on the Inclusiveness of Historic Site Designation in the U.S. Andrea Dooley (n/a) Representing the Unimaginable: Public Genocide Memorials in Rwanda

13.5 Life, Death, and Dying (Renoir) Chair: Corinna Jung (Technical U-Berlin) Corinna Jung (Technical U-Berlin) Living and Dying in a Technical World – the Public Discourse about Advance Directives in Germany Anna Durnova (U Vienna) “Intimate dialogue” as a paradigm for the end-of-life decision making? Graciela Piery (U Groningen) The return of the living-dead? Law, Medicine and Definitions of Death in the 20th century. Matt Wray (Harvard U) Interviewing the Dead: Suicide and the Psychological Autopsy

13.6 Engineering and Design (Fortin) Chair: Dean Nieusma (Rensselaer) Christopher Neumaier (Technical U Munich) The ‘Ideal' Engine for Automobiles. A Comparison of the Diesel Cars in Europe and the United States

88 Massimo Mazzotti (U Exeter) Producing Olivetti Style. Technology, Space, and Organization at Olivetti, 1945-60 Nicholas Knouf (MIT) Designing and Observing the Use of an Object with (Presumed) Agency Diego Llovet (York U) A car for the drunk: alcohol ignition interlocks as collective representation of self-control Dean Nieusma (Renssleaer) Design Activism: STS as an Intervention into Design Pedagogy and Practice

13.7 Contextual Lenses for Ways of Knowing (Lemieux) Chair/Organizer: Alice MacGillivray (Fielding Graduate U) Mike Ginn (Fielding Graduate U) A conceptual lens on ways of knowing: Ken Wilber's integral approach was created by comparing -- across cultures and historical eras James T. Bogner (Fielding Graduate U) Ways of knowing across large healthcare systems Mary Connors (Fielding Graduate U) Ways of knowing in virtual team leadership Alice E. MacGillivray (Fielding Graduate U) Making Sense of the Unpredictable

13.8 Science and Public Health (Matisse) Chair: Alan Richardson (U British Columbia) Alan Richardson (U British Columbia) “Mommy, are you going to die?”: Individual Suffering and Public Responsibility in the Canadian SARS Commission Final Report, Spring of Fear Burcu Gorgulu (U Nottingham) Risk and modernity: Bird flu in Turkey Sanem Guvenc-Salgirli (SUNY-Binghamton) Translating health: Idioms of local population and propaganda of social hygiene during the interwar years in Turkey

89 13.9 Indigenous Knowledge (Colville) Chair: Wenda Bauchspies (Penn State) Wenda Bauchspies (Penn State) Surviving Knowledges and Survival Knowledges: Boundaries of Mistrust/Desire Diane Rodgers (Northern Illinois U) A Bee or Not A Bee: Indigenous Knowledge of Social Insects and Western Classification Schemes Marie Delorme (U Calgary) Oral Ways of Expertise: Jennifer Poudrier (U Saskatchewan) Picturing the Margins: Exploring the Visual Terrain in Aboriginal Women’s Health and Medicine

13.10 Nuclear Energy (Chagall) Chair: Mark Elam (Gothenburg U) Mark Elam (Gothenburg U) and Göran Sundqvist, (Gothenburg U) Competing Rationalities in the Government of Sweden’s High Level Nuclear Waste Nick Pidgeon (Cardiff U), Karen Henwood (Cardiff U), Peter Simmons (U East Anglia), and Karen Parkhill (Cardiff U) Nuclear Narratives Seong-Jun Kim (Seoul National U) Life of a ‘Peaceful Atom’ in a Peripheral Material Culture: the Case of Atomic Energy Research Institute (1959-1973) in South Korea

13.11 Finance and Economics (Degas) Chair: Alex Preda (U Edinburgh) Ray-shyng Chou (UC- San Diego) Rationality and Economic Policy Alex Preda (U Edinburgh) Global Electronic Markets, Technology, and the Cognitive Practices of Online Traders Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies) Insurance as a form of technology

90 Neil Pollock (U Edinburgh) The Magic in the Magic Quadrant: Industry Analysts and their Tools

14 Saturday 1:45-3:15

14.1 Author Meets Critics: Charis Thompson (Van Gogh) Chair: Sergio Sismondo (Queen’s) Linda Layne (Rensselaer) Rachel Prentice (Cornell University) Chia-Ling Wu (National Taiwan University) Charis Thompson (University of California, Berkeley)

14.2 Gender and Race (Riopelle) Chair: Sandra Harding, (UCLA) Sandra Harding (UCLA) Haunted Modernities and their Sciences: Challenges for Progressive Science and Technology Projects Jennie Olofsson (Luleå University of Technology) For the sake of love - the importance of being an amateur William Lewis (Skidmore College) How We Know Race: The Limits and Promise of Scientific and Critical Theoretical Accounts of Race. Andi Johnson (U Pennsylvania) The Limits of Science: Kenyan Running Meets the Science of Human Performance Regina Cochrane (U Calgary) The Death of Nature: “Feminist” Science Historiography in a Populist Mode? Sharyn Clough (Oregon State U) Triangulation, social location and ophthamology: Do you see what I see?

14.3 War and Weapons (Bellefleur) Chair: Charles Zerner (Sarah Lawrence) Hugh Gusterson (George Mason U) Can a weapon be immortal?

91 Benjamin Sims (Los Alamos National Laboratory) The Uninvention of the Nuclear Weapons Complex? A Transactional View of Tacit Knowledge Charles Zerner (Sarah Lawrence) Stealth Nature: Reflections on Robotic Feral Dog Packs and Weaponized Insects in Landscapes of Toxicity and War Tyler Wall (Arizona State U) "At the Tip of the Spear":Exploring Discourses in Response to a Military Base Closing Megan Glick (Yale U) Extraterrestriality and the Alien Body: Seeing the ‘Human’ in Cold War Technological Culture Gwen D'Arcangelis (UCLA) Figuring the Microbe in Discourses on Terrorism and Disease

14.4 Pharmaceuticals, Regulations, and Markets (Gagnon) Chair: EunJeong Ma (Cornell U) EunJeong Ma (Cornell U) Contested Drugs: The Herbal Medicine Controversy between Western Pharmacists and Oriental Physicians Carlos Novas (Carleton U) Orphan Drugs, Pharmaceutical Markets and Contemporary Biopolitics Joon-Ho Yu (U Washington) Race-based Medicine, Justice, and Health Disparities: Explaining the Phenomenon of BiDil Wen-Hua Kuo (National Yang-Ming U) A Racial Science/Business? Putting Kampo in the Contecxt of Asian Regualtory Cutlure David Benin (UC-San Diego) ‘Sensational Science’: Conflicts of Legitimacy and Morality in Performance Enhancement Drug Testing Helen Kang (Simon Fraser U) The Visual and Ways of Knowing: An analysis of pharmaceutical drug advertising

92 14.5 Information and Publics (Renoir) Chair: Ramón Solórzano, Jr. (U Massachusetts-Amherst) Ramón Solórzano Jr. (U Massachusetts-Amherst) Getting Humans?- Evaluating the "Selves" and the "Service" in Self- Service Phone Support Keith Guzik (Bloomfield College) Mining Menace: Exploring the Use of Data Mining in the United States Government’s War on Terrorism Shoshana Magnet (U Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) Biometrics at the US-Canada Border Roar Høstaker (Lillehammer University College) The potential of new technologies – the case of RFID Pablo Boczkowski (Northwestern U) Information Transparency: Materiality and Mimicry in the Journalistic Field and Beyond Christina Dunbar-Hester (Cornell U) “Radio for Whom?” Theorizing Media Activism as Social Construction of Technology

14.6 STS in Development and on Location: Data, Products, Practice (Colville) Organizer/Chair: Park Doing (Cornell U) Park Doing (Cornell U) When it Rains it Doesn’t Pour, but Whose Fault is it? And What is it? Performances of Epistemology and Accountability in a US Backed Water System Project in Honduras Richard Rottenburg (Martin-Luther-University/Cornell) Rule- Following, Technologies and Data Base Construction in a Development Project in Tanzania Luciana Pereira (University of São Paulo, Polytechnic School ) and Guilherme Ary Plonski (University of São Paulo, Polytechnic School) Brazilian Photonics: Negotiations over Local Knowledge in a Commercial Technological Context in Brazil

