When compiling an industrial archaeology engineering, science or technology is highly gazetteer just what constitutes an entry? What relevant. lt is difficult to understand many industrial soft of things do you put in7 How do you draw processes or for instance how a prime mover works INDUSTRIAL the boundaries? ln practice this can be quite a without a knowledge of the relevant chemistry and problem. What do you put in a gazetteer and physics etc. ARCHAEOLOGY what do you leave out? lt is hoped that these Nonetheless industrial archaeology is highly personal views will generate discussion. interdisciplinary and people from a variety of NEWS LzO backgrounds can and do make a viable contribution Robert Carr to the subject. Local historians, architects, schoolteachert librarians, engineers and artists, are Honorary President First we must distinguish between archaeology and often to be found among the active members of Prof Angus Euchanan history; both are concerned with the past. industrial archaeology societies. In studying the built 13 Hensley Road, Bath BA2 2DR Archaeology is the study of surviving remains environment many skills and viewpoints are Chairman - required. Mike Bone considering artefacts and ecofacts, lt does not Sunnyside, Avon Close, Keynsham, Bristol 851 8 1 LQ necessarily involve'digging things up'. History is the Jhe term industrial archaeology was officially Vice-Chairman study of written documents; minute bookt diaries, invented in Birmingham around the mid-l950s. Prof Marilyn Palmer letters and so on. Archaeology is the study of the However under the name historical geography a School of Archaeological Studies, The University, industrial Leicester [El 7RH past through other suruiving remains such as good deal of what is essentially Secretary buildings, machinery manufactured productt etc. archaeology had been going on in university David Alderton Archaeology is the business of studying geography departments for many years before that. 48 Street, Halesworth, Suffolk lPl9 8EY Quay artefacts (man made) as distinct from ecofacts One of the best books on the Port of London was Treasurer (naturally occurring). For early archaeological written by a geographer James Bird (see lhe Michael Messenger - 144 Lake Road East, Roath Park, Cardiff CF23 5NQ periods it is not always easy to distinguish between Geography of the Port of London, Hutchinson, lA Review Editor the two but for the industrial period the distinction 1957). Dr David Gwyn is usually obvious. Although not industrial archaeology, associated Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, Craig Beuno, However archaeology also makes use of written activities such as collecting and displaying industrial Fford y Garth, Bangor, Glvynedd LL57 2RT or orinted sources to illuminate material finds if remains in museums, perhaps even retaining most lA News Editor Dr Peter Stanier relevant. This will often be the published work of of the original industrial complex as a museum, 49 Breach Lane, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8LF historians but may include a study of primary have been going on for about thirty years. Regional Affiliated Societies Officer sources, e.g. rate books or insurance plans. For the industrial museums such as those at lronbridge and Prof Ray Riley most recent period industrial archaeology can also Beamish were systematically set up from about the 8 Queen's Keep, Clarence Parade, Southsea, Hampshire PO5 3NX make use of oral history - for instance when mid-l970s and nearly all the ambitious schemes of Sales Officer studying a factory it is possible to talk to people who that decade came to fruition. Looking back now we Roger Ford used to work there. perhaps see this as something astonishing, Barn Cottage, Bridge Street, Bridgnorth, Shropshire History established highly Another activity associated with industrial WVl5 6AF is a long and respected pursuit. by archaeology is the study of industrial biography; the Librarian and Archivist academic Archaeology is John Powell comparison a relative newcomer and to Some lives of great engineers and industrialists. Jhe most do IGMT, lronbridge, Telford, Shropshire TF8 7AW extent challenges the view of historians. lt might be notable contribution in this field is that of Samuel Conference Secretary considered a corrective to the lack of a balanced Smiles in the nineteenth century but later the Tony Parkes documentary record. Primary sources are usually writing of L T C Rolt, published from the 1940s, had 60 School Lane, Hill Ridware, Rugeley WS1 5 3QN written by the powerful and successful and seldom a tremendous effect in changing public opinion Conference Booking Secretaries Tony & Mary Yoward reflect the plight of downtrodden losers. Sometimes towards taking an interest in the work of the 4 Slipper Mill, Emsworth, Hampshire P010 8XD written accounts can even be deliberately falsified, engineer and preparing the ground for the great Recording Awards Officer perhaps for fraudulent financial purposes. upsurge of interest in industrial archaeology which Dr Victoria Beauchamp a took place in the early 1 970s. 3 Parsonage Court, Parsonage Crescent, Walkley, Again those in authority very often create S5 5BJ powerful mythology to justify their position. This upsurge was of course essentially brought Honorary Vice-Presidents Material facts can often prick the bubble of about by the physical facts themselves - the very Sir Neil Cossons John Hume 0retence. visible dead and dying remains of traditional British Stuart B Smith Archaeology can present objective facts that industry which could be seen everywhere. These Council Members destroy views formerly historians who years were in some sense a golden age of industrial Dr Robert Carr Dr Paul Collins (co-opted) held by John Crompton Mike Hanison (co-opted) before only had incomplete or biased written archaeology when it was still possible to visit the David lyne Dr Mary Mills accounts. DNA techniques and dendrochronology last working examples of many industries just Philip Monis Peter Neaverson are powerful new tools which in the hands of before the final closures took olace. At that time Liaison Officer lsabelWilson archaeologists are replacing opinions by hard facts. industrial visits were welcomed in a way AIA 0ffice, School ofArchaeological Studies, Thus our view of the past is changing significantly. inconceivable today. University of Leicester, Leicester LEI 7RH Archaeology was once seen as an upstart The study of and participation in industrial I 0116 252 5337, Fax:0l16 252 5005 e-mail:AlA@le ac uk activity, scarcely respectable and not of academic archaeology is very much a hands-on activity Website: merit, ln the nineteen seventies some mainstream dealing with 'real reality'. Although books and wr, uk archaeologists regarded industrial archaeology with periodicals are impoftant, personal experience and disdain - only fit for amateur amusement. the joys of discovery in the field are great incentives COVER PICTURE It should be made clear that industrial to its practitioners. In taking an interest in industrial Midland Railway Sheet Stores, c1925, showing the archaeology is not just a part of archaeology, e.g. a archaeology one gains a different and distinctive size of a typical wagon sheet, and how sheets were specialism. In fact a qualification in mainstream view of the world and begins to take considerably hung up to dry Each sheet was numbered and dated to ensure it was regularly returned for inspection and archaeology is not very useful in industrial more notice of the sunounding environment. How ronair Go nano I O archaeology. Industrial archaeology is almost a and why was that thing made can become a Photo: National Railway Museum DYl367l separate subject. Having a background in preoccupation.

2 INDIJSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 120 We might try at this stage to define just what Even leaving definition 1 aside we might (for Industrial archaeologists tend to be relatively industrial archaeology is. We can give several now) have to accept that there is at least a well educated and come from the better-off social definitions. Industrial archaeology is:- (preposterous!) 'duality'involving 2 and 3. lf we are classes. The desire to investigate what the 'lower 1. the archaeological study of how people to to take this step it might then perhaps be more orders' used to do is in part curiosity - exploring earn or earned a living - that is work sensible to accept a 'plurality', adding either 1, 4 or forbidden fields that parents say forty plus years ago archaeology, both. would have tried to keep from their children. 2. the archaeology of industrial processes However in practice industrial archaeology does Doubtless for some the practice of industrial including engineering and technology back not, at least yet, entirely live up to its definitions, archaeology has given opportunities to make up for to pre-history Jhere are inconsistencies and blind soots or areas of things'missed' as children. 3. the archaeology of the industrial period, omission. For instance if we take definition 3, But will industrial archaeology 'roll forward'? say after c.1 700 to date, the archaeological industrial archaeologists should be interested in all Will it embrace Modernism; reinforced concrete, period study that follows post-medieval material objects post c.1700. But it seems industrial high-rise flats, motonruays, big sheds. Will industrial archaeology, archaeology often restricts itself to 'working class' archaeology include an interest in the all conquering 4. Archaeology is what Industrial items, especially when studying buildings. While an diesel engine and the second half of the twentieth Archaeologists do - i.e. a circular definition. interest in non-conformist chapels, pubs, football century; mass motoring, packaging, supermarkets Broadly speaking, definition 1 was the kind of stadia, music halls and cinemas is generally and the information revolution? lf it does not, notion favoured by Kenneth Hudson towards the regarded as a totally acceptable fringe industrial younger people will form their own organisations to end of his life. In fact he even suggested 'work archaeological activity you can't look at anything do just this and there are strong signs this is archaeology' as a suitable term to replace industrial 'posh'. Opera houses are definitely out. happening already. archaeology, (Rolt Memorial Lecture 2000 paft 1, This exclusion of non 'working class' For most people in Britain the Victorian period, I nd u stri a I Arch aeol ogy Rev iew vol. 23, no. 1, p9). archaeology does not seem to apply in transport at least in terms of ideas and taste, really lasted until Definition 2 is favoured by some mainstream circles. Here an interest in the great ocean liners or the 1 930s or later. The Twentieth Century Socieg archaeologists. They describe 2 as 'real industrial Pullman caniages seems to be entirely acceptable. started liie as theThirties Society, with an interest in archaeology'. (lt is interesting to note that Arthur What is surprising is the almost total lack of interest the design style of that intellectually lively time Raistrick in his book lndustrial Archaeology ; an in ocean-going cargo ships, until recently so when the ideas which gave birth to industrial Historical lntroduction, published in 1972, was dominant a feature of British economic activity. archaeology first came into being. inslstent that definition 2 was the correct one.) For the archaeological study of earlier periods It is beginning to seem something of a Definition 3 is favoured by some academic the exclusion of'posh' items never seems to have generation issue with each succeeding industrial archaeologists who are seeking to manifested itselfl Ancient Egyptian archaeology has generation harking back to a period just before establish the subject and wish their work to become been entirely happy to investigate the great its time and taking a delight in 'what it missed'. the period study of the last two hundred years or so pyramids, and they were for pharaohs only. Indeed Does this mean we will have Modern Definition 4 is at present perhaps the most until the quite recent past traditional archaeology Archaeology, and (for goodness sake!) Post satisfactory one, even though it is circular. This ts an has largely consisted of examining the physical Modern Archaeology, et al. Whether Arthur 'ooerational' - suck it and see - definition of the remains of the rich ls itthatpost c 1700, asthere is Raistrick would like it or not industrial kind favoured by vanguard artrsts over the last say such abundance of information, archaeology has archaeology seems to have become irrevocably thirty years -'l am an Artist and what I do is Art' - been drrected only toward areas where the record is stuck within the period of the industrial etc. relatively incomplete? The poor don't write much. revolution and its extended aftermath? AIA SALES

