Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 Issue No. 945 TheThe FridayFriday BulletinBulletin The Weekly Muslim News Update No Hajj for Kenyans as Saudi bars foreign pilgrims

For the second year running, Kenyan Mus- long before creation of the universe”, said Last year, the Kingdom only allowed lims will not be able to travel for the Hajj Ole Naado. 1,000 pilgrims who were residing in Sau- after the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia barred The SUPKEM chair urged Muslims to turn di Arabia people to participate in the Hajj pilgrims from foreign countries to attend to Allah in repentance so that He admits pilgrimage, which is one of the five pil- the annual pilgrimage. them for Hajj in the coming years and as- lars of Islam and required for able-bodied Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Hajj and Umrah sured stakeholders of the umbrella Mus- Muslims at least once in their lifetime. announced that the attendance to the Hajj lim body’s open door policy and coopera- Two thirds of the pilgirms were foreign pilgrimage for 2021 will be restricted only to tion. residents from among the 160 different nationalities that would have normally residents and citizens residing in the coun- Before the advent of COVID-19, more been represented at the hajj. The rest try. Kenyans and other foreigners, who re- than 2.5 million pilgrims from around the were Saudi security personnel and medi- side in the country will however, have an world used to visit the holiest sites of Is- cal staff. opportunity to perform the Hajj. lam in Makkah and Madina. The deputy minister of Hajj and Umrah, Dr. Abdel Fattah bin Suleiman Mashat, said that the decision was taken to curb the DP Ruto condoling with NAMLEF Chair's Family spread of the coronavirus pandemic. “In light of what the whole world is witness- ing from the continuing developments of the coronavirus pandemic and the emer- gence of new mutations, Hajj registration will be limited to residents and citizens from inside the Kingdom only,” the minister said in a Twitter thread. Speaking to The Friday Bulletin, the Su- preme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUP- KEM) national chairman Hassan Ole Naado confirmed that the council has re- ceived news of the cancellation of 2021 Hajj for international pilgrims stating that the Saudi Arabia government has restrict- ed this year’s annual pilgrimage to its citi- zens and residents, and set a maximum of 60,000 pilgrims in response to the corona- virus pandemic. Ole Naado noted that one of the lessons from the 2020 and 2021 cancellations of Hajj for foreign pilgrims was a divine de- cree adding that it is only Allah that selects those who will be His guests for hajj. “The Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) has received news of the can- Deputy President William Ruto condoles with NAMLEF chairman's son Muham- cellation of Hajj for international pilgrims mad Abdullahi Abdi and the family following the death of his brother Izzudeen for the 2021 season. We have accepted Abdullahi Abdi who passed on last week. Izzudeen was the CEC for Education in that it is Allah’s divine design that the mul- Mandera County. titudes will again this year not perform the Hajj. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is only Looking on is the NAMLEF Chairman Abdullahi Abdi (LEFT). playing out a script ordained by our Creator


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Follow us on Twitter @bulletin_friday | Facebook on The Friday Bulletin The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 Outrage over incidents of kidnappings and abductions Outrage and concerns have been raised ual abuse, being killed, mental/psycho- over the rising incidents of kidnapping logical abuse, confinement and isolation, and abductions of children, girls and indi- poor feeding and being drugged. viduals across the country. “We strongly condemn the constant at- The Council of Imams and Preachers of tacks on children and abductions of girls Kenya (CIPK) North Rift Chairman Sheikh and individuals across the country. This Abubakar Bini said the rising incidents of is a gross violation of children’s rights kidnappings and killing of victims have and a horrific experience for young girls raised serious security concerns among and individuals to go through – one which citizens and asked Kenyans in collabora- could have long-lasting effects on their tion with security apparatus to stop the mental health and well-being,” he said. sad trend of missing, murdered children, The CIPK chair pointed out the ripple Unit within the National Police Service to girls and individuals in society. effects of kidnappings is undermining focus on detection and prevention of crime peaceful co-existence of communities, In the recent weeks there have been against vulnerable children and said gov- scaring investment opportunities by both many cases of children missing while oth- ernment needs to develop and deploy new Kenyans and foreign investors leading ers are being kidnapped and killed never strategies to deal with the new threats to the to Kenya’s classification by international to return to their homes. security and safety of children and Kenyans institutions in the category of countries Speaking to the Friday Bulletin, Sheikh in general. with high threats of kidnappings and said Bini expressed concern over increased On his part, Chairman of Family Resource cases of kidnappings of especially young Kenyans need to report suspicious ac- tivities early and immediately. Centre (FRC)Sheikh Abdullatif Abdulkarim children and juveniles, female members underscored the importance of good par- “Kidnappings and abductions have many of wealthy families, business persons, enting during the early stages of child de- the negative consequences or repercus- government officers and tourists adding velopment and urged parents to be on the sions such as fear among victims and that there is need for concerted efforts to lookout and fully participate in the good other community members, disruption of address the trend to protect Kenyans from moral development and growth of their chil- social peace, post -traumatic stress and kidnappers. dren. depression, loss of funds through ran- He strongly condemned the kidnapping “I encourage parents not to forsake their saying it is gross violation of human rights som and reduction of economic invest- ment parental responsibilities but monitor close- and noted that victims of kidnappings en- ly the activities of their children to protect Sheikh Bini also emphasized the need counters varied negative treatments and them from strangers and Kidnappers,’’ he for strengthening of the Child Protection conditions such as physical abuse, sex- said. North Eastern Regional Commissioner warns drug traffickers North Eastern Regional Commissioner ficking and the smuggling of contraband ment administrators after commissioning Nicodemus Ndalana has vowed to clamp goods in the region. the newly established Hadado Sub County down on illegal immigration, drug traf- Addressing local and national govern- in Wajir recently, the Regional Commission- er tasked the government administrators KMA gets back Waqf property after court ruling to ensure all routes that illegal immigrants Kisumu Muslim Association (KMA) has tion, Sheikh Musa Ismail Haji welcomed and goods passed are blocked and request- ed the police to be alert and do thorough reclaimed its Waqf property after the the court ruling saying it was a great searches of all vehicles to make sure that Business Premises Rent Tribunal Court honour to the Muslim community and a drugs are not brought into the region. ruled in its favour. victory for the rule of law and that at last “The truth is, there is bhang coming from The tenants at the property located along justice had been served to the Muslim Shashamane in Ethiopia to Al Bajan in Wajir Obote Road within the lakeside city John community in Kisumu after thirty five and then it is transported to Garissa, Isiolo Omboto Copana the proprietor of Copana years of struggles. and Nairobi. We need our officers to be Limited and the proprietor Ngegeways “We are happy that Justice at last has keen while on these routes,” he said. Enterprises Limited vacated the premise been served to the Muslims in Kisumu.It The