Volume 1 • , lD., Week of March 20-26, 1932 Number 2Z Is Buddy Rogers Broken Hearted? DID UNREQUITED LOVE OR KEEN BUSINESS SENSE DRIVE HIM TO RADIO?

I!; Buddy ROl e l'S :\ broken -h earted youn" man? Was h e a fraid h is IIO IIol3rlty on the s£'reen was waning! Is he m erely looklng a head tor mor e Income? Or does h is entranee into the lar,er • fi eld of radio merely refted t he star's realization of changing • times. wldr r opportunity? H e h as ambitious plans for the futui'f!, pJ;I.ns h~v i ng to do with radio. with television, with bo l.eJ. an d theatrical a ppeamnees. But will he make those plans stiekT

CREEN and radio rumor, never long idle, took on a new lease of life with the re(erit announcement that Charles "Buddy" Rogers, S "Amerka's Boy Friend," was to take the air. (Not the way you mean.) Some people would have you believe Rogers deserted the screen for money. Some say he was ashamed of slipping in pop­ ular favor and was seeking to regain his standing with the public through another medium. Others claim Dan Cupid is the prime mover in the affair. But deeper than all these lies the real [('Olson for the change. Money! Cold cash. Not th,lt Buddy's salary from Paramount was to bl!' sneezed at, for it held iu own alongside that of other H ollyw,)od figures. But Rogers believes. putting two "nd two together. that there is more money in three salaries than there is in one, a simple enough proposition to state, and as simple to prove. As a motion picture star Buddy W.1S bound to l:is em­ ployen. had but one income. working as a radio star, can­ duccing a hotel orchestra and making . personal appearances" with that orchestra in various tbeatres. he will have three in­ comes, none of them fa be ignored. And Buddy is a sen­ sible young man. But to get back to the love interest. or lack of it. Broad­ way wiseacres would have it

HARRIET LAKE (above) BUDDY ROGERS (center) JUNE COLLIER (extreme left)

that Buddy left the Hollywood lots a broken-hearte! young man because of J une Collyer or Jean Arthur, or manT. socially prominent W~st Coast society misses, none. of them less decorative than the screen stars. Many of those inveter· ate "White Way" gossips whisper about the decorative and talented Harriet Lake, recent star of Shubert's "Everybody, Welcome." And other, longer-mcmoried people hark back to Buddy's first days in the films. to his unexpected taste of fame, and II Claire Windsor. All of which is interesting. untrue. To (C'(>n\\nu< d on r>i'ge H'I) WLS B«rn D~nce SINGING ANNOUNCERS Billy White, String To Be Broadcast Septette In Series

From A Theater Billy W hite, long identified to • rad io ;J.ud ie nces as "the platinum-voic­ Because of the o\'erwhelming num ed tenor". is fearured with the WBBM ber of requests for rcsen'alions to at­ String Se:Wf.tte in a new program ser­ tend the NalionJ! Barn Dance, \VLS ies presen ted each Tuesday at 8 :4 5 j~ now broadcasting this program each p. m. from the WBBM studios. M iss Saturday night from the Eighth Stret't Cardell . beauty expert of the M ay­ Theatre. An inno\'ation is the prc­ bellinI' Company, is also presented on ~entation of tWO ~hows. 7:00 to 9:30 these b roadcasts. p. m. Jnd 9'45 to midnight, with • such oldlime fJvoriu~s as Rube Tron­ son's Texas Cowboys. Cumberl and WGN's "Book Worm" • R idge Runners, ~bple City Four, Mac Shut-ins will rejoice at \.he return anu Bob. I hr€e Little Maids, Arkan­ of W GN 's "Book \Vorm" to the air SJS WoodchopPH, Ralph Waldo Em­ daily at 4:45. This was formerly erson. Jnd John Brown participa1inr. one of W GN's most popular program A len piece band, directed by Herm:Hl and provided for those confined to Felber, .. ppear in the stage shows. their homes an opportunity to hear the best of the latest fiction and re­ Hal O'HaUeTan and Jack Holden both i views upon current literature of all act as masters of ce remony. An ad- , types. Robert Ball wdl be the new mission of 50 (cnts for adults and 25 t' "Book Worm", aDd he will be heard (cnts for children is charged to cover Four of your favorilc announcers get together for .. round of quartet at this t~me e\'ery day except Sunday, production expense. singing. They arc left to right, Jean Paul K ing, Even>tt M itchell. Sen • K aney, and W all ace Butterwo rtb. all of the N BC. W hen th is picture • was snapped, tbe boys were warbling " Down By T he O ld M ill Stream" Pahn Sunday Mu~c Freddy Rose Is Now wirh Sen hitting a sour one, The "Imperial Imp" E xcerpts fro m the great Lenten Eno Crime Club Ruth Etting Heard music of the centuries will be heard "The " lmperi Oi I Imp", otherwise during the " Artists and Artistry" pro­ F reddy Rose. former KYW ace pian ~ • On New Series Of gram to be broadcast by Carleton "The Hairy Arm", In Edgar Wal ~ ist and singi n' entertainer, u now Smith, distinguished rad io music crit­ plCking the .. ir with listen e r ~ over lace thriller, will be prcscnttd by the Cigarette Progran \ ic, this Sunday at 5 :00 p, m. from WBBM way. Freddie is presented E no Crime Club during irs programs WIBO. each Sunday at 10 :3 0 a. m . in a pro­ to be heard this Tuesday and Wed­ A new spring series, featuring a dis­ Mr. Smith will present r«ordings of the Lenten musical literature as in­ gram of ballads and current :!IOng hits. nesday at 8 :30 p. tn, The .scene is tlnguished array of talent, has been launched on the Chesterfield "Music terpreted by Lawrence Tibbett, Rich­ laid in Chichester, England, where a ard Crooks, Enrico Caruso, Walter • TIlother l1adio-twin broadcasts are the "Coca-Cola·' program and the "A. t1 P. Gypsies." James D s peak ers-12_inoh, 8 -inch tre:ble-1 6 . Melton is his favorite radio singer. . tube_ superheter odyne. Idea.! for r eceiving s moall 50- Physically he is extremely personable. Five feet. te,n and a half inches w aitlt stations-just the r a.dio for DX'ers. Extreme talt. auburn-haired, brown-eyed, he is exactly 165 pounds of personality. HI' . selectivity-WOR, WEAF a-nd WABC cle-a.n. Sold in has great ambitions-not foe himself. but for other people. Some day, his ca..binet or chassis only. financial condition warranting. he hopes to build [he finest hospital in the (Quntry for crippled children. That has been his dream. One Chicago owner on 66th St. logged Everett is sentimental and proud of it. W hen he first saw the charming 19 Pacific Coad Station. Tlle.da)'" nigbt lady who has been his wife for the past eleven years. he turned to a friend and, Come or write to the factory-see and hear it- pointing her out, said, "1 w an t you to see the future M rs. M itc hell." H e be­ lieves in love at firs t sigh t-he believes in obeying hunch es. A nd eleven years o Z ARK A, INCORPORATED after his most impo11:ant hunch-he says it a successful one. 1257 Fullerton Avenue Everett Mitchell i$ w9(Jh kno.wini• . PROGRAMS FOR SUNDAY, MAR. 20

A,L 'l'rAA P -KID&" Calkly N RII ers WGN- Relil Folks , 1.0 C •b! , Syr. , 6 ,lS 'KLS-OUT Cblldnn W), s-:C"ross R oads Sunday w ltb Prol:rant. CBS • "MAQ-Unit~ Drllg Co. proc ram; Jerry 4i:00 WAAF Da wn l>atrol vocal t rIo and Will. VlcklllDd '"'''' 1'I' (:FL_Merry Oarden Sail room Orchu_ and Ed. comedy ano.! harmon1; Asd)' 4i:30 WJ\ A . ·_ Old ·r lme T u n ~s WMBI-Gospel Service Spanlsb 'co Sannella's Orebe1:ltra. XBC 1:00 WJ\J\jo·-&\cred Music WIUJC-Jewlsb Procrn m '" lUJD-Paul Rader: Chlcn&o Gospel T ab· 'l'rJJ11 ~ I- He-nr! G~n,lro,,'s Orehpstra 7 : 20 WJJ D--Moosehear t Cal hnllc Sen·lces 1:45 WL9-Jung Garden I dyll ; J obn Brown, e rnncle liTW-story of Women's Name,,; Cllas. 1:30 WIJIO-.Yornll\.G Heverles pbnl!na:d Gre)· Barnhouse l)8.!ter. NBC \\,l)(l~ers 1f: 30 lI".\ A F_ ~ l uslf'al ~nxup pon"b Program orchestr a. NBC lIM.,l Q-UniH,rslty of Chicago; Chats "" itll WGJo;S-;o.lemory WIIlO-Chlcago Ttlutre Sympbony 0.· WUOM-Radlo Ren,... , CBS I-'hIJOS(lpb.~rs In lla,I•. s. 1f:45 II JJ 1I- ~I"osehell"t'"'." Prota.~!nnt Sen·lces ~hcstrn WIIIO-Avalo" A. CaJ'lella ChoIr WUll ~,l of Make BellC\'c. C", lVAAt'_ Happy Repuh·men WEWR-Generlll ElectrIc Tw n~ t P ro· 7:00 WIHI_l"ennzt>1l Fllr'\lle; Harry Sosnlir's 9:OD ,,·U:,\-··The OW Te"t:Im<'nt··; Leona r d l\'"!tllll-(;ospel Ser\'I<'e rtallan cram ; guest artlsts ' BC Orchestra; King'» Jesters. CDS Salvo; organ WC' III_U. S. Healtb Tallo: WIIAQ-.YustCllI PlIgrimagea,' Ma n W :LS--<..:b~se :\.Il,) Sanl/orn Hour; Geor ge '" JesaeJ: Dan, RublnoU's Orch. NBC I'fDU;,t--cburrh of tbe Air. CB' 2:15 WIBO-Your Uncle Ho .... ard T~ylor A.~ Obcr!l(!orter ." W~;N R-50lltbl~nd Sketches NBC Famll), Album W('FL--UIIranlan Pro;ram " 'l'W-EDna JeUh:ir Melodies; ...ned 'lUarlel. NBC ..nIAQ- Sund~y !j{'hool dramollzatlon WON-New York PhJllwr,rmooic Orcbe,.- WAAF-Ch1Jdren's Theater IUIA Q--Harold Van Horne. planl$f. \\"(' 1' 1,- Hlllh1JGhts 01 M u~!c tra, CBS 4: 45 IVAAF-POpt,lar Int..rlude WCFL-Irish l'rogl·om 11"(; W'--Gloom CI,~ser~ WA A ],' - Tbe R edbeaded Blueb!r;! \H~ E8--Ta"D;-Wa1tz Tun,·s WBBM 710, , . 25,000 WBBM Broad easting Corp, 410 N . Mi<:hi.. au Ave. I""W- B~l"'k CIG'ilr p,·ogram; t'IIut arlo " " IW-~lid'WNlt !';peela! WJBT ( Affiliated with Cbi. Times) Whitehall 6000 151. NBC ~l"~tc (continued) -n B IIM_Wm. H. M,,:' ne, Political Candt· 10:15 IH· FI.-HlghlJgbt9 WJJD 1130 , •• 20,000 Loyal Order of Moose Palmer Hou.e \D t \ (}-Cbur("h the X~W J~rusalem, " State 5466 !h'·'·d~robglan. " WO""N_ The MQUle Decade \\'A A F-~lu~lcnl ~1"slT,gif WIBO 560 . , . 10,000 NeI.oD Brol, 6312 Broadwa,.. 8:30 WON- AdventuritlG with Count Von Lucl!:, 10: 30 \\'(l",,- Volce ot St. Louis. CBS Sheldrake 6000 M'·; Soott's }~n"'I~I'>n program. CBS W ~:"' Il- ~la}or Bowes· Capt~ol Tbeater. KYW 1020 . , .10,000 W .... t i ... Cbou. e Eleetrie Co, Strau .. Bldl", 1'I' CFL-Swedlsh t:Jee Club WIIJlM_The MHfk~mpn !IIBC KFKX ( Affiliated w ith Chicago Wabash 4040 \\"Ull) I_ ·'Chur~h of Ihe Air" 1f:45 Jll"·-.\I:l)ri11G" the ~Io\"ies; Comedy 8II1t: WYI·\ Q-t:nIHr~IIY of Chicago Orcan Re· H e rald a ..d E",aminer) ~Ial .. Quartet, :.; Be' f'l1,,1 WMAQ 670 • • • 5 ,000 Cbicago Daily New. ... 00 W. Madiso.. St. WEN" U-Sulck Mu~lcal Corned, Pro­ Wl' ...· r,-Sevcutb Church ., ChrIst Dearborn U1t gram; Re,·elers Quartet; Fred Black". Orcb~&tra. NBC ~dentist WMBI Moody 153-lnstitute Plac" \\ ~IIC-C;a~~kal p,.o~ram 1080 • . • 5,000 Bible lutlitut" 9:00 lI'llN_"'I"lK' C""N'rl"-\YG~ Or<:beslra. " JJ H_llaPl'y a. LucJ;:y TIme; .. , D iyerae , 1570 wnu"'_Edolf. Wallace Hopper·. Variel3' J.jnlck W C HI 149 0 ., , 5,000 WCHl Bro adcasti... " C o . 201 N . Well. St. Sbow: stage ftn,l SCreen s1ars. CBS \\" \ \ F--Song~ F,·om tbe Henrt State 2201 1'I' ('II I-Junlor Uagull •• IV \ \ F-E~ttlle BarneR. pianIst WCnW_Musical Prog'·am 10:45 W C F L 970 .. ' 1 ,5 00 Cbi. Fed e r ation o f Lahor 666 L a ke S h o re drive II I\ II M--l~\"a"s I·'",. f'·"'~i"n I '"rade !I:15 \\ ."I.' Q-BnrbaHol I'regram; The Old 11:00 lI Yi,\ Q-Unh·er~lIy ClllMge cbapel D e laware 9600 ::ilnl;!nl\" Master. N ac ,<,·nlce " WAA F 920 .•. 500 D rovera J ournal 836 E x change Ave, W p.Nn-E<.li~on !lynljlhony "KY\\,-Dou Pedro's Orche!;tra lIE" It--Cemrnl Chur<:b; D,. Frederick Yard. 008 4 !rs; rural !;ketch. WA.\ F_ )ll'ImorT~'; !I,·e ~tock receIpts Diveraey 4440 Wf · lI \r-DI~erlllflf'd ~Iu~lca! PrQl;ram NSC WEDC 1210 • • , '00 Emil Denemark Cadillac Co. 3860 Ogdeu Ave. 11:45 \I'G F,!'I-Our Lad), Sorrows CathoUc ffMAQ--Malick Dramatlza.tlon Church " Cra wford 4100 W.~N J t --Arcb .. r Glb&on, Orcbestrs, N BC U (;;\-Uncle Quln'.',! Three Minute D.' WGN-MuslcaJ IulcrJude; Tomorrow'lI Flakes Club Trlbunll ,:50 WGN_ Tomorrow's Tribune P. M. ,00 1'I'Ollo·_ ··&oo's ot the Mi't.... '3)'· It.-VW-Dr, S. Parkes Cadmau; talk. NBC WAAF-James Hamilton, barltone :15 WON-'The D ream Ship" ; pOetle rtadin£. 1I"J.S-Uttle Brown Church or Ibe J.1t lViUO-Carleton Smltb "ArtlSt3 and Art- " 12:00 WGN Reading 1'rn,un~ ComiCS WlfAQ--Auld Sandy ". lI'lI0ll1_Dusk In DixIe lstry" " WC l'id Nova\l~, ,ioliuiat, NBC W.A Al'- 1?aul and Pegogy, "ketch Xl"W-Bruce CalnJ)beU WC Fl..--Mer ry Garden Orchestra lecture WOUI __ Marmola Program 11'11 II "'·- Southwest Distrlct Boy Scouts 5:15 KYW--Chnppe l Brother s P,'ogram WCJII--8ympbony Concert \\"lIlA Q_Inlernatlenal Sroad<:ast, NBC 12:30 WI 110-Jobn Cerny, pianIst 3:00 WAAF-Organ Melodiu 10 :35 KYW--8ports Rl'lporte r Wl.S-P(lI1sh Music Hour XYW-Coolr.'s T rsvelogue; Malcolm L> :40 XYW-The Globe Trotter Prade. NBC 5:30 WON- IkIrnsdl.n Mus I C lL I Memorles: WC III-Jack Jobnston·" Sports Reel orcbestra ",·11b Kenneth Golden, tenor, 10 :45 WG N-Wayne XIl1li'S Orchestra K\·W-'Gncll'l llob 1'I'RIUI_Rev. Cbarle" E. Cougblln " XY1\·- Don Pe([rO'8 Orchestra. WIBO-Norwe-glan Churcb Service. CBS Wlllll\l_"Wonder Hour·' : ~lnry K>lrko.... · WE N R--&lnelia and Herman. NBC WL8--Songs ., Home Sweet Honle; Education AS1I'Oclatlon. ~ky, Guest Artlst II :00 WC £J"-Green Mill Ballroom Or<::bestn. Mapln City Four: Three Contraltos; NBC 12:45 w II tt~l-Sluolo Program WM AQ-H"rold Van Horne, pianIst wnnM_Around tbe Town: danclI oJ"ch s. 11'(')1 I-Billie L0Cturs WI.>S Strh'g Trio WENIt-Henry 'l'hels· Or..hcBtra. NBC WJ JJJ.-Jewlab Hour WlIllM_ Heward Xenmmer. planlst 11·11I 0 -Jo Sprlng~r on Ho~k~y K YW- Eldge .... aler Beactl Twl:lgbt Musl, WGES-Paradiu Or('bestra. 1 ,00 WG:;-_ Palmer House Ensemble tv ..1.. \ F-Cla8Slcal Cr:>ncHt WC III-.':iboelealber E'xpress .. ilramat~ WC£ L_World·s Fair C~nlur)· P.~ «,. WnnM_The Elgbt Sons of Ell. CBS WJJD--EdwlIrd J. BrunoJ~ge, talk tlon gre~s Program W,ILlQ- Yardley l·rog-ram; Lou(!on Strine: " WOES-Melodies ot Russla \tSn C-Dance ~ustc Quartet. NBC ): 15 W,\Al>' - PIJ\no Pha"tn~I .. ~. Jimmy Kozak WA .A F-J{e\"E"les-Edward Simmons 11 :15 W G~_ Seruil'l Cummins' Orch~~tra WE N lt-Dav~y Hour; VOClU ~, Il>S'lru· KYW-lJert McDowell"s Orcbestra Wl lIO-CMmbe" M,,~lc 5,45 \\',l.l1l-1I1l!z! W)'ll1an'" OrcMstra .K Y \\"-!nt'l BIble Student" Assoclatlen ment,,1. NBC WCJlt_Metropolitan Ecboes; opera ae}. 'nIA Q-Vilugh.~n·~ Gard.. n Talk w.\ .... Y--Sollg"S or the Is!anas K l'W--8tudlO Mu"lc; sports ectieD!I W(" IH-Dean Rpmlck, pianIst 3:30 \nI AQ~heatfer l'e" l'rQgram; Gl1l and 6:00 WGN- Nat'l AdvIsory CouncU RadIo II : 30 WC£L--Merry Garden RaIlroom O:rcIL 1 :15 KY II·-Sunday Bright Spots; Mariners Demlln;:, oom.. ,ly tellm; P. Svltalny's In Education. CB' " WGES-Cabaret Hits 'rIO; orc~estr~. NBC Orcbestra. NBC WMA Q-Will)'~·O\"erland program: Harold II : 45 WGN- Herble Kay·s OrChestra anil ~ "'A A "'·_Ea~y ChaIr :'IIelodles 1n:NR-Da\"ey Tree Program. !IIDC Slokes' Orch.: \"oeal triO. NBC Ksssel's Orchestra, Alternating \\' () i·' L.-Brunswl~k J~!lhuanl:\n P r ogram W,\ A F-To .. nllno\"'cCU WJ"S-L'Heure ExIICII Mul sdlck; G~org e Shackley·s orch . .N DC WGES-Lltlmanlan MelodielJ : 30 WEN II-Don P edro·" O r cbestra WlJlIX-&r Trio WBDIl-ldkooel IliO"', 'J"alk 6:10 Jil"W -Te abe~I·¥ Sports Reporter " :45 KYW-Doll Pe([ro'li Orclletrtra 4 " ------1 Ruth DelU1en MUSIC IN THE AIR MIKR~TIC By CARLETON SMITH ~~------~" RadIo Guide will pay one dollar for ant' 'Papa: lIadyn's "LiCe on the and transcriptions of Bach's Mikrltic accepted and printed in this col­ Chorale Preludes and Passa­ J\oloon" Mikritlcs are remarks of any kind. 'Papa' Haydn's ''LICe on the caglia and Fugue, of the 16th umn. Moon" had been lost one hun~ and 17th Century, Airs tor the made on the air which w1ll interest other

