Mathematical Omnibus Thirty Lectures on Classic Mathematics

Dmitry Fuchs Serge Tabachnikov Mathematical Omnibus Thirty Lectures on Classic Mathematics

Mathematical Omnibus Thirty Lectures on Classic Mathematics

Dmitry Fuchs Serge Tabachnikov

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 00A05.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Fuchs, Dmitry Mathematical omnibus : thirty lectures on classic mathematics / Dmitry Fuchs, Serge Tabach- nikov. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8218-4316-1 (alk. paper) 1. Mathematics. I. Tabachnikov, Serge. II. Title.

QA37.3.F83 2007 510—dc22 2007060824

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c 2007 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. Reprinted with corrections by the American Mathematical Society, 2011. The American Mathematical Society retains all rights except those granted to the United States Government. Printed in the United States of America. ∞ The paper used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. Visit the AMS home page at 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 16 15 14 13 12 11 To Vladimir Arnold with admiration


Preface ix

Art and Photo Credits xiii

Algebra and

Chapter 1. and Combinatorics Lecture 1. Can a Number be Approximately Rational? 5 Lecture 2. Arithmetical Properties of Binomial Coefficients 27 Lecture 3. On Collecting Like Terms, on Euler, Gauss, and MacDonald, and on Missed Opportunities 45

Chapter 2. Equations Lecture 4. Equations of Degree Three and Four 67 Lecture 5. Equations of Degree Five 79 Lecture 6. How Many Roots Does a Polynomial Have? 93 Lecture 7. Chebyshev Polynomials 101 Lecture 8. Geometry of Equations 109

Geometry and Topology

Chapter 3. Envelopes and Singularities Lecture 9. Cusps 125 Lecture 10. Around Four Vertices 141 Lecture 11. Segments of Equal Areas 159 Lecture 12. On Plane Curves 171

Chapter 4. Developable Surfaces Lecture 13. Paper Sheet Geometry 189 Lecture 14. Paper M¨obiusBand 203 Lecture 15. More on Paper Folding 213

Chapter 5. Straight Lines Lecture 16. Straight Lines on Curved Surfaces 225

vii viii CONTENTS

Lecture 17. Twenty-seven Lines 239 Lecture 18. Web Geometry 253 Lecture 19. The Crofton Formula 269

Chapter 6. Polyhedra Lecture 20. Curvature and Polyhedra 285 Lecture 21. Non-inscribable Polyhedra 301 Lecture 22. Can One Make a Tetrahedron out of a Cube? 307 Lecture 23. Impossible Tilings 319 Lecture 24. Rigidity of Polyhedra 335 Lecture 25. Flexible Polyhedra 345

Chapter 7. Two Surprising Topological Constructions Lecture 26. Alexander’s Horned Sphere 361 Lecture 27. Cone Eversion 373

Chapter 8. On Ellipses and Ellipsoids Lecture 28. Billiards in Ellipses and Geodesics on Ellipsoids 383 Lecture 29. The Poncelet Porism and Other Closure Theorems 403 Lecture 30. Gravitational Attraction of Ellipsoids 415 Solutions to Selected Exercises 425

