Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

Base date: 6 October 2017

Published February 2018

1 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

2 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017



1. Introduction 4 2. Methodology 4 3. Site Identification 5 4. Excluded Sites 6 5. Included Sites 6 Assessing Suitability 8 Assessing Availability 8 Assessing Achievability 9 Assessment of Timescales 9 Deliverability of Sites 9 6. Establishing Housing Supply 10 Deliverable Sites 10 Developable Sites 10 Windfall Allowance 11 Hartland Park 12 7. Is there a sufficient supply to meet housing needs? 13 8. Five year housing land supply 14


Appendix 1 The SHLAA Process 15 Appendix 2 Sources of Sites 16 Appendix 3 SHLAA Site Submission Form 17 Appendix 4 All SHLAA Sites 19 Appendix 5 SHLAA Site Exclusion Criteria 25 Appendix 6 Excluded SHLAA Sites 28 Appendix 7 Included SHLAA Sites 30 Appendix 8 Estimating the Housing Capacity of Sites 34 Appendix 9 Site Assessments (published separately) 35 Appendix 10 Outstanding Planning Permissions at 6th October 2017 708 Appendix 11 Local Plan Housing Trajectory 719

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1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of the SHLAA is to establish what land is available for housing development and to assess its suitability and achievability.

1.2 The NPPF states that local authorities must identify sufficient homes to meet housing needs over the plan period. Specifically, it states that Councils must identify enough deliverable sites1 for five years’ worth of new homes and identify land that we consider to be developable2 for years 6 to 10 and where possible for years 11 to 15.

1.3 The SHLAA is an important part of the evidence base for the local plan. If there are insufficient deliverable and developable sites identified in the SHLAA to meet housing needs over the plan period (in this case the period from 2016 to 2032), then the SHLAA provides an evidence base of other potential sites which form the choices available to the Council when plan-making.

1.4 For clarification, the inclusion of a site in the SHLAA does not mean that it will necessarily be allocated in a local plan or neighbourhood plan or gain planning permission.

2. Methodology

2.1 This SHLAA has been prepared in accordance with the national Planning Practice Guidance (PPG)3. The approach taken is also consistent with a SHLAA methodology agreed between the three authorities of Hart, Rushmoor and Surrey Heath which together comprise a single housing market area (HMA).

2.2 Appendix 1 reproduces a figure from National Planning Practice Guidance which provides a helpful overview of the approach taken. Essentially the process is as follows:

 Identify sites with potential for development;  Assess their development potential (or capacity);  Assess, suitability for development (in terms of constraints such as policy and environmental designations), their availability, and their achievability (i.e.

1 To be considered deliverable, sites should be available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years and in particular that development of the site is viable. Sites with planning permission should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that schemes will not be implemented within five years, for example they will not be viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites have long term phasing plans. 2 To be considered developable, sites should be in a suitable location for housing development and there should be a reasonable prospect that the site is available and could be viably developed at the point envisaged. 3 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/housing-and-economic-development-needs-assessments

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likelihood of development coming forward particularly with regards to viability);  Reach a conclusion for each site as to whether it is deliverable, developable or not currently developable.  Prepare a trajectory of deliverable and developable sites and assess whether there are enough sites to meet housing needs over the plan period; and if not, what the extent of the shortfall is that needs to be addressed through the plan-making process. An allowance is also made for small windfall sites.

2.3 The base date for this SHLAA, in terms of available data on completions and outstanding planning permissions is 6th October 2017.

3. Site Identification

3.1 This SHLAA adopts a site size threshold of 5 units. Site smaller than this are not assessed; instead they are dealt with through a small sites windfall allowance (see Section 6).

3.2 Most of the sites in the SHLAA are either known to the Council already through the development management process or are submitted by landowners or their agents/developers. The full list of sources is set out in Appendix 2.

3.3 SHLAA sites have been submitted to the Council on an ongoing basis over several years since SHLAAs were first introduced. The most recent call for sites was in August – October 2014, and subsequently as part of the Refined Housing Options Consultation in February and March 2016. The consultation on a Draft Local Plan Strategy and Sites 2011-2032 at the Regulation 18 stage4 also enabled new sites to be submitted, or existing sites amended, as part of the process.

3.4 Site submissions are usually made through a SHLAA Site Submission Form (Appendix 3) accompanied by a location plan clearly identifying the site boundary. This enables officers to gather some key baseline data on sites and gauge the potential timeframes for delivery of the sites.

3.5 In total 252 sites have been assessed as part of the SHLAA process. A full list of sites considered is set out in Appendix 4.

4 Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) () Regulations 2012

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4. Excluded Sites

4.1 Some sites have been ‘excluded’ from the SHLAA because they are subject to fundamental physical or environmental constraints that effectively preclude residential development, namely:

 Whole site, or majority of site, lies within a European Nature Conservation Site (i.e. the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area);  Whole site, or majority of site, lies within the 400m exclusion zone of the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area, unless it has specifically been promoted by the land owner for a high dependency C2 Care Home;  Whole site, or majority of site, lies within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI);  Whole site, or majority of site lies within flood zone 2 or 3;  Access to the site lies within Flood Zone 2 or 3 (dry island site);  Sites lying wholly within the Airport Public Safety Zone.

4.2 Further information on these on these constraints is provided at Appendix 5.

4.3 Sites submitted to the Council that are smaller than the site size threshold of 5 or more units (or 0.25 ha), are also excluded from further assessment.

4.4 A schedule of the excluded sites (55 in total) and the reasoning for their exclusion is set out in Appendix 6.

5. Included Sites

5.1 All of the sites that have been included within the SHLAA (156 in total) are shown in red in Figure 1. Excluded sites are shown in blue. The included sites are also listed at Appendix 7.

5.2 All of the included sites have been assessed for the following:

• Site size, boundaries and location • Estimated housing capacity/development potential • Current land use and character • Land uses and character of surrounding area • Suitability, including policy, physical, environmental, landscape and other constraints • Recommendations for overcoming constraints • Availability • Achievability • Deliverability (deliverable, developable or not currently developable)

5.3 Most of these headings are self-explanatory. Further information on how housing capacity estimates were reached is set out at Appendix 8. The

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approach taken in assessing suitability, availability and achievability is explained on pages 8 and 9.

Figure 1: District SHLAA map at 6th October 2017

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Assessing Suitability

5.4 To help assess suitability, we have provided information on the site’s location, the current planning designation of the site (i.e. that in the Local Plan (Replacement) 1996-2006) and identified potential constraints to delivering residential development at the site. Assessing the suitability of a site will be guided by:

 The current planning designation;  Physical limitations or problems such as access, infrastructure, ground conditions, flood risk, hazardous risks, pollution or contamination;  Potential impacts including the effect on landscape features and heritage conservation;  Environmental amenity impacts.

5.5 Where constraints have been identified, the assessment considers what actions might be needed to overcome them, along with when and how this could be undertaken. Recommendations for overcoming constraints are provided for each site considered.

5.6 Housing sites allocated in development plans, or with planning permission for residential development will be considered suitable for housing development.

Assessing Availability

5.7 A site is considered available for development when on the best information available at the time, we are confident that there are no issues such as legal or ownership problems, which would prevent development happening.

5.8 Available land is often controlled by a developer or landowner who has expressed an intention to develop, or the landowner has expressed an intention to sell.

5.9 The NPPG advises that the existence of planning permission does not necessarily mean that the site is available and that consideration should also be given to the delivery record of the landowners putting forward sites, and whether the planning background of a site shows a history of unimplemented permissions.

5.10 Throughout June – October 2017 we corresponded with landowners and/or agents for all of the sites as part of this work, to ensure we had the best available information to date on availability of land.

5.11 Where sites had existing occupants but the site had been promoted in the SHLAA, the availability was considered to be unknown unless information had been provided indicating that the tenants could vacate the site by a particular point in time.

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5.12 Using the best information available, all sites have been assessed as to whether they are genuinely available.

Assessing Achievability

5.13 The NPPG states that, “A site is considered achievable for a development where there is a reasonable prospect that the particular type of development will be developed on the site at a particular point in time. This is essentially a judgement about the economic viability of a site, and the capacity of the developer to complete the development over a certain period”.5

5.14 The viability assumptions have taken into account the high level findings of the Local Plan viability work that has been undertaken by Adams Integra. This work concluded that generally viability would not impact on the delivery of sites for housing development.

Assessment of Timescales

5.15 To assess the likely timescales for development at the included sites, the starting point is to review the information submitted to the Council during the call for sites. We then reviewed the timescales along with the information we have gathered about suitability, availability and achievability to inform a judgement of when development of the site is likely to be delivered. If there is confidence of being delivered within 5 years, for example the site has planning permissions or a resolution to grant subject to a legal agreement, then the site is usually deemed ‘deliverable’. If there is less certainty, but a likelihood of being delivered with 6-15 years, it is deemed ‘developable’.

Deliverability of sites

5.16 The SHLAA assessments allow a judgement can be made as to whether a site can be considered deliverable6 or developable7 in the plan period. If a site is neither deliverable nor developable it is deemed to be not currently developable.

5.17 Appendix 9, which is published separately from this document, provides an assessment of every included SHLAA site, with a conclusion as to whether the site is deliverable, developable or not currently developable. Appendix 9 has

5 NPPG Paragraph: 021 ID 3-021-20140306 6 To be considered deliverable, sites should be available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years and in particular that development of the site is viable. 7 To be considered developable, sites should be in a suitable location for housing development and there should be a reasonable prospect that the site is available and could be viably developed at the point envisaged.

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been categorised by settlement for ease of finding sites. Please note the key to the constraints maps within Appendix 9 is on page 35.

6. Establishing housing supply

Deliverable Sites

6.1 Most deliverable sites are sites with planning permission, or sites with a resolution to grant planning permission, subject to the completion of a legal agreement.