Regional Commissioner also noted that after the tribunal issued an immediate va- is a great honor and big victory and win there is an increase of contraband goods cation which saw them handing over the for the rule of law,” he said. coming from Somalia and maintained that concrete steps will be taken to stop the il- property to its rightful owner. He added that the association had fol- legal trade “We have already intercepted The two had sought an order to have the lowed all legal requirements and proce- a lorry carrying 2300 bags of illegal sugar court to bar Kisumu Muslim Association dure after it discovered that the tenants which is not safe for human consumption,” from evicting them from the property. had contravened the lease agreement he noted. In the judgement delivered on Friday signed between them with the Muslim On his part, Eldas MP Aden Keynan asked June 11 by Hon Patricia May the vice Association. the local leaders and police to cooperate chair Business Premises Rent Tribunal, The agreement the proprietor of Copana and strongly condemn drug abuse in the the two tenants were ordered to vacate Limited had with KMA, indicated he was region. “The drugs from Ethiopia through the premises and surrender its posses- supposed to occupy the ground floor of these routes are destroying our children. sion to Kisumu Muslim Association the the premises but it was discovered that We want to urge the government to inter- vene and seize those doing this business legal owner of the property, with immedi- he went on and occupied the upper floor so that we can save our future generations,” and started subletting the space and col- ate effect. he said. lecting rent on behalf of KMA. “Upon ruling, it is hereby ordered that: Recently, NACADA CEO Victor Okioma met The references dated 27th April, 2021 are Sheikh Musa pointed out that the Mus- North Eastern regional and county security hereby dismissed. The tenants to vacate lim Association will endeavor to protect multi-agency teams in Garissa to chat ways the premises and surrender possessions Muslim properties and reclaim back all of ending drug trafficking in the region. to the landlord immediately,” read part grabbed lands and properties to facili- The team agreed that drug trafficking in the of the ruling. tate development in the Muslim commu- region could be easily eliminated as it was The chairman Kisumu Muslim Associa- nity in the region. not deeply rooted. Page 2 The Friday Bulletin DA'WAH Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 The Benefits of Dhul Qa’dah, The Sacred Month By: Safa Faruqui And We certainly sent Musa with Our weight during the sacred months. in Dhul Qa’dah? signs, [saying], “Bring out your people from Ibn Abbas (radhiallahu anhu) said, ‘In all Since sins are heavier in Dhul Qa’dah, you layers of darkness into the light and remind (twelve) months, Allah then chose four out should seek forgiveness as often as pos- them of the days of Allah“. Indeed in that of these months and made them sacred, sible during this month. Here are five tips are surely signs for everyone who is patient emphasising their sanctity, making sinning to get you started: and grateful’. [Qur’an, 14:5] in them greater, in addition to multiplying 1) Make  du’a that Allah forgives you. The Friday 11th June 2021 will most likely mark the rewards of righteous deeds during Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Bless- the first day of Dhul Qa’dah, one of the them’. [Tafseer Ibn Katheer] ed is he who finds many prayers for for- divinely ordained sacred months. In this Qatadah (rahimhulllah) said, ‘Injustice dur- giveness in his record’. [Ibn Majah] article, we’ll discuss why Dhul Qa’dah is ing the sacred months is worse and graver 2) Recite some simple tasbeeh before special in Islam, its historical significance, than injustice in other months. Verily, in- seeking forgiveness. The Messenger of its characteristics and benefits, tips for justice is always wrong, but Allah makes Allah (peace be upon him) said, ‘Say Al- maximising your rewards, and why it’s im- things graver than others as He wills’. [Taf- lahu Akbar ten times. Allah Almighty will portant to keep track of the Islamic year. seer Ibn Katheer] say, “This is for me”. Say SubhanAllah Happy reading! The sacred months thus give us the oppor- ten times. Allah Almighty will say, “This Why is Dhul Qa’dah special in Islam? tunity to gain more reward every day; but is for me”. Say “O Allah, forgive me”. Al- ‘Indeed, the number of months with Allah is there is also the danger of gaining more lah will say, “I have done so”. If you say it twelve [lunar] months in the register of Al- sins with our bad deeds. This means we ten times, Allah will say each time, “I have lah [from] the day He created the heavens should be extra-vigilant in increasing our done so”’. [Tabarani] and the earth; of these, four are sacred. good deeds and seeking forgiveness. 3) Give charity as often as you can. It’s a That is the correct religion, so do not wrong What are some tips for increasing your good idea to set up a regular payment to yourselves during them…’ [Qur’an, 9:36] good deeds in Dhul Qa’dah? the needy. The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Char- The four sacred months of Islam are Mu- Since your good deeds carry more weight ity extinguishes sinful deeds just as water harram, Rajab, Dhul Qa’dah and Dhul Hi- in Dhul Qa’dah, it’s a good idea to make a extinguishes fire’. [Ibn Majah] jjah. Regarding this verse, Qatadah (ra- list of things you’d like to achieve in Dhul 4) Recite Surah Mulk every day. The himuhullah) said: Qa’dah. Here are five tips to get you start- Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ’There Thus, Dhul Qa’dah is an elite month sim- ed: is a chapter in the Quran of thirty verses, ply because Allah has chosen it to be so. 1) Don’t harm others. Dhul Qa’dah is a sa- which will intercede for its companion un- As He says in the Qur’an, ‘And your Lord cred month in which we are encouraged til he is forgiven: Blessed is He in whose creates what He wills and chooses; not for to be at peace with each other. Let Dhul Hand is the dominion (i.e. Surah Mulk)’. them was the choice. Exalted is Allah and Qa’dah be a month of healing your relation- [Abu Dawud] high above what they associate with Him’. ships, whether at home, work or social me- Why is it important to keep track of the Is- [Qur’an, 28:68] dia. Try not to be irritable, short-tempered lamic year? It is important to respect the month which or resentful. Be someone who stays in a How we spend our time has an impact on Allah has chosen to be sacred, for reasons place of peace rather than participating in our mental health, our goals and our pro- He knows best. Allah commands us not negativity, even if it’s just by saying salaam ductivity, and ultimately helps us lead more to ‘wrong ourselves’ during Dhul Qa’dah, to people. successful and meaningful lives. which means we should be extra-careful \2) Take care of your health. On the flip Dividing our months according to the way about fulfilling our obligations and not fall- side, don’t harm yourself either! Your body Allah has chosen can only bring barakah ing into sin. is an amanah (trust) from Allah and, as and benefits. Allah has created for us Why was Dhul Qa’dah special histori- lockdown continues, it is more important a year divided into lunar months, many cally? than ever to take care of your physical and of which have special virtues and offer a Since fighting is forbidden in sacred mental health. Improve your diet, exercise unique way for us to draw closer to Allah months, historically, pilgrims could travel regularly and take time to de-stress. Prac- and spend our time usefully: to Hajj safely during Dhul Qa’dah without tice self-care this Dhul Qa’dah with the in- The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, worrying about banditry or war. The words tention of earning reward! ‘Time has come back to its original state ‘Dhul Qa’dah’ literally mean ‘[the month 3) Pray the Ishraq prayer (a voluntary two which it had when He created the Heavens which is] the possessor of sitting’ - a month rak’ah) after sunrise. The Prophet (saw) and the Earth. The year is twelve months, in which you are supposed to stay sitting in said, ‘Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, of