Written by

Jonathan Hopkins

Original Artists 2801 Hyperion Ave, Studio 104 Los Angeles, CA 90027 Ph: 310-275-6765 Fax: 310-275-6725 Management: Jodi Mitchell Ph: 805-886-5277 TEASER OVER BLACK: The opening riff of AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck.” FADE IN:

EXT. CAROLINA COAST - VARIOUS Hurricane preparations. Sandbags. Windows boarded up with plywood. “Closed” signs everywhere but Waffle House. A line of traffic out of town. The Outer Banks are deserted. BLAIR (V.O.) During the Gulf War, the American military strapped loudspeakers to their Blackhawks. As they flew into battle, they played AC/DC. Before long, enemy combatants knew that if they ever heard “Thunderstruck” playing in the distance, they were about to die. The beach is empty. It’s pouring. The surf is voracious. A lone girl walks across the sand: BLAIR CRITCHER (22, rock- climbing jacked). Clad in dirty sweatpants, a tank top, and earbuds, she fights through the wind to the water. She’s listening to AC/DC. As the hurricane approaches, Blair stands knee-deep in the churning ocean waves, closes her eyes, and raises her arms. She smiles. Suddenly, LIGHTNING STRIKES BLAIR repeatedly, electrifying her with the energy of the overwhelming storm. SMASH TO BLACK.

bad witch 2.


INT. CROCKETT HIGH SCHOOL GYM - DAY The modern megachurch is a cathedral built in the style of a basketball stadium that’s been outfitted for a concert. However, because the town of Crockett, North Carolina is small, this particular service is in a high school gym. The lights dim. The crowd hushes. A promo video plays on a giant screen: prayer groups, college baptisms, women crying. The true Megachurch experience. Text: ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? OWEN (O.S.) Within you is the power of God. On screen, the footage fades into a superhero visage of a young preacher standing before a crowd of ten thousand.

INT. CROCKETT HIGH SCHOOL GYM - LOCKER ROOM - DAY OWEN MAYFIELD, the babyfaced 26-year-old pastor in question, fidgets on a stool as his wife CHRISSY MAYFIELD (25, blond, irritated) goes at his jacket with a lint roller. CHRISSY Do not use the wheelchair kid, he’s a huge liability. OWEN The “wheelchair kid” is named Jimmy, and Jimmy’s a hero. INTRODUCER (O.S.) (over the mic) It is my pleasure to introduce to you the world-renowned preacher and bestselling author Owen Mayfield! CHRISSY Front row is two cancers and an arthritis. Don’t be stupid. Chrissy kisses Owen before he exits to the stage. 3.

INT. CROCKETT HIGH SCHOOL GYM - DAY Owen stands at the podium. Title on screen: “FAITH IN ACTION” OWEN This story’s about an addict. Newly homeless. Twenty-one years old. Just a kid. But his life would be saved - because of a cheeseburger. (laughter) Hear me out. This one day, he’s begging a college girl for money to buy food. Acting on faith, she buys him a burger - and invites him to church. He goes. He develops a cough. She pays for the doctor. Owen steps down from the podium. Paces in front of the crowd. OWEN (CONT'D) That cough winds up being a tumor. Cancer. Stage 4. Death sentence. But somehow, he survives. Still, if he hadn’t seen a doctor that week - (beat) If not for a Christian and a cheeseburger, he wouldn’t be here today. But he is. Now tell me how that’s not a miracle. CROWD Amen! OWEN That girl believed in the power of God and so do I. Want to know why? Owen rips open his shirt and points to a scar on his chest. OWEN (CONT'D) Because I am that kid. Wild applause. OWEN (CONT'D) I married her, by the way. He looks over the crowd, eying the front-row cancer patients - then his gaze shifts to the back of the gym. OWEN (CONT'D) I believe the power of God is in this building right now. And I believe there’s a little boy - 4.

CHRISSY (O.S.) (whispered from backstage) Owen! OWEN Jimmy Richardson, if you’d please come forward and join me for a little faith healing this morning. The crowd ERUPTS. “Faith healing” is what they came to see. JIMMY RICHARDSON, an excited six-year-old in a wheelchair (muscular dystrophy or similar) is wheeled forward by his father DALE (30s; balding) and his mother VERONICA (20s). OWEN (CONT'D) How are you today, Jimmy? Jimmy opens his mouth, but no words come out. Dale leans over to Owen. Owen mutes his headset mic. DALE (whispered to Owen) He stopped talking last month. I don’t know what you can - Owen puts a hand on Dale’s shoulder. OWEN Let’s just let God take over the worrying for now, OK? Owen turns his mic back on. OWEN (CONT'D) Now I’d like everyone who’s able to stand and come forward, please, let’s join Jimmy up here. The crowd surrounds Jimmy, his family, and Owen on stage. The church band assembles behind the group. The lights dim. OWEN (CONT'D) Let’s all put our hands on Jimmy as we go to God in prayer. Hold hands with each other. Dear Lord - The band, ever the soft hypeman, reacts to Owen in real time. OWEN (CONT'D) Dear Lord, we come before you today to witness your power. Work through us, Lord, to lift up Jimmy! 5.

The crowd, moving in on Jimmy, starts to sway. Hands are raised to the ceiling. Chrissy runs out from backstage. JIMMY Up! The crowd stops. Veronica gasps. Dale leans over his son. DALE Buddy, did you say something? JIMMY Up, Daddy! Jimmy tries to raise his arms. Pick me up! WOMAN IN CROWD It’s a miracle! The silence dissipates as the crowd whispers fervently. Everyone reaches for their phones to record the moment. OWEN Raise the wheelchair. Raise him to the Lord! Owen, Dale, and the converging crowd start to LIFT JIMMY’S WHEELCHAIR ABOVE THEIR HEADS. OWEN (CONT'D) Jesus, show us your healing power! Suddenly, Owen loses touch of Jimmy’s wheelchair - Jimmy’s being carried atop the crowd like a crowdsurfing rock star. Chrissy hurriedly pushes through the crowd towards Jimmy. CHRISSY Put him down! But Chrissy’s shoving disrupts the crowd supporting Jimmy. JIMMY FALLS FROM HIS WHEELCHAIR. There’s a sickening crunch. The crowd recoils in shock as Jimmy’s parents push through to their son, who’s crushed by his chair against the floor.

INT. DAVY CROCKETT RESTAURANT - DAY A buffet of fried chicken, cornbread, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and sweet tea on a Lazy Susan. Owen and Chrissy sit and eat with LARRY and NANCY REYNOLDS (60s, church elders). 6.

NANCY It’s a miracle he’s stable. OWEN All part of God’s plan. A terse silence. Chrissy holds on to her artificial smile. LARRY Lotta people pretty excited y’all came to town. One of our members been calling for you every day this week. Claims he’s been hexed. NANCY Now, Larry. CHRISSY Really? My goodness. LARRY Well, it ain’t so far-fetched as you might think. You know about them Wiccans? CHRISSY Well, now you have to tell us. NANCY They killed Marcie Ableton’s boy, that poor woman. LARRY There’s no proof of that. NANCY Did y’all meet Marcie? Sits up front, with the hat? She’ll tell you. Oh, she’d be just thrilled if you came to visit, it’ll give her somebody to cook for. LARRY That woman ain’t cooked in years. NANCY It’s a nice idea. CHRISSY We’re just happy to be here. CUT TO: 7.

