r « i - ' a v « W . i r " ~ q - fr ,f r m < J ^ ________^ d = = SrutJi w flts no m art, Vows at aa Uumao sltrtnr, sifts Ofithfr plarf nor applause SUf oalp a stia i hfarinf VOL. XOCXV. CHICAGO, NOVKMUKIU, I8fa N » . i o Header« o( * JotuVAL W* M periolir roqosstid to Religion doe* not consist in what one ------ -----------------------------— jrtluuL___ Mr. Ingersoil and hla pupils have not beeom<* thinks or in what one believes, respecting religious teacher. The real difference in re m unfolded a« to perceire and feel the work­ p m " Bendito facts. malto plain vrtot jry » in t to God as a Supreme Being, or as the creator ’Igiou» statu* between Mr. lf*gcr*>ll and oilier ings of the living presente of tbe, religion» •ajf.Afld “cut Ustori." Ali »odi coœmunlcktlor»»will and governor of the universe. The Ideals, Hljrioii* infidel*, and those with whom they nature calling upon them continually to i» property sminerai for puMIcaifctt by Ito Editor». thoughts and opinions of men respecting com bat. coUrtlst* lu the fact th a t Mr. luger- come up higher, to seek perfection iu all the ; Notice* of Ueetiruct. Irifoonalloti cuocemirur the tintan such a Being, respecting hfs laws of creation ■oll and hi* followers have not advanced su f­ moral attribute*, to strive-with all their pow . -------- _ ____ ..... -------- ...... tollón of now Societies dr the condition of old one»! and proTldenee, and respecting his methods ficiently in thé uufoldment of tl*' religion* e r to become perfect In spiritual status, that for their repeal, statute* against bribery, morttitfnt»ntlociurm and »odium*, IntoreotíngInci­ of dealing with his creatures, belong to the nature to become conscious as religion* he-' they may become receptive of, and responsive betting, adultery, fornication, etc., etc., are dents oi eplrlt eommimkm. and well outbciitleatal tfr intellectual and moral departments of the logs; religiously, they are iu a suteof fœtal to tlii.* Infinite Presence, they are not »ufiid- seldom executed, but who wtiLfor a moment count» of «pirli plimoinena oro aliraya U*fl4C*and will human mind, and they eonstltute one's the­ development, undergoing the process of gea- ently advanced to become reliable Interpre- contend that such unenforced prohibitory tatiou; aud they will sooner or later lie born ter* of the monition* of that nature either In laws from the bar* fact of their existence be published a> aoon u tosatole. ology, which always takes character from 1 the intellectual and moral status of the the­ into a religious consciousness, when they themselves or Jn other», if they have not yet j tend to demoralize society? OOHTIHTii ~ ologian. Religion, as its name signifies» Is will be able to distinguish tu-tween what h aspiration in their áouú for tbe high- | The effect of legal sanction I* to make a that presence In man, which calls for union religious and that which is merely theo­ e«t, holiest and best possible to thefr Intel thing reputable and rigiri in tbe e... .. III» Trull ItolUleaa »od U* H#U#ta>tulj Innari MM and communion with the Infinite, the Abso­ logical. They then will be able to iHacum leetuwl. social, moral and religious faculties many p*r*ous. People generally wish to be WItirier- Awl H* U<i'xe TiatBe. - U W » Dta»irro-A lute and Perfect In the universe,as the means with theologians who have passed that peri­ and powers, they have not within their cog regarded as good and law-abiding, and when Le*»Hog I«m I »»7«r uxi Actif» |-rabll»tll«ol»t ¡j the utmost needs of the soul, od, questions of theology and of religion. nitlon any foundation on which to stand, oi the ban of Jaw rent» upon any particular frvai bU IHItirit* BnttfTl finti, T1nl*ltc*fl ArihlWf monition therein. Its baturo 1» Most of the theologians, whose dogmas any standard by which to ascertain the sig­ habit o r custom, they are les» inclined to «•comp Fmhl -Ttw Cañar/** W**JS¡ A fcti*T wllb^^Menr such, as to cause the Individual to seek one­ these religious Infidels-continually mistake nificance of that nature the phenomena of fall Into be controlled by It ness of life and character with absolute Be­ for religion, are iu their religious Infancy; which they assume to interpret. Brewere, distillere.sal'jon-kcepereaod their Hirirrn Brrfrliuklkm " ThtTiu* 14«* o< UeeorraeUui^ ing, aa the source of all that Is good, pure, and they see only "as through a gloss darx- (TO If* CONTI NCED.) patrons still retain a measure of eeIf respect, Just and true; giving as a result, the high­ ly /tv et they are In advance of their oppo- and for that reason they are clamorous for Snuwwai« EMM» Ltbfrtl Unto MJKKiUMMH Art- est, holiest and beet possible according to nentsT'who, religiously, see