which four are sacred. Three of them are place instead of going out to fight. then sits remembering Allah until the sun in succession: Dhul Qa‘dah, Dhul Hijjah, Fighting is also forbidden in Dhul Hijjah, has risen, then he prays two rak’ah, then Al-Muharram and Rajab of Mudhar [named when pilgrims perform Hajj, and Muhar- for him is the reward like that of a Hajj and after the tribe of Mudhar as they used to ram, when they travel home from Hajj. This Umrah’ [Tirmidhi]. This reward feels espe- respect this month], which stands between standard was upheld by the Arabs in pre- cially meaningful since we can’t perform Jumada (ath-Thani) and Sha‘ban’. [Bukha- Islamic times, and Allah confirms it in the Hajj this year. ri] Qur’an. 4) Read more Qur’an. The Messenger of We tend to pour all of our spiritual energy Rajab, meanwhile, is the seventh month Allah (saw) said, ‘Whoever recites a letter into Ramadhan, but Allah has filled the of the Hijri calendar and is also a sacred from the Book of Allah, he will receive one year with blessed months! The Messenger month. Historically, this was so people good deed as ten good deeds like it. I do of Allah (peace be upon him) said, ‘Surely could perform ’Umrah in Rajab if they not say that Alif Lam Mim is one letter, but your Lord has Nafahaat (winds of mercy) in wanted to. rather Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter, and the days of your time, so expose yourself to What are the characteristics of the sa- Mim is a letter’. [Tirmidhi] them. For perhaps you will attain a breeze cred months? 5) Observe Sunnah fasts. Fasting increas- from them and thereafter you will never be The three main characteristics of the sa- es your taqwa (consciousness of Allah), unhappy’. [Tabarani] cred months are: which is even more important in the sacred Just as it would be wasteful to miss out on 1.They were singled out by Allah as sacred months. It is Sunnah to fast on Mondays the blessings of Ramadhan, it would be and are thus indisputably special. and Thursdays, and also on the three mid- wasteful not to seek Allah’s mercy in the dle days of the lunar months. (The middle 2.It is forbidden to start fighting during sacred days of Dhul Qa’dah. days of Dhul Qa’dah fall on 4th, 5th and 6th them. July 2020). 3.Our deeds, good and bad, carry more What are some tips for seeking forgiveness Page 3 The Friday Bulletin WOMEN Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 But She Must Be a Virgin! Umm Zakiyyah

What Will He Think of Her? Is Being a Virgin Really That Important? stain amongst many Muslims that, socially Tamika’s heart pounded, and sadness In the excerpt from my novel A Voice, Tami- and culturally, makes divorce as shameful overwhelmed her. Part of her wanted to ka is reluctant to agree to marry a Muslim as (if not more shameful than) having fallen marry him, but she couldn’t. who proposed to her because she’s afraid into zina. There was so much he didn’t know about that he will judge her for a past sin. She is Not only are these double standards un- her, and she doubted he would want to no longer a virgin, and she thinks this will just, they are also un-Islamic, as the Qur’an marry her after he found out. Tamika hung be a “deal breaker” for him. and Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon up the phone feeling as if she had given However, to her surprise she learns that him) do not support these views. Moreover, up a piece of her heart. A lump developed although he himself grew up in a Muslim they are generally rooted in cultures and in her throat, and she wondered if she had family, he is not a virgin himself. It makes mindsets that are based on misogyny (ha- made a mistake telling him no. no difference to him whether or not Tamika tred of women). There was a part of Tamika that resented fell into sin in her past life. Often when a woman is expected to be this Muslim man who wanted to marry her. In fact, when he asked to marry her, he “pure” before marriage while a man is not, Tamika knew her feelings were unjustly had never assumed she was a virgin in the this expectation is rooted in the idea that critical. But he’d spoken againstcollege first place. In any case, it is apparent that only men are fully human whereas wom- students having boyfriends and girlfriends, Tamika’s regret for her past sin is affecting en are objects that exist only for a man’s and his words opened up wounds that she her sense of self-worth as a Muslim even pleasure and social image. had hoped to heal. though her sin occurred before she even He Doesn’t Have to Marry You Though Tamika had made many mistakes before accepted Islam. However, it’s important to remember that becoming Muslim. Caught up in the social And Tamika is not alone. Many Muslim while the culture of misogyny is indeed un- life of high school, she hadn’t seen herself women, including those who grew up in Islamic and sinful, it is not sinful for an indi- drowning. Parties and clubs were regular Muslim families, are facing a similar strug- vidual man to prefer a virgin for marriage, scenes for her, and they were always filled gle. They fell into sin and lost their virginity. even if he is not a virgin himself. Likewise, with alcohol, marijuana, and good-looking But later they felt bad, gave up the sin, and a woman who is not a virgin has the right to men. She dressed the part, played the repented to Allah. Yet they still despair over prefer a virgin man. part, and eventually became the part. She their wrongs. partied, drank, and did whatever everyone However, if men (or women) are living a else did. Allah (SWT) says, “Say, O My slaves who lifestyle of zina and have not repented, it have wronged their souls! Despair not of is sinful for them to marry a chaste spouse, Later, when Tamika saw the Muslim man the mercy of Allah. Verily, Allah forgives all regardless of whether or not the woman or again, she let him know she changed her sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merci- man is a virgin. mind. She would marry him after all. And ful.” (Qur’an, 39:53) finally, as a cruel climax to her degener- Allah says, “The [male] fornicator does not ate life, she became involved with a young However, humans are not so merciful. marry except a [female] fornicator or poly- man who was known for crushing hearts. Hypocrisy and Double Standards of theist, It was a harsh introduction to the world of Muslims and none marries her [a female fornicator] men. He would be the first and last boy- It’s a scenario that can make any Muslim except a [male] fornicator or a polytheist. friend she had. Scarred by the experience, woman upset. A Muslim man lives a life of That has been made unlawful to the believ- she had turned to the church and vowed to sin in youth, and he might even have a girl- ers.” (Qur’an, 24:3) give her life to God. Now, as a Muslim, she friend that even his parents and other Mus- So What’s the Solution? wanted to forget about her past sins. lims know about. But they look the other Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) “What were you afraid of?” he asked. way. He is a boy after all, they might say. said, “A woman is sought as a wife for her Tamika grew silent, unsure how to respond. Then when it’s time to get married, this wealth, her beauty, her nobility, or her re- She had pushed her insecurity about her man demands to marry only a virgin. If he ligiousness, so choose a religious woman past to the back of her mind, and her heal- finds out that the woman he wants to marry and you will prosper” (Muslim). The Proph- ing was in choosing to forget. It was easier had a single “inappropriate relationship” et also said, “The whole world is a provi- to pretend it had never happened than to with a man, he refuses to even consider sion, and the best benefit of this world is risk that her confession would sour what her for marriage. the righteous woman” (Muslim). they had found in each other. But now Furthermore, even if the woman never Thus, when looking to solutions, Muslim she felt cornered, and as her mind raced committed zina (fornication or adultery), men must ask themselves at least two in search of a safe response, she realized the man will likely refuse to marry her if she questions: “What do I want from life?” honesty was her only option. is divorced. His refusal will