
English version Date of declaration as a nature reserve: April 13th 2007

Date of approval of (PORN) natural- resource management plan: April 13th 2007

Municipalities included in the Turia natural- resource management plan (PORN): , , Llíria, , , Riba-roja del Turia, l'Eliana, San Antonio de Benageber, , , , and .

The Turia Nature Park, which covers 4,692 hec- tares and measures 35 kilometres in length, is a good example of Mediterranean riparian (river- bank) woodland, in the sense that the river and its banks act as a vertebral column and biological "corridor" connecting the area's various types of woodland; be they of pine, scrub or traditional cultivation.

This nature conservation area is one of the last wooded areas still oxygenating the densely- populated industrial zones of greater Valencia and its surrounding districts of l'Horta and Camp de Túria, with direct influence on some 1.5 million people.


The river Turia lies in the east of the Iberian Peninsula. Its source is in Muela de San Juan in the mountains known as the Montes Universa- les, which form part of the Sierra de Albarracín range in the Spanish Province of . The river is also known as the Guadalaviar in its upper reaches, before joining the river Alfambra in the City of Teruel. It flows into the sea at Valencia, 280 kilometres from its source. bronze age.Thesehavebeenthe subjectofvarious northern banksoftheriverTuria, datingfromthe"high" include thefindsatLlomadeBetxí (nearPaterna) onthe small pastoralcommunities,good examplesofwhich keeping livestock.Theremainsare generallythoseof niently-placed forfetchingwater, farmingthelandand of settlementsonsmallrisesnear theriver, conve- their typeinthearea,arecharacterisedbylocation The bronze-ageremains,whicharethebest-knownof Castellarda inLlíria. ba andthesummitabovedryriverbedofRambla del SaltoLobo("Caveofthewolf'sjump")inPedral- marxant, alongwiththeMesolithicfindsinCueva Cueva delosMurciélagos("Caveofthebats")inVila- the Palaeolithic remainsfoundinPrat deLlíriaandthe a humanpresencebeforethebronzeageislimitedto tlement, sinceancienttimes.Nevertheless,evidenceof ding landhavefavouredagriculture,andthushumanset- The abundanceofwaterandthefertilitysurroun- Lloma deBetxi,nearPaterna (BronzeAge)

Equipo Técnico del Parc Natural of foraminifera,molluscandcrustacean. at LaVallesa, withitsmorethansixtyidentified species logical remains,theMiocenemarine palaeontologysite The arealikewiseoffers,inaddition tothesearchaeo- related structures. use ofwaterresources,dams,aqueductsandother Other itemsofinterestincludethoseconcerningthe arsenal atRiba-rojadelTuria. Inmediata, whichlinkedthetownofSaguntowith 1939. TheseformedadefensivelineknownasLa tallations datingfromtheSpanishCivilWar of1936to complex oftrenches,fortificationsandanti-aircraftins- Further historicalimportancederives fromthearea's along withPladeVélez. ravines ofCano,Fondo,delsNapsandd'Endolça, in SéquiadelDiable,CanyadadelaPenya, andthe Remains ofRoman aqueductsarelikewisetobefound Vélez andvariousotherplacesinVallesa deMandor. Font, inBarranquetdeSau,Císcar, LaLoma,Masde age, suchasthosefoundinBarrancdeCanoandLa denced bytheproliferationofcountryvillasfromthat The Roman influenceontheareaofValencia isevi- site ofthewell-knownIberiansettlementEdeta. del TioFiguetesandTossal deSantMiquelitself, the ries BC,aswasthecaseofDespeñaperros,Llometa during its"high"periodinthethirdandsecondcentu- during thelaterageofIberianculture,especially (Llíria). Someoftheseplaceswerealsooccupied Tossal deSantMiquel,LaTorreta andCovadelCavall Gargao (Vilamarxant),andthesouth-westernslopeof Montiel andLlometadelTioFiguetes(Benaguasil);El Carassols (Riba-rojadeTúria);L'Alteret,Ermita sites aretobefoundinDespeñaperros(Paterna), Els ral itemsfound.Further bronze-agearchaeological conservation andhighculturalvalueofthearchitectu- archaeological heritage,giventheexcellentstateof currently thebestrepresentativesofpark's scientific excavationssincethe1980s,andare prior tothecolonies ofhalophileorganisms. poplar andwillow, thelatterformingalayeroftrees vegetation, made upofelmtreesandvarioustypes of fic areascontainawell-structured seriesofriverbank the surfaceofriverbedandbeyond. Certainspeci- species ofalgaethe including reeds,cat's-tailandrushes, whilevarious we findawholecommunityofhalophile organisms, with differenttypesofwillow. Nearertothewater, isolated examplesorsmallgroupsofpoplars,along Arundo donax.Despiteitsdominance,therearealso ve areasoflandareoccupiedbyreedsthespecies with thebanksandcourseofriverTuria. Extensi- Riverside vegetation: which theyarefound. into speciesassociatedwiththeenvironmentsin park, thereisawiderangeofvegetation,grouped Thanks tothediversityofecosystemsinnature Vegetation Riverside vegetationontheTuria (Vilamarxant) Potamogeton This vegetationisassociated group thriveon