6.2 Outstanding permissions at 6 October 2017 are listed at Appendix 10. These amount to 3,046 units in total8.

6.3 Other deliverable sites at 6 October 2017 are listed in Table 1, totalling 504 net dwellings (also see Hartland Park discussion at paragraph 6.11).

SHLAA Planning application Net Site Name reference reference dwellings Bartley House, Station Road, n/a 16/03378/FUL 499 Hook Edenbrook, Hitches Lane, Fleet n/a 17/00372/FUL 59 (additional capacity)10 Land south of Riseley11 SHL092 16/02989/OUT 83 Sun Park, Guillemont12 SHL100 17/00771/FUL 313 504 Table 1: Deliverable Sites at 6th October 2017

Developable Sites

6.4 Table 2 lists developable sites which are policy compliant in principle and are expected to come forward within the plan period, but not necessarily within the first five years. These total an estimated 184 dwellings.

8 Outstanding permissions at 6th October 2017 is 3,378 new homes, however this figure has been reduced to 3,046 to take into account possible lapsed permissions and prior approvals without SANG mitigation. 9 16/03378/FUL seeks permission for 102 dwellings and was granted permission on 12 December 2017. There is already a planning application granted on this site for 53 units. Therefore only 49 of the 102 dwellings for this application have been included in the deliverable sites list to avoid double counting. 10 17/00372/FUL was granted permission on 11 January 2018 11 16/02989/OUT was granted planning permission on 15 November 2017 12 17/00771/FUL was granted permission on 15 January 2018

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Site Name SHLAA Reference Estimated Housing Capacity Imac Systems SHL041 6 Land at Elvetham Heath SHL104 40 Thurlston House SHL113 16 Fleet 140-150 Fleet Road SHL192 12 Admiral House SHL208 20 125-147 Fleet Road SHL320 (part) 40 Hook Rawlings SHL038 50 184 Table 2: Developable Sites at 6th October 2017

6.5 Table 3 details the housing allocations in the and Neighbourhood Plan. Only six of the seven allocations are listed below as the site at Crumplins Business Court has already received planning permission for 8 dwellings and has been counted in the list of outstanding planning permissions (Appendix 10). The six remaining allocations are considered to be developable sites as they are expected to come forward within the plan period, but not necessarily within the first five years. These total an estimated 111 dwellings.

SHLAA Neighbourhood Site Name Estimated Housing Capacity Reference Plan reference Land at Longwood SHL119 i 9 4 Western Lane SHL066 ii 15 Land at Albion Yard SHL232 iv 12 Land at Dunleys Hill SHL065 v 30 Land at Hook Road SHL058 vi 15 Land next to SHL327 vii 30 Crownfields 111 Table 3: Developable Neighbourhood Plan Sites at 6th October 2017

Windfall Allowance

6.6 The SHLAA only assesses individual sites that have a potential capacity for five dwellings or more. However, planning applications are regularly submitted and approved for sites smaller than this, and it is anticipated that they will continue to do so. An allowance for small site windfalls13 is therefore made when assessing the housing the housing land supply.

6.7 The windfall allowance has been informed by past trends of completions in small sites and excludes developments on residential gardens in compliance with paragraph 48 of the NPPF.

13 The NPPF defines windfall sites as ‘Sites which have not been specifically identified as available in the Local Plan process. They normally comprise previously developed sites that have unexpectedly become available.’

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Completions on site of 5 Completions on site of 5 or less Year or less dwellings dwellings excluding garden sites 2012-13 38 21 2013-14 29 21 2014-15 40 29 2015-16 36 17 2016-17 41 24 Total 184 112 Mean per annum 37 22 Table 4: Completions of small sites of less than 5 dwellings

6.8 Projecting forward recent trends, the windfall allowance is therefore taken to be 22 dwellings per annum which is the annual average for the five years from 2012/13 to 2016/17, as shown in Table 4.

6.9 When calculating the windfall allowance for the plan period no allowance is made for the first two years of the housing supply. It is assumed that all windfall sites likely to be completed in the first two years will have already been through the planning application process and would therefore result in double counting.

6.10 The average windfall is 22 dwellings per annum (dpa). Between the period 7 October 2019 and 31 March 2032 there will be an estimated 275 dwellings coming forward from windfall sites. This calculation is shown below:

12.5 years * 22 dpa = 275 dwellings

Hartland Park

6.11 Hartland Park (also referred to as Hartland Village in the context of a residential proposal) was allocated for a new community for approximately 1,500 dwellings in the Draft Local Plan Strategy and Sites 2011-2032 that was published for Regulation 18 consultation in April 2017.

6.12 Prior to that a hybrid planning application14 (Ref 17/00471/OUT) had been submitted for up to 1,500 dwellings plus supporting infrastructure. In January

14 Hybrid Planning Application (part full, part outline) for a residential-led mixed use redevelopment comprising: 1. Outline Planning Application with means of access (in part) to be determined (all other matters reserved for subsequent approval), for the erection of up to 1,500 dwellings (Use Class C3); a local centre including residential (Use Class C3 within the up to 1,500 dwellings) and up to 2,655m2 (GEA) of retail, commercial and/or community floorspace (Use Classes A1 to A5, B1, D1 and D2); a primary school (Use Class D1); drainage works including balancing ponds; on and off-site SANG mitigation; creation of landscaping, open space and ecological habitats; car and cycle parking; demolition of existing buildings; site clearance; earthworks; site remediation; provision of utilities infrastructure; off-site highway works; and all other ancillary and enabling works. 2. Full Planning Application for the erection of 181 dwellings (Use Class C3); access; drainage works including

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2018 the Council resolved to grant outline planning permission for the full site and full planning permission for Phase 1, subject to the completion of a legal agreement15.

6.13 In January 2018 the Council approved the Hart Local Plan Strategy and Sites 2016-2032 Proposed Submission Version for Publication (the Regulation 19 stage). Hartland Park is allocated for a new community in that Plan with a site- specific policy (Policy SS2) to guide future planning applications on the site.

6.14 For the purposes of the SHLAA, the status of Hartland Park at 6 October 2017 is uncertain. However, at the time of publishing the SHLAA (February 2018) it is now a deliverable site, with a resolution to grant planning permission (subject to a legal agreement) and with a supply of new homes expected to start within 5 years. Whilst the outline scheme is for up to 1,500 homes, the planning application indicates that nearer 1,428 will be built within the plan period, by 2032, with the remainder after 2032.

7. Is there a sufficient supply to meet housing needs?

7.1 The housing target in the Local Plan Strategy and Sites 2016-2032 Proposed Submission Version is 388 homes per annum, or a total of 6,208 homes over the plan period. This exceeds Government’s indicative local housing need figure for Hart of 292 homes per annum based on proposed standard methodology set out in Planning for the right homes in the right places, CLG September 2017. For further information on the derivation of the local plan housing target see Appendix 2 of that Plan.

7.2 Table 5 shows how completions since 2016 plus the supply identified in this SHLAA from deliverable sites, developable sites, windfall sites, Neighbourhood Plan allocations and Hartland Park compare with the housing target of 6,208.

7.3 It can be seen that with Hartland Park included in the supply as a deliverable site there is a surplus of housing supply compared to the local plan target.

7.4 An indicative housing trajectory is set out at Appendix 11.

balancing ponds; creation of landscaping, open space and ecological habitats; car and cycle parking; earthworks; demolition of existing buildings; site remediation; provision of utilities infrastructure; off- site highway works; and all other ancillary and enabling works. 15 See Council minutes at https://www.hart.gov.uk/sites/default/files/4_The_Council/Council_meetings/A_January/18%2001%200 4%20Extra%20Council%20Minutes%20DP%20PH.pdf

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Number of new homes

Housing target in Local Plan Strategy and Sites 2016-2032 6,208

Completions (1 Apr 2016 to 6 Oct 2017) 798

Sites with planning permission at 6 Oct 2017 3,04616

Other deliverable sites 504

Developable sites 184

Windfalls 275

Neighbourhood Plan sites 111

Hartland Park 1,428

Total Supply 6,346

Surplus / Deficit + 138

Table 5: Housing need compared to supply from completions, deliverable and developable sites and windfalls

8. Five year housing land supply

8.1 The five-year housing land supply position at 6 October 2017 is set out in an Annex published separately alongside the SHLAA. It concludes that at 6 October 2017 there was a 9.28 year land supply based on the housing target of 388 homes per annum in the Hart Local Plan Strategy and Sites 2016-2032 Proposed Submission Version.

16 Outstanding permissions at 6th October 2017 is 3,378 new homes, however this figure has been reduced to 3,046 to take into account possible lapsed permissions and prior approvals without SANG mitigation.

