Public Transport Review Consultation Survey-Individuals
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Public Transport Review Consultation Survey-Individuals Q1 Looking at section A (pages 3 to 5 of the consultation document), to what extent do you agree with the proposed policies we have set out to help guide decisions on when it is approriate for Eastleigh Borough Council to support public transport services? Answered: 44 Skipped: 2 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Answer Choices Responses Strongly agree 9.09% 4 Agree 45.45% 20 Neither agree nor disagree 15.91% 7 Disagree 11.36% 5 Strongly disagree 9.09% 4 Don't know 9.09% 4 Total 44 1 / 14 Public Transport Review Consultation Survey-Individuals Q2 Please provide any comments you have on the proposed policies in Section A in the text box below. Answered: 18 Skipped: 28 # Responses Date 1 Your means of calculating the value of a bus journey to the local economy takes no account of the impact on bus 6/16/2016 12:16 PM users of withdrawing the service and the consequent costs to other public services. For instance bus services allow people to travel to medical appointments; maintain an active life, physically and mentally; combat isolation, and so on. The withdrawal of bus services undermines quality of life, and health, and ultimately places a greater burden on support services. Since bus services are already poor (the X7 does not service Hiltingbiry at weekends or evenings for instance) the impact of even partial cuts is likely to be disproportionate. 2 re the changes to route X6/X7 6/15/2016 6:20 PM 3 E1 and E2 services are vital for access to RCHWinchester from Eastleigh. If the cost per passenger is over £5 would 6/14/2016 4:36 PM this service be cut? 4 (paper survey input) 6/14/2016 12:31 PM 5 Quote section A. A subsidy of above £5 per journey starts to result in a poorer level of value for money. This results in 6/14/2016 10:22 AM a post code lottery, no account is taken regarding those unfortunate to be living in an area which does not meet this criteria. 6 I am a Hiltingbury resident and must stress the X6/X7 route is vital for students, OAPs and others who cannot drive. I 6/13/2016 8:34 PM oppose any cuts to this service. Please bear in mind people do have to get in early for job interviews, early appointments and so on. I know of someone who has done this only this week and is likely to continue to need to have the flexibility of an early service available. 7 I live in Hiltingbury where the bus service is X6/X7 operated by Xelabus. The bus service is vital for Hiltingbury as 6/13/2016 7:27 PM many users particularly elderly people and young people use the service to get into Fryern and Eastleigh and is very well supported. For elderly people the bus service is a lifeline and vital link for them as some do not have cars and therefore they rely on the bus. Therefore I think it is important that journeys on X6/X7 before 0930 and after 1500 do continue as these are an important lifeline to people. 8 (Paper survey response input) 6/13/2016 1:27 PM 9 Cutting down on bus services is not the solution. Try to encourage people to use less cars and more public transport 6/6/2016 11:04 PM by making them more accessible 10 services much needed 6/4/2016 10:48 AM 11 My son relies on the X6/7 to travel home from Toynbee School to Hiltingbury. I am extremely disappointed to see that 6/4/2016 9:01 AM despite the person subsidy being as low as £1.05, the only option being offered is to cut this service completely. 12 THE DAYTIME SERVICE X6/X7 SERVICE IS AN IMPORTANT LIFELINE FOR MANY - TO GET TO THEIR 6/1/2016 7:18 PM DOCTOR IN EASTLEIGH, ETC. 13 £5 subsidy per user seems too high, given many of the users are freeloaders who are already receiving a subsidy 5/28/2016 10:03 AM from the public purse. 14 They seem very sensible. 5/27/2016 2:46 PM 15 These services are relatively expensive but they probably serve people without cars or unable to afford taxis. 5/22/2016 7:53 PM 16 Make HCC provide transport as much as possible because I feel that HCC is pushing a lot of budget cuts over to EBC 5/21/2016 2:30 PM and they should be paying for more 17 I feel government should be made by law to keep public bus and transport services supported and not to wholly relie 5/20/2016 7:07 PM on bus companys being able to run all routes at a profit. 