A column dedicated to RADIO GUIDE Ted Cook, now secret ambition is to readers. You and your friends are invited 110 write in for informaUoD coneerniD&' playing at Frolics beat Bobby Jones at radio,. radio stars, and your own favorite Cafe ••. with broad­ golf ... shoots in the broadcasts. U the information is :forth­ casts over WMAQ ... low eighties ..• when eorohJ.g and intere!ltlng to aU of ... bails from Cascade, asked if he liked sports, readers. we will &,et it (or you and priat. Michigan ••• boasts of a answered yes .•• when U in this column. No personal ftplies musical parentage .•. grew asked if he was in favor of will be made. up in the usual way ••. play­ Ted Cook women in sporlS ... teply ed football in high school .•• was emphatically, ''I'm in Florence Otto wrlres us this \l'~k for a Jack Holcien, WLS baritone and was city tennis champ for two years favor of women in everything" •. , description of J. Wilson Doty, WBBM or­ ganist. She al50 asks whether he is single •• , studied music all his life • can Has played all over the United States announcer, who will be interviewed or married. play foutteen instruments ... M. C. and Mexico. , . from New York to during the Radio Guide program to Mr. Doty is a decided blond, has a. nice with Publix for over a year. , , is California, .• Just a smail town lad be broadcast from WLS, lhe Prairie friendly smile, alld blue eyes. He is about Cascade-d Farmer station this Thursday at proud of having played with Jean from Cascade , . . who twenty-six years Old, and married. Before Harlow in DNroit • , • also fond of himself into tbe '·big time" , and 9:05 a. m. Holden came to WLS comIng to WBBM, Doty was associated Sue Carol and Nick Stuart ... espec­ it wasn't done with mirrors .. . says with KOIL, Iowa. from \VELL, Battle Crcek. Mich­ ially Sue ..• drinks black tea T,d igan, and started his rJdio (arl'eI • • • WWhere is Pat Flannigan?" writes Dick with baritone solos over W JZ in • Posher, of SOuth Bend, Indiana, and Helen Detroit. During the interview Jack Lew Diamond and his orchestra have that Agnew could be heard over station changed stations on that Breethem com- WBBM. This Is tncorre:!t, according to Bar of La Porte, Indiana, will be asked to give his own re- merclal program. Tiley are now heard Mr. Agnew, who states that he broadcasts Flanagan has just retuTlled from a actions to the job of an announcer. over WON and the CBS network every only on KYW and the NBC network. month's stay with the Cubs on Catalina ~;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::======~; ISaturdayDiamond eveningwas formerly from 8:45with 'tillthe 9:00orchestra p. m. • • • Island. His sports broadcasts are present­ of Roy Bargy, before he organized his own Just received clippings from Louisville, ed now regularly from WBBM. ; band. Last year Diamond's orchestra was Kentucky, telling about Clyde McCoy, who vored the most popular fraternity and became such a favorite with radio fans over • • • sorority orchestra In the state of . KYW, WCF'L and the NBC network, whUe Bert Roscoe ot Mllwauket', Wis., asks for In Chicago, being made an aide on the staff a description of Pat Kennedy, the soloist • • ot Governor Laffoon of Kentucky. McCoy • in Ben BerDle's band. RADIO TUBES Carl Moore and his Drake Hotel Orches­ was also made a member of that ancient trn arc leaving the Drake today (Tuesday) order of "Kentucky Colonels", Pat is as Irish-lOOking as they make 'em, fol' Nashville. Tenn.. where they wU1 play McCoy is now playing at the Brown Red hair, blue eyes, frecitJes. an Irish smile, Eighty percent of for the Vanderbilt University Prom. Moore Hotel In Louisville, and radio fans may Kennedy ha.s had a Horatio Alger-life rise and his orchestra will return to the Drake hear him over station WHAS, Louisville, to success. He st&rred as a doorman in It. a.ll Radio trouble in time for the saturday night Formal Kentucky. smart shop in New York. From there he dance. Their broadcast may be heard over went to a five-and-ten-cent store to sing results from Faulty WGN and the NBC network every evening, • • • and sell behiud the music counter. SOme except Sunday. Herbie Kay's lame as a police oUicer is smart orchestra leader heard him sing and tubes. he was otll Now he is receiving fan maU • spreading. Recently the young maestro from the ladles who used to tip him as a. • • was made a member of the Hibbing, Minn., Don Pedro and his orchestra, playing at door man and patronise him as a ten­ Be Safe have your police department while pJaylng an engage­ cent-store clerk. Smart lad, Kennedy. He the Terrace Garden and brOildcasting over deserves his success. tubes tested and KYW and the NBC' network. have develop­ ment in that city. Last week he was hon­ ed their Celebrity Night into a wonderful ored by John Alcock, first deputy comm1s· • • • Replaced with event. Every Wednesday night, the stars sloner of police In Chicago, who gave o:f the stage. radio and music worlds are "Just Another Radio Organist.. writes us seen at the Terrace Garden dancing to the Herbie the Utle of an honorary police ser· to ask when Fred Felbel, CBS organist, can music of Don Pedro. Florrie O'Day, torch geant. Now comes word that the pollce be heard on Chicago stations. singer, and Jack Wright, baritone. help Don department of Rockford, TIl., has bestowed "Organ Revellle", a program featuring With the solo numbers. additional police department laurels on Fred Feibel Is broadcast ea£h morning except Sunday at 6 :30 p. m. over the Co­ him. He has been made a member of the lumbia chain. There is no Chicago outlet, • • • Rockford force. Art Kassel's Century of Progress theme at present, however. song, "In 1933", has been placed In the • • • • • • CHICAGO DIVISION hands of musIc publishers. Kassel, whose Wayne King and his orchestra, who have "Will you please describe Phil St-ewart, orchestra Is heard regularly in broadcast:! his approximate age and whether or not %319 Calumet Cal\lmet 7183 gained national popularity as a radio or­ he is married?" Wrlres Mrs. Millie Sage. THE DEALnB Ll8TED BELOW WILL over WON, Chicago, recently was notified GLADLY l'E8T YOtrll T1JBEII ntn chestra during the last few months for of Sandwich, TIl by century of Progress officials that the AnV ANCE RADIO SERVICE their Inrerpretation of waltz music, have Phil Stewart. KYW's Scotch announoer, song had been officially adopred as a been engaged for another Lady Esther pro­ 16%5 N. western Ave., Brunswick 9662 Is dark, of medium height and build, and BROWN MUSIC CO. World's Fair melody. gram over the Red, Northwest and Orange network of NBC on Wednesday afternoons must be about thlrty years old. The good· 3018 E. 9Ist St. So. Chlea{o H4iZ looking Phil Is married. DALENBERG'S HDWE, • • • at 4:30 p. m. The new series was inaug· l10ts S. Mleb1ran. Commodore 0144 urared last week, and in addition "The • • • EAGLE MUSIC & RADIO CO. Gus Arnheim, the famous California Waltz Kjng" will be heard regularly over "Where are the NBC and CBS studios 5246 S. Ashland Ave. Prospect 7170 maestro. enjoys the distinction of having the NBC network eadl Sunday afternoon loeared In Chicago and New York?" writes GREENWOOD RADIO SALES participated in more chain broadcasts in from 2:00 to 2:30 on the regular Lady Abraham Fallch ot Chicago. "Where does 1135 E. 47th St. Kenwood 0900 one night than any other radio orchestra Esther broadcast, The new chain program Count von Luckner broadcast from, and MIDWEST PIANO STORE director. Arnhelm and his orchestra, who III a sequel to the popularity gained by also Bill Hay?" he continues. GUI S. Ashland Ave. RepuhUe OS07 are 'Qlaying an engagement for Music Cor- "The Waltz King" during the Sunday af­ NATIONAL PlANO STORES poTation at the Winrer Garden in Chicago, ternoon broadcast.s. The orchestra leaves See the Chicago log for addresses of Cbl. 6214 S. Ashland Ave. Nonnal 1599 were :featured on a recent Lucky Strike Chicago the latter part of tbls month lor cago stations. New York NBC studios are NATIONAL PIANO STORES broadcast over the NBC network. At mld- a brief eastern tour to play engagements located at 711 Filth Ave. The ColUDlbia m% W. Madison St. West 5701 night, the same night, the orchestra did a In several cities inc.luding Pittsburgh, Wash­ studios in New York are at 435 Madison STRAUSS RADIO CO. hall-hour broadcast over a 52-station Co- ington, Philadelphia and at the University Ave. Von Luckner broadcasts from the Ie& MIlwaukee Ave. Humboldt 3492 lumbla hookup. Another 15-mlnute chaill of Virginia. New York CBS studios. Bill Hay is heard E. SZONTAGn broadcast over the CBS network occurred from WMAQ In Chicago. Central Ave. & Irving Palisade 3046 at 1:45 a. m. Again at 3:45 a. m. the Arn- • • • TYLE BROTHERS heim band was called upon for another 15- • • • Peter J. Wallenberg, Berlin, Germany, Bertha Bram ot Muskegon. Mich., asks 3448 W. 26th St. Rockwell 3363 minute program over a hook-up of 90 newspaper man, who represents 28 radio, WHYLAND RADIO CO. stations arranged by CBS. Arnhelm's for the whereabouts of Gene Ruppe form. musical and theatrical publications of con· erly heard from WLS, 3336 W. Madison St. VanBuren 65(;3 "network marathon" was due to the fact tinental Europe, dropped in at the Club GENERAL RADJO SERVICE CORP. that the Columbia Broadcasting Sysrem Rubalyat in Chicago the other night to re­ Gene Is now broadcasting from the eo.­ 3945 O&,den Ave.. Lawndale 3070 Wal) on the air to report developments in new an acquaintance with Eddie South lumbia studios located In Peoria, Ill. IDEAL RADIO STORE the Lindbergh baby kldIlllpping case. "the dark angel of the violin", whose or~ 139 N. Kedzie Ave., Kedzle 9327 • • • chestra enjoys great popularity In Europe. • • • .JAMES RADIO SERVICE Wallenberg and South had a long visit Mrs. F. Pawe1czyk, of Krokon, W.s., %145 N. Western Ave.. Humboldt 4808 Last week in Radio Guide, a thumbIlllil during Which they spoke German. The would like to know the name of Irma Glen'. ELMWOOD RADIO SERVICE sketch of Charlie Agnew, playing at the foreign newspaper man is going to wrire husband. 7370 W. Grand Ave. Edgewater Beach Hotel and broadcasting a :feature story about South for his Euro­ Ted run is the name or the lucky young '"___ -''''"""'''''''''''''''''' ____ iJ lover KYW and the NBC network, IItated pean publicaUoll&,. man. Come again, Mrf;. Pawelczyi.. 6 ------, PROGRAMS FOR MONDAY, MAR. 21

A.M. "lJD--.,Mar), Alden: home talk 1:15 " ON_Robert Ball, baritone, elld AUell. WOJlL-Studlo Program WAA:F-80ll&s of the ls1aD4a Grant WMAQ-Swanee Serenader.. NBC wsne-Home Holll's 6:ot WCFL-SunriBe Boar 'ffMAQ-"'llAQ Salon Quart", " 'BnM_Harmony_Home Hint. 1I'GE8-01d Wallz.e. "lBO-Funny Bones "AAF_FoLrm FolQ Hoar WGN_Bob Fursalls, tenor WI Bo-Dn.1t Dream. 10:15 IYW-LIIu. stock qnotationa 6:20 WL$-WLS Tra.d11lK' P<>IIt. lfE1'i~ng Strlll&s; Waller Bia.utuaa. WJJJ)-Mooseheart Cb\ldrell 6::lI WIBO-lJncle John', Fl.I'IIib' director. NBC "AAF-Good EDgliah we; ES-liot Hits WLS--Cumbe.rlaDd RJdca RUoIIfleni KT"-Ro~e Vaooerbo&eb, J)~ lH,S-SU,'er Lake Chlcl< Paradoe, WLS IV.\,\),·-Rh)"tlurt Time "UD-Ne!,;hborhood Go!!!lp Orchestra, ~ l!lmer$OD, .Jotm Broom 6c4S wLS-Mapl", Clt7 Four alld Ralpb. 111m­ WAAF_Me.1ody Lane 4:45 WtrB_ Chenoweth "Century a( Pro­ W,\A.F_Tlme, Tunes and Topics WAAF_:l.IuslcaJ Calendar gtes.s", Talk: K\ \V-Mel Stitzel lit the Plann WJJD-Happ), Co LUI'.ky Time; Art Un­ WGRS-Metod)' Lowe WON-V;GN RolldoUera 5115 WENR-5klppy; cbOdren'lI slrtL 1'100 kk 10:55 Kl."W-Rose Vs.nderl.t>...x.. plaDilJt WON-The Garden Club of lUlnole lI'M,\Q-Qcean Towerll I\(;",-Leonard Salvo'a Mall Box WCFL-Redtal Miniature by otto MlllIcke 1l:00 WQK_Happy Rani!: IoDd Ru... NebsoB WUW\f-Vaugb~ de Leath., CB8 7:45 1'"-11.1 Q-Crell'.'"BC "DBB_Burnham'" Beau!y Chat Wllnll-Old Dutch Clrl; ne".!!1)!n&te. ID If}IAQ-The Merrleme1l. NBC WMAQ-CampbeD Soup program. NBC rnrme, cns WCFL-Jazz Program "Ls--Homemaker's prOgram wltll Martha WCI'I,-Jnhn Mu:"eU; 1004 taDI Wr,~leambOlLt Bill; chUdren's program wn 8M-Doroth)' Davill Cra~ and Plano Twills WA AF-<::I:IC1lKO on Par~e 'If \ \ }'-Orgttn Melodlfs 8,00 WlIAQ-The Waltzer&. NBC Wtno-Around the UOIDfI WSBC-Bports Review WIBo-Alr C."ets; Eadie .Dd Fan'" 1'I'1,$-"Quaker Earl, Birds;" Gene alld KYW-Prudence Penny Ca1'lnRugh Glenn, NBC WSSD---My-T-Flnll Dance 'l.'une. 1I'MBI-lluslca1 Pro~am WI Bo-Muslc M8..I;ters: orchestra U(' ~' L-WC!"L KiddIe's Aeroplane Club WAA),'-EsteUe Bar"" •• pL:udst WJJ U-Danee Orcbestra WON-Palmer House Easembl6 "II. A F_Blt of EverythIng ll: 15 KTW-Noonday Lentn 8ervke. NBe 2::10 WOI!8-VaudevlJ1e W.ENR-Pat Barnn; dramatlo lIII:etota. 2:15 WIIAQ-~ u!lcal Potpourri WIIJJ ,\I-~Iu~lral Gems WCFL-Cha., Howell, tenor 1'1'0 "'-"Uncle Remus" WllJO-Rlddlee alld Orlna NBC 51'" WMAQ-Stan4ard Brands Prncrarn. NBC W1IAQ-)lontgomery War d PtQ&ram. "BDM-DaIlY '!':wea Flubes 8:15 We;~-Grpsy ftllIalc Makera; Emery WI BO-Studlo Program wnn~I-Lone Wolf Trlb. DUI'DllL CIla Deutsch. CBS NBC WAAF_The Redheaded BIlIebir' WlIAQ-FlyIJ\!l: Flnlere, NBC WBDM_Rumtord Ra!llo School of CoolI:· w e .. "'.. -Studio progralD WMBl-Dr. Pettlngo!H, M<.'-SSIlge "RlIi II-Air JUnlOfi 11' 1,S-Phil Cook, tho Quaker Man, NBC WGN-'Ruth Wond Meyer and: AU.ea Gra.nt WJ'1D-." Muelcal Quarter Hour .. ,. KI W-Unele Bob WCFL_Mol'nlng MUSicale 2:30 WON-our PresIdents WAAF-World NeW'!- R~rt. WON-Unol& n~mus for D"omedl\,., Dat. 8,30 11·(;X-We~(het F·Qro<.'agt; Live Stock lfYW-Women's RevieW, NBC WA A l"-Hawallan Echoes WIBO.....,f;ong Cycle WCFL_U. S, Marlne Band. NBC lle~el])li! 11:25 WAAF_Lh'e Stock Market WJSl>-GorM·n '.roll!. 11 IHI~I-'J'h e Old Sklll1ler 11:30 WON-Painted Dreams; Sponsored by WL8-Internatlonal Heating ProcrUD; lfOE8-'£wlllght MUBlcaie il'C .' I,-Hildio Shot>ll~rs Club Mlckelbeny Food Products Maple City Four; J()hn BroWll WrBO-.lohn Cern), at the plano WJIA(;-"Top '0 the Morning" lUlAQ-Publlc Schools Program KYW_Farm and Home Hour. NBC 5:45 WOX-I.!ttle Orphan AnnIe; cblldretfll \\"rUO-~llI slcal !>Ierry-Oo-Round WBBM-Kremel Singing Chef. CB8 1VDDM-Jul1a Hayes; hOusebold bluts WLS-Hog Flasfl; weatber rep.ort; Eve· WIBO-Matlne.> Melodies: Adrlen'. Orch, plnrlet, NnC W1BO_Tlle Peter Pan Prolrlim WCUI_Popular Music WI':"JI-T.lttle Orphan Annh.; chUdre.'. nlng Post Reporter ReclW; Eddy HaIlIJ¥ aDd IV ,\.\ E'-\-anlty F'alr pl~}let. NBC Grace WilGOn WMAQ-W?o1AQ $yncopa.tou W)'i.\Q-June Pursell, NBC we Es-.\[II~lcal Touta W.ENB-Bl:Ick and Gold Room Orrhe stu.. '''5 W!lBQ-Jerry SulUvan; Song Speelal WCYJ,_WOmCn'B Trade Ufllon Leagu. WON_Lawrence Salerno; Ri)Ddollera 1$:35 W(;)i-"'l'he Grand Old Hymns" NBC W.lIII~I_The Frienttty Pbl!o""pher 8:45 WGN-Tom I3tanchard's !"how WJSD--Young Motberll" Club 2:55 lfL8-Evenlag Post Reporter WIDO-Sport Summar']' ,Norman Roy In,~A, and p, Program; OUr DaUy WAAF_The Music Box s.,. WG~_DaDCe Interlude WJJJJ-.Oretle&tra Mu.1e Food; Cotonel Oooobod", NBC WCRW-Josephlne Program WKAQ-Pep ConcerL NBC lfG ES-'\Iodern l>felodlea W(a:$-Breaidast Badinage 11:35 trMAQ-PlanoLanil, Joe l\.udolpb WlIBM-CbicagD :Hour WI IF-The SpoUla:1ll· W \ ,\ f'-Orgnn l!oIelodln; Ilv. atoclt mkL 11:45 WCN_WG:-l Music Weavers WCFL--8tudlo program 6:00 "lnner MUSIC ldarkets WIBO-Contract Brldge Leasoll.l "HIUI-Henrl Gendron'. Orcl:les1ra K\II'--4:'lbteu of Skllkt ; -"aat and Dumke, 11:50 WGN-Good Health and Trall!lDl WIIIQ-Captain Don'lI Radio Scont. xac 11 55 WLS-Evening Porl Reoorter ]:15 WCFL-Trlpoli Trio KYlV_But McDoweU'. Orchestra W.lI\Q_Tranl talk : n_ Th t toda NBC :KYW_Dr, Herman Bundesen; health talk WJJIl--Walt Bnd Herb; plano and SOD!:S WBOll-Lakulde procram . WlfA....- ought or y. WBUM_l'thythm Kings, CBS WOF.S-OllIdal Raee ResuHlI ~ Amerlo WI.!I-!"ands or Time; Wm, Vlckland; p, M. "I,S--SoopperB' Service-Anne '" b Ralpb Emerson, organist can Raell1&' Record WlBO-The Song Shop "cnW_Buy .. ra Guide W \ ,\ l'-$Ing :tnd Sweep 12:00 'l'fG:S_"~l1d _day Services" ':20 WMBI-Mulllc \n: Ei!I--ilmtles In Song 6:15 WOl'l-liarold Teen; comedy Hketcll IVBBM_Ameriean Medlcal Aasoclatloa KYW-Stn Melodlers 12:~0 WL$-The Noon-Timers; Orch.. ~[,"a and WRlJM_~lallrie Sherman's Orebelltra 9:45 WG:S-Orpn SpeCially Wlllnl-r'red Rose, plnno showman Vsrlety Acts WON_Treble Clef Quartet WCFI..-The Fair presents the .Junior 250 WII \Q-BoBrd of '[',.ade 12'45 WCFL-Farm and Poultry Talk WI UD-Clem and Ben, songs WJ,JD-Yarlet)' Music Federation Club 12,50 WAAF_PI-no NovelUea, .J1mID;y Kosak Ji. \'W-Chicago Ensemble; Harold Stokes' WMAQ-W~IAQ BalDI' Quartet O"ch... ",tra, ;-'BC 1:00 WC.S-Allan Grant, plan!8t \fC E$-HaW31ian Harmonlea ".H.\Q-Lum and Abner, NBC IVllJD-North Shore Cburch Program PRIZES WI.S-~In_ 13\K"~"~ Boardlnt\' House, skit IfCFl,_Timely Topics; weather report WENR-Swanee Sereuaders; Ha rolll \1'(; ~;~Dance Dlttlu 4:1:1 WRB!I-Henrl Gendron's orchestra stokes' OrcbestrL NBC Eoch Weele 9:50 Inr.\Q--&lols!. NBC WIBo-News nt the Day WRBM-Foodtown Kitchens 10:00 1\"(;"-'["'111, Dick ~nd Harry WI,S-M and Pete 'The Nutcra<,.kers" 1e\ ",-StudIo Program WGN WLS Ii 1 1I'_)lra. A. )L Gra GuWe IV,\ ,\'l"-llarnlOnles !VC'FL-Varlety Prog"am W~IIl'-O,'gnn prog,"nm 4;30 WON-Dick Hayes, baritone and plano 9 P. M. 1:45 P.M. 11'1 UO-Pre~ton Sellers at the Organ \VC~Il-Dean Remick, pianIst I\' I':NR-What's the :\'ews MON. WED_ ".1. TUB. THUR. u:r. \ WBUM-Cllm,1lene Melorly Trio WJ"n-"Ilaln Str~et C('lI"ader liYlI'_Sweftheart Program; Rutll Jor, WI,~Llve~tock Markets, Jim poole; 1:05 I\-Y\\'-Mel Stlt:.el at Ihe riano dan, beauty tall!; John Fogarty, Tenor, A/4r"~~ l:'"ull,'¥ llu,'k(lls 1:10 Wl,lS-Gnin ~Ial'kel NRC 7 STUDIO GOSSIP Have You Entered-

George Jesse1, who appears on NBC net­ The Spanish Serenade Is heard each works in the Chase & Sanborn Hour, dux­ Sunday at 1 :30 over WIBO instead of at ing Eddie Cantor's absence recalls the 8:00 on Friday evenings. Alfonso Mendoza. Radio Guide's Word Building Contest? time be anI! Canror. when youngsters in and Senor Cast.anares are the two young Mexican fellows who are known as "The Gay Caballeros."• • • The Third of These Weekly Contests Is Now in Progress, Edward E. Simmons has been appointed Program !»rector• ot •WAAF. • YOU MAY WIN A Humor, dance music, friendly philosophy and dramatic blackouts are the ingredients that turnish entertainment excellence of Gus Edws.rd's show. thought & little gill, "otto, the Window Washer," WMAQ's pro­ a newcomer, was getting too much ap­ gram at 7:45 p. m. on Frida]S, with Douglas plause playing her violin. When she took Hope in the role of otto, and Bernadine Flynn in the temale lead. Letters particu- P~ILCO ber next bow they were on either side, also carrying violins, and bowing. larly comment on the novelty of thiS tea- 5. TUBE SUPERHETERODYNE ture, in which the black-outs drama.t1Ze • • • amusing incidents observed by otto. Aspiring young ramo stars have a real R A D I 0 friend in the person of Flranklill Lundquist, • • • manager ot WCF'L. Applicants who show COlorful broadcasts from the Cafe de and Colonial Electric Clock abllity will be glvcn program periods In tbe Alex on WISO are in order. Each Satur-I t====--= ___.,..--=--=--=--=--='::' --=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- early afternoons. If, however, aft«' a day at 4::10 Garcia sands and his orchestra NOTICE-Due to an error, the closing date for last week.sf month, in which they should beoome "mike present a Spanish entertainment that's a contest, using the words "Studio Gossip," was stated as be- wise", they C:I.Ilnot be sold on a commercial, breath of old Spain-or even of Old Mexico! tng March 12. This should have read midnight of Saturday, they will be removed from the program to * * * Karch 19. make room for other aspiring talent. Here's Browning Mummery, NBC tenor, recalls your chance, folks. the time in Australia when he hopped out • • • ot bed to broodcast for a few minutes. He t>..utIIU»IHIWlIIIUlltlltllllll[lIllHlIlIlIIl1l1l11l1hIlIIlIIIlIlIIlIllUIIiIllIlIlII!lllllllllll1IIIIIlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIOIOIIIUIUIIUto) 13,000 letters hom one announcement 11; the record ret up by Jo-Cur's "Bill, the I THE WINNER ! WMAQ. This Barber" program over popu­ ~f Radio Guide'. fiut word-building conted, u5ing the word. "R"dio Guide," § Jar small-town skit is heard Monday to .. EMMA LOUISE HALLIN, 216 North Burr Blvd., Kewanee, lIlinai.. Mi... ~ Thursday, inclusive, at 8:30 p. m., aud on (or Mn.) Hallin .ubmitted a li.t of word. of which 212 were found to be ~ Fridays at 8:15 p. m. ovcr WMAQ. • • • .Ii.ible. She will rece;yC! het' PHILCO radio within a few day.. ~ Elmer Kaiser, former WCFL stucUo or­ _IIIOIIIHllllmOIllJIIUIIIIOIIIlIlUiIHtllIl1l!1I1IHUIIIIIIUIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII!IIlItlltllllllilitUlnllllllllllllullllllllllllnllllllunllnllllUllltllcnllmlllg~ chestra. conduet.or, is DOW broadcasting from I tbe Green Mill Ballroom through hu. old was notified that a. shor.t-wave broadcast .& simple 1I'0rd-building contest using the words "Orchestral Doinp" together .t.ation connection. was being sent to London, and ibat one with aD Essay not to exceed fifty words in length, telling '·Why RADIO GUIDE • • • of his songs had been requested. III useful to radio UsteOffs" may win this modern radio rec.elver for you. One Columbia. Shorts: Georgc Frame Brown, • • • radio wUl be &1veo away each weelL to the person fonnlng tbe most words from the creator aDd the Matt Thompkins of WMAQ's echedule Of dance music, from &be Idters given. Each week a new group of words will be u!led. You may use "Real Folks", has always been a. volum­ 11:00 p. m. to 1:00 a. m. includes Ted Cook's &he coupon below for your eODvenlen(~e when sendin" in your enlry. Inous reader, and his latest fancy in J'ead­ Frolics Qare orcllestra, Jimmy GarrIgan's tng Is the study of vooclool~m ..• Inspired Kentucky Club (lIl"chestra, and Maurie Sher­ HERE ARE THE RULES: by hls acquaintance with and the readings man's Via Lago orchestra. or the explorer, William seabrook, Brown • • • I. Ollly those letters used in forming the words "Orchestral Doings" are to be used. l Betty and Jean are hack on the SOng letter may be used only as often as it occurs in these words. For e)[ample the Shop over WIBO at 3:15 each Tuesday, letters E, I and A may be used once each, the letter 0 twice, ele. ' Thursday and saturday afternoon. They :a. Each word is to be numbered. sing songs of the hour with a harmony " Every word must be written legibly, and the list submitted on one side or the paper that's different. only. .... Words tnCOJTectIy spelled Will not be counted. • • • L Only words liSted as or current use In good English by Funk and Wagnal!s Practical The Mystery Four Male Quartet, winnUs Diotionary wrn be recognized. or second place in the Paul Whiteman .. In addition to the word-building contest, an essay of lilly words telling "Why ''Youth at America" auditions, may be RADIO GUIDE is useful to radio listeners" must be included. heared over WAAF at 3 each Sunday after­ 'L Name, Address, and if possible the telephone number of tile contestant must be 'Wants to go to Africa to study voodooism noon. at first hand ••. Ernie Golden, ploneeT given, and the total number of words claimed must be placed at the top of the page. broa.dcasteJ' who directs the Sylvanlans, is . * * * 8. PlurnIs will not be counted. noted also as compooer, for more than 100 Though the wife of Loona.rd Joy, NBC 9. No proper nouns or names of places will be allowed. of his own numbers have been published orchestra leader, has given up trying to 10. Anyone Is eligible With the exception of employces of RADIO GUIDE, their rela­ . • . Among them are ''Dancing Shadows", make him stop working late on arrange­ tlves, or the stations on which this contest is announced . "'Parade of the Goops", "Tbe Wedding of ments, Len's police dog, Pat Murphy. goes n. No entries will be returned under ally circumstances, and the judges' decision will Punch and Judy", and "Toymaker's Dream" to the desk and barks protestingJy when be final. ••. Sylvia Froos, young blues-singer of the the clock strikes three. 12. All letters must be in the mail and postmarked not later tha.n midnight on Saturday new Richman Brothers programs, reports • • • lrIareh 26th. ' the springing up of radio star clubs in And now It is possible to learn ~Ien­ 13. Letters should be addressed to the RADIO GUIDE CONTEST EDITOR, 423 Ply­ colleges .•• The two latest Sylvia Froos tifically whether a singel' is a crooner. mouth Court, Chicago, nUnois. Clubs are at Smith College and at a Can­ And it is also possible to announce that 14. The winning entry will be that Which contains the greatest number of words de­ adian military college ... The comments Morton Downey is not to be included In rived trom the name "Orchestral Doings." In case of a tie, the best essay telling of Edwin C. ("Man in the Front RoW") that vocal species. "'Why RADIO GUIDE is useful to radio listeners" will be used to decide ~he winner. Hill, commentator of the Trumpeters, on The scientist who flashed the work to a The Winner of this week's contest wlil be announced In the issue of RADIO GUIDE the coming political campaign will be waiting world was Dr. William Braid dated April 3rd, on sale at all newsstands on Thursday, March 31st. RADIO GUIDE cloaked with considerable authority, for he White, Director of Acoustic Research for may also be consulted in the Chicago public Library. has covered every Republican and Demo­ the American Steel and Wire Co., alter a H you taU to become a. winner this week, remember you can try again next week. cratic convention since 1912 ••• Ann Leaf's test in C'olumbla·s Chicago studios. Be stlre to tune in the folloWing stations for news of the contest. greatest trouble is to find shoes to fit her, A. large delegation of newspaper men and ni .. ht at 6:30. tor her foot size is 3'hA, which means other interested on-lookers watched the that they generally have to be made to tests with Dr. White's projection oocillo- mornin .. at 9:05. order ... The latest of malo stars to em­ ba.rlL on a highly successful vaudevilJe tour WIBO-Friday ni .. ht at 9:00. 18 Ben Alley_ • • • WAAF-ThQuday at 5:30 P. M. James Hamilton, winner at tl1e recent Paul Whiteman ''Youth of America. Audi­ Yon May Use This Coupon for Your Convenience When Submitting Your Entry. tiOll6" i5 heard each Sunday at 5 over WAAF. • • • scope during which Downey's voice was RADIO GUIDE Vella COOk, WCF'L contralto, Is still deny­ shown as a ribbon of light vibrating across 423 Plymaldh Court, ing th~ rumor, started recently, that she a silver screen. Cbic:ago. lIlinai. has been married. Vella says she has DO 'I agree with a prominen~ churchman in Intention of becoming "that way". Next hU;. recent Qenunclatiau of so-c.alled croon­ fall, she and several other artists may be ers·', Dr. White said upon conclusion of the Number of Word. .... '. -._----_._._------_.----- acen aDd heard in an extensive eastern tests. "Howeve:r-, by nc, stretch of the im­ Submitted By __ "'. __ .. _._____ •• _._._. ______agination, can Mr. Downey be called a -. • • • crooner. He Is the possessor of a pure and 'l'he popular children's program on legitimate light lyric tenor of extremely Addreu ------.-----.------•• - WAAF, Judy and Ann's Theatre, has been moved to a 4:30 spot on Wednesday, Fri­ notes.unusual and range. no falsettoThere arequalities no artificialin his IiL ___ ~::~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::.:=.:===City •..••••••••••••• _ •• _ __ ~~:::::====:.::.&tal_ ---- ., - ___ J .y and Sunda,. voice." 8 PROGRAMS FOR MONDAY [Continued]

