r « i - ' a v « W . i r " ~ q - fr ,f r m < J ^ ______^ d = = SrutJi w flts no m art, Vows at aa Uumao sltrtnr, sifts Ofithfr plarf nor applause SUf oalp a stia i hfarinf


Header« o( * JotuVAL W* M periolir roqosstid to Religion doe* not consist in what one ------— jrtluuL___ Mr. Ingersoil and hla pupils have not beeom<* thinks or in what one believes, respecting religious teacher. The real difference in re m unfolded a« to perceire and feel the work­ p m " Bendito facts. malto plain vrtot jry » in t to God as a Supreme Being, or as the creator ’Igiou» statu* between Mr. lf*gcr*>ll and oilier ings of the living presente of tbe, religion» •ajf.Afld “cut Ustori." Ali »odi coœmunlcktlor»»will and governor of the universe. The Ideals, Hljrioii* infidel*, and those with whom they nature calling upon them continually to i» property sminerai for puMIcaifctt by Ito Editor». thoughts and opinions of men respecting com bat. coUrtlst* lu the fact th a t Mr. luger- come up higher, to seek perfection iu all the ; Notice* of Ueetiruct. Irifoonalloti cuocemirur the tintan such a Being, respecting hfs laws of creation ■oll and hi* followers have not advanced su f­ moral attribute*, to strive-with all their pow . ------_ ____ ..... ------...... tollón of now Societies dr the condition of old one»! and proTldenee, and respecting his methods ficiently in thé uufoldment of tl*' religion* e r to become perfect In spiritual status, that for their repeal, statute* against bribery, morttitfnt»ntlociurm and »odium*, IntoreotíngInci­ of dealing with his creatures, belong to the nature to become conscious as religion* he-' they may become receptive of, and responsive betting, adultery, fornication, etc., etc., are dents oi eplrlt eommimkm. and well outbciitleatal tfr intellectual and moral departments of the logs; religiously, they are iu a suteof fœtal to tlii.* Infinite Presence, they are not »ufiid- seldom executed, but who wtiLfor a moment count» of «pirli plimoinena oro aliraya U*fl4C*and will human mind, and they eonstltute one's the­ development, undergoing the process of gea- ently advanced to become reliable Interpre- contend that such unenforced prohibitory tatiou; aud they will sooner or later lie born ter* of the monition* of that nature either In laws from the bar* fact of their existence be published a> aoon u tosatole. ology, which always takes character from 1 the intellectual and moral status of the the­ into a religious consciousness, when they themselves or Jn other», if they have not yet j tend to demoralize society? OOHTIHTii ~ ologian. Religion, as its name signifies» Is will be able to distinguish tu-tween what h aspiration in their áouú for tbe high- | The effect of legal sanction I* to make a that presence In man, which calls for union religious and that which is merely theo­ e«t, holiest and best possible to thefr Intel thing reputable and rigiri in tbe e... .. III» Trull ItolUleaa »od U* H#U#ta>tulj Innari MM and communion with the Infinite, the Abso­ logical. They then will be able to iHacum leetuwl. social, moral and religious faculties many p*r*ous. People generally wish to be WItirier- Awl H* U-.b IM nrj, A 1*011»] U»t Ot MuUllW tuf if you please, that thr law will t iplritu it being, consists of a physical, a subject Itself can he known only by a spirit­ Uwr tfovralttf Hecelvwi MlMwlUMen» Adnrtiwtiieiiu social, an Intellectual, moral and religion» ual experlenc», of which tbe m m intellect­ and deliri PtakUUimM IHtmatt from ¡ forced, is the th , nou-euforremeot nof l >a Ju-i u___ d Soeur* H na—dpedal MfltloHk Noti« U »m»crtbeni- ual rationalist has no knowledge «A even per­ kU Utimoii JJrotíter's l'jm » righteous law a valid reason for it« abnega­ A H rotarti» vmu| Pnt*rt*r In lite tnlud A K* nature, united Id individual onene&s. d u rin g the process of individuation. And man be­ ception Theologian* are quite liable to en­ tion or repeal? Does tbe law derive it* right wartaMk* Spiritual Mvtratieot tho BIC»» but tertain Imperfect and false ideals of God—of Under the heading of “Whiskey The Dis­ to exist and rulgthe people from their readi- tbe («K'tt CuoornlrUed spirtiuHam UccpMI*» {û ing so constituted has an Intuitive percep­ tion of the needs of these several natures, his government -of his character, attributes. tase and the Remedy when Prohibition KaH« new» to yleUl obedience lo ite requirement», awakening In him a sense of need. This —A Solution bf the Problem." the J ournal . or from those eternal principles of moral r i r ñ R*lldko. A Md AerfdMt ¿MiMailUMM» Ad- sense of need beget* corresponding desires of the 27th inikconulas an article iggr*t- rectitude which should g triera men la their and SHpirattou* for that which Is needed, or system» of theology, which divide ____ log. a« a rspiedpvfor_. the.... growing ells* of *r**lal relation* w ith each other? ' imirtinntL HUcklbwr which Is essential to bring these several na­ kind and create contending religions aqeu. 1 «tem pérance, at * legislation a* would tafee ; Home prohibition!*!« In their earnest op- r*JN, *1*, on U* Iw'cf ber Iturtol—A TerrtW» ture* to ctaftletvueaA. As h Instinct to the And Mr. IngersoJI and lus eotaborerg- ara from th* maaul and v_faitar of In* j portion to tbe liquor traffic and in their e Elpeelence. Jttdr» TMtanr' ». »rank Halier'» ' needs of the"Body, so is in tu itio n to the used* much injured and Mooted by them, when Th» tapi riunii liti «f Manti«» «prUtd» Jtipre»» CMtfliUoe* of the spirit; and whether considered as in­ they attack these tbeologfaal windteilfcaap- oo o traeL ______....___ m ______blighting fufiueuce, bave ovefri«ititnate4"the In Mr. lutter. iuiíer*a McdlutalMIp and honaoty " stinct or iutuRlon, the absolute Presence Is posing that they are thereby potting down the eonsfffe ration.” and would deny aliaH ra-t * happy tfitisequence« resulüng from prohibí- ■ In Do*b| by a CorrMpwdent » rnuüi fuller Br.« thereby signified, moving the individual In tbe religion» impulse which' 1» kudu lo court» lo laborer» employed In "*il» tory Iegi»i%Uon a« a coercive ureature, aud / aitade. A «cirular «nfj from Olear-Tb* Harder the direction of his destiny. the soul to Its highest and beet slat, A O hast* Triamph HlnoMUaavw In the human constitution, the office of paring it fur accomplishing It» noble* Now these religious Infidels should ____ in He traffic. * of the people and directing tbe deeUniaa of TTcaaU UattfFTwutMt tonto the religious nature is to cause the eoul to seek eomplet*near in each and every depart- stand that these theological its perfections, Tbe article appear* to have been written the nation. The law is a potest educator. It — of Ita being a ' ' which they»o severely em iclse^re not eharg- 1 n a spirit of faJrne*« and candor, and by one | impemefl the minds of youth that whatever meea o f form in aL______. . _ _ abte to the Imperfections of the religion» na­ who would be wilting to fpror the adoption t* thereby forbidden 1» wrong and disgrace ____of Ufa in all IU functions; eomplotaneee ture in man òr to tbedmpulsee, or motive* of snefa measure« ae might In hi» lodgment : fai and m aom• way p«rnldooa or danger ou of consciousness In all its perceptions: c proceeding therefrom impelling the eoul to be beat adapted to the end proposed. I am of ’ to them and to society. pleteness of mentality In all Its cognltb seek the influite, the eternal and absolute of the opinion that the remedy *ugg««t*d would : The dlngTac* atu-ndlng crime 1« one of th* being as the fountain of all* that Is true and prove to be more of a failure than any yet j Rtrongeet barrier* to its commission. The completeness of individuality in Jts respoo- devl»ed. Tiie total abolition of lawa for th* grM>d opinion of other* 1» one of the most slvenew to tbe Divine Personality In all lta pure and holy and good; on the contrary they BT UTA JUEMKT H should understand that these theological Im­ collection of debts would not destroy the j powerful motive« operating upon human coo- perfections are'dhe to the undeveloped Intel­ credit »ystem, much less would It be able to duct. It should ever be born* In mind that In Uiee I reel:------_ — check the currents of commerce. Moreover, | tbe habits of a people will never rlee above Hare flit an Shadow*, and the fjljrlri eoaqdriaiti. lectual and moral status of the individual J(ry ba» tlv/um ral sentim ent of a Tiring of conflict eo unequal nude advanced animal, haring no perception of, fy, to w r, the rational and moral faculties in «training th* liquor traffic. . nation * law* been wakened without a cor- 1 grateful turn to Huger 'rnwtb tby ahade. or aspiration for. that which 1* higher or Section ID6 of th* Cod» of Iowa provides < re«poodlDg decline In the moral order of the belter than the animal seeking the supply of among oilier thing* the following: people. In tboe I reel; I grasp Ihr willing band department of existence, which Ita animal need*. Tills religious nature in a human being, one commence« "Air «alee, transfer*, conreyanret. mort if We would achieve the grandest political Btretched thro' my daxknea* from tby better man, like the other nature«, buds Into being land. ____it; an d he, unfolds therefrom very gage*, lien». Attachments, pledge? and aecur- remit!*, if we would attain the loftiem feafghta Betbou a friend, my comforter, and guide. as a mere. Instinct, demanding something, »lowly by almost imperceptible degree« of ad­ Hit« of every kind, which either in whole or i t,i national greattim*, we must never aur- And leave ine never till 1 gain tby aid a which the mutable and perishable things of vance.. A* an Infant physically, one must be in part «half have been made for or on ae- [ render great principle» to meet the tempore existence can not supply. This Instinctive blld in lap long before it can »it alone-H coupt of intoxicating Uuuor* »old I'J viol»- j »ry demaud» of an hour. f*ur grTvernmest Thou, too, art tirrd; tot I will ring my lay call gives birth to a class of feeUngs which And twigbter make for thee thl» wori-*-d»jr, must sit alone some time before U can creep tion of thb chapter, «ball ie> utterly >ull and [ be built on principle« broader and Tby chejar thought In muwfnitg language tbe feeble intellect attempts to'Interpret to —It mint creep a long time More it can void agxinet all pereot^e In tel care-, aud ua , deri*-r and utof*- eudunog iliaii pasetoo, or the understanding, that it may seek the »ap­ stand alone—it must he able to stand tuoir right« of any kind »half be acquired thereby, «pp»tu*a or popular raprie*. puiar thought and will. The nature made through the feebleness of tbe An o'er the waUna echoing eoft and dim become a philosopher in respect to naturai “ to' enable “ any “ peroon to violate any provision ' protection of youth, the stability ^___r . „ Finals the aweet radeoce of the evenlog hymn, intellectual-and moral faculties, constitute law aud the modes of it« operation-. The of this chapter, nor »hall ana action be main- ; parity of communitie*. aud tfe strength and - TtKia may. O Bout, thine (orovot bmgloga us the diverse theologies through which alone, amount of intellectual training etaseutuJ to tained for the recovery or poesewton of any ‘ d u ra b ih tr of tlie Btate and Natbm wiTf a ii be * Flood! on Ui* rhu* of Eternity! religion Is known to tbe world. produce the scholar, even within tbeordiuarv intoxicating liquor, or the value thereof, ex subaerved by them. Chicago» OeC, IKKL Each of tbe several nature« constituting meaning of the term, ought to sdmoubn cept in cases where the person« owning or ¡ ^ i u- put upon tbe «tatutm, and In our humanity, baa ita period of infancy and In­ these religious infidel* that they ought not to possessing *ueh liquor with lawful Intent., ( onstituLlou, .nut* and National, tbs *ete of Th" Difference Between lie Truly Relig­ cipient development, as th* physical, tbe so­ demand too much of the student, who ha* may have been Illegally deprtied of the j vuat/artrr ¿m - noble condition, purpose and action, which vidual toconjpletenes», to tbe statnrsof per- 9UC« iu man of the intellectual and moral i B would take more time than J now have n , write, a* follow, from fbaue: "Tbt re­ consists in necking to benefit and become a feet manhood. And the religious nature be- natures, becans*. in manifestation, they fall j “ J disposal, and more »pace in the Jotl- porte wbleb bate lately appeared In Host*« blessing to all mauklnd, whether they have jng th# ultimate one in man. and. hence, the | «, far abort of what they are'capshle of W- > Iban yon can well apare, for me to pive papen that torn« dommente bare been ear ri- la st to com* to completen«.------—“VI earning; , and uWean** r u u - r iniu theirm«u i revealing*,they itt m u u p * t i r ) j - - “ 7”—outline of the ”T.. many ... * reeiecleee r —arm — ~ - i -’•* «I away ------from tbe Vatican are fimnaed ea .benefited us or not. ‘Said one to his pupils, ------. ------' - Md from a dM jW - "tile»» them that corM you; do good to them folded In Uawder only as the preceding n*- make hi______« .... liKI,. wlier» tb«* Un» mué £ I fmeonji* prolnblUoo, sfamlnti pe'i-1 Inri. Toitay ! ^ tpal hate you, and pray .for them who dls- tares are developed, and particularly ** the I to he made known.DOHU. ! hltilUon a t lb.- B m i l K t i u m i ta i* u t In- prim i muret Uwi «Il e um eale aJ.icL could pltefutiy use you and persecute you." He Intellectual and m oral na tu re s.a re ULfoldSd- BHWW K lae, bu tolM «a Ion* w * 1 « I Imaar, » ibí ooiy pr«üe»l «lo in any way compromt» 0 » papacy b»», die- did not mlleve or teach that benefiting our Mao cannot attain hU perfect destiny ex­ tu tu B t u r t t r e t DblltwjDbT &> su lutatura tloo o( ibi* dlfleolt piutl.cc. eppeared. tbe e l r / r j belar ataúd that wooer benefactor* only, Indicated the moat noble cept through the unfoldment and eomplete- Utioo oí íh.U w .uf Suri w'TTiStrr ; «»Uol »^If tb«*f«« *ltb » or later the Italian in ernwemt, tb um ilio uess of hi* religious nature. To become tbe Lbit th«« I* DO trun lnlarpteUtluo u b > > lr| brl«f rt»l*owoly t wl»l I « m al» Ui b* tb» liy with tbe wfeb of lb. people, mlcfet take finished mail he moat be able to pereeive and an? Would Kr. Iopinali w eh « m i lbi*uul- ¡ od« «teiu*l.»mtd aiirwhaloiio« «irumeot uOder tte protection (be treaeure, of tbe t et­ the spirit of the two propositions marks the respond to all that Is good and true in the •«rat dolce to know tbe W'lij? uTH ow ?tt. 1 " b ie h i k w Ii u bwB »od n»»er cui b* m*t ican. wlîlch Indeed hair beea «oUarted wMh difference in character between the truly “ universe; and nothing I* really and truly re­ Wberefoco? .od ti» Wb»l al Vbl»r'? I» »«la "b " y aatf-prohibit ioniete- ^ th* people e mooey To ftieee ueaaun* u*- liglou» man and the religiously Infidel o_ ligious which does not tend to bring him to »od IUiu ucj. leadfu» «o, lo nerk for tb»t In *> far ae any law tedd* to deprade a douMwy belone tbe librarte* row el ala» OacLlcuiri habit or cartone and to render it mor* ib a s lW J M i & t m asd KWrtJ umoo- gfr. Ingersoll and his cTs m of religiously this stale of cognition and action; because w hleb le noi ■"!> »od. fur k b it wUieìi can out the spirit of reugiou operating in the sou), reward tb« w«k«r by nakloc a reralatloo of an object of public »Tendon, ft omeratea upon «erijde. awoop tlieru belar «fty eli jpwpel* Infidel philosopher», fail to distinguish be­ society be an Intellectoal and «frim ai-force. tween that which is religious in man, and becomes that presence moving it to seek the that wbleb 1. «ooïblî The r«T«|alioii* made la Oriental toaron, written oa wr-dU. To highest and best po*«ibte of ail that la good by u d tbroufffa eeieoee dories the pant f.w llfUar tbe people out of bod abore tbe per- m eet Urte p w n U e n a errw u ty che t b r y bare that Intellectual Interpretation of Its phe­ iiirke>. Influença of the CCjlIir coudcoioed- dll nomena, which is known aa theology. The and true, in respect jto himself and to all oth­ .ear* bar« beca each a* to domo lucrate tbe. ers. Religion.in it* essential nature and In Ite alsurt Infinite poealbUltleo of tbe huwao In­ religious nature In man la the source from ñ«premíete« d’occmeole. firK, »rcuireeof which arises A desire to attain completeness normal action, is of God; theology or the hu­ tellect. and yet tbe aieaoa of nature hi* aiar condemnation upon tbe bfloor ------and lo «pene It to imMlc «eom, tber will rrtravrdlnary .eeleeUelira! efltlre; u n ad . In every department of individual existence man interpretation of ite phenomena, aud beta penetrated «caree!y to Ut ttùiebold io its monltioite, te of man. Religion. like Ite tbe ré.elaftoo of It* «ecrele. K ilt an Incalculable moral power In ro- i.-rbiree of ptapupaode fid-: third. areHree »nlial to bring one to the stature of per- of tbe loqiil.uloo. Icur.i. arrby.ee of tbe ,__ >manbood; and religion aaaerte the ex author,tor. lais always,1 wet, trtrue; u ,; tbaoiofy.theology, likelit ite au­ If man bae made « little procreai ta ed feCM couirrefutbai of the lade* ; .inch «alata all -^ lalatence te n of this nature in man. which has thor,-, 1»I» alwaysil n n Imperfectlm|»rfprt. ReligionRílliíon operate' lancine bl» knowledfe of pbj.Teal objecte oaede that the finite and perishable things opaci lb . «ffírtiBn»; tbw loty opon fb* 60 the «canda o! tbe muaaMert« Tlwedoeo- of existence can not supply. It is the relig­ daminoli i uj{- Hou («al r.IlffUio IB tb» la i' Sd ywtari^m M limyawoiwriv»»r iumancfwda In tnwiife* * “ *------* “ u “ ------ious nature which give# birth to the aspira­ ti«m. b o . aiBCb fiore al^owpaoei l n w i ' . e eboufd . there ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ TU1„ w SKSS£S£ftUiriAS tions for the Imperishable, the immortal, the î ko,-,»,, jpi- »ml . • tlons for the imperishable, the immortal. a larpe pfoportton of the territory to the ------Infinite, ete rn a l a a d almala U of haln g ia . Iiertalxa to cii* Inf . ti» Uperitlen. arS w S nB necM aam y ice, tb e ( f t o m t- tb r a i . «ee*e*wberet£çr «are (* r r *U0 i : n r r r r V U F mrflirwarert^tTbupUamil iiulilwuj mi. its perfections. Through the Intuition» of lee*, l e t the purp«« of Ule armaient, I | and without any bittorirel ral ue^m e of them this nature, man perceives that existence is bocofl» M A A eS N O l ent and kbwlsle preemeedroai whkh all «*• not prim al-that It la neceaaarilv temporal Ireturm, upon reiIflou, ijneetioo., apon tbe j tite a « la a jwooeedlSï? ‘of ab aaturce nab­ will «acede (be wrreetMe* of tbe «tate- „* now welt m arled IS M old tower wear «ut-jiict li tbe Gode—of Great Infidel,, etc..—', .citaUZj tòte f/aman tbe i«li#toa, Mature if r(«OC. iM Wbal M Ibes S gf The r ite o ia M i iawai. dad «cher, ««liy Wrt) tab« we and mutable; and is a proceeding from a aetm ant* law. ne'er or neldom txemlM of. Th* letter* of Pop* iccjaoser H «re etti! pre-existing cause, which; In the chain of lamb, to promote la the pahUri miad a 41* tamtbe* with «ber eaosaUou. must ultimate in an uncaused regard for all lew*.’ cause, or In being itself. And this Intuition of the seif-existent and self-sufficient Is a ______’ Tble reaanaJuc-aeon j of‘ la eeilhtr luatoaj M r pbll- perception of the absolute in Msg* and w ithout which eeeaUoClteaBf would , «epbteañ,i, aam ’le it supported by nperiemee. hence. Is axiomatic ih it* assertion. fpifure - a epreadid rnta. bad If I Any eUloteoU will hr enforced wbaarrer and 2 It E Lfl GI O- P II I L(' SO P il I CAL J0ÜBNA1 NOVEMBER Hv1883.

rur tho KflUNvptallijaepbl«*! Juin and then, with a 1 thus sa lth the Lord * a u ­ preparatory for "And so we wonld keep the church stand­ Kansas Liberal Olio», » W orld 1 A Story with Many thority, harangue their disciples. Whether ‘ho stu d y of col------ing in the post ore of devotion and with Its M oral*. they pay wise or foolish things Is uot to the w tlonal. and where the unfortunate face turned to the skies, open and eager for tirpose; the objection is to the »pedal priv­ dissenters, who were excused from learning the Instant révélations of the Highest"... filege they have to speak without iviutradle- them, were "stood out" In the place to which "not more anxious to know what is true than tlou. No right to reply to a pulpit falsehood bid ami lazy boy* were assigned, the while Jtst- to do what Is right." ___"A society for the h held Is grunted, no matter how grossly your judg­ cnlng meekly to the unctuous mouthing« of in 'O ttawa, October Oth and Tilt. "The world” exclaimed a canary from It# promotion of goodness."___ Ing w as far more of u nucce*« th a n there w as rch. "ik no groat affair. The difference ment may lie insulted. The priest, it Is as­ their happier fellows and dreading theaiigry "These are tno day# of asHOciated labor” serted. h simply a median? through whom* glance« of their devout master—In this school, reaHon to expect. Less Hum two weeks no­ tween my cage and the parlor In which It .. "weak and Inadequate is the (single) arm tice was given and the lateness of the tu»a«on rla hung, la not m uch. My m lstre*1* ban one, organization a returned epirit speaks, llis notwithstanding premature endeavors to sep- of the beet man to wrestle with the evils of assum ption may lie tru e, or It may tie false. nrate the sheep from the goats, we prompted society," caused a reasonable distrust of tho weather. I the other, nnd she High* the moat." Nevertheless a goodly number of the earnest Then he hopped up on Ilia porch and look' How are we to determine ? We can not even each other, as good mi to re prompted us. "D epart "try the spirit," ns the privileges of the order "Name a material..thing!" was thundered, father«, w* workers from various parts of the Htato were ed about, and nr>dd#l hi* head on one aide 1» attendance. There was Jess of speech- like a philosopher. debar your questionings. That la the point and, duly prompted, "butterfly" was given. of danger. A hook is put Into your jaw that "Name an Immaterial!" and "soul," from making than at sor * "The world la square." he «aid sententious- inks, hut more earn ml systematic allen- ly; “that la Helf-evldept. for my senses un­ it may not open. * Believe, or be dnuinnl,’ It I he same good-nulitred prompter, answered the-'language of our moral pirate. Bewan the question. Dor pedant learnedly descant­ tion to certain nee y busi ness details, mistakably say so; square, and about fifty Letter from Sydney, New South Wales* The conference n „..reti rig* elicited some In- times taller than I. Above la a celling, with of organization! - As well He your neck to i ed on the singular analogy which had acci­ mill atone, and pluugo It in the sea, hoping dentally led to the employment of both defi­ (cresting and wholes• talk. Mr. C. B. a big lamp hanging from the centre. Thealdra To th* E*ll tor W (tM iu*llfto t'U I ' *nt*dml Journal 1 Hoffman gave a flue address oil "The indus­ rest on a brown and green carpot. There to swim, as to freight your manhood with a nitions of the Greek word p ty c h e , while the prompter, Lo whom that portion of the 1ft The debate between Mr. Charles Bright tria l Problems of Our Tim e," embody lug .Mr» appears to be a «trip of something outside, creed and expect It to live. Consecration to and the Rev, Mr. Evans, Baptist minister of the Church Is death to the soul's develop­ George> theories on the Inpd mid labor ques­ bright and green, which I can see through a Newcastle-our principal coal depot and tion. Dr. Cnstleman's address on Sunday clear spot In the of the room, which my ment, Accept the benison of the priest, and you become a slnve for life. The spiritual ______t wr-Sjrdneyjydney a «s______ft shipplngr r ._ o rport .. -to o k place forenoon produced an excellent effect. Tho mistress calls a window, and I have aeon >n the fltfl and 10th of A ugust. Mr. Kv< Hunday evening session was given to a de­ moving things there, like men and birds, but priest, while under the Influence of Jesus, Swedenborg, or Socrates, demands the sur­ •nly twenty-two years of>r aage, bnt she bate between a Christian minister and Mr. an they are cotiilt\ualU coming and going, softie skill-casuistry, perhaps. Is a better C. B. Hoffman. The m inister made tho best this epot I think out of. evidently Is render of yonr judgment ami the homage of your heart, lie will soon make u similar W ord-in evading nwkwnrd objections. The nofslblo showing for Christianity, hut Mr. only a fancy, and I have ceased to look out— subject of deha to was: "Does sclance contra* Hoffuian’s flue ability to present the ration­ to do so. regarding It as a waste of time. demand when no such influence is claimed. This mischief will follow closely upon tho T h a t ------— ------t diet the Bible?" Mr. Evans wmTvery ready al analysis of ortfTortoxy com pletely over- Really I pity her as she sits there gating out, rnoq preached by Rev, j k . Mann a t Rochee- to seize upon any remarks from Mr. Bright, heeliof the first absurdity,” turu“d the ftnsouinl arguments of hMpppon- not knowing how supremely foolish she Is tor, September loth, on occasion of the per- wherein Hint geiftleman could not he nog- ent. The debate was conducted In the fair­ In accepting the halluclnaUon. P ' mnnent occupancy by the ITiiHarlan Society malic; such, for example, as the existence of The True Idea of Itesi rrllo i est manner and with nn utter absence of any , ____d go out of Mill -. j tin*re r ISt lM of the once "Third Presbyterian Church/’ God, and triumphantly challenged,science to thing calculated to rasp Hie feelings of tho fimiLh.-r n> mu Ilk*1 iL 1 The inevitable spirit of progress In religious deny the Bible on this point. The following orthodox listeners and thus clfre their ear* make what they call the world." M eat and methods is ably—e von beautifully quotation Is a fair sample of Hie style of Mr. to tho truths of Liberalism. Poor little canary, with a head full of phi­ A volume, under tho captiou of "The Free illustrated; yet-withal thet/la a feeling Evans, and a good many more who make an ilom of Faith," by an American Congrega­ I t was determ ined to hold a te n «lays m eet- losophy. and a good reasoner from the scant (with me) of emptiness and want pervading Idol of Hie Bible: Ing in Forest Park, Ottawa, during the latter data of his observation*, but the little he tional minister, Theodore T. Muuger, ha» re the sermon. TJie men who could say ail "If a Divine Power, Omnipotent, existed part of July or first of next Augusi. There knew made him proud nnd arrogant, and contly left Hie press. Trans-Atlantic critics 4 hose grand things couJd have said more. (nnd science did not say it did not), then upon will also he a two days meet Dig of the K. L. place the author In tho name category with havlug settled the problem of the world, ho Nay! It would seem, should have said more. that grand power, that grand centre, all re­ V. in Enterprise, Kansas, some time in Jan* took no further thought. He would sing. Dwight. Channing, Beecher, Hedge, Bacon, Jn enunciating the truth so well ho seems. lied, and science being Ignorant of that -iand with a flutter of wings, and shake of lliislmell, Park 11ml Newman Smyth, and In-point*, to Ignore Its logical consequence. grand power could say nothing to the con­ this inmlest volume of sermons contains u t L following named parsons were elected feathers he began his sweetest refrain. He Tho fooling is that he Is holding back by a trary. I,et them take God's Word, etc.; etc." officers of tho KannaH Liberal Pnlon for tho was an excellent singer, far hotter thnu phi­ much of interest to the progressive Hi eulog­ "withholding more than Is mete, that tend- I fancy, Mr. Editor, I cun see you smile at ist. and even, perchance, lo the Spiritualists com ing year: C. B, Hoffman, P resident; An* losopher, and he became infatuated with his eth to poverty," this sort of stuff and exclaim with rnysolf, nle L. Diggs. F ecretary; Mrs, L, L. III Hiker, own music until he sprang from perch to —the adjective, progressive, being ufmost as Wero I to attempt an analysis of the ser­ "These In* thy gods, 0 IsraelP Treasurer; W, W. Fraser, Alfred Taylor. J. perch, setting the cage to swinging so vio­ necessary In the latter case as In that of Hu* mon. tho review might bo more lengthy than The secular papers are worrying up the theologian. Acting on this belief I submit E. Sutton. J. T. llanghey. V. P. Wilson and lently that In the middle of one of his most tho sermon. One leading feature, however, faithful of tho churches by opening, or rath­ Sarah A. Brown, members of Executive Com­ charming passages, its support broke, and to your readers tho following excerpt from which I-feel disposed to probe, may be Il­ er partially opening, their columns to freo m ittee. An n ie L. Diggs. down it came to the floor with a crash. The th la book: lustrated by aovoral quotation*, viz.: "We thought matters, and numbers of letters pro bottom fell off, and wild with fear, he dew "Sleep is a realm of vision', where men can come Into a world already Christianized and and con have appeared, but the chief sensa­ np Into the room and through the open win­ be more effectually moulded to divine uses. enter into tho Inheritance of thé ages."... tion has h#pu tho publication of n lecture dow out Into the garden. If he was frighten­ H Is uot vacant of spiritual Impressions. God "Christianity Is a fluent progressive form of delivered In Melbourne in tho leading Pres­ ed before, he was now uuppeakably so. He lvelh bin beloved not sleep, but **in sleep.' faith and worship."... ."It is the strong point byterian church, by Mr. Justice Higinhothnm that mystery of physical repose tint un­ JAWgPjtt'S Hew up Into a tree and perched ou one of the S11(0 of our liberal Christianity that it does not (one of the Judges of the Supremo Court of branches. The Bnn was shining brilliantly wind and withdraws overlook this religious continuity:"...... Victoria, and the possessor of a splendid and the garden was ablaxe with gorgeous "Christianity Is not a finished faith or cul­ mentality), on "Modern Science and the hued flowers. The wind was rocking and ture: bnt has from theflrat been undergoing Churches." I cannot convey to you the re­ swaying the trees, as tlmugh an Invlslblo ___...... Is hedged about with wakeful and modifications and the end Is not yet."___ markable effect that this masterly lecture hand was moving them. A great many birds, w atchful powers. Shakespeare puts the deep­ "Wo have learned that the supreme feature has had on the sects—the croody ones—and some large and others even as small as him­ est moral experiences of evil men into, their of nirÎHiiuhily, that wlilrh keel Nly ones, too, by the way. They nre «Imply self were flying here and there, singing dream s: why n ot also Into those of the good?" oils, because they know the calm and gaily. What did It all mean? What were Rut this Is merely prefatory, to nhow the dignified iHlfitaucos areJjjuvamHtVe calcu­ the cloud*, and the sky, and the birds? cut of his garments, an odor of cooking be­ self all truth, profiting by every discovery, lated to noiotbel rin ise I Sole dogmas up to • When he had somewhat recovered his self* fore the viariils are uncovered. To justify keeping In line w ith all th a t science teaches." tho contempt and obloquy they so signally possession, he said: r title, let the following extract serve: PE a r l iNC 1 m erely pause to ask of tho first quotation. merit. The clergyman of the church where “This la the greatest hallucination 1 have ‘The view (of resurrection) now offered is Is it true that we have "cotne Into a world the lecture was given, tho Rev. Chnfc. Strong, T H É B E S T T H I N G K N O W N met with; I was mistaken about the world substantially this: Unit the resurrection Is already Christianized," while In fact it In reviewed Hie lecture In an able sermon being a room, It self-evidently Is a largo gaM from the d e a d , and not from tho o r a n ; th a t only fractionally so in numbers, and sub­ den. lighted by a lamp from a round ceiling, It tikes place at death; that It is general In stantially so only in name, a« touching some Washingand Bleaching The birds seem to fly with ease, and to be sense of universal; that Ahe spiritual of the noblest reported precepts and practices — tho church, and tho Prfiibytery have r Cold Water* happy, but it h after all. so wide and high, ly, or the fsiffjhof the spiritual body, sl­ of Jesus of Nazareth, Us reputed rounder? held a meeting at which nothing but scan­ id)' exists, and that this is the body that is id SOAP AMAZ- eh*» w ill hi» mur>- to gi-t !<<*!. I’ll flv over to Am I not oven undervaluing the wisdom of dalous brawls have taken place. A free I «BiUfjM-tioa. No the other side, and see how it appeareTroiu of hU own parable*, in assuming the thought conference was recently hold in fumi there." Ih of the other quotations, and striving Melbourne, but Sydney was not represented He spread his wings, and by gTeat effort duallstic state essential ______jram Into.tho old bottle of unprogressive, U deiegntes. principally, I believe, because sustained himself until he reached, or rather not t*> existence itself. 1 hold these views dogmatic Christianity the "new win®" of tho ______Walker, who so recentl; fell Into n tall rosebush. Cage life had not both Scriptural and rational, os according truths revealed during the growth of tho at leant professed to do so. from Hpirltun^ lven him strength of flight, and panting for with the essence of tho doctrine and the an­ ages? It Is no wonder the old musty bottle » chairman or convener, and he is Sreath, he exclaimed: alogies of Nature. Let us notice some con­ has oft times fermented and burst, scatter­ ight as much of by other people ns lie Wild WROTE THE \EH TEST!MEM? "That may be delightful for those other siderations that renderthesepointsprobable. ing blood and slaughter In its rotten name. thinks of himself. The delegates from New birds, bnt it is in nowise so to me, 1 wish I "The analogy of nature. The continuance W here and when did you learn, reverend Zealand, the Hon. Robert Stout and Mr. Hud- • were In my cage, where it Is not so wide, and of life In the succession of plant* and ani­ Brother, that progrosslvenc** was the "su­ n, returned home via Sydney nnd the form Î iUtm4j Î^ * Î mÎ.( ¡£Î7aricu*S*P fM,,c*rV|Uo |r"ü»” one can see to the end. to the top anr'development, san sense. It Is greater than ______„ to stand beside a dead babfeand listen, silent Instead of the Idol worship of a fictitious' and where social tie« and man-made restric­ science. With no Church bnt the universe, and disconcerted, to its mother’* triumphant "only begotten hoq" of the Infinite Deity, tions am unknown. God rest him for with no creed but truth, with no formulated refutation of his hope that she might meet sp iritu a lly vgtae (for th e age), noble, m anly sweet singer who all unconsciously hag help- prayer to sustain it. it constructs itself a her child hereafter, baaing her reasoning on and loving whence specially a ttrac tiv e to the ed to sm ooth th** e ruggedri way for feet as ten- power to rescue mankind from the sin of ig­ the fact that the little one had died nn- female heart) though he be; and Instead of loving bnt misunderstood, norance, from the crime of false worship. In chrlstened and was therefore lost, while she, the immaculate Virgin Mother (planned to Chas. CavknAffli. Its selfhood it will stand the admiration of safe In the faith In predestination and a car­ attract the male worshipers), and Instead Of nal resurrection, would meet her Lord In the w .rld^haU lfhd hearty, when , the sys­ the unwholesome excitements of the revival­ Ilo rnhimo cboIoIm Qikfco*-» emnvta* nmtmtami < tems of religion flow building churches shall eternity, and praise him ever. Those out­ ist, can there not now be formnlate&a re­ have been forgotten, and their proudest edi- side the rut cannot always righttnif* dAt*r. ligion for manhood and womanhood In their fie« crumbledM en-toJ decay,decay. To tu sun■mieuunTender this uu» mine11 rhow - - many still travel < r >u highest and nobleet sense; eclectic of every It has a power like the magnet, nnaeen but science Into the hands of a wily prlwtcraft, *** —— M lji «ifcippHir, not imcorn- od that may U chosen alther from Hie re- Is to betray tho dearest interests of human!- mnn potent, which draw* to Uscii the wandering, rlotu of the poet or from the glorious nn* scattered particles that exist around it. ty to its worst enemy. The fact Is not chang- And permit me, in conclusion, at {he risk tdlngfl of the present; good for materia! as * ed. the guilt no less, or tho enormity of the of being called prolix, if u«j autobiographi­ well as spiritual growth, and rich tn rood Horaford’s Add Phosphate act mitigated in theleaet, because a multi­ cal—were I a somebody, others would write for every needful and rational human aspir­ tude of crazy imbeciles or zealots do this de­ it for me, a veritable auto-da-fe, judged by ation or human hope?, I n Ikpairxo Nerve F unction. grading thing. The v w t p o p u li Is not the it autobiographical exemplars—to retail in conclusion let me expreaa my hearty Dr. C, A. FsftNALD, . Maes., says: * I a Bcnool-diy** In cid e n t, Illustrative alike of pproval of, and make free to quote some of have need it in eases of impaired nerve func­ "Spiritual prlgsts are no more to be ¿tasted Mr. Manger’*.comparison and of the dangers . 3« closing words from, Che sermon, tending tion. with beneficial results, especially In then othera who Claim In an orthodox way to that sometimes beset the reaaoner front an­ doubtless In the same line of thongbt as that casce where the system is affected by the toxic be spiritual teachers. They shot their eyes, alogy. In a certain famous London school, just spoken: action of tobacco.” — îtQ V E M B E R 3, 1883. K ELIG IQ -P IU j^O S OVIII C A L JO U RN A L.

the hollow seat of a bench, and then packed t In fact, while we are learning so much UlUTUlTdCH UDmUBCTION (N AMKIttCA OY AN W oman, and tta »ottsfholii. themselves away In these receptacle*. They «bout spirit control--hp much of what the Mr, rifila will contribute to an early num- spread a buffalo rube and some blanket* for apirlt can do through a mortal organisra, w<- ENUUHII TRANSLATION lyF T«E MaMA-BHaR- i ber of The frnturg the a*-j«(- nn reported ad- BY HKSTKRM; POOfafc me the first night. * I ask your pardon, air/ i aeern to forget, that before the Npirll can e«n- dre»w on “The U » » H vrtem 1 in southern said SI. Tremblay, 'for putting yon to vleep Frison* / 1 which lie rlHivyr*4| Sen Jenej.l . trol a medium, he or *he must hyW them- at the recent LUctucbeu. here eloua. To morrow the c re a tu r e s (wo- Au Association In India, composed of learn­ < onf eren re o t Cha ri tie* a l -f *eiTB* passive, or in other w o n K H u rn u h-r ed native Hindus, called the T h U a tf«i tfk a - aouieviJie, Ky. ¡fleii) w ill put up a bedstead foe you In there; the keeping of their own power*, to another. The reading of lb»* paper j . * aid by persona It won't be so lonesome/ " rat Ka rita I nil. has to r several year* pa*t hccji HOPE. I t a spirit can act through ns, when pawsive, engaged iu publishing, for gratuitous djstri «lu» were p rntent to liave b eru one of tha ■Why «bouky Imi; hr»*« UI. will, raid n m The exceeding simplicity of such lives la can we not act lhromrliDur*«lve* hy virtu« biitiuu to Bnnskritist* And learned MristJe*, striking features of that Inti•restlog meet' in marked contrast with those of our great log, Mr, Cable ha mafie a c m A To IhfrilUlljM curse Thnrif lilhw. «...1 «il .. who ■ .a Join. oie? Nnii * * of our own will, providing wu understand translation« of [calling Baukkrit work*. At !>ful aud dia- centers, where more than oriental luxury I «r«« being a* well a* they, present an English tran slatio n of tin» Malia- passionate study of the prj. >, eysumis in all marks the high tides of the Nineteenth Cen­ the Southern sixte*, and the j rii*.movement conies to individualize man' WiaraU-is Wing pubilsh«|. This W4»rk U And tu ««cil 4M* of II.W rttiélUuu* tury. Tenth, that la health and .‘unity, which Ij to teach him to know himself; to make him the longest »pic poem In the world, being make* I , lik e l y to t*eof Intere» t Ui th e public iruj.f, back* be urrt^CaraTlRte-MT ali lilt; la favorable to the boat development of the |I finally master of himself, and all that in about eighteen time* ** iotl- A < /h»mer^ I of the whole country. Grateful r lui., hi, n , individnai, in this caae aa In others, lie* be­ | him i*-tn short, “a taw unto himself jn 4 fl J li^ l, nr. -<»iie 291/100 lines, ft is of an e u - 1 doubla tween extremes. Hither exefsa la to be de-' th in g s /' cy«lop4**Ilc cliararter, in tim math r of Hin­ “ THE EC*.T plored; the restricted, famUhed life uarrat- I What the spirits can do for us a* medium*. du mythobkgic and Isgi-ndary lore. The work Tli, ™ j y , wl!h <*•*#». '-«t « t«. ed above, and that which allows uubrl-lled I SAW i J " , *'*“M »"dersietulV pthonut ! can do for ourselves, as creator»"* made is Uf I*»- d}‘trtbuted gratulD>n*iy, os above . I grudge yo'tii-t yoor cofat an.J darknom-me license and extravrfguuce. It Is a hard { m the image of the Divine Father. Spirits but a unmlipr of copies will be reserved for MILLS, thing to Hud high cliurltcters unfolded in Thu i»m n»„r Uiriil haWnml. ! are hut mortals uone higher, and we are uow sale Ui other parties »lesjrlng them, ENGINES? w hich geneoumui thus* of this continent, haven | trolling spirit out of the flashI think y»11 'Mp|e*of hi* publication* m»y l»e sent. | I « id . «•Jlh l u In- The Chicago T r ib u n e answers the question' will ftilmit it. 0 1 eourw. we earn lari-i siniij ho pleaded, therefore, if any re.dcr o ff PILES temt,«. it* beauties or Ittr *or,IIJin®.i each os follows: I Ireeitimi of farlluu when nut of the hoily; Kut the Jol UN if. bat lug « knowledge of any auru lipM liijt II ill (Tori'ti l Civilization, cherish Inc “There was no llttte*urprLse and satisfac­ | we have like leiwera with „nr teacher» in the H<>ciely. w ill wend me i n name and addre** ! different *hnrj«,rl,tlro. II. Fiimlmni. in S| tfit-worw, anil they certainly wan; OR. SOMERS’ tion a few mouths ago when Leo XIII. In n which will I*- duly transmitted tri India.’ - l l u r u e , , jjiv t, ,,N Interesting ae- public letter to three of Ills moat learned see ourseJvc* ilm we really ur«* epitomes of Any perron who may Wjw]t p, procure a to 1 cotint of Uic Lanudlan Inhabitant*. He took Cardinals announced that under cur tain re­ divinity itiHf. with eternal unfotdment* Im- f »r him self, can »»ntain inform ation n* Turkfatb. Kuwiwi, K l.rU 'l, «inermi u . Iniarit for the siipiint>r fat Ht, Paul's bay of strictions and rules, thought to be inaant for fur« us of nil the powers and attributes of terms, etc., hy uddressing the Habu at 9 rurifaj. Hein«n. »,„1 ,*!,», wMin place he «[re* the following desirlp. safe-keeping of documentary treasures, the Deity. l PI** Uillpore Hoad, f aiciUta, India. Haifa., [fa, KINfMT lit Ifa, B w e tr , great library of the Vatican would be thrown The re fine I uiv: »e,k not no much to Ire I have just received a communication fro > »f tlw fi KAMI PACIKIC i t u i H i. » o ’ ■■ The Canadian forth house wh«re t llvcil open to historians, historical students, and controlled hy »jifrlt». n» to learn te,w to con­ Mr. Jam e* Burg«**, editor of theii»r I iHHinn n d ia , 1 «- U*nn. en ¿urkseairt.. insr JU te n low bull,ling w ith « Bleep. Ufith roof, investigators. This tardy coucpedmi was trol yoiirnclf in nil thin*». Thie i. tlieareat ty‘ u iu iu tir itty n . 1**111Bombay. l»*y, India, and author ooT f m*the fTilrape. pierce, I by i former win,lows a ml two man- very generally commended, and by none end toward which all development Unit» Archeological\rcha>obigicai SurreySurvey of IVesterrWestern India/'' *' “ »ivo chinmeyii. and the low cave* eovcreil a more cordially than by nori-Catliollcs. and “He who control» hiin-udf 1» jjreater than five.voI*., nJave Tém ple* h t India ,’1 c ir.. m narrow platza. Tile whole place is M l, “The Hope tu his letter to the Cardinal* he who take» a city." Let 11» uudy the law, which he nay». ^ Il 1« ^vt-ral year* now since -••• »• - -r , . '.J* there are no tree»; the little garden, tilled » 1- complained that the Italia : journals had oi mir hem*, and knowln« them, trim the i wrote my itc'ouut <»f Ehmhunta. but Were l waye by women, I» wilhont fruit, without falsified history in order to justify the 'Dipo- ■all» ot our life Boat In harm ony therew ith l" n W'W, nil "pinf„n In ib > u tiid bn Ï Ï Ï Ï « m Ì S 1',Ji - ' i tS shrubbery, almost without llowern. Kvery- In no way can the world be reforni.il m.»llfi»,l. Th.-w iifki» »z-I u-I t-I v , Blmlv, liatloji/*- as It Is called of the Papacy .an d jl? j 'j i ,?. 5- ^ thiria I» i „ne fay hand, »lowly, carefully. The that, not content with that, there had been ell ns by each one trylnir to reform hlm- wrijplii, „f tint iHtiíriwtír Irn nau» la th , »tfa waehlng (s done at the river, with ah Iron Introduced Into the public school book* In ...... when'eachwwïh ™ h on u n It it ofmi vthe (treat whole »III) tufa ri-pUiflrs, Tlwr» I» no t u r e o í V». kettle, a lull, and a bench on which the cluthen Italy and France false statements calculated docs till* theHie millenniumW lliruilJ is not faraway. W '»;»» w„r»hip lu It. uiui'lj Inw of Kri»liuii.! are pounded with a paddle. Ae the bouses to' poison the minds of tbe youth of iwth and the kingdom of He; earth m» myth. '/* the latter there arc, however, traces in the nre alw ay- Guilt n*ar th« road, tln»y ««liloui countries against the Papacy aud the divine Brooklyn. N. V W. J. CunillM«». Badami tempi*** [which date from the sixth IF. THEX. ANI» VVIIEX. bdve any »prliiir. brook or eveu w«lf near at mission and origin of the Catholic Church. and[seventheenturtéat. as üidleated in the Iianil. Aftrh family drawn water in a hoffH- He held that Impartial history would vindi­ BOOK BLTlEWS. Indian Antojaarg. vof. ri, and my .Ivdbrof- mmmrnattmam. hfmrl and fill« a barrel «taudinfc near the door, cate the church, and for that reawiu he in­ of/oal L'cporl, vo|. v. It Ik astonishing how , Cooking H often done over a few «tûnen be* vited students to avail themselves of the ^pular erroneous Information Í*. Maurice f fore th« floor,and the lnirii>v f. r ••-h|i i- [n-arl- rail book* noticed under this bead, sis for mis at, or treasure« contained in the Vatican Library » a be ordered tbnraxh. the «nica*í the RxuciioPiuno atifi Jidwin Arnold have more followers than ! # V! a w<*w,pn m ortar. The Interior which had so iongjuHn kept from the eye of ■oriucAD JocrnsAi.! Weber. Mouier W illiams,or fipenre Hardy/’ 1 or tlieee homea 1» equally primitive. The the Investigator and the knowledge ot the Maurice Is the author of the theory of the hou.Me te rather eto|*teral with it* few email world. He proclaimed that history would Elepbania group being a representation of window* with double aaahea curtained with show that tne.ehtirch had fo-dered rational the tyrant attempting to destroy the infant w all {«a¡iff. Two pane* of each sa*h are r~ -1 fa. — F.jll i I lilcrty, encoyraged progress, patronized arts Philadelphia, j* u yj w . Krishna. Edwin Arnold’« l,n jh t n f A ti n de- ' Iklnged a* a little wicket, to be opened occa- am! learning, and been of incalculable good, -cribe* the mythical Buddha while Spence j TU K LY( KI M ST W;K. «tonally. Nature la thaï «hut out, beeauaa especially to Italy. He severely censured This little book claims to be „ „ IIEV Mi Hardy’- work* discriminate between legend : «he wear* a forbidding aapect lu a Canadian (he suppression by some hlstoriaqs of im­ and history. Wg, E mmiettk Tollman ' winter, but unfortunately no touch of art lu portant facte, and the false interpretation oinmuiilcatlooafrorn thearge Eliot, projected through the mentali­ f t « unpalnted ehaire, a table--, a bed. a long '■The Pope see rued to forget th a t the Papacy ty of a Philadelphia lady, or. a* a Spiritual- bare bench for a eofa___a large black crow »» I*. u n i t i i m i M A T n . Itself had been the greatest offender In the lit would say, written through the “medium- In the wall 1« the only ornament. The par mfltter of suppression. For age* the docu­ Met: Sett, :: íisís; U}« u te t.« ta u . lor Is provided with two beds hung with tall, mentary evidence of the Vatican was as a *hlp” of the lady. This latter, however, thw ^ Far «fe wtsrAkmjww t,* f.r4; h, tJta |-j,, Lt ,tLM,-■ homespun curtains of blue and white cheek* Tu* NoSth A bckitij It*view. (Published seated volume to historians and Investi­ author Would repudiate; since the book de­ at 4U Lu ?S)»tte\P!iitv, New Turk.. Tt,» «red liuen; breadths of carpet lie on the lloor gators. Excommunication was pronounced nounces strongly “splrll control" and HpirJt- ell Inchea apart; It U made of rags or of cow lii«tJursH and th« aterlirjK worth of tha art!- against anybody who invaded its sacred pre­ uallsmgenerally* aa usoaIly understood. “No 0\** conuiu«'! in tWi NovviqIm'? uucul^r of iittir from the tannery. # cincts, or assisted any peraorr^to. peep into WfWidArr of\Kiv e>gla,yb enrse half so great " emyrii«»rge Eliot In the thin magazine aattefi^ tli« r*fquir«mmbi of ■* The most attractive port of the house Is Its dust-covered tome*. lNicument* which the room in the garret where the women book, half w* degrading, flxjf soul and tb« jm « t «xacting teoflttr. H. B. would throw a flood of lig h t on some of the body destroying, as the thing called ' sp irit Anthony writes of "Uaittefi X u ttra it* tu weave. * It is well filled with wool, skeins of most Important event* of the world’s history 1 MOOLEK SPIRITUALISM. Aarû, three spinning wheels, a side or two of control, ever came to the deluded children Kiwi« Island/* tfivlDR ioviiteoU Ily a htebJy were hidden away, and though they were of men. You who have eyes tn see may see iuUrpAtiog sketefi of lit? e a r ly «OBaUmoB- leather, bundles of straw for hats, piles of known to exist no person could get at them Author of Bible Marvel Worker», etc., etc. woolen sheets and also of linen, rolls of cloth th« effect upon mortals la the purblind, un­ Ml hlstery of that little eoimuoowtaltli, aud under pain of anathema or death. Unly the certain, shivering,'quivering creatures who ¿«.Huff forth th« cousldsratioos which in- and of flannel, a loom, some chests of linen most meagre fact/of the great Council of »»?■ sa 1; » aud homespun suits. I like to sit there uow go about among you and whom yon may well flu«uc«d it« |wTTBV Msoi/jw*. (The Ceiitury | “Despite the jealous dog-in-the-manger thoughts to the present writer, I no more to ., i>«w York.) C ontents: Autograph aud ! THR CANADIAN F A RM Kit'S WIFE. policy of the Vatican authorities, the Prot­ ‘control* her thatKf tn earth-life I sat down estants Guizot, Kenkc, and Milrnau were Photoffraph of tjtieen Victoria at th« ««#• of f *' Madame Trem blay, like most of her cIam , by her side, aud-Wc exchanged thoughts, nineteen; The Bull Bight; An American A r-! is a woman In comfortable condition, both enabled to do justice to the beneficent Influ­ which were »ub*«Jfuentiy transmitted to pa­ tlslln England; Madame Modjeiki: In Rom»; ence of the church in the early ages of Chris­ 1 mentally and physically. Her face Is pleas­ lter We corn muni cat« by brain telegraphy Th* <>l*«ll*l Passion; The Bllreradu Souat- ; ant—but It has no evidence of Intellectual tianity and In the Middle age*, and vindicate precisely p all thought is transmitted every- ter*; Tli** .Sc«n«i* of Cable's Homaf)««1«; Tour- | life. The shy, awkward girls are neither I V 'r i T k i ™ historian* of Use post-reform guem-ff In Pari»; Youth and Iitulh; Age and bright nor prettv. but they are healthy, com­ r y .,„ .Un p « u 3 P u i tu« inpii 11 j y, oecioie Death; Dr. Sevier; Ijiiecn Victoria: Glimpses I pact and agreeable, with modest, considerate period. Knowledge of the benevolent in­ of the power of our magnetic connection/' tention*, excellent motive«, and prudent of ParD; Tliought-Fall; The H'ead-wiuiier.; ! manners. When the family Is assembled it Now, till« V, jirecLwijr w liat » , S pirltualfais The Pines Thought; Nature In England; j gives a pleasant impression by Us atmosphere policy of the good Fop«- won kept from the ™ liU|ilrtiion«l or iraprtiwIoDBl ‘ mwtlilai world that the inMeedH, profligacies, atnl He ml lone»; T h, Impre»»ious of a Cousin; The »>Bloual arandal to the faithful. I ra incognita; Mrs, Jfuolly*;;TheTwo Dark»: I to tactual light or a suggesllou of the povii- DlMllUOUllli' fai » lib e lli « illfforiuif». t i - Topics of the Time; Open Letters; Bric-a- hility of progrès*. The life of the family ia "If it is true, however, as stated in our dis­ fori Ina to sòr own «bottino. "Amsranth“ I* ! Hrar. purely objective. The? can never by any patch««, that the Papal authorities have been »» much fa niellim i u Mr», t'ow»ll. Mr». chance trouble you with an Idea or a doubt. g uilty o t abstracting some of the important In* EoLicrrtc Mso s/ jv *. IK . H. f.'ltu n . ('falliipimi, Mr». (ì» rg » , or u t o f th» n lh - r New York,) Content»: luiph trtldoEin. rojn | Mi HÊAPHYS L-HOST. Tbe evening lamp never shines on a book or documents of the library, they will D« guilty in»plr*tionnl ni«llnm» of PhlUil.lj/tn», newspaper, or a bit of rich fancy worki The of that which they have blamed in others - An Eillieal “tody; Russia Alter the Corona- j “A iuarul)i"erid#iitlf ileairra to fa» con-iil* tlon: Memories of Ischia; Modern lire»: The i women knit or sew or gossip away the lours. suppression of fact«—and the act of I,eo » m i u k b o » tfa» ordlufarj p i u . of m nllum - . ...Harvest brought women and children to XIII. in opening the library to investigation last Ihords of CliyrTthes. A PolishI»*,c-Story; I «hip. » muffa 9i> [tifai !« r [aspiranon«l po»- An Italian. Prince on his Trarel«; Iran Tour- I the fields, and I often went with them to see wilt have lost all ita grace. ,r» tr fante »mi tlion# «f *11 no-rallrj inMInni» the scene« pf that antique pastoral. Ruth and "The charge* made by Protestant and non* genirf; Salmoh-gishlug; Tlie-Hride‘. rjUB). ; 9bf oecuple» a posi lion uofaju» u tl »lalW . bpr: The Stage in relation to Literature' The - Boaz. Thé women gather the dried grain Catholic historian« against the Papacy are topping all olfarr». Not only U »falOVu rio..»; In their arms and lay It across a withe for mainly connected with events which the ab­ Pathetic Element iu Literature; The Gr.ls of I communi os with on, of Ih* gr #*[»»! fornai, Canaan;Li Hung Chang; In PltU; A Keene the. binder to bind it in sheaves. Every head stracted documents would explain. These mind* our pUe.i ha» prtxtiiwl.bnt tbitmm - ; 1 Is picked up.” A .documents are tbe archives of the Propa­ Benvenuto (>||ii,j; Literary Notice; Eorelgu (uunion I» of ■ naturo iliatiuct fiora tbàt L iterary Note*; M iscellany. - 1 The writer then describes the flax swing­ ganda Fide, which would ahojv the means tcalfsed by a 11 other medium«. All through ling in October, for these primitive people by which the church extended its-spiritual wo*«-tfa* volimi». tuiiiuir. "ii»org* wnJIJfff r,IIVlKllot" lllUUJgf-luitulg*» tu IU «X* Tb*. Afar Managing. (Cassell. Sc Co- N’etr [ make alj their cloth for summer and winter and temporal away; the archives of the in­ trariigalll praise of« the------mod-*— Jam, *c"ray ‘- Aniir- ■ - York, London and P a rts ) Contents: Cupid’s I wear. Of course all this lahor devolves upon quisition. and those of the Index Expurga- anth, as *he repeatedly call» her, HU* speiks Hunting Ground; Tbe Lower Thameo; Am« ] toriiis. The letters of Alexander IV. are of of Amaranth u probably her “sister atom Jean Pictures at the "Salon; Pictures of the .the women; their lives are so simple arid bare I Bing; Kao!dons for tbe feet; Calais Gates; A ; that even then they are less driven than most no more importance than the euppreesed since the dawn of eternity," for looking farmers wives in the States. Here la an ei memoirs of the Georges. Even tbe most backward ami forward net [her beginning nor heulptor's Home; The Mpry of a Phenic/an ! h ib lt of their bigoted Roman Catholic* of the present age end can he found of their "work together." BowLLomedy atCoart: TDoChroaiele uf Art; I do not care to defend the conduct of the ut­ Amcricao Art Notes. »MALL ECONOMICS. The flrsl assistance towards tbe light reeelr- terly profligate Pontiff. The suppression, . ed by George Ettol at her entrance tnto the Sr. Louis lUAimtaTan U M ,± a n r - (Bt i “ The women of the htfuo*spend little ttm concealment, or destruction of the other doc­ Muint-llf« was not from aptrlt fuardlau» in Louis Magazine Co,. SLLouD, MV./ Contents; Id keeping In order their bare houses or II uments named in the dispatches will, how­ I th* sphere«, but from “my Amaranth" ~ W KlMmJd Wagner: kitty Clover: Summer is attending to social dullest they waste uo time ever, put Leo XIII, and his subordinates in received Is n ot »pwlfled. departing; Timely Topic»; Among tbe Hill*: ■ In making adornments or m Intellectual a|r unfavorable light before tb* world.* It Do the content, of this booklet hear out Home and Soriely; Easblona for November; j pursuit»; the tables are soon cleared of the would have been much better for him to the aniimptloa* of the author? Js there | Publisher's Department. spoous aud the one dUh containing the food; keep the great tibrary closed than to have i aught in It probative of 'J* emanation from T a z PaswT- (D. L othrop & Co.. Boston. - 1 the plain, monotonous fare Is soon cooked. opened It in part and keep back documents such a mind aa that of George HI lot, and Pea soup, milk and soar bread are the diet of of v a lu e /' An interesting monthly for the youngest STARTLING FACT^^ denwnetraUve of ita mud* of- production be­ 1 readers,with pretty stories and HlulralJo ns the average farmer,.though a few*use salt ing so superior toother medlaralstlc publica- 1 porlr jLjcupof tea on Sunday, a very few vege- Nataral Had Ia 4 a« 4 Hplrtcaal U liu . fatjoae? The uuswer must be In the negattre. . tablé* In summer and fresh meat in winter. f Ho rational m ind co-old conceive of Georg» For aged m en. wtmieii. weak and sickly children, without a rival. Will oot cause Thus the expenses of the farm and family Eliot writing etich a book. There U twHiiiug T#r* ai» a ll. The m an and his wife and In a movamont Ilk* thin, whtr* an ranch In It at all remindful of its alleged author. headache. Brown’s Iron Bitter,. Moiern Spiritualist children generally do all the work. If help attention 1* gi.cn to mcdlnmahlp and spirit­ How absurd to think of this turned lady Daaiiajikug. Ana. Dr. M. M Croon says: are hired, wages are low; #20 aud #25 for a ual gift* of various kind«, » c muiit not for­ ridtrnJiog and apllefull) abasing modern ” Brown'* iron Bitters ie the best medicine woman; #80 and #100 for a man. In some get. that » « m Individual! c u nve the», in the world and is effecting miraculous I KientiHe research aud the must eminent wi WMtAnl VIn N i. amé WtLrkmfl. TmM places wages In harvest time are twenty «am, power* large!v for ounetrea.lf we only enlists of the world. Imagine George Kllot edrea." cents a day for a woman and twenty-five Tfgpiag. 9s4rii Mappmtg. *4*rtf J*- | Id the fojiowlug straip: “impodent Idiot»," “ Several of ray patieut* have used brown's t r MS TEU IAW A TtOJlS «r ilies who llv* in contentment and independ words, we c u throw ouroelvec into clalrvov- Idiot* poring over the magnified leg, of Iron Utters for chronic Indigestion with «nee are fairly represented by this Hat. vti,* ant state«, far which we can accomplish tbe Slant “ — ■- Ifr-fr ! Hies.' -matter-crazed creature»." “«avenger* benefit." - fsam, one pound of tea. two pounds of chocolate, same wonderful effects through oar own I of geology and the sciences, rag-picker* of two gallons of syrup, and fifty eeuU worth spiritual powers, a» the practical mesmerist | astronomy, and »will gatherers ofcfaemictry." There > only one stimulant that nei - ***** turm a. of raisins, almonds, etc. Whatever else tbey can in Controlling a «object, whether that “dross and refuse of human understand lug. fallfl, i i i l J« hover Intoxicates—doty. Duty peed they make dr acquire of each other by meemerlit be In the fleah or oat of It. I hump backed In Intellect, soul-emptied speci­ I puts a blue sky Over every m a n - u p Is U* barter. Un the more luxurious south shore there la rat nlnd one gentleman*, u able mens of age* of false end distorted teach­ neart, maybe—Into which tbe skylark, bappl- of the Bt. Lawreflee. I was told that the fam­ physician earl slndent of psychological law. ings." “r_ddia /I diots." and #oon ad aaaaeaaa. 00« , .always goes atugtsg. ily of tbe wealthy farmer of eight to ten roem- whogoee 90 far ae to claim that no eeuelli re­ Such Jew InvsCUre could n e w bo mads dm bemrspsnds about four hundred dollars ,per fs brought under control by and through an­ rjf hy George Eliot, and It 1* profanation of I< y r n t thus dry ta d scaly? Da* Dr. Dm - year for expenses of all kinds, luclndlng the sdra’s Skin Coro and restore It* ------“ ------other will, bat oaly by virtue of hit own - 1 her honored name to ascribe to her such V ». W O L FE Me B, hire of a woman and two men, and schooling haring In mind a control on tbe earth p lu s drltel. Several poetic effusion* are found In t l- droggio. at convents and common schools. ...Some bctwfccn man and man. Also another able this book also, pqrporjlog to come from Alice The law of the barren |< k> roap mor* thaa striking examples of economy are told me. •tadent of the atme law. who baa wvdtean a Carey, and Mm. Browning. you sow Bow ta act. and you reap a baldi: An old «errant of one of my friends was bred book In answer to th* on* Judge Bdmond* This book telle os oolbTai new of raluaUc ffS53SHa5ff£ggg to eueb careful habits that she wears out her sow a habit and you.reap a character ; sew a wrote regarding SpirltsaUara. wherein he concerning material or spiritual things. It« charset* r. and yoo rrsp s destiny calico robes without washing them, yet she claim, that while be bailee** In the bo nasty styect seem« to be the laedatieu of the "me la considered to be neat and clean. Her par­ of median» be at the same time believes that drum" Amaranth sod tbe aifertiermen: of ents had sixteen children, afid they raised Baa y rita* .Vsrria*. the groat narro oou- all spiritual msnlfestaUeu. proceed from tbe brp bushaijjl as. a "Kygeds (ale; and Magnet IQerw, 1* inraluahle In narvuras pnwuatioo their entire family on one paper of pins and lu voluntary or back brain, and all depend le Phfsteiin.- Twelve page» ere devoted to one catechists. Thofus w»re ofUB need far upon th* parsons! power« of the meulu'iu, tli, latter. Including neoounle af/Ue wonder pine, and after all the catechism was clean without m y (giritual control from wllbool fnl cure of otherwise haprtasa cease. e*J enough to be sold for a small though impor­ la both ease*, these learned and enartenc- w rtU ca fa* the Doctor fairaoelf. Iff ow irw ta n t sum . . . At n ig h t about half the f a m ily - -I non fall to as* that there 1* u Induced George1 ■■■IP EGW wyuruisswould Ibe N glad ||W Wto W1IMwrit« ■a WBOW.te n t therjs were fourteen In jail—went into the •* well aa a natural eiaitaUon of tb* spirit for publifaLUoopublication laIr eider thatGiie husband of There I* an old Hebrew proverb whir* next room where there were two bedstead*. u*l powers; which produce* Uw wonderful “ r j t«dar*ntb.“-h*r “rtster atom freso nil But they drew out trundle-bed* from under r;. rv ; -:- frdm nil ■ron* Make haste w hen you ar* prartfeMiag phenomena witnessed Inside nod outride of eternity,” might lustily, hfarw Me ostow n lru m these, raised the ¡id of # large chest, opened a field, bal arfara yra ar* to amrry a wlf*. to be eptrllual movement. j pot ag a "H AGlsua" Physic laa. l- N w . * w

ltE L lU 10-1’il I L O S O I111 IC A L JOURNAL NOVEM BERS. 1883.