B. Albaich Galán

B. Albaich Galán negro blackberrybush( palm, mastictree,Kermes oak, buckthorn,espino Typical localspeciesofvegetationincludethefan occupies areofspecialecologicalworthtothisarea. means thattheAleppopineandscrublandit Pinewoods andscrubland. tum ramosissimum andDiplotaxisericoides. fatua, Amaranthus blitoides,Cirsiumarvense,Equise- the locationofvarious hardyannuals,includingAvena areas, bothartificiallyandnaturally irrigated,arealso Hardy andthistle-typevegetation: which belongtotheorchidfamily. species ofthegenera tanum Anthyllis lagascanaBenedi importance oftheflorathisarea.Examplesinclude endemic Valencian speciesthatdemonstratethe rilla. Itisworthnotingtheexistenceofcertain Pinewoods andundergrowthinthenaturereserve and Anthyllis terniflora Ophrys Rubus fruticosus , ieii uy,Teucrium ede- Sideritis juryi, . Otheritemsofnoteare and The lackofrainfall Limodorum ) andsarsapa- Cultivated , bothof monly foundinthe park.Someofthesearegreat Birds: Valencia's catalogueofthreatenedspecies of fauna. leprosa here, asistheMediterraneanpond turtle( jewelled lizard( and thehorseshoesnake( as theMontpelliersnake( in thepark,withanotablepresenceofsuchspecies Reptiles: cia's CatalogueofThreatenedSpeciesFauna. which areidentifiedasprotectedspeciesinValen- Iberian spadefoottoad( common parsleyfrog( Perez's frog( is, inadditiontothecommontoad( also befoundinotherareasattimesofrain.There humidity suchasthatfoundinriversandravines,can park which,despitenormallybeingassociatedwith Amphibians: tioned catalogueofthreatenedlocalfauna. species areclassedas"protected"intheabove-men- tes upriverstogrowintoadulthood.Thesethree migratory nature.Itstartslifeoutatseaandmigra- anguilla and Cobitispaludica,alongwiththeeel( found intheriverTuria areChondrostomaturiensis Fish: Extinction. Valencia's CatalogueofSpeciesFauna inDanger or brates foundthere.Someoftheseareincludedin rest, giventhediversityof150speciesverte- The faunaoftheTuria NaturePark isofgreatinte- Fauna Outstanding amongtheten-plusspeciesoffish ); bothlikewiseclassedas"protected" in ), whichischaracterisedbyitsnocturnaland This isthegroupofvertebratesmost com- Sixteen speciesofreptilearetobefound Rana perezi Six speciesofamphibianliveinthe Lacerta lepida Pelobates cultripes Pelodytes punctatus ), anotablepresenceof Malpolon monspessulanus Coluber hippocrepis ) isalsotobefound Bufo bufo Mauremys ), allof Anguilla ). The ) and ) and )

B. Albiach Galán Equipo Técnico del Parc Natural Eurasian eagleowl( The steep,rockyareasoftheparkarehometo Valencia's catalogueofthreatenedspeciesfauna. eagle ( beauty andmajestywheninflight,includingBonelli's Mammals: of ThreatenedSpeciesFauna. purea atthis include theattractivecommonkingfisher( call canbeheardonwinternights.Otherriverspecies constituting their principal sourceoffood. ( species ofrodent,suchasthe garden dormouse wooded areas,alongwiththered fox( silvestris found inthepark,includingEuropeanwildcat( the Europeanrabbit( These twospeciesarethepark'smain predators,with Eliomys quercinus ), classedas"vulnerable"in ) andequallysingularpurpleHeron( Hieraaetus fasciatus ), whichinhabitsriverbankthickets and Up to26speciesofmammalarehabitually ) andbrownrat( Bubo bubo Oryctolagus cuniculus Jewelled lizard(Lacerta lepida) ), classedas"vulnerable"in ), whosecharacteristic Valencia's Catalogue Rattus norvegicus Vulpes vulpes ) andother Ardea pur- Alcedo Felis ), ). Pedralba


