Stotts Nursery- Plant catalogue This is a catalogue of the plants we sell. It is not a stock availability list, please visit the nursery, email or phone to find out availability. Email:
[email protected] Phone: 07542 718307 To find a particular plant, or a plant for a particular place, i.e. Hydrangea or shade or sun or moist soil, press ‘CTRL’ key and hold it down, then press the letter ‘F’ key and a Find box will appear. Then type the word you are looking for and press ‘find next’ and it will search the entire document to show you where those words appear. Annuals/ Biennials General Annual/Biennial Prices (there are some exceptions): 9cm pot £1.50, 5 for £7 I litre pot £2.50 Ammi majus A hardy annual with pinnate, light green leaves, divided into finely toothed leaflets. Umbels of white flowers, like delicate lacework, are produced in summer. Plant in sun or partial shade, in any moist, but well-drained soil. Mature height and spread: 80cm x 30cm. Hardiness: H6. Antirrhinum majus Soft pink and peach ‘Appleblossom’ (Snapdragon) Antirrhinum majus ‘Black Dark red/burgundy Prince’ (Snapdragon) Borago officinalis (Borage) A robust, branching hardy annual with bristly leaves. Cymes of 5-petalled, star-shaped clear blue flowers are produced freely throughout summer. Plant in full sun or partial shade, in any reasonably drained soil. Mature height and spread: 60cm x 45cm. Hardiness: H5. Borago officinalis f. alba (Wiite A robust, branching hardy annual with bristly leaves. Cymes of 5-petalled, star-shaped white flowers are produced freely throughout Borage) summer.