Thnt »in lathe willful violation of God’« 1 have often found fault with the way In Reception to Mrs. LI In 11* Hajles* «lslcrs or have taken a place themselves In fkliflit-^ltiloiiophicnl Journal laws, both material, moral and spiritual. which Western thinkers communi* with ns- the world’s work, universally recogulz# the That righteousness is conscious and willful lure. It I» entirely through the chemist'» One of the busiest women In Chicago dur­ value of the for mutton of such an Associa­ tion, and fellowship Us alms, and mostofits obedience rendered unto God In the trial«, laboratory, the anlronoiner'» telescope. They ing the week of the Women’s Congress was Ä l i ü t l *l.Ul.i' t! i i l i Sil LI S1ÜU.T. IH ii'i.l: ■■■ try to disenchant Hits marvelous structure of methods. No public claim, previous to this, ordination# and temptations of life. Mrs. LUa Barney Styles; years of experle^e That there is neither a material heaven beauty. But their Aryan forefathers, when has ever been put forward to a'spiritual or­ ‘ 1"' By. JOHN a^BUHDYr'“"v nor a material lielj; but thnt heaven and they looked out on the map of the great had taught her how to make things run igin for this Association, but to those of ua hell are the states and relation# of a man's heaven» nr around on the solitudes and wil- «monthly at these annual gatherings. From who know the methods and the power of the Bplrll-world, no other conclusion Is possible. Term!» of Riibserlptloii In Advanre. being, according to the merits of his life, 1*-r 11 ' ilei • S unì.Unitile* of our magnificent Monday morning until Saturday she was both here and He t oaf ter. landscape«, felt that the outward form was a Msny movement« beside this, which are O fm C o p y , o n e f i n i r , ...... $ 2 .6 0 seemingly ubiquitous; city Alitor» of dally for the amelioration of the Ills of humanity •* “ tì monti)/*,...... $ 1 .2 6 That there Is a spiritual relationship and delusion..that all harmony was the harmony of tbe soul, that there I» a peculiar music papers voted her a most affable and efficient and the upbuilding aud growth of the spirit, » iitu conn i o lia . uruiRKi etri run. future union of souls In heaven. 7 The Brahmo Somaj believes In A e exist­ which 1« sung by the eye to the Inner spirit, business woman, and the women of the Con­ could Is* shown, were the facts puhlMifd, to R niT T iM K» •liould b« made by United State* have taken their rise by the special action ence and divine authority of fonsrieuce, a peculiar sweetness which the ear pours gress fully agree,I In till«. ’ The Congresf foatal Mone; Order, American K iprr •• Compioy'a which lays down /or man the dictates ami through itself Into the bommi of the soul, a or the VihabiUnts of the Spirit-tffcrld. Let Money Order, Rrgbtered Letter or Draft oo either prnhltdtloiH of God. peculiar meaning and teaching conveyed to having closed, Mrs. ttnyle.« had a little tim e us, as each new manifestation of their lov­ N«W fork or Chicago,- Ik> n<4 in «ny a m m d That the foundation of all religion is laid the spirit of man, when he commune« with to devote to her NpIrlturittM friend», of whom ing care and wonderful power comes to our tlrnk* cm iorfli batik* on the spiritual Instinct* of man which are the outward structure of the world. It is a she had many In the city; some had met her knowledge, take courage, and aid by our own enricavpr, to help the world on to It« victory All lettera and cotamuatcsUon* aliould be ad- imbedded In the nature of the soul. mighty and marvelous book; but he who heiofc and inoro only know her through her . dratted, and all remlttancea made payable to That faith Is the organ through which the reads the true me lining learns that wisdom perception of spiritual realities is possible, which gives him prosperity here and hereaf­ contributions to the press. Mrs. Ophnlla T. Shepard, Mrs. Mary A. Fel­ JOHN 0. BUNDV, Cuicaoo, li.L and prayer Is the law without which spirit­ ter, he learn» to realize God's presence as an To give these friends an opportunity to low», Ur. S. J. Dickson aud Judge Holbrook ual progress Is impossible. rnpet her guest, Mrs. J . C. Bundy invited them » pottolllee in Chicago, Ut., aa all-pervadlngJnrce. followed Mr«. Sayles with felicitous remarks, The Brahmo Somaj believe« In the har­ What I» tn» force? All force, according loan Informal recepttou in honor of Mrs. monious mission of prophet* and great re­ to tho HlnriusLla God-force; arid we confi­ which we regret were uot taken down, as ligious teacher«, through the lustre ami pow­ dently assert tn&tMhe time will corno when Snyletfon Tuesday evening of last week. The aside from their personal nature they em­ er of whose teachings and examples we dis­ the pendulum of ttTIfeighl sh a ll sw ing In the parlors were filled with prominent Spir­ bodied view# which need to bo more widely sriC IA I, NOTICES. other direction, and ecNitlflc men shall rec­ itualists, and well known medium«; a niun- cern what 1« salvation and spiritual life. disseminated and gen**fuljy adopted. Mrs. The llrahmn Somaj believes Jesus Chriet to ognize the fact that allToSta I» God force. If ‘ber of guests being present from distant sub­ God-force' is enthroned In tli>.world, if it Is C. I. Thncher enlivened the evening wjtli he the chief of all prophets and teacher«. urb». After the usiinl introductions and nn The Brahmo Somaj believe» In tho har­ the light of God's force that gleams from some brilliant piano music, nud Mies Hol­ opinion* expressed ti hour of c onversation, Mira Florence Holbrook mony of nil scriptures, and In the efficacy of «very eye, If it Is tire smile of supremo brook recited In her finished «tyle greatly to studying them, but believes in the «pedal blessedness that manifest« itself through all put the company Into a listening attitude by the edification of her listener«. A t a la te wnrtlctoi t« efficacy of studying the Bible and the Hindu the forni» of joy and peace In the world, wo some fine execution on th« piano; Mr. Bundy Kcrlpturc«. feel llnft life he co ma» su lieti fi edV- Tu our hour the friends bade Mr». BayLes good-by tre attached« thetispoke a« follow»: ridilaU In quello# from it That according to the needs and tendencies church, therefore, wi* hold That, Enough mat­ and a pleasant journey home. of mankind, at different times, and In differ­ ter he essentially different from mind, and mr. imspy'D rm m tK s. the body mysteriously and radically different ttnful'h between editi rtol article» and the comm ent countries, the providence of God intro­ Of all the numerous gatherings in our .High.English Authority. "«on* of comaponderiU, duces ami carries out particular dispensa­ from the spirit, yet all the phases of life*—tho home, at which most of those present have tions or phases of religion, with the object beauties and harmonies, thè Intelllgencies, Anonnnou* Irtter* and commun(callona will n a< tended, done has afforded me more pleasure R ig h t of London represent# the highest of delivering nation« ami Individuals from tbe glories, the beneficences—all are but than this. The guest whom ,you have come oeWted. The name and iddi*» of the writer ai culture os well as the scientific thought of qutird a* a guarani; of «ood fallii. Rejected n sin am) misery, and of enlightening them scintillating sparks from the eternal confla­ to greet this evening b well and favorably •eri pia cannot be prwenrrd, neither will Uicj bo rr with truth, holiness and peace. gration of God's presence, without and with­ known to you as a critical, painstaking in­ Spiritualism In England. "Tience the follow­ The Brahmo Somaj. tn its progressive de­ in. This Is the first principle of our be­ vestigator of the phenomena, a generous and ing notice appearing in that paper for Octo­ lief in lbs new church. When n*wai>apere or mugoline* are aent to the « velopments in ftrluciple as well ns in life earnest supporter of worthy medium« ami ber 13th, 1# of »pedal value. In that it shown constitutes such a dispensation, and it there­ Tho next principle Is prayer. How can we worker« In spiritualism. What please« me fore calls Itself the New Dispensation. commune with this presence? We do not be­ belter still 1» that she is a Spiritualist lu the rating of the J ournal in England aa The Brahmo Somaj believes Theism to be lieve In format, routine prayer, lu Intona­ more than the mere acceptance of the phe­ well a« America: tions and recitation», and candles and vest­ the dispensation of the age. Ipwill include nomena; she is what every Spiritualist should “ The ItELir.io-FniLosopiiicAL J ournal of all previous dispensation». Itwill harmo­ ments and thing« written In black ink and be, broad.and catholic In her views and deep­ CHICAGO. ILL, Saturday, November 3. IHH3. Chicago, edlted by our CHteeiiipd friend niul nize with every form of scientific and phllo- In red Ink, We believe prayer to be entirely ly Interested ki every work having for it« ob­ .correspondent. Colonel John C. Bundy, I# as aoplitcal trutli.. The forms amt the mode» of a spiritual transaction, spirit communing ject tho elevation of humanity. Mrs. Sayles ‘ fearless and outspoken a« «^Wr. It may al­ ► NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. the development of Theism will differ in dif­ with spirit. Tbe Jaw of prayer Is the law of realizes that while a knowledge of a future ways be depended on to take a sober, com- ferent countries and comuiunities, but Hh faith. life and spirit return U of vital Importance, nioit-setiseviewof all mutters relating to Spir­ Subscriptions not paid in adivtnce spirit will be the same everywhere. And the In their meeting« the Brahmo Somaj yet It« pursuit is not the prime object of till« itu a lism , a sking only a fair field and no favor. are charged at the old price of $:t,16 Brahmo Somaj fully believes that Theism teachers u sea collection of Scriptures from life, it 1« only Incidental; «lie feels that our It has won many friends ou both sides of the per year. To accommodate (hour will be the religion of the future. first duty Is to help one another here aud now, Atlantic, and by It# firm and consistent atti­ The Brahmo Somaj believe« in tha inspira­ different religion», Pagan and Christian, on arid in doing Lbls she Is not fettered by urtr- Subscriber* who through force of habit tude in the conflict between purity of life tion and truth-teaching power of Us apostles. the same plan as the compilation by G, B. rovv siMdariun bonds, but It ffdi to work with aud free love,and between geiiiilneand fraud- or inability, do not keep paid in ad­ This Inspiration is more intense in shine men Htebbins, ’‘Chapters Troni the Bible of the all having thvho are reisiatlug acts of Now England home It ha« seemed Jo us that President Arthur ha» designated Thursday, Stati".-A'Remarkable IIIndoo»Spirittin! Tho Brahtpo Somaj believes the position bigotry and narrow sectarian Ism which wijl the S p iritu alists of Chicago »lion Id accord her and mission of women In the Thelstlc Church at least as much attention and as warm a November 20, as a day of- national thanks- Movement. be repudiated In another quarter of à cen­ to be very high; and unless and until men greeting a» «he ha« received from those in giving. have learnt thoroughly Uuuirlfy their hearts tury by those who step into their shoes. Tho thl« city, who only know her a* a worker In Several time,«, m ention liajj. boeu m ade tn lion. A. 8. Avery, the long-time popular In regard to women, and to W io r them, The­ J ournal Joins hands with the R e g is te r and philanthropic scheme». our columns of the Brahmo ftnmaj rongrega- ism will pot take root In this'land. postmaster at Morris, Sew York, gave ns a Investigator lii deprecating bigotry. We Mrs. Sayles. on behalf of tho numerous tlona'atn? preacher« utnong the upper Clara The* Brahmo Somaj believes In the solemn friend» here Assembled and of those who are call last week. have less toleration for Spiritualist bigotry of Hindoo»—the Brahmins. Baboo Paotap duty of the communion of the spirit of man unable to attend, I extend to you a cordial A. B. French has been le ctu rin g a t B irm ­ with the spirit of God. It docs/ not believe than any other; welcome to our city and hope you will carry Oh tinder Mozoomriar, one of their lending ingham, Ohio, and at Sturgis, Michigan, to in mediation, but in ah fnimedrato spiritual “Tho editor of the investigator lias this away such pleasant memories of your stay minister», an educated and arrompli«1ied vision of tho perfections of God. Thin 1« reminiscence in regard to Theodore Parker, that they may lure you back again at no dis­ large audiences. gentleman and a ripe scholar, tin« lately vln- W orship. which contains as well a rebuke of Unitarian ta n t day. Mr. QJP. Kellogg will speak at Vineland, The Brahma So qj a J believe« In the duty of lied England, 1« now In thin country, and, bigotry, which we do not consider of any N. J„ during tho ^nqnlH-of November. All communion with the spirits of holy men, more value thAii any other kmd of bigotry: has hern treated with marked attention In L.UUKH and Ok n n .kmkn: -I have to thank both living and departed. This is Brother­ ‘Many year« ago. when our p rin tin g office communication# for him should be sent to both lauds. An orthodox Congregational hood. , you all for coming to meet me to-night, and Vineland, N. J „ care of A, C. C otton. was In Washington Street, we were looking our kind hosts. Col. and Mrs. Bundy, for In­ Church In Boston was the Arft offered to The Brahmo' Somaj believes in the duty out of the window one day. aml-suw Mr. Par­ A .Syracuse, N. Y., correspondent w ritin g a n d u ------* -- --- ...... ker engaged In conversation with one of his viting yon. I have great pleasure in looking him , am t Its m inister. Her. D r> I)riryia, pro* upon the faces of these.my Western friend» us last week says: ” We expect Mrs.-Maud and-n friends. Presently there came along a pom­ sided at a reception given him at the Hotel T h e ______for we are all friends through our common laird here In a few d a y s f Chicago friends may pous Rev. Dr, of the U nitarian trib e ; and Mr. faith—I had almost said—but mean Instead, Vendome, and spoke III n broad and liberal duty of public a nd jo in t Parker attempted to shake hand« with him, therefore expect to see her—a fte r » whilo.^ The Brahmo Somaj believes that the broth- our common knowledge. This life Is short, way on that occasion. The audacious Joseph but tho Rev. Dr. refused, aud hurried pis!, as a t the best, and It h w ell to takjn each other Two Hebrews have been sentenced tiMflttr Cook gave a long introductory talk at the erhood’qf men enjoin« the great duty of sin­ If ho said, “Stnnd by, for I am holier than cerely-loving and doing service to each other, by the hand as often as possible and bid good years' Imprisonment for setting fire to a syn­ church, not at all In unity with the Rrahtiw thou!" Such was tho style in which Uulta- speed. both material, moral and spiritual. rimi ministers generally (not all) treated agogue at Coslln. Pomerania, for the pur­ Soninj views, hut rather. In part, an effort to The Brahmo Somaj believes religion In­ From our more crowds*! East, the g rea t Theodore Parker; but now they claim him as truths of FplfiltMlUm, which we acknowl­ pose of obtaining the Insurance. convert the noble pagan. But he happily cludes every manner of good work and every their own, and hare round out that he was a edge, quickly -pod to your broad prairies and Mrs. Mary A. Fellows is uow prepared to escaped, and has since been speaking In Uni­ description of social reform. But it doe« not grent and good timi. MSo runs the world believe Gunny work or any reform, the spirit magnificent cities, and td tho hearts of your make lecture engagements for the full and tarian churcl.es. This emlndptsMIndoo and away.” The salutation which the reformer people, which are as broad and magnificent of which is uot strictly and faithfully subor­ often recelye« from bigot» w hile he Uve» Is, winter. She may bo lyldrcsseil at 37.7« John­ bis co*worker* at home do not take the'Chrlw- dinated to religion. a« the country they call their own. Spiritual­ ‘Crucify b in a r but, a fte r h is death, they Hing ism has taken, and is taking Its cTtt'n time and son Place, Chicago. Mrs. Fellow# is well and tlan name, yet the Brahnm Somaj Idea« are The Brahmo Somaj believes in the harmony ‘hosannah»” too hish is nameliar and memory. of different orders of religion« culture, such way to do Its own work. It 1«permeating all favorably known lu Chicago as a pleasant ihelstlc, Intuitive and spiritual,' not tinged a« meditation, praver, good work,asceticism, society and even the churches, with its oc­ speaker. Not the Object. cult phenomena. Its satisfying philosophy, or shaped by agnosticism or materialism,but and religious wisdom. Albert Smith. Esq., the able Swedenborg- affirmative of great spiritual realities and Tho Brahmo Somaj believe« in the utmost and its liberalizing spirit. We must not, * u» raiinr u» miun« I’biwtwf-xi j«un»it however, allow ourselves to be egotistical, Ian. will lecture for the Brooklyn Spiritual interior truths, and with a recognition of sanctity of domestic life. Jtttiolds the fideli­ ty or attachment and conduct between hus­ 1 don't know anything of the truth of your and to say that all the liberalizing tenden­ Fraternity, Friday evening, Nov. 2nd. Sub­ sp iritu a l com m union. Mr. Mnzooiuriar gives. band and wife to be oneof the holiest sacra­ claim abouksplrlt intercourse; I would like cies of the age proceed from Spiritualism di­ ject: “All knowledge which I# to be everlast­ In hts summary of its view»*; “a belief in the rectly. but give the endeavor of each true ment« of human life. It believes every houses to have It proved to me. If you will direct ing most bo obtained objectively” (Oahepe, duty of communion with the spirits of holy bold duty should be performed fn the spirit me to a good business medium and thenpir- soul that has seen a gleam of light thrWbgh the darkness of the past and recognized it, Book of Luke. chap. 0, verse 10). meil,-both living and departed;” and Baboo. of religion. Because It believe« without re­ It# w ill help m t‘ to recover my losses made ligion no household can be hippy and pure. i the Board of Trade, I shall be a convert. all the credit due. It has been largely owV After a long and letter strife between the Chunder Sen, one of Its great leader#, thinks The Brahmo Somaj believes it to be a duty lug to the teachings of pioneers In the ilberj physician« and the priests in I’ortngiN, tbe i himself a spirit-medium, Inspired at times al thought which we now denominate Unit to honor the professors of all religions, and We ought to publish your name, but as you principal munclpaJitie# have Issued decree« Id h is speaking by supernal intelligences, only to beware of the hypocrite nud evil doer. vcrsalism, Unltarlanlam and-Free Religion,\ *e only one of a host of eqnally selfish and that the advent of mod ritual ism be­ making cremation absolutely optional in once on earth, now In the higher life. Tho Brahmo Somaj believes in the sacred and solemn duty of propagating its own faith silly people, we leave you for the fool-killer cam e possible. And a t chi» Jnuie. the prejuV most ease«, but quite aa absolutely compulso­ The Brahmo Somaj Is thus in unity with by missionary agencies, and converting men who .Is on your track and will find you In dices against Ahi* latter$Jiiy religion anas ry in districts where plagues shall have been the spiritual movement In this country, and to its own religion. phliodophy, a/e t^vInjK^ay continually be­ time, utiles« you learn wisdom from.your ad­ fore ina^groWtn o itb e same liberalizing officially declared epidemic. tn Europe, on this vital and central truth, The Brahmo Somaj believes in the sacred duty of preserving and cherishing and cleans­ versities. To'mend fortune# la not the object s*ntimentvwhich preceded its birth, Spirit­ Geo. H, Brooks organized a society 6/ Spir­ and lts Intuitive morals, iutd high standard, ing this material body with which God has of spirit return and communication. Spir­ ualism has given fresh impetus to the free- itualists at Albany. Wi»., October 6th. Ha of ethics and practical conduct ought surely thinking spirit of the age. clothed man’s soul so long an life remains. it« can be better employed than In aiding delivered several lectures there. He also lec­ to command respect and enliht sympathy. But It also believe« In suffering hardship and As you probably are all aware, I came gam blers of any Oort, w hether in g rain , stocks to this city at thi» time, specifically to attend tured at Monroe, Madison, Manchester, Dari­ Tha’ our readers may judge of this wo copy moral discipline, which subduo and control the carnal instincts of human nature. card«. Neither Is It within the province the Congress of Women which concluded en, portage, Otsego. Janesville and Beloit» from the firhlian R e g iste r a \ The Brahmo Somaj believes Jn the sacred of returning spirit« to run the business af­ It« session« last week; and lam very glad to Wisconsin. Last week he went to Detroit, SCMMAllY o r BRAHMO BOMAJ DKCmr& and supreme duty or cultivating and encour­ fairs of people live, however legitimate tbe be able.to inform you this evening of a fact which haA never yet been published to the M ichigan, where-ha ha« an engagement to aging the Independence of thought, will, and business may be. The prime object of spirit le c tu re . The Brahmo Somaj believes that,-God Is, couvlcllon». Everything that tends to en­ world: that among other methods seized upon communion 1» to furnish evldepte of contin­ by the Spirjt-world to benefit ours, we may that he Is a spirit, amPthat he Is One with­ slave man’s nature is an evil. It also believes T en T housand seekers "Alter the truths of . conscientiously reckon that of |#ie Associa­ l out a second. in the great duty of subordinating individual u ity of life beyond .the grave; and this It doe# Spiritualism should this wintetbe Induced T h ai God la a personal and living God, w ith opinion«, habits, and inclination« to tbe gen­ to the satisfaction of all who persistently tion jnnt referred to. The Association for the Advancement of Women waa founded by by our readers to become subscribers to the I b e infinite a ttrib u te s of tru th , w isdom, love, eral welfare of tbe community. strive for the demonstration. the matured thought of a Spiritualist medi­ J ou r n a l No person who is really an Inves­ holiness, power, glory and peace. The Brahmo Somaj believe* In the^iHimate That God Is present In us, and with us. He um. and bad been present with her for a tigator can afford to forego the^ailvanUgea triumph of good ,over every form of evil, of long time before U was brought to the notice directs all the functions of our body and truth over ever'y form of falsehood, aud of Concentrated Spiritualism. accruing from a weekly reading ortjie J our­ mind according to fixed laws, lie watches of Sorosis, of New York, of which Club she trie true faith over every form of finbellef. nal, freighted aa It la with the best thought over alt our thoughts and Actions. His spirit Under the above heading our English con­ was then President. The D$meof this medi­ aground* us, and fills ns, and Is the cause Such large ideas aa these—and such "prac­ um may be well known to tbe very oldest of the best writers and full of the experi­ temporary, The Herald o f Progress, p ublishes .Spiritualists present, bat not to the younger t and centre of all physical aud mental forces. tical efforts for woman’s eievation.for.i hlgh- ences of level-headed Investigators, and spec­ the platform of the American Spiritualist portion of the friends, for It Is many years That God 1» present in alt the aspects and* and nobler civilization, and for progress ulations of philosophers. laws of nature, and nothing that takes place Association on Its editorial page, with the fol­ since circumstances took her from our lec­ takes place without his will and power. in all practical guod aa they lu col cate-are low ing rem ar kc: turing field. Her maiden naan» was Char­ Dr. Kay. the Scotch Presbyterian minister lotte Beebe, and she married Mr. Wilboor of That as God’s general providence superin­ gaining grouud among the educated.Hindoo* Fact#, when formulated, indicate reü- who got Into trouble recently for attending tends over the affairs of alt mankind and the Rhode Island, and resided in New York at the class of large influence. Air. Mozoomdar tlotis towards each other, the knowledge of time of the Inception of this Congress. at the performance of “ Hamlet.” by Henry world at large, so hie special providence pre­ la not a Spiritualist in the technical sense of side« over the circumstances aud de#tmfe#of rh)¿h relations become the phUoeophy to'ex­ This earnest woman, staunch and true to­ Irving, has not giveu up his love for the thea­ Individual tuen, and leads them through the term. Believing In the “vision ef God,” plain and Illustrate them by. As a concise day. as ever, had tong been Imbued with tbe tre. A Scotch newspaper in noticing on# of mysterious ways from evil to good, be lays: "1 do not mean phantoms, rapplngs exposition of the philosophy of Spiritnalism. Idea of uniting the specialities and branches the performances of Mr. Toole, tbe comedian, That there is a double nature In man; via., or voices in the air,” but an ’inw ard realiza­ of the reform work In which women have at Edinburg, aays: ‘*1 priv ate the platform of the American Spiritualist for years been laboring, under a system and his body an

Rev. J. G. Roberts, pastor of the Herkimer K cllgloi The work done by tfie prisoner»* Aht* A*eo- I Street Congregational Church, will lector« ,ciatioii «f Chicago has told its own «lory of <*««! r * | for txpata. B ite 1« e-COO per for the Brooklyn Bplrliiisl Fraternity, Friday Volume* have been written to tell what re­ success, Of tin- ;p*> ex convict« look*5*! after M(*.. «nr flnr »«ub*- A Hlbfr». overling, Nov. Dth. Subject: "The Cause ami i ligion la; volumes more will yet be written ■by the Association the officer* ran put their . Write (0 J . S'. Vfrl'urd 1 A <‘s„ ' hV-iri, IJIIimJs. Core of Antagonisms,” to the same end. -On another page our good hand« on over ¡¡no who are leading industri­ At South Bend, Indiana, Inquiry Meeting* friend Chapniau insists upon Webster’s defi­ ous and holiest IIvex. The objects of the As­ are held each Weiluegday evening, several of nition of the word and dema nds that In the sociation are wejj understood. They aim to / the home rued luma occupying the platform, discussion, his opponents shall ho confined to throw such in linen cm about rfnnvlct* ill«- ' and replying to written question* relating the same authority. Ho w ill fait In getting charged from the penitentiary a* w ill pre­ to Spiritualism. Dr, Deuslow luu been lee- an opponent among the Journal’* readers, vent them from falling again into bad way*. turlug there each Sunday', m orning and even­ who will slarnl on the letter of that, deflni- They have brought the machinery of their or­ ing, to increafffbg audience*. ganization to the standard of »month work­ Wo have received a card photograph of ing in acco in pushing desired result«*, and the Mr*. Sophia Ilufllngton, of Glen Grouse, Karl,, question Is, shall the work be continued? We for which she has our thank*. We place It hope It w ill. with our valuable collection of Spiritualist* Cassell A Co., New York, w ill hwueax a hol­ and Free Think**'*, iday book, "Original Etchings byAiirertcan Sire. Nellie J. T. Brigham ha* commenced Artist*." Only etchings nMMHcxjRvseJy for her regular winter lectures at Saratoga, N. Y. this volume are admlltcd, and no artist l* She lately officiated at the funeral of Sira, represented by more than one specUoei» of Gilbert Wright at le a n 's Corner*. In S«rato: his work. That the book shall contain non- ga Co. The rem ains were Interrfd at Schuyl- but the best work of the artist«, a cooimiUceof ervllle, and Mr*. Brigham accompanied the selection ha* been appointed, con'inllng «J friends to speak a feyr words to the people Messrs, Henry Ferrer, R. Swain Gifford and from benirie the grave.' Fre-hrick DltloiUOO the part of the artht* , Dr. Wm. K, Dnnn. of Du Quoin, III., write*: and Messrs. 8. It. Koehler and O, M. Dunham Absolutely Pure, Ès-Æéi"TfJSTÉi "The address of Dr. S'A. Durham Is greatly on the part of the publisher-. Mr, Koehler.long desired by Ms friends and relative*, He b a and favorably-known a* an art critic, will dentist by profession, ami Is liberal in declaring that there could be no doubt of the write the accompanying text and introduc­ thought. Ho has not been seen or hwatd Identity and that thespirllhad changed Ms tion. H*-ide the regular edition which 1.« to from for about two year**, then lie was in views? tie elegantly bound in cloth and «old for Mtirplireysboro. ill. Pldaso help us to find It was our great privilege to be intimately per copy, two other‘edition* the parchment him. Wilt friendly newspaper* lend their acquainted with Kpe* Sargent, and a more and edition de luxe—will be issued in limit­ aid?" truly religious mau.wi* never knew. He was ed numbers, and wild only by subscription; Returns from the Woman's Christian Tem­ a believer in God, a confirmed theist. He price # 8QD and $125 respectively. perance Union Convention, just held at AD ho* repeatedly rorfioiuiilrated with us since ton, allows Illinois delegates numbering II I. he passed from earth life, fiut we have never -Businfsa itotiffS. CHICAGO MAGNETIC SHIELD CO, The local W'. C.T. Union numbers 7,100 paid- received any Intimatiou of a change in his views on.these point*. I k all artlcka that are «red In food jvrre m pur» up member*. Irt fifteen m inutes the ladle* w> br. PrlortCrtam It e k h r * br. w*- »boohl **- took forty shareaof stock in the Union Si/;mil cape many of tb* ills of life. at #25 per share. They are determined to I llVnso* T trm Jt torture* y ton, U, K and run It at fall gauge. O. address. Berlin RaghU. Ohio. Karl I.. King of Slam, is a most extraordin­ life. Price'* Special FlavoringExtracts are the toad- ary looking man, or rather boy, for he is but iag article* of U»»ir kind In America twenty years of age. The most remarkable fact concerning him Is the Inordinate length Skat.xt. I.kttkka answered by R. W. Flint, No. It is with feelings of deep sorrow and sym 1X27 Brood way. N, Y. Terms: #2 and three 3 rent of his nails, each of which measures about pa thy for tbo suddenly bereaved, that we postage mU oiul Money refunded if not answered. half a yard. This deformity Is considered by Send for »xphutalory areolar. ( chronicle the death of Cam! I loF enzi ,* on ly the -Siamese as an attribute of sovereignty, Tun Perfumes made by Dr. Price are fast Miper- son of our rained rorrespondenL^elrtstiano wlini; nil other». Their fresh, fine fragrance IS ad­ and,of course, reduces the monarch to a state Fenz», of Florence, Italy. His death occur­ mired b> all who use them. of absolute helplessness. He can do nothing red by an accident. In cleaning his revolver Ol^ntVbTAKT KXAKIFATIOM FSOU l-OC* 0» for hlmeel/, and Is obliged to Have recourse a cartridge, whirh had escaped his notice, Haul—I* . BoU»rlfeld will write you a dear, i*4aled In every installce to his aid de-camp. Jin.TO VAIJÜX. went off. Injuring him in the abdomen m and eornn dlsgonsto of your esusre, prr» ilba tJziie Doten. who has been in Cali­ orth College AvbVue, Fhiladelpbia. Pr seriously that He died almost instantly. Thu* Sftnm, and the prospect of a radical core. Examinee fornia for some month*, spent' last Saturday a happy life of great worth to fricnd£ and the mind as Weil as U^e Indy. Eoch«* On» Dollar, with Mr. and Mrs. Bundy In Chicago, on her country wax abruptly ended so far a* mortal with Dam* and age. Address ButirrtVid, M A VALUABLE PREMIUM way back to Boston. She thinks her health 1», Syncure, N. Y. * \ eyes can see and trace it. * is somewhat improved, and gives encutiragiv- Ctraxa Event r a n or Pujol Camlllo Kenzi was ¡11 years of age, tall. ment that in the near future she may be able to do some public work. As her old s m a rr irt i. quarters In Tremout Street have been taken for mercantile purpose*, she will have to seek another plaee'in whleh to establish her home. For the prescnl she Will be domiciled Ca5S(d to £plrtt'Xitr. at the Parker House. Gerald Massey, whose poems and lecture* have excited great attention throughout the UckÀcÉL \Vfii>ï\ï.Wûii«i» M am in world, lately landed in New York City, hav­ of Montalabata In Umbria, near Prugia, to F.W PLAIN TYPE. APTOTIC BINDING. ing taken passage from [«ondon oo the steam ­ the nearest station, Ponte St. Giovanni, elev­ er City of Rome. He expects to travel around luirrrmtl tin ntt M / o r ifftm en, mile« distant, m aking U 22 mile* to and the world, lecturing In the principal cities. fro. The Medium’s Meeting at Lester's Academy. The stricken father, whqi* an earnest Spir­ C19 West Lake Street, will take iatoconsld- itualist and President of a spiritual society eration the following HUbjeet* next Sunday: in Florence, sadly write«: "In hlm I seemed "Does the Bible leach Spiritual ism?” "Was to be IIting my life over againjand was proud .. n r„.. 1 Jesus a Medium?" An IntercHtlng lim e 1« and happy to hyve eifeb a representative of BUCCIES, PHÆTOKS, LIGHT CARRiACES, anticipated. tny race." In a poem, "In Memoriam." writ­ SURREY WAGONS. Mm. Ophelia T. Shepard delivered a short ten by him since overwhelmed by hi* sudden but Interesting lecture last Sunday evening sorrow, be tbu« expresse« himself: at Lester’« Academy, on this subject "What In perfect bloom was be, our pride, our >05 !" REID TBi: (tSPITIO ^ TG MX l Uh «hall we do to be saved?" .She carefully and Now *uIl> CM S H ILT C S S C S T T O iC A S E let Upkeep his "organ." We might also A «nito OÎJOïtoi11 b rilli. Uiâtoi«1 - U » ealWhe attention of our brother of the ma­ [iavPtolw to—

«UPMd Ini- the room the undertaker had the casket-lid In lilt hand' ready to *crew It «Iowa. No untmrr ever to hear. 'Hie room was filled with friend» UwUf* the family and domestic*. Several ladles fahifol outright, some screamefl and went In­ to hysterics, th« servant* ran nut Into the yard, and I confiH* that, though I wai exiwctlng to m ‘ tire, my own nerve* were mi shaken by tbi * '»»occurrence that it was with the greater difficulty J o Warden, Aubufn, N. Y.; thanked n______to the call and hit request, and oPiiK a message U 1 out of Ih» rodili and down from th frfond*, and said: “ Tell my frirud Knanp In f* •tk Tribu lu .¡owí:Í,\\ li tu» assistance. lly Ud* Unto th dcIIstIIK N. Y., says: 1 :mm had In a iiioaaure su folded, an-, flee that these la more truth In Sptrituallan aba the______i__ what_____ was the most fearful jwrt of more my» tot Ire to to revealed than he “It (a haw strongly believed th* ______th« whole experience: dreamed or.1' Now* Uit> funeral I waa ippoaed____ conscious the entire Uni that fof Chari« A* Warden of Auburn, was wild and knew all t!hat wi* going fident there were hut 'two person* In «od hi* body púrodTa a"póeííío 0°tonili dl- She hail fell h«i»eir U-i, who knew It-wife and myself. In rn «al lie had beco killed by the cars. HI* l-»dy IS DARW IN RIGHT ? rofflp; had heard her friends weeping oi uouncement that I waa called away to attoi ound by the side of toe Erie Railway traci fore the coftiu-lltl shout clone over her f- rural I gave no hint aa to whose funeral it w _ . . Yra also your"«dltorts a*t of the olean de|*>L The libad, l«ack t _ . thought ah» should pirely-1 be buried a' Baxter also said he couhl bear an engine whistle i . . ochaa i fully agr ______»en were tiadly cuUnd a oironer's jury brought (IH, TUE Olili; IV OF m s. White, though all« Wed tier uUmwl, she aoaoqated with thti mrr good character, when simply charged with »rdlcl of accidental dealli. to move or utter a sound. Her friends nffeniw^ir»ul«l lie euUtledln hlsilefence to every g- .» iheoryof murder was adopted pretty geno her aa glrenr tack to them from th Sunday there I* in him, bul after tlm accused has plraded ralJj when it was sut^ucntly Irorued that Hc«»t »user o! "Car Füllt." "Seni st flU c .“ ¡le. deed, jo the country nr-si ml It I* rep ' i «ml— guilty, character cannot In my Judgment, nor In ll had wild some property, oud hail recelv«! fl.in io i ratea b r from the'dm3! and aft. ___ *ral frclgh eye» of the world make him appear Innocent. Let l _ Tuesday In payment tor It; that he had hv>en seen ii basd M in Ul. itaiSL 1 that mtry people flock«! ______yntral It R., ■ft! hrielly review the case. Mr. Baxter had entertained a disrepuuble liquor shop oo Tuesday afternoon the ftiemwg«» was sent, w toe people of (Irorgetown and vicinity wito real. i boasting of his sale and displaying money lie tor road, and th«y#hari occ pretoud«*«l revelations from spirit* of tf»e dead. After dränge men with whom he drpnk mlffc Tiltlm i ” a Spirit!_____, _ _ w departure from the town, he « char got by wuu« ------so much Intoxicated that l*- 1----- 1while Mr. Wai.il* of Bn* li« l people of tbe vlUagr, 1with having left al to a barn, where they left him; i In the office. Surely, no newspaper notice* the house of Prank K. Whitmore, where he had stop- walking with two strange u I abare tin* Interent of your correspond- ( l a b S 5d Hr. Bui« and H H M il prete Ppl. “au ctivrl«)[>e containing printed and written ‘clock that night on the r lien«*«* III, In the roturo to th« field of UiaTbe read all th!» from Mr. Warden’s grave- shop to the Tri» depot, n labor, of Judge Joel Tiffany, of your c tone! These are hut samples of what Mr. Baxter I* inanir«tn|0 tbSnwdvea^f Pto'hlm^wbie itlr e ^ d wood* It Is ontinuatly glrlug In Id* public readings, and I hold «bltuary nolle« of people who had lie blood either on the rails -r ah»ut the track w! can tumidi a “Hrmluiiwtieo" of Judge that Uicy.are-ainple proof of the genuinen«« of hi* -i lui»« 4o| .Scott's Usdy was found; a id rallruftil mro any ; HOME CIRCLES. early life. Being both native«-of the - liuinstilp,ond unanswerable u«tun«uij In favor of to lectur coming v nnd also many 1a it would nut be poesIbJefoi a personólo Ite hit h. Barkhanuted, CL, we were bnylioo" - beaten to dmth lo a plero of wood* and .OFFER TO EXPOSERS AND CONJURERS OF a reason so searching and *mt ug,l»Ls mental vis- strike upon Ills unreteutlogcriUi‘s1 they, too, will he T h . good iim vI» ot <>Hir*«Uiiiu u attiD * o taken from hi* person. awoke ’ serotini ng, $t,QOO. Ion *w«pl toyond the narrow ...... ‘ I«.. of dogmatic compelled U» ylebL I rejolro in his work and nm •thi, cbirgo or torero «ml cno.plimcr, *aili«rnl ‘Don't touch toe money! ' I blood nq It?'—Bho theology Into the realm* ol what to-day proud of the record you give him. Such worker* Willi wra >n4 m *lr oOJtTlu to Uio fiflo Id Hid ____ was frightened so tost sbi______—i and struck a IlghtS nosticlitm. The good peonf«* of - ' will redeem th« cause from the chaos, dehaurbt-ry wboo lo! Ilailrt took Lbo wind out of all Uraft n il., It wan half-past 11. The brother, who is a resident were greatly surprised to hear of and rvdtles* swindling which has held many good Iik IiiiIId* hi. mifiirliin.t. frinu l Dr. Btab, b, of Bradford Penn« had a tike dream, and awoke Still,Hi, ththey — thought ^ ^ that mio so specially eudourtd by people at a doubling distance, aud rwlnced med.um* knowledglng the truth of the charges. from ItJn such a nervous and oppressed condition aven la the matter of-grace/could not but gravi­ Alp aud magic to a conrtnoo level in the world, His letter published hy you Od. ^Dto, contain* strop again that nighk It le, bark to the fold. Time went on, and when koura lu defense of truth and boceet medlumshlp. there Is of toe maUer, if not radte, It s|»mka for IS half-past u Wh« modern spirituali« it. uo LM-rami" a I.TJ Hov aelf. Baxter did d«> the writing; fie did have L... convert; finding Iti nil th *ri the demand* Mr, Howe In his admirable tetter get* obituary notices referred to; bo did leave Ids “harvest of reason and aspiration,n, .au a most xenlous and records" al Ueorgwtown, where be afterward called . cause-3 ho has since remained, from IheUvue, In some place*. The point In Mr. for them, of which fully appean to his written the Herald of , Th« Judge’ iron Joel Tiffany, related an Baxter's case, eo far a* Spiritualist* are concerned, 1* rootension.*11 Hi* attemfdod explanation, eo full of hearing, not whether he is a medium—lliat was long ago Irrelevant matter, do« not chang* these farts, hi * whlste fpM 11-.* Inimitati«’ i settled In tbe affirmative beyond dispute—but wheth­ roofirtn* them. No matter where Baxter pinned h._ dudve to the «atufblUhcnei...... m m ... loiu as wen a* from'the pH inoney («>; where ho lost his lectures, ir he did lose than any other denomination. In retegatli ImprrosMl Itrolf ui«.i er the contents or the envelope were tor illegitimate them, nur where be claims to have found them; n< and devil to toe lurntjer-roora, we have deprltw mu* . .»t simile of how «plrltui use. No amount of whlroce or his medlutnohlp can uiaUer about Ids former character In tblsconnecUoi selves of a whip which, la Its efficiency ssa means of called such) 1» surrepUUouBly Iil...... affect that qumtiou whan once bis powers are ad­ It is now too late for kny frieod or combinatton o drawing men together and Infusing their benighted rhurchmchurch« of (p-dt?,to-d:ty, we will reproduce Ui smls to ndeose him from his own «»nfesskui. v mitted. Tbe oolj «joesitira germane to the issue is, souls with the spirit or.reru«slnee* is only equalled Two -nelgtihonv „V * • — -^4 Dooron Johnson, lytacuse, N. Y. Jons W. T huesdku* by the self-seeking spirit which pervedre most axn- feil lotoa dlscWon llbte qitalltll - does he tell the truth In hts explanation'.' Mr. uierdsl eotorprisro, and too which, - «yen prreuming taln klnd* of gauus Mr. Jouro m ¡Has tun of all Howe's Interesting Incidents are corroborative evi­ J . I'r u u k Kltix to r. l proslbie to do so, we should io no way he chotce imcdmcn* he knew of, “mi . Uld-tUIW* f* dence or Mr, Baxter's mediumsblp but not- of his jmjtffd In Intrwluang as nn element Into our faith. cacy and rlchn«* of hista suipas*»iir p M a ll moats ... | \ wj -PtUiseneMcsl Journal t “TTiHl we, as a class, so far wlvanro, as to regulate C OMPLETE WORKS acqualnted Willi Dearon Johnson* n vehementlyv*-hem main- character; the medial power Inheres In bb physical In the matter of J. ______our eouducl by broad and universal coasideratkms talnlng Kurt it mild to so u/«iv»ryrory th«the power» of constitution, not In hla moral nature. w you promptly come to th e ------rather than pitifully narrow and perv-oal oura; un- deglutlllon w.-uld fall In nihreylngring It ll hotneh- to tbe whose life you know to-be beyond reproach, and Ut we have no eliminated self aud Its Interest« from sPunacU.—— -r— .— Her» -- the— war —ot «-.a»vtoni» reded,raded. and when T b e lallM a K|tHi»fc% hearty endorse meat of his character should horoscope that the greater afld Im- »NDBEW JACKSON DAV Thanksgiving came. OeacAn Johnson was surprt**! ----- Spiritualists at least to ¿h»p and weigh well the at a cordial Intiutloua to dine withv neighbor Jon fan* la the rose .before they jump at a roactuslnn. oairuiu iwntr-iui Diiltii itiua. ill iíü jt To toe outside world your llue of defraoe Is proha- is throe, w ì hold It as an locon- ¡¿«w tioU of lh . L**S l i M l i l «*a lntJk*d ^ hlr the ouly one that cat satisfy the luteutgent mind; ------Spirituali ^ ______Blu« Il OtU. p " • th, both - .tujdlDK uj". af^.oliDff lu th, won; of bdt to those who coll themsdTUhBflTI tuaUst* I have nan) feat the weak and languishing lire that noweo (liwl Olihrulilm Um«. Turn, tin ¡am ol «tut l.ur- .. — --^uS^ouily agreed that are shook a word to sey. No published oUluary notice do« u . Ou t" hr- jn tlnl to the tm.gtTutlno to bo chlck^t pie exprees through toe Joua»«, uu&.fuU confidence In more than to give age, location gad a partial biogra­ ■aw ca svuvny. an, * M fh tail end on* Is th, cm tin ot th, tsbln. the integrity and honesty of J . Frank Baxter. How­ phy of llfo. Th) they ever give a physical deeerip- hotdlng lotto no Induceamnt torougCTbe channel of ever un fortunate and suspicious tbe clrcumstoncre, — — .— XstldM . . . aa iCo th, Wtor d lrw lj to frrot ol Urn bo it Kltimtl. Mr. tlou of the deceased, afi els», weight, color of toe cupMlte. It depende ohlefiy, If noAeolely. for Ufe and Tbs HmuiAiL v«L L Orws tUnauuu. i D Jos« , u err«-, nauntll, .truck Into th, 01, 1, n«j- and howevrr much our enemlw may try to make It hair, ejm, etc. Now, If Mr. Baxter can give thee« recognition upon wlist stmUi spark of ClMst-lIke ToeTrocttsr - it - ...... ¡ *o **l h»sd. A" th. knit, bmurbt to light toe .mok- »cause to wmkeu hie lutlnmice, and thereby rvtroll descriptions, he gives fads which he could never eelf-ahiiegatlou we eech have cherished end dulti- tott eootmta nl the pstn It wnnlit Ih t, lmur«ml Ui, upon Spi ritualismi— we have no f« r* tlwi to* truth gather from tomhatooesor toe public pres*, Are vatod within our own boaouw. If havlug satlsfiad W i 'Hi-: th f. Ill« P irtfa K "1V1M.—I ot tor which we are workingurklng willwlU tbe affseted. W* b« you not aware that our frteodt In spirit Ufe are fa­ ouraeives through Its means that a bettor destination S sser : *: : 1S W™-‘11 o* m ill, up ol off Mtn. win*», rtf, e lf, w » tich- I Mr. Baxter will return to Sarah»* d Ids carl!«; n miliar with our Ufe work here? Do you not know thap tiiat of being omvertsd Into living fuel awaits Ifemtowrtl with -tweur—SO boos n n U ii tortr veuleooe and thereby show his o faro they are anxious to be rrougnlxed by their earthly his detractors. We intend to rt our exit from this scene of mingled joys and woes, inMLV^MMl^ra ...... h - p w it n Is to, ,poctBCiil*i Ulvlowim D m n friends? Do you not 'know that they grieve be­ we idly felli our arms and with the Mif-euflVcidbcy awireaemaa cuma, or Trag» n xroni-wr Johswxi W ta n re l trnm too r»Tnr„l Jlto, no] t»U- cause the way U not open between them and their of Imagined superiority calmly await the tome of iw i a i a k w *iw « rUiQBMttai...... flNl w h ntlrti (or -chicken.* tost he pwwwt sp s earthly friends? Now, Is It not possible; y«, prob- «veuts poroeased with toe fallacious Idea that our gaMrov re>ai— i» t o w tt t u s ____ « f M i Uow foe to, rtnu. Wboo Jlnoor t n . oror, here for a few day* and ijxb!« and natural, that such spirits as art anxious to connection with Spiritualism ends with toe serrice ones sad pis anegue* the bool MkHl bl. iruoit. Ill» opinion of toe edlbl* oertalulj a power for goo ____ _ be rococoired hy their friends should visit Mr. Bax­ ll has wrought us, we may some day awakeo to the W?.'* ™ ot ■ ■ H firtiwr M i ItM n d Lh. t r i n Spiritualists bave here for toe wtetec, seeking^ ter and solid» the privilege of being described by »•tartong knowledge that like the mau with ope tal­ Hina will Msil « tWwts* r«r in<-/r / _ . « a la i ell me, bat. trialn Mr*, firighacn'» reg- him. The clairvoyant phaes through the organism ent we have broa unprofitable servants, and our IBv«hsiouìeLflaw aflato. iXap W to », tur mlidstratlons^nd T and toon m »- ■** - • if Mr. Baxter Isexroi progress through the *oos of eternity be retarded In f ail isishr Wt spwroi N e il» « » : ...... extra.extra, Ureettireet efforts are put forth by to«hurrh«* to nro tiifwairo haassmaro Jtorotea...... To whichh qnothquoto thetoe hoet, “Wrtl■’ Wrtl fourou u*n»deMmed Coralitoto rrtiih pul furili t>y to i fuller and moro u U .IM ri/ .« ,> ■ ____—« ------ooneequeoea.* grosouiuk rtinisroiiie asns—fti aare—.. im v , pretor Wrtlllhoo*fi{ durine dtoner; totron oountonci our Lu flu«noe, and no Mins s?es pared ‘ »o cialrroyantA. Thus his reputatolo for cooriodng nUarotv 4 Soottuu taw m m »“ notoln* , 1» ." Whrtwipon, ILk, Ctoo, toe rów- « «PtwnDiTa^rfraUDD. A . Phenomena Is as well known In toe spiritasi as In tU lu r a ilo a . “ ‘The truth I*’ mid an Inleillgeot oon'i cnu o tensor, "trlL" Bclore I w l i i the tibio mudi of tbl» In [urti« 1. «orad by th, d « * f w* i n the earthly world. 1 am aware that we ctsss as J r i flirn*t geurteman. speaking oí the lgnof«Oe»«f ¡«h J omo, "« “ «"t Johnwiu, «111 m ratorn Iiaii* w u ra l LhittM r mtauk.u action will racsU Spiritualists those who have seen only Ihe phenom­ the South to« other day, there ought to be a etrtng- tknsk.r’ Botilo* tram to, libio, “ No! noi orar n »0 Uramral.Hk p. Tfeuip*,», ena, and who appear satisfied with the demonstra­ • compulsory «ducaUou law enforced throughout d---- turile I w ontr en tirato* to the beck rnrd. s « ito * i Siirin*^ Oct. 23.1883, tion or toe troth, which Is simply the a b coT a entire South. The safety of the nation demands la n U o i ble in e dt*U lnp>1 la. tliroer, he dl.£->ru,o spiritual education. The fart Is, those slip«of nuera- Betero the nation compels «lueattoo, U had tot- «* ™ » . Bo loe* ra IwM^hlc*«/ twra S ■ A. io mir lira,, rt. In our It W mort braniB- ** reasonably accounted for by Mr. Baxter, tor provide school*. To punish a colored man for lu* urut utort VIM to bMUtHT rn iril* w ilt ckraiTul- rtíh l, bot oodra the Qiise oi -tnrile," b . ooal.tol Mhefocthai of* toe • mind *- * fsmlliari — A being ignorant I» about a» sensible u It would be to tori*, tf Is rossi* ‘%*hr»< he: v. c. Tiiuitu tti.l lira for mot lour BolImliU, our mitili, with wake lian Indictable offense to be ' wémi —L____... n.M urtiolj, uor Lbo littur J,*ouera:, luto lK*syouv S. Losbkli. middle of Sahara.”—Jn *¿a T x -h íiík IttoistiMsttMpMftast. Mi l . ' " ...... II I j.lU .t , ir t á U r a M i r a i » NOVEMBER 3, im . ...,IU IO-PHILOSOPHICAL J OU RN A L -, \ '/

T ltriliu ijf Story i (h> Tim e»/ RAFl.HUAO TlMK-TJUlUi. L ICHT FOR ALL CONTRASTS IN SPIRIT-LIFE f for C X . A I X I : Ua. oil! tlw >tan rtoro nul IJio iklm. Oakttmd^ Cal., To feign the radiant-»* tit h«*r r>n>; CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC. BraM fO'in of gold with ui]l*An;« r A TAU OF KOHMOA LII£ ANS PERFIDY. To coutitirrfhll h«r wraith9 of hair: Take f<>r h«r clreek* thesoften«! hiti 'J* I W "w in*»*M. HAM i K'freMtrarL QlfcUtri. rvre MM fnv AU . « rwtllfav M Ilv btirfof run Na}, semblance poor! No ah'lieuty I " I Could *Vr her perferi »elf atU TUL GOSPEL OF NATI UR Tho tlnwln or Ibe earth and *ky Were all In vain!

T h e 1,1 Ilf«- N lin tc r. The Sorth Chin ViK-ir patii HtruUt irire« nil armtirit of the home Ilf* of th* Ik, ■»’SJIMJIfc III FsseW ElWIDtl It [It F u illltty Kmpvfor of Ihe (#le»tUl realm, who I« now II ye.ii tUGAXAN. CUATI AMJUUA. old, and liai lieen Irgally of age «in» he wat 0. H fttteu a socio®. 1» atylrd -F«vYob," or the Buddha Father. and a who ruler his pretence pray to him « hi the Belt, Kren hl» mother, who yUiii htm io »Ute once hnMuim. mouth, formally worship« him. Eight eunuch» wa Applicato > on him day ana night, and th* number "f hi* otlu to. M A M aemuila In cMinlle•*-. The ‘•godlike'’ b->), who tin In the palace of bl“ tutciwtore, oud sleep« in a hug bed which many Emperor* Imre uwl a» thHr divin diu« In solitary grandeur; the eunuch» promptly It terfering wheutwor he show* an ‘IncilrtaUott to iT \M Tl» ÜESXKMZe, dulge hi* apiHitlte I»*;, mid mnwure. Hl« lu'or», wha THE BHAGA.VAD-GÍTÁ approaching him, fall upon their kn*«s and do or sit unlit the Emperor hid« them. Krery *|jy ha read h .U A O A M A X , tlipaaojtnd Tartar for half nn hour:and for tw WM. . Chattanooga, Ten«. A DISCOURSE ON DIVINE MATTERS, M b raK lftti* or practf C** with Ih.w and arrow, r; In winter d m « In a «leigh. For another two h»ui hl« Maptdy, sea loi on hl« throne, takes counsel wit KRISHNA AND ARJUNA. hi* Miniator»*, hut what the unfortunate child dor with the rent of hl» Um" I« unknown. . imwiimiutoraifurefj. T in * N ntfH lIiu i A rm ). There I« no counlr ***■ $.g drum*, playing banjo», and alinutlni out hymn«. No oue In Switzerland object* to Ml* Booth, "CuL* Clibborn, and “CapO Ben|net maklui na many convert » a* they like, and Indulging ill what CHAPTERS FRO* THE BIBLE OF THE ACES. ever “exeruiMn" they ptout* within dowd dooraThl however, would not w p their purpow. We mn; approve of their "exerdaea" aud noLvo In our «treat« but thb la no reason why the Swin* should. and I they do not, and have law» against these public de monntraUona, they ara quita right to enforce them. What IÜ « pi Mormon Women li ( ’b e r k , a uhartly burial ceremony lhal * prac Used liy the Mormon* rlvil* Urn hold polygamy1 In on the luperatUioo of three creature». Krery wff< that I» buried liaa a black cloth laid on her fare, an« the Mormon woman ore taught to t*lie?e that ou tin reaurmctloa day, when the righteous ore called Inb T O L _ . ™ _ Angel Ambaaeadora. i.tdNlTal HISTORY Of IK t SORTII *»0 HCR H ER VEHS COR IWEHIT-fOüft THOtlSRNO TORS «a* no4 Misaims«]» «04 0«. PauJ. »1« i», I 1 OrOH« JivMFIiai. CfeèBWi. "ALBERT LEA ROUTE. rWrttrm aRUniURr-j:rY umwti r * (unii~4 u\ eadrrir iM l'rirrRÍI,¿ 0: ptrvlage, 10 rent»* ue Wb*PMl* Mxt bf tu» U U ^ r tJ U ■n --j SiM m iÜ r Aw” lai full tkwrijillM». MC ft..!,. * a T T itlaa* All TbrM«a r« N iK « | T«t«l otr>*.l Sipr LYMAN C. HOWE, A RATIONAL VIEW OF THE BIBLE! rirt* Let***a Kur-lnc» aad 1*4 Fri-doni«' V V. O* U OrUtmOmf P^4rt*[}*0 lnf->rtn«ltüo.*c» dt« Map« u 4 T» AM-KR1CA5 (JOlIMUMiXE», "g r e a t ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, THF &mao\WKflBITllLIK*. b r i e f s k e t c h e s A. CAULE, L I T . JOHN, i r fitCMASS « wuiaaòon CHICAGO. I«e««y. bar, Idlul, in o , ìm u , Ùùk. TU Itoà/n. rjutrrKwrv. t -»«anaaum tv ■ •adì*, »iliiAif.rt.M4 u» »ntocrfmd rf Skt fra ük. -4 FR E E G IF T ! f,*H' iy wmuii ALTtxi mns '»per cover, 176* pp. Price, »JOeeuU; pcwtage.fi cento n.PeauaKONpi»«Pv Wltatwala uovk KMl. rruil, to Um «"-"«»rajuiwifraItiuuivPilTLiJiupn

t/ifef Indurii, ROME, 1T0T BETHLEHEM, Itim .K CK ITK Tiim Tll li Íir im i PLACE<\V JKSCK! , M*w«iua umonun u* na« irk*n i. -n Being Extracta from the Biography «f Mn,*rru-u i<> tu* M vrrwMiir >a Leoiutrd B. Field. Piper own, frk t |

U* ltOLi*iU POPULAR SONGS PARTURITION WITHOUT PAUL Unde ilrnjir* Sttntj, Mi Ic m m i, hitsnatic Crfut rd M: A 'Code o f DirrrtloB» for » r a p in g from The« luuruB'Di* Way »«> Tim “ A H u n d r e d the Primal Carve. McTAMMANT ORGANETTI CO. ewo*^ and «una hr J«On T. ■ WORCESTER, U. ! OnPrtcatotraieeMb. 9f.**ï..


A NEW BYNTHB 8IB. By OavM feria*. JUDGE WAITE’S HISTORY u>l|»*rw} twfnr*. Uv XMH Ut*inl Cndoa M l

J e w a n d O e n t JIr. dew* and fbrUUana ware THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION never anywhere mure completely separated thau daring the paat «eoBQo In the Catakllto Ail Jaws or THE APOCRYPHAL SEW TESTAIENT: none wm lb* run alike at hotel« and boarding hoown. Two hotel* were kept by brother», and In one eatab- liahmeot there wo* no Uraeilt«, while In the other there wo* no Ijenllje. N A N W 'A N R 'M . EUvcreide, OaL Tb« dry clb mole cur«Jiuen,ThroaL Lung»,full idea, %<(l, route, V O LU M E S, the choicest literature of coat Iraa. Pritoauu. Pi T l* e O a tr ir li, (m tha catrtdi forro near Asa* the world. 100-P^ge C A TA LO G U E' Iree. Lowest hwiD, CaL, oatrtch chick* ara Mug hatched at tira rate of one a day. When they fad cape oat of the •heil they are nearly the «za of a half-grown dock. ¡VEWSPAPEBH AND MAGAZINOL known. N O T sold by dealers. Sent for They eat rateooualy. hod grow vary rapidly. I w m * a n lF rrrr from Catarrh for flflaan I BEFO RE PAYM ENT, on evidence year*, with d«tnaeing pain over my eye» The db- e*æ worked down noon my lungi. I ami Ely*« Crmm Belili, with gratifying nooKaam anpoxently of good faith. JOHN B. A LD EN , Publisher, is cured. Z. C Warreo, Hatland, Vt. Vesey St., New York, P. O. Box 1227.

have been aald. Truth ia Infinite.1 Harper’s Saar. F A S T P IL E Attar all tha meat natural beauty Is the world la horwaty and moral truth. Fur ail beauty ia truth. Trat fastorea mafca tha beauty of a tara, and true GUARANTEED. proportion# tha beauty of archi lecture, aa truth im h - a m that of harmony and mule. In poetry, which ia all fabto, truth «Ui is th* perfectioa.—Shafudrvry. The most Fashionable D’tti. “Dr. Benaoo'a FUJa or* ls*aloatda Is serrons dia- Material of the da-. The aSOCH¿ eaara.” Dr. Hammond, of 5aw York. ia the only W O VEN Velveteen C«uw- s i C lio |r rw. a mnnber of tlm'German Broché In the market. * M ¿ , KELitìlÓ-PHlLOSOPJIlCAL JOURNAL NOVEMBER it, im.

