Water Rights Along the Jucar-Turia Canal Spain- 2009

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Water Rights Along the Jucar-Turia Canal Spain- 2009 Gestion et Valorisation de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement (UTER GVEA) Masters Spécialisés Hydraulique rurale et management des Systèmes Irriguée (HSI) 2008-2009 WATER RIGHTS ALONG THE JUCAR-TURIA CANAL SPAIN- 2009 Supervisors By group of four students and presented Wageningen University: Harm Boesveld by: Fidèle Tchossi MOUTOUAMA 2iE: Dr.Bruno Barbier 1 Table of contents PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .........................................................................................................................6 ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................................................7 Introduction........................................................................................................................................8 CHAPTER I: BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................9 I.1-Geographic background .............................................................................................................9 I.2-Economic background .............................................................................................................. 10 I.3-Legal background ..................................................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER II: CONCEPTS AND THEORIES ............................................................................................. 12 II.1-Water rights ............................................................................................................................ 12 II.2-Legal pluralism ........................................................................................................................ 14 II.3-Water access mechanisms ...................................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGIE ........................................................................................................... 16 III.1-Problem statement ................................................................................................................ 16 III.2-Scope and Objectives ............................................................................................................. 16 III.3-Research questions ................................................................................................................ 16 III.3.1-Main research question ................................................................................................... 16 III.3.2-Sub-questions ................................................................................................................. 16 III.4-Methods ................................................................................................................................ 17 CHAPITRE IV DESCRIPTION OF THE JÙCAR-TURIA CANAL ................................................................... 19 IV.1-Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................ 19 IV.2-Modernization of Infrastructure............................................................................................. 20 IV.3-Sectors................................................................................................................................... 20 IV-3.1-Urban use ...................................................................................................................... 21 IV.3.2-Irrigation ........................................................................................................................ 21 IV.3.3- Acequia Real del Jucar .................................................................................................. 22 IV.4-Instituional Setting for the Jucar-Turia Channel ...................................................................... 22 CHAPTER V: RESULTS ........................................................................................................................ 25 V.1-First example: water distribution in times of sufficient water supply ....................................... 25 V.1.1-Reference rights .............................................................................................................. 25 V.1.2-Process of Activation ....................................................................................................... 27 V.1.3-Materialized rights ........................................................................................................... 27 V.1.4-Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 28 2 V.2-Second example: Acequia Real ................................................................................................ 30 V.2.1-Reference rights .............................................................................................................. 30 V.2.2-Process of Activation ....................................................................................................... 30 V.2.3-Materialized rights ........................................................................................................... 31 V.2.4-Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 31 V.3-Third example: Droughts......................................................................................................... 32 V.3.1-Reference rights .............................................................................................................. 32 V.3.2-Process of Activation ....................................................................................................... 33 V.3.3-Materialized rights ........................................................................................................... 33 V.3.4-Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 34 CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................. 36 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 38 ANNEX 1: INTERVIEWEES .................................................................................................................. 39 ANNEX 2: REFERENCE RIGHTS BACKGROUND .................................................................................... 40 3 List of Tables Table1.1: Water rights in concrete terms P 12 Table 4.1: Constitution of Jùcar-turia canal P 19 P 33 Table 5.1: Water supply droughts protocols for the Treatment Plants of Picassent and Manises List of figures Figure 1.1: Conceptualization of water rights P 13 Figure1.2: Conceptualization of legal pluralism P 14 Figure4.1: Jucar-Turia Canal P 19 P 20 Figure4.2: Sectoral categorization and use of water along the Jucar-Turia canal Figure 4.3: Irrigation communities: 14 right bank & 7 on the left bank P 21 Overview indicating the position and representation of the P 23 Figure 4.4: Community of Users of the Canal Jucar Turia Figure 4.5: Processes of concession P 24 4 PREFACE This paper is the summary of one of three parts of the internship we did in Wageningen University. Indeed in our Master program in 2IE institute, it is required to do an internship and to present its report in order to be graduated. As far as we are concerned, we were received by Irrigation and Water Engineering department in Wageningen University. The internship was done in three different parts: • Spain practical studies with all Master students; • Technical advisor for the writing of Morocco excursion Guide for Bachlor students; • Writing of PhD research proposal The most practical aspect of this internship was Spain practice which was done in a group of four Master students. The others documents related to our internship can be provided if it is necessary. 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS All acknowledgments to God who help me to accomplish this Master as foreseen by him. May he be blessed. First of all I would like to highlight that this work was done by a group of four Master students (three from Wageningen University and I from 2iE International Institute). My first thanks go to them for the good collaboration and the hard work we have done together. I would also like to thank all of my supervisors both from Wageningen and 2iE for the assertive comments, advices, guidance and patience. Without them, this research would not have been done. I am grateful to this opportunity 2iE has given to me as Master Student. By this internship I leant a lot not only about theoretical and scientific work but also about integration and practical work in the field. I can not forget my colleagues of HIS program which gave me courage to manage my depart with all difficulties I met. 6 ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Spain with goal to understand three concepts: reference rights, activated rights and materialized rights in water management along the Jùcar –Turia canal. Furthermore we wanted to see interaction between these rights; the main conclusions are the following: ü In situation of sufficient water, agriculture sector
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