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Appendix 1: The SHLAA Process

Source: NPPG (Paragraph: 006 Reference ID: 3-006-20140306)

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Appendix 2: Sources of Sites

Type of Site Data Sources to be Drawn Upon 1 Sites submitted to the Council by Formal call for sites responses, developers/landowners/agents SHLAA site submissions and consultation responses 2 Unimplemented planning permissions Planning application records 3 Housing sites under construction Development starts and completions records 4 Undetermined planning applications Planning application records 5 Planning applications refused or withdrawn in last Planning application records 5 years (where principle is acceptable) 6 Pre-application enquiries (where not confidential) Planning records 7 Existing housing allocations and development Development Plans and briefs not yet with planning permission Neighbourhood Plans 8 Land in the ownership of the local authority Local authority records 9 Surplus public sector land Duty to co-operate discussions, national register of public sector land 10 Vacant and derelict land and buildings Local authority empty property register 11 Land allocated (or with permission) for Employment land review employment or other land uses which are no longer required for those uses 12 Sites where more productive use of under-utilised Desktop review facilities can be made (e.g. garage blocks) 13 Areas of development potential around larger Sustainability Appraisal (see SA settlements report) 14 Fleet town centre opportunity sites The former ‘Fleet Vision’

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Appendix 3: SHLAA Site Submission Form

For Official Use Only Site Reference Date Received

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment: New Site Form

1) Site Information Site Name

Site Address

Grid Reference for centre of site (if known) Site Area (hectares) Current land use(s)

Surrounding land uses

Planning History (please include any relevant application numbers) Indication of potential dwelling capacity and density Most likely timescale for 0-5 years land to be available for 6-10 years development (tick as appropriate) 11-15 years 2) Contact Details Name

Company/organisation (if applicable) Address

Telephone no. Email Are you the landowner / Landowner developer / agent Developer Agent

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representing the site? Other (please specify) (tick as appropriate) 3) Ownership If you are not the site owner please supply the name(s) and contact details of the owner(s)

If you are not the owner, has the owner (or each owner) indicated support for development of the land? 4) Constraints Any known constraints to development on site (physical, environmental, legal etc.) Any known constraints to development off site (physical, environmental, legal etc.) Any proposals to overcome known constraints Any other relevant information

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Appendix 4: All SHLAA Sites

Ref. Name Included/ Reason Excluded

Blackwater and Hawley SHL17 Land at , Excluded Majority of site in Flood Zone 3 SHL107 Heath End, Reading Road, Blackwater Excluded Within 400m of the SPA SHL176 Hawley House, Hawley Included SHL303 Frogmore Community College Included SHL304 39 Kingsway Excluded Small site SHL308 Green Lane Car Park, Blackwater Excluded Within 400m of the SPA Broad Oak SHL78 The Bagwell Fields Included SHL79 Land south of Hamilton House Included SHL72 Land adj. to Four Acre Field, Crondall Excluded Majority of site in Flood Zone 3 SHL73 Land west of Crondall Excluded Site access in Flood Zone 3 SHL74 Land north west of Crondall Included SHL76 Parsonage Meadow, Croft Lane, Crondall Included SHL142 Paddocks’ Itchel Lane, Crondall Excluded Small site SHL159 Land at Dippenhall Street, Crondall Included SHL178 Broden Stables and Stable Yard Included SHL8 Land at Knights Close Removed Planning permission SHL53 Land at Stroud Lane, Crookham Village Included SHL116 Cross Farm, Crookham Village Included SHL158 Crondall House, Fleet Included SHL196 Brookmeadow Farm, Pilcot Hill Excluded Site access in Flood Zone 3 SHL15 Land opposite Church Rise, Dogmersfield Included SHL54 Land adj. to Dogmersfield Primary School, Included Dogmersfield SHL55 Land at Church Lane, Dogmersfield Included SHL56 Land opposite Briar Cottage, Dogmersfield Removed Planning permission SHL143 Land on Church Lane, Dogmersfield Removed Planning permission SHL196 Brookmeadow Farm, Pilcot Hill Excluded Site access in Flood Zone 3 SHL332 Land opposite Old Laundry, Dogmersfield Included SHL356 Land opposite The Cottage, Dogmersfield Included Centre SHL26 Land north of Reading Road, Eversley Included SHL112 CEMEX, Eversley Included SHL127 Land at Paul’s Field, Eversley Included SHL129 Land adj. Happy Review, Reading Road Excluded Small site SHL247 Land N of Hollybush Lane Included SHL23 Land west of Marsh Lane Included SHL112 CEMEX, Eversley Included SHL117 Land to the rear of Chantryland, Eversley Removed Planning permission SHL121 Goresbit Excluded Small site

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SHL122 Land west of the Fielders Included SHL246 Area B, Land at Eversley Cross Included SHL247 Land N of Hollybush Lane Included Eversley Street SHL22 Land at Warbrook House Included SHL140 Land off Warbrook Lane Included SHL165 Land to the rear of ‘Belee’, The Street, Eversley Excluded Entire site in Flood Zone 3 SHL77 Land adj. to Ewshot Hall, Ewshot Excluded Site within 400m SPA SHL80 Tanglewood, Ewshot Included Fleet SHL27 Land to the rear of 102 - 108 Fleet Road Removed Planning permission SHL28 26/32 Bowenhurst Road Included SHL32 Brickyard Plantation, Fleet Removed Planning permission SHL36 Dachs Lodge, Redfields, Included SHL40 Grove Farm, Fleet Removed Planning permission SHL41 Imac Systems, Fleet Included SHL42 Camden Walk, Fleet Included SHL43 Transitional Land at Hitches Lane Removed Planning permission SHL44 Land at The Millmede and The Oakmede, Excluded Majority of the site Road within Food Zone 2 SHL46 Land at Watery Lane Removed Planning permission SHL48 QEB, Church Crookham, area outside Settlement Removed Planning permission Boundary SHL50 Waterfront Business Park, Fleet Included SHL52 Land adj. Pale Lane Farm, Elvetham Heath Included SHL61 Branksome Chambers, Branksomewood Rd Removed Planning permission SHL69 18 Church Road, Fleet Removed Planning permission SHL81 Vertu, Beacon Hill Road, Church Crookham Included SHL90 Stillers Farm, Ewshot Included SHL104 Land at Elvetham Heath Included SHL113 Thurlston House Included SHL125 Edenbrook, Hitches Lane, Fleet Removed Planning permission SHL153 Brook House, Fleet Included SHL154 93 Fleet Road Removed Planning permission SHL156 Blue Prior Business Park B, Redfields Lane, Church Removed Planning permission Crookham SHL162 Oak House, Harvest Crescent, Fleet Removed Planning permission SHL164 Fleet Autos, St James Road, Fleet Removed Planning permission SHL166 Land west of Ewshot Lane Included SHL175 Pioneer House, Barley Way, Fleet Removed Planning permission SHL192 140-150 Fleet Road, Fleet Included SHL195 Lismoyne Hotel, 45 Church Road, Fleet Included SHL207 Land at Ewshot Lane, Church Crookham Excluded Small site SHL208 Admiral House, Fleet Included SHL234 Land east of Redfields Lane Included SHL235 Land at Willow Croft, Church Crookham Included SHL245 Land at 154-158 Albert Street & Fleet Road Included SHL250 Highways Agency Land, Fleet Excluded Small site SHL270 Land at Blue Prior Business Park, Redfields Lane Removed Planning permission SHL275 Land at Little Mead, Fleet Included SHL276 Whinrood, Victoria Hill Road, Fleet Excluded Small site SHL279 2 Tavistock Road, Fleet Excluded Small site SHL284 Land adj. to 14 Park Hill, Church Crookham Excluded Small site SHL313 Land at Elizabeth Drive, Fleet Excluded Small site SHL320 Fleet Town Centre Zone 2 Included

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SHL322 Fleet Town Centre Police Station Included SHL323 QEB area B Removed Planning permission SHL354 Redfields Court, Church Crookham Included SHL355 Oaklands Farm, Ewshot Included SHL357 Land at Sankey Lane, Fleet Included Guillemont SHL100 Sun Park, Guillemont Park North Included SHL152 Guillemont Park, Cove Removed Planning permission SHL45 Land at Riverside Farm Included SHL97 Land adj. to Calthorpe Houses, Hartfordbridge Included SHL98 Land adj. to the Orchard, Hartfordbridge Excluded Within 400m of the SPA SHL99 Land adj. to 23 Elvetham Lane, Hartfordbridge Excluded Small site SHL101 Land adj. to 11 Hulfords Lane, Hartfordbridge Excluded Within 400m of the SPA SHL120 The Stalle. Hulfords Lane, Hartfordbridge Excluded Within 400m of the SPA SHL155 Land at Hare's Farm, Included Hartley Wintney SHL19 Land at Grange Farm Included SHL35 Land South of Thackhams Lane Included SHL89 Land adj to Causeway Green Included SHL93 Land at Springfield Avenue, Hartley Wintney Excluded Within 400m of the SPA SHL94 Land adj to Causeway Farm, Hartley Wintney Included SHL95 Nero Brewery, Hartley Wintney Excluded Small site SHL96 Rifle Range Farm, Hartley Wintney Removed Planning permission SHL132 Wintney Court, Included SHL155 Land at Hare's Farm, Hartley Wintney Included SHL177 Land at Croft Lane, Hartley Wintney Included SHL190 The Walled Garden, High Street Excluded Small site SHL198 Lamb Hotel, Hartley Wintney Removed Planning permission SHL202 Oakleigh House, High Street Excluded Small site SHL229 Millbank House, High Street Removed Planning permission SHL288 5-6 Peel Court, Hartley Wintney Excluded Small site SHL292 Meadoway, Church Lane, Hartley Wintney Excluded Small site Bottom SHL105 Land and buildings at Hazeley Bottom Excluded Within 400m of the SPA SHL157 Land at Chamberlains Meadow, Heckfield Included SHL257 Land north of New Inn, Heckfield Included SHL259 Land north of Cemetery, Heckfield Included Hook SHL1 Land north-east of Hook Removed Planning permission SHL2 Land north of A30 Excluded Majority of site within Flood Zones 2 and 3 SHL3 Land at Searle's Farm, Hook Included SHL4 Land at Totters Farm, Hook Included SHL5 Land north-west Hook Included SHL6 Land at Holt Lane, Hook Included SHL7 Land at Reading Road, Hook Removed Planning permission SHL9 Land off Hop Garden Road, Hook Included SHL10 Landata House, Hook Removed Planning permission SHL38 Rawlings, Hook Included SHL111 Hook Garden Centre, Reading Road, Hook Included

