Masonic Culture Workshops Scheduled In Four Areas The PENNSYLVANIA To Assist Lodge Officers The Grand Lodge Committee on Ma­ sonic Culture has divided the Jurisdic­ FREE1VIASON tion into four areas, one more than was previously announced. AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF Masonic Culture Seminars are being FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA conducted in these areas to assist Lodge Officers to prepare interesting Lodge meetings. The agenda for the Seminars covers VOLUME XXII MAY • 1975 NUMBER 2 introduction materials and services pro­ vided by the Grand Lodge Committee "Rededication Month" on Masonic Culture. 197 6 Lodge Programs A " Packet" of informative papers, pamphlets and other helpful guides is Are Being Distributed Five members of the Rodd family, all Officers of Chartiers Lodge No. 297, Canonsburg, are being distributed to those attending the Grand Master Calls Craft to Labor shown with Bro. Eugene G. Painter, District Deputy Grand Master for the 29th Masonic District. Front row, left to right: Bro. Robert C. Rodd, Senior Deacon; Bro. Painter, and Bro. Seminars. October has been designated " Re­ John T. Rodd, Worshipful Master. Rear row, left to right: Bro. John R. Rodd, Past Master The four Area Chairmen, Members of dedication to Freemasonry" Month by By District Deputies and Secretary; Bro. Howard J. Orr, Past Master and Secretary Emeritus and cousin of Bro. the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic John R. Rodd; and Bro. Robert C. Rodd II, Junior Warden. Bro. John R. Rodd is the father the Grand Master. of the three Rodds. Culture, are responsible for the follow­ In making the announcement, Bro. ing Masonic Districts: Recommended Masonic Lodge pro­ Rochester B. Woodall, R. W. Grand grams for 1976 have been sent to Dis­ Membership Statistics Area "A", Bro. Edward A. Hagel, Master, said: trict Deputy Grand Masters for distri­ P.D.D.G.M., Chairman. "It is a month to reaffirm our dedi­ bution to all Lodges in this Jurisdic­ Districts: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, cation to Freemasonry as a prelude to tion. Number Of Deaths Decreased During 197 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 36, J. 1976-our Nation's bicentennial year." There are eleven suggested programs, Admitted in 1974 . 694 The number of deaths decreased in 40, 42, and 60. complete for presentation if the Wor­ 1974 to 5,889 - the lowest number of Initiated in 1974 4,860 H e announced that Master Masons Area "B", Bro. Howard 0. Stahl, shipful Master in 1976 so desires. deaths since 1965. who attend the Stated Meeting of their Increase 5,554 Chairman. In 1974 there were 4,860 initiated in own Lodge in October will be given a They include: Suspended in 1974 1,389 Districts: 11 , 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, this Jurisdiction, 145 less than in 1973. special privilege-an outstanding oppor­ January -Birth of a Nation - The Resigned in 197 4 735 18, 35, 45, 46, 50, 58 and 59. Bro. William A. Carpenter, R. W. tunity. Declaration of Independence - Grand Secretary, reported there were Deaths in 1974 . . 5,889 Area "C", Bro. Walter L. Sykes, Decrease 8,013 The Worshipful Master of every February - The Struggle for Free­ 232,139 Masons in 600 Symbolic Lodges P.D.D.G.M., Chairman. Lodge in this Jurisdiction will have an dom, Valley Forge, Bro. George in Pennsylvania, as of December 27, This reflects a net decrease in mem­ Districts: 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 3 1, 32, adequate supply of specially designed 1976 Masonic Emblem Washington. 1974. bership of 2,459. 34, 38, 39, 41 , 43, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 1976 Masonic lapel emblems available March - Our Constitution and its Bro. Carpenter pointed out that the 55 and 57. at the October Stated Meeting. The Grand Master has announced that Masonic Heritage, The Men Who figures may change slightly after a com­ Additional information on member­ Area "D", Bro Robert Batto, P.D.D.