and their disconnect from Torah for three days weakened and diminished the BS"D charge of emunah they had recently acquired. The Talmud records that either the prophets that immediately succeeded Moshe, or, as the Rambam (Hilchot Tefillah 12:1) teaches, Moshe himself, instituted that the Torah be To:
[email protected] read/taught on Shabbos, Monday, and Thursday so that the Jewish people From:
[email protected] will not go three days without Torah. The Tikunei Zohar (Shemos 60a) teaches that Hashem, His Torah, and Israel are one and inseparable. Torah is the great connector. When the Jewish people are connected to Hashem through the Torah, then their emunah can uplift and sustain them. When, however, they are disconnected from Torah, miracles by themselves do not have a long-term effect. INTERNET PARSHA SHEET Case in point; in Kings (I, chapter 19) we read of the miraculous descent of fire orchestrated by Eliyahu haNavi on Mount Carmel. We are taught that the ON YISRO - 5780 many spectators who previously could not decide where their allegiance lay, either to Hashem or to Ba'al, responded to the fire by immediately bursting forth with, "Hashem, He is the G-d, Hashem He is the G-d", and they then
[email protected] / - in our 25th year! To receive this parsha sheet, go slaughtering the four hundred and fifty false prophets of Ba'al. Sadly, they to and click Subscribe or send a blank e-mail to soon returned to their former ways. The exalting effect of miracles dissipates
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