INT. HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT This is the nicest hotel room Crockett, NC has to offer. Owen, in boxers, knocks on the bathroom door as he scrolls through a news article on his phone: Megachurch Preacher: Faith or Fraud? OWEN I have to pee. Chrissy opens up. Her “charming housewife” veneer is gone. OWEN (CONT'D) Pam Ivy’s back at it. Chrissy, also on her phone, passes Owen without looking up. OWEN (CONT'D) Let’s not do this again. Chrissy continues to text as Owen follows her. OWEN (CONT'D) Please just get off the phone and come to bed with me. CHRISSY I thought you had to pee. Owen reaches for her phone. Chrissy holds it away. OWEN Who are you talking to? CHRISSY Lance needs me. He cheated on his fiancée again. Chrissy’s phone rings. She makes a beeline for the bedroom. CHRISSY (CONT'D) (on the phone) Hey, sweetie, talk to me. Chrissy shuts the bedroom door. The lock clicks.

INT. CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE - DAY Owen and Chrissy stand by a booth advertising Owen’s book, Faith in Action. If Chrissy’s pissed, there’s no hint of it. 8.

CHRISSY The program’s called “Faith in Action.” Owen and I came up with it together when I was in college. It’s essentially about sharing your faith with real people. Forming connections outside your comfort zone. Being accountable for each other. You can think of it kind of like AA for sinners. MAN AT BOOKSTORE Isn’t that basically just church? Chrissy hands the man a book. She grabs her purse. CHRISSY You’re here from now until one, then you need to head over to the Wal-Mart where you’ll be from two until eight. OWEN Where are you going? CHRISSY (still smiling) Don’t skip Wal-Mart or someone’s going to be very upset with you. Chrissy exits, waving to the line of fans. Owen sighs.

INT. CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE - DAY The stack of books is nearly gone. Owen cranes his neck around the end of the line as he signs an overweight soccer mom’s copy of Faith in Action. SOCCER MOM We all just love you so much. Owen catches the eye of a young boy (GEORGE HARPER, 9) staring at him from outside through the glass. OWEN (distracted) I love you too. The soccer mom practically faints with excitement. The boy cuts the line to approach Owen’s booth. OWEN (CONT'D) What’s your name? 9.

The boy holds up an envelope filled with cash. GEORGE Please help us.

EXT. CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE - PARKING LOT - DAY Owen follows the boy across the parking lot to a minivan. Inside, Randy Harper (mid-30s) is slumped over the steering wheel clutching his stomach. RANDY Owen Mayfield. Thank God. (to George) Did you give him the money? GEORGE He wouldn’t take it. RANDY Please. I’ve been hexed. The doctors don’t believe me. OWEN What’s your name? RANDY Randy. My son’s name is George. Let me pay you. It’s my stomach. It keeps getting worse. Owen takes out his wallet and hands Randy a BUSINESS CARD. OWEN That’s my personal cell number. Randy, I’m going to put you on our prayer list, but you need to get to a hospital right now. I can call an ambulance for you. RANDY You’ve preached on Satan, I know you believe it. It’s my wife. OWEN What happened to her? Randy winces sharply. RANDY You ever heard of the Critchers? END OF ACT 1 10.


EXT. FARMER’S MARKET - DAY Several days prior The local farmer’s market is set in the parking lot of the “Davy Crockett Park, Camp, and Stage,” a historical representation of the wilderness explorer’s life. WENDY HARPER (25, touch of meth) maneuvers her rusted-out pickup truck into a parking space. She lights a cigarette. Wendy nervously scans the crowded market for familiar faces as she winds her way past booths selling Indian corn, honeycomb, and live worms. Tucked into the back corner of the parking lot by the woods is a small, dingy booth, cluttered with mason jars full of vile-looking liquid, some preserving pickled animals. Wendy approaches the booth and pretends to look at the jars. Attending to a Venus fly trap behind the counter is HEIDI CRITCHER (early 30s, faux-hippie vibes). HEIDI Don’t be skittish. WENDY I’m looking for Mary. HEIDI Is it a menstruation thing? Wendy stamps out her cigarette. Heidi glares at it until Wendy picks it back up and puts it in her pocket. WENDY I, uh, have an appointment. NANCY (O.S.) (from behind) Wendy? Wendy turns. Goes white. Nancy (from church) waves. NANCY (CONT'D) We missed you on Sunday. Randy said you’re sick. Nancy pulls Wendy away from the booth. 11.

NANCY (CONT'D) (hushed) What does that Critcher woman want from you? WENDY I don’t know. She said something about menstruation. NANCY Tomato juice. Put an onion in it. We’ll see you next Sunday? Nancy moves on. Wendy eventually goes back to the booth. HEIDI You’re in the book. It’s going to be a hundred dollars. Wendy takes out a dog-eared wad of cash. Heidi retrieves a mason jar full of murky green liquid. She pours a shot. HEIDI (CONT'D) Drink this. WENDY What is it? HEIDI It expands your astral energy. Wendy hesitates, then drinks. Gags. Coughs. WENDY It’s stuck to my throat. HEIDI Now go that way. Heidi points behind her at a trail leading into the woods.

EXT. FOREST TRAIL - FARMER’S MARKET - DAY Wendy, still coughing, stumbles into the woods down a narrow, winding trail as stinging nettles bite her bare legs. She approaches a dilapidated steel shed. The door swings open. Wendy, scared, climbs up a few cinder- block stairs. A single candle light burns inside. 12.

INT. RUSTED SHED / MARY’S “OFFICE” - DAY There’s a rattlesnake curled up on the floor. Wendy shrieks. MARY (O.S.) Quiet! MARY CRITCHER (Blair’s mom, Heidi’s sister, and the Coven leader - 50s, wild silver hair) steps into the candlelight. MARY (CONT'D) Sit down, next to the snake, go on. WENDY I hate snakes. MARY I didn’t ask. Wendy forces herself to sit by the snake. The snake SLITHERS ONTO WENDY’S LAP. WENDY Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. MARY If you want God, you’re in the wrong place. Breathe. You get up and try to run, that snake’s gonna bite the shit outta you. WENDY My husband’s being unfaithful. MARY And? WENDY What can you do? MARY I’m not a divorce lawyer. WENDY I’m not looking for a lawyer. MARY Careful now. The snake hisses in her lap. MARY (CONT'D) Stay still. Close your eyes and breathe. Expand your life-force. 13.

Wendy closes her eyes. MARY (CONT'D) Set your energy into it. It’s cold- blooded. When you feel it heat up, you know it’s working. (praying) Osha, Esu. Mary takes several worn runes out of a leather bag and casts them on the dirt floor. WENDY What are you- MARY (interrupting) Shut up and breathe into the snake. Mary casts the runes again. MARY (CONT'D) Osha, Esu, Oschosi. Osha, Esu, Oschosi. Not strong. The snake slithers off of Wendy’s lap. WENDY It got warm. The snake. MARY And now you’re not scared. The woman removes teeth. Wendy’s eyes pop - I knew he was screwing the dentist! MARY (CONT'D) She mixed him a concoction of goat’s blood, chamomile, and gasoline. Poured it in his mouth as he slept. Lust went right through his teeth. You sent him over there. WENDY I mean, I made the appointment. MARY Not smart. WENDY He needed a root canal! MARY Where’d you get the money for that? 14.

Wendy bursts out crying. MARY (CONT'D) It’s easy to break, but your husband’s gotta do it. WENDY I don’t want to see him again. MARY He has to coat himself in her blood. Cut her, bust her lip open. He only needs a drop. Then he’ll come back to you. WENDY I’m never stepping foot in his house again. MARY Do you want to punish her, or do you want to punish him? WENDY I don’t know, do you have like, a voodoo doll or something? MARY You can’t afford that. You gave Heidi what, a hundred dollars? This is what a hundred dollars gets you. Mary leaves briefly and returns with a beat-up Nike shoebox. Inside the box are a piece of paper and some charcoal, a rodent skull, a black candle, and a razor blade. MARY (CONT'D) Light this candle, then write the woman’s name, your husband’s name, and your name on the paper in ash. Then burn it with the candle. Don’t put the paper down. Keep holding it ‘till it burns out, even if your fingers blister. Then take the razor blade and make a cut in one of your burned fingers. It’ll hurt. Wipe the blood on the skull and use it to smut out the flame. Mary hands over the box. 15.