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INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 120 3 Going up Camborne Hill coming down

Nearly five years ago, the Council of the Trevithick Society decided to suppott the building of a replica of Richard Trevithick's | 801 Camborne Road Loconotive. From the very beginning plans were laid for the replica to be finished for Canborne Trevithick Day, 28 April 2001, the day chosen for celebrating Trevithick's public demonstration of the use of high-pressure steam. lt was likely that Trevithick had his problems the first time he took his Puffer out in l80l but they bore no similarity to those 200 years later, when the trials and tribulations experienced by the crew running a replica steam road locomotive could not have been worse. A salutary lesson for all!

Philio M. Hosken

The weekend commencing 28 April 2001 was to be like nothing else in the history of the Trevithick Society. The engineering team assembled at the Holman factory of CompAir UK to prepare the star of the parade for its important outing. With 'Puffing steam up, driver John Sawle took control and The Devil' passes the wall plaque honouring Richard Trevethick during its historic backwards ascent of Camborne Hill on 29 April 2001 Photo: Phil Monckton away they went. After parading past Trevithick's statue outside the library the road loco stopped in Basset Street where it was dwarfed by traction the climb could take place with provisions to The atmosphere grew as the occupants of engines. Everyone wanted to see what Richard abort if there was any cause for concern. houses in Tehidy Road and Fore Street, which Trevithick had produced against the advice of There was still an air of disbelief next together formed the famed Camborne Hill, James Watt 200 years ago. All those involved in morning as the crew stumbled into the works at relayed the latest news from their radios to the the project were quizzed endlessly about the CompAir. Radio Cornwall broadcast a message spectators standing outside on the pavements. intricacies of the engine and how it had been that the climb was to take olace but it was not Soon the little engine set out from CompAir along made. Some people just stood and marvelled. known if the replica was to run. Howeve; at very Centenary Street and through the town to the Cameras clicked incessantly. short notice an amended crew was formed and foot of the hill. This was to be a very special day Frank Trevithick Okuno, a direct descendent ready to go. The two policemen of the previous for Cornwall and for everyone in Camborne. The of the Cornish invento; had made a long rai|way day, having heard the broadcasts that the steam furnace was stoked, smoke poured out and journey in poor health from London. He was pressure was rising, swung into the yard spectators higher up the hill were made well ecstatic that the project had come to a successful determined not to let matters get out of their aware that the fire was burning fiercely. Most of conclusion. But just before the parade, two control. The lengthy discussions of the previous the water had been used on the journey from policemen instructed John to take the locomotive evening had not reached them and, with some Foundry Road and kindly neighbours willingly off the road, saying that officialdom had decided difficulty, negotiations started all over again. topped up the reserve tank with buckets and that the little engine was uncontrollable, was Again the police were rightly concerned for the kettles. erratic in its movements and was a danger to the safety of the public and discussions followed as Excitement rose along with the boiler public. When it was explained that traction to how this could be achieved. The fact that we pressure. Soon full pressure was achieved and engines do not travel in a straight line due to the were running three hours late and the roads were final adjustments were made to engine and nature of their steering mechanisms the police due to re-open at 2pm didn't help. After a tour of clothing, Last thing of all, the engine was turned changed their reason for the ban to an allegation the loco a deal was struck. around. There were sound engineering reasons that the replica was going too fast, but as John Whilst bearing in mind that the object was to for this, connected with water levels on the hill, stated on BBC Radio Cornwall it would have been get up the hill, John agreed to keep the engine on but it also explained the words of the song, Going more courteous of the committee, or anyone else, the road and proceed at a cautious pace. For their up Camborne Hill, coming down. to have spoken to him or other rnembers of the part, the police and members of the Society were Both driving pins were inserted to gain the Society if they had any concerns about the safety to keep the pedestrians back on the pavement. maximum traction and the marshals and police of the replica, for the loco was built precisely to The police were to be in charge and should any walked up the hill ushering the crowd out of the travel slowly enough to lead the parade. Given problem arise they were to sound the police car way. The excitement mounted as everyone the same circumstances, one can only imagine siren and John would stop the climb. realised the great historic event of 200 years ago what Richard Trevithick might have said! The Steam Car Club of GB combined a Run To was about to be re-enacted before their very eyes. The engine was directed to park with the Cornwall with their attendance on Camborne Hill Many in the crowd had contributed in some way replica London Road Carriage away from the that special morning. The project team were to the building of the replica and were keen to be main crowd and the two Trevithick masterpieces grateful to all the drivers of the steam cars, the there on that important day. stood forlornly on double yellow lines as traction engines which also turned up, and for the Brakes off and chocks away, all aboard, a thousands of people were bitterly disappointed exceptional three-wheeled Grenville steam ca[ blast from the whistle and the little engine was when the oarade started late without the star of reputed to be the oldest car still in operational away at a cracking pace. As the locomotive the show That evening, after much argument and order. The owners of these wonderful vehicles passed the wall plaque honouring Richard reasoning, a solution was eventually found with entertained the crowds whilst the Camborne Trevithick and his work at that place, Kingsley the agreement of the police authorities in which Road Locomotive prepared itself for its great day. Rickard doffed his hat to the crowd and the

4 INDUSTRIAL ARCHAE)L)GY NEW, 120 media. Steering the locomotive backwards up hill for over half a mile was not easy but it speaks well of the engine design and the expertise of the crew that the hill was climbed without incident. How Trevithick managed it 200 years ago without a proper road was anyone's guess. Camborne Hill becomes steeper towards the top and boiler pressure was dropping. The high speed chuffing to be heard as the engine covered the easier section at the bottom of the hill was becoming a much more laboured slow grunt as John tried to find every ounce of pressure. The crowd rose to the occasion, urging it on with cheers and shouts. Spontaneous singing started and a thousand people joined in. There was fear that, after covering so much of the hill, the engine was not going to make the last ten yards. The crew who had come along for the historic ride, now jumped off and started shoving with encouragement from the crowd. Emotions ran high as the summit was reached and the little engine stopped and sighed. Everyone wanted to congratulate the crew and touch the engine. Amongst the first was the driver of the police car who, with his colleague, warmly shook everyone's John Sawle and Anhur Young preparing for take off at RNAS Culdrose Air Day in luly. fhis was just one of several outings hands. Smiles and laughter replaced the for the replica road locomotive during the year Photo: Philip M. Hosken disappointment of the previous day. The little engine had climbed Camborne Hill. made another entry in the history books. This was disappointed. In fact, in Trevithick's day, 1801, Everything that Richard Trevithick had done two something to tell the children and the Beacon Hill did not exist as a thoroughfare. centuries ago had been repeated and the replica, grandchildren. Camborne Hill is the road coming into town from together with the driving skills of its crew had lhe famous Camborne Hill has often been the north side. Kingsley Rickard has suggested to been fully vindicated. The day could not have confused with Beacon Hill at the opposite end of the town council that signs should be erected at come together better. The sun had shone and the town. Unfortunately, Trevithick's statue was both ends of Camborne Hill to inform people of spectators had made it all worthwhile. Camborne erected in the early 1 930s outside the public its correct location. This would be an excellent was proud that day, its people were in a joyous library looking up Beacon Hill. Many people now piece of tourist information and would quell the mood. Camborne, the home of the high-pressure think that this is Camborne Hill, hence a crowd continuous local debate as to its whereabouts. At steam which ran the world for 150 vears, had gathered there on the day of the run only to be a recent council meeting this was agreed.

