SUSAN COTTS WATKINS Curriculum Vitae January 2017 ADDRESS 2700 Neilson Way #1436 Santa Monica, CA 90405
[email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. Princeton University, Sociology, 1980 B.A. Swarthmore College with high honors, History, 1960 EMPLOYMENT Visiting Scholar, California Center for Population Research, University of California-Los Angeles, (2007- present) Professor Emerita (2007- present), Associate Professor (1986-1995), Assistant Professor (1982-1986), Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Yale University, (1979-1982) HONORS AND FELLOWSHIPS John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellowship 2009 Irene Taeuber Award for “exceptionally sound and innovative research”, Population Association of America, 2005 Steering Committee, Mellon Foundation Southern African HIV/AIDS Node, 2001--2005 Gifford Distinguished Scholar Lecture, University of California-Davis, 1999 1 Herbert Spencer Lecture, Oxford University, 1995 Sociological Research Association, Elected Member 1994. First Annual Otis Dudley Duncan Award for distinguished scholarship in social demography, awarded by the Sociology of Population Section of the American Sociological Association, for From Provinces to Nations, 1992. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, award for research leave 1992-93. Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J. 1984-85. Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, CA. 1992-93. Porter Ogden Jacobus Fellowship, highest honor of the Graduate School of Princeton University, 1978-79. GRANTS NIH/NICHD: Consequences of High Morbidity and Mortality in a Low Income Country, Co-PI, 4/01/07-3/31/12. NIH/NICHD: Religious Organizations, Local Norms, and HIV in Africa, P.I. 4/01/05-3/31/08.