Rod Heikell | 208 pages | 01 Jun 1991 | Imray,Laurie,Norie & Wilson Ltd | 9780852881477 | English | Huntingdon, United Kingdom Ultimate guide to Danube river cruises

Traveler Type. Trip Activities. Travel Style. In the second part of his blog, Jeff Titelius tells us about his Viking river cruise trip along the most famous section of the Danube River: the stretch including the glorious cities of , and . You can read the first part of Jeff's journey here. This majestic The Danube: A River Guide has long been a powerful transportation route and is a perennial favourite for river cruises. The Danube has shaped the history of central Europe over many centuries, as an important transportation route and economic lifeline between the heart of Europe and the Balkans, although, commercially, it is less busy than the Rhine Rhein. It has halted armies at its banks and been the inspiration for musical serenades, interludes and waltzes. We awoke on Day 5 in Vienna and began our day with a walking tour to see the best of the Austrian capital city—home to the symphonic sounds of the Strauss family. After our morning tour, we explored The Danube: A River Guide remarkable Saint Stephen's Cathedral and climbed up the steps of its south tower for the most stunning views of Vienna. Later, we boarded The Danube: A River Guide public transit to one of the places I most wanted to visit—the sprawling Baroque Belvedere Palace and Gardens built in the 18th century for Prince Eugene of Savoy. Today, it's home to remarkable interiors of marble statues, a museum where you'll find Klimt's The Kiss and the manicured gardens just outside the palace. Read more about Vienna's highlights. Welcome to Day 6, and once again, we're in a capital city but this time it's Bratislava, Slovakia. Smaller in comparison to Vienna, Bratislava has a small-town charm and is quite easy to navigate. Seek out the Segner Lounge and restaurant housed in what was the home of 18th-century physicist, physician, astronomer, botanist, mathematician and inventor, Johann Andrea Segner. What I regret not having time to do is visit the medieval Bratislava Castle which just The Danube: A River Guide to be the royal residence of Maria Theresa during the 18th century. During the afternoon, we The Danube: A River Guide sail for what is to become our final stop of our Danube river cruise, Budapest, . First up was a gingerbread-making demonstration where guests were invited to make gingerbread cookies and later decorate them with myriad sweet confections. Later, we were invited for some "behind-the-scenes" experiences. First, we toured the wheelhouse where the ship's captain pilots the boat and learned firsthand the 21st-century technology at work to navigate the waterways of Europe. Following that, we descended for a galley tour conducted by our head chef. That night, at aboutwe were invited to the The Danube: A River Guide deck once again for our arrival into Budapest. As we imbibed our steaming libations, suddenly, emerging from the darkness, the golden city of Budapest appeared aglow and spread out before our eyes—a sight so splendid, it was almost poetic in its grandeur. Our morning started with the usual, an escorted tour through the city including stops at Fishermen's Bastion and Saint Matthias church, both of which are located on the Buda side of the Danube. On our way back The Danube: A River Guide the ship for lunch, we stopped at the shoe memorial, the most profoundly moving experience of my entire cruise. This memorial is comprised of 60 pairs of bronze shoes along the bank of the Danube The Danube: A River Guide the lives of innocent Jews who were executed and then disposed of in the river. I actually cried as I gazed upon them and was struck by the shoes that once belonged to small children. Later that night, we rode Europe's second- oldest subway to Heroes' Square where we visited the Fine Arts Museum for a Caravaggio exhibit. Read more about what not to miss in Budapest. Truly one of the most memorable journeys of my life—a discovery of new sights, authentic cultural connections, a journey back in time. What I loved most about this Viking river cruise was that they really delivered upon their promise—exploring the world in comfort. Your accommodations, tours, transfers and meals are already planned for and included; having to unpack only once is a real bonus especially if you've ever traveled in Europe and carried your luggage on and off the train, checked in and out of numerous hotels and suffered the lost time of traveling in between. Without a doubt, a European river cruise is the perfect The Danube: A River Guide to a wondrous