r.M. "lBO_Travel Treats; Orchestra ':00 1fEND-Nul" NaUooa1 Radio Forum, WCFJ~Oee Lurya, Sopraoo and WCll'Io KYW-Hires prOgram NBC Orchestra 6:25 .1' .... II' T",,(,e1'1'Y Sports Reporter WIlD-International Bnckle Busters tri!lAQ-Canadli. Dr,. Program; StorIes WENR_Prince Albert Quarter HoW'; 6 :30 1\ F. "Il--'steb{llng Bo)'s; SwlH'" Pmgram, of Northwest Mounted Police. NBC Alice Joy, contralto, NEC NBC WGES-Neopolitan Nillbts 7,35 WC.i'L-BulJetin Board Labor FlashU "GN-The Monarch Melod,. Man WCHI-8hoeleather Express: dramaUu.- WOS-Doll Lang; Sergeanls' Dog Medl· WDBlIt-Hobt. Bnrns' Panatela: Guy tion <:ine 7145 W(l-N-The Gloom Chasers; Colonel Stnopnagle and Budd. NBC Lombardo's orchestra. CBS WInO-flour of Dreams f"'l\Q_Thil Chica.go Daily News 0( the 1fCFL-Buildlng an« Loan Association 10:30 WON-The Camel Quarter Hour: MortOll Air WC}'L-Assoetation 01 Real Estate Tu· payers 01 Illinois Program Downey; Renard's orchestra. CBS \\C),'L-DeI,wgram WIBO-John M, Pratt. tu taiD 1fIB~onc ert ~lu.slc WENR-Jesse Crawford. NBC K HI'-Don Pedro's Orchestra KYW-8tudio ProgTalD WJJD_l"rank ~faglne; SOngS WMAQ-Jann Froman's OrchestrA, NBC! w.IJD-H "w"'~d L. Pete.rson, O1'g311 KYW-Berry Brothers prO{;'rUD WCRW-8tudlo Mnslcal Program WC]"L-Barton Organ Recital by Bdtdir \\"{H:S-\'~n a.nd Li.'1n, Harmonies Hanson 5:00 WGN-Mills Brothers: Male Quartet; 1fCHI-BloDil Co·eda ITCRW-MusicaJ Program Vape:.: Program. CBS 9:15 WIBO-Eddie South's Orchestra WJIIO--Cafc de AIel!; Orchestra In nO-!-;'ews or the nay KYW-Padded Fists WMAQ--Atlantic and Pa~lfic Gnsl"",; "GN_''Th .. Modern !o[ood" ':~5 IV,)! \Q-Dest Foods program. NBC Hun' Horlick's orchestra; Frank WCllI-Junlor League Players Parker, tenor. NBC WCFL-.Adult Educatloa Councn IVENR-Tbe Go!tlberg~; dramatlc sketch. 1'\'ENB---Mr. Bones and Compa.ny; IIlin. 10.45 WaN-Carl 1II00re's orchestrA NBC WLS-Maylag Orchestra: C I are n c ... strel sbow, NBC WXAQ_DX Club Wheeler, director, NBC "'GK-Dlnner !>Insic "GX_"MaS'y Ac.,.,." for Lavorls W:t:NR-Edidie Moore's Orchestra, NBC W CFT~Eddy Hanoon nod Grace W'iIsoD "KTW-Rex :l.fau!,;n'" Ac"S 0-{ tb.e Air tl'BlIM-- and Uptown Viliag. WJTD--J,!armo!a Program "CFI~Bar ton Organ reoclbJ. by Eddy orchestras 7:00 WC]," J. -Ar lh~r Koch, poianlst WSU C-PoUsh Hour Hanson WCFL-WCFL Orchestra WGN-'l'!Je B~tb Club: Interview: Bar­ bar,," Maurel. cc.ntralto; male quartet; WrnO_)lelody Moments: Adrlen'IJ Oroh. WIBG-PuhIb:: Th.... tre Reporter with WMAQ-Frnlics Cafe Orchestra Llnit program. CBS 5:15 11'GX-Fro..tilb prot'ram: Mildred Hunt: or~rA Orchestra, CBS KYW-Waves of Melody. NBC WCIII-John Stamford W,\I IQ---Jl)sepl1 Gallkchlo's and His c<;n­ WIBO-Eddie South's Orchestra "ert Orchestra WC}' L-Night Court 9:4$ WMAQ-S!eepy Water orcb..: health taDl: W·KNlt--Sammy Watkins' Orchestra, NBC WLS-Contente<:i Hm,r: G. Arnold; Car· 11' BUM-Braah and RasiJ; CroODJ~ col· "BBM:_Myrt and Marge; dramatic 11:15 nation qo"rtet. NBC onels sketch, CBS WIIBM-.Around the Town; Gendroll, Kl'W-Valvnllne Program 1fENR-NatlonaJ. I>rohlhttlon PoP, NBC Bernie, Arnhelm, Parham and Russo'. WIBO-Cafe de Alex Orch~str1 Orchestra.. lfJJD-)!aln Street CrU&ader KYW_CbarUe Agnew's Orcram 10,10 KYW-8tate Sireet Tomorrow WMllI-~lldni&i>t Musical Hour renc. Til>Lett, Ixll'l\one, NBC W)U Q-Bob Nolan's San Fe/kiaus, NBC WSIlC-Dauce Music 1f],S-Oeath \'"lley Day.,.; dramatizatlnn, WIHllI-J, B. nnd Mae; oomedy script 10.lS WGN--<.'faxwell HOIl9& Tune Blenders, 12:15 W~"\Q-K ent\Jcky Club Orcbestra NBC WIBO--Cafe de Alex Orohestra CBS 12:30 trENH_Don Pedro and his Orch~stra I'\'Cl'L-Omer )I, Cnste.-. Political Talil: KYw-Unguentine Pror;rUD WIAQ-Dan aM SYlVie. 12.45 " .. AQ-Via La.go Orchestn


A.M. wnDM-Tony's Scrapbook, CBS WLS-Lh'estnck IIlarket.s; .Jim Poole W.M,\Q-Beautlfnl Thnus;hts; Chuck, RaJ' \1'1 HO-)Iupical Merry·Go·Rnulld POUltry Market ~. aud Gene: Irma Glen, nrgan~ NBC WLS-Bve~lng Post Reporter; bng flasb; W.JID-Mary AIden; home talk WIBO-SOng Cycle 6:00 WCFL-Sunrise IIour weather report 0( WUD-Variety Musk WLS-W LS ~mile .1. Whlle with Ralph anu WAAI;_Vanity Fair W.AAF.....songs the lsl8.nh Hal WG ES-)Iusical '1'O:lst9 WSEC-Home Hours WAAF-World News Reports W.\ ,\}'_Farm F'olks Hour 8':40 WMAQ_~lu sical HodgePOdl;'e WGES-'rimely Tunes WIDO--ArcUc Fur Prngram 6:30 WIBO_Vncie John and his Family 8:45 WON-Tom Blanchard' .. Show WMBI_Parents' Bible Story l!oo\lr U.25 WAAF-L!l'e Stock Market WMAQ_:ltil les of Magnolia; Fnnle WlllO--Recordings WLS-Cumbel'land IUdge Runners May Baidrldge. J>.'BC WIIBIIl-Organ Program 6:45 fiLS-R~'ph Blner~"n, Organ Xo,'>olties WI$-A, and p, Program; Our Dally 10.15 W{iN-)l:\rgu.ret Willm:\.n, Contralt40 11:30 W(l. S-Palnted Dreams; Sponsored b, Mlc.kelberry 6:55 !YBBDI_I"3rm l!llorm:ltion Food; Colonel Goodhody, NBC WM.AQ-Rhytbm Ramblers; Harold WC}' j ,_Radio Shoppers Club WOFL-Barton Organ Recital by Ed..,. trLS-Jungs Seed Talk Stokes' Orchestra. NBC IY A A ~' -Orgoao ~Ielodles; LIve stocl.: Mar. Hanson .KYW-Household Institute: drama. NBC 7:00 WCJ"J ,-On the S::';;' Landt Trio and WBBM-The '!"unesmlth9 White, song3 :lnd patter, l\'BC WCJi'L-Va.rlety Program WH£S-Br'" e~kra~t Badinage W-"NIl-Home Service W:JlAQ-Tune 'rIme 9: ()(I II'GN-Charlie White's O)'IU o! the AIr WENll_Walter Blallinss Ensemble, NBC K1."II'_:Ilrs, Btake's Column.. NBC KYW-Farm aud Home lieuI'. NBC WB1HI_)! ,,'·ni~g Exercises WJ,JD-NcighborhoGd GossIp Wr.S-"\'ariety. ArUsts If.J.TD-Young Mothers' Club K'YI't'_)!arei,ai; Field &: Cn:6 M~slcal W.AA F_~!elody Lane; OIdtlme Pop, W.B llAl-Home Companion $hopper IfAA F --G lflgersnaps Clock WM,\Q-'1'ra\'el talk 10.30 WGN-Dlgest of Ihe News WCRIV-Josephlne Program WGN-LeO!l:lrll Hah'o, organ ",.\,\],'-8lng and Sweep )(YW-Frances lugrUD: heauty talk. 11:35 WJ.JD-I neoHs Wnll~r_ Bu,.nham's Beauty Cbat rCOlloo 10k.,. Ie .. tban :lit WAA1'_Tlme, Tuoes aml Topic$ WnnM_EvaruJ F'ur Fashion Parade WIBO-Neysa's ExerCise and Diet WIBO-'1'he Marmoh program InlnDle"! Thou.and. or "_ W.J.TD-H"p1'l· Go Lucl.-y 'l'inI... .Art Llnick K\"\I'-Rose Vanderbosch, pianist. KY\,\,-"Bisqulck" Program "".. ful """"S. S".ra, ne,.. 7;45 WMAQ-Cream of Wheat; Jolly Bill and WA AF-~Jorning Varieties pit., o\llataodlnr U"', held WJJD-WJJD Ho~tess blemishe" of aU typeo .,. ,Tanl!, NBC WL~TowH Topics: Anne 8< SlIe WA.AF-~fu sical Calendar qulckly correcled by train" WLS-"Steamboat Bill" 9:35 KTW-Garrield Pk. Garden Program 10 ,55 W~f1H-}U sslonary Address UI>erl., racial L;ft Uk.. S:OO WI,S-Quaker Early BIrds; Gene and WGJIi-Carl Hoefte, pianist nit 10 to :Ml 1'0 ...., Glenn, NBC 9:45 VU,S-Ralph ~erS'<)n and Martha Crane, U:OO WON-ffilDk Harr\llgton's Musloal Varl· ¥oung·looklng ",,01 be""Uf,,1. WM \Q-Laugh Club, -"BC "Organ I.esso,," etles ITCFL-WCFL Aeroplane Cluh WMAQ-Blg Ben's Dream Drama; skit, IfMAQ-The Merrle·Men; male Qnartet. Book Tells All !..;BL: NBC ~nllo--R.idrl ,~ ~t')l'nmg, !'.'"BC WCf'I.-Foretell Rccordings K1'l\'-Xuonday LellteD Sel'l'lce, NBC l.'llol>.e X ..rquette 6262 9 BUDDY ROGERS Jack Miller On New (Continued from \1lIge 1) get the proper angle on radio's latest acqui­ Columbia Schedule FEMININE FOIBLES sition, we might just as well go back to the beginning, back to Buddy's home town. • Olathe, Kansas. There he grew up with Jack Miller, Columbia baritone and By ANN DEHAAN the social set, was popular with the dehs. piano accompanist for Kate Smith, He came of a good family, his father being owner of the local paper. He was wcll will be heard in a revised schedule of At your next bridge meeting, spring the singing his heart out to you. FIred makes mannered, an excellent entertainer, his lite sustaining broadcasts over the Colum­ following question and then sit back and every song sound like a sure-fire hit. was a round of parties and dates. hear the ensulng hot arguments: Should His First Crush bia network beginning this Tuesday. married women be allowed to work, or If you can·t have Fred L. Jeske every should they be removed from industry. .And despite all his acquaintances, Every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur~ night. how about Lawrence Salerno, on Buddy's only crush was one of his school The Co-eds of Albion and Purdue Col­ Tuesday, at 9:00 p. m. and Saturday at teachers. It was all very natural, very day at 5:30 p. m. Me. Miller's pro­ leges held a debate on Saturday at 3:00 9:15 p. m. over WGN. Lawrence, Of the harmless, and very fleeting. As he gl'ew grams will be prcs.:nted with Fred p. m. over WLS,-"Resolved: That married flashing smile and curling hair, wUl sing older, Buddy outgrew that "puppy love" women should not be employed in gainful you rollicking tunes of Neopolitan nights. and turned his attention to Ills school Berrens' Orchestra. The new series o:::cupatlon." AlblOll took the affirmatlve mates, friends more his own age. side, contending that married women should "What about Easy Aces", JOIl ask. Then came the movies-and a fame that replaces his late evening broadcasts. be ousted from their jobs, and stay at home "They're on at 9 p. m. on Tuesdays." WcU, he had never dreamed would be his. Buddy Local OUllel, WBBM. where they belong. thus providing two the Aces will just have to move tbelr card went to Hollywood. and of all the out­ million Jobs for unemployed men. Pur­ table squabbling at 9:30 p. m. on Monday. standing and beautiful women he met, the due, on the negative side, was of the opin­ Wednesday and Friday, Will Marge and loveliest wa.s Claire Windsor. Sophisticated, ways bccn pals. nnd she has ~llways tl'ttsted Ion that If married women were removed Jatlk really go out for new bridge partners, gorgeously gowned, worldly and more ex­ from Industry, there would be a decided or will Jane's subtle (1) strategies bring In Ills judgment and ill his ability to look lowerlllg of our standard of llvlng, M well perienced than Buddy. she gave him a out for himself. them together again'? frIendshIp no other woman had to give. as an economic loss La the women, 00 her That trip to Europe, by Ule way, was a family, and thus to her eO\lJltry. They were great friends, enjoyed going about together. and surely there was noth­ glorious one for Buddy. For the first time My latest stooge, LeWis Britton, sends In yeal's he ielt free to act as he really There were some interesting arguments me a few pertinent facts concerning 0lU' ing strange about that. Any young ma.n wished. That Included growing a mous­ set forth on both sides. This subject seems radio heroes and near-heroes (five pages would have been proud to be seen with Mis.'> tache. More matw'ed than when he left tel be a I'ital one at this time. of facts, in fact). A eertain columnist re­ Windsor. ported that Albert Payson TerhWle stlll Then Hollywood gossip took a hand: a Hollywood. Buddy returncd with many new wrote his stuff out in longhand. One week very heavy, misguided hand, and effectively Ideas. and one of th~m \l'as a desire to Wonder what·s going on at wmo. Eddie later Terhune's endorsement of the Coron­ marred the friendship that meant so much cssny a new type of movie role. and Fannie Cavanaugb. as you know, con­ as came out in which he said he had fou:. to Buddy. Jealous men and womcn ~alked When he reached New York. Buddy dud a Radio Gossip Club at 3 :30 p. m. portable machines and couldn·t write with -whispered unfounded rumors, resorted to looked I1p Miss Windsor. and the two e'\'cry day. On Tuesday tliey intended to out one. Whose little white lie was that? stolies that were without foundation-and friends danced and dined when and where amwer Ihe many leUers they had received the frlends realized that the best thing to they pleased until the time ('ame for Rogers (oncerning themselves. So Eddie started So what? do was to cease seeing one another. Mis.> to retlll'D to Hollywood and his movie work. orr, telling about their early days in radio, If A1 Katz.' real name is Katzenjammer Windsor came to New York, Buddy rc­ Buddy hnd grown up. He hnd learned to etc., etc., "And now", said Eddie, "l'm •••. Lawrence Salerno first started in maIned In Hollywood, and one guesses at ignore the gossips and the low s~andal­ going to tell you when and where we wue radio with his brother Frank accompany­ the unllapplness that resulted from the mongers. He had grown up more thnn b:;>rn, how we look. and whether we're ing him on the harmOnica or cornet or -lng. that. fol' he had made up his mind that 11 brother and sister or man and wife. Fan_ something. , •• Ray Perkins 13 the hrother But youth is resilient, and Buddy got he found hl.s popularity waning he would nie and I" •••• blurb-blurb--and com_ of Grace Perkins, noted a.uthoress •.•• around. Once more he was seen at dances, leave the pictures and go into radio work. plcte silence... Alter about three minutes, Jane Hamilton has the same drawl away receptions, public and prlvate gatherings And that brlngs I1S down to cases. Buddy Eddie's voice was heard again-"And now from the mike as when broadcasting. in and out of the fllm colony. He had began sUpping In pictures about a year ago you IInow all about us!' Cou1d It have been many friends among the younger set, but and natllrallr. all things conSidered. He the censors? Remember Ray PerkinS' bright idea. for he was seen most often, perhaps, with had been acting In the type of pictures a. banana tha.t would open With a mpper? Mary Brian. Cultured, talented. attractive which would ruin any actor's career; those Well, in Fred Stone's show "Sm1llng Faces" and much sought after by juvenile stars In MPPY musical films that presented the star Fred L. Jeske IS the boy who stuck to Which just left, Mr. Stone actually has a Hollywood, demure little Mary made a per­ as 1\ swect boy-sweet and spineless and radio through thick and thin and 15 final­ which he unzippers, takes a bit out fect fOU for Buddy, and Hollywood nodded not .~o hot. The )JUblic wanted some traces ly reaching the top, and though sitting on of, mppers shut, and sticks ~ his pocket Its approval. Some had It, at the time. of acting' as well as good looks, and Buddy top may be pretty wobbly, It·s something fm further use. That's the way it is with that Paramount fostered the romance to naturally wanted to give his best to hts to have climbed up. He's one of our oId­ these inventors-theY're 80 impractical. kill rW1lors which still persisted about the work. But with had stories erected about timers, having started in the radio game Ray should have sent to Wa.shlngton for a. Rogers-Windsor friendship. rldlculOlIS plots. he was helpless_ in 1923. He'll be heard at 9:00 p. m. from patent, and a.volded having hIs brain-child But that, again, was rumor. and Buddy The last ~traw was that picture. from WGN, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, was often seen in the company of other which the fans remained away in hordes. ,"""" young women. Among them were Jean called "Along Came Youth." And away Arthur, herself of the Mary Brlan type; went Rogers. Then ParamoU1lt decided June Collyer, formerly a New York society that the fault lay In the fact that as a star Roy Andrews Heard "Terrible Meek" girl, and several prominent society girls Buddy carried too much of a load, and • from Ca.lifornia. they decided to do something drastic. In Rice Interview Charles Rann Kenmdy·, beautiful More Gossip So Buddy was cast-In a secondary role, but one with real dramatie angles-in "The • and pathetic drama, -The Terrible Miss Collyer visited her parents in New Roy Chapman Andrews, noted York:, and newspaper reporters saw a large Lawyer's secret." And Buddy showed the Meek", will be presented by the Radio picture of Mr. Rogers on the dressing table stuff ot which he was made. His success Arctic and Far East explorer. will be in her Park avenue boudoir. That was was immediate; fans wrote letters of praise, Guild on G:Jod Friday afternoon. enough to start further rumors, and when critics hailed him as a dramatic star. But interviewed by Grantland Rice during Miss Collyer refused to amrm or deny any Buddy stllck to his guns, he had made up tbis Friday, at .3:15 p. m. over his mind to go over to radio, and go he the Coca Cola program to be broad~ romance between her and Buddy. people an NBC network. The author and drew their own conclusions. And then. would. It Is said Paramount would have cast over an NBC network this Wed~ bet'n glad to renew his contract. hut Buddy bis wife, who is known on the stage several months later, Miss Collyer surprised nesday at 9: 00 p. m. Famed for his au not concerned by marrying Stuart Mid "No!" as Edith Wynne Matthison will play If he makes the success of radio that he exploration in Tibet. Mr, Andrews """".Buddy had wanted for some time to take hopes to, Buddy wlll stay away from the will answer questions pertaining to the leading roles. Charles Webster a trip abroad, but his contract with Para­ pictures for eighteen months. And then the Sino-Japanese situation, will also be featured on tbe broadcast. mount kept him busy. At last he drew a he hopes to go back to the films, making vacation, and with his mother went to the type of picture he wants to make, and Local Outlet, WENR, Local Outlet, WMAQ. ElU'ope. Buddy and his mother have al- still keep up his radio work.

STUDIO MIKE The Real Thing!


