Pandemic 2020 WRITING JOURNAL By: A​ iyanna Breen


This is NOT a good morning. I don’t wanna be twelve! What should I say? Journal Entry #31 Journal Entry #41

When​ will there be a good My Ok ​B-Day! Riddle me that! Journal Entry #32 Journal Entry #42 morning again? ZOOM ZOOM GOES THE Something you should Journal Entry #33 Journal Entry #43

I’m starting to lose hope... STINKIN’ RACE CAR!!! know about me before Journal Entry #34 Journal Entry #44

April Fools EVE NEW SCHEDROOLS!!! >o< going any further! Journal Entry #35 Journal Entry #45

OH YES! Yet another day... Tears again. Journal Entry #36 Journal Entry #46

I’m a worried liar! Color me meh... Journal Entry #25 Journal Entry #37 Journal Entry #47

One good day, please? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Journal Entry #26 Journal Entry #38 Journal Entry #48

Are we in a math problem? AAA!!! Journal Entry #27 Journal Entry #39 Journal Entry #49

You can try to smooth me Yeah right, "Think of the Journal Entry #28 Journal Entry #40 Journal Entry #50 down! positive!"​ Journal Entry #29

I’m Praying for a strong April showers don’t bring Journal Entry #30 power outage! May flowers.

I have reached my final


Pandemic 2020 Writing Journal

This is NOT a good morning!

3/26/2020 Welcome to Gloomsville, Barrington,

Rhode Island. Today our schools did online learning because of the Coronavirus. It was pretty hi​ gh and I wish for it to be over. After doing my morning routine, I looked up how many cases there were in the United States, and then worldwide. There were a LOT more cases than I expected when I searched it up. It seemed that there were 59,998 cases in the United States and 445,982 on the planet. ​ Would this ruin our chances of saving the world? I hope not! My brother JR came in like CRAZY!!! He couldn’t stop talking! If I had a mean(er) attitude I would’ve told him to shut up, but that wasn’t me at all. I would never say that to JR, I would say something else that was considered mean to my parents. He’s way too sensitive to even handle the weakest ​ ​ bully, in my opinion. ​ ​ 8:40 am Homeroom has just begun!

It wasn’t as much of a struggle to get into Mrs.Ouellette’s ELA class as much as to get into Mrs. Scott's science. I bet, because today was a block day, it’ll be hard to ​ ​ get into Mrs.Oswald’s math class which is third and fourth-period classes tomorrow. I was secretly listening to anime meme songs while I did my homework as usual -U-. The homework she gave me, ha! I finished it in a flash!

10:28 am STRESS part 1?

I was so worried about what would happen because I almost thought I would be counted absent! Good thing Mrs. Scott and the other Lime cluster teachers are AMAZING!!! I was able to use my mom’s computer (THANK GOODNESS!). We read a 4-page article, not that long timewise. We also reviewed Zoom’s safety. Why did we have to do that? How should I know?!

1:32 pm This is the wrong class…

It seems that I jumped into health instead of PE! It looks like that my friends might have just lied to me! EVERYBODY kept on saying that it was an odd day which means HEALTH! The disappointment triggered when I saw the wrong classmates in health class. I heard Mrs. Iodice say it was an even day which was when I started to do some internal screaming. After that, I just left the classroom and headed to PE. Did a flipgrid which we had to say our name, list a physical activity we like, and then do it. I did yoga because… why not?


Today, all we had to do was fill out a form which was an about me thing for music class. We had to fill out the easiest questions! Just in case you don’t know, I am a weeb!

(Weeb A weeb​ is a derisive term for a non-Japanese person who is obsessed with ​ ​ anime, manga, and other forms of Japanese entertainment!)

I think we should’ve done something else in music. -_-

Reflection I think today was a new, fresh start……………………………………somewhat! There were ups, but mostly downs today. Let’s focus on the positive today, it worked out just as I wanted sometimes. Overall, I’m okay today!

When will there be a good morning again?

