British Achievement Awards -

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6

Demonstrate: (with coach or Demonstrate: (with coach or Demonstrate: (with coach or Demonstrate: (with coach or Demonstrate: (with coach or Demonstrate: (with coach or partner) partner) partner) partner) partner) partner) While following your 1. The While following your While following your While following your partner's steps forward and While following your 2. The salute partner's steps forward and partner's steps forward and partner's steps forward and backward: partner's steps forward and 3. The on guard - guard of backward: backward: backward: 1. Maintain correct distance backward: tierce and quarte 1. Maintain correct lunging 1. Maintain hitting distance and 1. Maintain correct distance and choose the moment to step 1. Maintain correct distance 4. Steps forward and backward distance make successive cuts to, head, and when your partner pauses, forward with a direct to and choose the moment to 5. Cuts to head, flank, and 2. Maintain correct distance, flank. chest, and arm using to arm with a deceive your partner's parry; make a step forward chest cut to head, flank, and chest various combinations 2. Maintain correct distance continue the attack with a lunge preparation then: 6. Direct attack with lunge to without a lunge 2. Maintain correct distance and as your partner makes a 2. Choose the moment to begin - If your partner's arm head, flank, and chest 3. Maintain correct distance and each time your partner balestra preparation then balestra steps preparation; as straightens with the point in 7. Parries of tierce, quarte, and and, each time your partner pauses do a simple attack with attacks with lunge, stop-cut to your partner moves away and line, beat attack direct with quinte with a direct pauses, cut to head, flank, and a step-lunge arm with a step back parries, attack into the opening lunge 8. Make your opponent’s attack chest with a lunge 3. Step-lunge with a simple 3. Maintain correct distance line with a lunge - If your partner fails to react, fall short and hit with a direct 4. Each time your partner attack, if your opponent parries and as your partner pauses, 3. Maintain correct distance attack with a compound action attack attacks with a lunge to head, hit into the opening line attack with a step-lunge. If your and step forward with a small with a step-lunge flank or chest, parry tierce, partner attempts to parry hit feint as a preparation of attack 2. Choose the moment to Describe: quarte, or quinte with a direct From a stationary position into an opening line - If your partner parries, attack attack with a lunge to draw 1. How to use your sabre safely riposte 4. Cuts to arm into the opening line with a your partner's parry-riposte 2. How to fence safely 5. Each time your partner 5. Beat attack From a stationary position: lunge then parry and counter-riposte 3. The target area attacks with a lunge or step- 6. Indirect riposte following 4. Beat attack on the -If your partner steps back, 3. Maintain distance and when 4. The principles of fencing with lunge make them fall short and parries of tierce, quarte, and opponent’s preparation or attack with a step lunge your partner attacks, parry and the sabre and right of way hit them with a lunge quinte attack -If your partner attacks, parry- make a compound riposte 5. Fencing etiquette 7. Parries of tierce, quarte and 5. Compound attacks with one riposte From a stationary position: quinte with a first counter- feint 4. Maintain correct distance From a stationary position: 6. Direct and indirect hits with riposte 6. Parries of prime and and make a compound attack 6. Compound attacks with the the point 8. Attacks to head, flank, and seconde with a step lunge to deceive a point 7. Successive cuts to head, chest with step-lunge and 7. Beats in the low lines beat 7. Indirect and compound flank, chest, and arm using balestra-lunge 5. Maintain correct distance derobements with the point various combinations Describe: and, if your partner makes a 8. Successive parries with a 8. Indirect cuts to head, flank Describe: 1. Scoring on a pool sheet; first long attack, make them fall step back and chest 1. ' of attack" and second indicators short. Hit them with either an 2. Indirect actions - give three 2. Rules regarding:- immediate direct attack or a Describe: Describe: examples - Turning long attack, depending on their 1. Use of "line" and 1. Courteous and respectful 3. Duties of referee - Hard hitting and dangerous recovery. derobements behaviour and the fencer’s 4. Rules regarding the fencing 2. Counter-offensive actions “Pledge of Honour" (cf. t.84) boundaries of the - Crossing the feet From a Stationary Position: 3. Change of tempo and using 2. Parts of the sabre 3. Black card offences 6. Through cuts to chest and this in a fight 3. Dimensions of the piste flank 7. Compound and Demonstrate: counter-ripostes 1. Referee a fight to 5 hits 8. Ripostes and counter- correctly using hand signals ripostes with balestra steps and lunge

Describe: 1. Second-intention actions 2. Simple and compound actions 3. Use of preparations 4. Electric sabre recording apparatus 5. Fencer's electrical equipment 6. Testing the equipment before the start of a fight