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SHL130 Land west of Varndell Road (Owens Farm) Included SHL163 Greenwell Providence House, 2 Bartley Wood Removed Planning permission Business Park, Hook SHL173 Owens Farm (Main), Hook Included SHL210 Holt Farm, Holt Lane, Hook Included SHL211 Land behind Holt Farm, Holt Lane Included SHL212 Land at Scotland Farm Included SHL285 Land At High Ridge Farm, Newnham Road Removed Planning permission SHL294 Land to the Rear of Hook Garden Centre Included SHL239 Land at Vicarage Lane, Hound Green Included SHL240 Strawberry Field, Hound Green Included SHL263 Land east of Reading Road, Hound Green Excluded Small site Long Sutton SHL30 Land at Hyde Road Included SHL31 Land east of Copse Lane Included SHL62 Granary Field Included SHL291 Land South of Chaffers Close, Long Sutton Included SHL334 Land east of Long Sutton Excluded Small site SHL335 Land north west of Long Sutton Included SHL336 Land to west of Long Sutton Included Mill Lane SHL128 Rose Court, Crondall Included SHL179 Bowenhurst Lane, Crondall Included North Warnborough SHL57 Land Adjacent to Queen's Road, North Included Warnborough SHL58 Land at Hook Road/Bridge Road, North Included Warnborough SHL59 Land at Mill Corner, North Warnborough Excluded Majority of the site and site access in Flood Zone 3 SHL60 Land adjoining Rough's Cottage, Bartley Heath Included SHL108 Land to the north of Deptford Lane Included SHL110 Land at Lodge Farm Included SHL139 Land adjacent to A287 Excluded Site in Flood Zone 3 SHL147 Land adjacent to Swan Inn, North Warnborough Excluded Small site SHL232 Land rear of Albion Yard, North Warnborough Included SHL233 Land at Dunleys Hill 2 Removed Planning permission SHL330 Land west of Adams Farm, The Street Included Odiham SHL18 Bell and Dragon, Odiham Excluded Small site SHL29 Land at Butts End Included SHL63 Land at 56 High Street, Odiham Removed Planning permission SHL64 Hatchwood Place, Odiham Removed Planning permission SHL65 Land at Dunleys Hill, Odiham Included SHL66 Rear garden of 4 Western Lane, Odiham Included SHL67 Close Meadow, Odiham Included SHL68 Land adjacent to Archery Fields, Odiham Removed Planning permission SHL119 Land at the rear of Longwood, Odiham Included SHL138 Land off Firs Lane Included SHL228 Jenhams Field, Odiham Included SHL282 Bury Villas, Odiham Excluded Small site SHL327 Land to south of Crownfields, Recreation Rd, Included Salmons Rd & Buffins Rd SHL328 Land adjoining Odiham Tennis Courts Included

22 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

SHL329 Land to rear of Buryfields School, The Mead & Included New House SHL331 Former Kitchen Garden, Odiham Included SHL346 113 High Street, Odiham Removed Planning permission SHL87 Site 1 & 2, Land adj. to Rotherwick Village Included SHL115 Land at Green Lane, Rotherwick Included SHL248 Land at the Street, Rotherwick Excluded Small site SHL290 Land at Rosemary Cottage, Rotherwick Included Rural sites SHL16 Daegmarsfield Farm, Dogmersfield Included SHL21 Linklater Cottages, Blackwater Included SHL24 Winkworth Business Park Removed Planning permission SHL25 Land attached to Brook House, Crondall Excluded Majority of site in Flood Zone 3 SHL39 Fermoy, Farnham Road Included SHL82 Lowfields, Phoenix Green Excluded Small site SHL83 Shapley Heath, Included SHL84 Land at Winchfield Lodge Included SHL86 Site of Old Brick Works, Rotherwick Included SHL88 Rose Court, Rye Common Lane Removed Planning permission SHL91 Land adj. to 10 Rotten Green Included SHL92 Land south of Riseley Included SHL102 Land at Bramshot Lane Included SHL106 (Police Training Centre) Included SHL109 Land at Holdshott House Included SHL118 Oakfield Farm, Hartley Wintney Included SHL123 Land at Murrell Green , Hook Included SHL124 Land at Winchfield Included SHL126 Land at Murrell Green (2), London Road Included SHL133 Swans Farm, Winchfield Included SHL135 Shapley Ranch Included SHL136 Western Edge of Winchfield Included SHL137 Hawley Park Farm Removed Planning permission SHL141 Chapel Cottage, Potbridge Excluded Small site SHL144 Land adj. to 13 Rotten Green Excluded Small site SHL145 Land adj. to 8 Rotten Green Excluded Small site SHL146 Land adj. to 24 Elvetham Lane, Hartfordbridge Excluded Small site SHL148 Land adj. to no.5 Lyde Green, Rotherwick Excluded Small site SHL160 Land at Woodview, Removed No details submitted SHL167 Land between M3 and railway, Winchfield Included SHL168 Land at Bailey’s Farm, Winchfield Excluded Majority of site within SSSI SHL169 Land at Totters Farm, Hook Included SHL174 Peacocks Nursery Garden Centre Included SHL180 Crondall Bee Farm Excluded Site access in Flood Zone 3 SHL181 Land south of Little Rye Farm Included SHL182 Part of Potbridge Farm, Winchfield Included SHL184 Winchfield Park, Winchfield Included SHL185 Winchfield Court Farm, Winchfield Included SHL186 Shapley Lake & surrounds, Winchfield Included SHL187 Bridge Farm 1, Winchfield Included SHL188 Bridge Farm 2, Winchfield Included SHL194 Land at Firgrove Road, Eversley Included SHL197 Hartland Park, Farnborough Included SHL200 The Scrapyard, Totters Lane Included

23 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

SHL201 Winchfield Lodge, Winchfield Removed Planning permission SHL205 Land rear of Taplins Cottage, Taplins Farm Lane Included SHL206 Land at Bears Green Included SHL209 Winchfield Park B Included SHL216 Land adj. to James Farm Cottages, Hartley Included Wintney SHL258 Land north of Oates Cottage, Hound Green Excluded Small site SHL265 Busta Farm, Brickhouse Hill Excluded Within 400m of the SPA SHL296 Old Dairy, Long Sutton Excluded Small site SHL33 Plough Meadow, South Warnborough Included SHL70 Stables at Lees Cottage, South Warnborough Included SHL71 Land adjacent to Nash Meadows/Ridley's Piece, Included South Warnborough SHL75 Land at Street Farm House Included SHL172 Granary Court, South Warnborough Included Winchfield SHL34 Land adjoining Winchfield Court Included SHL85 Land east of The Barley Mow Included SHL114 Trimmers Cottage, Winchfield Hurst Included SHL183 Winchfield Meadow, Winchfield Included SHL262 Land south of Hungerford Farm, Winchfield Included Yateley SHL11 Land at Moulsham Lane, Yateley Removed Planning permission SHL12 Hill Farm and Leafy Oak Farm, Yateley Excluded Within 400m of the SPA SHL13 Land at Moulsham Lane 2, Yateley Excluded Majority of the site in Flood Zone 3 SHL14 Land south of Blackwater River and east of Removed Planning permission Sandhurst Road, Yateley SHL20 Land north of Reading Road Included SHL37 Land at Reading Road, Yateley Included SHL103 Land adjoining Crosby Gardens, Yateley Included SHL149 Land east of Mill Lane, Yateley Excluded Majority of site within Flood Zone 3 SHL199 Land at Calcott Park, Yateley Excluded Site access in Flood Zone 3 SHL273 Land between Eversley Road and Firgrove Road Included

24 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Appendix 5: SHLAA Site Exclusion Criteria

Site Exclusion Criteria Justification

Site lying wholly within a Natural England advise that it is not possible to prevent harm European Nature arising from residential development within the SPA. It has Conservation Site or been confirmed by Natural England that this position is unlikely to change as it is protected by European Law. The Majority of site lying within Habitats Directive is enshrined into UK law through the a European Nature Habitats Regulations and will remain regardless of the UK’s Conservation Site membership of the European Union. (i.e. the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA)) Site lying wholly within the Natural England advise that it is not possible to prevent harm 400m buffer zone of the arising from residential development within the 400m of the Thames Basin Heath Special SPA. It has been confirmed by Natural England that this Protection Area, unless it position is unlikely to change. The Habitats Directive is has specifically been enshrined into UK law through the Habitats Regulations and promoted by the land will remain regardless of the UK’s membership of the owner for a high European Union. dependency C2 Care Home.

Majority of the site lying wholly within the 400m buffer zone of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area, unless it has specifically been promoted by the land owner for a high dependency C2 Care Home. Site lying wholly within a National nature designation projected by law. This position is Site of Special Scientific unlikely to change. Interest (SSSI)

Majority of the site lying within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Sites lying wholly within Functional flood zone is not developable as set out in the flood zone 2 or 3 National Planning Practice Guidance 17

Majority of the site lying within Flood Zone 2 or 3

Access to the site lying within Flood Zone 2 or 3 (dry island site) (see para. 2.15)

17 National Planning Practice Guidance : Flood Risk and Coastal Change

25 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Site Exclusion Criteria Justification

Sites lying wholly within the Public Safety Zones are areas at either end of a runway, Airport Public Safety Zone within which development is restricted in order to control the number of people on the ground at risk of death or injury in the event of an aircraft accident on take-off or landing.

The Department of Transport Circular 01/2010 (Control of Development in Airport Public Safety Zones) sets out that the basic objective governing the restriction on development near civil airports is that there should be no increase in the number of people living, working or congregating in Public Safety Zones and that, over time, the number should be reduced as circumstances allow.

There are PSZs at either end of the runway at Farnborough Airport. The policy objective set out in Circular 01/2010 therefore applies in this location, and represents an absolute constraint to net new residential development therein.

Further information on the PSZs as they relate to Farnborough Airport can be viewed at http://www.rushmoor.gov.uk/article/2563/Public-Safety-Zones.

The Thames Basin Heath SPA is home to three species of rare birds; Nightjar, Dartford Warbler and Woodlark. These endangered birds and their habitats are protected by European Law. The SPA designation protects the heaths from development, including new homes nearby which could harm the SPA due to recreational pressure on these habitats. New homes are not suitable within 400 metres of the TBH SPA. Where the majority (over 50%) of a site lies within 400m of the SPA these sites have been excluded. Other sites that are partly within the 400m buffer have been included and the developable area outside the 400m zone has been used to calculate the capacity of the site.

