Certificat Delivre
CERTIFICATE SQ/ 2358-C COMPANY : FORD MOTOR COMPANY REGISTRATION LIMITS : FORD OF EUROPE 50735 COLOGNE GERMANY and sites as shown in appendix STANDARD : ISO 9001 (2015 Edition) Exclusions are detailed on our website www.utacceram.com REGISTRATION SCOPE : The design, development, manufacture, sales & services of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, components and supporting processes CERTIFICATION VALIDITY : from December 08, 2017 to December 07, 2020 Gilles FOUGERE Certification, Audits & Inspections Department Manager Certificat délivré par Union Technique de l'Automobile, du Motocycle et du Cycle Siège Social : Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry - B.P. 20212 - 91311 MONTLHERY CEDEX - France FO_CAI_PC3_033 rev02 CERTIFICATE APPENDIX SQ/ 2358-C SUPPORT FUNCTION : SCOPE : FORD-WERKE GmbH Quality | Product Development | Marketing, Sales & Service HENRY-FORD-STRASSE 1 | IT| Purchasing | Supplier Technical Assistance (STA) | 50735 COLOGNE Material Planning & Logistics | Powertrain Operations (PTO) | Vehicle Operations (VO)|Central Workshop Cologne | Human Resources |Ford Land Europe FORD-WERKE GmbH Quality GEESTEMUENDER STRASSE 48 50735 COLOGNE FORD-WERKE GmbH Quality |Product Development SPESSART STRASSE 50725 COLOGNE FORD-WERKE GmbH Human resources |Vehicle Operations (VO) HENRY-FORD-STRASSE 1 66740 SAARLOUIS FORD-WERKE GmbH Marketing, Sales & Service EDSEL FORD STRASSE 2-14 50769 COLOGNE FORD-WERKE GmbH Product Development OUDE DIESTERSEBAAN 135 3920 LOMMEL FMC AUTOMOBILES SAS- FORD FRANCE Marketing, Sales & Service CENTRE NATIONAL DE LOGISTIQUE DE PIECES DE RECHANGE ROUTE NATIONAL 17 60190 ESTREES-ST DENIS FORD AQUITAINE INDUSTRIES SAS Powertrain Operations (PTO) 10, RUE SAINT EXUPERY -BP32- F-33292 BLANQUEFORT This appendix contains 4 page(s) updated 8 December 2017 Page 1/4 Certificat délivré par Union Technique de l'Automobile, du Motocycle et du Cycle Siège Social : Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry - B.P.
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