THELOFTY MOUNTAIN By ShaheedDr Sheikh AbdullahAzzam FirstEdition Az za m Pu bl ic at io ns BCMUHUD London WC1N 3XX UNITEDKINGDOM
[email protected] 1 Publisher’s Foreword Who Was Abdullah Azzam? Part I: The Lofty Mountain Introduction Youth Education Working Life In Afghanistan His Travels The Battle of the Lion’s Den, Jaji, Afghanistan, 1987 His Personality His Last Journey A Soul Parts this World Sheikh Tameem and Martyrdom Tribute to Sheikh Tameem Words on Sheikh Tameem by Abu Hafs Al-Misri The Martyrs in Reality The Fine Examples The Miracles of Dr Salih The Sincere Man Part II: The Battle of the Lion’s Den, Afghanistan, 1987 Introduction by Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Ladin Impressions of an Arab Journalist in Afghanistan The Battle of the Lion’s Den – A First Hand Account The First Military Encounter – Operation 17 Shaban The Battle of the Lion’s Den: May 1987 Usama Bin Ladin Narrates the Battle Beneficial lessons from the Battle of the Lion’s Den Part III: Biography of Correspondent Suraqah Al-Andalusi Words of Remembrance From His Brother His Contribution to the Work of Azzam Publications From the Friend and Companion of Shaheed Suraqah Dreams Following His Martyrdom The Last Will and Final Testament of Suraqah Al-Andalusi Farwell Sheikh Abdullah Azzam said about Usama Bin Ladin Glossary 2 Dedicated to Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and the Mujahideen of Afghanistan who ignited the flame of Jihad in the 20th Century and launched the vessel of this Deen upon this blessed path, raising its banner high with honour and dignity.