w ill Inevitably produce or create motion. The s Just the same. Alt this ( had In mind tatem enl of Ihe miseries of medluniahlp, i of tho cardinal planks jn the JorHNXi/s n I claimed they had tin religion. I «till ml the assembly adjourned. combining of positive and negative elements Itomi Is this: Any m anifestation or phe- by the same, produces or create« life and In­ ...... ik,because the work they did protosit.that 1). M. CULE. telligence. Till« 1« true not only of man but they, with a host of others who claim as they Brooklyn, N. Y„ Oct. m il, IRTO, nomonoai which can be account. did to hate it.were as free from religion as Ihe vreya. Ih wholly w orth ier an p; j. Lleberknecht' crltlc- the lowest types of Intelligence, Ihe only rtlf- terence being condition. All through pB«t universe toot angry gods, demon devils and J. Frank Baxter Unce More. return 01r m anifeetatlon. Were 11« Spiritualism, .VI. I, burning hill». Iclnsewlihnu ei tract from ir convinced Dui rellg- iges, whatever pontile could not understand n contini noun reader of the Jock and s • tliai s-as attributed to (led. Aa knowledge Increas­ editorial In the New York Nun touching >Uw(dltwesl»H4Uswl'tiU««eUc»l Joonul: Ion d o e s ______. ertili!» or «plrltiiillio s subject: "A tremendous religious revo- not have had to Attic the t b« i* ■gdicated or suppress-d." r’s explanation of tbs facts which ho does crime have been caused by till« sgarrh slier or mal Ion seems small. Christianity, re­ it deny to have occurred In connection with pie we Inlive, in the poet, beer Tbeitnmo religion b ded religion, theology and the church are God and religion. To-ilsy the world knows s visit to this place. His explanation may id hy weak-minded. Illogical people, with him «till. It wan iiiuucii ' ss alw.uil God than It did ages ago. it lighting for life. If Die more fashion, to him. an he «ay«, "much Improved. Huh satisfy those who have to depond on news­ Mr. L. says: "The great merit of these phe- e philosophy prevail«, (hey wilt have to paper statements of the facts, aud who by villi strong emotional natures anil un­ all do not have teligtou who claim to have it. ...miens lies In their poo er to ellrup the soul ..p o u t like Die paganism and polythetom trained ml rids, also as a matter of i by They have religion who are bound by the - 'Vinos acquaintance and friendship are. to eoflen the heat I and lead the mind toGod." rhrtolU nlty displaced." Imps un consciously, biased In his favor; all the cWrlataus and tricky medl creed» and dogma« ol some system of theolo­ Dowell. Mich. The object of the phcnduiena. then. Is to 1 not even Hie most eonflrmed Spiritual- g ill to note, however, a steady and pel gy. The worn religion 1» Incorrectly app led gel religion. This to the religion according to aluiost every motive or rule of action, Into who reside lu this and adjoining cann­ * i Webster, all but the creeds, dogmas and ami have a complete knowledge or the ""it.change of opinion and ------— whelhcr good or had, In life. Webster Hay«, .vine command«. Much a religion utterly ■I ag. it with Die Jon the part "The practice of tumiil dutlea. Indepemleot facts are at all couviuced by it. It leaves ignores the dear one« gone before, aa well as Brooklyn Spiritosi Pralernlly. ly pel tils in the fog; gives others a false >f thoee whose intent Is good anil whi of the command« nf a dlvlue lawgiver Isnnt the sick. Imprisoned ami fatherless here. religion, aud yel almost every relation or ring, and Is decidedly too thin every way. illy striving, aa heat they < , after the Mr.!..'« religion 1« lndeed"mmdi Improved." i of Ihe most Intelligent and positive •duty lu life I* called religion. The old say­ rills Is an all* milt to pervert a great and 'Spiritual Med I u mali Id," The Hplrllunllsto In Dii» piare, said, wlieii they truth. ing may Ally lie changed to, 'what 1« one rlorloua [ruth. If true, Spiritualism and mbjerl Itself, and the fact man'» religion 1« another'« poison.' Civil il hh _ pJaaalion, "We believed I ihrtstianlty are practically the same; our ipoken on at length by "the _ .m ud befi i kno he liatlou « entirely due to the arts and aclences. 1 Iplrlt friends and the Holy liliosl doing the all him, Mr. fraud, because hi represents Ihe facta, It la philosophy, as baled on reason, aud not ------il for Ihe same object. II W faith, Dint 1« lllllng Ihiw nral with triie.tioble now Lucre are some points toll In such men and woiueD. Jli'sleujLJrellglim and all isatisfuclory shape, that. If Air. H alt-, all right. It w ill be doing him a kind: uatry of tho ant and the persecullou and Intolerance would cea«e, and .. my of me- ratelied with a they toil us they have found — ...... call his attention to them, and Du givi we should no longer h ora over there; that nature I» alt there Is, and d DiSthPjranger« from him a chance to clear them up; to llgluns revolution with Dm) a that we are responsible to ourselves and 'Otodly expressed natoli- it witness rejoices In a thoroiig) our to a T îttle vice, lest a at the head of this jo elglilHirs for every thouglil. ward and deed, lenl at Undtug that we were not enemies minattoi ubi re ligio i .....urns, hut only lo D.e Imitation, felle, of w ml ci heir real merit lies In the fact that they lie rrlea the idea that nearly all his •tics c rove continued existence, «weep away all .Intoni pretense of tueilluirishlp. The ibltnary notes i vrltteu dev ist s . . An Ignorant man with plenty of rellg. il pc rati Hon and leach us practically how to ity 1« too bunlly engaged lu trying to they hail b e u _ ...... , .... A SPECIFIC FDR loh 1« the most dangerous chamrter on earth, be belter and wiser. The object of life l|ere in- AWitfuuruber * ------‘ a l develop 11* powers ipirjts, and that lie only had a very few Dial F -pItop ey, flultean and Freeman Were One elamplen. de fur uinJA-lous nc- Is to give the Indwelling «pint a development Hums, to turn o 10 or come one had clipped from newspaper» .(«, Coovul- Science represses the harharou« Inslloete of It can nowhere else ohtuin. If we keep tho sntli ns of "Jcsulllsr such men. The liisllncl of their aspiration, JS corroboratives of Ills written ones. Now physical healthy and pure, the spiritual will at th the fact Is. It can be proved that there wor- which Mr. I„ calls religion, makes them re­ ‘ ■ if Itself and the fruit thereof he naltoin without th j aid of r "liiuns. ltd de­ of them clipped from newspapers, ligions fanatics. With such It Is the “are- glorloun and abundant. lad us g el right, and pounced It ns a grievous r to alter that were »o clipped from uew«- i f t v i s r . water" that deslruys their reason, and It Dieu II will he much easier for splrlto both to decide Die truth of S l...... ______.'e not corroborative of the others worrtd have been far better had they never in and out of Die flesh to do their work. With He as could be got wit hoot mediums. There at all, but referred to rnllrely' different pef- S n e l l i i , , h e a r d o flt. Pract 1 es I S pi r It na I bun ' ■e some Spiritualism who h ive «Imllur OrTHEGBEflfjÛ Ktmj* Metier- perfect physical organism, a clear cnticcplloti >ns, I should consider It safe to say that ly wiial they need. As 1 »ee It, Mi * ------1 perfect harmony with, their pnr- leas, think there are too many mediums, H half a dozen of Ills primed obltuarlei re. Ufi]y Blood knechl has religion In a modified form. Is not posea, how m ucliyasler ami smoolher the way. rof. Kearney proponed lo crown Spiritual- rred to the same persons that hi* written iHERVEl I'Itrowf, dangerous because his kuowledge ami the It Is a mistake to look on physical Ufa with m with thorns, and «mile It. Mauy people progressive spirit of the age retires« It. ills des did, and one ef those who examined », Ncrrouaifctta, In difference and contempt, biii! to refuse to leered at the occasional eccentrlclfle« of iem must closely, any« not one or them did. irk Jfrodae\t, criticism hrealhee a spirit, of biller hostility odiums, Ihelr strange genturw, had grnm- to those who differ with him. Just as the writ­ turn the physical mi l. Bach moment Is the Ho says he left sixteen dollars pinned to CCl0|»|Qill|E|B|0]B): ltl*J If eilsten ce, and Die objectM life to best nr and ercehtrle poetry. Bo long M the ' d of the bureau lu his room; and the ings of religious fanatics have (VflTiint tl'Mhwu, Hr*!a Worry, THood Sert», L-d by attending with nil our m ight mid odiums do all this under the control of au people of Die i house sny It was sim ply Iropos- HiUouxnr#*, CmUnana*. NorrouJt l*rvAtr»lloii, not a kind, charitable word or ioti ve for be- ltsirte spirit Intelligence, we will welcome criticism. He wisdom to It« dalles. A m ighty work m u st slide (hat timi se hank hills could have been Jiidntÿ TroutJ/â and Imj/ularíUt*. lug or doing good lu hi» enttri he dune on tills physical plane befurn Spirit­ I offences of Dlls sort, content to have these In that place all day Monday (the :14th) with- believes the spiritual pheuom na l v simply nail defects for the sake of the grand truth ray be wrong, ualism will have accomplished 11» mission. it their hai dug seen them. Ala to enable as to get religion. I When physical life has become pu rifted of a ll night by the fact of control, knnwlDg also, Aa to hts h 1st lectures, if ho believed they 1 hope I am. But a careful lamination, I that control is often Imperfect. ì»r, l i F.lAafflìlin. Clyde, K u iu He compiili ns '' »ase, error and Injustice. Pentecostal ere In Brov fii's Hail, or anywhere else in think, will verify what I say. will be continuous everywhere, “ re to another cla»« ready to awallow sorgetown. why did he uni search for them? because I "extol «clfuee." sti cry Dilithing that comes from the lips of a am “downright itdiciilniiH/'-eonrsp.'-narsir, t to not true that people are Spiritual tots led Dial they were nut ai Mr. iplrltual as soon as they receive a few test« sditi m Ias pure truth. In that right? One he. replied Dial he must have “crude.” “«Illy." “half Informed,'"Ignorant, __J arc convinced of continued existence. list credulous of this class In Brook­ hall, and that hu must gu “contemptible." “euperaclal;" whnt 1 writ They have hut Ju«l begun. Tho phenomena lyn, now declares that It Is w ell to hold ml hunt th ls“athelsttcnl drjvelaud rant." ‘ Splrltuallsi m l he are but the key.thc nlphabet.Tliose who think orison lu abeyance and rest ...... inperloi at all noranywh elan in the never got tbrrfbgh me." “no Impression ! ruonledge of the splritsl Hi spoke at sono Spiritualism Is only for the hereafter, make ;h of the iectnros,forti and nnbodyjiere li lo.Ml W ould Hu made on my Innermost soul,“ urn "anobser " > same mistake Mr. L. does when he per­ englh on the bonk. "Spirit Conummirations,' tiiat-iui-losnHiv aopirT rlw w rw er of facto only." and my "experience beal if Its theological bln», of the g i ...... anywhere. MYlThe please tell us no ft nil," eic. As I see ft, It to Mr. L.’s ml ds It with religion. Spiritualism 1« not to ike spiritual or religious drones. We must appended to the teachings. The theology 'here he found the lectures? fortune, not mine, that ho should criticise 1 taught might be called the orthodox Unlvers- «uch terms. . It Is certainly unfortunate« -rk or there will be no development, no re- Again, he says lie returned from lbts, place til. Mr. !.. says we must observe more than nllsl. The papers Ignored or sharply criticis­ to Do Ruytcr "star light oH the way." At an IllustraUou of what Spiritualism a« a n ed It. In answer to the spirits who epoke liglon w ill do for mankind. Ur. I- delta i ._ is . Fray what does he mean by this? Is ■ n o'clock that evening the heavens were It that we must Imagine something 1« being igli mediums, iimloiiMedly good and ..iltalloned with clouds, and It was raining religion as being "the lusllurt of aspiration done or exists? Ho tells ns that the next step came dlher communications through lakes Its root In Die nature ut man; ennm quite freely-not a slugle star visible. There after getting our souls stirred. Is to let the ____ urns as genuine and honest, hut teach­ mist have been a rapid rlearlng ow-iy. if a be suppressed or eradicated. ing directly opposite doctrines. What shall Webster says that religion Is “ faith an nilcd go up toGod. Is not this the same old jingle star appeared before Ills arrival at De K l y*« 4 ’r c a iii H n lm ~ Indies against reason and facts? I may ««do? Whom shall we trust? Trust the Muyter. He quotes from an article written wor-hip as based on the rreeds end dogmas i iplrlta who are reasonable, not because they "»ungami b* MbnlMtd, etfwctuijjf some system of theology;" also “the prsctli atheistical mid materlaUallc, and be an tot­ by a citizen of this place aud published in ClMMltm Ut« M*d »4 Ciunw Ora*, ed at for my “drivel and n u ll" because I re­ ire spirits, hut become what they utter is the /temoernfic Union, making that writer emartri* EmWV wctrUoo* |t of .moral dutlea In obedience to the eommahi fuse to gojieyoiul facts, aud the legitimate -eisonable. Activity In Die Splrlt-world to place Ills visit to this place on Monday night of a divine lawgiver.” a« great as here. Let ns not endeavor to mu Now. lake your choice, I.leberknecht r conclusions to which facta In tb* light of atraldnlghl. On the contrary that writer reason lead us, and be denounced aa Irrellgt- It altogether from till* side. Spirits started lys nothing about m idnight. Webster, According lu Lleherknechl. reilgl- the movement, and they can beet manage It. 1| or il «ruggirti. ] ------fm asp Id I -know these things seem unimportant, *, I n ugniti«. Oiragu. ______ildoallthL. ______I __ Till they declare lu favor of organization, It but In the connection In which they stand, . wheDit. 1« better to wait, aud he In uo hurry to or­ nature of 1 w ill get it In the good old way and not get Baxter's version of them Is not only false in up or adopt an Improvement nn what priest­ ganize. detail, bnt gives a false coloring to the whole craft has been for ages perfecting aud curs­ Physical me ’.lumshlp appeals to the »uses. affair. Mr. Whitmore says Baxter came there, wrrott« bejuiiwbe ing the world to establish. This kind of manifestation is necessary for greatly excited: that he rang the door hell 1 believe I am all matter, both body and mme classes at toast. It any medium do- several tImeB while Whllmore was putting tf ter all, the "Instinct opasplralli dre to speak In a meeting, let him do so. faith amt worship," etc., Mr. I...m ust navi nplrtl. There Is nothing so refined, ethereal on his pants: and then began to pound the or spiritual about me, hut what la made of The moat ungrammatical speech erer a me­ door so furlnusly (hat It was feared he would fCQ¡£Ñr& CHANOMlL£r PiLLS.f\ been incubating n new system?of theolog; dium uttered Is worth more than all the u t­ substance, either positive nr negative, spirit­ break It In before Whitmore could get nut of “h ìad àc h È"*» with creeds, dogmas, divine commands am terance* of Cilvlu. He had heard an expert- possibly a blble, better adapted to the neeih ual or physical. 1 am an epitome of the uni­ his room In a |ir-.«-nliil.li' I'ojidlttnn.tn admit f. NEURALGIA. NlfiWUSNESSfi verse. My feet areon sollihgrolind and they enced Spiritualist speak of manifestation? him; and that, when admitted, the very flrst ' ■‘-D Y S P EPSIA, of. humnnilV than what lie calls the "effete as things of no consequonce. saying lecture« absurdities" of the old systems. If by "tin shall stay there Dll this hedy is exchanged thing he called for was his envelope and the for another, anil then, even it 1 cun And a were worth move than facto, specialty at­ slips of paper It contained, and when he had Instinct of his aspiration1'h - lias found a ill tacking materialization as a worthless man­ vine lawgiver, knows where he to, what he h rest III ¿-place for my feel. 1 shall feel better received them he quietly inquired tor Ills for It— ifestation. He did not know It there over has money aud lectures. Baxter in his account like and proposes to do, and can give us evi been a geholne materialization, hat If there donee of It, as Moses did, we may become fol Mr. L. think« I "betray great Ignoran of reverses the order, putting the lectures and has. It Is worth mote than all th- sermons money flrst. Did iie do It for a purpose? lowers of I.leberknecht and cease worshiping the writings of Paine, Franklin. Max...... Sargent, became t assert that la my judg­ that over hare been preached. To sum up lie makes several tnisseprasentaDone In- the gulden calf, Science, without medlu « u i m He says that religion cannot he eradicate! ment they had no religion, and needed none, regard to the obituaries which cahDut now that I appear ridiculous because my anthorl- W a lto n » . Without thi i Spiritualism li he proven, since he has tliem.hr has destroy­ or suppressed, aud then writeae^qx a youth utterly dead. fell genuine religious epoitiods; as I becaun itradict me. 1 was well aware of what ed thepi; so that it la useless to meutlon older I gave up belief In a hereafter and wai ...... jeu had written on the .«object of re­ The President railed attention to the Bax­ them In detnil. If Die worthy young people free from religion - 1 embraced Spiritualism ligion. Thai Spiritualist would Indeed be ter matter, reading th- editorial relntlng to who enterlulned Mr. Baxter, hnd listened to aud It brought religion tiack In riie in a mud il, who did not knnw thaffcriue wroie. K tn the Remoio-Piiilosophical Journal, the ndvtce of those older end more experienc­ Improved form. Prayers of gratitude to tin arid to my country, to do good my re­ and then called Itou. W.Cnlt to the platform. ed than themselves, and put Diose evidences divine power and goodness that ordained ligion." Notwithstanding this, and in the Prefacing hi« remarks with high praise of id into the hands of a migistrati these things for us welled spontaneously.” fare of all they wrote, t sllll maintain that Mr. Bowen’s torture, he said -fie m ust differ would h ! gone ’tor Investiga-' If religion cannot lie suppressed or eradi my position was correct, airtn flrmly Iwllet e from him somewhat. The Jew had hts proph­ tlou betor ...... icustomed to w -igh calcd. how did It happen ht was'"free fron that In spirit life to-day/hoy regret they ever ets; the Christian claimed an advance on evidence ami delect aojihlatry...... religion" during that Interval. If Mr. U h wrote whs I they did, clam ing to have rolig- their revelation. Mohammed claim ed to tran­ whitewash and varnish do not pass tor facts. to be the Moses of this new dispensation. hl scend Christian revelation. Every nation I know nut but some woman raaV have should be more careful about such pitfalls of They had no system of faith and worship; has Its own peculiar revelation. The Splrll- handed him two or three obituaries cllher they Joined no church, subsrrjbed to, or were -untlat has his revelations, too. truer for u* from friendly or unfriendly motives, and if Inconsistency. The religion which "was $5 to $20', brought hack" to him was the same old relig­ bound by, no creeds or dogmas; did not per­ t«-day than those of centuries ago can be. from the latter, certainly she was uo Udyl ion and he proves It by using the same old cant: form the dories of life lu obedience lo tho One thought iiervades all claim s of men la But that does ont explain away the mas* of "Prayer« of gratitude to Die divine power aud commands of a divine lawgiver; acknowledg­ all tim e—the» deeire of knowledge of our evidence. Besides, It Mr. Baxter did not re-\ Goodness welled up," Instead of to bln spirit ed no priestsor blble as having divine author­ future life. It Is a question whether the be­ ceire Die visits from Dip-hBoyatoga spirits" 1 PATENTS friends. ity; were plain matter-of-fact men who never lief In a future life-, as a matter of filth until August or later. ID IsNbtir lly credible, [ Pray, would It not be Just a« consistent hu went beyond the logic of Taels except on the purely, is not more powerful than any which that he should have meb-Wuh paper« since: "prayers of gratitude to well up" when Hu subject of religion. Had they studied Die could have been produced by phenom ena We then .conlalnhriL oblltjaatFs corroborating A N EW E R A . divine power and goodness causes earth true significance of the Wont as Webster did, are urged to cultivate rue-llumshlp, so phe­ tbelr gommunicaitoBafvvho died two or three quakes, cyclones, and contagious diseases b they never wnuMliave written what they did. nomena riiay he abundant. It la dnublful years »mrs,/DiLly newspapers do not keep sweep over the-earth, Pnfbaps “ptuyars o: Simply belief in the existence of a God fa not whether this Is wise, whether good lues of so long as that unless In rare instances they gratitude should well up" fnbgravlty, them religion, nor 1» It even when attended with It, Much Injury has been wrought by medl- are preserved tor a special purpose. Indeed, 22df«ai wtlji • feelings of love ami reverence. unishlp—many ruined by It, aud this has oc­ I saw no printed obituaries In his envelope Teal afllutty. attraction and igpiilslon, etc. \ f .W K K ì IKIIV C O f lP A X V , etc. These laws are similar ItNurllon am The contemplation of his wled< curred often emufgh lo make us pause and referring to the same persons that were re­ results to thoee by whieh our spirit friend: and greatness, as seen hi hi: ask, Is It w ell lo encourage Increase or mcdl- ferred to In his writ leu uotes. I shall be \ 319 W. 4th 8t-, Cluclnuatl, Ohio. * communicate with us. I,et ns not do wor] nnisblp? A« to business purposes, -we know glad to be corrected If I am wrong here, but by halves, but give "Ihe Divine pkwer am better haw to do our own hnilness than any I want the evidence. goodness" all the glory. But wh«t\ does h< nlnd DiR...... results fro u an alleged clungeni spirit can tell ns. There are few who have No matter what may be Mr. liaxter's post moan by "divine power and gooHrif»?* ■t. amt an agreement between the-individ­ based their faith on phenomena at the out­ record, neither character alone, nur together Wouldn’t God. the Son and Holy Ghost do a ual and God, In which the one party agrees set who ever thought' they hat-enough, oi with jvhltewash, can couvlnce even the most well? He says they "/rdalned these things.1 to serve aud worship tire other In return for advanced beyond a perpotual Hunt for new radical Bplrituuhsta here that he his not How doea he know? IVouId they not oecil Die application nf Christ'« l.lood.freedom fron manifestations. been guilty of frail-I, unless be fan clear up lust tho same without ordaining? Malle ihe consequence» of sin. and it mansion It Mr. Rmlth also disagreed with Mr. Bowen, several points now left In the fog. and law are b th eternal. Does God act nut the skies. This to the Christian religion, an- and was glad there was opportunity for ex­ Aud now. Mr. Editor, allow me to ask you one question. Is it not ■ »tiled principle of aide of these, or In harmony with them? I. all religions are tike uuln ||. Nothing, h. pression-stagnation wan mental death. Th< M eSHANE BELLFOUNDRY ao. how and what difference doea II make? found anywhere.tn their writings showing heaviest Indictment against the Church was nil nations and all age«, that wherever any ■natKCar« Uhm »rii* *nû phenomena can be accounted for upon nat­ kttn»* flpr C M r rliV Tnwrr n is religion now to "much Improved." Foi they ever believed Ip, or experienced any that It aimed, sometime« to prevent men *— FilMi >*l iMl **jwct.ifl; miunted t ■tone or canvas aud he will soon find the lim ­ mu«t be render«! In spirit and In truth; and in a knowledge of the law» if life: rivillaa- toad In « l a it of the power of art to call lato living ac­ that any other worshipteclaimed lobe valur 1 tino strides forward,pr«p*rtlygrow*.»nowi- tivity his affections. I««* and no worship at all. That true •pi— - m (acte,. ta ______„_*« that 1 edge lucren*.», r»llgl«H alone lag* behind. wr. and “eut U abort AU rueh ctjîdmunkvitioti» arti) The atheist acknowledges this truth when ual worship must be a Spontaniety, .'1 iltlp. Therefore be think* Tiie apostles of »kepticlsm tell uv Oral faith bo {a Dpaftj umt(ed for pubUeMlon bp tiw JVIItora. he denies the being and the existence of a any other I* not ‘r ‘ “ ¡ ha- been a repetition of lb* past: and. If Notice» et Meeting#, Iblormalldo coooemlnr tbr organ- . Ittgcrs? ill ia lih lectur« upon **Grc«t god of the heart; that is,of the affection*. He i f will bo iu season fpr one to undertake eocli ' [ii-ir voice has met with a contradiction. It UoUonof new Boetrtk# or Uto condition ofjfld un«a; ItifldeH, luyadawn am eond projhMltion thua: say* that he ha* no conception or cognition worship when the condition of spontan»«ty has come from otirtrs, who tall us that the mortine ate of lecturer* and meditimi, to ter eet Ir* ln«t- "The Ünd'TH of one age have beçn the atif- of any such being, and that he cannot idéal­ jf worship is reached. It t* true that true •pinlual worship in it* divine*! settee is a puriewe* of God are coextensive with th* hta- denta ot communion, and writ authenticate! ae eat haintri of the next. The dentrojreni of the ité any such being, because he ha* no faith lorv of human religion. It le suld that the count* ot eplrU iilitr.onjimi are abaapa la piace and wül oid have always been the creatorsof the new. In tile existence'»»? any aurh being,and. there­ (jpontariiety; and that It i* tor that state of spontaniety that the truly religious s#>ti| source of infinite truth Uro far,, far back in be iMbUabcd M aoon u »cesible. The old pmuea away and the new become* fore, lie can not love that which he can not I the p u t. the door of inspiration iseh at.in ao « old." conceive o f a* a living conuclou* actuality. arns iu It*desire for worship. Bo likewise ! future must only be a refleetiaii of what has C ON T E N T F Hence, according to the teuching« and par­ Those qualities and attribute* which the true art a spontaulety; and that it te for gone by. The Institution from which I corps , ticularly the practice of Hr. Ingereoll, it be­ liglons beliovercognlzes as pertaining to find ; that spontaulety the true artist yearn*; but holds ueltlier the pu-ltlid of the skeptic »or come« our first duty and bruinée* to become d which awaken in him the deepest love i before lie can attain to it, he is obliged to the position of the bolder of mere historie the deetroyer* of the preeent, that the new _ .d reverence and which move hi* In It* i t**«1*! remodel, to form and reform, to I fntlh. Wry believe In th* mighty evbltjllooof iR.- ltnxiKljn Sri ritual rratrruttf- and future may be Introduced. deepest life, -because idealized in the tom ! color and f«color many times, until by col* God’s purpose«. The p a r tis no measure for . Woman aai Had Sir. Ingereoll been at alt acquainted and life of hi* deepest affection*, only ehul- J tore and discipline: he arrive* at such upon- the future. Th» pre»nt Msnroenda Jhe part; Stawamtn. Labor and Capital— Ktlract freni Mra B> U- with his religiuue nature aud IU nwil*, and lenge the cold admiration of the skeptic. ] taoiely. It 1» so,^ likew ise. In respect to tru»* ; let the dead bury their dead. God la A living toTi Capot. Ml»«tlaao«àdwt»miaoou. with the means by which eucb need* must be They do not lift his soul to the summit of it* j worship. The spirit in statu* te imperfect, presence, au active personality. He deaf* man lUfei..-Woman and Um Jteaarftnld. liarBttun and eupplled. III* theory and practice in religlout capabilities, where it can catch the dawn o f' In it* perceptions of truth, it sew a# through with U» iu our every-day life, and shape* oar matters would be entirely different. Indeed, Tien II# Uno Vtunui Wricontai Another- r Iwnta* rial « a higher sphere, he readied by higher W ings ! a glass darkly. In aftoction it te but im p e ­ 1 rude, "rough hew them bow we will, Fonte* to Jori TUîar#. Prof Denton Probant# ont la bit material ahd rational telle phlluaophy nd become inspired by a loftier hand. tovtly cleansed from the indueoc* of it* ap- i In live dispeUealiba of th e Brahma SomaJ, Para. Book ttnrlrwi. Uajculou for Mwt*»flber nu« Ue- should teach him otherwise. In respect to Mr. Ingereoll nnd irrellgAoitv philosopher* petite-*, it* passion* aud lustful de«ir«n, but ! we hi,Id the doctrine of direct ace«" to l»od- f«re MmUaned. MMrtlauoona A4v*rtiMaruU. growth anil true development, H I* the uni­ generally.deny the propriety of one’s excrete- lb* ultimate destiny te to m p W t**»,, that to, Wp do not set aside th* nan»» of ChrtaL In rovini Pan«. —Bordât Itoti«*. Bis«« U» SatocrUwra. versal law, that the old must remain aud co­ fug art In nn effort to Idealize a supreme he- ; perfection of character. And it te ,hr*«ugh I tli* Keel, the word name «lean« »plrit; the A Low« fnw» Otta LU* lAcUir* bp PrW W. «erwoor. operate in bringing in the new. If the old ing. clothed with the nmral attributes In in* culture and discipline that it it* to »«*}» «> ! nurue of God ta the »pirit- and th* rorone* of Wnlatlr Tunante Wir O air» oí Hadn Mr* Ka**u» be destroyed in any other way than by the finite completeuoas to aivak**u aspiration in this perfection of the true; tbs pure, the Indy, li«L Between th* name and the epirtl there Crono II Sfarina thr Spirit W««rtd- Im nl HlmIU#ht coming in of the new to displace It, the new the soul tor the attainment of such complete­ the just and the good. It muet study tin» ! ; ts no difference. "He that named lit« drat mastore iu spiritual and religious art; and | As lamMe of the iM-dWV Home al Milwaokrr la a will not be brought iu. ness in Itself. They mock at and ridicule found his whole far* and heard bathed In iiup4*rfect as the soul may be.il teto stri ve for ; Trane* l'ir ai Da#* OrwrrSl Sol«. The history of development iu each of the the effort to idealize a divine and perfect toe­ golden glory.“ nay* lb* I d a . if. then, w* several kingdoms of nature reveateitlite fact: ing as the subject of the soul’s aspiration*; those excellet/etoe, which the W«*t have made . m anifest as WeMihle to the souf.Having faith,: are to take the name of God lu our prayers, ri'U!cn* oil the Citabim Kwuw *u-p¡**"A tttormI WhMlrr that the first nnd inferior are extent la I to the md Mr. Ingcr*o1I Jjy bb) lecture* and wtH and with that name take the name of Cbrirt, Introduction of the.second and superior. In Fug^. te endeavoring to pjirsuad« mankind I lu a «plrltualjfalltcr, replete ----- , we mean that wg offer our prayer* In th* every department of nature, from chaos to that all *neh efforts are vain and Illusory. | »1 aitributo akd perfect in all th e m o n l spirit Of Christ- All great prophet* have foiii|dcleu«*s an orderly and progressive un­ Thus he advise* th* ospiilog one ttiat a per-1 tuet, man 1« io strive with all hi* art come to th* world to tearb n« to pray- folding from the inferior to the superior bo- feet and DiUoe Being sltafi not bethought 1 Jjowar to ideal fw that fath er In heave Thry were prayer Incarnated, flecauee, cornea the established method, In dlvim* or­ of or te* nought aftor at a ll.. He adrte«* that | »H the toAulv, purity and 4ov«Utiew be!leve.toe, prajer needed a (»»elation The der, In no case 1* the inferior to be destroyed in thought, in feeling, and In aspiration, all dirine charactor, he may prepuce mind, in Ute under»\audiug. and iu bte affec­ face of the man that prnveth a pray« f« P/oaldacl Liando* Dream. M.hk. IliUhi Tl.i* lira*« except by yl’ldlng its status aud life to in­ «hull be atheist. And tlite advice Is givati on | | *‘l- — •»*- tli. ■ moment refleet» the glory of Oral » form­ troduce and support the superior. For illus­ the part of Mr. Ingersoll, with a full knowl­ tion«, a Being worthy of til* puteet tov*. tote less lire- in the spirit-of the great prophets. highest rfv«renee, lite^rofoundwt adoration Hep. J II, Harter. Wa» il SptrU Tfteplioal'-r? Presi tei tration: When a linger nail ha» been so In­ edge that one can conceiva^of no attribute or In their faith sort love, humility and deprfcd- Propl* Mlacci lattaci« Adrertlaeiumte. jured that its living functions as a nail hare quality of character, wlthooTgrat conceiving sud.hte dlvine«t 9 W M I , VSliut though,ow­ in g to the darkneas of hi* undenrtaijdlug and enee. submtavlon and reverence we are to aua. -To Julia Ward Unir. Ltaf «f Cromia*« ceased, the divine method of applying the ______bring capable of poewr«ing it; that approach extract from the Christian jCstfisitr'i «tor. if hs ha- «ay kufiwtedg« of Iu- aerlp- the place of the old. But how, and Id what to humanity or c«rfilcb can be known; or at report, of a remarkable Sunday service. In turr, w ill bold that the Mote of «ton® x»d of mauner Is this renewal effected? Bv firm de­ least, man ha* not the capacity of faculty to WfK*d arr U»« ultim ate rAjj-vL» of v v o tk in . \ ÿ*t bewi the ether tettili» Matai«« and Hue stroying the old body and then substituting correctly Idealize any surfc being, or to cog­ which a Hindoo, who does not prof*** to toe a They are medium* tfcrmtkh ahlcli Urapterach While the brurtd flette of flenten expond to another In It* places By no mean*. It re­ nize any, such ideal; and that, therefore, all Christian, wa* the preacher. Hi* address te tile throne of Hee formljlw God. But H o f t « flow, quire* all the living function* of the oid to •ur^eflterta.iire futile and ought to W post­ HUr-etmwo, they gli tunin' with dueton §•> w valuable a* a statement of the ideas happen* tlmt thee* nMium* (d-.truet the aid in bringing in the new. The element* poned tfqMl, through untoldment one become« , . , i*. tr, vl-ioo, and heeom* th f fnjmed:nt* oi,>-cl* of Tbelr Mltcry bUreianis illumine the night. qiiuliflcfluo truly 'idealise such W ing, which in g men in a distant land, and from It* ia- Hieing. to b« employ»«1 in the renewal must be re­ faith. Tlie history of r el Igloo pr«»< that Filing along ceived into the old body and thereby become wiU be vrorthy of He love, reverenee and wor- | trinslc merit*, catlm lic spirit and n.r-Hiimi uftpu coin* lo b e otatruclR o-. and With gUltiew* and ijotig, prepared for entering into the newymd when ship. \ E view*: it has often grieved my apiri! to experience BipetUng Uie grain and righting the wrong. thus prepared, each particle mitet find U* ap­ .This I* r t r w g e ^ i l o j y ^ f m one f b j W - 1 BAhC ucajjo^kU at AT tux Tt cmow.-h lu f Url-diao couatriea bow lb* Bou bath sup­ propriât« place, by the affinity imparted to it fi»** the intellectual and ratio?!*! faculties. mf/JJQ<Ak planted tbe Father and the Holy Spirit, I Year after ______ir and— aj------during the process of vltallxation; and the The Mrtü £>T t he Ravage. the dentil of the I'lilloWileaily tí« niWIrt would ad.i«wan ! Tu, tharítl o} n . *.|J fill«! have often tried to expveas m i -taep. taeart- Hark toy great Ini — through* - -*- uttermost fpnc Jiving power which brings it tolls place and to^jm« and aporkliug the course thou dost run, In the unfoldme^t of the religious nature bo not wa.te your time, «poll jour material ha, com* to 0* from the far Kiel, to chow us I im his *pirltnal glory has eome down to earth, Lancing, -j man, these principle« become m anifest in and exhibit jour uueklllfulne*, by such im­ afid that now aceros between him and us is I»Landng along what new movements in religious life are their operation*. U I* self-evident that one per feet efforts at etp rw elug your crude taking place in Asia, where our own race i dirert. That gbirtone doctrine of true rhrts- With gUin«w iu**l aong. cannot attain loan exalted spiritual status RJpeoiug the grain and righting the wrong. Iiad Its origin. It te very Interesting to see I tUuüty too# tx-Hii ujpeurH aud aigi«i#4 by except through the exercise of earnest aspir­ this tendency toward a universal religion. It : men who lack duerapprectatioa of 1 1 * teach Kerr and erer thou wear«! our fate, ation. Where there 1* not present ap active seems to show, as many other thing, show, I lug* of tfciir own Scripture*, bat the tame * FUeth tby ahutlle both early and late. impulse stimulating one to make an earnest Farther from darknse* from gloom and from strife, that the religion of fbe human race is to ar­ tuu rum* when the ctaime of th* Holy Spirit effort, no such effort w ill be made. And w ith­ fin perfect efforts by nnd by. Therefore, do rive at last. Howto»« we cannot tell: but I shaU be vindicated. If the Spirit *f Ntivrr tii, [ounttiu of ( » ., uid ot Luo! out earnest effort there will be no success in , Sir.;? Bit, not attempt to perform wlrnt you know you the tendency of all tliiogs is toward the re­ I Itriog prroenc*. if Ive ta a eonaum iug fire, if H W llltilBii itioog the attainment of status or the accomplish­ canuol accurately necompileh.’ ligion of mankind- ftpr friend wjil now de­ * - ready eqnn«eW, If be lean* to wbom With gladness and enng, ment of worthy result*. Tnere will be no Would not the young artist reply, and pro­ scribe the remarkable movement which be­ every appeal• may----- *------*- be ma tu any moment of lui lb*’grain uni righting th* wrong. aspiration for attainment*, where there is no perly, too: "Mr. [ngeraoli, how long must f gan with Kammuhun Hoy, and which now is perplexity aodaorrow. i are bound to tali -liutrr U. Potiii (« (Ac ManluUtcl». sense of their need .and no faith iu the attain­ wglt to become perfect In my art if 1 am to called the Dratano SomaJ.v } tbe world what tt isee of that Spirit ability of that which is heeded. To make use neither ehlwl ot brush? Ia it not by the Mr. Moxoomdar opened tbt^ terriero by an Letter of TJuak. from In . Uraton. present such sense of need and a faith In I»« of throe, according to the best skill f now exhurtsliou to a spirit of worship. A hymn *Gn tile first ptace. tb*o. there mart be a attainab Illy, ideate of t lw f which Is to be JJJJ* u,.,i„Il 1 mYml lui fiirmùl TllJ* IllUtf and »!>• I (111# IMI I to arrive a t the perfection 1 w*e next «wig. and was followed by the re­ rietoorof tb* Spirit r f G«d. By rt*Um, I do ■to tlx UlUr tit 11« KttU^tttitoootbUtil loamUi nought must be formal The ] ÏS kï D It “ Mnïfrot a* the law ofirOwth citation of a san.krit hymn, of which the not mean phantoms, tappings on ths table, Plr.m- accept the ahiecic thanks of myself Kogllsh traaslatioo run* as folio roicro in the air; i mean a realisation of the and family for your generous appri'clatiuu of "As the truth, the wisdu e inhalle, the Spirit of God by tb* spirit of mamas throat- the lured on* we so deeply mourn, and for ward eye behotde lig h t Wa brtlrr*. to the your sympathy with tie In our e onow ;»nJ a l­ tesla himself, lie l. peaee, goadneae. the one Brahmo SomaJ. that aa the outward body bar so under a deep sense of oar obligation, I ttou of one individual toward another. One j « w * ¿ 14 arid'model m f form accord- Without a seeond. He ia the holy, im pene­ an organ of tight to perceive eiftraal ««* would, with your permission he glad to nay trable by d a . Ject*. « the Inner spirit 1» able ta JhM gbe through, your columns, that if our hearis expresa my higher ideal to-morrow. I have juwKi-nos- with objects internal- If tt* form* and at­ ' couldTw soothed and comforted In this mid­ love it as a mere abstraction. To challlfige found that that which seemed faultless in “Sow let oa adora God. O thou true, real tribute* of matter are thus rewlixabt* try the night of anguish, they would b* soothed and the all actions Justice must be presented my estimation nf yesterday In the light of the being, we hold our Uves in tra.t from thee. ! eye that to-day la and to-morrow tsaoroched. comforted by such assurance of tender regard the form of the affections. It must become Inspiration of to-day, admit* of nroebim Th»frail atructur*’of ttl* body bear* thy ! shall act tbe rttribulso of tb* sp rit be real- for him, of appreciation of his labors and of moulded by divine or tinman art'Into a living piuvement; and I find that the improvements breath sod takes the name ot being. Our ! u»d by that tuner eye of tbe semi which can aymrathy with us, as hare been eo kindly ei- form of affection and cognition, thus deter­ of today liave eouie to ma as the reward of n a m e fore* of life is bat a stream from thy : never be blinded, but grows brighter and tended to as by lile friends—to eeery one oi mining relations, and dictating actions. my past beat efforts." everlasting lile, birth, change, growth, ! stronger aa It approacbe* toward eternity? whom 1 would glndlywrtte If 1 were able. The prioriple-of ideal incarnations becomes Tbs advice which the Irreligión* philoso­ death, revival, all point tr> thee. Wisdom We belie**, therefor», that the apira; can But, Mr. Bundy, death doee not » m e to nr applicable in our appreciation of any or of pher by hie teaching end practice gives r*- dwell.!!: with thee: our knowledge I» often ; real tar and roeugatxf the peewoee of God; until the mission of life Is fuldlltd. excep all the moral virtues. To awaken a response epectins the nnfoldatent of the religious fax darkness. Cause the light of thy intelligente ! and the rsallxstion of that prooeucs Is K> through some eerlous disturbance of Nature’, in the depth of the human affections the at­ . deep and so inbrnse that very well »*T •* kindly ear, for tut; and when any one Is cut tribute or quality calling for such response, ! apply to it the word, "ooeeng the rietao, W* off with the forces of 111, still rigorous nnd muarappear to exist in one capable of exer­ evira1*art, proferoloo or trade, auceees can be^»ett-deinatomi of lli,f -. *^! 1 J e Udd that in th* depth of th* midnight, : on' the rtlenl m ouulaui top, when the »porttaa lu the midst of nctlrn useful new. we arc, it cising the same. One can love only lb*i obtainedolitalord onlyoui v ihroaghlhfr:dgti many andaud often.ofwn. »Ualsrrh - fais- knowledge, and tel oa but know the* as ! weie drowsy ahd he.*, with slow er, the seems tome, tight In feeling that nomewhere which can answer’ thereto by a returning Uva efforts. The inventor is obliged to form and by aome Beane n great mistake baa been love- That in which there Is no.life, up cog­ and reform his ideal* many times before he , praying Jama, 1« the aestaay ofjtaroUon ta- made and a great wrong done. nition, no affliction, no love, according to our can retoaitae that which he Broke, bu t had L’nrq eakabla ia thy name. We k n o w J » t beld Mrosa and H u * . B » ^ wUi aa. that I wish also to aay that oarer before did I Ideal baa no power to ehaUaoge our affec be not have made hla first, and th»n beri ef­ where thy gkwy ta We cannot attar lb** cattle how much of geonlne goodness there tlons- No matter how perfect a work orart fort. h t wonid not bava acquired lbs sk ill to We are lout in the Immensity----- r : ' of thy preoenro sasrsjf.sss'is ite -'Is In human nature. Talk of lta deprarity! may be. whether of seniptura or of pointing have made his final and tueeessful on*. In and attrtbatro. The who!» universe doth Why, If there were nothing of goodjeea but its utmost power over the eool is to excite ail nodertakings. It I» the roatiamM tasf t f ¡wuMalmj*ro-. _Tbe»-* & i S î . i S ï ü ^ t s a r s .í j k í ^ k s ü thle deep nod eTer llrtng fountain of humar therein high admiration. Bringing it only to fort, whleb give* sueceaa. It la, therefore, la aa everta« are all purified, the »plrtt of God » always sympathy it were enough to redeem the wor I the threshold or the affectimu. It la merely nnphftoaoohteal&ijdvtapthepoetpooemeniof thou art aa i rsalixrof—rroilaed by faith: and faith .ia the ■ from all unriglUMUitnw« whenever the en art; and It lacks that living cotrMhca pra* effort, because,beeauw. from outour present,statu*,present.stains, isweek bean. sight of the soul, By dir*« -aero * ta the lightened Intellect ot the race shall enable s’nee which alone can ta-dU the soul with lie effort m e « be Iu-perfect, gneecro demo*™, After a raspato? oo the organ, and hymn» presence of God. then, we m e u that, by faith. It to nllnq uiab lta dremt enperallUone and own life and conscious power; which alone and prayers and the reodina of »loctaaws of can repay our affection and love by s u .o .r - that the baat possible of th* present shall be gain control over lie baaer paaeloos. undertake!!, that the beijer future may he Scripture from the HI »do. F e m ia . Moham- S r j w w r t U¡» infinite fiptajt ta all Iha Again thanking you and theae friends for tag (o the same. Should one be inclined to .a ______- L I., Ji, swam a lr u ft l dllAlgtl Ut. I »«cum Mishsd. -----£ ------r- i- e ■ ~flt------*— *-*- «—*|— ■* at— . U.^Vlatreai kinde — airoady shown na, I doiw this, tel him trot i f troth by mttrmpt- dar spoke a* follows; , t. am, vrtiether in joy ur grief, jour» and tbeire in g to give hla affeetlon* to a stato*, a pic- u r r n n ur annmne. which Wartero thtafcwe < with sincereet gratitude. tore, and the like. In his fervency 1st Win jfiüsíOTsrjSRSW ií It ta aftas sata that religion make» no WeiUtlej, Mum Mr». K. IL F. Dnrro*. embrace-and kls* bis ideal in the loria of and.thatodrthat the( worahlp -paid to vtich being. 2 RELIGrlO-P 1IIL<'SOPillCAL JOURNAL NOVEMBER JO, 1883. Letter from Mexico. Labor and Capital. Sawing Made Easy DiriUNfiO, Mexico, Oct, 6Ui, 1883. . Extract from Afre. IlrUtol'i lraptr. Moiitrolt Lightning Sawing Machine ', Conin&rfitivHy n sm all miclU-ncp aftnemtiled This Is ono of the largest States of Moxic Not many stirring even In take ph to hear Hon.'VY. Colt's lecture on “ Jlutuuul and lying in the interior, It shows mote ai In the City of Brotherly Love, becati» ... Mrs. Augusta Cooper Bristol, of Vineland, ty’rt Search for God and a Future Life.” Tin curately what Mexico Is, where nhlnfluoim not a rustling, changing people like some of N. J., Is a woman whoidionld be more widely lecturer In ono of our moot profound think* by the immigration from the United Slate . our neighbors, on tho other side of Jersey for «ru, especially logical jyjd clear, but bard to than almost any other. The Sierra Madre Instance, at the big city of Gotham. known amoug Spiritual (sis. Her appearance roport, the whole belli# w> linked together chain of mountains bound It ou the \ Apropos of Spiritualist* and Splritnallstn. at the close of the Women's Congress, lately that It is difficult to soled representative preventing any easy nr considerable a< the question Is being quietly asked, when hetd*fn this city, was the moat brilliant fea­ sentences which convey a clear idea of his from tho Pacific ('oast, and until will the University begin the Invostigalion ture of the entire session; she cauie upon the argument. Ho apoko of tho universality of cently, not penetrated by railroad from the pf Spiritualism provided so llbm jlylor by religion of sonic sort, and ltd strong hold on the late Mr. Seyhert, the millgfllfrP. who platform at nine o'clock In the evening of Flitted States; Its peopIc, business arid m eth­ / c i? M ------the human heart everywhere. It seemed os ods still remain as they have existed for left #00.000 for this purpose? They, w ill do the last session, when audience nnd members necessary to tho completion of the Ideal man scores, if not hundreds nf years. The city of this In thelr(own good time doubtless,and In were tired out and anxious to go home, a aa sunlight is necessary for vegeUtlou. The Durango, the capital of the Stilte, has about their own way. They will bo hi no hurry most unpropltious time Indeed; but within . universal Is the necessarr. Religion Is not 35.000 Inhabitants, nnd Is tho only city of about It. probably, and many a long month an Invention, hut a product of human na­ any considerable site or business within Its will pass before the public will know much five minutes the soul of tho woman, *hlnfng> / ¿ ¿ 7 ieM ! ture, the fruit of facilities hidden In our na­ borders. Here there is concentrated In few about their work. And what difference does through liqr face aud vivifying the words as '* ^ ture. We never see God, yet we know his hands a very large proportion of tho wealth It make, or can It make, pray, whether tho they came forth In perfectly modulated tone«, A NEW UAOI3 existence. Till Spiritualism arose there was of the State, and paying but a nominal por­ Pennsylvania University ever investigates completely captured her listeners, who at gbUO real proof of life beyond tho grave, but Spiritualism or not, except to Itself on the tion of the revenues of tho State. This wealth once forgot nil but the rioblo soul who stood persistently searched for it. They knew consists principally in tho lands and stock score of honesty, ufter accepting a large be­ BELIEF IN IMMORTALITY. lfuraHt he, hut could not prove It-In c es­ upon the same, and city property In the cap­ quest for the purpose of doing a certain en flesh (Hi before them giving u Iterance to san tly sought for proof. The world has bopu ital. It Is largely an agricultural State and thing and fallin g to do It. her host thought. No printed page can do fa ll of revelations and revelatory. All na­ its lands are held by few men under old 'The PennsylvaHla University has a good her justice, but wo copy a small portion of tions had their priests, their forms of relig­ deal more at stakefthnn Spiritualist* or Spir­ grants and pay no taxes whatever. Ranches $ho lectm e as It appeared in the Woman's ion. The close connect Ian between the spir* extending from fifty to one hundred miles itualism in this matter; fur the dignitaries Itval and the natural wnsids pandered It pos­ in length, iiml from the center of one range there are under a mdhGns well a* legal obli­ Kingdom of the Initr-Ocenn, with Elizabeth sible for some dw elling In the hordor-land, of mountains to the center of another, what­ gation to perform a cernkin work which thoy Rojinoii Harbert's brief Introduction: to hold com mil n I cation with both, hence ever the width may he, are the rule aud not are little calculated for. fact my own Regretting that U Is not within our power prophets gave vailed utterances, implying the exception. These ranches are cultivated opinion Is that thoy nre te ta n y ,» nil tied by io reproduce for our readers Hie pxqiilsite things they could speak hut not comprehend. In a rude wny, lu sm all part by tho tower ■ature, by habits of thought, by Association, 'harm of gracious nnd rare w»»mnnho-d with In ancient times every god was an idealiza­ class of people who were once peons slaves), md by a crystallized old fugylsm to give any­ which Mrs. Augusta Cooper Bristol voiced SPIRITUAL HARMONIES. tion of a human passion or appetite; their and even now have hardly siifflrit’iit Intel­ thing like generous treatment to tho subject v r comprehensive and well digested thought* worship a consecration of sensation, making ligence to comprehend that they are freemen, of Spiritualism. They wilt, no doubt, at­ ipon "Lalior and Capital" at the recent It divine; hence the utterances of prophets tempt it In some sort of n fashion, and U and on'beina told by the "Duetto** (owner of Soman's Congress, we reproduce her con- IIELIKF Of SfiltlTlM M STS and tha predictions of the oracles were al­ tho ranch) that they are In debt to him and they do not ninko themselves thd Inughlng lulling sentences, yielding as they do a ways attended with more or leas of physical must work It out, quietly submit, receiving stock of the country they will escape better practical answer to the great question, "How convulsion, the revelations always being ob­ such compensation as he chooses to allow, than roauy Intelligent people think. Wo can labor and capital be best associated?” scure. The speaker gave fall description of and accenting tho corn nnd other supplies shall see. A id Spiritual lam can afford to MRS. 0HI8TQI/8 REMARKS. , the oracle at Delphi!*, and some of the pre­ received from hltu at his price, the result be­ alt. 1 Perhaps no Institution so successfully Il­ dictions there made, Sacred hooks had sim­ ing that each year they become (by his state- IlEMINIHCFSiTA. lustrates the harmonious as^nciatinn »»f the ilar o»lgin. The Writer* were Inspired to Tho departure of our friend and brother, “ «ore deeply Indebted to him, aud thus forces that produce nnd distribute wealth a* .1 nirc[M --¡¿.’C A'.r.H •write, the prophets in prophesy, but In this ...... without hope or expectation of any- * Isaac Rhen. for tho other and brighter shore, the equitable association of labor ami capi­ inadlrut-.'fii im.il and a,|«t. day we have learned that a divine Inspira­ thing better. Will the riches acquired in takes another prominent figure from the old tal founded by M. Gadlu at Guise, in France. tion w ill not ih fat 11 Id y muse the utterance this wav he lasting? It is enough to say, pioneer* of Spiritualism ki the Keystone In the snminer of 18H| it wa* my good for­ , to be divine. Men found there were false Jtat history repeat* itself. State. The writer's acquaintance with Mr. tune to remain nix weeks In this institution prophets, and they were false from the same There Is nothing In the future for this lg- Hheri commenced In tho long, tong ago when , I, IhUH : ...... he began a debate w ith President Mahan of causes which make our mediums unreliable »rant nnd m entally weak class of people typi ■wltili' for Htinlylnjt tlic i nf the In their uiterance*-too much of precon­ but extermination. Their lialdt* alone wilt UberlTo College.. - syeti ti-there...... _____ HOOK ON MEIH1JMS; ceived opinion mixed with the truth. How »roduce this result, though they be fully It was announced by tin > orthodox papers The purpose nf the association nt Qui­ decide between Hie true and tho false, was dght-lenths of the whole population of thls of the day that "A giant was In the field to establish ir community of Interests nmong not easy then, and is not always easy now. »m itry. WJio Is to take their places? Will against the pestilent here sy, Spiritualism,*’ its members by mennsof tho participation GUIDE FOR MEDIUMS AND INVOCATORS. There was no revelation which spoke direct­ 1 1>0 men vviio will submit 1» the tyranny id and all sorts of dire thing < were predicted of of both capital anil labor In Die prollte, n ly of immortality; there was not one hut im ­ the present governing H ush? Again lei Idfl- this new "babe in the ru anger,*1 A debate cording to cerlahi cnmlllioiis pre-crlbed I plied It; not one bill was based on the thought tory answer, and what must be the fate of was arranged between Mlr. Rlien nnd the Die elniulee of the new,elation. Tho foumli of the greatness and power of God, an all- this country in the comparatively not distant giant, and was conducted by them for two nmtrilmieil the original capital stock < seeing eye that marked every net of man future? days, when Mr. Rhen w.i suddenly called nearly a million dollars. About fifteen Inn Men's thoughts clustered around the proph­ The Mexican Central Railroad has in many homo to Philadelphia by sickness in his *lred workmen ure employed In Ilia Ini etic utterances; because they were human; in-tanceMsecured from a single individual family. With a gr«at„ . .Ai irlsh of tru m p ts, foundrio-. The dltWnd coming to n uor they felt divine; they believed. the "right of way” for more than fifty mites it was clnlmeil i a victory for tho giant, little Hoi man from the net profit nr Die iuntituttnu Christians and Mohammedans both accept (and It might not bo far wrong to nay an 4 i the spiritual a rortnlu per cent, annually upon Die wagi the Old Testament, and each numbers Its ad­ hundred miles) over tho richest and most horizon and ft s»*>n b u rst______...... he lms received,. The dividend is represen I'ricc,Sl.’.n, r ►sta?«? F ree. herents by hundreds of millions. No relig­ valuable land In the country, yet Its and there stood rf young lawyer In the per­ etl by what is teriurdipetDilreP ion has ever been proclaimed wherein truth ______9P R . . ______nani» son of Joel Tiffany ready to continue the de­ anil l>econies the workup ...... was unmixed with error. Some in sist on State, not'one cent of taxes upon bate In defence of .Spiritualism where Mr. copilot stock, mi which he rereives Interest peeing only the gocwl ; others are blind to ail It. not even contributing toward the main- Rheti left off; and th f giant soon round more pnynhle In specie. Thus the wage-laborer In THE BIOGRAPHY OF SATAN; but the error. Xiieftff'two great divisions of than a match lu Tiffany, ami jt was the im­ talliance of pubile roads, except so far as his this institution becomes his own capitalist. Dr, a Hbitrical EijkiIIci criit to il u t m fieri thnuglit on this matter cun each And abund­ personal interest may require It, uor toward partial verdict that Muhati was a whipped During the year 1ST1I the workmen, who are DSJSlSitJt, ant rvtdenef to favor their respective views. the STiynort of such os become old, infirm or man. Air. Rhen was a staunch and true called associates, received on an average of Religion has been the agent of oppression, disabled in his Borvlce, who from nvctmsity friend to the cause In those early days and HOC! francs, or il'tn. In savings slock, and the the upholder of wrong, the paralyziT ol float to ttte towns, where they eke out a mis­ ever remained a highly respected and con­ participants>K> francs.or iiW each. 'About A D E V I L , thought, the persecutor, the killer; but It erable exMonre upon the results of their sistent Splritualist, and when occasion re­ two years sloe* they were so prosperous as And F utnre Endless Punishm ent. has always been as good, pure aud helpful efforts in begging. quired It. a very able defender of the' new tojecelve IH'f percent, nn wages, truth. He was a member of tho first circle as the spirUand temper of the age would nl - Time will surely correct this condition of ■hare from the net profit which fails ‘ ~ it has promoted civilization, giv­ things, but tha method by wMGk it Is to be formed in this city, which met for six before they obtained manifestation! to cepllul Is a certain per cent, upon Die accomplished is not now nppareirt. isssSL wages of capital, Diet Is, upon its rate of The rancho* In this State produce all tho young lady, a Miss titrorillng, was i _ I uteres I. er achievement, and is doing so to day. Men grain and fruits of the temperate zone aud as a powerful physical medium. Very soon In thu redemption of stork, which occur» argue there is no Ood, because they cannot tho uncultivated portions furnish grazing the Morning Star Circlo was f»»rmed,of which at tin- numml dividend of profits, the shares find him. and mock at those who declare re­ for flocks and herds o f horned c a tti/, sheep, Miss Rebecca Thomas was the principal me­ of the founder are the first to be retired by ligion furnishes theonly true soul-life. There goats and horses. Hundreds of thousands or dium. Almost all tho members of this second iibslllntlnn'nf the workmen's share nf is no truth se)A*huess of men w ill not horses range upon the plains and mountains circle were either member-» of the Society of ml t—nt/ Byo m w , pt nipt. -Every formulation of religion i Die savings. This is to secure the successive of this State, the marcs never knowing ser­ Friends or had been reared under their in- transmission of tho capital stock through be judged by the temper of Its tim e. The vice except as breeding alumni* nor feeling fiuence. The first .public spiritual meeting the hands of the operators, ami [n retain the Jew was cruel; he had learned to bo so while hold in this city was directed by the con­ the care or control of man beyond being "cor­ pow’erover tho common work In the hands of a slave In Egypt; It la not strange that his ralled" once each year that colts may be trolling spirit of tho Morning Star Circle. laws were cruel, nor strange that he should Tho members of these two circles formed those Who carry- it on. Thus. Ill tim e the branded. Breeding mares hero lu largo lots miliary home of the workman, with all Its think of God as a jealous Gbd, “rf ranging aro worth from #7 to #11 each, according to the First Association of Spiritualists that himself upon his enemies. „ dependency educational and commercial, the PSYCHOGRAPHY, age and *ize; horses cost about twice as ever held public meetings In Philadelphia or vast foundries, the lawns ami gardens, will Of all forms of religion the Christian has lu lho State. The Quaker Influence was dom­ much, and are sold bf the hundred, as in the become the property of the once poor. Illiter­ played the most prominent part in the eleva­ United States, won Id bo budlich of corn. inant at that time, many of the first families tion of the race; ft has been most betioAclal ate French peasants nnd their families, nut These prices may seém cheap, but, reader, being deeply Interested In the subject, among the division of property between capital and ILLUSTRATED WITH DIAGRAMS. to mankind. Culture,civilization and Chris­ should ymupurchose one of the '‘bronchos’* whom m ight be named James Mott. Geo. tianity have advanced together. He traced labor Is no grmranly to n worknmn for the at any price! and escape with your life until Truman, M. I)., Aaron Comfort, Isaac Barber, minimum nf existence. If ricknees or inca­ the power of asslmllatiou and growth as re- ho was bTPKen to ba gentle to yopr use, my and others. The Quaker influence has been ralting from belief In a personal God. No pacity overtaken him, and bis resources are word for It, you would fully earn tho differ­ strongly felt among«t .Spiritualists here ever exhausted. Mutual assurances are Institut­ spirit lias been found exalted enough to give since that Ume of t|ie beginning of the new ence in increase of value, many times. ed in the association at finis,e. 1. The as­ any demonstration of the personality of God; ’ The city- oT Durango contains many fine GENERAL CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE. yet a personal God, who can hear, see, feel surance of pensions, and the necessity of ex­ buildings, as such things go in this country. When the tide of the free-love heresy first istence. The assarance to ah) the sick. and help a person is the only God dim human Its principal business Is done by two Euro- began to roll its dark waves over the spiritu- heart can accept. s ' The first Is to serve the aged workmen of Die an bouses which have branches at most " Waters under the Influence of such minds institution who have become Jneapnhie of Amid all the superstition, dogmatism, ec- iportaot points in the State, and ‘of course Stephen Paarle Andrews, the Nicholses cleslastlchm and bigotry, which are around labor. Die sum areotded to each |n-risloiier p very rich. Villa Lerdo Is just now nf id others in the early limes, and the Wood- being determined prime’ily by ills years of im, alike lu Science aud the Church. -what Is hulls, Moses Hulls and others of a later peri­ rather more importance than other small '•‘"'ice In the institution, indem nity also r*r^*A !«fSen|,p the mission of modern Spiritualism? Not so od, Philadelphia Spiritual|*ts were compara­ places. It being trio end of a division of tho :eonled for auytarddent In the workshop much to attack and denouiTte^s to present Mexican Central Railroad, but without any tively but little affected, while oUer lar<™ purer truth. The world has hungered for a cities were more sorely pressed. To tL which Incapacitates the Individual for labor, other merit dhceruable. It ijusiluntod on while the minimum of subsistence Is assur­ sare proof of life beyond the grave; we can the low lands of the river Florida and Is In­ Quaker Influence most likely la to be attribut­ Andrai Orfrt-E» produce it. N ed for each family, whenever the resources habited by ono of the loait aCitorprlsIug seta ed the steady and unswerving coarse la the V. ip c r ii .»:• 11 Mr. Jeffrey spoke with much force and elo­ better way. of the family do not attain this minimum. of people that 1 have ever known congregat­ To the assurance fond for the aid of tho sick quence on the personality of God; of the ed together. Tho plico Is regularly laid out, The First AsabHatlon Is being entertained, feeling that there.ls one whom we can call and Instructed by Mr. 0 , P. IRHogg, one of all workmen of the association give a certain , m - * pmkH Cffi»» but the streets are narrow, lowest in the percentage npon wages received. After si onr Father, to whom -we can take oqr sor­ middle, and absolutely without drainage or the beet speakers on tbe spiritual rostrum. *>/ f t « . .pf . nr. . . in* , KmwcA iVimtdJUr*' t rows, Is to him a great comfort. It m ight he He followed Mrs. A. H. Colby, who made her­ monthe of regular payment of the fixed asM* M JàHo^aUn» «. ______effort at drainage or to fill the cesspools of easement, the matuallst who may be afflict- J- w flopMV. ; ------H. IlifTio ri, uhi J, Vanto p »philosophic, but it seems natural, lie filth created in ino streets, except by increas­ self objectionable by flaunting bqr material­ 325.2-5P&5? Jntwm iwurs i ■ngelher— liked tho idea that God helps us. The angels istic and Communistic notions from the plat­ ed with sickness has right to the physician ing the already foul stench by adding tho of hla choice, and to a dally allowance, fixed t llr r.to* ibf J'jMrlsM-nvLxTldMvn nf AlfrM Room* help as—a great army of them are camped form. She publicly proclaimed her sympathy at garbage of the scavengers. at n certain minimum. AutdaTVolurniiro Ir roundabout us. Any person unaccustomed to the habits of with Cupid's Yokes (Hey wood) and aneeringly L Ik. Mint XMtnttotfT l Wrti|p#^in a na» »t ^ td yu^aU» m In Mr. W, C. Bowen did not know but that he said, "I don't w ant any God. I can’t find any also established among the *W eyi of the as­ the Latin race cannot Imagine so detestable sociation, accordlngdn the prescribed rules. g t a M M I M Iff " :• È 11 .ri.- .-.-.is wittiV iv. v-«-,Hi wood In the assembly as a specimen of total a situation as Villa Lerdo presents to the room for a God," The Association did well depravity, because of his agnosticism; but Tho w om ci of the(hnkiE_rWcT from nmong rWU^Jnl- K*ts1foe to grasp ray wife with one hand Clarkson and Wllherforce, mm »11 the other agement. public and private, h e. haa carried things has never been properly brought to g?eat and philanthropic minds of England m b » a KT.'.jjmyw. and my boy with the other, and so with a the notice of our government, or the Ameri­ it forward to an ever Increasing success. heart glowing with human love, pass to the were at fault and at a deadlock with the Ilow con Id It be otherwise? The methods of UiOnalfaegad-nglui hethlhaglhlM '' can minister at Mexico would receive In­ West India question and negro sintery,'With u t-twa. g ta> un k r» u . nau." structions to see that Justice was not denied the InstiluDon had the whole economy of the the statesman-like Intellect of »Quaker worn universe behind them, and it was Impossible FITE CnAPTEBS. Mr. Albert Smith quoted, "Canst thou by to Americans, as It Is br the antborlHw at an wrote oat thd simple yet patent charm, searching And out God r and alluded to Pauli this place, notoriously infamous before the total], Oadln has at last opened the gates 'Immediate, unconditional emancipation,' to thegoopel of life and labor, fiehaehrooght sermon on Mars Hill, and the "unknown railroad was constructed, by reasbn of the which sol.ed the problem and gave freedom God” he proclaimed, claim ing that after all bad character of Its Inhabitants, and now the golden rule down to terms of business. to a • raid.1 How noble the enoaaet of those This is the ripened frnlt of all the religions the same God Is believed In by the Christian made doubly so by reason of their murderous men!" continues Vr. Phillips. "With an and the critic of the Christian. There are a of the ages. It Inspires within ue an un­ alacrity which does honor to their statesman­ wavering faith that "peace on earth and good great many who cannot conceive of a God When an American dare not step outside ship, and proves that they recognized the in­ without personality. That which pertains the door after dark In a place o f 5,000 In­ will to men" shall aome day be more than spired voice when thejr heard it, they sat the song of angels breaktng the alienee of Jin Jo ourselves pertains to which is greater habitants, Helming to be governed by law, down at the feet oitlmt woman'statesman, ...... _ tu„ than I'ur-i-h.vt. T.V re I , n<> .rUmmth.- t:u !)i evening in Judea. It ■hall be the living claiming to have an cfllrtent police forte, andseten years under her Instruction did reality of a hnppj. Industrious world lira th*: MfMFTlkUMQ And bumuUrat an «Saw tint e*. can be p r in t e d to th^ .human mind as a claim ing to have the laws enforabd promptly- <5? o » r*j r murairat offt i ■pswr more for th e settlement of. thd greatest social m — r iii ir ipi x m m ■ ■riSmmkj,mSTSiììi SmSt J M H m Irnthi n n iih lc h nsessearlly Is true and justly, the feet proves mete thin vol­ iJbeslTon that hod ever conr.tilMd England in some relations; no religious system bat pa»-» of words; if there be a h /ll. I think I BaaawJgjeSgEraSggr - than had been done In a century-of more or llorsford's Add Phosphate has some troth, some approximation to the have visited It, and l u name If Viltà Lerdo. less effort before. 0 , no; you cannot read divine. In the Slate of Durango, In the Republic of history, n u ln s you read It upside down, with­ AoXmiBLX B m u W b IF FEVEhS. ■BtoHSSfMSSSiSSSsS —s ,m raIII m a i ? ttoMM MS n M h | £ Mr ,D. 1C Cole closed the discussion, and a Mexico. Cabol, out admitting that woman, cramped, fetter­ S«sc If mrau t drain* «f i^UakfTdW t very Interesting seesion ended with the an­ Dr. J. J. Rrxjr.at. Louis, Mo., says: “ I inva­ ed, excluded, degraded u she has been, haa riably prescribe It in tevera; also in convales­ no« a cement by the President, of M*. Albert People swear tfecaaao they know their word* yet sometimes with one ray of her Instlnrtlve *0.1 ratte ^ Smith's lecture next Friday evening. re worthless. cence from waatlng and dehllitatingdisesaes, reh io i with admirable results. I also And it a ton­ D. M. Cole. Time IsU the most predonipredai of all po—w than a ic lo an enfeeblad condition of the genital Brooklyn, Oct. 17,1883. •ex haa achieved."—S i i « hath H tyrick. ■Iona, but least thought, of. organ*-'' ■NOVEMBER 10, U E LIGIO -V111L O 8 O P Hi C A L J O U R N A L. \ ural distinction felt by all who approached In the course of Mr. LyniP* remark* he BOOK BEYIEW S, Wflwan and the íSousíhnld. Iter. To the Inner, a woman of strong. deep, paid a high tribute to the late Prof. Wm. 'THF. *»•» t BIMAVrr. Vaho* i tu TIII . t v VU r«a* (U aT , »-■“SS v«e feeling, of penetration and Intuitive intelli­ Denton, who ha« given up hi« earthly pil­ -fili boofci noctoxl under LUI* b«&L u&for **> «t. ot I ------gence, and of an eminently meditative and grimage while iu the field of re*earcn iu a ouitoMfemurna,u,4Be.eia,luu<>>t.nuur A PRI7F poetic nature___I soon perceived «he pos­ foreign land, referring to hi* geological KraK^.jucwiu • « rm tt ■ sessed In combination thetjualitle« which in work a* one of the pioneer* in progressive .1 all other person« I had beep only too happy thought, while In the realm of Hplrllual to And sin g ly ___Her Intellectual gift» did CU'KtOM MiloflU« t.j It > Thlr f -ft . *i •' THE BRO O K. thing* he was a rnolder of publie opinion, a gì tma of Up|*>oi*at* Ut ipwlariry Vacrlaa- but mlulstor to a moral character at one* the doing work that the church of the future --—!----- «wall* fata .«i t„...... Couarii L'lisitilwr. Under Ui« trees tbs brooklet ro«i noblest and the best balanced which I have w ill be proud to rehearse, Berne, J*nd. under the Pmddetjrr of Vr. WiuUlriK afaut like a silver thread, ever met la life.” Haverhill, Ma*«, w W. W. C tm ufiL Adolf Vojt P rafem ot »Dgieae and Medidae m And the ¿rernest im w In that which gmw* *■ Mr«. Mill died la l&Sh.of pulmonary con­ Uie fame I. uiremtr» la favor of the abrogation of On ritfar side of 11« noisy bed, th« law. (lusterlng wild flower* whi*per, suyt gestion. after a few day* Illness, in Avignon, Stay, nod the fen» and the rush« UU: France, She had been III* wife for seven Our Veteran Welcome* Another—Tboma* 1. That a comprehensive study of vital flKST IS TMI CHfASIIT,» llut the brook kr«>i- l.nu.-l, on it* way. happy year*; and to the end of his own life, Gale« Pursier to Joel Tiffany, statistic* proven that Hi** extrusion of the And tarries rod* aUbiMigli It Mv**w all; M ill never recovered from the »hock of her p a c t ice of Vackl nation bear* up logical re­ SAW HiwUiil; aloii^ with a |>fasant pong, death. The depth of his sorrow 1« Indicated To U* KiXlUir of Um> fUit«)» ekit'w^ilcaJ Jm w J "* * lation to the reduction of #utai!-poE. Stony and rough though the imUi limy be, In hi* autobiography In these word»: Wince ENGINES™--- Your recent announcement of the return 2. That whilst the virur used for the ex­ Udfrk<| Wtím aJESoÍ t Totbe river wide (he rit*r strong, then, hare sought for such alleviation a* Ä^Eiys^fiaiejis: Tliat will limr It out to Hi« browl, bright no*. 1 of Rro. Joel Tiffany to the field of his earlier citation of the disea-if denjgn(ited cftrcinia I* state admitted qf by the mode of life labors In behalf of Spiritualism, f have read of various origin* and uncertain character, Ob, little brook, 4 tun el. too. iich mo«t enabled me to feel her «till near with the most- unfeigned gratification; and it 1« also liable to occasion, inteu-ifj, and Often of flow»t* by the rmid more fond; _je. I bought a cottage a* near a* poA*ihle to I have no doubt It ha« given much pleasure Convey other ami oerlous maladies. P |L£JJÄ,î?*pe • J. at OrapcmCt Ä òr Hut a deeper river bounds ray view, the place where she is buried; and there her to all the earlier investigator« of our cause, 3. That statistic* gathered from European And a vavter oreon ifa beyond. daughter—my fellow sufferer and now my And Just «% you do hourly drift as well a« the public ad locates of the same, Bute«, aud from India, establish tfa fact Nearer the current tlial Join* tfa main. chief comfort—and I live during a great por­ who «till remain In the field of*unappreciat­ that small-pox Hike the other member» of So I, through the river ftark and »wifL, tion of the year. My object« In life are sole­ ed effort. * . the claw* of zymotic di*ea*e* to which it fa- Tb« Great I ip ilT My fulfat, fa w k -1 lire llirjfl ««In. ly those which were her*. Her memory 1« to Bro. Tiffauy was one of a few riobie aud long*L originate« in, and Is frMered by, In­ Church LlUn I_» He my pawn, O *parkllug rill, me n religion,,mid her approbation the stand­ cotnprehensiv« minds, who, In the outset of sanitary condition*, and la only effectually Scattering good *» yoqonward run; ard by which. Mumming up a* it doe* all combatted by their removal; that Vaccina - tor the tourneyJ* but start notll the spiritualistic Combat, seized with aridi­ worthiness. I endeavor to regulate my life/ ty the great fact of a demonstrated immor­ lion is Inoperative upon mortality where Tba glorious bom«« that we seek are won; ** 111* grief wa* so excessive as to become sanitation is defective.aud »uperduou« where -AW* If. Halt, . tality, with all the legitimate and gloriously morbid. He bought every article of furni­ philosophical conclusion* dedueible there­ sanitation prevails. * tu o r r women. ture, even to the carpet, belonging to the from; and wlLLeloquence, ability aud energy, I. That enforced Vaccination is an Infrac­ The wife of Mr. W. H. II. Murray baa Just room In which «he died___The marble «lab sought tii engraft upon the general mind tion of personal freedom. Inasmuch as a con­ returned from Europe with a diploma from which commemorates her virtue«, declun-s, the results of his own profound thought, in viction adverse to the utility of the practice the Vienna Medical College both as a pbyst- also. In growing word«, lit* regard and love connection with so important a theme. And, is a matter of scientific conociende, which i- eiau and surgeon, being, her friend« «ay, the for this woman whose rare good fortune it to no inconsiderable degree are we Indebted entit led tn th« same rr*pect a* Is accorded iu only woman In the country with this certlll was to bo exceptionally beloved by a genius to the comparatively brief labors of this tbe theological DR. SOMERS1 «ate. / ho great a* Mill. For fifteen year* he remain­ hrjkve thinker and noble worker, for many of The North American Itericic tor November ed thus devoted to her memory, when 'ihe * he philosophical concio-iuu» that adorn the AMERICAN STATESMEN-- Daniel Webitft.by Heo- Tarkiah, Ruslan, Electric, »tupbor. Mer­ contains a «ympo*iurn of replies to Or. Ham* grave wan opened again,and hu«hand and wife spiritual literature of to-day. and gladden slept together.’ Through this love of Mill ^■** ’* Badila: HoughUw, Millho Cu. curial. Roman, and other M-'Gcafal mond’ii Critique upon Woman, from Nina the minds of all who truly appreciate the rJlNew York:5 IÍ Kwl. ITUt «trerL Caoitjndge: A Tlie Hath-, the FINEST ui the country, Morals, Dr. Lozier, Mr«. L. 0 . Blake aud Mr«. for his wife, ail women were the ultimate bleaslug* of intellectual Spiritualism. 1 re­ Hitenilile prln^. gainer«; for lie ascribe» to her Influence that at the GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL, en­ Bara A. Underwood, which we shall notice member him as farLack.JtblQk.u* Plot; This Is a most excellent biography of ode trance ou Jackaou-et.. near La Ball«. hereafter. They are welt worth reading. interest in the whole «ex which made him and I never conversed with him in private, for year* the Indomitable and courageous of our great*-tt and most honored »Laitwtueu. Chicago. * • Mr*. Charlotte Sm ith, president i f the Wo- read hi* writing», or listeued to his rostrum It Is replete with fact*, incidents and *ug- champion of women’« right*, antidirected hi* efforts, without rejoicing in the fact that ftiati'ri National Industrial League, of Wash- mind Into those channel» of thought'which [estions with* reference to' hi* life, and the iugton, has come to New York ror the purpose SpIrUuallAm had so able an advocate. My ntcreal in It does not flag -to the euri. His caused him to embody in hi* simple, direct own mind, likewise, wa* expanded thereby, f o f organizing a woman’* Industrial league In Htyle one of the clearest statem ents of the early struggle*, his final aueces* and ulti- 1 the object* of which will he the Improvement and my views of the divine economy of the mate victory, are each In turn vividly por­ Injustice done to women that ha* ever yet universe iu which we dwell enlarged, by tbe of the condition of all classes of female work­ been given. But he «ay«: * That perception trayed, and the reader I« brought into inti­ er» and the estabJUhuient of trade* unions, clearne-w of hi* argument* and the force of mate relation* with liJmaud a full acquaint­ of the vast practical bearing« of women’« dis­ bis logic; whilst J fell refreshed and en anceship established. governed by the same'principle* as those of abilities, which found expression In the book male laborer*, in the various Industrie* in gized for the labors of my vocation, a a __ on the Subjection of ll'owrn, wa» acquired advocate of the cause of tig? angeh*. upon the which women are engaged. These unions. mainly through her teaching«/ UNITED STATES SALARY LIST and tfarlf« Ser- It Is hoped, w ill have the effect of securing duties of which I had entered n short time vkvlaw. Rufa *x>l Regulator«, with for women a fairer field for their eompetitii previous to meeting this noble pioneer of examloafiMi ijoeiUocw la the Cwtott Jiouv. toen- in all the Industrie* In which they can.. Hattrlilll .ml Vlrlnlfj. our then .exceedingly unpopular system of ottica au» efadfied depart ineotai w okr. Errpar- SPORE-KILLER. employcd,JMid better pay than heretofore. In thought. But, under the force of material — i ——» a iSkiw couueclion with the league «he also propose* T* th* Editor at 10« IteOgto-HtUagCbtesJ Journal: circumstance«, he waa impelled too soon to td coioedlar-at'-law. Wmblsgtoii* V : itenrj ( “* p>, Copp, UWL to eutablhh an agency for the beniit of wo The platform at Britton Hall wa* repre­ leave the field of active labor; yet, the Influ­ men who follow artistic, scientific or Inven­ sented yesterday, Sunday, October 21«L by no ences of bis work remained, giving sweet An excel (eat work for reference; « tive pursuit«. This agency will encourage less a spiritual speaker than Ceptuts B. Lynn, suggestion» of Idea«, which, in many caae*, the p olitician a* well a* ntany oilier* them In various way* in the carrying on or who made hi» appearance before the audi­ have since blosaomed arid fructified—etnit- w ell di«pen«f: with. their work and w ill afford certain opportuni­ ence at 2 o'clock, I*. M., hale and hearty; aud ties and increased facilities. She In endorsed by L O, Ko b w i, with hi* thoughts well digested, he presented ffatoo: fdiwr DR- by Kx-Secretary Folgcr, President Arthur, them to hi» hearer* in a clear and definite ly read an article of hi* on Prayer, in a stray •and many other«. manner, and to all appearance* they were number of 7Vjfa*i/* Monthli/. published in ¡85fi-7, which Is beautifully illustrative of Agaln for nekriy the twentieth' tim i____ The fourteenth annual meeting of the well received. Mr. Lynn took a* the »object of hi» discourse, “The Duty of theHour." Be­ hW early spiritual development, as well a« I» O. Emerson af|faar«.fafore tbe public with American Woman Suffrage Association met a i}*»w sin gin g oodfc. It U a new aud fresh fore entering upon hi* subject he «old that he hi« ability Intellectually-than which, we Tuesday. October tub, In Brooklyn, New have nothing better: and in which may be Ue^k. in which everything, except a few of York.k. Mrs.Mr* Elizabeth El imli,*f li B.R Chao-, Chanu president.nradt.liiiit It*In mu«t congratulate the society at Haverhill for this improvement n a place to hold discovered the exquisite germ* of the be*t the indiepensabteol^tpvorite», i* utiitc novel. MRS L B HUB BELL, the chair. Mr*. Anna C. Field, Mr*. Brock- 1 philosophy w«vhAv«> kMJayxtoucliing man’s w ay and Mr«. Laura C. Holloway Imd perfec­ meeting*, which he considered very alee, and ha «aw no reason why they should not at­ relation.» to interior poleuclft*. and the bene­ Xagajtla« Before Box 1413. Norwich. CL ted tiro local arrangement*, no that every ficial result« of hU communion therewith. / thing was ready and a good meeting was the tract good audience* aud hold them. The duty of the hour or the method« Beside«, I can recall additional article*, both result. Letter* were read from Geo. Wdi.Cur- from hi* own pen and that of other«, which TEE WAS. IK EEAVEK. tffl. Col. T. W. Iligglnsozi, Louisa M. Alcott, ployed by our conservative friends In regard 8t. NttMobAa. (The Century Co., New York.r i to Spiritualism :fix the course of his re­ were sent forth in thl« periodical under hi* Contents; Frontispiece -*■ The first Snow of j President Boscom of Wisconsin, and others. direction, which were unappreciated at the Addresses were made by Mrs. Chace, Lucy mark* he referred to the Kopian Church, the the Season;” The Little Lord of tbe Manor; i Protestant Church, and the more liberal time to any very great extent, but which Benevolent Birds; Jake’s Mistake; A Thanks- ; stone, H. B. Blackwell, Mary Eastman, Julia have mince doubtlessly aided to brighten the Ward Howe. Robert Collyer, and alher«. There churches, including the Unitarian and the giving Dinner that flew away; The Two Men Universailet, and abo the Materialist He hopes and establish the confidence of many of Cologne; Winter Fun: A young ScaaKr-.-.-: [ was an earnest spirit manifested, and an un- In the earth’s sphere, whilst they have con­ * mlstakable feeling exhibited that suffrage spoke in his u/ual charitable style in refer­ Circo* Extraordinary; Sophie*« Secret; W Is- i ORTHODOX HASH, ence to all churches, believing, he said, that tributed likewise to Mmooth the thought- dom tn the Well; Snow Shoe» and no .Shu«*; was near at hand in eomo of the States aud pathway of happy souls flow «miling in the territories. religion meant the spiritual experience of L ittle Maud's Story; Captala Mayor Reid; j WITH CHANCé Of DIET. glory-world of God’« beautiful solution*. Thanksgiving morning «I Grandpapa's; Nut- I Louisa Alcott has the care of the tittle girl universal humanity. In the course of hi* re­ ff « IIAEÎ KltCX ru u w . mark* on the attitude of the Catholle Church Thus appreciating Brother Joel Tiffany ting; The Gentleman from China; The Lamp- o f her sister May (the artist, Mr*. Ncriksr; and his early work, you can readily imagine lighter; The fae-uun and hlaOriglual Form; j who passed away at the birth of the" babe. toward Spiritualism, he made special men­ tion of its council held at Rome in -I WA the that It U with 6nfeigned gratification, am I Getting Acquainted; Folly'» Itugamttffm; These principle* which Ml** Alcott endeavors have «aid, that I hail hi« return amongst n*. Among th*» Fine*; Papa’* little Man; The or- t to Inculcate, are so admirable that we hope outcome of which wa* papal infallib ility, de­ cided by a vote of about 450 yeas to about 130 » ------j jjjjjj a «reieonie; and igih of the Star* and Stripe»; For Very L ittle i they may be taken, a* far a* they go. by eve­ doubt, I but Hpeak the sentiment* Folk ; Jack-In tfa-Pulpii ; The fatter fax . ry young mother. They can be expanded but nay*, and the ProteatAnt*’ expression of »ur- D E j i T I I , not ronirneted with profit to the child: prixe made manifest by holding up their ode. May be find that appreciation The Agassiz Ajwociallou; The Riddte-Box mks, which his undoubted ability hamlslin IhdyTiorror at such bold audacity. In The FmucNoujtitcAL Journal. (Fowler &, ! If W Ti£ B U Ï0ÏIÜ PgLtttfKT ** Health comes find, and an early knowl­ *• to eminently merit. edge of truth, obedience and wd (-control; answer tothe Protestant, the Catholic Church W elis.New York.) Contente .Joseph K. Barn-**; l Md. Tno» Gales F orster. then such necessary lesions a« all must learn, mind« the Protestant Church of carrying In the right plac-; The Eye of tfa Baltic; and later each accomplishments as taste ami ider Us arm an infallible book. The Lake dwellers of Venexueia; Some gen­ talept lead her to desire; a profession or trade Fruì. Denton Frobably noi la Java« eral ubservattons ou Amati vene««; Get out to fall hack upon In timo of need, that she ______f t __f t______jaXnfaP of yourself; The use of big words; A Rocky may not be dependent or too proud to work Uble. Luther turn« right aroutid and eatab- Mountain Pioneer; Cornn*; Phmtofrigy iu ; for bread. No late hours, unwltojesom« p!*as- tubli»he* the infallib ility of the book. He Calcutta; Effects of Alcohol upon the human ir dress, no mixing of school and fllrta- «aid the Protestant church represent«« rebel- tasty; Out of doors; Tlfl? f«.« bio liable Doctor; tion, bnt Himple am usem ent«^dailndntie«. JAp". u,l,J Inthla rebellion they ask for Chris* Not««, etc. and a pnrpose in life to keep them Vi«fe at unity, with thé Unitarian» and tlaai- the (rightful disaster there, utiles* he had Mi.» BI.IUH.M..U. L . versa 11st« left out. made ««me change iu the prog rain me of hi* T ìik Puhrr-saLM.i iL Ma<>a/ in f , fL. N movements after hi* tael letters to me were Fowler, fandun. Eng.} Contente: w j{ . ; The speaker made a special reference to written. In hi* lo»t letter written from- GUd-ttofie (wiMi portrait;; The iuflu Mrs. Sara A. Underwood's sympathetic and the Protestant World's Council held In New Thursday Island. Torre« Straits. AiMralia.be *fovlfood In diseased condition*; An arrftuntaccfiunt of t i t w T d i i v o r er*««»* r tT tJ i r* able essay on "John Stuart Mill. In hi« toeU York city in 1873. ih which some of the clergy nald: "I alt on the shore and write you thane fiali’« Phrenological Theorie-; Tfa faculty of “ kH l U l l l I H I from the Old World objected to discussing cer­ O r H E BEE. al relations/' In the l* d c j of October IHh, line». The vessel Is ready, th** boat w aiting Conatfuctivenew; Fi fine and her friend.»; kartrm afaw«a*hiscewf£(ftawa contain* record* of many charming glim pses tain dogma*, but in which some of the clergy for os, and we start for New Guinea thi* af­ Answers to Correspondente, of the United State* demanded free «pooch, ternoon. ., do not intend to remain there of the domestic life of the philosopher. She' .1 TUE Homiletic monthly. rKunk & Wag- nay« of him: thus showing progress fa the Protestant over a month, but may not be able to get Church, He said the Protestant Church I» naite. New York.; Thi* number contain* the “ He wo* the most chivalrous knight that away ju»t when I plea««, ft * are in excel- u*ual amount of interesting matter, includ­ the women of this generation have known. an anomaly. In Mr. Lynn’* discussion of lent health and a* good spirit* a* we caa fa of Spiritualism, he said it 1« an enigma, ing Herman* by wVlRkuown divine* and sub­ Wherever the »ex needed a friend or cham­ *o far »way from home — You can write to us jects of Hirmiletle Interest and Instruction. pion for their cause, he stood ready to help. carrying a mountain ot fraud and chicanery Batavia, Java, next, where we Intend to meet A» one instance Of thia ever-ready chivalry, on one side, with a beautiful kernel ortruth and go on together to India.’’ It l* necessary I quote from jui article by George Jacob Ilol- on the other »Idc. He bollered profoundly in to explain that Sherman aud Shelley Were A rare strengthening tonic, free from yaake. entitled. ‘John Stuart Milt as So in- of spirit comm union, bnt asked, “Can the phe­ intending to remain in New Guinea about whlckey aud alcohol, efires dynpepala and the Working Close*« knew h im / *Tbe first nomena bo reduced to a well regulat 'd pro­ three mouths, while Mr. Denton would make similar disease*. It has ne ter beau equaled. time he appeared at a public meeting and gramme for the benefit of money making?" a brief visit to China and Japan, and return Brown's Iron Bitters. ' ( During the remarks of the afternoon Mr. made a speech waa at the W hittington Club, to Thursday Island, goiug from there to Ba­ Vm p l e t .G a. Dr. 11. L. Battle, Jr,, says: before a large tea gathering of co-operators Lynn wa* frequently met *fitb marks of ap­ tavia, Java, where the boy* were to meet probation-from the audience. “ Bruwii** Iron B itten are very popular iu lai|i with their wive* and fatal Ik*. I wo* a-ked him. That letter waa written ou the 2nd of «action and give enure •atiafscUon. EVENING LECTURE. July. They had then to make the trip to to arge him to apeak, and I was a« glad ns 6 HKB0ir .ix , Wt».—Dr. S. b. Myers u p ; " I surprised when he consented. Had It not At 7 o'clock, p . sl. a good sized audience New Guinea, the port to which they, - were j rermuiueud Browus iron Bitters fur general been (or the evidence of eo many women tak­ hod assembled to hear Mr, Lynn at Brittan boun»L being, I think, about 4Vi m te < fr ing Interest In co-operative economy, he, I Hall. After the usual reading and Hinging lay («land. How much time wouh.would fa _ j drtrfl,tY^<*a o f*PFrt ll^*®<1 wanlofsUeugtti.” STARTLING FACTS suspect, bad not spoken there/ la another had been gone through with a* a sort of : — jd for tbi* I donoi know, bat 1 think : place, Mr. Ilolyoak#, In speaking of a monu- llmlnary to what we all go to hear. Mr, L that liv e remained in New Guinea one mouth ] Plant lili«« and Ulte« will bloom; aa*hr*oi}L>mplited to be raised to the mem­ announced hi* subject to 6e "The F-tf he eouM. hardly have reached Batavia Iu 1 Plant rtwes and rose* win grow; ory of Mr. Mill, after hi* death, remarks: * If World," He said we should all be «tu k,l . . Th, prlhclpal matarla), oC oar «salari or twenty ycam/later and murdered hr Ibas,.ffpuUir, natirwof tint »£■(■ .» ir > iM iii.iin iw i .^oodaeeci of the first hasbaod of his Wife, Is •itlon 1» satisfactory. 1« sound. D 1* debat Iat*nd.wwbat cnuM bar, W,n th, «o— '• W u v «ja«“ “ "_™ r> *•*“ r by no mean* the least interesting part of the able who may do the work a i the future - AdiI r ,l a m . w a. h , with our m < W hi* ' u m im t '■ r history of hi« love, and yet. ou her death, he whether It I* done In the church of Lo-day or lú t hour*, a tra i lsr a* Im i tb.jr n u l l {or mourned for her as If be had been the one by a new church. We may never live to aee blm ln'tbaturao^i. arUAUut’ With Uhm, KTUM| : HAY FEV ER love of her life a» she .was of hts— Carlyle flog float In front of us, hut ttoú should qiuctiua, fornir rerumog [ «uiuil rMt IOI IHM« nut uau m curl said of her: “ Our most iuterestlng new friend ¿ le b t or dar uniti tbclr r.iui a. KM40irr*g Mgw gONOK^eAST rxjrx, Is a B ff T a y l - . .• * : t\- *:-•: : -:n ...... ~~ “ tt-M. y.'Dannm. - yesterday and staid long. She la a living ro­ latlng of apirttoai Ideas. We are not io Wellwlrr. Ham. Oct SB. mance heroine, of the clearest Insight of the blame for the fragmentary condition of our royalist volition, very Interesting, of qaos- rank»; that Is Inevitable, and Incident to the ïmirs ùt» b ir«« un; tionable destiny, and not above twenty-five " change, the transition through which, hu­ Then follows Mr. Mill's flo w in g words manity Is paaMng. The chnrcb of the future 4m fapoatttoo of BpirthnaHam. will work-for humanity in this life, as the about the woman who, out of all the world, Id t aao EjHt j i m S Î Æ f ^ r m l was fitted to become hi» w ife -'NI w y toon fundamental plank. Instead of the Iaddent­ (»U her to be the most admirable person I ai plank. In the pnlplt of the (ature, we bad ever known ___To her outer circle »he shall be taught that moraUty is the highest was a beauty and a w it with on air of nat­ attain meat of man." R E U G Îü- P H IL O S O P HIC A L JOURNAL. NOVEMBER Ï0.1883,

hu III elf tit will-power to overcome her abnor­ ghastly thing to tue, but a process full of ten­ An Inm ate o f the Holdlera* Homo a t MIJ- §UIigip-gkitoittpliirnl joutnat mal state. derness and love, carrying some wise purpose wAnkee In a Trance for HA flays. In response to a letter from her asking for which, If veiled to me now, will all be very The Journal takes the liberty to publish The current news of the dBy contains an rnU IK ES WEIHT IT 92 L i H U E STEEEt, CHICAOO names of mediums in another city and re­ clear noon." the following personal letter, for the reason exlrsordinary statement with reference to questing us to procure certain rare books Instead of nselpsely throwing away this B y J O H N O. B U N D Y . that thousands of Bpl ritualists scattered an Inmate of Ihc Soldiers' Home at M ilwau­ from England, we replied on May IHh of this life, let each nobly struggle on to-the end.He through every Knglbh speaking country, kee, (Vis. The man, who !o an invalid, was year, and as the reply now seems to have who docs this, need have no fears that hfa In* Term# of Hubwrlptloo Id Adranro. know the writer personally or through his transportod on a cot In the baggage-car of more significance llftau when written, we ven­ fluence on earth will cease with his depart­ O m C o p y , o n e y e a r , ...... $ 2 ,3 0 books, and newspaper writing; they will b£* the train from Ashland, where he had been ture to publish it herewith; * u 6 month*,...... $ 1 .2 1 S ure; h b body w ill return to the dujit from interested In what concerns him so deeply: on a Have of absence. Twenty-eight days ■ Otiti w in I cm». im u u cm ru t, [Wo may aay, In passing, that this tetter which It came, bat the spirit of his work, the Dear Cojainel anu Mu*. Bundy;— ago lie entered Into a seeming tfapee condi­ ‘ EKMiTTUfCUBboald ha rondo by United BUtai was penned In the hutry of office work w ith­ essence of hb life, will remain to strengthen My dear wife can .now remain with ns but tion, and until Ihc train arrived at Milwau­ fo«Ul Money Order, Amartela E ip re « Company1« out the remotest thought of publication, and those who All hb place. This should be an a wry few days at Hie most and may pass to kee had neither been awake nor eaten a Money Order, Bejfl«tercd Letter or Draft on either It is published as written, without apology. ever-present Incentive to the highest endeav- the belter land at any moment. Hhe b un­ m outhful of food, H'hlle at tho Union Depot, Ì Tew York or Chlcajro. Do iw* *m any eon *nd Should It lu the least degree inspire any suf­ conscious and her lire b fast nhblng away. however, w aiting to be transferred to lint , ikackt on total bank* fering houI who reads it with a deeper sense Thanks to the Asstiranee that our knowl­ A ll latter« and communication« should he ad- edge of spiritual truth» brings us In this Home, an effort was madoto arouse him, and of life's d o t!« , we shall be glad.] dreaacd, apd all remlltaocca made payable ' L ecture ay Prof. W* Hejinonr. Hour of trial and sadness, our affliction Is de­ this had the effect to cause the sleeper to Dear Mauauk: I will try my best to get JOHN CL BUNDY, Ositi prived of its keenest pangs—those arising raise hi* hand to Ills head momentarily. Bnt the hooks for you, but I will say now that Lost Sunday etiqHng. Prof. W. Seymour from doubts of the future. We know »he Is they will not carry conviction to your mind. lectured at Lester'eV^ndeiiiy, AiO W. Lake oply going before us and that she very soon the eyes refused to act in concert with the I want to say a few things to von, and at the Street, on this »object: “&NrJb through Me­ will return radiantly happy to assure us hand, and remained closed. Thereafter n *lsk of being thought unklud; I beg pardon that her love has survived the ordeal of death. small quantity pf milk whs fed to the old in advance and assure you I only speak for diums Psychologically Considered.” The Pro­ Fraternally and sincerely your best good and because should feel that fessor commenced hb lecture by stating that man, but he continued to sleep as before. * SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 KruRNE Crowell, I wan shirking duty If 1 did not. psychology In lb varied phfaes of phenome­ Brooklyn, Nov. U. 1883. 'Once before, some years ago, when away AM the evidence In all the books ever pub­ from the Home visiting in Michigan, be bad The RjEUaw-Psiixteoniicjii. Jonuiu. dnlxn It to ba nal expression. 1» to-day generally accepted as Dh and Mrs. Crowell have passed a tong1 Ostinrtlj undentood that It aan accept noirapotiKlbnity lished wilt not satisfy you, and I greatly a most remarkable experience. In a condi­ doubt it it would not be very difficult to do it an established fact by the best srlonttf c minds and happy life together; they have the us- M to the opinion* expressed by Contributor* and Cor* tion of trance, or something of iho kind, ho by the rnont striking phenomena so but what of the age, and that the phenomena of clair­ suraure that in death they will not be part­ nepondenU. Free and open dlocuuion within certain wandered away, was loet In (ho Michigan Jmll* ts Inti ted. and tn these dirumiljuten wrllera are after “sleeping on It, you would still doubl, voyance, second-sight, or mind-reading, have ed. While the solemn change of death h not You are in such a condition of mind that It forest*, and remained two or three weeks alone reimufble for the artldoa to which their name« been do thoroughly demonstrated In the pres­ to be lightly regarded, yet tt need not be on attached. Is nearly or quite impossible for your spirit without citing. When finally found his feet friends to come near you, much le*a to make ent age as not only to demand the attention, dreaded nor the departure uuduly mourned. Exchanges and Indlrtduata In quoting from the R»* were frozen, but it was some time before he known their presence. Unless you wake up but to command the sanction of all Investi­ L iter. On reaching the J ournal office Uon^lHruiMM^Hirai. JarKNiL. are requested to die- awakened. He lies In his coyn-tbe Soldiers’ ttngulah between editorial articles and the cotmnuttton* to a realization of the selflsliness and unrea­ gating minds. He then dwelt upon the uni­ Monday m orning, a telegram from Dr. sonableness of your excessive mental depres­ Home hospital, looking exactly as though Hons of «orrespoadenla. versal belief in man’s immortality, and stated Crowell, was found announcing that Mrs. sion you are in a fair way to become Insane, dead. ^ ______Anonymous tetters and communteatlocj will not ba that if man be Immortal, then the spirits of Crowell’s anticipated departure to the Spirit- DotUrnl. The name and address of tha writer are re- or at least so unbalanced and misanthropic qulred as a guaranty of good faith. Rejected as to make yourself miserable and every body of our departed friends still have an exist­ world occurred on Saturday night, the 3rd. OENKUAL .VOTES, scripts cannot bo preaemd, neither will they be return- around you, Yonr condition of mind is the ence, and that although we might not know On Sunday evening the Ith Inst., after writ­ •d tmleas sufficient postage Is sent with the request. great stumbling block to the light you seek, and you will never get light until you put their exact locality or the nature of their ex­ ing* the words to accompany Dr. Crowell’s Mrs. Nellie J- T. Brigham lectures in When newspapers or magutnes a re sent to the Joes* istence, yet they take cognizance of our ac­ ‘Boston during November. KAL containing matter for spedsl attention, the sender yourself into a receptive condition. letter, there ran through our mind uu Im­ will please i*raw a line around the article to which he You must come to feel that billions on bit- tions and are Interested in our welfare. These pression that -before the Journal w ent to Prof. Beymour, phrenologist and lecturer linns have lived, Joved and died before you; Ideas he held to have been universal among press, news would corneaummticing the Anal from Philadelphia, Is in town. , have mourned and sought consolation;.that your case Is not an isolated one; that yon are all peoples in all ages, until at length the end, and that this would render necessary a Tite new revision of (he Old T estatoefif CHtCAClO, ILL., Saturday, November It». 1HH3. here on this earth surrounded on all sides by philosopher In h b research after truth, turn­ postscript to our few words already written. w ill be published next spring. those needing your aid in thousands of ways. ing to the subject of a future life, haqbeen While thus thinking, we were unconsciously Mrs. Kate Blade, (he slate-writing medium NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Instead of nursing your sorrow and turning led to Inquire, how far these Ideas are cor­ turning ttie leaves of S. C. Hall's “Retrospect has removed lo J77 W ed Madison Street. In upon yourself, let your sympathies go out rect, and from a scientific investigation of Subscription* ttut paid Iri a d v a n c e as they should to the suffering poor and to of a Long Life, yvhen our eyes caught the I. yman liowe lectures in New. YorM or are cltarged at the oltl price of $3*13 those womp off than yourself. Forget your­ the subject he has learned that man is a dual tveautUul tribute which that noble old man the First Society of Spiritualists, supplying self in your desire to alleviate the sorrows heiug, governed by two great laws, viz., psy­ per year* To accommodate those old and earnest Spiritualist paid to hb wife, Mrs. Brigham's place during November. and cares of others, and there will come to chology and chemistry; and that the change with whom h oJlveA b i greaMiappijw>«ft for Tlie Roman Catholics have appointed No­ Subscriber* who through force of habit you gradually a quiet pence and happiness, or inability, do not keep paid in ad­ such ns you have never yet known; nud with called death b brought about by the low of fifty-six years; and wuel! theend came on vember 10th, tho anniversary of I.utber’s "q vance, the credit system i* for the pres­ ft will rome conditions which will put you chemistry governing the physical body,which the lost ftuuday of January, 1881, he leaned birth, a» a day of fasting and prayer. ill rapport with the dear ones whose bodies ent continued; but .it m ust be distinct- serves only as an instrument of the spirit over her pVUoA'and caught the word “ Dar­ J. II. Mott, tho widely known medium of you have lain In rest. “Salvation** cannot bo Dali while the spiritual or intellectual man Memphis, Mo„ writes: "1 am pleased with iy understood that it is tv holly as a boqght either by the blood of Jesus or by pnv- ling," breathed Into hb lips with her last favor on the part of the Publisher, as ingTa medium for servicesdt must be wrought must remain the same; and under similar breath. Reading Mr. Hall’s touching story. the JocBNAt-." the terms are PAYMENT IN AD­ out within your owd soul. You carry with condition would be capable of doing nil tlmt thought how appropriate would one Mrs. Mary Andrews lias been very 111, but yon uow an aura blacker and more depress- VANCE* he ever hail done before, and hence in his paragraph and verses foliowlug,to the case of lias passed the rrlsis and tier h o d of fdende lug than the black emblem» of mourning you psychological relations to other minds he w ill be glad to know she Is slow ly recover­ wear; throw it off and allow the warm glow dear friends, Dr. and Mrs. Crowell. This would be as capable of impressing and ns Monday morning that half-page from Mr. ing. A Lcmoii frutu One* Life. ~ of human and spirit sympathy to reach and lift- vour ifnI, and ymi v-iH Vi^ Hit nf tin* susceptible to impressions as he had been be­ Hall Is so timely, so in unison with the views Janies Clark Is uow lu tiie State of New Brightly hMium the nun thin glorious No* dreadful condition you are In; and y u never fore the change called death; but as mind of our dear Brooklyn brother and his fam­ York. He w ill be In Chicago In tim e to eat vombor morning; church bells an* culling w ill until you do If. If you think me hard can only tie made manifest to the external- his Thanksgiving turkey, and to sing a song and uiijust in what I've said, I feel sure the ily, so much better than any words we can the multitude to spiritual feasts adapted to time will come when you will cl/unge your senses of mankind through a material appa­ .we offer It to them with the tender re-, to aid the digestion of some Joyous dinner the various wants of those devotional ly or mind; at all events If I am not7discreet or ratus. furnished In the brain; and Inasmuch gards of the Journal’!: readers: party. otherwise Inclined; In the distance a brass Judicious In writing this, I do it out of sincere as that apparatus b renjoved from our spirit In a word, 1 know that those who are call­ Rplritualids and investigators withlncou- ban'll is playing a national air; wdll-dreaped regard for your welfare. Yours fraternally, frierds by the change called death, before ed “the dead" do not die; that they are mere­ J \o . C. 11 UN BY. venIen t illslanee of Mlnnejpolls, Mlmi.xlioalil people throng the streets; gladsome sounds they could be any communications from the ly removed from the earth-sphere Into Borne arrange to site ml Ufa m eeting which is to We were greatly relieved to learn that the other sphere—to one of the “many mansions” and Joyous sights abound. Above and be­ spirit who had passed into the spiritual lady look our plain talk In the kindliest spir­ of which our.Lord emphatically speaks—the take place on the 2 lilt and 25 th nr this month. yond all these tokens of joy and-vigorous, 1 sphere of existence, he or sho must enter (by it and acknowledged Its truth. But »ho could first, but not the only, removal: and that un­ Mr. II. T. Kiug of Rochester, N, T„ was robust life, comes the low, fill. surging the law of psychology) Into relation with der certain conditions which, at present, we not arouse herself sufficiently to carryout its Bmoug the many callers at the Job US a], monotone of the great inland serf; the waters some other mind that holds its relationship can not comprehend, much less control, the office last week. Mr. King states tliafMm. suggestions. DoutiUngly she continued her Soul that has left earth can, and does, com­ of old Lake Michigan roll In upon the sands, ’to a physical brain. Hence the ofllce and weary search for knowledge that her loved municate with the Soul that remains on earth. French, qf hts city, Ls rapidly developing as and breaking on the shore, send up to our importance of mediums through whom the a very fine medium. oues still lived. On Monday afternoon of last I add these lines from n sm all poem—"Here­ wiudow a song so near akin to sorrow, it communications of spirits may be received. after:” Miss Ada Turk haa returned from t h e ^ is t . week sh>! called at the Journal office and seems strangely out of harmouy. But be­ He then dwelt upon the different phases of and will be pleased lo meet her friends at speuPironslderable tim e looking over hooks, bT(Vi "! bail.....tiäa* I™1 bmiichcA-bui*! ; hind the Joyous sounds of the directs, beneath tnediumsKlp, together with the seeming con­ Anally selecting one which claims to teM of her sCaijces for physical m anifestations, the surface of the sea of souls around us, the tradictions of truth, which often appear In lim i tbjr smooth chop It nmi utiwtinklnt brow : the Spirit-yrorld and its inhabitants. In go­ Tuesday and Friday evenings, at Bud West Bensitlve can hear a never-ending refrain of public circles, nearly all of which lie attrib­ "A, In lb . iil. rr of tlir fail, prim." Madison Hired. in g through the hook-room, we passed close ^ TPrc^ìi .li ih , ,jirth-iiff ^tirlehi sorrow; now and then the sound grows deep­ uted to a want of knowetlge of the law and to her several times, as she sat apparently Tho Spiritualists and Medium's Conference er and more plaintive, as som^Ehdrt, break­ conditions pf psychology, and closed his lec­ 1. Bxirnm. at Axt .li.. oblivious to everything about , her bat the meets at Lester's Academy. 011» West l-ake ing on the rock of affliction, sends forth its ture by an earnest appeal to hla hearers to Street, next Sunday at 3 !■. M. Subject for book. Wo felt self-reproach at the tim e for Iy.■fi.' iii.iiiMi uni f,t rum. last wailing cry and sinks out of sight. study this philosophy that they may become not speaking, bnt the gloomy chill of her consideration: “Be ye perfect, even as God la Bear reader, we want to tell you the story tho better prepared to arrive at the troth of A cullilo,, gtiAnUrt, .pint: thahs A. 11m black despair froze the words before utter­ perfect." Subject for'tbe evening (7:15j: “The of such a broken heart; It Is a sad, sad story, spirit communication. Many questions were ance. She left the office and in a few hours relation of Mesmerism to Hpiritualism." but as the Incidents have more fully Impress­ Served Him litichi. thereafter, unable longer kuriidure her con­ asked by those present tn regard to the sub­ We learn from Ur. Babbitt, that lie bas ed us with lessons we had thought already ject discussed, and ably answered. dition, she put an cod' by her earth-life and moved bis American Health Co. to H3 Cut­ w ell learned, we give It, hopfhg It may bene­ Aii e ii'In uu" tuU forth (hat “ a riruggl.t In sent her spirit into the next world. ter Street, Cincinnati, and that the cures fit some other mourner by showing the danger W histle-Toward» ih e GaCes o f Hades. Parte, haring been convicted of adulterating made by their Instruments which combine Kind reader, If you are a Spiritualist, as wo' of yielding to hopeless grief.. cuiphato of quinine, haa been nentenced Lo'a hope you are, you know this poor woman can­ light, bent, color, steam aud electricity sim­ A couple of years ago there was a happy Frank E. Aronson, of Oberlin, Ohio, com­ year's Imprleonmrut at hard labor. In ad \ ultaneously. are so refaarkable a* to be con­ not escape from herself; neither can she at family consisting of hiuband, wife and A menced suit against the Rev. James Brand, dltlon, he is to pay o Hue of a tboneamt francs, sidered phenomenal. See advertisement. once be happy by a reunion with her loved onee; darling little boy. All that wealth, educa­ pastor of the Congregational clmrch there hla name and crime are to be published in' Mrs. Klla M. Dole, whose m edlam shlp is in. but you know that the darkuese now envelop­ tion and social position conldoffer was theirs. for $30,000 damages, Bronson b the liquor twelve political and lyrely^ professional some respects unique, and who gives good ing her le not eternal; you know that loving Then came a change; the husband and father selling druggist of Oberlin who refused to go papora, and, should lie e (nr m i pen bis store, messengers from the realms of light are striv­ satisfaction, ha* Juit returned from a vi*lt was away, seeking among the Rocky Moun­ despite prayers and argum ents. Mr. Brand to (he door theroof la !" *; ■. affixed a algn: ,to Cincinnati. Correspondents from that city ing to aid her weary eteps toward a higher tains for additional wealth. The mother sees was one of the most strenuous workers 'Sentenced fo r mdblLiu.fiUK sulphate of qui­ and a happier condition; you know that eofne- Speak in high praise of her work there and her boy sicken; she hangs over hts dying against Bronson, and the $30,000 damage U nine.' TTrfciJ«severe punishm ent; far more time she w ill join her husband and child. Let art anxious to have ber rftorn. Mr*. Dole is couch until the young UfKgws out; and claimed to have been done In a sermon preach­ severe, probably, than would be regarded as all unite in heart-felt deeires for her pro­ at JUG Walnut St. w hile the Is w atching the flickering flame ed* by the reverend gentleman. The words {oat In this country. Bnt the crime waa an gress toward light and happiness. Me;. K. M. Burton and Mr. 11. K. Lucas of die away, the flame of a thunderWt has lib­ complained of in the sermon are as follows:* iufam ons one. It wsa stealing from the sick Portland, Oregon, paid ns a visit last week. erated the eoul of her beloved husband, leav­ The true Spiritual tat learns to act unselfish­ “The shadows of death are the golden haze man his only hope of recovery. Aud the In­ Mr, Ifnrton wanted some personal experience which heaven’s light makes when it meets ing his lifeless, mangled body on the wild ly for the good of others, whether it bring cident ts one which drnggisto. lawmakers, In tbe way of spirit phenomena, lo relate for the earth and mingles with Its shadows, bnt and tile public here would do well to take to mountain aide to be cared for by awe-urlcken happlneee or unhappiness to himself; to act, to thee there ehall be shadows fu ll of phantom tbe benefit of hls_(riends at home; be visited companions. On lightning’s wings the ter­ rightly because It 1» right so to act, and not shapes. Images of terror In the future shall heart. Complaints arc not Infrequently heard Mr*. Simpson and expensed him self as high­ rible news is borne to the eastern home, but because of any anticipated reward here or of various drugs being poor in quality. Phy­ ly pleased. V for days Is withheld from the widowed moth­ hereafter. Resting Securely lu his knowledge sicians are forced to direct thm^ their pre­ Justice Burton, in an address m the Grand er, until her little one m out of pain and has of a continuous existence beyond the limits scriptions be filled at certain stores, that Jury, urged that prossore {w brought to bear’ joined his father. The stricken, childless of earth-Mfe, and Dial he w ill meet his loved they may bo aure of the atred^th of the In- on the Dominion Government (Canada) with widow has no staff on which to Jean; no faith ones there, h( 1b prepared to do hiB.beet for Remorse shall feel for thy heart and rend gredienta. Some druggists seem to be run­ tbe object of having tbe law so amended at open. Good men »hall breathe- freer at thy in a future life sustains; no knowledge that his brother man. .11* bears the hardships and ning a race to see who can eell quinine pills to permit the reception of evideneVIn crim­ death and utter thanksgiving when thou art at the lowest price per dozen, and they ad­ the loved ones live and may hold communion sorrow» of this fife with philosophical calm­ gone. Men shall place thy gravestone as a inal case! of,agnoetlrs and unbeilevefe In the with friends on earth, Is hers. ness, and a resignation not born of despair. monument and a testimony that a plague b vertise each competing reduction with great future state. Ill this condition, borne down with unut­He knows that all hb trials will In somo stayed, and as borne on the blast thy guilty nourish of trumpets. Bat when the price The Journal collection of photograph* baa spirit whistle« toward .the gates of Hell the terable grief, with a conviction that this life btrange way work for his good. A medium- goes down, does the quality remain at proof? been enriched by tbe addition of a likeness hideous shrieks of those whom thou hast de­ Or would universal and rigid examination ends all, she was persuaded to Investigate latte soul with a sweet, all-suitalnlng faith stroyed shall pierce thee—Hell’s first wel- of Ur. B. A. Cleveland, the newly elected Spiritualism; but she did It seemingly under doses a beautiful allegory thus; ^Our heav­ of drug, of all kinds show that many dealer! President of the Iowa Stale Spiritualist Con­ protest and actuated by conflicting emotions. enly Father wakes us from the slumber of Now comes an interesting history of the deserve to share the Frenchman's fate?" ference; also by a cabinet picture of B. B. Strongly materialistic In her methods of infancy and helplessness and fends ns forth above extract. It appears from a d Upatch to Weatbrook, D. D. LL. B,, one of the Journal'« thought, doubling everything, her hungry alone Into the world to learn life's great les­ the Dally Netes.that the above turns out to The people of Mew Orleans have began to contributors. He says of the Journal; "It heart im pelled her to eeek for what «he had sons. When we have learned them well, he he “stolen thunder.” Henry Ward Beechev discuss, from a sanitary point of view, the I* the ablest paper that rcache« my aanetom. no hope of finding. 'She allowed her grief to sends the pale messenger Death, to take ns read it and reoogoixed it as hb own work.Be existing mode of disposing of their dead with and I read it first.” / become an AU-«beorblng passion u n til It took home. Uow blessed will he that reunion.'’Tbe says It was taken from a lecture to young a degree of earnestness which warrants the A visitor from ClndngRtKspeaks enthus­ complete posae»ioo.'?tn thi{ state of mind same writer ends her allegory of “The Two m en delivered In Indianapolis In 1843or 1844 hope that It w ill lead to reform. The loca­ iastically of the good vfmk of Dr. and Mrs. she caqae to the Journal office, where all tha Ways” with this paragraph: “There are.two and may be fonnd In h b book, *'PopdHr tion of hew Orleans and the nature of the H. H. Jackson, both In curing ailment* of assistance that could be rendered was cheer­ w a y io f Journeying through Ufa: One, like Amuse menu," page 2M. publbhed thirty-two •oil originally forbade Ihterm rut within* the body and mind, and In spreading a knowl­ fully and sympathetically given, but without the first pilgrim, who thought only of self years ago. city limlta, and the nae of vanlta wholly edge of Spiritualism among a desirable ciaaa avail. Though a perfect lady In every re­ and of speedily reaching the vale and the above ground has been retained to th< pres­ of investigatore. Dr. and Mrs. Jackson have spect. of f«r more than average Intelligence journey's end; the other hatter and wiser one. Light for Thinkers «ays: “No mori^ffec- ent day and even allowed m the bean of the eommodions offices at 330 Race Street: In ad- and good sense, self-restrained and very quiet, productive of greater good to all, of making tive meetings of Spiritualists was aver held City. The nnheallhfnlae« of the system, -fUUgfi to till* bonce which would be called yet the appalling gloom which filled her eoul h path, tlmt all who come after us they be than the late meetings at Chattanooga. We •specially in eucb a climate. Is apparent, but ample even for UMfr rHTilence aad bnsInMg, affected those she came in contact with to blessed by our labor».“ Our unseen friend,4 have not the space to eulogise them. The hitherto the natural aversion to to novations they have lately taken tbe One and elegantly soeh a degree as to make her presence abso­ Kpes Sargent, on h b dying bed With the hand resulta show for themselves. Two AjwocIs - involving the last office* for the dead haa pre­ furnished mansion. No. A75 Freeman Avenue, lutely painful. *We tried as delicately as of Death atready'upoa him wrote us: I Mons formed by one Convention b not often vented an agitation of the subject. It It sug­ valued at $40,(no, where they witl make their possible to show her how selfishly weak she look upon tt all with the utmost reverence, 4done. The South means to assert itself In gested that suitable burial places might be home and be able to give every comfort and was In giving way to such grief, and that death being to my eye* a gracious, loving ‘ tbb good cause; Friends, rally to the sup­ prepared on the Metairie Ridge by tborongb luxury required by patienta. Dr. Jackson I* her condition.rendered it nearly Impossible angel, ready to let down the bare at the fit­ port of both, the Southern Association of drainage. It. will be strangclf the ad.oca tee a regular graduated physician, and Mrs. Jack- for her spirit friends to approach Her rea­ ting time, and to welcome me to the great Spiritualists and the Lookout Mountain Catop of cremation do not contribute many argu­ ana haa the reputation of being one of tbe son adm itted this, but she Called to summon realities of the Spirit-world. It la no spectral Meeting Association " ment* to this discussion. beet medium! and haaltra In tbe eountry. V- \