10 f PROGRAMS FOR TUESDAY [Continued] - • A.M. IYlI'_ HeaUh TaIlL: WAAF~ld FaYo~ lI'Ct'J.-NICIIt Conn ~opper,,' Serric. JCYW_M,,! Stitzel :It the Piano W DlIlI-o.n itUSll'O'S Or~hestra 1l:if5 "Ql'i-WGN IIwlle 'N~a."U. WI BG-Tbe Sonc Ei>op, Belly UId.1_ "E,..... 'R-Sklppy; chi~rell'S ..kiL NBC l\"JJD-llaln Str~et Crusad~r WB1HI_DlIU,. Times News l/'Mbe. WC),'L-Tri\X>li Trio l'\'nB~I_l-loward Neumiller, PIanist \Hl S_EM Crlm6 Clull. CBS 1fllJD-Bondcd Uotorl$',,- Serellade 3,25 KYW-6tudio- PrOC'rOUD l'\'AA),'- PoI)'Jlar P-otpollrl 11.IIIIl-UUI the RarbPr, lI:BC WL8-~'l!atbu; Fruit a1Id Vecet.ble ':30 WON_ Hotel Tart OrclteBtra, CBS l'fJI.lQ--"Oceu_ T<1'11'ers". Aipba Stalsoll WESII-"Great P"rao""Jitl.. s"; Fral:lUt Marketll WENR_Mormon Tabernacle ChoIr &114 Jil'lT_P"-",, Dj.'e PTDCram lIunt. fI."BC W.J,JD-Joe Grel~. CIty Seal« Organ. NBC Vl'Cl'L-Johll IIInweR: food tall< KYW_),'u1ler BrD"'" Nan; \'o~aJ solos a'" II , 50 "ON-oooo.l Health arA TnJnlv& 1'r1IlAQ--TIle- Women's Call!iJda.r; JUle lfIBO--_"-lr Dtdets; Eddie alld FuDle orehcstrL NBC ~ CavtDl\l£tL ...... l'I'IIUY_Alo\IK the ~. & E. 1, TraQ 11,55 W.AQ-Thl)llGht rClf' t!>da,.. NBC! lI'lJlJM- Dorotby :o.vls W.J.JD-Dance Orehe-lrtra "J.S-E,'eniul': l'ost r.eporte~ WI RO--TlLe Two Balladeen "I BO--Radio Goulp; Ed4Ie and Fullle WG l'.8---0rpnlalld 1f(''''T,...--,l!I1~I""l Weather n"port, Ed\ly WGN-"Un<:le P..emu.s" J\L Cav&naucb S:30 l!an~oll ,N! John O'Hara r. WAAJ,'- Pat HQJ;ter: irish tellor lOLlQ-n~y Perkins, The Old Topper. lI'C'FL_Kroenler FurDhare Co. WGEs---camptown Minslrel" NnC 8 :45 PrOll'ram 12:00 WQN_l,I"I·DII7 5"r,1.. ..- Wi» \Y RDlle Dane" Orrhtstr .. 12:15 WDD~ I -:\Ilke and lf~rmaD.. CBS WAA)"-QrgR:! Melodies NIlC Wf' l ll-T'<:ople's Pod On The Air SWlday WGN-LIttle Orph:ul Anola; "hllllrcn's WG.'(-"The Troubadourll", feattlrt,,~ 12:25 \011'='1-0.",.. " lht Country n ..... d 51~ I""",reroce Soller,... Illnyle-t. N'8C 12:JII WG~-S:ovo .. j' Orchestra. CBB WCt'J,-8eele)' PI De","'" ft'BBM-C~. BiLula.!lt:er'lI Orchestra, I'I'loS-LlHsto<'k !\IJUket5; Jim Poole ""IJlO-Ch~t1t9 T!aro~ ]':eilK'Iw'M"", bIIrl- "'JJll-Farm -raIl< C", "P.NII_Llttle Orphu AMte. NBC t"n" 1\ r.,,'-nHt TlkDowell's Orchestra ",'if_StudIo Prr...,.ram 1f}l,\.Q-I.oweiI. Tboma.'lL for Ll.tera17 Di· W.lj \Q-Lellten .... nice W('ln...... stamford S!n,cer$ \VI 1I000:I"nl \·'[1>1~ !\c-I! Masteu \I:J(l KYIf-P&J';~ Nl~nt I_te; 11 e r I r,. 11 4 1:00 lH;-';_.\~'~o (;r~nt, I';:"-,i~t WCFL-"Oin""r Mnsie l/lrAeh'. OrclLe!-. !\BC WIBo-GnptILl1I D<>II'& Ra!I;o Seoula tnt \t.I-SPnll:O~'\\'II·n..r I'rogral1l. Dr. WI IIO-=---~w. 01 the Day KYW-&.rt McDowell'S Orchestra I'r.. st"n Bra(,"I~r I'hiloM'ph.. r WCR"_Buy"",, Gllfde [.IoO!) AdrJl'lI'. ('IrelJ~"tra l'ITlIlY_!l,,)"·'r4 (;1l;(1" 1\'JJn-Wa.lL and Herb: pW!o and !j()JJP 1'I'Cl1lf-Stud!o 1"roiI;ram I\'IJU~I-~I~"'I snd iIlarge; dramatlo W('III __."1 ,,,,'''rd ~1"1 I:~mlcll 6:15 W(lX-n~rold 'l'"e~n; cornedr sketch 9:45 W,1.I1I_1\,';" ~·!'·N·t CL'u",,~er WE "It-Just Willi,,; Arthur Fie!lls, "ocal­ ~k(-(ch, CBS 1,0$ J(,·' 1'1I1~~' nl Ih .. I'bno hL NBC ){YW_I':dll~YI'nter !lMch Orrh~str" 1:15 11'(,"_1"1'1,, 1'<"1" ~,,,1 AII~n Cranl If-'» .\Q--C:utl(>bell Soup program; H. La· WI: -"_)larch lnt~rlud" \I'e: .\ __ T,-,morro",'~ '1'rLlmll~ W.II,\Q-IDI,\Q ~\al'''' (l''''t'l~t nln's Ore~e-a-tra. NBC Ifl,,"-~"'~ l·c·,·I,.;,i,", I'\'I~ ri::er .. y Sports RI'-portll'l" If(,t'I.-\\'('FL Orchu-lra WHlI11_lr"HI C:o",l,'(''''~ Oroh",lr, Reinald Werrenr.lth, NBC's dis~ lIT II I II' Ill"'i,·. 6:30 1YJ:NR--5toM~lns Ble 10:10 1\'C'l'I,--Gre!'" Mm~ I:3"rf\<\m Orch~s"\ra WI U{\_I:".(I",·' I:D,·m, f"'blb 11>e-atre- 1YIIIAQ--J<)sepll Calliccllio and Concert Jrl'l\'-State Street '1'oo>orro\O' I:~w'rlf-r thl? Genl?ral Electric Circle program Orchestra 11):15 1nIlQ--Datt alld Sylvia 1\111-1'''" I', ,1,-", ('''(Ch~f.lra to be broadcast tbis Sunday at WCJo'J..-Del QWlrtn 11"",r: 1,)5 II I ~_',\'", ,; I:", k Shop rector of its NBC broadcast con~ NBC DQwaey; ,\.. "eM: Renard's 1:~0 WSI:r-!: .. d\;, T"nl' certs. In If--RtoZ MaUpin's Aces of the Air e6lrL CBS J:H II \ I ~_, ,',tt "lnO---Go]del'l'Od All Stars; cu"'"'- artist 1\'!l.\Q-TILI! Thr,,~ o.o-cton; Pt'Iltt. \1/; \-t-:'''HY n,,,·,·y, baritone: and I:.on­ Local Durfers, WEN R, 'YOE8--C.. rl Heeker's Orchestra Sherman and f:n~"lpb un;; .. ,·· W.AQ--Be3t FO<>ds. Prot;TalD, !'IBC ",.:"JI-:-:' Prohr"!tion Po~1. NBC IVC}'I ,-)Itrry Garden B::LlIroom Orch. 1~1 ""-,I< ""reb LI ,n FaLUn,. lI'.J.JII-Howard L. PeterSOIl, OrganlLJt WIIIO-('de de ,"Ie~ OrcheMra '1\ II \Q-~"",clL: am. dramntlc skit with 6:§Ii WMAQ--Wnr Herald )1:Lrian an\l' .I'm =---l~C 4:00 WG~-JlIles Gmndin, baritone. )(1 W_!,addd Fists W('III_1 ~.'.,\ C ('"n(,HI; eJRsslcal music lIM.\Q-W)IAQ S)'nco!\ll(""" 7:111 lI'GN-The 'BaUt Cillb; I"tervle.... ~; Btlr_ Weill_Junior r.".,sf:Ue Player9 1:50 lV"lIC---CP"'·f.~ (",,,'''1 wF.Sll-llay We Presellt. Nnc barn. Maur~ eontra!1.o; male quartet; 10:35 WJ{!',II-Areher Qlbson. Orct Smiliog Products Program. CBS W I DO-~;ddle South'li OrclLe~lra Z,15 W(l"'_I'n'LlL~r Ilo"s(' F.n"~trL~ll! \1'.\ \ V_"""f'l~Uea "'C}'L-T~1k by J".. Gr.. ill; clty sealer Wem-John Stamford \1 !I 11 11-1 l:d'y '!'imc8 "'~\Vs ],'ta~hes 4:20 WIlIUI-_D:Lfy Times Ne .. , l'fJJD-liooseheart B3n~ 11:15 W(l!f_BHnie Cummlns' orcllestu til JI(I-~n1(ll() j'''QJ!:ram 4:30 WG)(-WGX H""d'-'lier~ Will \Q--Edward J. Brundal:e, Talk \Y1I n3' -;\ ,·our.~ the Tow~; Gendron. 2:30 It" \-1':" ,';,1\ nnd P,-ycholoIl'Y. Educa­ lI']-;:>\R-Qlll n('-Je.'l')' s"m"I\II; S,-,og SlIecial W"I \Q--l'uh'ic S-<'I.oo:s Prcw;ram c,,!>t4l0 WLS--neel Huggers: Robert Armbrna_ "(' I1I _~letr!lpolitall Eehon WI,"-lm<'rn",k,,,,,1 IInt!r.;r: Progrnm; Ift't·L--.."'-"h<>ol Tpac·htrs Talll t .. r·s striog ~lIsemb!e, NBC 11:30 Wl'\ II-Sl'j'mOor Slmo~ Orche~tu. lI:BC ~1~1lr.: CH)' Four, J"hn C"own \ffllO-D"~k Dr~-"m!l' lI'CFJr-Du'!e-lin Boord, labor r.a"" ... "('l'I,--Creen. :\IlUs 'Ballroom Ordleslra WnU'lI_.I"IJa lIa)'~": 1Io>" ..dml,l hInts W;\,\ -F_C"'''~i ...... 1 Cc,<><'('rt WJJ ])"""IntHnaUolla! Buckle Busters ji \ IY-Ch"dle Agnew'a Orch.. Hra "IHo-)l~llr~e lJc~odJ,> : A~rlen'9 Or- \\JJ~loo~~h"nrL Cblld,'en 1:~S \\ G!'I--C~rardine Program: Broadway 11"1 \Q--KentU('..,. Club Orehestra W (tlo-F.O""·' WlI \Q-Yla l ...go Orche~tra Willr:-J~,'!'y Su a"3D; .!'olll: Special Ift't'I.------l;'\u.\in Pr"l:ranL \UJlJ_Frank 'lagine; SODgs 12:00 WE:>; lI--";d~le Moore's Drch"slra II II \ __1\' .'!.\!.l l',),n"('lIaLorll 5:00 1\'(l'i-Twi'il:1Lt ~rmt)h"ny Concert 8:00 \f"~-E~II Berni.. 's Orche~Ir3; Blue II'SIU'-I'Lan<:1' lluslc W.I,~J·:HIlI~1:: f>0~1 f:rf)OrtH 1V1IIHI_Arthur Jarretl. !e!tOr with Rkh'lI J:ihl>",~ ~:a:t Pro!;ram. CBS KI'Il-Bt'rt McOowell'" Orchestra W(l "_)l:1dr~d Wat~rnL3n. "",prano Orchestra. Cf;l; Wli .\Q--Hm,~ .. hold Jo"'inallce Program: WMlll-~lldllllht Evallgettrth: 1I<.>Or 1"'1 \Q-"'iu 1,,'atlm' ("oun~Ll WI-:SK_\\'i!:iam H3r~: E~ck of Ihe News Dre$'t P.ehcuS:ra: ('om~dy sldt "C"'J,~t)or!~ r:e,-I('w by .Iohn O'llara 1-\' IIIlM-Q:,!smohHe Mel

Sch\\'n-"C:lun~el1or-at-Law" is a modern Tivoli-Marlene Dieb'ich has S,ji, .td the Winter Garden-Th1s spot continues to Sunday, !'tIarch 20th (::;.<11:1 giving the Inside dope on the scene of action to Chicago's south, but blossom as one vr the town's gayest . Orchestra Hall-3:30 p. m. Dance recital p,J;1135-0n In a Jaw office. Elmer Rice lcgsperts still recommend her. She's the Gus Arnheim features Dorothy Thomas by Mary Wigman, leader vf t.he modern h;;; ! ung the gong again with th1s clever reason you'lI probably see "Shanghai Ex­ and Buddy Cla.rk singing 00 beat I.he German "cult". Last appearance this dj\'c~Lnl play, Otto Kruger heads the press". On the stage. YOU can watch band . , . Other headlincrs are introduc­ season. cast, giving a marvelOUS performance as "Swiss Movements" .•• it·s all in running ed by Charlie Krafts whom you'll prob· tile shyster lawyer who becomes wealthy order. ably recogn1ze as a m!lSter Crafts-man at TUC5day, March 22nd and f"m:lus, Anne Teeman Is his 'oeau­ that sort of thing. Excellent food and OrchC5tra. 8all-2:15 p. m. Chicago Sym­ tj.-uj "office wife", and Mary Sel'voss the Capitol-Buster Keaton alld Jinuny Dllr­ ditto service. (519 Diversey). phony Orchestra, Frederick Stock, con­ b:ase unfaithful wife. ante do right well to keep yvu plplng ducting, "Good Friday" excerpts from with laughter in "The Passivnate Plumb· Grand Terrace-Thvse who llke to paint "Parsifal" and Brahms Third. Nathan PJaviluuse-"Death Takes a Hol!day"-A lOr". For cvntrast (and Irs smart bUl­ the town run out here to pick up color MUstein, vivlln soloist. Brilliant young reViYaJ of a fantastlc melodrama. The Ing) we find "Arrvwsmith" evncenling , . Blaek-and·tan·s the background for Russian in Goldmark's exacting A Minor e.Je :1.lone is enough to draw those who which we have already uttered enthus­ blue notes and red-hot rhythm ... Eaxl Concerto. lii;:e l)lC \Jnu~ual. The plot Is that of iast.ic praisentiments, Hines Is still on tour but the show goes D~~t!l. Ured of his gruesome vn with a new unit toss!n' the tunes Thursday E\'elling, l'tlarcb 24th, 8:30 p. m. 6.u.:es. di.-;:-uising as.a Prince, and tIlbng Avalon-50uth sider should see ''The Ex­ around a-la.-Voodoo, (3955 So. Parkway). Friday Afternoon, March 25th, 2:15 p. m. R t:uee·dny holiday to ad as a human pert" because of neighborhood. loyalty, if OTClbestra Hall-Chicago SSmphony Or- be:n~. Wouldn't you love to meet up Maillards-Where the elite gather to gos­ for no other reason. It's the screenized sip and the Fvur-Hundred Up their tea· chestra, Fredcrick Stock, con<;lucting. No wl:h him? Anne Forrest 18 the lovely version of Minick, and that, you'll recall solo1st for the first time in months. The b::md he!olne who recognizes Death, but cups ..• Traditional with epicureans for is buUt around south side folks and excellent cuisine and unobtrusive service annual Good Friday cvncerts. is n:Jt afral<;l of him. You'll be sorry if p~es. "Strangers In Love" fillS the ) au miss this. , .• th1s spot Is brightest in the after­ vther half vr the screen. noons and clvses up shortly alter the Acl,,:pl1i-"Zomb:e·'. Th1s chilling, thrilling, sun goes down, (Michigan at Jackson). Square Silos Paradise-It almoot looks like nationality "u~!}enserul mystery w!il make you gral"! day vut here. On the screen, the Orien­ Stevens Hotel-For those who yearn for f:J:' so:-n~thing to hold onto, so don't go t:J the Adelphi alone. W. B. Seabrook. ta! influence pervades, Chugging manful­ subdued. atmosphere and sophisticated George Frame Brown claims to be wrote a book called "The Magic uland", ly with "The ShanghaI Express", On the euislne • , • George Devron's music Is one of the best-versed men in New stage, Spanish is the envirvnment with easy to take before and after meals or K~nneth Webb adapted part of it as II. York on the subject of silos, One of phy. and there you have uZomble". 'I'hls "Cannenesque", You'll like the oddance as a musical accompaniment to its new word signifies a dead pen;on who effects. courses. You dvn't have to dress up but his ccming continuities for "Real why not? , •• after all, yOU're going to ha~ been brought to life and made to :talks", his rural sketch broadcast work in the f!elds. Don't be a Zombie; Marbro-West siders who are sta.ble tor the Stevens, (Michigan a.t 7th). Gable will find him quite entertaining every Sunday over the Columbia net­ IP and s~e Zombie. Pallline st.arke, mOI'ie star, plays the part of a yvung vpposite Marion Dav.ies in their polly, work, involves the ceremoQies attend­ polly "Polly of the Circus". Maybe yvu'll b:'ide whv spends her hvneymoon iilmong ing the erection of a silo. Although enjoy "Strangers In Love" ••• we didn't. To Mike be bas a farm of his OWQ up in New Uptown--Legs-go and see Marlene Diet­ York state, it is not big enough to MOVIES rich. She out-barb06 Greta In her slant­ chant "Shanghai Express", COnchita require a silo, so George's knowledge Ch1t':!go-Bnrbara StIlnwyclt (Mrs. Frank Montenegro takes you "Around the of the subject has been as "ague as a F.·y' and Frank Fay are doing a doubJe­ World" on the stage ••. and that's wvrth the price of ac%lnisslon alone. casting director's promise. So he has up doublentertainment feature at this written for catalogue after catalogue. s'! k fli~ker front. They appear in the Cr:a.nada-Once again, 'Yvu can go !ee n,;-sh on the stage, And Miss Stanwyck "Strangers In Love" if you want to. We and read book after book, until he be­ emo:es from the screen in "Shopworn". suggest not. However, you might enjoy lieves he knows more about silos than Davies Qil,bling in the sereentertainlng the people who make 'em. J'~I:lce-Even with imitations, she's no imi­ "Polly of the Circus". t:!ti:'ll, but the real thing. We mean, of Inciden!ai!y, the silo in his sketch cvu~se. ?LtlJ Green whose mimicapers hal'e won her great fame. We find BRIGHT SPOTS will be square in shape. Since most "C:leaters at Play" vn the silver sheet silos arc cylindrical, Brown is glee­ with Thomas Meighan deserving of mvre Bismark-Bands come and bands go, but fully lying in wait for some lover of than a couple of bows. there's always a eerta.ln number of thooe who like to trip the light fantastic, that realism to point out his error, after Sbte·Lake-Dcm Henderson Cla.rke's Jm­ remain true to their Art , • , "Kassell's which he plans to detro}' his critic by patient Vl~gin has become the .screen's in the Air" serve music that·s hot, the exhibiting the pages in his catalogue "Im!}atient Maiden" and Mae Clarke and food's good, the lights are low, and the L~\V A;:res snnt~hlng all the eyetention. combinat.ion rates high with steppers. devoted to square silos, ''The Lu~c vf the Ring" is almost as It (Randolph at Wells). sounds. Gong! Kentucky Club-Jimmy Garrigan pushes Orlcnt:!I-A plum of a title picked with h1s plano into the loop and moors it on the greatest of aplomb. You'll enjoy the spot where Oass Simpson used to "Are You Lls:enin'" even if you don't rock the Show-Boat. , . In addition to e,,!}ect to. And El Brendel Is on the the orchestra led by this personable Straight from the musical comedy Mage. He's bane present and "Stepping pianv-pununeler, there's a floor-shOW High", with a notabJe cast including the dainty stage comes sophisticated Bettina IriS Monahan . • • and Earl Rickard Hall whose NBC debut perform­ lJnited ArUsts-You can be cert..ain that it's scheduled to Master a mcan ceremvny. an~ the "Wiser Sex" when Claudette Cvlbert (Clark a~d Lake). was presented to radio audi­ and Lilyan Tashman set out to convince ences during a recent Nestle "ehoc· you that it is. There's a "pink" permit, Phi' Mar-The Golden Pumpkin hides be­ lateers" program. Bettina's so­ 60 ,'ou oan't take the klddies. hlnd a new management and a new name but you can't fool the Wesl-siders .•• prano voice has been featured in lI:oospvelt-Just as you might expect ''The they know it's still the place to gv fvr a. many sensational Broadway suc· Blonde Captive" 18 the story of a blonde nice evening. There's a new lloor-shvw in good old Africa (although we don't and we sus·Specht you're going to like cesses including "Meet My Sister", Pj'uarantee all the scenery). We can't the music ... Patll'S internationally fam­ "Three Little Girls", and the cur­ promise too much with this one. It's not vus for his arrangements. (3829 W. Mad­ rent "Cat and lhe Fiddle". very exciting wiihal. ison). lIe Vicken;-George AtUss is always George Congress-This hosteJry's is to change 1------­ Arliss, His mannerisms are Inimitable. Bands almost as often as they change B\lt the story pull> him in a tough spot. the menu ... like rne menu, the music Chick-Chick Fun One thing, however, being deaf, he is always enjoyable. Jack Stanley is doesn't have to listen to it all. "The baton-Ing in tne Balloon Room at pres­ • Man Who Played God" has a few good ent. Fine plumage struts its stuff In Th~ first of a sefl('S of two broad­ moments, but on the whole, It's not up Peacock Alley .. , the crowd 15 suave but casts to be known as "Chick·Chick 10 the usual ArJiss standard, sociable. (COngress and MiChigan). Fun" will be heard over the Colum­ Orpheum-"Arrowsmlth" 18 back in the Blue GroU-a-ltaJian food and at.mosphere loop which means that those or you ••. An eight-course dinner with govda bia network this Tuesday at 3:45 who failed to see It before, should do .so spaghet' you bet ... COrrey Lynn's sunny p. m. Ian Wolfe, as the Easter now. The other half of the bill Isn't so syncopators offer you plenty to do be­ worthy vf attention. It·s "The Struggle". tween courses, .. Drop in anytime be­ bunny, will welcome children to and I'm afraid it is. tween dusk and dawn. a "Magic Garden of Flowers". Percy Grainger, eminent pianist amt Southtown--Qf all the amusing sitUations, Club Dble-The "Breakfast Revue" sounds V iv!an Block, eleven-year-old radio composer, who will be heard bJi none is more worthy of smiles (discreet like a new way to start your day out but actt~SS, will act as hostess on the pro­ radio listeners this Saturday at 7: 00, of course) than "Strangers In Love". I don't be so naive ... it's the newest way 1hlnk you'll find "The Expert" more en­ to finish a night out. Clewr floor·show grams. p, m. on NBC's Civic Concert Ser,.-.--, Joyable ••• although highly n'eeteneU. With Ralph Cookie beadllning. Local OUllel, WBBM, vice Program, over WMAQ. 12 At The Squeezbox Fan Clubs NBC Newcomer • The popularity of various radio EXPERT Slars with the listening public is ex­ RADIO SERVICE emplified in the fan clubs throughout the country named after them. There are more than 135 Kate Smith clubs with a total mmbership of at least $I Service Anywhere $1 12,000 men, women, and children, Each organization has its charter, its regular officers, and stipulated head­ quarters where it meets at frequent in­ tervals, The members of these clubs, which are designated by numbers, regularly correspond with the singer. When Kate arrives in Chicago for a week's vaudeville engagement among those present to welcome her at the ALL PHONES J:Jdy Hall:lOn, orgamst and accord­ station will be the members of Chi­ ionist. was well known to Chieago­ cago's several Kate Smith clubs. June Pursell, whose voice has been BRUNSWICK 0220 :1m for his wark in the larger movie compared to that of the late Nora houses of the city before he cast his Bayes, wili be heard regularly each Pown Pack Service for Dc:::lers lot with radio. Now he is featured George Rector Monday, Thursday and Saturday OPEN SUNDAYS regularly on programs presented at 5 :45 p. m. over an NBC from the WCFL studios. network, beginning April 4. "Service What 'Em Service" Eight years ago, in a Hollywood Ether Pirate cabaret, Miss Pursell stepped up to ALLIED RADIO STORES the microphone, on a friend's dare, • !.OUTH_ William D. Tercell, chief of the and sang a song. A radio official Department of Commerce radio divi­ in attendance was impressed and so. wrST- sion, announced last week that his fiftern minutes later he offered her a radio contract. She has been $ WE:>T- inspectors had quieted a "pirate" broadcaster operating a small station broadcasting ever since. foIORTH_ B u~k'9h'm-2213 Local Outlet, W MAQ. on unauthorized wave lengths which ,",0. WES T- A rmi t ~9_5252 he called ''The Voice of Muscle ( ANDONLY~ Shoals" at Sheffield, Ala. Mel's Schedule The broadcaster turned out to be a • colored preacher who didn't know he Mel Stitzel, ivory manipulator. North was violating tl1c law. Though he available to listeners daily '""J" 1 ______sold time to advertisers on the claim Thmsd,y 'nd Sund,y " 5,00 p. m. EXPERT RADIO SE RVICE that his station's power was "90,000 from KYW. Mel plays a fast and IF 'WI: CAN'T DO IT-IT CAN'T IlE DONE horsepower", the federal inspectors furious program of jazz tunes A. B. C. EI.ECTRIC SHOP found it to have 7 1-2 watts actually, ISOO Y. CLAJlX ST.. SUPERIOR 9049·921' No prosecution was expected upon Every Thursday at 8 :45 a. m. hasThursdays the fans he begging is relieved for more,by Billy the violator's promise to "be good". brings jolly George Rector, the Tucker, his partner in rhythm. ~:I rJ!~~~~~~~~;~~~~fLab. ~ Service on all Types or last of the old rcstauranteurs, S ERVICE CALL "Jack Arnold" to NBC listeners interested in mat­ Countess Gizycka :::------, ters purely culinary. Rector is fea­ On "Bath Club" (',II,UI R\lI,)ITrFU tured on "Our Daily Food" pro­ I~§ gram and as such gives pertinent ad\'ice in the interests of more and RADIO SERVICE $} better meals. $} ALBANY 2638 ,?!'18 MILWAUKEE AVE. Local Outlet, WLS. West Full Cast • $1 King Radio Service Labr. $I One of the most fully cast programs IN R.'1DIO SINCE 1907 "NUFF' SED" now on the air is the new Du Pont 619 N. CiClcro, Phone l\Jans. 549' series, "Today and Yesterday", which $1 Experl Radio Service $1 tecently made its debut over the Co­ :EST, lP20 ALI. MAKES lumbia network on Friday night. .8Rl'N~WJCK ItADIO & MUSIC SHOP 3228 ,,.'. ,Madison St, Kedrie 32621 Musically it features Don Voorhees and his 26-piece orchestra, Gladys We Perform Miracles. Brittain, soptano, and from 15 to 20 When ~'o u r radio is dead actors participate in the re-enactments ~e bring it back to life$1 Vinton Haworth, handsome lead­ of dramatic parallel events out of the Cb\uro'. Xolt Xodftt'll La.b" ing man of the "Myrt and Marge" news of tbe past and present. Al­ Countess Felicia Gizycka, daughter General Radio Service CO!'p. skits heard daily except Sunday at though tbere are but four or five prin­ of Eleanor Medill Patterson, editor LAWNDALE 3070 9:45 p. m. over the Colum­ cipals, a dozen or more other actors of the Washington, D, C. Herald, bia network, has received sever­ ace used to achieve the realistic crowd and neice of Joseph Medill Patter­ al fan letters from prisoners of effects, Among the principals arc son, president of the New York South Leavenworth Penitentiary. Even Ted di Corsica, Ray Collins, and Jack DJily News and vice-president of where men acc hard and bitter, the Adams, who took prominent roles on the Chicago Tribune, is to appeu fIOmantie Vinton is well liked. Be­ the "March of Time". The drilmat~ as guest on "The Bath Club", to fore joining the "Myrt and Marge" ie sketches are conceived and dir~cted be broadcast over the Columbia $1 Ra~;cieoi~ ~~;"$1 FREE T UBE T ESTING Cast, Vinton was personal announ· by Don Stauffer, who served in the network at 7 :00 p, m, thi~ ~r for the Three Doctors. same capacity during the "March of Thursday, LaVERNE RADIO SHOP Local pUllet, WBBM. Time" series. Local Otillel, WGN. 2540 WENTWOItTII AVE" CIIICAGO, JLIi. 13 •