Bibliography 457 Index 461 Preface

For more than two thousand years some familiarity with mathe- matics has been regarded as an indispensable part of the intellec- tual equipment of every cultured person. Today the traditional place of mathematics in education is in grave danger. These opening sentences to the preface of the classical book What Is Mathematics? were written by Richard Courant in 1941. It is somewhat soothing to learn that the problems that we tend to associate with the current situation were equally acute sixty-five years ago (and, most probably, way earlier as well). This is not to say that there are no clouds on the horizon, and by this book we hope to make a modest contribution to the continuation of the mathematical culture. The first mathematical book that one of our mathematical heroes, Vladimir Arnold, read at the age of twelve was Von Zahlen und Figuren1 by Hans Rade- macher and Otto Toeplitz. In his interview given to the “Kvant” magazine, pub- lished in 1990, Arnold recalls that he worked on the book slowly, a few pages a day. We cannot help hoping that our book will play a similar role in the mathematical development of some prominent mathematician of the future. We hope that this book will be of interest to anyone who likes mathematics, from high school students to accomplished researchers. We do not promise an easy ride: the majority of results are proved, and it will take considerable effort from the reader to follow the details of the arguments. We hope that as a reward the reader, at least sometimes, will be filled with awe by the harmony of the subject (this feeling is what drives most mathematicians in their work!). To quote from A Mathematician’s Apology by G. H. Hardy, The mathematician’s patterns, like the painter’s or the poet’s, must be beautiful; the ideas, like the colors or the words, must fit together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics. For us too, beauty is the first test in the choice of topics for our own research, as well as the subject for popular articles and lectures, and consequently, in the choice of material for this book. We did not restrict ourselves to any particular area (say, or geometry); our emphasis is on the diversity and the unity of mathematics. If, after reading our book, the reader becomes interested in a more systematic exposition of any particular subject, (s)he can easily find good sources in the literature. About the subtitle: the dictionary definition of the word classic is “judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind”.

1The Enjoyment of Mathematics, in the English translation; the Russian title was a literal translation of the German original.


We tried to select mathematics satisfying this rigorous criterion. The reader will find here theorems of Isaac Newton and , Augustin Louis Cauchy and Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, Michel Chasles and Pafnuty Chebyshev, Max Dehn and James Alexander, and many other great mathematicians of the past. Quite often we include recent results of prominent contemporary mathematicians, such as Robert Connelly, John Conway and Vladimir Arnold. There are about four hundred figures in this book. We fully agree with the dictum that a picture is worth a thousand words. The figures are mathematically precise—so a cubic curve is drawn by a computer as a locus of points satisfying an equation of degree three. In particular, the figures illustrate the importance of accurate drawing as an experimental tool in geometrical research. Two examples are given in Lecture 29: the Money-Coutts Theorem, discovered by accurate drawing as late as in the 1970s, and a very recent theorem by Richard Schwartz on the Poncelet grid which he discovered by computer experimentation. Another example of using the computer as an experimental tool is given in Lecture 3 (see the discussion of “privileged exponents”). We did not try to make the lectures similar in length and level of difficulty: some are quite long and involved whereas others are considerably shorter and lighter. One lecture, “Cusps”, stands out: it contains no proofs but only numerous examples, richly illustrated by figures; many of these examples are rigorously treated in other lectures. The lectures are independent of each other, but the reader will notice some themes that reappear throughout the book. We do not assume much by way of preliminary knowledge: a standard calculus course will do in most cases, and quite often even calculus is not required (and this relatively low threshold does not leave out mathematically inclined high school students). We also believe that any reader, no matter how sophisticated, will find surprises in almost every lecture. There are about two hundred exercises in the book, many provided with so- lutions or answers. They further develop the topics discussed in the lectures; in many cases, they involve more advanced mathematics (then, instead of a solution, we give references to the literature). More difficult exercises are marked by a single or a double asterisk. This book stems from a good many articles we wrote for the Russian magazine “Kvant” over the years 1970–19902 and from numerous lectures that we gave over the years to various audiences in the Soviet Union and the United States (where we have lived since 1990). These include advanced high school students—the partici- pants of the Canada/USA Binational Mathematical Camp in 2001 and 2002, under- graduate students attending the Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters (MASS) program at Penn State over the years 2000–2006, high school students—along with their teachers and parents—attending the Bay Area Mathematical Circle at Berke- ley. The book may be used for an undergraduate Honors Mathematics Seminar (there is more than enough material for a full academic year), various topics courses, Mathematical Clubs at high school or college, or simply as a “coffee table book” to browse through, at one’s leisure. To support the “coffee table book” claim, this volume is lavishly illustrated by an accomplished artist, Sergey Ivanov. Sergey was the artist-in-chief of the “Kvant” magazine in the 1980s and then continued in a similar position in the