likely be even and “Who will best help me achieve this?” She tried to gather her thoughts. “You,” she more adamant if he learns that she had Those men who want prosperity and suc- said finally. children from her previous husband. This cess in this world (and the Hereafter) while hypocritical attitude is sometimes prevalent enjoying the greatest benefit and pleasure He wrinkled his forehead in confusion. even amongst men who are themselves di- on earth will look at potential wives and “What do you mean?” vorced with children. say, “But she must be a righteous believer” “I wasn’t always Muslim,” she said, letting Though Allah is All-Forgiving of our sins, and view this as a foundational require- the implications of her words sink in. the harsh reality is that human beings are ment for marriage. With an empathetic sigh, he shook his head not so forgiving. It is an unfortunate fact Yes, other men will say, “But she must be a in self-reproach. “I’m no angel, Tamika,” he that humans are overly judgmental of oth- virgin” or “She must be extremely wealthy, said, “and I didn’t expect you to be one.” ers, especially regarding matters that they beautiful, or noble” as foundational require- “Tamika.” He drew in a deep breath and have not experienced firsthand. ments for marriage. In that case, Allah will exhaled slowly. He couldn’t look at her. He But regarding the non-virgin bride, many likely give those men what they desire. And bit his lower lip and stared distantly in deep Muslim men are judgmental of women in the process, He will protect the truly wor- thought. “I was always Muslim,” he said fi- whose sins mirror their very own sexual thy, righteous women (virgins, non-virgins, nally, confessing his sins as their eyes met, transgressions. and divorced) from falling into the unfortu- nate situation of having such men as hus- “so I have no excuse.”“I was afraid you’d And if a potential bride was previously mar- bands. judge me for it,” she said. ried, the divorce stigma alone carries a Page 4 The Friday Bulletin Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021

4TH GRADUATION CEREMONY 22ND JUNE 2021 CHANCELLOR’S WELCOMING MESSAGE I am delighted to preside over the Fourth Graduation Ceremony of Umma University on the 22nd June, 2021. In compliance with the COVID-19 restrictions the ceremony will be virtu- al, the second since the start of the pandemic in 2020. I wish to warmly congratulate our graduating students, their parents and our partners for the hard work, commitment and support that culminated to this momentous occasion. Sincere appreciations to the Council, the Management and Academic members f staff who have kept being flexible and ensuring continuity in the academic programs in our University despite the interruptions occasioned by the pandemic. I hereby take this opportunity to invite the public to join us virtually in marking this auspicious day through our platforms; Facebook: @UmmaUniversity | Twitter: @UmmaUniversity | YouTube: Umma University | Instagram: ummauniversity

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Page 5 The Friday Bulletin FEATURE Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 Speaking on mental health issues: Khutba tips for Imams Meha Ahmad spend large amounts of money and can Mental health is not typically a topic every al help. Imams should directly address this in Khutbas and lectures. still get samples of medication at the very Masjid feels comfortable discussing, par- least. ticularly because most Imams are hesitant to 6. Look for signs of mental illness The main point for me is to look for it, to 8. Know what NOT to say discuss an issue that is as complex as medi- Don't make getting help and mental health cal treatment of the human psyche. Mental be vigilant when you interact with your congregation and people in the commu- treatment look like it is unnecessary or it's health professionals urge Imams to address useless. I think it's important to emphasize the issue at Khutbas and other lectures, in nity, to be observant. Once you recog- nize it and explore it a little bit more you that our faith teaches us to seek knowl- hopes of bringing mental health awareness edge and benefit from knowledge and not to the forefront of our Muslim communities. can guide them to more help. 7. Address the issue of inadequate to shun it. It's not alien to our faith. It is The following tips for Imams will help in ad- a combination of prayer and devotion and dressing mental health: healthcare Many people in our communities lack faith and a utilization of modern science 1. Accept that these issues exist adequate healthcare coverage. That's and research—not just for mental health Mental health problems in the Muslim com- issues but all types of health-related prob- munity are more than you may why they will ignore these things be- cause they can't afford to get help or lems. If someone has cancer, of course a think, even if they are not apparent. About Muslim turns to and prays to Allah, but at 70 percent of the general population expe- to buy medication. But we do have resources where people don't have to the same time, they should seek the best riences some type of emotional suffering possible medical help available. that may require help. The most common of these conditions include anxiety, depression or both. Our mental health affects everything we do, from our family life, social life, and even work life. Whenever we have stress, it comes out in all different forms," he added. "The quality of VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT life will be affected for the individual, some- ICT OFFICER (ONE POSITION) times the entire family. Sometimes people Taqwa Sacco Ltd invites applications from self-motivated proactive individuals for the position of an ICT under extreme stress cannot function at Officer. The successful individual will provide leadership in the management of the Society’s ICT platforms work, and that has financial implications." and offer technical support while taking appropriate action to ensure seamless operations of the Society’s 2. Recognize that there are different systems and related services to deliver high customer experience standards. types of mental illness Duties and Responsibilities It is very important for Imams to recognize Reporting to the Manager-in-Charge of FOSA operations, ICT Officer will be required to: that within our community we have a whole • Play a key role in the successful implementation of ICT projects; variety of issues that people are experi- • Manage SLAs for vendors/contractors of ICT equipment and services; encing, whether it is individuals who have • Liaise with key personnel and service providers to clarify, analyze and/or resolve ICT-related issues; stress-related problems like anxiety and de- • Monitor, evaluate and submit regular reports on ICT systems; pression, or people with more serious issues • Ensure that network access privileges, applications, data storage facilities and regular backups are ap- like schizophrenia. There are people in our propriately configured and maintained; community with these problems—and other • Ensure that all system security functionalities are up to date and running; illnesses—that need treatment now. • Implement and regularly review and/or update the data disaster recovery plan; 3. Do not replace medical treatment with • Manage schedules for the maintenance of computer-related services and license renewals; prayer • Ensure that all protection services are installed, maintained and active at all times; Do not tell listeners that prayer replaces • Plan for the upgrade, expansion and replacement of network services; medicine. This is simply not true. In Islam, • Participate in the procurement process of ICT equipment; we believe in turning to Allah in all cases, • Maintain an up-to-date inventory of ICT equipment and software; but also seeking and utilizing the best medi- • Undertake other tasks or assignments within the area of competence as directed by the supervisor. cal treatment available. Qualifications and Work-related Experience 4. If you don't know the answer, turn to a This is a demanding position and the following minimum knowledge areas and skills are required: professional in the field • A first degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Business