93 Luisa Massarani, (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Brazilian Ministry of Science) Brazilian Understanding: Public Communication of Science in Brazil Victor Marquez (Cornell U) Airside / Landside: The Monterrey International Airport Jenna Burrell (London School of Economics) Collectively Producing the Internet in Accra, Ghana

14.7 Health-Care, Knowledge, and Ethics (Lemieux) Chair: Raphael Sassower (U Colorado) Raphael Sassower (U Colorado) Medical Knowledge: Art, Science, and Ethics Rose Geransar (U Calgary) ‘Experiential autonomy’ and the postmodernist twist on informed consent: The case of umbilical cord blood banking Adam Hedgecoe (U Sussex) Research Ethics Committees and the politics of Trust Ole Andreas Brekke (U Bergen) and Thorvald Sirnes (U Bergen) The Meaning of Life - Religious discourse in the science and politics of human biotechnology Paola Raska (Case Western Reserve U) Questioning of factual claims in science: healthy skepticism or harmful rhetoric in disguise? Maximilian Fochler (U Vienna), Ulrike Felt (U Vienna), Lisa Sigl (U Vienna) Living Changes in the Life Sciences in the Austrian Context. Tracing the "Ethical" and the "Social" in Scientific Practice and Work Culture

14.8 Legal and Criminal Justice Dimensions of Science and Technology (Matisse) Chair: Deborah White (Trent U)

94 Deborah White (Trent U) Rape kits, medico-legal expertise and the criminal justice system: Examining the institutional mediation of raped women’s experiences within evidentiary processes Bruce Hoffman (Ohio U) Modeling Justice: Inventing and Implementing the "Criminal Justice System" Gethin Rees (U Edinburgh) “The Bland Examination” - The construction of forensic medical evidence in cases of sexual assault Julie Cohen (Georgetown U) Cyborg Bodies, Autonomic Technology, and the Law of “Unauthorized Access” Gabriella Coleman (NYU) The Epic, Antipodal Battles on the Internet and the Limits of Liberal Tolerance Brian Beaton (U Toronto) Random Digit Darling: Threats, Science, Surveys and Silence

14.9 Health, Markets, and Governance (Fortin) Chair: Craig Willse Lisa Gugglberger (U Vienna), Ulrike Felt (U Vienna) On the distributed governance of “my health state”: doctor-patient relations in the age of the Internet Sarah Kaplan (U Pennsylvania-Wharton School) and Fiona Murray (MIT) Technology, Organizations & Institutions in the Construction of Economic Value: The Case of Biotechnology Teun Zuiderent-Jerak (U Medical Centre-Rotterdam) Competition in the wild; emerging figurations of healthcare markets Sonja Jerak-Zuiderent, Roland Bal, Chris Pollitt, George Dowswell & Stephen Harrison (Erasmus U); Mediating and Translating Materialities of Governance - Performance Indicators as ‘Investments in New Forms’ of Governance? Craig Willse (The CUNY Graduate Center) Pharmaceuticals First: Psychiatric Compliance in US Housing Programs for Homeless Populations

95 Benedicte Champenois Rousseau (UFR medicale Paris Ouest Ecole de sages-femmes Jeanne Sentubery) Building a legitimate way of knowing in obstetrics: the midwife/obstetrician controversy in France at the beginning of the XXI century

14.10 Science Technology Studies, Disability Studies and Deaf Studies (Chagall) Organizer/chair: Ernst D. D. Thoutenhoofd (VKS/KNAW), Ursula Naue (U Vienna-Ursual Naue) Peter Beresford (Brunel U) Disabled people's understandings of their own knowledge, barriers it faces and ways of overcoming them Teresa Blankmeyer Burke (Gallaudet U) Cochlear implant surgery and cognitive enhancement: Ethics and choices Steve D. Emery, Anna Middleton and Graham H. Turner (U Cardiff and U Heriot-Watt) 'I was told I had a moral responsibility to society to abort my son as he would be deaf': The Deaf/genetics interface Antti Raike (Helsinki U) and Lily Díaz-Kommonen (Helsinki U) Searching knowledge: CinemaSense as a case study in collaborative production of a www service in two universities Kristin Snoddon (U Toronto) Developing American Sign Language Identity Texts: How Deaf Culture and Heritage are Incorporated into the Classroom Lennard J. Davis (U Illinois-Chicago) discussant

14.11 Styles of Science and Technology (Degas) Chair: Lesley Biggs (U Saskatchewan) Lesley Biggs (U Saskatchewan), Silvano Mior (Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College) Competing Views of Science Within the Chiropractic Profession: A Discursive Analysis of Empiricist and Rationalist Philosophies

96 Chunglin Kwa (U Amsterdam) Styles of science and technology Hamid Ekbia (Indiana U) The Informational Style of Thinking Linda F. Crafts (Fielding Graduate U), Jeremy J. Shapiro (Fielding Graduate U) Ways of Bodily Knowing and the Democratization of Technology Berti Moltu (SINTEF Technology and Society/NTNU) Satirical and romantic stories about organisational change Niki Vermeulen (Maastricht U) Big Biology. Towards a new style of research in the life sciences

15 Saturday 3:30-5:45

15.1 Governance of Science and Technology (Van Gogh) Chair: Udo Pesch (Insitute for Environmental studies) Udo Pesch (Insitute for Environmental studies) How Economists Want to Improve Our Lives, and Why They don't Succeed: Alan Irwin (U Liverpool), Maja Horst (Copenhagen Business School) Nations at ease with radical knowledge: Science, technology and consensus in contemporary Europe Stephen Healy (U New South Wales) Science and Technology as Ways of Governing Roxanane Mitralias (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Centre Alexandre Koyré) Genetic resources: a problem of international governance. Stans van Egmond (Erasmus University Rotterdam); Ragna Zeiss (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) What ecological networks and market based health programs have in common:Discussing the role of scientific models in Dutch policy making Annick de Vries (U Twente) Policy makers and uncertainties: towards ‘practicable’ uncertainty information

97 Dominique Linhardt (CSI - Ecole des Mines de Paris), Fabian Muniesa (CSI - Ecole des Mines de Paris) An experiment into the self-description of the state

15.2 Stem Cells (Riopelle) Chair: Kristen Intemann (Montana State U) Kristen Intemann (Montana State U) and Inmaculada de Melo- Martin (Cornell U) Values & the Production of Scientific Knowledge Maja Horst (Copenhagen Business School) Public engagement with STS: Experimenting with the social science laboratory Arelena Jung (Bielefeld U) Different forms of credibility between science and society and its effect on the credibility of science Nathan Palpant (U Michigan) The Praxis of Scientific Epistemology: reaching political and social resolution to the debate over human embryonic stem cell research Kristin Lofthus Hope (The Rokkan Centre-U Bergen) and Silje Sivertsen (The Rokkan Centre-U Bergen) Hope and/or Hype? How Stem Cell Research Shape Expectations of the Future Michelle McGowan (U Washington) Stem Cells and Slippery Slopes: “Experts” and the Public Regulation of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Gouk Tae Kim (Virginia Tech) Visual Representation in Modern Scientific Practice

15.3 Climate Policy Initiatives and Science for Policy - climate policy (Bellefleur) Organizer/Chair: Erich Schienke (Penn State) Lisa Dilling (U Colorado) Carbon science for climate policy making: Issues of scale and new modes of science-society interaction

98 Marie Rarieya (RPI) Agrocomplexity and Socioeconomic Dimensions of Climate Change: The Kenyan Experience Ryan Meyer (Arizona State U) Robustness of GCMs: the Policy Context Genevieve Maricle (U Colorado-Boulder) Shifting Research Priorities: The Role of Human Dimensions of Global Change Research Elizabeth C. McNie (U Colorado Environmental Studies Program/Kennedy School of Government, Harvard U) The Agora Explored: Producing Useful Climate Science for Policy Makers Jason Funk (Stanford U) Carbon markets and kaitiakitanga: how climate incentives can benefit indigenous Māori landowners in New Zealand Nick Wright (U Nottingham), Brigitte Nerlich (U Nottingham), Sujatha Raman (U Nottingham) Investigating the Emergent UK Politics of “Carbon Ethics”