Flood zones are designated by the Environment Agency and published in the form of flood maps showing flood zones 2 and 3. Sites entirely within Flood Zones 2 or 3 have been excluded. Where the majority (over 50%) of a site lies within Flood Zones 2 or 3 these sites have also been excluded to comply with the NPPF requirement to apply a sequential test. Where the majority (over 50%) of a site lies within Flood Zones 2 or 3 these sites have been excluded. The NPPF states that new development should be steered to areas with the lowest probability of flooding. Flood Zones 2 and 3 should only be developed where there are insufficient appropriate sites available to accommodate the identified need in Flood Zone 1. The Environment Agency flood maps are updated periodically. The SHLAA constraints maps are based on the flood maps which were available at the time the report was prepared.

Development is not suitable on dry islands. The definition of what constitutes a dry island is not clear cut. The NPPG does not specifically mention dry islands and it does not provide any criteria to indicate what constitutes a dry island. However the guidance does highlight the need for safe access and escape routes for developments

26 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

in flood risk areas. Some areas within Flood Zone 1 are surrounded by areas at a higher risk of flooding i.e. Flood Zone 2 and 3. These can present particular hazards to public safety and therefore these sites are treated in the same way as sites within Flood Zone 2 and 3. More information on dry islands can be found on the website at https://www.hart.gov.uk/sites/default/files/4_The_Council/Policies_and_published_do cuments/Planning_policy/Information%20on%20Dry%20Islands%20in%20Hart.pdf

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Appendix 6: Excluded SHLAA Sites

Site Site Name Reason for Exclusion Ref Majority of site in Flood Zone 2 SHL2 Land north-east of Hook and 3 Entire site within 400m of the SHL12 Hill Farm & Lea/Oak Farm, Yateley SPA SHL13 Land at Moulsham Lane 2, Yateley Majority of site in Flood Zone 3 SHL17 Land at Darby Green, Yateley Majority of site in Flood Zone 3 SHL18 Bell and Dragon, Odiham Small Site SHL25 Land attached to Brook House, Crondall Majority of site in Flood Zone 3 Land at The Millmede and The Oakmede, Minley Road, Majority of site within Flood SHL44 Fleet Zone 2 and 3 Majority and site access in SHL59 Land at Mill Corner, North Warnborough Flood Zone 3 SHL72 Land adj. to Four Acre Field, Crondall Majority of site in Flood Zone 3 SHL73 Land west of Crondall Site access in Flood Zone 3 Entire site within 400m of the SHL77 Land adjacent to Ewshot Hall, Ewshot SPA SHL82 Lowfields, Phoenix Green Small Site SHL93 Land at Springfield Avenue Within 400m of the SPA SHL95 Nero Brewery, Hartley Wintney Majority of site in Flood Zone 3 SHL98 Lane adjacent to the Orchard, Within 400m of the SPA SHL99 Land adj. to 23 Elvetham Lane, Hartfordbridge Small Site SHL101 Land adjacent to 11 Hulfords Lane Within 400m of the SPA SHL105 Land & buildings at Hazeley Bottom Within 400m of the SPA SHL107 Heath End, Blackwater Within 400m of the SPA SHL120 The Stalle, Hulfords Lane Within 400m of the SPA SHL121 Goresbit, Eversley Small Site SHL129 Land adjacent to Happy Review, Eversley Small Site SHL139 Land adjacent to A287 Flood Zone 3 SHL141 Chapel Cottage, Potbridge Small Site SHL142 'Paddocks' Itchel Lane, Crondall Small Site SHL144 Land adjacent to 13 Rotten Green Small Site SHL145 Land adjacent to 8 Rotten Green Small Site SHL146 Land adjacent to 24 Elvetham Lane, Hartfordbridge Small Site SHL147 Land adjacent to Swan Inn, North Warnborough Small Site SHL148 Land adjacent to 5 Lyde Green, Rotherwick Small Site SHL149 Land east of Mill Lane, Yateley Majority of site in Flood Zone 3 SHL165 Land to Rear of Belee, Eversley Flood Zone 3 SHL168 Land at Bailey’s Farm, Winchfield Majority of site in SSSI SHL180 Crondall Bee Farm Site access in Flood Zone 3 SHL190 The Walled Garden, High Street, Hartley Wintney Small Site SHL196 Brookmeadow Farm, Dogmersfield Site access in Flood Zone 3 SHL199 Land at Calcott Park, Yateley Site access in Flood Zone 3 SHL202 Oakleigh House, High Street, Hartley Wintney Small Site SHL207 Land at Ewshot Lane, Church Crookham Small Site SHL248 Land at the Street, Rotherwick Small Site SHL250 Highways Agency Land, Fleet Small Site SHL258 Land North of Oates Cottage, Hound Green Small Site SHL263 Land east of Reading Road, Hound Green Small Site SHL265 Busta Farm, Brickhouse Hill Within 400m of the SPA SHL276 Whinrood, Victoria Hill Rd, Fleet Small Site SHL279 2 Tavistock Road, Fleet Small Site SHL282 Bury Villas, Odiham Small Site SHL284 Land adjacent to 14 Park Hill, Church Crookham Small Site

28 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

SHL288 5-6 Peel Court, Hartley Wintney Small Site SHL292 Meadoway, Church Lane, Hartley Wintney Small Site SHL296 Old Dairy, Long Sutton Small Site SHL304 39 Kingsway, Blackwater Small Site SHL308 Green Lane Car Park, Blackwater Within 400m of the SPA SHL313 Land at Elizabeth Drive, Fleet Small Site SHL334 Land east of Long Sutton Small Site

29 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Appendix 7: Included SHLAA Sites

Site Ref Site Name Location Site availability SHL003 Land at Searles Farm, Hook Hook  SHL004 Land at Totters Farm, Hook Hook  SHL005 Land north-west of Hook Hook  SHL006 Land at Holt Lane, Hook Hook  SHL009 Land off Hop Garden Road, Hook Hook  SHL015 Land opposite Church Rise, Dogmersfield Dogmersfield  SHL016 Daegmarsfield Farm, Dogmersfield Rural  SHL019 Land at Grange Farm, Hartley Wintney Hartley Wintney  SHL020 Land to the north of Reading Road Yateley  SHL021 Linklater Cottages, Blackwater Rural SHL022 Land at Warbrook House, Eversley Eversley Street  SHL023 Land west of March Lane, Eversley Eversley Cross  SHL026 Land north of Reading Road, Eversley  SHL028 26/32 Bowenhurst Road, Fleet Fleet SHL029 Land at Butts End Odiham SHL030 Land at Hyde Road Long Sutton  SHL031 Land east of Copse lane Long Sutton  SHL033 Plough Meadow South Warnborough  SHL034 Land adj. Winchfield Court Winchfield  SHL035 Land south of Thackhams Lane Hartley Wintney  SHL036 Dachs Lodge, Redfields, Church Crookham Fleet  SHL037 Land at Reading Road, Yateley Yateley  SHL038 Rawlings, Hook Hook  SHL039 Fermoy, Farnham Road, Odiham Rural  SHL041 Imac Systems, Fleet Fleet  SHL042 Camden Walk, Fleet Fleet SHL045 Land at Riverside Farm Hartfordbridge  SHL050 Waterfront Business Park, Fleet Fleet SHL052 Land adjacent to Pale Lane Farm Fleet  SHL053 Land at Stroud Lane, Crookham Village Crookham Village  SHL054 Land adj. to Dogmersfield Primary School Dogmersfield  SHL055 Land at Church Lane, Dogmersfield Dogmersfield  SHL057 Land adj. to Queens Road North Warnborough  SHL058 Land at Hook Road/Bridge Road North Warnborough  SHL060 Land adj. Rough’s Cottage North Warnborough SHL062 Granary Field Long Sutton  SHL065 Land at Dunleys Hill, Odiham Odiham SHL066 Rear garden of 4 Western Lane Odiham  SHL067 Close Meadow, Odiham Odiham SHL070 Stables at Less Cottage South Warnborough  SHL071 Land adj. to Nash Meadows/ Ridleys Piece South Warnborough 

30 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

SHL074 Land north west of Crondall Crondall  SHL075 Land at Street Farm House South Warnborough  SHL076 Parsonage Meadow, Crondall Crondall  SHL078 The Bagwell Fields Broad Oak  SHL079 Land south of Hamilton House, Odiham Broad Oak  SHL080 Tanglewood, Ewshot Ewshot  SHL081 Vertu, Beacon Hill Road, Church Crookham Fleet  SHL083 Shapley Heath, Winchfield Rural SHL084 Land at Winchfield Lodge Rural  SHL085 Land east of The Barley Mow, Winchfield Rural  SHL086 Site of Old Brick Works, Rotherwick Rural  SHL087 Site 1 & 2, land adj. to Rotherwick Village Rotherwick  SHL089 Land adj. to Causeway Green Hartley Wintney  SHL090 Stillers Farm, Ewshot Fleet  SHL091 Land adj. to 10 Rotten Green Rural  SHL092 Land south of Riseley Rural  SHL094 Land adj. to Causeway Farm, Hartley Wintney Hartley Wintney  SHL097 Land adj. to Calthorpe Houses, Hartfordbridge  Hartfordbridge SHL100 Sun Park, Guillemont Park North Guillemont  SHL102 Land at Bramshot Lane Rural SHL103 Land adjoining Crosby Gardens, Yateley Yateley  SHL104 Land at Elvetham Heath Fleet  SHL106 Bramshill (Police Training Centre) Rural  SHL108 Land to the north of Deptford Lane North Warnborough  SHL109 Land at Holdshott House Rural  SHL110 Land at Lodge Farm, Hook North Warnborough SHL111 Hook Garden Centre, Reading Road Hook  SHL112 CEMEX, Eversley Eversley Centre  SHL113 Thurlston House Fleet  SHL114 Trimmers Cottage Winchfield  SHL115 Land at Green Lane, Rotherwick Rotherwick SHL116 Cross Farm, Crookham Village Crookham Village  SHL118 Oakfield Farm, Hartley Wintney Rural  SHL119 Land rear of Longwood, Odiham Odiham SHL122 Land west of Fielders, Eversley Eversley Cross  SHL123 Land at Murrell Green, Hook Rural  SHL124 Land at Winchfield Rural  SHL126 Land at Murrell Green (2), Hook Rural  SHL127 Land at Paul’s Field, Eversley Eversley Centre  SHL128 Rose Court, Crondall Mill Lane  SHL130 Land west of Varndell Road Hook  SHL132 Wintney Court, Phoenix Green Hartley Wintney  SHL133 Swan’s Farm, Winchfield Rural  SHL135 Shapley Ranch Rural  SHL136 Western edge of Winchfield Rural 