Río Turia CV-370 the pathonleftthatmarksstartofroute. Remolino. Continueonfor300metres,andthentake Calle VirgendeLuján,followedbytheCaminodel Route access: groves ofcarob,oliveandalmondtrees. walls, whichwereoncehometotraditionally-cultivated including theabandonedterraceswiththeirdry-stone terised byitemsofinfrastructurethattestifytoitspast, its abundanceofAleppopines.Theparkisalsocharac- ve viewsofthearea'sMediterraneanhillcountry, with tains thecourseofriverTuria. Thereareimpressi- wooded sectionofPalmeral, theheartofwhichcon- run throughcultivatedland,beforeplungingintothe Description: rienced hillwalkers),mediumdifficulty Total distance: For updates,pleasegoto Palmeral route Pedrera Cerro Partido Alto delLeón Salto delLobo The pathsofthefirstpartroute From thetownofPedralba, followthe 8.5 km.(Approx.3½hoursforexpe- Palmeral Peña Atrón Chucheve

B. Albiach Galán you backtothestartingpointofthis circularroute. turn leftontotheCalleVirgende Luján, whichleads ba. Continuealongthisstreetfor 100metresand country, youarrivebackattheCalleLiriainPedral- ture ofthistraditionally-cultivated Mediterraneanhill route whichoffersthechancetoobservestruc- wing theCaminodelPalmeral pathfor6.8km,a Camino delPalmeral path(6.8km): Mediterranean hillcountry. up MountPalmeral, awell-structuredexampleof km beforereachinganinteriorpaththattakesyou returns tothebankofriver, and followsitfor1.3 Bank oftheriverTuria (3.1km): ce oflocalbirdlife. limestone rockswithanabundantandactivepresen- by thecragknownasElAtrón,anareaofprecipitous you achancetoenjoythepanoramicviewsoffered that leadsuphill,awayfromtheriverbank.Thisgives runs parallelwiththeriverandenterforestpath along therouteforsome2km,leavepaththat Views ofElAtróncrag(2.5km): and fanpalm. sive examplesofbuckthorn,mastictree,Kermes oak encountered alongtheway, includingsomeimpres- the luxuriantundergrowthandothervegetation its banks.Anotheroutstandingfeatureoftheareais the birdsongofmanyavianspeciesthatpopulate some niceviewsoftheriver, andthechancetoenjoy Bank oftheriverTuria (0.8km): reach thebanksofriverTuria for building.Continuealongtheravinepathuntilyou Cueva delaPedrera, anancientsourceofstoneused Pedrera ravine.Thisisthesiteofacaveknownas tely 350metresfurtheron,attheBarrancodela Start ofroute(0km): You willarrive,approxima- After continuing This pathoffers After follo- The route Les Creuetes CV-50 Rodana Parda (1936-1939) canstill befound. the namesuggests,trenchesfrom the SpanishCivilWar res ("thetrenches")delaFerradura and ElClau,where,as historical interestistheside-route leading toLesTrinxe- water fortheanimalskeptincorral. Anotheritemof out manycenturiesagotoprovide asourceofdrinking pool, whichislinedwithimpermeable material,wasdug ancient livestock-basedeconomyof thearea.Theartificial corral ofBassaBarretapool,withitsevidencethe backdrop ofAleppopines.Placesinterestincludethe ring ofwhichoffersacontrasttotheextensivewooded by therockyoutcropknownasElRodeno, theredcolou- woods andlittoralhillcountry, typifiedingeologicalterms Description: experienced hillwalkers),mediumdifficulty Total distance: PR-CV 175Les Rodanes Horquera Rodaneta Blanca This pathtakesyouthroughanareaofpine- 13 km(approx.6hours45minutesfor Arboreto Vilamarxant Bassa Barreta Rodana delPic Ferradura