A.M. WJfNll-Xeep;!I&' Up W!UO DIIngbter; WA.AF-~ooll·tlme melodIes-; .... eathM' ,,15 ,",~Q-~e",. flAshes dramatic sketch. NBC "ClII_Familiar Melodies J{\·W_lle.lth lalk 6,00 1'1"(" ~·I~<;"nrl"c Hour KY'I-_Housebold lOlltllute; (\ramaun... ".Rr-E",nl:'eUsUe Senies "L&-&ars BboJll)ers' SerYlc. "l,l>---E;rnile " Wblle Time with "Arnnsa.s tiOft. NBC W'l:BO-Lullolleon Musicale "Olf-Earl 1I'\lI'I-.\r'lund the World Co<>l ATt Tbee.ter Cl"~k for WOmen lfMJlI-I,llhnanln" Service, Rev. --'- J. WI.S-Wl!\Jl,r and Eua: <)omedy skU 12=~ "BBM-4fld Da.y Meditation WGE8--Revuo WL9--'l'he Noon-'l'iruers; Variety Acta CUlie5 WJJjl-ll1!nn~t!onul 8uckle Busters 11:40 10:10 W)lAQ-General MIUs Prog"an:l 12,45 WCHI-Communlty Program; aIIlIoWlce· .1,45 !'r.\,' l:'_~lol'ld News Report.. lV.' ,\ ~'-T(1nc Sboppe KYW-"Blgquick" Pl'Og't':ltD mellts aDd popular musIc WCI!W_~!us!c,,1 Breaklast ':51 WD 11M-D. A. !{. progrll1ll "CFL-Fnrm and Poultry tallt W!)IJI 1-)lorn1oc 1'I'0rOOlp Period tl'ENR-8weetheart Progr&lll; beaut, WlIAQ-Brlar.e: Panl H, Seymour talk: John Fogarty. tenor. NBC "JID-Yariety Music 4:00 "GN-Aehlc\'eoment Club Cork CouIlt:r 7:15 wc.n._:lJo,-nlng Shu/flo "GN'-Dlgest of the News- or U:5G l'I'MA~bieago MsoclatiOIi or Com· SC'J,(>(>(~. Hefrerman 1,)(J war Hje-Mo,"nlng WnT'shJp 1rfllAQ--Hugo Martant lUId his Muto,· Da\'ld J. meree WRlnl-C:,rlI G" LuciO)' Time, Art LiDlck "OlS'_LN!Dal'd Sah'o'a 1Ia.\1 Boll: )(V"-Johllsoa Dally Radto PrO&'r" W(:;s'-"From Foreign T,all.:b" "4. iF_Hoosier Phllosopber 1ft: '''t_T(' tit annollnC'<'(l WJllnl-Old l>tItc" 011'1; newsy JinGles 'Ip 7." WC.aW-Buyers Gnlde 1'I'(.I}:_na,11o lleadilnera rllpne and .. .,nlt. cns WIIBJ-OrpII program K1IV-.... lwJ ... I'r(',;rnm o! Jolly and ". \Q-Cre;un "'heat; 'BIll WCHI_Dean Remick. J)iani.s:t "., '\ t·-»o.. elc!tes Jane. NBC W],9--"Steambolt Bm;" Cbndru'. pro­ 1:lS "ON-Bob ForsallS. tellor 4:20 "nn)l_XewB Flasbes gram WIBO--FnnrIy nolles 4:lO "'(;'-DIC'~ Hnye .., bal'!wne fl'][AQ--'*'!':L-\Q Sa10D Qaartet WP-'C'R-Lady Estber PrOSram; "'3!' n~ 1:011 II'I.&-QlIahr FAirly 'BIrds; Gen~ and XTlJ--cJoslnS !!tack QuotatiOIl!l Kkg's Orchpstra. G!enn. NBC "I.S-Do-ings of the GeTdODS; Corfllb.eH. ,n'_\(1-"01 1'"ooy". NBC 1f'T \Q-I~.u.o:h Club, XBa IhlC'beries '1(;lcJ..-WCFL Itlddle's Aeroplane. Club "C.'].~""I>i>o: 'l'eachcr8- Talk ""''''F-Good EngUsh W1I1111_11.,""onl· and H('me 1Il1l1~ w \ \ 1_1l1L of l~"errlhlpg "CFL-Two Sl>ats lrI Ib.. Balooll.Y. NBC II' IllO--Du~k Dream~ WllJl)[_~[,,~lcal Gems "BIIM_Henrl Gendron'" Orchestx.a IYlHO_I;;,il., WON'-\I'~~lhH l"ore!:a>rt, ~tlmateltLln, 0." 81r~ Reporter NBC Re~d!lIS stock "ejln"IR; KYW-Don Pi!dro'9 Orooestrtl. lI'(n:;;.....T~a O~nee T.eonar,1 Salvo, organist tv ,\ 0\ ,"'_llawaliun Ecboes W I!lOI-'l'onY'1 SCMlpl.>ook; Tony Wons WLS-CIo~lng Grain Market WAAF-Uve stock mark"'! WCt'I,-StuJio Prog"1UIl CBS IUlAQ-Top of the :<.Iornlnt. NBC! "8B('_V~rlety Program 5,00 \fl\L\Q-'I'oIlSY Turvy Tinle; Tommy "C"r_~yTab Lorenz WIUo--)lu~lc,,1 MN'ry,Go·P.nund ,!'nof!ns Out w.. ~[ WJUn--COnt!ened Storle~ 1H.9--E'·en\"g Port Reportcr; bOg rush; WOS_Tw!1!Ght Symphony COllcert wutber repOrt 1=~ WL8-M= and Bob lrI WL9 Hymn Tlroo W('~'Jr-Sports Hevl~w by JC>b.n O'RI8 o! IofagnoUa; FalUl), May Bill Bla!, whose "Bits of Life" are Mari1n :lnd Jim. NBC 1TJJlJ--Sue nnd J':d 'I'-L~lerllllUl Fe""r, Violinist B~'dd'\f:"'. l'fBC heard hom WAAF Sunday, Wed­ "OE8--Don's O'd Sone Boo~ WIJI-Ollr D~I!y Food; Colo!W Go", wcnl_I.W,A.C. Concert; classic'" musk: WflB('-S!uJio F."'emble body, Nne nesday and Friday at 9;45 a. m. 1rCFL-TDrJincer Brother.. , Duo " ,\ I Jo'-J'ime9 H3m1110n. barllnne WBBM-'I'he Old Sk!pflef 1:50 "l.9--Veh'eU"" Beanty Talk; Mra C'he. 5:1'5 W'JC'i'R-Sklpny; cbl:dren's skit, !"BC WA,\J:'-Orgao m~lodles: live stoclt mtt.1-______oweth WoM \Q-"Oce3n Tower"", Alyha Stals... WUN-I'harll", WhIte'" Gym of tb6 Air ,," WGY-Edna Waflsce Hopper. Ynll!b Mat· 11'(1'1\-1'0 h~ announced Tb~ 01<1. Time Favorites 10:55 )[YW-"BisQulc!C PrD&r:uu lnee. CBS l'I'CYJ....-Jo\l ... ~I""",ell: food talk WCFL-Reeit.. l :Ylulabire by Otto lIUl1cke 1'I'RII.II~le3rnbo.o.t BI" 1\\'11'-'11'8. lIIake'a Column. NBC 11:00 tfG~-lJ4plt HaTTlpgloll's .lolualOll1 V.-n. ](Y"~Udl() Progr3M 11'1110--,\11' Cadets: Eddie and Fannie tfBIUI-Lakeslde program etles W1I.\Q-Tra,t1 Ta'ks WENH-General Electric. Home Circle: l'P1IlAQ-Corinllis W3tu BoY" Ca'~n3ugt X, "-',a!d,)r! OrcheRtra. ?»'BC "1~'l-B~3trlce Mab!f. ~"BC Thei>d<>re "'ebb. barltoDe; organ. Nnc WBBM_Bllrnbam'q Beauty Chat W~Jo-~tudlo Dance Orcheatra W,' \},-sAIlg IU>d Sweep 'II'lIAQ-The Merrif.. )ha Quartet. NBC tftDo-M","c Maslers: LeO!:!. Adrlell'& W{lY.lI-\·,.da" P!"",t'r's SAlon Orch"''''1.r& Orchestra "OE8--ltllltary BaDd WCFL-Jaz'l PrOgraro ",\ \ t'-POllUmr Variety ':11 WH..\Q-~Ju8l<,al Ih>rt.o;e-f'odge "BB!l-Durnthy DuO. "1.9--Homemakers' PrOf;T1llD _ Marth-. tf(l:-'-"t'l>('l~ Hemu,f' 9,15 WON-Clara, 1.11 'n' Em; The SUper SUOSS WIBO-AroUI!d the Home Cnna. ltT!!_ B\a.nche Chelloweth, weak. 5:.» Girls. NBC KY"_Prooence Pellll.)' er, VI\'lao Parker. solo~t 'HI \Q-"StAndard Bunds" Program. WAAP-Cllicago all Paraae Klill'-Steero Hour; food tall!;; IlIStrll­ "SJD-Ml.-T·FiIle Dance '1'unn !\'CC malltal triO, N£lC W!lBC-$porla redew "RBM-Lonp Wolf Trlhe Dramas. CBS "A ~F-Est"'lIe Barnes, llianbt W,\ ,\ ... ·-~h·s. Margnret Dorr. JI'ood EcOll- WCHI_Radio Bill!e Clas9 1'I·CJ:'J._!ilndio program )1,15 "'KKK-Fat Bunes \Jl Person. NBC \fII.11I-.V1eS!>age. Rev. WUliam L. PeU. WKII(It-AI,' Junlnrs ""'~. ll'IIIHt-n,,-l'cep and the "/loy Fd~" WlIIAQ-BeauUfu! '1'lIoul::llls: Chuck. Ray logtll, D, D. Wf 1I0-.10hn Ce,'ny at Ihe plano W{~ }:!l-l n Old Vienna Gelle; lnna Glen. OrgallJ,st. NBC 2:15 1'i'ON-ClIarl£l Frosrlirn; Ann Leat. 01'- .KYlT_tJncle Bob Vtl,S-G~ne AUlry. Ok11l!lOlm YOO<'cler K'VW-Noonday LeOlell service. NBC ganl~t; Ren, Alley, tenor. CBS WIJlI--Cl.rdcn Talk WG"'(-[)oard of Trado; Carl Hoeffle. WS.IU-Chamber Music WHAQ-..\1uslc~1 potJ)Qurrl "G'EIi-F:lbel ~OO Harry; B'UR Streak rlnnls! ""AAP-Wo:rld News Reporu Wl~I"I,-Rulh Klrl\Y, soprano "l'n.lI~ WM 0\ Q_Our Dsny Food:: Colonel Goool- WlUO--So~ Cycle "OIlY_Dally Tlmos News Fl:lshu ,,\ \ l'-Organ M~lodl~1I hoor. NBC 11:25 "AA},'_L've Stock Market WIDO--Studlo program 5:45 1fGN_Lltlle O>-pbu AnnIe; chlklboM XllI'-\\iklroot ClOller. NBC 11:3Q WON_Painted Ore8.ImJ; Spoosored by "AAF-The Redheaded Blueb!rd Il!~yret. NBC WllfJ:ll_nnrnham'" Buuty Chat lIficlllal Program: Rlaton' ,,\ \ F_'I'he Spotlill'/,t "I UO--!II~yU's EIercbe alld Diet KTW_,!,'al'rn alld Home Hour, NBC "CPL-He!lo Marie: cOUlcdy skit. NBC 1'1(1 "~~IOOHn !olelod;e~ 1l·1.iil--TowH 'I'olllcs; Aline" Soe WCFL-Bartoll OrgaD Redl.l by £dlly :KV,,_Wornen's Radio Review. NBC ~')I \Q-l.oweW '1'00""'8' for lbe Literary WGI':S-.';U,-er LillinG lfalWOtl Wfi"Q-PnbUe School~ Program D~~~t. l'\B(, 11'_\ \ t'-:llnl"tllnt' Va,'leUes IfENI(-Home Service; lira. Anna J. 1'i1.';-lnle"naUonal Heating Program: "E"'" It-L!tt!~ Orpban Ao.nle; dIildboo3t,~e Ditties U:45 I1'GN-lluslc W.. aver!!! 1:45 "CYL_DoC' Cook. Comedian WK"R_Ollr City: ch'le taIl!: !J:51 11')1 \ Q-CLiC'ago En!!emlole. NBC WBBll-Dlulv Times News Flashes WMAq-WMAQ SynCOpalors 1'111 \£l-1'loe Dance Masters 1.0:00 II (; "_T<>In. Dkk and Harry ",IBO--Bonded 1I1010rlsls Serenade 1fSn(l-Jerry SUil;I'an; Song Specld we~' '..-!)i"Mr mURtc h YW-~Ir ... A. J,L Coudlss; cooking les- 1'I'UI~llL lie.!. Society; Doctor's Talk "(;!'f-L:lwrence Salerno. barItene and lI'lIlI}1-n~nrl Gendron's orchestra ",<.>"a. !'>Onc II·LS-We,nher. fruit aDd "eC"'t2ble WUN Rondollers '1'IUO--Caplnlll Don's n.o.dio Scont. "'~I.-\ Q-T'"hUe SC'hoola Program markets 'UIlIl_Mu~i~, Miss Jobosoo. EltI>a S&nd- 1, \ If_Bert ~kOowell'~ Orche~tTa "'('l'l~F'orelgn Recordings 11:50 lml'l-Good Health and Training ~tr"m and AstrW Ben""D lI'Q t:S-Offl"!al nesu~ts by Amerl- W IIHM-J.'nd lto~e, pianist U:55 "'l,S-Evcning Post P.epnrtu 2:55 WJ.S-E,·ening Post RePllrl~r <'an f:lIchlll'ord WIII0-1're8t,," Sellers lit (he Organ IUI\Q-Thought for Todar, NBC ';00 W(I~_'Il'r,:o: Rr.oIld of U", 18lllndo "II.IO-('onlracl Bridge T.essons 1l'''''II-\\'h3Is th~ News WSll('_Hf>me Houra u:oo WGN-Yid-Oay Servicea WII,\Q-Gud",n Talk: James BurdeU IHoI \q-l:ol.>~rt S!mmoM .al!d Cunpbe/t 11'(: ¥oS-ROIMnC'" Tun"'s WUUM-Amel'lC'an McdlC'al A~ij·n. CBS WL~ud:g~ HOI'ner, Tax 'l'alk O,·d,e"~~'u. NBC WMnl-~lluH" Request Program WlIIAQ--Prhl()ess :Pat Bl'auly '1'alk W'" 1\ }o'-Tca Tim~ TopiCS 1f /ll r)l~'flO'lnl: l';n"emble WI,!I-\'a1'lc!~ AC'ts WI,S-Prairle Farmer DlonerbeU proC. WMllI~';' S. Lcs"on WJ.lV-Sl»rIS n~el; Rncky Wa.II. W~UQ--b\n&11\1i: Stl'll\i:lI. NBC Il JJ:I)-l'aul Radel"a Couriers ':10 WMAQ-WMAQ Syne(lp~tora WG1'!I-.llulll.cala 14 Respighi To Conduct Pat Hoster To Be Philharmonic Sunday Radio Guide Guest THAT PAINTED DREAM S SKETCH • • Irene Wicker and I rna Phillips, of the "Painted Dream"" skit, have set OHorino Rcspighi. outstanding Tune in the Radio Guide program a record on picture requests over WGN way. Requests for thc piCtllTCS of the modern Italian composer, will conduct at 5:30 p. m. this Friday, over sta­ two characters came in at a rate of 1500 a day until at the cod at ten day.s the New Yark Philharmonic-Sym­ tion W AAF. You the sponsors, having sold a phony Orchestra in a program of his wilt he delighted to record 15,000 p ounds of own works during the concert to be hear Pat Hoster, well sausage, terminated the pic­ broadcast this Sunday from 2:15 to known Irish tenor, ture oifer. 4;00 p. m. over the Columbia net­ singing old Irish fav~ "Painted D reams," writ­ work. orites. Pat is a mem­ I Respigbi is taking charge of the ber of Mendelssohn's ten by I ma Phillips, is now being heard in its 420th orchestra for only one week, and in Club. Swift's Male broadcast, Twelve separatc succeeding concerts of the season Sir Chorus, an d also and distinct characters are por­ Thomas Beecham will continue to sang for one season trayed by the versatile Wicker serve as guest conductor in the absence with the "Student of Arturo Toscanini. Prince." He is a regular WAAF Local Oullet, WCN. staff artist, JIN-PAN ALBUM By DoROTHY DEERE

Clintun Keithley ... Here's Do the World's Fair Committee as name Umt calls up memories of its theme song, long before this pre-boopadoop days, when the column arrived to clutter up sweet old-fashioned girl festoon­ your week-end. The next time ed an afternoon's festivities with anyone makes me a promise "A Garland of Old-Fashioned they're going to have to sign it Roses" .•. and "Minnie the but auyhow, just to prove that Phillips, WIth OCc,15ion;11 Moocher" would have been nothing ever rumes tbis perfect from lillie Lucy Gillman, snubbed In polite society. Clinton disposition (quick, Wa'tson, SODle who is sometimes heard on the Keithley is a song-writer of the nails, I want to bite 'em) •• , old school who learned his trade and because I've always longed program as "Tony." The skit way-back-when melodies werc J to be the last word In something is of the "human interest" type; always melodic .. and lyrics or other ••• I basten to assure still without. libido. I'm not try­ you that your daWes have not movcs fast, packs a fcw laughs. ing to date him with the hair­ DOM\1!.y nee.. been deceiving you. From now an occasional tear. Altogethet cloth sofa or the bicycle-bulll­ on it will be considered a mis­ Phillips bas done a good job. for two, eit.her . • , it's taken surpris­ demeanor on anyone's part to strangle a ingly few ycars for popular songs to lose neighbor for singing "Where will you be in Strange fact: the clergy al1 go for their Inhibitions and considering that Mr. 1933," in tune or out, since they are owy the broadcast in a big way, Keithley was an established hit-writer at acting in their official capacity as a Fair - Phillips, writcr of the skit. the age of seventeen, it shouldn't ama7.e Cilicagoan, (And as for you, Arthur, it's us to find him still occupying Do prominent just pure luck on your part that induces lRNA I'HlLLll'S is youngish. intelligent. Threw page in today's Tin-Pan-Album. Of all me to spell it 'T-A-L," t'Would have been a perfectly good school· teaching his songs. the first one, "A Garland of Old­ just as easy to substitute an "P' for the job away to go on the air gratis for WGN. \Vrote her own stuff--called it fashioned Roses" is the best known . . , "A" and add on an extra ''L.'') its success made a Chicagoan out of a "Thoughts for the Day." People liked it, WGN liked her. Prcny soon Louisville_Kentuckian ... and a music her real chance came with the "Painted Dreams" skit. Selinger, manager of publisher out of the tenor soloist in a Here's the kind at a story that a story­ tbe station, gave bet the idea and told her to go ahead and write it. She didn't COllcert band, This first numl:ler also teller prizes (the prizes will be announced achieved a distlnction awarded to but few later) .. , it's true in the tlJ'st place and like the job. But after tbree weeks' trial, the broadcast was sponsored and of the thousands of popular tunes pub­ it has a llappy ending in the last place now Phillips !'ats three filling meals a day, buys frequent c1oth!'s at the smart lished every year ... It has been given a (which is, of course, the perfect place for place In the "black-and-white" library, or all endings), It concerns a letter received shops, and thumbs a delicate nose at the school teachers. Smart girl, Phillips. Standard collection of music. Other Keith­ by Gus Kahn, whose name you nlay have Wicker is different, C h arming, animated and interesting 10 watch, ley numbers include, "One Wonderful seen on a few hundred song-oovers • , • Nlght.", "When Shadows Fall", "The Trail and written by Mrs, Lou Mallory Lake, who D ocs her work before the mike with great gusto and charm. Loves to act. to Lonl:' Ago" and more recently, "An Old resides in Hampton, Iowa. The J.etter reads W ent to the University of Illinois long enough to join Chi Omega Jnd t h en Italian Love Song," and "Our Melody of in part, ''It is just ten years ago today Dreams." Tile sweet tenor voice that was that I first "'Tote to you; and during all skipped off to Quincy and a season in slock. Attended the Goodman School first heard In Natiello's Band in U1ulsvUle that time I have never given up hope that is at present an important part of the some day I would striU something that o f the drama for two years. Now she flitS continually betwcen \VGN and harmony of KYW's popular quartet, would be of sufficient merit to induce you the Columbia studios for her several radio appearances daily. Usually accom­ "The Chicagoans", to eollabornte on a song with me .• ," panied b y her h andsome m anager--3 male-who is nothing if not intriguing, Sliver throads among the gold, brown Mr. Kahn explains that all of Mrs. Luke's eyes, and a quiet dignity that is the reason contributions had shown wort.h but until for an interviewer calling him "Mister this time, none ho.d oont.aJ.ned commercial Keithley" even after she's known him lor posslbll1ties. This last, however, had a title' Batoneers Mrs. Coolidge's Poem two years .. ' Has a confessed weakness that struck him so torclbly he immediate­ for new automobiles (changing cars as often ly long-diStanced her. Charles Daniels, • as the shine wears off) , .. and a secret whose nom-de-melody is "Neil Moret", was "'Probably more peop le," says Guy For Son To Be Sung weaknes.s for wild-and-wooly Western in town collaborating on a nwnber with stories, Mr. Kahn and they decided to make it a L ombardo, "harbor a more o r less three-some. "WheD the Sun Goes Down On Mrs. Calvin Coolidge's poem In suppressed desire to lead an orchcstra a Little Prairie Town" made U.s debut an memory of hcr son, the late Calvin The cultural influence of radio in the Harry KogeD'S "Farm and BOtne Bour" re­ than most anything else." He goes home is marvelous, no less, Don't believe me cently. Mr, Kahn predicts success for the Coolidge, Jr., entitled "The Open number and for Mrs, Luke, who to bor­ on to say tbat the ambition to write If you don't want to, but the family gold­ Door" as set to music by Maury Mad­ fish, named Tom, Dick, and Mary (just in row his words, "Is the finest example of a newspaper column comes se<:ond as cheerful persistency It has ever been my case), are showing marked progress in far as he is able to ascertain. ison, young Amcrican composer, will musical appreciation. Last Sunday, listen­ good fortune to meet" .•. (And the moral ing to Ha,rry Kogen's "Simooiu Guards­ of this one is, "If at first you don't suc­ "Down at the Roosevelt Hotel be sung by Robert Simmons, tenor. ceed, well, don't let It throw you I") men" they displayed startling evidences of people often come up and ask if they during the Good Friday broadcast of discriminatIon ... SWinlllling sinuously to can lead the band. Some of them are the Campbell Soup progr:>m over an "Lady of Spain", with tails swaying a-la­ Want to buy ten dollars worth of enter­ fandango. . looking as bored as the rest tainment and at least that much worth Of leaders in profcssional, business and NBC network Ihis Friday at 6: 15 of the family during the commercial an­ theatrical fields, and when I chat with nouncements. . and becoming extremely self-satisfaction, nil at the bargain price ot p, m. Permission to LIse the agitated when Whltey Berquist went in to one dollar? Well then, get your ticket for tbese people they usually confide to poem, which Mrs. Coolidge wrote on a paroxysm of piano on "The Glad Girl" the benefit show being held for Erwin Barg me about their yen to stand lip in the fifth anniversary of her son's (sort of gulping with gladness, if you don't mind). (Milton Well Publishing Co,,) at the Cort front of the orchestra." death, has been obt.lined from the Theater. 1'olidnite, April 'ourth. Erwin is "However," Guy continues, "it's former Prcsident's wife, A concert the UnfOrtWlllt,e victim of an automobile 'I"was said, sad day for your Deere cor­ accident which seriously injured his entire much like painting a fence or mowing orchestra, under the dire,tion of How­ respondent when she realized that her good family ... and every star of the mUSical, the lawn-the first few minutes ap­ ard Lanin will also be IKard on the pal, Art Kassell (phwat a pal) had allowed theatrical and radio world In town at that the papers to print the news that his date, will he there to contribute his (or her) peal to them, but after that they tire broadcast. %lumber. "In 1933" bas been accepted by share of talent. of it all. '. Local OUilct, W£.\'R. 15 PROGRAMS FOR WEDNESDAY [Continued]