NOVEMBER 10,188.3. R E L I O IO -1*111 LO SOT* IIIC A L'J O U R N A L .

Mr. Mozoomdar* the Unitarian Hindoo, Harr Grusslbach, Professor of Chemical it him In the face, Gordon pulled a er and fired two shots, both of which 172 aJH:V;T.a^'7&»&3i£ wliort* sermon 1» published In thi« Im up, in Helene* In the University of rpaftla, announc­ ^ took effect, and Ashton fell dyad near the <-»•»« F»> Çff A fesls. »I«N# to t»M per announced to preach In Chicago next Bun- es that he will undertake by his process to foot of m dead elm tree. The murderer was mo . mode rtrlllns oor B«e H wik- A Mlltleo. day. freeze up any lady or gentleman willing to arrested. Ills trial wav set Jfpr this week, Write lo J .* '. Mr«'*ir«> A gW C MwWSJMSoU A. B. Ffencjj. who was In the city last week, submit to the experiment, aud .deprive them but it has been adjourned to the December V*r-*-i^rimr 4 MMInTWAH term of eourt. , haa been lecturing to large audiences In Mi­ to a ll appearance of vitality, pledging Ills •".«O IM «»«« M«b A year or two ago a wh'te man named DONT ■ « ATAIS lan, Norwalk, and Leroy, Ohio; Bturgta, Mich­ word to bring them round again at the ex­ Chancellor, who lived near Ashton’« soap igan* and Sou^h Bend, ludlana. piration of two years, will» no prejudicial ef­ factory, sickened and died. He was In des­ The Continent, conducted by Albion W. fect* to mind or body. It seems, however, titute circum stances. The colored man bad friM|uently contributed both money and food Tourgfe, and published heretofore in Phila­ that no adventurous person has couitf forward $ 2 5 0 itSK ïï ^ ’SrjrjT'X!, to the man's fam ily. When lie died be placed HWONsO» ivtri4t. Mirti . delphia, haa been removed to 23 Park Itow, to supply the Savant with the desired oppor­ his wife and children in the care of the no- A'Urvm ist New York City, It« future borne. Under the tunity, so he has submitted* ill’« marvelous in ­ ro. who afterwards lived with the widow. able management of ft* editor, the circula­ vention to the Swedish Government, with Se was a generous provider, aud wa« idolized r3;iT.'M J.l • request that a criminal condemned to death by the woman. When he was killed she tion of The Continent has steadily increased. threw her arms around his necl and pressed In entering upon the neve nth year of pub­ shall be provided to enable him to demon- kisses upon his cold lips. Her grief M w ill be «pared on their part to make it In the the city, wae trying to ouiet a crying child. beeoUful BUS t-rtWTf «I lit future, what it baa been In the past, "the " that Calvinism Is as deBd.ln Geneva as The youngHter would not be quieted, and »he •Dxb*w «T run rtw moot widely esteemed magazine of lie kind Christianity Is in Jerusalem. The established was about to cha»ti*e the child when she LICKT, COLOR, in existence.” / church is creedtess.without ministerial ordin­ was horror-stricken by the sudden appear­ * À k i H c ation, and its pulpits are. in part, filled with ance of .a spectral form, whleh, In the dim STEAM AND Klder Wilson, one of the Mormon Preach- light of the room, assumed the form of the ELECTRICITY ’ era, recently indicted Jor vagrancy in Clay­ preachers who# business is not to expound, murdered man. The spirit, the woman al- ton county,, Georgia, is preparing a defense, but to deuounee as Incredible fables, the ver­ legfe", walked through the door .and advanc­ in g close to her, held out his arms, and by POWDER lie says that the authorities of the Mormon ities of the New Testament. While there are signs. Intimated that he would take the child Church have authorized him to make attest a few so-called evangelical ministers, their and put It asleep. The Major wan as natural Absolutely Pure. case, and, he adds, that they w ill supply all evangelical teachings would not be accepted as In life. The woman utbTed a shriek and •¡■ewsM ir »soss- a manet of partii, «tract /; i Ihe money he requires. . as such by any evangelical church out of fled to the house of a neighbor, where she re­ lated her strange story. A party visited the “ W I» Mid la M»MHM w u ’lle It appears that there h a movement In the Switzerland. The Swiss established church beri »«UtfiL t iu i or ( ira^C*AO eo*4»f*,mnUMtSm 0t place, but the apparition had vanished and KOTiL U H M h rtH4 i Cu., 1M Vdht. Said K V.’*-h Methodist Kplscopal Church looking towards has gone from Calvinism to Infidelity, carry­ the babe wa* quietly sleeping In its cradle. a modification of the itinerancy. The sub­ ing with it nothing but the title-deeds, aud The next nig fit Ashton'« gho«t again ap­ ject will come M ore the General Conference the money-box, and the old spirit of perseeu peared. It pawed through Mrs. Chancel­ next year. This feature is the glory of the tiou, which latter they exercise by ImpriSon- lor's bedroom into an adjoining apartment. Methodist machinery. By means of tills sys­ Ing the m issionaries of the Salvation Army." tem Methodism has become the pioneer in Previous to Mr. George Jacob Hoiyoake’* t S 6 . waste places, in suburbs, and among the departure for Knglnnd last fall, he initiated «lonaUfly, and then return it to hi« eouali. an Advisory Co operative Board of which the An audible sigh was born to the woman « humble, and lias worked Its way Into Influ­ When she looked again the apparition following gentlemen are officers: the lion. ence among the masses. bad vaJibbed. F>UPATENTSgpK^ ImlncUM» a»l uod-euilL <4 Fsimu m l ««**- Tha lecturers at the Chattanooga (Term.) Parke Godwin, President; the Rev, I)r. J. If, Neighbor« also say that they have seen the Meeting comprised G, VY.Taylor, G, W. Kates, Rylance and Justus 0 . Woods, Vice-Pres I apparition. One woman who Hve* near the dents; George H. McWaters, Treasurer; and J. ootNklrl« says she was awakened the other ¿?iE^PATENT8^-:: editor of lifjht for Thinkere, A. C. Ladd, night by the rattling t»f wW i* billowed by M. Percivil. No. 13 Broadway, Sew York. Bec- Mrs. E; C. Woodniff. C. Fred Far I in. Geo, the clear notes of "Yankee Doodle." The A i * lUlV'l'Ti W A W 'r iH O See Nk- ■ I P. Colby, Kev.SaMjieJ Watson and Prof. Lyon. retary. These gentlemen have carefully stud­ - whistle was the Major’s. Going to a window, Mrs. Van Duzee of'Atlantn, Gt., and Mrs. ied cooperation and are willing to give all she sawr a sight which froze her blood. A BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY BOOKS. needful inform ation respecting it. Mr. John spectral train drawing a wagon rolle-l by. tin Beck of Cincinnati, 0 ., gave stances and the box was seated Major Ash tor, and be­ public platform tests, and Miss Lucy King Gledhlll and Mr. Percivil are the American hind the vehicle trotted a tame bear. In an read a communication concerning medium- representatives of the Manchester Co-opera­ instant the spectral team, with its ghostly ship. tion Store, and buy here annually for it. about driver, had disappeared. *Mlwr people, most­ Tin; Golden! Trite for ISM worth of provisions. The hoard ly colored, are ready to sw ear that the spir­ News of a curious invention cornea from it of the dead man visits hi-« old haunts. On the South of France. A Frenchman who has would like to communicate with all co-oper­ Tuesday a >m»ll-*ized negro, while walk­ patented a machine for theuseof concentrat­ ative Associations and person« friendly to in g cm tit# M aud, saw the Major's «pook. It ed solar rays as a general motive power, has the cause. ws*cstanding under the dead elm tree. The man tried to Nprak, but hi» tongue clove to set up three of his much ini’* in Algeria forj Capt. II. H. Brown -»pok* at FreevlllerOct. the roof of his mouth. The «pectre melted tire French Government, lie is now carrying 7th; at Auburn, Ocl. nth; Harford the lllb; into air. The properly of thwsdead n u n is on experim ents at the Island of Porquarolies, Owego Un* 12th; McLean* the 13th and l»ry- in litigation, and his friends knj that his nean Hyfoeff, where he Is thrashing Indian den the 11th; at Hartford, Conn...the 2l*t: spirit will never rest until the maiterjs hon­ estly settled. • corif and raising water by the action of the East Princeton and Leomister, Mass., the sun's rays, 2sth; at Portland. Me., Nov. 1th and is to be A correspondent in Brooklyn. S. Y„ writes there the 11th. Hejwilf at Haverhill. Business iloticfs. that he noticed In this paper some weeks ago, Mass., the Ibth and 2*1 th of November, lie ~Ml Pric*« i reaii (Uktog Vow a statement of the formation of a new ftpir- • w ill probably be in New Hampshire and Ver­ in every r*»peet. Is unequalled. Itual Society In South Brooklyn, In the vlcin- j mont from Hoc. 1st till 2 1th; Lee. 3»*th at Hudwj* TcttUS lecture* on eoojeetsptftaiauig Ity, he thinks, of F ifth Avenue and 23rd St. Hartford, Conn; January 1K*I he apeak« for general reform ami tb* sriaoce »1 HpirrifiaiUm. J lends fouecal*. Tei~grapOlC >>kSb U Our correspondent has not been able to find ! the society in Springfield, Ua*». lie will ftdulrMM, B'-rliu ftaxittn, Ohpi. (ìiriHir Ukase lit Siimi the Society, though living in bat general I make week-day appointment* In vicinity of vicinity, and would like to hear more about [ Jib. Price's piaiortit^-Katracte are free U\ his Sunday appointment^, and can be en­ ooous «IU and strung. rai^Uwi*. They are It through the Journal. gaged for any part of the United State-, Ad­ ri»»uT» of perfect purity Netting, the murderer of Ada AlStuaon, is dress him at hi« appointments or hi« r'esi- fipjujm L kttxhh srv she is by the same orthodox token, in a far rated a new gospel scheme last Sunday morn­ p W , and Uh- prr*p*ct of * radical cur*. Kuuhìm» different place, where she must always writhe ing at the Jackson Street entrance to the Um adad as weil m Ute body. Borine* fio* Dotto, ill horrible anguish. 0 , bow aweet/now rea­ Custom-House. A crowd was attracted by ■ri Ui doom and mie-- Àd-tr-m. t F. ButUirfirid, V I>, Syracuse, N. Ï. sonable, how elevating la such a religion. I the sounds of a very brassy cornet, at the Cuasa Btxit Cabs or Piijm . A letter from St. Petersburg says that the rear end of which was a red-faced young Russian monasteries cost the country over man, who pumpad out several psalm tunes. Annual Meeting of th* B u t# Aasoclatioci of 10,000.000 rubles a year. The first monks dug Then Mr. Kirkland, a cler ica l ’ooking gen ­ Bpirltnalists of Mlnuenota at Minneapolis. their cells In the ground, and thus the cata­ tleman with blood# mutton c op whisker« combs were made. In the catacombs the and felt bat. announced that services would monks mortified their flesh, prayed to God be held until 12 o'clock, when coffee and that He would forgive their sins aud also the sandwiches wontd he served. T his cheerful sins of the world at large, wrote chronicles, information interested the motley throng painted holy Images, prepared vegetable med- that had gathered and a number of them ac­ icineH.aud buried (he martyrs who perished at cepted an invitation to alt on the step« and drink in the Word. An ungainly»- specimen the hanfis of Tartar Khans, Russian Princes, of a "bum.” who was evidently pretty well or pagan mobs. filled up with liquor, pranced around on the S p iritai! Meeting* la Brooklyn iohifa! Joar^aJ^ him alooe, than be is to-the man who refutes terer waa. Mr. Kirkland endearorrd to ra- awire them wllb the Information that tb* him, or who Jpstroct* him at the expense of Lord had fnrnia&ed the hineh and It would his tranquility.” But the Jocrnaj. w ill keep eoon arrive. To fill lu a gap Ur. McCarthy U ctû cÉL TriiV» »L milijUÄKT'Riiir on just the same, refuting errors, aud In­ sang. “Where la Ify Boy To-day it" aa a » t o structing. regardless of the demand for "har­ and Mr. and M o. Kirkland sang. "Tali M* FLAW TJTK.^ETffiTlr BWfroth. more about Jena,” Several brethren gave monious" tranquility. their experienced, which they laid had bean P lrt-r* )il iie a it flood fo r B r a tti) The German Sanitary Commission sent to bardonea. and their appearance would lead k r f r r tm r r . c o l d m b ü T b u g c y c o „ ■ ■ Egypt some tim e ago to study the causes,etc., one M to believe. At laat the lunch hove In ere I'.oper of cholera, having now exhausted their In­ eight, and the “bum" grew enlbuataatle- »0 much co,In faet,tbat be waa suppressed for quiries in that country, have received per­ the moment. One hundred men were marched mission from the imperial Government to ex­ up and fed. add Mr. Kirkland expressed the ...... La.fr.l roierp w ooBIW aop tend their researches to India,-the borne and hope that next Sunday the loaves and Oahee iw w eao.iafrrjurt cradle of the terrible disease, and they will would feed twice that number. The crowd BUCCltî, PltjFrOBS, LICKT CARRIAGES, appeared to care more for the lunch than for SUBSET WACOM. - accordingly soon taibark at Suez for Bom­ Ul* •pllilU l fwd, »* the fragments' of the' bay. The commission, it seems, discovered a latter that w e n left over would Bll many .ïiïl —ÎÎÏ    Â; *•“ " new an^Lpecullai micro-organism which may beeketa. bave>'£>mt thing to do with the propagation l u v m («At) fri tree Tir acccn A Colored Whistler Walk Jag la the Eight of cholera, and the farther studies of the t * i b n u i t * . ■avaoU In India will enable them to aee with a hpectral Team and Bear, whether their suppositions are correct BsihTOSD, ’Pa.—0 » Ang. 23rd Majo>. Ach- In a late address before the "Society for ton. a noted colored whiatler. waa abol and Ethical Culture,” In this city; the speaker, killed by a humpbacked negro turned George Gordon, In that part of the city known aa W. M, Salter, Fold: ** We do not call ourselves "Pig Island." Major Aabton woe a tali man. observations r r ■ t.t o - 'ï j u ï ï l e k Christians or Jews, In th* religious sens# of heavily built, and about Mr yean of age. He those words, and so there seem s.lo be an Im- wee a bachelor, aa tar aa hie friends knew, m r s r premlon that we oppose alt religion. But It and made Ua living by gathering no oiu bones and awtlL He a ln owned a aosp and In only the dogmatic part of religion we ob­ tallow factory, and waa considered ha wen ject to, and even bore we must distinguish flxrd with Ihla world egoode. H ebad a wide AMERICAN VILLAGE CARTS, what‘is merely not proved and what is con­ spread reputation aa awh&nM Vxnd trtwmer­ ry whlatle waa heard fa the streets at all 1 tradictory to reason or experience. The mor­ hoars. In hta collecting tour* be wae eeooat a l part of the old religions, in its large, posi­ panted by a tame hear, which waa attached tive features, we accept—yea, build upon. We to the tali board of the wagon by a heavy Cloth, «Irti. Paper. Ml eauta. Postage fri» do not break with ihe past, but only witb chain. It wae Ibie pet which canoed h b what is untrue or uncertain, or

N p lrlt u a lls m In T r e y . M. V . Plain Talk Irani * W ish It Nplrlf 'Telephoning? 'VoicìC from the geoplt, W Hallst» Phnremriueal j . yu will find Indoeed Ih AID IIFMIWIOI CI niions wmects. Siilrituallsts of Troy are eUled, Tlioy have hail a “iiwltal." llmugb Troy 1» a rather poor markrl 7 foe a nowal of my suljscripth u t the bout "sun liathsi" “air fo^tevIvuh of any »ori. It Is not g*?m-rnlly coosldar­ good J ouiuul which has so long, faithfully------I N | ... ______«ml other lath»; hut I ed half ao hoi; a city as Jerusalem, It seldom gels dully labored to elevato Splrliualtoto and Splritu* ___ T think I ever read a Jin« on “moon bath*," Now ___in to a positon of reepectahlllty. Your brave and tt occur* to me that we might utilize up even a political regenefallou until Uie devil or restoring chattered ntr------* — ' one bf his ring has pretty Dearlv devoured It. Many fearleen cours« hre Ucb »ratssome »evru hundred nmrUla of iheaver- ¡¡Ml nil Uri I V, I III lilt I Waa borne away o’er the border Hud. mundane alre. They have held regular Spnday jpirltual philosophy o io brightly as they Ignorane« and And utr Mate aits giulnjp"*LibtoiHth tears, * ting» In this hall for a year or so, which have to-day, _.wr Novelty Is an Important quality, the Inside «ff Uie h-uw, and asked ------Ihful I*“ - , with quiet success, aud they have even put a For myrelf I have barimi to love Ihn J ed. He said tie had been sent Lti wide e money III their purse: hut they hove not done Itcnure of Ita reliability upoo all Uie groat <¡ neceeaary on«; It often produce» M ofIbei ’ ■ i«a. “ Variety is charming." » tong »ine« Ini â Tarrant, plumier», to fix U m tire ship's able. eh missionary work. The outside Troy Gentiles agitating the minds of tho people of to-dsy, it away and 5*1 ly own experience touching question- ____ a fmisbold aphortem. We ed rliaiige li e been toil tough. During Uie tret,, two or three heallli arid disease— chango of scei returned with n team and hr dug a long WouM )elWi î to f i tue t f .rag« >f tideuu»*«. : ltdi Wait.«imh ika, however, wghod many of Utr» lough dea- „ In toree P toSiplritoaJtota, It J* the only *| which he placeii up against I And never a aril. at lh» mm «elfif of a raging fever hy acting In direct opposiopi>o#itioi vetous exiwflsncre and then are her »top right reepudability, ba lu union there » strong»/ and Um* Ihe instruction of his niedical Adviser* and th « of youth can lie lost n u among tlie mullllude and |>rove the trulli oí compelllug recogoillnu by the recular1 lire« of the dished rule« of sclenre. One dar ’ * ’ ----- ‘ -* 'dis—If au; on* esu »re and country and aocfely.iu general, for there la In nearly ->tlon" that the doctors were kill! not be awakened U> the claims every hamlet In our country more or I«» Splrilunl- their draga and that nil he ueeded wa ■ ‘ ‘ £ork and cahlitge. wash ' Ith Accordìi I«1y when tliey appeared next of Spirituali»ir Uta, and yet stranger« to each other find unknown to qiiesl ion i> I Urem, am) they raid Mr. Tar T cnI n of N|*Irlt I the outaldn world as Spiritualists, and n<* a reeu.rof Of ' tlsky toddy. He The heavens lu I, whoa© will V V in fa OHÄWgO t«p go to Dr. MUK PI Divistoli : uid fix ' Ion of them mill they shake his blind soul out of which, are unable to work efficiently for the caure. ««ton IMuted tu i&nAiiuir «4 lire lt«nxtortiil«isoi*t)lr©i Juunul: Approrauctti would wwm to Indlrale Um caure rli.n «tree a* Hire of the Meato» a Bolls. I ne jonr m w j nuilw. would t* ptanril lo body. The If-past Ince of medlanwhlp, re 1» languish log throughout Uie State for the want of ilnifooThunidAy. ‘ turn of Uro priflrno ol Ihrgowl work in IUU rrififjn, Niitwuin* w*r.« »u«", «— been ber privale drrle^ a little energetic action on Um part of Uio officer» of -, declaring ---- (■Kroll IB* In . . « limi w* Em « * f«w KPUulli* IDo- morning. But lie neen so nusy filling fruit order«, 11 which thouaandi of jieopls ha ve beco convincevi the Btoto Association, In llmwrpaal ^ w u different; xd at night, he bod not left I/> dliicnn In lit* »Irtnltj who nr. not orb, .nil mal tbelr depsrtrd fNetufs and sue mie« come iack the nffloera of the Assnclation assumed the responsi­ fft*to salisfy a Insi liti!» Ilo not rti.nir Inr llroli .m l f « u>l: on Uni mugh for a Scolchn mira at least Here wan a |Mwr, lo tbem frorn thè Si.IrU-wmtd, stwajtlng thelr old bility of nulUng an efficient agent In the field nl n Mr. Mills went • o ami had a long talk with Trim Kffiout tliw in« in . tt»r« «otllled to ih r confidence staled salary per month, whore bustaws It was to ut Uro» will, nr« ti nil wily ImnllimUdii Hi« phe- thoughts la thelr old fami Ila r lonré o r voice, and A TarranL an« p^xil the rum-age rrol Division / and there waa no other magica] galhenngMhoee circi«i of^Mia. J«»rdX_ * tinued for six consecutive yoars, and with very grat­ Dr. Mill* In P»wn, other BlvWon SL The point bl|ll u ,DJ MDoint IIAllM limi «liar rrm.uk.blr IMIt- ifying furcere. But for Ihe put four or five yearn Ii.mV o, It w ms I notion for him, llnutlou. iwrotlr u d co mina, w Urrj do. In inch » ______»ult»; but ■ C’l^tl.ll' bai notion that g< Jake Is till»: ______w deUinnlned to beep new gifts the Association was allowed to languish, and In coh 1 hi»! thought in Ms mind, hut had spoken to qu«M. nui.lilmili« runnnrr. Ibrlr rrl.Uotl Irak«* » •fulness and her fame sequence ofThe nonaction of Its otllc*rs the organ­ hathMJtd I got (tin d«cp luipuwriijo up™ nil w b o b w IL l i b or work with new um ‘ n poorly furnished fi______...... - „ ul myself and I hail uerer spokeu a word of sh laurels. Aliatone * »he becomes a most ization was lost as a legal body. A new organization rese gentlemen, Trim A Tarrant were the m »wo ör üwoe o»Pth* üoo* ih* ininirr.tiill.jni best public ha* I ■era formed, hut so rarasanyliidlcatEonaappenr flier ping room where there were no shutter* or blind« ■oinnroucnl. Mr. lU rl; In» ilw A ji Vm-:i roo*lili>ral ______i r r bad Uie good fortune vMhlo, the officers are*Pursuing much Uie same lu- to (he window». 1 had been quite III nil (hat day t nnk InMil uni Im IrrnrelJ foaalit tor lil' mnile- deetri fire and amares her audiences the and froml that a severe fever had iwlUwJ uiion me. Mnu; whit.Ill' wir»—Mir mwllum-WM»lwii)i tpillo Tha pain in my hrod and lltnl© wu* almost Intoler­ lests begin, The Ignorant aud iu pr- r decaying and long nine© dead Institution. n wllh orders and Rtlgll.UA A» lb« li'iwl book MIA * ! WM» noi M. T. C. F lower. able. When I got Into bed Ihe moon wo* shining 111 tÙU oQa, who coinè Û7 laugh suddenly brightly u|k»d me.au calculated, from the position ■limili toltili tnßolhrfl but .In n tbrl otplirarod whisper: * "She (• a wIlctL" Then, ~ -11 filili;.,-. L ,i .i in lid- nphaUcally i wind it- It would conti li ur mun. one mgui1 aooui iwo months slue© Mr. Harty vkcplios ore most prouounco*}. th •era) i»j i concentrate her fore««. On« after in l.Tl-lnr up at tin- « xinct ptiM Ì M llalmcll/ MW bln iIiu b M.T, wlm <11 nl Kl«r»l rear. narent in hr ; peeled that hrigh High t vould kee ie uwaki gaining th ~ ... augment my fever,but It seemeu nave um run- MO III« »g* «1 1A.W.I* " « '« lb» room. »I"l Ibr ______reduclug l h t _ ...... lOM...... In I u> 4 Mrrara. Trim A Tarroot have often neat .1day aha controlled him to write n the alateci od j. in to « trary elfecL and Uiatnx^somethlug jJae^i**^my “M S ,.!■ -lit» urn to ;i quralltm, sin parlance of the rireeU now-a-dayi«, slu twin corjshleraWyTwrrthATM^ round sleep inca Mr. Mills and rnrarif trelleve It 111 them. Her rapid. vltW.work li be|oml analysis or iflUmea disagree as to u S r, who gave Mr. Mute’s Uioughta apnrarod to lilm the night heft She also told he rellgl’ n orasclenci*?»oiiH' Tislored to my uaual brellli In the morning, deacrinllon, especially when she is aroused hr oppo­ •rhapa It — “ ---- —*------r* lather not to erect a tombstom sition and unbelief. ng no connection Cl I !1 '.p-:i Ip: '.¡■"J •• '!li ,.u "lu- •' r jto good ______lUribute effort to spirit agency II And lerliy ahe has her reward. Hero in Troy (die l It I» a science and a there was a wire attach«*] and was only throwing hi * money away. ig to have U known unless I think I have sufilctetit dal I. I aft Mrs. Harty la nulla ire*iueutly controlled by differ- has l*ren almost worshiped by men,women and chii- the ndcnllfically dhjiow.sl trot th« I ud Urei »miment trad been removed dreuwllke; and I nui told it la ao everywhere. Her of Ute writer of ou Mr. Mills wi«l to Trim A ■nl spirit*. who Invariably manifest tbelr peculiar audiefic«* appear to confound lier ¿ tioo wlUi the ublishc*! In IbeJoLli! i some few week» Inform iw whether ll.ey hare toi •drib traits of character, and Urns make themselves angelic presences surrounding her. They hang up- y considerali any ene a: Spiritual* twneficl.il In quieting net vous cxc known to their friends. Only last week, one lime on her words; thelr eyes fairly shine with love and dared to dedguato U a i-iiwi-'t: trou tiled mind« and reetorlng a lu­ about two o’clock In the morning, Mr*. Hart) woke admiration. Without the hret exaggeration It may let us see what rrllgfoi realty Is, and wlm Ills rell worth a trial and i np suddetily and raw upon the celling « lumlooua he sold that three scenes recall the old history of ' “ eu say In r [ardtolL Wetoter ______faith in pi______•bled which-assumed the shape of a child’» footed, Apollonius of Tyana, not to »Peak Urn more recred „ _____ faith and worship In the resources near at hand when an extrem up iHwrly to the knee. She Immediately awakened n.,n .n r nK..h A H . ».« iniiUI»*lM of Judra once KprnWaru ("Sciotitilli* Baal*of Bplrlioatom' •rtokf* U». Why should wa dig In tho earth n her husband who saw It also. It grew bright*? and d has disentomb that which U lildddn? when the light of brighter until It Illuminated the room perfectly,Then followed, e a kin fron\the hem ot his rr. ..jd what b religioni Fu. _ heaven, the air of earth (purified hy that light), Ilk* H cmuiged and assumed the shape ami site of a man’s moro definition» bren invented. I will git ...... truth and mercy, await at the threehold. No mder the Spirituali acknowledging that It Is n limited one: Religion 1» toot very distinctly for some time; then another ______grieved Ural ahe til the sentiment nf reverendi or of appeal growing out SinrgU, Midi. nd a presume that change came, and It assumed the form of a lady's 1 No wonder tbey lender her pu hilo recepì Inn of a sense of Uie possiMlily flint there may tw lu the tire pro able iQd&toi foot and ankle. They could even eee the form lift ©tiquer the “ worhi’a people" throvfch hei ak universe a |w>wer or powers unsren, able to take cog­ Thin Drove Old World. abonlth_...... A. !>., will not overtook Its dress seemingly to expose the foot and ankle. threatou to load her wllh gold and hoiiiag* nizance of our thoughts aud our needs and to help a few of th© rallen which have grown up . Then U changed again to appear in the shape of a While overtire advance«! ie Mongolian dynasty. triangular square. Tims It occupied about nu hour s her wllh bwiuels, when by and li us spiritually or physically." ■■, R, E. F or Mr. Sargent apeak» truly when lie saya it ha* the i ih Who it dSc«; Just ililnk of tt; the______time when It disappeared. Two night« after the __ definition» Invented for it than any other Lawklov takes ______«f populous,rii Ina where Igbl appeared again, nrautnlng an oblong »baire, In- ujty, and Und* pre-hLstortcally, raw could I—be dt-*-«______- -Ä______ri|S |Ä ______dlstlnelly allowing the form of a person. It also Every man defines (t,aroordingig to hi»Ids Intellectlot us a t 1 l*lialu Word» from Nuvl spiritual______adva ___ - __ ■ _r~n j * t think - a n .______Ílist before the Urne nf Ibe glacial el Hlionglial, and here the EnglishKi¡ !1 • ■ i have built then.. allowed Uie Index finger of the right hand, the whole the author of “The Scientific Basis of Spiritu­ period so for hark of the voy age f the existence of man une onlv Ire attained hy iltepiry ineriL All China ■ in Min ever; and ereu In ©ur day wo see the disintegrating “ ■loragesplrlttr' — procrea going on In existing system*: hut a* long on . , inri before Ure rise of the »ptendovof «in'» d write, Irecauwt education Is romtuil* in that diaeu wlnn is Uie extent of responsibility ot ______densely popul------mao lives, religion will h© here, andju we ax© Im­ EgyphrWlren the «real Ic© plane n Id failna Is free (c the i for spiritual knowledge’?" Wìiy, mortal and as we ex prow our ridlclinfoy our high«! planet, «lworfs nit other records of human antiquity ______last yt _ _ Tli- retlui n preven mlutin bave lecturers hero Just aching Jo tell what iitey ami last llioughts It will be in existence evermore. The mythical Hebrew Adam Is hut a child of yreter- rand candhlatra for tlite h« aootrol of Ms organism in the majority ol know and frei If somebody wouWTnvIte them to do Man hre a rellgkui nature and U moat be fed, and day compared with the hoary age <‘f bis ance»tori ton for eXAial nation. T i if ibis Iirg* Buinbar but after Uie »pint gets control tig* m«ll •o, and a cremi pony the iimlaiwfn with Uie assurance now comae th* work tor advanced thinkers; upon who para nunter ber© ■'** Tre«« to- a«l vanee to the passive Instrument; then It 1» the control that acts, __ to tiay ra______— tbem I* the rnponatblllty of providing rood for the in«-, »[n-u nrni|«ini eun rum mi higher national grad« i petition at Pekin—antmal- and ir the nmlium is to be held responsible for w’ ___ . know of no Ao^d rrerou why the Spirit* 'Intellect of throe who need II, for pro grew Is the svelallcru.—Christian HegUier. ly held there—andd vin t o this ordeal thty ttie spirit might say or do at that time, nu^lc uallsta of any locality To the Stole ahouM expect th word and the law; tr we bare what another has nnk become maildarisi d r high rotate al “ ought not to suffer themselves to be controlled. T State AssoclnUon to furnish them Ire — D e in r ol J. Frank Baite! No military111 man 1» allowed to com- pense, and reprelally when no provision b made and we can supply him. It la our duly to do so. A tola my opinion the only saf* way. I do not boil H pi ritualism embrace* a knowledge of Immortali­ . ______liberal hoGHxra in China. Tbte annual that a medium can control the worda or the splrii fur either hearing or entertain lug them. r» Ure bailor < { Ure lirllgl*. J'hll.*,¡.lilcal JuuftuU. election from the whole Cbltreae people uf Ha rglerv, The State AjeAcj alio» organi red two years agi ._ ty, arising from ihe Inter-commuDfcaUon between dictate to Uie control what it shall say. The audl us and those who have passed Use nxirtal of death, I l I* with rain thet the friand* of Mr. 1 who raurroentlt* treat thought and mental power, does not know what la to tw said by the control u 1st« childly on prmêr, and Wit for m j «lerslstoncy and \ha* probably Ireen lire grratral and moat iretrnt fao* that of a tow friend« In Mlnnrepolla, It *ouh‘ “ and which l* capable of demonstration. l.ynu ham of the temihl« which hj U is said. It I band a leUer to a speaker who Is Spiritualism tend* to the moral 'advancement of jot with «me accord we ««xtei i,».» m•f« thrir■ 1. »»I ■ remarkalde »Ir.lt*.vitality .»»1«and lil»u.i»*TiliiUi| * on the stand and force him to read It to au aulion have even that life, I have kept alive a nubile i . . ___ an, but at the rame Urne it inert* ognlthin of Spiiilutlinm In Mlum-apnlli for the last the whole, people, and hy promulgating Us several thy, entirely Iretlevlng lu his L Dfittfil * the w omter be ought not lo he held rrepondhte for what ^ moral or rellghru* (one and the mmej teaching*, It Jy¿¿rilknnwn tu Lbte k d iM I I H Uiat they should have stood atilt o limai i of written, but according U> the acknowledgment ______lepri reds of year*.— luck. We have held In Mlnneapo* »ays in language incapable nf ml*cnn»tructlon, “It la Uirtimr ■ doubt/íte reracitr^Ät Ibe cl o©e iPM re for h Ex. Bro. «Vdliy, he thinks h* ought, amuriiñkÜaB a religion and a »deuce or to speak more properly, IhiWaah^unday of Sept©mirer w . I have been control led and fo r" ‘ *~ |j ______jUtiga of th« Stata Areoclatioi ,'1 ...... d that bis pliara or uiedlunrehlp •ick2 in apll« of my will wheu (had > hold a U.lrd, Nov. Uh and 2Sth. at v “a scientific religion.” ‘•tVIml frail luci III Toreri» the If the Stole I* not bettor2 reijn-renli-d th Now, therefore. If some affirm that we have a re­ pitergoirVo change; thaï Ire was keepln^«> IHIWfif Max Mailer’s last book. Th« Wrat Ire* *^¡- . through c mrtrey, (o^iee the par^ ' ligion. and a* thl* affirmation Is backed by a great ___ d »pirite, who nnw to hlm Lu great I aldan In bla presence. I have ir local______r uamea, toca- dnn^Utod lu the humble attitude ot a Irorrrer. Ita to speak. I did imi know what any »»ul In It) many of our prominent lecturer* and medium*, u It lier*, obliging him to write •*------quratton l.a» b««n. "Whet can we teach India?" and eratrnl. I never sold any thiug a spiritual *>»• not a little uuklud to accuse ns of being enemlre of. lh ni», etc. ; that fre<)ueoUy I c«wtIy,Wf-raertfldog, and uobie attempt* bare been body, however, nd Improve camp the cause? ItHdrod dr quarreling over 11 frot on publie occaatous would appear prd made to lufura Weriern idea* of religion Into -the “ In th Is ca p ita npaontilmt the offi subject, would It not be Iwttor to relegate I and he usually noted Urem down Uiat he ui gm fl Eastern mind. The prorotte© of adla'lngitlafaed re|© _ ,« * the spirit claiming to be speaking, iVjarged consideration of each one to settle, and use ■■rixe them mnre readily when Urey come al t rroentstlye of Ihe Brabam So ina J among ns glvro a Dr. Mullen with Ignorance of hrr dbwai ergltw to bring Spiritualism properly before S o of tire lecitile. He also stalodtliat Ire thons teiinVta Max Muller's question. The opening ^ng treatmeiiL That may 1« all true. . pie? the time wie coining when lie would tre obliged! of- the groat- TV fi»T)r“©f------ikrll If— ’— •— doubt.*J* ------many ..mi------a— *.1$(pnwdi and l tend luerase*« to friend* at the Importunities of flW o© that there are rich I ______¡» MentUy*knc Prrslclrrit I.lisrolss*» spirita. Sonreí I me* In hi* ramatine** to bebauest ment beneath the call.. . about J atate that Uve physiriofo In attrndauc* ...... circle* at borne and d ___ truthful. Mr. a ha» placed hlraeeir i t ______And, i ow. we are called upoi In bit diagnosis nod treatmpnt, and that ita death of th« Ir own reeourcri It Is not generally known Uiat President Llnroli. vocable fight: If.a spirit came whose friend* he wo* jnmt in which Christianity l© .. _ Wits owing to that emu, w tl should the medium U> suri the > »t |K)Mll*le I once drreuwl that he would be iseaseinated. While in any mensure acqunluted with, be Whuld always prated from an Orimlal atand-poli gslraciiMMl and denounced for Uie statement? Would Minueapolls, Mino. he was oeRIror a i>ror«eor of religion, nor evw toll the audience of the fad, when to conceal lL a* a profound Tartar in an vex*_ . ttnoi ritlirr ba lielbtr for (he M. IX to try und learn ed In his belief lo one particular creed. sUll h< would In tbrir eyra tie a much greater teat treating Mr. Mnroomdar’s experittoo1 of _ MV ite- fond of reading-and discussing tho Bible. On Verily, U reati ire* Ure courage of a Lyaander and more front the spirit na to th«ctuae of bis error the Invulnerability of Achillee to b© a pollile medi«— penratlon. wn are struck with itevpirlliial anperi« he might know better next Uithi. Pott t nor tan Pfrsonaie». day «vettings he lu variably read a chapter to many preronlatlooa of rwl«g1«vn whfMi are urged . amlnailous often prove phyaldans lo be lu err*. . . from Ute Serlpiur«, and then gave his explanation If there are any re*erv©i seat© In braven, I battete under U>e Christian naior. White Uie American for­ diagnosis and In tcentmeot, hence death Is the rreult T* tlw Editor Uw llauttn-l'bUasopfele«! Zourasi: of IL One erenltig ait Uie White House he read but- throe crucified redeem«* will take th© front row. eign cnlrakmanr eodrtlra are rondlng mlraloharira to ot era! paseogm t-uUi from Uie Old and New Treta- Lai ue then a* bonari men and woman make our India, would tt liot be a food tdra for the home mis* 1 was in much Intotretsd In the beautiful poem of meats relaiing to dream«, to w^lcli Mr*. Lincoln and Uvea, like Mr. fair that whed as mediums we Mr. Otark. “Lot©’» Morning CslL” poUlshed on the m aiooary andettea to import a «or# of oiiratonartea partft by autopsy, and no phyaldatt ought to be ao the children gate greet attention- He Itegan tochat are arasiJed, all the world may read our life record from the Brahrno SomaJ to teach o* loftier concep­ 60i page lo the J oi’hnai. Uie fiOUi ulL. that 1 *m cl.- with them on the subject of dreams, and said he bad and find no ttomteh there. Mrh. M. C. Chame. Mgoted as to regard himself as lufaHIhl" In Olagnos* slnius of ellcUIng from him (should this faL anden Lynn, Mara. tions of Hod and humanity than commonly prevail? h and treatment, and he nlioutd not get so riffled bl« eyt,) bis exquisita lioem enUUed “Marion Moore," been haunted for some days by a dream h£ hod had. —Christian RtgitUr. when a spirit either lu Ibe body or out of It.aoggiwU which he will confer a favor on all toreri of the 0? course they all wanted him to toll It, though Mr*. that be had mode a mistake. As tP Ur. MullenMag Lincoln said ¿he dldnVtodtev© In dream* In the least, Letter from Ber. J. II. Harter - l want if u I In poetry by forwarding to Uut J otrral and was astonished at him. So he proceeded to tell M m . Iff. J . O s b u ra .o f Vandalla.Mleto, writes: • great favorite and popular pbyikiau In Michigan for pebUcation.Th'we possessing the latent of breath­ « Um m iw ri uw trincio-rbU!UcmJ Journal! Troterday I received a tetter. I could not make oat City, that cuts no figure in the way of axcute; that ing gemí ib» uimdcnL su parted in aritouE and miin- IL "About om dsy* ■**> * retired one ntoht quite does not argue, that be did not make the mistake re­ tete. J had been up wsdUng furliuportantdlspatobie Allow me to thank you for tire noble and manly the pari mark, to opened the envelope and to my nr« and wltball so soulfbl as Mr.Olarl Is gifted With, I___ IL : ■___ . . . J - r.1» k .« I___ Unr, In I uni ptadubo you have taken in regard to^the Mwiplng grrat surprise Uik1 sheet of papro and a ten dollar ferred to. Tbs case only stand« thus: Dr. Mulleu, Byron truly says of them: S S u a i fill P not have been long In bed highly respected as a physician In bis community oi when I fell Into »lumber, foc I was very weary. Di [rouble that baa recently come to our good brother, hill wroa the contents I went to our poet office the one band, and a charge by a spirit that ba madi -Dolere Ing my slumber 1 began to dream. I though! * J , Frank Baxter. Tho*e who know him will readily and found that the letter was mailed at La Junta, a mistake In its esse, wbkh retired Ha secaratloc In deemingwict) Inhábil many a spot? ____ still area about me, and I hear! weeping. I accept hi* explanation, and those who «io not know Bent Ca, Cotarada I think Utal It cam© from Uie from the body, apem the other hand. The only thing Though with them to don verse can rarely be our lot." thought that I got up and wandered down-etalrs. him, might not believ*, “though c ...... |10 to thp'poorjrldow who to do lu the caa* la to Judge of the merit« of thetruth- Mr. Clark, another Thomas Moore, In the palhoa The same still ores waa there. Aa I went from tolDess of the ootomunlaflfng spirit In thlseUlaioeut ten.ton««* and delldoos lo tensity of his pot-Ucal room to room I heard moaning tod weeping. At have tn this r t f , i- — — ___ ------— ---- — ------—— — ------_ —.. as you would In any other; If um spirit was I hot— writing», Is so wriest Spiritualist, who ln hl» extea- length I came to the end room, which I entered, for the stand you and your J ocmmal have' taken felt Uianka for auch an act of kindnraa to dne In to be truthful and inpmlgeoL eoougb to form _ inuraie has sung the eswenoe of oar i^Uos&^hy ____Qr l l n w«n u o lriu lid dntirco. 10 th. p ,( ^ w of Sotoo of •katscneoi ahoutd be considered as of value luat In . ______enwdor__ _iwuirln .lu __ id______t» ot Ika HlrUan: Ititi onori II lu í ÍpofOburlnt ,1 n» for -loti-lidi Oí. that renporiloa. have lost a few patients fa a d W in b tb« Wlrlla H oau? He in w n il: tu Uro iunlo.lt» conno U» JucurK . bM Moli. 1 2 C a r r o ll, of Baltimore, Md_ write©; I take pleas­ imd>1 I u u lM IIin w d Lo ^tstrl b «*,'to c I M in a li» years practice. I may have made Rome misUk«w ure Id reoomi&eniUog year paper to our people. I -Tb . F lu id « *.' • B b« dld b- d l*r i ukfid. 'B l and my ignorance may have caused emne to depart like Ue coarse and approve jroar eflorte, to whip the lb« burri - K n p op lood ODO«*. 1.’ Et “ -R----- u iru L —V — retiti» to aayAhat I had made euch th© house by mctiuv«, I would bring yoar pai»er be­ pnucd ,Dd tlegd nompn tini nlfbL .-uri, w u mj Air toinr. S. T. m u rU L * From im i Ila» nnlllbl» ud diali, Hr. fr«o3 u d fndoMKF of oooit klnd oopoi-otur, l---- a mistake, t think I ehnul.t iry and profit by the In- fore the society to-night and rsM them the adaürahto ■ T im o . M .« I l r ii w riln : I Brut LUI W*our-l h i » U» d-Érr foc lu.ortigUoii., lo hnllrl opino teiretloa given, and do better next Urne. It la no« article of Bro. Caleman,whkh should be tn the hands Unaila w u lnunlrd bj U» tu r ot u u u lrnllon. u d H a Idocoln, Uni word» nftu W ll« Booti lonlfo no m Lieti «n]]ótaLo»d otod Li, LI» pamd of etiaiKhr. Lo pnoool Lo LI» vorld 0 In o «JolrHB of urge on contentions and Lawsuits;for be SpLrUguUom. | Mt. don* la Ur* puoi u d u n a tmr. ------W. J . AnUKSOH. NOVEMBER JU, latía.

RAILROAD TIME-TABLE. Light for Thinkers. NERVOUS DISEASES JlITI-KPIUTllL dklKTfiim. PnbUabrd Wrotly. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AHD PACIFIC. ÇATM Kültvr. A UIAUtULE. «?,: ‘í 1**how K**nd Oiy Ufa «pprara, J M AOHETIO THBBAPEUTIO fl llow full of «•ariifnt wotk thy man? yrarp: Oir^MWOalJi» HMWt Iw w m l , .W How puro »ad perfect it tby woman9« hfow, o a» 64 dark i m Snm»!» iimw t, lutte t t n HUM, I, j. twr 11« crown of mow a crown of glory now. LIGHT. •I'-1. I‘,:.r .. Fair U tby fame, falnr thy womanhood— AHwin rasi Ktprw | f 3 Kan«*» lit». |yqn*ù«‘irth sod At- i m E i Fratirtu u. MaciaoSwa ' KuuobMug all. the truly great and good: china grp*«*...... f J ■ . .... : How («oiid Iho uionuimirit to womao’« oauir, M*(l*.»SfnlUaratttCl‘»U» K l(M .1 . *2» THE GENESIS AHD ETHICS TbiU reared hy *hw, la thloo ownfeii*-, 1 1 till«» b W w 14an 8 VIEWS OF OUR HEAVENLY HOME. »tau A n n a s ila « ;...... I »10 For tbon “hast ImiliW'attogether f Ur? Council llluS» Nl*].t giarM» ...... * fl: LIGHT FOR ALL. •Villi -iinsunKiri Ju«l," with every- fender ram, Ksnns dty. LwMWgcib sml AP1 And (lod will lilo« th* work timi Iho i h ut planned, Oakland, Cal. ! \ KTEUdR IEV TO THE ÌCMEK-UIR. Fringing Urn fruit* Into tlijr faithful band. ' Spiritual iy ASttzw iizizzt vina. Font and pH**!#** of both word and urn, Tby Ifiruoi words shall «Cho «nrìi swain a«« *» ttaaroa- WUliln the heart a wUI. to do and fie Worthy to follow whither led bj Ihe»- -fnitr-fJuan, LONDON AGKNCIKS: THE iJtXHE HULAKLK. T in - V a l le u ri. Tb» pretrurtH -toy in Part* of t A M A f s t I fCRICt 0« TlMCtS »Y JCrHK C. REMSflUAC a large number of th# Amarlctn Catholic prelate* who . ham hern alfendlug Hi* recent Fui*xi oipfer- racea tn Horn« « ntWartiMg attention. All attempts Rdigio-lliilosoitliicai Journal, to socurn by infervfew*1 information nlmnt Ilio oh* Jects or roaulta of the Kom-u* nnibrrorn« luiv.* thus far felini. Tin- clergymen explain their star in ffflrt.Kt Hper .J mptm . a'.~¡, I MO Faria by wiring they aro merely enjoying a holiday, -1 but tí»« holidaying wexm* to h» routined to confer« enroa with the clergy of Faria Trig Imprrrofem pre- Tall« tnih hero and In Farii Uni n new and eig- nififauVdeparUireUafemt (o he imuizurutod In Urn Miauttgauieni uf the r#lliol|c Church In Ui« United Stale«. Timm* nf tire American who have WHAT WAS HE7 rendi el tandnii on their return hare n\j had tong conferencrw with Ilia Metropolitan clergy of lb« higher order», Bishop Fe-han, of <’hicago, bad JEHUS IN THE LIGHT ««iterai conference«* with Cardinal Manu log, on« of which took pinne at the Windsor Hotel, and Listed OF THU M N LIKEN TH CEN TIU Ï. »7 wnitiAg R E L IG IO N a n d s c i e n c e A .Huii Hue*. H e r h N e n A huit was Uta- ly begun In Common Flea» Court. Philadelphia, ' Pa, /' by Lawyer fim i «inni hi. an »«primi, for Mary Knw Hertrur, known In religion as •'Sutler Mary Joseph," i I against Ilia Slitura of the Order of SL Francis, in lota city. Tlrti pial nil ÍT try« that while «lek, In No- vernier IKHJ, she wm oeglecteil and sadly treated hy cJiSxuumÌvìììÌ«. *#fi rrt’ “ ijf llw «Intere, who finally turned her out at o'clock at night because they dlnCovefiNt that ’•t.“ ina10 !e com« plaint to the Archbishop. Stic allege* that after she THE KEUTIU.l (if THE H PBITlit had gotto to rolaütes lu fluchenter. In which city ahn «ought ad rniraion to some other religions house. Mother Superior Mary Aguce, of the PldUdeipIda ÇB[CAGI^tìOCK |SLAHfl & PACIFjC_R’ï MATERIAL. UNIVERSE; fit»: MW (}»’ THE PROOF PALPARLE ...... uni good^ upon ______r#c fifsti siui u ttt lasts f {filtra nasa. yearn ago, ur:d nix year«’ Hilary at S ta s) for her ser­ vices as a nee.11.. «roman. A €’* i NuielrleM. New tan Joti flVinn.) lAtp saw: “A wtJHiut tom t teat* ipand iiinioubfed cue** of fdlno feVwle-w nmirred at Fort Trumbull on« day lately, Knrly In the week it wan noticed hy her frU ndi* that pussy was not herself. She moped and “ A L B E R T L refuted to mt, | nr seed her oeire-d and dearest w th- mmim: m m m wwles, out recrujid lion, uii'l manifested estrange pmUfewe * . LYMAN C. HOWE, , Jn gelling Into the sink, rail«, and Jin- luth-tah, from which sh« would not I* drim i «ten when the FViMloriin, X , V. water was turned on. <>a# day the wa« olnerred to s p i r i t -: * staJk «oleinnly down to lire wharf, and when «rilvod to gu* lotig and earnestly luto the water. The sol­ <^otl4t OlhcnlB SS'rVFi O r. KEAN, I Or Ufe US IlffIVow So BfVfftMd diers Watched her cb*eiy, tat were not prepared for toft*ufh «tiü n i« at ftr* »1. 1711 Soul!» riarlbBt., Chlragp, Standf PRE-NATAL CULTURE. the result. Aft/»r nwlitfe the kiihn Mu rue-1 lo her | anji tree W ihars*, !n oil ehnalc »r nwf fUaencL lUS aocuatorned haunts, mo[M| arViund, mewed iiothiug tB(arntilaa,|s! tho Map« ud FaXd- J KXA.v |4 th* ..u;t psu^rtac » U» dtf «it* t » u n cum < A Jilt If : L S . T 1 * lo notiody, and kept nlenit unlit the next day, when erjMt t«j. Irinnc iJruKr»ut yt tum, T ■■= «toast R Ü IR It SKiZito itSM 1I fhdy tautni. Um* ill Sine - ; nc* « . —t she again walked down to the wharf, «Irlibfrutoly tmmtrivUnm tmr 1 1 1 HJiK ill m ia o u i: 'jea n s te?.iî eu» leaped overboard, and eoiiiin,tt»*l suicide' eyes of the ash-nMied gAITWm." » n. CAocc, g. e r. j jm h . ■ l Is n la r i that II « elephant, as well a« all of CHICAGO TOBACCO AND ITS EFFECTS. the Uilrk'flktftjM arilinnK Imel and torment«»] .0 IS DARWIN kH ilfe with tick* anu ot*ier vermin tarrowing into ihr hide, causing Intern.» itching and paiu. So intense F R E E G IF T Í fcT[0[Ä uk, mi: oniiix or m . flues (I* s broom«* Mimetinim thn I the an I mat Is red« s»*mim (R caerim » Ji t m urn, tau i. 1er» dered lasa»« and cavorting and tallow» ag ■U "prion, Broolhi ai suui xnL through the for«ca and wo» h*tldo the aikaor H i t m i î » 'í/h u 'íS í tiw'"e»*4 ruld|riM : tSSjacn*. beast found In Its path. It» roars even bring P> U i-r.utiM aMrmWtlhabtanwsnt MS flocks of while heron», which go «Hitarateljr to i • work and |>ick out llie veriuln, someUme« boring ----- “ - o* Urnern. Aditnn, entirttlr through Uiu skin io order to reach them. The elephant apprectatai' the services uf the bird irtntinr, plSn. rtafjimit u4 r'>intudn^o»1« Xmlrff HAFED, PRINCE OF PERSIA. fery highly, and will under no circumstance« lojum 1 H. Where there are no elephant» lliewt hints per­ lo5»Tu*hMm.b KHtran. , u i t m -l i ,u ji H raiir-u rt form a similar service for cattle and other animals T H E IN D E X ! r»«r Mir. «inSt«Ai“ ikml mali, ta» j JUj» rt. Infested with grub*, ticks, or other parasite». Then in there U a smaller bint that pick* the hug» off tl HOW TO M ACN ETIZE. heron, then a larger on# that eats the little Wrd.~A'_. HA DIC AL li 11 EH LY JOURNAL. T I i c C a th o lic * , At the end of the fourteenth VISIONS OF THE BETOHD, century there were, according to one of Die Fanil PUBUSHCO AT 3 T2EM0NT PUCC. BOSTON, MAftS Journal». '.o.Hio.i.n Human Cal holies intliewrrtd. iw .x, w m m or. Hym bolle aiOXETIMX lMl rMIKVOÏlSCE At Uio end of the fifteenth century, nutw»tlt«taudlng H i« her 1*1 fr. the Reformation, Ur ere were tOD,*WJM> Humani.ta. CO N T1III) L'TOllMt eiit«¿r44 « ? Irmj^qùT'.« tlSùëtM WnC - In ti>o eighteenth omtcuy the church membership, Maortjr* V C«i«R7 ud Itarp Jw<*> H «0» vutAìr. reutury it hat gained hut or about four Cbmoy. «rv Al ha uaitm . » aMla« II. Dai» Mra ( npsdai ««!•• tatAfror* »eouaMit in a m efoeroe «m___ tier ceoL Ttds doe« not correspond to the general A. Vaimmaó Min M A. Itanlah* don <4 u»* cnttoa** at C|ÉrU*ûMn In tin t Mener torta» W increase of population. Tit» Alai ut TU indù Ia­ mOml ttluMiaUnf pHWamartv (lie tafwa» .TI orin o u lena. Con non. tlie Mormon, Is again to laemn cannai laiclilcnee «tu* m#ert le rWichn; S-MH mutui A1.4 U* OUI l*(lIL to,, I—IworTi Ü( futur* a# affmloc bWnaa cbOrvUT oui anali ___ _ t h i i k » o r T H»: T HA» K." at Washington, foflowlog the movements of th« Ttì tacer a nn«l*r rpint and qntefcn a U«her purpn» a aflvr. TL* n t tnmwai rtwiMn, ondar «ta Tendili Utah Commission. He is conflflent that polygamy In iM aetli and la tbe loetvKhnli M l Irt o n m waaflBmira m oM fiilM ak cannot be stopped, the triumph* of Uw Mormons T» rotaci tu t» kamtadc« Tor Wnoirane». ri Çfrn Roma.nonM»; okMaan#hn*Ma: Unta« ffsq>M HOW SPIRIT PHER 01ÍEHÁ over the reorat Congrsm haring don# much to In / : f.- . — HrPifUr: A «-<* ut If Aman Im w M n-un spire him with oonfeleooe. It la, however, generally _ *wl «inln of un* SfOrti Uft* «rn(*Ur [»roa N- Levoi that the Mormons dread two poesWe Cou- RELIGION, SIMULATED. gitaalonai enactments—making Lbs dvll record of >tt»o uh mincAl ihenfai i- uioAU.rutrm attol f.«imntl«a»ai B ta* JtaUeioPwLaMurai marriage compulsory, and aboUstilng suffrage in »il«! Ih* »rifare «f WlllMhl ut «a aavKAUUP^ Uce« t**! .» . ata afir» I »rotai W * ¡ Utah. I ’ rieo n e. Th- decrenae last jeer In the num- BY THE MATEAIAlAMD SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE fmummmg U f t u P»)riO{P*nrP. ta’r of punishments for breech of discipline In the Tt¡a ralAOom at IMKho i* Motan* Bd««», A THE GREAT » multata roeerr ta» uo» IMAftenr at Vt.r»*fw», nnim i •i tt. . fit ti n. » ■ 1 prisons of England apd Wales has hem remarks Me. lo the SrnrtAl imicloui». and UM retaUaw of MUÑO le me 2 The tota) ii urn tar of-punishments of all kinds, as Sut». *Ui rwrt™ puttcaltf attinflai BOTTOM EAÍ T8Í compared will) iho previous year, fell from sixty Tiran, H wrJviaa In «tfM « Ta aro» «W ollm «I S FI RI T LA L REMEDIES. fur *jj month*. #tro1i»-n roitaa *Mt| ctaUa AfMnro: tborásnd to forty-two thousand; cases of Lb* kind lata*. I Tmwoi Piare. Duelen. Mroa *1 t e »TU known as dietary paoLsbcnenla falling from forty •Mica, «nmere thousand to ntneteen thousand. It is notad, also, that the number of suicides of prisoners—tea, HOW TO PAINT. roSITIVE AID AEKATRE POHDEKS. waa lower than In any year on record. Nlrangc« Eight or 4»n nurchanls of Dallas, ‘Our Caallj Uilnk Itm ,U uaeOta* US# U» paHo» iM Texas, who axe declared to be dome of the meet In­ fluential and staunch hustgtas m«n of the dty, have COMPLETE COMPENDIUM OE THE A IT . WM, aol «» ron nrorbodi formally requested the Coontj-Attimey to abandon Buy lhe Weellivre fur narorolWIW. OMta. DroroMU*. Dertewel ter Ite um 'ef Um tratauun. Merdai-. > Mn AeUiron t>|■> ! U». Mtata y, nantairo. U ro oaropajonf his avowed purpow to snppraas public gambling, fiant and farum. and tu rrtta ta» rratmmtanjki retain K.Art ' KJMM» OenolalMa Ni ■■!«!■ . liroeroœ declaring that It would hurt the dty in s moot« oyaiMOiiiw a «tailWWIlWBBWPWWP Frntalr IAitoim», KirorutEim. Jlmenaro, liwÿNanui lory point of view and would create private gam­ empiemi Of pelotera to pna*a* aatlafacb*7 mut» ta Plain atiei an artler anàaaMe dtroawa ttlMirnlM ijram ImMW fiM S llwruir Oremitro !■< ITM ei ri ri. tanta««, araeerota bling. which they consider a great eviL One of them Dmnelna. Malata«. Oratala*. tmmmrn Martniu«, Varotahta*. Mtañ- TyplKta «ml Trntoro Prvfv tnj a trot at Statatler mmd asserted that Fort Worth bad offered the gamblers édM. KeiroauaiWit. P»p« Hiruitt i«,, m wfu* rromoiM iM tatlvr baïf aad InH• tarChUl» and fro r to move Of tv there. Maü-A roropeM. ta, —— ------— — —— lU l ir o s d to the N un. A learned profes­ 1 sor in Eagland has felt it his duty to consider the T H E H A L O : feasibility of a railroad to the sun in Its flnaunul **- Wm rota, vootroata ata rroatf. 1« ta» BKMiaPBurorai pedo, and ha finds the scheme coaid not be apulr to caí* K-auroi m Doom, «tarano pay- “ Take a vallrovt from Ute earth to the sun, blmkDm ho ck t tara« M AUTQBIOCMPHT OF 0. C. DENSMOBE. with a train running forty miles an honr, without M T A O F M I N • stops aud U would occupy about tJfó'years to com­ I îL »kb».- ta n M tn w ta *iee»tairororoï35Lro plete lb# Journey¿.«flrfiue at a peony a mil# would MEDIUMSHIP. THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS be ttaKMUO*" lin s a iln g u rg r«'«» . Prof. Huxley mid re« COM FLETE W ORKS nmtly si iheLoodon hospJUl iuMLcsI cottage that. In granting degrees, the tripartita *|Uil ficat oo of S P IR I TV A LI SM . £ ¿ s 5s á m* trine, surgery, and midwifery should 3be Instated1 upon, and that to allow any one lo oradle# without U at the present age of the world was "perfectly ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS monstrous."______Cattaui rwilîMili uiiân ?stus. m leaUf In a letter from Hon. Pian, fa#U# Grey. Limerick. Ireland, B rown's Bronchial TautruKO - t o n ili OIDI. are thus referred to: "Having brought your *Brou- fwitaV T«r chlal Trochee’ with m# when l asme to naide her*.! 'nu> iitauau(fltw aataiim v< m i' t «» t k n -t s found that after bad given them away to those eoMtdarad raqui red1 tbm , th* poor peopta will walk1 for miles to get a few* For troughs. Gotta, and Throat Diseases they bars do e^baL Sola onlv in dm ------) _ MARRIAGE **« DIVORCE - T i il Hnd. An Eogiish ctargynrah writes that thera » , R. r WaaituH,. J ... vn: ■ ', ABgwixgasats are < m■* un»mpb»y«d ctagymeo tn U>e Church of Eng isn't many Qf-w&om are both able and willing and Ln* at Aapneu at Manta» and tanin. to work, but who cannot find anything to do. U W U RB: Prefer lor *— “ H r '» ( r n i u B s im cured me of Catarrh— Mama««; Pr-» um, t. Tlu* âoenero teBror-rraarrt* uuro rwtored my sense of « m IL For cold lo hrad U Tele■0*1 Dirorro La«: Ita 5 5 £ * ik “ i ^ - E . H. Starwood, Banker, Khar Urarae------H e Quartan of L n « —_— , — *1* ert pmpi. to molí t « “ gHl* Dd-¡íf i nur POI JOO to tu* “ *•>* nllB- T*1** •* ■ u,ln S të& rsS is^’S ::. t w K t it m u With «Wo dUBtniy b, mm Mb: , »Mt, «rciDi«x»rf> to ™tíb Sí««» äa