Río Turia CV-370

B. Albiach Galán clear day, youwill beabletoseefromthenaturepark some ofthebestpanoramicviews ofthearea.Ona culty, ascendsto345metresabovesealeveloffer Rodana Gran(2.3km): that willlaterprovidethewayback. of LaRodana Gran,leavingbehindtheleft-handpath nue alongthesignpostedpaththattakesyoutotop When youreachthecrossroads,bearrightandconti- takes youintothepinewoodknownasLesRodanes. built-up urbanarea,beforereachingthepaththat You nowcross theBarrancdelsOmsravineanda gently uphillalongthenorthfaceofLaRodana Gran. The routestartsoutalonganasphaltedpaththatruns of theroute. is acarparkandaninformationpanelcontainingdetails starting atthetown'smunicipalcemetery, wherethere Start ofpath(0km): Les Rodanes pinewood(nearVilamarxant) The pathbeginsinVilamarxant, This path,ofmediumdiffi- ying itsmagnificentviews. La Rodana delPic(321metresabovesealevel)andenjo- mend thatyoutakethisrouteafter visitingthesummitof Las Trincheras delaFerradura andElClau.We recom- wed byanothersignpointingtowards theside-routeto find asignpostindicatingthewayto Rodana delPic,follo- Rodana delPic(7.86km): aljibe. FollowthesignsforRodana delPic. example ofanantiquewater-storage cisternknownasan crossing withaforestpath,whereyoucanseean with andalittlesteepertowardstheend,takesyouto downhill sectionoftheroute,whichisgentletobegin your right,animpressivemosaicofcultivatedfields.The Cavallons, youwillseeLesRodanes toyourleftand, Els Cavallons(5.6Km): llons-La Rodana delPic. to thenextturningandlookforsignsElsCava- wide rangeofMediterraneanecosystems.Continueon containing manyrepresentativespeciesofthearea's with reducedmobilityand-totherightawoodedzone find -ontheleftarouteadaptedforuseofpersons wool. Ifyoucontinuealongthispathfor1km,will Les Rodanes fortheextensivegrazingofanimalstheir Barreta poolstandwitnesstothepasttraditionaluseof Bassa Barretapool(4.4km): to continuealongtheforestpath. Follow thesignsforBassaBarretapool,leavingroute where youwillfindaninformationpanelandasignpost. Continue alongthepathuntilyoureachanotherfork, signs forBassaBarretapool. path throughthewoods.You shouldthenfollowthe east faceofLaRodana Gran,initiallytakingyoualonga the secondoption,routerunsdownhillalong the PR-CV175 towardsBassaBarretapool.Ifyougofor recreational areaofPedrera delRei orcontinuingalong you canchoosebetweenbranchingofftowardsthe l'Albufera. AfterreachingthesummitofRodana Gran, Sierras deChivaandBuñolasfarthenatureparkof of SerraCalderonaallthewaytoCulleraandfrom On reachingthetopofEls As youwalkuphill,will The corralandBassa

B. Albiach Gaán north-eastwards aroundLaRodana Gran. the startofroute( You shouldnowfollowthesignspointingbacktowards viously followedthepathtowardsBassaBarretapool. before reachingthecrossroadsfromwhereyoupre- cross partoftheBarrancdelaMontxolinaravine, After followingtheside-routeofLesTrinxeres, you help youunderstandhowtheywereonceused. llel withanareaoftrenches,informationpanelsto (1936-1939). Alargepartofthisside-routerunspara- which containremainsfromtheSpanishCivilWar interest, LaTrinchera delaFerraduraandelClau, route letsyouappreciatetwoitemsofgreathistorical which followsthenorthfaceofRodana delPic.This natively startbytakingthisside-routeofabout4.3km, signpost ontheascentofRodana delPic.You canalter- Sender) byfollowingtherouteindicatedfirst Rodana Granandthestartofroute(Inicidel Rodana delPic,youcanchoosetocontinueontowards dura andElClau: Side-route PR-V175 toLesTrinxeres delaFerra- Bassa Barretapool(nearVilamarxant) After followingthedownhillpathof inicio delsendero ), whichruns Pedralba


Río Turia Pedrera

Cerro Partido CV-370 parking. From Vilamarxant:theroutestartsin the junction withtheCV-370 roadhasspacefor car beside thebridgethatcrosses riverTuria. This in theareanexttotown'smunicipal weighbridge, Route accesspoints: regeneration thatisnowinfullswing. the forestfireofJuly2006,andalso oftheprocess pines andscrub.Traces canbefoundalongthewayof and MediterraneanwoodlandconsistingofAleppo non-irrigated areasplantedwithcarobandolivetrees, side, includingthebanksofriverTuria, xant respectively, runningthroughavarietyofcountry- mounts LaPea andChucheveinPedralba andVilamar- Description ofroute: medium difficulty Total distance: For updates,pleasegoto Route ofLaPea: Alto del Salto delLobo León Palmeral 11.7 km(approximately4½hours),