Information Technology; Imams are not expected to have all of the • At least one of the certifications below or equivalent: medical answers to complex mental health o CCNP (Cisco Certified network Professional) Security; questions, since they don't have medical de- o CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker); grees in this field. However, it is more likely that a Muslim will turn to their Imam before o SSCP (Systems Security Certified Practitioner); they turn to a mental health professional o CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor); for a variety of reasons, including fear- o OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional); ing the social stigma of seeking help from o CompTIA Security+. a "shrink". This puts Imams in the position • A minimum of three years’ work experience in system/database/network administration with at least a year of playing psychiatrist; instead, if you don't in system/cyber security; know the answer or are unsure of the treat- • Experience in project management and user training in system implementation is desired. ment or solution of a mental health problem, Key Competences be ready to guide others to mental health • Advanced knowledge of ICT, platforms and applications; professionals in the community. They are • Resourceful and solution-oriented; better equipped to provide the proper treat- • Reliable and able to maintain confidentiality ment or counseling. • Excellent communication and presentation skills; 5. Tackle the issue of mental health as a • Self-control, patience and flexibility; stigma • Good inter-personal skills. Many people see mental illness or mental How to Apply problems as if they would diminish their self- Candidates who meet these qualifications should send detailed application cover letter, addressed to the esteem or make them look ‘crazy' or unsta- Ag. General manager, and Curriculum Vitae (CV) accompanied by scanned copies of their certificates and ble. People don't wish to feel that way, so testimonials to [email protected] clearly indicating “APPLICATION FOR ICT OFFICER” as the there's a lot of denial. They would rather go subject of the email. Contact information must include daytime and evening telephone numbers, valid e-mail address and names and addresses of three referees. to an Imam before going to seek profession- The deadline for submission of applications is 30th June 2021. Page 6 The Friday Bulletin INTERNATIONAL Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 Report: Uyghur Muslims living in Chinese “dystopian hellscape” By: Shaheer Choudhury A shocking report published by Amnesty Agnes Callamard, the newly appointed Furthermore, the veteran French human International has elaborately outlined the Secretary General of Amnesty Internation- rights expert made an appeal for interna- broad scope of atrocities that the Chinese al, firmly expressed her condemnation of tional unity: government is committing against its sig- the Chinese government over its dark and “The international community must speak nificant minority Muslim population. Chi- multifaceted approach in exterminating out and act in unison to end this abomina- nese rule over East Turkestan’s minority the Uyghur people. Slave labour, concen- tion, once and for all. The UN must estab- Muslim population has been brutal and tration camps, sterilisation, and rape are lish and urgently dispatch an independent repressive, with the Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyr- just some of the brutal tactics employed investigative mechanism with a view to gyz, Hui, Uzbek, and Tajik peoples being by the regime to subjugate its Muslim mi- bringing those suspected of responsibility subjected to a “dystopian hellscape on a nority groups. In her previous capacity for crimes under international law to ac- staggering scale.” as United Nations Special Rapporteur on count.” extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary execu- The 160-page study, entitled as “Like We In the , the Council on Amer- tions, Callamard voiced similar criticisms Were Enemies In A War”: ’s Mass ican-Islamic Relations (CAIR) echoed against the Chinese regime as well. Internment, Torture And Persecution Of Callamard’s sentiment. Just a day after Muslims In Xinjiang, is the culmination of Callamard argues that for all people with the report was released, Edward Ahmed two years of intensive investigation by the basic standards of human dignity, uphold- Mitchell, the group’s National Deputy Di- human rights advocacy organisation. It ing the following position is a moral neces- rector, made a formal appeal for immedi- draws from the experiences of 128 peo- sity: ate international action. ple, including 68 family members whose “It should shock the conscience of human- In a statement, Mitchell said, “This com- loved ones are detained or whose current ity that massive numbers of people have prehensive report from Amnesty Interna- whereabouts are unknown in the Xinjiang been subjected to brainwashing, torture tional is another reason why there must region. In addition, the work publicises the and other degrading treatment in intern- be immediate international action to stop profiles of 55 former concentration camp ment camps, while millions more live in the Chinese government’s ongoing cam- detainees whose stories have never be- fear amid a vast surveillance apparatus.” paign of genocide against its Uyghur Mus- fore been documented. The detailed report was published and re- lim community. Nations have said ‘Never The extensive report delves into the dec- leased just a few days after the ground- again’ after prior atrocities, but that phrase ades-long history of discrimination and vi- breaking Uyghur Tribunal held its first will be nothing more than a slogan unless olence meted against Muslim minorities in in-person evidence gathering sessions in the world–starting with Muslim-majority East Turkestan. These disturbing findings . The legal commission’s elemen- nations–condemn and take action to end are based on comprehensive accounts tary framework was established in the China’s unprecedented crime against hu- which draw attention to the arbitrary deten- September of last year. This occurred af- manity.” tion of hundreds of thousands of individu- ter the President of the World Uyghur Con- als belonging to minority groups. Various gress, Dolkun forms of Chinese surveillance and brutal- Isa, put forth ity are explored, such as conditions inside the idea to detention sites, restrictions imposed after the renowned detention, as well as acts of repression barrister Sir being carried outside of camps. Geoffrey Nice Of particular note in the report are ac- QC. Nice was counts concerning the use of the so-called formally asked “tiger chair” which refers to an iron chair to head and that is employed by interrogators to torture investigate detainees. A former detainee using the the “ongoing pseudonym Madi recounted the tragic ex- atrocities and ample of his cellmate, who was punished possible Gen- by being immobilised in the “tiger chair” ocide” against and left restrained for over 72 hours. As the minority a result of this terrible ordeal, he began to Muslim popu- lose consciousness, even uncontrollably lations in East urinating and defecating in the presence Turkestan. of his cellmates. In addition to The use of the so-called “tiger chair” by her remarks Chinese police is well documented. In a welcoming the 2015 Human Rights Watch (HRW) report, report, Cal- a substantial number of former inmates lamard also under police custody in various regions of calls on China China shared their brutal experiences with to “immedi- the torture implement. ately disman- Ma Yingying was a former detainee who tle the intern- spent several gruelling weeks strapped ment camps, to the “tiger chair” while being detained release the by police in Fujian Province. She shared people ar- several disturbing details with HRW, such bitrarily de- as the following account:“I sat on an iron tained in them chair all day, morning and night, my hands and in prisons, and legs were buckled. During the day I and end the could nap on the chair, but when the cad- systematic at- res came, they scolded the police for let- tacks against ting me doze off…I sat until my buttocks Muslims in bled.” Xinjiang.”