31 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

SHL138 Land off Firs Lane Odiham  SHL140 Land off Warbrook Lane Eversley Street  SHL153 Brook House, Fleet Fleet  SHL155 Land at Hare’s Farm, Hartley Wintney Hartfordbridge  SHL157 Land at Chamberlains Meadow, Heckfield Heckfield  SHL158 Crondall House, Fleet Crookham Village SHL159 Land at Dippenhall Street, Crondall Crondall  SHL166 Land west of Ewshot Lane Fleet  SHL167 Land between M3 and railway, Winchfield Rural  SHL169 Land at Totters Farm, Hook Rural  SHL172 Granary Court, South Warnborough South Warnborough SHL173 Owens Farm, Hook Hook  SHL174 Peacocks Nursery Garden Centre Rural  SHL176 Hawley House, Hawley Blackwater and Hawley SHL177 Land at Croft Lane, Hartley Wintney Hartley Wintney  SHL178 Broden Stables and Stable Yard Crondall  SHL179 Bowenhurst Lane, Crondall Mill Lane  SHL181 Land south of Little Rye Farm Rural  SHL182 Part of Potbridge Farm, Winchfield Rural  SHL183 Winchfield Meadow Winchfield  SHL184 Winchfield Park, Winchfield Rural  SHL185 Winchfield Court, Winchfield Rural  SHL186 Shapley lake & surrounds, Winchfield Rural  SHL187 Bridge Farm 1, Winchfield Rural  SHL188 Bridge Farm 2, Winchfield Rural  SHL192 140-150 Fleet Road, Fleet Fleet  SHL194 Land at Firgrove Road, Eversley Rural  SHL195 Lismoyne Hotel, 45 Church Road, Fleet Fleet  SHL197 Hartland Park, Farnborough Rural  SHL200 The Scrapyard, Totters Lane Rural SHL205 Land rear of Taplins Cottage Rural  SHL206 Land at Bears Green Rural  SHL208 Admiral House, Fleet Fleet  SHL209 Winchfield Park B Rural  SHL210 Holt Farm, Holt Lane, Hook Hook  SHL211 Land behind Holt Farm, Holt Lane Hook  SHL212 Land at Scotland Farm Hook  SHL216 Land adj. to James Farm Cottages, Hartley Rural  Wintney SHL228 Jenhams Field, Odiham Odiham  SHL232 Land rear of Albion Yard North Warnborough  SHL234 Land east of Redfields Lane Fleet  SHL235 Land at Willow Croft, Church Crookham Fleet  SHL239 Land at Vicarage Lane, Hound Green Hound Green  SHL240 Strawberry Field, Hound Green Hound Green  SHL245 Land at 154-158 Albert Street and Fleet Road Fleet

32 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

SHL246 Area B, Land at Eversley Cross Eversley Cross  SHL247 Land north of Hollybush Lane, Eversley Eversley Centre  SHL257 Land north of New Inn, Heckfield Heckfield  SHL259 Land north of Cemetry, Heckfield Heckfield  SHL262 Land south of Hungerford Farm Winchfield  SHL273 Land between Eversley Road and Firgrove Yateley  Road SHL275 Land at Little Mead, Fleet Fleet SHL290 Land at Rosemary Cottage, Rotherwick Rotherwick  SHL291 Land south of Chaffers Close Long Sutton  SHL294 Land to the rear of Hook Garden Centre Hook  SHL303 Frogmore Community College Blackwater and Hawley  SHL320 Fleet Town Centre Zone 2 Fleet SHL322 Fleet Town Centre (Police Station) Fleet SHL327 Land south of Crownfields, Recreation Road, Odiham  Salmons Road & Buffins Road SHL328 Land adjoining Odiham Tennis Courts Odiham  SHL329 Land to rear of Buryfields School, The Med & Odiham  New House SHL330 Land west of Adams Farm, The Street North Warnborough  SHL331 Former Kitchen Garden, Odiham Odiham  SHL332 Land opposite Old Laundry, Dogmersfield Dogmersfield  SHL335 Land north west of Long Sutton Long Sutton  SHL336 Land to west of Long Sutton Long Sutton  SHL354 Redfields Court, Fleet Fleet  SHL355 Oaklands Farm, Ewshot Fleet  SHL356 Land opposite The Cottage, Dogmersfield Dogmersfield  SHL357 Land at Sankey Lane, Fleet Fleet 

33 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Appendix 8 Estimating the Housing Capacity of Sites

As a starting point, the estimated housing capacity for each site has been calculated using an average of 30 dwellings per hectare (dph). For smaller sites in Fleet, Yateley, Blackwater and Hook, which are surrounded by development the capacity calculation has been 40dph. Calculations have then taken into account the net developable area for each site; any parts of the site subject to major constraints (e.g. Flood Zone 3 or 400m of the TBH SPA) have then been deducted from the developable area.

As smaller sites are likely to utilise existing infrastructure and facilities it has been assumed 100% of the site area could potentially be developed for housing. Whereas on larger sites it has been assumed that a lower percentage of the site area will potentially be developed for housing. This is based on that a proportion of the site area will need to be set aside for the necessary infrastructure, access roads and open space provision etc. Potential housing yield could also be affected by factors such as wildlife conservation interests, protected trees or listed buildings.

A gross to net ratio has then been applied based on site size, less the constraint deductions. As such the following gross to net ratio guidelines have been applied when calculating the net developable area for sites.

Site Size Gross to Net Ratio Standards Up to 0.4 hectare 100% (30/40 dph) 0.4 to 2 hectares 80% (30/40 dph) 2 hectares or above 60%

As with the density standard, this is an initial guide when assessing potential yield. However, there may be site-specific reasons that require deviation from the ratio standards indicated above such as the agent or landowner wishing to develop the site for a higher or lower number of dwellings. Where this is the case it will be appropriately justified in the site assessment.

Capacity estimates in this report do not prejudice judgements made on the appropriate capacity of a site either through the Local Plan process when allocating a site, or through the determination of a planning application.

34 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Appendix 9: Site Assessments (published separately)

Key to Constraints Maps shown within Appendix 9

35 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Appendix 10: Outstanding Planning Permissions at 6th October 2017

Outstanding Permissions at 6th October 2017 (Large Sites – 10 or more dwellings)

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding 16/03072/PRIOR White Hart House, London Road Blackwater Under construction 18 0 18 Infineon House, Fleet Mill, Minley 17/00475/PRIOR Fleet Not started 20 0 20 Road 12/00236/MAJOR Queen Elizabeth Barracks, Sandy Lane Fleet Under construction 88 0 88 13/00795/MAJOR Queen Elizabeth Barracks, Sandy Lane Fleet Under construction 95 0 95 Silvergate, Redfields Industrial Park, 17/00244/PRIOR Fleet Not started 44 0 44 Bartley Way 14/00504/MAJOR Land At Watery Lane Fleet Not started 300 0 300 15/00601/FUL Brickyard Plantation, Pale Lane Fleet Under construction 48 0 48 Blue Prior Business Park, Redfields 15/02257/REM Fleet Under construction 7 0 7 Lane 07/02949/MAJOR Edenbrook, Hitches Lane18 Fleet Under construction 1 0 1 11/01040/MAJOR Edenbrook, Hitches Lane19 Fleet Under construction 6 0 6 13/01083/MAJOR Edenbrook, Hitches Lane20 Fleet Under construction 4 0 4 13/01221/MAJOR Edenbrook, Hitches Lane21 Fleet Under construction 3 0 3 Edenbrook (extension), Hitches 13/02513/MAJOR Fleet Not started 50 0 50 Lane22 15/00154/MAJOR Edenbrook (extension), Hitches Lane Fleet Not started 110 0 110

18 Reserved matters for 300 units 19 Amendment to 32 units at 07/02949/MAJOR 20 Amendment to 10 units at 11/01040/MAJOR and 11/01326/MAJOR 21 Amendment to 59 units at 07/02949/MAJOR and 11/01326/MAJOR