Río Turia From Pedralba: theroutestarts Peña Atrón The routefollowsapathvia Chucheve Vilamarxant La Paridera T.M. Pea

Equipo Técnico del Parc Natural se leads,after1.1 km, totheerosion-preventionbarrier. autumn. TheroutefromtheCaseta delsCasadorslikewi- berry trees,whichbearediblefruit thatripensinthe filled withaluxuriantrangeofplants thatincludesstraw- combat watererosion.Itslocationis apicturesquegorge 3.7 km:Afterkm,youwillarrive atabarrierbuiltto the right-handbankofriverTuria. Pedralba Dam.Thisfirstsectionoftherouterunsalong ago -ofthemaintenancemanandvalveoperator Casa delPresero, theresidence -uptosome30years houseknown asthe leading tothenow-abandoned ba, thefirstsectionconsistsof1kmruralpaths Start ofroute(0km):IfyoubegintheinPedral- where youcanlikewiseparkyourcar. at theCasetadelsCasadors(hunters'clubhouse), is alsopossibleviatheCaminodeJutgeve,whichstarts 6.5 kmfurtheralongtheway. AccessfromVilamarxant (camino) ofthesamename.Therouteactuallybegins street CalledelaPea, whichleadsontothepath The riverTuria atLa Fenosa (Benaguasil) Casinos Parc Natural de la Serra Calderona

Domeño CV-25 Rambla Rambla Primera

Barranco de Portaceli Castellarda Barranco de Carraixet

Lliria Benissanó

CV-35 Pedralba CV-50

La Pobla de Vallbona Río Barranco de Náquera Bco. de Carraixet Túria Benaguasil Bétera

A-7 S. Antonio de Benage L’Eliana Río ber Moncada Vilamarxant Túria

Ribarroja La del Túria Cañada CV-35


CV-50 v-30 Río Túria

Cheste Manises Valencia A-7 Quart de Poblet Chiva A-3 Ba rranco de Chiva / Rambla d el Po llo / B a v-30 r r a n c o d e Urb. El bosque To r Alaquas re nt Torrent S. Antonio de Benaguasil Benage ber

CV-372 L’Eliana CV-35


La A-7 CV-370 Cañada Vilamarxant Río Túria Paterna Ribarroja

CV-50 del Túria v-30 CV-370

CV-374 Valencia Manises

Quart de Poblet

information center observatory of birds parking turia river, banks of the river viewing point accesses

4 and 4.7 km: These mark a fork in the path which Route along the banks of leads to observation points offering expansive the river Turia views of the Hoces del Turia region. For updates, please go to 5.3 km.: This point marks the access from Vila- Description: The route along the banks of the marxant, and an alternative place to begin the river Turia, which runs between Vilamarxant and route. A path leading from here goes to the hydro- Quart de Poblet, is about 24 kilometres long. The electric power station of La Pea. Instead of taking entire route runs along the banks of the river this path to the end however, turn off and take the Turia, occasionally traversing the water at crossing side-path that runs parallel with the Turia, offering points made for the purpose. The recreational use views of the river. of the area is enhanced by a series of observation points, hides for birdwatchers and places for the 7.7 km.: The path now returns to the part of the use of anglers. route already covered, before going back, after 4 The route passes through the municipalities of km, to the starting point in Pedralba. Quart de Poblet, Manises, Paterna, Riba-roja del Turia, l'Eliana, Benaguasil and Vilamarxant. (ayuntamiento) ofBenaguasil. For furtherdetails,pleasecontactthelocalauthority La Fenosarecreationalarea, indicating thewaytoLaPedrera delRey. on theleft,about500metresfurtheron,withasign through theindustrialestate.Lookforaforestpath roundabout attheedgeoftown,andfollowroad CV50 towardsCheste.Take thefirst exitfromthe Recommended access:From Vilamarxant,takethe Vilamarxant. La Pedrera delRei recreationalarea, Pedralba. Continuealongituntilyoureachtheriver. del CandilicofromthestreetCalledelaAcequiain Recommended access:Take thewaynamedCamino river Turia. facilities arelocatedinthewoodedareacloseto La Playetarecreationalarea,inPedralba. Recreational areas accommodation inthetownsandvillagesconcerned. reserve toobtainfurtherinformationonhotel Please usethelinksonwebsiteofnature Accommodation seen from theRodana del Pic (near Rodana Granand LlomaLlentiscle, in Benaguasil. in These