Page 7 The Friday Bulletin YOUTH Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 The Selfie and the God Fearing Muslim Muhammed Wafy Selfie is no longer a harmless word for taking one’s own pictures, but it refers to a culture of narcissism, exhibitionism, and shameless promotion that have become deeply entrenched in our society. Your selfies will soon be consigned to oblivion irretrievably, while the good-qual- ity, high-res images, and videos being cap- tured by professional angels will be kept hanging on your wall in the Illiyyeen for eternity, duly liked, watched, shared and commented on by millions of angels, and rewarded by your Lord with a fortune. Selfie is one of the buzzwords of our time. It has been so ubiquitous in our day-to-day vocabulary for quite some time now, that Oxford English Dictionary named it ‘the word of year’ a few years ago. Hardly can rampant selfie craze, an irresponsible and you lasting pleasure and peace of mind. As you spend a few minutes in a social me- impulsive behaviour has taken root among the Holy Quran says, you will exhaust all dia channel without confronting some self- our young population, especially our teen- you have, while what Allah has will endure ies scramble for your attention, no matter agers and twenty-somethings, triggering (forever). Therefore, try to make yourself whether you give it a thumbs up or down! serious psychic disorders and making them presentable to Him and strive for getting A self-taken photograph in its literal sense, virtually incapable of dealing with change His likes. the selfie has marked a phenomenal shift or disappointment in actual life. There is a Ibadat is the one and only means to make in the way we handle the creative art of desperate need for immediate gratification, yourself endeared to Him and get everlast- photography. But this shift reflects not just and once this gratification is denied you ing ‘divine likes’ for your pursuits. Don’t in using the latest technology as such, but grow depressed and frustrated. forget that there are highly skilled profes- in the way, style, methodology and purpose But a selfie is a nine days’ wonder. The sional photographers (the angels) taking of taking pictures as a whole. gratification you obtain while someone your high-resolution images and videos One of the most disastrous outcomes likes your photo or comments on it is short- while you are alone with your Lord in the of this development is that selfie is no lived. Nobody remembers it after a few thick of night, or when you extend a helping longer a harmless word for taking one’s days. Bear in mind that all your struggle is hand secretly to the needy! Those photos own pictures, but it refers to a culture of for a fleeting pleasure which does not have are saved and preserved for eternity in the narcissism, exhibitionism, and shameless any lasting value. Even the acknowledg- Illiyyeen, and with such photos, you will be promotion that have become deeply en- ments and citations you get are momentary popular amongst the angels in heaven. trenched in our society. With the advent of and have no value on its own. Don’t crave for momentary pleasures, im- selfie, your camera is no longer focused Let the Angels Click Your Snaps mediate gratification, and fleeting acco- on the beauty and marvel of what you see If you are looking for true recognition and lades; but aim for the enduring pleasure around in this wonderful world, but it is lasting pleasure, get rid of your selfies and and eternal glories. awkwardly turned on ‘you’- to capture your this craving for presentability. Instead, turn smile, your sunglasses, angularities of your to the one and only source which can give face, thickness of your lipstick and facials, your fancy clothes, your excitement, frus- trations and all the nine emotions unfolding KISRA GIRLS’ SCHOOL on your face! Showing off has never been easier and more celebrated. Posting a selfie has be- Looking for the best school for your daughter? come a craze, an obsession, and a way of A school whose primary objective is moral excellence, where the complete life where you unabashedly show yourself personal development of the student is paramount? to the world in your multiple avatars and Your search is over!! manifestations. With the selfie, you delude yourself into thinking that you are the pivot Welcome to Kisra Girls School. An outstanding school situated in the attrac- of the world. tive, peaceful and leafy surroundings of Limuru. This is an ideal girls secondary This craze makes you celebrate every boarding school set up to provide outstanding Education and moral excellence mundane event of life with a selfie. You in a caring and nurturing environment. We believe in the importance of Edu- want to show to the world all your achieve- cation being delivered to our daughters in a warm and safe environment. We ments, seeking immediate gratification. The places you visit, the food you eat, strive because we believe our daughters deserve to receive the best education, celebrities you meet, events you attend, giving them the skills to flourish beyond the classroom. even the shrines you go on a pilgrimage… nothing can escape from this gargantuan appetite for a selfie. But everywhere the Hurry, admissions are now open for 2021 intake of Form 1, and limited focus is ‘you’, while all other important peo- vacancies in form 2 and 3. ple and things around are of secondary im- Get your admission application form at: portance. Selfie takers are obsessed with taking www.kisragirlslimuru.com pictures of themselves so that they are Or pick it from the school administration office in Tigoni - not touched by what is going on around. Limuru. We now see selfies from accident scenes showing a stunning lack of compassion Call: 0707532554 for more information to the victims. It has already grown to the Email: [email protected] level of a physic disorder. Psychologists say that because of this [email protected] Page 8 Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 The Friday Bulletin OPINION Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 protesters make Palestinian struggle their own

Palestinians and Israelis have seen some heid. You cannot redefine apartheid for Alliance for Peace. In an interview with the of the worst violence in years after Israeli your own political interest,” Sarsour said. Guardian from his residence in Colombia settlers forcibly expelled Palestinian fami- “The Palestinian people aren’t asking for where he is fighting alongside - lies from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah favors from anybody. What we want is jus- ers against unemployment and poverty, neighborhood in May. tice and freedom and liberation.” Baraka called the new conversations sur- rounding the Israeli occupation “one of the US news surrounding the region died The march, organized and led by the most interesting phenomenons that has down after brokered a ceasefire New York state assembly member Zohran developed”. between Israel and Hamas militants, but Kwame Mamdani, began with the chant, with a new far-right, pro-settlement Israeli “When I say BDS, you say BLM.” BDS, “I see a developing of a greater under- prime minister, Naftali Bennett, now as- which stands for the boycott, divestment standing of the connection between the suming power, many US activists on the and sanctions against Israel, is a move- colonial question. I think the authorities left are determined to keep a fire lit. And ment that launched in 2004 in an attempt in the US and in Israel see this growing they are using the intersection of local to end US aid to Israel and hold Israel ac- relationship between the so-called Black and international causes to address state- countable for its occupation of Palestin- Lives Matter movement and the move- sanctioned police violence across the bor- ians. ment for the liberation of Palestine. And ders. “ against racist state violence in I think that they tend to see that is really becoming more predominant – the con- Black Lives Matter, the US-based move- the US, under the Black Lives Matter slo- nection between the struggles of Black ment, recently came out in support of Pal- gan, have pushed organizers to draw par- people, African people with the US and estinians’ fight for liberation. allels in the anti-racist, anti-colonial strug- Palestinians in Palestine, Israel.” On a cloudy Sunday in a New York City gles that connect us all, from the US to The movement to liberate Palestinians park, a group of local, leftist politicians Palestine,” a spokesperson from the BDS has now been mainstreamed into US po- gathered to lead a joint protest to defund movement told the Guardian in a state- litical discussions by a growing cluster the NYPD and end the billions of dollars in ment. of leftwing politicians that includes Bush, US aid to Israel. During the protests that erupted in Fergu- son, , in 2014 following the killing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, The New York state senator Jabari Bris- Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley. port from Brooklyn addressed the crowd of Michael Brown, another Black American “Jews across this country and the world in a fervent speech: “Whether it’s in Asto- killed by police, Palestinians gave advice stand unequivocally and wholeheartedly ria, whether it’s in Brooklyn, whether it’s in to American protesters via social media in your quest for [Palestinian] freedom,” Ferguson, whether it’s in the West Bank, on how to cope with teargas – something said Morgan Bassichis, a member of the we say: ‘Hell, no.’ The choice is made to they knew all too well from living under Is- Jewish Voice for Peace organization on spend money not on schools, not on hous- raeli occupation. Sunday in the park. ing, not on healthcare, not on transporta- A Black Lives Matter activist who began tion, not on childcare, but on oppressing protesting during the Ferguson unrest, “We stand unequivocally and wholeheart- marginalized people.” Congresswoman made her po- edly in the . Let me be very clear to Jewish institutions The activist and former Women’s March sition on Palestinians clear even before who would mischaracterize and weap- co-chair , who is of Palestin- she entered politics. onize and use … accusations [of antisem- ian descent, made a surprise appearance Dr is an activist, an associ- itism] to undermine and smear the move- as well. ate fellow at the Institute for Policy Stud- ies, and the spokesperson for the Black ment for Palestinian freedom – that era is “What’s happening in Palestine is apart- over.” (TRT World)

Page 9 The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 HAKI Africa: Ban rogue travel agents sending Kenyans to Middle East Human rights lobby group Haki Africa is Recently, three families claimed their rel- afflicts Kenyans in the Middle East. “If appealing to the government to ban rogue atives had died in the Gulf states as a re- only our government created job oppor- travel agents sending Kenyans to the Mid- sult of the ill treatment by their employers. tunities for our youths, we would not be dle East to work. According to the HAKI Africa officer, gov- here speaking about deaths of our chil- This comes after a spate of cases of torture ernment should have created enough dren in gulf countries”, she added. of Kenyan citizens who have gone outside jobs for Kenyans to avoid the tragedy that the country looking for greener pastures. Speaking in Nairobi after meeting parents Calls to reopen Mama Ngina Waterfront and families whose children are alleged to have died in the Gulf countries (mostly Sau- di Arabia) , Haki Afrika officer. Salima Njoki, Mvita Member of Parliament said the move will give the parents a peace Abdulswamad Sharrif has of mind. “Just recently 35 girls were arrest- petitioned the National As- ed en-route to Saudi Arabia despite what we sembly to reopen Mama are witnessing. These travel agents should Ngina Waterfront in Mom- be banned completely since they are not basa County. helping Kenyans’, she said. The lawmaker noted that the She noted that many Kenyans working as traders who were previously domestic workers in the Gulf States are ex- selling their products at the periencing modern slavery. two social joints have suf- fered immense losses and

should be allowed back to continue with Ummah Foundation distribute wheelchairs to PLWD in their business. Turkana Addressing the members of Parliament last week, the Mvita MP said most of the vendors are small scale traders who need to provide food for their fami- lies. "The traders are willing to adhere to Covid-19 guidelines. Some of them have been in business for over 40 years hence have challenges switching to oth- er ventures," he said. He decried the difficult circumstances the traders are facing since they were hounded out of waterfront at the on- set of corona virus pandemic in 2020. “These are small scale traders selling sweets and fried cassavas to make a living. It is very unfortunate that a year later, we have not allowed them back”, he added. He warned of a sharp increase in crime in the County if locals are not allowed to continue with their businesses in the parks. “Some have been in those areas for 40 years. They don’t know where to go, let them continue fending for their families”, he appealed. tate them with mobility aids,” he said. Persons Living With Disability (PLWD) in Tur- The MP now wants the National Assem- kana county have received mobility aids to The beneficiaries expressed gratitude to bly Trade committee chaired by Ali Haji ease their movements. the organisations noting that the devices Adan to engage the Executive and the The equipment which included wheelchairs will have a huge impact on their lives and County Government on how the public and crutches were donated by Ummah Foun- enable them move around with ease. spaces can be reopened. dation in partnership with Al- Momin Founda- At the same time, Al Momin Foundation in He accused the authorities of favour- tion. They were handed over to the benefi- collaboration with Umma Foundation and ing bigger businesses which have since ciaries by the Ummah Foundation treasurer Global Humanitarian Relief held an Eye been allowed to operate. Ayub Khalid. cataract camp at Katilu hospital in Turkana The chairman of Kenya Tourism Federa- According to Al Haji Salim Naita, the head south sub county which benefitted more tion Muhammad Hersi said the closure of the Lodwar Islamic Centre, the Non-Gov- than 150 people. of Mama Ngina Waterfront makes no ernmental Organizations (NGOs) donated sense whatsoever. “I sit on that board The Eye cataract campaign was started the 10 wheelchairs, 10 double crutches, 10 and it makes no sense whatsoever to last year by Al Momin Foundation in part- blind sticks and 15 single crutches to people continue closing such a facility. It is the nership with other organizations with the living with disability from different villages in only most airy place in Mombasa. What main aim to reduce the rising cases of Lodwar. is the use of closing the park when peo- blindness and so far more than 750 pa- ple are packed like sardines next door at “People with a disability in Turkana face huge tients have benefitted from the campaign. the ferry? Or Bondeni or Kongwea. Clo- poverty and unemployment and they can’t af- Cataract which is defined as opacity of the sure makes NO SENSE,” he tweeted on ford to buy these equipment that why the or- crystalline lens of the eye is the leading his Twitter account. ganizations have decided to come together cause of visual impairment and blindness and support our brothers and sisters to facili- in the world. Page 10 Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 The Friday Bulletin Dhul-Qa'dah 08, 1442/June 18, 2021 MESWER to work with MEC to improve education standards