2 / 14 Public Transport Review Consultation Survey-Individuals 18 I disagree with the strategy because it takes no account of changes in demand. Supported services are frequently 5/20/2016 5:08 PM introduced where demand for a bus service has declined to the point where the operator is unable to justify the operation commercially. Where support is introduced to a declining operation the funds may only go towards slowing a remorseless decline. Theoperaor is paid with little or no incentive to arrest the decline or even to reverse it. Any funding should be made on the strict understanding that a time limit is imposed in which time patronage must show an agreed level of growth (say 5% more journeys per year) No growth, decline continued and no support is justifiable. Ironically of course by allowing the local authority to extend the life of a failing service the operator also avoids the opprobrium when the time comes and the inevitable closure happens - now the decision of the council. It is also strange that a review of supported services in the borough excludes refernce to services like the Eastleigh/Winchester E buses. That the funds come from the County rather than the Borough is a subtle distinction, and its exclusion renders the idea of a review of bus services in Eastleigh rather deficient 3 / 14 Public Transport Review Consultation Survey-Individuals Q3 Looking at Section B (pages 6 to 18) of the document, please identify all the supported public transport services that you currently use. Please also identify the service that you use most frequently. Answered: 40 Skipped: 6 Bluestar 2 evenings Unilink U1N X4 Evenings First A Sunday Xela X15 Xela X6/X7 Hiltingbury ... Xela X7/X8 Evening service Xela X7/X8 Sunday service First 6 evenings. Taxishare 44 Medical Transport Dial-a-Ride 0 10 20 30 40 50 I use this service (tick all relevant boxes) I use this service most frequently (tick only one box) I use this service (tick all relevant I use this service most frequently (tick only one box) Total Respondents boxes) Bluestar 2 evenings 90.91% 18.18% 10 2 11 4 / 14 Public Transport Review Consultation Survey-Individuals Unilink U1N 100.00% 0.00% 2 0 2 X4 Evenings 71.43% 42.86% 5 3 7 First A Sunday 100.00% 33.33% 3 1 3 Xela X15 100.00% 12.50% 8 1 8 Xela X6/X7 Hiltingbury AM & 64.71% 76.47% PM 11 13 17 Xela X7/X8 Evening service 85.71% 21.43% 12 3 14 Xela X7/X8 Sunday service 75.00% 50.00% 9 6 12 First 6 evenings. 83.33% 83.33% 5 5 6 Taxishare 44 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 Medical Transport 75.00% 25.00% 3 1 4 Dial-a-Ride 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 5 / 14 Public Transport Review Consultation Survey-Individuals Q4 Our proposed changes for each service are shown in the green boxes on pages 6 to 18. Would any of these proposed options affect the journeys you make? Answered: 43 Skipped: 3 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Answer Choices Responses Yes 72.09% 31 No 27.91% 12 Total 43 6 / 14 Public Transport Review Consultation Survey-Individuals Q5 Which proposed changes would affect the journeys you make? Please identify the route (eg Bluestar 2). Answered: 29 Skipped: 17 # Responses Date 1 I use Xela bus 6/7 to travel to work, to include Saturdays 6/16/2016 9:51 PM 2 x7 6/16/2016 5:51 PM 3 x7/x8 6/16/2016 12:31 PM 4 X6/X7 6/15/2016 6:20 PM 5 Medical Transport Service 6/15/2016 12:57 PM 6 X4 6/15/2016 11:39 AM 7 X7 6/14/2016 10:21 PM 8 X15 6/14/2016 8:53 PM 9 Xelabus 6 6/14/2016 6:14 PM 10 Xelabus x6 on Saturday 6/14/2016 5:54 PM 11 Xelabus X6/X7 - Hiltingbury 6/14/2016 1:02 PM 12 Xelabus X15- approve of option E3+E2 Not E1 or E4 6/14/2016 12:32 PM 13 X6/X7 6/13/2016 8:36 PM 14 Xelabus X6/X7 6/13/2016 7:27 PM 15 X6 X7 6/7/2016 9:37 PM 16 xelabus6/7 6/7/2016 7:42 AM 17 X7 x8 bluestar 2 44 6/6/2016 11:05 PM 18 X6 and X7 6/6/2016 6:26 PM 19 Xela 7 6/6/2016 5:39 PM 20 x15 6/5/2016 3:40 PM 21 Bluestar 2 6/4/2016 1:36 PM 22 medical transport service 6/4/2016 10:51 AM 23 X6/7 Hiltingbury - Chandlers Ford 6/4/2016 9:09 AM 24 First 6 5/30/2016 2:33 PM 25 Removal of Sunday A 5/28/2016 10:09 AM 26 First 6 5/27/2016 3:17 PM 27 X7/X8 5/22/2016 7:54 PM 28 Bluestar 2 5/21/2016 2:36 PM 29 X8 5/20/2016 5:08 PM 7 / 14 Public Transport Review Consultation Survey-Individuals Q6 Would you use any alternative ways of making your journeys if our proposals were carried out? Answered: 27 Skipped: 19 Drive myself Travel by taxi Get lifts from friends/..