Eva Mestre

B. Albiach Galán

B. Albiach Galán B. Albiach Galán as OlladePedralba isastewmadeoflamb, pork, lamb preparedin variousways.Thelocaldishknown spicy mixtureofdriedcod,pepper andgarlic) with morteruelo(athickgamestew), ajoarriero(a on brothsandthicksoupssuchas gazpacho,along from CastileandtheareaofTeruel. Itislargelybased the hillcountryofLosSerranos, displays influences The cuisineofthetownPedralba, yet complementary, characteristics. Reserve, thelocalcuisineoffers aseriesofdifferent, Thanks totheuniquelocationofTuria Nature Dining ment plant. Manises, neartheAguasdeValencia water-treat- Recreational areaof (ayuntamiento) ofManises. The riverTuria atLa Canyada(nearPaterna) For furtherdetails,pleasecontactthelocalauthority La Presa ("the dam"), which liesin in the townof exquisite cream-filled puffpastriesmadelargelyin beans. Sweetdelicaciesofnote includecachaps, paella ofchicken,rabbit,butter beans andgreen the beans andturnips,oftenservedwith Swisschardin ever-popular arròsambfesols inaps(ricewithwhite fetge debou(oxliver),torice-based soupslikethe based onvegetables,caulifloweranddriedcodor from variantsonthericetheme,suchaspaellas are manywaystosampleit,withdishesthatrange garden vegetablesandthewideuseofrice.There L'Horta The cuisineofthedistricts local fiestaofSanAntón. of flour, sugarandlard),whichare bakedforthe sweet potato)andmantecados(crumblycakesmade cos deboniato(smallpastiesfilledwithpuréed the artichoke).Sweetdelicaciesincludepasteli- sausage, beans,potatoesandcardoons(arelativeof Lliria is characterisedbythepresenceofmarket- area), notforgettingtheclassicValencia Paterna . Camp delTuria and Getting here access to the Turia Nature Reserve visitors' centre

Road access is offered by both the CV-35 and the A7 (the Valencia bypass).

Metro. Take metro Line 1 (Valencia to Llíria), and get off at La Canyada, which is very close to the visitors' centre. After leaving the station, walk along street 23 and then turn into street 30. Look for building number 30 in this street.

Walk without leaving any trail behind you

Leave the place cleaner than when you arrived, deposit your own rubbish and if possible any other waste you may find in the nearest bin. Respect the path, go by the signs on the tracks, ot taking short cuts, and you will be doing the ecosystem a great favour. Fire is the greatest enemy of the mountains, do not light bonfires nor smoke. Breathe in fresh air. Look at the plants without destroying them, do not pull up plants or flowers - take notes or photos. Observe animals without bothering them, hunting is forbidden in the whole nature reserve. Use hotel and tourist facilities in nearby towns and villages, as you cannot camp in the reserve.

Take care of the springs, as these are the most valuable asset of our mountains, and do not contaminate them. Forget all about motor vehicles, and enjoy the silence, noise is another form of pollution. Respect our historical and cultural heritage, avoid any actions which may deteriorate the terraces or buildings. The dogs must go tied, can cause inconveniences (troubles) to the avifauna If you do noise or speak fort, you will get lost the sounds of the forest Please respect private property. Do not walk across fields containing crops. In the event of any emergency call 112 Parc Natural del Turia [email protected]

C/30, nº 30 46182 La Cañada (Paterna) Tel. 96 132 51 62

Layout: Benjamín Albiach Galán Kun.Xusa Beltrán Assistance from: Photography: Natural Reserve technicians Benjamín Albiach Galán

Map Design: Pau Pérez Puigcerver source: ICV (Cartographic Institute of Valencia)

Texts: Natural Reserve technicians Translation: Andy Birch

Thank's to: Maria Jesús de Pedro Michó Printing this material has been possible thanks to the Cooperation Agreement José Vicente Durban Aparisi signed on 21st April 2006 by the Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona, "la Caixa" Departament Medi Ambient de l'Ayuntament de Vilamarxant and the Generalitat Valenciana (Autonomous Community Authority) for Undertaking the Integral Management Plan for Conservation of the Natural Systems of the Printed: Centro Especial de Empleo, IVADIS ’s Network of Nature Reserves. Legal Deposit: