The New York State College of Ceramics

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The New York State College of Ceramics ALFRED UNIVERSITY PUBLICATION The New York State College of Ceramics Catalogue Number for 1939-40 Announcemel1ts for 1940-41 Vol. XV November, 1939 No.9 Published ten limes a year by AlitOed University: Monthly in January, April, l,me, October} NovemberJ December, and semi-monthly in February and March. Entered as second class matter at Alfred, N. Y., Janl/ary 25, 1902, Imder Act of Congress July 16, 1894. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided tor in Section 1103, Act of Octobet' 3, 1917/ authorized 011 Jflly 3, 1918. fALFRED UNIVERSITY PUBLICATION Vol. xv Novembct, 1939 No.9 TIle Nevv York: State College of Ceralnics Catalogue N umber for 1939-40 Announcements for 1940·-41 AI,FRED, NEW YORK TABLE OF CONTENTS L Calendar ........................................ ...... , .......... 5,6 2, Personnel of the Administration and Faculty. .. ..................... 7 3. History, Objectives and Policies....... .. .. ,......................... 9 4. General Information ............ ,....... ........ ,.... .... , .. :.... 14 5. Adluission ........................... ,.. ..... :.............. 24 6. Expenses .................... .. .......... .. 28 7. Scholastic Requirements .......... .................................. 31 8. Departments of Instruction ................... .. 33 Ceramic Engineering ........... .............. .................... 33 GJass TechnoJogy ................ , ........... .. 35 Industrial CCHunic Design ....................... .................. 36 I~esearch .. .. ................ 38 9. Description of Courses ............................................... 40 Ceramic Engilleering ....... .. ... .. 40 Glass Technology ... " . .... ,. ...... ..................... 42 Industrial Cct":unic Design. .. 44 Mathematics ............................................ 46 Chetl1istry ........... .......... , ...... " .. " .......... ,......... 47 Physics ..... ,................ .. .................. , ...... , . .. 49 English ..................................... ,.................... 49 Industrial Mech.mics .. , . .. 49 Geology and Mineralogy ................ ' . ... .. 50 Petrography and X-my Analysis ............. ,.................... SO Physical Education ................................................. 51 Econornics ................................... .................... 51 GeCJl1an .......................................................... 51 10. Degrees Awarded: June 12,1939 ................................................ )2 U. Student Enrollment: 1938-1939 ..................................... " .. ............. 54 1939-1940 ....... .. 61 3 CALENDAR I~OR 1939 - 1940 l"irs~ Semester 1939 j3ntrance . eXd,minati<:t1s Monday Sept. 18 R,egistratlOn tor seniors, juniOfS, and sophomores Monday, Tuesday Sept. 18, 19 Freshrn(l,fl \Vcek Tuesday, \Vc:dnesclay Sept. 19, 20 InstructIOn begll1s Thursday Sept. 21 Thanksgiving recess begins \Vednesday 10 A. M. Nov, 29 THANKSGIVING RnCESS Instruction rcsuHwd Monday, 8 A. M. Dec. 4 Founders' Day Tuesday Dec. 5 Christmas recess begins IJriday, 10 A. M. Dec. 15 CHRlSTMAS RliCJ:SS 1940 Instruction resumed \Vedncsday, 8 A. M. Jan. 3 Mid,year examinations begill \Vednesday Jan. 24 Examinations end; semester eHus Friday Feb. 2 Second Seme.,ter Registration of new students Tuesday Peb. 6 Instruction begins \VCdIH:<:Jay Feb. 7 Spring recess begins Friday J 0 A. M. Apr. 5 SPruNG RI!GESS Illstruction reslImed Monday 8 A. M. Apr. 15 Review days Monday, Tuesday May 28 Final examinations begin Tuesday P. 1\1. May 1111c01oriai Day-Hal(Holiday ,'l'hlll'sda)' May :W Senior examinaLions end Friday May 31 Final examinations end Friday June 7 ONH-HuNDRHD AND FOURTH COMMENCEMENT Alumni Dinner and Annoal r..1eeting Saturday 6: 30 P. M. Jline Baccalaureate Address Sunday 8 :00 A. M. June 9 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday 9 :00 A. M. June ]0 Comrncnc(.'lnent Exercises Monday 2 :00 P. M. JlIlle J 0 President's reception Monday 5:00 P. M. jUlle to SUMMER SCIIOOL, 1<)-10 Pirst session, three \V('l'k'.~--~IlI'Vf"VII1Il1 Term begins Tuesday Junc 11 Term ends Friday JUlie 28 Regular session, six weeks Term begin.'; Monday July Term ends Friday Aug. 9 5 CALENDAR 110R 1940-1941 BOARD OF MANAGERS Fi'lst Semester 1940 J. NELSON NORWOOD, Alfred, N. Y., Chairman Entrance examinations Monday Registration for seniors Sept. 16 J. J. MERRILL, Alfred, N. Y. B. S. BASSETT, Alfred, N. Y. juniors and sophomo'res Monday, Tuesday Freshman Week Sept. 16, 17 D. S. BURDICK, Alfred, N. Y. Tuesday, Wednesdav Sept. 17, Ig Instruction begins Thursday • J. C. HOSTETTER, Hartford,Empirc Glass Co., Hartford, Conn. flounders' Day exercises Sept. 19 Thursday Nov. 7 R. H. PASS, Pass and Seymour, Inc., Syracuse, N. Y. Thanksgiving recess begins \Vednesday, 10 A. M. Nov. 20 1. 