
Created and written by: Shawn "Messiahcide" Abreu

Artwork and Warhammer 40k

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Chapter 1: The Powers of the Mind...... 4 The Powers of the Mind...... 5 Psychic Ability...... 9 Psychic Phenomena...... 17 Becoming a Psyker...... 20

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Chapter 1

The Power of the Mind Psykers in the Imperium ertain humans are born with the innate ability to “Watch him carefully, and keep your pistol ready in case he access the power of the Warp, drawing on it to achieve an goes wrong.” array of impossible feats. These individuals, gifted or cursed, might be called witches, shamans, necromancers, wyrds, or –Overheard near Keppler Jaq, Primaris Psyker any number of terms according to local custom, but are most commonly known as psykers. Most psykers first exhibit their unnatural powers at a young age, but psychic ability can reveal itself later in life. In many cases, psykers first manifest powers when under great sykers are both vital to the Imperium’s survival and duress or threat; this is particularly true for those who amongst its greatest threats. The Warp entities that are discover their abilities at a more advanced age. Psykers drawn to psykers are, without exception, hostile toward evince a bewildering array of abilities, for the source of their mankind and almost always extraordinarily dangerous as power is bound to no law or rule. Indeed, the Warp-spawned well. Many of these beings, including Daemons and the powers of psykers can break the very laws of physics; dreaded Enslavers, seek to use them to gain entrance to the defying gravity, creating flame from nothing, and stopping material universe, from possessing the psyker to literally bullets in mid-air. This power does not come without a price, reshaping his body into a grotesque gateway to the hellish however. The Warp is unpredictable, and home to malign otherworld of the Warp. Even aside from these threats, intelligences and beings who are drawn to the soul-light of a psykers possess great powers that pose a terrible danger; a psyker like ravenous moths to a luminous morsel. psyker who is not under the Imperium’s control might turn his powers against it. Such rogue psykers can be extremely difficult for ordinary enforcers and even military groups to contain. Even those of a seemingly benign nature can be overcome with their power and destroy all around them with uncontrolled Warp-energies.

o gaze into the arp is to know true power and utter damnation. “If the worst happens, and your Savant-Warrant falls to corruption, pray the Psykana conditioning holds. If you’re lucky, he’ll fall upon his mercy blade before anything too terrible can manifest. If he doesn’t Chapter I: open his veins… well, that’s a whole other lecture.” — Officer Training, Gunmetallicus 104th. The Powers of Imperial Sanctioned Psykers Despite the risks, psykers are an invaluable asset to the Imperium, fulfilling a wide variety of functions. The Black the Mind Ships of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica endlessly trawl the Imperium, collecting psykers as an important component of

each world’s tithe both to gather new subjects and remove “My blade can shear through adamantium as if it were paper, but it is a blunt club compared to the edge of my will.” potential dangers from the planet. Those psykers already — Inquisitor Kaede, Ordo Hereticus. corrupted by their abilities, or who are simply too dangerous to live, are summarily executed. Most of the rest go on to serve the Adeptus Astronomica and sustain the ithin the Imperium of man, some people are born Astronomican, the Warp-beacon that guides all Imperial vessels through the seas of the Immaterium. Ten thousand different. Some fickle turn of fate or chance twist in the souls fire this beacon, and hundreds perish each day to keep genome has seen them join the growing ranks of psychic it lit. The few remaining serve in other ways, from interstellar individuals within the human race. These psykers labor communications Administratum support, to actual combat under a blessing and a curse. They have the rare talent to roles fighting alongside the Imperial Guard or as part of the draw power from the warp, the hidden dimension of Adeptus Astartes. To survive testing by the Adeptus Astra that lurks beneath the fabric of reality, and shape it into all Telepathica is to become sanctioned, and these psykers manner of strange and supernatural effects. Using such serve an Imperium that grudgingly tolerates their essential power, however, comes with a terrible risk. existence and is ever wary of their stability. Whether they know it or not, the mind of each psyker shines brightly within the otherworldly dimension of the warp, or immaterium as it is also known. This psychic realm is Astropaths home to unspeakable beings, hungry predators that look upon such soul-fires with great anticipation. The denizens of Astropaths are the only means of interstellar the immaterium— warp beasts, Daemons and worse—find communication the Imperium possesses, and the most great sport in weak and unprotected minds. An unwary common type of sanctioned psyker. They lack sufficient will psyker is easily attacked, consumed or used as a gateway and strength to control their powers or withstand the from the warp to the physical realm. Scholastica Psykana’s rigorous training, and so undergo Psykers are regarded in many different ways across the Soul Binding, whereby the Emperor shares a minuscule Imperium’s countless worlds. On the more primitive planets, fraction of His power. This ritual allows them to serve the they are thought of as shamans, witches and sorcerers. Imperium at the cost of their eyes, which are forever burned More sophisticated societies are usually aware of psychic away in the process. They bind the Imperium together in a abilities and refer to psykers by other titles such as “gifted” or galactic web of communication, casting their thoughts into “the touched”. But in almost all cases, and on all worlds, they the Warp for fellow Astropaths to intercept and decipher. are feared for the darkness and chaos they can bring down This is not to say, however, that astrotelepathic on those around them. communication is simple, safe, or widely available, but it is There are many that believe psykers represent a gross essential for the Imperium to survive. For this reason, perversion of all that humanity is, and a constant reminder of Astropaths are always in high demand by all branches of the the terrible powers of the warp. This idea seems to hold Imperial hierarchy. some weight as the majority of psykers succumb to madness and ruin, often at the cost of countless other lives. Those that can master psychic power, however, become a prized, if The Scholastica Psykana somewhat dangerous, commodity to the Imperium. The Scholastica Psykana serves as the primary source of instruction for all psykers who exist as a lawful “The dominion of Man the Animal is done. The age of Man the Psyker part of the Imperial society. Those trained by the has just begun!” Scholastica Psykana are expected at all times to honor their painfully learned lesions and be watchful in — Heretic Thaylon Sol, final words. themselves for any deviance or corruption and die by “Man only spoke of it once. He say bein’ psyker not so unlike us their own hands if needs be; such is the scared burden spine-divers. Spend all your time with your parts in sea-dark, awaitin’ they must bear. Their code of conduct is ingrained from the day when d’ fang-fish bite.” the first lessons, and it doesn’t cease even after the student has left the Schola. — Spectoris Agri-hand, Dermay.

Primaris Psykers potential in the course of his duties might take the fledgling psyker into service without recourse to Imperial testing and training. At the other extreme are the most ruthless of Psykers play an important role amongst the ranks of the puritanical Inquisitors, such as those of the Monodominant Imperial Guard. Gathered into large psychic choirs, a group belief, who see all psykers as witches and mutant of psykers can weave their power together to perform abominations. Such Inquisitors never requisition the services extraordinary feats. As they gain experience, psykers can of psykers, and barely condone their very existence. even ascend to the rank of Primaris Psyker, accompanying Imperial commanders into battle and summoning incredibly destructive powers to turn the tides of battle. These potent Sacrifices individuals are viewed with a mix of fear and awe by the general ranks of Guardsmen, and having a psyker attached The Black Ships of the Inquisition sweep up great tides of to an Imperial Guard squad can raise tensions considerably. psykers as they ply their way across the Imperium. The vast majority of the psykers gathered in this way are found to be Unsanctioned Psykers too weak and pliant in soul to stand against the corruption of the warp. They are passed to the care of the Adeptus Astronomica. This august body helps the Emperor maintain An unsanctioned psyker is one that has never undergone the Astronomican, the great psychic beacon of Terra. By testing by the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, perhaps never burning the very stuff of their souls, the Astromonican’s realizing his powers or carefully avoiding detection and martyrs power the Emperor’s Golden Throne, sending astral capture. Those that remain unsanctioned are forever wary light flaring through the warp. that one day they may be bound unto the Black Ships, often By providing a single fixed point, the Astronomican forms never to be seen again. A very rare few may find shelter in a vital part of warp travel, allowing Navigators to effectively the service of a radically-inclined Inquisitor, relying on his triangulate their position. Perhaps a thousand such martyrs authority for protection. Most, however, are a danger to the are sacrificed to the Emperor in this manner each day. Most Imperium more terrible than any xenos invasion or heretical consider this a small price to pay in return for the protection uprising, as each can become a portal through which the and guidance offered by the Master of Mankind. Ruinous Powers can breach reality.