MARY (CONT'D) Afterwards, every time that woman goes after your man, something bad’s gonna happen to her. WENDY Like what? MARY Maybe she comes down with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, maybe she gets her identity stolen. WENDY What about my husband? MARY He’s the one who got hexed! WENDY ...OK. If I - if I gave you more money, is there anything we could do that would maybe, uh - you know? MARY Wendy Harper, what kind of trouble are you looking for? Mary peers into Wendy’s eyes, but Wendy looks away. MARY (CONT'D) Do you believe in the devil? WENDY Maybe, I don’t know. MARY How much you know about him? WENDY He’s red and, uh... MARY You got any idea what it means when you summon the devil to do something like this for you? WENDY I don’t believe in hell. MARY Yet you’re sitting here scheming with me. How much money you got? 16.

WENDY Twelve dollars. MARY How much money could you get if there was a gun to your head?

EXT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - COMPOST LOT - DAY The Critchers live in a three-acre plot surrounded by a chain link fence in the woods in the middle of nowhere. Their “house” is actually five or six doublewide trailers that have been gutted, stacked, and welded together. Between the house and their WICCAN SANCTUARY is a large COMPOST PIT. BLAIR (22, from the teaser), covered in dirt, stands in the pit and shovels compost into one of many burlap sacks. A box truck labeled “Greene’s Lawn Care” pulls up. BLAIR Yo, Slate! SLATE CRITCHER (23; Blair’s scrawny cousin) and MACK GREENE (40s, short but bulky, ponytail) hop out of the truck. They’re both covered head to toe in grass and grease. SLATE Where’s your mom? BLAIR She’s still with Heidi at the farmer’s market. What’s up, Mack? MACK Wrecked a damn mower this morning. Three grand for the blades. BLAIR Maybe this will help. Blair heaves the first full bag of compost into Mack’s truck. Mack hands her a roll of cash - close to a thousand bucks. MACK Can you get me ten times as much? Mack and Slate help Blair load up the truck. BLAIR Yeah, if I ruled the world. 17.

MACK It’s like crack for plants. I know about two dozen Christmas tree farmers, whole crop’s getting eaten by the Wooly Adelgid. You could make fifty grand in a day. And you’d be a hero. BLAIR And then Mom would slit my throat and string me up over the porch. SLATE With that kind of money you could finally move out. Buy that beach house you’re always talking about. BLAIR Not for fifty grand. MACK I bet we could each pocket half a million by the end of the year. BLAIR Stop tempting me. Slate loads the last bag. Blair’s phone rings. It’s Britney. BLAIR (CONT'D) She never stops. (picks up) What’s up, Brit? Slow down. Where are they? But mom and Heidi were going to pick you up from school. Blair’s face goes white. She hangs up. BLAIR (CONT'D) You have to go. They’re on the way. Slate and Mack jump in their truck and careen off.

INT. CRITCHER HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Blair sits calmly in a stained Lay-Z Boy and watches TV on what must be at least a hundred-inch plasma. Mary enters. Heidi’s nowhere to be seen. MARY Get out of my chair, we need to have a conversation. 18.

Blair mutes the TV. BLAIR Where’s Heidi? MARY Get up! Blair begrudgingly stands; Mary replaces her in the chair, then pulls a crumpled hundred-dollar bill out of her bra. MARY (CONT'D) There’s more where that came from. BLAIR What do you want? Mary fishes around again, then hands Blair a RECIPE CARD: TUMMY TROUBLE 4 oz. boiling water 4 oz. blood of an infant feline, freshly sacrificed 4 oz. fear vomit (youth 12-18) 1 bottle Tennessee whiskey

Blair throws down the card in disgust. BLAIR (CONT'D) This is fatal! It’s too risky. Besides, it’s cruel. MARY Excuse me? BLAIR Fear vomit from a teenager? And I am not stabbing another kitten! MARY I’m not asking. BLAIR I’m not doing it. Mary takes back the hundred dollar bill. BLAIR (CONT'D) Who ordered it? 19.

MARY Wendy Harper. BLAIR You’ve got to be kidding me. What, did she finally figure out Randy was screwing that dentist? Where’d she get that kind of money? MARY People will loan you anything. Aren’t you curious where Heidi is? Mary pulls a huge key ring off her belt. BLAIR (panicked) What does she even have to do with any of this? MARY I think we both know. BLAIR If you locked her in the basement again I’m gonna kill you. MARY I’m ashamed of you both. Compost? BLAIR What do you got left to be ashamed of? Everybody already hates you. MARY Your aunt’s in the camper. Good luck getting it open again. BLAIR You - Blair leaps up and sprints out the back door.

EXT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - DAY Behind a shed by the garden is one of those minuscule tow- behind steel bubble “campers” - or in the mind of someone as claustrophobic as Heidi, a torture chamber. The camper door is locked with a huge steel padlock. Inside, Heidi, hyperventilating, desperately bangs on the window as Blair tries to calm her down from outside. 20.

BLAIR Just hang on, baby, I’m gonna get you out of there. Blair closes her eyes. BLAIR (CONT'D) Osha. Oschosi. Osha. However, the padlock doesn’t budge. Suddenly, Blair is yanked away from the camper as Mary, tougher than she looks, grabs her by the scruff of the neck. Mary slams the recipe card against the camper window. BLAIR (CONT'D) Do it yourself. HEIDI (muffled through camper) Blair! Just say yes! BLAIR Fine. Let her out. Blair gets up. Dusts herself off. Mary unlocks the camper and pulls Heidi out. Heidi cowers behind Blair. MARY I want it done by Sunday morning. BLAIR Or what? MARY Y’all’ll be in a world of hurt. BLAIR Give me my hundred dollars back.

EXT. CROCKETT HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - DAY Blair drives up to the high school and spots her little sister BRITNEY CRITCHER (16, blond highlights), who’s surrounded by a pack of students. She’s in a fight - and absolutely kicking the other girl’s ass. Blair reaches into the throng to pull off the girl Britney’s fighting, but Britney shoves her out of the way. BRITNEY Get back! 21.

Britney pins down her aggressor and socks her in the face. Amused, Blair steps back to watch them fight. BLAIR (to a teenage onlooker) What are they so upset about? TEENAGE ONLOOKER Sandra says Britney took her shoes. BLAIR (to Sandra) Hey! I bought her those shoes, you piece of shit, you want to see a receipt? Beat her ass, Brit! SANDRA (17, lacrosse tan), the girl Britney’s fighting, wrestles free and sprints off. Britney doesn’t chase her.

INT. BLAIR’S CAR - COUNTRY ROAD - DAY Britney picks at a scab as she rides shotgun. BRITNEY I’m depressed. I don’t know how you even deal with it. BLAIR Deal with what? BRITNEY Your reputation. BLAIR Listen, Brit, if you’re not busy, I’m gonna need your help tonight. BRITNEY With what? Oh. You said you weren’t gonna take Mom’s shit anymore! BLAIR She had leverage. BRITNEY You know, according to my health teacher, we could get a social worker to send her to jail. BLAIR No, Brit, only regular families get to do fun stuff like that. (MORE) 22. BLAIR (CONT'D) Come on, don’t you want to get back at what’s-her-face? BRITNEY Sandra? Yeah, but she’s a snitch. BLAIR She won’t remember anything but a bad dream. BRITNEY But what about your, you know - (whispered) Your guilty conscience? BLAIR I told you that in confidence! You know what would happen if Mom heard you say that? BRITNEY Sorry, geez, didn’t realize she was in the back seat. BLAIR I’ll give you fifty bucks. BRITNEY OK.