15.4 Consumers, Patients, and Health (Gagnon) Chair: Anne McCulloch (Simon Fraser U) Anne McCulloch (Simon Fraser U) Accessing Knowledge? People’s Use of the Health Information they Seek on the Internet Kevin Patrick Corbett (Liverpool John Moores U) “You’ve Got It, You May Have it, You Haven’t Got It: The Unintended Consequences of HIV Testing Maiko Watanabe (Kitasato U), Takada Fumio (Kitasato U), Takako Ohata (Kitasato U) and Atsuhi Tsuchiya (Kitasato U) Direct-to- Consumer Genetic Testing Service in Japan - Struggle to Generate Public Confidence in Genetic Tests in the Consumer Society-

99 Harald Kliems (Freie U-Berlin) Deciding on Normality and Pathology: Self-knowledge of Adults with AD/HD Eliza Slavet (UC-San Diego) Not So Cut and Dry: Nature and Normalcy in Debates on Neonatal Circumcision and Neonatal Intersex Genital Surgery Seth Messinger (U Maryland) Incorporating prosthetics into the body Stephen Timmons (U Nottingham), Russell Harrison-Paul (U Nottingham,) and Brian Crosbie (U Nottingham) How a medical technology becomes a consumer good Kelly Fox (Simon Fraser U) Analysis of internet cancer discourses: infantilization and pink boxing gloves

15.5 Ways of Performing Finance: Working Session (Renoir) Organizer/chair: David Martin (U Toulouse) Daniel Beunza and David Stark (Columbia Business School) Distributed Calculation: Artifacts for Deliberation in the Capital Markets Jean-Pascal Gond (Nottingham U) Making Corporate Social Responsibility Calculable and Legitimate on Financial Markets: The Social Construction of Socially Responsible Investment in France Matthias Kussin (U Bielefeld) Governing global banking organizations: On the significance of organizational knowledge in regulatory practices David Martin (U Toulouse) Mutual Legitimization Process of 'Market' and 'Theory': the example of widespread Volatility Forecasting Horacio Ortiz (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) Making stock pricing methods performative: the everyday logics of interaction of professionals in contemporary finance.

100 Aaron Pitluck (Illinois State U) Moral Behavior in Stock Markets is Shaped by Mandates and Market Structure Ine Van Hoyweghen (U Maastricht) How to be Fair in Finance? Knowledging Actuarial Fairness in the Insurance and Reinsurance Business Jacques-Olivier Charron (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers/Laboratoire d’Investigation en Prospective Stratégie et Organisation) How Does a Market Think? Olivier Godechot (Centre Maurice Halbwachs-CNRS/Ecole Normale Supérieure/Centre d'études de l'emploi) What’s the market wage? How compensation surveys give form to the financial labor market Martha Poon (UC-San Diego / CSI-Ecole des Mines de Paris) Credit scoring in the USA and France

15.6 Computational Co-creation of Knowing Selves and Communities (Fortin) Organizer/chair: Kevin Walsh (UC-San Diego) Kevin Walsh (UC-San Diego) The Origins of the U.S. Academic Supercomputer Centers and The Rise of the High Performance Computing Community Elizabeth Petrick (UC-San Diego) Conceptions of the First Personal Computer Developers Jonathan Stern (UC-San Diego) Damn I’m Stuck! An Analysis of Game FAQs and The Knowledge Community of Video Games Brian Lindseth (UC San Diego) Re-imagining the user Melanie Klingbeil (Simon Fraser U) Interpreting Technology Practice: Users, Meaning, and Agency Caroline Wamala (Luleå U) Migrating to the Information Society; Swazi women's experiences using ICT

101 Paige Miller (Louisiana State U) and Wesley Shrum (Louisiana State U) Changes in Internet Access and the Scientific Career Across Time: Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, and Kerala, India Erna Håland (NTNU) Learning portal as boundary object between centralized objectives and local needs This abstract is based on an article that is currently in review and considered for publication in Nordiske organisasjonsstudier

15.7 Social Studies of Biology and Evolution (Lemieux) Chair: Banu Subramaniam (U Massachusetts-Amherst) Banu Subramaniam (U Massachusetts-Amherst) Knowing Me, Knowing You: Narratives of genomic similarities and differences Ullica Segerstrale (IIT) Knowing by Feeling - Empathy as a Tool in Science Julio Muñoz-Rubio (National Autonomous University of Mexico) Evolutionary Aesthetics and the Capitalist-Patriarchal Control of Human Bodies. Kuo-Hui Chang (Virginia Tech) On the Continuity of Human Evolution in China: Constructive Explanations Based on the Scientific Evidence John Parsi (Arizona State U) Sex as a Standardized Package Bonnie Green (U Exeter) Automating Actions, and the Morphicity of Basic Biotechnologies Mrill Ingram (U Wisconsin) Ways of Knowing Microbes

15.8 Magic, Religion, and Science (Matisse) Chair: Deborah Blizzard (RIT) Deborah Blizzard (RIT) and Linda Strauss (UCSD) Cultivating Magic Yaki Menschenfreund (Haifa U) The Construction of Alternative Knowledge: The Case of Popular Kabala in Israel

102 Devon Elliott (U Western Ontario) Spirit Theatre: The Role of Entertainment for Spiritualists and Skeptics in the Nineteenth Century David E. Long (U Kentucky) College Student Practice and the Symbolic Violence of Evolution Michelle Corbin (U Maryland) Crazy Wisdom: Resisting the abnegation of the possible with the inconceivable Julie Homchick (U Washington) Rhetoric, Epistemology, and the Intelligent Design Controversy Stephen Petrina (U British Columbia), Karen Brennan (U British Columbia); Franc Feng (U British Columbia) and Lauren Hall (U British Columbia) Technology, Religion, Spirituality and the Sacred Jan Palecek (Charles U-Czech Republic), Zdenek Konopasek (Charles U-Czech Republic) Treating spirituality. Border work in psychiatric and pastoral practice. Thorvald Sirnes (U Bergen), Ole Andreas Brekke (U Bergen- Norway) The Meaning of life - Religious discourse in the science and politics of human biotechnology

15.9 Communication, Publics, and Science (Colville) Chair: David Caudill (Villanova U) James Weber (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) and C.J. Schell (Portland State U) Translations, trading zones, and boundary issues: How do people try to meet their needs for science information in face-to-face communication? David Caudill (Villanova U-School of Law) Images of Expertise in Trial Movies Morten Andreasen (U Copenhagen) A sense of truth - on the seductive qualities of the deficit model Dirk Verdicchio (U Basel) What's at stake in popular science films?