AI2|0,n, nu,



The AIA Fieldwork Award scheme exists to encourage recording of the physical remains of the industrial period to high archaeological standards. The awards are open to both amateur and professional field workers, and have been operating successfully for many years. Work submitted may already have been published or, if not, may be encouraged to publish. As well as the main award-ffiH::ffiffi there is also the Initiative Award for innovative projects, e.g. those from local societies; Hffi"ffi::: ;J"ff l"' ffi ;"

Successful Entries will be notified in July The successful authors will be invited to attend the AIA annual conference in Edinbureh to collect their awards in September 2002

Enquiries for further details should be sent to: Dr Victoria Beauchamp,3 Parsonage Court, Walkley, Sheffield 56 sBU

INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 120 5 Writing for Industrial Archaeology Review

Producing an afticle for an academic journal isn't are writing about a single site, it needs to be a particularly easy thing to do, even for placed within, and your article on it must academics, and a few general guidelines might contribute to. a broader context. Broader be helpfu[ and save a lot of time and comoarative or thematic studies should also unnecessary effort. )ur new editor oflndustrial make clear their significance. For this reason, it is Archaeology Review sels out his requirements well worth thinking carefully about how you with a few thoughx and helpful ground rules. write the abstract (the section in italics at the beginning of the article), because this is where David Gwyn the direction and purpose of your article is summarised, and your concluding section, 'Notes for contributors' are published on the whether or not you actually head it 'Conclusion', inside back cover of the Review. and more because this is where the broader context detailed Notes can be obtained from me, the new emerges. editor, Dr David Gwyn, Gwynedd Archaeological When you are writing the main descriptive Trust, Craig Beuno, Ffordd y Garth, Bangor, part of your text, strike a balance in terms of how Gwynedd LL57 ZRT (8 01248 352535) e-mail: you present information. 0n the one hand, no- [email protected]. lt is well worth making sure one likes being talked down to. 0n the other you know the basics - how to set out your article, hand, industrial archaeology is an extremely wide including endnotes, captions and all other area, and it is likely that even fairly well-informed paraphernalia - before you start. Have a look at members of the lA community will need some At this stage, and on the basis of the referee's articles that have already been published or explanation of the fundamentals of your subject comments, the editor will let you know if the contact me for an explanation. matter. Furthermore, bear in mind that lndustrial article has been declined for publication, But of course, following the 'Notes for Archaeology Reviewis an international journal of provisionally accepted subject to revisions, or Contributors' is only a starting-point. lt's record, one of the two world-standard English- accepted entirely as it stands (a comparatively impossible to set out exactly what makes a good language journals of industrial archaeology. lt is rare state of affairs). article, but there are certainly some things to be likely that your article, if it is accepted for lf the referee suggests that your article is not avoided and some things which need to be done. publication, will be consulted by scholars over a suitable for lA Reviewand should be declined for First of all, is your article actually about wide range of disciplines, both in the immediate publication, but thinks it might be suitable for industrial archaeology? Archaeology has many and long term future. The people who will consult publication elsewhere, then at least you know definitions, but we can agree that central to it is what you have written will not necessarily be where you are and what your next step might be. the idea of the study of the past through its industrial archaeologists. Economic historians, lf your article is accepted without any revisions, material surviving remains. An account of, for museum professionals and professional congratulations. lf it is accepted subject to instance, historic engineering development archaeologists whose background and expertise revisions, then you are on your way to being researched through documentary sources alone lie in the pre-industrial periods, all frequently oublished. does not come under this definition, and however need to refer to the Review. Bear in mind also Revisions might be slight, or they might be excellent it might be as a contribution to that the Reviewwill be consulted by people from all-embracing. They might involve matters of knowledge, it would be impossible to accept it for a wide variety not only of professional disciplines detail and fact, or they might involve style and publication in lA Review. lf this proves to be so, but also of cultural backgrounds. So some presentation. In any case, bear in mind that this is there are a number of other excellent journals unobtrusive and tactful information about your constructive and helpful criticism, in the best that might be prepared to accept it. subject matter will not come amiss. sense, from people with considerable experience Second, but equally important. Ask yourself, Submit your draft only when you feel it is of scholarship and of publication, and that how, and in what way, is your article going to complete. By all means seek advice as you write maintenance of standards in the Review is contribute to a better understanding of industrial if specific problems arise, but it isn't, after all, the essential if industrial archaeology is to develop its archaeology? Let us say that you are writing an editor's job to finish off your article for you, nor intellectual and public profile. article on the history of one site, whatever it can he go round looking for photographs to Once you have made the revisions, and the might be. Concentrating on one site is fine, and it illustrate it, nor prepare maps or diagrams. editor is satisfied with the article, good, clean is an essential part of what we do that we build Submit two hard copies, as stipulated in 'Notes hard copies of the figures should be sent with the up site-based knowledge for comparative for Contributors'. Number the pages, but please revised text to the editor - please, not JPEGS or purposes. But, as the 'Notes for Contributors' don't staple them together. Photocopies of other computer-generated images. Bear in mind make clear: 'Articles presenting the results of figures are acceptable at this stage, but bear in that clearance of copyright for figures, and detailed local research must also indicate the mind the format of the Review when preparing payment of fees if necessary rests with the general significance of the subject natter and maps and plans. Diagrams that look excellent on author of the article, not the Review. where possible point to related questions or a sheet of A3 probably won't come out well in a Don't be discouraged from writing for approaches likely to prove productive for other smaller format. lndustrial Archaeology Review if you feel you do researchers.' Once you have submitted your article, you have within you an article you want ultimately to In other words, a site-specific article must should receive an acknowledgement more or less see published. The Review, the Association, and also lead to, and include, some discussion of by return, and your article will be sent off to a industrial archaeology as a discipline, depend on broader issues. This might be a straightforward referee, someone who will have some the skill, knowledge and enthusiasm of us all. comparison with comparable sites elsewhere, and background in the subject area, and experience of should at least tell the reader something about writing and publishing. How soon it can be read both similarities and differences between them, depends obviously on how busy people are, but and why they are significant. lt might be a every effort is made to ensure that potential discussion of the implications of this one contributors know where they're up to. Normal particular site for the industrial or economic practice is to send a copy of the referee's development of a region. But in any event, if you comments back to the author.



The Forge de Savignac-L6drier (Dordogne) is to be opened to the public in 2004-5, as reported in a short note on the archaeological investigations and restoration on page 151 of the Abstracts in lA Review, XXll, N0.2, November 2000. When I photographed it in 1989 it appeared to have been untouched since activity ceased here in 1930. A nineteenth-century ironworks, possibly little changed since its last reconstruction in 1870, the photographs show the blast furnace and waterwheel- driven blowing cylinders. Other plant included a puddling furnace (in the little open building behind the chimney) and a cementation furnace. Text and photos: Colin Bowden


The Secretary reports abstracts for the time being). Again. swathes of nineteenth century established what is now a widely a great respected awards scheme. Happily, my pleas last year did not the Association owes debt to docks in London and Liverpool to annual Peter and Marilyn for their work of This has been successfully running fall upon deaf ears. Volunteers have become redundant, and on the over years, and way they other hand demise passenger over decade and consists of come fonivard and we now have 20 the the of for a for some new officers. Contact details have ensured that lndustrial liners caused by the rise of air travel three awards: the main award Archaeology Review become ports fieldwork are shown elsewhere. has hit like London, Southampton the best Diece of year, Co-ordinator for the the leading internationally and Liverpool very hard indeed. submitted that a student recognised learned journal covering period award and the outstanding practise Recording Awards. Dr Victoria There followed a when many only being given in Beauchamp has taken over the tA. dock areas lay idle, their award; the latter 5o, all the posts mentioned last where work reigns again on her return from warehouses and transit sheds those instances the year been filled, and we are the Holland, despite being the mother of have crumbling and their cranes rusting, makes a major contribution to grateful everyone for theoretical a small child and a baby. Some very to but in the 1980s new uses came to methodical and/or people are gluttons for punishment, volunteering. Howeve; there is one the fore, as residential apartments, advancement of the subject. oost is but we are very gratefull other for which a volunteer shopping areas, museums and The work does not have to Co-ordinator for the needed, and that is Secretary. I tourist functions moved in. conform to any given format or have been on Council for 22 years, Conservation Awards. John No one would deny the value of length and any project involving (sometimes Eldridge, who has an engineering and an officer more the new land uses for local industrial archaeology and having a post) background, has volunteered to than one for 20. I think it is economies, but in the process old significant element of fieldwork is revive the awards, and we already time for a rest, and some more new dock structures have been modified, eligible for entry. lt can be either have promises of some funding. At blood. lf you are willing to help, some substantially so, others have published or unpublished, and the please contact me, David Alderton, the moment, the broad outlines of a been built ove[ and others simply winners are encouraged to publish scheme are being worked on, but 48 Quay Street, Halesworth, Suffolk, demolished, or docks filled in. in lndustrial Archaeology Review. the criteria used in judging are likely lPl9 8EY 01986872343 Soeakers at the Weekend will All entrants, winners or others, to be similar to those for the demonstrate the varying experience might also care to consider a smaller Dorothea Award in the oast. Welcome to the of different ports to these processes; article in lndustrial Archaeology Publicity Officer. We have Treasurer since each is unique, with different News. locations in the UK. variations are to Past winners have come from a been lucky to be offered help by Richard Hartree is the AlAs new Jonathan Briggs, whose full time be expected. The fortunes of London wide range of backgrounds, Treasurer. Following a science post Waterways docks are coloured by locations including local societies, amateurs with British degree at Cambridge he spent 36 includes publicity. hope for close Liverpool is and professional organisations. They We years in the aluminium industry in to the City, rather more national exposure! perceived to be an economic include Brian Murless and iohn the UK and overseas. He returned 1 1 Adviser. backwater, influencing the bentley for their investigation of the Endangered Sites years ago and has been involved in thus Somerset turnpike system, Without consultee status. which we a number of voluntary activities speed of change, while the naval have sought for years never Scarborough Archaeological and but including a small-business advisor. dockyards dance to the tune of achieved, clearly become Historical Society's outstanding it has His interest in industrial history military strategies. Should industrial impractical to try to monitor Listed archaeologists now be recording the survey of the Yorkshire Alum stems from observations that a Building Consent applications just Industry and the survey of the number of processes in use when he modifications as three or four ourselves. Instead, we are looking to Tankerton Copperas Industry by the began in industry are now already decades ago the then existing work much more closely with the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. out of use. Richard will not be structures were noted? Council British Archaeology. Last year's winners were A. Dutton for dealing with subscriptions and Speakers will discuss changes at Hopefully by the next issue and Gwynedd Archaeological Trust of // membership, so all queries Bristol, London and Liverpool, the fferys there be a system for work at Dinonryic Quarry and M. will set up regarding membership should go to northern ports, naval dockyards and and Bailey and J. Glithero for their work to enable local societies lsabel Wilson, the AIA Liaison Officer inland waterway ports, while individuals to follow up cases of on the Engineering and History of at Leicester. members will be given the concern to them. Howeve; Dr Mike opportunity to make their own Rocket. Nevell of the Greater Manchester One aim of the award scheme is The lronbridge Working smaller contributions. As usual there Archaeology Unit has offered to will be the Saturday-night dinner at to encourage the deposition of become Endangered Sites Adviser. Weekend the New Inn. Blists Hill. fieldwork in the national Archives He is obviously very experienced in This year's annual working weekend The lronbridge Weekends are where it is available for public this area, and will be willing to offer to be held on 6-7 Aoril at the not only stimulating but also a good consultation. With the entrants' help and advice on matters such as lronbridge Institute, Coalbrookdale, opportunity to meet and discuss lA permission, entries are deposited in seeking listed status, opposing LBC is on the theme of 'The Modification with other members of the AIA or the respective National Monuments applications, etc.Again, more details of Port Structures'. Since lA is by affiliated local societies. lf you have Records. A total of 1 00 marks are in issue. awarded by the panel of judges for the next definition concerned with old not attended one before, give it a Treasurer. As from the end of industrial activities, it is hardly go. An application form is included Research Strategy (1 0), 2001. Richard Hartree has taken surprising that the discipline is with this mailing. Documentary Research (1 5), over from Michael Messenger as perpetually engaged in a Ray Riley Fieldwork (20), Analysis and Treasurer Association. The programme change, (30), Presentation of the of monitoring Affi I ia ted Soci eti es Offi cer Interpretation heartfelt thanks of the Association especially since the advent of (1 5), and Advancement of the go to Mike for his years' service, (1 0). 20 deindustrialisation in the 1970s. lt AIA Fieldwork and Subject and the very sound state of our might be thought that this took All entries must be received by 1 finances at present. place pretg rapidly, but the speed of Recording Awards May in order that judging may be Editor of lA Review. This is to change in commercial ports in the One of the aims of the Association completed as soon as possible. remind you that Dr David Gwyn is late 1960s and 1970s was arguably when it was set up was to Winners will be notified at the end taking over from Marilyn Palmer and much swifter than that which took encourage improved standards of of July and prizes will be presented Peter Neaverson (though Peter will place in towns generally.0n the one recording and publication. As a at the AGM of the annual still be dealino with reviews and hand containerisation caused means of achieving this it conference.