­ Those attending their Lodge can pur­ no exceptions can be permitted oi1 the Planned Our Future As A Nation. plete study of the general returns. ship in 1974 will be printed in the Pro­ G.M., Chairman chase one of these 1976 lapel emblems rules to obtain emblems. April - Bro. Benjamin Franklin, His The statistics for 1974 show: ceedings. Districts: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, for $2.00. The emblem shows the Liberty Bel I, Contribution to Our National and 37, 44, 52, 53 and 56. Visitors will not be permitted to ob­ and is antique yellow gold plated. Fraternal Beginnings. tain the emblem. They must attend the The Area Chairmen will be responsi­ The honor to wear the emblem in May - Law and Order - Magna THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON Second Class October Stated Meeting of their "moth­ 1975 has been restricted to those who Carta Reaffirmed in America. POSTAGE ble for coordinating the Grand Lodge Distribution Office er" Lodge. have attended the "Rededication:' meet­ June - Our Masonic Presidents - MASONIC HOMES PAID AT Masonic Culture programs. Eli

Bro. Haym Solomon, a pencil sketch. A member of Lodge No. 2, he helped finance the Revolution. Bro. Haym Solomon Another unsung hero of the Revolu­ tion was Bro. Haym Solomon (Salo­ mon) , also a member of Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia. He was born in Lissa, Poland, about 1740. An astute banker and broker. Bro. In a rare print, Bro. Haym Solomon, a member of Lodge No. 2 in Pennsylvania, is shown Solomon negotiated all Revolutionary at the desk completing loan to help finance the Revolution. Standing to his right is Bro. War securities from France and Holland Robert Morris, a Pennsylvania Mason, often referred to as the financier of the Revolution. on his personal note without loss of a gress, and a signer of the Declaration of those troubled times . penny to America. When he died in Independence. Shortly after the British occupied Bro. George Washington wearing the Lafayette Masonic Apron. Bro. Benjamin Franklin opens the Lodge, a Past Grand Master of 1784, the United States was indebted to Philadelphia, an interesting account ap­ This rare print shows marks of age. Pennsylvania, 1734 and 1749 (Moderns). It is interesting that he, like Bro. him to the extent of $300,000, a great Solomon, suffered great financial losses pears in the minutes of Lodge No. 3 for sum in those days. In 1776, Pennsylvania Masons played her of Loge des Neuf Soeurs, sometimes Bro. Charles Young in raising money for the American October 10, 1777. On that date, mem­ Upon his arrival in America, Bro. cause. The two Brethren were great bers of Lodge No. 3 met with the Breth­ a vital role to "build" a new Nation. called the Lodge of the Nine Sisters or In February, 1783, Bro. Procter and Solomon allied himself with the cause friends. Bro. Morris' Masonic Member­ ren of Lodge No. 4 to consider what On the eve of the Bicentennial Year Muses, in Paris in 1777, and was elect­ Bro. Charles Young were sent to Alex­ of Independence by joining the Sons of ship is controversial. He was presented should be done with the jewels, books, - 1976 - Pennsylvania Brethren are ed Worshipful Master in 1779 and andria, Va. by Bro. William Adcock, Liberty, organized during the Stamp Act with a Masonic Apron by Bro. Wash­ and papers of Lodge No. 2 which had prepared to pay tribute to these 1780. R. W. Grand Master, to organize a controversy of 1765. It was a militant, ington in 1778, and is said to have been stolen and fallen into the hands of "Giants" among men. An original blank Membership Cer­ Lodge, under a Pennsylvania Warrant, patriotic force. worn it on several public Masonic oc­ the British. tificate of this French Lodge is on dis­ to be known as Alexandria Lodge No. Bro. George Washington Arrested As Spy casions. play in the Franklin Exhibit in the Mu­ 39. At the time, Bro. Procter was Senior Bro. William Cunningham Bro. George Washington was a Penn­ seum of the Grand Lodge. Grand Warden of the Provincial Grand Because of his activities, he was ar­ Two questions are asked: sylvania Mason. The Province of Pennsylvania had Lodge (Ancients). rested as a spy and confined in a mili­ Two Questions They had been turned over to Lodge Following the end of the American other distinguished Masons, who played In 1791 and 1792, he served in the tary prison. His proficiency in the No. 3 by Bro. William Cunningham, a Revolution, while attending a dinner important roles in the founding of this French. Polish, Russian and Italian Would Washington have presented a Captain in the . same capacity in the newly established Masonic Apron to a non-Mason? party held in his honor by Alexandria great Nation. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. This hero languages made him useful to the Brit­ It was unanimously agreed that Lodge Lodge No. 39 on St. John the Baptist's of the Revolution was buried with mili­ ish as an interpreter. It also afforded Would the recipient have worn it if No. 3 should hold the items until they he was not a Mason? Day, June 24, 1784, Bro. Washington Bro. Thomas Procter tary and Masonic honors on March 16, him an opportunity to assist prisoners could be returned to Lodge No. 2. accepted membership in that Lodge. and to persuade some Hessians to de­ During the American Revolutidn there Among the twenty items delivered by Bro. Thomas Procter (or Proctor) 1806. That he was a valuable and effi­ At that time, Alexandria Lodge was cient officer is attested by a letter writ­ sert the British and join in the fight for continued to be Masonic activity in Bro. Cunningham were " a Punch Ladle, working under a Warrant from the was one of them. He was commissioned freedom. Pennsylvania, especially in Philadelphia. handle broke off, and a few Pieces of a captain by the Committee of Safety, ten by General Washington on April Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. 20, 1781, acknowledging receipt of After his release from prison, Bro. Lodge No. 3 met on the evening of Small lace tipp'd of the Collars of No. 2 October 27, 1775, to raise a company July 4, 1776. Several years later, Lodge No. 39 sur­ Procter's resignation, in which Washing­ Solomon resumed his anti-British agita­ together with a Delft punch bowl." of artillery. The minutes of that date, on display rendered its Pennsylvania Warrant and ton wrote: tion, and again was arrested as a spy Earlier in 1777, the jails being full, The original "Pay List and Muster and sentenced to be hanged. in the Museum of the Grand Lodge, received a new one from the Grand " . . I cannot in justice to you permit Freemason's Hall on Lodge Alley, west Lodge of Virginia as Alexandria Lodge Roll" of that company, June 30-July 31, His escape was engineered by the contain nothing unusual. It was just of Second Street, was used as a place 1776, is on display in the Museum of you to leave the Army without express­ Sons of Liberty. Bro. Solomon was a another meeting. No. 22. On this Warrant, Washington ing my approbation of your conduct of confinement for a number of people is listed as the Worshipful Master and the Grand Lodge. member of Mikveh Israel Congregation, On December 5, 1776, however, the suspected of giving intelligence to the upon every occasion since you joined established in Philadelphia in 1747, in minutes show "neglect of some of the served as such. Bro. Procter was a Member of Lodge me in 1776, and wish you success in the British. No. 2, Philadelphia, and first Worship­ whose graveyard he is buried. Grand Officers in not having it in their line of life which you have now em­ power to produce Grand Certificates for "The Mason's Lodge" and its prison­ Bro. Benjamin Franklin ful Master of Lodge No. 19, a Military ers were under the command of Colonel Lodge (now Montgomery Lodge No. braced . .." Bro. Robert Morris many of our Worthy Brethren who are Another giant among Pennsylvania and Bro. Lewis Nicola. Masons was Bro. Benjamin Franklin, a 19). "Yr. most obt. and hhle servt., Bro. Robert Morris has long been obligated to go abroad." known as the "financier of the Revolu­ The certificates referred to were Articles on Bicentennial Year will be Past Grand Master of Pennsylvania At the Battle of Trenton on Christmas "I am, sir, (Moderns) in 1734 and 1749. night, 1776, he captured an entire Eng­ tion." He was a Philadelphia business­ "traveling certificates," undoubtedly of continued in future issues of The Penn­ Bro. Franklin also was made a mem- lish band (musical) . "G. Washington" man, a member of the Continental Con- great assistance to many Masons in sylvania Freemason. 