3/27/2020 ​ ​ It’s yet another gloomy day in

Barrington, Rhode Island. I think that the coronavirus, A.K.A COVID-19, is only going to get worse before it become​ s better. People are dying everywhere! The next thing you know that will happen is that the soap companies will have to work a lot harder because of how many people are stealing piles of soap and hand sanitizer. Don’t put too much on because it can get rid of bacteria you need, or cause a rash on the skin. In this case, we need to stay home. I woke up to the sound of a “MEOW!” this morning. The meow sounded high-pitched, like a cat out of kitten stage. “Alfredo!” I giggled while his face was right in front of me, “What are you doing?” He pointed with his nose to that portal outside that my brother and I go through on the weekends. “We can travel in the afternoon.” I heard my mom say. Just in case you don’t know, my brother and I pretend to go through alternate universes.

I’m starting to lose Hope

I think that this was a pretty good day, though I ignored the fact that there was a pandemic going around. Trump has already given permission for people to use tents in New York, and also give tents and supplies to those in need. I strongly feel that this is not the end of the world, but a party if COVID-19 ends before we all die. Personally, I don’t think this is gonna end until two to five YEARS from now! When/if this comes to an end, I will have a playdate pool party with me and my brother’s closest friends.

April Fools EVE

March 31st, 2020

Losing hope day-by-day yet again. ​ I feel no change besides the fact that I’m really tired of staying in one place. I do have Aries for my zodiac sign, in fact, my rising sign is Gemini as well! The only thing I’m trying to figure out is my moon sign by the time I typed this… got it! My moon sign is Virgo which explains why I’m AMAZING at art not to brag ! I think my Aries side is kicking in making me impatient with this new COVID-19 and with having to stay put at a desk for a long time. I hate having to sit here at a desk, but how will I enjoy April fools Day tomorrow? I know! I’ll prank anyone I know with a Virgo! YES! I’ll prank Jr with confetti because he has a Virgo ascendant, he’ll be so mad at me when I pop confetti in his face in the morning! That will be his alarm prank! Now I feel like a child at heart. In conclusion, I love being my naive self!


April FIRST!!! 2020 I haven’t prepared the prank I said I would, I have prepared something WORSE! My brother Jr will probably be laughing his head off or cry​ing his eyes out. I will give him the water balloon souffle prank, and I’ll let him use ​ a knife! For Mom, because she’s always taking a nap, I’ll do the powder SLAP! They’ll be so mad at me the next morning. Speaking of tomorrow, the Rhode Island state governor, Gine Romondo will be hosting a student’s only update about the coronavirus on April second. I probably think that it’ll be about what people are doing to reduce the number of people getting the virus. On the other hand, I think It’ll be boring and about washing our hands with some stupid puppets. I hope not. Anyway, the powder SLAP will get’em for sure. You know things get real when I type a smiling devil emoji. It’ll be great to let the evil voice of COVID-19 drain away and be ignored by my favorite songs streaming through my ears!

I’m a worried liar!

I lied about pranking my mother!​ I didn’t get to do so because I didn’t want her just to get mad. Today is the video that Gina Ramondo, the Rhode Island governor, sent to us all at 1:00 about the COVID-19. My brother fell for another lie I made about being honest about the prank. I said to him, “I think you forgot to rub in ALL the lotion before going to bed.” HE FELL FOR IT! HA! I want to lie more if people fall for them, but at the same time I don’t. Anyway, Gina Raimondo answered some of our questions about the coronavirus. And, I’m still worried about my mom because she has a very high chance of getting it.

One good day, please?

Now I will say that I’m the only one here who HATES virtual learning out of all my classes. I want to move around and not have to sit down for another gay mome​ nt! But at least I’m in an area that I’m familiar with at once. I miss the lockers now! -_-ll I won’t list any of my complaints anymore. Now, I get to pet the cats! Now, I don’t have to worry about allergies. NOW, I CAN BE AS RULE-BREAKING AS MY VERY HEART DESIRES!!! I feel as if this is a lose-win situation. I’m about to go over the limit if this continues through May! I have no idea what to write about … cause I’m brainwashed by the virus maybe?

