Ignoring Separatist Activity Won't Force It to Disappear

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Ignoring Separatist Activity Won't Force It to Disappear 16 Friday, August 31, 2018 COMMENT CHINA DAILY HONG KONG EDITION TO THE POINT Ignoring separatist activity STAFF WRITER Evidence is clear; ban HKNP now Details emerged on Thursday of really want. won’t force it to disappear additional evidence collected by The HKNP has failed to establish the police showing the Hong Kong a credible theory to make sense of National Party continued pushing its Hong Kong as a nation. Its explana- separatist agenda after it received tion of the party’s name and articula- HK people must stand against secessionists, or an o cial notice from the secretary tion of political demands only shows for security that the Security Bureau the public how wildly delusional its was considering a recommendation founders really are. As a result it has society will pay the price, Chow Pak-chin says by the assistant societies o cer of not been able to convince Hong Kong the Hong Kong Police Force to stop people it truly works for the city’s the HKNP’s operations, citing Sec- overall interest. Rather, its leaders — e can no longer Hong Kong society as a whole didn’t act Chow Pak-chin tion 8 of the Societies Ordinance, Chan in particular — have infuriated The author is president of Wisdom bury our heads early enough to nip it in the bud, so now earlier this month. A spokesperson Hong Kong people by persistently Hong Kong, a local think tank. in the sand amid we can only play catch-up. for the Security Bureau confi rmed urging their followers and supporters increasingly Our government leaders, the people of on Wednesday that the secretary for to “damage the interests” of China, blatant calls and Hong Kong, and society at large would do security had received the additional including the HKSAR, as if that is advocacy for well to be reminded that as in medicine, We can’t ignore the fact evidence from the assistant societ- the best way to advance their cause. Hong Kong’s “prevention is better than cure’’ and dis- that these pro-inde- ies o cer. As expected, such further Even more pathetic on their part is independence, because ignoring these eases are best treated in their early rather revelations fueled public demand that that no credible foreign government Winitiatives will only allow it to fester. In the than advanced stages. In other words, pendence activists are relevant authorities ban the HKNP or media entity supports their pursuit end, it will be more costly to the city. this disease in particular is raging out of immediately. of independence, for obvious reasons. Those who choose to ignore the inde- control and we need to treat it with all our tearing up our society. The additional evidence includes The only thing they can hold on to pendence movement and those who might once and for all. We must speak out and HKNP convener Andy Chan Ho-tin’s is “freedom of speech” in their own recklessly or willfully encourage others to Sadly, the silent majority are too silent infl ammatory speech at the Foreign defi nition. do the same naively believe that tackling on this issue. They either don’t appreciate stand up to defend the Correspondents’ Club and the unregis- The HKNP is begging foreign powers these independence radicals head-on will the gravity of such threats or do not feel tered group’s open letter urging the US and the US government in particular to only give them unnecessary publicity. that it is their responsibility to speak out. common good of our government to “review” the US-Hong harm China’s interests, including Hong Sadly though, this is not the case. Then there are those who feign political society. Kong Policy Act and strip the Chinese Kong’s, on their behalf, despite knowing The problem will not go away by itself ignorance because they don’t really want mainland and Hong Kong of their World very well it won’t make separatism any if we choose to ignore it. Instead, we must to get involved. And fi nally, there are those Trade Organization membership. Chan less improbable in reality. They want to continue to restrain them and everything who have an axe to grind and hope to take and his group’s perverse actions, though vent their anger because they will never they are doing to push for independence; advantage of the political mayhem cur- fellow at the Department of Applied Social nothing new, were painstakingly cal- get what they want. They probably did this is especially important for activities rently ensuing. Sciences at the Hong Kong Polytechnic culated and planned to gain maximum not realize they also gave the authorities that threaten to unravel the civil fabric of The fact is we must come down heavily University. He supported and organized international exposure for their separat- more evidence to build the case against our society. on the perpetrators and make it clear to violent protests in the name of promot- ist pursuit in violation of the Societies them. The HKNP should be banned These independence advocates have them that justice comes to all who deserve ing Hong Kong separatism. Cheng lost Ordinance, proving the HKNP was step- as soon as possible, not because it is been plotting their treacherous campaign it, much like Edward Leung Tin-kei, a his university job in June this year as his ping up attempts to harm the overall exercising free speech, but because it is for years, and their e orts have become Hong Kong independence activist. Leung teaching contract was not renewed by the interests of the country as well as of systematically pushing foreign powers to increasingly more open, desperate and dar- was jailed for six years in June because of university. Hong Kong society because deep down harm the interest of the Chinese nation, ing. his prominent role in the Mong Kok Riot, It is clear that university managements they know they will never get what they including Hong Kong society. First, it started with seemingly harmless one of the city’s worst outbreaks of civil must take up the responsibility of making newspaper articles and books encouraging unrest in decades. sure that their teaching sta do not poison secession from the country in 2011, which In the same month, we also saw two our young people with their “indepen- were also distributed among Hong Kong ousted pro-independence lawmakers, dence” follies. universities, as the campaigners understand Baggio Leung Chung-hang and Yau Wai- These secessionist radicals are trying how to cash in on youth discontent. Their ching, and their former assistants being to thrive on political chaos and tap into Denial of legal aid justifi ed common themes call for the removal of sentenced to four weeks’ imprisonment people’s political naivety. However, the the powers of the central authorities which for storming a Legislative Council meeting reality is that most Hong Kong residents have been enshrined in the Basic Law since room two years ago. don’t care about lofty political speeches; its promulgation in 1990, ranging from The hotbed of the independence and they just want politicians to get things for ‘King of Judicial Review’ constitutional reform to appointment of the other secessionist movements is the uni- done. There are more urgent matters at chief executive to interpretation of the Basic versity campuses. The fi rst spark of this hand that need to be dealt with, such as or three years, the “King of Judi- Law. Their campaign then took a giant pro-independence wildfi re was set o housing, poverty, and healthcare problems cial Review” Kwok Cheuk-kin’s leap that led to the “Occupy Central” illegal by a local academic, Chin Wan-kan, also in our city. Our people need politicians application for legal aid for his movement in 2014, followed by the notori- known as Chin Wan, who was at the time who can live up to their promises, be able judicial review cases will not be ous Mong Kok Riot. A couple of weeks ago, an assistant professor at the Department to “walk the walk”, and help the city and its Fconsidered by the director of legal aid Andy Chan Ho-tin, founder of the Hong of Chinese of Lingnan University. Chin citizens. because almost all of his applications since Kong National Party, accepted the invitation fi rst promoted the idea of localism with his That said, as members of society, it is 2014 were groundless. The director issued Lawrence Ma of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club to pro- publications On the Hong Kong City-State our civic responsibility to protect and this order based on a legal aid regulation The author is a barrister and chairman of mote outright independence of Hong Kong series in 2011. Along with his infl amma- defend the community we share. We can’t that permits sanctions against those who the Hong Kong Legal Exchange Founda- at a luncheon talk. tory books on the “city-state” concept, he just shut our eyes and wish the problem abuse the legal aid service. Kwok chal- tion. These secessionists openly call for Hong also organized summits to spread his local- away. We can’t ignore the fact that these lenged the order but failed at trial and on Kong’s independence right under our nose, ism ideas on social media. Chin’s contract pro-independence activists are tearing up appeal. Now he is looking to the Court of The Legal Aid O ce, attached to the mainly because we haven’t taken decisive was not renewed by Lingnan University in our society.
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