method of Mr. Whitmore alludes refracted rays fall ui ______ty, etc.^hows this, and i 1 tion. Whose hand L ... tore. It In entirely ihroiuth the chemist 4 it to my mind. The mime “l*>ul" had sent you. Why did I not jot down that l was laboratory, the astTououier’# telescope. 1 hey Into stars of everlasting and Infinite light? No single, individual church can do it. Hut ...... been known to me previous to Its pro- going to the home of that daughter Carrie, try to disenchant this marveluu» structure or ’ it me say that In a otter written to let all churches and Millions look to God eutatlon In the hall. True, I was the only, beauty. But their Aryan forefather*, when ,ud so the last speaker of the Sunday I'. it...... K. Beals, West Winfield, N. ¥., dated they looked out on the map nf the great alone, and when the aspirations of the world October 1st, '8 3 ,1 wrote him of a lady spirit shnll form oirt* aspiration, when prayer shall Jludcd to, but not the last speaker of the day heaven* «nr around on the woutudee and wll- id possibly most would im ply from Mr. Whit- milling to me and impressing me that her derneaaes nnd sublim ities of our uiBgiiifim it lulngle with prayer, then each will cry, il J«> thy »ore’s letter, for Mrs. Colby occupied the daughter, Carrie Whit more, was the lady who Eating landscapes. fell that the outward form was a Father In heaven, hallowed ho thyuauu wus entertaining me, but that I did not ven­ kingdom come. Thy will be done on irtn whole evening. Between the ending of my ____J ( . j r _____ a, and ail delusion, that all lwrmouy was the harmony trance and the opening of the evening ses­ ture to sneak of it. N ervous and Blood Disease«. of the ftoul, that there l* a peculiar mimic U is In heaven." sion were some three hours, A hundred or Now, Mr. Editor, there are hundreds of ques­ which la sung by the eye to the inner spirit, tions, no doubt, yet to ask, and when all are Frank Baxter’s Seconij R ipianai loi more remained between the sessions about M< a peculiar sweetness which the ear pour* the hall. If any will refer to my statement answered, hundreds more will suggest them­ 11 Vre through Itself into the bosotri of the soul, a they will see how my time was occupied and selves. The most of the questions that P. K. ration, Irr« ¡Urtile* peculiar meaning and teaching conveyed to * >re, and Mrs. Whitmore knows I went to Sheldon auks are answered In replying to Mr. the spirit of man, when he communes with It is one of Ilia easiest things to cr: ... room somewhere from &30 to ft o'clock, W hitmore’s numerous ones. the outward atruclure of the world. It Is a Knottier. When observing one’s course and did not come down till qulto dark. 7 I must say, I do not like the idea of spread­ m ighty and marvelous book; but he who often we say. "What makes you do so? o’clock or later. In this hour or hour and a ing out this mutter so In detail in the col- reads the trne meaning team» that wisdom don't you do thus?” And, too, almost as half was when I made such brief memoranda of your paper, but when you allow " which gives him prosperity here and he real* mot answer why, but only decli much spa< jslnuatlor y mréu- tlf. I as 1 could recall of the af lor noon descriptions. o lo iu s f ter, he learna to realize Hod’« presence as an don'* “ seemed naU This In answer to, "When did he have time sutions'from my opponents, 1 have left min Kipri M m m s > to jot down the„ ...... iboratlons of the afu was the right to use space, even for details, Biy h atais'fillsrforce? All force, according selves differently, from the factof _... . surprised when Mr. Whitmore a* the quesUous asked led to them, ami as to the Hindus, f* (lod force; and we confl- once in organizations. My statement of the said "eloven" were recorded, for I was not these questions were referred to mo. Many - dently assert that the time will come when Georgetown affulr has been fully and square­ aware 1 recalled so many. Bui these were of Mr. Sheldon's insinuations and qnestious the pendulum of thought shall swing In the ly made in a previous number of your paper, not all who manifested, for the audience are founded on misunderstanding and misin­ other direction, and eclentillc men shall rec­ and It is as scrupulously exact us baste and must remember the nunibor was very large. formation. The spirit or motive underlying ognise the fact that all force is GodTorcf*. If memory would allow; Indeed, In reading it But It mattelM little how many m anifested. I it is not just. It Is with hard work I could God-fotro Is niitliToned Hi the world, if it Is again lain fairly satisfied. True to outside ask how InndWould it require to brlelly note rttfluiin wrltlug.."lt Is not C hristian” and H the light of God’s Yorrei that gleams from parties, much of "irrelevant matter” may these thing«,Specially when you consider »oemflto me a» though it were a clergyman’s every eye, if It \K S h j sm ils of supreme seom to lie, but it was necessary that it all what mere skeletons of the descriptions as .Influence 1 sensed in connection w ith It di­ blessedness that manifests itself through all should b.- there, or aggrieved parties had fell given the memoraTMa prove? Note that o f rectly or indirectly. The feeling also comes the forms of Joy and peace lu the world,.we 1 had not met many important (to them) the eleven, he gives neHJtie close of hi» let-; of anything nnd everything, rather than feel that life becomes sanctified. In oni Why» and Wherefores. This is very apparent ter. seven names with agdtt$etc„ which he «1- Spiritualism should exist. There is one thing now since Mr. Whitmore nnd a Mr. Blieli on church, therefore, we hold that, though mat­ »0 tells you 1« a verbatim copy. Note the I desire to write before l close, I hlnmo Mr. ter be essentially different from mind, and unk further. "Why this?" "Why that?" "Why brevity of record the indication of haste, etc. Whitmore for not having intimated to me the other?" You. Mr. Editor, rpfer their the body mysteriously and radically different _..d then think lu when t caino for the m issing articles that ho from the spirit, yet all the phases of life the questions to me. Some of them are easily suspected rne. Then we could have talked this and readily answered; others cannot be sat­ to write thus these beauties and harmonies, I lie iutelllgenciee. ______, id twenty more as m ailer over.and pojwlhly to his better satisfac- isfactorily answered until a knowledge of time for four the glories, the bene licences—all are but -to that) and would Itjnot seem Ufaleviyi thlr- ih'ii. ¡¡1 ili ■ lit'* ...... - "uh through a glass, scintillating sparks from the eternal con Ha- spirit rpturn and the laws controlling the ty minutes might suffit.. darkly," but there U* a time coming when gratlou of God’s presence, without and with­ name obtain with the Inquirers; nnd when I Mr. Whitmore aays, "Further, he told my "we shall know each other truly,” From mis­ in. This Is the first principle of our be­ consider l nm questioned by parties ignorant wife, when asked about a.certain test, that interpretation and rash reporting comes j lief In the new church. of Bplrituaiism, prejudiced church members he could not remember anything about these much of .earth’s anguish, llM 111,8 and pro-admitted antagonists, my efforts may thing» after the fiance " That may be Jr“ F rank Baxter. be futile, especially when the question In­ I know what Chelsea, Mass., Oct 30th<188:i Eczema, Tétions Hi H e , lu tornial. routine prayer, lu iutona- volves aught of the spiritual philosophy. I c i lu i The public ha» property rights In the »acts lions anil irritation,. and candles and vest­ Mr. Whitmore writes: "The Saratoga slips Hoir and Scali«. Ini)« general way report the . and tomb* of a lecturer when those acts affect In any m ents. mul tilings written In black Ink mul were partly printed ones, instead of * but a things that nccur as tfell Ilchings, all vaiilsh by In reil Ink. We believe prayer to be entirely very few . »This seems like a distinction who was a witness, and n.~ — iversant w way the claim upon which he appeal* to the R » . C . 1 a spiritual transacllon. spirit com mini Inc without a difference. Hls Innuendo Is ap­ the names and facts till given; but I public for patronage. Also, when a lecturer as­ parent, however, that more than a f.*w print with spirit. Tlie law of prayer is the lew of not warrant strict correctness. Mrs. Whit­ sumes to teach a system of ethics or relig­ faltti. We must hare ciinlhleiico in Ittm to Jed ones were among the "twenty or more" more’s question was not relative to who man­ ion, as the case may be, his private character SKIN CU RE. whom we semi-our prayers. He whi .Saratoga «lips, or as he nufiibered them In ifested or to where from,or to any peculiarity malen tho skin white, soft mud smooth; ro­ his Syracuse J a u r ta f article, which you copi­ of a spirit, things I most likely would remem h a subject of legitimate inquiry on the part si Un and freckle*, and l* He mwr toilet dr*«- bosom, and his devotions are carried on the ed into your columns, "twenty-five.*' As best her, but rather what did a certain one Ilia of the public. The He u g io -Philosophical N THK WORMs Elegantly put up, TWO bottle* Icon recall there were four printed ones. wings of heart-felt loro. Where love Is not, manifested say about a certain professor, tin Journal is a newspaper, publish«! to supply ie iKrcknge, con*t»tlng of Ixith Internal and ex- faith is a niillistniio on the Intellect, a mere Possibly a fifth, but no more. Ho asks, "W hy names of which parties ! cs information to the public concerning every exercise of words. necessary to Jot them down?" It was not she saying that that profi swr had b All IW-i’invi druggist* liar« It, Prtco $1. per Whoa our prayers go from the depth of our •'necessary,'* but the reasons why I noted ...... Interested. I told thing affecting the interests of Spiritualism. souls, wlmt is Ilia response? That prayer Is them were fully given In my statement, to her I could not recall what wo* said; that The personal feeling* aud wishes of its « di- which ( refer him am! others. Again he efficacious which Immediately bring- back things in detail Were vague to me and that tors,of correspondents,of lecturers and medi­ Us response, and that response Is inni-ira­ asks, “if he is so much in their company, unirnlions accompanied um", must and w ill be held In abeyance, when tion. Prayer is a breath, prayer is n sigh, they must be familiar enough to him to be ay descriptions, they were generally enig- ÄTAHRH prayer Is an attitude, prayer m a cry for help easily recognized, and If he sees correctly in uutieal tn me, until* their significance wa? those feelings Anil wishes are not p ro bono to the infinite source of all help. When the the stance, why should Tils statement about howu hy the parly understanding or receiv publico, and calculated to serve the hfglmsl the people In* so mixed?" I nevr- man is full of misery and sin and rottenness, ug the message. It would he well to note f jjjdrjiaaljsm. Tlm-n.-editor'of the a breath goes out of him, a want often unei' to be "much in their company, n p i- 'iug.thal itvtral of these spirits named LL, in commoûwîlfial! r liti hls pressed, that pierces I ¡oil’s ear, and God re­ some had previously visited nn ame to certain UQqiininlAric« s and neighbors spoke of seeing spirits and* so recognizing sponds. How many of us cun stand up am ,nd I was led to point these litter out some- weak point», but p isiUauimity is lay our hands"ORvOur hearts and any. When I ...... My claim has ever been that my vis- irnes in my audience, who when the name' them; when an t»cuo Is raised Involving miiiforl comes; and when Iluquiro the lorn ere mi-utal generally; that never more uid farts were given they acknowledged the honesty of a public charactor in 3plrilu- reply la heard, and when l speak the .Spirit will ___. half dozen Limes in my life have i Could grave stone or obituary guide h"“ * nlisin, or the genuinene?* of phenomena, he answers? That is our belief In the new' din* I •u spirits thetnselves and directly convere- Why____ did______he state to — ,Tasks Mr. Whit* pansallou of the Brahmo HomuJ. Me believe with them. My theory Is that a spirit 1m- •that he did not know whether he left Is always ready for the most complete p i - that, as w e cun behold God in his universe «aso» mo with certain names, dates and ______elope of slips, the money^(part sljver position. In the case of Mr. Baxter, the through the spiritual ey< circum stances, ami «»effective is the Impress and part bills) and the lectures at my house - - ' ------*- “ -ein What is that through some natural Jaw they find ex­ Journal had confidence in him, inspired by 1 or at the hall. If the following which I quale his character, and while giving full scope to pression in a mental pjeluro, which In turn be true?” Then be quotes from my statement »s conscience. Why Is it that, fu the— 1 delineate. Not only, fohthc tim e do I seem that portion telling how, on the cars from the evidence against him, was free to aay meats when we are Inclined to do the evil to seo,*but of leu to hear. *1 cannot toll how; Freeville to Do Uuyter, I, In m aking out my that the character of the accused entitled hls act, we hear as If a voice within us crying, 1 cau only say that lu various ways 1 sense cash account missed my bills and recalled explanation to credence. The affair was of Bewnref Prayer ascends, the conscience Is these things, and then describe, I know that leaving them on the bureau In Georgetown. Illum ined. I lie moral faculties inspired, the l am a student here, not a teacher; so. were This is a misunderstanding on hls part. -1 public nature; the secular press hod wide­ nature of God turns hla breath into the na­ I to *«w one of those spirits that had visited never made nor could make such a statement ly disseminated one side of it. Pusillanimous A N EW E R A . ture of raau, man hears the eternal counsel, iue, I m ight not recogulze It; but 1 possibly relative to the money.for l clearly remember­ silence ou the.partof the Spiritualist press -and, if he heeds that counsel. It is blessed- could, if there were any mnrked or peculiar ed putting it on that bureau. I never had a would have Justified the public iu declaring uess for him. But this realizing the pres­ sensation repeated, or if my memory were thought but that the envelope If found, would ence of God In an act entirely within our­ infallible I might recognize a previously that the great bodv of Spirltuulist* were either be found in that room, or else seme- HEW HKWKItY C IFAKY, selves. Hearing the counsel of the spirit, in given name, date or drcuuistuuce, or even along my way of travelllng.Thc state- dther mi pure of hi* guilt that U were best to 03 the conscience is entirely an act within our­ correct any deliectlon from a pro-statement. was mode of the leoturesalone.for there let the case go by default, or that they didn’t Alti W, 4th &(.. Cincinnati. Ohio. selves. Have these any objective counter­ Generally What is presented in mental vision ____ possibility of my miiiuscript having whether he were guilty or Innocent, so parts?- If the subjective and the objective I rarely err In describing, but what 1 seum 4>een left at either place. coincide, the test of truth is complete. to hear, as In-the "Mosely" case mentioned, ' Another error In understanding on his long a» he gave an enterUinlng show, drew If we speak of our Inner, experiences, w I may not catch correctly. But of this mix­ part, h , that I ever said the money lost was the crowd, and »hout*lrfor Spiritualism. M r a . O . vE M orrison's ture of names I never heard, till t read of It 2 speak also of the testimonies which we n in part »liver. I said the money paid me on However much Mr. Baxter may deprecate the MEPICA 1, IH VP AS milHEKI.V. celve independently from the outside work. In Mr. Whitmore's letter. Please note care­ jvoa mÇprAl SEWTV.II to ICIVT. (TtECVME I-. , Ji. Sunday, was partly In silver and partly In notoriety given to the Georgetown affair, lie Here is opened before us the great world of fully. 1 always ask that people in my audi- bills. Mr. Whitmore says. "It is plain to me prophets, saints. Hcrlptures, churches and re­ mees, not only give their corroboralions of If ho must come___from I>e Uuyter to get m ust accept the situation In a nrutily way. ligions. Great hosts of these holy men stand delineations »0 far as they can, but what the money, there was no accident in finding With courage born of conscious in tegrity, m y entirely outside of us. Hoar the prophet of they shall as openly tell us wherein there Is lu" When I in my Mate meat—which see— man with stamina enough to assume a pub­ Me SHANE BELL FOUNDRY the North speakiug in trumpet sounds» hear r j t a ?. leaving the correction, howeve »poke of finding tho mousy hy accident, Mr. the prophpls of the Hast proclaiming God » lic role ought not to itinch before tho most Whitmore wholly m isapplied my word*. I ¡-■[i.OULr! ciUl-Efja purposes in language of thunder and light­ imve wanted, and asked that any charge of expected to find it at hi* house. I was sur­ penetrating investigation Or the widest pub­ ning. There are dlflerencpdonminor points; mistake bo made in the presence of the spirit prised when he said he hail not; but t was licity; Indeed, he should court It In an bat. when David strings hls harp and sing? when controlling, that a correction by the M sure it was on the bureau upstair*. Looking emergency like thi*. If the Tnoral malaria the sw eet melody of his kingly devotion, you spirit m ight be made; aifd always deprecated there we could not find it. but there was my saturating the Spiritualist atmosphere of - find a similar chord struck further east In silence at such a time, aud then when all wilted bouquet, and had Mrs. Whitmore clear­ PENSIONS wÎ India; and the Bhagavata sings the response was over to have the charge of error made, ed up the room, or I thrown tho blossoms Boston has affected Mr. Baxter’s men tal vision, to David's psalms. Again, in Persia, amid and a rectification demanded when too late. from the window, I mighpMiave found my or weakened his moral courage, It Is to be re­ the nightin gales nnd the rosea of Ispahan This privilege was Mr. Whitmore's, or any eyes i s "truant" as Mrir Whitmore thinks and Shiraz, you hear Hafiz singing the same -one's else at that tneeUn^; but nothing was gretted; If auch Is the case a chaiige of en­ hers could not have been, but by merest vironment will restore him, if made in time, song In another lauguagf. You hear Zoroast­ said tome save that dll was recognized, aud chance {herein was tho accident) the bouquet er oil the tops of the silent mountains sing it was passed by as correct. for he has good stock in him. log the same. The prophets of the world It seems by Mr. Whitmore’s letter a name These remarks are Inspired by-_Uie first give testimony to the counsels of the spirit was wrong. The reason of this mistake Mr. through my bill* oil the end of the bureau. m themselves. When yon open their »cap­ Whitmore m ight have got probably, had he part of the last paragraph of Mr. Batter's communication as above published. The tures, you find the language of your own asked the spirit at the time of her coming, ______... _____ not very heart re-echoed and relnaerloea in charac­ instead 1ft waiting till now. It Is for the spir­ forgetful, and we both saw it together as Journal has previous to this Issue, given to ter» the meaning of which you cannot ale- it to answer, not mo, if a mistake was made. pinned, and I took It and counted It—a ton, Mr, Baxter’s side of the com nearly twice'the 1 will suggest that spirits are human after Tdbe. îiücli.WQrtinaiistiip and Durably. a five and a one dollar bill. He made some space accorded his aerfftuy. not because of a ' W____ IUL . UA SF "W « SAB * « CA * «---- * _ llMaoUy will say. and Buckle wilt -w passing out. as they were before, and to err li No*. and 1 W e il Baltim ore Street. little ejaculation at the time. desire to hamper the pipsecutioa, but for {the »04 *06 «pond, and Spencer w ill bear testim ony, and human. There I* such a thing a* making j Among others of my things i had a leaf of {the Baltim ore. No. a Fifth Avenue, N. Y, Mill w ill reecho that there is no progress In mistake unintentionally or unavoidably; am iBtureof things, 11 religion; hat we eay. when eo many aspects a Nat York Herald folded in such a way as then, too, there is such a thing os speaking to bring handy for reading and .quoting the occupy the most space, of spiritual culture present them «el’ truthfully, bat through the blunted sense of THE MELODIES OF LIFE.' synopsis of one of R ev.’Dr. Newman’ limits®Flo space have so far been Am posedx a títere be n a listener and sometim es through tho perverse ------'The Spirit-world."...... The _ ie paper Intention of a’prejudiced Individual an 1 upon Mr. Baxter or his friends. thus folded was ft Inches long by 3*^ inches COmUGlTlOI oiclb ttrely different matter than the truth Is ., wide. I «air It while looking about. cm in sam morality and pure llfewhlcfh parted. I do not mean to insinuate aught in stood folded ’close to the wall, and by the Hod. R. S. McCormick of Franklin. Pa., de­ Mr. Whitmore’s case, for 1 believe him to be window near the bureau. This, as It candid according to hi* memory and under­ livered an adilrcea before (be Llberul League female sex, and If the spirit W the West mine, and as l had not mentioned it ar— „ standing. things lost, for I had not missed It, I quietly at Maltby Hall, Plltebnrg^Pa. lately on the travel* across the ocean Into tfie Hast, and A3 to the point made of the fact that- the ■lands awe-struck amid the grantj scenes of put in my pocket. The lectures we could eubject of “The Material and the Immateri­ name in memorandum was ecrrect. while not find. I went front here (ft Brown’s ball, al." The effort of the «pcaker wae IJ.lened devotion and ascetic self-denial, and if the that given from the platform was Incorrect, products of the twofbe exchanged, is there 1 went to the front door am f tried to all I desire or need *0 say. Is. that when a I I . — ■■ ... ^ . j.n . i'ln J aj,. to with, marked attention by the audience. prospect of prog red* ? Ur. B rown11 or some one. On this door I did spirit visits a medium by himself at hls most pound, for 1 knew Mr. Brown's sleeping room After drawing the dlsllnetloif between mate­ . The Spirit Inrttls all men, all races, l . passive and therefore best-conditioned time, was »me way In the building. I went to a rial and immaterial (hinge, the epoaker pro­ * churches, to exchange with each other their it U not so likely that an error will occur or side door and tried again but could not make ceeded to ehow by a comprehensive tine of inner experience», that all experiences a com m unication be so defective, -as when WHAT IS SPIRIT? WHAT IS MAN? any one hear. I gave U np.and with the driver argument that Inall condition, of Life that of be assim ilated, all idea!» summed u p ,___ that spirit comes to a medium tinder % mor 1 went to De Uuyter. When I got in the (JIIHIlZiTIOI erm : SfllII-BODY, ¿ITILI, SPACE. UIC V one great ideal formed, the goal of the world no favorable condition occasioned by the sui carriage. I aald, "Well, I w ill send .to some true worth wae to be fonnd alone In tbe Imma­ and (he end of mankind. roundings of and Influences from, a promt' one there to look for the lecture«, and If they terial, with tbe material earring aa an agen­ You w ill say. This Is ideal. But the world coons and confused audience, and rlc# te rn are found, have ¿hem forwarded.” cy through which todevefop and bring outtbe > Is governed by ideas. The Son of Man In my statem ent, third paragraph, It - w ill I resolved I would endeavor to make some higher attributes, lie took the position that all orerned by a tmblime idea. Where v a s . .. be noted that l there told of two sp.rltsclr.iai' change In the order of my lectures To Sara­ yvrtf itw Trtwinwiiw and matl. ty um K»un>Fmim EIngdom he came to establish? Where was tag Georgetown as their old home, visiting toga^ however much I disliked to u one of thing, came under tbe control of natural Im­ the majesty which he claimed? Whore were me previous to my going there, and 1 am the lectures mls»log was one of a seriee, and mutable law and that all forma of being have the apostle* he meant to send around the pretty sore that a man "Mooelv” ------would not be aa well given later as at first, ! ! : ! c i ___ - . # been evolved from a grand central source. In world? All these were within his own heart. »peaking .1of *

1 S Î B E S Â ^ W ^ p h il o s û i

S ru tb u 'fa rs no m a s k bou'S at do butnaa sbritu, s t t k s udthrr pia» aor applausi: $Ut only asfcs a hm tofl.


Hoadcr, vf ibo JmiuUL are «spedali/ nxiwated u> Spirit of the universe dwells In the summit the human heart or affection, which lad one be such that there can be no neceesary ser­ sbalt not bear false witness. In spHH thou shalt not be untrutbfuL Tbou shalt thlnk «md In Iti ma of iwr»*. tten't m ; ** f can't writ« fur Un* of their conceptions, ami upon the pinnacle to *#*ek selMndulgence for toe purpose of vice so humble, that he cannot lovingly per­ pre*»-11 Scod U» fact*, make piala what jyo «root te of their aspiration»; and he becomes to them »elfish gain or gratification. He recognized form It, no tbought, tbou aliali indulge In no feeling, far. and “ eut Ushort" All lueh eottiumnlcatloii« vili the perfection of all that H or can be. All the presence o f this Impulse in the mere car­ Every one knqws that this requirement tbou shalt chertsh no destra, tbou shalt por- te preperir aimnced for publication by tbe Fall um. of which the mind can conceive as true, as nal man, as that which generally prevailed dose not comport with the, feeling*, purpose pose no act. tbou «hall seek no «mditton, not Notion of Meeting*. infornimi on eononmlAg lb# oravi pure, as holy, as jnst, as faithful and good; with him. aud which gave character to his and actions of man. while living under tbe con» iste ut with thè perisci attributo* o t t i » / tutlcrn of new Saddle« or tbe coodltloo of oldooee; aii that is wise, powerful and great; all that activities. That In one, who had not eome dominion of his earnal and selfish nature. beaveo ly Falber But io doing any or ali of is or can be desirable to attain uuto, they thsae forbiddeti thiugs.tfem «ludi not assk roovemr nU of lecturer* and piedluou. lutomUiif lod- under the influences of spiritual regenera­ It is well kooWn that such an one Is not w il­ to be koown. or to be bellcvtdHo U any thing dmt» of fplrtt ooimnuaton, and well autbonticttel ae- ascribe unto the Being of the soul’s worship. tion, this selfish and sensual Impulse i* su­ lingly subject to this law of God, neither in­ count« of Sp n phenomena are alitali lo place and win To all such, he is,the Highest, tbe Holiest preme; and becomes, to all intents and pur­ deed can be be. becauee It la not In his na­ differeut from that wfecb yow fcnowyoor- be publUbed a» tooo tut poaulble. and the Best. Therefore, while H Is desir­ pose*. the god of its service. He classified ture; and, therefore, until spiritual regener­ seif, lo epirlt io be. Neither In lift. In feel­ able that every worshipful soul .should have the impulses to which the human spirit is ation, he cann'ot receive the kingdom. And in g. lo ■ I l th , I« Ihr Ap b m n t wUW tatod In (ht bumili (pirli, wlier, tt» tm.M ilr Fatbir I iom s Piaa-Matloo of tbi Whti the Divine ideal. But it is important that not produce evil fruit; neither could tbe cor­ gress in doing (nose thing« which tbe com-; Work.—M«4lcln*adinlnlatered loan lavolM ay tioewi every aspiring soul, should, for itself, have rupt trees produce good fruit; and that the mandmenU enjoin. la tu diteli k u k ù m u It. in ili bla IHriae ytr- Ua&da-UMU* tt«uiebol& Hiwi»im «nl worthy of his highest Intel foetus! and moral He taught likewise, that the two, or oppos­ kill," as embracing in its spirit ail purposes | powers; and that, In life and ict, he should ing conditions of spirit could not rule to the aud action« in which feelings of unkindnee*. I lb*t U noti™ , impuri. uoM t, or tbal ‘bn e tta ” link Itn tm Muaulnre for «wtoUï whleh mikflh » 11». l t munì U*um r. In * . noi (tatare MenU »ned. MJjel IWjoou* AdrwtlaenaeuU make himself'at one with such Ideal. .In individual at the same time. That thapres- 111 will, or contempt wert present, dictating this way he will call Into active exercise, ence of the one, Is a clear indication of the tbe action, or influencing the eondnet. J •pirli, • bolr tempi», «barelli IrWinlty lt*rlf his highest and best faculties, that he may absence of the other. That the constitution Therefore he taught, that every feeling, pur­ dotti alt u • rafia« in d p a r t i« , unti! hi» realize bis loftiest aspirations, by complete­ of the human spirit Is sueh, that it cannot pose and action, which antagonized with o* n Inwg» *nd like&M» « » r»ft*rt-MÌ Uurt- ness of spiritual manhood. * serve God and Mammon. It cannot love self love In its deflre to bless, and to make bapuy, lo. What cui bitume mmOmU-TUleM tbou The great value to be derived from exer­ supremely and at the same tim e love God. is, according to the Christ system, included Uw fari. Ih*! th» »pirli ut triith «rinoi«bid» cising the soul in its intellectual, moral and And, consequently, when seif-love is of a under the prohibition, "Thou »halt not kll]." In ■ unii fitled witfa falaebwd and i t e t i u religion* art, consists In strengthening and character bo indulge ioselfish gain, pleasure, According lo tbe like teaching* of Jesus, That th» «pirli ut puri ir »annoi dw»ll la a invigorating the soul in Its every faculty or gratification at the expense of any of the tbe heavenly \Father U a being of Infinite ■osi defilo» «Uh Inai? That fe» aplrit of aud function, by means of which it attains moral virtues, the individual may be certain — ‘ “-jo. Therefore supreme Juaile» »annoi rultin th» b«urt«Ì oo» «boa» buaine» and portene io lite le lo crani» and VenUuddf Spiri lu «1UU H*M In Odd FdM*‘* Urlila to completeness of life and character. This tbaj the love of God Is abssnt, and that the f Ä lies a supreme love of exercKe causes the soul to act from, and to heart is carnal, and Is to represented as purity and holin Hence, the cou.mand maialala onjuai r»tallona? That ih* «pirli «utonw«!. Tenon— a. Im I miI HvoBUtR Cu p Utd. of fidali It cab fisd no todement In th» inai In* iMCtttMD Tto fnTlIfd Üuéat In Defeat/ ni J. rn id live in, Its highest and best spiritual state; the corrupt tree, In foil fearing- producing meat, "Thou si__ u*i Avoijnit adultery.1' and to a^HVcontlnually for that/whlch 1» its corrupt fruit. According to tbe a ___ lin g of the Jew» of OD» wbo aerile lo bMO»» uufaltbf al In U * Uaairr. Ood‘* fejtnten«* afeiulMd t»i Seme«. Tue r»tallona lo. and Intarfeourae « I t i, Ih* «a»WS. Xftta u( tbelieoRM HputeaL apt rttoiU Urn (a sen Freu to it, its Truest, holiest and best. Thin ef­ In hi* teachings, Jesut represented that to whom this comm Lmeot was originally cbm. Aatnloffp. J. Fuat Baiter Lrtlw fn« Kanon , fort tend* to redeem the »out from thatstatu* this carnal status of the natural man. is that Wbal ean bacon» more aelf-aridaol Uun (hai ' Mlseenanoeoi AdWltmutita which 1» selfish, impure, unjust and false; which separates the spirit of tbe individual prated It to .... . ______, all auch io etmraeber m u t beeoon» aplrllual- Ij^raguralad bifora lb»y con fa» Ihc kln*- il *r fiera Fan a-ranatih LI* «T Preaimet hoot* for relè and It opens up communion with the spirit­ human from the Ckrutly or Divine status; an external and legal signification; but to at Lb* Atom at (b* Itotlato-PblKeopbleal JaareaL ttu- ual aud divine of the universe. The presence and which thereby cause* the individual to one soaking tbs kingdom w tbe Christ sense, of a pure and holy ideal In the soul, whether become unfriendly to God and to hi* right­ Jesus Interpreted It to rnemuibsofute purity, If «iraline «malata la atnlnla*^W »»*iiil aeliaueaM UmttM nnU of oaeota» In Uft. rhwactcr and aatlou «itb b«urii PaM«.—Letter frutti Mei too. tfraeftlyn Sulrttual pertaining to the human or to the Divine, is a eousness; making him an enemy or op poser of heart; such purity as etmblss one to see pearl of great value. It Is worthy of a shrine; of toe true and just operation* of the Divine God; such purity«« »xcludes from the mind th» aplrit of tb» [/irlo, ¡father, and wtleb. Frai era Up. LeU*r tree Krw Toft- General hotqa. Ml* aeoordtef lo Ih» M acina«» of i w a - ac and likeness It is fashioned. carnal man to commence the heavenly jour- i com p ii.bed In the »ouJ lo fit ttJor ÜM praa- ney by obeying the prohibition, Hum «halt I »ne* of th» eternal kingdom therein, »daitt, regenerated before Ueow aoe or perceive the of no nneertalnty w rtfi m tìM iwj l l rln» ■ - kingdom of God. That ts, before be can per­ ri-r ¡Bari 1 umra G 4 .... Syn Bpp® d W M M tf or Impure feeling* toward any person or ob­ dbcuw lon. It iercomw on* of the ■»If-erf- the human spirit. Such perfect being, as a ceive the Spirit of tbe universe in its true dent facta of tin* eou«ckm*ar„, wbirfi no BT HON. JOEL TIFFANY. standard of attainment, as a revelation of character os the Creator and Governor of all ject. One may find it difficult to maintain i #ticli w itch and guard over nis- thought* aud ! propilei, prie«! or Cirroloylan can make more the actual and the possible, is of inestimable things; that thrbtrih of the spirit, to enable plain, than 1, tl> aelf aeaertion of loriot!» value to (he aspiring soul. It presents the one to perceive «mtfitua! thing*. Is as essen­ feeling«, H at Impuritv of thought may not i Having defined the religion* nature in the tial as the birth of the Arab, to enable one to sometfmea be thru*! upon him. But there . within, to wit, that »eery Impulse hrfetliu character and attributes of the human spirit In the n o i any purpouc, desire - or wuib, an- human Individual, as being that from whirii see material or carnal thing«; that that are none who cannot refuse to cherish such ‘ proceeds the impulse to seek completeness In In their loveliest and divloeet manifestation. Tttue lo the «pirn of Ibt moral airi Ms. moat It awakens in the soul a deep and holy love, which cpmes of the flesh is fleto. and that thoughts and feeling»; there Is do one who > every department of Its existence, that It whi£b<4mes of the spirit is spirit. cannot refrain from yielding to their auggiw- be m isted and desiro/ed. Tb»»» th in « , be­ may receive of the infinite fullneM of which inch a* nothing else can do. It give* a in e « . Wbal Dun! man seek and do lo find deeper, truer faith In* God, and In human As a teacher of toe way to which one must Uens. Thera Is no one who cannot obey the ; existence is hut a feeble manifestation, it seek if bt would gain nceass to the spirit of Commandment. Thou »halt not indulge in. ; ealratlon? 1 follows, that it Is from this nature that all possibiiilli-s; aud points to the kinship of the human with the Divine of the unlverxe. truth, (nits inmost significance, he resorted F encourage, cherish or practice that which 1* ! true aspirations arise. One who feeis and 1 impure, or unholy. The Christian ideal of the life and charac­ toporabbw; aud by declaring whatepirUua? cognizes these aspirations in their deep slg- thing* were to be likened unto in the natur­ Jeau« taught a* a part of hi* *y«trm of nlacance, ta necessarily caused to idealize a ter of Jesus, is born of the soul's need. He Womea Preach In Tw.alj Vrthodoa Pal­ al plane, he (rave such hints, that the mere truths, leading to Christ, That God is a be- ! pita In Itetreit. Wh-re i. the ipostte Divine Being aa the subject of love, rever* is conceived1 to be divine, because all con­ iug of absolute justice, therefore -iqpreme' ceivable elevation of human character alone, carnal jo perception could take the flr*t *tep euce and worship; because, in one's imper­ iiftbe right direction even without spiritual love of God im plies a supreme love of fturtles; Paul t fect spiritual status, he cannot Urve, rever­ is not sufficient to reach the absolute need of such a Jove a* w ill cause (nan to strive with : the affections, Thereiore to supply such enlightenment. He addressed the individual ence and worship without an Ideal; hut it wherever he found him, and told him. in oil hi* heart to be just andato do jurtlee In} should be understood by the religiously In­ need, some one must become divinely ha- every state aod relation in life. The spirit j Last W»»k the Woman', ChrMUan Temper man; and Jasns, as history and art have pre­ language which he could understand, what fidel. that In such worship In the presence of« to seek and what to do; aud he caused every of Justice rays. Thou «halt not steal, that 1*. ■ an»» raion bold lie National donnai tiratine an Ideal, It is not the form of the idéal that sented him, answers to this demand. In pre­ one to perceive, that his duty lav within the tboti »halt not (toprive a fellow bring of t h a t f In the -parlour feutrai Methodist Cburib of senting Jesns to the world as an object of Is worshiped, it Is that Inner presence, which com pa** of his capacity and ability. He re­ which I» hts, o f even seek to do so. without , tbla my tbe four dayi filled by répété, the ideal is intended to represent It la tbe love and reverence; as the m&*t perfect hi* consent, aid without rendering in re- bue mese and addrearas and the .whole mark­ model for study and imitation; as the most quired of no on# a faith %h!rh could not divinity of spirit which is supposed to' meet through obedience, he perceived and ascer­ |w l » l . l *^in his ideal presence, do not worship the in­ it, os interpreted by Jesus him self, they In­ the way, by means of which otttsra, may at­ clude every thing essential to be observed purpose prompting one to the act. The io- flagrant dleobedienee Wbai Kränge negiert dividual and finite; or that which is mutable tain to the same status; whlcb~ means, ac­ , jostle* consist« in depriving one #f that to of plein Blble injunrtlon.' and mortal, in him. He becomes to them and kepi to bring tbe soul to curoplfleunM. cording to bis teachings, are within the At another lime he declared that the whole which he i* justly entitled wlth-mt h is con* j f>nr Central Methodist <'horch wasenrfiU- their most perfect Ideal of all that U heaven- reach of every one posaeosed in any fair de- sent, and without rendering a fair equivalent \ sd hy a great «udlence, nun; glad to maad lyan d divine. To such, he becomes, in life, duty of mau consisted lu loving God supreme­ ee, of tbe human faculties. Hit doctrine ly and his neighbor a* himself,' The com­ for the käme. The w i c k e d o f purpoae I« white hearlngth»words«f Mies Wiilard.th» in truth, in purity, in holiness. In love, in Whomever will may come to the Christ G mandment. Thou «halt love the Lord thy God manifest in supfeo.# selfishnw«, which in ] giftsd rreeldent of tbe W C. T C. Whal h wisdom, will and power, a personation of the status, and actual lx*- In himself, those prin­ spirit, antagonises with ali the moral vir- j tontd tbe outside worM do bat to rate* thl» absolute Father; and in their worship of with all thy heart. Implies that one must ciples and truths, which will unify bis spirit, love with all hi* heart the Divine and per­ toes. Thus', the thief possesses himself of ] beretical coetagloa? Thrra thoaaandpMpl. that personation of the Divine Spirit, In Its in life, in understanding, in love, in wisdom your property by taking advantage of your packsd the opera bonra oa äunday afbrnne® highest manifestation, they worship the Di­ fect attribute«, through which atone, the and in will, with the Divine Spirit; and that Divine Being can become spiritually mani­ absent» of person or of aUeatioiK The rob- to hear more epeaking by w » * n and i n a il vine, dot the human. An psirt awi holy Is the same in all. who recognize the Divine svU fruits. But he traced It to its source in Existence; and especially with all realir re­ love for humanity, individually and r*&s* i preme t o r n S e p K i ! ^ « up«— ligions minds. To all such soul*, the infinite UvrHx That m i love for humanity m e*. the truth, flatte, the r * ✓ » -, n RELIGIÒ-PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 17, 188$. » i p

o It may have beau mlied with, and m ight note any irnnsformatto; Solution of the Whlekey torlally upon the curious ami altogether uu- Iooked for effect of prohibition In the State e mollifying Inllucnco of such, while instant, quicker than the ey mid folio: tÄ 'i'Ä iÄ 1 « S t 1 ir degrees alore tito heat of llm stout- Hi. egg and lime disappeared mm tin TO (b. XJÜOT Dt ib. 11.1 uh> lui. * ouidi if Maine where there was good et Mence to !¡t & u & T b « t , ' b u “" l Í.TttleeoW lt rcquired to liberato the alcohol held In the class became of the pearly color F-V" It would Jw Impwslbh ■rove that a atflngent liquor law bud had was while a ll the men were engaged at the 10 other elTocl cave that of «im pelling every of in tho communication. This, It I pleasure I hove experienced In rfoiling Hi uceas m udi force to sot U free lonely aOlrmed. took place In the pro mir.,mantle: gamegamo otof “pool' pool that the rur- article of fieorge A. Sbuteldt, in n lute nun Irlnklng man to keep liquor In bulk, nud ' up to the drsir. Ile ’ I lastly Increasing the business of the «press the utile mid, whatever that tor m ight " '■ esses, each of whom will voucli.tor 1 tier of the JuUHNkL, ou the remedy for * d i illclty of the story. ease which threatens -our rnln aaapeoph ■urn punir». Mr. Neal Dow, the eminent pro- hi lilt Ion I at nil vocale, answered Ulta over his Now, Mr. Editor. I approve most heartily .«Item nitons are mentionedled by by (he The law of soil-preservation universal, ...... if which w ill, rotect Itself with some asperity. denying he outlaw remedy ol Mr. Shufeldt, as appli- »nil llio right of government to d to distil led beverages. The Immranco Bug- lb - ci.:. acier give;■Iren them, vie with those rec- »galnut disintegration, In Inhi----- ■ ■icludona that had tgefi reach­ ed troni w ell eslabl|shcd premises, but dla- esllen, alone. If adopted. would stop the ...... ito orìgini gliinlltyof working seeming donUhle. Jt seems to me that .Mr. ahufeldt □annfseturc and sale of distilled spirits In ipoasiblillies. From all accounts It would -about-the-world ohse h u etruck the key note, »nil I wonder that dliing the premises themselves, liecoutse was then hud to tho renana re­ . lx months. Tho aan.u>liicip]e of outlawry ■in that these ninnifcstatioiia had continn- ererylKxly had not thought of it before, It might be applied ' to adulterated wines and for some lime, and that none other than w u iefl for him to formulate Juat »a It was port, and the figures rnntalued therein ehow- ' tone Inai ve ly that tho E’dflte'» conclusions all liquors that Is. trail them just ns you n two women and the doctor were aware ol left tor lleulsmlti K. llutler to •[■[•It the mid adulterated cola am! counterfeit men- ■at was transpiring, as they all supposed; term "contraband" to runaway »lave» In war ardlng the linpotency of prohibitory leg- In, ' Not lo ig ,tinti were not only « p a lile of proof, bill. y. t know many vend temperance ini w ill t a surprise ot another character was In. tim e. Kveryhddv tew it when announced, ire for them nl though having a less mlracll'M City of Oh:deal • matter of fact, were not strong enough, -inject to wine drinking, but let us g l1 ertlor but no!»uly saw it beforp. or at least did not fair trial. Tho experiment In fie m a n y . us cast, tine day a knock at the front door lively th announce it. I predict that yonr correspond­ datletica proved that w hile crii 1st», that d I «embodied ejilrlta da ■ * ‘ '------idJ agrieiiltui -ylcu lt had de If It di .■innnred o n e o t the best known residents ent has Immortal lied his name. That oliould u the; Of til II n. a well-known SpiritunUst, but i other, wunle. do assume tli not bn Ireateil a» properly, that a as an art- cllned, and Ihnl th prohibitory ------had laracterialic feature» of lire. been of little other i rvlco oavo that of principle thnt « ...... Jed »pirite. an entire stranger to those In the house. He tele of value, which l* an unmitigated eurec, brewers, w ill help made known Ills errand, amt slated that he The body of a person wae four destructive of the m y enda for which gov­ venting tho Stole fromn collectingt a lie lee tire Lack alley In the gree tax from those who sold own distilled Jlq s, and then It they hail received word from departed friends that ernments are Instituted. It la not necessary and healthful malt those to whose house he had now come, were nmed. The police were until “To those who, like tin Bo not glv ■ - tppeared to cl to accept the plan of your correspondent in of tin drinks, w< . n down! f f l u t say In receipt of marked innulfestntlons. and lie detail. Ill* principle I* sound and I here is extended biurs In Mali tho ns. they l dnoatiafl------in o far Still) you, Mr. BhnteldL H. B. Westbhuok. was directed to call upon them and state tho wisdom enough to glvrill a Wnrllcal appll Philadelphia, Oct fuel of Ills religious heller, and Inform them advertised, in due for cation. It w ill take timV-adri labor, bat it ed, is entirely eupeifluout...... ruder the Hot . Many visitors, lu .lei. etrlngent execution of the Prohibition lun. that he had been duly Informed of what had la ante to be adopted sooner or lab buen u nfolded to them, and that lie wan to cameie with sad hearts amii ud i seems to me to be the only remedy, 1 ere never was any trouble In obtaining a t S m j k k . light ones, but no clue nw fo. wh liquor in Maine, either by the glass or by the confer with them iipou the now developments disease la virulent, the treatment must be of which they h d been treated. This was was. was obtained) The time was heroic and radlral. Fur many years bartel. An absolute stranger. If he cannot Jfilicine Adnlnltlr pi In vat ¡d by [Tn- pfrlug for ..the burial. The. polli get llfiuor from the customary resorte. w ill (he llrst person outside of those on the “Bow­ eapect for the license system. tren 11,mis -M onifatali nr Is B road Day- man place" who was aware of what had dead wkgon bad arri red lu removi need n f le e t legal have no trouble at any hotel save that occa­ to the potter's field (which sioned by m ounting a High! of stairs and lif fliI - »'telile Forms Hi, transpired 111 the old-fashioned house 00 tho license a ■Towii neck road." A singular feature of tho _____ lo the medb- dlege for dissection), ______m llallv_ ____ . . j f thè aalo of distllled entering a private room." i it™ »»ion (Hoto. I A At this tim e only tin persons were admlt- Tills same correspond! furnishes |t>l»peuib t case Is that Mrs. Sampson, being u Quaker- liquore fa righi, all mon baro an equal tigli! es», (laid never given the subject or Bplrltual- ted to the morgue, tl IIstrici physician, tho to engagé In It. We want no « e lu siv e priv- following statement to show- the ditterei -Spiritualism lias brokei of the ambuli id the i their chei Biirotncu, Maaa.-BpiL.-__...... faiu a thought otherwise than to consider It llegea, no monotioly. If thè whlskoy trafflc between wine and whiskey I eut In a new sp oton tho Cape. A U tile bouse a peculiar form of belief, which was too man iniltcm ! who » prop1.1 4 I* rnjufloua to thepeopte, H la ^the exlremr « t andplirenologlcal effects. In Bandwlcli han rerently beett tho scene of in g the hodjefor re The door of Ihe "Mr. W /j. Flagg, an eminent authority visionary to receive any attention froni her, 11 a sonie of lhe ni oit renmrkableihostly exploits and even now she does not settle down to any The gas Jet shed forth »portability, by licensing certain persons to upon tills subject, says that dlatlllsd llqrn ever recordcd. About a m lleftoin tne renier _ dckly flame. Only three men were known alter reirhlng the stomach will very s positive conviction as to what has produced engEge In ft. If wo must have liquor selling. o ftlie tow u.on whlrh te (ermed tho back the strange sresulte, althnugfi Indued to to be Inslrts the room; hut Judge of thelreur- let a di* decompose, the alcohol going one way i ■Scuseelt," ls a Iqw. long h prlse to discover a fourth part}, wearing the tin) water, etc., going another; these I think that spirit power may have been at »ire. tie evil would then become o appai « 1 er with Udire...... work. 'While she is In doubt an to the cause, ■t lineaments of the deceased I hey had ent, as to work Us ownenre, The" revenue following the natural course of fluids, be _____if paint, and giving every Indlcath to bear away. All Ibi taken up by the absorbent vessels and can she has nu question as to the outcome. Mrs. argument for tho whiskey trade la extreme­ being Inhabited by jieriple in the humbler Conners, on the other hem!, while holding to (peeler md simulisi ly absurd, as everybody knows, that one ol lute the general circulation. Pure w walks uf life. The ajJproaeh to the house Is :h addressed ...... — . . ihere la every reason to beliere, also folb her earlier tench lugs, says that she ran have the strongest arguments against it, la the over a lonely road. The occupant» of the no doubt about her person having been under leert: "Who are you?" Pointing to a scar pecuniary lose etutalned by the common­ the usual course of fluid», and q iib house are Mrs. Chatlotte Sampsoh. a lady the cheek and to a mole on the neck of it*1 rgoing any change in Its compenei t parts, itrol of departed frlendi wealth from mm drinking. „■ liber- about Blxty years of Bge, Mrs. Ella E. Con­ latería]- I deceased, nnd railin g the attention of lhave but little hope from prohibition. Hut even if a portion of its nlcoliol nors, about twenty four years of age, and. a the trio to the same sear and mole ou Ida The late Thurlow Weed, when In advances] ated while In the atoniach, and bpfoiv Mr. Sw ift, brother of Mm - Sampson. Both arson, he n tie red, in a sepn leh ral volee, absorbents have lime to act- of which, h life, expressed opinions on this subject, which ladles are Identified with the (junker faith, Olile: of the i of » ...... illowlng history of himself: "lam the ever, there Is nu proof—It must be but dead hodyrf the man lying before yon; my so fully express my own views, that I here which and both strike the observer most favorably, Introduce them: portion, owing to Hie cohesive jiowei and their whole bearing impresses one with eespeclallysIgnlllcanL n e is La Crol ï . Charles L i Croix, of Dun- hold» It to Its fellow components, those e letuted w “The temperance question lsaaaumlng new tho Idea that there Is no lack of sincerity on _ __ _ . w ith igton. N. B. f came hero two week» since aspects and larger proportloiia. After more nearly all of the wine then will pas their part In tho relallngof their eiperlenee, ■arth nf‘ ployment. whlrh f foiled to the atoniach as wine, an ‘ ich w ill I did not give evidence of any m enial nberra- than forty years of earnest and pern latent and no one can converse will, them aud feel Unn, nor was Ihejrc any reason to think that ditate. 1 ■ stai at lor efforts, prohibitory liquor Jawahavo signally through the channels of e ii------. a doubt Unit there Is any exaggeration of md alone, A s ia ...... ilyln dcohol contained In It w ill circulate and a the imsgliiatlon. was playing a prominent failed to promote the cauao of temperance. what they clalm.lo have seen or heard., Mrs. part In the recital. Th* reporter withdrew lie street» o city I fell In a Maine laws have been no generally violated n connection with and qnullfled by all the ronnora Is especially pleasing in her sym­ i. fro mirti exh il nature ialied arlous substances of high qualifying pow convinced that there was something there or evaded as to satisfy calm thinkers that pathetic and Ingenuous manner, and evident­ that all would like to know more about: for to rally, tamiles Wrllo to Ferì' Fondai, drunkards are not to ho reformed by prohib­ which nature. In her owu wise way, b ly Is one whom nature has endowed wilh no .... . toll priest of I; N. B.. and glven-to conduct It to lie proper uses and i it 1» Impi,s»liite_te^tbink thal^href-pFopio itory enactments. The great champion of thought» other than those of truth and hon­ ate practicing any wllifulrnimittoii or are In he will call for mv l»»ty In prohibition. Neal Dow. worn onl by long itralu it from perverted ones. Of thcee so esty of purpose. Long continued Illness has and their efficacy In eonlbinntlon i collusion with tricksters. Such ns Ihe facts lleve the elty of all «pens year» of Indomitable efforts, hna announced given to hor a charming. Interesting hear­ linrial," Of course the «tu know Tiling, hut by ...... * are. lli-j- are believed to be genuine ph nla Intention to retire. But what The old do ing, which w ins tor tier the love of all the lug fro nlyzcd with t. Stales have virtnally given tip as hopeless, • f u t e kuo tell i whal i ireeentillvea o f her own site who visit her, „dmonteb us not to ------isyclilc for ■s riissimi our younger brethren have espoused with all fcll'iv, d which flUs the callers of the sterner sex __ .jlyth . . (he e 1hr< the onthiiHlnam which character ires youth­ whole tor the sin s of any of Its de­ lit a sense of .profound admiration. Tl.r tached purls. Tims what insight onr email gathered lo perii ful communities. Legislation having proved icrtlons made to the fJloie representative- the English c door bad been abortive In Maine, Kansas ami Iowa resort to themlcal knowledge affords concurs with « - present outside (if a limit- erlor Indication« In bringing us to the con- pondent of the A’eib Ï •rk Tribune is c< word »poken: an amendment to the Constitution prohibit­ ed circle.as iteUnallsttc :ribed In • Heyoi ing not oniy the sale, but the distillation of -■ioston that-when w ine I* drunk that Is pure, uipnnts nt the ho eliu e wit Ha alcohol acts, not Independently, but In which the lunilac Intoxicating liquors. This strikes st tip: root Deased, are ...... Meet of ..... The ■ lias I sslunLshn of the evil, nnd If prohibition were possible, at Ion; not abruptly. > u t gradually, ■Ration With those who frequent who telegraphed at on re to Hie it circulates, econoiitliea and »lowly topic of cot ...... Jg the gn*sljw here tlml ______at Cor lx n blow In the right direction. The danger the premi* In fact, so reticent have the inro attention Fullee lo have the body embalmed la that Iowa has entered upon a warfare, al­ distributes Its power through every organ tacliy Castle ha* not caused parties be that the brother. Mr. Swift, lo la: given to the ghost prop lo the spot, 01 warded to Ids care, with a bill of all though in the highest degree laudable, which md member with an even, a oalaneoil aud a of what had'transpired within mild effect, continuing Joug aud/distnrhteg irned mi _ le Ogilvle*. al in advance. The money came. T Will aggravate, rather than diminish, the Is own home daring the tarry of the wrltei d of Whom Is Lord Alrlle. now in ill e forwarded, but the mystery ren hon ors of iiiti rnperanee. little: exciting moderately hut sustaining - ham), tho alcohol han he was previously cognixant qf. vulgar goblin or queer noises In» o lm i, i w ill. "With a keen sense uf all the wretchedness Mrs. Connors, as «aa previously stated, lis) Ilia tenanted by a tradesman are di«. occasioned by intemperance, I have been an rum, comping essi,illy i stornarli, goes fret ceil an Invalid for a long lim e, and hci I Kit'd 1 contempt, but none of this off Iter»foni'» Acid Phosphate auxloua observer for half a century of. all the ase has baffled the skill of every physician ork its w ill upon thi s sown toward ghosts connected Mahkvd Ben kill) IN iNPlnesrn methods by which it was hoped these evils ,ho has been called In attendance. Accord Usa of the drl with the pe rage. Thus when the late I/ird Dr. A. L. llit.fo Fair Haven. S . might be .mitigated. 1 have conversed fre- lu g to the testimony of Mrs. Cor Alrlle died, aa foreshadowed hy the appear- qnenlly upon the subject wltte-Chancollor .-pspoi_____Mlbl ______but ____ I . whose .art has ittontton " Have prescribed it with marked h to have received Uid special if the ipectre drnniiner-lsiy. there was Walworth, the Rev, Dr, Beecher. (Mr. Delevan >sted the powerful iu ld fi i its native ■ a long indigestion and urinary troubles." ______ar both the e outside forces, aim was 1 _____ lenito s hubbub lu eountry-honses, nnd and many other distinguished'Prohibition­ relopi MÉ helpless In bed. unable to »1st her- _____.U______jponslbllity. twilight : ■ mnde terrible by the reellnl Boine people treat their friend ists, and while giving them credit for philan­ jd r g rr that ilheuUcaied ghost stories without -lings Hit? squeeze all the thropic convlctlous, T have believed and all 11 ■ Liebigsays: 'Owing tojtt* volatility and k was upon tha else with which Its vapors permeate ani­ n Inline e a t v number. So frequent 1» the fAmlly ghost or id then throw tbe rest away believe that they were wasting their time eertuiil n brought lute banNhee that one grows to think It 1» one of and their talent«. mal membranes and tissue*, alcohol can sprcodthtougliout the body In alt directions,’ those things without which no gentleman's "It has often md very properly been urged house Is coiiiplele. In faet. I know a very t int those w l s opiKwe reform mea The vnpor of alcohol is generated from dis lilted spirits, nearly elx times as readily as wealthy and clever man who has recently should offer soi icthing better. This I ■ed fn j th* m, when. bought an estate and hug» old uiaoslon.nnd Is nud, presumptuous a the other, and It Is In this condition that It JAWJJHE'S propose to do...... _j startled Is the most powerful and the most Injnrlons ri thill _ . .y . .fev . . mto. she particularly proud of a well-eslntillshed lo­ scheme may be regarded, I am prepared not by a loud shriek, which < from the sick cal ghosl who frequents the terrace at the only to su ggest but■ * -to del ■ »nitrate that liy to the tissues. An experiment was sometime since made looking to the effect of alcohol in - - She hastened to he...... „e. — .. — -« back of the One old Tudor house. "Throwu In. the concerted action nf th o weqple and the m In rendition of picturesque con­ in'll* Jt a dog’s stomach. A small quantity was In­ too," he says, rubbing his hstnl with delight, overnm enl we can bccoun fusion, while the Invalid was In great nerv­ "without extra charge: not lika.those con­ latlngulshed for sobriety ns we now are fi jected and so quickly was It- turned Into al. Inspection showed that S vapor by tho organs that the dog lived' but founded Wantonr street Intemperance, liy the acquisition of ne scattered about the floor was the soiled rhitlp territory we can become aa. extensively twu minutes after the entrance of the spirit, The rere.! hei , strange clrc usta nee: and a subséquent «amination revealed no lug, and the clean garments, which but a ' ippears e of Hu grape growing country as t r»DCe or Swllxe few brief moment» tiefore had been beside ____ .'cted with th_ .. Fanil. Let California, Kansas and olhi alcohol lodged In the animal's stomach, It Alrlle ghost. The late had pervaded the whole liodv. regardless of the bed, had with a presto chajrfB! been plac­ States with noils adapted to grape cultm ed where It was Intended they should be, and w est. I think at Denver, uoioi tile usual channels by wbifn Duhls are dis­ rhy. Great turn their industries in that direction ul _ tho sick woman had undergone a complete drummer-boy w ss heard at Co aru i»tie. hut It PE NE tributed. 1* / the practical remedy for intemperance will change of apparel. felt atth i TBE BEST TlinfG KSOIVE soon be reached. W hen the grain- Is produc­ “On the other hand, there Is reason to be­ agreed by all the tiers ef thè She could give no deecrlptlon of how the i Ur was it slgn lfled W rter ed in anllleient quantities to furnish cheap lieve that what alcohol there is in good wing work was performed, as the change » « in ­ family that a wills pa a beverage for all elaaaee, it villi be remains liquid until Anally dceompueeil into stantaneous. She remembered being lifted 1«IUtJi.ch occurrences. so th* ladle was disiluctly beard, nud the next telegraml Urn anlmMÜ ««tlifdfUoo. So reproach of Intemperance, Longressli _ _ ne, to n certain extent, by man. alale. at first occasioned much nervousness from Denver announced the death of Lord laws effectually prohibiting the adulteration and tbc result Is that one goes off Into vapor but this soon wore off, and finally this metb Alrlle. The question nrwr-aiW Will the Of whiskey and other alcoholic drinks should upon reaching the stomach, and the other od of effecting the change spoken of heeam phantom survive the flref V / be enacted. Coder such laws experts should gradually passes out of tho system. In the Another celebrated gliftiF who make* his' T U I be AT» Um aUtrc «yin bat. ifotl UAUdj al a custom and for some time the course pur J A M » FÏUB. »BW YORK- ______be nppolnted to test the purity of such liq case of tne dog. tor Instance. It was not the sued' was simply to place the slothing li preseiace heardf nhtseeirdtilhoeoarti-driving non. Other laws should be passed Imposing amount of alcohol that killed him. It was the position and the work would be performed gobllnWJ know ofTKree plices haunted by duties no onerous upon imported liquors f" suddenneas of Its going off. tied It remain without material assistance.' this phantoaf One Is Donlngton, tho second is ; PSYCHO (i R A PII Y, eltber to exclude or to rends*, them So expel ed several hours before being entirely evapor This startling aud unexpected manifesta­ LitUeeote. th* third I hare excellent reasons »lie.that the rich only could fmrehase then aled he woald undoubtedly have lived. tion was followed by other« as mysterious, for not mentioning. The ghost makes him­ “if tbc time, labor, money aniLTalent that "Habitual Indulgence In distilled spirit» h but of a modi fled, character. From tim e to self heard at all three lu a manner peculiarly have been since 1830 devoted to Veil meant likely to lead to a condition where the de time messages were fonnd abont the hoc startling and ghostly. Aa the host, his fam­ but utterly fruitless effort« In facer of pro­ sire for them I» uncontrollable nnd rosulh although the majority would be discove ily and friends are seated at dinner they—I hibition. had been united In fave in that bodily ailment known as olnomania in the front room. Theae were written say distinctly they, notone dreamy solitary measures hero briefly outlined, (he ------This la the disease which has brought, at small piece» of paper or on portions of old person—hear the wheel» of «'■coach grating intemperance would have been removM from least in this coonlry, opprobrium n|mu every envelopes. They were fonnd on the floor. In harshly on the gravel of the drive np to the our border*. Light and patutable wines'* kind of liquor which contains alcohol. It Is chairs, about the munUe-ahelf. pinned on Hi main entrance, and are wondering who the have been substituted/tor inebriating by no means dlBtcult to understand how w alls or suspended from n atV and hooki belated aud unbidden guest ran be, when Hie manufactured alcohol mixed by man wl h The greater portion of these purported to carriage stops sharply at tbe £oor. When poisonous alcoholic liquors. This refer I. orUfbL- JCtM*«ic* «Í to be accom plished by furnish in g wii other liquids with which It bas Mule aflUla- come from a French physician, who signed the servant opens it I e can see no coach and i, wbis- Hon can cause a troubled condition of (he him self lie Fulkuer. and who took Mrs. Con­ hear no sound, and returns greatly terrlfled. dhnt and chesp. while by leglslstie The guests are amazed, but the fam ily knows t .• V- II" I. key, rant, brandy, etc., are made so ■ - human stomach, when It Is known tb it Its nors under his spiritual guidance, and by Th| U. U. A(te¿*ftd, W. 1’ AdflhMd, 1C- U toko out of the reach of the laboring classes, ex plosions are constant and aimosblmtindi the means spoken of tt Is alleged that he that a death is at hand among their kinsfolk. Ht—, Mbw ÍM»»iH. * 4 MHM I V.: > «f •w ..i ti.i ■ ¡ ■ . France aud Kuglandare divided by a narrow ate upon Its entrance, or that since It at ntic( conveyed to her [r.slrnetloae relative to what At tlmee the coach arrived later In the even­ ing. At LitUeeote on the last occasion it was Sftrcetrt ft&d Zlrv J < channel; France produces wines as a bever­ becomes disengaged (torn the liquid which ramedlea she should take, and (he reeull of IL -Proni tbr f i l tut* uf L u m it« ut Usava la tA* Pi age; England raise* hop» and brews beer. formerly held It, and permeates every por­ follow ing out the suggestions offered the men assembled Id tbe billiard-room after T it French people are Indnatrtoua, (rugnl tion of the body, that It should shock the that she w> far_ improved_____ physically ______a to be dinner- who were alartted by the unearthly ve­ Andrei Qr at Ban. K. 1M«Ovtn«ndVr hicle. LitUeeote, a* everybody In that part of M m (ï OArmut ymicfv. S|»uti«n. Part* and sober; In England the Laboring classes nerves and burn as N has been found to do. ibird'to rise from her bed, and wa* partial­ ■, - : are improvident, intemperate and degraded. Now, wine, as has already been shown. Js ly rentored te health. During her bedridden tho country I* aware, leone e f the fluent old ■ Erldrecr at T. T. ïlatsyrolfl i VUUh ■ ; Unhappily, onr social and domestic habits an altogether differently ronvtrnrted HqnltL oerlod Mrs. Connor* was unable for a long In England, was the scene for the al­ tim e to aid heroelf In any manner, and for ien! for James tbc Second’s flight ic SprrUl Trot« • I fepftciadtpmlav Pwpflrt- and tastes came with onr ancestors from F-II in which whnt alcohol It contains has been ...•»hefor gland. Let us now rise above tbem and mixed by nature, incorporated as one might w eeks she stales that she wae wa tolled ovar II Darrell. U A**o -Quite recently the Kaffir commented edl- there to set H five from the water and what- 3 NOVEMBER 17, \m. li ELIGIO -Pill LOSO P HIC A L JOU RN AL. BOOK IlFVJKWS. M Thl* 1* not a tirade ngalm t my sex. H e itaying that theHigimVlîie time« indicate . A PRIZE re willing to pass off «matter for thorough- Ul»|ivnf|iuudientet! Il on um on the mv- part of Catholic, and---- Prie' - Wflwaa nml the ^ou^eUold. eas. The false position we have'endured testants to unite against the common io«\ r*B bMitu nnOtt/i aaMr iw* tma, m h m n « . « «dMvrf Uiiuwb. ite UKa rt ib. .or so long, without tto least necessity for It. but Is wide of the mark wliet* It «ays; “The an be luiMW-ttnjr BY HKftTETt M. POOLE. hnr« helped us to be •matterer*. Misfortunes modern world is beginning to to sharply <11 w w u i, Jwmüi; 1 tided Into two great class««: Ihos« who to­ "TKI »» TM« Uletuctwu, New Jener.] come on a woman In a big, fell swoop. She has had a board lu g school education, is mere­ ller« In the authority of the Bible and Its A PHYSICIANS SKHHON TO YÓLTtO MKN, B, | ly intellectually veneered. She get* from divine origin, and thoaa who uitcrly r**jecr WiIIliui Prall Ha.lrt o» Art«. 1 ¡urtar ut Halsiii*. ; Si" ENGINES the whole theory of Inspiration and revela­ tsiloworili« ib.fai‘ «Art!« “< j her commencement drees Into bridal robes. üUlt-t ailH blwnuat. ni III* it-Y.l I «AW*-A Pill- l Which n e t wajr Iti« wind doll» blow, Has a houseful of children for whom and tion a« an otourdHv and an tiniKwsihlhty,'* thus placing on one hand the unquestioning -¡fini.' f >-! - ■*.. Il. New Vi,r* M. t . H'IM'.'k A , Som» heart i* eMiii Io Iiut« It so; over whom she slaves in the most unreason­ -A, Prkw-£i eeBt«. “AnakMis'œ .îS J Then Mow It nut or Mow It went. able way. Forgets aud give« up even her Bible-worshipers, and on the otfipr the ag­ /Th« wlufi that Mows ttol Vf lad in beet. nostics. Of (hin wurk Prof, B. A, Powtor w ell -ey»; j smaller of Latin aud munie. Don't even take “Tim h l, s mn u u l* v uovi,book, of irwfew w er-tluni • «»»/ fifty Imiti’-. tim e to read the m igax om . Husbéûd dies. The lact I*, the “world is beginning to do Mj llUle cruft «dl« nut done; nothing of the sort« "There are m illions In ) . liltell'V‘1 to put .illto t il, liuto!« of you I Ik lï£ .,Ä"«,'AWK A thousand tteeta from eteri zone If she l»as a swarm of little tbUdreu. it will PILES wen by father» who are uiiw llllnk or ftu Are out ij]xm a thouniiid «eon; be jut# her luck to be left penniless. There II” who cannot to classed with either ex treme, and who, if compelled to define their able of AiaeliaffiM a fatlier « duty Zi What Mow» tot- offe n fa/orbitf hr««*« Isn't a thing in thM world beyond home and . it ».-1110 one father in ten 1«. - - , PAYSONS Might Oiuli another, will* the »hock housework at which she has more than a attitude, would astonish the world. If not Of doom, u|f)ti wane lilddeii rock. the all-embracing New York Run, with their , raAy to «to wliat 1« rlkht ly hi- sm attering. Ho «he becomes an unqualified buy- hinnwfl. It In well tliat eurfi a l««k a. j I N K V At/1 eo I do ik4 dare to i»my music¡teacher, a drudging «eanutres«, a clerk numbers and character. It would, perhaps > w wind* to waft rmr •«» imr wnj, surprise a great many laymen to learn just thl« itboubl f* available, eet-efially ** it | Hut leave U to a Hu Mr Will In a dry goods store. 1 kiven v>nie litfortnitioi. whleli a pliyelrlan " Ask this working widow, wherever you how many orthodox ministers hi good stand­ To «lay or «i*eed me, iriutini; «till ing with their flocks, m entally repudiate tfle able to Rive with «mi. authority. W e That all 1« wdl, mid mire timi He find her. if she believes in giving children, niiiienit it to the attention of father» a m t! Wire huiurhnl my l*rk will «ail with me whether rich or poor, trades and professions, theological definitions of ihe terms, “di­ v in e/’ *T AND THKIH P ktff. A a first class telegraph operator in twelve ty of a book. But since then these same uaJ Of H of- Hrdleo*, tovaJnabl. be ilw *et- 1, Queen VI dor in has rocolvtul n woman -words have grown to to so elastic and ac­ mouths, or a good cook, or seamstress, or wsik K1'"' fthyxirlan. Mra. gcharlltb, with uimsual fav­ keeper, or retoucher of photograph«, commodating that they now cover a multi­ 'baleni per, or at Windsor Cast 1«, glvon her a llkenet» of compositor. A good trade tor a woman,..... tude of m> ell (lent lo'ijs extending all the way t» preveol lin i OMoibswd Àielo. itftnS her royal m>lf, and encouraged ber to excel easily learned aud r«uiuueratlv>, Is wood from Martin Luther to Theodore Parker and M. I>_ autlior ot “IIavi o> Kn»l thè I r “ Jn her profession. J Andrew Jackson Davis, and these modifica­ l'ore"eie.: wl.th a creati«» «od abv»> ,«> hy s.r «wa '>» *» < "A M. r . geid. I ^ i» . Clara Burton, President of the Red Cross, Wood a n i l « I» an art easily learned. tions of belief arid m eaning can no more to which has over one thousand raemter* in Recently 'Our Continent offered a prize tor crammed and Hqueezed back Into the old- liirtc fóvrter A vSti.,” iUl.berÀ Ì5il BuAJwaj. Aiucricii, has a «pedal agent; Hr. J. 11, Hub* the ties! piece of wood carving. The prize time definitions, than a vast forest of oak* bell of Iowa. This branch of the Internation­ to driven hack Into their original ortho- This 1« a work tlinfis well calco lated Pi was awarded to a wnruaii who had only sev­ do a vasi a ubili ut of goo

  • »g* «ometlme- III ine rrriw, i nr i>«n | — — - — Journal* on ihe iplrltual/kepefl of think*, W hitehall, A._by Auatln 11, Dotoon: if.a/.fi» Ura«< Bra*« datarkwark uat ished free dinners to women out of employ­ and reminds one of the '•Two road, describ­ ru9i Into a flght^rHhoat km/wlng what ment during the bard part of the winter. principle« are involved. Men uved to act In Birmiugham. by Bernard H. tock^r ; The Ut­ ed by the colored preacher, when at the ile School inasti« Mark, by J. M. Short ton**-; During the pa«t year 11.150 m eals were furn­ climax of the thrilling description one of a similar manner, but they liave *inee grown ished, and in many cases this dinner was the Oy«Ur«aufitheOynterQuestion.byT.IL Hux­ the more rmo'lonal of the brethren became ley. P. R. H.; Tb# Armour-Ci Prentice«, by only meat they had during the day. frightened and decided to “take to de wood».- There 1« a large cla«e of people outoltle of the Church, and especially among those who Charlotte M. Yon get Ornamento, Initial to to •The Commonwealth is responsible for the The editorial in queatlon U a* follow*: Be ver al of Ito article* are finely H-. follow ing which an -were the question, "What -The respectful ireatm eut of the lata Ilo- can women do?" " At Atlanta, Georgia, Is a iMncVtlSfieCatlinlii! PMt«S~L«tt*r Pastoral U tte r by tbothe m*m-mem- young woman, under twenty, who not only tors of the Presbyterian Synod *>f N*w York swallow the High Matomreacfiptiomi of the intoreuiof this number mends hut makes boots aud shoes, and ha« snggeatH«mrireotH that all tolieversfteuevers Inm theuu* authority i rope, p1)Pe. nor methe “bine emu minjs'’ pmpill «f Calvin, r »•»»«. nor Amebic ax Corxnj.iv'lConcnNfi4taoK , (Office. at a ? won the respect and patronage of the neigh­ of divine revelation may yet fedfeel the neces-nece*- ypt««.t the dry.dry, julmta*juice!*«* dfet of Itotto agnostic*. ] 2»2W WorrenWarren StSt., , New York).it borhood. She works with her father. sitysitv of nultliig. where they can unite, to re- These fhese people have, willwithout a written permit ] Halting* Grant; Life « Balanee-sheH, " Vermont baa two women acting as mall «1st the iurusd» nf mudern iu flddity. mid to from tfiT priu rt,hen flui-Hy tbdng tfc*ir»wn | ,n d ( ’*p lu l; Biisluc»» Pg-oomiy; M srchuit« carriers. The illness, accident or death of opiioih» socU listlc doctrinoH wbieli Ulremtt'u thinkiug, aud dec far more tiunwrnu» thau Law Library: tijualbin* PbjhimiU » « » ; brother, son or husband, may have been their ^ wï «way a y u 01 f rtrligioB religion. * . . tir u ¡. i-.bïï'. m p S r aekthbors are m n . M M ttM « J■" & £ £ * original start.In thia direction. In Galves- "The“The strong ground against divorce tatentaken They can well Uy: j ' Market* and Ex- tou a pretty girl of eighteen horns from throe in that letter, it» proclamation of the «aneti-, to s ix dollars a day a s boot-black. tv of marriage, and other of ito declaration* ___ _ ! Tux Hxexia» o r Uexi.th. .. New York.) Content»: t h it to a Swim distinguished herself as a swinger of Indian In the public thought, command tto approval If qaestioiied coulbleuUally *« to ttolr 4!4/a4«iiJ«d Milk Factory: Problbttiou from a clubs on the variety stage- She abandoned ofr con " - S nervati ? 1 ve religion« aentlm ent general- vl«WMof "dlvjDUy,- “lotplrattou." “rcv#i*- ; toHiocw point of view; How V> that for the water, aud so cultivated her lung- ly. The eipreaelon* of the letter Lrmr Oar» in h tki M ’*»rnr. 'Tlw hon,nou, a womanwouiau Seventy jf years«*« *•of “aage. v* ■***had • -not sprung__„ in I ,., after k ,. her. Thuv They hrtfh both unnlt sank nftftr after- A "it 1» true that a m o U h e, to whom they T fro!D tl,e creed« of th.ir fatli- Knasall 1-ubli.d.ing < «.. »«rtou-i T k i, nm*a_ were referred, reported »-¡rainst re«o utions living breathing forms differ from ! xine l* for the little ones and wilt be found atruggie. but oh they ro«e agaRi the heroic old offered by Dr. HopUna in « m « « ^ t i n o of i ijluc]m je s_ ll;r m, ¡Bar,, to be eompire-l to I very entertaltiing with 11« pretty stories tad woman, succeeded in graspiltg a rock with the is-ntlmenta of the P^toral Lditjer which t||(l □^!at|„01t 0f the agnostic'whom ¡1 lu.tratlouv. ■' one hand while with the other «he still held the child and Hu h kept both their toads» above had w greatly pleased btxn. M j j n * ByniaL gutnom l«r more than ten to one,, than Tltt: sp n gu u L lU m tx a tM . i Vt m. W. Fayne. 1 llw CHOU byay a Ilargp w r niajoruj,ij. ,; ■ rlx;. a■! Pi-1. , * I in-tiiQUin„...Antaiii *trearn*streams «are « tow w*be »likcnM » » « A U i noruinei ^ S g A monthly review of Aa- water uutll they were rescued. The child a rraolutton rcfu*lng to Interfere with the as Tn rtKciH f in¥ 1#- ______t was tli»u unconscious bat she disc liar ge of » w er pipe«. In ahort. they to- lrüüo0Iy. affair« of other coinmuoloiiSe ¿et it wa* lievB In the InTiereut divinity of humanity; 1 . ______•lucitttted. m anifest that the bofiy w m lu aympaUiy with Sewing, cutting »mi .Biting w -b liggH- — I in - In bible* eo far aa they are true to the tost | Ao eB(ieti?e m ^lleine tor kidney dtveaee*, tto Cardinal and Btobop* in regard to the human developmert-no farttor—and in a J(jw 4l|{j aervonu pitvHmtton. and well all the girl»' primary Ktiools iu Frsnee. and aubjecto referred to by Dr. Hopkinx« the programme for the higher primarD** in ­ revelatiou aod Ineplralion Wbleh began with wortt,* 0f A trini 1* Brown'« Iron Bitter«, clude» household Industry and 9qmeotthe "The opposition of modern infidelity toun- the dawn of moral «ouadouflie**, and w ill RrHIIM(-thF o —Dr A. Page Aay«:i **I ! trades particularly adapt«l Ut women. The mintakably bringing orthodox ProtoBtanU eud only when the lower no longer ugnine "y;— "toown'* ; TronIron Blifi^T^iUveraL B l t K i W v e r * in- * moat Important measure of the liberal party and Catholics neater together. They have a help *f the higher. -They do not believe that , obuinwS good re- , bond of union in their common belief in rev _ certain...... limited — _„_™ period of .,reveUtion /eiauou «««and m-lu- i -^7*7’ -----AQÛ in c with reference to the education of women In . -A lli* n * * *nr( tfillf f h* . BlliLfl. France 1» the law of Dec. Msl, I«», under elation, which .the contemporary infidelity eplratlon once 1.1bleaeed the race, and that the ¡ -, law under which It worked, wo*, on a par Clttsvilli« Ala,- Dr. J .» artet «ay«. i r which l»«e« for girls are being organ!led. is.ujp, at it* veiy foundation. The strongest advocates of the measure, were “The modern civiliied world Is beginning tleular m f i mouth, day aod hour know«. ! hav» used Brown'« I r o n ] *** Z“ ‘ to be sharply divided into two great classes, perhaps,perhaps only to the Second Advruliati,M wolM s. wtwho j family for ImUgertion with goodrcapit*. iu favor o? establishment* equivalent in the ! ...... ____ J ». i.» I«. ttikl* Amirwn.. . grade and duration of the course, and in test those who believe in the authority of the are aappoeed to to exp e^ to Bible figure* " Jolinnle, how many t - are* there In examinations, to ih* J*r«e for hoys. The Bible and it* dirtne^rigin. amltboee who HOME CIRCLES.» lime has come," says a friend of the tn-“ ’“™. utterly reject the wjwle theory of in-plrntioa “ whsnJWe necessary to bridge over the and revelation as an absurdity and an Im­ chasm that separates men from women in possibility. On the one side are the Chm- ^*ÿSS2r£zrJEÏÏï g [jou to Investiiat*’ Spiritualisa modern society ” tlane. and on the other the agnostic», who believe nothing that Is not satisfactorily tbsy bslong -»wing io ih» bufaci nf Iclicf« “ ta *i uuce. _ . __ UVOOEMTtOMM AKU KL LBA, John Swinton'a Fapar." a bald, brilliant demonstrated to their reason. und______Ism» th__ ituir »re seemingly scenari gl j civwim crowned -*«. with - » , [^oqruB und nil s n ip dis*»»« vnnlab b*- weekly devoted to the right» of man. has few select■ und pri-wrlbed n»m e»-»ve- bctcv for. , Dr, ,, Benson's bkin Cor*. T»ke no imita- Just issued, in lie second number, thls^nswer “Modern infldellty 1« not directed against any particular system of theology, bntagainst tbri«w posltire that Lbey nre not sgflwvtir.. . iiBwo« hr ijianjiici. ij.rcu“« at Me*. to the Inquiry whether “ It will take tip the all theology and all supernaturalisra. It and equally sure-that they have b u sympathy 1 .' woman question." Here is the answer: may therefore tend to the consolidation of with the absurd creed, which the clergy and A Boston paper Is in “ f»*»r of .women w f; • “ Why, yes, of course. The man question the Sunday school literature inventors are ing if they want to.” A Western paper would OFfER TO EXPOSEES Ait» COkJ UR ERS » and lli" woman question are tire same, and the now scattered host* of belief, not eeele- siasticaliy, perhaps, hut in an alllauce nffen- conUaunlly owearlng to, as though fearful like to see the man who would make them p íJ W O . the twain ate of one flesh. In straggling for of forgetting and ignoring them uniese ™ - lie if tbey didn't want to. tire and defenstre. Before the strong and .leleinw «Mffl U Htl«l better conditionsof life, both eexesare equal- Mentir striving to keep them in reluctant A Pittsburg girl, who had aefnaed » good ! SSL* ly interested; in winning them both wul be arrogant common enemy, intestine quarrels may cease in the camp of faith." remembrance by public avowal. Mllliou» looking toHr»ph repair “ II -three times equally benefited. When one Sex is wrong­ morwre in the eh arrhes, and are so awful within via months, gave aa a reason that he ed both eeiessuaep; when either sex secures So far as the subject of 'divorce 1» concern- that priMis do not dare interfete with their ed it i* hardly in good taste, saying nothing Is too much of a wanderer. That he roamed a right, it brings ¿dvsaUgeH to both sexes. personal beliefs and onbelUfs. from pole to pole and from one rtJnb to an- Let ns have the juaf thing Tn Industry. In at» of’social economy and morals, for Protestants The S ew York 'S«*, the Presbyterian Lsyn other. elety, in law and In life, for both men and at thl, late day. to borrow Ught from the Odi, the Methodist Conference, aud tlw Papal dark Untoru* of a Church, which crMnpfl* Cornells, can leave ont of their divine medi­ Bota* Iteeelred. ___man0 man who who c w « «neh broad truth* ito womfD to ilva in tto form of wedlock at ta r o n , and «eterno calculations this vast ele­ the rlak of haviog their h*ad« broken by , nr express them M rlgoronsjr ought.to be ment, but they cannot banish lt from Ha- WHEJbX. WBAT. WHrJLE VP» J. n Bower In necuring tbo«» just Dung« drunk« partner«, and where marrtage t ^ heart of th» race, nor prevent 11* rW m with bo long toe□ made tto m*»an* of legalixiug Sf which he write,. The »tand be take* will an Impulse that .h all ’stroke (the theological > r e ------heAhat occupied hy most of the readers of the produrtloo. anfi development of ’hfajal world to its foundation,, aod .topple \W this colum n, but Mr. Swlnton i , not eon»truc- — t i who had totter never-been bom, in- booty-Com bed dogma, iota oblDloo whefl- ; tee: t o t t a w i . m e m o i * “ - « * tiee. He can pull down, bnt has yet shown «ease'of of population!»population is nor oi suco " " “ T:W — r.oecleelwtielam becom« an organiied flft ertflene, of power-to build anew] nor h as portanre in tbi* e « n l r j Chai n t hrmlfl BWagB ilftfW W M r he that warm, fine srnse of hu“ nity that rtrire for quantity without regard to quail- and iot*ll«M4aalI frtKktom, ».r««™.» ' •thti*w. m i;ab>d *rrkb«itrimawfjhSHtPtss ìo-y f f tvXZ r mlì ,. Br a» b Eàw&rl* ______——— ■ alone makee building pcaslbta Itmayde- ty; bulltiejost like a Presbyterian syi Let us b i u that f the o»xt tim e the ita* (,%w lh d os*U t Ibtao» Lev A Sta*“ « C w e S a l l ae*. for he 1». brave and to act that way. •• lt -----would“ —astonish the world ehi ase, lt wìU -tata» ter all.” to see a body of Presbyterian minister, IPMYSICTUJ»^ SUtWOH TO TOC SO jl Kb. B f Ttaewaae . ItroSa. but It fa doubtfni if he baa enough eng“ Pim i. Prie» » or. *ew I t a : M. L \ .mptm/w* eplrituai development to make a mark upon emerge from lb* frost and ahndows oo the Botares* A C * northeast side of dear old John Calvin, and ,»»1* rd «wiils sieohel W N e _ ~ ba-hfully court the «untale, of a warmer BoitaSS; TUgn rxrji ANO TSCfk F*^ T_2 r Tha following from Catharine fola, tati» I .Vircine, the king « f a ll rei*" r . l N g*M .D Fries Mum. New T trt: Fowl« 1 i « y M New Orleans Picayune, U wortby of repetí- QE The Now Tort fia* la. ho doubt correct in RELI(ilO-PHILOSORHICAL JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 17.1883.