Navigators Latent Psykers

There are some psykers that are unaware of their This hereditary line of abhumans serves the Emperor and abilities. They may hail from a primitive world ignorant of the Imperium by using their innate ability to visually perceive proper ways, or else their powers might manifest in subtle the treacherous shoals and stormy courses of the warp, via ways, such as strange luck with dice, “poltergeist activity”, a psychic ‘warp eye’ which often itself manifests as a visible uncanny hunches and so on. These psykers might never be mutation. They are not psykers in the standard sense, but detected, or more likely they might become host to all rather the inheritors of a specifically engineered ability manner of warp corruption. Some might be infected with whose true nature is not fully understood, even by those who weird psychic parasites which slowly gnaw away at their possess it. Their gifts allow them to peer into the same mind until insanity results. Others might become host to Immaterium beheld by those gifted with psychic prowess but Daemons, or even be snatched away into the warp to make with singular purpose and acuity, enabling them to actively a plaything for the Ruinous Ones which lurk there. Some navigate a ship through the warp itself with a skill unmatched have been known to flower into full-blown psychic ability—a by psyker or machine alike. Their noble houses form an phenomenon known as emerging—under stress, often with ancient Imperial institution known as the Navis Nobilite, spectacular results. In any case, latent psykers are which has close ties to every major aspect of wider Imperial considered dangerous weak points, and the agents of the society, from the Imperial Navy, to the Adeptus Mechanicus Black Ships do not shy away from hunting them down. and the diverse mercantile powers of the Imperial Commercia, to those brash and infamous explorers of the unknown, the Rogue Traders. Untouchables Psykers and the Inquisition Untouchables are individuals who have no warp signature. They are not psykers, in fact they are completely the opposite. Their presence frequently acts as a damper on Inquisitors often have especial need of psykers, for they psychic activity, lessening or even completely halting its are particularly suited to hunting others of their kind and effects. Untouchables, like psykers, actually have different even Daemons. Generally, Inquisitors employ psykers for a grades of “ability”, though few savants have actually been wide variety of purposes, from incinerating heretics en able to study them closely due to their extreme rarity. Their masse, to divining the location of a cult, to plucking secrets strange aura makes most folk uncomfortable around them, from the mind of a suspect. Indeed, an Inquisitor may and for this reason they are often loners, outcasts and himself be a psyker. As in all things, Inquisitors do not allow pariahs. Of all Imperial institutions, the Inquisition makes the the bureaucracy of the Imperium to stifle their work; as such, greatest use of Untouchables. an Inquisitor who discovers an individual with psychic The Enemy and fear lest they be consumed by their own race’s primordial sins. Their mastery of the psyker’s arts is measured by long and cautious centuries and most will Unfortunately for the Imperium, the psykers of the never attain the brief, bright-burning power of the humans Imperium are not the only beings in the galaxy who can they so scorn. wield the foul powers of the Warp. From mysterious Eldar Farseers and vicious Chaos Sorcerers, to unpredictable Ork Weirdboyz and the ominous Zoanthropes of the Tyranid Hive Am I a Psyker? Fleets, powerful psychic individuals stand amongst the ranks To be formally considered a Psyker in game terms, a of almost all of the enemies of man. Simply seeing the character must have at least one level of the Psy Rating destruction that can be wrought by these individuals can trait. However, there are other ways to gain Psychic drive a man mad. Powers, especially minor ones, through Talents, Traits and even drugs. It is also possible for a character with Renegade Psykers some psychic ability to improve their level of power, effectively increasing their Rating. For details on the

There are psykers who manage to exist without the effects of the various Psyker Ratings and Elite Advances that grant Psychic Powers see page 7. benefits of Imperial Sanction, both some few who manage somehow to evade the authorities and those born either in outlaw or isolated communities or on worlds completely outside of the Imperium. The majority of these die through Measuring Psychic Ability the perils of their burgeoning condition, but some few manage to survive the full manifestation of their powers and Psychic ability typically manifests between the ages of ten gain some measure of control. Known by many names; and twenty, though there are psykers who have emerged in witch, renegade, wyrd, hellspawn and worse, these psykers infancy or later in life. What triggers latent psychic ability is rarely can match the control or mental stability of those who unknown to Imperial scholars, though not for lack of trying. have benefited from Imperial Sanctioning, but some are Only the rare psyker is strong enough to “stand alone” frighteningly powerful, and their services are often highly against the terrible dangers inherent in possessing psychic sought after by those of nefarious purpose. A careful abilities. Even the majority of the strongest psykers still renegade psyker might be able to exist for some time before require a great deal of training to effectively utilize their calling ruin down upon himself and his companions—if they abilities. In order to be properly trained, each psyker needs are sane enough to try and blend in. But in the end, the only to go through a reckoning of their powers. Assessing the sure way to safeguard’s one soul is in service to the capabilities of a psyker is a difficult and imprecise art. The Emperor, and the renegade lives always in danger from the primary consideration is the psyker’s strength against darkness beyond as much as from the mob that would burn predation and corruption from the warp. Sanctioneers have him for a witch. many ways of measuring this peculiar strength of will, from demanding years of devotional training, to simply intuiting Sorcerers with a glance. Those deemed weak and pliable are granted the Emperor’s mercy, or sent to join the throngs of martyrs Some psykers choose the path of damnation in their quest on Holy Terra. Those who have the strength to resist the for power. Heeding the whispered lure of Daemonic maddening touch of the warp and exhibit some control over promises, they give up their souls in return for secret their gifts are then divided into groups and types, according knowledge, raw power and mastery of things that man was to their powers, raw ability and finesse. Some are soul not meant to know. These psykers embrace the Dark Gods bound and become Astropaths. Others are sent out by the as their lords and masters, making vile pacts to further their Adeptus Astra Telepathica to serve in various roles and to own depraved avarice. They are despised and feared for study under the auspice of the Scholastica Psykana. their unnatural practices and Daemonic taint. The Inquisition Each tradition or branch of the Scholastica Psykana has a regards these sorcerers as highly dangerous foes, for they different method for measuring psychic ability. Some grade often act as doors through which Daemons may enter the individual on raw power; from the flickering power of an realspace. Omicron Grade psyker, to the world shattering awe of the Alpha Grade psyker. Others prefer to group their novices by the Discipline they study, whilst others still rate the psyker on Xenos Psykers the level of training and finesse they have attained. This rating might follow a scientific numeral system, depend on Outside of humanity’s multitudes there are also alien mystical degrees of initiation, or use any method in between. races who possess psykers of their own, although in often However it is measured, the psyker is expected to study the staggeringly different forms and ranges of ability than their traditions, Disciplines, powers and obligations of the human counterparts; from the brutish, thunderous force of Scholastica Psykana with the utmost devotion. For an idea the ork ‘weirdboyz’ to the nightmarish psy-arcana of the of how differing Disciplines of psychic study grade their mysterious fra’al. Of these, the ever-dwindling number of members, take a look at Table 1-1: Scholastica Psykana warlocks and farseers of the insidious eldar are known to be Calixis. among the most subtle and powerful, but also caged by ritual

Table 1-1: Scholastica Psykana Calixis Ranks Scholastica Telekine/ Telepath/ Psykana Astra Militarum Thaumaturgist Diviner Biomancer Pyromancer Templar Calix Sanctionite Sanctionite Sanctionite Sanctionite Sanctionite Sanctionite Sancitonite Neonate Neonate Neonate Neonate Neonate Neonate Neonate Aspirant Aspirant Aspirant Aspirant Aspirant Aspirant Aspirant Scholar Materium Savant Militant Grammatican The Crimson Aeon Novice Carnate Ignis Templar Tertius Scholar Medicae Savant Warrant Rhetorite The Golden Aeon Novice Sanguis Cauterite Templar Secundus Scholar Arcanum Lieutenant-Savant Dilectate The Silver Aeon Novice Cognate Pyrist Templar Primus Scholar Obscurus Savant Adjunct Trigmestus The Hermetic Aeon Novice Tuitus Cinorator Templar Ordinator Scholar Empyrean Preceptor-Savant Quadrivite The Silent Aeon Novice Spiritus Incandate Master Templar Calix -- Lord-Savant Iptissimus The Spectral Aeon Novice Tenebrae Crematist -