not at all. The JI reuse or for unrestricted liquor traffic. They m lim w u . the intellectual and moral status of the as­ religious theologian Is quite liable to com­ dislike to be claused with criminal«. They Trai. hma-M bibab Md ta» How W i WbO*nJlÜa»nJ piring individual. mit many and very gros* er-ira. while reas­ want their basine*« made Imnorable ^brougii tin VtUeM JAbforyr Natimi »ad Induced Spirti a* I The human Individuality, as a mental or oning upon religious subjects, because the OUUk l>-.b IM nrj, A 1*011»] U»t Ot MuUllW tuf if you please, that thr law will t iplritu it being, consists of a physical, a subject Itself can he known only by a spirit­ Uwr tfovralttf Hecelvwi MlMwlUMen» Adnrtiwtiieiiu social, an Intellectual, moral and religion» ual experlenc», of which tbe m m intellect­ and deliri PtakUUimM IHtmatt from ¡ forced, is theth , nou-euforremeot nof l >a Ju-i u___ d Soeur* H na—dpedal MfltloHk Noti« U »m»crtbeni- ual rationalist has no knowledge «A even per­ kU Utimoii JJrotíter's l'jm » righteous law a valid reason for it« abnega­ A H rotarti» vmu| Pnt*rt*r In lite tnlud A K* nature, united Id individual onene&s. d u rin g the process of individuation. And man be­ ception Theologian* are quite liable to en­ tion or repeal? Does tbe law derive it* right wartaMk* Spiritual Mvtratieot tho BIC»» but tertain Imperfect and false ideals of God—of Under the heading of “Whiskey The Dis­ to exist and rulgthe people from their readi- tbe («K'tt CuoornlrUed spirtiuHam UccpMI*» {û ing so constituted has an Intuitive percep­ tion of the needs of these several natures, his government -of his character, attributes. tase and the Remedy when Prohibition KaH« new» to yleUl obedience lo ite requirement», awakening In him a sense of need. This —A Solution bf the Problem." the J ournal . or from those eternal principles of moral r i r ñ R*lldko. A Md AerfdMt ¿MiMailUMM» Ad- sense of need beget* corresponding desires of the 27th inikconulas an article iggr*t- rectitude which should g triera men la their and SHpirattou* for that which Is needed, or system» of theology, which divide ____ log. a« a rspiedpvfor_. the.... growing ells* of *r**lal relation* w ith each other? ' imirtinntL HUcklbwr which Is essential to bring these several na­ kind and create contending religions aqeu. 1 «tem pérance, at * legislation a* would tafee ; Home prohibition!*!« In their earnest op- r*JN, *1*, on U* Iw'cf ber Iturtol—A TerrtW» ture* to ctaftletvueaA. As h Instinct to the And Mr. IngersoJI and lus eotaborerg- ara from th* maaul and v_faitar of In* j portion to tbe liquor traffic and in their e Elpeelence. Jttdr» TMtanr' ». »rank Halier'» ' needs of the"Body, so is in tu itio n to the used* much injured and Mooted by them, when Th» tapi riunii liti «f Manti«» «prUtd» Jtipre»» CMtfliUoe* of the spirit; and whether considered as in­ they attack these tbeologfaal windteilfcaap- oo o traeL _______ _ ....___ m ____ _________ blighting fufiueuce, bave ovefri«ititnate4"the In Mr. lutter. iuiíer*a McdlutalMIp and honaoty " stinct or iutuRlon, the absolute Presence Is posing that they are thereby potting down the eonsfffe ration.” and would deny aliaH ra-t * happy tfitisequence« resulüng from prohibí- ■ In Do*b| by a CorrMpwdent » rnuüi fuller Br.« thereby signified, moving the individual In tbe religion» impulse which' 1» kudu lo court» lo laborer» employed In "*il» tory Iegi»i%Uon a« a coercive ureature, aud / aitade. A «cirular «nfj from Olear-Tb* Harder the direction of his destiny. the soul to Its highest and beet slat, A O hast* Triamph HlnoMUaavw In the human constitution, the office of paring it fur accomplishing It» noble* Now these religious Infidels should ____ in He traffic. * of the people and directing tbe deeUniaa of TTcaaU UattfFTwutMt tonto the religious nature is to cause the eoul to seek eomplet*near in each and every depart- stand that these theological its perfections, Tbe article appear* to have been written the nation. The law is a potest educator. It — of Ita being a ' ' which they»o severely em iclse^re not eharg- 1 n a spirit of faJrne*« and candor, and by one | impemefl the minds of youth that whatever meea o f form in aL_________. _ _ abte to the Imperfections of the religion» na­ who would be wilting to fpror the adoption t* thereby forbidden 1» wrong and disgrace ____of Ufa in all IU functions; eomplotaneee ture in man òr to tbedmpulsee, or motive* of snefa measure« ae might In hi» lodgment : fai and m aom• way p«rnldooa or danger ou of consciousness In all its perceptions: c proceeding therefrom impelling the eoul to be beat adapted to the end proposed.
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