Sindhi-Jersey and Sindhi-Holstein Crosses
I.1;iW .2.8IIIiii 12.5_ :: !iii IHH~ I.:: W nll_ "'~~W.... IIIII~ 1I111~ I 'IIII'~ 11111 1.4 111111.6 ""'1.25 111111.4 111111.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL aUREAU OF STANDARDS-J963-A NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-J963-A " .L ,.I:.' ,.t' I ., , f,· SINDHI·JERSEY and SINDHI·HOLSTEIN ~"'" ~ '.:;1- ::J l:;~ -.'~ ~]~; CROSSES 1""; >OJ r~ r.:..> <'J r· ~:-i ~ r. ,L. C') ~, TM~ir External Form (, {' a:ncf~Internal Anatomy Compared With Those of Purebred Jerseys and Holsteins Technical Bulletin No. 1236 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE hV{:J$y:.,C,ri' ,ck,-\,.c l\ ~' .... ~ j __ _ CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION__________________ ~ ____ .. ______ 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS_ ________________ 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION _________________ -_ 3 Variability in Body Form and Anatomical Stl'ucture____ 8 Basis for Comparisons Among Breed Groups___________ 11 Comparisons of Body Form Among Jersey and Sindhi- Jersey Crossbred Groups______ _______ ______ ___ _____ 19 Comparisons of Internal Anatomy Among Jersey and Sindhi-Jersey Crossbred Groups_ _ _ _______ __________ 21 Comparisons of Effects of Crossing Jerseys and Holsteins WIth Sindhis, in Body .Fol'm and Internal Anatomy__ __ 22 Relative COI; ~bility of Jerseys and Holstems in Crosses WIth Smdbls____ __ ______ __ ______________ __ 23 General Discussion- ___ _______ ____ _______ __ _ ________ 24 SUMMARY -_________________________________ .. _ 24 LITERATURE CITED _____________ ._____________ 26 Washington, D.C. Issued J IlDUIlry":1961 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents,/.. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C.-l:'rice 15 cents m !,,,;,~ ,<,SINDHI·-1ERSEY '" and SINDHI-HOLSTEIN ":'l, CROSSES:~ Their External Form and Internal Anatomy Compared With Those of Purebred Jerseys and Holsteins By W.
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