2Available, in Russian, online at PREFACE xi

1990s at its English-language cousin “Quantum”. Being a physicist by education, Ivanov’s illustrations are not only aesthetically attractive, but they also reflect the mathematical content of the material. We started this preface with a quotation; let us finish with another one. Max Dehn, whose theorems are mentioned here more than once, thus characterized math- ematicians in his 1928 address [22]; we believe his words apply to the subject of this book: At times the mathematician has the passion of a poet or a con- queror, the rigor of his arguments is that of a responsible states- man or, more simply, of a concerned father, and his tolerance and resignation are those of an old sage; he is revolutionary and conservative, skeptical and yet faithfully optimistic.

Acknowledgments. This book is dedicated to V. I. Arnold on the occasion of his seventieth birthday; his style of mathematical research and exposition has greatly influenced the authors over the years. For two consecutive years, in 2005 and 2006, we participated in the “Research in Pairs” program at the Mathematics Institute at Oberwolfach (MFO). We are very grateful to this mathematicians’ paradise where the administration, the cooks and nature conspire to boost one’s creativity. Without our sojourns at MFO the completion of this project would still remain in the distant future. The second author is also grateful to Max-Planck-Institut for Mathematics in Bonn for its continual hospitality. Many thanks to John Duncan, Sergei Gelfand and G¨unter Ziegler who read the manuscript from beginning to end and whose detailed (and almost disjoint!) comments and criticism greatly improved the exposition. The second author gratefully acknowledges partial NSF support.

Davis, CA, and State College, PA December 2006

Art and Photo Credits

The American Mathematical Society gratefully acknowledges the kindness of the following institutions and individuals in granting these permissions. Gerald Alexanderson Photographs of Emil Borel, David Hilbert in Lecture 19, Jean-Victor Poncelet, and Hassler Whitney are used courtesy of Gerald Alexanderson.

Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Photographs of Wilhelm Blaschke, Shiing-Shen Chern, Robert Connelly, John Conway, Istv´an F´ary, Carl Friedrich Gauss in Lecture 3, Misha Gromov, George Hamel, Godfrey Harold Hardy, Morris Hirsch, Adolf Kneser, M. A. Krasnosel- skii, Nicolaas Kuiper, Ian MacDonald, Roger Penrose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Isaac Jacob Schoenberg, Beniamino Segre, , Klaus Steffen, Alfred Tarski, R´en´e Thom are used courtesy of the Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.

Artists Rights Society Pablo Picasso, “Portrait of Igor Stravinsky”, 1920, graphite and charcoal. c 2007, 2011 Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Reproduction, including downloading of Picasso works is prohibited by copy- right laws and international conventions without the express written permission of Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Calcutta Mathematical Society Photograph of Syamadas Mukhopadhyaya is used courtesy of the Calcutta Mathematical Society.

Anatoly Dverin Drawings of Max Dehn in Lecture 22 and Morgan Crofton in Lecture 19 are by Anatoly Dverin.

Freeman Dyson Photograph of Freeman Dyson is used courtesy of Freeman Dyson.

Emmanuel Ferrand Photograph of Emmanuel Ferrand is used courtesy of Emmanuel Ferrand.


Etienne´ Ghys Photograph of Etienne´ Ghys is used courtesy of Etienne´ Ghys.

Historical Studies–Social Sciences Library, Institute for Advanced Study Photograph of James Alexander is used courtesy of the Alexander family and the Archives of the Institute for Advanced Study.

Sergey Ivanov The drawings that appear on the cover and on the first page of Chapters 1–8 and Lectures 1–30 are by Sergey Ivanov.

A. Khovanskii Photograph of Askold Khovanskii is used courtesy of A. Khovanskii.

Greg Kuperberg Photograph of Greg Kuperberg is used courtesy of Greg Kuperberg.

Mathematical Association of American A slightly edited version of the article “Cusps” from the book Mathematical Ad- ventures from the Spectrum Series published by the Mathematical Association of American in 2004 (Hayes and Shubina, editors) is used with permission.