WENll-Vlncent Loper.' Oreheb1.ra P,M, WlllQ-'l'ra,·cl Treat!!; Adrlen·s Orch I 9:15 WG"'_Arzcn )Ielody Hour ]0:35 IVJJJl-Inlern:,tlona! Duckle B\lster~ WnIlM_A Orchest!";, 11:\'\\ T,·.';,~"·,, r.:p()rl~ ltel>ol"ler 7,45 lI'G;"--lvory Soap Program; The Gloo;>m \'I'~ I \,tl-A Garden of Melody KYW-Bert MC'.I)oweU'. Orchestra "·.:,\I!-Tile 5l~bI.>ills Boy~; Swirl's Pro· Chasera. CBS WCF·L_A!;s'n oj Re\ll Estate Tnxpa,.er~ WC~·'L-\I"alter Duffy, tenor 11:00 W:l:NR-Ralph Kirber)" the Dream Singer. 1'1""'11. Nne )o; ... ·n--$tu'l\o P,·o.gTam NBC of rIIInols WCt'L-WCF'L Orchestra " nl!~I-l"elture 1'I'1l10-Jobn &1. Pratt tall: tallt: 9:30 .*")'W_lIol1)-woOO Nights; J;'raok Lutber, W(;of-Tile l'..a.dio Guide Progra.m, Guest Wl Varw'. Orcl>estn, \\"JJn-Frnn~ ~'nf:lne: sungs tenor, NBC Ani"ts Wi";.N-oold ~!edal r·':u-t Frelj:hl; quutet WES I\-XEC ArUsts Sen·le.. PrOll"r&1Q, W!lAQ-Frolic3 Cafe Orchutra WMAQ-C'IIi<'ago DolHy News or tbo AII' 8:00 and organ. CBS Nl3l: .K l'W-Don Pedro's OrChestra W(:}'I,_De LU3:e Yarlety Program W,\tAQ-Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 1\·llfl'l...... <,;oclely's PIa)'boy: ~orma.n Bril­ WClll-J'obn Stamford Players WI Do-~ew" of the Dol)": NOrlll3.l1 £:.oss ken~hlre. Welcomc Le,,1s soo Nat 11:05 WEND_Coon_Sander's OrchNrtra. NBC KYIf-Dc>n P&lre·1I Grchestr.1 NBC J(YW_'lalll~)·_Stuart; Uilr.; BrQ~I1{;.rr>;' Orchestra, CBS 11:15 WGS-Bernle Cummins' Orchestra WJJJ).....-HO ..'llrd L. PHer..ou, OrlPnlfit WlIRM-Arouml the 'l'own; Geooron. 'if 1 So-Ballade WMAQ-I. A. C. Melody LaDd WGF_"~n & Linn (HarlDOnln) "'IBO-Publb: Theatre ReI>Orter with Bernie, !o.rnheim and RWfSO'S Orciles· "CR,,_Musica] Program "rd,..stra. SBC 1TJ,&-Rilad" ilr nomanc"; dramatiutint:L Orrhestra tras 1\'SBC-Jerry Sulllvnn; Song Sped.. l ,,"PoInt-Tile Go;>:hj's Acu ot the Air WJJJl-"Or!llsb PI·ogu.m W~L1.Q-Kentucky Club Orchestra. 9145 lI·(I",_Mnrch lnterlude WlllO_Eddie South's O,·cheSll'a wCFL~<;tudlo pr<>gra..'11 8,15 WOFJ..-Nlght Court WI U()--Goldenroo AU Stars; (Juest Art· "lIn~I_~lyrt an(i Marge; drallllltic Il'CI'I,-!3artan Orgus Hecltal II)' Eldm' WlJB)t_Fr~derlek La!ldb; Hoosier E-l'a ~llII~·er·s Bureau '0' "'·SllC-Oa!ICe Music WJ,JD--)lalrl Street Cru.sader W.M.~Q-~!arquette Progra.ll; Morlan lnd JItn 11,45 WGN-Carl Moore; Iierble Ray; aM Art ,,00 wGN-Tbe Bath Ch.b; Inlervlews; Bar. 8:30 11"GN-Eno Crime Cluh; Dl)"ster.' drama- han .J>laure!. contralto; mal .. quartet: Kass..t's Orehestra~ tlMtlOn. cas 9:50 "IIlO--\lac McCloud's Orcbcstra 1\'JIAQ__ Via Lago Orche~tra Ltnlt program. CBS ft'1lAQ-I!m the Barher, NBC l'fO'N_TolDOrrow's Tribune IUIAQ--Eig Tlme; bumOrnus _etob; J. Vt·rllO-'\lac MeCloud·fJ Orcbestra WENR...... (;I .. ". 8kteu 10;00 WG~_Dramatizatwns 01 the States Ilnnlme's Orchestra. NBC 12:00 WESll_Eddle }loore's Orehe~tra WB8!1_-rho )Jy~ 'tener "fTa.l~'" IUUQ--Arnos 'D' Andy. NBC WI.';-,\rne.·;ean T: OrchefJtra ~'C}'·L-.\{uslca.l "'~er ~rt by Eddy 12,15 WlI.\(j_K<'nt[l(".k)· Club OrchH"·'" :Ii \"\9-1_· n ·Smal: Globe Trotter 12:30 IVl::'sR_Don Pedro and Ills OrcH<'s1'" Hanson ~nd Jilhn O'Ha.ra WCJU-Blond Cil-eds "Un-Frankie "Halt Pint" JuO_ W8BC-JeMsb Pro>.&:ram 12:45 W1L\Q-Via J...a80 O"ch~~tra WO t:S-~lemories ot Italy 10;10 K\""·-St~te Street Tomorrow 1$:45 WOFL-Kroehler Furniture Ce. Prngl'llm WON_Interlude WC.'I,-Bultetln Board, labor flash ... 7:10 WENR-llob Nn~n'/t s.u. Feltciul,9.; !la.le 10:15 WO;N"~laxwell House Coftee Program, 1:1i W(lN_~jll;ln' Sam: TII@ BarbRllol MaD. Quartet. NBC CBS CBS WBJJM-J'. B. and Mu; aolOO4J'script WCFL-WCFL Orohestra; Dee Lurya, K\,\\'-"I~',,·C!arlnns; twin organs: Lew WHIO-AI Marineau 'IO!)rano ,"'hlte, NBC KYW-Land of Flowera WJlAQ-D~n arod Sylvia WC}'] -Claaslc:.l Siln; PngTllln h,. B~r. WMAQ-Ren Nillau'/t S- J]'~, ~ "EN R_Prlnce Albert Quarter Hour; VENTURES nice Higgins anol Al KnOll: 9:110 WGN-Moua<'Ch Mel. Ma... Alice Joy, contralt." NBC WIDQ-CilOI: C!oII[ho!alWII Pro­ WCI"L-Bernlu Karask:k. .opl'&110 l:bneon g",.", NEC KYW-..Jl/dce illcha.flt Ffllnbel'l" WEN B-Natlilnal Prohlblllon Poll. NBC 9:15 p, m,- WBBM K\\'t'--'. "n3r Program; n@ Rev~­ WIBO--ChlcIlgO 'l'h~tr .. Progrun Uftd.&r WKAQ-.Jene Frotnan's Orchestra. NBC r~ NBC th('o direction ilt H. LeI>POl4 SIIItalItr" "JIIO-Cale de Alei' Orchell'tra. :sponsorad by WI "-~I .. T',dy M"m"nt~: J. Pasternack's l'fCRW~tudlo Muatcal Pl'ogr.1n1 )[YW-P.l4ded Fists l.,"·\'''-'n. NBC l'fCIU-Blon.d Co,~. " CRI...... Jun!nr LeagUe PiIlye,.. [L""I\'~ MALTED MILK PROGRAMS FOR THURSDAY, MAR. 24 ----'------A,M, 11:.30 WG~-FaMII S~rvlce; 1fea.tb&l' aDIl Un '141 WQN-QrCnil Speclalt)' WJJD-WJJD Hostess Stock Rel>Orb W.AQ-BIt" Ben's Dream Drama; skit. WAA},'-llu~!cal Calendar WMA.Q-TOCl 01 the MilmiaL NBC &:00 "Cp},-Snorllie Hour NBC WBB~I-E,-aDII r'ur l?asblon Psrad~ WBBlII-'I'ony'. Scf'flpboolt. CBB 'U,it-..~J1'~ " Whi!~ Tlm@ with Mao alld "BPH-Barbara Gould Beaut;,. Talk. WCJo'L-Jazz PrCtKram WJBO-Mualcal M&tr)'·Go,Rilund CBB Kl!W~~lar!anls' Orcll~Ktra, NBC W .. \.\F_Fa'·!Q Foil;;H Hour WL&-Evenln.g po,", RepOrter; hO£ flash; ][Y"_Yr. Coco and Mr. Malt. NBC """ 1(1<50 WMll1-~les">lage, Dr. pettingill 6:JO wIBO_Foe:e John and his FarnHy weather rcPOrt "'PO-Dr. DaQ the Melody Man 1.1:00 WGX-Ha.ppy [lank and ~Iatl!e Mann WG E8-Muslcal To.asta 1I'L8-Acme SunsIline MeIOur and Ezra: comedy sldt TtAAF_Or~ melodic,,: live .tocll: mkt.. W.lJD-Mary Alden; home teD: and Gene; irma (,lien, organist, NBC WJJD-lnlernatio;maJ Buckle Buste,.. 1TBBIIl...JI."be .Amboa.Matlora; Sl~ Tdo, WAAI"-&n,gs of 100 Islandoll WF..!iR-Pat Barnes [n Person; imper- "AA .'-Tunesh0{l9" CBS WGJo:8-Memory Song, sonations. NBC W(')IW_Mcslcl.! Break/as! WGES-Br(j3,kf~ Bad(na.g& W8nG-Hom.. Hour!! J(),'iT-Xoonday T.. enlen Ser\'kes, ?-'-BC WMBl-M,,,·nltl; Worshlll Period 9,00 WON-Cllarli@ White'. Gym ol the Air ,\JIBI-Parent!!' Bible Stor,. Hillll' WD 8M_Rumford Cooking Schonl 7115 WClJ-Mornlng Shuffie WBDII-Dr, COllel!1.l1d; health talk. CBS 10:15 WGN~[argaret wmn.n, contralto WJJD-Varlely MlISlc WMAQ-Travel TaJJrs ,,)1) "'CFI.-Cheulo: lll9['lrat!iltlal .Ilt: and l'f.AQ--Slnging Strlnc~ ; Walter BlauCUlII!!, WAAF-World News Rei'>Ort5 ruu.~!c. NBC KYW-Mra, Blak~'. Coilnn.. NBC dlrector. NBC WIBO-&lIIg Cycle "'OBM_C!l.rlstl3.!I ."clence Churchu of W UF-Sing and SWeep nlJ-HO<>Sehok'i InsUtu!@; dr4m&Uza- 11:25 WAAF-Ll\'c Stock Market 111'no!~ tiilll. NBC WGES-SmUeJI kI SOllC" WGN_Paluted DrealllS; St>Onsored bJ' ,,/01; \Q-11(>mlng li'{,rsllill 9:05 l'fLS-Ra.t!o Guld~ Contest WP.Nll-Ol1IIlD Melodiell MlclI'IIIIUIl WEl!f.R-HlndJ!I Romance .. : W.BBM-atestertleld Program: A I e ~ WON_Leonard Saho·s Mal! Bo~ N. Rundesen trIce F'alr!:l.J:, NBC Gray \lnd N. Shllkrel's Orcberrtra. COO WBDM-Machlne Age Housekeeping, CBS WJJO-Younr Mothers' Club 7:45 1\M.\Q_Cream or \\1leat; JnUy BID end WMAQ-Boa.rd III Trde WOES-Canary WA..o!..l'-Glngecsn.a{)l:l Jon~. NBC Concert WC},'L-Health Talk hy Dr, WAAF-Mrs. Margaret Dorl'. FoDd ECOII­ WMAQ-Planoland; Joe It\ld~ IfL&-"Stumboat Bm;~ chUarell'. prol:, om, "BBlII_Food Talks . :00 \II', \'I-'-B;; of Enrythlll& WIBO_ ~onseu./!!cal Rhytbm "lBO-News of the Da,. If loll_Quaker Early Birds; Gelll and 9:20 WLs-Gen.. Autry, Oklahol:m. Yodeler J[VW_BI9quick Program. lIo"BC 9,30 WGN_Board III; Carl Hoefrk, WJJ:D--Studlo Program. "A.AF-Tbe Fireside Phllo~opher 'll"M \\l-Laug<: C:l.

WLS has augmented its livestock news TUESDAY, MARCH 22 service with the addition of the Chicago A. M. estimated receipts at 7:00 a. m., dally. '!'hey 6:30 Inlorna!ional Huting Co.-Rid~e Runners are repeated at 8:35 a. m., but the earlier 6:'15 Ralph Emerson; Otgan nOHhie. hour gives this Important news to many 6:55 Jung'. Garde" Talk shippers in time to make shipping plans for the day. 6:45 Prairie Farmu Family Farl), 9:45 Ralph Emerson & Marlha Cra"e in "Or!a. Lesson." The Garden of Melody, heard at 2:00 F. M. P. M. on Thursdays, w11l take its listeners 1 :15 "Song Portr~it,"-orelwslra & Phil Kajar for a harmonic stroll in "An Ital.lan Gar­ 1 :45 ''The Lyon t'amily" den." The Three Contraltos will offer 2:00 Ferris Hawaii.ns & Orchc.{r~ Radio has been heralded as civilization's selections trom Gilbert and Sullivan's 2:30 International Healing Wilh .\IJl'le City Po. greatest forward step since the advent of operetta, "The Gondoliers;" "Neapolitan Wa'hboard Band-John Bro"" movable type. When the infant squawk­ Nights" and "An Old Ital.lan Love Song." 7,00 Voters Suvi~. (NBC) ers bowed their way Int.o the world assisted 7:-30 H""I Huggn HaTmo,,;~s (f'BC) by crystals and cat-whiskerS, the country Don't forget to listen to tl1e problems of 7:45 Sisters 0/ the SkiUet (NBU went wild. Not the least of the excited en­ tlle Smith Family next Sunday! There are thusiasts were the newspapers and maga­ 8:00 ~kKe,son &: RobbiM M",i~al )1.I1'dli"e NBC interesting things happening to that favor­ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 ~Ines throughout t-he country who cram­ ite radio act, and you won't want to m.1ss med their columns with ether information them. They may be dialed at 2:00 P. Mo, A. M. matter. Today, the majority of them look Sundays. 6:45 Calerpillar Crew askance at their FrankensteLn. And Martha Crane, director ot women's pro­ 8:15 Dr. Copeland those of the printed page aim a double~ grams over WLS, Is one feminine announcer 9:00 "Beatrite Mabie" (/i"BC) Determined to find a wife in order to be barreled load straight for the microphone. that feminine audiences like, Her natural, 9:45 Mrs. Bigsby·s Board;ll! 1I0u .. ; Skit Editors deplore its presence because of the friendly, Informal type of voice has made able to adopt a baby, Wilbur, of the comedy team of Wilbur and Ezra, has offered him­ P. M. greater facility for air news scoops. Busi­ her a welcome guest in many radio homes. I :15 "Doings of tb. Gordon," Corn Bdt lIalth.... ness managers tear their hair because ser­ She arranges and announces the Radio sel! on the altar of matrimony. Several "lonely liSteners" have written expressing 1:30 WLS Hymn 'rim_Mac &: Bob Ious Inroads have caused a dlmlnution in Bazaars; is mistress of ceremonies on three I :45 Herman Felber, ~iolini"t printed advertising appropriations. But de­ International Heating Company programs lnterest In matrimony, but Wilbur has not 1:50 Beauty Talk-"Veivdina," Mr~. Chen~ spite the editorial disapproval, the baby heard over Wl.S; produces the WLS Home arrived at a deciSion. This program may 2,00 Homemakers' Program-Martha Cnlle keeps on growing. Theatre and is responsible tor all Home­ be heard daily at 7:00 a. m. and 3;00 P. M. 2:30 Inlernational tleating-~Iaple Cill' Four; J_ Events such as the Lindbergh kldnaping maker features. Her versatility Is proven WLS GENERAL FROGBAM SCHEDULE Brown give proof of the strength of radio and the every broadcast day, and her enthusiasm is A. M. 7,00 Whafs the :s'ews! (NBC) interest attached thereto. Millions of liS­ always felt over the m.1crophone, but not all 6,00 Prairie Farmer Family Party teners throughout the country kept their listeners know that she is also young and 7:15 Song. of Long Ago 6:30 Intn~alional Healing-Ridge (Ex. 7:30 Jack Frost Melody Mome",. "BC) radios tuned In day and night, awaiting attractive, as the picture above proves. Tune WedJ some word at the progress of the case. The 8:00 Chicago Molor Club in for Mart·ha's delightful broo.dcast:.s. 5:45 ClterpiUar Crew. (Mon., W~d., F"ri.l two networks, appreciating the great impor­ THURSDA~ ~CH ~ tance and the deep concern of the people, Swashbuckling songs ot the Spanish Main 7,00 "Wilbur and Ezra." A.M. were on the alert, ready at a minute's and musical characterizo.t1ons of the bold 7:15 R.ader'~ Tabernatle 6:30 IDlemalional lIeating-Ridgo Runntr. noUce to broadcast the latest developments. sea rovers who once preyed on honest mer­ 7:45 "Steamboat 13m" CampbeU (deal 6:45 Keith Melod)' Four The substance of the reports must be chant-men will be featured by Phll Kalar Gone Ind Glenn-Quaku BoY' (NBC) 9:05 Radio Guide's "Mu,ical lnler,·jew·' chronicled as rather lU1sa.tiSfactory. Per­ on the "Song Portraits" program at 1 :15 8:15."" Phil Cook (Ex. Wed.) (NBC) 9:45 Acme Sunshine Meiotlies haps we might take these commentaries as P. M. P. M., Tuesday, March 22nd. If you like E~enin, P",! R~port_H~ Fluh-Wuthtr typical examples of radio news reporting. the romance of pirate music, tune in for Report 1:00 AI &: Pele "The XuICUt1.. .. s·, Splendid tor last-minute fla.shes and hot ."" Mr. Kalar's dramatic studiCfl. "Spanish 8:~5 Col. Goodoody (NBC) 1:15 Speaker from Adult Education COU8W .. news .scoops, it comes far from overlapping Chi~ago Guld" is the highlight of the song group, Ads the provinces that must be designated as Vuiety I :45 ''TIle Lyon Family" Newspapcrdom's own domain. As I see It, '''''9:20 Gene Autry--()klihoma Yodeler 2:00 Thr.., Contraltos in "Garden of \IIQrton McKa,. 1:45 2:15 Mrs. Chenoweth; "I.ittle Dr"ma< from U/l" for the journeying romance rolUcker are Trio and lJttle Brown Church quartet. International Hut;ng-}I~ple Cily Four Wuh. 2:30 International Heating-Maple Ci!y l'Ollr; Job provided under the direction at Peter Oa­ Members o:f the quartet are Louise Dale, board B~nd; John Brown. (!o{QD., Tnn., Wed., Brown vallo wh06e work may be familiar to some soprano; Fay Crowell, contralto; R. C. "" FrU 7:00 Ne.tle Chocolalurs (NBr) of you. Bergstrom, tenor; and Clyde Rodabaugh, 2:55 Evening Post Reporler 7:3G Smith Bros. "Trade & M~,~" (S"Br:) Beau Bachelor. Presented by AUen­ baritone. The members have sung together 7:~5 Sj'ters of the Skillet (NBC) 3:00 ''Wlibur and E ..a" &:00 Cliquot Club (NBC) A Q)mpany on Fridays at 9:00 p. m. for over two years in a Chicago west side 3:15 Sho""",,' Ser~i~e. (Soars) cns Ulrougb WBBM. church. This program may be heard at SUNDAY, MARCH %0 SATURDAY, MARCil 2:6 • • • • 2:30 P. M. on Sundays. P. M, A. M. If It's shudders and thrills you're looldng IBO Poli~b American Pro!(Iam 6:30 Cumberland Ridge Runn"" tor, let your teeth chatter an obligatto to 1:30 Cro .. Roads Sunday School 6:45 Praitie Farme, ~'amily P~rt)' Children and older folk!, alike, love the 7:00 "HerOf lively gathering some flriday evening •• •• hall and theatre so far as politicians are 6:45 Caterpillar Cr.w "Cancenation of War Debt~·' turn out all the lights at midnight and concerned.. P. M. 7:00 "Danger Fighters" (NI:IC) 7:30 Ferris Hawaiian, listen, and see how quickly you can spall 1:00 Newton J~nkins-Polilical Talk 1:15 Silver Lake Chick: Parade 8:00 Sindair Minstrels (NBC) everyone's:fun. The best hosts are trying 'nle Jung's Garden Idyll, a new pr()lJrarn, 1:45 Walter 51.indel, pianist 8:30 Polilical Talk; C. W. Hadie,- it, and you'll find that 1t's keyed kt tit bea.rd on Sunda.ys at 1:t5 P. Mo, brings forth 1 :55 Mrs. Ch~nowelh "Century .,f PrClgre.5$" T~lk 8:'15 Clem &: Ben-50ap Flake Jtot.r. the times, being much more economical such ldylUc musical studies as flower bal­ 2:00 110mentakero' Progam-Marlha Crane 9:00 Strike (NBC) *ban drinks for the safe ue:ftects." lets and suites of mwdc concerning nature's 2:30 International lIealiJlg-Maple Ot)' Four; John 10:00 Amos &: And)' (NBC) The Wlklhin&' Boar. I!hlStalDlD,.. beauties. It also introduces an unusual Brown 10:15 KiI~hM Klen"""'-<:ltm " B~n ''TIle Contented Progr:am"--camation Milk Time ParlY 'lVBBM FrIday, at Hidni(ht. Play~· musical combination, the organ and piano. 7:00 10:30 International Old pared by W. O. Cooper. The .John Brown, plan1st and Elsie Mae Emer­ (NBC) 10:45 WLS Nalional Barn Dance pI.yen: 7:30 "Death Valley Dar'" (NBC) 11:00 Si(tl Off Be. J"ohDifoD,: l'.bt . _l!'ortb. laek .SOB, organilIt, blend the two instruments 8:00 Bnrgy's M3~ta, Or"~stra (NBC) 9:00 "Sand. of Time"-W.n. "idl.nd .. JI~t,l :D.dlq..., - - - -~ - _ j,Q. I ~«rul ~~t:.ry of tone. 8:30 Sign Olf Emersoa .17 PROGRAMS FOR THURSDAY [Continued]

