moroccan orange with mascarpone SERVES 10–12 This tart a bit of a classic – a crowd-pleaser and an excellent dinner party . It is also terrific with yoghurt or yoghurt ice cream. oil spray, for greasing 1 sheet good-quality sweet shortcrust (bought or homemade), enough to line a 24 cm (9½ inch) flan (tart) tin (see below) egg wash, for glazing 2 eggs, organic, if possible 75 g (2½ oz) caster (superfine) sugar 90 ml (3 fl oz) thin (pouring) cream, whisked to soft peaks 110 g (3¾almond meal 30 ml (1 fl oz) fresh lemon juice 1 orange, finely zested, no white pith 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice mascarpone , to serve

SWEET SHORTCRUST PASTRY 250 g (9 oz/12/3 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour 75 g (2½ oz) unsalted butter, diced pinch of sea salt 90 g (3¼icing (confectioners’) sugar, sifted 55 ml (1¾ fl oz) full-cream milk 2 egg yolks

For the sweet shortcrust pastry, place the flour, butter, salt and icing sugar in a food processor and process for 20 seconds. Add the milk and the egg yolks and process for 30 seconds or until a mass forms. Turn out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead lightly for a few moments then flatten the pasty and form a ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°/Gas 4). Spray a 24 cm (9½loose-based fluted flan (tart) tin with oil.

Lightly flour a work surface and roll out the pastry 2 cm (¾ inch) wider than the tart tin.

Roll the pastry over the rolling pin and gently ease it into the tin, pushing the pastry in gently so it follows the fluting. Place in the fridge and rest for 30 minutes.

Prick the pastry base a few times with a fork to prevent blistering and rising. Line the tart case with baking paper and uncooked rice and blind bake for 20 minutes. Remove the paper and rice, brush the pastry shell with the egg wash and bake for a further 10 minutes.

For the filling, use electric beaters to beat the eggs and sugar until thick, creamy and the mixture holds a trail. Use a wooden spoon to fold in the whisked cream and remaining ingredients except for the mascarpone, until combined and smooth.

Spoon the mixture into the prepared pastry case and bake at 180°C (350°/Gas 4) for 25–30 minutes or until puffed and golden and firm to touch. Allow to cool before cutting.

Serve the tart in slices with a spoonful of mascarpone.

NOTE: Sweet shortcrust pastry is simple to make and worth the small effort, but feel free to buy a good-quality pastry frozen from the supermarket as it is quite a handy item to have in the freezer, and you can simply use sheets as you need them.

Simply Good Food by Neil Perry (Murdoch Books, £18.99). Photography by Earl Carter.