continent steeped in history, culture and time and no one does it better than Viking River Cruises! Text by Jeff Titelius. Follow Jeff on Twitter JeffTitelius. Best places to go in June, July, August. Home Destinations Back. Canada United The Danube: A River Guide close. Traveler Type Back. Trip Activities Back. Travel Style Back. River cruising on the Danube: Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest. Budapest, Hungary That night, at aboutwe were invited to the top deck once again for our arrival into Budapest. Read more about what not to miss in Budapest And so the music has ended and our Viking River Cruise Danube Waltz comes to an end as well. What our customers say. Danube Map | Danube River

Find the right river cruise for you on Danube. Trips are most popular in September, with the most river cruises doing this route then. View Map. River Cruise. Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees. Download Brochure View tour. More information. Danube river cruises Review : Indulge in a stroopwafel and The Danube: A River Guide the sights as they pass by. Travel : Unpack once and spend more time discovering new cultures. Ship : Step onboard and fall in love with the haven of panoramic views. Boat : Admire the simplicity of flowing through the Danube locks. Austria : Bask in the views as you cruise past the arresting Austrian Alps. Nuremberg : Step back in time and discover the rich history of Nuremberg. Danube cruises Danube : Cruise the river that has a dozen languages spoken on its banks. River : Delve into culture and meet the The Danube: A River Guide at sleepy riverside towns. Cruise ship : Head to the top deck and watch the sun peek over rolling hills. River The Danube: A River Guide : Relish in complete luxury every moment of the day on your cruise. Budapest : Discover why baroque Budapest is coined the Queen of the Danube. Vienna : Waltz your way down the historic cobblestone streets of Vienna. Europe : Value the stunning views, they are some of the richest in Europe. Danube Cruises Reviews "Tomosh was so attentive to my gluten free needs. Looked after me every day, breakfast However, we felt on the boat, It is like a tour except that your hotel is following Avalon Impression from Avalon Wat Avalon Passion from Avalon Waterw Emerald Sky from The Danube: A River Guide Waterway Emerald Sun from Emerald Waterway Emerald Dawn from Emerald Waterwa We use cookies to enhance your TourRadar experience which help us analyze traffic and provide you with personalized content and ads. By browsing TourRadar, you agree to our use of cookies. Learn more Got it. The 10 Best Danube River Cruises / (with 1, Reviews) - TourRadar

It rises in the Black Forest mountains of western Germany and flows for some 1, miles 2, km to its mouth on the Black Sea. The Danube played a vital role in the The Danube: A River Guide and political evolution of central and southeastern Europe. Its banks, lined with castles and fortresses, formed the boundary between great empires, and its waters The Danube: A River Guide as a vital commercial highway between nations. In the 21st century the river has continued its role as an important trade artery. It has been harnessed for hydroelectric powerparticularly The Danube: A River Guide the upper courses, and the cities along its banks—including the national capitals of Vienna AustriaBudapest Hungaryand Serbia —have depended upon it for their economic growth. They favour the formation of a branching, dense, deepwater river network that includes some tributaries, more than 30 of which are navigable. The river basin expands unevenly along its length. It covers about 18, square miles 47, square km at the confluence81, square milessquare km after joining with the Dravaandsquare milessquare km below the of its most affluent tributaries, the and the . More than half of the entire Danube basin The Danube: A River Guide drained by its right-bank tributaries, which The Danube: A River Guide their waters from the Alps and other mountain areas and contribute up to two-thirds of the total river runoff or outfall. The upper course stretches from its source to the gorge called the Hungarian Gates, in the Austrian Alps and The Danube: A River Guide Western Carpathian Mountains. The lower course flows from the Iron Gate to the deltalike estuary at the Black Sea. The upper Danube springs as two small streams—the and —from the eastern slopes of the Black Forest mountains of Germany, which partially consist of limestone. From Donaueschingen, where the headstreams unite, the Danube flows northeastward in a narrow, rocky bed. To the north rise the wooded slopes