103 Petra Lucht (Technical U Berlin) Science fiction as discursive arena for “Boundary Work” Arild Boman (U Oslo) Integration, Resistance and Retraction in Youth Cultures Yoshiko Saitoh (Nagoya U), Yasunori Yamanouchi (Nagoya U), Toshiki Nakai (Nagoya U), and Kazuhisa Todayama (Nagoya U) A case of NANTEN relocation: successful “citizens’ patronage towards science” Annamaria Carusi (Oxford U), Michael Parker (Oxford U), and Marina Jirotka (Oxford U) Trust in Internet-enabled Science

15.10 Sound, Visualization, and Senses (Chagall) Chair: Amy Metcalfe (U British Columbia) Amy Metcalfe (U British Columbia) Visualizing Science Studies: Photography as Subject in the “Images of Academic Science” Project Christian Dayé (U Graz) Interdisciplinarity in the making – how expertise is negotiated within groups developing sonifications Robert Olivo (Virginia Tech) ‘Serato would be cool if…’: Danielle Chabaud-Rychter (CNRS, Laboratoire Genre, Travail, Mobilités) Writing standards for sensory analysis methodology Thomas Staley (Virginia Tech) Knowing by Smell: A Silent Language of Scent in the Natural History of Carl Linnaeus Stefan Bargheer (U Chicago) The Play of the Eye: Guns, Binoculars, and the Transformation of British Ornithology, 1870-1930 Andrew Syder (U Southern California) Collide-o-scope: Technological Metaphors for Vision and the Influence of 1960s Psychedelia Kathryn Vignone (Cornell U) Text, Images, and Dennis Flanagan combine: Scientific American and Effective Science Communication

104 Erik Conrad (Concordia U) Please Don't Touch the Users: The Sense of Touch in Pervasive Computing

15.11 Techniques of Knowing in the Contemporary (Degas) Organizer/chair: Meg Stalcup (UC Berkeley - UC San Francisco) Jalani Mahiri (UC Berkeley) Pachucan Miners and Legal Truths Monica Eppinger (UC Berkeley, Yale U) New Ukrainian Parlimentarians Meg Stalcup (UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco) Information, Knowledge, Truth: Intelligence-led policing and police- produced intelligence Jerome Whitington (UC Berkeley) Knowing Uncertainty in Lao Hydro Development Laurence Cuelenaere (UC Berkeley) Warisata: Learning through walking as revolt, rebellion and disobedience Alberto Sanchez-Allred (UC Berkeley) Writing a Metropolis: From national to globalized modes of knowing Mexico City Misha Maclaird (Tulane U) Nausea and Steadicam: Visceral Violence and Stylization in Recent Mexican Cinema Nina Kolhi-Laven (U Michigan) Remaking Ancestry, Re-reading Aboriginality: The Life of Family Trees in Saguenay-Lac- Saint-Jean, Quebec




Some late changes may not be reflected in the index. The sessions of panel organizers are not listed.

Abraham, John, 1.4 Balka, Ellen, 7.10 Akera, Atsushi, 3.1, 13.2 Ballestero, Andrea, 12.7 Alac, Morana, 7.1, 8.9 Barben, Daniel, 2.8 Albert, Mathieu, 5.4 Bargheer, Stefan, 15.10 Albrechtslund, Anders, 2.5 Barkin, David, 5.9 Albrechtslund, Anne-M., 11.8 Barney, Darin, 3.11, 12.6 Allen, Barbara, 4.4, 7.5 Barrios, Roberto, 5.6 Allen, Robertson, 2.11 Batt, Sharon, 3.9 Altman, Rebecca Gasoir, 5.1 Bauchspies, Wenda, 13.9 Amdahl, Eva, 12.6 Baumer, Sonja, 5.11 Anderson, Gwen, 11.2 Bavington, Dean, 7.9 Anderson, Ken, 12.9 Beaton, Brian, 14.8 Anderson, Meredith, 9.10 Beaulieu, Anne, 1.2, 12.9 Andreasen, Morten, 15.9 Beck, Stefan, 3.4 Antonijevic, Smiljana, 11.8 Beech, Colin, 5.6 Aoyagi-Usui, Midori, 5.7 Bell, Philip, 7.11 Appelbaum, Richard, 4.5 Bell, Susan E., 11.2 Arnøy, Siri Hall, 5.7 Bendor, Roy, 6.1 Atkinson, Paul, 12.8 Benin, David, 14.4 Atkinson-Grosjean, Janet, 5.4 Beresford, Peter, 14.10 Averill, Marilyn, 12.5 Berkenkotter, Carol, 1.10 Azevedo, Flavio, 7.11 Berker, Thomas, 5.7 Baber, Zaheer, 11.4 Berman, Elizabeth Popp, 12.4 Bachimont, Bruno, 2.2 Berne, Rosalyn, 7.3 Bacon, Christopher, 12.10 Beunza, Daniel, 15.5 Bakan, Danny, 6.9 Biggs, Lesley, 14.11 Bal, Roland, 14.9 Bijker, Wiebe, 12.9

106 Bischur, Daniel, 9.8 Brown, Phil, 5.1 Biscotti, Dina, 12.4 Brunet, Sébastien, 11.7 Bjørn, Pernille, 7.10 Bryant, Karl, 4.5 Blanchette, Jean-François, 3.2 Bueno, Otávio, 7.3 Blizzard, Deborah, 15.8 Burbano, Andrés, 12.6 Blue, Gwendolyn, 5.10 Burg, Jericho, 8.5 Boa, Krista, 7.6 Burk, Dan, 1.7 Boczkowski, Pablo J, 9.1, 14.5 Burke, Teresa, 14.10 Bodenhorn, Barbara, 11.11 Burrell, Jenna, 14.6 Boellstorff, Tom, 3.5 Burri, Regula Valérie, 7.3 Bogner, James T., 13.7 Buscher, Monika, 8.9 Bojin, Nis, 6.10 Bushey, Douglas M., 3.7 Boman, Arild, 15.9 Caidi, Nadia, 1.11, 5.2 Bommenel, Elin, 1.3 Calay, Vincent, 6.5 Bonneuil, Christophe, 2.1 Calje, Pieter, 1.8 Borck, Cornelius, 1.6 Callison, Candis, 12.5 Borgman, Christine, 5.2 Calvert, Jane, 2.1 Bostrom, Dana, 1.7 Cambrosio, Alberto, 4.2 Bottenberg, Frances, 3.8 Campbell, Nancy, 5.5, 8.8 Boulding, Katrina, 9.9 Canning, Christopher, 13.3 Boulus, Nina, 11.1 Carlson, Rebecca, 2.11 Bouvier, David, 8.10 Carroll, Patrick, 9.3 Bowden, Gary, 5.6 Carusi, Annamaria, 15.9 Bowker, Geoffrey, 1.2, 9.1, 13.2 Caudill, David, 15.9 Boyd, Danah, 5.11, 12.9 Chabaud-Rychter, D. 15.10 Boykoff, Maxwell, 1.5 Chai, Choon Lee, 11.4 Brand, Ralf, 7.5 Chan, Anita, 8.5 Branquinho, Fatima, 5.9 Chang, Kuo-Hui, 15.7 Brekke, Ole Andreas, 14.7, 15.8 Charron, Jacques-Olivier, 15.5 Brennan, Karen, 15.8 Chateauraynaud, Francis, 8.2 Breslau, Daniel, 11.6 Chazan, Lilian Krakowski, 5.9 Bricker, Leah, 7.11 Chen, Roger, 1.5 Brister, Evelyn, 7.9 Chess, Shira, 2.11 Brömer, Rainer, 1.6 Chompalov, Ivan, 4.7 Bronet, Frances, 11.5 Chou, Kuei-tien, 11.7 Brown, Nik, 1.1, 12.8 Chou, Ray-shyng, 13.11