EXT. SANDRA’S LAWN - NIGHT Blair and Britney sneak up a hill towards an isolated Colonial-style house on a meticulously landscaped property.

EXT. SANDRA’S ROOM - NIGHT Blair and Britney approach Sandra’s ground-room floor, but the window is locked. Blair closes her eyes. BLAIR Osha. Oschosi. Osha. The window lock clicks open.

INT. SANDRA’S ROOM - NIGHT Sandra’s awake, texting in bed. Before she has time to scream, Blair and Britney rush her, TAPE HER MOUTH SHUT, and throw a bag over her head. 23.

EXT. BLAIR’S CAR - BACKWOODS ROAD - NIGHT Blair guides her Charger off a dirt road into the woods, hops out, then drags a hog-tied, grunting Sandra out of the car. BLAIR Recognize me yet? Sandra starts crying. Blair takes off their hoods. She’s holding a crowbar. SANDRA What are you doing? BLAIR I’m gonna torture you for a few days, then I’m gonna kill you, then I’m gonna burn your corpse so your parents don’t ever find you. SANDRA No. Please. I’m so sorry. Sandra cries harder, then pees her pants. BLAIR (under her breath) Not that, the other one, come on...

INT. / EXT. BLAIR’S CAR - BACKWOODS ROAD - NIGHT Twenty yards away in the dark, Sandra’s tied up and sobbing. BRITNEY Can’t you give her, like, a bunch of liquor or something? BLAIR That’ll screw up the whole sample. It has to be organic. Britney opens the glove compartment. Pulls out a Glock. BRITNEY This organic enough?

EXT. FOREST - BACKWOODS ROAD - NIGHT Sandra’s on her knees. Blair POINTS THE GUN AT SANDRA’S HEAD, but looks away guiltily as she clears her throat. 24.

BLAIR Five, four, three. SANDRA No! NO! PLEASE! BLAIR Two, one. Blair fires - a click, not a bang, as Sandra shrieks. BLAIR (CONT'D) Whoops. Sandra hyperventilates, then finally vomits on the grass. BLAIR (CONT'D) There you go, baby, get it all out. Blair whistles; Britney hurries over with an empty mason jar and gloves on. She quickly scoops the vomit into the jar. Blair holds Sandra’s head in her lap, opens her mouth, and squeezes in a dropper of liquid from a glass vial. BLAIR (CONT'D) There you go, baby, it’s all over, go to sleep. It’s just a bad dream.

INT. SANDRA’S ROOM - NIGHT Blair and Britney dump a sleeping Sandra back into her bed.

INT. BLAIR’S CAR - NIGHT Blair stares blankly at the jar of vomit. BRITNEY Now all that’s left is the cat. (after a moment) Are you OK?


Banjo music. A woman chanting over the din: MARY (O.S.) Osha! Osha! Osha!

INT. WICCAN SANCTUARY - CRITCHER COMPOUND - DAY Inside another ramshackle welded-together steel structure no larger than a few doublewide mobile homes, a dozen or so Appalachian pagans worship with Mary, their leader. In the corner, a bluegrass trio twangs out a foot-stomping beat; up front, a sheet covers a blood-stained plastic altar. MARY Osha. Esu. Ogun. Ochosi. Mary dances in front of the altar clutching the rattlesnake. Sitting in front-row folding chairs are Britney and Heidi. Britney checks her phone again. BRITNEY (whispered to Heidi) She’s an hour late. She’s dead.

INT. BLAIR’S CHARGER - MOUNTAIN HIGHWAY - DAY A 1979 Charger, no roof or doors, tears up a country highway. Blair steers with her knee as she pours something from a mason jar into a coffee cup. She skids into a roadside gravel lot overlooking the forest.

INT. BLAIR’S CHARGER - PARKWAY OVERLOOK - DAY In Blair’s passenger seat is a bloodstained wire cage. Inside the cage is a tiny, terrified black KITTEN with white paws. Also on the seat: trash bags, gloves, paper towels, and sage. Blair struggles to remove a brand-new kitchen knife from its plastic packaging. She finally frees it and starts to unlock the cage, but her phone buzzes. It’s Britney. Blair drinks before answering. BLAIR You’ve called me twelve times. 26.

BRITNEY (O.S.) (over the phone) She’s gonna kill us. Where are you? BLAIR If she’s gonna kill us then I’m definitely not doing it. BRITNEY (O.S.) You haven’t - we started, like, fifteen minutes ago! Mom’s already beyond pissed. Blair! Blair’s attention drifts back to the kitten, who’s stalking a fly with great enthusiasm. BLAIR Just calm down, OK? BRITNEY (O.S.) You better kill that cat. Blair hangs up, unlocks the cage, and grabs the kitten by the scruff of the neck. She holds it up guiltily. BLAIR Sorry, man. Blair closes her eyes. She raises the knife. BLAIR (CONT'D) Osha. Osha. However, the kitten wriggles from Blair’s grasp, landing briefly on her lap before immediately attacking her face. BLAIR (CONT'D) Hey! Blair sets the kitten free. BLAIR (CONT'D) Alright, killer, you win. The kitten scampers into the woods. Blair calls her mom. It goes straight to voicemail. BLAIR (CONT'D) (to the machine) You know what? Do it yourself. Blair hangs up, then reaches for the glove compartment. 27.

Blair eagerly retrieves a glass vial she’s been saving labeled Temporary Invincibility. It’s almost empty. Blair carefully downs a few drops of clear potion. She then grabs a dog-eared necktie and uses it to blindfold herself. Blair, now driving blind, floors it backwards. Blair screeches wildly onto the mountain highway, then throws it into gear and races off. As she tears up the winding, cliffside road -

INT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - SANCTUARY - DAY At the altar, Mary rubs fruit all over the body of Wendy, the trembling newcomer. MARY (chanting with the crowd) Osha Oruba. Osha Oruba.

INT. BLAIR’S CHARGER - CRITCHER COMPOUND - DAY Blair, still blindfolded, drifts around one last curve, then blazes through the open gate of her compound’s chain-link fence, marked by an oversized “NO TRESPASSING” sign. After screeching to a halt, she finally unwraps the necktie.

INT. WICCAN SANCTUARY - CRITCHER COMPOUND - DAY Blair enters the sanctuary. She stumbles down the aisle into a front-row seat beside Britney. At the front, Mary catches sight of her daughter. Mary walks calmly over to the altar. She removes the sheet. Underneath, a wire cage sits atop the bloodstained plastic. Inside the cage is a SMALL BLACK KITTEN WITH WHITE PAWS. Blair gasps. It’s the exact same kitten. Mary rubs the kitten on Wendy, then grabs a BUTCHER KNIFE. BLAIR Britney, where’d she get that cat? Mary RAISES THE KNIFE. Blair leaps out of her seat. Britney tries to grab her - 28.

BRITNEY What are you doing? But Blair rushes the altar, GRABS THE KITTEN from under Mary’s stabbing reach, then sprints back down the aisle.

EXT. WICCAN SANCTUARY / CRITCHER COMPOUND - DAY Blair, clutching the kitten, high-tails it across the compound as her mother storms after her brandishing the butcher knife. MARY Blair Critcher! Get back here! Mary wheezes, hands on her knees, but Blair’s too fast. EXT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - DAY - CONTINUOUS Blair, still clutching the kitten, stops running. She looks back - her mother is nowhere to be seen. Soon, Britney sprints over to her. BRITNEY Can mom even drive? She just took the pickup keys. BLAIR I think the hex on Randy still worked. Even without the cat. BRITNEY How’s that even possible? BLAIR I guess I’m just that good. Suddenly, a PICKUP TRUCK roars away from the sanctuary. Mary floors it past them. Off Blair, as her mother careens away -

END OF ACT 2 29.


