Consultation on the Heritage Lottery Fund’s strategic framework from 2013 onwards Report 20 June 2011 4th Floor, Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Buildings , London WC2A 1AH T + 44 (0) 207 861 3080 W E
[email protected] Contents 1. Executive Summary ............................................................... 3 2. Introduction .......................................................................... 7 3. Methodology ......................................................................... 9 4. Main Findings ...................................................................... 18 4.1 Section One: HLF’s Strategic Framework & how it works .... 18 4.2 Section Two: HLF’s Current Grant Programmes .................. 51 4.3 Section Three: Additional Opportunities and Challenges .... 85 5. Appendices ........................................................................ 114 Opinion Leader 2 1. Executive summary HLF’s Strategic Framework The strategy document presented to respondents of this consultation suggested that HLF consolidate its three strategic aims of ‘conservation’, ‘participation’ and ‘learning’ into a single aim: Making a positive and lasting difference for heritage and people. This was met with majority agreement with almost seven in ten saying they tend to or strongly agree with the proposal. Those who were more hesitant suggested that the single aim needs to be clarified further and guidance on its interpretation should be provided when putting in bids for funding to avoid any misinterpretation or difficulties. HLF’s proposal to target more funds to identified strategic needs was met with a mixed reaction, just over a third agreed, just over two in five disagreed and a fifth were neutral. Advocates felt that this approach encourages change and flexibility, especially in challenging financial times. Those neutral or in opposition to the proposal of targeting funds expressed concerns over the potential impact this would have on the ability for smaller bidders to obtain funding.