Media Services, State University of New York at Stony Brook Photograph of , c Media Services, State University of New York at Stony Brook

Oded Schramm Photograph of Oded Schramm, c Oded Schramm.

Richard Schwartz Photograph of Richard Schwartz is used courtesy of Richard Schwartz.

A. Schwarz Photograph of A. S. Schwarz is used courtesy of A. Schwarz.

Smithsonian Institution Libraries Photographs of Michel Chasles, Ren´e Descartes, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, and Niccol`o Tartaglia are used courtesy of Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, DC. ART AND PHOTO CREDITS xv

Svetlana Tretyakova The photographs of V. I. Arnold on the dedication page and in Lecture 10 are used courtesy of Svetlana Tretyakova. Photos c by Svetlana Tretyakova.

Jean-Yves Welschinger Photograph of Jean-Yves Welschinger is used courtesy of Jean-Yves Welschinger.

All other photographs were taken from publicly available sources.


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d-web, 253 of quadrics, 391 3-web of conics, 386 hexagonal, 256 of quadrics, 421 rectilinear, 256 Connelly polyhedron, 352 trivial, 254 contact structure, 262 continued fraction, 11 addition of points on cubic curve, 258 convergent, 12 affine Conway tiling group, 325 chart, 116 Coriolis force, 297 transformation, 403 Coulomb law, 415 vertex, 152 Crofton formula, 271 Alexander horned sphere, 365 cross-ratio of four points, 277 apparent contour, 136, 393 curvature Arnold Theorem, 419 of curve, 142, 215, 285 average absolute curvature, 275 of polygon, 285 of polyhedral cone, 286 bellows conjecture, 355 of surface, 295 Beltrami Theorem, 277 radius, 142 Beltrami-Klein model, 277 cusp, 125 Berry Law, 221, 390 cuspidal edge, 194 B´ezout Theorem, 240 cycloid, 125 billiard ball map, 383 binomial coefficients, 27 de Moivre formula, 72 binormal, 216 Dehn invariant, 312 Bricard octahedron, 346 Descartes rule, 94 Brown Theorem, 368 deviation from zero, 101 Buffon needle problem, 273 discriminant, 70, 119 DNA geometric inequality, 275 Cantor set, 369 double Cardano formula, 68 points, 171 cardioid, 125 tangent, 171, 240 Catalan numbers, 42 dual Cauchy Lemma, 154 curves, 114 caustic, 142, 387, 400 planes, 113 center of curvature, 142 polyhedral cone, 287 center symmetry set, 169 Chapple formula, 413 electrical circuits, 330 Chasles Theorem, 393 elliptic coordinates, 391 Chebyshev envelope, 110 net, 262 equation solvable in radicals, 80 polynomials, 104 equiareal tiling, 332 commutator of loops, 89 equipartite polyhedra, 315 complete non-integrability, 262 equipotential surface, 415 confocal family Euclidean algorithm, 14