INT. CRITCHER HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY Chaos. Heidi, Britney, and Slate crowd Blair by the fridge. HEIDI She’s been gone two days. BLAIR So? HEIDI I mean, yeah, except your grandma’s meds are running low, mine are out completely, and according to Britney there’s no more food. BLAIR So strangle a chicken, I don’t know. How much for the medications? Blair pulls out her wad of money. Slate shakes his head. SLATE Y’all really need health insurance. BLAIR Well, now that she’s gone, maybe we can start living all civilized. Brit, take Heidi to the pharmacy before it closes, then swing by the grocery store. You can take my car. I’m gonna go check on Grandma. Blair counts her cash. BLAIR (CONT'D) What, Heidi, like how much a pop? Blair shoves a handful of bills at her aunt as she exits. BRITNEY Gimme some of that.

INT. CRITCHER HOUSE - UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY Blair climbs a ladder through a hole in the ceiling to the second floor of the Critcher family home. 30.

GRANDMA VIRGINIA (O.S.) I lived through the war, you little bastards! I took rings from the dead Nazis’ fingers! Blair peeks inside the room of her GRANDMA VIRGINIA (78, early signs of dementia but still sharp).

INT. CRITCHER HOUSE - GRANDMA VIRGINIA’S ROOM - DAY Grandma Virginia’s room is strangely similar to that of a fratty college student, from the stained futon to the Xbox. She’s currently playing Call of Duty online. BLAIR Weren’t you born in 1941? GRANDMA VIRGINIA What do you know? BLAIR How many pills you got left? GRANDMA VIRGINIA You give ‘em to me, I swallow. Grandma Virginia gets shot. She offers Blair the controller. Blair takes note of how many empty pill bottles are scattered across her grandma’s dresser, then re-counts her wad of cash. Blair does mental math as the game loads, then texts Mack, Slate’s lawn-care boss who wanted more compost: Let’s talk 31.

BEGIN MONTAGE (music: Rich Girl by Hall & Oates), the entirety of which is a fast-forward time lapse:

EXT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - DAY Time lapse: Blair helping Mack and Slate load the rest of the compost into Mack’s truck in exchange for cash.

EXT. VACATION HOME - DAY Time lapse: Mack and Slate spreading compost all over the mulched flower bed of a mountain vacation home.

INT. SUPER WAL-MART - DAY Time lapse: Blair and Britney in Wal-Mart. Britney pushes a cart of party supplies; Blair pushes a cart with a keg.

EXT. MACK’S GARAGE - DAY Time lapse: Mack selling the remaining bags of compost out of his garage to several redneck Christmas tree farmers.

EXT. BLAIR’S COMPOUND - NIGHT Time lapse: Blair, Heidi, Britney, and Slate getting wasted.

EXT. VACATION HOME - DAY Time lapse: a Floridian vacation homeowner (a woman in her 60s) inspects Mack’s mulch job. She unearths several ANIMAL BONES from the compost, some with decaying flesh clinging to them, before making a phone call. Soon, a police car arrives. DEPUTY DAN (24, timid) tries to calm the woman as he places the bones in an evidence bag. END MONTAGE 32.

EXT. BLAIR’S COMPOUND - DAY Blair wakes up on her lawn surrounded by liquor and cigarette butts. She checks her cash - only a few hundred left.

INT. MEXICAN RESTAURANT - DAY Blair sits across from Mack. Between them are tequila shots. BLAIR You need a certain type of mineral for the compost to mature. Now, this mineral occurs naturally in bone marrow, but the last batch took two full years of hunting. MACK So why are we even here? BLAIR Well, we can buy it in bulk, I just don’t have ten grand. MACK What kind of profit are we talking? BLAIR Like triple, easily. MACK I’m in. BLAIR So you got that on you now, or should we hit up an ATM? MACK Yeah, um... Blair downs her shot. Considers. BLAIR What if we took, like, pre-orders or something? MACK You wanna risk owing that kind of money to hicks, go right ahead. CUT TO: 33.

EXT. FARMER’S MARKET - DAY At the Farmer’s Market booth, Blair takes money for compost from a winding line of blue collar workers.

EXT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - COMPOST HEAP Blair and Heidi dump bags of minerals and fertilizer into the pit, move a bunch of dirt around with a backhoe, and argue.

EXT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - COMPOST HEAP - DAY Britney runs over in a panic as Blair and Heidi have it out. HEIDI Can’t you just call them and tell them we need more time? BLAIR They already think we’re ripping them off. They’ll kill us. BRITNEY Uh, Blair? BLAIR What, Brit, we’re kind of busy. BRITNEY There are like three cops outside. And they said they have a warrant.

EXT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - COMPOST HEAP - DAY Blair, Heidi, Britney, and Deputy Dan look on as two Agricultural Regulators (SCOTT and BYRON, 40s) put yellow caution tape around the fenced-in pit and bag soil samples. BLAIR Is there something wrong with it? SCOTT Ms. Critcher, this is a pit full of decaying flesh and bone matter. It’s more than just against the law, it’s a biohazard nightmare. BYRON We’re done here, come on, I can’t take the stench. 34.

Scott and Byron walk Blair and Dan back to the cop cars. Byron hands Blair a long-form citation. BYRON (CONT'D) You’ll receive notice about your court date and fines once the test results come in. I suggest hiring a lawyer. Now, if we get word you’ve sold anything more, just one bag, we’ll personally throw you in jail. BLAIR Is that right? Deputy Dan doesn’t return Blair’s eye contact. SCOTT What were you guys thinking? BLAIR Go run your tests, you’ll see.

INT. OWEN’S HOTEL SUITE - BEDROOM - DAY Owen watches from bed as his wife puts on makeup. She strides past him wordlessly. She leaves. Next to Owen on the bedside table is a printed note: Book Signing - Women’s Center (10-12), Book Signing - High School (1-3), Conference Call w/ Deacons (3-4). Owen’s phone buzzes. It’s a text from an unknown number. OWEN (reading the text) “Hi Mr. Mayfield this is George.” GEORGE (V.O.) “My dad’s getting worse and I don’t know how to take care of him. I’m sorry to bother you but please if you could try again to heal him or even just ask God to bring my mom home from the witch place and make them stop making her crazy.” OWEN “If it’s my fault please tell God I’m sorry.” Now a text from Chrissy: Don’t call. Busy. And don’t be late. 35.

MOMENTS LATER: The bedside clock now reads 10:15. OWEN (CONT'D) (on the phone) Hi, Marcie? This is Owen Mayfield, how are you? (listens) That’s sweet of you, but the honor’s all mine. (listens) Well, I was wondering if I could drop by for a little early lunch.

INT. MARCIE’S HOUSE - DAY Linoleum, now faded, once new. MARCIE ABLETON, 79, picks at a doily. Owen sits across from her. OWEN But even if they claim your son was killed by this lightning storm, the police still investigated, right? MARCIE After a while, Sheriff Maxwell just stopped returning my phone calls. He was scared. To this day, he won’t look me in the eye. I can put some coffee on if you want? OWEN I think you just did. MARCIE Well, it’ll be ready in a minute. Marcie plods into the kitchen. Owen checks his phone: a dozen versions of WHERE ARE YOU?! texts from Chrissy. Marcie returns with two oversized mugs. MARCIE (CONT'D) It’s ten years ago now that they built the Super Wal-Mart. We didn’t used to have all these Floridians. What was I just talking about? Owen points to a polaroid photo on the table of a 25-year-old Mary Critcher hugging a shaggy mid-20s man (her son). MARCIE (CONT'D) You take cream or sugar? 36.