    Nation of Germany." Ills conclud­ greet word of Hegel’s. "The real Is the ra­ , It iw not enough to know that all must d 111» kliowl.i'ilgo of thi> wortiliig» of llui tional and the rational b the real. The first die; that Is only a terror, but to know the ing words wore; "Pnlewi I be convinced by Jififlto*$hitoaophi(Rt journal Chinch iiicipawl, the tire gn-w slrongei, principle of the universe b truth. No sham dead are still our friend», still watch over ns, until Dually tin) »moke burst fortli, followed Scripture and reason, I neither can nor dare- a reality In this world, sham It ever so retact anything, for my conscience 1« a cap­ ively, hut only that which b genuinely destroys all fear of death, gives sweetest com­ PUBLISHED WEEUY AT W U IA11X »IC Et CHICÌ00 _ little later by a tiro which nil llm holy fort to those who are left behind;,and as we tive to God’s Word, aud It Is neither safe nor . ted In the primal reason. If your eye water oi the holy Mother' Church could not alone sees a truth, and if your logic be good, read of the opening of the spiritual Bight In Eg JpHN O. BUNDY. ' il »¡iroiillug the world over Ima right to g» against conscience. There T take the whole world shall be compelled Pi see os Wesley and flwedenborg. what revelations stcBdily"Increased In tntennlty as. centuries my stand. 1 cannot do otherwise. So help yon do, storm and stiffen as the whole world Term« of Subscription In Advance. conio to our timer consciousness! We seem a*e rolled hy. Amen.1’ Aflor a stormy debate last­ may. If u «burn b once stabbed by an idea ( M i C o p y , o n e y e a r , ...... $ 2 * 6 0 the wound b mortal, long os the carcass may to hear fegato the voices of the loved depart­ The «ale ot Indulgence» liy the Pope, cans- ing all d|y. Lather was permitted to return « 11 (3 m o n th * ,...... ìh parmle the earth In lb ostentatious dying. ed; almost persuade ourselves we feel the fa­ I Luther's Urst overt act. In the year 1510 to Ids lodgiugvnwhore ho exclaimed: "If I sikglr cents t ci ith. im iniwvnn. We need not fear that there w ill be a healthy miliar kins of those lifted Into sphere* where the treasury at Romo was unahle to provide had a fliou iim ï head«, they should be struck Pope again, much as we need to guard the RlMITTAWCM.hoUld 1.0 »■** hf Unit'd fiUteft /We cannot see them. ro*Ul Maury Order, American E xjii-cm Company's the mean« for building SI. Peter’», and soon •ne hy one brtore 1 would retract." He State against the bane of Papal spasm»,.... It Is as necesaary to distinguish between Lu-' "The work of this beloved sister b not done. Money Order, RenUlered Utter or Draft on either the plan for sellin g Indulgences wim resorted not acquitted. The Emperor announced lher and Lutheranism as between Christ and No human soul can ever say. ‘It U finished.* Nrw York or Chicago. to hy Pope Leo X. as a means of tilling the that lie would send Luther home there to I* not tn any cot $end Christianity. It b foolish to attempt to as- Activity must run parallel with the Inteper chock* on locai foni* in ply treasury. This trnllle was Intrusted a wait siieli punishment as the church requir­ elm)Into Luther’s ethical and religious mold nimicati. mid be i life. The*church b not willing to give prom­ AU Jettera and ci to a monk named John Tetiel and others. ed. altogether to that of the evangelical preach­ dneaed, and ait i millar payable er or the present day. KspechHy was there inence to the truth so clearly taught In the Tilts man would enter the villages amid Space does not permit following hls history. JOHN C. BUNDY, ►, In* no bit of Bibilotatry in Luther, and there scriptures, lias It been abused for gain or ringing of bells, and with all the pomp 11,1,1 A few quotations from current opinions of never was a freer critic of lib canon than he. passion? So has. Christianity. Shall wo pageantry he could command, “he wouId," 'those of wldeiyvftffereut theological views, lie was the first great rationalist. By which, I shrink from It thereforeVTlih doctrine lights historian, "erect a huge red rtvnw, w ill aheyr how t ie graudet >f the man. tie- do not mean to say that approval or tolerance a nitn^Nllllfttm Is to 1» drawn from words of hls for positions up the durkness of the tomb, sheds radiance with Ihe Pope'a anus displayed upon It, and spite hls folbtes>«qeaknei to which rationalism lu our day ban arrived. over most gloomy hours, preaches to us with * stent urlali vulto ta It» lilffliost l'Itoli, and idiosyncrasies, fltoesses1 thei 1religion» SPECIAL NOTICES. rube hi Yet 1 boldly assert - i t does not require great, such earnest, loving hint of possibilities In like a vendue erier in a countrr village; ami and scholarly men of to-dh>c Wm, W ;I. Potter boldness—that, coming Into the science of store for 11« lu ihq futiirdTund b »0 full of joy when a large ;number wore g a lli« « ! armimi the accomplished editor of T hM kjtu uri* h x and an opr tim e with the name spirit with which he came into the science of four centuries ogo, in tho present what coward* we are, fearing would comme.ios [iratalng li I- Inilul- exponent of Free Religion. In ari able article him he Martin Luther would have been, pot Joseph to proclaim the glurJoh* comforting truth bo- gen ce». on Lnther and the Reformation, speaking of Cook nor Moody and Bonkey, hut Theodore cause it Uns been perverted. » cross ,” Tette 1 wtmld »ay, "hna a» Luther, says; Parker. "Till* "This precious Woman knew of angel m inis­ .loot remanió much cfileno y as the o roas o í Christ! lira» To all who can admire robust dnécrit;. Dwelling upon the ancient and modern •nauarbMl. virile brain work, whole-hearted demotion tp try ami rejoiced In it, and she did not cease near and I will give you letters duly sealed, method* of dealing ‘with heresy, Mr. Mend Yxctuinipcs a: reforms in behalf of Unman rlifiits, and a to be a Chrbttan. She loved her church in hy which even the sill» you may hereafter said: courage of conviction defiant of nil obstacles, all Its ritual and highest custo ms,\he church desire to commit shall all be forgiven. I he Is a character of fa*rlnatlug Interest.and 1 am som etimes Inclined to think very In which we were associated. She took thè would not eiclu iiige my privileges for tinier one of the heroic leaders of the world’s prog­ poorly of my generation when I note the ex­ d communkntlodi* i ress who has few superiors*.. The key-note ceedingly small price for which men are lliìile for her guide and counsellor, and lived of St. l'etcr iu heaven, for I have saved morr cottoli. Tbt of Liitiipr’rtdrclnrallnn against Rome, and the w illing to Bell their manhood and compro­ a pure-hearted Christian woman, glad, too, quinti as ii xuorunlr of rik-1 fai »outs with my Indulgence» than he with lib mise with what to them Is no longer honest war-cry hy which he summoned princes and that she knew iniubterilTg 1angeb were «cripta omit of b* (imerml, mil lie prayers. people to hls ¿itaudard. was the emancipation gospel, and when I bear the potty whin« of r always. *d unie«* Mifflcltril la wut "There Is no »In no great that the Indul­ of individual reason froni prleitly lutliorUy. men over the petty losses and annoyances When neropapera or m-vinulnra they suffer for refusing to hbs some estab­ 1 all seek to live as in presence of gence cannot remit It. and even if uny om Speaking of the Protestant movement be­ ■a l «in.Utilirut matter for apertiti lished shibboleth. 0, men au> women, what the holy dead. There Is no absence except (which Is doubtless ini]ai*»ible) offer«! via ginning with Lnther. Mr. Potter says: would have become of your gospel If it, too, mortal eyes. To live Iu tho presence Swire« to «til nailer. » lence to the blessed Virgin M sryjet him pay- To It [ProteataMismJ there can property be had to fare its age of martyrdom, like other no terminus, for it | m the evolution of free.liv- of the mother, what a guard to the son «.What let him only pay largely, anil It ahull all be gospel*? Poor stuff for martyrs, these weak ing thought. But its logical, natural Issue Is compromisers and coinplaluers? Not oi such to the wise and good, the learned and forgiven him. Even repentance Is unconditioned religious rationalism, or free stuff were thode Puritans of Kugland made charitable one you alt respect so highly, that dispensahh religion. j and our Pilgrim Fathers. Not of such stuff NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBER!!. he still lives in the presence of lib wife, th a loro tirali all till:1, Indulge.ices' not Rabbi Hirsch of this city gave an able re­ was Martin Luther. "Hut, ii soul-communion, which nombunderstandlng only »avi­ the living »loua, they also save the view of Luther ami Ills work on Inst Sunday, M i c W p h e t i s lio f jirrfrf h i a d v a n c e or even temporary jar A u ever lu slightest li sail. ïc i lirios Is, notilo». tradetmie.i, wives. lu cataloguing Luther's work he speaks of j..(1 a r e rAorynl ijl die otr fh c jirc*' written In Idlomutlc German. In It are gar­ or odors, b gladdened hy sight of richer col­ would deliver us: y mu give ml yui nered the ripest ears of the German acre; and e n t continued; but it muntbedtntinet- after long andpaluful lllnp^Jn_thu-^tatu ors and more beautiful forms. This thought ly underntood that it in wholly an < will not.’^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | no matter what our religions bias may be,for where pain and death arinnilfTiowii. The fu­ all time to come this translation of Luther1 I leave with you to-day that it may comfort neral. services were held Nov. fith, In the «le- f a v o r o il r ' - ¡•rattan I fa the appointed hour a quartette choir la no mortality to light, and he did. It had always of InabllUy an were in scornliifrthe invitations of the Cath­ upper room sa n g /’There is rest for the weary.’ the birth.of Jesus, Martin Luther was horn n|thattt olic clergy to come Into the all-saving fold existed, but vailed iu shadow, lie lifted the The effect of the sweet voice*, distant and In in an obscure Kerman village. A far differ­ ilioulOtt bara «tnJurod In punca' s S is He had hoped that If the church wereriedn*- vail, dispersed the shadow. Some imagine ent man from Jesus In nearly every charac­ u partici pallori tn tbe irncmioeti ed of its ah ii-es the Jews would be ready to visible, was Indescribably sweet. Then Rev tbe future world b only a vast dead level. accept Christianity. That they refused to Dr. Newman, the celebrated Congregational teristic, his life has made In the same length «lati tub Ibm In tbo purity ai There are many m ansion «-w e don’t 4tnj>w * Join the Catholic Church he found very nat­ minister, read a number of appropriate scrip­ of time an Immeasurably greater Impress ySSSUHStt&Ji ural. Was not the Pope the anti-Christ? But all there b of heaven. 3he spoke of the soni * upon the religious world. During^ the- past UlllMtmrUt «tulli lx* clOttrl OK now that the power of tho Devil had been tural selections and addressed the friends superior to the body, which was Its servant few weeks thousands of pages "scattered broken why should the chosen people still be present «abstanttally as follows: also of the evidences of spirit-return and the blind to the light and deaf to the word?___ through the papers and periodicals of llie ■‘And thus ends another life. It ends to our prevalent doubt of tt/’Communlon of saints" The fact that he married Is also often view*only, for life Itself never ends, and noth­ world. In every language represented by the quoted by his enemies as a proof of hls sons- som ething more than a theological pro- press, have been given up to Ui|»juin. Hie jnbno/T, b u Mgnt-J til uality. A common observer of hls age cau- ing b more appropriately and fully true than posltlon.Thls dear woman was never so.truly birth-day, the 10th Inst., was the occasion of buoi not but protest that-In taking tho stop of yonder Inscription. There b no death, yet we alive an now. Her dying is a victory. Long founding a household for him self Luther did magnificent demonstrations In lila native This branch of trade lu religious merchan- cannot fail to be ead on occasions like this, years has she suffered, but none ever heard ditto had evidently been thriving some little more than anyone else to raise woman to the at the departure of one who was a daughter, land and the world over. In Berlin, BO.fM) throne whereon she rightfully Is queen. Not­ her complain; none knew her hut to love her, school children formed a part of the proces­ time before It came Jo Luther's knowledge, w ithstanding tbe worship pnld In the Catho­ wife and< mother .Such a daughter! how pure, and now the pain b euded.and now the morn­ sion, together with the Emperor, Crown Hla first Intim ation of the traffic was receiv­ lic Church to Mary, the type oLiaother, a cer­ graceful and fating. Such a wife! how noble ing Has come of a day that shall never end io tain Imputation against th

    / NOVEMBER 17-iHKi. KELItilO-PH I LOSOlMJICA 1. J Q l liX A K. v _ land could hare access to their friend, on ' »« nurture of Mr», C* If. JrwHt* James K. Osgood & Co. w ill pebliah tbl* earth. With her, medlumship n-amed so he i month* the latest production of the popular a natural endowment, having been bom with j Soon after daylight one morning lust week, ini) talented author,' Miss Howard, "Onenn: her, and reotiirtiig no circle for it* dfvrl .[>• 5 a telegram brought Of word that our larig* A Warn on the Breton Coast." "Hueun" 1« a ment. She related several Incidents con­ time and well tried friend, Mr*, Caroline H. tale of lover anil art. tit« rwcnolodiyf laid In nected with her, early Ilf-* where «h- had ] Jewett, of New York City, had been released cured Hi, sick, pointed out the wherahoUUof 1 Brittany, amt the pietures>|ue shore« and no horses that had strayed, and even located from her protracted M iffirlngi and gone to les, pictures-jus people of till, land of ro­ a coal vein, sseàilllg lo ' amidi ltd pretence. her Jpirit home. Mrs, Jewett wo* one of the mance are vividly and graphically described, Him rejoiced that Hptriloall.in had no gorge­ /Veteran Spiritualists of New York. Bhe was The hook I* to he Illustrated throughout with ous temples, for If It had, , b e 'thought it might become seetarianixed, aulì result In ' a talented woman, keen investigator. One lino forty vignette.. Initial,, etc« drawn great Injury lo the world. Spiritualism Is couvereatlonallst and thoroughly familiar . jpresaly for it, by a brilliant and skillful em inently diffusive In ita nature, and 1» with the spiritual ihllosophy. In public American artist. manifesting 1U liberalising Influence, to « conferences and wherever Iter voice was rais­ certain extent, in all the churches. It is doing good everywhere. Though we hate no j ed. »he gained the respect of those who Ilw- Alleged Discovery b; whirl, the llrmatn» fine dial!». It continu e. Its most exeelletil 1 tened, however widely t!u*y differed from her of Hie Bead are Kept from Decay. work, and will, In the coarse of time, con­ views. Mr*. Jewett had been a great sufferer vert the whole world. An exchange give«an accounted a wonder­ for mure than a year. In August of last year The speaker alluded to a most remarkable ful discovery whereby tinman remain* may vision that alie had several months ...... she ami her friend, Miss l'liwbo C. Hull, were be kept from decay, made by Hr, Arthur B. she plainly saw the prevalsoci of ahrlb-juak»». thrown from a carriage at Plymouth, Mass.; Lovett, of Erie, Pa, Alter con.tilting many cyclones and epidemica; and the truthful- II»H of which was fully really.“d by the ex­ both were seriously Injured. Mrs. Jewett be­ scientist* a iiniiiber of Erie capllali .le have ing advanced In years and an Invalid, newer istence of cholera in Egypt and the ; concluded to Invent capital and fort» a stock cartinguakes that have ocenrred III Java nhd j recovered. I Hi ring tier long Illness she was company for The pbrposc Df applying the other Places, ga w ell a* the prevalence o f . tenderly nursed by Miss Hull, who, though secret for the preservation of the dead In cyclones throughout the world. The vtslan suffering constantly from the effects of the was one of fearfully dark forebodings, espe­ 'every city In the United Stab’., The capital cially III lifts country, Hhe »aw a "black | POWDER Plymouth iccldent, wy» most unremitting In stock ie fixed at t S H t m Hat one man In hand," hideous in appearance, which polliteli j Absolut&iy Pure. kind attention to her friend. -Jidhe early the company Is. to he Intrusted wlflt the out thedbolsters of the pn«t year, and then 'days of September we spent a delightful hour secret in a hermetically sealed cpsket. This hovered over this country, designating the I with these iadies at Mrs. Jewett's residence. terrible calamity tlutt will liefall the pi/- . « « 1 member Is to he place-1 under $|ltf>.rt*l bonds pie, Hu depressing an influence did lift, Mrs. Sayiea and other friends called during to preserve the casket intact. He 1« to l,e vision have upon her. sn ili-a-lr.,05 the pir- the time; and Mrs. Jewett never appeared, to elected hy the stockholder.«, and 1« only Pi lure of nlrkuew, equalid ml-s«Ty and suffer-j IH P I I T H I - It I A . better advantage; her keen wit and open tin bn* and read the secret for the ben- log that was presented to her «I irltual virion. j words will long remain a pleasant memory. cUl of stockholders In the event of Hr. 1/ivell sl|H wished that she might St once pas. tu ! dying suddenly without making provision the realms of spirit-life. She spoke wltr, / We have no words of regret to offer at this great «motion and feelin g -lie trace.! 1 be time, except for the physical suffering pre­ for carrying on the business of the corpora­ tion. The body of the child, Stephen hlsk. »ml non, con cue of the harbinger of pesili . ceding Mrs. Jewett's departure. Hers was a the drat human subject Ills secret was anpll- cnee, the Tiiack hand," ae ft |»lnte A T E N T S ■;;V ¡Vs thortlle* agree that there Is no more dang'-, they would fall down dead' affection for, and obligation* to, Mias Hull Our country w ill lie ratagol a» It neier were often expressed to Intimate friends, and of contam inating the air Ilian if the Body was a piece of marble. !t lbs. dressed lu ha, been before, 11 will be the most dark : $ 2 5 0 her spirit now free from the worn out body, purple and Sue llneir. furnished by chant- and dreary chapter in our history. Hideous CHICAGO MACNETIC SHIELD CO. will guard and protect, so far as permitted, able people. Its little hands crossed, and with desolation will, seaming!.*, reign supreme. This period of our nation's adversity will the one to whom she owed so much for com­ the last sm ile It wore In life still upon It» commence |u |hgi s[)d/',frren! heaven», »ays No. »'■ O u trai Music Hall* Thirago. II), fort and happiness during the later years of face. It was horn a pauper child, the mother I „dug mad. Her delusion Is that she was de­ the reporter. Intensely excited at the dark BEAUTIFUL h 0 Li J A Y BOOK S ! earth-life. . stined to conceive and bear a child that jure),slings and on the polot of jumping util should be a successor to the Bedeemer and of a window, but was prevented by a Indy lilcii I’i w for Slade Number Three. who happened to be sitting nit his coat Ulti save the world a seeonil time, for years the continue through the years ftVs-i and Isktl, poor girl w as possessed of th is insane Idea. A bungling fellow who assumes for the Hue night, four years ago, she eluded the and finally cxhanstlng Its giant powers to season the name of CborlM Slade, but who Is vigilance of her keepers and escaped from do evil, in—the year IW Aral» "he »»hi. (lie County House. Along lhA. country road "TImusands and tens of th'iiisandswlll fall a not the -Charles Slade" travelling on Henry victim to [hi, terrible epidemic monster: Slade's reputation, has lately been playing It siie was met by tin unscrupulous villain, upon whom her sad m ental ad!tCvion had no thousand» and ten, of thousands will perish on the good people of Denver, dud still later restraining luiluetice. She was recovered In through ihtwinslruntenUlity of Its malign at Omaha. Ills lirat move at Denver was to au exhausted condition several days later. ¡nltuence” This epidemic wlU be m ainly Little Stephen Fisk was born within a year, caused by electrie and atmospheric disturb- Ingratiate himself In the esteem of a lady ancee. and nothing- no nothing!-can re- h ri mît Ilisi'aM’Ui Spirit Power. not unknowu in this city and who»«» heart and the mother'» delusion became more filed than ever. She Is allowed to visit the Doc­ slat Its giant stride*. Sanitary condition« always warms toward anybody claiming tor', offire and »e* her embalmed babe occa­ might palliate, but uol prevapt Ila unward «Ciuci« tA (HIM Cf l*tT B»SS lìw* a medial powers. Having thus aacurad com­ , desi met! ve course. - \ sionally. She regard* hi*'condition as proof The speeker after thin fearful, heart-rend­ fortable quarters he began the threadbare of her child’s Immortality and divine parent­ age. She brings dowers and choicest pieces ing prophecy, gave an account of the experl- trick of publlahing paid notices In the IMn* •nce of Krv, tir. John V. Newman, how the I n u i i « » ail«*««, saved from her daily food, and deposll* them spirits came lo hint and induced him lo nil,T4>\ Al.I.KV. ver papers, purporting to be interviews; these upon the cs-k,-:. he varied with attacks on himself, written preach five sermon« preediting the truths of 24) I North College Avenue, Philadelphia. Be. Spiritualism, alluding parllrularly to the hy him self or at his instigation, in most Mrs. Maud E. laird at Lester’» Atademy. funeri! eermon of an aged lady, which waa cue*. By.a little shrewd work he succeeded published »»aie Horn ago in th* lu getting an amount of free advertising Dkvastvtinii E pidemic prkmctrii to Fiiil/ m u nui al JocrnaL and which prfewuttd " j p ^ P ^ S S . swebp over r u n coBXTHr, nr./TKOvrso in full aeune of the granrf^t tmUrt of our which no honest medium could have got. philuMtphy, 3hc apdlw of Harrison and the Havlug nursed the excitement to a fever heat TIIK LIVE* o r TthlUSSMW. aid ha rreched from spirit* In his gTand and provided for a full house by freely dis­ At lis te r ’s Academy, dlft West Lake St., a work in behalf of oppreaaad hum anity. After tributing deadhead tickets, he prepared to large and appreclatire audience greeted Mrs. her lecture she described spiriti* with her reap the harvest at the Academy of Music. Maud E. lord, laal Sunday erening. -who en­ usual jtucccjH. s J Soauceeesful was the baiting, that many tertained those present with one of her high­ A VALUABLE PREMIUM wno came prepared to pay. went away be­ ly interesting and unb|ue lectures, which Businrss »otif(S. cause no seat could be had. L'p to this point was listened to with profound attention. She Hi-twos Trfrtei Ueturo* oo MiO>«cts pwruiuing u all was smooth sailing, but unfortunately commenced her address by alluding to the aeawnd reforinUud the ideocis of &plm>i«lisai. At- SUBSCRIBERS for the fellow'* scheme, when It came to ex­ ... light which bad been given to the world, ia*jj-*j fuawsJaVTefcgnipbk oddraw, Cwjto0,O. hibiting his tricks he proved him self so poor grandly.I llnm lnatlng It, and bringing peace, - ‘drtm. BdirlAs H«hitiK U.’Ja a stick, 00 unequal to the occasion, so lack­ hope and joy to mnnj yearning hearts that fiMI.PiD i-«R 1 i »rv> ing In the Anna Eva Fay adroitness and tan g were completely In the dark with reference 1827 Hraadwar. N* Y* Tnij»*: sUmpa« UtkOpy tfiuad Reli*riO"Pliilosopliira1 Journal; /ra id , that a miserable failure ensued* The to a future life and the Immortality of the «xpUmnorT drcwlar. door receipts were withheld from hi$ grasp ■out. The announcem ent that m inistering and the city calaboose furnished hlin a rest­ angels could come to earth, communicate I'LataroTAjrr Kxamisati'U*» Fwm l*xm ing place for the night. How he 'got away wilh mortals, tenderly watch over them and HaIX—Dr. BaUffrtieid will write you a du r, poteîf and ourrrrt dbaniosOi rrf your dWowt, tu rmmm, po«- and found means to reach Omaha is his guard them In hours of danger and peril, jfrrw, aod tbs ptowpecl «f a radical ear*. Ewmia** NEW PLAIN TYPE. AKTÌSTIC BINDING, secret* but get there he did and with money was well calculated to make each one rejoice Pi« mlod aa well as U>* body. Ou* Doter, .1 VttirrfMft ÌUtnii for iirtuty enough to get in the usual "interview" a U and f e e l. that a more important era had witb name and ifc. Addcaa, L V. BotUrtdd, 4L “ Dr." H. C. Flower and other llrst class char dawned upon the world. This guardianship Vm Syracuaa, N. Y. latans. But this time he was "Prof. Henry of ministering apirlts. K rightly understood Cc»K4 B n » C an or Piijb l Blade.** • and appreciated, could not fall in having a It seems utterly useless to try to teach the most beneficial Influence on the worlit. What A n anal Heating of the Bute Amodhttoo of public that all these male and female tramps boy could d ow n ing or go astray. If fully Spiritualista of MlnnrsoU at MianrapoHs» _____ iltaWlK claiming to give exhibitions of the physical eware that hie angel mother is ever present, The W M su u *~‘-**w»V*i 'WrmwMs sssstf hü au . i m m m haw - ' - mb I • * phenomena of Spiritualism in theatres And watching every movement that be m ight ria will t.- Ill »a«wlia develop more medio I vesey 8t., New York, P. O- Box 1 227. through whom the deoiisna of the Bu b In." . * R E LIGIO * PIIIL O S O P II IC A L JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 17,-18H3.

    ISSI» M e e tin g d v l«phll«*o|>Olrel Jmnm M p lrllll> ll.M In W»u Voices fron; the ^ c o j j U, Held tn Odd FiUow't Halt in VKaitanooga. Ttn llk# gaitnr «tl uro llaltsh* IVUkroopUcrt J-«urti*li I H IVrOKIATlOl VAKSODS PILOTS. eellng « held Cbat- rita progress of lime ss a tavetar bss lo^rpored 01 10 Teflon i the latee« pntlon1 ritii kindly hand* to n c tilf hsjmoDlM lbsdlsrent- iy, OcL 2S.—G. W, Kate*, of Georgia, called S p ir lÄ t o J. W. While preeldcd and !" "-L ! -"K-'.t i- fon Fur tho purpose ag factions of tiro spiritual brotherhood In ro to nnler at 10 M< A large and repre- lar acted os secretory. It was agreed that n tiro trailAcatton and crwllt of all, each society k* udrai stock company, upon a rani tot b .vis (Irmly SUMaiMny all science andas Inc-uitrov. rilM- ixlng Uro hour of It* Sunday inrellug to better ao- aitali' detegation w u present. J . W. White, of malli ematica. Th« doctrino of Ito me»*«, was calteli to the letnporacy chair. J . F. îiinand dollars should I*- organized unlew it ommodata the otoer. »o that »11 day may be utU M Tier, of TeoiiasMe. was elected b fiij*.rni > Secrc- Ion should combine yearly cauip meedngs ' energy show» force to to constant, j} tiro gratiflealtou of tiro spiritual need*, providing lier11 associa tod work. The following agrec- ) enduring : changeable In form only, th« flesh ta willing and «¿during. Mrs. Watson r. G, W. Kates, of Georgi«* ns*» now as hast, iheo as light or In : of Nrd aixl cnriM-mttaring show««, „ ______jil the ration. l»r, ...... adopt«»! and a number of slguaturos oto •iroak* In iho utornlng and evening at the Temple, < ¿tlued: d*. but If * ------formerly tiro pulpit of Rev. Kstack, ex-mayor and l perfumed breath oí spring Fred Parlili, of New York. u the cessi! y u uftur. foUdhd ...... raffing irgaiitsaUoD. Dr. W. r . JÍ ■‘Wo, Iho undenilghod, agree to toko the amount of i, but ex-dlrine, who Is now absent on a protractod and In- ck eel opposite our names, for the piir|*ose of pur* «Ttatu M .ili!" H I fixed oi d«flolUt Irate of absence. Hi* chorcli formally ded­ Is ffTOWlOg ui tho fears «»fa southern MUty of for______SL icated and coim-craUri to th« Most High,no doubt pnr- Tli# wood« ri» tor ippeu ranee of sectlonaltotr ■ ig land and makli [thing down iself on the organ. * ii.ii lb lllieV- ornee nothing, aud wlrotarer la stand* as •k scAnewhat of th* pAstor's pugiliatic Insnlrationa, ta Ihr Im i i song, arco m panyIng hin wntatoJii uf lOiiH thlug prevbuis to l^df. d opJvjH IU doors to ticket Imbtare U> wiinres the of five upon perm Is transpiring ta the Impulse of some rórll- The bwta that opei vtirn Hu* year ™ yc nut the following w isplring” oontrel of two cetabratcd prlxe figbU-rv: . The flown* that -tad wlille the wild b „ „...... ______„ -...... - , _d in the rebodnd canrolohi tiro bands of llis Spir­ k. Reynobls. of Alabama; (Tías. Christian, ol it ualtata nnd was re-cbrtatrmvd. Mr*. Watom is now Kturlng there. Tiro rhlldren's Progrsrelvs i« * « - i* ; W* J. M. llamas of Georgia. A Urgr S f i 57! * Are faded now. dear htorl; of delegates then registered,allowing a Per- Lyceum nroata at on« p. «.* at Ixora Hall, aud at 2 yïîB F  l m., tiro Frognretvs SjHrituallsta bold meetings Tlie wood* are turning brown ^reacntatlon from Tviinrnsea, Georgia, Aia- t by ehctridly sud r. And k t t n no drilling* drifting down. Kentucky. Ohio. New York, Jlltiinta, Iowa, Gael Sunday Irolng Lhelr Hint In n«w qtiarlrre) at [», and n repreeei...... Pacific Hall on Market SL A ImlMiour opening And »till the to M l i m miwt tJIUnd fell, After stroech, fotlowoil by leu minute spceclire or discus­ have forces, The sion. Is tiro usual or tar of Urolr mrolkog. TUI winter wind» through nikwl I branch« call* ____d -the cominli [cipri to granite, The *U<* will darken, ah-l the (waning (lay pnhatltt lade th - Mlowlnu On last Sunday a wavo of sadntre swept 0T«r lbs Bee in scarcely more Uiiqiwklght Cfttd and groj, ri*« Into a higher audience i*o tiro painful announcement -f tiro trrvn- ; non in "re ta, perlrot«, as Time hasten* rordeor mend; New York, Presi.: ■’timscodaborer, Fref.Wmu. Drub /Wide a gul od and light n* tío-re I* ta- aim « meri likeI! flow fa*! ilii* w»x*ta turn brown ft ween Ibv k and tbe exhlblUoti of mat- And withered leave* go drifting down. S&Â'Ï hallos aro/ da i *s pearl» in fret u, which only a full Iro M a f°f bta9“ sky. It hi r clroiiged that it eli w timt Itextats. Thal ehr» ■r...... e. .toar limrt; But wo So Eiowwlfroi en s»*e torce* fading su n turning hrewu . F. Andon tiro path the It ave« como drifting down. our gretro «etnie« tall to* e tiroir soothsaycre, . Row mao, of «Ui nerertlu-Ieestlier «lo no inla. medium.* and spiritual interpretare, »o Jt Would With In the early spring • ^ L*sp|H4nletl to draft a C» But what I wish to 1 seem, and ore gratified ut noy attantion paid to Oti < ■ the immanent organize cun to ppeluce-l witi.oi Urolr »plrllualfrtk rU«w. T«»\. Ihe lawny dally regu­ TUI s'E&SEä tub Ä li. W. Kates, or íieoi Unti tali Ind 4L Whru lator oí rita-mtored room* for rny landlady arel» *e: Mrs. Mary Umbau», c ask ouiwdvro how are ’ ‘-girte.riu that way. Au utn»iuil ami protracted uff. of Michigan, to soy bow are our mal silence during blf morulog tinti*•* In on mljolnlug Ing, but a*k vrhal main sin* your and my personality itloo^vrtíéo cm enp-ringto credentials appoint »ri ^ and Idi’iilltyV That it e. mid J. H. Ungarn»». «mirro forre tor Ibi* ta to­ i. D.o I found hlm I» i half stupor, rub* f. Hatte, J. \V. youri question aud are ro« cmiecious of originating ____, ______, ,-pry. “ SYhat’s th­ such a torce? Do you ro answered, “ Too much«« ghmts In /our loom, you Weenm«i] rxhkhitlug constant and at time« it It nuggreted that from the long tatti* tbe material and tpiriluat |dauesof life, by the r»uh- -Seeimm, of Chattanooga. Term. ergy of u r half-doe flog mu*e a new awoke nil .. . _a rt, la u IIcall.m of epiritujl llUmlure* promotlon of spiritual r destroy by any «b Though now the woods turn lire lecturas by a misionar) eyslein of lUnorant §|;-ak* ie ye« , of AtUnl rotili! w ven lion .and f« Ing. ond the innltlidicatlon of opporiuiill ea for non- ils organIxatlon and syvtatnatixe the • U--: And mil tho talesgo drifting* drifting “ 1--- i.. .1 «...... „1 I.M1 IIK 'many anxious wbo would rejoin and i...... And *> the path, though »iarkare* Iwra the ■re In our midst who might be utilized to ad- And deeper shadows gather day l>> day, 1 social stoic. rautag« to Uronwrivi* arid toe work and credit ‘to Lnub through the gloom, to where ncatli ItfMlmt, n ia l wo Invilo Urn sympathy o obtain a charts id seal U >t tito Amada l Ion. ilvetml gooij. A lri*li:l- ÖAI.U enttíon of Splrítuallsto every where* wUli vote of tlunk^ \ tendered to the Preside] How far may we know this parent torre and etei Francisco, fai. The bright hllla of oi and aim* nf Uils Am telatimi, as M forth prrecut power? H tfough OTery^JuuuwA^rfknow! dear heart, - edge ftceevsiPlyTo urn nr aud uctf gross seusro tolui A af ro lo ; To them a The convention was c exceedingly timltol only to a very limitad extaiit caí Hi rough forent* -ur knowledge coni pass. “ ------...... " ------Hid leave* that wither drifting dotti a a 1 Murphy»borl M r alloro résolu Unni It* »Io not converse, in wonta, but they look thel votfd upon scimi itoli* they were adopted by tb aud disliked to give, tpllefitlly (brew •un’ »Il l Yiaa some In II u ihre. UTlie' far mere to hhijoor brother's tare: who toi: tbougliL So the whole vialbta uulvt-is»' ta IL« oui watch the111 chang« of the mnou bereute they know ad In Ihe.prwron vciiUou as a who ward expression of an lateillgent and enduring pow Stephen H. Thatcher, S gs, N-X ' id gentle dta|>oeltlnn, reretoliy picke»! by ol*«rvaU. Haga* »•»treat llree to enter tiirreto nud sanctlf, It; v» r II Mru».« tide* of lbs «arti» at once. He says: "Take twins I» in great distress. man, Soiner«et. Kentucky. On bearing this the Christ crucifix Inclined It* Does he bake lot * • * — far a* I iun c»mrenni»l the Incident that Ibe writer Is Tbe report was recob ’ broil in token that tiro request would to *o that a ta be­ now relating l* Ui« only one of Importance to tn*. told which rtwultod In tbe •l.ftu" ^ j f Uie Abot and ili« poor man returned to bis home with .. great differ».____ Three or four days afterwards I recrlved a l«‘tter from The newly elected officers w» italln) and the i glailne» In bis Heart that to was' unable lO St«ak The llc*u*« »/»tarn Illy acconta with the principle« lle Hod* fault with astrology I » u se tiro Influence aiy m-.iber. saying: “Your fatherrbas met with a tiring nltlc<-ni of |he couver for Joy, and could nnk w»wm. Insomuch thatnavbliey- ______dike wbo happen to •srionsaccMent; wa* thrown from a car Saturday appeared like two b “Jeelni, u , who make I Litre! dedita that ose of Uro same name. He might •veiling n«al‘ Montpelier, Vt." rI J » un will come to Ito ...... tabtar said hooonthle a burine** :ii any y Isn’t » black nun, while baring My father, Mr. It. Alger, was then acUug ns pav- Ibe convenllfm o hta wife, ns soon as lie could *|*wk. “IT* of tiro aroroasrd valuation, ; .'.-r ; ; rim*- time with a white genou?1 roaAter of lli« Vecroont rentrel EL R-, for certaiu • •1 ! • • p. noted tlirir «lenire o take stock lu bouse for hta reception— at all eteub yearly tor the privilege of d taxing iKieitirea, why should U fall ut>on Uro fi striking «vent of your life, if you can give tiro par­ atoga Springs. ffctolnd. That we hereby endor R who askeil arol«taz>ce. “ 1 hav» rather than all/ It fa urged that lu tiro case » ticular time ami place of ibal event; that will prove HutMNiuently morUng tho surgeon who set* the Uon of thv pn>pose»l Ioxtkout Mount g!^-1 woman, "hut the dinner b bimlnre* obnoxious to the order-1-»ring people, tin Uro ln flu enee or planets. J . S r km fill. bopt* ho «aid: “ Your father look on hlttorly at the ing Association, aud have confl*lencr : ■ Uttie, but I wil^glve the« tin licene« serves a* a check. Let me give an lltuvtr. Milwaukee, W k time of the setting of the tonesamUftorward/Vom- I »af* I.,- Uon: A «•ommuaity finding the-budnres of rertei parlng the n»de* tliat he told mj^wroi what tran*- V. 1L Altort offered tto following* which off a geo«ity piece, pnrtire Incraoslr---- ‘ * ’ “ ' b4twI at Mr. Thatcher’s hotim In our presence, tire Mil»* tsly a •pled: e of vUnds and gavt .n whom 1 w : M A ntt»-r was n complete ispremutotton of th»» former, H«v.ignixlng the efforts of check Urei s to tl md V, showing that a mperior mtud underetoral and coin- and publishers of Uyht fur Thlnkrn, tore liiin mid biro» d from e will a muntcatod Iho lutolligeno from Northfield, Vtoto and SiurUn.d Unfit, of ChalUnoogn, ikltaxl 1 k Aaratogu Springs, a dislancnof ITS tnlle«, lu lb» min- spiritual II torn lure In Iho South, therefore ! putii -M. H I’ll cam»? ti|*on Ibr Spiritualist rortnim; h •tos from ti e Urns the accident occurred. M. M. ¡Ifmlrrd, Thai werecognlreattd •■»«ton |R Unfit ? church and k«t warrant it, Lutri.i sure of H's - i respected him ever tlttr*. Only or Saratoga Springs, N. Y. for Thinker* and tbe Spirit uni light iw ----- — the I» n l reminding Id of tl.üdfpTmlse to his o- 1 still continue* tirotmi .vptloii been takru to lit* dellnretlon organs of tto Southern AwtlMloti of Spiritualist*. J t liât wa* In tiro Dtmtar case, which T ie lle i The Correspondlug^i-cjftary wa* inslrucled to -I was kindly receive . reihe nslnese of bolli* by him. He was verr mud telegraph Mr, Watson or bh elfcllon as PrealdenL pe»qrir bren toe gainer» except as the half thought to wlthdr eUcto-J'bUuwiptitral i<- This was done, and a reply from him accepting the ñr» i uta of Ibe very business they dete».», , Tbe »«e Pn> il trocau- • lip» b office was received, Jl'îîh U k ! h-slant world line been celebratiti g tbikjnui rnicalloc Rut A vole of thanks by tbb Convention to Urn Chatta­ Luther, tecauae he opiroseti ihe sale Of tuijulgbnce« ------descriptimi*. i nooga Spiritualists’ Association, wa* tendered tor to sin for tiro heurflt uf the Hiiirch. and at the «Lu­ k U ik \ 11 DH 1 W 01 g n cmirteel»!* extended during the sewloti. Upon mo- ti toe this government i* »riling llcrtroe* to do slblul «IderMl bta sntldpeted actioi tlnn, the cotrrentton held ■ memorial uervlce to the r sister-in-law, wbo w tuudores. The principle remains tljp same* tl rough strange that one mistake should occur >n 10,000 ( - • r ■ ■ re either _ ri In a ful « tito or rellg- , I . --Miil.'t. Prof, Win. Denton. Eulogistic of kn» tag Ui« tiro prosperity coiumuiilrailrma In this hen was rally upheld by his 11 Um« of oj remarks were made by Mrs. K. C. Woodruff* Geo. _ her hi______ri to pay- th i visit It IS'Urged that the fear nf hi Urtlr license ic- rri»nxta, many of whom are9 old Spirituoilst«, vfho V but W . Taylor, Mis.-C. C.Van Ihixee and George W. Sh« flattered and fawned------then* ------■ voted, serves as a check Uudr roiidnrL tflit have gone Ihroogb much pixperlenc« in spirit phe- ______.rod Inclination toth s«e and feel to- Kmtre, allofw * i ‘bail ** known hi min------earth life ways and «tided by ari log of llrorn what she wlriml rho are engageil li M P H S t t i L noirnf,s. and idurI L...... «tsd or “ forp drawingconduslona. am aatialled, should a High t r ib a l« ______to know. In g«d falLb and niorerlty they relatad __ had conduct* aba judge«, than those who have lately Monte ca rrllubb test medium com* here,1 that to or aha would aud Intelbctusl man nod hi----- .... m m S to Jier bow they had Invitad Je*u* of Naiaretb to ______lalmml that R gta*s perhaps l»y some slight pbsnonroooa that tn«*« ow most with favor and aceepUroe*. I would gladly were ammlnted a committee on resolution! Ibelr boos*, and how the merciful Lord bad cocue •uticil th(f tigkUrFfefure any man whore repu-v head* would reject as poeslhly occurring under oth- halt each as a from tho Spirits— * * Katea* Gea W. Ta#tor* C, Fred Farlln, Mra. C. C. Van into H and blessed it. it the ¿aw of requiring bonds did the Vr laws than those pertaining directly tp tbe com­ »ivtr sixty * mauen rotor e«d, Duzee aud Mi*. E. C, Woodruff. The omnmiUee re­ When Ihe «htar-lu-taw bml trocóme aniualntal munion of dep*rtPd aplrlu. haring no particular aliarti toe iTv persons or loosJ- ported as follow«, and tto report was adopted: with what »be so much desired to know, «be told It lib reference to mediums to Ohio, it has been lvI think Mr. Baxter to be a cotuclentlou* man. Hta ttj. nu«l sotnowhat cunverasnt wll tlie fact«, th wor­ Wiikrk a *. Our esteem«!* eflldent and toarue»! c»> to her husliand, and immediate!/ they, also, preiwred »uggmtod that th« author of the tow did uot Intend description of the spirit ooinmunicating and of Uro tm and philosophy of SpIrHualL«» ld have torn for worker- In the fields of »tdrltnal plilloeoithy and a »nmptunu* feart, ami the tuotfror went and In vibri Ui toriude honest mediums, hut his good Intentions pKQflar drcuinstancrs coontctod sritii the death, to­ more Mnw UnrU years t ‘ ’ ~ rtolly engage mandane sdsnee, Prof. Wm. Denton, of Wellesly* :o It. who did not refills for Uie Looi refosea are of no avail since no distinction was made tn the gether with tbe names of relatives, «Hirer Id this nr ______ri far Ib i h tonti h rs from the Mas»., in obedience to the taw» of nature which op­ Wm i, couple were awaiting tiroir tow. Should our medium* happeu to offend, or thspplrit-world, and bta often pointing «.«it In a targe doqbts and fenre Itiddeitl u> thè j id bondage erate alike In accident as well as In dne order, ha» gond, a poor tna ro to the door and asked for votoe zealous church member think It hi» duty to audienre tbs very person to whom the whole is ad- of sectarian diukness. departed from this lower life gillie In fiurwlt of tiros. They reto___ „ give______him Anything, . but astro root out the evil and arrest them t«caure' Uroy bod dreeatad. ta most wnoderful, aod »Ifssrrss ti»« ronsld- Sliofili! sttCh a door to opeowl I knowledge on tbe bland of Java, and bos joined .'.he renllnued retroallng bis requrot* the woman vaa no license, tiro officers of the tow\ would not inquire r ration ¿if'Grosewho ore so ressly to quickly con­ Non wllh t -st s* am'tis eug.ige to c eullghtonwl army nf »cleiiiliita and iearhers In the up a yard Mjck sod Rtrock blm with mici» forre ui Into toe Intention nf the originator, and llroogli to«/, demn a trusted arodtwm, * gentleman end a scholar., lo diaci urei ng mi the |.hlh»v>phy a spirit land, therefore be It Die head that atro wounded him sBrerety, aud might not bo niotcateil, ret while otie h>mc*t uiedl,' Killing!/, C t \ J ,rrA RavutA tbe Soulhern Aasodation nf Splrlt- \>*>t man went away. y uui I* Insecure* it should bo the duty of every ascted wlth wliat 1 must/lenornm_...... lUmlccd, 1 S*«liig that Jroij* «lid not come,Tiro huvband w Uuatist to hi# hi* or her Influence Jo have tin sITort pf ih** Bplrlt-wnrldffor Uie enfrauchlreroent Mitlon avwuiblw!, 1» the city of iTrol- . r . L e tta r fkH.ui H n uon*. •or race. I woutd also _dl^dly___w _____ instrument «—*—*»—• toc ‘ , ®i this —-Jth of «wtutor, INSd, do «x- to the church aud knelt before the lauri; and *i changiri. * m iliu, » i lirnail«* .—arnrka.' ^■kv pauiphWali.llli and papen oo gam ____ (i# o f b«s for his mortal preaenre* did BO he noticed that h« had one more wound u| In rrepret to fraud« who have do scruples about la |)M Editor ut [&• licOcto and announce our coosdouMie«* of bis mJ tR pres­ Ills head. *0 l/u»l," muM the mao, “didst tiiou premising anything, and no limits as to'how many KL Sontt Is a Uve town, aud Is In a condition to bs ijects Appropriate to these end*. promise to.com« to my a bod*« 7” “1 did go," TowdM’Dd, Monta Wm.W.L o b peu - ence endowed with greater ineutftl powers and op- persons or bow often they sit so that tiroy receive wmc«esfuUy worked upon by Jrcturere and medium*. portiiTiltlre P» Ij-neflt humanity.. . - * ------l------t receive i th Hr pric«. even hiring the torgret bails in some Ifsoaro medium would com« here tad work I tbhjk Itowtfc l'redlrtrd l»y a LitU rllo y. AVstdrerf.' TUa f we, as NplrUuriJrta, look upon caasa, and If I hi* place ta a criterion by which to a good society could he eetabUshsd. SI belief e the death a* a great lltorulor which u^era In a tot tor ______Is despair. On arriving nt Judge* filled to overflowing* ihe Iic«nae la do hin­ caute of Spiritual tarn Is abmit to Uk« a irtep D-rword VePbOewohkat Jettmsii and grand'-r stole uf existence* and tnat it la not a hta hou*e he fourni It In ash**; h s house had caught drance to them, and they may even use it as a pro* lu decency ind resirochilulity, for whldf- the Joot- J t was thè -Uh of November, 1 8 * 1 .------n had ; tegMImat« cause or grief, hut on the contrary, sbontd oo Are and been consumed F iulmâk Caufj.lkro. taction Id care of arrest fur ffaudutant maniffsta- * a l should reertvs large rredlL .It bus don« a noble height ffltto ls>y Just three week» iwst hi» fifth birth bring Joy. that our loved ones are liberated from .the tion»'. while bonert mediums, by rreadvi of Mug work. I am pleased with the suhjscts Istaly msharp­ day. On the evening ns I had Jori coaimencr»l to Ihralidoroot the flesh. In Ilriiali ol J. Frank Ikxtcr. U ml tad as to number of sitting« or people, cannot ly dfaensMdla jour columns, I often think, when «adres» him for tod, he ssk«l ms to go out of Ito rrf, That we heartily approve of, and promise often make but very Uttie above their expvn-wa, and I read th* dtacueiloQ about the .»-xtatencr of ( brtaL Kftol* should they he colled upon pay the license, they boose with hliu, as it was a very dark evening. When our aslvlano' to, an effort tolng made to raise fund* IU Uro BOVjor OÍ Uro itrttcto-PtilJawplilaU Journal: to that 1 would like to ask the »ltauuUnta If liter ever aotside* hs ail at once asked me the following ques­ by Individual cool rl but loo tor tbs purpose of pub­ would have no means of doing so. Thu*, ioataad of read Alexander Smyth’s Life or Christ? Whita it may to«: lishing and circulating the writings «t Prof. AtooUra. In the few li lire I sent you hurt week In relation driving away the fraud*. It Is the honwd oam that not b« pn*»lhta to prove Its entire oorrrrttietw, jK 1 Raolted. .That wo extern! oar sympathy to hta to I . Frank Itaxtar. 1 did no* *ti»aipt to give ao> of wtil iro obliged Pi k*rop dear «1 tiro piece. Mo*, if aseert that It ta neeriy, probably, true. I believe Ibnr family for tbrir toss of the physical preseoce of a do- the reasons why we fall areared of hta honesty and thta article should Induce some shier pecw n to look Is do otiror spiriiualtatic account of him* and If we voted huslwnd and father. truthfulness to hta srelog and drecrlWng splrlta.F1 ret* Into and And a »utwtltute for that law, (bat while are to give credit to any statemctit of spltlta, why A W m i. TlnU a |»ga of lb* record Journal of thta wo knew that oo on« b«rS had rest him any obitu­ fraud* should otiffer, hooret persons need not fear. Dot accept that? Ik will harmonize with Colemans ______. « lo perfecl health, hot tbs next ¿ y , Association to dedicated to the memory of Prof. ary notices. We know that In hta drecrintion* of tiro It will be all the writer could desire. A. S. tdea of Christ about one o’clock. Just after dinner, he laid Wm. Dentoa, tto arisen scientist* philosopher, poet, physical chiraetarirtka of persons long since deport­ It ta nq use to argu* th« "onnetous renwro-itflllty^ down on the lounge Tn the sttUig-foom nod called author, humanlUriao and brother. ivi, some from 80 to B0 years, and yet ao accurate that Th«- ft is lr li, Leonidas Folk writes a* fottows In of the m«dium. The world wl'l [¿id-r,lm reap«wlM«, me to him aud said. “Mamma, cover me op good. I Retoloed, That oopkaof these resolution* ha Tor- honro person», relative* and others, could n-regnlie tbe OWre liraneh: We are ptaored to know that an right or wrong, and If allow some spirit am sick, and think IJK* going to die," H* wa* tak- «rarded to Up* widow 104 also to the spiritual Jour­ them and so declare*!, and In reme cases the probw- attempt * taring made to consolidate tile labors oj to speak through him ogCnst the reputation of titui- ao with the croup and At the end of thlrty-flvo hours nals. stoo and buatosre of tbs Individual, and. In fact,there 1 neas man, be musL of necrasity. “go to the wilL”si>d •or dqair child was with hta sister, who passed to lbs name» given that he could - - ’ — - spiritual papers will only bfmg tbemaetres into ridi­ Upon motion tbe Aarodatlon adjourned subject to min «ri In any other way than that which h* claima, Spirit-world some six years ago. Word* can not toll provisions of tto Constitution. I q»ì*Jidrati*Mi» are »leeineri w « j1I#[ 1- iro-mteatri;* lo cule tor taking bis part, even If the cootiol speaks how.grtefwtrtcksn I wa*; but still 1 do not wish him even If be baa tb« most perfect system of corrwpoD- onlyflhe truth, and tbta sUta of affairs um-t omtimro back In this world again, as I am sure he la now with *tanre with «verj community he visit*. Allowing tin until the statements of spirit» will be taken fa court. * happy spirit*. I believe that to can see me whea I do F t Scott, Kansan. F. M. jtaKUL ■3, see him. Mao. F. Holmes. sod common sereto I trust that In the futL. . i sHSáttSrspsS! * Duluth/-Minn, as In the part, you will direct yo«ir fire at superstition by-banishing all that boars tbs and fraud of every form. When Spiritualism eltall J , H . M s ib r a in u writes; Indoatd you wUl ( |e s , W . M e ad wruha: I this day subscribe have been relieved of the vagaries that have been find a poRtnffiee order for fllSO, which rdsaae for five spiritual paper«. For a perwro of 74 ysara of heaped »pin it fry ■»**•» —ho bp s ctalnwti to tojta -  » Æ Æ . |  Πt » L r i í “ í ‘ T - ™ «5 * credit to my account oo the Jocm*AL. I thank you mre -at least to me—such thoughts as laid open to advocates, then, and not till (bra, H Will two me * 2 1»1’11 •vsr so much for bring so patient with ms In wait- mankind la oar spiritual literature contain the true power In (to tan«L BM W W lfc bread of lif*. and when compared to tbs old touch­ £ -tag — tsag -Ioa-yonr yam flnea, a o d l ierure.xoo ii ing« of tbs church«*, bow roach ought man and wo­ W . W . K r i i h writaa: I expect to remain a Ufa subscriber to the Jot rax At. torltta lbs beat spir­ givas me real pleasure to be able to tend this much man rejoice for the higher birth; but lbs great labor “» l“ *SL5™!*^ v r. iuowraoa. ^ { m «Me* ^ the Ufo UtuaortaL to you si thta tato day. . sf the ags is to get the masses to think. itual paper In Uro.world. . -* Saratoga, Springs* K. Y. NOVEMBER 17, » LICHT FOR ALL. IF,TIICV AM) 1VHM, F o r * * U r n . ¿A lLH lM Il TiMK-TABLK.- C X . A I H : «„li laud, c«i_ »0» rn wnuii trm e tn a . Why *Ikhi Id Ih«* Iw « tool gather in the Spring A TALE DF «DRUON LIEE AND PEBFIDT. Tu .i»b-n to the robin'* «w*el refrain — CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC. Why »brail«] il««/ Intuir ou IU- tram remain ta: n —" i ■ ■ kfc When btrda—tí«« merry bird*—bxVe m m ) to riogT I n life fto dear that they could fornii/ dime To ruina of a metnurt, ami the pain — «awU«iikIM.Itw top««' : ¡ Í S í ! Wbeu oriole'« plaint and liuti» t'» in/ bava IM — ■» Ru, |ft*v*n«wtta AW. i tmm «ETUMK W SPHtJTlms*. When vosee* of Un? loviri no l-mgar flow. Kcpnwnotad«m i...... VITAL MAGNETIC CURE, Hut cold, and barnh, and e«iil»h «miudt tortead, ___AMnHUnufoUMiMJ» ...... J rit»: belter be covered with lb* drifting mow— Owtol •— Better to wither—better to be d«ubl! '«fttauor mòti IClpTM ...... VITAL# MAGNETISM -C , t \ HvmtU. Amnop'im »iHi f«- l**oi Cm ì «Ú WITCHCRAFT BE NEW £MLA\I)„ O il I N l/ lr ol D rm N . A BL Loul* primt tol« tim iv to NY MENTAL ANO PHYSICAL. DISEASE. a reporter or one of tiiw papen of the «imp/ dly tbi rTlte»^lS5 l^i-vnia Mn«. HW(KOu<#R. T. »Mrr Wut Juror, «Vu>*T, in, make a council report at Rome of Urn MtiUmrtibt of tmiU, »jirtt*.*., ruai«, usian. ammo, rnaioiaaiußi, sul *■ the CaLboUce In thU country.’ After thla report ban been iu.nl« tha preeiaa date of the meeting of the i -.’í ii’ council wtll be fixed and tha coll will he niAie. CONTHASTS IN SPIRIT-LIFE Ite g a rd fo r »«* O a fti. The Hew York gun mi/« that b/ many Individual* In uuuy couutrlaa an THE BIOGRAPHY OF SATAN; oath Urcgordol very lightly. To them ft U Juatoa Dr, i Elsaiaj.Eij«Uisi if tu foni ta ïü firn SAM UEL BOV7LES «on/ to awcar aa to •neeir, and In many in«unc«a carter. In the eastern naUon* among lh« Moliam- K ilu at. medans, an extraordinary eaacUty » attacberl to a odeaiu aweferatloo, and the Iwlief 1 lu puiilabmani hermfter to a perjuror la carried to a degree or wn- A D E V I L , aiickin. When a Hindoo or OuriMae iw u x helm- plicate« not lilmMif alone, but ail hl§ kindred to Uie And i’ ut ii/" Kndl"'« F u l i l w n i l . aeveolb degw, all bta parwmal acouaintan«*, and all hi* posterity. When he, through hitwe of memory CBIGA0O, M M p SPiCIFm CHRISTIANITY ON CIVILIZATION trfirjuro* blinaelf, all U »^ are condemned to “ton kind« of pnnlahuwmt and five attark* of enemies. LEAVES FROM MY LIFE .Should the perjury be of a-more aertomi form, Umi lo IMI pajTipKIrt * f OÌM* bltQlWt»! WM Uk* ■OUWff'ÙM «BJoKUeU « IH»« Dulllbcr «T («TU of.Ulrw-J firtn S 1-ffUL "S -earth will open and »wallow them all ny, Should inwiv* «ivi «niTff oVurw «T , uk) m «il fu* MitburiUM he knowingly make a falwt oath, al hU friend« ami v e r*U1y ve! <)t*«ad. U«* h i la U utr%\ Kkloe mi r OUTS! acquaintance« will be preclirttAkd into Hgbty graft S i H S S S uoa vthiuc stillo«, fui ctwxJowrk» «*e «Uy atomi «ad *7 hell* and one hundred and twenty «mail one«. IfWUIIlD tu» 10*0/ «ulna I ’ r r m o u lllo u . A aiogular coincidence or pre- s•WDIMlWr». æ a m. *e«l é UM Of ® P rlc f,tW C « ilN : Po**iwe« F r*« . inonUlon, u on« may prefer to call IL ia repotted tti2rj.%7«rXMüT«. T-« T ..IU bM-M« cm- Far Mi. mtsJMMì* «Ad mjU Lt ttar Uauii|'>JniiL^ofin (Mm CWeMlHfc Btooiue ''/JUIllr. Oil ¡.«wLtt, «III, Mias«^eñfl*a. i LiaiMaelc told HI« iwifuLt Uwi t>» h»l t*«j SPIRITUAL I1AHXUMKS. writing about totnelhlng remarkable which wouhl wood taka place. He wo* In perfect health, there wo« nothing to fuggeat auxlaty, ami nolhlng mnra was MEXt/a L IUÖORDEBS thought or hU remark until, the boy bating died eud- BELIEF OF SPIRITI ALISTS di'uly aud Ida funeral baring been appointed tor /ri- farete a: Ticftat O Bica, io f)l»<>a»r4 uf th« lim ili «ud Jirrvf». diir. July 27. at 3 r. m., a p*p*r w.a» found conlainlug TH U VÌSCki h IIMER. tb« following UMHUOfmndutn In hla handwriting: “ Within Iwelv* day* after U n la y .F i*4 » y , aHI»me miuutee part 3 o’clock In th« aftotnoou, «omething remorkabl« will happen.’'—,V. Y. TrUr-tv. T h e S lo rm auN . Tlu* Mornmo arttlnitoPl of M tiwiindtf «aU *o«cv «dW String town, Idaho, «xtondtngjrom Cliftonto UbI«J alrrtliWi. »wmiul i*«4n««s t»<* V r £ 5 ï t l . 1» fi»« miles long. Tbe homirtead#«’ rmldeucm ora Staalmt. Ivrrtftrr «.Ui fi ««ral within SW fart ol each other, and Dm farm« are m»re Sera*»' pojwr.s »irlt« of land altoot M60 feet In wUUi. The land wa» taken up4u tbl» manner P» glTaaferj arttier a front- kg« on tha public nw«L Somelhlng very like Uila F R E E C I F T ! Vuai he wen on the Inaks of Uie River HaWln. lu »*■««* Hook «111 voi k» «Ufi p«r»« aflllrtHl «WiCoo- fijutorn Michigan, wliara the «1*1 Frwrtii pwn«««, ■Uiwjtluii. nroMitiftlr A*ihm*. Bor» TT»rc-»t, or N«m I HOOK OX VI FIM I VIS who ««Uled there before th« war of IK Ii OuUt their OafcMtt.^ Il I» Hwpyy, l!t^jsud; c Udo* at intorrala of a few rod« ohing Hi« tanks of ÙvnT' S v i riduce ana pyK«ffloi »Kliffe «Uft «U c*oU the river, which was their highway. By U»h they gained «och-niuwo! IïIl MEL WO uro. CSaflonati. IKUo. GUIDI FOR MEDIUMS AND JHYQCATOBS. for.lod by ton proximity their love of «oclal Intercourse. S iiN p ru d rtl M e n ta l f-ro w ih . Tbe t’ounty (ft th-ib*vmtoW Werl*- TW Ûr ■ POEMS FROM THE INNER LIFE liPpHMlMlRlAt Uk> HiurT*! Alms-nouae authorities of Erie, Pit, PrtjnlUad rrp- D r . K E A N , U» fi*racU»?J at fptfita/u. rosentoitoa« of lb* prow to * * a remarkable; caw* of «u»pend«d mental growth. Tli* patient » Uliabcto 17* South Ciarli St.. Chiraftn, m a a u » / A O A X N IR U M Kilnar, aged 16, whoee m*utol foculU» were arrest­ m^Lrn.oieawwi'.'n'dlctfWLlfiw n a w a îw » ed at 2 months of age by an attack of torto-tow. *4 frvtS ’.&p rr^cft If Hmw JL BS Th« phjnicaJ development went ou unreUrde*l. toil MORAL EDUCAT ON: tor mind remain» the mind of a babe • avJOtb» old. L’uable to compretwod Urn use of teeth, she bo» nevrr Price* Si-vO. I'oaU** Free. Iniroexi to eat* and ha» o»l been weunod. Her am* A HEW BAS1Ü i jtidiMbt »»I null, bf tft*> ucu.uit Paiwaaonu ■ ITS LAW S AND 1ÍETECDS. tenmnee * dertred from to« mammiulon glands, the Mn»» Magert cki»awi «aui* a* 1wh*o an Infant Tb* worn-out iinjttirr died a short time ago. Her place I* supplied by various DS WITHIN WORLDS.1 ^ J o s e p h M M swriHu. «fi minting mothers who are Inmate« of to« institution. BELIEF IN IMMORTALITY. II . »t r a rin g In * rc tff. Prof, C. V. Kltoy, to a recaut a IdreM before to« American Bornological So­ UL DISCOVERIES IN ASTRONOMY. ciety. s«ld tost If be were asked to enumerate tbe sit t u in up m u union». most Important «aUtoD«* that could be used for d( - fj, Uu. ffg.cierltMt i«rtn»‘. “MH et art p<#uu»H ciaJowU at flUoylng luMCte above ground he would mention to* : wml A\nru FAiixctfr* .. . : liacri^, soap, hellebore, arse uie, petroleum and P/re- iblT mul ritnunUi la » »urt I» J. & fe n w aû'« e»? tbruin. The first Ui w . be mid. were w«U known, and comaicut on their value was unnecessary. But It tioa only lately been learned that tl/e vapor of nlc- nti ua—that I a tobacco vapor- « noponly very eo«c- tuol in destroying insect» wb.-revpr1 it can t|ij»alin- ed, as In greenhouses, but that it 1* I'W*. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION delicate plan!« than either toe smoke of 1« liquid. “Our child bad lit*. The doctor *ald «teato was I31.StOKTAl.lTY certain. SarrutrUan Xerzine cured hw. Henry ANIM AI. MAfaNETISM Knee, Verrilla, Twin. At Draggle». C lrtllA rrt ( « o n ! A family living near LteSo­ nil; i,«m i m is Bruti t to, I1L have a oooo.thw yean idd,whl# mm caught wb,B rtUI blloa. Ad old a l onw u»k <*««• "I ObJcwoHor H a If It »«•.1 °?SU1Ur 00« . Sow Ibo atm Lk™ a t . <.( iiwlf, dlibouifli e7 j.« f t t n u i . «. D. the cat continue« to feed it with mouse aud ratdoiu- WHAT? tfes. The children In Uie house have UUiht the Oion any number ofjltil« trick.*, sucli *i begging for a Ids* Int.rw li-iu,I, or a Spiritami PJilloeopb j iu»d cult, nutting its-paw* About on^« neck. H«r couch .Nit l anil lie lición. ■t nlijhl liio U iB dlolflit-rOolD Ioudkb. UI'I rii* rtiATW that with th. who allow, aooe » hi» * J « w ,p V[,xwli or aniwfas. h.r, aud » almwt a, loud o( Imr VILEN ». RTEBBnH. as the caL 4 ______Lto-r art *f ~lk*pUr» Ina ti- llie'u «I U* J*w. S ufferers Iron Couglm, N*rr Tlarout. art 'tmm du* LA« l*)«eJ art HHNa." etc should try 'J lf w ii’i Bro*ef4 I TrscArc” FITE ÇHlFTEtt* Bue. i.—tu# r>ro*r ■* ivcm*: wu*t vttr - Ï.-)IKM*UM& Nlf«MLlMtlxO«P|aiMtBHI •tllA UHRWRIA C u rio u s * Corti* MdI of C»|do Fmk. - 4. -A s-;;wu« a«l Iiw5«ullfn* Kind U* Cauîral i Trx.w, had bi« irai mutilate tHiUiUsi time Ui« oboukter. L buukUF-t** üutiJ UnmtiM I mm. Au l vriik about Ul« room, b ~~ PM'4i-astrMEUifmF< » RptnuMi «tak»o chfttc¿ « » w wore e re buieouici Intu «■il IW» « » “ “ “ í «núl Ih. eighth da/j H «fter amputation. «rtumwhen frlitniufrigide DlhUDM «xhuned oaunlaed to« amputated arm, which haul bt«n boiled In a box. with a doth wrapped m n B d tL k M* bug HH found il" U» lutud a» etoied by MC.re- IEW BF1FEB8 Ì!fl> ÄAO IZW HL Far tata atta« Offica «Iteli P«?«r PURfiATIYt •Dr, Betwon'i the rwnedy for r. Mobile, Aia. Bagful at Ltgtit. Bastao. weakly- . Sedluro mnd Daybreak. Load«. Bng-.aeeklr P u t HS t Gaorge üancroft, the veoeraW* hlfr Ugni tor Alt. Oakland. CaL aamHöofrtoly. ¡PARSONS’ to.iain. la a man of ftx«l and atoad y habita. Though OUw Bronca. Cuca. N, T.. maa^bly now part hi* eighty-third J«w, be «till ri»«* * t* rn« dhoker ManiMto. Shaken. W. T laaaihfiy o'clock every roaming, work* ont'I 2 o’clock In the Th# Tbeoaophtet. Madia*, tmtu. maatotf Light for Tbtakan Atlanta. &a

    L Y O N S F A C E Harpers Baxar T h . M r E i r . . . Hitherto lu HrtJffW cou([[^ f a s t p il e (Ptioo. W«WB h , .. had no rote. In the e h g l«

    Far Lb* IfellgW I'Ulmupblcal Letter from Mexico. Jm L etter from Nei Tliu weather prophet, goose bonea and that made the rafters ring and the girders Brooklyn Spiritual Fraternity. muskrats, are coming rapidly to the front grind—was something not to be forgotten. 8*N tUIB POTOHI, Mintcn, OcC 23rd 1883. Tho lecture season has fairly commenced with their predictions, Vennor «ays the com­ Especially strong were they In their musical Here 1a a city claiming from «lily to eighty Mr, Albert Sm ith, a prominent lawyer of this cfly was announced to lecture on "All In our busy city. At Stock Hall, A. J. Davis ing-winter "will be open, warm and wet, intentions to “ gatherat the river, where thoUHuml Inhabitant«; It tuny be either, oi knowledge that Is to he everlasting, must be has already given soveral Sunday lectures with little or noMiiow during the close of the bright angels' feet have trod," while equally more or lean thau either, for no tongue Iw# before the llarmonlal Association; Mrs, Brig­ objectively received"—a formidable sounding year. But it will be an exceptional one with striking was their enthusiastic abandon over probably ever been taken It w ill make life nc proposition taken from Oahspe— not adapted ham gives Sunday morning and evening lec­ tures for tho First Society of Spiritualist«; severe storms on the lakes." “ the wonderful wftrds of life*" easier, thou why be disturbed over the quw- t6 interest a miscellaneous audience even of Hpirltualls a, nnd not likely to "draw" well, the Spiritualist Conference la Iri operation Dr. Caspar Wlstar. a lending Philadelphia tlon? At the foot,-of a valley, perhaps ten and It did not. Mr. Smith is a gentlem an of and the American Spiritualist Alliance holds, physician, has found (bat tobacco Improves miles wide arut twenty miles long, surround­ fine presence with a sonorodl and flexible regular Sunday afternoon meetings. the health of prison Inmate«, and that "for ed by high mountain ranges, the lowest spot voice, much eloquence and earnestness. Be­ Mr. Davis's subjects have been: "Tho New E p i i . p . r , such ailments as defective appetite, water- 5*MARnwJ?ECIP1Coqtu F0R ginning hts religious training among the Light that Is coming to Mankind;" "Physical f*umit C L to be found, thus receiving naturally the Disturbances Incidental to Spiritual Changes brash, heart burn, dyspepsia, and diseases In­ drainage of all the territory within those Methodists, ascending to tho uni versa lists, w i, r a i l i n g and thence to the SwedenlKtrglans, he has among m en;" "The Causes and Cure of Syui cident to a sedentary life, tobacco Is a medi­ Owmm.8 .Vitu- ranges, elands this (In some directions) pro­ pathetic insanity;" and he hasglveu two dis­ gressive Mexican city, but evidently without grown toward the philosophic side of Splrit- cine." "tSiSe 'ADCE', AUuM- course« founded on quotations from the New a thought being bestowed upon Us sanitary unllsm. An omnivorous reader, a careful Tho City of Hallo possesse« one of the/nost .Umt Opium EaI- thinker, lie Is just suerka mini as Spiritual­ Testament. Ho has Imd good audiences, arid oondltlun by any one competent to deal with the spirit that pervades the assemblies snows Interesting relics of Luther—a cast of his SypktllU, the question; It Is, therefore, a place v?her© ists.like to hear. But he Is saturated with (ÏTHEOREJtDÛ SwcdelThorglan philosophy and ha* added to that the truths of the llarmonlal Philosophy face, takon after death; In the night between Serofuta. Kingt • typhoid fever carries off Us victims with a have taken deep root in many hearts. The cel- AVO, Ugly Blood - regularity proportioned to the quantity of it a top-dressing of German transcendental­ the 20th and the 21st of February, 15(4,when ism, so that dfsplto hfs carefully prepared brated singer, Mrs. Belle Cole, lead» the mu­ HERVE DUmh«, rainfall followed by tho heiitoflhe scorching sical service, and her rich. Inspiring tones his corpse, while ou the way from Eisleben - tropical sun; other epidemic diseases also lecture, its earnest dcllvory.hls audience were tía, NcrrouazfcM» well tired when he got through. He hnd talk­ lift those who listen to tho sublime heights to W ittenberg, lay In the city church, now JlcadafKt, take an active part Iti the annual reduction f praise and adoration^ of the number of Its Inhabitants, but the ar* ed over their heads. He began by reading a St. Mary's, lu Haile. i^ B i t ...... rivals from various sources soem to keep chapter of Oahspe, not as conceiving that the still discourses at Itepubli- Dr. L. Do PJtuweeays that oysters are whole­ Xfrwou* HfubtMi, ferxl n Worry, Blood Sort», the places full. It la n.busy city, w ell laid Conference1 was a religious service, but be­ some only when eaten alive. They should r o w u B.CMnatHa N H w f n i l w a cause it stat«l in condensed ternjs the Ktdwy Tro,Mr» and TmaularW*. $U0- out, and gives mau^vldynces of wealth and opened with a special knife that cuts the some of culture and refinement. thought be proposed to unsold. He defined not very dearly what he meant by objective ligaments of the heel and then the central Tho valley Is said to have an elevation of year. Ah tim e w oarjufrtehe Is adding ...... "I Ala and subjective, and proceeded to say that cylindrical muscle^ which fix them to tho 6.000 feet above sea level, and almost to the powers to those so long IrN^er possession,and . * . Ï»M). V^/íílTTriJiR. Clxde, Kadma city limits, is covered with the maguey thinking men are divided into two classes; shell, leaving them In the deep shell In their one studying physical science, movements of more and more is she gifted - to bring conso­ plaut, a species of the aloe, from the sap of lation and hoi» from the supernal world to Juice, without handling. Served with light which is manufactured several grades of in* matter, etc.; to such all thought must be ob­ * r C'orrMponrffncr fr rely u iw c r td .% | jective. The other class looks within the w aiting hearts on acid wiues. Cooked oyAters, ho says, produce The Or. S. A. Rkt-mnn Í Med. Co., St. Joitph. « 0. toxlcallng liquors, nnd from Its fibre, rope F«rCr*ttouMü*l»aadcfrr«l*r« Mfld tlMDft. le.4 of Loyola. In 1882 there were In all the attendance Is small and the standing not row. We can only reach symbols of knowl­ It was our privilege to hear P. C. Mozoom- of tho highest grade. edge, but these lose their symbolic character dar in New York, and ^oyour excel lent eketcli 11.008 Jesuit«—priests, professors and coad­ Thorto inclined to be atnnsed, find an excel­ when the truth they represent has been per­ of him and of the Brulmio Som ajjn the Jorn- jutor», In 1870 the order counted 10,529 kal of Nov. 3rd, was read with great Interest. lent Theatre; but the Casino (or city club, ceived. Nature, sun and stars are symbols to members: in IttSO, 10.101; >ud lu 1SBI, lO .m shows a finer taste in Its construction and ap­ Ufa discourse was given at thechnrchof Rev. ns of God. Symbolism Is greatest In man, Gerald Mnsscy Is to deliver a series of lec­ pointments than any public building the who Is the crown and summit of all creation. R. Holier Newton; and It was refreshing to v W * r'j¡5 ÿ , f ÿ* ' ' ! 1 • writer has yet seen In Mexico. The building is Man Is God and God Is man. Objective knowl­ see the eloquent Hindu preacher arise be­ tures at Chlckering Hull, New York City. about 100 feet souare,two high stories.lighled edge Is symbolic knowledge. tween AUrpIlced priests, and amid the empty Subjects; Friday, Nov, lltth. at eight o'clock, rv-# forma of the Episcopal service and utter in with windows or glass; a wide corridor-covered- Swedenborg truly said, "Man can form no " Man In Search of His Soul During 30,000 with glass at the roof extend« through tlie direct and searching language the truths of $5 to $20 , i; Idea of spiritual truths, but from scientific«." the spirit. He did not flatter "Christianity;" Years (as revealed by the bone cares), and center ta the stairway, at the rear, leading Nothing is ever given to man that lias not its to the second story. On either, side are Im­ he did not give Idolatrous homage to Jeans of How He Foaod It." Mondey, Nov. IHlh, at sensual root or expression. All things true Nazareth; hut fti the simple tdoniicnce of a posing columns, and overhead are hung ele­ to-day become false to morrow, If allied with eight o'clock: "The Noli-Hlsloric Nature of PATENTSj«:S gant chandeliers. Doors open okon e side Into fervent soul, he taught the everlasting veri­ human self-love.* What Is subjective know!-, ties familiar to student« of the llarmonlal the Fall of Mall, and what It Signifies as As the teu-piu alley, rooms for social converse, edge? The shifting knowledge coming from ■LX AHIX AT«OX* and on the other side Into the library and bll* Philosophy. "Is the Religion of the Future shifting states of selMove. We perceive our to come to us from the East?” asks Mrs. Che­ Hard room. On ascending the stairway to higher nature by comparison with our ani­ Thursday. Nov. 22nd, at eight o'clock, “ The the second story, one finds that the floor has ney In tho /m /« . Verily the East and the Non-Hlslorica! Nature of the Canonical Gos­ mal nkture. Subjective states afo always West seem about to strike hands together In been divided Into a ball room occupying t|ie changing. Wherever wo go we carry our pels, demonstrated by means of theHjltuH front half, back from which pn either side that universal religion which ha« for Its bas­ earen or our hell with ns. is the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood now for the first time completely recovered dueños!« A'Ll r r*a J extend the d inin g and dressing rooiun one “ “ n n. wu—box. side for the gentlemen, the other for the la­ Spiritualism, now In a crude state. Is to be of Man. Mary F. Davis. from the Sacred Books of Egypt." Wed­ dies, as It Is not etiquette for tho ladles and the foundation for the spiritual thoughts of the future. There Is no other use for Spirit­ nesday, Nov. '23th, at eight o'clock, ’■ Why gents to sup together. The floor of the ball EJEMIKAL NOTES. God does not Kill the Devil; dr tho Nature of room Is laid in Kquares w ith 5T3vd wood and ualism but to prove immortality. Self Is God among Spiritualists as well as lathe Evil according to the Doctrine pf Develop­ very highly polished. At one end is a raised Tho best'carrlage painter at flrand Forks, platform for the musicians upon whiHi churches. A man who ha« nothing to pre­ ment." m sent but the result of his own mental, states I), T„ Is a woman. stands the grand piano of the Casino, Her. J. w . White of Mllroy, Pn.. bas keen cannot lead us far. SelM ove Is Ingrained In Ella Wheeler ha. made »2,000 out of her tween the windows and at the other cm. tried and convicted of heresy. The charges PEN SIO N S U-'-v the finest of large French plate mirrors. The Poems of Passion." ... — ,------— _ j y love but the against him ale as follows; "That he claims center chandelier has 32 lights, and is an el­ Baroness Bnrdelt-Coutte hde"built thirty egant affair, while smaller ones are hung which Involves posHesnioo n£ ft» object. W, tho sufferings of Christ were In do sense a should .«laud In oppotfltbrfito any self-love, smacks for poor Yarmouth fishermen. ». vrjjbuurtOTL D. ou either.side of it, and numerous side lights satisfaction for violated lew. nor a satisfac­ which is or may be £n, oppression to others. Prof. Newton says about 3,000,000/100 m ete­ are placed about the room, giving a beautiful tion to divine Justice, and that the effect of effect to the fine window draperies and cur­ Mr. A. E. Newton gave high praise to the ors fell to the earth in a year, and that they tbe atonement Is simply moral Influence; tains. Never has your correspondent had lecture just closed, but declined analysis of increase the size of the earth about one Inch the argument, saying It would require much the pleasure of seelug in any country a neat­ In 100,000,000 years. Hint ho denies the personality of the HuAy er, mnre tastefully appointed or better ar­ study, Ho was glad to see tho Fraternity Spirit, and the distinct and real personality was advancing In study of real thought; not New York City Is to hare ■ new Morgue ranged club house to suit the custom aud of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; that he wants of Its patrons. phenomena, but the depth* of our own na­ costing fifty thousand dollars. It will hare A public hospital Is also maintained In ture. They make a great mistake who rest the most Improved apparatus, Including holds that sin consists In acts only; that he, merely on phenomena. He was glad to see denies the Imputation ob^W i'e sin; I bat he.1 San Lul* Potosí at the expense of the city, to «WataLrefrigcrslors, The Morgue reedres' which are sent such of the frail but unfortu­ that the profound truths to be found In teaches and bolds that tllsjKjfterinl body cant Oahspe were awaking the thoughts of public nrouTswe thousand bodies a year. nate "nymph* du pave*4 as shall fall under raised. afa|n; tjDirtt death tho soul BaJtiroc the ban of condemnation by the city physi­ teachers. Of course the book was not to be Hungarian fanatics are keeping op the takes with 11jp splntfial body, and that cian in the discharge of his duties under the accepted as authoritative In any way; every persecution of the unfortunate Jews. A mob proposition was to be tested by our reason. He can be sar^Fby obedience to the moral law ' THE - HOLLOW GLOBE, , law regulating the sociaKevIl. Tq me this attacked some Hebrews at Zaloevoe yesterday appears a klndnfes calculated to benefit the was glad to hear brought out so clearly the or Ten Commandments." On tbs announce­ recipients as well as the publlXtod likely to thought that nature was God, or man the and tired upoo the police, who rotorned the ment of the result, the Her. J. C. Wilhelm, TÌt£ WPRLD’3 AGITATOR AND RECONCILER, lead to better results than theVputrageons highest embodiment of him. In the beet and Are, k illin g two and wojinding sereral oth­ methods pursued In the United States, at­ noblest of earth we find the highest embodi­ ers of the rioters. pastor at Petersbnrg, created surprise and ment of God, especially in Jeans Christ; pos­ tempting to prohlbm m t experience shows A. C. Strong, of Decorab. Iowa, writes; "1 excitement by rising aud »toting that he * curator* ot U.i+&mm*n M.Ù Impossible. No country bas had bdtter op­ sible, too, for ns to show forth "God m anifest agreed with Mr. W illie In every one of the lu the flesh," as he did. hare been In Minneapolis and heard Mi— portunities for the consideration \pf this views he expressed, and asked that his con­ question In a practical way. than in Mexico, Mr. D. M. Cole closed the discussion, and Susie Johnson lecture once, t fmtnd her In­ and It Is to be hoped by all true lovers Of hu­ after sin gin g the m eeting adjourned. Ilev. teresting. I also slsited Mrs. C. M. Steers, nection with the ministry be dissolved. Uls request was unanimously granted. STAAXOE V lSixO Bfe. manity that in regard Ao dealing with this Mr. Roberts is to lec*ure next week on whom I found to be a good test medium, and evil the Mexican example may be followed, "Cause and Cure of Antagonisms." The new North Side Mission Stiliday School from what I saw and heard, t think she Is a A SERIES OF ORIGINAL PAPERS. regardless of the mouthing* of bigoted fanat­ Brooklyn, Nov. 2, 1883. JD. M. Colb. in connection with tbe Central Church, was ics. who, whether they do or not, ought not rely worthy woman," formally opened Sunday afternoon, Nov, 1th. to know anything of the subject. Th, Vt8ur TiM tot Michigan plvc. an ac­ H. H.’s" -eonelndlng paper on Southern 8an Luis Potosí, viewed as a Mexican city, The building has been erected by the Central FWtowHv. to*** QtmoHK, IHlH,di..j‘w i, Ari rio- , has many attractions, its streets, drives count of t h , remarkable cu r, of Mr-. S. L. California will appear In the December Cen­ Ifen Mira lliMOnr, VrnUrr, *r it* n Cbnreh at a to u t cost of #3o/KX). It Is a large, of Irrtn*, WlOto. Branla Blet«* Ttoheterv. Um«. El and walks are kept in good order; Its police Tower. Ihroogli (he Inatrumcnlality of eplrit tury- It is a description of the founding of plain, substantial two etory brick, with flats >«4», mwtbmiA Dnmffd*, ^ V Influence, At the auspicious moment when the "City of the Atgels." Los Angeles," a In the attic, and with eapactons basements. the healing wae performed, ehe was .ittlop dory so plctnre-ijufi and romantic that the il 'W Dwelling In tho Spl'r*t-World. From about two o’clock a crowd of about the great variety of flowers and fruit« attest *nm «RtodiTfa! arado* (notably the numerous large orange trees by the table reading. She describee the eec- rutbor declares It " a tale for verse rattler 2,000 children blocked Clybourne arenue. than prose.” m______tlMiiNm S *w*««aan. f c B S S0ff U* t ? Oto latoMIiv hanging filled with luscious fruit); Its public satlon aa like the gen He hut swift robbing walling for the new school to opeu, the Open­ building* are very creditable; Us stocks of Ttautoikf US* oOfMiUattr TwriniWi iri and tUmij of hands across the part of l.er back affected, A sixth edition of thxt standard work, bjr ing haring been announced for 3 M . At about tqercbaudUe are large and varied; Its banks mud which continued about fire or tea min­ Oiles B. StobbV-, Chapters from the Bible M « . »« •(* (• I a n are rich and flourishing. It Is a groat pity three o'clock tbe doors parted and the child­ cu.cÆîitt^Üïîfî!1*-^ Pcauaunw» Hoou. < 2"“bc** ».«vu»*e «thNonon, that no attention Is paid to drainage and ute«, at the ead of which time her back be­ of Ages," is just published. Prjcs 11 JO. A ren trooped In by the side entrances, the boys other sanitary matters, bat perhaps time gan to feel warm and lu about Are minutes third, edition of his “ After Dogmatic Theolo­ by one side and the girls by another. Mr will bring experience that will give a knowl­ ■he began to get np from her chair, and the gy What?" Materialism or Spiritualism," John; Wentworth was one of tbe oeeapants of BEYOND THE SHRINK. edge which cannot be overlooked. When a fact that she coaid stand erect, aud the large Is also just published. ISO pages; price flit city possesses no fine* climate that for many the platform. Other prominent figures were: OBSERVATIONS BY X ^ - T S a VELERS. years has effectually prevented a scourge by bunch from her back hod been "spirited cents. Both are for sale at this office. The Ket. Dr. Littte, Prof. Sw ing, Dr. Willard. •pidemic diseaíeesUfrgreatly to its credit; away," almost made her wild with joy. The Mr. Spurgeon, the famous London Baptist iwazy. the Rer. C. M. Morton, the Ilev. c . but that Its sanitary measures are so poor is extent of her malady Is thus described, by. the prescher. Is described as a brown-eklnnSd, equally* as discreditable to Its people, none 0 . Taylor. M. J . B. Haynor, Mr. San) field ..and can deny. Of coarse, eight and perhaps nine Going about her dally dotlee, her iow-browed. big-cheeked .rugged-framed man, Mr. C. B. Holmes. Tbe boys were most en­ out of each ten of ita Inhabitant« are unable form nearly doubled, she has been au object stout, of medium bight with Iron-gray hair, thusiastic daring tbe ceremonies—rather too to comprehend this question, but a* they are of Intereet and sympathy to all who kuew short, bristling and unparted, beard and mus­ much so for the peace of their superintend- not the property owners, nor the power her. For twenty long years ehe bas been tache...... closely...... | trimmed,______wearing _a ■rFHnee w inch corréete mUtakiM and m itigate« evils, To took at and listen to 1.000 or 2fiQO their large proportion cannot be offered os sufferer in tbls deformed condition. Stand-1 Albert " coat and black cravat, with nothing little ttrcblna, many of them In a sim ple shirt an excuse. “ The fact Is, the Mexican people log nearly straight, the large protuberance | clerical In bia appearance, but looking for arc not at all careful of health at any period — her back was nearly as large as tbs crownb all the world like a village blacksmith with P-*-. from birth to old age. c *eul ead e piano, ami steeling e votane of sound nrW8jw!ÍTto!cí?¿K£í*“*“ ™ » ™ w LC Draper if* 1 "j

    S j j S r w ^ S ¿AKtSfW

    Srutb w ars no mast, botrs at no human shrinf, srrbs nrithir plait nor applausi: sht only asks a hearing.