4 5 Brethren Have Years of Dedication Masons F. Lawson, Jr., cousin of Bro. Frank E. Another Trooper. Lawson and Worshipful Master of the Bro. Donald G. Yontas, attached to Lodge. When Bro. Frank E. Lawson was Milford Substation, is Worshipful Mas­ Entered 32 years ago, Bro. Edward F. ter of Aurora Lodge No. 523, Jermyn. Lawson, Jr., also conferred the Degree as Acting Worshipful Master. Five other 70 Years' Dedication. members of the Lawson family, assist­ Bro. Howard E. Craig, Past Master of ing the Worshipful Master in conferring Mount Pisgah Lodge No. 443, Green­ the recent Degree, made it a "perfect castle, Franklin County, will be 99 years evening" for Bro. Lawson. old in October; 70 years a Mason, and 64 years a Past Master. He still attends Special 100 Years. stated meetings. Bro. Frank G. Alston is the Worship­ Helpful Mason. ful Master of Bellevue Lodge No. 530, Bro. Emilio Rodriquez, Lodge No. 9, Bellevue. His Lodge celebrated its One Hundredth Anniverssary on Tuesday, Grand Lodge Hall at the Ma . H . how ~he Homes were "carved" out of Philadelphia, a Warrant Officer with the pletion in 1913 Th' · . son!c omes IS shown after its com- front IS now the formal gardens. a corn field. The field in 79th Army Reserve Command, attached April 10. Further, Bro. Alston received • IS I S an mterestmg photograph, since it indicates Bro. William A. Jordan, left, receives the to the 224th Military Intelligence Com­ his 50-year Masonic Service Emblem Grand Master's Certificate of Service from pany, Northeast Philadelphia, distin­ from the Grand Master. And that's not $860,229 Collected Bro. John L. McCain, R. W. Deputy Grand all, the Senior Warden of the Lodge, Master. guished himself recently while motoring to his AP Station in Virginia. Noting a Bro. Frank A. Alston, is his son; and Guest and Building Fund Ended March 15 car upended in a drainage culvert along the Junior Warden, Bro. Edward C. Bis­ Grand Master's Honors the highway near Dahlgren Naval Sta­ land, is his son-in-law. ta tTo~e ~~~ s t add dB ~di ng Fund solici- Districts and Amounts tion, he stopped and found a severely in­ $860,229.68 .en e arch 15, totaled A-$4.90 15-$2.32 39-$2.30 For his lOOth birthday, Bro. William Th. . B- 4.21 16- 1 55 40 4 00 A. Jordan was presented the Certificate jured youth. Bro. Rodriguez was able to stop serious bleeding before an am­ Is IS an increase of $154,546.86 C- 3.57 17- 2.23 41- 3.1 of Service to Freemasonry. over the 1973 total. D- 4.18 18- 2:85 42= 7 The Certificate from Bro. Rochester bulance took him to a hospital. Bro. · 9 ~ B. Woodall, R. W. Grand Master, was Rodriquez was commended by the Vir­ Bro. Rochester B .Woodall, R. w. E- 2.02 19- 2.51 43- 1.75 presented to Bro. Jordan on March 10, ginia State Police and the Dahlgren Grand . Master, personally thanks the F- 4.80 20- 2.46 44- 2:01 1975, at the Stated Meeting of Beta Rescue Unit for his efforts. approximate 60,000 Pennsylvania Ma- G- 5.11 21- 2.09 45- 3 00 sons who made this total possible. H- 4. 10 22- 2.07 46- 2.55 Lodge No. 647, Wilkinsburg. Bro. John L. McCain, R. W . Deputy Newspaper Honors. The statistics show that 54,138 Ma- 1- 2.10 23- 2.46 47- 2:26 Grand Master, representing the Grand Bro. James A. Gaiser, Grand Chap­ sons s.ent donation envelopes to the T- 2.22 24- 2.65 48- 2.40 lain, Past Master of Peter Williamson Master, made the presentation. Masomc H_omes. In some instances, Ma- 1- 3.65 25- 2.00 49- 1.98 Lodge No. 323 was recently the reci­ sons contnbuted to collections at ban- 2- 7.1 7 26- 2.60 50- 2.63 Bro. Jordan, known affectionately as pient of the first Community Service quets. The total number is not avail- 3- 3.50 27- 2.76 51 1.51 Bro. Lefever Bro. Cochran "Billy" also received a congratulatory Award of the Scranton Times . able. 4- 3.53 28- 3.06 52- 2 23 letter from President and Bro . Gerald The state average for 232 139 Mem- 5- 3.33 29- 2.03 53- 2'00 R. Ford and a large portfolio of letters Retired Secretary. hers was $3.70. ' 6- 3.65 30- 1.85 54- 