461 462 INDEX

Euler indicatrix, 277 characteristic, 286 inflection points, 130, 171, 215 formula, 286 interior point of algebraic surface, 418 function, 46 involute, 142 identity, 45 Ivory Lemma, 421 evolute, 127, 142 extactic points, 153 Jacobi identity, 54 Jacobsthal Theorem, 35 Fabricius-Bjerre formula, 172 Jordan Theorem, 361 Fary-Milnor Theorem, 274 Fermat principle, 383 Kirby-Siebenmann Theorem, 368 Ferrand formula, 175 Kirchhoff laws, 330 Fibonacci number, 63 Klein identity, 58 figure of constant width, 272 Kummer Theorem, 35 Finsler geometry, 277 Lagrange multipliers principle, 384 flexible polyhedron, 346 Lagrangian, 278 fold, 214 lattice, 7 Foucault pendulum, 297 linear family of quadrics, 394 Four Vertex Theorem, 127, 141 locally flat surface, 369 Fourier series, 149 long curves, 177 Fourier-Budan Theorem, 100 Lucas Theorem, 31 free distribution of charge, 417 Frenet formulas, 444 MacDonald identities, 60 front, 130 Malfatti problem, 411 Fundamental Theorem Minkowski geometry, 278 of Algebra, 97 M¨obius of Ordinary Differential Equations, 262 band, 203, 269 Fuss formula, 413 Theorem, 152 most elementary theorem of Euclidean Gauss geometry, 390 identity, 54 Theorem, 185 Nash-Kuiper Theorem, 378 Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, 290, 296 Newton polygon, 17 geodesic, 277, 289, 296, 395 geodesic curvature, 216, 296 one-sheeted hyperboloid, 226 geometrical optics, 271, 383 optical property Ghys Theorem, 153 of conics, 385 Gram Theorem, 299 of parabola, 219 Graves Theorem, 388 osculating Gromov h-principle, 377 circle, 141 conic, 152 Hamel Theorem, 278 plane, 200, 216 Harnack Theorem, 423 outer billiards, 161 Heron formula, 410 Hilbert Pappus Fourth Problem, 276 configuration, 256 metric, 277 Theorem, 258 Sixteenth Problem, 423 parallel translation, 289 Third Problem, 307 partition of a number, 49 homeoid, 417 Pascal homogeneous coordinates, 116 Theorem, 258 Hurwitz-Borel Theorem, 10 triangle, 28 hyperbolic Triangle Formula, 27 geometry, 277 Peano curve, 370 paraboloid, 228 pencil of conics, 405 polynomial, 99 pentagonal numbers, 46 permutations, 82 immersed disc, 185 even, 83 incomplete quotients, 12 odd, 83 INDEX 463

Pick formula, 24 vertex of a curve, 141 Plucker formulas, 174 Poncelet Weiner formula, 174 grid, 407 Whitney Theorem, 177 porism, 403 width of a figure, 272 potential, 415 winding number, 176 privileged exponents, 58 projective duality, 117 plane, 116 transformation, 404 real projective line, 153 regular homotopy, 176 Reuleaux triangle, 281 ridge, 214 Riemann ζ-function, 62 Riemann Hypothesis, 63 Riemannian metric, 277 Rolle Theorem, 94, 276 rotation number, 181

Schoenflies Theorem, 362 Schwarzian derivative, 154 semicubic parabola, 113, 125 sextactic point, 152 Sierpinski carpet, 31 signed tiling, 321 simply connectedness, 367 Smale-Hirsch theory, 179, 378 Steffen polyhedron, 353 Steiner Theorem, 407 string construction, 144, 385, 387 Sturm method, 95 sequence, 95 Sturm-Hurwitz Theorem, 149 support function, 148, 273 surface, 225 cubic, 239 developable, 189 doubly ruled, 228 ruled, 190, 204, 226 triply ruled, 228 swallow tail, 117, 197 symmetric polynomials, 75 elementary, 75 symmetry set, 151

Tait-Kneser Theorem, 145 tangent indicatrix, 274 Tarski plank problem, 270 tennis ball theorem, 153 Teorema Egregium, 295 torsion, 216 total absolute curvature, 275 total mean curvature, 358 translation surface, 264

The book consists of thirty lectures on diverse topics, covering much of the mathematical landscape rather than focusing on one area. The reader will learn numerous results that often belong to neither the standard undergraduate nor graduate curriculum and will discover connections between classical and contemporary ideas in algebra, combinatorics, geometry, and topology. The reader’s effort will be rewarded in seeing the harmony of each subject. The common thread in the selected subjects is their illustration of the unity and beauty of mathematics. Most lectures contain exercises, and solutions or answers are given to selected exercises. A special feature of the book is an abundance of drawings (more than four hundred), artwork by an accomplished artist, and about a hundred portraits of mathematicians. Almost every lecture contains surprises for even the seasoned researcher.

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