OWEN Please, thank you. MARCIE They never even spoke growin’ up. I took care of my boy. We all knew about that family, I mean, you either bought moonshine from Virginia Critcher or you didn’t. Marcie flips over the Polaroid. Scribbled in marker: I love you, mom. -Kip 12/25/1992 MARCIE (CONT'D) ‘92, we hadn’t spoken in years. Probably high when he wrote that. OWEN They were married? MARCIE They’d run off in love. Didn’t even tell his mama goodbye. OWEN So they still live around here, these Critchers? Do they work? MARCIE Sure, there’s always a couple of ‘em over at the farmer’s market, selling sex potions and all that. OWEN You think they’re over there now? Marcie grabs Owen’s arm. MARCIE Pastor Mayfield, I’ve been a Christian all my life. I don’t believe in hoodoo or nothin’. But you listen - how old are you? OWEN I just turned twenty-six. MARCIE Those women are spiders. Handsome, rich young man like yourself? They’ll eat you half dead before you even realize you’re a fly. 37.

INT. OWEN’S RENTAL CAR - DAY Owen sits in his car outside Marcie’s house. His phone rings. It’s Chrissy. Owen turns his phone off.

EXT. FARMER’S MARKET - DAY Owen pushes through the farmer’s market crowd until he arrives at a scene of chaos surrounding the Critcher booth: Blair is at odds with a quartet of pissed-off rednecks, including WES (30s), the biggest and loudest of the bunch. BLAIR Chill, OK! Two weeks. A month, tops. Just ‘cause of the cops. WES You’re paying interest. BLAIR (scoffs) Interest? Wes LUNGES OVER THE BOOTH and grabs Blair by the hair. WES I know your mama ain’t in town. Suddenly, Owen breaks through the crowd and pushes Wes away. Wes turns and swings wildly at Owen. Owen ducks. WES (CONT'D) Holy shit, you’re on TV. OWEN Yeah, and my film crew’s gonna be here any second, so you might want to stop assaulting this lady. Wes and his boys scatter. OWEN (CONT'D) (to Blair) Are you all right? BLAIR Look at you, Mr. white knight. OWEN I’m Owen. Owen offers a handshake. Blair leaves him hanging. 38.

BLAIR That’s a nice watch. Maybe I should start preaching for a living. OWEN You’re one of the Critchers, right? Your booth is pretty famous. BLAIR You think you’re here because Randy got hexed but really you’re here because you’re avoiding your wife. Unfortunately, we don’t serve clergy. Company policy. Now scoot. Blair starts to close up shop, but Owen doesn’t leave. OWEN Randy’s got a kid, you know. Eight, nine years old? Terrified. Needs his mother. BLAIR Then maybe his dad shouldn’t have shacked up with that dentist. Or did he leave out that tiny detail. OWEN He did. I guess you don’t happen to know where Wendy is. BLAIR You want my advice? You should turn your phone back on, like, pronto. Blair exits. Owen turns his phone on. He’s got about a thousand missed calls and his voice mailbox is full.

INT. HOSPITAL - WAITING ROOM - DAY Chrissy sits with Dale, Veronica, Larry, Nancy, and a few other worried churchgoers. Her phone rings.

INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY Chrissy paces furiously up and down the hallway on the phone. CHRISSY Where are you. You know what? I don’t even want to hear it. Just get to the hospital right now. (MORE) 39. CHRISSY (CONT'D) (listens) What happened is we’re fucked.

EXT. HOSPITAL - PARKING LOT - DAY Owen and Chrissy stand outside the small local hospital. OWEN But they can stop the internal bleeding, right? Why don’t they fly him down to Charlotte? CHRISSY He’s not stable. They don’t know anything at this point except that he keeps getting worse. Oh, and also Pam Ivy just showed up. OWEN How did she find out so fast? CHRISSY She hates you, Owen, she’s probably got the whole town bugged already. Owen starts to head back across the parking lot. CHRISSY (CONT'D) Where are you going? OWEN I refuse to be that woman’s piñata. CHRISSY Listen, buddy, the only thing that could possibly make this worse - except if he dies - is you not talking to her. You know how much money we stand to lose here? OWEN So are you finally going to come out and say it or not? CHRISSY What? OWEN “I told you so.” CHRISSY You’ve got to be kidding me. 40.

Owen follows Chrissy through the automatic doors.

INT. HOSPITAL - WAITING ROOM - DAY Commotion as Owen enters the waiting room: PAM IVY, late 20s, a wannabe prime-time reporter, sits by Dale and Veronica holding a mic as her CAMERAMAN (20s) films. PAM He claims to heal with the power of God, and now your son is clinging to life. Don’t you feel manipulated by this so-called pastor? OWEN (interjecting) No more than they’re feeling manipulated right now. Dale, Veronica, I’m so sorry about her. Pam, please leave now. PAM Not so fast. Pam jumps up beside Owen. She snaps at her cameraman. PAM (CONT'D) And here he is, the pastor finally shows his face. Reporting live from a devastating waiting room, this is Pam Ivy. Mr. Mayfield, you claim to possess the power of God, yet because of you, a disabled child is on the brink of death. What do you have to say for yourself?

INT. CRITCHER HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Blair, on the phone, flips through channels. Beside her is a CITATION NOTICE. BLAIR (on the phone) No, I understand how serious this is. What kind of retainer? (listens) Fifteen thousand. Wow. What if I, uh, don’t have that much on hand? (listens) I understand. Can I call you back? Blair hangs up. Britney slams the door as she enters. 41.

BLAIR (CONT'D) Cool it, cowgirl. BRITNEY What is wrong with you! BLAIR What are you talking about? BRITNEY You stole two grand from Max McGregor? How the hell do you expect me to live that down? BLAIR I didn’t steal it. He paid me. BRITNEY Why would he pay you two grand? BLAIR It was a pre-order, how do you think we made all that compost? Was somebody, like, talking at school? BRITNEY Not “somebody,” Blair, everybody. And now I’m back down to zero friends, so thanks for that. BLAIR You’re tough, you’ll deal. BRITNEY You better make some more of that temporary invincibility shit, ‘cause we’re about to get killed. BLAIR Stop saying that. I’ll fix it. BRITNEY How? Blair stops on a local news channel, leading up to a segment about scam-artist “faith healer” Owen Mayfield. 42.

PAM (on TV) Jimmy Richardson, a six-year-old boy with muscular dystrophy, is a town hero for his courage, despite the fact that his ability to run, sit up, and even speak has severely declined over the past year. BRITNEY I’m going to my room. BLAIR Wait a second. PAM When Jimmy and his family found out that Owen Mayfield, the controversial megachurch pastor, was visiting their small-town congregation, they were overjoyed, despite multiple reports showing the ineffectiveness of Owen’s “faith healing” practices. Then the unthinkable happened. Playing on screen: a cell phone video of Jimmy falling to the ground and the audience recoiling in shock. PAM (CONT'D) Now, Jimmy’s in the local hospital. His condition is worsening by the minute. I recently spoke to Pastor Owen Mayfield, the man in charge of this divine disaster. Playing on screen: the footage of Owen in the waiting room. PAM (CONT'D) Mr. Mayfield, you claim to possess the power of God, yet - Blair mutes the TV. She points to Owen. BLAIR Him.

END OF ACT 3 43.