    I VOL. XXXV. CHICAGO, NOVEMBER 24, 1883. N o. 13

    Itooden of tha Jouknal w «apedall/ tixjwiM ui quiree of him; and this power of direction is imaded to become loyal to b J c^ d t k iIoo, of whlch he is enabled to actually« in himself i pubUe-fmr, which urge* to Individual free­ fend Iri Items of new». Doo’t m j ** l ain't write for the resident In every human soul; and when right, there can be no eat ratifia fur him. au universal ever leading him into all truth. The estab­ (TO n l co.vTIN i;i»i S*con> P*«*.—"Aspect* *nd Opportuirttie* *rf Amertesu One thing Is certain, to bring man to the lishment of this spiritual etattu Iu the sou] filer for personal liberty and for a change la t'nlurt*nl«n "—John W, i'hedalU unui Her Ut Pul stature of complete or perfect manhood, as a mainly beneflefai to th* world's progrsas.yon constitute» the presence of the kingdom of Abnormal Individualism the Canse aad E»B1. Where Jo Qo. Dor* Ur* Spirit E»ef Lm» tbo social, intellectual, moral, and religious in­ heaven, iu which every thing Pii.u in di- will nevertheless sorrow ossr the vijrtlms of UcdrT MImWIIumwis AdrartlMmooU. dividual. hit must become loyal to the re­ Tine order, and operate, in divine harmony Itasi» of Insanity. “abnormal individual tern*' which arc thrown \ TcUin Fao*—Woman and U» UoosehoKl Hogaetlxt&g quirements of the moral virtues in such an or oneness. i> welling In this state the son I out into our prisons aud asylums for the in­ Jafiulrnhlo Objects. Ilea* llertew» Mu u Ian for ft*- absolute degree, that he will not act counter becomes a recipient of divine truth, which sane. lei s - h reaiit* many, »r any. of thaaa rnuber nut BefarWVonUefled. MUoHl*t**otu Admtl**- to their requirements, to save Ills own life, is spiritual truth tu Its inmost sense. symptoms? Beware, if you do. This morn­ or to maintain any relation otherwise dear Jesus in his life became ag illustration of A nambfff of cormpondiBU tu «l*t*4f U ing. alio day before jester day morning.-1 ...... iD«w*rw(t t»/ Andrew JacIimo U*rt*. f jlmtm Pioa— SpecUl Noam*- Now* to fluUintwn. to him. To maintain, aud thus to possess, the human soul absolutely tmder the domln- tbroaffls Uu iorkUAi Ip |K7st A* toe audier will be made specie) examination i with cUlrvoyauee) " Until in* ignisuite *nd i'ndalllg" of u* gprlnfftahi the kingdom of heaven. Jasas declared that iou of his spiritual or religious nature, guid­ it*« to EBAtif .ul.-b.-rt!*>» *nd *t*o fmb U> mtar other* into the causes of tbe wide-spread tendencies fiemiOilaui. tisba praub janlefm Arademp. Th* dear, oven bis own life, rather, than to be­ lures and their needs; and he »ought with effects, the step* leading thereto, and the come disloyal to the Divine government. absolute ddollty of soul that cojupleteu»*. eonacloafl and M fW »vin g *!*m*ulai poten­ symptoms, are few ia number. Mankind lunar Affair lu a MuUhell. MarrUI—Mratcin. Mtacal- cies, midway fort w e» the physical body aad Umoui idmtiwnntL It la well known that the religious nature which au orderly and just mipply of these must learn that every disease, every lnhar- In man, has this absolute power over tbe in­ needs w ill bring, lie perceived 'and compre­ the »pint I a my coming into privateeiiMiralaadintellecWai power» against ! a«** which ultimate* Hi crloi**- tfratadoa. ThalMUro of a Daftd Mother lo a Lirtaff ham, which caused him to take his well be­ a state of absolute obedience of oj I laws un­ public custom*, opinions, praiom*. prej^dict* , Take, for «•sample, iu rouud numljeni, two “ Child- J. Frank iUxlry, Mow in ftu im Uio Krralgbt loved Isaac, whom he loved more dearly than der which the universe exist» and, is operat­ and Inethnllon», Then* public lantfttttious \ thousand insaur mate patwute« lu th# Aral n,i[»-V CrtdntllaU. Facta. A JMUcUrw'i «tiperimea - his life or all the world beside; and make a ed- He perceived and comprehended the fact, and t&se aocietary customs trample upon,: place, »early half of thte multitude have IIA Sceowaful Undertaking and Jtacapa tmtrjko Impend long journey with him, to find the place, that tlie spirit of the universe is necessarily and frequently ©pprww and restrict the rifcht* : never b**o married, or have ia aom* manner where he was to offer him aa a burnt offer­ the Father of all that eiists; and la lbs Pro­ and liberties of the self-pueaeeeed add nobly : lived out of harmony with the drlteate aad endowed individual. Wlierefore.if the private, : S ii ajrtg Fmjl—Toa First Bahp. LUt*f Framlneot Boot* lor in g unto his Clod. And he was permitted to vidence by wbich all things are strata] ned; pufi* law* of conjugal Jo*#; aad of to* n w ula at the aOea of tha Ballgto-FtLUaaophleal Jwaraal proceed so far. in splrfp; aa to make the act­ and that every thing, when existing and personal power be Loth strong and fearless, a '■ oumter of^femate pattern*. ae*rly thr#*- Mlacollanaona AdiwrUaromta. ual sacrifice, demonstrating the power of h*s operating Itl Divine order, la good, and lends fixed resistance rapidly develop* a true and f fourth* ha«« livad a* «spin-iteri, or Lav*, tor faith, and the supreme loyalty of his heart. to produce the highest and Met poaethle for acUea! Individualism. I'pon this altar the . the mod part, boon obliged to bt*r aud bo This same power Is manifest In all religious all existence; and that everything when not Em of a new departure burn brifenter and bury la thtir heart* th* Imavy crow of dis­ u Adrrrtlae&MtA. devotees, it causes the Hindoo widow to existing and operating in Divine order, is brighter, day by day, until the ferred heat appointed conjugal aftoetton. And iu the burn upon the funeral pile of her hoaband; evil, and lands to rnlu and, «a* uctlon. Oa thereof magrietlae* and kindles all the kin­ ■ nonnil place among th«ftt you would find a the Hindoo mother to give the babe of tier perceived clearly what mu the otter of all the kingdoms of the world red hot to avenge any injury; su iden In his j power, so far as I bare observed, they d (lably find wickedly turns away, shuts his new earth wherein righteousness would dwell. id the glory of them, the reply 1», get thee Impulse to iulllcl punishment for some ex- | u benefactors, ■ » w ard«» of the suffererZ£%r- ey««, stops his ears, and pushed on in the Tbe prophecy and the promise of peace on {bind me Satan. If thv right hand offend aggerated !r,justice; he suspects the secret | ir healing guardian*. and net ns InvietMe broad road or'aelMndulgence to spiritual earth and goud w ilt among men wodld be­ _iae, cut It off; if thy right eye. pluck It out: Castings and im ps gas tbe Mat m otives uf his enemies and mivery p[omoten.as many Bpir- death. come actualized without delay. But instead if lire plead for exemption, yield Hop. There personal friend*: his face reddens w ith tbe ItaalM* erroneously belie«- Of course I That these things are *o cannot be contro­ of this, tbe opposing spirit is found to pre­ can be no compromlee If you desire to pome*« consuming fires of jealousy aud revenge; be know that tbere are a few eouvpieuou, ex- verted, either by gaostle or agnostic; by be­ vail. The spirit of self lo all of Us debasing tbe kingdom, which has been prepared 1 « bates si I prufsseioos of love and tender re­ eeptlaas to the faregoiag n i t . Bat the M B - liever ur akeiiltcL by professor or lufldel. and degrading forms Is the spirit which u the perfected son l from the f ou «dation of the gard. and vet he Insists that his retail v«e and nwuyof persiu* Uhoriug under the iasnni- limn has w ithin i consciousness which telle most manifest in tbe Individual and in so­ world. By this nncomprooiislng fidelity of friends shall make such prof see ions, be as­ liee uf ‘ nhnormal indindunUmt, le of he ' him, that be ought to seek and strive with ciety. The spirit of self-ad vantage, seems to spirit Jesus came lo the abatore -of perfect sert, the supreme right of-'his ; and be yields to Unir dtnaand. ab- of man, thè hhrtory of tbe world of hnmaalty and I deooastratee beyond all question. Tbere 6 • power wbich wtll caos» one to art under M most lntl aav and ali circa meta oce«. in tbe premnt. maje. moment, up "lo hi» higbesl wnvTeOona o ft^ « ? * » wfcat tbe supreme power of thè universe rt- Ma c h m e t « ; u d t M U h i « u u r t b* p»r- KELIGIO-PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 24, 1883v

    superhuman Savior, Is their Ideal now. This «Aspects and Opportunities of American with startling energy and amazing The fifed LIGHT. nurcu. It Is true of every great reform that rowth Is creditable aud shows life, for real 1 UnlUrlanHm.” II!» operative far beyond tho limits of Ha Rfe and growth always go together. - Mr. Chadwick’s closing word i* that Lnl- mofe obvions and concrete development. The In the richly furnished home of a wealthy John IT. CAndwíd versus liev. Dr. Putnam. Protectant Reformation waa a reformation turianlsm must be "the spiritual religion of the future.” This I* a noble aim . What banker on Kuclld Avenue, stands a costly of the Church that remained Roman, almost walnut wood mantel, on whose polished face BT tllLtiUll. STSBMKB* equally with that which became Protestant. more do they need to attain It? Wbat do they lack, for tho want of which they arc In Is carved this pertinent motto: ___The average thought and sentiment of "For warmth and shelter where to go: I UnUarlanlsm doe* not grow rapidly. This the evangelical sects to-day is Jtiore liberal peril of chill and decay? They need a broad may not bo to 11« discredit; mushroom»grow and thorough study of tho fads of anlm- knowl I know I” than the average Unltarlanism of fifty years When a man accumulates money by the faster thin oaks, and weeds gain on gram; ago. Tills Is the principal reason why Uni- presence, and of the inner-life, the spiritual yet the question 1» up among Us members, FaculUee, «nil th* Infinite relation! u( iu«n - score of thousands In tho ea*y Hue of bank C 0 Ì E S J A 1 A L tarlunfrtin has not growu more rapidly. Ho monopoly, and in the speculative trickery of and quite different reasons are given for ¡U rapid have been the disintegration and de­ tlila ninety to bn In tho ligh t ot tbe spiritual ■low gain. Jju»t September la England, a l a phlliiBophy, . , stock nnd grain gambling, it coats little of cay of tho old orthodoxy within the last ton difficulty to tell wliore to ¡(0 (ot wirmlh mu1 Conference of K uglish Unitarian«, Her. Ur. or a dozen years that the wonder 1» that we They have cast aside the old methods of Putnam, of Boston, gare hbvlew of the case, Bible exegrols; supernatural miracles ammo .heller; but (or ifiofio hardly preaiwd toiler« have not suffered more then we actually from whose meagre CBrnitig. these eirnie from hi« stand-point as a conservative Uni­ have on this account — And yet. again, It Is more to them, and they have no uew method tarian clergyman, and last month John«. thousands have been drawn, how different Is not to bo denied that Unltarlanism has suf­ equal to the needs of to day. Large parts of ' -V” ' ¡’I *mm* Chadwick, of Brooklyn, a progredire preach­ the book—from Jacob's dream In the desert, the amide tied atorjl In the room where «land« TiioJirao*. «ft«»!* d fered not a little from the oppositions with­ this eoatly mantel, whose tarred letters er, gire« hi» view, and atoutly, ret courtrous- in It* rank* of conservative and progressive to prophetic visions, and the transfiguration, ly . refute« Ur. Putnam. The discourse of Mr. and the angel In tho last chapter of the preach aucliaaeK glorirylnff, proudly puffed- thinker«. It waa originally a Bible sect. But up, arrogant tale of great riches, the feet Sawing Made Easy ' Chadwick, with the title at the Jiead of this Its first victories were hardly won when tbe Apocalypse who forbade John to worship him, * Mona/ch Lightning Sawing Machine1 article, 1« before me. In a pamphlet, and saying: "I am thy fellow servant"—they sinks Into velvet fold* or expensive rugs and question of theJUble’s actual character and carpels; the walls are thickly decorated with gives occasion for some suggestions as to the the degree and nature of Its authority was must hold ossmyth or marvellous story, unfit needs of Unitariani«!!). But first must come for credence and void of fuHtructlop for this rosily painting* and plate gls»» mirrors; all forced upon It for adjudication. When, mid­ about are strewn an endless variety of richly a nummary of the statemtnIs and views of way of the battle, an army finds Its base un­ enlightened age. and so convict patriarch, these eminent clergytaenj tl „ É and prophet anaSipostle of blind credulity designed furniture, in all the glare of var- tenable. and has to find another, there must pi*h and gilded splendor; nnd every con- Mr. Chtfhvlck g lv e slr K lr idea of Ur. l*fit- needs bo a period of arrest. Unltarlanism and childish follyrsJlurely this must, aud Dim’ii Kumsh discourse ns follows: doe*, tend to make peholft skeptical of all [celvablo form of ornamentation that can “Has UnltarlanUm, ho asks at the outset, made such a discovery In the years from 1830 please the most fastidious tuste, Is Mcnttercd to 1840. And oftentim es since then, a* other spiritual life and of imtiiuHallty. completed Its mission? There are those, he With a rational knowledge, and a heart­ on wall*, windows and floor in lavish profu­ critical questions have been forced noon us, sion, Small wonder that the owners of uueh aays, who think It has. They coin pare the the antagonisms and jealousies and suspi­ felt appreciation of tho reality, and natural­ Cnitartaniam of to-day with tbo Unitarian* ness ot trances and vision«, a new signifi­ a palace-llko home, in the swelling triumph cions of the conservatives upon tho ono hand, of wealthy ownership, should blare It forth: IflUtof fifty years ago, and they And that the radical* upon the other, have enfeebled cance, a higher beauty, and an uplifting what was promised then has been but spar­ power is glveu to these Oriental experiences* "For warmth and shelter where to go: I various enterprise* of great pith and moment. know! I know!" But do the proud banker ingly fulfilled. While other denominations But the necessity for the«* discouragements and thd Bible gains new valueAiiot as a have flourished greatly and wrought benefi­ master but a help. With this ftbw exegesis aud his wife ever stop to ask the pitiful ques­ was Inherent in tbe simple fact that; a* a de­ tion: "For warmth nnd shelter—where must cently, wo have scarcely held our own. Rel­ nomination, we were alive,and not dead. We the Unltarlanscan gain warmth and strength; atively, we have loet, not gained. * With all without it the skeptical chill will strike thousand» on thousand» of our brothers and have already reached a time and a condition slaters vainly go?” Did the thought ever our boasts of progress and the spread of Uni* when the divergencies of conservative and deeper and thus the vital-life grow more BIBLE CRITICISM S^ U ri a ninni, the fact remains that, as an of* feeble. . . come—"To attain this costly splendor for no radical Have no longer an injurions effect on productive iudu*try In return, how many of gaplzed body, we are little, If anv, stronger onr denominational life. Now, for the most To have a basis for a rational psychology. than we were a generation ago.* Enterprises „ fit conception of men’s wonderful Inner the nation's toilers have been robbed of a part, we can agree to disagree. .In our vari­ just share in the wealth they have earned?” of the most various character, that have ons conference* thehhis now an equal tolera­ faculties, and of the inevitable continuity of started out with flattering auspices and con­ Has the awful question ever thrust forth its -.o lU u o io P u u in rw tion for the most radical and the most con­ personal and Individual life, the Unitarian w B IS. " • fident prognostication*, have come to Utile teachers and thinkers must give diligent gaunt front, when gazing In self-complacent servative opinions. If it In not exactly equal, pride on this comforting motto on the carv­ or to nought.0 I fear that'the conservatives are the more heed and make careful analysis of the great Be finds the causes for this state of things fnets of clairvoyance, magnetism, psychome- ed m antel? Did tho good God, our m inister IS DARWIN RIGHT? tolerant, , „Our diagnosis of Unltarianisra says 1« a merciful, loving Father to all his lathofactthat Unltarlnntani Is no longer In America Is *o different fron^Dr. Putnam ». try aud spirit-presence, ami become possess­ “positive, revelent, Scriptural and Chris­ ed by an enthusiasm for what they now look earthly children, and who Is no respecter of on, THU OHIUJiV (IP MAS. both in regard to tho material and the spirit­ person*, Intend that we should aggrandize tian0 as in the days of Channlng, Walker, ual condition, that tho cure which ho pre­ at with quiet Indifference. Idle curiosity, or and Gannett. Its ministers and writer* dis­ n rfitofafiti fastidiousness pitiful indeed. To to ourselves */> much of wealth that our wits scribe* may well appear to us extremely are strained to tell in what endless form of in to rf "dir Pliiîl” "Sail of filili," «c. credit the Inestimable value and just claims doubtful, if not Indeed quite sure to leave the gain a sense of the reality, tho vital warmth of the Bible, never cease to make war on the and human yot divine beauty, of that por­ extravagance we can waste It, while so Tal* U i fJ<4h bitumi «afume rf two tmnOml p*c*«. It tna* denomination, like the sick woman of the many thousands of thoso who toil, and drag laduvl^mBiiiwa Itihmthuuua^no* miraculous element of the New Tentamont New Testament, ' nothing bettered, but rath­ tion of our Immortal life which Is beyond and the leading fact* of historic Christiani­ the grave, they need spiritual experience», and suffer, nre sorely strained to live at all t er made w orse/ The cure which he prescribe* ito tm t!t* iw« c oerror,! i» hi* JM* ty. find fault with "the Christ” himself, oi proof* of the ,rreal presence” of our frlendB "For warmth and shelter where to go: I piiln, riorjwnl ti,4 çiaBTtodnlf^ pn»i«My rttOe Is a reaction from tho critical and philosoph­ know! 1 know!” When the fierce, biting, silently leave him out of the account, and ical results which so largely characterize now lu that higher life. even seek to undermine the belief of men in The Unitarian clergy are good scholars, a Icy winds of winter thrust their chi II breath the Uultarlanlsm of the present time to the through tho tlfln garment* of ill-pnld toll, a personal Clod, In Immortality, and In the Unitariunlsm of tho original founders and fact not to bo undervalued, yet the worth of duty and efficacy of prayer. scholarship depends on what is known and and freeze the air around the almost fire- promulgators of onr doctrine* and Idea*. As less hearth, vain cries go up to heaven In . . . . “It may,” he «ay*, "be candidly admit­ I well might Dr. Putnam advise tho waters of what neglected. To spend three years in ted that our Unltarlanism In its organised or Harvard Divinity School in diligent research, nitrous appeal, "Where to g o —Id o not know! the Niagara River to How up the falls lu the I do not knowT'^mhen the yfying-ffHI goes PRE-NATAL CULTURE, denominational form and spirit has very future Instead of down, as they have been and then given possible three days or months greatly changed Its character within the last after life to the study of these spiritual home withTJiemisorebhr-pntnnce of three doing for a thousand centuries. A* little cau dollars a week for her sixty hour* persistent Eeia; isjjetlsa t: Panili íttiltR lo ííi lf Siile ItUOä1 Few* decades. And he cit«** in proof of this a religious body that lia» been'dcveloplng for s. is simply giving most time to that a variety of facts, some of them incontest­ _____i Is comparatively feast Important. They toil: when tho seamstress, who makes shirts or loom»; ne is: fratto if tapi iti beten Bini. sixty years after the taw of It* own charac­ and pants for a few dimes a dozen, ha* re­ able, but others of b different Quality. teristic genius and essential life go bock need to be positive and affirmative in n spir­ The failure of the Liberal l'Arto fan, the itual philosophy; in the groat principle that ceived her beggarly allowance; when the B y A. R JBHTUJ. Main to what U was lu the beginning. laborer, from ni* dollar a day, has spent a Ch ristian /Trammer, and Old a n d New» and Whithersoever we are tending, there Is noth­ mind rules matter, the Interior aud invisible n » tirai *rirt »lilt« the “lessened subscription" of the f/fiihirian sway* anil shapes and transmutes the exter­ fourth In exhorbltant rent charge, arid near­ ing for us but to go on — No; there are ly all the rest in shamefully biglpprlced pro­ Review, are also instanced by Ur. Putnam os hopeful sign s, btit they are not such a» Dr. nal and visible; that no upward tendency ci nitrirò LI- oulr «riUra, n d roofs of a lark of Interest. To all this Mr. and a Divine Intent rule*; and therefore tbe visions; and these miserably remunerated - - - t UÓiMOOl, Putnam has detailed lu his enumeration. work people are mel by the coal-ring thieves jv HiuLD uriHuinL ' Shadwlck says; They are the tendencies which every day are Supreme Mind is, and must be, and all m an­ "And what I» the remedy that he propose* ner of Materialism is »hallow and poor, un with demand for twice the legitimate rate more pronounced amongr-us toward an en­ the fuel should be, to what tireless hearths for a state of things that Is to him s a lament­ tirely miturniutic explanation of the Bible, philosophical and absurd. Now, while not i*>>iiu«omv able, so humiliating and depressing? It is materialist*, they yield too much to purely shall they go for warmth and shelter? What the life and character of Jesus, and the orig­ a very mockery of purse-proud arrogance 1» a reaction from the ratlouall*tlc, radical in of Christianity. They are the develop­ Inductive science, to agnosticism, and to ma­ opinions of to-dav to the conservative super­ ment and wide acceptance of such theories terialistic ideis, and *o weaken their spirit this—"For warmth and shelter where to go: HAFED, PRINCE OF PERSIA; natural ism of the past. And he consoles u a I power and chill their hearer* by their I know! I know!” Why, yes; 1 will go to this ni# nessi sxai in of the Bible's gradual format lo/i and of the my grand palace, made warm and comfort­ himself with the reflection that certain signs life of the great Christian founder as make own coldness. They need rational concep­ EARTH-LIFE AND SU1RIT-L1FK. of such a reaction are already visible on the tion of man’s Intuitive faculties, and able by every Ingenious device great riches them vital and organic possibilities of hu­ cau secure. No chill breath or cold shall Udnc Spirti Qomnuinlftii.fi» lyoeiw# Uuwgb denominational horizon. ...First, as to the man nature, and Illustrations of Its highest ronditi m of the Unitarian body. It does not touch my warmly clad feel; rich furs and ^PÀTftJW TO. and Its deepest powers. They are the deeper U,r* HUifnff ifluKr i'ibUnir Utdlma begin, t think, to bo so melancholy -and do Interest and enthusiasm of our preachers In lug which ignore truth In tbe soul, and the double folded garment* shall wrap me snug­ ly about from the least touch of chilly suf­ pressing a* Ur. Putnam pictures It. It Is tho results of natural science, their ever­ {tower of tho spirit In man to know and to very true, no doubt, that Unllarienlstu Is not growing sense of the profoundness of that discorer truth. fering; a grand, thick-walled mansion shall now, numerically and socially. whnt4t seem- mystery in Which we are embosomed each To sum all .up: Spiritualism—the stone engirt me In warmth and every comfort roundabout. Hence. "I know! Ah, yes, 1 Iff VSf-altnUr«pi Furtr Sto D rinat-, # Wife • I possible for It to be la fifty years to those and all, and the perfection of that Infinite .which these builders reject—must be tho tl Wert of tb# «cdrlto, Ut» Uhtfcurk» who fought under its banner 'fifty years ago. Life In which wo live and move aud have our chief corner-stone of the temple such men of know, for warmth and Hhelter where to go!” il butti Itimi or» of MrktüUiiL It promised then to beone of the groat sects bein g___Do not im aging, that I think that Chadwick would build, dedicated to "the But iho man vainly seeking employment, of America, and it has turned out odo of the with suffering wife and children In their P H f f .tZ S O ; alt S w e ll with ii*. If onr condition Is not spiritual religion of the future/’ With this, «s «Matti* «nU r* h* Usuo! o- ini m a ro - sm allest. As Dr, Putnam »ays, ’ We have so tragical ns It bos been represented. It Is Unltarlanism lives; without it the chill poorly furnished hut or tenement room— scarcely held our own. Relatively (to the still Tgr enough from that ideal excellence, mists of agnosticism hover over It« pathway where shall they go? Shall they write In Increase of population and of Uic other sect*], visions of which have sometimes ravished to the dead sea of materialism. In a large chalk on their grimy walls—"Father in we have not held onr own.* But it is Dr. Put­ you and me with their ineffable beauty. The and high sense Is th is word Spiritualism heaven, onr clothing is worn aud thin, aud T H E H A L O : nam's Implication that the failure of Unltar- one groat opportunity of American Unltari- used. In that sense the world craves and i shoe* nearly gone from our cold feet; lu the lanlsm to make good the promlseof it* youth needs It, as it craves aud needs nothin? else. m idst of plenty we are stinted for sufficiency AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF D. C. DENSMORL. anisjn. -as Indeed of UniUrianlsra all the of food; amidst all the bountiful abundance Is due to the Increasing radicalism of it* de­ world over, Is to make itself the foremost The tenderest sympathies and affections, the 'un» tolda» U InUixM U> b* ft irüllifal fttrUWo*r»pft» W velopment during Its later history. In fact, representative of that spiritual religion which deepest wants of the soul, and tho loftiest of laud wllh which thou host blessed our tlie ftuLtwf, iM M M tiiu lo afni'lio» Uhi UjilUic tlie arrest dates from an eayHer tim e—from country, we have scarcely a shelter above our J•dm:tun* »UlrJimt ait tottered to to rAarr ncrptU***! tíUo Is yet to be tbe religion of all thoughtrul, range of the Intellect, all reach toward the m,ri*r’ iUt1« - Il u äralfflfd Ift JUftftUtt* tpIrUuftl pfallca»- the ten years preceding Chanulug's death In earnest and aspiring soak* And what 1» life beyond, and would make It interblend head*; O Father, Is thin In accordance with pfai: of, lu oítor *ortU tu dnoocftCrftl« 11» fftrt UtM wir IW2. To make good the pica which Dr, Put­ naturally and beautifully, -with oar own thy justice and Infinite love formal! tby chil­ frteudilo tpüUUf» *U«rf ftnd ftrt upon at «iute «e Uditila th|n spiritual religion? It isarellglou which mtltoUJ fjudv*; *ml Utftl itou firqin-nur laflafnc* u t o nam urges with so much force and feeling, shall insist that the love of truth, the love of daily life. Only Spiritualism can meet and dren?” Alas, for our boasted Christian civil­ mod, nlch «ter at Lo U» apt tad dom ef Ufe òrto, u » the Unltarlanlom of the last twenty years, satisfy these longing desires; and only by its ization. where a favored few can arrogate to cr^iiLsantoC ftoTT ctoer tu «ton TletprjQdluc ani beauty, and the love of gopd are alone es fir* tit bopeful «ordì of auoMincraKVl «too Dilafuvtima •*- which have been pre-eminently the years of liai to Its fellowship of heart and mind. .. light and help can wo galu tho nest idea of themselves qxtravagant hoards of wealth 'aggressive radicalism, should have been pre­ man’s Inner life. wrong from the hardly earned product .of To ito itrtttxtíos. diaoourftfod mi1« wkJ woau* of tto «arid, is a religion that transcends every dogmatic lo ti*»* bant down «US tirki*« *nd eftrra, Ihi* «alum* tft- eminently years of disintegration and decay. lim itation; it Is one wttfeh dares believe A single proof of intelligence apart from toil, while the tollers who produce every rtoptotfuJ]/ ¿«He«*]; ftadlf ito perutftl of iu {*««• i»b»U They have been nothing of the sort. They that there may be- m /te religiousness, and the brain or nervous system strikes down atom of Ibis wealth can barely acquire suf­ fUddoa ito toftrt ot toa» « j ftrrr. In bit ricuci pUcrtma*» bave been years of vastly greater energy and the m aterialistic nrfpimeut against the soul's ficiency to live. But the pampered aggran Uinmati ito »urlìi «UH Inni» topee, oo* I « « oli Je« of ito better, where even the most important dog­ ftuUwr «til I» fulAUed. activity and material success than the twen­ ma» of religion are not consciously received survlval-'-for that argument Is that there Is dizers of wealth can repeat the wl(-gTorify- ty years preceding___Let us consider, next, than where they are insisted on most ardent­ no such thing a* a soul, but that mind Is a Ing motto; "For warmth and shelter—wjiere ,tì\T K V T H . the causes which have operated to' prevent to go: I know! I know!” \ Cbtkttood: Prendo« bMpfmlkllnci Al Sctml ha Prwrt- ly. Such a religion does not necessitate for product of brain and force, and when the dm«. and Sdwnl TatLidns* Uni torto*- Wtotmi; bnxod American Unltarlanism from becomlug that us any new departure. It only necessitates brain dissolve» the mind—which depended Cleveland, Ohio, \ fwüpi WISUIIAI Ttalrd VaM Whaling; Tarmimi Parebftft- Inclusive aud luiposlug body which soaped on that molecular action of which it was the J; M i '' ' ::i . Il* *•!/ *• •-$: >'<«irUi for us a m6re absolute fidelity to onr origin­ WbftUto VoVftfft, la SMp " li- tonfi,*" L»«atorta*t tetona— itself so fairly to the imagination of the al principled-character, not creed; tho right result—ceases to be. A present and con­ Does the Spirit Ever Leave the Bodyr ■fiaSÄ* K um ' « S i M H M S i imüt,-r.,i ¡u Unitarians of fifty years ago___To account and duty of the freest thought upon the high scious Intelligence outside the brain, and . i ■■ ' ' - ' <■ " • ' •1 • ‘ for this phenomenon. Dr. Putnam baa one est themes. To visit moral reprobation on apart from the will or powfer of persons in Do spirits leave the bSSfJor a ttau s s simple and. as he esteems It. all-sufficient the body, destroys the whole argument of turn to It again? Sonlew —"No, t— «llii tl» Patient; Al Uee» aa * VUU; Zaparte—** In New the man who cannot affirm the personality Te*t: futi — Ctadsaatt: 0 « a—s—forTwstf town*of ti; cause—the lapse of modern Unltarlanism of God. or that God exists, or that a con­ m aterialism . Matter is dethroned and mind possible;" other*. " T e m p le t facts decldfeu Vitti — SL Lftali: Wort lo Oüjtetod: toteen « lo i Town fc» from the doctrinal standards which prevail­ scious Immortality Awaits us after death, Is Is king; materialistic philosophy 1* value­ A ddntlst re describe the poor thought­ fallow's head (in fact, hL own), and describ­ fW »»le. «tot—fti# «od retali. l>j ito AtuoioPsilo er what It was In the day* > f Channlng, mlud that does not cosily produce them by lessness of liberal Christians who pay so lit­ ed mi Lately everything the dentist hod dope, cujani------Wore, Walker, etc.' What llvlhg thing I» its own spontaneous operation. The oppor­ tle attention to tbe Investigations which and the Instruments he had used. How do lo st the same to-day a a It was flf tl years ago? tunity of Unltarlanism—its grandest oppor­ make it possible. yon account for it? Kven the thing* that we call Mead hare tunity—Is to make Itself tills spiritual .re­ Unitarians are abandoning the old meth­ A friend of m ine met wllhN an accident—a changed a Utile. But Unttarlantsm has not ligion-this religion without any dogma od* of dogmatic theology—for this they changed a ItUle. It lias changeho r*- honor than In ths fight that It has made for gladly. ftiara to anaiat another man when the latter uHi«aate *plrlt In the teeth Of much that I » Unitarian view« of the Bible have changed, is drown lug gnUty nf mnrdef In the flrsi Hartford's Acid Phosphate degree. a ni science of the tim i______m______Well Pleased, W. H- Vanderbilt la worth 4.0CO lim es his failure-of American Tjnitarlanlsm to make yet valuable, and Its nobler parts fall of In­ own weight in gold, or about 00^000 times bis good lbs promise of lu youth, none are m spiration. They owe this change Ufrgely«.to Dr. C. Robxets, Winchester. III., soya: ** I own weight in silver. Theodore Parker—ostracised, by them while have used it with entire satisfaction In coses blind a« those who will not see that this gen­ Gaiety- is not a proof that the heart is at eral failure Is due almost entirely to on earth, canonised by tbe new generation of debility from age or overwork, and In Ine­ ‘he liberalisation o f _____ now living. Their views of Jeans, too, have briate« and dyspeptics, and am well pleated eiae, for often in the midst of laughter the This liberalization has ohanged—"the man Christ Jeans," not the w ith lts effects/* heart la sad. NOVEMBER 24, 1«83. . RE LIGIO-PII IL OSO PIIIC A L J O U R N AL.

    *bat Mother Bickerdyke wa# poor arid bard al b o o k u f f t q r g . work» the commander, after M arching three Womtw and the ^ouitlwld. month«, aucceeded la fluding her In Ban fin books noticed utipvr this botd. ore tor-sale *t. or Francisco, nursing for a living: * I told her ju> tw Offered through, Uw office of U*> fctauaio-Wlto- 0T HESTER M. POOLE. we would care for her the reet of her day*, surKpAiaJucaasL. I LU*Uicb«a. New Jarahl.l but she said, * No; give mo work -a place in the mint—and I will support myself, aa I al­ THE HK\K WoR-HfPK.HS OF YKZoANI) THE Island of Knrofulo, befog Ibe further Afe-niur«» ways have done.' Yet she la TO years old. and IK HKD I IK m l CMCAPtar." INADEQUACY. spent four years of her life, from Belmont to of Uie Jewett Family and frtond Ota Naiubo. Hr Edward Onwjr. author of "Young American* iu SAW- . . . v g y p i | | C C IhfiiS,,EI!1 1 n v a rallen »wallow on th* *ffo*V the grand review. In nureing Unfon soldiers* Japan." - The Wonderful Lily of ToklA,” »0«! *Tl»e ileal on Ui« mirt ufom It* wou»4«l wtoR* '(live your money to the relief fund and I ifolfeu L-itW I no ll I usual join. Hoards #1.75; m il l s , t n u m t a - THE IMAGE BHEÀkEÏL And Htt ttavolcrfu! LbfofL a» If to «0*. will help myself.«.. .But she will be ooked doth, #£50. Bostou: Lee A tUiwjwrd. Sa5ssagare.^r& sassg * ternes of riucTf tr jom« e sEwsauii«. Hiou|fhUo»o«rtM»f on idiilon n.ter by the noble-hearted comrade* In the Mr. Greey ho* written for¿Mir¡young p«o- It allrroil wltli Inchoate aonR. *o »wwl, *o »wotnt, Department of California. She has support­ Thai dl«l udmiiir. Th* !***>. low mummrinif. pie (and, by the way, they are quite as cuter* ed herself with her banda since the war, and lolnlug and luifftlUon to the older ones) mil could wrt rife ton is to-day hale and hearty. She do** not de­ another of his roost charming stories, "I he sire publicity, and has neter appealed to the Bear Worshiper*." It 1» In the same style 7b« 1 /.ricètti fe Ahiahi Uiu*«ni» W#w |[TW.«L Hi*“•* challenge*------of lh*t *kj; Grand Army, and they did not even know as “The Wonderful City «f Toklo," “ Young i me*. c-imm, 5 cm»; <■* Tile far Fulfillment we run n e w gain, she was in San Francisco. God bleaa her and PILES; i iSrwCf2-CO; •^foaaaaiMf.KtOuo. Ént (7 »*— -- American# in Japan*" finely UJuaUated, U For wounding cirruraeUuc* and willing pain all the army of noble women who tolled and ' O T M ls h a y f e v e r *<* m** whr*wu *A mail, ur im Kcuaio-HnjUi Hold bark tli« wnirlng wxil Uial fain wo'ild flj, lumtnated cover*, etc. ’*L yvBUAUiN-, ItacnUCWaWft W»««rk to efoif th* high Immortal "train; worked for the soldier." Mr. Greey poeseaecs an intim ate acauaint- AdinniAo m m g iu se n o curl TliO *Yew Aforffc- HVaf contains the follow­ KNIGHT’S NEW BOOK ajrarrjvarjc, But demo to earth lluUcm our fuUl# cry. _ace with fife iu Japan, having »pent roueli *"— * * •* TkM ml, ciaa**«r - —Mary Lurmmer. ing editorial, which convey» lla own lemon: time among the Japanese, studied their man­ THE KIÜTIOÏ OF THE SriKJTLlL *• Mr. Carroll D. Wright e labor »tat 1st lea ner of learning and habits, and has a very Lute number« of the Journal have con TUE BIU0Í ST T1IIU M T W i X form an Interesting study In connection with delightful way of teliio g what Jie know*. .*»• w it. £ c o . tjornnoa a*ww* KATEKIAL UÎÎIVER6B ; talucd editorial deaeri pttima of the Women'«. the demand for woman's enfranchisement. Couffreea—the annual public meeting of the The "Bear Worshiper».” nocalled, dwell They show. Drst, that disfranchised men are principally In Ihe island of Yewi, which for­ THE LAW OF COfiTBOL. Association for the Ad ran cem ent of Women paid leas than voters when other conditions which recently convened in that city, M U merly was a portion of the empire of Jaxiau, utThisOut^i,™“' ; f»c fijKi Dim u ut liUTM (f îÿriiiü StmtL are equal. Thus the pay of meu In f^hode and which. In 187&, was ceded to Russia.] Mr, held in October of each year, in some one ol Island, whew a property qualification dis­ tn ttw t*n*rtia a » , « arts. u«. the Northern cities. Wherever the associa Greey visited these people, for the first tim**, C franchises so many of them, fit lee* than that in' IH5», and stayed among them for nearly a tlon meets. It creates a complete change In of the free workers in neighboring Stale»«, th e feelin gs and views uf tlio^e who have whole year. Last year he renewed the ac­ though the former work longer hours. The quaintance, and obtained fresh fact», all of been wont to regard meetings of women or difference is plainly due to the fact lhat the turbulent, undignllmt and aimless. Thought which now eut^r Into one of the most strik­ former have not the power to legally protect ing narratives ever issued from the Ameri­ DR. SOMERS’ in I, well-digested papers hare been read by no HOW TO PAINT. hie, mature and philanthropic women, paper*, themselves from Imposition...... can press. *• Mr. Wright’s statistics also show that ¿he So more suitable or Interesting gift could w hich would hare done credit to any body or manufactures In which women largely pre­ possibly be chosen for a boy or girl, wlioite Turbisi!, ’ ituasiau. Electric, nulphur. Mer men who annually awtnble In any associa­ dominate as hand» pay much loss wage» than «urial. Ttoman, and ether Medicata^ tion whatever. Tm e.they hare not bad for their thirst for knowledge 1* to be gratified, than COMPLETE COMPENDIUM OF THE ART. thoee in which the great majority of worker» this intensely charming book. This volume, Batta», thè FINEHT 1» thè country, themes the turning from the Ud-pole/Into nre rnen. In the Journal we hud at tbe GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL, en X*alA«t (tr lM M o n M TnfeMM. ftbctUufe, tUf- the frog,the different rarietles uf beetlesor the with the two which preceded it, form a com­ dwiet ana rttm^r *»4 u> gnIfe u# erifeirttMl NMM, In tabular form the ' comparative wage» of plete library of Japanese travel. triture cn JaCknoti-eL, near La Baile f uKKioMv« a pHUn WMMF—H*—* * *Um**tl «t OP llldllf unsocial bali Iti of the ground mole. Hut they men and women' In , and from Chicago, eshlNMO III jMilfldn bi *»u*t*cu*1 f»»>U I* Flm Invìi Imi tojik> which itim en e«! to tJin hesrl WL«J F w t K,aJ-U(»M Ut rtrrj «wvnpt'wwt. l&elMllA« 0*M0lK, It lenrn that the' industries Id which meu PHIL AND HI# FRIENDS, By J. T. Trowbridge. JkriMtofc kMilK. O«*■!■■, Wargaaq» VarwiMaq M l» ami the heart of Buy person who cares for the a r . largely engaged pay, on sn average,’from Price #1^5. 00*00*. Lee A Shej*nL bw. IU^«nlrats<, J *{W>r hr . hr. Wilt farn»*U* smut and the hsppiuesa of his fellow«. Il I» ♦4i tir;* Maun» rn*n, OmUmSop. UtnuwrlJ. uA at« which la only a larger family, ami «he takes àii-ir-d UlHe^fUrt rnrtllfeMitaf * W*#«# nm r—ipfcut t4 'o * aufMfeikwa MMMwnro* latiou. next two or three year». He Is metnred as « ' 7 , 'f — -1 MaaiMMOl» UimUaUA >7 tfe Aatkart mom •**•* hold wisely and practically of prison reform. ** * Equal pay for equal work, is a motto high minded boy. the Bout o f honor, not Bt f tfecule______ttflnMba Iha O-TtHiw» irtwiMM or th* run* Industrial occupations, temperance move­ r I Hw. beygFtsf It HrltK at im fob* w « « * ■ « * v m * •» CHU IP runtmanrr «iti; g(ilrU«al »*«** a>«4 IM Rpulfual that is Mtlf-evideotly just, but it is almost afraid of any honest labor that he is called Uh lir*sntm Thn*#trim■* ti mr¥ «aOpWk * » ■ ments, sanitary regulation., of any thing ■ ün T r r "’ 1~'~ universally ignored.aud will be until woman up to do by his task master; but he finally dowunrdi a* VMur* tirtmfed Imlna w l M fl^F, M« and every thing which affects private or pub- become* a sovereign e itlw n . Equal rights rebels when called upon to tend bat; he —m *> fr*w. *Utot pmrltrt UrnA (MaWuf ; Jlc weal. tn the government must precede equal pay. not sell whiskey; he 1« plueky, full of n...... Etaua ¡»»»At*. Manu I l « Latin E it F.t.i>. fair and just alway*. He j)«s««w through, It la useless to m ultiply proofs and give Magnetising Inanimate ObJ.ct«. many trying ordpais. but Dually triumphs î tnrm/M m £ ” *w »y Ur tbtoV t«—K instances. Kvery member of the Homan s over circumstance« aud sees his reward be­ Hurd»* atr** er«iw Congress Is a living testimony of the power Herr Wiesenrtauger, a etjrgwn of Ham­ fore him —hla reward for being an honest, MARRIAGE DÎVORCE upright boy with plenty of moral backbone. of a true, self-poised, broad, enlightened wo­ burg, writes to Ktclit dm hr J.ith l that he g, « « « i i w . a b . U -». w manhood. And the membera of the A. A, W. maiic the acquaintance a lew years agou t The scene of the burning of the landlord’s ilJltol»» pawl letw e w IS* — ...... are only Instances of a larger army of wo­ an honest workman, whom he found possess­ property and his exam ¡nation, before the In­ hi A nfKUi ot « y ru.t* sea«S surance Agents when icruted of setting fire men most of them confined at home by cares ed of a clear Intellect and a «Iron* desire ______\B ot HIL Norwich. Ct i he Wblo N k*w* mmH » M l f and duties which they never attempt to shirk for knowledge, and to whom he introduced to It. is a very intereating chapter; the moral J»tP4MM; nw trw Ifeat H (though these wilt tu alle, years be lessened the subject« of Spiritualism and raagnetlaiu. tone of the book I) excellent. ■i rt-ff uraw; Vm H M H * L S y S I by machinery and CO operation), and which HI* new disci pie made some good cures by VITAL M AW ETISM TilE ITfE-FOISTAH Ï aumtkui ot Law ufe KHidtfcw; UhOmñ^ U ¿ ¡¿ K ITTVI.EE N; by Sophie May. auEbw of Utile Brady I (Mirnw imufcWuife QhimrtluM«U LJÌ— » they bravely atistain all tbelr lives. Those mignellxldg; but about them there was a By L » »4Min. who-belong to these have lime and means, as singularity. After the first few magnetisa­ Stories an! lieUle Wniplv siotIwlA Prlw To ceaW j ««^TfeDueirViUam¿ DMpttMvf ftt«« b* rlEiiK S w kl as Inclination, to devote to attending Boston; Let A Shepard. a«*o *a*MUtDr Uwm feaoifO, Ik* akin*Or a tions the patients had vomiting, after which fed. He. ITItìÉi, J5 rwn> I rrtoM « w>« J«-r eoa u~>a u M l I » « M » Its deliberations. 1 would detract neither the cures advanced rapidly. At Spiritualist Many little heart« w ill be made glad by from their merits nor iholr accomplishments, «fauces tils presence was pioved to he so un­ another of the Flaxie Frixile stories by which are evident In their presence and in favorable to the evolution of phenomena that Sophie May, a lady who has succeeded In the pipers they offer at the convocation of he ceased to attend them, reserving his stud­ writing meet charmingly for children. Oli- HOW TO HAGNETIZf; tiro eongreas. I would only stato what all ies entirely to magnetism. lyleen la the name of thi« new atory. auTlu those membera will accede to, that scattered "Last Christmas,” to quote from Herr vr. t the preface the author writes to mothers; over the country there Is a royal army of un­ ■Till« story, the fifth of the Flaxl« Frlxxls GÜ 1 DE-POSTS. letter, "he came after a long absence, and MAGNETISM AND CLAIR TO VANCE. attached and undisciplined workers in priv­ said that hs had .been experim enting npoi series, deal* teen with tb ■ little child whose j ate. who are worlhy of sharing the councils of inanimate objects—wands, canes, umbrella*, name It bean, than with Ftaxls Frtxxl« her­ innOKTAL HOAD*. the Association, and who would nasini in its etc. He could not. he said, repeat any of bis self, Kitty Iren being from firat to last an In­ : i¿Jir5wwSí^a5ó™ w‘2íS35w 5s<55 terloper. It aims to show ibe gradual lot-' deliberations with their generous spirits, ex peri mem a then, for he wae not In the rigid » risa » victos WHAM and with wisdom born of much thought and condition; his capability was Intermitting. provementof Flail*'« character under Ihe matured experience. The circle of such is “He came a fortnight afterwards, and we various dbiciplinosnf child-life and > he sweet 1 j TTfe li u wafe of mor» Uaa^rtWMT WfeL ^ q^wnljiluM. wider than the public knows. And when they witnessed a phenomenon of so Blogular a influence of a goodatld happy home.* “¿ Ï Ï V s l I B*rMn *is4 Uw L-rcOkr irma r*IMU* UMM» pwuwéi^ to a j totdcm ufe yrarorrA *6*hmf Uiu« anj wurk wu kuafWdC can be helpful to oua another and are able to kind that I engaged him to reproduce it If Z’*rj v-.r^i’’ -««■’híMjr.M u* mm. unite for eympathy and aellon In every sec­ possible, before a few scientific friends. He M sgatU - tion of the country, we may hope for a mark­ rar nut,!, «bdfeul« ^wdwvtuil. b/tou KaiMliF-FBllaOwna- ed effect upon the morals of our land. "" A U U e appointed tim e he earns. Ail be­ DEATH, ] C*l.FTMUaB»»llHtt i n a.iinrwrti«w - m r ------— ^.»»wwaUMFa««. West." Km ploy ore and Employed, bv Mrs. i«« MiBHaCM H tnu iMWttitìiini Ti» mtm« i m absorbing narratives relating to the Inrtu- ees; haring concentrated hla gaxe upon It M f e i t 7un* ared th* VgMai a n f- euee of mothers and wives upon/the noted Kr some seconds, he withdrew hla fingers, Sarah E-Boltor,; Beautiful Hands, by Fanek- men of all ages. The list of subject« is full and the cane remained standing In its oblique on- The old-fashioned Home, by Kev. Dr. Fol- I. l ist.« r.r and interesting, from the beauilful sltry of position; continuing his gaxe, fie «lowly tou, are all good. Lillie Dvvereux Blake give« the mother of St. Augnatine down to the drew back, making energetic drawing passe«, one of her charming «tories. Besides these u win mothers of the great men of oar own land. and the cane followed him with «continuous we find many In-tructlve and Inierratlng ar- ticlee by *e>l known writer» and tbe Editor There are pen portraits of the mother of tremulous m ovement. cjx.TtauuBi»4 iitw«c Ohm*** * _ _ _ _ _ Wesley; the mother of Hapoieon: the mother "The experiment was repeated eeveral has the following: The good old time«: A A SH O R T of Martin Luther; Cornells, the mother of times in the course 6t the evening. A pen­ New Mystery, in which Spiritualism is dls- the Gracchi; the mother of Lincoln: Madame holder on the table also followed, with little erniwsl; The proper clothing for cold wetttier; HISTORY OF THF BIBLE ABRAHAM LRCOLS. Necker- the mothers of Cromwell.Byroo,Hum- jerking movements, the direction given to it Catarrh aud Ha treatment also eeveral Hy­ boll. MendelsHohn.Garfleld.etc. Funk ± Wag- b y hie w ill,“ gienic chaplets. tftt*Cr - nails have a frontispiece of one of Raphael s Since then Herr W. reporta-and his report T ax Bt-ntiTUiL R xcoao. (Hay Nesbit AlCo, n y Bitorf»o?r HISTORICAL* ROkdAKClL i* confirmed by other letters from Hamburg Glasgow, Scotland.) Couteuta: Testimony of beautirnl madonnas, as well aa other lllna- a/srmrr» iMifewfewr: j w » » s m i trations. —that the phenomenon has been produced Ibe Earls of Ddnniven aud 11, Leon Fayre; TfeMinir m i r -T ’ * V before many person«, and 1« exrlting atten- Automatic Writing: Direct Spirlt-WrlUng» In a late number of the N ational ¡Trifiuac. S S W Ï - Æ t i ‘ is an Interesting account of Mother Bicker- tiou among th# #ci#ntlfle. The editor of and Drawings; Ancient Oracles and modern ; LeeAt m tk r LecAreoneindes; ’ "The record of mauLfostalions; Pioneer» of theSp intual R*- ( dyke, whose name deserves to be more wide­ J S iïîS îe e m M .» ■« Ue COv«. W !»• »»1«. w hn - ly known, it is good to know that ehs will objects charged with vital magnetism, mov­ formation: TeniLniouy Of Cromwell F. P arley,! sHsraxujufe I^wula fefe*« lUurfefi* UH* tei* atm* hereafter share the eare of the Grand Army ing without contact of the magnetixer. is a F. S. 8..C. E.; Recovery of lost Lease* through j very tong one. and is well-known to ali stu­ “m w Î r u MW* » w . omtf . ^ o f the Republic. The T rib ù « Bays: Splrlt-Ageuey; " Spirit liiterenurseJs nnlaw- \ dent« of magnetiam, and it might be made a tu t? A SCance with M r,Husk; “ It It all of | n r*r mi*. wtHiIwuid ufe wuO. Uf IM "Mother Bickerdyke. who resided at Cleve­ ■’*« bciuguiv, Hucn.CMfeV land. Ohio, at the breaking oat of the war. eat deal longer. The question interesting the Deri l i* Editorial Nolee. was one of the first loyal- women to offer her S us is—bow far the agrfu’—Ibe vl.Ible Agent*’—power as magnetixer» is complicat­ Tax Comrencut. H uvx lers M*o*xiNk. services for the rare ot the sick and wounded (Published Iu New Turk.) Contents: Frootle | THE HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT in the hospital and on the battle-field, and ed with some power In them as mediums. HOME CIRCLES. We are convinced that Spiritualism, in one An Alpine Lureleriy Frontier L ifer I ■from that time until the collapse of the re­ Cleopatra; The treasure* of Treasure Island. bellion. with scarcely an Interval of rest, she of Us divisions, and magnetism are branch»* of one science. A comparative study o f spir­ The Ocean Dream. That d R E L IG IO N AMD S C IE N 0 3 . wss continuously wlth,our arms at the front. *#rmoo from th# n»w ï » " s « Si * ' ■. H i S How to I vestirai*1 Spiritualtsai itual and magnetic phenomena would throw »•Tluufr'nl I ___... •iM Di_iium .it _____ She was at Fort Donetnon. Shiloh, Savannah. n p i U|juu riHFfi "Win. »UU v uwblfl -IN.Department; Hotel Note»; Theatrlcai. etc Loutevtlle. Memphis, Vicksburg. Jackson. light upon eath other, and would enable HVGGE8TIOXH AUD MULES, to solve certain obeeure problem» In «M fe THx M inicabT ntnraA. (Robert A. Gunn. i f* i„ I71T- rtetfc P f t e . « - n . ■ -Huntsville. Chattanooga, #ml many other umshlp. It would also afford- additional M.SJ. D , Sew York.) Content«: Early Brain aud i ciacca, In all the field hospitals of the Atlan­ Physical Culture; What 1« Malaria? Chruule n v n r a Q; lllBUOilft. ifibiuihfl U i ta campaign, Franklin, Nashville, and in light to ttwM who at present do not see cause enough to attribute mediumlstle facts to Cervical Endometritis: Old Bebool Piracy; ; , „ „ Sherman’s campaign through the Carolina«. proprietary Medicines; Eclectic Medical S o -1 When Sherman’« veteran« reached the Na­ ■nytbtog but some uncooecloue operations of a ’psychic force.' "—Light. London. ekty of Sow Vork; The Mirror. OFFER TO EXPOSERS M D C 0U U RE R S OF tional Capital in June. ihfiS, she was there. n o o n . w m m .m m furnishing the su p p lì« of the Sanitary Com rom*Tt^*m.a M «.y jiU.MM tmlm miMion to the batlle-eulned veterans on Eczema, totter, ringworm, mid all pwaiy The telescope arected in tb» Obeervatury discaxes. Tbe remedy, Dr. Beueon's Skin their homeward Journey. After the war she connectrd wlth Princeton College to thenext Cure. t U draggtote.______. devoted her eerricee to the helpless treed men. in slxe to thè largeat instrument in tbe and wa> In charge of the Freedman's Home l’nltod Stata», and In effeettvw working ea- It to oa absurd to pretend that one cannot and Refuge tn Chicago. It Was o n of Moth­ ls doobtle» thè flueat in thè country. er Bickerdyke’« peenliarlllea to devote her­ love the same woman always as to pretend O ly rivai l» th» glam in th» N»v»l Ofc- that a nod artl’t needs several vloliaslo m it almoet entirely to the prints soldier. servatory al Washington, wbOM dtameter 1» exeeute a pin» of m tule.-ifoleoc The officers, she «»id, had enough to look after tw«nty sii Inehee; but Ih» n»w tnatrnnwnt them; It was ibe poor fellows, with but a pii- at Princeton 1« probably in olì reepeeta th» OnallllM ot a too superior order render a rate’s pay, a p r i rate'« fare and a private'« euperlor of th» otdtr Wl»»cop». Th» objeet ■ a n i w adapted to society. One doe* not dangers, to cart for whom aha felt herself . 1. — |, twenty thr«* Ine Ih» In d l*a»ter. emd goto marital with big lamps of goto; on* naftiiularlT called. It will be seen hr the to re maritati? free from «Ir bnbblM and goes with silver or small change.—CAn«fori. W__ ma of WL o VHiaMMW m m m é -m-hnns M h t Mr «trim. •ymiapathi## or# aÜO tn that direction, X S S S T ÌXBB& fi ¿a# of Mother Bickerdyke tliat it « u Mlthridates of Ponte», haring eaptured re Ih* bearne std gtrdara. which bold to­ Aquilina, matto hlm ritto on aii M» through P«ia that ito oatranked the commanding of* gether the Btato^/Vwnde' Baoiom. a U rge pari of A*ta. crylngout. ’’I t a AqnH- No m etaphysician » » « Dertoort, tbe Commander-ln- lua, em ani of Ih» Roman»-- of language »a much as lbs grateful.— vl- A rock at th» «ntranee of th» harbor -g " » ïfS S r S i récognition given by thb Bastia, Contea, raaembto» a Itoo «xautiy. H igh tim es In » a c t miri-t an.’ the ftln g» admtni*!ration to th» loyal wom»n haa heen eran lo havlng a mane of cratplng pianta. «n Important faetnr tn tb» «nuit «rvwth of Yen «m ela look Ito nam» tram the.bn te g r l K S F R K . » the Grand Army. W» h a r e ie D A oowLn b oilt on pile» whicb tb» 8panlardi round tlme ot peae» a» In lime of »»r end tbeir there wh*s-Uwy landed In iti*. lovtng effort» «r» helplng n» a» theD klnd » ««Vtooperd can ewSly tank In at the Sr«- mLini.!ration» i o lit rations did In d»v»dat» et ot war. Ifn ni*Ilf* wbad ao «roggia» It would b a n an AftW’ b e lsg Informed by S om a B. Anthony ( triumph». floor window».—/«o* /ogetew. • RELItH O-PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 24.188?.