107 Chow-White, Peter, 2.2 Curtis, Bruce, 9.3 Choy, Tim, 9.6 Cwiartka, Monika, 12.3 Chrisman, Nicholas, 11.9 da Costa Marques, Ivan, 5.9 Christian, Licoppe, 8.6 Daemen, Floortje, 11.10 Clarke, Adele, 3.1, 9.5 Daemmrich, Arthur, 2.4 Clement, Andrew, 7.6 Dahl, Johanne Yttri, 9.4 Clough, Sharyn, 14.2 Daignault, Jacques, 9.10 Cochrane, Regina, 14.2 Daipha, Phaedra, 8.11 Cohen, Benjamin, 8.4 Dalpe, Robert, 12.4 Cohen, Julie, 12.11, 14.8 D’Arcangelis, Gwen, 14.3 Coleman, Gabriella, 14.8 Daudelin, Genevieve, 9.2 Coles, Kimberly, 2.6 Davenport, Elisabeth, 5.2 Connors, Mary, 13.7 Davis, Lennard J., 14.10 Conrad, Erik, 15.10 Day, Ron, 12.11 Conz, David B., 4.7, 7.4 Dayé, Christian, 15.10 Cool, Jennifer, 3.5 de Bremond, Ariane, 12.10 Coombe, Rosemary, 2.6 de Castell, Suzanne, 6.10 Cooper, Melinda, 1.1 de Gilder, Dick, 1.7 Coopmans, Catelijne, 9.9 de Melo-Martin, I., 7.4, 15.2 Corbett, Kevin Patrick, 15.4 de Vries, Annick, 15.1 Corbin, Michelle, 15.8 Delborne, Jason A., 5.4, 8.4 Corley, Elizabeth, 7.3 Delorme, Marie, 13.9 Corliss, Jonathan, 2.11 Delvenne, Pierre, 11.7 Cox, Helen, 3.4 den Besten, Matthijs, 1.8 Coyle, Fiona J., 7.2 DeNardis, Laura, 5.1 Craddock, Susan13.1 Derkatch, Colleen, 12.3 Crafts, Linda F., 14.11 Díaz-Kommonen, Lily, 14.10 Crease, Robert, 2.7 Dib, Lina, 8.6 Cressman, Darryl, 6.1 Dilling, Lisa, 15.3 Cronin, Blaise, 5.2 Diop, Samba, 13.1 Crosbie, Brian, 1 5.4 Ditlevsen, Marianne Grove, 1.10 Cross, Jason, 2.6 Doel, Ronald E., 2.10 Cruz, Azucena, 2.7 Doing, Park, 14.6 Cucinelli, Giuliana, 6.10 Dolle, Jon, 7.11 Cuelenaere, Laurence, 15.11 Dooley, Andrea, 13.4 Curry, Michael, 12.11 Doppelt, Jerry, 5.8

108 Downey, Gary, 12.6 Feng, Patrick, 3.11, 5.10 Downey, Greg, 1.2 Ferey, Nicolas, 4.2 Downey, Robin Ann, 1.1 Filipecki, Ana Tereza, 11.9 Dowswell, George, 14.9 Fish, Allison, 12.7 Dowty, Rachel, 5.6 Fisher, Erik, 7.4 Doyle, Rich, 9.6, 11.3 Fisher, Jill, 12.7 Dunbar-Hester, Christina, 14.5 Fleck, Alexine, 5.5 Dunn, Stuart, 1.8 Fletcher, Gordon, 2.5 Dunwoody, Sharon, 7.3 Fochler, Maximilian, 14.7 Duque, Richard B., 5.9 Foot, Kirsten, 1.7 Durnova, Anna, 13.5 Fordyce, Lauren, 9.11 Dyer, Sarah, 1.9 Forlano, Laura, 8.6 Dysart-Gale, Deborah, 12.3 Forlini, Cynthia, 8.10 Edwards, Paul, 3.2, 12.5 Forsmo, Siri, 7.8 Efstathiou, Sophia, 5.8 Forstorp, Per-Anders, 3.3 Eghigian, Greg, 8.7 Fortun, Kim, 9.6 Ehrich, Kathryn, 12.8 Fortun, Mike, 9.6 Ekbia, Hamid, 14.11 Fosket, Jennifer, 9.2 Elam, Mark, 13.10 Fountain, Renée, 9.10 Elder, Charles, 6.11 Fox, Kelly, 15.4 Elgert, Laureen, 2.8 Franzen, Lisa, 4.9 Elliott, Devon, 15.8 Freelon, Deen, 1.7 Elvebakk, Beate, 11.9 French, Martin, 13.3 Emery, Steve D., 14.10 Friese, Carrie, 4.11 Eppinger, Monica, 15.11 Frohlich, Xaq, 5.10 Erickson, Ingrid, 2.5 Fry, Jenny, 1.8 Erikson, Susan, 11.1 Fu, Daiwie, 13.3 Eriksson, Lena, 12.8 Fujimura, Joan, 7.1 Erol, Maral, 1.6 Fujioka, T., 6.9 Escobar, Jairo, 12.6 Fuller, Steve, 11.4 Evans, Robert, 5.1 Fullwiley, Duana, 12.1 Feenberg, Andrew, 5.8, 6.1, 6.9 Fumio, Takada, 15.4 Feinstein, Noah, 7.11 Funk, Jason, 15.3 Fellow, James Martin, 1.5 Galusky, Wyatt, 5.10 Felt, Ulrike, 14.7, 14.9 Galis, Vasilis, 5.1 Feng, Franc, 15.8 Ganchoff, Chris, 5.4

109 Gandsman, Ari, 4.10 Goven, Joanna, 8.1 Garcia, Antonio, 12.6 Graham, Janice, 3.9 García, Edith, 5.9 Green, Bonnie, 5.1, 15.7 Gardner, Paula, 1.4 Greene, Jeremy, 5.3 Garvin, Theresa, 11.11 Greenslit, Nathan, 1.4 Gasior, Rebecca, 5.1 Greer, Ann Lennarson, 11.1 Gasser, Les, 1.2 Grewal, Inderpal, 2.9 Gaudillière, Jean-Paul, 2.1 Gugglberger, Lisa, 14.9 Gautschi, Heidi, 2.2 Guggenheim, Michael, 7.5 Gazan, Rich, 12.11 Gusterson, Hugh, 14.3 Geesink, Ingrid, 12.8 Guston, David, 7.3 Geltzer, Anna, 1.11 Guvenc-Salgirli, Sanem, 13.8 Gendron, Jean-Philippe, 8.2 Guy, Simon, 7.5 Genuth, Joel, 4.7 Guzik, Keith, 14.5 Geransar, Rose, 14.7 Hackett, Edward J., 4.7, 7.4 Getz, Christina, 11.7 Haigh, Maria, 1.11 Ghodsee, Kristen, 2.9 Haigh, Thomas, 4.8 Gianella, Eric, 4.5 Håland, Erna, 15.6 Gibbon, Sahra, 11.11 Halfpenny, Peter, 5.2 Gilbert, Hannah, 12.1 Hall, Lauren, 15.8 Giles-Vernick, Tamara, 13.1 Hammer, Svein, 7.8 Gillespie, Tarleton, 12.2 Hammer, Taylor, 2.7 Gingras, Yves, 3.11, 11.4 Hand, Martin, 2.2 Ginn, Mike, 13.7 Hanseth, Ole, 3.2 Glasner, Peter, 12.8 Hara, Noriko, 6.9 Glenna, Leland, 12.4 Haran, Joan, 7.2 Glick, Megan, 14.3 Harbsmeier, Michael, 2.10 Glover, Dominic, 8.4 Harding, Sandra, 14.2 Godechot, Olivier, 15.5 Harper, Krista, 12.10 Gómez-Morales, Yuri Jack, 11.9 Harris, Chad, 9.9 Gond, Jean-Pascal, 15.5 Harrison, Stephen, 14.9 Goodman, Mike, 1.5 Harrison-Paul, Russell, 15.4 Gopakumar, Govind, 7.5 Harsh, Matthew, 3.6, 4.1, 8.4 Gorgulu, Burcu, 13.8 Harthorn, Barbara Herr, 4.5 Goto, Akira, 12.4 Hartmann, Elizabeth, 1.5 Gottweis, Herbert, 1.1 Hartswood, M., 11.6