Fieldwork at City Industries in a Rural DOROTHEA University, London Landscape: Dorset and From Tuesday 23 April Somerset RESTORATIONS 2002 A programme of evening lectures Sunday 23 June to Wednesday 26 LTI) and fieldwork around Greater June 2002 Incorporating Ernest Hole (Engineers) of Sussex London begins with an introductory meeting at 6.30pm on Tuesday 23 A residential course exploring April 2002, at City University. Led by industrial archaeology in west C ONTRACTORS AI/D CON SULTANTS IN T H E Dr Robert Carr. There is not a Dorset and south Somerset, based CO IV SBRUATION OF HISTORI C METALWORK, meeting every week and the course at Dillington House, llminster, with MACHINERY AND WIIVDIWATER MII,LS extends into August. For the tutor Dr Peter Stanier. Quarrying, fieldwork evenings we usually limeburning, textiles, ropes, nets, meet Recent contracts include designs for an atmospheric at King's Cross railway station. For breweries, corn mills and turnpike railwa-v, and a replica steam locomotive, restoration of details and booking, contact roads will all be covered, with l8C lead sculptures, repair and gilding of the Albert Courses for Adults. Deoartment of lectures and two field visits. All- Memorial bronze decoration, Continuing Education, City comers welcome. For details please conservation work on University, Northampton Square, contact Dillington House, llminster: Turbinia, Lion, Sans Pareil and l,oconrotion. and even London EC1V 0HB, I 020 7477 Somerset TA19 9DT, I 01460 the restoration of an hydraulic catafalque!

8268, e-mail: [email protected]. 52427, Fax: 01 460 52427 .

Ovcr 100 man vears exoericrrce

ADVERTISE IN IA NEWS Northern Works: New Road, Whaley tsriclgc, via Stockport. Chcshire SK23 7JG. Contact: Dave Hodgson lA News reaches a wide readership through direct Tel: (01663) 133514 Fax: (01663) 734521 subscriptions, ciculation to affiliated organisations and use in libraries. Southern Works: Riverside Business Park, St Annes Road. St. Annes Park. Bristol. B54 4ED. Conracr: Ccoll'Wlllis Advertising rates range from as little as f30 to S170 Tel: (0 | l1) 91 15331 Fax: (0 | 1'1) 911 16'11 for a full page. All proceeds contribute to the costs of the Newsletter and the ryork of the Association which is a registered TBC PRINT SERYICES LIMITED charity. Inserts may be mailed with MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER PRINTER! IA News at a charge of f.25. We provrde a c0rnp ete if'h0us€ servce f0r all ktfds 0f print w0rk including large 10rmat p0st€rs, transparencies f0f overhead pr0lectt0n presentat 0ns, perlect bindtng f0r dissertat 0ns etc saddle For further details. contact the Editor. st tch bindrng for pamphlets etc srngle and fu I c0l0rr pnnt nq frOm 5 t0 50 000 copies business stati0nery (inclrding NCR l0nns) the list rs pretty much endl€ss Contacl details are 0n lhe back c0ver - trv us!


The Editor welcomes correspondence on all matters of interest to our readers

Cambridge Conference guide AIA would know? this is just for a first-ever non-winter season, but I would like to congratulate Nigel Balchin and Regarding Soham water tower, site E 30, the rumours abound that it will never again welcome Peter Filby on their Guide to Cambridgeshire and owners have a drawing showing that the fee-paying customers. intention had been Peterborough which has a wide range o{ to build a second, higher, However the Welholme Galleries, housed in a gable pump-house interesting items. However, lwonder if the tower on the other of the at former Edwardian Congregational Chapel on the Street, E (tower pump-house statement that Garrett Hostel Bridge, Cambridge 5axon site 24 1913, corner of Welholme Road and Heneage Avenue, is 1928). They were told that, in the event, had planning a series (1 960), site C 1 8, was the first post-tensioned pre- it of exhibitions Ior 2002.One will cast concrete span can be correct? lt is generally been decided to construct a seoarate tower focus on the history of Cleethorpes, whilst accepted that the first post-tensioned deck was instead between Soham and Fordham and this another celebrates the 1 5Oth anniversary of the probably Nunns Bridge, Fishtoft, 1947-8. Between 1957 was done in c1932 Royal Dock, mentioned in the article and 1959, very large pre-cast post-tensioned Dr Michael Gould Those wishing to know more about Grimsby's beams (something like 4ft by 3ft) were used on l9 Glencregagh Drive, Belfast, 8T6 1NJ only museum currently open are invited to (Secretary the Ballymacarret Viaduct in Belfast. This was contact myself of the Welholme demolished in 1999 following fears that water A museum in Grimsby Community Museum Group), I 01472 350404, (Documentation had got at the tendons. Northern lreland's civil As a participant in the 61st EMIAC held at or Andrew Tulloch Officer for engineers were generally considered to be Grimsby, it was with interest that I read the report North East Lincolnshire Council), I 01472 conservative at this time, and I find it difficult to of its proceedings (lA News ll9, pages 11-12). 323516. believe that they would have tackled beams of Sadly, the National Fishing Heritage Centre, which Tim Mickleburgh this size unless the system had been tried out on was visited during the conference, closed its 33 Littlefield Lane, Grimsby a smaller scale before. Perhaps someone in the doors to the public on 31 October 2001. Officially Lincolnshire DNSl 2AZ