Wytches Psykers The people of the Imperium fear that which is different strange or unusual. Such is the brutal and unforgiving nature of the 41st Millennium that this mindset is a wise survival strategy. Unusual growths, rumors of deviance, supposed magic powers or simple unpopularity y are often e nough to see a person branded a witch and lynched, burned or worse. The paranoid fear of witches is common throughout the Imperium, and many innocent souls are sacrificed upon the altar of hysteria. Those accused of being witches might be psykers but just as often they are simply a wizened crone ugly misfit or drooling simpleton. Some cultures add charges of witchcraft to other crimes for reasons political and otherwise. For example, a charismatic seditionist within the mines of Sepheris Secundus might be tried as a traitor and warlock. His followers might be described as being enchanted or bewitched into acting against their baron. Even on planets with advanced technology such fears still run deep. A dissolute hive world noble might be mind cleansed by his family for treating with the occult or having heretical psychosis. One of the more common tasks of the Inquisition is discovering if a witch has any real connection with the warp or if their crimes are of a more domestic nature. The majority err on the side of guilt just to be sure. Whilst sorcerers, witches and, to some extent, latent psykers are feared and hated by the common man. Imperial psykers and Astropaths enjoy a different status. Sanctioning imparts a measure of orthodoxy and authority to these psykers marking them as part of the Imperium. After all the Imperial psyker has made the great pilgrimage to Holy Terra and beheld the Emperor s light first hand. Whilst the common man will almost certainly be full of awe and fear at the psyker's presence it is little different to the feeling he might experience when encountering a commissar or an Administratum tax prefect. That said, Imperial psykers usually take pains to avoid making their abilities too apparent Mob rule and superstitious rage is never far away particularly when psychic phenomena begin to manifest. Astropaths are usually sequestered far away from the public gaze but even they are conscious that their presence is unsettling for the blunt masses. Most folk will never have heard of a Navigator, let alone seen one for they are a rare breed which is kept closely cloistered and hard at work. On the rare occasions that they deal with human society like other orthodox psykers they choose to hide from plain sight. the character’s effective Psy Rating), to see if it manifests. Finally, if the Test is successful, the power will take effect. Depending on how much energy the psyker used and Psychic Ability what methods he used to bolster his efforts, there may be additional consequences. The step-by-step process for using a psychic power is described below: • Choose the power level (Fettered, Unfettered or Push): he psyker’s gift usually appears sometime during his The power level at which the psyker uses his power adolescence, though this is by no means a certainty. While (reflecting how deeply he is drawing from the Warp) some will come into their powers at a very young age, others influences the likelihood of the psyker successfully may never fully develop their gifts without some form of manifesting the power, and also determines whether there traumatic trigger event which causes the breakthrough of their inherent connection to the warp. Very few psykers are are any unwanted side effects such as Psychic Phenomena. strong enough to resist the extreme dangers that are part • Make a Focus Power Test: In most cases, this is a and parcel of having psychic powers without undergoing the Willpower Test (though there are some exceptions), the sanctioning process. This is because training in the use of difficulty of which depends on the power, and which is these powers and resisting the temptations of the warp and modified further based on the power level chosen. In some deadly mishap by uncontrolled psychic force is necessary for cases, determined by the specific power, the target may even the strong of will. While a psyker’s raw power tends to Oppose this Test (see page XXX for Opposed Tests). be a constant from the first full emergence of his powers, ongoing training allows him to find new ways to utilize and • Apply the Effects: Depending on the psyker’s final Psy hone his abilities. Rating (as determined by the power level he has chosen), The names and titles given to psykers of varying power the power will have variable effects, such as increased and ability may change from place to place and by the bias range, area of effect, or Damage. Depending on the factors of the observer, but one thing is a certainty—the greater the described above, the power may also generate Psychic power, the rarer the individual, even among this singular Phenomena or even Perils of the Warp. subset of humanity, and the greater the potential danger. There is a fundamental disagreement over how to codify the power level of psykers, and how this is done can vary both between the colleges of the Scholastica Psykana and other Trait: Sanctioned academic sources, but the widest accepted measure is a As part of the tithes every world owes the Imperium, series of Inquisition-approved ‘bandings’ of raw power. each must collect all who show any sign of psychic Ranging from the almost nascent Omicron to the world abilities for the Black Ships to carry to Terra. There, the shattering power of an Alpha grade psyker, this system is Adeptus Astra Telepathica conduct fearsome testing also widely accepted in both the Calixis Sector and the known as Sanctioning for power levels, mental strength, Koronus Expanse; fittingly perhaps given the obsession with and other factors that decide each psyker’s fate. To power of those figures who strive to control them. survive is to have passed these tests, and gone on to serve the Emperor as a Sanctioned Psyker. If a Sanctioned character gains the Psyker elite advance, he Psy-Ratings does not gain the Corruption normally inflicted with that advance and starts at psy rating of 2 instead of 1. Psy Rating (PR) is a raw measure of a psyker’s power and his ability to draw power from the Warp. The higher a psyker’s PR, the more powerful he will be. PR usually ranges from 1 (a novice Imperial psyker or petty Warp-witch) to 10 (a monstrous Greater Daemon or masterful Eldar Farseer), though in some extremely special cases it may go higher still. PR is used to determine the potency of all psychic powers, such as range, area effect, or Damage. To have any access to psychic powers, a character must have a PR of at least 1. A starting Sanctioned Psyker has a Psy Rating of 2. Unlike other characteristics, however, Psy Rating is increased by spending Experience Points in a similar manner to gaining Talents. This represents the character’s natural potential, his training, and his growing connection to the Warp (see page XXX).

Using Psychic Powers

When a psyker, such as Sanctioned Psyker, wishes to use a psychic power, he must first choose how much power he is pouring into the ability, and any other methods he is using to draw upon and focus the power of the Warp. Then he must make a Focus Power Test (typically, but not always, a Willpower Test, modified by the difficulty of the power and

Table 1-2: Psychic Strength Fettered (Psy Push (Psy Rating +1 Class of Psyker Rating/2) Unfettered (Psy Rating) to +3/+4/+5) Sustaining Powers Bound: Sanctioned Make a Focus Power If the psyker rolls doubles May add up to +3 to +10 to all rolls on the Psykers and Test, counting Psy during a Focus Power Psy Rating when Psychic Phenomena Astropaths, sorcerers, Rating as half normal. Test, roll on the Psychic Pushing. Roll on the Table, decrease Psy Librarians, and Chaos No chance to manifest Phenomena Table (see Psychic Phenomena Rating by 1 per Space Marines Psychic Phenomena. page 227). Table, adding +10 to power. the total. Unbound: Wyrds, Make a Focus Power If the psyker rolls doubles May add up to +5 to +10 to all rolls on the renegade psykers and Test, counting Psy during a Focus Power Psy Rating. Roll on Psychic Phenomena mortal sorcerers Rating as half normal. Test, roll on the Psychic the Psychic Table, decrease Psy No chance to manifest Phenomena Table (see Phenomena Table at Rating by 1 per Psychic Phenomena. page 227), adding +10 to +5 per +1 PR added, power. the total. up to a maximum of +25. Daemonic: psychic May not use powers at If the psyker rolls doubles May add up to +4 to +10 to all rolls on the daemons, the Fettered level. during a Focus Power Psy Rating. Roll on Psychic Phenomena Daemonhosts, and Test, roll on the Psychic the Psychic Table, decrease Psy daemon princes Phenomena Table (see Phenomena Rating by 1 per page 227), adding +10 to Table at +10 per +1 power. The psyker is the total. The psyker is PR added, up to a not affected by the not affected by the result maximum of +40. The result unless the unless the result causes psyker is not affected result causes Perils Perils of the Warp, though by the result unless of the Warp, though those around him may be. the result causes those around him Perils of the Warp, may be though those around him may be.

Psychic Strength When a psyker uses a power, he has a choice of using it

at one of three different levels: Whenever a psyker uses a power, he is drawing energy • Fettered: The psyker holds back his full power and from the Warp and channeling it into physical effects. carefully channels energy from the Warp, hopefully using However, opening such a conduit to the Warp is always just enough to manifest the power but not enough to trigger dangerous, and the psyker incurs a chance of causing unnatural or dangerous effects. When any psyker uses a disturbances in the Warp that have undesired side-effects. In power at the Fettered level, he must make a Focus Power extreme cases, these disturbances may even lead to the Test (see below) to manifest the power. The limited power opening of an uncontrolled rift between reality and the Warp, involved means that the psyker must halve his PR (rounding with potentially fatal consequences. By minimizing the up) when determining the bonus applied to the Focus Power amount of power he draws, a psyker can reduce or eliminate Test and any effects the power has. However, regardless of the chances of side-effects such as Psychic Phenomena or the results of the Focus Power Test, there is no risk of Perils of the Warp (see page XXX). triggering Psychic Phenomena. Alternatively, he can draw deeper from the well of the • Unfettered: The psyker puts the full weight of his ability Warp to boost his powers beyond his normal capabilities. Of into the power and embraces the raging powers of the Warp. course, such power always comes with greater risk of When a Psyker uses a power at the Unfettered level, he unleashing unintended effects or even summoning unwanted must make a Focus Power Test (see below) to manifest the visitors from beyond. The precise effects of Psychic power. As he is using his full natural ability, he uses his full Phenomena vary based on the nature of the psyker: The PR when determining the bonus applied to his Focus Power Sanctioned Psykers of the Imperium, the Librarians of the Test and any effects the power has. However, should he roll Space Marines, and the traitorous Sorcerers of the Chaos a double (that is, both the tens dice and the units dice come Space Marines draw on less power but may use it more up with the same number), he will suffer from an unexpected safely, while unsanctioned witches and mortal wyrds are surge in the Warp and must roll on Table 1-3: Psychic subject to harsher effects, but can draw more deeply in Phenomena. Note that it is possible for a psyker to return, and those who are not mortal (that is, those with the successfully pass his Focus Power Test (thus successfully Daemonic Trait) remain largely unperturbed by such trivial activating the power) and still suffer Psychic Phenomena. fluctuations of the Warp, and suffer far less severe effects. • Push: The psyker draws deeply and greedily from the These varying effects are described on Table 1-2: Psychic Warp, and hurls as much power forth as he possibly can in Strength. an attempt to manifest truly wondrous and terrifying effects. When using a power at the Push level, he must make a

Focus Power Test (see below) to manifest the power. As the psyker is drawing deeply and recklessly from the Warp, he may add +1 to +3 (or more depending on the type of the Table 1-3: Focus Power Modifiers psyker; this is detailed on Table 1–2: Psychic Strength) to Condition Modifier Psy Rating +5/PR his Psy Rating when determining the bonus applied to his † Target in line of sight +20 Focus Power Test and any effects the power has. However, Psy-Focus +10 regardless of the Test’s result, the psyker will automatically †† Combined Power Focus +5 generate a significant disturbance in the Warp and must roll Concentration Modifier on Table 1-3: Psychic Phenomena and modify the result Meditative Trance (Days long), +30 depending on the psyker’s nature as described in Table 1-2: Meditative State (Hours long) +20 Psychic Strength. Additionally, Pushing a power is taxing— Meditative State (an Hour) +10 if a psyker using this level of power rolls a double on his Distracted, Fatigued, -10 Duress, Under Interrogation, -20 Focus Power Tests, he suffers a level of Fatigue from the ††† Extreme Duress, Grapple , Tortured, -30 effort. Environmental Modifier Vigorous Motion (riding mounts, charging -10 or sprinting, ) Focus Power Test Violent Motion (riding a frenzied mount, -20 falling, thrown prone by an explosive) Any use of a psychic power begins with a Focus Power Extraordinarily Violent Motion (earthquake, -30 Action, which requires a Focus Power Test to determine thrown prone by a mortar, sudden vacuum) whether or not the power manifests successfully, and how † potent its effects are. The amount of time this action takes is Only for abilities that do not require line of sight determined by the power being used, and may be a Free (Astrotelepathy, for example). †† Action, Half Action, Full Action, or Reaction. In most cases, a The modifier is cumulative for every psyker that offers the Focus Power Test is a Willpower Test, modified by the Focus assistance. ††† difficulty of the power being used, and the Psy Rating of the On a turn the psyker breaks free from a grapple. psyker, which grants a +5 bonus to the Test for every point of Psy Rating the psyker uses for that power. In some cases, other factors may affect the test. If this Test is passed, the Combining Powers power has manifested, while failing the Test means that the power does not manifest and nothing happens, though the Action is still used regardless of whether the power takes Psykers can become eerily attuned to one another, effect. A result of 91 or higher always indicates failure, drawing strength from communion. Such psykers link their regardless of any other factors. In many cases, the number thoughts, their unity of purpose and level of training of Degrees of Success scored when passing the Focus extending to their use of psychic powers, manifesting their Power Test determines some of the effects of the power— powers by tapping into a shared potential. These psykers when this is the case, it will be noted in the power’s may only combine their psychic powers with others within description. their communion; they cannot include any other kind of Many powers also indicate an Opposed Test, especially psyker. To combine powers psykers follow the following when used against an unwilling foe. If the Focus Power Test steps: is an Opposed Test, the psyker must successfully pass the At the start of his turn a Psyker character with the Test and gain more Degrees of Success than at least one of Psychic Communion Talent may choose to combine his his opponents to activate the power. Note that even if the psychic potential with those nearby to enhance his psychic psyker loses the Opposed Test and does not activate the powers. This character then becomes the Focus for the power, he still can generate a disturbance in the Warp if power. Any other psyker within a distance up to twice his using the power at Unfettered or Push level. Willpower Bonus in meters can choose to lend support to the Focus at this time. Characters who lend support must expend a Half Action during their next turn to reflect the Resisting Enemy Psychic Powers concentration of offering such aid. In addition each supporting character cannot use a psychic power on his next If they are attacked by enemy psychic powers, psykers turn. The Focus then attempts a psychic power following the have far better mental defenses than “normal” people, using normal rules; however, each supporting psyker grants +5 to the power of the Warp to fight back. When making an the Focus Power Test and increases the Psy Rating of the Opposed focus power test to resist a psychic attack, a power by the supporting psykers value. Treat only the Focus psyker first decides if he will push or not, then adds his as the psyker for the purpose of calculating any effects; all resultant Psy rating (including any bonus from pushing) to other characters are simply lending support. Note - the Willpower test to resist the enemy power. His, however, Combined Powers are always considered to be 'Pushed'. roll can create psychic phenomena in just the same manner as the attacker.

tool and deadly weapon. • Pyromancy: A pyromancer is a master of fire and flame, able to create infernos out of thin air. Pyromancy is one of the most common and spectacular forms of psychic ability, although its uses are fairly limited. • Biomancy: Biomancers specialize in manipulating biological energy and processes with the power of their mind. This allows the, to change or influence the physical form of themselves or their enemies. • Cryomancy: The art of manipulating temperatures to freezing conditions and turning ice into lethal weapons. This discipline allows the psyker to draw on the coldness of the void to fuel his powers. • Daemonology: Daemonologists study all things to do with Chaos and the warp. They are masters at manipulating the interactions between warpspace and realspace, allowing them to do amazing feats such as teleportation. However, Daemonology is the most difficult discipline to master, and many who have tried have perished or been driven insane. • Theosophamy: Theosophamy is a psychic discipline that concentrates on the manipulation of the Warp in its interaction with the real universe. It is based upon ritual and control rather than unleashing the raw power of the Warp, and is intended more to disrupt or close breaks in the barrier between dimensions, rather than opening them. • Thaumaturgy: The art of shaping the raw stuff of the warp into tangible form, this discipline allows a psyker to make his imagination manifest, twisting the very laws of the materium to his bidding.

Beyond the Disciplines

The Psychic Disciplines are the most well known Psychic Disciplines manifestations of psychic power, but their exist countless other ways to tap into the endless well that is the warp, not There are many different psychic powers that a psyker all of which require a man to be born a psyker at all. may possess, for the mutability of the warp is as limitless as The following are other categories that deal with psychic the human imagination itself. Some examples range from powers detailed in this volumne. telepathy—the power to communicate between one living mind and another—to rarer and more occult arts such as the • Renegade Psyker Powers: While many psykers live their destructive force known as pyromancy, astral projection of lives completely unaware of their talents, others begin to use the soul away from the body, the summoning of daemons, these dangerous abilities without an understanding of the and the transmutation of matter at will. These abilities inherent dangers. usually begin as a basic, almost rudimentary form of the • Sorcery: The arduous study and strength of will required to power—the first technique of the psychic discipline—and become a psyker of ability drives many who lack the over time, a psyker can learn more ways to fine tune that diligence, opportunity or the innate talent, to look for what power for a greater variety of effects. some foolishly see as an easier path to power and even This supplement represents the Psychic Disciplines in those with very limited or no latent psychic ability can detail: become powerful Sorcerers If they have the will, intelligence and stomach to wield and pay the price for their dark lore. • Telepathy: The art of mental communication, this power is • Chaos Powers: There are those in the galaxy in league possessed by all astropaths to some degree and is the with the very energies they seek to exploit, the Lords of cornerstone of what they are. In addition, this discipline also Chaos; the Ruinous Powers themselves. To these foolish, encompasses the art of influencing another’s mind. corrupt or insane individuals, such dangerous knowledge • Divination: The art of reading the past, present, and comes quickly and easily. The most potent of these twisted future, named by some as the most common form of the psykers can conjure coruscating infernos with but a gesture, psyker’s arts, but also the most capricious and difficult to change their form with a word and cripple those who would interpret. harm them with a glance. But such eldritch knowledge • Telekinesis: The art of turning thought into physical force, comes at a terrible price... this discipline can allow a psyker to wield his mind as both a Technique Trees blunt uses of the individual discipline. Telepathy allows basic communication, usually broadcast only, for example. But

with the purchase of the right psychic techniques, a psyker All psychic powers fall under one of the many psychic can greatly expand the capability and flexibility of his disciplines, and are organized into technique trees. Each individual powers. Many of the more advanced techniques tree consists of a collection of psychic powers linked by draw upon more basic skills, and they will have lesser paths. When a character wishes to purchase a new talent, techniques as requirements. The Psychic Techniques are he must first check if he has access to that power in its tree. grouped in trees as they represent different ways to use a To access a psychic power, the character must be able to psychic power. trace a line along the paths of the tree from the top-most Some powers lend themselves to diversity, such as power down to the desired power without passing through a Telepathy which has two technique trees below, while others power he does not possess. Characters automatically have tend to be more direct and less variable, such as access to the top-most psychic power in every tree. Note Telekinesis. that Unbound psykers are not bound by these restrictions.

Technique Limit Power Format

Each psychic power is presented using the following Once a character purchases a Basic Technique power in format: a discipline, he possesses that technique and can purchase Name: The power’s name. other powers from that technique tree (provided he meets all Value: This number represents the amount of Experience of the aforementioned requirements). He can, though, only required to learn the power. Psychic powers may be possess a number of technique trees equal to his current purchased with Experience Points. psy rating. Once he possesses a number of technique trees Prerequisites: Some techniques require the psyker to have equal to his psy rating, the character cannot purchase the first learnt other ways to use his abilities. The psyker must top-most power in an un-possessed discipline until he raises possess the powers (or other prerequisites) listed in order to his psy rating. learn the power.

Action: The Focus Power Action required to activate the

power. This is usually a Free Action, Half Action, Full Action,

Reaction or an Extended Action. Example Focus Power: This states the Characteristic used in Focus Elyra Yivor, a Psyker with Psy Rating of 2, can Power Tests to activate this power (normally Willpower, but purchase powers from two disciplines trees. Choosing occasionally other characteristics are used), and whether the the Pyromancy Discipline basic powers Manipulate Focus Power Test is Opposed. The difficulty of the power is Flame and Call Flame, Elyra Yivor has begun her path also noted here. to master two different aspects of the same Psychic Range: The range at which the power can be used is usually Discipline. When Elyra Yivor increases her Psy Rating in expressed in meters or kilometers multiplied by the PR at the future, she will be able to select another Discipline which the power was used. If the range is a radius, this is Tree in the Pyromancy Discipline, or perhaps diverge always measured with the psyker at its centre. Radius is also into another Psychic Discipline such as Biomancy or applies to a sphere around the psyker and so will extend up, Telepathy. down and in every other direction.