INT. RANDY’S TRAILER - NIGHT George enters a back bedroom holding a bottle of water. The carpet’s covered in cigarette burns. GEORGE Daddy? Randy’s curled up on his bed, eyes closed, groaning with each breath, on the verge of death. GEORGE (CONT'D) You have to drink something. RANDY Just let me go in peace. GEORGE Daddy, don’t say that. From the main room, a sharp knock on the door. George timidly cracks open the door. Blair’s outside. BLAIR Hey George. GEORGE What did you do to my mom? BLAIR I don’t know what happened to Wendy, but I’m here to help. Will you let me in? George opens the door the rest of the way. Blair enters. BLAIR (CONT'D) Where is he? George points. Blair goes to the bedroom. GEORGE Daddy, open your eyes. Upon seeing Blair, Randy panics and tries to stand. RANDY Buddy, I want you to run to the grocery store for me, OK? Go now. George exits. Randy collapses back on the bed. 44.

RANDY (CONT'D) You’re here to finish the job. BLAIR Actually, Owen Mayfield sent me. Blair takes a vial of purple liquid out of her pocket. BLAIR (CONT'D) Open your mouth, I need you to swallow this. RANDY Pastor Owen sent you? BLAIR Just trust me. Drink. Blair pours the liquid into Randy’s mouth. BLAIR (CONT'D) Now swallow. Good. Breathe. Randy breathes; slowly, his eyes widen. He leaps up suddenly and wraps Blair in a bear hug. RANDY Bless you. God bless you! Randy kisses her on the cheek. Blair is stunned.

INT. BLAIR’S CAR - NIGHT As she drives off, Blair glances from the empty vial of potion to Randy’s trailer. She keeps touching her cheek.

INT. HOTEL SUITE - BEDROOM - DAY Owen sits on his bed watching the news. PAM (on TV) Pam Ivy. Breaking news. Possible manslaughter charges pending for faith-healing megachurch pastor Owen Mayfield after a tragedy involving a six-year-old boy. OWEN (yelled at the TV) He’s not dead yet! 45.

PAM (on TV) Hope is fading fast for Jimmy Richardson, a small-town hero with muscular dystrophy, who has sustained multiple injuries after a “faith-healing” service. According to the doctors, Jimmy may have just a few hours left - save, of course, some sort of miracle. Owen turns off the TV. OWEN Baby, have you seen my phone? No response, so Owen grabs Chrissy’s phone off the dresser. It takes him a few tries to unlock it. The phone opens to a text thread with “Lance”: Chrissy: I just can’t wait to get out of this place. Owen’s face reddens as he scrolls up the message thread.

INT. HOTEL SUITE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Owen enters behind Chrissy, who carefully packs her suitcase. OWEN So whose arm did you twist into picking you up from the airport? CHRISSY No idea. Probably Mom. OWEN Hey. Thanks for doing this. I mean, if you’re sure we need a lawyer as big-time as your dad. Chrissy zips her suitcase shut. CHRISSY “If you’re sure we need a lawyer?” Manslaughter, Owen, the kid’s got maybe twelve hours. Are you stupid? OWEN Apparently. 46.

CHRISSY “Apparently” what, is that finally your excuse for my apology? Owen’s phone, buried in the couch cushions, rings. Owen digs for it, then heads straight for the door as he answers. OWEN CHRISSY (CONT'D) Randy, how are you? Where are you going? OWEN (CONT'D) (to Chrissy) Wait, I almost forgot something. Owen takes Chrissy’s phone, still open to Lance’s texts, out of his pocket. He tosses it on top of her suitcase. He exits. OWEN (CONT'D) (on the phone to Randy) That’s - that’s amazing. But besides the prayers, I haven’t - (listens) What did she tell you exactly? Owen slams the door. Chrissy has to sit down.

EXT. FARMER’S MARKET - CRITCHER BOOTH - DAY Blair mixes herself a gin and tonic in a mason jar. Owen approaches the booth. BLAIR We just closed, but you look like you could use a drink. OWEN Actually, that sounds perfect. Blair grabs a second jar. Pours heavy. They toast. OWEN (CONT'D) You know, I just got off the phone with Randy. BLAIR Oh, what’d he have to say? OWEN He, uh, thanked me for sending you over to save his life. 47.

BLAIR How’s he feeling? OWEN Much better, apparently. BLAIR You’re welcome. Hey, uh, my car won’t start, do you think you could maybe give me a ride home?

EXT. CRITCHER HOUSE - ROOF - DAY Blair and Owen sit on the steel roof of her house. The remnants of more than a few beer cans are littered underfoot. OWEN OK, so prove it. Prove it to me, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you can actually do magic. BLAIR Look at you, little heretic. Isn’t consorting with witches a sin? OWEN So is getting shitfaced. Blair removes her Glock and the almost-empty vial of Temporary Invincibility. OWEN (CONT'D) What the hell is that? BLAIR This is the Patron tequila of handguns: loud, famous, and very overrated. This, on the other hand, is Temporary Invincibility. OWEN Stop waving that thing around, you’re making me nervous. BLAIR One little sip, and for the next ten minutes, death - even injury - is impossible. OWEN What, like the star in Super Mario? Come on, you’d be rich. (MORE) 48. OWEN (CONT'D) You know what kind of money people would pay for - BLAIR (interrupting) I don’t, actually, according to Mom we’re not allowed to use our powers to help people. She’s got a grudge against the world. Blair pours the remainder of the potion into two tiny shots. Owen politely refuses. BLAIR (CONT'D) Fine, have it your way. Blair downs her potion, cocks the gun, and hands it to Owen. BLAIR (CONT'D) Go on, shoot me. Test it out. Owen FIRES at a tree. The gun recoils and smacks his face. BLAIR (CONT'D) ...Shoot me. OWEN Are you crazy? I’ll go to jail. Is this a setup? Am I being filmed? BLAIR David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear on live TV and nobody believed he was a witch. Blair gets close. She presses the barrel into her stomach. BLAIR (CONT'D) Funny thing about people who demand proof is no matter how much you give them, they’re never satisfied. OWEN I know what you mean. BLAIR Then shoot me already. Owen pulls the gun away. BLAIR (CONT'D) This is ridiculous. Blair grabs the gun back from Owen and AIMS IT AT HIM. 49.

BLAIR (CONT'D) Take your medicine. Now. OWEN Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Blair shoots so close to Owen’s left ear his hair ruffles. BLAIR That one was on purpose. Next one won’t miss. Owen, now genuinely terrified, drinks his potion. BLAIR (CONT'D) Good boy. Blair backs Owen to the EDGE OF THE ROOF. OWEN Wait. Blair - BLAIR Either I shoot you, or you jump off this roof right now. OWEN Blair. Please. I believe you. BLAIR Five. Four. Three. Owen looks down at the twenty-five-foot drop. His head swims. Blair cocks the gun. BLAIR (CONT'D) Two - one - Owen JUMPS BACKWARDS OFF THE ROOF. Owen flies in slow motion, falling with his arms outstretched as he opens his eyes to the vacant blue sky - SMASH TO BLACK as Owen hits the ground with a thud.

EXT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - BACK YARD - DAY FADE IN: pull back slowly on Owen, laying on his back with outstretched arms, laughing euphorically, staring up at the heavens in awe. As if seeing God for the first time. 50.

INT. BLAIR’S BEDROOM - DAY Owen sits next to Blair on her ratty mattress, hands trembling from adrenaline, shaking his head back and forth. OWEN I just - I - oh, my God. Someone knocks.

INT. CRITCHER HOUSE - UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY It’s Britney. Blair quickly shuts the door behind her. BRITNEY What are you doing in there? BLAIR I have a boy over. BRITNEY Yeah, right. (opens door a crack) Look at you! Wait, is he that preacher? Oh my God. Blair, you cannot have sex with him. BLAIR Why not? BRITNEY Coven law, the prophecies? All that crap, I don’t know. BLAIR I thought you didn’t believe in the quote-unquote ‘made-up dogma.’ BRITNEY Good point. No, but seriously, how is it? Lots of pent-up repression? I mean, not like you have that much to compare it to. BLAIR Says the girl with zero friends. BRITNEY That was a low blow. Britney exits in a huff. Blair returns to her room. 51.

