Annotated Bibliography of the Works of Walter Charleton1
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF WALTER CHARLETON1 Published works Chorea Gigantum, or, The Most Famous Antiquity of Great-Britan [sic], Vulgarly called Stone-Heng, Standing on Salisbury Plain, Restored to the Danes, London, Printed for Henry Herringman, 1663. The Most Notable Antiquity of Great-Britain, Vulgarly called Stone-Heng, on Salisbury Plain, Restored, by Inigo Jones . to which are added Chorea Gigantum and Mr Webb’s Vindication, London, Printed for D. Browne Junior, and J. Woodman and D. Lyon, 1725. A facsimile edition of the 1725 edition has been produced, introduced by Stuart Piggot, Farnborough, Gregg, 1971. Charleton dedicated Chorea ‘to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty’, and referred to the monarch’s personal interest in the matter. In July 1663, when the physician presented his observations on Stonehenge to the Society, Aubrey was asked to look into the matter.2 He indicated that the King was quite taken with Charleton’s theory about Stonehenge. Charleton and Aubrey attended the King and the Duke and Duchess of York when they visited the area in 1663.3 Chorea contributed to contemporary debate about the origins of the mon- ument. It criticised Inigo Jones’ The Most Notable Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-heng, restored, which argued for the Roman origin of the stone monuments. Charleton claimed that Stonehenge was in fact the construction of ancient Danes. This initiated considerable contro- versy, and was ill-received in London. Wood claims Charleton’s text was ‘exploded by most persons when t’was published’. Chorea garnered a severe retaliation from Jones’s son-in-law, John Webb.4 1 The works are organised alphabetically, and are designed to provide a quick reference while read- ing the main body of the book.
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