Sustained: This states whether the power can be sustained, Discipline Mastery and what Action is required to sustain the power. This entry will always be one of the following: No, Free Action, Half A psyker may choose to devote himself to a single Action, or Full Action. Some Psychic abilities are described Discipline. By doing so, he strengthens his powers by the as Persistent (X). These have a continuing effect from turn to exclusion of all others, gaining a greater understanding of turn automatically, and follow a set duration according to the the intricacies of his focus. Each Discipline Mastery has its number in parenthesis, measured in rounds. own talent that gives the exact benefits and conditions for Subtype: This denotes the specific Action Subtypes for the the Discipline Mastery. Focus Power Test of each individual power. Description: This is a narrative description of the power, Technique Mastery that illustrates the way the power is used once manifested and/or given an invocative prose. Effects: This details the power’s effects, including variable Once a psyker has purchased all the psychic techniques effects that the psyker’s Psy Rating, or the Degrees of on a single tree, he has attained mastery of that technique Success from the Focus Power Test, have on the power’s branch, and the Psy Rating for all Fettered Psychic Strength final strength. Whenever a power’s description refers to the uses of those techniques gain a +1 bonus. This has no psyker’s Psy Rating, it means the PR at which he manifests additional effect on the Unfettered or Push Psy Rating of the the power, modified by the power level (Fettered, Unfettered, psyker. or Push) he chose. Psychic Phenomena: Some powers cause alternate or additional Psychic Phenomena. If the power uses only the Psychic Techniques normal Psychic Phenomena rules, this section will be absent. Each Discipline has a number of psychic techniques Synergy: Minor Manifestations are often precursors to much associated with it. The techniques listed here are a broad greater displays of psychic strength. Some powers gain selection of the potential abilities that Discipline may beneficial changes if the psyker possess the right Minor encompass, but there are many more that may exist Manifestation, and its effects are listed here. elsewhere, taught by ancient witch-crones or inscribed amongst crumbling scrolls in a noble’s librarium. The Basic Techniques for each Psychic Discipline represent the first Psy Rating in Psychic Powers Opposed Tests and Multiple Targets Unless specifically stated otherwise, all modifiers in a

power equal to Psy Rating are based on the Psy Rating Where a psychic power is being used against multiple used when manifesting the power. This means that if the targets, each of which may make an Opposed Test against psyker manifests a power at the Fettered Level, a power its effects, roll once for the Psyker and have all those that has effects based on Psy Rating is going to do less opposing individually test against this single result. For than if he Pushes. simplicity’s sake, in the case of numbers of similar minor NPCs it may be more convenient simply to roll once on their

behalf to speed things up. Sustaining Psychic Powers Detecting Psychic Powers

Some psychic powers can be sustained for a prolonged Psykers are attuned to the Warp around them, able to period of time, as noted in their description. A psyker may sense the currents and eddies caused by other psykers sustain such powers without the need to make further rolls, dipping into the flow of the Immaterium. When psychic taking only a small amount of effort to sustain a single powers are in effect in a psyker’s presence, he can make a power. However, attempting to maintain multiple powers at Psyniscience Test in order to determine their source (see once becomes increasingly taxing, dividing the psyker’s details on the Psyniscience Skill and its uses). attention between several simultaneous effects and requiring ever greater amounts of concentration. Any power that can be sustained has a listed Action which Psychic Power Types defines how much effort the power requires to sustain—for example, a power with a Sustain Requirement of Half Action Each psychic power can be classified with one of the requires a Half Action each Turn to sustain its effects. If the following descriptors: psyker is only attempting to sustain a single power, this is enough to maintain the effects. Any power that does not Psychic Blessing have the required Action spent to sustain it ends at the end of the psyker’s Turn. A Psychic Blessing is a power that grants extra abilities to Sustaining multiple powers is more difficult and more the psyker or his allies, such as characteristic boosts or tiring. Any character attempting to sustain two or more additional special rules. These powers are unique in their powers at once must spend the longest Action from the individual effects, but many require the psyker to lay hands Sustain Requirements of all the powers being sustained, and upon anyone other than himself. reduces the effective Psy Rating for each power by the number of powers being sustained. More perilous still, the amount of energy the psyker is attempting to wield becomes Psychic Conjuration unstable, swiftly going out of control at the most minor slip of concentration. Should the psyker cause Psychic Phenomena A Psychic Conjuration is a power that summons entities while sustaining more than one power, then he must add from the warp, manipulates the environment in unnatural +10 to the result rolled on Table: Psychic Phenomena for ways or even create them from the raw stuff the immaterium. every power after the first being sustained. These powers are unique in their individual effects.

Cumulative Effects Psychic Malediction

A Psychic Malediction is a power that weakens the target Modifiers, Characteristic increases, and other benefits by reducing their characteristics, inflicting penalizing generated by psychic powers do not stack with each other— conditions, or bending them to the psykers will. These only the highest applies. They do stack with non-psychic powers are unique in their individual effects. These powers bonuses, such as those granted by equipment and are unique in their individual effects, but many require the environment. psyker to lay hands upon anyone other than himself.

Range and Line of Sight Psychic Manipulation

Unless noted in its description, a psychic power that Psychic Manipulation is a power that bends objects or directly targets an individual or thing requires a psyker to elements to the will of the psyker. These powers allow a have line of sight toward (or otherwise be “aware” of ) the psyker to increase the size of an existent flame, or lift a target. The target must also be within the power’s stated hauler with Psychokinesis. These powers are always range. ranged, and can effect creatures normally immune to psychic powers (via indirect methods, such as throwing a

dumpster at an enemy with a mental 'push').

Psychic Bolts Psychic Blast

A number of powers produce bolts of energy that inflict A Psychic Blast detonates to cover a wide area, affecting direct harm in a manner not dissimilar to a weapon. Powers multiple targets simultaneously. The psyker must nominate a of this type all follow the same basic rules. The psyker must single point in space anywhere within range and line of sight. nominate a single target within range and line of sight; if the If the Focus Power Test is successful, then every target Focus Power Test is successful, then the target has been within the radius of the Psychic Blast is hit by the power. successfully hit. There are two further variations on this: There are two further variations on this: Psychic Cones, Psychic Barrages and Psychic Storms. Psychic Maelstroms, and Psychic Novas. Psychic Bolts of all kinds may be dodged as if they were Psychic Blasts of all kinds may be dodged as if they were any other kind of ranged attack. A successful Dodge Test is any other kind of ranged attack in the same way as dodging sufficient to avoid a normal Psychic Bolt. Dodging a Psychic Auto-Fire or Area Effect Attacks Barrage or Psychic Storm is resolved in the same way as dodging Auto-Fire or Area Effect Attacks. Psychic Cone

Psychic Barrage A Psychic Cone explodes from the psyker's hand or other focal point, expanding outward in a 90° radius until it reaches A Psychic Barrage is a cluster of bolts of energy, similar to its full range and/or radius. a semi-automatic weapon. If the Focus Power Test succeeds, then the psyker produces one psychic bolt for the Psychic Maelstrom initial Degree of Success, plus one for every two additional

Degrees of Success. The number of hits scored in this A Psychic Maelstrom detonates to cover a wide area, manner may not exceed the psyker’s effective Psy Rating affecting multiple targets simultaneously. The point of when using this power. The first hit must strike the initially explosion in a Maelstrom originates from the psyker himself. chosen target, while any subsequent hits may strike either If the Focus Power Test is successful, then every target the initial target or any other targets within two meters, within the radius of the Psychic Maelstrom is hit by the providing all of the targets are within range and line of sight. power; so potent is the blast that for every two Degrees of

Success on the Focus Power Test, the Difficulty to Dodge Psychic Storm the Maelstrom is increased by one Degree (for example, a single degree of success on the Focus Power Test would A Psychic Storm is many bolts of energy, similar to an change a Challenging (+0) Dodge Test into a Difficult (- automatic weapon. If the Focus Power Test succeeds, then 10) Dodge Test instead). Note that any Characteristic tests the psyker produces a number of psychic bolts equal to the a Psychic Maelstrom power lists under its description are number of Degrees of Success. The number of hits scored in similarly effected (for example, a power calls for a this manner may not exceed the psyker’s effective Psy Challenging (+0) Agility Test would be increased in Rating when using this power. The first hit must strike the difficulty to Difficult (-10) Agility test with two Degrees of initially chosen target, while any subsequent hits may strike Success). either the initial target or any other targets within two meters, providing all of the targets are within range and line of sight.

Touch Psychic Bolt Psychic Beam Psychic Nova Psychic Lance

A Psychic Nova detonates from the psyker in a massive A Psychic Lance is a highly focused beam of energy that area, affecting multiple targets simultaneously. The point of pierces through both armor and flesh in a straight line. The the explosion in a Psychic Nova originates from the psyker psyker must nominate a single target. Psychic Lances himself. If the Focus Power Test is successful, then every increase the Penetration value by the power's base value target within the radius of the Psychic Nova is hit by the once for each Degree of Success achieved on the Focus power, regardless of intervening terrain, cover, or other Power test. Targets hit by the Psychic Lance must pass a battlefield conditions that would impede line of sight. For Challenging (+0) Toughness Test after calculating every Degree of Success after the first on the Focus Power damage, or be knocked down prone, allowing the Psychic Test, the Difficulty to Dodge the Psychic Nova is increased Lance to continue. If the target passes this test, the Psychic by one Degree (for example, a two Degrees of Success on Lance cannot progress further that round. A Psychic Lance's the Focus Power Test would change a Challenging (+0) range may be lessened to a desired range while being used Dodge Test into a Hard (-20) Dodge Test instead). as a Fettered Power. Note that any Characteristic tests a Psychic Nova power lists under its description are similarly effected (for example, a power calls for a Challenging (+0) Agility Test would be Adapting to these Rules increased in difficulty to Difficult (-10) Agility test on a This supplement is intended to provide an alternate to single extra Degree of Success) the existing Role-playing Games based in the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. Because Psychic Beam each system uses a different psychic system or variation there upon, it may seem daunting to replace the existing

system for each line with the one provided here. A Psychic Beam is a beam of energy that extends from For simplicities sake, the easiest and most efficient the psyker. If the Focus Power Test succeeds, the psyker way to convert to this system is to simply assume any manifests a single beam of energy that extends forward until psyker archetype from one of the game lines has the it reaches its full range. Targets hit by the Psychic Beam Willpower and Psyker aptitudes, even if the Archetype, must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test after Career, or other character generation method does not calculating damage, or be knocked down prone, allowing the utilize the Aptitude system first introduced in Black beam to continue. If the target passes this test, the Psychic Crusade. Refer to Table 1-2: Psychic Strength to Beam cannot progress further that round. A Psychic Beam's determine the appropriate category the archetype range may be lessened to a desired range while being used should exist (typically Bound, but Rogue Psyker from as a Fettered Power. Black Crusade would be Unbound, for example).

