Halts Big Nazi Push Siegfried Line Bl . R 0 D St V1"Tal Ra1·I Center Wltb
"The 80th only movea . Northern Fruce forwant" Rhineland Ardennes THE BLUE RIDGER Central Europe Long Move "Up Front" With General McBride SOth Doughboys Halts Big S~na~h .Famous Nazi Push Siegfried Line Yanks Claw Way 150~Mile Dash 80TH FIRU LAST SHOT (Auoc&Med Pr"e8a) Mu a, 1945- Through Nazi Tbe lut l b.at oa tbe Wt~~tenr. Plugs Gap at · Front wu ftred lo Czeehoala· Pillboxes vakla by tb.e IO&h iafudry Luxembourg Divllioa of General Patton't Tblnl Arp17, &btl lut to remain By Robert Cromie - Chiea.p By Rober1 Rlcbardl lD acUou. Patton 1Nued bla eeue Tribune Of UoUed Pre.s Ire order at I a.m. today With U. S. 80th ln.tantry Oivitlon, With U.S. Forces on the Western (Z a.m., Baaien War Time). Wailendort, Gennany, February lJ.. Front, Dec. 30 (U. P.)-Troops of the Infantrymen of thla top fl1aht 80th Infantry Division, IOine with- divialon, commanded by Maj. Gen. out hot food and ridin1 tn open ....:'nci'ent'"\.. .Fort Horace L. McBride of Eletn, Neb., trucks through free:dna weather, are steadily expanding their boldiap made a 150 mile dash into a defens,e p f Jnt U in the Siegfried Line, methodiceUJ line formed to save the city of Lu- U 0 Se knocking out ptllboxes u they 10. x.~mbow-g, it was disclosed today B G Crossing the swollen Our river lD the face of German Are wu no e..,. ~en:,~~ ;ia~!~ ;;,er~J:u~_e;:n~ c:. =i=· !t~~~c!:e~~~ ,a: o~;k =.:esm::'~!:~ .:~.h='~ .
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