Ploegsteert sector battlefield experience Tours Prices 2013/2014 ANZAC Somme tour € 170,00 each Villers Bretonneux, Day tour from 3 persons Le Hamel, Pozières € 150,00 each Lochnagar crater,

Thiepval, Bullecourt and Fromelles British, Irish € 130,00 each Albert, Pozières, Canadian Somme from 3 persons Lochnagar crater, tour € 110,00 each Thiepval, the Ulster Day tour tower, Delville Wood and New Foundland

Memorial Park Vimy ridge & tunnels Ploegsteert Sector € 90,00 each The Ploegsteert Day tour from 3 persons Memorial, the € 75,00 Truce 1914, the Battle of Messines, the lost mines, Hitler, Bayernwald, Kemmel, Fromelles American Tour € 180,00 each Somme American Day tour from 3 persons Cemetery Bony, € 160,00 each Bellicourt Monument, Fields American Cemetery, Kemmel Memorial and bunkers

Waterloo Day tour € 175,00 each Wellington Museum, from 3 persons Napoleon‘s last HQ, € 155 each the Hougomont Farm, the Lion Mound and the battlefield The back areas & € 175,00 each Etaples, Military Hospitals Day tour from 3 persons Cemetery, € 155,00 each Montreuil the Citadel Haig’s HQ and statue, St Omer Longuenesse Military Cemetery, Lijstenhoek Military Cemetery. Half day tour € 45,00 each Ploegsteert Memorial, from 3 persons the Christmas Truce € 35,00 of 1914, the famous Ploegsteert Wood the Battle of Messines, the church and crypt the lost mines, Bayernwald trenches. 2 Hour tour € 17,00 each Ploegsteert Memorial, , the Christmas Truce, The Battle of Messines, the church and crypt.

Call us for a Tailor made tour you provide a “wish list” and we organize the tour at your convenience. All the day tours include: a lunch; a sandwich or an omelette or a soup, a drink during a pit stop, transport, fees, all taxes and a booklet recording the event. We have a governmental License GL70/2007.3, are using a fully equipped Opel Vivaro minibus 9 seats, fully insured to transport passengers by AXA contract Nr 622 298 536

Cie Registration Number BE 0668.066.219 Claude Verhaeghe Trading Registration 26 0057051 Telephone landline 00 32 56 58 84 41 Telephone mobile 00 32 477 50 01 46 Email [email protected] Internet you can also find us on Facebook and Tripadvisor