708 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding Land to the rear of 102 - 108 Fleet 15/00276/REM Fleet Under construction 12 0 12 Road 14/02101/MAJOR 93 Fleet Road Fleet Not started 10 0 10 15/00275/FUL 18 Church Road Fleet Under construction 10 0 10 Pioneer House, Unit 2 Fleetwood 15/01540/FUL Fleet Under construction 33 0 33 Park, Barley Way 16/01445/PRIOR Oak House, Harvest Crescent Fleet Under construction 31 0 31 16/01441/FUL Oak House, Harvest Crescent Fleet Under construction 14 0 14 16/03411/PRIOR 111 - 113 Fleet Road Fleet Under construction 12 0 12 16/03413/PRIOR 115 - 123 Fleet Road Fleet Under construction 12 0 12 Technology House, 1 Fleetwood Park, 16/02083/PRIOR Fleet Under construction 43 0 43 Barley Way Microgen Management Services Ltd, 16/01267/PRIOR Fleet House, 3 Fleetwood Park, Barley Fleet Under construction 46 0 46 Way 16/02784/PRIOR 110 Fleet Road Fleet Not started 15 0 15 17/00477/PRIOR Lorica House, Fleet Mill, Minley Road Fleet Not started 18 0 18 17/00947/PRIOR Zenith House, 3 Rye Close Fleet Not started 20 0 20 Land North Of Netherhouse Copse, 16/01651/OUT Fleet Not started 423 0 423 Hitches Lane Guillemont 13/02633/MAJOR Guillemont Park, Minley Road Under construction 33 0 33 Barracks 13/01215/MAJOR Lamb Hotel, High Street Hartley Wintney Under construction 2 0 2 14/00593/MAJOR Rifle Range Farm, Fleet Road Hartley Wintney Under construction 21 0 21 Land At High Ridge Farm, Newnham 13/02567/MAJOR Hook Not started 60 0 60 Road 15/00697/REM Land Adjacent To Reading Road Hook Under construction 70 0 70 Providence House, 2 Bartley Wood 16/00883/PRIOR Hook Under construction 107 0 107 Business Park

709 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding 15/01603/FUL Landata House, Station Road Hook Under construction 78 0 78 16/00570/PRIOR Bartley House, Station Road Hook Not started 53 0 53 14/00733/MAJOR Land To The North Of London Road Hook Not started 550 2 548 Europa House, 5 Bartley Wood 17/00219/PRIOR Hook Not started 116 0 116 Business Park, Bartley Way Vantage House, Meridian Office Park, 17/00525/PRIOR Hook Not started 15 0 15 Osborn Way Building 260 and 270, Bartley Wood 17/00814/PRIOR Hook Not started 116 0 116 Business Park, Bartley way Land Adjacent To Hatchwood Place, 13/02085/MAJOR Odiham Under construction 7 0 7 Farnham Road 15/00829/OUT Hatchwood Cottage, Farnham Road Odiham Not started 35 0 35 15/01083/FUL Rose Court, Rye Common Lane Rural Not started 14 0 14 Winchfield Lodge, Old Potbridge 13/00720/MAJOR Rural Under construction 16 0 16 Road 14/01817/MAJOR Hawley Park Farm, Hawley Road Rural Not started 126 0 126 Land South Of Blackwater River And 12/00432/MAJOR Yateley Under construction 45 0 45 East Of Sandhurst Road 16/01704/PRIOR Rosebank Parade, Plough Road Yateley Not started 11 0 11 Land Between Moulsham Lane And 14/02281/MAJOR Yateley Not started 150 0 150 Broome Close Total 3,118 2 3,116

710 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Outstanding Permissions at 6th October 2017 (Small Sites – 9 dwellings or less)

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding 16/01177/FUL 4 The Lakeside Blackwater Not started 1 1 0 17/00530/FUL White Hart House, London Road Blackwater Not started 5 0 5 16/00838/HOU Broadoak House Broad Oak Not started 1 0 1 17/00851/FUL The Bourne, Redlands Lane Crondall Not started 1 0 1 17/01310/FUL Field Cottage, Pankridge Street Crondall Not started 1 0 1 17/00772/FUL Land At Church Lane Dogmersfield Under construction 3 0 3 14/03001/FUL Adjacent Rose Cottage Eversley Not started 1 0 1 Land to Rear of Chantryland, New 14/02942/FUL Eversley Not started 6 1 5 Road 15/03096/FUL 3 Eversley Not started 1 0 1 17/01242/FUL Land At Hollybush Lane Eversley Not started 1 0 1 17/00808/FUL 44 Kingsley Road Eversley Not started 1 0 1 14/02949/FUL Redlands Farm, Redlands Lane Ewshot Not started 1 1 0 17/01675/FUL St Mary's House, Church Lane Ewshot Not started 2 1 1 15/02843/FUL 42 Gally Hill Road Fleet Under construction 1 0 1 17/01039/FUL 144 Clarence Road Fleet Not started 5 0 5 09/02141/FUL Land Adjacent 16 Wood Lane Fleet Under construction 1 0 1 17/01064/PRIOR 156 Fleet Road Fleet Not started 2 0 2 Branksome Chambers, 14/02454/PNDW Fleet Under construction 4 0 4 Branksomewood Road West Hill House, Reading Road 14/03011/FUL Fleet Not started 1 0 1 North 15/00602/HOU Badgers Wood, Reading Road North Fleet Not started 1 0 1 15/00944/FUL Millets, 158 Fleet Road Fleet Not started 2 0 2 15/00230/FUL Fleet Autos, St James Road Fleet Not started 5 0 5 15/02090/FUL Help The Aged, 240 Fleet Road Fleet Not started 4 0 4 15/02692/FUL 27 Basingbourne Road Fleet Not started 1 1 0

711 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding 15/02225/FUL 32 Reading Road South Fleet Under construction 6 0 6 15/02236/FUL 59 Elvetham Road Fleet Not started 2 0 2 15/02961/FUL Land Adjacent To No. 5 Alton Road Fleet Not started 1 0 1 16/00796/PRIOR Consort House, 46 - 48 Albert Street Fleet Not started 7 0 7 16/00108/PRIOR 10 Kings Road Fleet Not started 3 0 3 Land To The Rear Of Heather Hill, 16/01278/FUL Fleet Not started 2 0 2 Reading Road North 47 Tweseldown Road, Church 16/01014/FUL Fleet Not started 1 1 0 Crookham Land To The Rear Of Victoria Hill 12/01580/FUL Fleet Under construction 1 0 1 House, Victoria Hill Road 16/03410/PRIOR 111 - 113 Fleet Road Fleet Under construction 4 0 4 17/00828/PRIOR 115 - 123 Fleet Road Fleet Under construction 6 0 6 16/00032/PRIOR 46-48 Consort House, Albert Street Fleet Under construction 6 0 6 13/01597/FUL 16-18 Kings Road Fleet Under construction 4 0 4 15/03053/FUL 111 Kings Road Fleet Under construction 5 1 4 15/02139/FUL Hollydene, Upper Street Fleet Under construction 1 0 1 16/02759/FUL Campbell Place, Reading Road North Fleet Not started 1 0 1 Greenacre House, 107 Elvetham 17/00609/FUL Fleet Not started 1 1 0 Road 17/00871/FUL Grasmere, 35 Chestnut Grove Fleet Not started 2 0 2 16/00968/FUL 33 Basingbourne Road Fleet Not started 2 0 2 17/00843/FUL Land at 61-65 Albert Street Fleet Not started 3 0 3 17/00948/FUL 2 Reading Road South Fleet Not started 4 0 4 17/00750/FUL 1 Carthona Drive Fleet Not started 1 0 1 17/00748/FUL Land adjacent to 2 Carthona Drive Fleet Not started 1 0 1 17/01026/FUL 70 Kings Road Fleet Not started 1 0 1 17/00953/FUL Vinehurst, St James Road Fleet Not started 4 0 4

712 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding Land on The West Side of 56 Albany 17/00950/FUL Fleet Not started 1 0 1 Road 1 Wickham Close, Church 17/01230/FUL Fleet Not started 3 0 3 Crookham Dudley Court, Award Road, Church 16/03181/FUL Fleet Not started 16 16 0 Crookham 17/02008/PRIOR Victoria House, 18-22 Albert Street Fleet Not started 5 0 5 17/02010/PRIOR Victoria House, 18-22 Albert Street Fleet Not started 5 0 5 17/02011/PRIOR Victoria House, 18-22 Albert Street Fleet Not started 2 0 2 16/00399/FUL 4 Dorchester Way Under construction 1 0 1 14/02203/HMC Grange Farm House, Grange Lane Hartley Wintney Not started 1 0 1 14/02205/FUL 10 Cottage Green Hartley Wintney Not started 1 0 1 14/02855/FUL Webbs Mews, High Street Hartley Wintney Not started 2 0 2 14/01642/FUL Thackhams House, Thackhams Lane Hartley Wintney Not started 1 0 1 15/02445/FUL Millbank House, High Street Hartley Wintney Not started 1 0 1 15/02972/FUL Lamb Hotel, High Street Hartley Wintney Not started 1 0 1 13/01646/FUL Land At Thackhams Lane Hartley Wintney Under construction 1 0 1 17/00716/FUL Range Cottage, Fleet Road Hartley Wintney Not started 5 1 4 13/02547/FUL Thistledown, Hazeley Heath Hazeley Under construction 1 0 1 15/00542/LDC Land At White Ladies Hazeley Bottom Under construction 1 0 1 14/00583/FUL The Laurels, Dorchester Road Hook Not started 1 0 1 Land On The North Side Of London 13/01145/MAJOR Hook Not started 0 3 -3 Road High Ridge House, Owens Farm, 15/00296/FUL Hook Not started 1 1 0 Newnham Road 15/00949/FUL Holly Cottage, Morris Street Hook Not started 1 0 1 15/01938/FUL Mayhill, Wagon Lane Hook Not started 1 0 1 15/01542/FUL Hook House Hotel, London Road Hook Not started 4 0 4 16/02387/FUL Chestnut Cottage, Sheldons Lane Hook Not started 1 1 0