The Muslim Education Secretariat West- hance on the learning as well as create a education instead of sitting on the fence ern Region (MESWER) has affirmed its platform for networking. and watching from far and condemning commitments to work closely with Muslim The educationists led by MESWER mem- the school management committees and Education Council (MEC) to effectively teachers for poor results,'' they said. improve on education standards in Mus- ber Nassor Rashid challenged Muslims in lim schools in the region. the region to mobilize their resources and Muslim Education Council (MEC) Kaka- invest in education so as to improve the mega County representative Hassan In their remarks during a workshop which livelihood of the Muslim community saying Ngeri exhorted the teachers to develop brought together school principals, head- education and knowledge is the corner- new methods in teaching to uplift academ- teachers, members of board of manage- stone for progress. ic standards among students and help re- ment and officials from the Muslim Edu- Addressing the forum at the Mumias Jamia vamp the lost glory of Muslims in the edu- cation Council(MEC) at the county levels, cation sector. the education stakeholders resolved to Mosque Multi-purpose Hall, the education- partner with MEC in the promotion of edu- ists urged Muslim parents to participate He called on Muslim children to take their cation among Muslims in the region. fully and play active role in the structur- education endeavors seriously through al and managerial affairs of schools to developing a reading culture to broaden They emphasized on the important of improve on the academic standards of their knowledge in order to excel in their partnership in the education sector stating Muslim students. ''Parents and commu- academic spheres and further urged Mus- the move will contribute to the improve- nity leaders must come out and play their lims to change their attitude towards the ment on education standards in the Mus- roles and ensure children acquire quality conventional education system and invest lim sponsored and run institutions and en- more in the education of their children. Nyahururu traders issued with notice to vacate road reserve The Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeR- “Please refer to our eviction notice dated the proliferation of roadside kiosks around RA) has issued a notice to Roadside trad- 4th, February, 2020 in which all those the Nyahururu Jamia Mosque which has ers along Nyahururu town’s Koinange guilty of encroachment were given 31 days been a source of nuisance to the faithful. road to vacate the road reserve. to vacate the road reserve in question. We The community under the leadership of The Authority issued a 14 days’ quit no- are currently installing road reserve mark- the mosque Board of Trustees chairman, tice to owners of kiosks, commercial er posts and have noted with concern that Shaaban Ngojangoja complained that buildings and other businesses encroach- our eviction notice was largely ignored,” the kiosks were a hindrance in ensuring ing on the Nyahururu-Boiman C486 road said KeRRA’s Central Regional Director a conducive worship environment for the that is scheduled to be rehabilitated and for Roads, Willy Mburu. mosque users. marked with beacons to define the road The order followed complaints from Mus- reserve cutline. lims in Nyahururu who protested against Sh 15 Million raised for Masjid Al Nadhir Lamu More than Sh 15million was raised to- wards the construction of Masjid Al Nadhir in Ndau in Lamu County. The fundraiser held last Sunday will en- able the mosque management committee to improve on its infrastructures and ex- pand the facility to cater for the increasing number of worshippers. A multi ultra- modern Masjid and what will be an architectural landmark in the town is set to replace the former structure built in 1962. Speaking during the fund raising event, chairman of the Masjid Al Nadhir com- mittee Ahmed Lali said the reconstruc- tion of the mosque project is expected to cost more than Sh30 million and will come other amenities which will include madra- sa classes for memorization of the Holy Qur’an as well as classes for women. He further pointed out that plans are also in the pipeline to set up waqf project to support the operations and activities of the mosque and hailed the local Muslims for their support towards the implementa- Sheikh Swalihu further told communities He commended the local political and reli- tion of the project. in Ndau to cast a side tribalism saying it gious leaders, youth, women for their uni- In his remarks during the fundraiser, the has contributed to the underdevelopment ty and cooperation and for wholeheartedly Imam Jamia Mosque Nairobi, Sheikh of the community. “I call upon you to cast a participating in the fund raising and reit- Muhammad Swalihu who was the chief side tribalism, Prophet Muhammad peace erated the need for local communities to guest called on Muslims in the region to be upon him said it stinks. Let us shun maintain the spirit to foster development. petty differences and unite and I encour- emulate Islamic scholars who contributed Religious leaders and elders who spoke age you to foster Islamic brotherhood. immensely towards the spread of Islam appreciated the contributions from well- Unity is fundamental for the success of adding that Muslims should utilize their wishers which saw a total of Sh15, 255, any community,” Sheikh Swalihu said. resources in supporting Islamic projects. 600 being raised during the event. Page 11 Empowering the rural women folks The rural village communities in Kenya, are characterized with lack in demand from the community, now that the products are being of basic skills and ill equipped sanitization. The deeply embedded made locally but also cuts down on the costs of transporting them stigmas where girls miss up to 25% of schooling due to lack of from big towns like Mombasa or Nairobi and keeps the money proper clothes in form of school uniforms and due to menstruation. supply chain within the locality. The women train themselves to This hampers them from securing a future by not completing their make these products and the project is a self –sustaining busi- education. ness that the women have the basic skills in sewing and entre- Ummah Foundation in collaboration with well solicitous brothers preneurial ambitions have started taking root. They are groups have started a rural based program that targets rural women and of women, 40 per group aged between 22 to 65 years that came girls in Bamba – Kilifi County. It intends to help marginalized and together with nothing basically and through Ummah Foundation, vulnerable girls and women from these remote and rural villages by 20 sewing machines were donated and they are focused to work addressing the issues through provision of sewing machines and together to raise finances to start sustainable business that goes enable them to learn the cloth making skills. back to the women kitty. Ummah Foundation was able to identify 8 women groups that The program has the potential not just to lift many women and spread across Bamba villages. Each women group has a capacity their families from poverty, but to create a new wave of confident, of up to 40 to 50 members. The beneficiaries are from Karimani, independent women ready to stand up for their inherent values as Mikamini, Mshomaleni, Goshi, Jeshi, Dodosa, Fudumulo, Jila, and women and as human beings. Bandari villages. The annual number of people who will benefit We would like to thank our brothers and sisters who devoted their from these services will depend on the availability of more sewing time in fundraising and selling the idea to other donors to be part machines. We intend to cover more villages as we receive more of this noble initiative. We couldn’t have done this much with- donations of the machines from more donors. So far more than out Allah’s will and the support of our partners and the generous 20 sewing machines have been donated to these women groups donations from them. May Allah bless you all for your heartfelt who have now started utilizing them in making women veils and contributions. This project is still on going and we wish to continue hijabs. In the course of one month, the groups have been able to with the rest of other villages so that more women can be reliably make 264 hijabs and jilbaab and 110 hijaabs for school girls. These empowered. If you would like to be part of this initiative please groups also intend to start making washable panties and pads to don’t hesitate to contact us: be provided to school going girls that will motivate them to remain Ummah Foundation in school with resulting implications of their education, self-confi- Village Plaza, Ngara Rd, Nairobi P.O. Box 58717- 00200 dence and future productivity. We anticipate to engage the com- munity produce hijabs, jilbaabs and sanitary pads locally. This is Tel;+254-202680610/13, 0734845277, more sustainable and eco-friendly option. Not only does the project Email: [email protected] empower local women of the rural areas to create a product that is Web: www.ummahfoundation.net


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ALIM HIGH SCHOOL IS LOCATED OFF THE NAIROBI - MOMBASA HIGHWAY, 2KM PAST THE JUNCTION ON THE ROAD TOWARDS MACHAKOS TOWN, 44 KM FROM NAIROBI. WEBSITE: www.alimhigh.co.ke, EMAIL: [email protected] P. O. Box 234 - 90100, MACHAKOS The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147 E-mail: [email protected] Printed by Signal Press Limited-Lords House-Tom Mboya Street [email protected]