INKA RANTAKALLIO: New Spirituality, Atheism, and Authenticity in Finnish Underground Rap Doctoral Dissertation, 321 Pp

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INKA RANTAKALLIO: New Spirituality, Atheism, and Authenticity in Finnish Underground Rap Doctoral Dissertation, 321 Pp ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS UNIVERSITATIS ANNALES B 497 Inka Rantakallio NEW SPIRITUALITY, ATHEISM, AND AUTHENTICITY IN FINNISH UNDERGROUND RAP Inka Rantakallio Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2019 Finland Turku, Oy, Painosalama ISBN 978-951-29-7864-9 (PRINT) – ISBN 978-951-29-7865-6 (PDF) TURUN YLIOPISTON JULKAISUJA ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS ISSN 0082-6987 (Print) SARJA - SER. B OSA - TOM. 497 | HUMANIORA | TURKU 2019 ISSN 2343-3191 (Online) NEW SPIRITUALITY, ATHEISM, AND AUTHENTICITY IN FINNISH UNDERGROUND RAP Inka Rantakallio TURUN YLIOPISTON JULKAISUJA – ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS SARJA - SER. B OSA – TOM. 497 | HUMANIORA | TURKU 2019 University of Turku Faculty of Humanities School of History, Culture and Arts Studies Department of Musicology Juno Doctoral programme Supervised by PhD, Senior Lecturer Susanna Välimäki PhD, Senior Lecturer Emeritus University of Turku Yrjö Heinonen University of Turku Professor John Richardson University of Turku PhD, Docent Siru Kainulainen PhD, Senior Lecturer Teemu Taira University of Turku University of Helsinki Reviewed by Professor Johannes Brusila PhD, Associate Professor Åbo Akademi University Christopher Driscoll Lehigh University Opponent Professor Johannes Brusila Åbo Akademi University The originality of this publication has been checked in accordance with the University of Turku quality assurance system using the Turnitin OriginalityCheck service. Cover Image: Sellekhanks ISBN 978-951-29-7864-9 (PRINT) ISBN 978-951-29-7865-6 (PDF) ISSN 0082-6987 (Print) ISSN 2343-3191 (Online) Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2019 For the hip hop nation 3 UNIVERSITY OF TURKU Faculty of Humanities School of History, Culture and Arts Studies Musicology INKA RANTAKALLIO: New Spirituality, Atheism, and Authenticity in Finnish Underground Rap Doctoral Dissertation, 321 pp. + 3 appendices Juno Doctoral Programme November 2019 ABSTRACT In this dissertation, I study the discourses of new spirituality, atheism, and authenticity in Finnish underground rap in the twenty-first century. The study maps the worldviews and audiovisual aesthetics of four Finnish artists, Ameeba, Khid, Julma Henri, and RPK (the latter two forming the duo Euro Crack), while exploring larger issues such as contemporary Western religious trends and the relationship between artists, their audience, and the music industry. The study’s data consist of field research (ten interviews, observation at concerts and in social media 2013–2017), and sonic and audiovisual material (recordings, three music videos). Theoretically, the study draws from religious studies theories on Western alternative spirituality and atheism, popular musicology, hip hop studies, and theories on musical authenticity. Methodologically, the study relies on ethnographic data collection, discourse analysis, and close reading. The study indicates that while the four Finnish rappers emphasize the individuality of their worldviews, their views reflect a mixture of ideas and traditions present in contemporary Western religious landscape, including non-dualistic Eastern religions, New Age environmentalism, and scientific atheism. The artists also outline an aesthetic for their music and underground rap more generally as defying rap music, pop music, and music industry norms, as independent music making, and as drawing from alternative electronic genres and deeper philosophical content. The artists construct authenticity by claiming that their music reflects their personal worldviews and aesthetic preferences. Further, the study increases understanding about the interrelationship of rap and postmodern worldviews and advances research on the connections between popular music and religion. KEY WORDS: hip hop, rap, new spirituality, atheism, worldviews, authenticity, popular music, hip hop studies, cultural musicology, religious studies, audiovisual studies, lyrics, music videos, interviews, discourse analysis, close reading, Ameeba, Euro Crack, Khid, Julma Henri, RPK. 4 TURUN YLIOPISTO Humanistinen tiedekunta Historian, kulttuurin ja taiteiden tutkimuksen laitos Musiikkitiede INKA RANTAKALLIO: New Spirituality, Atheism, and Authenticity in Finnish Underground Rap (Uushenkisyys, ateismi ja autenttisuus suomalaisessa underground-rapissa) Väitöskirja, 321 s. + 3 liitettä Juno tohtoriohjelma Marraskuu 2019 TIIVISTELMÄ Väitöskirjassani tutkin 2010-luvun suomenkielistä underground-rap-musiikkia ja siinä ilmeneviä autenttisuuden, uushenkisyyden ja ateismin diskursseja. Tutkimuksen kohteena on neljä suomalaista rap-artistia (Ameeba, Khid, Julma Henri, sekä RPK, joka Julma Henrin kanssa muodostaa Euro Crack -duon), ja heidän ilmaisussaan rakentuvat maailmankatsomukset ja audiovisuaalinen estetiikka. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös laajempia kysymyksiä liittyen länsimaiseen uskontokehitykseen sekä artistien suhteeseen yleisöön ja musiikkialaan. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kenttätutkimuksesta (10 haastattelua, havainnointi konserteissa ja sosiaalisessa mediassa 2013–2017) sekä äänellisestä ja audiovisuaalisesta materiaalista (äänitteet, kolme musiikkivideota). Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys hyödyntää uskontotieteen teorioita koskien länsimaista uushenkisyyttä ja ateismia, populaarimusiikintutkimusta, hiphop-tutkimusta, sekä teorioita autenttisuudesta. Menetelmällisesti tutkimus nojaa etnografisiin aineistonkeruumetodeihin sekä diskurssianalyysiin ja lähilukuun. Tutkimus osoittaa, että vaikka artistien maailmankatsomukset painottavat yksilöllisyyttä, ne heijastavat myös laajempia nykyhetken länsimaisessa uskontokentässä toisiinsa sekoittuvia ideoita ja traditioita. Näihin kuuluvat erityisesti non-dualistiset itämaiset uskonnot, New Age -vaikutteinen ympäristötietoisuus, sekä tiedeuskoon nojaava ateismi. Artistit myös rakentavat omaa sekä underground rap- musiikkia koskevan estetiikan ihannetta rap- ja pop-musiikin sekä musiikkialan normeja vastustavana, itsenäisenä, sekä elektronisista genreistä ammentavana, ja josta löytyy myös syvällisempää, filosofista sisältöä. Artistit rakentavat autenttisuutta argumentoidessaan musiikkinsa perustuvan heidän henkilökohtaisiin maailmankatsomuksiinsa ja esteettisiin mieltymyksiinsä. Yleisemmin väitöskirja lisää ymmärrystä rap-musiikin ja postmodernien maailmankatsomusten välisestä suhteesta ja edistää populaarimusiikin ja uskonnon yhteyksien tutkimusta. ASIASANAT: hiphop, rap, uushenkisyys, ateismi, maailmankatsomukset, autenttisuus, populaarimusiikki, hiphop-tutkimus, kulttuurinen musiikintutkimus, uskontotiede, audiovisuaalinen tutkimus, sanoitukset, musiikkivideot, haastattelut, diskurssianalyysi, lähiluku, Ameeba, Euro Crack, Khid, Julma Henri, RPK. 5 Acknowledgements A multitude of individuals have helped me shape and produce this piece of research. Thank you to my first supervisor, Senior Lecturer Susanna Välimäki, who speeded up my writing process in a tremendous way. Her inspirational intellect and interdisciplinary understanding of music in general and rap music in particular along with societal interests which coincide with mine, not to mention personal, warm approach to my work, took me to the finish line and beyond. I am proud to call her a colleague and the kind of supporter which every woman working in academic should have. Thank you to my second supervisor, Professor John Richardson, for encouraging me to include audiovisual analysis in my project and to be ambitious. My third supervisor, Senior Lecturer in Study of Religions at the University of Helsinki, Teemu Taira, is without a doubt the person whose supervision and feedback rendered this study truly interdisciplinary. His expertise in the field of new spirituality and atheism were precisely the kind that I needed to create a dissertation such as this one – thank you. Other supervisors I have had along the way, literary scholar and Docent Siru Kainulainen, and Senior Lecturer Emeritus in Musicology, Yrjö Heinonen, have been extremely encouraging and provided new angles and directions for my work, particularly regarding written and spoken word and its connection with music, poetry, and discourse analysis. Their supervision in the earlier stages of my project helped shape the content and direction of the overall work – thank you both. I wish to thank the pre-examiners, Professor Johannes Brusila, and Dr. Christopher Driscoll, for their comments and feedback. Dr. Driscoll’s remarks concerning the nuances of contemporary worldviews and Professor Brusila’s suggestions to further reflect on the core of the project were particularly helpful in revising the final version of this dissertation. A special thank you to Professor Brusila for serving as my opponent in the public defense. Thank you custos, Senior Lecturer Kari Kallioniemi for all the help in arranging the defense. Thank you to the faculty representative, Docent Marcus Moberg, and the evaluation committee. Thank you Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Jaakko Suominen, Head of the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies Marjo Kaartinen, and coordinator of 6 Juno doctoral programme Meri Heinonen, for help and guidance during the final stages of the process. Thank you to all my colleagues at the Department of Musicology, Tuomas Auvinen, Jelena Gligorijević, Atte Häkkinen, Hanna Kaikko, Tiina Käpylä, Sini Mononen, Janne Palkisto, Anna-Elena Pääkkölä, Sanna Qvick, Juha Torvinen, Marjaana Virtanen, and others, for having taken the time to discuss and provide feedback throughout the years. Also, special thanks to Juha Torvinen for his help with the “Vanhasielu” music video analysis. Thank you to my Juno
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