713 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding 16/00751/FUL Hook House Hotel, London Road Hook Under construction 1 0 1 17/01111/FUL Acorn House Hook Not started 5 0 5 Vantage House, Meridian Office Park 17/01544/PRIOR Hook Not started 2 0 2 Osborn Way 13/00134/FUL Highfield, Copse Lane Long Sutton Under construction 2 0 2 14/00186/FUL Manor Farm, Woodhill Lane Long Sutton Under construction 4 0 4 15/00424/FUL Land At Wingate Lane Long Sutton Not started 5 0 5 16/01295/PRIOR Broomfield, Copse Lane Long Sutton Not started 1 0 1 17/00684/FUL Manor Court, Woodhill Lane Long Sutton Not started 2 1 1 North 14/00371/FUL The Chilli Pad, Hook Road Under construction 4 1 3 Warnborough North 14/02463/FUL The Chilli Pad, Hook Road Not started 3 0 3 Warnborough Land Adjacent To Crumplins Business North 16/00635/FUL Not started 8 0 8 Court, Dunleys Hill Warnborough 03/00822/FUL 1 High Street Odiham Under construction 1 0 1 03/00147/FUL Vicary's, 5 High Street Odiham Under construction 1 0 1 05/01505/COU 45 High Street Odiham Under construction 1 0 1 13/01417/FUL 113 High Street Odiham Under construction 1 0 1 16/02991/FUL 18 Crownfields Odiham Not started 2 0 2 13/02630/FUL Exmoor Gate, Linden Avenue Odiham Under construction 3 0 3 Peter Goddard & Co, 125 High 14/01543/PNDW Odiham Not started 2 0 2 Street 16/01875/FUL Vallis House, Colt Hill Odiham Not started 1 0 1 16/03173/FUL 80 High Street Odiham Not started 1 0 1 Land rear of Tamar and Common 16/01008/FUL Odiham Not started 3 0 3 View, Linden Avenue 17/01378/PRIOR Stapeley Down Farm, Long Lane Odiham Not started 1 0 1 14/01018/HMC The Willows, Wedmans Lane Rotherwick Not started 1 0 1

714 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding 16/03376/FUL West House, Lyde Green Rotherwick Not started 1 1 0 17/01295/FUL The Homestead, Green Lane Rural Not started 1 0 1 14/01780/FUL The Barn, Dippenhall Farm Rural Not started 1 1 0 14/02240/FUL Oakwood, Dippenhall Rural Not started 1 1 0 16/00970/FUL Upper Farm, Dippenhall Road Rural Not started 1 1 0 15/02902/FUL The Horns Pub, Bowling Alley Rural Not started 1 1 0 St. Neots Preparatory School, St. 15/02766/FUL Rural Under construction 2 0 2 Neots Road Great House Copse Annexe, 15/00711/FUL Rural Not started 1 1 0 Brickhouse Hill 16/00352/FUL Longlees, Redlands Lane Rural Not started 1 0 1 11/02399/MAJOR Heckfield Place, Bramshill Road Rural Under construction 1 0 1 06/01340/FUL Oak Tree Farm, Reading Road Rural Under construction 0 1 -1 14/02417/FUL Cold Piece Farm Rural Not started 1 0 1 15/01608/PRIOR Moneymusk Farm, Holt Lane Rural Not started 1 0 1 16/02293/FUL 2 Well Manor Farm Cottage Rural Not started 1 1 0 Poultry Farm, Lord Wandsworth 14/01622/PNDW Rural Not started 1 0 1 College 11/01878/FUL Garston Lodge, Reading Road Rural Under construction 1 1 0 04/02613/COU Bullocks Farm, Hillside Rural Under construction 1 0 1 Wychwood Carp Farm, Farnham 13/02190/FUL Rural Under construction 1 0 1 Road 16/01356/FUL Darwins House, Hillside Rural Not started 1 1 0 17/01682/FUL Mill Cottage, Mill Lane, Yateley Rural Not started 1 1 0 15/00495/FUL The Stables, Darwins Farm, Hillside Rural Not started 1 1 0 15/01249/FUL Darwin's Holdings, Hillside Rural Not started 2 1 1 Land At Itchel Pumping Station, Mill 15/01926/PRIOR Rural Not started 0 1 -1 Lane 17/00340/FUL The Acorns, Rye Common Rural Not started 2 0 2

715 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding 15/02982/PRIOR Bartletts Farm, Reading Road Rural Not started 1 0 1 15/03088/PRIOR Land At Bottle Lane Rural Under construction 1 0 1 14/01728/HMC Rose Cottage, Rural Not started 1 0 1 16/01555/FUL High Beeches, Swaines Hill Rural Not started 1 1 0 14/01918/FUL April Wood, Odiham Road Rural Not started 1 0 1 Swaines Hill Manor, Swaines Hill, 17/01520/PRIOR Rural Not started 1 0 1 South Warnborough Winkworth Business Park, London 16/02141/REM Rural Under construction 3 0 3 Road 15/01641/PRIOR Oakfield Farm, Taplins Farm Lane Rural Not started 1 0 1 15/01378/FUL The Hollies, Stroud Lane Rural Not started 1 1 0 Little Rye Farm, Rye Common, 15/02782/FUL Rural Under construction 3 0 3 Odiham Clare Park Private Retirement 15/02977/FUL Rural Not started 6 1 5 Residences Ltd, Clare Park, Farnham 15/02576/FUL Bumpers Farm, Long Sutton Rural Not started 1 0 1 16/00179/FUL Penarth Stud, Farnham Road, Odiham Rural Not started 1 1 0 Finns Industrial Park, Bowenhurst 16/00471/PRIOR Rural Under construction 4 0 4 Lane, Crondall Willowbrook House, Rye Common, 16/01785/FUL Rural Not started 0 1 -1 Odiham Stapeley Farm, Long Lane, Odiham, 16/01662/FUL Rural Under construction 1 0 1 Hook Stapeley Down Farm, Long Lane, 16/01064/FUL Rural Not started 2 0 2 Odiham Blue Bell Lodge, Rye Common Lane, 16/03269/FUL Rural Not started 1 1 0 Crondall Foxleigh, Dipley Common, Hartley 17/00203/FUL Rural Not started 1 1 0 Wintney

716 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding 16/02758/PRIOR Clifton Barn, Croft Lane, Crondall Rural Not started 1 0 1 Unit 3, 3 Elles View Barns, Alton 16/02705/PRIOR Rural Not started 1 0 1 Road, South Warnborough 16/02929/PRIOR Owens Farm, Newnham Road, Hook Rural Not started 1 0 1 16/00583/FUL The Yard, Beacon Hill Road, Ewshot Rural Not started 1 1 0 Arcadia Farm, Reading Road, 16/03393/PRIOR Rural Not started 1 0 1 Mattingley 16/03371/PRIOR Well Manor Farm, Well Rural Not started 2 0 2 16/03352/FUL Horsedown Farm, Well Road, Well Rural Not started 1 0 1 17/00136/PRIOR Church Farm, Church Road Rural Not started 1 0 1 Ormersfield Lodge, Church Lane, 13/01938/FUL Rural Under construction 1 1 0 Dogmersfield St Neots Preparatory School Ltd, St 14/02752/MAJOR Rural Not started 2 2 0 Neots Road Elles View Barns, Alton Road, South 17/00409/PRIOR Rural Not started 2 0 2 Warnborough 17/01354/FUL Westfield Farm, Hillside, Odiham Rural Not started 1 0 1 Lord Wandsworth College, The 17/01315/OUT Rural Not started 1 2 -1 Street, Long Sutton Floods Farm Cottage, Chalky Lane, 17/01740/FUL Rural Not started 1 1 0 Dogmersfield Land Rear Of Hilltop Cottages, Lees South 10/01050/FUL Under construction 1 0 1 Hill Warnborough Land Adjacent To Ivy Cottage, Lees South 15/02867/FUL Under construction 1 0 1 Hill Warnborough 14/00189/FUL 4 The Hurst Winchfield Under construction 1 0 1 Land Adjacent To Tudor House, 15/01004/FUL Yateley Not started 1 0 1 Quarry Lane 15/00174/FUL Greenslopes, Cricket Hill Lane Yateley Not started 1 1 0

717 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Application Stage of Outstanding Outstanding Net Address Settlement Reference Construction Gain Loss Outstanding 15/00741/FUL Land Adjacent To Silcroft Mill Lane Yateley Not started 1 0 1 16/03061/FUL Philamar, Dungells Lane Yateley Not started 1 1 0 15/01544/FUL 8 Oaklands Yateley Under construction 1 0 1 15/01598/FUL Robins Grove Cottage, The Green Yateley Not started 2 0 2 16/01176/FUL Montevideo, Cricket Hill Lane Yateley Not started 1 1 0 16/01001/HOU Mill House, Quarry Lane Yateley Not started 1 0 1 16/00908/FUL Quarry House, Quarry Lane Yateley Not started 1 0 1 16/02302/HOU Woodhayes, Firgrove Road Yateley Under construction 1 0 1 17/00536/HOU 65 Cranford Park Drive Yateley Not started 1 0 1 17/00638/FUL Barnfield, Handford Lane Yateley Not started 1 0 1 17/00958/FUL 27-31 Plough Road Yateley Not started 1 0 1 17/00865/FUL 11 Lawford Crescent Yateley Not started 2 1 1 16/00608/FUL Twaingate Cottage, Old Welmore Yateley Not started 2 1 1 Total 327 65 262

718 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017

Appendix 11 – Local Plan Housing Trajectory

2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 Totals

Annual Requirement 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 6,208

Cumulative Requirement 388 776 1,164 1,552 1,940 2,328 2,716 3,104 3,492 3,880 4,268 4,656 5,044 5,432 5,820 6,208

Completions 623 175 798

Projected Completions from outstanding planning 418 494 580 520 481 230 220 103 3,046 permissions

Sites within settlement 33 34 33 32 18 10 8 8 8 184 boundaries

Deliverable sites 39 88 89 88 87 60 53 504

Windfall allowance 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 275

Allocated sites (Hartland Park and sites allocated in Odiham and North 40 100 120 130 100 106 99 109 114 122 116 124 134 125 1,539 Warnborough Neighbourhood Plan)

Total annual completions 623 593 534 730 750 722 440 468 318 217 168 162 148 154 164 155 6,346 and projections

Cumulative Projected 623 1,216 1,750 2,480 3,230 3,952 4,392 4,860 5,178 5,395 5,563 5,725 5,873 6,027 6,191 6,346 Completions

719 Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017