110 Hasse, Catherine, 2.7, 3.8 Howard, Jeff, 7.5 Hatch, Anthony, 5.3 Huang, Hsin-i, 4.7 Healy, David, 1.4 Huber, Lara, 1.6 Healy, Stephen, 15.1 Huff, April, 3.10 Heath, Deborah, 6.8 Idhe, Don, 2.7, 3.8 Hebert, Jean, 6.1 Iles, Alastair, 2.8 Hedgecoe, Adam, 14.7 Ingram, Mrill, 15.7 Hellsten, Lina, 1.8 Ingram-Waters, Mary, 4.5 Helmreich, Stefan, 11.3 Intemann, Kristen, 15.2 Henderson, Kathryn, 5.6 Irwin, Alan, 15.1 Henderson, Marnie, 4.9 Ito, Kenji, 11.9 Henwood, Karen, 13.10 Jackson, Chloe, 13.4 Hernandez, Richard Arias, 8.5 Jackson, Steve, 2.2 Hess, David, 2.3 Jacob, Marie Andrée, 4.3 Hilgartner, Stephen, 2.1 Jain, Sara S. Lochlan, 2.9 Hillback, Elliott, 7.3 Jasanoff, Sheila, 7.4, 9.3 Hinck, Richard, 12.6 Jensen, Torben Elgaard, 1.7 Hindmarsh, Richard, 6.2 Jenson, Jennifer, 6.10 Hird, Myra, 4.11 Jerak-Zuiderent, Sonja, 14.9 Hobson-West, Pru, 9.8 Jesiek, Brent, 4.9 Hoechsmann, Michael, 6.10 Jessen, Hanne, 9.8 Hoeyer, Klaus, 1.9 Jirotka, Marina, 1.2, 15.9 Hoffman, Bruce, 14.8 Johnson, Andi, 14.2 Hogle, Linda F., 1.1, 2.1 Johnson, Emma, 7.9 Hoholm, Thomas, 8.11 Johnson, Ericka, 1.3 Holden, Kerry, 2.4 Joly, Pierre-Benoit, 2.1 Holmes, Christina, 5.9 Joly, Yann, 1.1 Homchick, Julie, 15.8 Jones, David, 5.3 Hope, Kristin, 12.6, 15.2 Jones, Mavis, 3.9 Horman, Judith, 9.10 Jones, M. Cameron, 7.7 Horst, Heather A., 5.11 Jones, Susan, 13.1 Horst, Maja, 15.2 Jonvallen, Petra, 1.3 Høstaker, Roar, 14.5 Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard, 5.7 Houdart, Sophie, 6.5 Jørgensen, Ulrik, 5.7, 11.6 Houghtaling, Melissa, 13.3 Joyce, Kelly, 11.2 Hovland, Jon, 7.8 Jung, Arelena, 15.2

111 Jung, Corinna, 13.5 Kitzinger, Jenny, 7.2 Kahn, Jonathan, 5.3 Kiuchi, Yuya, 13.4 Kakigi, R., 6.9 Kleinman, Daniel, 2.3, 5.4 Kalofonos, Ippolytos, 9.11 Kliems, Harald, 15.4 Kampf, Antje, 1.6 Klingbeil, Melanie, 15.6 Kampf, Constance, 1.10 Kloppenburg, Sanneke, 12.9 Kandlikar, Milind, 4.5 Knouf, Nicholas, 13.6 Kang, Helen, 14.4 Koithan, Mary, 6.11 Kaplan, Caren, 2.9 Kolhi-Laven, Nina, 15.11 Kaplan, Sarah, 14.9 Konopasek, Zdenek, 8.11, 15.8 Karanovic, Jelena, 8.5 Koo, Michael, 2.2 Karlsen, Beate, 8.11 Koolmees, Peter, 13.1 Karvonen, Andrew, 7.5 Kotchetkova, Inna, 5.1 Kastberg, Peter, 1.10 Kozak, Nadine, 11.6 Katz, Marian, 5.5 Kraft, Alison, 12.8 Kaplan, Caren, 2.9 Kuchinskaya, Olga, 1.11 Kaufman, Sarah, 4.4 Kuo, Wen-Hua, 14.4 Keiner, Christine, 7.9 Kurasawa, Fuyuki, 11.4 Kelty, Christopher, 12.2 Kurath, Monika, 1.7 Kempner, Joanna, 4.4 Kussin, Matthias, 15.5 Kenner, Ali, 6.7 Kwa, Chunglin, 14.11 Kenney, Martha, 8.3 Laberge, Suzanne, 5.4, 11.9 Kerr, Ian, 7.6 Lacy, William, 12.4 Khandekar, Aalok, 9.6 Lagesen, Vivian Anette, 11.5 Killen, Andreas, 8.7 Lajus, Julia, 2.10 Kim, Byoungyoon, 6.7 Lambiotte, Renauld, 1.8 Kim, Gouk Tae, 15.2 Lamont, Michèle, 6.6 Kim, Hyomin, 5.10 Lampland, Martha, 5.8 Kim, Seong-Jun, 13.10 Langer, Patricia G., 5.11 Kim, Soowook, 7.11 Langer, Susanne, 5.1 Kimbell, Lucy, 1.9 Langford, Cooper, 1.10 Kinchy, Abby, 2.3, 8.4 Larsen, Malene Charlotte, 2.5 Kinsella, William, 11.7 Laurent, Brice, 7.4 Kirmayer, Laurence, 4.10 Lauridsen, Erik Hagelskjær, 5.7 Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah, 7.10 Lave, Rebecca, 2.4 Kita, Chigusa, 4.8 Lawson, Sean, 2.11

112 Layne, Linda, 11.5 Loukissas, Yanni, 6.5 Leach, Joan, 12.3 Lowrey, Kathleen, 3.11 Leahy, Dee, 8.10 Luce, Jacqueline, 7.3 Lee, Francis, 3.3 Lucht, Petra, 15.9 Lee, Sharone, 5.6 Lucio-Arias, Diana, 4.2 Leeming, William John, 4.6 Lynch, Bill, 13.2 Lehoux, Pascale, 9.2 Lynch, Michael, 4.3 Lehtonen, Turo-Kimmo, 13.11 Lyon, David, 7.6 Leibin, Annette, 6.4 Ma, EunJeong, 14.4 Leibler, Anat, 9.3 Maasen, Sabine, 6.6 Lenoir, Timothy, 4.5 MacGillivray, Alice, 13.7 Leuenberger, Christine, 8.7 Machado, Carlos Saldanha, 11.9 Leydesdorff, Loet, 4.2 Mackenzie, Adrian, 7.1 Leynse, Wendy, 6.8 Maclaird, Misha, 15.11 Lewis, William, 14.2 Magnet, Shoshana, 11.2, 14.5 Lezaun, Javier, 4.3 Mahajan, Manjari, 4.3 Lieb, Renate, 7.10 Mahiri, Jalani 15.11 Lievrouw, Leah, 3.2, 12.2 Mamo, Laura, 9.2 Light, Ben, 2.5 Manzei, Alexandra, 11.1 Lin, Yu-Wei, 1.8, 5.2 Maricle, Genevieve, 7.4, 15.3 Linberg, Per, 7.10 Marlor, Chantelle, 8.11 Lindseth, Brian, 15.6 Marquez, Victor, 14.6 Ling, Richard, 8.6 Marshall, Barbara L., 1.4 Linhardt, Dominique, 15.1 Martin, Aryn, 5.8 Little, Patrick, 12.6 Martin, David, 15.5 Liu, Jennifer, 9.11 Martin, Paul, 12.8 Llovet, Diego, 13.6 Martin, Rémondet, 4.11 Lloyd, Stephanie, 4.10 Mascarenhas, Michael, 11.7 Lock, Margaret, 9.2, 12.1 Mason, Arthur, 2.4 Lomell, Heidi Mork, 7.8 Massanari, Adrienne, 12.2 Long, David E., 15.8 Massarani, Luisa, 14.6 Longo, Bernadette, 1.10 Mather, Charles, 11.11 López, José, 4.6 Matthews, Ralph, 11.7 Lorcin, Patricia, 13.1 Mawler, Stuart, 11.10 Losh, Elizabeth, 3.5 May, John, 7.5 Lottero-Perdue, Pamela, 11.11 May, Peter J., 5.6