Are we in a math problem?

If you know math, you know what I mean when I say, “What happened?” Everybody is buying toilet p​ aper; too much toilet paper in my opinion. One day, my dad came home with 48 rolls of toilet paper! I think it’s because of memes caused by the coronavirus. I like memes and all, but THIS is weird! Now, we will be pranking everybody with toilet paper. What is the point of buying this much toilet paper? This is a meme come true! I love ​ ​ it! The not-so-funny part is that my family is buying masks and it’ll be embarrassing to all the other students. They’ll think that I have COVID-19! Do you know that it’s very high in Rhode Island currently? Are we buying too much? Is this an emblem or key to this virtual reality? Who knows if this is a video game boss? Is our life just a video game? Are we doing this as something we need to survive? People in math problems are now people during the coronavirus. Are we in a math problem? This is unexpected; not really that unexpected as I thought. I just have no idea what is going on!

You can try to smooth me down!

I just feel like I'm losing the thought that there is the coronavirus pandemic. Nothing really new has happened lately, besides the fact​ that music is still soaring through the air. COVID-19 is still going to be around when we get older. The problem is the fact that people with conditions have high risks, like my MOM! In my opinion, happiness helps lower the risk of having COVID-19. People might want COVID-19 if they have ​ depression. It might lower your mood staying in a house . . . all day! HOW BORING! Most of us will lose our minds if we have to stay inside a house any longer! You might be okay in this situation but I’m NOT! But I’m still happy! We should all listen to our own favorite songs and say, “Life is good.” It’ll brighten the mood.

I’m Praying for a strong power outage!

There is so much that I could point out wrong and confuse in Zoom and with this online school. It’s if Zoom classmates are ​ getting hypnotized by this “class.” If you were to experience this, yes, I’m talking to you readers would be very bored. We established a new and SHORTER schedule so we don’t get ​ ​ hypnotized by Zoom monitors. I think that one of my loved ones might just die from this COVID-19, wait, WHAT *MOM KNOCK ON WOOD*!? That was close! My one question is if anyone knows how this thing works. This COVID-19’s name gives me a headache! We are all trying to find a vaccine for this. Will this plague ever end!? I think that we might just survive if we believe and ignore the virus’s face when we need to. People are making more memes about coronavirus every day. I wish that there was a power outage because we have a few days off from Zoom. I want everyone to stay positive, I’m not usually.

I don’t wanna be twelve!

I already miss those days I was in a mood. We have new updates today on CNN 10. They talked about Mont St. Michel and that it would b​e doomed if erosion gets any higher. We all have a risk of getting the COVID-19, but we can lower it. Scientists are all trying to get a vaccine to this virus and it could kill you within less than a minute.

My Ok B-Day!

To be honest, I don’t like surprises . . . especially not birthday surprises. I wish to make sure that I don’t have to do anything like hit a piñata or have a huge cake. There are now about 23K deaths from that secret murderer called coronavirus. I wish that I was NOT twelve still. I wish that this coronavirus never happened. I WANT THIS TO BE AN OK B-DAY!!! Now I’ll stop. No, I won’t. Now there is this COVID-19 ​ recognized murderer choking its victims. What an amazing day! I want to yell at that killer’s face! But it might get me next if I do so anyhow. I think we all had a lot of questions about this sightless murder maker coronavirus and who it’ll get next and when. In conclusion, I want this to end.


I think I could still have fun today.​ The U.S. is still wondering why Rhode Island continues to be using Zoom. So what if we are different? We might as well enjoy (?) Zoom while we have it. There are some benefits. I can now show my classmates my cats! I can now wear anything. I can now listen to music while I work without getting caught on youtube. YES! I think that we could keep Zoom for a little while longer and then be back to normal (or at least what humans call normal.) I think we all agree that we miss regular school, I do. I now kinda hate Zoom.


This stinks! Our school just got a new schedule for double, mandatory FAST classes! Reader, do you k​ now how much I hate this!? Dr. Anderson, our school principal, got only our cluster a new schedule. Are we irresponsible? Shame on all the students making us use a new, stinky schedule! I’m as stressed as I could be! COVID-19 is losing victims really quickly. This new schedule, more like new schedrools (yes a pun… CARL AZUZ bb )! I think that I’m getting copied because I dressed in my favorite outfit, someone else dressed in overall shorts and a messy striped shirt. RUDE!

Yet another day…

This was a long day in my opinion. The worst news we could possibly get is that we do this for the rest of the school year or until th​ is is solved. And guess what? THE WORST HAPPENED!!! This is possibly the least exciting thing about the coronavirus, virtual-school having situation. I’m so mad at this virus that I want to shout in its ear “I HATE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE,” but it might kill me if I did that. I’ll just stay at home, glaring at the screen wondering about our eyesight getting drained by this dementor-like computer. I, yet again, wish for this to end and for my life not to be at risk. My eyes are now stuck in a stare position, but I can blink still… thank god! I feel like a question mark plus a worried emoji are smashed inside my brain.

Color me meh...

Today was yet again, boring. The worst is yet to come from this coronavirus. The next thing you know we have to turn to the m​ ost disturbing page in google classroom for health. I think if I had a fun meter in my own place, it would be very low, to be honest. I think the most NO kinda thing that happened is doing this for the rest of the school year. We already did this for over a month approximately. I think that I’ll just listen to music on the weekends...maybe Rockefeller Street because my bro and I love that song (and yes… I said bro but I’m a girl and NOT A GIRLY GIRL!!!)


I have newschedulelophebia, the fear of new schedules. This is the 4th schedule change already! I’m starting to think that nothing is going right with this coronavirus junk going around. Why doesn’t the murderer of a million stop aiming for our lungs and do our FEET instead? It’ll hurt, but it won’t kill you. If only there was a way to stop this madness with students doing so instead! Why are the schedules changing SO much?! I think memes tell the truth now. This would be a good time to draw my achievements in prodigy after ballet class which now starts at 5:00 and ends at 5:45. A lot has changed taking the fact that three days of the week I’m busy after school doing ballet, tap, jazz, and piano classes each week. Memes are now becoming the truth as earlier. But the new schedules?! I will say this now and only just for today… AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! WHY IS THIS SO HARD!? Why is it that I go into the playroom and not my room? Why am I asking so many questions? ​

Yeah right, “Think of the positive!”

I keep on being told to stay positive, there is always positive as everyone except ME says. What if you can’t find any positive? Wha​t if you think negative most of the time like me? I found one, that I have to stay at home with my annoying brother who also has a Zoom and is allowed to play google games!? Everybody is so lucky, but me. I have to sit here for 7/1 (7 hours, each day.) The positive always comes down to a negative when you think twice. For example: I get to stay home, but Jr will bother me and I won’t get to hear anything. When can I actually find real positivities again? WHEN!?

April showers don’t bring May flowers.

I couldn’t see any flowers today, besides in my mom's garden. And do you want me to tell you something funny? Okay then! M​ y cat Alfredo was at my computer with his little face right up to me. And on the screen, it showed Alfredo's um… butt. A lot of funny stuff happens when you’re in quarantine (which is basically my weekend TUT.) We have five weeks left including this week. Thirty-five long days, whoopie. April showers don’t bring May flowers. They bring puddles and sprouts. There weren't really a lot of showers to be honest. We might all say this was the cleanest Earth day yet. Thanks quarantine!

I have reached my final destination…-_-

Annoyance here I come. Is it me or is everything in Zoom super annoying. Yes, my brother, Jr, is always coming to my ​classes when he’s not supposed to be in my class and on his own. The next thing I hear him say is, “Aiyanna! Lets make our website for our own merch,” or “Aiyanna! Can you tell me if this is a good idea? BLAH BLAH BLAH.” And the most irritating of them all is this, “AIYANNA!!! YOU HAVE VONO/ALFREDO ON YOUR DESKTOP!? CAN I PET THE CUTSIE WOOTSIE WITTLE KITTY?” Imagine that every day you go on Zoom and that’s how I feel. If I had a dollar for everytime he interrupted me during class, I’d already have a stinkin’ yacht!!! This little brother I have is too much for my ears!

What should I say? I think that today is a pretty...​normal

(*bleh)​ day.​ If you read a lot about this journal, you know how much I hate normal ​(*nyeh.)​ Normal ​(*NOOO)​ is literally boring in disguise. Are you okay with normal ​(*pffft,)​ and why should you be? When does normal​ (*gluhh)​ become a good thing? Why doesn’t something ​exciting ​or ​mind blowing​ happen. This stinks. I know I should just say something positive. Here you go, ​something positive​. That was a warning for a bad pun! So, what should I say? Do you cringe at the word ​normal ​(*barf)​? I sure do.

Riddle me that! My brother is going to have a riddle-filled day today. I gave him the most CRAZY riddles I could find. His little brain will explode when I show him wha​t’s wrong and right! He’ll be sparked with, ​ “WHAAAA?” when I tell him these riddles he might just know. He’s probably seen them before, but it’ll get harder with how much riddle research I did.

Something you should know about me before going any further!

1. I love drawing in my sketchbooks! You can never stop me from drawing, it’s like a thing I need to live!!!

2. I am obsessed with kirby and Kirby is my favorite video game and Vocaloid vocaloid! is my favorite song category.

3. I play a lot of piano. How can I explain this…? 4. I love magic tricks and magic!​(k) My favorite thing about magic is the playing cards!

5. I love the coding game scratch. This can help make ​memes, videos, games, and much more!

Tears again. May 21th, 2020

Yet again, it was pretty boring, yet sad. My mom told me that a newborn baby got it and didn’t get to live a day! I CRIED when I heard this. This is a very sad moment in time, but it’s not as bad as the Black/Bubonic Plague. That one killed around 20-40 million people. There are around 320,340 deaths in the entire world! The only thing that we all might be wondering is, “How did this start?” I am too. People keep on saying that this was caused by a bat that bit someone. When will this Covid-19 plague end?

Don’t quote this! Online school is a mess to my eyes! I can’t keep on staring at a black screen saying “Please wait to be approved,” or something like that. We might just set up the pool early, and hopefully the COVID-19 doesn’t affect the pool water! We can still have fun, but we ain’t immune to the coronavirus YET! Many people will die, I don’t want to unless I have to protect my family and friends, (well, mom said I shouldn’t, but I will if I have to.)

I’ve been stuck in this house for too long! I'm starting to forget what it’s like to go to regular school a little bit. I really hope humanity survives this one. I also wish we could make social contact because I aint taking this quarantine anymore! I wanna see my friends again! I also might join a party when this is over if any of my friends survive! All of my friends are okay so far

24 long days

9:45, June 11th, 2020

Waking up in the morning light It felt like the weekend was only last night I knew that my room would’ve been a real mess Zoom is causing my dark brown eyes real stress

Imagine your sibling ran into your room He takes the computer and goes into Zoom The teacher notices that it’s not me How stinkin’ disturbing can my brother be!?

I know this just like it’s the back of my hand That all little brothers have something weird planned They love to tease others and steal sibling’s spots I think that he’s as loud as clanging pans and pots

I could do a good prank, but J.R. will just wail I could just annoy him, but mom’s there, I’ll fail I’m done with my work! What about after school? I’ll play with my brother and not be too cruel!

Zoom totally STINKS,But this turned out to be way better than I expected. I know it was hard, but we all survived, hopefully. Tell me amazing people of the future, did we survive CO***-19? My family.

House & our handprints

What you 100% needed for goodness sake!

Journal Entry #28

Journal Entry #29