of the Swabian and the Franconian mountains. Between and the river forms a scenic canyonlike valley. To the The Danube: A River Guide of the river course stretches the large Bavarian Plateau, covered with thick layers of river deposits from the numerous Alpine tributaries. The bank is low and uniform, composed mainly of fields, peat, and marshland. At Regensburg the Danube reaches its northernmost point, from which it veers south and crosses wide, fertile, and level country. Shortly before it reaches on the Austrian border, the river narrows and its bottom abounds with reefs and shoals. The Danube then flows through Austrian territory, where it cuts into the slopes of the Bohemian The Danube: A River Guide and forms a narrow valley. In order to improve navigation, dams and protecting The Danube: A River Guide have been built near PassauLinzand Ardagger. The upper Danube, some miles km long, has a considerable average inclination of the riverbed 0. Depths vary from 3 to 26 feet 1 to 8 metres. The Danube swells substantially at Passau where the Inn Riverits largest upstream tributary, carries more water than the main river. In its middle course the Danube looks more like a flatland river, with low banks and a bed that reaches a width of more than one mile. The basin of the middle Danube exhibits two main features: the flatland of the Little Alfold and Great Alfold plains and the low peaks of the Western Carpathians and Transdanubian Mountains. There the river stream slows down abruptly and loses its transporting capacity, so that enormous quantities of gravel and sand settle on the bottom. A principal result of this deposition has been the formation of two islands, one on the Slovak side of the river and the other on the Hungarian side, which combined have an area of about square miles 1, square km that support someinhabitants in more than settlements. The silting hampers navigation and occasionally divides the river into two or more channels. The riverbed is shallow and marshy, and low terraces stretch along both banks. River accumulation has built a large number of islands, including Island near Budapest. The average runoff increases from about 83, cubic feet 2, cubic metres per second north of Budapest tocubic feet 5, The Danube: A River Guide metres at the The Danube: A River Guide Gate. The rapids and reefs of the Iron Gate once made the river unnavigable until a lateral navigation channel and a parallel railway allowed rivercraft to be towed upstream against the strong current. Beyond the Iron Gate the lower Danube flows across a wide plain; the river becomes shallower and broader, and its current slows down. To the right, above steep banks, stretches the tableland of the Danubian Plain of Bulgaria. To the left lies the low Romanian Plainwhich is separated from the main stream by a strip of lakes and swamps. The tributaries in this section are comparatively small The Danube: A River Guide account for only a modest increase in the total runoff. They include the Oltthe The Danube: A River Guide, and the . The river is again obstructed by a number of islands. Near TulceaRomania, some 50 miles 80 km from the sea, the river begins to spread out into its delta. Georgewhich carries the remainder. Navigation is possible only by way of the Sulina Channel, which has been straightened and dredged along its mile km length. Between the channels, a maze of smaller creeks and lakes are separated by oblong strips of land called grinduri. Most grinduri are arable and cultivatedand some are overgrown with tall oak forests. A large quantity of reeds that grow in the shallow-water tracts are used in the manufacture of paper and textile fibres. The covers an area of some 1, square miles 4, square km and is a comparatively young formation. About 6, years ago the delta site was a shallow cove of the Black Sea coast, but it was gradually filled by river-borne silt; the delta continues to grow seaward at the rate of 80 to feet 24 to 30 metres annually. Article Contents. Print print Print. Table Of Contents. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Author of Hydrologic Regionalization of Bulgaria. See Article History. The Danube River links the countries of the Balkan Peninsula to each other and to the rest of Europe. Britannica Quiz. A Visit to Europe. Central Budapest, looking north along the Danube River, with the Parliament Building on the east bank. The of the Sava foreground and Danube rivers from the Kalemegdan fortress, Belgrade, Serbia. Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. River at its source in the Karwendelgebirge mountainsBavaria, Germany. Load Next Page.