fine arts, but Railway tarpaulins and Railway history usuallY industry?), so there is no simPle natural science and concentrates on rolling stock and means of finding an answer to the they had then started to collect sheet stores civil engineering, with little question. The recent AIA gazetteer items of social history. Storage is a At this year's AIA Conference in attention to the myriad other of Cambridgeshire lists a railway major problem and there is a policY Cambridge I presented a member's activities undertaken by the railways tarpaulin factory at Peterborough, of not acquiring items that are too a lot contribution on the Midland in their heyday. There were probably but are there others? large to store or that require of Railway Sheet Stores, and this about a million tarpaulins in use by I am delving further into the conservation either now or in the unusual topic generated a great the railways at the end of the history of the Midland RailwaY future. The collection is meant to deal of interest. nineteenth century and it was a Sheet Stores, and would like to hear illustrate the evolution of Carlisle The Midland Railway Sheet formidable logistics problem to from AIA members with ideas on and North Cumbria. Stores at Long Eaton in DerbYshire ensure that these were returned to these topics, and any views on Susan then showed how the employed 200 people making and their owning railway after use, and whether the site should be different collections illustrate (usually waterproofing tarpaulins regularly inspected and repaired. protected by listing or scheduling. I Carlisle's industrial history. The fine referred to by railwaymen as There is an excellent introduction to can be contacted at 68 Myrtle art collection has paintings 'sheets') for railway wagons, and the topic entitled'Sheets Ropes and Avenue, Long Eaton NG10 3LY or e- depicting industrial scenes and the repairing corn sacks. The stores were Sacks' by Bob Essery, in the mail: [email protected]. sites of various industries through located beside the triangle of specialist railway magazine Midland lan Mitchell the ages. There is also a large railway lines known as Trent Record No.3, 1995 (Wild Swan photographic collection, Parts of Junction where the routes from The Publications). A day out in Carlisle which are industrial based. Derby, Nottingham and Leicester textile collection contains a number ln the discussion at the About 50 members turned uP on a meet, and had their own canal basin of banners of guilds that occurred in Conference there was considerable wet Sunday in October for the on the Erewash Canal, The site was the city and the sister museum, the interest in the constituents on the Cumbria Industrial History Society's originally established in '1840 for the Guildhall, contains displays on the 'tarpaulin dress' usod for conference at Tullie House Museum transfer of coke from canal to guilds, waterproofing. This is rsuallY in Carlisle. Unfortunately our first railway, and a series of buildings 0ne gallery of the present thought to be coal-tar, but speaker was ill, but Denis Perriam were erected in distinctive Midland museum is devoted to industry with contemporary accounts qur,ted in valiantly offered to do two talks in Railway architectural sgles as the examples of farming, the State Bob Essery's article state that the the day. His first talk was on the site expanded up to 1899. The site Brewery Scheme, fabric printing, formula used by the Midland Carlisle Canal and he began by was sold by British Rail in the late clog making, etc. They also have Railway did not contain tat but was showing that the idea for a canal 1960s, and is now the Sheet Stores special displays and at the time of a mixture of oil and vegetable black. between the Solway and Newcastle lndustrial Estate. The canal basin is is true, then what type of oil the visit, there was a display on lf this as proposed in the 1 990s was not a used as moorings and a boatyard. Cans biscuits which also illustrated would have been used? new idea. lt was first proposed in Despite the lack of any statutory number of the tins made bY Another topic raised in the the eighteenth century and various a protection, most of the buildlngs Hudson Scott. discussion was how many other schemes involving the canalisation have survived without serious The museum also works closelY railways had a complex of buildings of the Tyne and Eden and other external changes, and at present with the archives and the library and equivalent to the Midland RailwaY routes have followed over the years. they seem to have a reasonably between them they have an oral Sheet Stores, and whether anY of Ships could be brought up the secure future. The site is private history prolect ongoing. A these have survived. The Solway and beached at places such Part property but glimpses of the involves recording the memories of architecture and archaeology of as Sandsfield and unloaded. But it buildings can be seen from the people who worked in Carlisle railway ancillary buildings has not was felt that that it would improve towpath of the Erewash Canal, and (when industries and Susan illustrated this been systematically studied Carlisle trade if ships could be from passing trains (grid reference with a short passage from a ladY will MPP reach the railwav brought closer to the city. Eventually sK 487321 ). who had worked in Carrs Biscuit a canal was built from Port Carlisle factory. They are also working on to the basin at Carlisle. Alas, today producing a list of archive deposits very little remains of the canal at throughout the country with regards Carlisle and Denis used a variety of to various Carlisle industries. old paintings and photographs to After lunch Peter Messenger show its position and its effect upon sooke on the water mills of the Eden the development of the city. Valley. A paper survey had found The second speaker was Peter 1 09 sites in the Eden catchment Robinson who outllned the area, A look through the SMR had development of the complex railway reduced this to 63 standing system in the city. At one time seven buildings, and this was further railway companies entered the city, reduced to 19 that had not been each with their own goods yards converted to houses. Peter then took and engine sheds. Over time these us on a ouick tour of some of these were eventually amalgamated and to show us what remains. TheY the lines in the city were altered sites varied from the totally derelict shell until the present railway system at Low Mill at Parkhead Renwick to appeared. the recently restored example at At the end of the morning Susan Acorn Bank and the still working Dalloe from Tullie House Museum example of Little Salkeld. The IMS Railway's official photographer took a series of photographs of work at the spoke on the history of the museum reason for this survey was Midland Railway Sheet Stores around 1925, shortly after the Midland Railway was which opened in 1893 although The absorbed into the LMS. This photograph shows the dressing nachines for applying the decide the relative local some of the collections had started to tarpaulin dress to waterproof the wagon sheets. fhere was an l8-inch gauge internal importance of the Warwick Bridge railway to move the materids around the site 40-50 years earlier. Originally the corn mill which is hopefully going to Photo: National Railwav Museum DY|3672 collections had been archaeology,


be conserved. Peter pointed out that themselves remarkable monuments. are actually joined together and signs soon appeared. In late 1998 there was no means of finding out Farnborough's significance have been operated as a single mill. they closed down Elk Mill at Royton what the relative importance of needs to be recognised and the core The No.l Mill was built in 1902- and moved some of the machinery different sites are, but hoped that group of historic buildings must be 1903 for 89,000 spindles and was to Chadderton Mill. In January 2000, possible this was an area in which protected. An informative illustrated immediately followed by Shiloh Spinners was spun off, as you societies such as the CIHS may have publication, Enough has been construction in 1904-1906 of the might say, to a management buy- a role to play in recording sites and Bulldozed! Save Farnborough The No.2 Mill for 107,000 spindles. No.3 out and ceased to be part of Shiloh forming lists of important sites Cradle of British Aviatio4 (see Mill was a late extravagance by the plc. Edmund Gartside, chairman of throughout the county or region. Publications on Page 15), describes company, being built ten years later Shiloh plc, said that the cyclical Denis returned as the second the historic buildings and structures, in 1914 to house 135,000 spindles. nature of the spinning trade did not speaker of the afternoon and gave a both listed and unlisted. For details The mills were designed by Stott & fit the environment of a publicly whirlwind tour of just some of the contact SAVE Britain's Heritage, 70 Sons, the Oldham mill architects.Ihe quoted company but was confident industries that had taken place in Cowcross Street, London ECI M 6EJ, architecture of the No.l and 2 mills that the business was viable and Carlisle over the years. In medieval A 020 7253 3500, e-mail: is restrained but the No.3 Mill is a would thrive under its own times Carlisle was famous for the [email protected]. much grander and impressive management. However; six months Carlisle Axe and New Bank Lane building with its use of red bricks later they decided to close down was previously called Bladesmiths and swan-motif decoration. just The end of Swan Lane Chadderton Mill, leaving Swan Lane after the Bladesmith family These mills were typical 'Bolton Lane operational. Early in 2001 who had lived there and produced Mills, Bolton counts' mills, equipped with mules came reports of a reduction in edged weapons at Bridge End Mill. The business news of 8 October for spinning fine carded and combed operations at Swan Lane and the Carlisle had also been famous 2001 was dominated by Railtrack yarns from Egyptian and Sea lslands final end in October was, perhaps, for the production of fishing hooks. plc going into administrative cotton. Dobson & Barlow of Bolton not a total surDrise. Those members Timber had been imported and receivership but two days later they supplied the spinning machinery for who visited Swan Lane Mills during produced locally and there was even were followed into administration the first two mills, but that for No.3 the Manchester conference of the the 5t Nicholas Firewood Company by Shiloh Spinners Ltd. This meant Mill came from Richard Threlfall of Association for Industrial which chopped old railway sleepers not only the end of cotton spinning Bolton. The three steam engines, Archaeology in September 2000 up and sold them as firewood. Denis at Swan Lane Mills but the end of one for each mill, came from George were therefore fortunate to see used a variety of sources such as cotton spinning in Bolton, Saxon of Manchester. During the operations when they did. maps, old billheads and company Lancashire.'King Cotton has been ill 1950s, after closure of the No.3 Mill, Roger N. Holden records to illustrate a wide range of for years but this week he finally ring spinning replaced mule industries such as brewing, hat died' proclaime d the Bolton Even i ng spinning and electrical drives Waterpoint moved manufacturing, tanning and bicycle News. Io be precise he does still replaced the steam engines. The The 5t Pancras Waterpoint, a 350- manufacturing. have a feeble existence in Bolton's No.l & 2 Mills were purchased by ton Grade ll listed structure dating After a coffee break, and luckily great rival town of Oldham and also Courtaulds in the mid-l970s and from 1872, has been moved from its had stopped raining, Denis then it at Huddersfield, in Yorkshire. The during the 1980s they invested original site to make way for the set off on his third mission of the industry cotton lasted in Bolton for some f5 million in them, moving new Channel Tunnel rail link day to lead us round the remaining around years production 250 and during its into of cotton blended developments now under way. The industrial sites close to the West quarter yarns heyday in the first of the while an open-ended spinning elaborate brick and stone Walls city. These included of the twentieth century there were facility was installed and a polyester waterpoint was cut into three railway goods yards plant and engine around 120 spinning mills with 12 was transfened from another sections and the upper two were sheds (now a car park), and cotton million spindles. These employed production mill. In 1996 at Swan lifted whole and transoorted to a mills now parts of a hotel, the site of some people, 34 thousand at the Lane was again stepped up with new site overlooking St Pancras the city jail, Porters foundry and a end Swan Lane employed just 160. machinery transfer of from two mills yacht basin where it will serve as a quick tour of the Citadel railway Swan Lane Mills were a which were closing down. viewing platform. The project was station before returning us to the complex of three mills originally By 1996 Courtaulds had only masterminded by Heritage of museum finish a splendid day. to housing some 330,000 spindles. two mills in Lancashire, Swan Lane London Trust Operations for London Graham Brooks They are all still standing and are and Chadderton Mill, Oldham, and & Continental Railways, with the listed grade 2*. No.3 Mill, the with effect from 1 January 1997 approval of English Heritage. RAE Farnborough newest, ceased spinning in 1963 these were purchased by 5hiloh Meanwhile, the Grade I listed SAVE Britain's Heritage, English and was spilt into industrial units Spinners, a part of Shiloh plc. In Midland Grand Hotel at St Pancras Heritage and Farnborough Air but in recent years has not been purchasing the mills, Shiloh they station is in line for refurbishment Sciences Trust (FAST) are concerned fully occupied. Shiloh 5pinners said they looked fonruard to the by the time the first Eurostar train at the lack of inspiration shown by occupied the No.1 and 2 Mills which future with confidence but ominous arrives in 2007. Slough Estates, the owners and redevelopers of the site of the Royal Clifftop celebration for Aircraft Establishment. There are Marconi very few comparable sites in the GuglielmoMarconi's grandson (of world which reflect the history of the same name) was present on 12 aviation in the twentieth century. December at Poldhu on Cornwall's From the establishment of the Lizard peninsula to celebrate the Balloon School through to the site's centenary of the first wireless decommissioning in the mid 1990s transmission across the Atlantic the research canied out remained at Ocean. A new visitor centre was the forefront of world-wide aviation opened near the cliftop monument, technology. The various wind Swan Lane Mills, Bohon. No. I & 2 Mills to the left, No. 3 Mill to the right. This inage was to be used and manned by a local tunnels are testimony to the used on the company's letterhead until the | 960s and recently nore appeared on the Shiloh radio club on behalf of the National incredible achievements and are in Spinners website. Trust.

INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 120 11 Arthur Clayton - 100 The original brine pump was missing so another pump of suitable size Not Out was found and refurbished, which Arthur Clayton, the historian of the steam engine now drives so that (in Elsecar and Hoyland Barnsley visitors can see it pumping water. MBC), celebrated his 100th birthday The engine is an Alcazar donkeY last June, and we offer him our engine made by Messrs E 5 HindleY congratulations and best wishes. He of Dorset and is the only known came from a mining family, started example in working condition on work at 13, and worked down the public display. There are other pit until his retirement. Then he Alcazar steam engines in museums taught classes in local history for but only as static exhibits. over 1 5 years, and published articles In his reply to iohn Greenhill, journals in and newspapers. museum engineer Colin Thompson Arthur is best known for his said that all project work at the paper on the history of the Elsecar Waterworks Museum was a Newcomen engine, the only one to combined effort but that he had fhe Puffing Devil causes a stir as it passes through Falmouth's streets in Septenher 2001 survive in its original engine house. been oroud to be associated with Photo: Roaer Ford The paper was presented to the such an historic engine which had most Newcomen Society in 1963 when it served a local town so faithfully. incorporates housing and transport. Lizard lighthouse on the celebrated the 300th anniversary of The Chairman and Secretary of The eighteenth-century cotton mills southerly point in . (Arthur Newcomen's birth had to the Herefordshire Waterworks and community at New Lanark in take a day off work). lt drew on Museum is Dr Noel Meeke, who can Scotland were described at the time Puffing Devil postscript 'the manuscript sources to establish be contacted for details at by Robert Owen as most As a postscript to the article on 1 795 as the date of the engine Llancraugh Cottage, Marstow Ross- important experiment for the pages 4 and 5, the replica road 1 the desoite the date of 787 on on-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 6EH happiness of the human race at any locomotive has seen action at gave great engine house, and a deal time in any part of the world.' The various public events, including the new information about the is Saltaire near Bradford in of European Museum of third site Trevithick Society's Steam for the early engine's construction and West Yorkshire, developed in the conference at Falmouth (// the Year Future years, drawing on the Fitzwilliam 1850s by Sir Titus Salt. lt includes a News ll9, page 12). The most (Wentworth The National Railway Museum at papers Woodhouse huge textile mill, houses, church, historic outing, however, was on CitY York was chosen as the European park Muniments) at Sheffield chapels, school, institute and Christmas Eve 2001 when it made for 2001. Archives. To mark the engine's Museum of the Year but no pubs. another trip up Camborne Hill paper bicentenary the was reprinted accompanied by a small fleet of in Aspects of Earnsley 3, edited by Mills become World Living at the light traction engines, on the true 200th Brian Elliott (Wharncliffe Publishing Heritage sites Trinig House is entering the tourist anniversary to the very day, and all Limited, Barnsley, 1995). I am Three landmark textile mill sites industry by making some redundant involved - drivers. crews and others grateful to Brian for some of the joined lronbridge and lighthouse keepers' cottages into who have helped with the project - information in this note. have Blaenavon on Unesco's list of World holiday accommodation. Most retired to Tyacks Hotel in Camborne Derek Bavliss goose Heritage sites. The factory system is lighthouses are now automatic and for a traditional luncheon. said to have been born in the Trevose and Pendeen on the north 90th birthday for Derwent Valley, Derbyshire, which Cornish coast will be the first this Hayle Harbour scheme Tenbury engine includes a group of mills between year to attract holidaymakers with a aground Ninety years almost to the day the Matlock and Belper. Pride of place is sense of history and adventure. The third major scheme in 12 years brine Slr Richard Arkwright's Cromford Meanwhile, a visltors' centre with steam engine which lifted the to rejuvenate Hayle in Cornwall Tenbury Wells has been mill of 1771, but the Derwent Valley conference and educational water at have foundered again. The scheme 12 August 2001, John Mills industrial landscape also facilities is belng planned for the restored.0n is said to have been seriously Tenbury Greenhill, Curator of flawed, despite local backing, and unveiled the engine at the Museum, now to avoid a public enquiry fresh Hereford Waterworks Museum and proposals will be put forward to set it in motion. meet objections from English A brine mineral water supply Heritage, conservationists and Tenbury in 1839 was discovered at fishermen. There has been concern years and within a few a thriving about overdevelopment and the had been established in the spa infilling of historic quay walls as town. Little is known of the early well as parts of the Carnsew Pool, pumping machinery but in August an artificial reservoir built for 191 steam engine was installed 1 a sluicing the harbour entrance. operating a pump 58 feet down to For many years Hayle has been in the spa raise water to a cistern a backwater which most peoPle tower. Having been taken out of agree is in desperate need of service, the engine eventually found revitalisation. Back in the Museum its way to the Wateruvorks nineteenth century it was a major year's at Hereford. lt took a industrial centre, the port serving painstaking work by the Museum's John Greenhilt (right) sets the Tenbury engine in motion at the Hereford Waterworks the tin and copper mines, while ln attendance is museun engineer Colin Thompson. volunteer engineers to completely Museum. there were two large foundries strip down and rebuild the engine. Photo: Dr Noel H. l. Meeke

12 INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 120 NEWS manufacturing beam engines and ethnic minorities. The catalogue will other mining equipment. Remaining also provide huge local benefits, parts of the world famous Harvey's with users able to access any Foundry have recently received information which exists for funding for conservation. waterways in their immediate locality. Milestones meeting Paul Sillitoe Head of Archives & Records, says: a The Milestone Society was formed a At the touch of button a user could find out year ago, to identify, record, g@6@,7 research, conserve and interpret for anything from the history of their local canal to information about a oublic benefit the milestones and Engineering Restoration and Heritage Consultants other waymarkers of the British family member who used to work on a waterway. Schools will be able lsles. lt now boasts around 300 Restoration and conservation of rolling stock, wind & to use the Waterways Virtual members with a developing county watermills, engines, cast iron work, bandstands, Archive Catalogue in their studies'. co-ordination network and a lighthouses. Restoration and The Waterways contemporary Summer Meeting and AGM is to be TrustArchive has an interest in hydropower. Engineering displays. Museum collection held at the Black Country Museum all of Britain's inland moves. Feasibility studies. Recording and on 11 May. See Diary page. waterways. The archive collects, preserves and makes publicly Conservation Plans. All work undertaken in-house by Waterways history available rich and diverse records in our experienced 2O-strong team UK and worldwide. many forms, including plans, unlocked drawings, accounts, photographs Recent projects include: 20 T timber lock gates for Hundreds of years of waterway and audio-visual recordings. The British Wateruvays; restoration and rebuild of 1786 history are to be unlocked and made Trust is resoonsible for the Boulton & Watt engine for National Museums of accessible to millions through the management, conservation and Scotland; interactive engine room diorama for Scottish internet thanks to a f400.000 preservation of the archives of Maritime Museum; restoration of electric loco E4 for Lottery grant to The Waterways British Waterways. The archive has Tyne & Wear Museums. Trust. The Waterways Virtual Archive around 55,000 individual items Catalogue, costing nearly f 650,000, dating back 300 years. Preserving our Industrial Heritage will bring together under one virtual for future generations roof information about the records Lott & Walne Exhibition in the British Waterways Archives 22-24 Carmyle Avenue, Foxley, Glasgow G32 8HJ - Lott & Walne Ltd were important currently dispersed at 15 locations iron founders and engineers at Tel: (0141) 763 0007 Fax: (0141) 763 0583 from lnverness to Gloucester. The Fordington High Street, Dorcheste[ E mail: [email protected] British Waterways Archives a are Dorset, from the 19th century until unique national asset dating from final closure in 1988. Their products the late seventeenth century to the would like to hear from anyone who structure was ananged parallel to included agricultural machinery, may have photographs, present day. archives or the top lock on a triangular piece of water mill equipment, drain covers, please ground Work should completed by artefacts. lf so, contact Tony betvveen the lock and theTat be lamp posts and horse-drawn water August 2004. One the most and Brenda Innes, 10 Gold Hill, Bank Branch. The hall nearest the of carts. The Dorset County Museum is impoftant aspects of the Waterways Shaftesbury 5P7 8HB (@ 01747 branch is believed to be the oldest. keen to put on a Lott & Walne Virtual Archive Catalogue is iIs 854548). A wide, tall, bricked up arch with a exhibition, to which end Tony and plate ability take the in cast iron floor could have to archive and Brenda Innes have scheduled the Titford pumping engine connected with the original boiler turn the waterways themselves, relevant drawings and photographs beyond traditional users people house which may have been on the to in the museum collection. They are house cunently excluded, such the site of the later engine hall. as now in correspondence with people This building stands beside the disabled, those of low income and There is also speculation on the whose relatives worked there. and highest navigable level the of nature of the original roof for the Birmingham Canal Navigations (511 iron supports are apparently too feet 0D), and parts date back to the widely spaced for slates but may Titford Branch Canal of 1837. The have supported corrugated iron. I original engine house had a new am not aware of conugated iron Boulton & Watt single acting beam being used as early as 1 837, but the engine. The plant was in enlarged roof could have been altered in the 1863-4 for a second hand engine 1 863 oeriod. made by J & G Davis ofTipton. Both The pumping shaft nearest the engines were scrapped in 1928 and Tat Bank Branch is retained but that 1937 respectively and a succession nearest the lock has been capped. oil engine/diesel pumps have of They fed on a single underground been used ever since. culvert that runs to the bottom lock. After a serious fire in 1998 Several questions remain to be Waterways now British is asked and further information about refurbishing the pump house, which the pump house deserves to be will include a pump as as well office uncovere0. and boaters' facilities. The building Ray Shill, West Midland Group comprised boiler houses, two engine Secretary, Railway & Canal Lott & Walne's foundry building in Fordington High Street, Dorchestel halls and what appears to be a Photo: Peter Stanier Historical SocieU blacksmiths shop. The complete

INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 120 13 as well as the village, Yorkshire and umbrella programme, Dales Living worked until 1927, was formally the lead mines Landscape, which includes an opened on 16 June. Ihe National into a working museum. Humberside integrated capital and interpretative Trust is also restoring the earlY Ihe Huddersfield Narrow Canal Work on industrial sites has become programme for extractive and nineteenth-century Gibson Mill at was officially reopened to the a well established and growing Paft manufacturing industries. Hardcastle Crags near Hebden navigation on 25 MaY after archaeological completion of a f30m restoration. of the region's The f750,000 grant Package Bridge. At Abbeydale Industrial reopening the three- activity over the last few years. The announced by Sir Neil Cossons on Hamlet, Sheffield, Heritage This included to navigation main reasons for this are a greater 20 November for the buildings of Engineering have done extensive mile Standedge tunnel awareness of the value of this work, the Sheffield metal trades, at the repairs to the waterwheels and and building two cut-and-cover and the encouragement given bY launch of the English Heritage machinery; the dam has been tunnels through industrial sites in visitor PPG 16, the Government's Planning publication One Great WorkshoP, drained and work done on the wall, Huddersfield, There is a new canal warehouse at policy guidelines on archaeologY should encourage projects for a and a new interpretation gallery has centre in the and planning. This has made it good number of neglected been opened, with interactive Marsden, at the east end of the easier for local authorities to ask for buildings; there are many displays for children and disabled tunnel. At Sowerby Bridge, where joins the Calder archaeological work on candidates. English Heritage is access. There is growing concern the Rochdale Canal development sites - anything from a concerned about the continuing about the state of the dam at the & Hebble Navigation, funding has of watching brief, through building neglect of the unique Grade 2* water powered cutlery grinding been given for the restoration imProvement of recording, to a full dig. Since many listed Large Crucible Shop of 1871 wheel at , Sheffield. warehouses and The Rochdale of these sites are in towns and old at the former Sandersons steelworks An area round the 1 882 water the surroundings. navigable here since industrial areas, industrial at Darnall, and the Grade 2* 'little powered Little Matlock Rolling Mill, Canal has been Lane and tunnel archaeology has been a major mesters' workshoos' at Leah's Yard on an older site in the Loxley valley, the new Tuel lock 1996, and is beneficiary. in the city centre, which look like Sheffield, has been scheduled as an were opened in it remaining problems In Sheffield, for example, the being surrounded by a large retail ancient monument. A new owner is hoped that the be year began with a major excavation development. The developers of rolling bar by electric power in the on the Lancashire side will of by ARCUS on the site of Jessops Sterling Works, Arundel Street, as mill. but there is still work to be removed by mid 2002. f1m has been given to steelworks in the lower Don valley. flats and offices, are not onlY done on restoring the wheel and Lottery funding locks and They recorded massive timbers from retaining parts of the late providing a viewing area. Another reoair Grade 2 listed the the eighteenth-century water nineteenth-century buildings but new scheduled ancient monument bridges on a 3/z mile stretch of between powered Brightside Forge, which keeping space for the small is a group of 14 shaft mounds from Chesterfield Canal Turnerwood Kiveton Park, had been used to fill its dam and silversmithing firm of C. W. Fletcher ironstone mining at Hood Hill, and were found there by the developers, which has been there since the Wentworth, Rotherham. Rotherham. Leeds Civic Trust has Put a blue and uncovered the foundations of 1 920s. Congratulations to the National plaque on Smithfield lronworks, nineteenth-century steel cement- ln Bradford the Grade 2 listed Railway Museum, York, on its home ofT Green & ation furnaces. More recently there Wool Conditioning House, which selection as 2001 EuroPean North Street, the builders traction engines, have been excavations on the site of checked imoorts for anthrax and Museum of the Year. Bradford Son, of and the White Lead Works in Leadmill other problems, is to be converted lndustrial Museum now offers steam locomotives lawnmowers (c1880 - 1937), which Road (1759 - c.1903), when the bus into a shopping centre and offices, demonstrations of restored printing firm of chartered and tram depot there was and the very large Grade 2* presses by two retired printers, and is now used by a surveyors. A local group at Silkstone, redeveloped, and on the site of a Manningham South Mills of 1873 a collection of etched printing plates Barnsley, is promoting interest in the large cutlery works, the Suffolk are being converted to residential is being restored in a joint venture 1809 Silkstone RailwaY which Works of Thomas Turner & Co., in use, though many subsidiary with the Halifax Evening Courier. hauled coal to the head of the Suffolk Road. A road scheme gave buildings seem likely to be The Museum has acquired Barnsley Canal at Barnby Basin and the opportunity for an excavation of demolished. The second oldest large engineering drawings from the Scott lime back. A replica waggon has the short-lived Denaby Pottery near mill in the Halifax area, Garden Motorcycle Company of Saltaire. been put on channel rails, based on Mexborough, established in 1 864 by Street Mill, a cotton mill of 1833, is Kelham lsland Museum, Sheffield, an example in Cawthorne Victoria John Wardle, a potter from Burslem, at last being converted to flats (with has been given a f374,000 Lottery Jubilee Museum, at Silkstone Cross Staffordshire, and the remains of a recording condition), after a long grant for a new Collection where the village street meets the four kilns were found. history of neglect, vandalism and Management Centre and renewal of A628. The part of Bank FoundrY, demolition proposals. Ihe Grade 2 the galleries. The Magna Science Derek Baylks and David Cant Sowerby Bridge, to the north of the Leeds City Tramways depot at Adventure Centre in the melting new canal lock, was demolished at Guiseley, a 1914 building bY shop of the former Templeborough the beginning of the year to build a architect Sydney Kitson and a Steelworks, Rotherham, opened on Eastern England supermarket. This was part of the landmark of the A65, latterly used 12 April and is comfortablY The big event of the year was, of works of Pollitt and Wigzell, steam as a DIY centre, is being converted exceeding its visitor targets. The course, the Association's conference engine builders, which closed in to a leisure centre and flats. displays are good and the in Cambridge, a report on which 1930, and was then used by a small Permission was refused in experience of walking and climbing appeared in the last lA News. engineering firm. Recording work November for demolition of the round between the pavilions inside However, there was also a very was done before and during 1938 Grade 2 pithead baths at the the huge steelworks building has successful EERIAC meeting in June demolition, when elements of the former Kiveton Park Colliery, prompted comparisons with the in Stowmarket. late nineteenth-century foundry Rotherham. and a local trust wants fantasy engravings of the Museums in the region so far were revealed. ln the Yorkshire to turn them into a communitY and eighteenth-century artist Piranesi. are all surviving despite the effects Dales National Park a survey of lime arts centre with managed The project won the Royal Institute of foot and mouth on tourism and kilns recorded over 536 of them worKspace. of British Architects' Stirling Prize for attendances. The Long ShoP before it was put on hold by the foot The watenruheel at Fountains 2001. At the other end of the scale, Museum in Leiston celebrated its and mouth epidemic. This also Abbey Mill has been restored by the the Calvert family of blacksmiths at 20th anniversary and had on disPlaY delayed the first stage, funded by NationalTrust, and the Mill, which is Gunnerside, Swaledale, has plans to a Garrett portable which has been the Heritage Lottery Fund, of an on a twelfth-century site and make the smithy, which did work for sold to Lithuania, there converted to


self propulsion by chain drive, and is considered too exoensive to station ceased milling shortly after Mill is up for sale, one of the recently recovered for the museum. repair, and its replacement in feno- the AIA visit (we were almost conditions of sale is that it must be The Cambridge Museum o{ concrete is proposed. The remaining certainly the last party to see it at regularly opened to the public, The Technology has acquired some parts buildings of Golden's Foundry at work), but is listed. The horsehair adaptive reuse of maltings as of the demolished gasholders which Northrepps, which although unlisted processing works at Glemsford in fashionable housing continues to used to stand almost next to it. At were going to be converted to Suffolk are likely to be converted to flourish with maltings in Halesworth present a boiler leak prevents housing, are now threatened by the housing, though it is unlikely that and Woodbridge currently under steaming of the engines, but it is reluctance of the local council to there is all that much inside as conversion, and the fire-damaged hoped this will soon be cured. At allow a small amount of agricultural processing ceased many years ago. Ditchingham Maltings sold for Stowmarket the new Ransome's land to be taken over for the Mills, as so often, have fared better. conversion. Although exterior gallery is now complete. gardens of the proposed dwellings. Bourn Mill, arguably England's features are preserved with greater So far as interesting industrial The effect may be to encourage the oldest windmill. is closed because of or lesser success in such sites are concerned, this has been developer who already has rot in the stocks, but is trust owned. conversions, interiors are invariably another year of steady attrition. The permission to demolish to do just The sails are now turning at Wicken gutted. A less common adaptive cement works at Claydon in Suffolk that. The Aldeburgh brickworks in Windmill. and Peter Dolman's mill at reuse is the proposal to build a has now been cleared, and a Suffolk and the sugar beet factory at can now grind corn. The Euston guided bus route along the path of

number of sites are under threat. Sproughton near lpswich have also estate has made a fine job of the Cambridge to St lves line - | The mid-nineteenth century brick- ceased working, but are as yet restoring their watermill (the one wonder if they have thought of arched causeway leading to the intact. Elsewhere the threats are less which masquerades as a church), using rails to guide it? bridge over the Great Ouse at St lves tangible. Fosters Mill by Cambridge and although Haddenham Great David Aldenon