    If such subtile effect* may be produced by day tho good result« will appear In following availed nothing. Early Sunday morning he Tho receipts at the door during the m in­ died. He had made no movement after he 9«Ugi0-j!?IiUo0Opliicat ¿ cia n a i the agency of light, heat or moisture, why generations. istrations of Mr«. Maud Lord at LesteVs first closed hls eyes. Those who were with Academy, were larger than usual. Her teats may tint thought bo equally operative Id leav­ It were an fair and Just to charge upon him scout the Idea of hls having takendrugs. r o u t i n i n u i l at ~ n ü m l e stilet. chicabd ing Impressions and thus marking the char- Christianity the horrible barbarities, miser­ They say that suicide never entered hls attract large audience«. Tho Journal asks it« Tjnltarlan friend« to acter of each Individual spirit; and If so, why able frauds, cruel oppressions, aud Immorall- thoughts, that he was simply willing to dlo B g J O H N O. B U N D Y . because he thought it was God'e w ill. Those read and ponder Mr. Stebbln«*« article on the may not these characteristics be reflected tie« practiced by the professed followers of who have Investigated the case regard It 0« flecond page. Bobscrlbera to the Journal Jesus, which All the pages of history, a« to T e rn » o f Bubxcrtptlon In Advance» through a sensitive, passive medium, or bo a sim ple surrender of vital power. wilt do well to call the attention of their recog u I icd by olal r voys nt or »ptrituaI sensesV charge upon Spiritualism the "swindling, Orna C o p y , one (/reir,...... $2*00 Unitarian acquaintances thereto. lying and debauchery" practiced by profess­ * " fl m o n th # ,...... $ 1 ,2 $ The analogies of science make this highly Little Danixge—Mostly Malice, Hon. Joel Tiffany*« articles are attracting’ ed Spiritualist«. IVo challenge the Republi­ iile u ctriM i crini, armati cm m i. probable and any number of Intelligent Hplr- widespread sttcntio'j beyond the rank« of can to point to a line or word subversive of Ebhittavcbi «botili) 1)« mads by United State* Ituallsta know H to be true. Last week one Jonathan M, Robert«, a no­ HpIrJtuslists. We have received m any fetter»* FotUl Money Order, American Exprcu Company'i good morals, In the writings of Judge Ed­ Truly hselt been said that every man we torious character, who publishes a scurrilous expressing appreciation of them, and thank­ Haney Order, Hegiatcred Letter or Draft on either meet, every Ixxik we read, every picture or m onds, Prof, Hare, Prof.- Denton, Kpes Sar­ sheet which he alleges Is a newspaper, stood in g u« for their publication, from people of M*W York or Chicago. Do not in any oeu the damage done the character of the plain­ Stipend It Inn." on tho philosophy or phenomena of Spiritu­ forgotlen; the traces were so faint that,under tiffs, and the |3,0b0 the malice of the libel. D. D. Bolden, in -renewing his yearly sub­ alism, Including the regular contributors to ordinary conditions, they were Inappreciable; Tho Jury evidently analyzed the fellow's scription and that of hi» three brother«, tho RELiGio-Pun^oniiCAL Jotunai,. The RKLioiol1nnjr«irniru. JoiWnal Orilm it to be but these trace», were there, and in the In­ spleen about right—fifty thousand times as «ays: " I inclose you an account of the per­ •Mlnrtly underotoo^that ItrahnwA'pt no reaponnl^tllty tense light of cerebral excitement they start­ ------much malice as damage. Quito Just and formance of one Charles Slade In Denvtr* IB to the opinion« expressed by Contributor* and Cor* ed Into prominence. Just ns the »peelral Halm Pro tab Jlo zoom dor and Dr. So udder. correct. MBpondrnU. Free and open dlaeuiulon within certain1 HdTe 1« another proof tba£ you are, and for JmOa ta Invited, and In the» circumstances writers are Image of the key started luto sight on the ap- Babu Protab Chunder Mo&%fatidar, the H in­ some time past have been, taking tbe tro» GENERAL NOTES. alone rv*xxm*1bJo for the article« to which Uielr name« pltration of the heat. It la thus with all the doo, was Invited to speak In Mr. Sc udder's Ply­ course in your paper, and f hope you wiTl v a attached. Influences to which human beings nre sub­ mouth Church, while here, and there bo gave Ed.9. Wheeler, the lecturer, passed tosplrlt- not let op." ’ • Vxchancea and Individual* tn qootln« from tHa R*- jected. Umo-PuLmorniCAL Jochnal, are requested ta dt*- expressions to views not exactly In harmony A portrait bf Peter Cooper wUl-be the front­ 1’robnhly Ihe Kepuiillcan will not accept life from Boston on the 12th Inst. Mqpdah between editorial nrtlclra and the eommunka- with tlio«« of tho distinguished divlae whose Mrs. Kate Blade, Hie slate w riting medium ispiece of the December Century. Mr«. Susan ttem« uf corns pandenta. Swedenborg a* authority, nevertheless some pulpit he wo« temporarily occupying, and N. Carter, the head of the Woman's Art School Anonymous letters and communication» will not tw removed to 447 W. Madison St., Instead of 47' words of hia are here offered for Its consider, which created for outsiders a very pleasant of the Cooper Iiiatltute, who knows fully Mr. noticed. Th* name and addrmaof the wrUcr are re­ stlon, strictly on their merits' as previously announced. quired as n Euaranty of prod faith. Ilrjnrlrt manu­ ripple of merriment. The celebrated Hindoo Dr. Annie Getchell of Charlestown, Mb«*., Cooper’s Ideas and alm s in assistin g young Boeli «pltlUi are Joined to minai bn lilmMlf la aa to script« cannot be pnarrml, neither will they be return* alluded to the Christian nilMslonarles 1« going to Knrope, where she will remain women to earu their living by «killed occu­ ad unices immdent postage la pent with the request The sjilrtLit attendant ui-on man put on aloo hts per- their work In India In the highest terms, pation»,has written an anecdotal paper which Wlflfn newapapen or nuipulnn arc sent to the Joca- several months. * All tii«u*iiU t>r man tlliruttp tbtm»cl«6* Into the »Hr- and then naively said that he "could not accoDipanle« the portrait. ral eoutalnlnc matter for special attenttan, the nender Until world. In I'Verr dlirclion. not unlike Itierafaof Mrs. C. Fannie Allyn w ill lecttrfe next Sun­ wtD pleaae «.raw a line around the article to which be light «llfliivil from limn«’. congratulate them on their success in day at 10:30 A. W, and 7:30 1*. M-Mit Lester*« Richard B. Westbrook, D. D., LL. B., an in ­ desire« to call notice. fng tho national heart (here, because they dependent rationalistic thelst, and author “No amonnt o i exposure «ad publication," Academy t>19 West Lake St. A« she has many did not conciliate the peculiar religious ten­ continues the Repu/i/iYon.ftmn to hurt n me* old acquaintance« hero, she w ill he no doubt of "The Bible -Whence and What?" (for COICA (JO. ILL, Saturday, Noi ember 24, 1883. dencies which existed in the Hindoo mind at dlum or a quack doctor, and this became greeted with a large attendance. ente at thin office,j has made a,proposition to U Is." He thougltt there should be more oon- they trade on lltnltle»« ignorance und cre­ Mr. S. J. Dickson, whose success as a healer the Free Thinker« Convention to be held In n o t ic e t o sen se film: iis. ciliatton In regard to the views of the 'Hin­ dulity." Had the Republican writer po»«e*«- Js well established. Is now on a brief profes­ Boeton the last of Janaary, to deliver an ad­ doos. Subscription* not paid in tnlfanr? ed the «lightest desire to be fair he Could, sional visit In Brooklyn, New York, where he dress on "Tho Divine origin of Humanity,'" For this candid expression ol his own which will, no doubt, be accepted by the com­ are chargtd at the old price of with a slight addition, have bo modified this may be found at the residence of Mr. N. B. personal views, It has been whispered that par year. To accommodate those old statement as to make it true. Ho is alto­ 0(1«, No. 211 Grand Avenne. mittee of arrangements. Dr. Scudder told -him that ho had acted i Th« Journal dc Ploermel reports that of Bubacrtbers u'ho through force of habit gether too «weeping, tt 1b a tiorrowfujjael By invitation of tho Spiritualist« at Kala­ part that he considered not exactly prop* or Inability, do not keep paid in ad­ that with ftomeSplrituAlteta—nqi-tltlTmaJor* mazoo, Michigan, Mr. John C. Bundy w ill fifty pupils of the Girls* Congregational and courteous under the circumstances, and vance, the credit system ie for the pres­ Ity nor even a large minority—"exposure and visit that thriving city on Saturday and Sun­ School of St. Mario dea Trola F ontain es, tillr- tn order to controvert his position, he made ent continuali bill it must be distinct­ publication does not hurt a medium." But day, the 21th an(f,25th. and speak before thd ty-flve have been attacked by a nervous dis­ a prolific statem ent to a reporter of the in ter- ly understood that It le wholly as a this "limitless ignorance and credulity" has Society on Sunday. order resembling St. Vitus' dance. The causo - Ocean, giving an elaborate account of the favor oh Ihe part of thr Publisher, ae been a source of profit to priests and politi­ Mr«. Marlon C. Frlesner 1« now stopping at instated to be a religious excitement, and success that had crowned the labors of the the terms are PAYMENT IN AD- cians of all sects and parties since civiliza­ Danforth, lll.^w hey-ahe lasuceegaiiillji-iteal- the authorities have ordered the school clos­ missionaries among the Hindoos. Tho pub­ VANCE. tion began, and probably will be for thou­ Ing the wick, SljowoulTrTIYS^to have a flrst ed until tho emotional excitement »hall have lic will be allowed, of course, to take their subsided. sands of years to come—at least'so .long class trance medium come there. Will one «U n ities. I if nor, nee suit Credulity ” of yholce in tho statements of the respective paper Is published which bases Its edftoxiala of that character correspond with her? Mr. Edwin D. Mead delivered a moat Inter­ th» Springfield Repn DHran. parties, the'same as in all otliqr questions of on the ««¿turned limitless Ignorance and The Thcosophi f for October is at hand, as esting and scholarly lectnro on Emerson and dispute now agitating tho public mind,—the Th» Sprlujfflrlil (Usss.) KtpubUcan of (ho dulrty of Its patrons, as the Hepubttean ap­ usual. Is filled with interesting articles upon Channing last Sunday evening In the Uni­ majority probably loaning favorably towards Nth lii*t. contain» an editor!»! hooded, "A pears to have done to the present Instanre. Oriental Bhlloeopliy, Art, Literature, Spirit­ tarian Ctiarch, corner of Michigan Avenue tbe views expressed by the distinguished Spiritualistic Fraud,” In which (ho writer "If every medium In the conntry," says the ualism, Mesmerism and other sciences. For and Twenty-third Street, Next week he. will Hindoo, who, in response to a question from* d m Baiter's Owirqelown nffolr aa the tex t Republican, "was proved a liar, a «windier «ale at this office, price 50 cent« per copy. begin a eerie« of lecture« which we advise Dr. Scudder, said not know about (or an Indiscriminate and mat I clou» attack and a debauchee, he would^Apt therefore naf­ Tho New York Daily Graphic of Nov. 9th, alt our city reader« to hear. Further an­ Southern InriOt;. tg^ ^ H rah u d |>t>en lu re­ on Spiritual ¡»tn. The statement» of tiro lit- fer any considerable loss either of fame contains a long 9ketch of Gerald Massey, the nouncement« w ill nppear In U.e dally press. gard to Nnrth'-rn'JQJ^Hgp* publioa» nre all (he meaner for boinq sand­ money." This statement is partly true of well known poet and reformer, whose writ­ A. J. Fjenbnck, an excellent lecturer in be­ Had Dr. S c u d d e N i^ H n y read what the wiched with hair-truth». The temptation to Boston and vicinity, and as the /¿cpubtittn ings have become household words. It also half of Spiritualism, writes as follow»: "Per­ New York and ChiffiHpnporH have »aid of reply In a sim ilarly'bitter aplrlt m ight pre- no doubt receive« lls bios on matters of Spit contains Mr. Mousey'« portrait. m it me space In your excellen t paper, to an­ Uozoomdar*« addresses in this country, he rail in tome quarter», but for the Jotmmfc itualiBm from what it knows of public and A. B. French leetured last Tuesday evening nounce to the Spiritualists of Missouri and would have considered him too liberal to to do so would not be In accord with It» well private acts of leading figures at and about at Owatonna, and on the 22nd at Minneapolis, Kansas that, after a vacation of eighteen eupy his pulpit, to which- he invited him, aeltTed policy. E xhibition, of prejudice, the Hub, ihe unwarrantable conclusion is Minn., under the auspices of Slayton*« Liter­ month«, crtitsed by Ill-health, i have entered aud then like a little pampered boy, pouted be­ whether begotten of willful Ignorance'or ’reached that, os go Boston Spiritualists ary Bureau. lie is to remain in Minneapolis the lecturo field «gain, and for the next six cause he wasn't reflected In the remarks that parti can xcal, are too »Illy to get heated goes the Spiritualist public the world over. No over Sonday and w ill »peak at the 8tato As­ month«, may bo addressed at Liberal, Barton were made. However, notwithstanding Dr. about. An attempt to disabuse the exhibitors more egregious error could be made; an error sociation of Spiritualists. County, Mo., in care of Mr. C. G. Brown, post- Scudder’« displeasure, ho.paid his foreign of their prejudice Is generally < futile and InexciiAabJo in a Journalist. The Republican Mr«. Mary D. Sherman of Adrian, Michigan, office box 63. Term« reasonable. visitor a high compliment daring his inter­ often ’"not worth the candle." When, how- well knows that at Lake Pleasant the post writes: " How the death of Prof. Denton star­ Sunday, Nov. 4th, the Spiritualists of Rim­ view with a reporter, saying: erer, an Influential priper Is prostituted to summer the "swindlers, Uarg a [id debau­ tled those who loved hls worb», words and aos City, Mo., elected the follow ing officers: "He is one of the ablest men I ever knew: the mean nse of libelling nt wholesale mil­ research««; but ho is the gainer, and wo must E, G. Granville, President; Matt. Clary and J. chees," aided by a few weak dupes, made Chunder Sen, at tho head of the movement, lions of Intelligent people Bud a subject of determined struggle to gain control, and Is one of the grandest men the world has to­ live on till our time comes to follow through C. Sm ith, Vice-President«; A. J. C oH ^ Secre­ •tnpcndnns Import to the world, the Injustice wore overwhelmingly defeated; defeated af­ day. And V believe they both are Christians. tho open door of death." tary; B. Ganz, Treasurer. By request of the and untruthfutneas of the charges should be ter they had spent months In preparing for I have read. Mozoomdar’s 'Oriental Christ,' The editor ot The Medium’s Friend, Geo, society, Mr. Granville delivered the inaugur­ noticed. and from that and hi« talk I believe he Is a al address oR^nnday, the tlth Inst. It la tho the conflict. The /¿rpubtfran knows that Lake Christian. That was why 1 invited him Into R. Moore, writes us that he has removed from “The Spiritualist»,” says the Republican. Pleasant camp, the representative Spiritual­ my pulpit. He may call It Brahmo SomaJ or Terre Haute, Ind„ to Cincinnati, Ohio, and intention of the society to have regular lec­ "do not mind a little fraud.- they hare the ist camp of the world, has officially declared what ho w ill, but my opinion Is It is Christi­ w ill resume publication Dee. 1st, at No. 220 tures during the winter, and with that end moat conrontent ways of aecouwtlhir for It.— against fraud and immorality, and intends anity, and that his conversion was brought Main St., where The Mediums Friend w ill be in view correspondence has been opened with aometlmes it la an erll spirit put» lying about by the Influence of the misslountles. I published monthly. Price $1.50 per year. Lyman C. Howe and other able speaker«. to enforce Its will. bid them and their new movement God speed, Mrs. Charlotte Johnson, of Troy.Ohio, Is In word» In Ihe medium'» mouth: sometimes It goes without saying, of course, that In and I hope it will do much for India and Dr. A. B. Dennis, a subscriber at Cedar Rap­ Chicago and may possibly remain for a the medium In the default of the customary Boston there are as good, virtuous and hon­ help the Christian missionaries to convert ids. Iowa, sends us a photograph of Prof. Den­ tho land. But we must not gcMlscouraged w hile. Mrs. Johnson won golden opinions spiritual aid yields to the temptation to est people among the Spiritualist« as are to ton. the negatlifa of which wa« taken a short so easily. In this country, a>dirlstlan na­ the past summer at Lake Pleasant both as a counterfeit the manifestations; but he has be fonnf! among any peonbK»nywhere;but time before he started on hls trip aroond tho tion, one person In live 1« nom inally a Chris­ medium and a woman of worth. She was the power and Is a revered object Just the unfortunately, of the nmjyrity of the leading tian—attends church. India has five times world. Tbe likeness 1« an excellent one, and formerly a consistent member of the Meth­ sam e/’ That tome Spiritualists "do not mind characters who there figure In newspapers and as many people os this country, nndltwill the donor ho« onr thank«. .will take a long time to convert all her SCO, odist Church and w^i brought to a knowl­ a little fraud,” Is true; but this Is no ground deal in mercantile Spiritualism this cannot Mrs. Milton Rathbun of Now Y o r k ^ ty . 0(10,-000 heathenV* * edge of spirit communion through her own for saying that all .Spiritualist« are Thus bo said. But this Is no ground for the Re­ will lecture for the Brooklyn Spiritual Fra-N minded, or that a majority are. Men go Into medial powers. Man;» of the incident« of publican's sweeping charge. Dying ax Predicted, ternity, in the Church of the New Spiritual the next life Just as they left this; If they her mediumnhlp are strikingly c o n v e n in g "The influence of Spiritualism," continues Dispensation, Clinton avenue below Myrtle, w e n liars here they don't get rid of the habit It appears from an exchange, that some ^and well -worth recording. With her bos- , the AvpuMican, "1« destructive of thought Friday evening, November 23rd. Subject: at once: for Instance, wore oqe educated time ago, Lafayette Cook, an eccentric citi­ baud she contemplates «pending a portion of and of morals." In the manner It Is formu­ "The Influence of Spirltudnslnyipon modern upon the staff of the ArpuMIcm to return zen of Auburn, Me., announced to his family ^he winter in Florida lated nothing Is falser than this statement Thought and Life.” and be able to And a congenial medium, be that be would die Sunday, Nov. II. On the V Tbe second volume of "The PUtonlst" la An-Individual who haa inherited through a MU« Alice GarmbQ^tjjGrtTngiifwhed student would unquestionably glre proof palpable of 12th his friends went to Lewiston,.Me., to rio^r offered to those who desire to become Kong Hue of Purllau ancestors a belief in a of Newfiham Hall, Cambridge, and author of bis Identltg by uttering qmessago as un­ buy a coffin In which to bury his remains. morp fam iliar with philosophic literature. place of everlasting torment, whoso brain the article on "The Emperor Julian*« .View truthful and uufalr as theVme nod under He was a sewing-machine operator and had The^ favorable reception already accorded the convolutions have been shaped In the Jona­ of ChristianUy ” In tbe September number of ootulderatlon. If the world obWts tpjylng been employed on a long job making over­ worthy scholar« and thinkers indicate« that than Edwards mold, whoee teaching has Macmillan's Mapasine, has been elected, out messages It must stop sendingNsnlrnthful alls. lie worked at home, and lived happily it was\wanted. The scope of the "Platonl«,t" been that he must do right In order to escape of twenty candidates, Professor of History In persons to the Splrlt-world. \ with his family. For a long time he had will b<| extended so as to Include every varie­ punishm ent from an angry God, who kepps Bedford College. London, In succession to Mr. The world ts slowly coming to a conscious- been talking about hLs approaching death, ty of Inquiry and speculation relating to the within bounds under secret protest and Bass MuIJInger. ness of lbs laws whereby the eflect» Wrought but as lie was in excellent health little at­ interior ftte.-Eminenl thinkers have promis­ through fear, such an Individual is often ap­ upon the spirit In this life persist in tfM^life tention was paid to him. Mrs. Belle Hamilton of Cincinnati. Ohio, ed their co-operationr--U will be published parently demoralized mentally and morally to eome. , formerly known a« Mrs. Belle Fletcher,trance monthly and will present an attractive ap­ by Spiritualism. One day shortly before hi« de^tfi he asked The action of light win Impress an Image a neighbor to take to town eome work he had and test medium, left that placeytbout the pearance. Price $2 per annum* in ndvanee. on the surface of Inorganic object». A fam­ In the very nature of things this Is Inevit­ beeu doing. lflth of November for an extended trip In the Letters should be addreased to the publisherF * iliar experiment ts to lay a key. or some oth­ able; his previous mental and moral disci­ "Shall 1 bring down aome work for you?** West. The first stopping place was Rich­ Thomas M. Johnson, Osceola, Mo. x er object, on a sheet of white paper, and ex­ pline bos been one of repremion; it has not asked the man mond, Ind. She w ill be glad to receive let­ At the meeting last week of the Baptist-. pose tt for a tew minutes to the action of purified his soul opr lifted him to a 'higher "No," Cook replied. "I have done all the ters from friends In tbe West to make ap­ mlnUtcr« of New York and vicin ity t^ere was annllght, and then lay the paper away where spiritual life. Having never been taught to work I shall ever do." pointments to hold stances. - lamentation pver tbe falling off in Church it w ill n et be disturbed. After several mouths. act right because it is right ao to act, he has At the Sunday m orning meal he remarked H ie Canadian Methodists have made a move attendance in Brooklyn. The young people If tfle paper be carried into a dark place and no comprehension or appreciation of such aadly, "¡¿hail never eat another breakfast In tbe right direction—a move which shows are becoming more reml« than the older laid on a piece of hot metal, the spectre of ethics. Consequently when he learns from his with you." He was In hie usual good health, that the Methodists are the clearest headed church-goer», especially in the matter of at­ spirit friends that orthodox heaven Is a and In the afternoon went out fora walk th* key wtll appear. Dr. J. W. Draper, says: with hls grandchildren. Returning to the people in the world and have the courage of tendance at the Sunday evening services. The ”1 believe that a shadow never falls upon a myth and the Christian plan of salvation not houie ho calmly announced tbit he would their convictions. They Ziave deliberately Rev. Mr. Hutehfeigft tried to explain the cans« w all without leaving there a permanent trace literally true, the bond« of fear are broken; prepare himself for hls coffin, and that he' stricken the awful word "obey" from tho of their backsliding in this regard. He says was ready to m eet hls Maker. He shaved —a trace which might be made visible by and having never been taught A y higher In­ marriage eervlce, and after this all the wo­ “ the young people nowadays are allowed ity centive for right doing and In no condition himself carefully and put on clean clothe«. resorting to proper processes." He called for a spread, and, lying down upon men of the nlanet will go to work to build •pend loo much time in courting.” Whea U a wafer bo laid on a surface of pollsbed to snddealy grasp the new ethtes; he plunge« a lounge, he drew a comforter about him, up Methodist churches. he asked a good deacon why his son was not metal, which Is then breathed upon, and If. Into lmmoraUUoe. But while seemingly a and apparently settled hituself for a nap. The .Vwet of West Chester, P»-, In giving at ehurth that evening, th^repj^ was that whan tbs mo litar» of the breath has evapor­ than before. He Is In reality just His wife ana family gathered about him, he bidding them all good-by. % They were im­ some reminiscences of the battle of Brandy­ be had gone to see a joujtg^iAdy," and an­ atoti, tbs wafer beabsUhn oil, we shall flndj® 1 good,and certainly a more hopeful subject. pressed by hi« gentle earneetneee, but had no wine, relates an lnddept connected with a other deacon exptalned^e absence of hia that the whole polished surface Is hot as It Ho la now simply givin g vent to the "Old idea of bis dying. They believed he hid British officer on Gen. Howe’s staff. Just be­ daughter by saying she was " waiting at Was before: although oar senses can detect Adam,".which bottled op for generations has, given too much attention to religious sub- fore going Into the battle he said, as he look- home for a young man." The assembled pre­ feet«, aud that this whim wa« the result. Mr. do difference: for It wc breaths' sgelo upon like wine, grown In body and flavor w ith age. os« the hills: " 1 have seen this conntry tor* heard Mr. Hatchings with a degree of When th is is worksd off, when he And«, as Cook tay with his cheek resting on one band It the surface will be moist everywhere ex- and w ith the other arm by his side. In that before. 1 sh all probably meet my fate here.*’ solemnity thaMndicated be was holding op oeoloo the „Spot previously sheltered by the. Und he will, that he has got to work out hts position he seemed to fall asleep. His fFTehds He gave hls watch and money to a brother evil they bad all recognized, but thh-mat- own salv«Uoa,there w ill begin a true reform, wafer, which will now appear aa a spectral saw do change lu him. At tea time they officer, w ith bis private paper«, to be dellvsr- tor of putting a stop -to courting Sunday tried to wake him. He was breathing soft­ image on Ihe surface. Again and again wc such an one aa his God-fearing, Are and brim- sd to hls family; entered the battle field and nights in Brooklyn, was something that pro­ stone-dreading ancestors knew naught of. ly. but they could not route him. He aank breathe, and the molatore evaporate*, but Into a deeper stupor. They worked over him received a worfnd of which he died tbe next mised too many dlfflcoJtlee to be entered up- M ill th* spectral wafer re-appears. And If there be no appreciable growth In hie all night, and a physician was called, but tt day." ithout farther deliberation. NOVEMBER 24,1883. B ELI Gl O-IVI ILOSOPIIIC AL JOU UN AL.

    Mm. Maud K. Lord at Lester's Academy. rrltl—Newton. WZDDtHG HELL*. Tats of Spirit Pretence^-Spirit ¡lap» The residence of Mr. and Mrs, Henry J. Funeral—Spirit» Move a ilouguet front the fiued to the expression of sweet tune* under Newton, of New York Clhr, was a scene of Table to the Hand of a Child in a Coffin. the guidance of those In spirit-life highly brilliancy and beauty on Wedneeday.pvenlng qualified Ui that direction. Clairvoyance and the 14th, upon the occasion of the marriage Largo uadi on «« grout**) Mrs.Maud H. clalratidlenee can be successfully developed •of their oldest daughter Florence to Mr. Ar­ In many persons by a systematic effort on thur Merritt, of Nyaek-on llte-Ifudson. The loot Sunday at Lester's Academy, 'H'J Went their part. She hod often given direction* wedding was unique, a Mwish-bon*” wedding: Ff«ike Ht. In the afternoon. Mm , De Wolf to others os-to hów they might develop llicir the couple wer’e married under a MWishbone'1 opened the meeting by making a few re latent powers of medio rush ip, and following of flower», and the bridesmaids were present­ murk» explanatory of the law* regulating tin the same, they had become clairvoyant and ed with lace-plus In shape of wd*h bone* and dalraudlent. nearly as large a* tho*« of a small quail, and * spiritual Influence!* controlling medltftnship The speaker then paid a high tribute of the ushers reeel fed from Uie groom scarf-pin* and governing the universe. Bhe claimed praise to Mr*, lie Wolf, who was then called of the same shape. The bride was dressed in that when the announcem ent of aoiuo new upon to make a fcW remark».-*, She alluded white ottoman silk with duchmse lace floun­ invention lo-m&de to (he world, that the natno to the door that exist* between the two ces, and the same lace iu profusion about the » / • i t i t i * lyonthlUim . iH 'lhjfiiim , realm*, spiritual and* material, a« being a l­ neck and sleeves, a tulle veil caught up with Iutperf*-rt C tm tin tioti, !h not really new, but Ita being brought into ways open, affording an easy iogrtos into Mermyt roses and conrt train, iler cheek» existence only.4hdlcat«s that man ha* taken the spiritual realm. She referred to prayer were a* glow ing as the Mermet rose* of her HhcnmnUem, Hr. a Htcp on to a higher piano of thought, where a* elevating the feelings, refining the aspira­ bouquet; the occasion and her bridal attire, the vista of hi* vision has been greatly en­ tions, and m aking the soul purer, and better enhanced her usual loveliness, and the euiiJc MRS. L. E. WARREN adapted to receive themltitotratlonsof angel». that Ht her face as she was escorted by the larged, enabling him to nee truths which had She spoke of earthquakes, ryclon««. epidemic* procession of charming young ladies, to meet always existed, but which had never before and other disturbance* of nature, a* symbol­ her bridegroom completed a» perfect apiftiire J ►*!«(• Ifdrtr*», " ^ J mt itt Urn been revealed to humanity,. izing the- mental agitation» that are now of girlish beauty as may ever be seen Tbe After her address, an effort was madesto truneplring throughout th» world. bridesmaid* were attired, two of them« in In an Eastern country the weary traveler straw-colored ottoman and two In light 4?a- o f f i c i :, » t o o n . get independent state-writing through the or wayfarer plant* Iris seeds by the wayside foam ottoman, trimmed with tulle and lace. 1 3 medlumshlp of Mr*, K. Wallace. A double wherever he may happen to by. nnd In doing The Itev. Dr. Franklin Babbitt, of Nyack, per­ POWDER Fruirm i no»!«.Hall IliiaU . elate was placed on a table, with a piece of , soJit* bleosea-others. Deeds o f kindness, act* formed the ceremony which was unostenta­ Absolutely Pure. r pencil enclosed, and several mediums were of charity, nnd kindly apoketo words, should tious, hut very JmprcArit e. A prayer was of­ be spread broadcast Jtere and there by each fered by Mrs. Nellie T. Brigham. A charming Tbl* ftvdfr im o «wrUw. A u m l «anted around It.-amF though no w riting traveler toward the spiritual realms, thereby •saury'to the scene wa* the presence of u~. at - *«• «<*/.«,i#*4 if.* “* cao«* I# mM lo e,utvvUlt--'¡ *came, the pencil was ho moved that nearly doing great good for humanity. Gather mt. itwrt «rrirftic. slwr--- * —- everybody In the room could hear It when It pearl* only that you may Ida** others lee* «**- OOfALAUKiM» came In contact with the »Idea of the slate. fortúnate than yourself, by scattering them, the altar. The test of spirit-power wna thought by tho Mrs. fjord thou took tho »laud again, nnd The parlor* and hall* were transformed In­ CoiMl Vmt for As» observers excellent after all, though no writ­ briefly related an Incident In connection to flowery arcade*. The «talr-rail was a mu»« in'JÓ- 1 *ÍY fn i * u rn ** Í ' * f* T in g came. with an earnest appeal by a resident of of sitiilaz, and the newell post a pillar of This experiment was followed by Mm . Lord Ogden Avenue, Chicago, to visit his dying roses. The arch between the parlor* wan in one or her inimitable addressojy richly daughter. He wo* not a Spiritualist, and it adorned with cupid'* bow and arrow, under freighted with stirring Incidents, and which was to her very singular that «he should be which the bride walked nnd which most truly did not fail to attract the closest attention called upon to minister to his child's last symbolized their union. The balcony at the of all present. She alluded to prayer as not itioment* In the material form, bhe want, rear o f th« parlors wn* enclosed for the m usi­ pniy having a tendency to ennoble human however, and sluing down by the bed side cian* who were hidden from the view of the nature, but eminently well calculated to ele­ »he poured Into the ears of the astonished company by a bpwer of palm* and evergreen*. vate the soul to a higher sphere of existence, parent* such a flood of divine light that the Over six hundred Invitation* were sent out. attracting the angels, and causing them to cloud* of death to a certain extent departed and the house was thronged with a pleasant, feel a greater degree of interest in on«'* be­ even to them. Loving spirit friends came: chatty .elegantly dressed crowd till ton o'clock ValíPATENTS^';- iMWrUoiu uhI UHmm iMU** w. i half. She thought it exceedingly beneficial she gave their name*, their message to the The ease and sMf-poase-tdnn of tha bride did • TO* KtMt W for the soul to have an Ideal before which (o bereaved parents, who could not dany the much to remore the usual »LiffueosVf the** AOS **■*• t* Iwwoi ww-«lv*i- bow in reverence, letting the mind send truthfulness of what she had stated. occasion*, and gave the reception a T)g>re In­ p a t e n t s Jtawd iwwuriMi voy 4N«f forth 1» tender appeals Its* highest aspira­ She then for an hour described spirit*, at­ formal effect. An elegant eollatlou Was serv­ tions, Truth she defined as inhering In each tracting the closest attention of her large ed by Plus d. Ma*+rtír ** d* um bmttog. Individual, being Ills or her highest convic­ audience. Tho universal verdict wax, "it l* Among the guest* were Mr*. Hester M. tions of what h right, and having to them good to listen to Mra. Lord's ministration*:" Poole, Mr*. N ellie T. Brigham, and Mrs. LIU for the time no other existence. Barney Kayh-s. who an»known to «lie reader* The speaker .alluded to fasting and the of the Journal. Some verse* by the lost bcneQclat lafluepce It exerts over the phys­ Tli? H azier Affair In a Nutshell* named lady are as follow»: ical and spiritual organizations. Bhe fre­ I C U R E F I T S ! T» th* Editor Ilf UW I lrKiJoptui <«,.**!»>*< Jwnwi! quently fasts, and that proems seem* essen­ la onlf * K- ll»l,IJ¡ tial In order to render her thoughts clear and With your permission I w ill try and present her vision more distinct, arid she Is thereby the facta In regard to the Baxter affair at brought more closely In proximity to the Georgetown, plainly and concisely before angel world. A twelve hours' fast seem» to your readers, and «how therefrom that Mr. Chicago flggirtic Shield Co., prepare her for more effective work, spiritual Baxter has failed to meet the Issue In that scenes being more readily presented to her square and manly way that the public have MO. 6 CENTRAL MUSIC HALL, CHICAGO, IL L vision and the message« more easily discern­ a right to expect of him. AGENTS ed* 1. The number o f printed obituaries in I n «Mkiily bow«, _ Bhe referred to the death of an old lady tho envelope w¿* not less than twenty. The Reflecitog Safety Lamp whose friends and relatives were composed typography showed, that they were taken of Catholic*. Presbyterians ami Spiritualist*. from various papers, and their date* covered Bite was called upon to officiate at the funer­ a period of several year*. al service* tri connection with an orthodox 2. The printed obituaries did not refer to W iC ^/oM K , .C A R L Ctocl.uli.0 divine. - She-reluctantly accepted the call, the same persons that were named in his writ­ Ufe l* only worlL tbe lirio» \ not ffellng competen' to so conduct the serv­ ten notes, and therefore could not have been That win t»cv«f «-¡i«« iu dluginc ices as to meet the approbation of her friend*. collected for the purpose of corroborating She cnlled upon her spirit guardian» toreeme those not«*, Fill twt. Uanlorr. in emteatw (ew w f, e m i n g t o n to her assistance and they designated a cer­ 8. In hi* d e lin e a tio n » ^ the convention, And iikmi abati i* Oteat forever tain chapter of the Bible a* appropriate for he never gave a ein gl^ fn ct in^any ca.se, be­ Wttb tmfalMac love. the occasion. Arriving at tho place where yond what could b« derived from the printed HDRSE POWERTIBE ENGINE. Life tbit* felly worth tbe tinaie. the funeral, obsequies were to oe held, the m i f l a i :*masa to t&cr lo-diy. R minister had not arrived, so she opened the Í. He gave the name of one purported fj cuur-icn wtili II tirimene services by reading the chapter pointed out spirit Incorrectly, Jajti a* he gave the date of ii - 11 ' R F n JM .fllS ALT. TO 11.1 ON to her, and making appropriate comment* the death of "Abe Buiiter Incorrectly at • | Si thereon. Her presence and remarks seemed Lake Pleasant, Mo**., on a former occasion. I And Ute^xmung joar* cumerve It, to have a most elevating and exhilarating in- mention this latter to refresh hi* memory. Tbj terrmliUI tfvaeen! l iirinir IlisNiNr li) Spirit P«H**r. .flueuce on those present, and the countenance 5. He ha* misrepresented minor details The wedding presents were elegant and Of U ttn ; or lo Urmt*t Cao * 6» TpUaraMk. KOaunatn* of each one seemed to beam with new light about which be could not well be mistaken. very numerous, compulsing a portion of al­ Wi-or» Or «*•*• « !» * « * AS* •*»! as she betrayed the Ineffable glory and grand­ Every one of the above statements ean.be 1ML T«w*:~EAMtbOUnC 1/ti‘ r ut thrnUVl-M Uo TWt most everything nece.-teary to the titling out ttiJtó. *100. rtartínvr'i üt*l/u»-ííí, pv «noe*, 11,06 Tn*t- eur of the spiritual realms, and during her proved by several highly respectable witneso- of a young housekeeper. We tender our con­ MM 1-T TrMnph « 4ML CwUmMa «a*»n Ut tfWlIMM U A VALUABLE PREMIUM discourse the spirit of the old lady came and gratulations to the newly wedded pair and Mlr Wiwu. J » swr Uvwtt« tra* M »act** stood by the coffin, and gazing Intently at the 1. On the other baud Mr. Baxter asserts their p*»*«rtbL L. cost off garment*, she could scarcely realize that there were oaly four printed obituaries St. Cloud I artel. N, Y„ Nov. Mth, i m H II.W I AliLKS, that she hod aver occupied the same, and In In the envelope. S41J K orth CaUfge Areno.. Fhjlaiíflphis. P». SUBSCRIBERS language which the speaker heard, she ex­ 2. That those four priuted obituary no­ pressed her surprise at the wonderful change tices which he did have were handed to him Busíbís.5 notirrs. OAHSPE FRATERNITIES, which had been wrought In so short a time. or collected by him a* corroborative of the During the course of her remarks, the raps communications'he had previously received came on the coffin, loud and distinct, so that from the spirits of whleh be had made writ­ guani reform Cod lb s____ _ - , ______Reli^io-Pliilosojiliifal Journal. nearly allpreseut could hear them. After ten memoranda. she hod diffused In the room and around the 3. In regard to the minor details referred O. addnss. Borilo Height*. Ohio. i M u i M T V m t s s t m V» somber surroundings the hopeful radiance of to be d< Dies the facts just the same as in the -O f- *' the spiritual philosophy, and made paeh one above instances. U it not fair to coneJude find happier and better, then the orthodfx therefore that Mr, Baxter stand* convicted of m inister came. He had not heard her address; fraud and falsehood? I see uo alternative Scad far exphuucP>ry orcubur. FAITHISTS ASJLTHEIR FRIENDS NEW PLAIN TYPE. AKT13TO BINDING, he knew nothing of what she Hod said, but, Either th* above conclusion 1* just ora large strange to relate, he selected the very same number of our best citizen* have been guilty CUUBVOTAJrT ElAJSlSATlOSS POOM LOCX Of L A l'nircr+nt Mutui ¡Look for .Beady chapter that she had read from the Bible and of perjury, and aro now ready to perjure Hoik—Dr. ButUrfMd will writs you a clear, pointed rammpuled upon, and made it the basis of themselves still further^ swearing to the and correct dlogtJkb at j11 dlKunlng ill, Kim« ,ubj.ct Hut I, up readers, but Its great length prevents anything save __ , «.bin Srll.Ux ttKt rrm«)[« write with time at bis own command. In my head, I went to steep. I awoke the next morn­ fore going to sleep, pressed gently together the out­ Barclay was lamenting his sense of Incapacity to .swinging lAmself outward with wonderful quiet- Although thay knew the going aud the passage ing wllh my brain thoroughly clear, and, strange to er and Inner corner of each eye helwoen the thumb. nr**, sralerit Ihe roof of the boufrO. This man u.i* Warn planned for many a day. in. In bis Intellectual being, to Ibe mark which nay. all the ambiguities lu uiv difficult towon were and forefinger of the band corresponding to the ,._j evidently set forth In his own mind. **1111», with nude plain, and I read the Latin without a balk, right and left eye, applying equal, simultaneous Toro Bollard, tlie notorious counterfeiter; asd. Would It appeoae the pang» of sepirnUon very few exceptions," rejoined John Mill, 'was the The sum« thing happen*! a second time, nod I again pressure to both eyes. Or, using but one hand, ho armed to Ui« terili and fully rMllzing hisrilustlm, IT they should all declare . . . t case with all who had ever reflected.*....Then, on found tost when fwenl to sleep with a confused has put toe middle finger on hla forehead above bis d Ibe oflklals below him. Some. discouragements In intellectual pursuits: ’Here, too, __»wing the deeper«!« character of No draught of pleasure should by them w taken Idea of roy lesson, learning It while half dozing, I nose and pressed together the corners of one be­ , proposed to ritoot him until he was killed, WbUa you were otherwhere? you should ever aim high. Work on, even when awoke wfUi all the knotted point* unraveled. It l*e- tween the thumb and forefinger, and the corners cf nothing you do please* you. Do It over again, with­ * other — ___ of the number promptly protested, and de­ But that «ach hour their doleful lamentation« came roy custom after that to read roy tasks over just clared that If his brother officers would assist him out ever admitting discouragement. At the «am* before going to bed, and I never tolled to have them striving to give equal pressure to both Tb. to ascend he would capture the mail alive. Ac­ Should sound to call you hack? Ume, you must curb your faslldlousnesa and not let tn the morning. MKstrici old tutor saw that I never philosophy of the ei|«rimeut Is explained ... .— Thay would not «log,nor laugh, nor Join In Joyance jour Judgment and taste get too far In advance of cordingly be lie«™ Ibe difficult and dangerous task, studied, and thooghltone of the other boys was bslto way: As people [uua the middle age, there Is said to and succeeded in bringing bis prisoner to the ground But mourn, aud mourn,’»alack 1. your power of execution, or your ardor will be damp­ Ing me. At leiigUi laijrave me a page of U ff to bo (and we believe It) a tendency of the ball* of the tn safety. ed and you will probably do nothing.*" translate, and told meTKdld not have It for him the eye to |oee their convexity—la common parlance, to Your soul would elnk, and WnJdaj of absence. ... Mill himself write« of hi* first acquaintance flailed. The hOMloal pressure of tho outer aud In- The roan who accomplished this task was Mr. Lie heavy on your heart; next morning he would llofcjne. He then forbid,any Tit MB» Curtin, the present superintendent of city with Sira. Taylor thu*; “Although it was many year* of the boys coming near me ihdwnlched mracUona Der/oroers of tlie eyre .together prevents flattening, tlOe of Buffalo, N, Y. Mr. ('urtfn U a man who le The profit and the plewure 1 >f the Journey •after rny Introduction to Mrs, Taylor before roj ac­ I rood the Horn as usual hsfore/Slng to sleep, an.l and thereby preserves tlie original normal convexity Would every whit depart! quaintance with her became at all Intimate or «mil- of Ibe eyNk and thereby the original power of see­ own by every prominent TJrirciDe and police­ Jenlial, I very soon fell her to be the most admirable sure enough toe next day I had as you man in America, and he stands pre-eminently in the »inula! 1« lanscapea please, ITe never troubled roe after that. Well, the ing. Near-sighted persons arc exceptions to toe Kfront rank of his profession, tyulet and gentleman-" person I hadever known. To her outer circle, »he ymr psaayl by, and I found my faculty still clinging rule. Tbslr near-slghtedusm (m we understand) is __ „„tj _____ air of natural dli ly In appearance and manner«, he poMeeae* a cour­ wit, with a to me, till I began to put too much fallh In It and de­ caused by too great convexity of the eye. Often- age, combined with roorkeil pbysiral powers, that Hnction felt t.J >]l wliti upriurhKl h,r. To Lho In- pended almost entirely upon my mysterious helper. llin««. ns they advance In years, their eyes flatten; make hi in thn terror of evll-doera, and the pride of ner, a woman of strong, deep feeling, of penetration Fame time ago a phrenotogUt came to examine my that IA loae their original convexity, aud become and Intuitive Intelligence, and of an eminently medl- mire nearly like the good eyes of young people, and law-aNdlng rltizeu*. Few peotdecan rcrilx«, how­ The riches of the wondrous, far-off country lallve and poetic nature.-, I ooon tiercel red that r«mll,-i h«uh. ami llifj all w«m wliii OTyililin. ever, thn trial*, exposure«, and even pt lvarious, to Would he unganiered all, . L1 paid no attacUdU to Ihrir Wl.tlimiali ru j^ fr untwl they can tee bettor without glamw, and lay them which the members of every muuldpal police nod Because, forsooth, you must I» eo enfeebled she possessed In combination toe qualUlee which In me to give toe man a trial. One uav, however, bo aside. fire department are exposed. Compel led to be on By self-love's hungry call. all other person* I had been only to banny to find met me and ws# so penitent that I at length Ml Whether our philosophical explanation Is right or duty at uncertain hours, subjected to the most In­ singly...... Her Intellectual gifts did but minister to a down to him. Us said that ho would oxaaune my wrong, this one thing we know, that whereas we, clement weather, and often necetwttatel by the na- . moral character at once the noblest and toe beet bal­ bead for $3, and give a chart for ffi.' I told liim fteventeen years ngo, were losing our original tureof Iheir duties to protracted undertakings, they ance» I which I have ever met with In life. was all I would throw away, ami he began to iiaroo er of seeing, now, by the tnanipulAllon or our % Mra Mill died in IH5H of pulinouary congestion my characteristics. At length he said: “kou have eyes as above explained, we can see clearly without endure a nervous and physical etraln that Is terrible. after only a few day»' Illness, at Avignon, Franco. Such was the experience of Mr. Curtin In former one faculty that Is fully devetop«-!. It 1» epUttualUy- the um of glass*«, we can road small-print almost, If days; aud II Is not surprising that he-found bliuself She h e lk ii hie wlf* for seven happy years; and, to You have that faculty developed to a inariteri degree. not quite, as well as In our youth, while meu and suffering from a mysterious physical trouble. In re­ •We will not famUh. Think of us aa thriving, toe end of bli own life, Mill never recovered from the Yt n would have made a line medium. Yonr inlnd h women many years our juniors, some of them our lating Ills experience to a representative of this pa­ Constant In Io?a and true. shock of her death, The depth of his sorrow Is In- capable of working eeparato from your bisty—that near blood relative«, who have not reeorted to our per he Mid; If illness seize you, or mischance befall you. dlcnted In bis autoblafraphy In these words: “Sloe* Is, it can perform mental labor while the body 1» at ■node of Improving the eyesight, are compelled H: “At times when I was on duty I would feel an un- Why-wo will oo me to your thru, I have sought for such alleviation as my stale lest aud know» nothing of It. You soroetlmM solve use glfljeea. Believing it our duty to mankind to dc occountAhle weariness and lack of energy. My ap­ admitted of by toe modo of life which moet enabled difficult problems while you are asleep, and wakeup them alt the good we cao, We overcome our nativi petite was also uncertain and my bfwd seemed dull You could depart. Peace, like a white-robed angel, me to feej ber still near roe. I bought a cottage a* In toe morning without knowing that you have been modesty about writing of ourwdf t*y the considera­ and heavy. I did not fully understand these troub­ dose as possible to the place where sty» is burled ‘ at work." 'Herela IV said 1; *a man who knows tion that we may benefit others by relating our own le*, but supposed, as most people suppoee.that I was Cklm! frerv and houComA growing and enriching a!111 ii.:iht-rd-uigUl. : -li j f''-: v.llff- t, n:- I ho.', m much a* you do 'Iwem* W ‘Mr strange faculty,' suffering from malaria. I tried to throw off the feel­ By what you hear and see. my chief comfort-anil I live constantly during i continued Senator Beck, 'whether It I* spirituality or reason-why b tb eyea should tm subjected U ing, but It wood not go. I thought I might over­ great portion of tho year. My object« In life »resole- not, 1« erowlnc weaker. I can bardli e*l'ln u Hie the equal elmulUneous pressure Is, that to see clear­ come It, but found I was mistaken, aud I finally be­ So should It be when through death's gate or ih Jy those which were pern My pursuit* and occui»- action of my mind during these abnormal spells, j ly, both eyes should beboJd object* at the same focal . lence Uons those In which she shared or synijiatolxed, and came so badly off that It wo* almost Impossible to se« the lines and words before my mind# eye, and dlvUnce, aud tills cannot be If the two ryes have •Rend to my duties. I have known any number of _ Those dear to u* depart— which are Indissolubly aseoclated with her. Her without knowing the proc*aa,or. Indeed, being aware not tlie Mine convexity. If lb« two eye« should see memory Is to in« a religion, and her approbation the men lo Ibe police and fire department* of thl* coun­ process, I work out too problem.’ object* at different distance«, tho object would pre­ try who have been afflicted as I was, and I dmibl standard by which, summing up as It doe* all worth­ *Yoar’ rime in bèr John Sbermao's aneodole of sent dtffereul Iroagra on lb« two retirin' of Uie eyes, not there ( • * iness, I endeavor to regulate my life.’* Beck," coullnuml the gecllrtnan. “Beck vr as work­ and produce a con fusion of Imager, and« «f course. who, like ix,..... The grief was so excessive a* to become morbid. ing day and night on toe Tariff Nil, when a member Impair distinct vision. Instauwa Occur of i*et»"nv M bid iJll 3 (hem." The house In which be lit. d adjoined the cemetery wondered how he got any r«U 'Oh/ said Senator who have a natural toflrndty of lb* eyes with dif­ “YcKir present npppearanre, Mr. Curtin, _do«s not where she was burled. He bought every article of Hherman, who was prreent, -Ih-ck rests himself when ferent foci—on* eye -seeing at one focal distance, furniture, even lo toe carpel,.belonging to toe room Indicate much pbyslau debility," Mid the Interview- , In the Metropolitan Temple last night, beh be makes a speech.* ------*'* the other seeing at another focal distance. In s 1 er, as he lookeoJre a particular sly.. . men of thl* generation have known. Wherever alike demonstraUve In of out of the bouse. Tables nnd scum which lias been heaped upon ¡U both from harmlom remedy. ludced. 1 see that Dr, Gunn, ad ora meet, and a .... Which. If U be appropriate, ■ex needed a friend or champion tor Iheir <*u* at which riie ml moved, the chair on which she within and without, ever assert their right to be re­ dean of the l otted Slate* Medical College of New will be beautiful as far a stood rewly to help. As one Instance of tow would seat herself would show signs of Ilf* and spected and protected against charlatanism and fraud York, Indorsee It In tho highest term«." concerned, but cannot be l------. ready chivalry, I quote from an^ an artlcla^by.u article by uoorge dance around Uie room with her. and-like demon­ if not through healthy, eflldent organization? The “So you experience little difficulty lo the execu­ Is for this reason that women should not obey Jacob Holyoake, cnllllod “John Stuart Mill as Some strations would be made at all tiro**. These dem­ only hope and salvation of our cause, and the only tion of jour duties now. Mr. t'urtin, uo you?" THK DICTATES OF FASHION, of the -Working Claseos knew biro:*’ “The firat time onstration* became reryanoojina to the family, and coJttriLMhlch will ever commend It to the respect of "None whatever. Our department was neves in Which trie» to make one pattern for all to follow, he appeared nt a public meeting and node a speech Mr. DeBlots expressed the desire to be relieved frnr better coodl I Ion than at present." • was al lbs WhULingtou t lub, belbre a Largo tea gath­ uwqita of culture and character Is for us to have some “And do you never have any fear of some of the A drees should be regarded as respectable which. file -.farther attention from the Invisible agency. Ill* d» efficient system of organization that includes both desperadoes whom you have been the means of properly and le d*mn and dmL If to these quallfi- ering of co-operatora With their wiTes and famltl«. •Ire was not couched In langusge at all elegant and genrrsl (State or National) and local societies, suite cattons it ad*ls appropriate])««*, It become« beautiful. 1 was nskn] to urge him to »peak, and I was as glad •eeined to offend th* spirit«, who have since ‘ ™ ably officered so that they, can both protect and de­ ' The modern style of drew Is barbarous. Women are a* surprised when he rnxiaented. Had It not been for far more demonstrative, going so far as to slap c fend the worthy mediums and other workers t\s well Such do expected to compress their ribs with comets, stand the evMswe« of so many women taking Interest In ben of the family, roll them out of bed. upturn la- forever free ourselves from the curse and odium late, partially became they have not the courage, lb constrained ihi»Ilions on elevated bootbeels and co-operative economy be* I suspect, had not spoken bles, and have no respect for inotho i-enogsf-vllDg« orof uthe ... countenancing (or seeming to) fraud, duplicity, but ortener because they respect an officer who does carry gTrat weight« of dry goods. It has been said toere,” In another place, Mr. Holyoake, In speaking family or of visiting friends The family. In need llceulloufruosis free-love and every form of evil which hi* doty.” and truly too, that few women could take the col­ of a monument fionwmpUlwt to bo raised to rest, sent tbs Utile girl to a neighbor's to remain at ‘ sought to be h raped upon us. . Tbe policemen, firemen, letter carriers and other lege course pursued by many young men, but not memory vrf Mr. Mill, after bis death, remarks: leant one night, but the spirits took lodging along We can. we must, and we will show ourselves i public employe* in this country hav«a partlcuEar­ one young man III a thousand could endure the dis­ ha should return to earth, I do not think Mr, Mill with the girl and made a trrribl* night's work of it .j some measure worthy of the grand trust that h ly trying life. When, therefore, a simple and pure comfort« to which women are subjratadby fashion's would over go to *e« hts own statue. But. If day one l- tl»e house of the neighbor. The excitement In bran committed to our care aud keeping. We ca_ remedy that can restore and suslalratlu! health of all dictate«. And woman Is practically/wiplem In the ahull Vxlend mental and sociological science, he the ___ - * ----» *W1J, and hundreds of d looger to sit Idly by apparently oblirious such men la found, It should be fouaw (or great con­ nutter, for any Innovation U greeted with such de­ would Iw sure to read their essays;/rod, if women theories ai __ Sb The sympathy .... obligation and rrsponriMlltjr"ui>d gratulation, ««pedalty when recommended by such rision that it cannot 1» carrier out. wrote any of them, be would. If necessary, apply is great for the family, who are wweiell respected by all noble cause suffer and be dragged lu lbr> v. , a man as Superintendent Thomas Curtin of Buffalo. If unturo were cooled In manners and In morality, further leave of absence In order to read thelra: who know them.—OUihitm County hy derigulug enemies and false and pretoudiug as well as In draw, the world would he greatly bene­ friends. W onder« o Ittici fited. Nature M l*ve« tn W«U< i T liruny. T h e n r tm i ol ■ The approaching winter Is an opportune lime for KFONTAXKtTY AND HAHMONY. action, and has been duty prccnled by a period of Pita I L Myrmeddm w Might Mankind teems now to believe in universal deceit d U» Editor uf iho nanclo-VUlaaophim Jotuul: talk and resolving. Now let us work and see what t of 1* and hypocrisy. There Is little real sincerity and cor­ When I saw liie nameorthterfisUngulsIied vetenm Charter Oak township, Crawford county, ha* a can be done. All that ha* preceded la of value, and ______jWpwHl ^'hw 'ickiiofc- toib I t .. diality in this world. Every one strives fo appearr Splritoalbt In Uie lomatSt* wdb week« dnre, I was genuine sensation In the shape of a ghost that cornea was needed; but is it not time now lo move on and »mail a compos«, that a bee could hide either with different from tint reality. Respectability, so called, delighted to hear of hint again. 1 had hut sight or from the dreamy land to the vale of tears to prove to show tlie world that we are sensible. Intelligent Its wings. Nor should we doubt Ibis when we find must be obtained even If U Is at the sacrifice of nil him for many years. I well rememlwr Jn 1H!>> while. mortal the kinship of life and death. Some mriuths men and women, capable of using the ordinary It recorded,In English hUtory on Ire* quistlonahl« else. So Wide spread Is this longing for respectabil­ * wo* Investigating Spiritualism In New York, l went «go Urn wife of a-prosperous farmer diei, leaving means of orcoiniduhlng desirable ends? Amniiat authority, that In the twentieth year of tyueen Elbe» ity that many a whited sepulchre occur» In our . hear him lecture on the subject, and was pleased an Infant to the tender inerdra of n rootherlee* we ate not afraid that we may do aomelhlng llk«-\ nlietb’s relgh a blacksmith of London of ths name of - midst. Vrirnre. «specialty of a avia! nature, are prac­ with him. , . . . . other people. What If wo should? Mark Scsllot, maije a lockfrf iron, steel and Lrare, of ticed and condoned, if not detected. Many a man home. An old Uwty kept house for the widower, eleven ptecrejux) a trijs© keyjiU of which only wriu’hed I »titled with jdm. and was much edified br what I and took cart of tlie child. Ou one occasion, wUcu Kalamazoo, Mich. 8, DuiXLOV one grain. Seoliot also mode a dudn of gold, of ruty- welcomed Into society U for more worthy of condem­ received from him privately. He was publishing a the little one was very fretful, theold lady, who Is a nation and expulsion than the trusting woman bo periodical called Tiffany'» Monthly. I was glad to devote) Christian woman, exclaimed: “If there la a three link*,’ which be fastenefl to the lock and key, „ baa deceived aud betrayed. and who has tn couse­ quirt unity of [ mij ’• iw: n ...... i»n i ■ ••» God, I wish he’d let this child's mother come beck aud putltaroaud the neck of afiiw. which drew quence been discarded and cast off by all respectable ave reail with profound Interest. They and aoolhe lit” A few moments later the door / tbe whole with perfect ease. The chain, key, lock, (?) people. Not until society Is so organized that too vw. a good missionary work and are among swung upon Its hlngr* without apparent cans«, and and flea, altogether weighed but one grain and a equally guilty shall bo equally punished will the mil­ the bed works I have ever read upon Spiritualism. a speesrew recogolred as the dead »other In her bure sum S' lennium come Into fright. Nature mar be with safety Whim I learned be had published a work on “Man la) clothe* glided Into the room, knelt __ iillard r)«fn,\d roiritantla, Oswego Co, N. copied in nil things and mankind will he vastly ben­ d hts Dsstlny," I wyote lilm aud sent him one of child, wllh her hand*clasped as If In pm.-., — Yn anidljitalty adyted Sfriite thumb; he bottled It lu T lie Southern Association U n<* ready to employ efited Ibcrobj.—The Hatty Efperl, San Francisco, _ / books, and ho amt me hla. I have read it with then as rilenUy left the room.hppan?utty tearing ato»boL auiT^sii when It wo* out of hla sight, he -ny speakers or mediums. When It la. the fact will CuL , J much IntereeL U Is one of tho best works 1 have through the closed door. The old lady was at u pilled could tell when any ooe tampered with It or the bot­ be made public. Therefore It Is uselrae to apply. ever read for circulation among ministers and church and ber story was not believed until two weeks later, tle, and be would know when the alcohol was off, Glvetis tlais to get a good readj—perhaps we will III.light Ills n Tornili people. Ho sbed* much light upon the Bible, giving when the widowed husband- observed the same phe­ for the part of bis hand where the thumb ought to needNa year or longer. No mistakes must be made, views whlfcli to my mind are more satisfactory than nomenon Id the dead hour of nlghL The spectre has he would |«to him Udly. Once his hand pained If possible to avoid. Above all, tbe brat talent must any work 1 have ever read. It should be largely cir­ re-appeared regularly ever/ two weeks rince, and of him, and lie left the canal boat to go home and see be engaged: and only median» of strong powers culated. I am glad to eee In the last Juuiinai, that tote at khortor Intervals. Not long since tlie mat what was Uie matter with Itrbe found Uie bottle nd moral integrity should be encouraged to visit ______» completes his century If shasa capita" article on ■Religious Infidels,” In married and the visit of the spectre at midnight tipped over, although be had put ft on a high shelf it* Button. Local societies must first Gs walsted; [QdlcaU^n* are trim. He lire reoeatly purnt«ss 1 hlv hlch he takes CoL Ingeraoll to task la regard to wltnresed hy the bride, who describes the ghostly whrrr he supposed no ooe conld geKat It, To'riro- i tombstone and placidi 11 In the cue nf\\ndty*w »me of his views, visitor With startling mlnuteoes«. Just before the tect It, becanied It In hla satchel wlto him wherever Hahn, whom tie requmto to keep it and see k placed This U the kind of reading that U will Uke to con­ visit the horses In toe barn appear disturbed, toe be went after that at bis grave. It Is a modest slab of marmi* and vince Ibe thinking people that the truth* of Spiritu­ (pigs bark viciously and the windows rattle. Noth­ NtrMRKB TWO. - bears tots inscription: “In memory of Elijah Wood- alism are In perfect accord s*Jth the soundest princi­ ing can Induce the husband to uaGover his bead Mim Catherine Aon Terhune, nf Areola, four miles worth, boro 17IÍ2, who no* resides In Iplrit life, a ples of phlhioophy and Hie relation of man to his while the ghostly visitor la lit the room, although the !.. F Owen, Secretary of t ^ L s P « be sent for to take them out: a V shaped scar much good resulting to those who attended. We gtyphkal characters. A ro xlern seer and aagv In ber lips. As the grant poet mM t*'— - re lo know the work will not stop here: but map good natural and spiritual civilization, whose eunUghl UHI»,fruit, weWO irosi,iha!lUW.HM'I »V'llll*spring W|>up *«"■■“ from ——all the—— Seed* — nf- •hail never chae. Vilely pereecuted by rellgiot» biff* other scars are shown. After the doctor would truth and wisdom, dropped by these «amasi work- tract one or more neediea, and then start for borne, otiTaHhougli living In tempéranos aud good moral­ OBpIrUoal Light ) era In the cause of »{¿ritual troth. May the good ity. Who filled a mortal body with rigorous health 1. Frmuk Baxter. be would be sent toy, and overtaken, and lo great angels tvrr assist them tn their waft. Is our prayer and mammy nearly one century, traveling in seven Geo. P. Colby la a roodious and trance speaker with haste return to take out others. The only way Miss I. N. H a ir y writes; I have been a subscriber to Hiatos of tbs union/ Friends of th« old gentleman a very extended reputation. His remarkable endow­ fetta* Mtlor tí IA* IWUgW^SUMwMScsl Journal! Terhune accounts for this terrible affliction toy that the JnuaxAL for ovar too years, and I expect to take who have seen bint travelling a found th« country ments are of ax4i character as to attract favorable To reader! who Art teqnilnted with Mz. Baxter. U when ah* w«* about 1H imt* eld, ah* was sick And It as tong ai I live. If ft continue to pursue the same with hi* pock for many years will doubtless recog­ notice wherever he go«*, and whoever has tbs would sesti) needles* to write snythlng In hi* de­ tying on Lb# bed. An old woman, whom every one course that it has sino* I lieve been taking It lam nize the writer of the inscription, hut the one who portonlly to meet bini in a privale w even mora p fence. Aa a friend of the cause In wnfch be la Iv Called a “witch" who lived about a mite from there, a Bundy Spiritualist; so go on with the good work did the cutting on the stone ought to be banished lie seance Is almost «are to obtarh some friendly bortoff so socoessfulty, I will say that at Freeville, N. came In. She waa always afraid of her. Wed, the that you hare commenced, and all will be welt toc bis poor orthography and punctuation. Helias old woman rat a little white, then go« up to go and moda Ita perfect Jumble of mleapolled words. ** ___ He Is a very acceptable asd effective trance three year* oí * backed out of the door, muttered something to her­ W . U . H . Hmr+n writes: I expect to take speaker from the pisiform and perhaps we can «7 acqualnUnc« wit self sod kept her race turned all the Ume toward tbe Joüskal and pay for it while ! remain In the Hahn has tb* curiosity laid away In his wagon L— I was Impressed with bis oon^bmkn^timn- body. I Indorse all that la mid to flavor of the Joe*« notti Code Elijah leans Um carnal and steps tato that his medtomshlp eomWoes as many rare sifts ty hs*ri«g. 1 akoalso raedradreceived inIn pufattepublic aiidlnand tn privateprivt •* Catharine and did not take bar eysa off of ber one bis Spirit-workt—The ImU* ( MicA.) LotaL and different phases as that of sire other In the field. Instant, UU she bad backed all ths way out of the Hal's conreé bath by the prras aftd tnludlriduals. I He can At down at th* organ and discourse atoquent onnfct »M UK) IwMMt« door; and right away after that the needles legan to bsfieve to weeding out all ( n ^ f f iT i in opboidtog mode as wall as stand op and give expression to pmco'. li™, wh, dW km* «r> 1» mr corns out of ber flesh. Her mother took every needle the true. 1 beUevs to w^otattloo tn its ban n i l , lo ro fortj mili* who b t o JimI ki pha*s* beautiful thoughts, and In fact he I* capAbie of enter­ oblUlUT nolle, or ■ piTMtoo. to and pin out of the house; still they would com* out it Harvey Mott, at Memphis. Ma 8he gave me the taining and Instructing hla friends and the .public In of her flesh Just Ih e« » « a* before ^ g. n . W . ( b s p a s s writes: I do l neat indubitable evidence of ideality; told ma ovary A gnat variety of ways, and Is admirably qualified to tuff plMft. 1* 1»' Eoob». mwtteolar ooenectedri wtlwith her barisi and the pUni- l*S*Wrender *UHVUhimself generallyKrSirjit useful In carrying forward Lkl«, K. T. F re d rtitaaltowoc, Wte, write- shrub of ben at the grave; the greata t wan wort of •;spiritualistic reform either la a Spiritualism here Is bsgtnnlog to challenge Inquiry - - W____ Ü______S Í T » »i ' our own doorstep, eawbtoh n the more private walks of Ilf«, G « l. F. F . B i l l . n l , wilHuf Item Suilog, with my own hands, I cut her name: of the little that 1 had not the opoortoplty «f SBrtoffi, «r>t Til« a im I* * 1« pro*T»«iii«-I»™-- among German* and Bohemians more than among flbworlpMdmd from mid shrub.and lay on bèr .rrbeco ,----- rolos- ir ---Lmataty acquainted vrith Bro. Col* hhtx. In tádíUoo ló » mootBH tlif. from «n. Brtr- our American peqpto. I think some, good, fnrritS by during Ills short stay m Chattanooga. He Is «vi­ TfflW ■■rtWlSi CB^UM 11« . M» iwt lw lhi 1« Irtlw W deo tty a young man with a grand future before him. bun « H n ■ wwlj tonlotwJ aniliim. Hla Ja - ______.___ ... j*JL My famflj started , 1« ach at hr. Sh. (tn* ew» t*1 nlhticHoa, «ml h the Inquiry bere and have succeeded In Interesting i a C T tíStSsxisijs m i f s abe vi» wneo sue paeeeu sway, mi« huh uiu pos and, aided hybie own totumve powers and the a* quite* number who are looking for more Ughi. A tends to* rap the cunouodlog air Ml : I» happy, and reqoasied us not to grieve for ber. She sIstaoM of hie angel guMso, It la difficult to contem­ 1 ]« D I hdt at (sod -Jutalton u d W*ti moni a,------— - —wtmm abroad would c------and, as one of the brat means of reftsahlag tbs air gave her love to our cbHdres, calling several of them plate the amount of good ha may da er-Uie bright* ctundv. Sb* (In* m o m la fiunWa* «nd bu of a ttek room Is to piece to It piante and tronche* Byname. She said: “Tsil them that I do not sleep and breadths of spirlyMt power to which he mav at­ In (ha grava, bat etili Uve; tall them to Uvp para tain during Us earthly oarew. We hope he may tong IL»|W * I«» Hum I* pabilo to lb* gmutoulon at survive to let hto light shine upon a benighted world ti,« November 2î, u m . It E LI ü IO - P ri I LOGOI'Il IGA L J O U It N AL . s

    T h e l i n t Ilu h ) . t i i i <; i n d e x LICH T FOR ALL^ HMO MOTE THU IEH TEBTAVEITf THE CROSS AND THE STEEPLE. Hb« caiu« wlUi tb« bird« of the morning— r«l thf w/tbor* •<* Imta uam m » Thi* baby of our»-*' Oakland, Cal., tlcMt-CM i • hrl«U«. f»or» To add to our dwelling's adorning And gladden tlio hour*. No taby was over ao charming, PUBLISHED AT 3 TRCMOMÎ PUCE. NOMON. MASS SL»'« »liuti!/ divine— Tbl» a wert llulrt bird of tb« morning, «“« iiiS ÏÏÏW John’« bat»/ and cnlu«. Juft intatti. Wa tauk ln lb« aan of our tmlles, Light for Thinkers, A OAPTTVATINO BOOK. ln rapture w« n ie •M ROME, KOT BETHLEHEM, At ber quii nt little orla qf liegutilng, -a*-** r : JUTK& TWß U » *t?j *t Hn—rtiWt IfrfcUnUrtfr powqr à In blissful junaxe . Till-: l i l i a l i t ì M X W n o t à i - Wo bari? tfêr our dimpled cheeked cherub; A*l*mdlnii iM Mum 0» Uv I'**ao ItImo ,,f k« *wyffîffsSÈ Our Joy la complete; »»'urn 1^.1 ifj Ui« Mr M tàtwUt Sb« drive» from our d welling all sadness— This baby «a «Wert. LIGHT —.1fr*. Harri ft Joiut. "a toMlUit« I «ari /nomai fry aptfltealt*» am for fnwO/. htltanÿhl l,|lttlMl>«l H M« Uri 'JUST ISSUED or.' a S n r J M Q r c, KoaiAnt frie*. wurlAiiMsn, 4—Wlao * aua*erit«iM>* u*m> at tbu i-r TOBACCO AHD ITS EFFECTS A P ltl/.I, i .'u I Utrouflioot Ut* «urbi, airi LONDON AOKNCIEK U n it i UH 11! Un (I M ica li i flftlu l. b tu i, I o Db» and aum ubali b* UWi Uvtdaa ali »Ulti £ . Tb* mlailof« «if Bellalon 111 Selene* md PtillaoOiraor. I Itanal ItalliricA MJ»«! Uiaaoa*. M. li, rganlx*Uon,aQd Ira* ■i A MAN. Elf A f f A VXjOA. ditloiml thought that heat exr.rew ita ethnic or na­ IlooMIMlti and *t Pbuj A» preff I W |i ^ «*»»-»04 pa n . hiudraMA. ivier.iijoo:pi*u«a. tional |lf«. If India arvepu Chrtat it will 1» the anoai - : :ii •: a!' «■TUUr e«a,rrtua »»eli • Uri» Musini Hindoo, not the Anglo-Haxou, Ideal of DirlaL rr|Vtr_ ^a»»rd UiTuHgb utn }«£ W atrh film by f.h rlric ilj . A Hueelan -fit" .In- Jew, Solomon Hchlaual l*jr name, arnlonlj IV jeara old, the aon of a watch maker in Berdltacben, Iww in- lOrOon .A'«SiïiîÏHÏlitiSSli' “ “ u“‘ veulol a watdi wbldi *<*■• bj electrtdlj, and which MU Sì lufbcinred b/ Herr I'U woLma. Frofvaeor of Phyaks * r I I JUDGE WAITE'S HISTORY at Um Univt*r»Uj of St- Fetiuraburg. to Lw an Instru­ ment of rfotulerful simplicity and value. In an Art­ icle In the Xotcatli, describing the invention, whjf It bo believe« will revolutlonli* the manufacture of TUR CII It ISTI A X It ELIO [ON watches, Prof. Chwolaon aaya: “The watches are l A M A N wilboul any aprlngn and conalat aokly of two wheels. Besldee lieingtxtM they have the ad von logo of ChalUiDHigo. Tefin. the second-hand moving In aingle momentary leap», avia usually the cabs only In very Cosily watch•*». and which is of the utrnoet utility for astronomical MTÌSPIWTlAL-CHItlSTIHITV observation». Him« watchre can alao set In motion A 1*1 A LI M I E. iftgtwVt- a certaiu number or waldn» of the aarne conatmc- Uon. eotbat they all keep exact ttrit—. The invention OUÏT«) D has convinced me that wnkboa ran Lie used for the purposes of telegraphy.** CMWlMl) T o m T im ml»*» W ltlot«. Torn Thumb1« lit- lie widow < a Hplrliuallat i white In (Tndnnatt. Ohlu WHAT WAS HE 7


    THE ÜLUCIOl lit SPILIU llJvfl. borne after aucb an active life, and eanedalJy out the fimeral, wa» too much for ine. ÔF tlCH/*0 ■ WÎ&TANOOK 0 Good tvlement*. Il b truc F all aad Cotnprrhenshv Inst roc tioas fool element« lhat enter loi» a i brooder and better___ ..H will_____ tu*. ______It h good Using to (MCfl ut aimgr« *•or perverted IS SPIRITUALISM TRUE? mord Zz,So, izin any*•“ retroapect1 of Ufe and hi*- Liry, clinrwter «Und* -Ait m the rock of ag««, the oo- during foundation ml wbich------it-sU--- all„ gr«atn«ae__ __and • • - : ' • ■«a »oA Miiuupl.1 «Od BU Vm I, ru Ik* J* a « i Di m ■- r ■ praeperlly. whether in Die life of thit nation, the in* err Mpurfyd tn HmovnUa, aMMaa * . • bom«, or the Individual—J. U. Kiflnyr. “ ALBERT LEA ROUTE.*' «Mr intmettiff lo er»r wpim. A »nr « 4 Du»fl UM.fi» S*o»aB«fld Xuvk»- I-rpi'r», A permanent colony of iep * in i il nu i ul npfa>ff git' pteaaaal adjunct to any ou un mini'.;, but KfrUltll»IV.Fr II II IT4JIIUBQBd gloomy fat« to which the Bulletin of Nai - « «,i r. %■ . L - I , . I,' - . iwt t*«A# at»»' ton unpwmtt Fear» that Lhat city h doomed. "W# aeei *fairly bri plea« — L»*- the— matter,"■■■■■—, mourns— ------ti ------;— Ali T(irvu*h T u K S fid Trtttl^nor'wtiprM« -If these leper» could lie »hipped to Bostmi **r New b? Va\ ! »UM e»B4c52^*-P*1 OffSMta York the equities at ka*t would lie Bubeerviwi. Some EMic««ce r>beck«elir Tradì' poetic justice In tL Fur lb« moment we aeefh to be Inga from the Higher Life. doomed to Buffer this Infliction. Buta uprlhod of ly supposed.” * CHICAGO. T b r .H ad . The Pope lie« expressed GIVEN .anger at the British Government for not auppresaing FR E E G IFT !f.“,T GIVEN the revival of tinngeiam In Ireland. It has tawti ar- rauged that both Cardinal Manning and Mr. Erring- ton diall repreeent the Inteieeta of EngUn>t In the '¡"J ■ -1 Ì AWAY, papal conference of the loth InsL, with (be Americ­ ' I ," t ■ , r.- .,* *! ' » an BUhope on the potto to be adopted by the church Kamesow»; MsuasSMiaiFattMfai; M*«Uns B< B iblr*. In America upon the Irish question. It fai understood MB«: A U>«A ui HiltDM La«! Ova»» at that the Pot* bae Indicated a determination to op- Ugpasand»*■*•* « u»S|SvU'Lif* «rts-’MOr poee the British Goremment'a plana of wholesale Irish euttgratloo. ' TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. T h e A n r lr o ls , The skill and accuracy of an­ cient astronomer» la strikingly til minted by the 5SSKV Dr. KEAN JO inof aurvfcy of Almanoun, In Mesopotamia, In the ninth 173 South Clark St.« Chicago, Säe«»?*? century, who gave tbe earth's mean circumference sull, tna « etMur**. w sU ebroaMor aiwaa 11— m at lSlJ&fi^X) lead; according to Chuk'a eiemeula of J AKAM tt UM oo)t pitraiM la Uff cM* «a* n m u u 1878, It la iSl^aUW. .Even at a period as early or no put rtiMBl Uiuttmce ten« Cl i*at. sae pasta, n OAHSPE as Aristotle, JWO B. i\, tills mean rlrcumferenc*- was fon/ boa04; pcffMetlosa tut all 4W»inim Prtoa tt. known, with astonishing precision, as 1SI^M,0UI TILE NEW b i b l e : GUÜF0Rt/s|3^ ueat, r Caarlone. Mrs. Julia Morrison, a raepectabte colored woman living In Pennsylvania has under- THE SPIRITUAL -HARP one a complete transforaiaUoo fa her color. About ,;^ p -n w wo year» ago white spots begau to appear on bar tface and arms, and increased la number and »lie un­ A ngel A m bassadors. til they now cover bar whole person. Tbe phyat- C hoir, C o n g r e g a tiod or Social Circi«. daoa who have examined her are at a toes to account HISTOBV OF TH£ CAKTH AUD MES HEAVE« FOX for this remarkable change. TWENTY-FOUR THOVtANO YEARS T h ie ls E n o u g h . The waits of the Mormon temple at Jcfrl^k«, which bar« just been complet­ ed, anrten feel thick and built of solid .granite. Ev­ idently tbe Bahrte are confident of the endurance of Mormon Institutions, and. Judging from tlie opera­ ÇTEEI BARRELS v ' a a . W M ^ % ^ J tions of the Utah commission, they have very good reason to be be ao, WARRANTED TO KILL AT 10 0 YARD A party of nearly 400 Mormon converts from Scandinavia. England. Wake, end Scotland arrired The1‘Richards" Double-Barreled,Breech-Loading Shot On at New York a dor or (wo ago, and other heavy ac- eeoalooa are expected. If Seoator Edmund* baa ïa-'A.'SMS1 ! a«S«aat arAc-.tagrjf any ambition U> be preatieut, he must boom on aomrthlng more substantial than bis anti-Mormon

    No way baa been found for making heroism assy, SPIRITUAL REMEDIES, even for tbe scholar. Labor, Iron labor. 4s for him. Tbe world was crated an an aodleoas forubim; the atoms of which U is made are opportunities.—£mrr ~ POSITIVE AID KECATIÏE POWDELS.

    a*« BrwBchlwl Troche« for Coogba : -Tbe only artieie of the kind whlchuas ood* aorvicc. I want nothing batter.-— Croie, OtiicOU. N. T Sold only la boxes.

    Ylrtasa, tike eaoenoea. km their fragran« « •Tpnoed. They are eanatüve plant*, and wilt boar too familiar approach. -Dr. Beoeou*« Oakry «od CbomomlW PUk r e l i g i o -puilosopiiicai ^ / ö u r n a l . NOVEMBER 24, 1883. 8 der the tree, has all the correspondences of _____ and its eyes beamed with Inquiry OuoODiHdlnai ItrtlPu* language used concerning her; to seek only and surprise, for It comprehended not the to bo just lit any review, but entered Im­ stone, tree and bird, and vastly more. The which o?«riouwP «he murmured; "a year spent, was blessed tim e, nnd fruitful Tn bless­ the uuiverae because he failed to see it. The which has been too full of joy. I ought to ed consequences. senses are all-important for judgment of have known It could not last. If 1 thought Rev. Dr. Newman, who acceptably to Spir­ material things, but there are causes he- it was my fauit.my neglect,'^ny sin for which itualist friends, performed the last rites over yotul them. One may be highly skilled In my babe suffered. I could not endure it a mo­ her body, before U was taken to Ml. Auburn, branch and yet unable to judge of anoth- ment. It Is wrong, U la cruel, it is unjust! near Boiton, to repose with the rest oilier ... Fact» may be gathered, their relations and to-morrow the sun will shlao and the family, very truly said of her. "She was a carefully analyzed and a concision reached, birds sin g as though no life ha&'gone out, no woman who Informed herself well upon r true to the Individual, apd ^nitled to respect heart broken. Tho sun ought never to shine •abject,and then she had remarkable courag» from all. ' tijfain, nor the silver moon, nor the birds In tne expression of her conclusions, and thi intellectual faculty of making her expres­ In all this, moral truth fins no part. „ the man of science come« nnd »ays I have - sS e bowed low her Head on the pillow by sions clear and perfectly understood. She searched everywhere, long and carefully, and the side of that of- tho dead child, and her was a thorough Spiritualist, and died in full I have not found God, shall we say there la stifled sobs told of a sorrow such os only a belief of that happy knowledge. It is just no God, any mare than we should deny color mother cau know. It was storm ing without, as reasonable to suppose that the spirits of nnd the ralu drifted against ,lhe window because a blind man cannot see It, or sound panes, and the wind wailed and moaned as it our friends commune with those they have because a deaf man cannot discover It? A dif­ left on earth, as It Is to believe that Jesus ferent eet of faculties are needed to analyze went by; a sad,sad night of »tocm ns though talked with Kilos on the Mount. Death Is mind. Sensation is useless here. We must nature wept at the great wrong she bad not the end, but Is only a change of condi­ wrought. turn the mind In upon Itself. We cannot The sobbing ceased. Did the worn watcher tion; the beginning, as one may well say, of see a thought, nor hear, nor taste, nor feel It. the true ami endless life." We have only ouc own consciousness to sleep? No, she did not sleep and yet she c o u n iii N, «»mo. Mrs. Jewett passed the lost week of her guide us. Before we can understand moral not awake. She felt a sweet calm fall o*n ----- tot------life la great bodily dtstree*rTwm which she her. and a balm was poured Into her lacerat­ truth we must act, must 'understand by do­ * v f t r ** was released Wedueaday evening, Nov. 7th. ing. Would you understand Christianity, ed heart. After a tim e au angel tood by her Evidently she had been for some v tn e prcvl- practice IL Obey and you w ill understand. side. She could see tbo radiant features of on*, quit*« aware that the "M onitor.\ as she Jesus said, "If Any m in w ill do his w ill, he that angel, and the resplendent garments BUGGIES, PHJET0N5, LIGHT CARRIAGES, termed her premonitions, was tapping upon shall know of the doctrine whether it be of which draped her lovely form. SURRET WAGONS. her shoulder, for she said to a friend at God.” Take a man of a cold and selfish na­ "Do not weep till you see the end," sweetly Ehtr «Thick? »)'• »tritt!* arri eli* «ut to* b? 4a*!«ra tim e In reply to questionings as to hek c ture; perhaps his surroundings and condition spoke the angel. "Do not say thero Is no love ...... fart, "I have been suffering untold u In lire had made him so; but so he is. He or justice « s ill you know whereof you speak." while we hire b«f*n talking, and I am to sees two lover», hears them talk, and de­ Then thero came a series of pictures or a a c k l o g s s a ^ s s lag as hard as ever I can. against the nounces love as folly—disgusting follyl He panorama moving before her, antLthe pan­ B evltab lfT h is whole yoar has been out reads about It, and declare« love is arrant orama was the life of her chtld.^uad he re- exceeding suffering which her heroic and luained on earth. 8hn saw him an a child, hk nonsense. But let hi» heart once set touched; a youth at schooLas grown to mauhood. A» the determined spirit patiently bore, controlling let him once feel the mighty thrill, ,the deep heftelt to give no outward sign to her visit­ yearning to bless some one, now speedily and •'cenen unrolled the^ background grew darker ors to check the fulLJLow of easy conversa­ completely are all his objections answered, and move obscure, she became impressed with tion In which eh • delighted, for she lovejl to for feeling It: he knows what lovtf.ls. A vi­ n choking grief, dioaopotntment and dlspnir ‘bring her friends about her and to contribute cious man, full "of anlthal pardon, whose mingled with her hopelcssneos. The young to their happiness. A large circle of ac­ whole thought 1« bow he may^grattf? it—talk mma* before her was handsome, nndJnhh quaintance monrnsincerely their loss, which to him of virtue and you cannot make him coarse outline could bo traced the feature« of they are however euuviheed Is-her eternal comprehend it, but get him to do an act of the babe,-but how changed! Desires and ap- gain. t1 Her Indomitable energy, which seems d le d e w sy ------Impaired by the change of conditions, e then wlnl rlrtae le. for be bu bit end way to «tronster fore«» and he had drifted at this early day was unmistakably common know*. A miner, bl« «h ole joy to keep tó d away from her. tested to the writer aud a friend, through She shuddered ae aha saw him yield to the another friend, all belng.beloved by the de­ persuasions of companions and lose bis aelf- WBLUALa------ww. parted one. On Sunday afternoon, the 11th, rw pw t, his prlde.hlo tense of right, and slow­ while conversing with these two friends con­ Nub. *04 and 10O W«st Baitimof« 8tr«*t,* of hi. misery, went to arown nun sen; a: ly the shadow of erlme darken the sreae.Theu Baltimore. No. zza Fifth Avenue« N. Y. ■ut aCoetrf Sw iS—_ ~ — cerning her siekuess and death, and hoping tsked for elm., con-Id.red that u he came the overwhelming sense of remorse and that she would find some one whom,she could nino to die. It woald not nuke *oy differ­ the gnawing of regret, and the resolve tor a —nUo« aa AwtutUU» ■afrtBwgjriten f eontrol to speak for her to those left tn the ence" end therefore u*ve. This net aroused better life; a resolve scarcely uttered until m m THE SUNRISE, «a» to w « m » u w n»- body, very uusxpectedte one of these friends «neb a flo w at hie heart, be poetpoited drown- broken. ‘ was controlled, first by his Indian guide who Inn, reaolTed to test the Joy that home« of The last terrible eeene was an Intermin­ attempted to talk for her. but who allowed OBSERVATIONS BY TWO TRAVELERS. TUT. HEALTH MANUAL. himself to be put aside by her impetuosity, ninne since hoarding had (ailed to satisfy able stretch e t bill» over which the area bail him. Words could not change him; he coaid swept, leaving ashes, with here and there Tbit ffiutoa« tad nwtoetieebet* «MO Of wbsn she spoke far a long time distinctly, not comprehend the thought, but an set con­ trunks of trees once green, hot now chattered and «tfirslj like herself; and all who know certed him. If yon want to know what Jus­ and blackened. On the gnarled root» of one her art aware of btr strong perwraaUty, aud tice le. be Juet; of purity, bo pore; of Chrlt- ot these eat an old man. w ith thin whltahalr, decided utterances, and peculiar thought and an unkempt beard, hie face wrinkled, not so construction of sentencea, all of which made IJanl ty, do the wlU of Sod. - Spencer dcfloeallfe aaoorreepond.nee with much with age ae by the I not rive chisel of ns fully aware that our dsdr friend stood be­ depraved appetite«. HI» Uttered clothing af- fore nd, talking w ith her usual ease and elo­ anrironment low or high, aa it may be. The quence, and so naturally In every way, that ■tune at the foot of a tree baa no correspond­ tfovded scant protection, and there wa» no on» a — a her- ence with ila enrlronment; II baaaeorree- to give the water and the food ha craved.

    J o u iiu L (of « b leb piper to d iti. editor ib . meet klndli epok*!to j. net------to be extn------rig u it In