1. JOVA, The Jova Brick Works, Roseton, N. Y. E. WILSON, Buffalo Pottery, Buffalo, N. Y. THANKSGIVING RECESS J. Instruction resumed Monday S A. M. Christmas recess begins Nov, 25 Friday 10 A. M. Dec. 20 OIll'ICERS OF ADMINISTHATION CHRISTMAS RECESS J. NELSON NORWOOD, Ph.B., M.A., Ph.D .............................. Pusid(mt BOOTHB C. DAVIS, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D.•••.•..• , •..••.•••••.•.. P'fcsident Bmcritus Instruction resumed 1941 MAJOR E. HOLMES, B.A., M.A.. Ph.D .................................. Dca'(l Review days Monday, 8 A. M. Jan. 6 Monday, Tuesday BURTON B. CRANDALL ••••..•••••••.••.••••..•.••.••..•.••.•••...•. Treasurer Mid-y.ear ,examinations begin Jan. 20, 21 Wednesday Jan. 22 ALICE NmDElUIAuSER .••..•••.•..•..•.••...••.••..•..•. SeC(etMY to the Dean EX<lIll1natlOl)S end: semesler ends Friday Jan. 3) Second Semester OllFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND RESEARCH Registration of new stlldeuts SAMUEL R. SCHOLES, B.A., Ph.D. Professor of Glass Technology Tuesday Feb. 4 lnstruction bq~ins Wednesday MURRAY J. RICE. B.S., M.A., Ph.D. Profe.~so7 of Chemis~ry Pcb. 5 CHARLES R. AMBERG, B.S., M.s. Professor of Ceramic Engineering Sl'RlNG RECESS RODERT M. CAMPBELL, B.S. Professor of Ceramic Technology Time to be announced HARRY G. SCHUIU!CHT, B.S. Prof essor of Research Review days CHARLES M. HARDER, B.S. PTofessor of Ceramic Art. Monday, Tuesday May 26, 27 DON SCHRECKENGOST Professor of Ceramic Design Final c?Caminatiolls begin Tuesday P. M. May 27 MARtoN FOSDICK Professor of Ceramic Art ¥ernonal Day-Half Holiday Friday L SenIOr Examinations end May 30 OLARENCE W. MERRITT. B.S. Assistant Professor of Cerltmic EngineeTing Monday June 2 Final examinations end Friday PRANK E. LOBAUGH. B.S. Assistant Professor of Ceramic Engineering June 6 JOHN F. McMAHON. B.S. Ass-isLa'at Profes.~or of Ccmmic Research HAROLD C. HARRISON. n.s., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry CLARA K. NELSON Assistant Professor of Drawing C. MAJOR LAMPMAN, B.S. Research Assistant Alumni Dinner and Annual Meeting Satmday, 6:30 P. M. Baccalaureate Service June 7 FORREST BURNHAM Student Assj,~t4nt Sunday, 8 :00 p, M. STANLEY S. BALLARD ~nnual Meeting of the Board of Trustees June 8 Student Assistant Monday, 9 :00 A. M. JUlle 9 WILLIAM MARONEY Student Assista11t Commencement Exercises Monday, 2:00 P. M. President's Reception June 9 HOWARD ANDREWS Student Assistant Monday, 4:30 P. M. June 9 StJJ\'fMER SCHOO!., 1941 OTHER EMPLOYEES First session, three wceks,·-Survcying RICHARD E. CRAGG Storeroom Keeper and Gltlss Blower Term begins Tuesday RUTH P. GRImNH, B.A,. B.L.S. Librarian Term ends June 10 Friday June 27 VIDA S. TITSWORTH Hostess Regular session, six weeks STANLEY C. STILLMAN Janitor and Carpenter CECIL R. DRUMMOND Janitor and Machinist Term begins Monday Term ends July 7 GRACE M. DAVIS Stenographer Friday Aug. 15 6 7 I-IISTORY, OBJECTIVES AND POLICY History. With prophetic vision of the prominent position that ceramic was destined to achieve in the professional and industrial life Naticm, Boothe C. Davis and John J. Merrill c..<:;tahlished at Alfred in 1900 the New York State School of Clay Working and With another ceramic school that was just getting under way at tin)e~ it became the function of the institution to pioneer in the field of ceramic education, leading the way to what is now a nation-wide S(;Ope of university education in ceramics, firmly established as an essential paft of higher education. The growth and development of the school under the direction of Charles Fergus Binns, exemplifies the extent to which these functions were fulfilled. He scrvcu as its director from the time of its founding until 1931 when age necessitated his retirement. Year by year the enrollment increased from nvc in 1900 to one hundred sixty-nine in 1931. The of the. courses of instrnction kept pace with the growth of the school so that the needs of the ceranl1c profession, as they developed from to year, were served at .tll times. During thjs period of the school's history the in~)titution became a guiding beacon for ceramic education everywhere. Th~ vision of its founders was fully realized. Emphasis was laid upon ccran)ic art and the school became distinguished particularly for training in the field of fine ceramics. The year 1932, however) marked a transition in the career of the institution. It is an ilnportant matter for prospective students and prospective employers of graduates to note that although no less attention is given to fine ceramics than forroerly) the school is now prima.rily an institution of cera.tnic technology and engineei'ing xaLher than ceramic art. Art is not neglected, hut technology and engineering are emphasized. This changed status of the institution was made possible by large increases in State appropriations which had been planned by the adminis­ tration.
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