113 Mayer, Brian, 2.3 Mirmalek, Zara, 5.8 Mazzotti, Massimo, 13.6 Mirowski, Philip, 2.4 McAllister, James, 5.8 Mitman, Gregg, 9.6 McAlister, Carlota, 2.6 Mitralias, Roxanne, 15.1 McCormick, Sabrina, 2.3 Moallem, Minoo, 2.9 McCray, Patrick, 4.5 Moltu, Berti, 14.11 McCulloch, Anne, 15.4 Monahan, Torin, 7.6 McDermott, Ray, 7.11 Montpetit, Eric, 6.4 McEwen, Rhonda, 7.6 Moore, Alfred, 1.9 McGowan, Michelle, 15.2 Moore, Kelly, 2.3, 5.10 McGuire, Wendy, 5.4 Moore, Steven A., 6.5 McMillan, Bill, 4.8 Morello-Frosch, Rachel, 5.1 McNeil, Jeremy, 11.7 Mørk, Bjørn Erik, 8.11 McNeil, Maureen, 7.2 Morris, Norma, 4.7 McNie, Elizabeth C., 15.3 Motta, Rossio, 5.9 Meldrum, Marcia, 5.5 Mugwagwa, Julius T., 8.4 Mellström, Ulf, 3.3 Mukerji, Chandra, 2.9 Meneley, Anne, 6.8 Mullaney, Thomas S., 12.11 Menschenfreund, Yaki, 15.8 Mulvaney, Dustin, 12.10 Mesman, Jessica, 8.9, 9.1 Munch, Birgitte, 11.6 Messinger, Seth, 15.4 Muniesa, Fabian, 15.1 Metcalf, Jacob, 8.3 Munnecke, Max, 1.7 Metcalfe, Amy, 15.10 Muño-Rubio, Julio, 15.7 Metzl, Jonathan, 6.4 Murai, Emily, 4.9 Metzler, Ingrid, 6.2 Murray, Fiona, 14.9 Meyer, Eric T., 11.3 Myers, Natasha, 1.3, 11.3 Meyer, Martin, 4.2 Næss, Robert, 5.7 Meyer, Ryan, 15.3 Nahm, Sheena, 12.7 Miettinen, Reijo, 5.4 Nakai, Toshiki, 15.9 Michael, Mike, 12.8 Naue, Ursula, 6.2, 14.10 Middleton, Anna, 14.10 Neff, Gina, 12.2 Miller, Clark, 2.8 Neff, Mark, 12.5 Miller, Paige, 15.6 Nelson, Nicole, 9.8 Millerand, Francoise, 5.8 Neresini, Federico, 6.7 Milojevic, Stasa, 4.2 Nerlich, Brigitte, 7.3, 15.3 Mior, Silvano, 14.11 Neumaier, Christopher, 13.6

114 Neves-Graca, Katja, 4.6 Papageorgiou, Kyriaki, 2.8 Newfield, Christopher J., 4.5 Parker, John N., 4.7 Neyland, Daniel, 1.9 Parker, Michael, 15.9 Nguyen, Lilly, 12.11 Parkhill, Karen, 13.10 Nguyen, Vinh-Kim, 12.1 Parreñas, Rheana (Juno), 4.11 Nichols, Leah, 3.7 Parsi, John, 15.7 Nicolini, Davide, 15.2 Parthasarathy, Shobita, 2.8 Nieusma, Dean, 13.6 Paul, Nobert W., 1.6 Niewöhner, Jörg, 3.4 Paxson, Heather, 6.8 Nolan, Jason, 6.9 Pereira, Luciana, 14.6 Noorman, Merel, 8.9 Pesch, Udo, 15.1 Norgaard, Richard B., 3.7 Peters, Peter, 12.9 Novas, Carlos, 14.4 Petersen, Søreb Mørk, 2.5, 12.9 November, Joseph, 4.8 Peterson, Kristen, 12.7 Nyssa, Zoe, 6.3 Petrick, Elizabeth, 15.6 O’Donnell, Casey, 2.11 Petrina, Stephen, 7.11, 15.8 Odumosu, Toluwalogo, 7.7 Phadke, Roopali, 12.10 Ohata, Takako, 15.4 Philbrick, Mark, 6.7 Olivo, Robert, 15.10 Philip, Kavita, 7.1 Olofsson, Jennie, 14.2 Phillips, David J., 7.6 O’Riordan, Kate, 7.2 Pickersgill, Martyn, 8.10 Orr, Jackie, 5.5, 13.4 Pidgeon, Nick, 13.10 Orsini, Michael, 11.2 Piery, Graciela, 13.5 Østerlie, Wenche, 7.8 Pinch, Trevor, 2.5 Ortiz, Horacio, 15.5 Piper, Arthur, 2.7, 3.8 Ottinger, Gwen, 5.1 Pirtle, Zachary, 12.5 Oudshorn, Nelly, 11.1 Pitluck, Aaron, 15.5 Overdevest, Christine, 2.3 Plafcan, Dan, 9.7 Owens, Jeffrey S., 11.8 Plante, Patrick, 9.10 Padolsky, Miriam, 9.2 Plonski, Guilherme Ary, 14.6 Paik, Young-Gyung, 9.5 Pollitt, Chris, 14.9 Palecek, Jan, 8.11, 15.8 Pollock, Anne, 5.3 Palmour, Nicole, 8.10 Pollock, Neil, 13.11 Palpant, Nathan, 15.2 Poon, Martha, 15.5 Panofsky, Aaron, 11.9 Popova-Gosart, Ulia, 1.11 Pantev, C., 6.9 Post, Jack, 6.1

115 Postigo, Hector, 2.11 Richardson Jr., John V., 1.11 Poudrier, Jennifer, 13.9 Ries, Christopher J., 2.10 Powell, Alison, 11.5 Rip, Arie, 7.4 Powell, Maria, 4.4 Ritenbaugh, Cheryl, 6.11 Prainsack, Barbara, 4.3, 6.2 Robbins, Rosemary, 4.11 Prasad, Amit, 7.1, 9.1 Roberts, Elizabeth F.S., 12.1 Preda, Alex, 13.11 Roberts, Jody A., 4.4 Prentice, Rachel, 1.3, 6.4 Rock, Melanie, 5.10 Pridmore, Jason, 9.4 Rodrigues, Nubia, 6.4 Procter, Rob, 5.2, 11.6 Rodgers, Diane, 13.9 Pujadas, Anna, 11.11 Rogers-Hayden, Tee, 4.5 Racine, Eric, 8.10 Rogers, Susan, 11.11 Ragep, Jamil, 1.6 Romain, Tiffany, 6.4 Raike, Antti, 14.10 Roosth, Sophia, 11.3 Raikhel, Eugene, 4.10 Rosenbaum, Howard, 6.9 Rajan, Kaushik S., 8.3, 12.7 Rosenberger, Robert, 3.8 Rajan, Ravi, 12.10 Rosenfeld, Adam, 2.7 Raman, Sujatha, 15.3 Rosental, Claude, 6.3 Randalls, Samuel, 2.4 Ross, B., 6.9 Rapp, Rayna, 12.1 Rossi, Michael, 11.3 Rarieya, Marie, 15.3 Rottenburg, Richard, 14.6 Raska, Paola, 14.7 Rousseau, Benedicte, 14.9 Ratto, Matt, 9.9 Rowland, Nicholas, 12.4 Reardon, Jenny, 6.2 Ryan, Marianne, 11.8 Redfield, Peter, 2.6 Ryghaug, Marianne, 5.7 Rees, Gethin, 14.8 Saari, Eveliina, 11.11 Reid, Grace, 7.2 Sætnan, Ann Rudinow, 7.8 Reinhart, Martin, 6.6 Saitoh, Yoshiko, 15.9 Remedios, Francis, 11.4 Sakellariou, Nicholas, 12.6 Rémondet, Martin, 2.1 Salkeld, Ellen, 6.11 Reppy, Judith, 9.7 Salonius, Annalisa, 12.4 Reuteur, Shelley Z., 4.6 Sanchez-Allred, Alberto, 15.11 Reymers, Kurt, 2.3 Sanders, Carrie B., 9.4 Rhoten, Diana, 4.2, 7.4 Sangaramoorthy, Thurka, 9.11 Ribes, David, 1.2 Santora, Lidia, 7.8 Richardson, Alan, 13.8 Sassower, Raphael, 14.7

