Physics and Material Science of Semiconductor Nanostructures PHYS 570P Prof. Oana Malis Email:
[email protected] Lecture 9 Review of quantum mechanics, statistical physics, and solid state Band structure of materials Semiconductor band structure Semiconductor nanostructures Ref. Davies Chapter 1 Quantum Mechanics (QM) • The Schrödinger Equation: (time independent) Hψ = Eψ This is a differential eigenvalue equation. H Hamiltonian operator for the system (energy operator) E Energy eigenvalue, ψ wavefunction Particles are QM waves! |ψ|2 probability density; ψ is a function of ALL coordinates of ALL particles in the problem! One Page Elementary Quantum Mechanics & Solid State Physics Review • Quantum Mechanics of a Free Electron: 2 – The energies are continuous: E = (k) /(2mo) (1d, 2d, or 3d) – The wavefunctions are traveling waves: ikx ikr ψk(x) = A e (1d) ψk(r) = A e (2d or 3d) • Solid State Physics: Quantum Mechanics of an Electron in a Periodic Potential in an infinite crystal : – The energy bands are (approximately) continuous: E= Enk – At the bottom of the conduction band or the top of the valence band, in the effective mass approximation, the bands can be written: 2 Enk (k) /(2m*) – The wavefunctions are Bloch Functions = traveling waves: ikr Ψnk(r) = e unk(r); unk(r) = unk(r+R) QM Review: The 1d (infinite) Potential Well (“particle in a box”) In all QM texts!! Consider the case of a particle in a 1-D potential well, with width L e infinite barriers V(x) = 0 for 0 x L V(x) = for x<0, x>L Schrödinger equation Inside the well