Additionally, gaining Psychic Powers, Talents and Traits should be gained from this supplement,

disregarding the ones found in each individual line when using these house rules.

Psychic Cone Psychic Maelstrom Psychic Blast Push level, he risks generating such a disturbance in the Warp. Any Unfettered Focus Power Test that results in a double on the dice, or any power used at the Push level, Psychic means that the psyker must roll on Table 1–3: Psychic Phenomena. Particularly high rolls on this table can result in the psyker having to roll on Table 1–4: Perils of the Warp. Phenomena A few powers, as noted in their descriptions, cause other effects upon the material world when they manifest.

“When you stare into the warp, the warp stares back into you.” Minor Manifestations — Scholastica Psykana aphorism. The psychic powers presented in this supplement represent some of the more powerful abilities that psykers hen a psyker reaches deeper into the Warp to can summon. However, as psykers are trained in the bellies of the Black Ships or under the auspices of Imperial power his abilities, there is always the chance of the scrutiny, they learn to use the power of the Warp in many Empyrean bleeding into reality, a factor which is at the very more subtle ways. These small uses of psychic power are least disturbing and disconcerting, and which may be represented as Minor Manifestations, and are divided up by destructive or disruptive to the very fabric of reality. the different disciplines. Sometimes this manifestation of the Warp is unique to the Characters with the Psyker Aptitude may purchase Psyker, but in general it is as unpredictable as the Warp Minor Manifestations from any psychic discipline in which itself. Some effects can include a dramatic drop in they already know a psychic power, and each individual temperature, ghostly voices, Minor Manifestation costs 50 Experience Points. feelings of unease, or What an individual Minor Manifestation does is nearby vegetation up to the game master and the player making shriveling and dying. In the purchase, however these powers must be rare instances, full-scale simple, small manifestations of power, and may Warp breaches can not have any concrete in-game effects (such as occur with the direst causing significant Damage or removing a status of consequences. effect). Examples of appropriate Minor When a Manifestations are listed at the beginning of each psyker uses his discipline. power at the To use a Minor Manifestation, the psyker must Unfettered spend a Half Action and make an Easy (+30) Willpower level or Test. This Test has no chance to trigger a roll of the Psychic Phenomenon Table.

Latent Psykers Not all Psykers are completely aware of their own abilities and status, their latent abilities manifesting in ways that are often attributed to luck or mistakenly taken as mere coincidence. Others, such as minor

unsanctioned psykers, may be aware of their abilities but believe them to be extensions of their natural perceptions. Whether they are aware of it or not, they all walk treading the shadowy realm between the Imperium's harsh justice for the unsanctioned psyker and the Warp's terrible hunger for their soul. A character who possesses the Psyniscience Skill may purchase up to his Willpower Bonus in Minor Manifestations from a single Psychic Discipline, each individual Minor Manifestation costing 50 Experience Points, even if the character does not possess the Psyker Aptitude. In time, as the character's psychic potential boils to the surface of his consciousness, the Gamemaster may choose to reward the character the 'Awakened Psyker' elite advance covered later. Note that any character who does select a Minor Manifestation may be effected by abilities and wargear that target Psykers, despite not yet having a Psy Rating. The way this work is up the Gamemaster's Discretion.

Table 1-3: Psychic Phenomena Roll Effect 01-03 Dark Foreboding: A faint breeze blows past the psyker and those near him, and everyone gets the feeling that somewhere in the galaxy something unfortunate just happened. 04-05 Warp Echo: For a few moments, all noises cause echoes, regardless of the surroundings. 06-08 Unholy Stench: The air around the psyker becomes permeated with a bizarre and foul smell. 09-11 Mind Warp: The psyker suffers a –5 penalty to Willpower Tests until the start of his next turn as his own inherent phobias, suspicions, and hatreds surge to the surface of his mind in a wave of unbound emotion. 12-14 Hoarfrost: The temperature plummets for an instant, and a thin coating of frost forms to cover everything within 3d10 meters. 15-17 Aura of Taint: All animals within 1d100 meters become spooked and agitated; characters with Psyniscience can pinpoint the psyker as the cause. 18-20 Memory Worm: All people within line of sight of the psyker forget something trivial. 21-23 Spoilage: Food and drink go bad in a 5d10 meter radius. 24-26 Haunting Breeze: Winds whip up around the psyker for a few moments, blowing light objects around and guttering fires within 3d10 meters. 27-29 Veil of Darkness: For a brief moment (effectively the remainder of the Round), the area within 3d10 meters is plunged into immediate darkness. 30-32 Distorted Reflections: Mirrors and other reflective surfaces within a radius of 5d10 meters distort or shatter. 33-35 Breath Leech: Everyone (including the psyker) within a 3d10 meter radius becomes short of breath for one round and cannot make any Run or Charge Actions. 36-38 Daemonic Mask: For a fleeting moment, the psyker takes on a daemonic appearance and gains a Fear rating of 1 until the start of the next turn. However, he also gains one Corruption Point. 39-41 Unnatural Decay: All plant life within 3d10 meters of the psyker withers and dies. 42-44 Spectral Gale: Howling winds erupt around the psyker, requiring him and everyone within 4d10 meters to make an Easy (+30) Agility or Strength Test to avoid being knocked to the ground. 45-47 Bloody Tears: Blood weeps from stone and wood within 3d10 meters of the psyker. If there are any pictures or statues of people inside this area, they appear to be crying blood. 48-50 The Earth Protests: The ground suddenly shakes, and everyone (including the psyker) within a 5d10 meter radius must make a Routine (+10) Agility Test or be knocked down. 51-53 Actinic Discharge: Static electricity fills the air within 5d10 meters causing hair to stand on end and unprotected electronics to short out, while the psyker is wreathed in eldritch lightning. 54-56 Warp Ghosts: Ghostly apparitions fill the air within 3d10 meters around the psyker, flying about and howling in pain for a few brief moments. Everyone in the radius (except the psyker himself ) must test against a Fear rating of 1. 57-59 Falling Upwards: Everything within 2d10 meters of the psyker (including the psyker himself ) rises 1d10 meters into the air as gravity briefly ceases. Almost immediately, everything crashes back to earth, suffering falling Damage as appropriate for the distances fallen. 60-62 Banshee Howl: A shrill keening rings out across the immediate area, shattering glass and forcing every mortal creature able to hear it (including the psyker) to pass a Challenging (+0 Toughness Test or be deafened for 1d10 rounds. 63-65 The Furies: The Psyker is assailed by unseen horrors. He is slammed to the ground and suffers 1d5 Damage (ignoring Armor, but not Toughness Bonus) and he must test against Fear (2). 66-68 Shadow of the Warp: For a split second, the world changes in appearance, and everyone within 1d100 meters has brief but horrific glimpse of the shadow of the Warp. Everyone in the area (including the psyker) must make a Difficult (–10) Willpower Test or gain 1d5 Corruption Points. 69-71 Tech Scorn: The machine spirits reject your unnatural ways. All un-warded technology within 5d10 meters malfunctions momentarily, and all ranged weapons Jam, whilst characters with cybernetic implants must pass a Routine (+10) Toughness Test or suffer 1d5 Damage, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor. 72-74 Warp Madness: A violent ripple of tainted discord causes all creatures within 2d10 meters (with the exception of the psyker) to become Frenzied for a Round and suffer 1d5 Corruption Points unless they can pass a Difficult (–10) Willpower Test. 75+ Perils of the Warp: The Warp opens in a maelstrom of energy. Roll on Table: Perils of the Warp instead.

