WSU Suggested Course Syllabus Template Course Number & Section: Course Title: Term offered: Instructor Name: Instructor Contact Information: Course Attribute(s) (check those that apply) ___ Core ___ Integrated Writing ___ Multicultural Competence ___ Service Learning List approved Learning Outcomes for attribute(s) above If a Core course, list the learning outcomes for the specific element Course Overview and/or General Learning Outcomes for this course Textbook and/or Recommended Readings Schedule of Meetings/Activities Course Evaluation and Criteria for Determination of Grade Disability Services Students registered with ODS who require special accomodations for lecture, lab or testing should contact the instructor as soon as possible so arrangements can be made. Academic Integrity HST 4220/6220 (01): Soviet Union (Integrated Writing) Professor Sean Pollock Spring 2014 Place: Oelman 232 Office Hours: MW 10 - 11 am Millett 355 Time: MWF 12:20 – 1: 15 pm
[email protected] Course Description This course surveys the history of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union in the 20th century, with an emphasis on the Soviet period. The course has a mixed lecture and discussion format. Class meetings will address some of the following topics: revolutionary class politics, the role of terror, nationalism and ethnic relations, everyday social practices, the experience of total war, the Cold War, the rise of political dissent, gender, and the causes and consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The goal will be to give students an understanding of how the Soviet system worked (and failed to work) as a society, culture, and state.