Short Notices negatives and photographs, whilst others were copied from magazines and badly damaged snapshots. The quantity of material is remarkable, given the restricted access to the site and the need for security and secrecy One Great Workshop, English Heritage, 2001 . f4.95 while it was in ooeration. Based on a 'l 0-year research programme and photographic survey by During period between English Heritage, providing a wide-ranging overview of the Sheffield metal the closure of the mills in 1954 and the development of the trades buildings and the skills of the people who worked in them. Available area as a Country Park in 1980, most of the buildings and bridges were demolished some landscaping undertaken, at Sheffield Town Hall First Stop Reception, Pinstone Road, Sheffield 51 2HH and was paving the way for the return of natural vegetation and wildlife. The last (a Oil4 273 2106). section of the CD shows the area as it was in the year 2000 concentrating EIIOUO'I'IASBEEN on some of the plants and wildlife that are to be found in the Country Park. Enough has been Bulldozed! BAUL0fi0l There is now little visual evidence of the extensive range of industrial buildings and equipment that once occupied the site. Save Farnborough The Cradle of The CD-ROM is available for f10 plus p&p from Rosslyn Chapel Visitor British Aviatioa SAVE Britain's Centrq E-mail: [email protected] ( Heritage, 2001. Describes with 49 illustrations the historic buildings and structures, both listed and unlisted, in THE BOOK HOUSE particular the fascinating wind The leading industrial archaeology booksellers since 1963 - tunnels. For details contact. T0 books on all aspects of technology & transport Cowcross Street, London ECl M 6EJ, Lrsrs rssuep - Fnnn SEARcH sERVrcE A 020 7253 3500, e-mail: Official stockists for Newcomen Society Transactions [email protected]. The Book House. Ravenstonedale. $frWFAfrAnOnAUfin Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria CAlT 4NQ Tel: O1 5396-23634 Fax: 0l 5396-23434

e -mai I : mai l@ t he hookhouse.c Open daily except Sunday & Tuesday: 9am-5pm Roslin Gunpowder Mills on CD-ROM or visit our bookstall at manv IA conferences A new CD-ROM presents tvvo contrasting pictures of a part of Roslin Glen on the river North Esk, an area known for generations as one of the most attractive parts of Midlothian, Scotland. Visitors to the glen today who take a walk beside the river may not realise that the area was once the site of the Anne Jones Booksearch Service Roslin Gunpowder Mills which closed in 1954 after being in operation for 'Bryher' Barncoose Terrace years. 1 50 Redruth, Cornwall TR15 3EP Members of Roslin Heritage Society received an award from the Millennium Forest for Scotland Trust to carry out research into the history of Telephone 01209 211180 the mills and to record it on a CD-ROM. To mark the end of the Award, a A selection of secondhand and out of print books for sale photographic exhibition was held and the CD-ROM was projected on to a Industrial Archaeology:- Canals, Railways, Bridges, early large screen. The information used was collected from a wide variety of Engineers, Steam and Engineering interest sourcet including some of the former factory workers and their families who Please phone or write for list contributed both documentary Inaterial and verbal recollections of their activities. The photographs date from the 1880s, with a wide variation in Free book search also available image quality. Some have been reproduced from good quality, original Details on request


23 MARCH 2002 11 MAY 2002 details please contact Dillington 6.12 SEPTEMBER 2OO2 SERIAC MILESTONE SOCIETY House, llminster, Somerset TA1 9 AIA ANNUAT CONFERENCE at Cranbrook School, Kent, the SUMMER MEETING AND 9DT, E 01460 52427, Fax: 01460 IN EDINBURGH South East of England Regional lA AGM 52427. at Herriot Watt UniversitY, only. Conference, hosted by the Medway at the Black Country Museum, Edinburgh. Advance notice 4-7 IULY 2002 when Dudley. Details from Terry Keegan, Further information is mailed with lA Group. For details STUDY MRIAS SUMMER issue. Barnes, 3 Hon Sec, The Oxleys, Tenbury Road, this available, contact Bob WEEKEND Cage Lane, South Clows Top, Kidderminster, Worcs Vespers Coftages, at Van Mildert College, University of 8QD, DYl4 9HE, I 01299 832358. Marden, Ashford TNz7 Durham, a Manchester Region lA 8 01233 770355. 16-19 MAY 2002 Society Summer Study Weekend. 5-7 APRIL 2OO2 INTERNATIONAL MILLSTONE Details and booking from Jill AIA IRONBRIDGE WEEKEND COLLOQUIUM OF LA-FERTE- Champness, 108 Woburn Drive, at lronbridge, the Affiliated SOUS-JOUARRE Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire WAI 5 Societies' Weekend, on 'The at La Fert6-sousJouarre, on the 8NF. I 0161 980 7612, e-mail: Modification of Port Structures'. quarrying, stone working, trade and bernard.jill.champness@tinyworld. history. Details are included with this issue use of millstones, long term of lA News. For more information lnformation from Mouette Barboff Maison des 5-8 JULY 2002 contact Ray Riley, Affiliated Societies and Francois Sigaut, 2OO2 THE Sciences de l'Homme (Salle 115), 54 NAMHO Officer, 8 Queen's Keep, Clarence APPLICATION OF WATER Boulevard Raspail, 56006 Paris, Parade, Southsea, Hants P05 3NX. POWER IN MINING France. 20 APRIL 2002 at the University of Wales, SWWRIAC 8 JUNE 2OO2 Aberystwyth, a weekend conference at Crosskeys College, Risca, the EERIAC 12 with supporting programme of mine South Wales & West Region lA at the Norfolk Rural Life Museum, and field trips, hosted by the Welsh Conference, organised by 0xford Gressenhall, near East Dereham. The Mines Society with the assistance of House lA Society. SAE for details theme'lndustrial Archaeology from other members of the National when available from Tony Jukes, 26 the Air' includes lectures and a tour Association of Mining History Dan y Graig, Machen, Caerphilly of the museum. Details and booking 0rganisations. To register interest, form (SAE please) from Mrs Brenda cF83 8RF. send SAE to John Hine, The Taylor, Crown House, Horsham St Grottage, 2 Cullis Lane, Mine End, APRTL 2002 20 Faiths, Norwich, NRl0 3JD. Coleford, Glos GLl6 7QF. Papers are TRANSPORT IN CUMBRIA INDUSTRIAT ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS invited on the application of water at Ambleside on the subject of 23-25 JUNE 2002 (formerly AIA Bulletin l55N 0309-0051) power in all aspects of mining from transport in Cumbria, a conference INDUSTRIES IN A RURAL tsSN 1 354-1 455 across the world, outlines to be sent organised by the Cumbria Industrial LANDSCAPE to Peter Claughton, Rosebush, Editor: Dr Peter Stanier History Society. For details and at Dillington House, llminster, a exploring Clynderwen, Pembrokeshire 5466 booking form send SAE to CIHS residential course Published by the Association for lndustrial west 7RE, Bookings, Broombank Cottage, industrial archaeology in Archaeology. Contributions should be with e-mai | : P. F. C [email protected]. uk Lindal-in-Furness, Ulverston, Dorset and south Somerset, sent to the Editor, Dr Peter Staniet, 49 lectures and two field visits. For Breach Lane, Shaftesbury, Dorset 5P7 9LF. Cumbria LAl2 OLW. News and press releases may be sent to the Editor or the appropriate AIA Regional Correspondents. fhe Editor nay be telephoned on 0l 747 854707.

Final copy dates are as follows:

30 March for May mailing 30 June for August mailing 30 September for November mailing 30 December for February mailing

The AIA was established in 1973 to pronote the study of lndustrial Archaeology and encourage inproved standards of recording, research, conseruation and publication. lt aims to assist and support regional and specialist survey groups and bodies involved in the prese:ation of industrial nonunents, to reDrcsent the intetests of lndustrial Archaeology at national level, to hold conferences and seminars and to publish the resulE of research. fhe AIA publishes an annual Review and quafterly News bulletin. Further details may be obtained fron the Liaison 1fficer AIA 0ffice, School ol Archaeological Studies, University of Leicester. Leicester LEI 7RH. Z 0l l6 252 5337 Fax: 01 16 252 5005.

The views exoressed in this bulletin are not necessarily those of the Association for Industrial Archaeology.

16 @ Association for Industrial Archaeology, February 2002 Registered in England underthe Companies Act 1948 (No. 1326854) and the Charities Act 1960 (No.277511) Registered office: The Wharfage, lronbridge, Telford, Shropshire TF8 7AW Prnrfirrcd bv TBC Print Services Limited, Blandford Forum, Dorset 01258 453'178/488990