Table 1-4: Perils of the Warp Roll Effect 01-05 The Gibbering: The psyker screams in pain as uncontrolled Warp energies surge through his unprepared mind. He must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or be stunned for 1d5 Rounds. 06-09 Warp Burn: A violent burst of energy from the Warp smashes into the psyker’s mind, sending him reeling. He suffers 2d5 Damage, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor, and is stunned for 1d5 Rounds. 10-13 Psychic Concussion: With a crack of energy, the psyker is knocked unconscious for 1d5 Rounds, and everyone within 3d10 meters must make a Routine (+10) Willpower Test or be Stunned for one Round. 14-18 Psy Blast: There is an explosion of power and the psyker is thrown 3d10 meters into the air, falling to the ground moments later (see Falling Damage). 19-24 Soul Sear: Warp power courses through the psyker’s body, scorching his soul. The psyker cannot use any powers for the next hour and gains 2d5 Corruption Points. 25-30 Locked In: The power cages the psyker’s mind in an ethereal prison, tormented by visions of the Warp. The psyker falls to the ground in a catatonic state. Each Round thereafter, he must spend a Full Action to make a Difficult (–10) Willpower Test. On a success, his mind is freed and restored to his body, haunted by his experiences but otherwise unharmed. 31-38 Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the psyker. He winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 Rounds (or one minute in narrative time) in the exact location. He suffers one point of permanent Toughness and Intelligence damage as his body and mind rebel against the experience, and gains 1d5 Corruption Points. 39-46 Psychic Mirror: The psyker’s power is turned back on him. Resolve the power’s effects, but the power targets the psyker instead. If the power is beneficial, it deals 1d10+5 Energy Damage (ignoring Armor) to the psyker instead of its normal effect. 47-55 Warp Whispers: The voices of daemons fill the air within 4d10 meters of the psyker, whispering terrible secrets and shocking truths. Everyone in the area (including the psyker ) must make a Hard (–20) Willpower Test or suffer 1d5 Corruption Points and an equal amount of Willpower damage. In addition, whether or not the psyker passes the Willpower Test, he suffers an additional 1d5+5 Willpower damage. 56-58 Vice Versa: The psyker’s mind is thrown out of his body and into another nearby creature or person. The psyker and a random being (note, this cannot be a daemon, mindless xenos, or other “soulless” creature) within 50 meters swap consciousness for 1d10 rounds. This may be an ally or enemy. Each creature retains its Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower, and Fellowship during the swap, but all other Characteristics are of the new host body. If either body is slain, the effect ends immediately and both parties return to their original bodies. Both suffer 1d5 Intelligence damage from the experience. If there are no creatures within range, the psyker becomes catatonic for 1d5 rounds while his mind wanders the Warp. This journey causes 1d10 Willpower Damage, 1d10 Intelligence Damage and 1d10 Corruption. 59-67 Dark Summoning: The Empyrean buckles and tears at the arrogance of the psyker, and a Bloodletter rips its way into existence. The fiend appears within 3d10 meters of the psyker, for a number of Rounds equal to 1d5 plus the psyker’s Toughness Bonus. The psyker’s turn immediately ends, and the Daemon may take its turn immediately. It detests the psyker and focuses all of its attacks upon the fool that unwittingly summoned it. It will not attack anyone else, even if others attack it. 68-72 Rending the Veil: The air vibrates with images of cackling daemons and the kaleidoscopic taint of the Warp is rendered visible. All sentient creatures (any creature with an Intelligence characteristic) within 1d100 meters must test against Fear (2). The psyker must Test against Fear (4) instead. This effect lasts for 1d5 Rounds. 73-78 Blood Rain: A psychic storm erupts, covering an area of 5d10 meters in which everyone must pass a Challenging (+0) Strength Test or be knocked to the ground. In addition to howling winds and the skies raining blood, any psychic powers used in the area for 1d5 Rounds automatically invoke Perils of the Warp, in addition to any Psychic Phenomena those powers cause. The psyker gains 1d5+1 Corruption Points. 79-82 Cataclysmic Blast: The psyker’s power overloads, arcing out in great bolts of Warp energy. Anyone within 1d10 meters (including the psyker) takes 1d10 Energy Damage with a Pen of 5. The psyker may not Dodge this, or stop the attack with a Field Save. In addition, all of the psyker’s clothing and gear is destroyed, leaving him naked and smoking on the ground. The psyker may use no further powers for 1d5 hours after the event. 83-86 Mass Possession: Daemons ravage the mind of every living thing within 1d100 meters. Every character in the area must resist a possession attack (see the Possession Trait; the attacker is a random Lesser Daemon). This possession will last for no more than 2d10 Rounds, after which the daemons are cast back into the Warp. 87-90 Reality Quake: Reality buckles around the psyker, and an area radiating out 3d10 meters from him is sundered: solid objects alternately rot, burn, and freeze, and everyone and everything in the area takes 2d10 Rending Damage, ignoring Armor (and unable to be dodged). Warded objects, daemons, and untouchables halve the Damage rolled. 91-99 Grand Possession: A grand and terrible Warp entity takes interest in the psyker’s soul, descending from the Warp to seize the mortal’s body for its own purposes. A powerful Daemon Herald attempts to possess the psyker (see the Possession trait for details on how to resolve this attack). Use the profile for a suitably powerful Daemon to represent the attacking entity. Even if the Daemon fails, the psyker still suffers 2d10 Toughness damage, and will forever add +10 to all rolls on the Psychic Phenomena and Perils of the Warp tables as his body now serves as a conduit to the power of the Warp. If the character dies while possessed, the Daemon manifests in the real world for a number of days equal to its Toughness bonus or until it is destroyed. 00 Annihilation: The psyker is immediately and irrevocably destroyed, burned to nothing by the screaming fires of the Immaterium or dragged into the deepest maelstrom of the Warp. The psyker may not spend Fate to recover from this death, he is irrevocably destroyed. There is a chance that a daemonic entity of some sort appears in the psyker’s place—the type of daemon that appears is determined by the GM, based on how powerful the psyker was—more powerful psykers draw more powerful daemons. The percentage chance that the daemon appears is equal to the psyker’s Willpower characteristic (roll a d100, if the result is equal to or under the characteristic, the daemon appears).

days atop a fiery pyre or as a Daemon’s plaything, but some become mighty forces for damnation or salvation.

Becoming a Elite Advance: Psyker Experience Cost: 300xp

Psyker Prerequisites • Willpower: 40 • A Void in the Warp: Characters with the Untouchable elite advance cannot gain the Psyker elite advance. ome psykers are born amidst clouds of eldritch • Rogue Psyker: Characters without the Sanctioned energies, their inhuman pedigree apparent to all. Others trait are Rogue Psykers. They do not gain the Sanctioned trait from this advance. might not manifest their powers until many years later when • GM Guidance: Psykers are rare, but many serve the impossible stress triggers their mutation. Every world in the Imperium due to their useful abilities. The GM should Imperium must scour its peoples for any sign of psychic feel free to allow characters to take the Psyker elite activity as part of their tithes, with the Adeptus Arbites advance if they want; 1-2 Psykers per group usually stationed there keeping careful watch for compliance, but creates a good balance, although if other Player what each world considers a sign greatly varies. Some might Characters abhor psykers it can make for tense group dynamics. It is also possible for a character to become a test for corpus buoyancy or resistance to flame, or list tales psyker and strive to keep this hidden from his peers for of odd occurrences in their vicinity, or any one of endless a variety of reasons. This can lead to interesting role- indications the world holds as certainty for psychic taint. That playing, and if desired a GM should work with the player many die from these tests is of little concern, for a world to develop this narrative. might burn if they are lax in searching. Learning of psychic abilities is enough to drive many mad, Instant Changes and without mental defenses others quickly fall prey to the • Gain the Psyker aptitude and a psy rating of 1. Ruinous Powers. Those who survive their sanctioning on • Can no longer gain the Untouchable elite advance for Terra might gain protection and stability through a variety of any reason. • If the character does not have the Sanctioned trait, means. Their training serves to strengthen their will, and immediately gain 1d5+10 Corruption as his mind many are also fitted with limiters or undergo psycho-surgery abruptly opens to the Warp. to help them control their abilities, lest a stray glance ignite a room or odd smell invoke a telekinetic storm. It does not make for an easy life, however, and no matter how or when it came about, a newly emerged psyker has a lifetime of Purchasing Powers and Psy Rating constant scrutiny and horrific threats ahead of him. Any character with the Psyker aptitude and a Psy Rating can now purchase psychic powers by spending experience points. Additionally, the Psyker has access Rogue Psyker to the additional Advance, Psy Rating, listed below.

Human psykers are collected by the millions each day across the galaxy and brought to Terra on the dread Black Ships of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, as part of the Advance: Psy Rating binding tithes each world owes to the Imperium. Here they Cost: 200 xp x PR† are tested for power levels, control, strength of will, and The character is a psyker. In game terms, his power other factors to decide their fate. Once this sanctioning is rated on a scale of 1 to 10, where Psy Rating 1 is the process is over, a psyker goes on to serve the Imperium lowest necessary to tap into the Warp, and a Rating of either in life or death. 10 represents one of the most powerful beings in All psykers are viewed with suspicion at best, and outright existence. Increasing a character’s Psy Rating represents that character unlocking more of his psychic hatred at worst, and even sanctioned psykers are always potential, and becoming more and more powerful. A suspect. Those psykers who never underwent this testing character may take this Advance multiple times. Each and training to help ensure the safety of those around them time this Advance is taken, the character’s Psy Rating are deemed rogue, fugitives from Imperial law should they increases by 1, to a maximum of 10. An increase in Psy be discovered. These psykers can represent anyone from a Rating does not give additional Psychic Powers. heretical magus who delves far into the Warp in search of greater power, to a fringe world shaman casting bones to †The farther along a Psyker progresses, the harder it becomes for him to strain his limits and grow in power. divine the future, to a once-good man driven to foul deeds Each time the Psyker purchases the Psy Rating merely to survive, to an Acolyte using his powers under the advance, the xp cost is equal to 200xp multiplied by the aegis of his Inquisitor’s authority. A rogue might even be an Psy Rating he is advancing to. So, if a Sanctioned Inquisitor himself who discovered his powers late in life and Psyker with a Psy Rating of 2 wishes to purchase the never submitted to the testing of the Adeptus Astra Psy Rating Advance and increase his Psy Rating to 3, he must pay 3 x 200xp, a total of 600 Experience Points. Telepathica. The only thing they share is that they were never taken aboard the Black Ships. Most end their short

