INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE WHERE ARE THE SITES ? Research, Protection and Management of Cultural Heritage 5-8 December 2013 Ahtopol Programme co-funded by the EUROPEAN UNION 1 This page is left intentionally blank 2 Bulgaria – Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme CCI No: 2007CB16IPO008 3 Centre for Underwater Archaeology Център за подводна археология INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE WHERE ARE THE SITES ? Research, Protection and Management of Cultural Heritage 5-8 December 2013 Ahtopol Bulgaria – Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme CCI No: 2007CB16IPO008 Cross-border Cooperation for Capacity Development in the Field of Archaeological Heritage CrossCoopArch EDITORS: Hristina Angelova Mehmet Özdoğan PROOFREADING: Ali Byrne LAYOUT: Selecta Publishers Ltd. Front cover: Wooden posts (vertical and horizontal) – remains from prehistoric dwellings (inundated prehistoric settlements in Sozopol) This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union through the Bulgaria – Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Centre for Underwater Archaeology and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Programme. ©Centre for Underwater Archaeology Permission to reproduce can be sought from the Centre for Underwater Archaeology Contact Information Centre for Underwater Archaeology 1 Apollonia St. 8130 Sozopol, Bulgaria Tel./Fax: +359 550 22405 E-mail:
[email protected] 4 Bulgaria – Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme CCI No: 2007CB16IPO008