116 Satterfield, Terrre, 4.5 Sims, Benjamin, 14.3 Sawyer, Steve, 11.10 Sims, Christo, 5.11 Schairer, Cynthia, 3.10 Sirnes, Thorvald, 14.7, 15.8 Scharnhorst, Andrea, 1.8 Sismondo, Sergio, 1.4, 3.11 Schleifer, David, 5.10 Sivertsen, Silje, 15.2 Schell, C. J., 15.9 Skill, Karin, 3.3 Scheufele, Dietram, 7.3 Skolbekken, John-Arne, 7.8 Schienke, Erich, 12.5, 15.3 Slack, R., 11.6 Schrader, Astrid, 8.3 Slater, Don, 7.1 Schroeder, Ralph, 11.10 Slavet, Eliza, 15.4 Schwartzman, Luisa Farah, 7.8 Smith, Elta, 12.7 Segal, Judy, 12.3 Smith, Emily, 4.9 Segerstrale, Ullica, 15.7 Smith, Lindsay, 2.6 Selin, Cynthia, 7.4 Smith, Robert, 11.2 Selinger, Evan, 2.7 Snoddon, Kristin, 14.10 Serlin, David, 3.10 Söderström, Ola, 6.5 Sha, Xin Wei, 5.12 Solbjør, Marit, 7.8 Shachaf, Pnina, 6.9 Solli, Jøran, 5.7 Shade, Leslie Regan, 12.2 Solomon, Harris, 12.1 Shamy, David, 8.1 Solórzano Jr., Ramón, 14.5 Shankar, Kalpana, 5.2 Somers, André, 6.9 Shapiro, Jeremy J., 14.11 Song, John, 13.1 Sharratt, Liam, 6.5 Sonnenwald, Diane H., 5.2 Shaw, Ryan, 2.2 Sonnett, John, 13.3 Shea, Elizabeth, 6.3 Sörlin, Sverker, 2.10 Shih, Tsung-jen, 7.3 Spinardi, Graham, 9.7 Shilton, Katie, 12.11 Spoel, Philippa, 12.3 Shim, Janet, 5.3, 9.2 Srinivasan, Ramesh, 1.2 Short, Frances, 6.8 St-Hilaire, Pierre-Luc, 6.4 Shrum, Wesley, 4.7, 15.6 Stalcup, Meg, 15.11 Sigl, Lisa, 14.7 Staley, Thomas, 3.1, 15.10 Silverman, Chloe, 9.2 Star, Leigh, 3.2 Silverman, Robert, 5.6 Stark, David, 15.5 Sim, Susan Elliot, 7.1 Stern, Jonathan, 15.6 Simmons, Peter, 13.10 Strauss, Linda, 15.8 Simon, Bart, 12.9 Streeter, Thomas, 12.2

117 Strulik, Torsten, 6.6 Tøndel, Gunhild, 7.8 Stephens, Neil, 12.8 Tonso, Karen, 11.5 Stephenson, Rebecca Herr, 5.11 Toller, Liz, 3.9 Subramaniam, Banu, 15.7 Torny, Didier, 8.2 Suchman, Lucy, 7.1 Törpel, Bettina, 11.6 Sutherland, Elizabeth, 6.11 Toumey, Chris, 7.3 Sutton, David, 6.8 Tournay, Virginie, 6.4 Suzuki, Jun, 12.4 Tousignant, Noemi, 5.5 Sydee, Jasmin, 1.5, 15.3 Towghi, Fouzieyha, 9.11 Syder, Andrew, 15.10 Trainor, L., 6.9 Tagle, Daniel, 5.9 Traweek, Sharon, 13.2 Takeshita, Chikako, 9.5 Tripp, Lisa, 5.11 Takhteyev, Yuri, 11.10 Trottier, Daniel, 9.4 Tanja, Paulitz, 12.6 Trubek, Amy, 6.8 Tarkiainen, Ari, 1.7 Tsuchiya, Atsuhi, 15.4 Tatum, Clifford, 11.8 Tuana, Nancy, 12.5 Taupo, Trina, 8.1 Turner, Fred, 12.2 Taussig, Karen-Sue, 4.9 Turner, Graham H., 14.10 Taylor, Nicholas, 6.10 Turner, William, 4.2 Taylor, Peter, 3.1, 13.2 Vaezi, Shabnam, 2.2 Taylor, T.L., 2.11, 12.9 Wakeford, Nina, 12.9 te Kulve, Haico, 7.4 Valderrama, Andrés, 11.6, 12.6 Teixeira, Márcia Oliveira, 11.9 van den Heuvel, Charles, 1.8 TenEyck, Toby, 7.3 van der Weijden, Inge, 1.7 Terry, Jennifer, 2.9 van Egmond, Stans, 15.1 Thomas, Douglas, 2.11, 3.5 Van Gunten, Tod, 5.9 Thomson, L. Katherine, 5.3 van House, Nancy, 3.2 Thompson, Charis, 9.11, 14.1 Van Hoyweghen, Ine, 15.5 Thoutenhoofd, Ernst, 1.8, 14.10 VanderSteen, Jonathan, 12.6 Timmermans, Stefan, 5.3 VanSteelandt, Amanda, 11.11 Timmons, Stephen, 15.4 Varma, Roli, 11.5 Tinn, Honghong, 11.10 Vehviläinen, Marja, 11.5 Todayama, Kazuhisa, 15.9 Velpry, Livia, 4.10 Toennesen, Christian, 1.9 Venkatesan, Priya, 12.3 Tolar, Marianne, 11.1 Venkatesh, Murali, 11.8 Tomblin, David, 7.9 Verbeek, Peter Paul, 3.8, 6.1

118 Verdicchio, Dirk, 15.9 Welsh, Rick, 12.4 Verhoef, Marja, 6.11 Whelan, Emma, 5.5 Vermeulen, Niki, 14.11 White, Deborah, 14.8 Vertisi, Janet, 9.9 Whitington, Jerome, 15.11 Vignone, Kathryn, 15.10 Whitmarsh, Ian, 12.1 Vion, Antoine, 8.2 Whitson, Jennifer, 9.4 Viseu, Ana, 9.7 Wibeck, Victoria, 7.9 Vogel, Kathleen, 9.7 Williams, Amanda, 1.10 Volonté, Paolo, 13.3 Williams, Clare, 12.8 Voss, Alex, 5.2, 11.6 Williams, Lambert, 13.3 Vostral, Sharra, 11.2 Willse, Craig, 14.9 Waddington, David, 7.11 Wilson, Barbara, 7.5 Wagner, Ina, 7.10 Winner, Langdon, 5.1 Wagner, Sarah, 2.6 Wittkower, Dylan, 11.8 Waidzunas, Tom, 3.10 Wolf-Meyer, Matthew, 4.10 Wainwright, Steven, 12.8 Woodhouse, Edward J., 5.6 Wajcman, Judy, 8.6 Woods, Karen-Marie, 6.7 Wakeford, Nina, 12.9 Woolgar, Steve, 1.9 Waldy, Catherine, 1.1, 6.2 Worthington, Rick, 5.1 Walker, Dana, 11.8 Wouters, Paul, 1.2, 1.8 Wall, Tyler, 14.3 Wray, Matt, 13.5 Wallace, William A., 5.6 Wright, Nick, 15.3 Walsh, John, 12.4 Wu, Chia-Ling, 9.5 Walsh, Kevin, 15.6 Wu, Yan-Chiou, 9.5 Wamala, Caroline, 15.6 Wyatt, Sally, 12.9 Wang, Jun, 6.11 Wylie, Sara, 11.3 Warner, Keith, 11.7 Wynne, Brian, 7.2 Washburn, Rachel, 1.3 Xin, Cindy, 6.9 Watanabe, Jennifer, 8.3 Yamanouchi, Yasunori, 15.9 Watanabe, Maiko, 15.4 Yaneva, Albena, 6.5 Weaver, Mary, 4.11 Yardi, Sarita, 5.11 Weber, James, 15.9 Yasaki, Yoshihito, 12.4 Webster, Andrew, 12.8 Young, Allan, 3.4, 8.7 Weil, Ben, 12.10 Young, Nathan, 11.7 Weingart, Peter, 6.6 Yu, Joon-Ho, 14.4 Weinstein, Matthew, 6.3 Zapata, Cristian Berrío, 5.9

119 Zeiss, Ragna, 15.1 Zivian, Anna, 12.10 Zeller, Suzanne, 2.10 Zuiderent-Jerak, Teun, 14.9 Zerner, Charles, 14.3 Zimmer, Michael, 2.5 Zimmerman, Ann, 2.2