THE BORN LOSER by Art Sampson

GRIZZWELLS by Bill Schorr

PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz

BEETLE BAILEY® by Mort Walker

CLOSE TO HOME by John McPherson


BLONDIE® by Dean Young

ALLEY OOP® by Dave Graue and Jack Bender Astrograph because you are trying to up with you will point out a tal- accommodate everyone. ent or skill you didn’t realize CANCER (June 21-July 22) you possess. -- Your memory won’t let you SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. down. The lessons of experi- 21) -- Be aware of false adver- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 ence, coupled with a unique tising. Not everyone will be Look for solutions. Taking on approach to getting things honest or honor their promis- too much or letting others take done, will help you excel. A es. Stick close to home and to advantage of you will lead to romantic gesture will brighten the people you know you can disappointment and disgrun- your day. trust. tlement. Size up your situation (July 23-Aug. 22) -- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. and make plans that will help Don’t limit what you can do by 19) -- Don’t act on an assump- you engineer a way to move taking on responsibilities that tion, or you will end up paying from a difficult spot to a place don’t belong to you. Choose the price. If you connect with that excites you. ® how you spend your time and people who share your mind- FRANK AND ERNEST by Bob Thaves ARIES (March 21-April 19) use your talents carefully. set, you’ll be able to bring -- You’ll get further if you are Learn from experience. about change that will make a kind. Someone may irritate VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- difference. you, but if you respond with a A last-minute change of plans (Jan. 20-Feb. positive attitude and sound will lead to an unexpected 19) -- Dig up an old project suggestions, you will avoid a gain. Join forces with some- and give it a face-lift. senseless argument. one who has as much to offer Approaching an old idea with (April 20-May 20) as you. Don’t ignore a profes- a fresh attitude will lead to a -- Make calls, do research and sional opportunity. prosperous venture. Someone close deals. Don’t rely on LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- who falls outside your age someone else to take care of Use your imagination, fine- range will provide insight. your affairs. If you want to tune your ideas and make (Feb. 20-March 20) change, make it happen. Take your move. Think big, but -- Acceptance will be the key responsibility for your life and don’t go overbudget. Be will- to getting ahead. Size up happiness. ing to bargain for what you what’s going on around you GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- want. and use whatever you can to HAGAR THE HORRIBLE® by Dik Browne Refuse to give in to someone (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) your advantage. It’s time to pressuring you. Avoid being -- An attitude adjustment will take the lead. taken for granted. Don’t let give you the boost you need. frustration and anger mount Someone who wants to team Bridge TAKE YOUR BRAIN WHERE brain to work on the heart suit. IT IS NEEDED Should he take the heart finesse Robert McNamara, a former or play to establish a long Secretary of Defense, said, heart? “Brains are like hearts -- they go The finesse was a 50% shot. where they are appreciated.” Playing to establish a long Think about today’s deal. heart winner required a 3-3 or West led the club jack against 4-2 split, a probability of 84%. South’s contract of six spades. The brain knew what to do. What should declarer have Declarer took the first trick ® done? As a side issue, what and cashed the spade ace. If GARFIELD by Jim Davis was West’s more-effective lead? that suit had been 4-0, he After South opened with a would have needed the heart strong, artificial & forcing finesse. But when both oppo- two clubs, North responded nents followed, South played two no-trump, describing a the heart ace and queen. West balanced hand with at least 8 took the trick and shifted to a high-card points. Normally, diamond. Declarer won with North would have shown his dummy’s ace, ruffed a heart 5-card suit, especially a major, high, played a spade to the jack, but he did not like its weakness. ruffed another heart, returned After spades were agreed, there to the board with a trump and were two control-bids and a cashed the heart 8, discarding jump to slam. his last diamond. South had 11 top tricks: six A diamond lead would have spades, one heart, one diamond defeated the slam. East wished and three clubs. He put his he had doubled five diamonds.