2.04 Grand Chaplains Provided from friends. Bro Cloyd E. Zeigler served Herndon The fo llowing shows the average 7- 3.44 31- 2.64 55- 3.61 Dedicated Service to Masonry Bro. Jordan's Masonic record in- Lodge No. 702 as Secretary for 48 con­ an:ou_nt per Member, for each Masonic 8- 3.22 32- 2.76 56- 2.70 cludes: secutive years before he retired. Two distinguished religious leaders Dt~tn.ct , contributed to the Guest and 9- 3.58 33- 1.83 57- 2.17 both Grand Chaplains of the Grand Made a Mason on April 7, 1902, in Bmldmg Fund at Elizabethtown for 101 - 2.80 34- 2.28 58- 2:53 Lodge, died during the past several Crescent Lodge No. 576, Pittsburgh, at Tyler Honored. Bro. Edward 0 . Weisser, District Deputy, 1974-1975: 1- 2.50 35- 2.17 59- 1.62 For many years of dedication "out- 8th Masonic District, left, and Bro. Thomas 12- 1.83 36- 2.76 60- '4 24 months. the age of 26. side" the Lodge Room, Bro. John S. G. Shepard, Past Master, Lodge No. 400, are Resigned from Lodge No. 576, to be· ·c Law 13- 2.s9 37- 2.47 · Bro. C. Harry Lefever, of Harrisburg, Tucker, who serves Bangor Lodge No. with Bro. Edward T. Mitchell, center. 14- 2.12 38- 2.26 a Mem ~er of Eureka Lodge No. 302, come a Warrant Member of Beta Lodge 565 as Tyler, was recently honored by No. 647, Wilkinsburg, on October 9, Masonl Mecha ~t csb urg, died on Feb. 16, after the Lodge. He is 85 years old. Railroad Bell Rings. a long tllness. 1906. . .".T~e solicitation of a petitioner for Served as Worshipful Master of Beta A rare brass steam locomotive bell mt~tatiOn ~nd membership in an organi­ Temple Souvenir Albums Dr· Lefever was a minister of the Father's Pride. will now call Brethren to order at an­ Lodge No. 647 in 1910. Bro. I. Alan Cohen, Past Master and zatto~ w~ t ch has as a prerequisite, mem­ Church of God. He was appointed as nual banquets of Friendship Lodge No. bers~up 10 the Masonic Fraternity, is Are Now Available In 1916, he was appointed District Secretary of Mount Moriah Lodge No. a G_rand Chaplain in 1967. Deputy Grand Master of the 38th Ma· 400, Jenkintown. It was presented to the forbtdden before he has received the ":he new Souvenir Album on Ma· Bro. ~ · Mason Cochran, of Pitts­ 155, Philadelphia, conferred the first Lodge by Bro. Edward T . Mitchell, a Degree .of a Master Mason, or upon the sonic District, and served in that posi· degree on his three sons, Bros . Harvey som~ Temple, Philadelphia, can be burgh, dted of a heart attack on April 2 tion for 35 years. retired railroader and collector of rail- same mght. This is considered as con­ o~tamed by sending $1.25 to Com· 1975 in S~. Petersburg, Florida, wher~ S., Joel S. and Jerry L., in January. The duct unbecoming a Mason." mtttee on Masonic Culture, Masonic Bro. Jordan was born in Bedford just guide, Bro. Joseph J. Cohen, the senior roadi ana. he made hts home in the winter months. Past Master of the Lodge, is the grand­ Bro. William A. Carpenter D_e~ i sion LXXI, Par. 2, Digest of Temp!e, One N. Broad Street, Phila­ Dr. <;ochran, the second oldest Grand 10 years after the Civil War. He said Deczswns. delphta, Pa., 19107. R. W. Grand Secretary C h.a pl au~ as to length of service, was ap­ that when he went to Pittsburgh in father of the Cohens. , It is 36 pages and includes 28 beau­ 1899 they had horsedrawn carriages. pom te~ m 1947 · He was a minister of A Lawson Night. Masonic Furniture Is Needed tiful colored pictures. the Umted Presbyterian Church. For the past 75 years, he has been a . They also can be obtained by visit­ Bro. Frank E. Lawson, a Member of -ATTEND YOUR LODGE­ . Lodge No. 469, Coopersburg Dr. Cochran was a Member and Past practicing attorney in Pittsburgh. He Wm. B. Schnider Lodge No. 419, Phila­ ~a~~~~n mg the Museum in Masonic Temple continues to keep daily office hours. "How can you be a Brother to IS UI mg. a new Masonic Temple and Philadelphia. ' Master of Allegheny Valley Lodge No. delphia, for 32 years, at a recent Stated someone you don't even know?" needs fu rniture. 552, Emlenton. For his Masonic leadership, Bro. Jor­ Meeting of his Lodge, saw his son, Bro. dan was coroneted a 33° Scottish Rite Frank Lawson, Entered by Bro. Edward 7 Mason in 1956.