A.M. WB U 11~U. S, Army Band. CDS WCRW_Buyers Guide 1JCHI-;Stamford SiDgera "'JIH) ...... John Cerny at the piRIlo 6:15 WGN- Har<>!tl. Teen; conwdy skdcb KYII"-Home Decorators, NBC , . 15 WCRW-Arthur France : comedy skit U:45 WG~-\',' CN Music Weavers WEN"R-Hinds Romarw:o Excball!l">. B_­ WGN- Dramatizations of !be statEIIJ ~'LS-Willll'" and E~ra; comedy 'Iklt trice Fairfax. NBC WBUM-Daily News Flashes WAAI-'_Tea Time Topic,. WInO-Eddie Sout1I'. O rchestra ~be-n ~,}Ill l -Radio Scbool of the Bible WM ,\Q-Hobert Simmons and WIBO-B onded Motorists Serenadll Or<:hootra, NBC' 9:25 WGN-Qlda JiroU8rter lI'llAQ-Joseph Gallicchio and Coacert 1nl.\ Q_Thought for Today. NBC 3:30 WG :'i_WGN Ronclollers Orchestra WENR_U. S. Navy Band; Lleut. Charles "30 WEXR---atebblns BoY$: BwIIt'8 Procram. '",C WCFL-Merry Garden Ballroom Orch. P. J.\L Benter, director, NBC WMAQ-\Voruan's Calendar; JalWl ~ " L 8--Richma.n BrOTAQ Salon Quartet WIUO_Badio Gossip; Eddie and FaDrie cines lI'llAQ-Tbe ChIcago Dally k"ra" WCl'·.L---School TeaC'i>ers Talk White. Tom Corwlne, NBC 10: 35 WENR_Thru tbe Opera. Glass NBC W LllBI~Organ Program K YW-.'ltudlo Program "lBO- David Jackson's talks 08 S~cnr1· WCJlI~~l;:rah T..oren5 10:45 W" N- Wayne KIng Irom the Aragon WIBo-Dusk Dreams ties W J J D ~~Iain Street Crusader WJJD_~looseheart Children W?llAQ~V\a LagO Orchestra IYW-Book Review »:YW- Bert McDowell's Orcbestr a. 1:0'5 Singers, NBC WOES-Johnny Van. the plano ma. WJJD-Mouseheart Band 1 :15 WG:S~Pred r,. Jeske, Elnterbine-r lVAAF-Qrgan Melodies WCFL-Bulletin Board, LMJ.or Fla.siIee 11:00 W.ENll_Ralph KirM.ry, the Dream Singer 1I"ll.\Q~WClIAQ Salon Orcbestra NBC 4:45 WF.NR-Happy Rose Dance Orcl>e-.,t;m. WGN_LaPaIlna Program; Kate Smltb WO.F L~Timely 'l'optcs' weather report 7:30 WCFL-Barton Organ R~dtal by ENly WI .S-Talk. Adult F!dn<:ation CouooU XBC and her Swanee music. CBS WGX_'"'l'he Book Worrtf' Hanson W,\A:F-Sllades of Y...sterday WLS-Wllat's the News: Wllllam Clark. WInO-Eddie Varzo's Or-cheslra WOES-'res Dance WlnO-Publiz Tbeatre Reporter WIDO-F\"'l\~' Bones K~'-Don Pedro'a OfchEStra WAAF-~Ielodles in Three.Quarter Time KTW-Lnte stock quotations )(TW_Hires program WMAQ-FroUcs Cafe OrcheS"tra W1lB:tI-~tovle Star's Revue. CBS 1'\'.JJD-Tntel"national Beckie Busters WCIII - H ili BIllies WC1'L_Betty Van Allen WCHI-John Stamford 1;)0 Palm- WOEB-Musk: or Poland WMAQ-FaSWons to Lo"l1ness; 11:05 WENR-Coon·Sanders' Orchestra. NBC 0 11\' " Program. NBC 5:00 WJJD_~rastercraft Home TaIII: WOFL-Jud'ge MIchael Feinb'H"g, Politic­ W{;N-Palmer House Ensemble WEXn-Wllliam ILud: Back of the News al Talk 11:15 WGN-Bernie Cummins' Orchestra in the World, NBC WF.NU--coon-San(lers' Orchestra. NBC WUU)I_SeIoool ot the Air. CBS WON-Angelo Patri "Your Cblld." CBS 1\·G~· _ Or.gan Concert WlIB~I-Around llle Town; dance orcha. WIIIO-Tbe Readioog Room WLS-'"SIS"ters of tbe Skure!;" Ea"t and II'J.S-Closing Grain }.Iarket W~tAQ-TopSy TIIrvy Time. Tomm;v IVSnC---Jerry :;;ulUvan: Song Special Dumke. NBC Ji 1"\\-_Don Plldro's Orchestra Tooflns Out West WC Hl_~letroPOI1tan Bcboes WSDC-Studio Program WCFl ,-Union Label League W·\.\F-I,lve StOck Market WInO-Ambrose J. Wyrlcli: 11:30 WENR_ Pnlals d'Or Orcbestra. NBC K'flr _ BlUy '.l'ucker at too Piano K Y \\" ~Clmrlie WS I! C_\'~riety program It.-YW-SpraU's Program Agnew's Orchestra well [_Overtures WC},L-Sports Review bY John O'Hara II'CFL-Green Mills Ballroom Orchestra "WOES-Curtain C",Us WJJD-);'rank Maglne: BongS 1:3'5 WJ,i;--Wl\l. Vi-ckland~Book Shop WCFL-Federatlon News Review WI B o-Eddle Soutll's Or<:hestra 1:40 WSRC-R,,-dlo Tony lVA,U'-Radlo C~Id-e C'lmte.,t;, Featured 7 :55 lVM ,\ Q-Kentucky Club Orchestra 1145 WC],'L-NaUooal LeagUe or American Artists 8;00 WGN-!lItIIs Brothers Male Quartet; Va- 11:45 pex Program. CBS WGX--cari Moore; Herhie Kay and Art Pea Women 5:15 lV l ~Nn...... sklppy; chlldren'a skit. NBC Kassel's Orchestras WM .\Q_Smack Out, :Marian and Jlm WMAQ--ocean Towers WLS-Muslcal Program. NBC WMAQ-VIa Lago Orchestra WON_Florence Bernstein. contralto WC1'J..-Johl\ Maxwell; rood talk lITlV_Charlie Agnew's OrcbBlltra WA. \ £ - Musical Melange WLS-)1onarcb Lion Family WInO-Air Cndet.s; Eddie and Fannte WiIlAQ-Big Six of the Air; Ohman and W AA "F-Pianoe"que CaV800Ugh Arden. Lewis James, Welcome Lewis, 12:00 Wl-::N II-Eddle Moore's Orchestra wcnl ~I.w.A.C. Conccrt; claSSical music K 1."W-Paas Dy.e Program male quartet: Chevrolet Program. NBC KYW-Sert McDowell's Orchestra WSDC- Dance Music. fucordlng 1:5IIl WSIIC-George Curol W;IJD-Dan<:e Orchestr... WBBM-Daily Times Spelling nee 1:55 Wl n O-publi)'; Theatre Reporter WG ES-Organland WIBO_ Plantatirm Days: Andrew Dohson 12:15 11'MAQ-Kentn<:ky Club OrcheS"tro. 2:00 KT\\'--Studlo Program WA ,\ l"_Popular Potpourri WJJn--Mltzl Wyman's Orchestra U:3O WEKR- Don Pedro and hls Orchef>1.r& 5:30 WGS_'"Uncie Remus" WC],'L_ Beauty talk WC FL_),latlonal Tea StorBS Program 12:45 l'I'MA Q-Vla L:l&'O Orchestra WGN-Robert Leigb and AUlUI Gra.nt WMAQ-James O. McDonald; talk. NBC WSn C_ l1l!lwest Special WRII)I_Burnham's Beauty Cbat 1\·CFJ.-8tl1dio Program WI IIO-AI Marineau, barltoD6 WENR- Alr Juniors 8 :10 WCFl ,-WCFL Orchestra W,I ,\}'_Chlcago on Paraoo wnJO-John Cer ny at the plano 8 :15 WG N-Mennen Program; Irene Bese l;":nsemble WI IIQ-.'lport Summary; Norman Ross WI DO_Wm. H. ~Ialo"e, Tenor 2:25 W1IBM-Chicngo Dental Society WJJ1l--0rcbestra Musio WSlIC_Italian Program 2. 30 WGK_Engllsh and Literature WG ES-~!odern Melodies KY\\"-Women's Review, NBC WCI-'l,-RJdio Guide Contes t: Louis 8:45 \V CF I,,-K"oehler Furniture Co. Program WCFL-Hello Mar!e, comedy skit. NaC Cowan and guest artistll Wl no-'l'he Old Music Master lI'MAQ_Public Schools Program \\'_·\ .\},'-The Spotlight II" ~J..\Q-Joseph Oalliccblo and His Con· \V]J DM-Julia Hay"", Household Hints 6:00 Wf:N-l';:~llogg's Si~g!ng Lad),. NBC cert Orchestra WIlIO~ ~latlnee Melooles; Leon Adrlen's WENn~VHmon, ..AUUU", "~,,u; male 9:00 \\"{;X-"'l'be Old TheaU"e Box" Orchestra st Reporter WlH;S-Ollicial Race Results by AmerI_ WIIIO_Helen Mors; ,'ocall£t • , 00 WGN~"From a F"ded Album" can Raclng Record K \-\\'-Sluillo Program Station WMAQ-8 P.M.c.s.T• 11'Cf'L -Tripoli TI'iof lUJlI-Wall and Herb, piano am) songs \fCltW--Studlo Mu;;lcal PcoS"ram 18 PROGRAMS FOR FRIDAY, MAR.

A.M. 111:3(1 WGY-Best Foods Prot;ram. CBS 11:50 l\'GX--Good Health and Training WO~-Temple Trio and Piano W,IJ:D-Studlo Program IfIi:NH_Home Service l\'DlJll-ChlcagQ Hour ftCJ.'L--Sunrlse Hour WAAF_Efrle Marine Harvey, Chat '0< 1------;-;;-'------1 " .. WL8-WLS Smlle.A·Whlle Ttm. Women P.M. W":.\U-}<'rances Bowdon. u;\<. XBC WAiI}'-Farm Folta Hour WCFL-Muslcal h"o"eltiu WA.AF-World News Reports WBDM_Amer. lnslllute or Foods 12:00 WON_Mid-lIC ShOP IV.AA }'_NO","la ~Iarquette, conll'alto; and WMDI-Mornlng Worship Period Wl.S-Llvestock lIIarkets: Jim Poole Hondollers 7:15 WC}>'I,_Mornlng SlluUle Friendly Philosopher WJJU--I llInols Agriculture Ass'n WBlI.II-l;<'oodtown Kitchens WM11I-Mornlnc O1o"y Club WClll-Famlliar Melodies (cont'd) WO";S-Popul:..r Artlsls \\'IlIJM_E:vans Suburhan llipre"s 12:3S WIlBM-Parknr Junction Band Rel\e... r~al W.\.\ ~' -H nwajjan Echoes 12:40 W],S-'£he Noon·Timers: Melody Men; 4:20 WJJIl}I_Dally 'rlnles N'ews Flashes 7:30 WC _PI.-Cheerlo; In!IPlrntlon.a1 talk. NBC John Brow-n 1I'!\lA(l-~lornhl!: Worship 12;45 WC),' L-lo'um Talk 4:30 II'(:'!>-.... rr<:k Market WGl:S-Don's Old Song Rook WI fJO-~h,,;\cal M"",'}'Go Round role of the "Friendly Philosopher" WSIlC_Varlety Program WAAF-VanUy J~alr 5:15 II'Eli' 1l-.'lkll>PY: ('hlldrcn's skit, NBC WAllIl-Contlnued Stories W(~ ES-Vacluv Fisher'~ S.~lon Orchcslra and enjoyed generous listener ap~ WMilQ--Oc~an 'rowel's WOIlI_Ml'rab Lorenz WC}'J..-Jol,n Mal:well: lood tnlk WI.S-]J;venlng Post Reporter; Hog 1:35 \\·I.s--Wm, Vlckland-Book Sho]! fln!;h: weather npo"t phuse on the Pacific coast for two WIIII~I-'l o\\'al'd i'>tuml!!er, Pianist 1:40 WSBC_ Hadio Tony WIIIO-Alr CadHs; Eddie aod Falidt !I: 45 \nl'\'Q-~lI r~.cI~s fA ~Iagnolia. NBC years, is now featured eight times 1:45 WA ,\ ),'-['Innoesque Cavaoough WLS-A. ""d P. P ...'grnm: Our DaUy WXAQ-Prlncess Obole"sky; Youth Mat· WAil F -organ Melongs ot Home ,'I~lon 00 W9XAO WMA Q--l.o.... en Thomas tor Literary DI.. I'fMAQ-Our Dally ),'ood: eolollel Oood· WBllll-Dorothy DavIs "nUM_Daily Times News Flashell ge~L ).IBC body. NBC "lBO-Around tbe Home W.I.5-~lrs. ChEnoweth 'Little Dramas or n 'AA}'_The SilOtlJght WON_HoRTd Trade: Carl Hoeltlo Life" or .KYW-Prudence Penny W(' t'L-n~dlo Guide r"nto.;st· Lovl!! WUIJ~I-Uurnham'~ lJe~uly Cbat WAil F-The Redhe~ded Bluebird Cowao and Jl:U~st art!~ls • WIBo-Neyn's Ell:crclse and DIet WJ,JD-lll'·T·F!ne Dance 'run.,,,, 2:25 \fHBM-Americau Medical Ass'o' bealtb' n ' !lJlM-'the l"l'Iendly Phlln~opher Kl"\1'- Fashlon~ and },'Igul'es. NBC WO F-~Iea t Recll>es; Bandstand talk ' WIOO-SlIOrt Summary; :-"ormnn R0811 WO}:s:--.aonlr" of Home ll:IS WMAQ-Beaul!Cul Thought,,; Chuck, Ray 2:3(1 WON-Educational Peogram IV,I,I lJ-Orche~tra ~Iu~ic WAAl-'-Dan!IQnt and Gene; Irma Glen. organlet, NBC Xl' W_Women's Re,·iew. NEC WOES-Van ",Id Linn; ~armonlell !:~5 .Kl' W_l~08e Vandol'boacll, \llnnlst " . r.S--lnt e'·naUo~al Heating Program; 6:00 WGN-l{cllogg'e Singing T.ndy, NBC 1'!'E~R-Pat B~n'es In Porso,,; Imper· Maple City Four; John Brown \UnO-Captaln Don's RadIo Scouts 1/:45 WBBM-Don and Betty: chlldrell's pro· sonnUons. NBC WIIDM-.!ulla Hayes, Household Hints gram. CBS KYW-Uert MoDow(>.))'" Ol'chestra KTW-"Blsquick" Pl'ogram WIIIO-MaUneo Melodies WOEs-QUlcJal RIlce H""ulis by Ame .... -.n·W-Belty Crocker; Cooking talk. NBC WCIIl_Popular Musie WMIoQ-Chlc\\Co Eno;;emble, NBC WBBM-Evan~ Fur Parade. can RacIng Record WC}o' Io-Studio Program WCaW-Buyers GUkle W(,IN-orp.n Specially WIHO-8ong Cl'cie 2:45 WC}'L-Doc Cook. Come.ra; comedy slrlt .KTW_Muslc Appreciation, NBC 1'!'JlUM-oaear C'arl"trom. Talk .KYW-Farm arul Home Hour, NBC WAAF-Tea Time Topics Wll.AQ--"Cilrlstus" oratorla WCFL-TrlpoU Tl'lo WEl\Jl-Whals the I\'e,,·s WO Ft-Barton Organ Recital by Eddy WJ,ID--SllOrtll Reel: Hocky Wolf. WLS-L1vutock Markets; Jim Poole; Han80P l\.MIlI_Radio SchOOl of the Bible WG E5-lluoicale Poultry Market WENR-Home Servtce; Mrs. AnDA Peter. ':15 WMAQ--Radto Guild: dramalizatlon.. N8C WCFL-Foretgn Recordlngll 6:25 .K1.·\V-Teab~rry SlIOrls R"POrter "," ~!:~~~~:r~~J:nice; Aone & Sue WIDD-)Iasterworks WBDM-Kremel Singirog Ohef. c ... 6:3(1 w:t:~ R-Stebblna Bo)'~; Sw;fl',. PrO!ram, WJJD-:'Ilary Alden; home talk WJBD-Peter Pan program WlllD-The Song ShOll :SBC 1'I'A..1F-80ngs of the lsianda WJJD-Young Mothers' Club 3:25 KY\\'-Sludlo Program 1T'BUM-Pom""lan Make·t:'p Boll:; Bo,",e. l\'SDC-Home Honro; WAAF-Morolng's End ':30 I\'(,JX-"ln ~remory of Dr. Koch", !lP\!ech Sltlters. CBS WOES-Romance Melodlell WCRW-Joseph1ne Program W};XU- Lady N""t Door; chlldroo'a pro. WQ}i-Palmer Hou~e F.n~f-mbl~ 10:15 WCFL-Vartety Program gram. NBC WlIAQ-The Chicago Dail) X'ewo;

100 Watters Enthusiastic Set Owner DX Editor; Gentlemen: Can, any DX fan tell me when I can I want to tell you about my new 16-tubc locate or hear KDFN at Casprr. Wyo., and O;o;arka superheterodyne receiver, which any s~ations ill vermont. Maine, South I've had for just about a week now and I Carolina and Nevada. Since I wrote on want to say frankly that in my estimation February 14th about the hundred watt sta­ this instrument has broken all previous tions, I have picked up quite a few more. records for radio re<:eption. Here is the list: In the short time I've had this instru­ 100 Watts ment I've been able to log 101 stations, not KBTM-Paragould, Ark., 1200. including local stations and not all of these, KCRC-Enid, Okla., 1370. by a darned sight, were the big, easy-to-gct KFI'B-Marshalltown, Iowa, 1200. stations. I've had little 50 and 100 watt KFOR--Lincoln. Neb., 1210. stations from New Hampshire and Massa­ KFV8-0erardeau, Mo" 1210. chusetts clear across the continent, up KGBX-St. Joseph, MO" 1310, through Canada over to the west coast-­ KGCR-Watertown, S, D., 1210, up and down the west coast and on into KOHl-Little Rock, Ark., 1200. Mexico------ovcr to Cuba and the Dominican KGIZ--Grant City, Mo., 1500. Republic and back up the east coast. KGNO-Dodge City, Kans., 1210. The other night I logged nineteen Pacific KOMC--Texarkanna, Ark., 1500. Coast Stations and most of them were KICK--Red Oak, Iowa, 1420. small 50 and 100 watters. ThiS is a real KMLB--Monroe, La .. 1200. record of performance. KWCR-Ceda,' Rapids, Iowa, 1310. Early Sunday moming, 1:10 n. m. (CST) KWEA--ShrevepDn. La., 1210. 1 tuned in HIX of Santo Domingo with the WBOW-Terre Haute, Ind., 1310. volume contrOl hardly turned up. There WEBQ-Harrisburg, TIl.. 1210. was no static and the re<:eption was as WHBF-Rock Island, TIl., 1210. clear as a bell. It came In at 620 kc. WHBL-Sheboygan, Wis., 1410. That same night r logged CMBT, CMCD, WHBY-Green Bay, Wis., 1200. of Havana, Cuba, and CJRM, of Moose WIBO-Poynette, Wis., 1210. Jaw, Saskatchcwan between 1 :33 and 2:00 WJBL-Decatur, TIl., 1200, a. m. WJBQ--New Orleans, La., 1420. No doubt many other OX fans like my­ WKVB-Connersville, Ind., 1500. self will be interested In a receiver that WMBG--Richmond, Va., 1210. will give them tile selectivity that this WOMT-Monitowoc, Wis .. 1210. Qzarka V-16 does, with marvelous tone and WPAD--Paducat, Ky., 1420. uniform volume. I'll be glad to tell any WRBQ-Greenville. Miss., 1210. and all who want to know more about thiS, WTBO-Cumberland, Md., 1420. just what it has done for me. 50 Watts Frank A. Johnson 59 W. 66th St .. Chicago KFPW -- Ft. Smith, Ark.. 1340. KGFK-;\Ioorhead, Minn., 1500. • • KRMD-Shreveport, La .. 1310. * WJAK...,..Elkhart, Ind., 1310. Best Catches The majority of these stations were re­ Dear OX Editor: Dorothea James, mistress of ceremonies on the "Movie Star Revue" eeived beLween 1:00 a. m. and 3:00 a. nt, I have been only hunting hard to find heard each Tuesday and Thursday at 4:45 p. m. over the Columbia net­ Yours b'uly, stutions lOl' fOUl' months and have Paul Niles. logged two hundred and ninety-one. Here work, has posed for many artists and sculptors, Her experience includes 311 W. Fullon, St, Wampaca,' Wj~. are a few of my best catches: KGRB, ft'iltured roles in the Broadway productions of "Good News," "Follow KWCR, CFCN, WDAY, KLZ, CFRB, * • • WKAV, WKJC, KLRA, CJGC, CNAL, KFI, Through" and "Princess Charming," Local out leI WBBM. WJW, CKAC, XEW, XED, XEn'A, XEO, Wyoming's Only XER, XEN, XEB, WHBD, WNJ, WJBO, Dt>1ll' Radio Guide: KRMD, WJAG, KLQ, KID, KGCX, KGNO, Just received a card of verification from WGAL, KWJJ, WBBZ. KFJF, WDW, Advertising Is Best Way To Support KDFN (1210 kc. 100 w.l, Casper, Wyoming, KDYL,KGO,KTSA.KHQ,~R,C~ Wyoming's only broadcasting station. This CPRY, WALR and WQBC. The best catch Radio, Says Radio Manufacturer ma~' be of interest. card of verification of aU was KOV, Honolulu, Ha.waii at 2:00 bt' Mark R. Nichols. announcer states that a. m. (EST) the morning of November 15. "The Senatorial investigation of radio, In sing "Oh, PromiSe Me.'" Then Mary sings KDFN tests every Tuesday morning :lrom 1 got a very nice letter from them. If some DX fans would like a lew hints on ~u:~,ln~fcr;;_~~e~~~~~ ;:~~: ~~~~dR~~~ and when she has finished, there are some t~06 to 1: 15 a. 1lI. (MST) , Corporation In an address before the Na- few seconds of pause when the same som­ Very cordially, how to make better catches please write. r will answer all letters. See you all at tional Federation of Radio Associaliol1S. bre voice will say, John Smith Will now W. A. Roll. a later date. Mr. Klugh believes that sponsored broad- Si!lg, "I Want Whnt I Want When I Want 207 N Sycamorc St., Villa Ol'ove, Ill. C. A. Hall. casts are bound to sustain a higher stand- It:" Then John Sings and a.fter a little 534 1-2 Eleanor St.. Kaiamawo, Mich. ard of ent-ert.nlnment than government con- • • • trol broadcast programs, since someone is pa.use, the same unlnspirational voice states Tips • • • directly responsible for the quality or the that tbere will be an intermlss.iOll of thirty programs presented. In other words, poor minutes. Then you sit and wait or go over DX Editor: Home Set programs result in a loss of sales for the to your set and try to tune in the other StaUon WJW, Mansfield, 01110, speclal Dear Radio Friends: sponsor. Good programs make IlOW cus- DX program. March 19. 2:00 to 3:00 a. m., I have received the last two or three tomers. Mr. Klugh then went on to dis- one of the two programs put out by the (OST). Station WCQH, Yongers, N. Y., copies of Radio Guide, and oelieve it is cuss the British system of radio contro\. BBC. There are no Independent stat-ions speoLal DX program, March 21, 1:00 to the be