Awakened Psykers Wyrds

To be a psyker within the bounds of the Imperium is to be Wyrds are individuals with raw, untutored and innate burdened with a terrifying, unpredictable power and psychic power that they can use almost at will.. In fact, many persecuted for possessing it. Even those psykers who don't even consider such abilities as a psychic mutation - survive the brutal sanctioning process and then are deemed they may be 'lucky' at cards, for example, or very good at useful enough to the Imperium to serve within it are eternally 'guessing' what is on another person's mind, but only so that outsiders, never fully trusted by those who rely on them to others think that they were born lucky or are very perceptive communicate over vast distances, ply the stars, and keep rather than mutants. Wyrds have far more effective powers the Imperium's crumbling infrastructure grinding forward for than this, but they are still very different from the highly yet another day. trained psykers of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. This is Stores abound of psykers who sought to escape their because Wyrds almost always develop their abilities in an fate, hiding from the Black Ships in dark corners of the undisciplined, self-taught way. Imperium. These tales play upon the primal fear that, no Wyrds that can hide their powers are fairly safe in the matter how socially influential, connected, or pious a person Imperium, although there is always a small risk of discovery. is, he could always discover the mark of the witch in himself. Sometimes as a Wyrd grows older and more confident in One particularly pervasive legend describes the daughter of their abilities they will start to flaunt their superhuman a planetary governor who awakened late to her psychic abilities. Few Wyrds truly appreciate the danger they are in potential and was hidden for some time by her father's vast when they reveal their powers in this way and many are but dwindling resources and contacts before being either burnt as a witch or warlock, or captured by the discovered. In what many call a sign of the Emperor's eternal Scholastica Psykana because they over-estimate their own grace, however, she was not chosen as a sacrifice, survived abilities. For this reason many Wyrds choose to live in her sanctioning, and eventually received a chance to atone isolation, where for the most part they are tolerated so long and repay her debt to the Emperor when pressed into as they are not grossly mutated or afflicted with a dangerous service in the Imperial Guard. Most often, this story is told as power. Those Wyrds whose powers become impossible to a morality tale, of how the Emperor's mercy is limitless and hide have no choice but to escape to the most remote one cannot fight one's part in His grand plan. Few true locations or face almost certain death or capture. stories of unsanctioned psykers end this happily, however - far more often, the final act involves a bolt pistol in a back alley, a mob of the faithful and a screaming death upon a pyre, or else the claws and teeth of hellish monstrosities. Elite Advance: Wyrd Experience Cost: Cost of Psychic Power x 5

Elite Advance: Awakened Psyker Prerequisites • Willpower: 40 Experience Cost: None. The Gamemaster may 'reward' this advance to a Latent Psyker. • A Void in the Warp: Characters with the Untouchable elite advance cannot gain the Wyrd elite advance • Variable: The character may select any power Prerequisites regardless of its position in the discipline trees, however

• Willpower: 35 they must still abide by the individual power • A Void in the Warp: Characters with the Untouchable prerequisites. elite advance cannot gain the Awakened Psyker elite advance Instant Changes • Rogue Psyker: The character cannot be a Psyker already, as this advance represents the full power of the • The character selects a single Psychic Power as his Warp making itself manifest for the first time in a Wyrd Power. He may only ever have 1 Wyrd ability. Even if he gains a Psy Rating later, this restriction spectacular way. remains. • Wyrd Powers always count as having the appropriate Instant Changes Characteristic of 100 for the Focus Power Test. This • Gain the Psyker aptitude and a psy rating of 1. means that a Wyrd Power will not function on a roll of • The characters becomes a Rogue Psyker and uses 96-00 only. This does not affect Opposed Characteristic the Unbound section of Table 1-2: Psychic Strength. Tests, however, and the Wyrd will have to depend on

• Can no longer gain the Untouchable elite advance for his own Characteristic Values instead. any reason. • Wyrd powers function just as normal psychic power • Gains 1d5+10 Insanity and Corruption Points except effects based on Psy Rating are replaced by • Gains the Enemy (Ecclesiarchy) and Rival Willpower Bonus (i.e. a power that causes 1d10+PR (Inquisition) Talents. damage would instead by 1d10+WB). • Learns a Single Basic Technique from one Psychic • Wyrd Powers are always considered to be Fettered, so Discipline (which he meets the prerequisites). Because do not risk producing Psychic Phenomena. the Psyker realizes his potential late in his life, he is • While not possessing a Psy Rating, the Wyrd is still limited to this single Psychic Discipline and may not considered a Psyker and will be effected appropriately

select powers from other Disciplines, except for by wargear, talents and abilities that effect other Renegade Psyker and Miscellaneous Powers. Psykers.

Nascent Psyker Metamorphosis

A nascent psyker is a person who gives birth to a talent While many psykers’ powers emerge during adolescence, they never knew they had: the power to bend the warp to this is not so for all. Some are born with their powers, while their will and with it, forge changes in the physical world. others can live half their lives of more before the potential Such a metamorphosis is brutal and dangerous, and not only within them manifests. In many cases, extreme mental or for the psyker. Untempered by training or experience, the physical trauma or exposure to the power of the warp can undiluted power manifested by a nascent psyker can eclipse force latent potential to the fore in people who never dreamt anything they may later wield. Slaved not to conscious will that they possessed any psychic ability. From the but to the capricious fears and desires of the subconscious, Guardsman who rends apart an enemy tank with his terror the nacent’s power is the raw power of a new born child even as he cowers alone thinking his death certain, to the given the keys to godhood. aged savant who wishes he never had read the small hide- No matter what their age or position, the Imperium hunts bound volume, there are many ways for a hidden power to constantly and remorselessly for nascent psykers. This is not work its way into being. only because the survival of the Emperor Himself depends To see a nascent psyker’s power unbound is to see the on the sacrifice of psykers, but also because a nascent potential of man as a god, a god of terror and pain. In many psyker is a threat of terrifying potential. Daemons and warp cases, the power wielded at such moments is beyond that of predators are drawn to the flailing soul-light of a nascent a trained and sanctioned psyker and often beyond psyker like carrion to a fresh carcass. To such creatures, the reckoning. untrained, frightened and barely in control power of a The records of the Witch Hunters detail many instances nascent psyker makes them a delightfully helpless prey which serve to caution any who underestimate the danger whom they may toy with or consume with equal ease. posed by a nascent psyker: storms of psychic energy Though such possibilities are a reason for the Imperium’s kilometers across, psychic shock waves strong enough to constant vigilance for emerging psykers, it is not the only shatter plasteel and towering infernos of power are but a few reason: the emergent powers of a nascent psyker are cause of the details recorded by servants of Ordo Hereticus. enough.

Elite Advance: Nascent Psyker Experience Cost: None. The Gamemaster may 'reward' this elite advance to a character.

Instant Changes • The character gains the Nascent Psyker Trait (see traits in Chapter 2).

Handling Nascent Psykers Revealing a nascent psyker among a group of Player Characters is as exciting as it is challenging, but it is never something that the GM should spring on an unsuspecting player; since upon acquiring this Elite Advance Package is effectively a “death sentence” for the character. Instead, wait for a player to approach you about their interest in turning their character into a wellspring of potential. If you are amenable to the idea, let them, but wait for the proper time for when the powers reveal themselves. They don’t just appear when a player spends the xp; they appear when there is a sufficient trigger (see following). Once the powers have been revealed, whether or not the other PCs are aware of the fundamental change in their comrade or not, it’s up to the player with this Elite Advance Package to stay alive. Keeping these powers secret from others (a typical tactic for those in the 41st Millennium) is extremely difficult and almost always discovered and, when they are, they face death or sentencing to one of the mysterious Black Ships to find who knows what fate. Let the events unfold naturally in the game and don’t use a heavy hand, either to help the psyker or to hinder. If the Acolyte shows off his powers foolishly, then bring down the hammer, but if the player takes precautions to hide this weird development, don’t sabotage his efforts until he makes the fatal mistake that inevitably leads to his doom.

The Effects of Extreme Stress Once the player opts to acquire this Elite Advance Package, he just has to wait for the proper moment. Nascent psykers have no control over when their powers first manifest and must rely on stressful experience to unleash their newfound might. Such moments might be when the character takes a large amount of Damage or endures unspeakable torture at the hands of some heretic or warp entity, but never at the player’s decision. When you deem the moment is right, go for it. It’s up to you to describe the exact effects of the reveal, whether it’s bleeding walls, arcs of lightning bursting from the Psyker or a vicious eldritch storm exploding overhead. Feel free to roll or select a

Psychic Phenomena from Table 1–4, or just make something up. Allow the Player Character to Test Willpower to regain some control, with a Difficulty determined by the intensity of the event, with degrees of success or failure raising or diminishing the effects as you decide. Once this event occurs, the character gains the Awakened Psyker Elite Advance as well.

The Problem of Sanctioning Once it is known that a character is a latent or nascent psyker, they must either become a rogue, dodging capture, or be sanctioned. A character’s fellow comrades, if they are radically inclined, may help to conceal the character’s emerging abilities. This may work for a time, but eventually a nascent psyker has to face being revealed. At this point, the character’s only hopes of survival are to flee or to be taken by the Black Ships. In most cases, either of these choices puts the character beyond playability as they must make the arduous journey to Terra for testing. It is possible that if found strong enough, and if they survive their training, the character could return as a sanctioned Imperial psyker. This is covered in Chapter 2: The Psychogenic Arsenal.