INT. CRITCHER HOUSE - BLAIR’S BEDROOM - DAY Killer the kitten emerges from underneath a pile of laundry. OWEN So what would it look like if we’d filmed that in slow motion? BLAIR It’s not physics. It’s fate. Blair pours them both another round. OWEN What other powers do y’all have? BLAIR Well for me, let’s see: Voodoo, demons, potions, spells, and I’m working on controlling the weather. But I’m way above average. To be totally honest with you, I’m kind of on a level nobody’s seen in, like, at least a thousand years. OWEN Look at you. So what about healing? BLAIR I mean, I can do it - but Mom doesn’t allow any of that. OWEN But you healed Randy. BLAIR Look who finally believes me. OWEN Don’t push your luck. BLAIR You know, she wasn’t always like this. She’s always been mean, but it’s like these last few years, ever since I came back - the better I get at this stuff, the madder and crazier and meaner it makes her. OWEN Back from where? 52.

BLAIR I spent a few semesters at Davidson. OWEN Wow, really? Why’d you come back? BLAIR Someone had to keep everybody in the family from killing each other. Owen swirls around the ice in his glass. OWEN I should get back to the hospital. Owen stands to leave. OWEN (CONT'D) So why did you heal Randy? BLAIR The first one’s free. Now, Jimmy on the other hand... Owen stops in Blair’s doorframe. OWEN For real? I mean - there’s the internal bleeding, and then there’s the dystrophy. They’re only giving him a few hours. Can witches really keep Jimmy Richardson from dying? BLAIR “Witches?” No. But I can do a lot more than just keep him from dying. Owen sits back down. Killer jumps into his lap. BLAIR (CONT'D) It won’t be cheap, though.

INT. CROCKETT HIGH SCHOOL GYM - NIGHT Dozens of churchgoers pray silently together. On stage, candles illuminate a giant photo print of Jimmy.

INT. HOSPITAL - JIMMY'S ROOM - NIGHT Dale and Veronica pray by their dying son. 53.

EXT. FOREST - CRITCHER COMPOUND - NIGHT Blair races through the woods. Owen tries to keep pace. BLAIR You’re good for the cash, right? OWEN Twenty-five grand? Yeah, that’s nothing. You know what I mean. So what’s the first step? Blair stops Owen by a spiraling rock formation in a clearing. BLAIR Well, first we have to cleanse each other of evil spirits. Strip. OWEN I’m sorry? BLAIR Strip, get naked, chop-chop! Blair digs a banana, an orange, and an apple out of her pockets as Owen timidly removes his jeans. OWEN Do I have to take off my underwear? BLAIR That’s good enough. OWEN What’s the fruit for? BLAIR We’re gonna rub it all over each other to ward off evil spirits. Blair strips down to her underwear without a shred of shame. BLAIR (CONT'D) Hold your arms out. Blair rubs the fruit all over Owen, then takes his place in the middle of the rock formation. Owen, holding the fruit, briefly questions his sanity. BLAIR (CONT'D) Hey, I’m getting cold over here! 54.

EXT. CRITCHER COMPOUND - NIGHT Owen heads for his rental car, but Blair hops in her Charger. BLAIR Get in, it’s way faster. OWEN I thought it wouldn’t start! BLAIR Oh, I lied about that. Owen hops in. They take off.

INT. / EXT. BLAIR’S CAR - COUNTRY ROAD - NIGHT Owen holds on for dear life as Blair tears around a curve. OWEN (shouted over wind) What happens next? BLAIR (shouted) That’s a great question. OWEN (shouted) What does that mean? BLAIR (shouted) I’ll figure it out!

INT. / EXT. BLAIR’S CAR - HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - NIGHT Owen tries to hop out, but Blair grabs his arm. BLAIR Hang on a minute. OWEN I thought you said there’s no time. Blair closes her eyes and breathes deeply; however, she is soon startled back to reality. BLAIR You’re right. We gotta move. 55.

OWEN Did you, like, see something? BLAIR We have maybe ten minutes. Blair opens her glove compartment and grabs her Glock. BLAIR (CONT'D) Take this. Owen takes the gun. They race towards the hospital.

EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT Blair stops just shy of the hospital to collect herself. Owen offers Blair her gun back but she waves him off, so he clumsily tucks it in the back of his pants.

INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - NIGHT Veronica bursts out of Jimmy’s room like a mad woman. VERONICA Help! Get a doctor in here! HEY! A NURSE (30s) runs over.

INT. HOSPITAL - JIMMY’S ROOM - NIGHT Jimmy’s choking on his feeding tube. Dale steps aside as Veronica and the nurse rush to him. NURSE Somebody help me with this thing!

INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - NIGHT Owen and Blair hastily walk through the halls as calmly as they can. They can hear the commotion just ahead. OWEN He’s at the end of the hallway, just tell me what to do. BLAIR I need to be alone with him. 56.

OWEN I don’t think that’s possible. BLAIR ...Or we could just let him die. OWEN Wait around the corner a minute. One minute.

INT. HOSPITAL - JIMMY'S ROOM - NIGHT Owen enters the room. NURSE VERONICA GET A DOCTOR IN HERE! Doc, thank God - Owen? OWEN Leave the room. Now. NURSE Who the hell are you? OWEN If y’all don’t clear out, God’s sending Jimmy straight to hell. The group stares at Owen in frozen disbelief. Owen PULLS OUT BLAIR’S GLOCK AND AIMS IT AT THE TRIO. OWEN (CONT'D) You don’t have time to believe me.

INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - NIGHT Owen, gun barely hidden under his shirt, follows Dale, the nurse, and Veronica into the hallway. As soon as they clear, Blair slips inside the room.

INT. HOSPITAL - JIMMY'S ROOM - NIGHT Blair runs a hand over Jimmy’s cheek, pulls her hair back into a ponytail, and closes her eyes. He stops choking. BLAIR Osha. Esu. Ogun. Ochosi. 57.

INT. HOSPITAL - WAITING ROOM - NIGHT Owen sits across from his new hostages. It’s tense. OWEN I know what you’re thinking, Dale. Don’t do it. Jimmy’s gonna be fine. VERONICA (almost a whisper) You just killed my baby. OWEN God is with your son in that room right now. He just needs a little space. And a little more time. Suddenly, from inside the room, an EAR-SPLITTING SCREAM - Dale jumps out of his seat and sprints for the hallway doors. Veronica and Owen follow suit.

INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - NIGHT Dale, Veronica, and Owen race down the hallway. Dale throws open the door to Jimmy’s room and his jaw drops. Blair, now sitting in the hallway, watches Dale and Veronica go from shock to joy to disbelief to UTTER BEWILDERMENT. Owen approaches Blair, who stares down at her feet. OWEN What’s wrong? BLAIR Nothing. Gimme my gun back. Owen surreptitiously hands over the Glock. BLAIR (CONT'D) You should go in there. I think there are some people who might want to say thank you or something. Owen hesitates. He puts a hand on Blair’s shoulder. BLAIR (CONT'D) I know how to find you. Owen nods, knocks on Jimmy’s door, then quietly enters. 58.

As the door swings shut, Blair gets a glimpse inside the room, where Dale and Veronica are throwing themselves at Owen, sobbing while clutching their miracle worker. Because somehow, impossibly, Jimmy isn’t just alive - HE CAN WALK. He’s been cured. As Blair walks away alone, she smiles.

EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT Blair exits the hospital as Pam, screaming at her cameraman, rushes in. Blair heads towards her car in the parking lot, then stops suddenly. Her face goes white. Her mom is sitting on the hood of her Charger. MARY Having fun? SMASH TO BLACK.