P.M. "BlI~_ Dao Ruuo's Orcbe~l ra 9 , 45 ,,"UDM-MJrt ." Marge; d ramatic 11130 Wl:l\R-Wi!liam SHI.~~ 0, ,ne""ra. N D(!! WIBO-Betty alH! J~aD sketch. CBS lH' FL---Bar,"D VI'I>"O U.• <.:itai by E!>Uw, 6:45 \1 0:-;0 Art Kassel's 0 .. bestra Hanson " 'JJD--" Dream 01 11'1","11' k l ' W_Poo~nl" H(l'ra m, NBC t:15 Wnn¥-Ben Hernle'" Orch"'1tra WMAQ-Bin, the Hal'her, NBC 10 ,00 IHl N- Carl )!oore's Orchestr a 11:45 J(l"'\f-Don Pe;1ro'a Orchelflra h \ lI'-Ue·x Mau pi D'~ A ces or lhe A ir WC lo"L-NllIlht COUl·t I\' IIIAQ-Amos 'n' A ndy" NB C WE:SU-I'.'aldol"f Il:mptl'e Hoom Urcll, N BO lUJD-"Dream <>! Hawaii" WE:"i ll-Amos 'n' Andy. NBC IUI.AQ_Yia l.ago ",',:h,,,tr,, n'IBQ-GoJdenrod All SlulI w ith guest WIBO-J"arne-s Slmp<'llln lHH I"-Carl M-oore, Herbie Kay, and A rt; 'I'I""0--Coneel't MUlilcal artl9t ",'JJD-)Iain Street ("rut!ader Kassel's Orchestr,,~ \\ (' t· [,- "Prizefights" ; )Ierry W{' t:S--Tup.ayer'S Bureau !:30 " ·llJl.Q--Xorthel·n Tl'u~t l\o)rtherners Garden 12:00 \\TS U-Eddle Moo)re'~ 'lr"h~~tra. Ba:'room WG.!'!-To The Lndln: ~on &luco'S Jo.' \\"-Bert :'>1~D-ow<'I's (,rch(>stra /;00 l\ n:"i'_The Bath Club: Interviews; Bar. Ji" 1 W-Teaberry Sports Heportc~. hara lIaurd, contralto; male QU'h'~i· P., ·... )rdin'~ IUI.Hj--.\[r. and ll,.,.. Far"w~y 1IBBlf-C, 6< £. 1. llu!>kale 10,10 h lll"-"tate Street 'I" omOl" r ow WJfIlI-)l'dni::ht ~lu_ ·lI. I~,,~r, S.. ;),·"tO(; Q k YW- Cltles Service Concert. !:er Or~h. NBC Weather rel1-Orl$ R.C.A . Il'JJJI-Mooaeheart l:Io~'s' Band WBUM_The A:~n A_ Buu Bachelor, 'ft ("t' I..-WC:PL Orchestra CBS lil W_Padd~d FI~ts 7:30 W\; S"_Du Pont Program, CBS 1I"(" III-Junlor League Plarer!! & WLS-Smltb Bros.; Trade and Mark; WClo" J.--Cerman Prol;ram "ocal duo, rBC J\l"W~'>lUdln Prn>:l"all1 10:)5 " ·E.!'!ll-Jacll; Denny'S Orchestra.. NBC 39c Cunoingham WII:IO-'l"ravel Treats WESR-Paul Whlt~man'F Pontiac Cbl~t· 10 , 45 1\'(Ui'- Wayne King's Orchestra Irom the talns, NIlC 1IJJl)-lnternatlonal Buck]e BUAlt>r~ Aragon Sale lI' C~" L- Bullet!n Board. labor t!asbea WI riO-Radio Guide Progl'am; Mildred 1\ "' ~ (j-VIa Lago Orch,,~tra Tubes WMA Q-~Iammy SueUa and ller Wbite Waterman. SIlur~"o .k \ 1\·- BHt MoDo)well's Orehestm W C UW-Sw e dl~h f'rogrl\tIl liAy BUY Folks n:oo \\'I'Fl ,- Bnrton Organ Recital by Ed~~ WC IIJ_Blllnd Co·~d~ Th. ;;~~~;: ~T C o .. h O nl,. 39<: 7,45 ""IIJO- John M, P r att; tax t alk lIan.~on \l G's" - Dr~tIlalh'otlo!ll\ M the States 9:15 WKNU-Ralph Ki,·hery. tbe Dream Singer. 201A •. , 75c $1.14 WC ,I,"L-Assoclntlon of Real E~tat e T all· WI1W_Eddie SIluth"s O~che5tra payers 01 Imnols NBC WBDM-Adv~ntul'es in llealth; Dr. Her· 224 .$1 $1.39 1I-)fAQ-The WIndow WashH 'ft-M i\ (1-1"1'011<'3 Cale Orchestra man N. UUllde~ell an~ Orch.. CBS 227 • ... $1 $1.39 ft'I,S-"Slsters 01 the Skillet;" Eaet and 9 ,Z5 \l" G-S- lntfrlud(> lI. 1'W_Don POOro's Orchestra Dnml: Orchestra We Tes t You r T u h<'s FREE ,Iula Gardlner; Harry Salter's arches· W(" I' J,_ WC,,'L Or.,hc~tra ~ ( ~' l,-II'C'FL Orche;;1.ra CHICAGO RADIO TUnE STORES tra; Che500rougn Mfg. Co, prosram, WY-NII-RKO ,'henl.·.,. NBC WIIIIM- AI"ou"d the To",n: dance orchs. 2162 1.:, 7bt l,n W. Chl ••..., A.... NBC WLS-Our Dally Food; Colonel Good \\ ~ II ('-JHr)' sum,·a": Song Special «+I BTo.~ ..... y MI43 W, W.. dllOo St. lH ' '''I,_X.. tlooal T.,a Stores Program body. NnC " (· III_M~tropo111an Ecboes OpeD I.:.-oolne· ud S"n~ay, ____ " PROGRAMS FOR SATURDAY, MAR. 26

A.. M . \V ,L\}O"_TuneshoPJle h'e loell; marht WIIIO-No,'s ot the Day "'!lllll-Farm .>,,\lmu ~) "tt,'-':lrk. C'BS WG },;S--B"~akfa~t ~~~ 1:,,;1:· IIJJU-_.!n Lan~t Po-oie "00 the &:115; Trio and \\"'\ AF~'>lng and Swe~1J tllr"R, NBC WIIIUI_Evans Fur Fashlo)n Paraae White. NBC \\' Gl:S-~mlleH III S"ug InL.AQ--IDfAQ ~alfm 'i"",.:~t lUIA Q-'l'une Time II I UO-'l'he Ol~ MUsic Sbop 9: 15 WMA Q_~!u~kal houlI~jlndl!e 12:15 WJ,S-Poullrl· .0;",-,1<-(. Tlmf! ViIlIlM-."ornlng Exercl~ea I\JJ JJ-I1"JJO Ho~tcss .K1-\\-_ Ro1';e Vanderb"""h, Ilianlst WCHt- Peol.le'", Poet KYW_Marshali FIeld & CO.'l\ MUlIICal "'" ~ I ·'_~lusical Calendar Clock WGES-Canary Coneert 11:00 \\ . "'-HuPI'Y Hank 12'25 11' J)JlM----iane Cal'V"",,r, Pjanj~t, CDS WAAF_~lr& :\Iargnrd Dorr. Food Ee-on· WJJD-lnternati<>nal Bu('kle . Ru' Old \\" t't"l..-Jazz Program WA AJo'-corree and Puns 9:30 WG ""~ 01 'I"rad~; Carl Hoelfkl \\"1I11'1-0oroth)' Davis WIBO--Glant FI"';H of Ihe Air 1\'cnW-Musloal B reakla81 pi3..0ist ~- IIIQ-A ro"nd the Home WC HI-Famiilar Metodlu WlIIDT-~lornln g Worship PerlO: WBBM-Burnham's Beauty Chat WlIIB I- K. Y. D. Club 12: 45 1\'L&--lIgslcal ProGram lUIAQ-Norning Worship WIDO_Neysa'~ Exercl~e and DIet 11:15 W£liR-f'at Barnes 10 P erson ; Impe r · W.'IIAQ-$mark QUI, "larlon am J lm f WLS-Tow er T opics Time; Anne 01: Sue ""nations, NBC WT,S-Rader's T "bernacle WCFL--F arm. and Poultr), talk 1\'BBM-C"hr lsotlan Science Churches 0( WAA1' -$omet hing to Do tor C bj ldr en 1I-MoI.Q--~l ontgflatore; }O' r e- . ,.os WlfAQ-John F ogarty. tenor. NBC WA.AF----M u~lcal "'oy~IUe .. WAA.F-World News Rep-o rts Berre-ns, ~onr o f Ri I ey" WO ]O:~lusica.J Toasts WAAF_Melndy Lane 11:50 WON-Good Health lind T r .. lnlng WAAlo'-Vanlty Fair 'ffG ES-Pl.~no RhapRlldlps 11,55 WMAQ-'rhought tor today. NBC Every Friday-S: 30 P. M. WL8-Eveuing P o9t Report er; bOIf n ash: KYW-Housebold lnstltut .. ; drama. NBC w eather r eport 10,:l(j WG ~-Oit;eet of the Day'" News P. M. 1 :45 WGN_Tom Blanchard's Sho.... KYW_Key8 to H~lIpll1"Jla. NBC WC FL WHAQ-Mlracles of Ma;nolb; lo~ iLlIIl le 12 : 00 WOS Wealber Forecast ; MId,Day Servo ~' Bald rld&e, NBC :::~~er~~~~; lC~;W(~~: ot F oods .. " 21 Dr. Bradley

Voice Of The Listener .91} KUo. - CHCAGO - lH 101.,.,

Raves For Smith Some Suggestions Dear Sir: Gentlemen: I have been a reader of the Radio Guide Your new Radio Guide Is the nearest to for many weeks, and I feet that I must tell what the radio tan wants that bas been you how much I enjoy each and every Issue. published to date, Especially interesting to me is Carleton Below is listed what I would like to find Smith's column, "Music in the Atr". His in future issues. weeklv "short stories" about the various No. 1,-New programs this week, naming well-kllOIlID artists are a constant source artists. of delight and I but wish that more space No. 2.-Leaving the air this ~'eek. woUld be del'oted t.o this feature. Further­ No. 3.--Guest artists this week, naming more, the list of the outsr.anding Classical programs. Music Broadcasts is of the greatest con­ No. 4.-Studlo features for the week for venience to those music lovers Ilke myself high powered stations as WLW, WENR, who have not the time nor the opportunlty WGN. WMAQ, KMOX. KOA, WHAS, to search the air for these many fasctnat­ WFAA. WOAl, WFI, WSM. WTAM. Ing progrenl ~ . No. 5.-Drama for the week, list station Oontlnued success to YOUl' wonderful and time. paper. No. 6.-Mlnstrels and novelty programs, H. K. Schavitz. No, 'i.-Sports. No. 8.-A column to fight for the listener • • • for more cleared channels and a better C. & E.l. Program separation of high class and high powcred Dear Edltor: stations to prevent overlapl>ing of programs. Jl1l>t got through listening to the second To have an understanding with Mexico 50 Dr. Preston Bradley is rever ~ ing the Jim Hamilton, aenaaUonal 19-year-old C. &, E. I . program and it certainly is de­ that channels may be kept cleared. That usual procedure during Sprague baritone, recent winner In Paul White­ lightful. Tell those Chicago & Eastern such stations as WFAA, WCCO. WHAS, Illan's Chicago auditions, will be heal'd Illinois Railroad fellows that bro:ul.cast to KOA or WHAM, WBT, KMOX are separat­ Warner's Round Table which he from WAAF every Monday, Wednesrlay use more of the train effects- It's mighty ed by only 10 kilocycles Is proof that the conducts on Tuesday evenings at and Friday at 5:00 o'clock. He may also Ifeallstic! They have an idea or program listener is not being taken into considera­ 9:30 o'clock over WMAQ. and is be heard each Sunday at 5 on the General tn a class by itself and I think there Is tion. Motors Truck program, room for development, Why not extend it No. 8.-List the name of singers and asking listeners to give their solu­ to a half~hour rUll on the air and drama~ comedians with orchestras. tions to such questions as: "What Thousands ot listeners tune in Obadiah tize it. with different raUI'oad stories? With reference to the last, No. 9.-Wlth Quackenbush. the Hoo~ler Phliosopher, at is the most important problem fac­ 1:00 each week~day Il1tcrnoon, to hear hj~ Here's wishing them good luck. few exceptions all the leading orchestras whimsical and philosophical comments on Anthony 0, Chase. sound alike but there is a great difference ing our Nation today?" Of the the day's news. Cal'leton Guy. Obadiah's • • • in the singers and comedians. To illustrate many repli('s to the latter question creator. is an inveterate pipe smoker, -I always Ilsten to the Pontiac Chieftains the highest percentage suggest-". During hia flrllt few appearancell on the Monolopy but to hear Mildred Bailey. not Paul Whlte~ air it took the combined etforla of the Gentlemen: lllan; yet you do not mention Miss Bailey organization of our economic struc~ studio stalf to force him to lay his fa~ It was very int-erestlng to note the letter v~rite WIlde for a 1ew minutes. Thh'ty as being on the program. tUte, lack of religious faith and Written by Mr, Chas. S. Griffin which ap~ This is meant to the constructive crltic- seconds after he has parted from Nick peare Or ,,' ,lie bi~ • • • Dixje Fireside Scenes. a double quartet We Apologize famous-they're just another minstrel show rC6id,."t .",1",m. £1/ presentation, new to the 920 kilocycle Dear Sir: now-with nothing to recommend them t.o cbann!!l, is heard each Sunday and Thurs­ a public who has long enjoyed them. day at 5:15. It transports the listener!! I have been buying your RAdio Guide ET your tr.IiDing at a radio sd,ool that is every :>Ince It came out and enjoy It very They're a grand nop! far below the Mtlson DIxon line beside a ·1 live in a large apartment building and G rccognilecl as a lead<'r-RCA Instirules•. little log cabin in the Land of Cotton. much, . J t is Amcr;Ol's oldest radio scnool-founded 22 PI;l.ntatiOIl songe and spirituals nre sung Now for nle last two weeks you had in nine~y per cent of the tenal1ts have' radios. a.nd for the fun of H. several of .us got years ago. Many of its graduates now I'old re­ with all. the fervol' ot the Negro singer, the Guide that Ciyde McCoy wrote that together and took poll vote-and out sponsible positions with the largest r:tclioC9m­ and Interspcrscd wl1h clevcr ·introduc· beautiful song. "Just a Song of Old Ken­ a: t10ns te each number. of the fifty~!our CamillE!s who have radios, panies. \Vhcn fOU learn a.t RCA Institute,yotl tucky." Well 1 am sorry to say that you are JII~ your training is bf tberight kind. forty~nine of them had always listened to are all wrong about It. TI1at song was Etlte 'Marine Hal'vey, WAAF's Director the Weenr Minstrels-and since Ai and Four spacious mit/mt schools-Ncw York. by of Educational Ac::t1vrtles, played a hunch wr.itten two young men of radio station , Ch;cago,Ph;ilIde~hia.ExtmJ;D1ICOurses KYW. There names are Phil Stewart and Pete are no longer with the minstrels, wbich turned out to be a winner when thirtY~Seven of them said "No more Weener {or home study. Spicodi teachers. Up--to·th"e­ Mel Stitzel. Clyde ~cCOy is Just uslng it. she Inaugurated a series ot tbrice-wee!i:iy MinStrels for us." Once It was a clever pro~ minuteequipment. GreatvarlctyofCOUBe5,oclh H. L. G. chats on "English Reminders." The fea­ gram. At Cameron is a clever comedian demellt:llJ' and advallced, in practical ndio. ture Is one ot the best mall-pullers on • • • and Al and Pete can harmonize better than Associuioa v;oith the largest research labora.­ the station. "Eng1lah Reminders:' as the tiUe suggests, checks up on bad babits Uncle Bob any team on the air-without them, Sin~ tory in !"\ldio indusuy. Free scholarships offered for outstanding gr:l.dua[es~fboth resIdent and In English. and ;9 pl'eHcnted each Mon~ Dear Sirs: clair can listen to their own show. day, Wednesday and Friday at 1:15. Mrs. "M." cxren~;on courses, Tuition low, Mark aad I have been a faithful reader of the m;lil the coupon, Radio Guide for many weeks and recently • • • Edward Simmons, WAAF's program di­ I tuned ill on KYW at 5:30 p. m. and heard ,A R"di. o>~p.~,,'i••• , ,A"'

P.M. lfOK-V\rbcent Sorey's Orehestr.... CBB lfTlll~r-J"ne Pu!"sell. ~BC "ISO-Aeolian Coorus, ", Last Wor" K nr...-6tutllo PrQ@T~m WJJD--O"-ches-trn llu,le er Chriat"' 1:15 WI.s-Oscal' Carl"trom, rolll;eaJ "l'alk WanS-Camptown )lllnstrele WGF.fI--:Model·n Mel<>dlts "OFL-Kroehler Purniture Co, pr~ram W,\AF_~lemorles WlIDM-Dorothy Davis WAAl'-'l'he- Spotlight WGN-Tho Br~eth"m Program, .. ~ WnIO-F\lnny Bones- WAA:t'-)!usicul Comedy )fenJ<)'ries 6:00 WGK-Arthur Sears Henn;ng tr~m Wash· Witching Hour", CBS WeIIJ-Hill !limes ",45 W.'II.AQ-The T....ady Nc"t Door. -NBC Jngton, D. C. 9:00 W(n,-Lawrence Sa.1Hn~ WON_PI"cd L . .Teske. harltone W<\.A}'_World news repone WM.~Q_The Dance Maste~s W~(AQ-Happy Rose Dn"ee Orchestra WltIAQ-lg& ¢:lO WO.N-Bob ForOO!L$. teoor 6,15 WHN-Evel"re. NBC KBC WCF~ eley program WCHI_~yrah T-A'Irenz WAAF-Vatietlcs 1'I' ENR-What's the New~; William Clark 9:10 WC I·'L-Harry Brooks Trumpet Soloists 1:41) WSBC-.E:,djo ,Tony 4:.20 ft'O:N"-Elementary DId"ion,_ Boord or WJJIJ-,SPOrts Reel; Hooky Wolfe 1:45 WAAI,'_Planocsque Ed'uca.tJQO 9:15 1'I'MAQ-Ta.1k by Len Sma'l. CQ'·eNlor 01 WS E8--Musicale WGN_l'"lmer HOll89 ,"nsemble 4:30 WKSR-Kuku Prog,.~m; burler;que IOkit Illinois WOJl[-Fliley Reading& with Ray Knlgbt. NBC 6:25 J\Y\1"-Teabel"ry Sports Re!iOrter WtlllM-Public .'>frail·s In~\il"te. C'BS WC],'L_Illtnois WomeD's Pregs Club 1VGN_"Tbe Old 'l'unes" 6:3<1 Program; Tile Brigbt Spot; WlllO-Elnist WMAQ--Amos 'Il' Andy_ NllC I'I'GN-Lawl'ooce Salerno, ~rltoDe and 6:55 WMAQ-War Herald WLS-Amos n' Andy. NBC RODdo!!ers 7;00 1'I'IfAQ-C1Y1c CQncert Sen',,,e PrograUl WIBO-Concert Music JrYW-Stud-io PrOl!:";t"am N[lC WCFL _ WCFL O"chestra and Jhllil WAA:F-Ed. Ryn. telHlr 11'GN-6even Leagtle [loots Blatthurg WCHI-Popular Music 'll'LS-"Danger Figbters"; T. Daniel llYW-Teaberry SPOl"l~ Reporter; TN WCFJ.-Heilo Marie; comedy "kIt. NBC Prowley. :NBC Globe Trotter "ftlf.BI_Musk "1))0-'1'he Cro~ley Foliles WCBI-stamforil Singers; Quart4!t UlIiSIo 2,45 WC",,'L-Della Barhlls. Blue Si-n€er ){YW-Thry Theatre 10;10 HYW-state Street TQmorrow }:oo W CFJ~hIldren's Program W.JJD--Frankle "Halt PInt~ JlUon WCFI..-Green lim" Ballroom OrchWI"1l KTW--Classil! Gems. NBC WCFL-Bulletin BOal'd, Labor Flashes WLS-Kltch~n Klemter !'Qvelty, NBC WlnO~Tolln Cerny at tl'e plano 7:15 1'I'Gl'i-Abe Lyman's Band-l'bJltlps Mag· "'lBO-Hour of Dreams WGN-lfary Marquardt, coniluctor, Victor nesia., CBS WCHl-8lamford Player,,: drama. Stonebrook. tenor aDd Rondolers KYW--Jack Stanle-y's Orcl,estra ro:lS WMAQ--DllfiCe Master~ "l'fAAF-'J:aa T!me Topics lI'.J.Jl)...... ",lltzl Wyman'" OI'cheAtra. WGN-'I'lw Dream Ship WLS-De~te, Purdue Univer"ity ys. WCFL-WCFL Orchestra 10;2$ WCFL-WCFL Orche~tt:\ Whroonsin. "JustiticatiQD of Japanese 7:3& W.l.JD--International Buckle Busters WGN--CameJ Quarter Hou~: POlicy in Ma""hul"ia" 10:30 »Otto. Don Lang, former Washington WGN"-Aunt l!lffte'9 Musieal Scrapbook Downey: Renard'lII Orcbes!.!".... CBS WBBlf-.Tane Carpenter. pianist 'ffIIAQ-D'Qrsay program; Bell Selvln's WIBO-The !.Qng Shop WUAQ--Jane F,'oman's O,'che~tra. NBC D. C. broadcaster, wl)o is now being orchestra.. NBC "CFL-l\!Ierry Garden Ba.llroom Orch. ll'1lBI_~l e"sage. Dr. pettingi\! kYW-Nat'l Advisory Couooll 011 RaiUo WIBO-Caie 00 AI_ Orchestra. WJ.lI-M:a.c and Bob; "Knoxville. BoYII~ Mard over WGN each Monday and in Educ.. lioD. NBC XYW-Pa.dde'l. Fists I"I'CFL-TrlpoU Trio WLs-.....coyne Old Time Jamboree. IYENH-5aturda:r Maltnee; lIralD2t1utioD Thursday C<>(latOf!l W.BBll-Gus .... rnhelrn·~ Orehe!l'lra.. WCnl-Ruth Dennen --0- WAAF-Orga.n Melodies WOFL-Night Court U:4S WGN-Ca.rl Moore's Orchestra. 5:00 WG:N-Twillu"ht SJ-"mphony COll()ert .:20 ,",AQ- Cboat~ (rom the Be"""reh ~b· WMAQ-Hot~1 Ne:w YOI'kel' Ol<.'~"" Turn your spare time Wl-,NR-Willlam Hal'd: Ba.o;:k of the News oratory NEC In the World. NBC 8:30 WHAQ-Va}SPSr prOKram; .Aile..., Cla1"ll:. 12:00 "GJ'!f-He-rble Kay. Carl Moor. alI01 ... into money WllAQ-'l'be Ninth Dhrtriet Flal110 Ama.­ soprano; WlIlia.m Wirge!l' orch. NBC Kassel'~ Orcbeslr29 teurs KTW_'l'he First Nlgbter. NBC WENJl.--Eddle Moore's Orchestra WCFJ.-Cky Club Oreh~!Jtr:\ Sell the WGE8-S0utbern Mood .. fL.nd Mark. CBS 12:30 WENH--DoD Pedr() and 111$ Orc:~ ... WSBc-.studlo Progr3rn WI.BO-Vagoabood Tenor Stanley·s Orchestra. "'.AlLY_Francis ca.n. bl FIaltel st. Regi~ QrCMslra, NBC Six Monlbs-$1.25 One Year-$2.00 WBBl\I-.Ja<:k ?IlUel". SOngs. C"Bf;I RADIO GUIDE, WCFL-WCFL Orche~tra --0- WENlt-Alr Juntors 423 Plymouth Court KYW_Uncle Bob Chicqo. llIiuoi. Call Wabash 8848 W.JID-Ga.rdell talk Gentlemea: WAAF-'£be Marionettes Endu.ed pleue Gnd $ .. , , •••• , for which "Iud ..e tJ..e it.c1io Guide or write to WGES-Etbel aud flarry;· Biole mr.... k for (Iix moath•• ·. ) (oo.e yeai' •• ). RADIO GUIDE TuH 5;45 WG:N-llttle Orphan .A!ll»e; ehHdreD'S Name ...... , ...... _ 423 Plymouth Court pia}1et. NBC , C"". WENR-LItt1e Otptlan Annie, eI!rIldrU'e Chicago, 1lI. piaret. NBC Addreu ••••• ~ • .•••.• , ...... ; •• • •• , •••••.•• _ WOl'J.-J. C. McMahon. Insurance talk , ,," " ; lflnO.;.sport SWllTIl:lTY; ' Notmall R~ City., .•••••••••••••••' •••••- •••••• St.te·••• ·••• ·•••• ·••• n ·• . ·•• ·••• ~ ••·; .•0· ' .• _._ _ .•_ • , ", I HI III II III III I III '" '" '" II III III Complete Log of American Stations

Listed ill Alphabetical Order for the Convenience of D·X Fans

III II I III I III II II III III II This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at

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