Dr Caroline Reid, Bioline UK Senior Technical Support – Northern Europe

Manuel Gomez, Bioline Iberia Senior Technical Support – Southern Europe European grapevine moth • quality strongly depends on the quality. • Grapevines are attacked by a wide diversity of tortricid . • Adult females lay egg clusters on or close to flowers and grape bunches • The eggs hatch into pale-coloured larvae that feed predominantly on flowers and developing fruit or on leaves. • Second and third instar larvae are the most damaging, due to their increase in numbers throughout the season. • In addition to direct-feeding damage, larvae produce wounds subsequently infected by bunch rot fungi, as well as spoilage yeasts and bacteria. Their action can further attract infestations by fruit flies (Drosophila spp.). several species are carriers of Botrytis • Economic losses can be 13.3% for second generation and 27% for third *

* Theodoros Moschos, International Journal of Pest Management 2 Volume 52, 2006 - Issue 2 Three species of grapevine moth controlled

Lobesia botrana ambiguella Argyrotaenia ljungiana

3 The dispenser: a concentrate of technology

• Eggs ready to hatch are placed inside the dispenser • Bio-degradable (cardboard): no need to remove at the end of the season • Water resistant • Protection from the sun • Protection against predators (ants) • No need to prepare the application (ready to use) Small exit holes prevent entry of ants • Fast to apply: 30 min/ha for 100 dispensers

5 Vitis

• Contains: • Packaging : • Trichogramma sp. • Patented dispenser • Use: • Concentration : • Vines, against grapevine moths • 5000 active individuals per • Mode of action: dispenser • Ovicide action, by parasitism of the eggs • Rate of use : • Length of action : • 100 dispensers per ha • Effective for several weeks from • Registration : release • Ask your representative

6 Bioline Dispenser

• Hanging unit in the : • One dispenser • Primary unit supply: • A plate of 25 dispensers • Each dispenser contains 5000 individuals • 4 hatching waves: for a progressive emergence and a long lasting action 30 cm • Sales unit: • One hectare • Corresponding to 100 dispensers (4 plates of 25 dispensers) 39,5 cm

7 How Emergence waves work in Bioline products



RELEASE Super-Delayed


0 30 70 120 180 DD Model program Vitis

2 releases of 100 dispensers 15 days apart Apply Tricholine Vitis at the beginning of the flight*, then 15 days after * 4 to 7 days max after the beggining of the flight Second flight Third flight

Flowering Fruit Peas stage Bunch is Begin. Ripening setting closing veraison 2 releases at 15 days apart 2 releases at 15 days apart

Protection against the G2 Protection against the G3

Trichogramma are sensitive to certain active ingredients. For use in the best conditions, contact your 9 technical advisor to establish a suitable program. Mean efficacy over 3 years of 70.5% - All trial results combined


%/control% / Témoin 28 trials28 essais with TricholineTricholine VitisVitis betweenentre 20162016 et 2018and 2018

100% 90% Situations with 80% variable pressures, 70% 70,5% and all moths 60,6% 60% combined. Be careful, 50% this is a collection of

40% test results that may

30% be non-concomitant.



0% Tricholine Vitis InsecticidesConventional conventionnelsinsecticides Tricholine vitis is at least as effective as conventional insecticides and even gets more consistent results.

10 Vitis

Effective on the 3 main moths Effective: 70% efficacy Can be used on all 3 flights Multi-target Ovicide: immediate Effective prevention No minimum crop area required Fast application Consistent of protection Can be used in No need to prepare anything Flexible before the application No risk for the users or for No delay before or re- the neighborhood entry, nor non-treatment zone Organic

12 Thank you for your attention ABIM 2019