The NATIONAL WEEKLY of PROGRAMS and PERSONALITIES Volume 1 • Chicago, lD., Week of March 20-26, 1932 Number 2Z Is Buddy Rogers Broken Hearted? DID UNREQUITED LOVE OR KEEN BUSINESS SENSE DRIVE HIM TO RADIO? I!; Buddy ROl e l'S :\ broken -h earted youn" man? Was h e a fraid h is IIO IIol3rlty on the s£'reen was waning! Is he m erely looklng a head tor mor e Income? Or does h is entranee into the lar,er • fi eld of radio merely refted t he star's realization of changing • times. wldr r opportunity? H e h as ambitious plans for the futui'f!, pJ;I.ns h~v i ng to do with radio. with television, with bo l.eJ. an d theatrical a ppeamnees. But will he make those plans stiekT CREEN and radio rumor, never long idle, took on a new lease of life with the re(erit announcement that Charles "Buddy" Rogers, S "Amerka's Boy Friend," was to take the air. (Not the way you mean.) Some people would have you believe Rogers deserted the screen for money. Some say he was ashamed of slipping in pop­ ular favor and was seeking to regain his standing with the public through another medium. Others claim Dan Cupid is the prime mover in the affair. But deeper than all these lies the real [('Olson for the change. Money! Cold cash. Not th,lt Buddy's salary from Paramount was to bl!' sneezed at, for it held iu own alongside that of other H ollyw,)od figures. But Rogers believes. putting two "nd two together. that there is more money in three salaries than there is in one, a simple enough proposition to state, and as simple to prove. As a motion picture star Buddy W.1S bound to l:is em­ ployen. had but one income. working as a radio star, can­ duccing a hotel orchestra and making . personal appearances" with that orchestra in various tbeatres. he will have three in­ comes, none of them fa be ignored. And Buddy is a sen­ sible young man. But to get back to the love interest. or lack of it. Broad­ way wiseacres would have it HARRIET LAKE (above) BUDDY ROGERS (center) JUNE COLLIER (extreme left) that Buddy left the Hollywood lots a broken-hearte! young man because of J une Collyer or Jean Arthur, or manT. socially prominent W~st Coast society misses, none. of them less decorative than the screen stars. Many of those inveter· ate "White Way" gossips whisper about the decorative and talented Harriet Lake, recent star of Shubert's "Everybody, Welcome." And other, longer-mcmoried people hark back to Buddy's first days in the films. to his unexpected taste of fame, and II Claire Windsor. All of which is interesting. untrue. To (C'(>n\\nu< d on r>i'ge H'I) WLS B«rn D~nce SINGING ANNOUNCERS Billy White, String To Be Broadcast Septette In Series From A Theater Billy W hite, long identified to • rad io ;J.ud ie nces as "the platinum-voic­ Because of the o\'erwhelming num ed tenor". is fearured with the WBBM ber of requests for rcsen'alions to at­ String Se:Wf.tte in a new program ser­ tend the NalionJ! Barn Dance, \VLS ies presen ted each Tuesday at 8 :4 5 j~ now broadcasting this program each p. m. from the WBBM studios. M iss Saturday night from the Eighth Stret't Cardell . beauty expert of the M ay­ Theatre. An inno\'ation is the prc­ bellinI' Company, is also presented on ~entation of tWO ~hows. 7:00 to 9:30 these b roadcasts. p. m. Jnd 9'45 to midnight, with • such oldlime fJvoriu~s as Rube Tron­ son's Texas Cowboys. Cumberl and WGN's "Book Worm" • R idge Runners, ~bple City Four, Mac Shut-ins will rejoice at \.he return anu Bob. I hr€e Little Maids, Arkan­ of W GN 's "Book \Vorm" to the air SJS WoodchopPH, Ralph Waldo Em­ daily at 4:45. This was formerly erson. Jnd John Brown participa1inr. one of W GN's most popular program A len piece band, directed by Herm:Hl and provided for those confined to Felber, .. ppear in the stage shows. their homes an opportunity to hear the best of the latest fiction and re­ Hal O'HaUeTan and Jack Holden both i views upon current literature of all act as masters of ce remony. An ad- , types. Robert Ball wdl be the new mission of 50 (cnts for adults and 25 t' "Book Worm", aDd he will be heard (cnts for children is charged to cover Four of your favorilc announcers get together for .. round of quartet at this t~me e\'ery day except Sunday, production expense. singing. They arc left to right, Jean Paul K ing, Even>tt M itchell. Sen • K aney, and W all ace Butterwo rtb. all of the N BC. W hen th is picture • was snapped, tbe boys were warbling " Down By T he O ld M ill Stream" Pahn Sunday Mu~c Freddy Rose Is Now wirh Sen hitting a sour one, The "Imperial Imp" E xcerpts fro m the great Lenten Eno Crime Club Ruth Etting Heard music of the centuries will be heard "The " lmperi Oi I Imp", otherwise during the " Artists and Artistry" pro­ F reddy Rose. former KYW ace pian ~ • On New Series Of gram to be broadcast by Carleton "The Hairy Arm", In Edgar Wal ~ ist and singi n' entertainer, u now Smith, distinguished rad io music crit­ plCking the .. ir with listen e r ~ over lace thriller, will be prcscnttd by the Cigarette Progran \ ic, this Sunday at 5 :00 p, m. from WBBM way. Freddie is presented E no Crime Club during irs programs WIBO. each Sunday at 10 :3 0 a. m . in a pro­ to be heard this Tuesday and Wed­ A new spring series, featuring a dis­ Mr. Smith will present r«ordings of the Lenten musical literature as in­ gram of ballads and current :!IOng hits. nesday at 8 :30 p. tn, The .scene is tlnguished array of talent, has been launched on the Chesterfield "Music terpreted by Lawrence Tibbett, Rich­ laid in Chichester, England, where a ard Crooks, Enrico Caruso, Walter • TIl<lt Satisfies" programs, broadcast Brer Rabbit Takes To series of gruesome murders have taken Widdopp. the Sistine Chapel Choir. place. In each case, the victim's hand daily except Sunday oYer the Colum­ and John McCormick, The (nhc The Air Via WGN is found wrapped in a package with a bia network. will then discuss tbe artistic worth of • typewritten note. The solution will Ruth EUing, famous stage and te- the voices heard during the broodcast• . For thrte generations cbildren llave be presented during lhe W ednesdilY cording artist, headlines the new series. • listened enthralled to the stories of She will sing exclusively on Chester­ Bter Rabbit aDd Beet Fox by Joel night episoik Trip Thru Fields fieJd programs for tl::le next twelve Chandler Hartis, and now these stories Local curiel W GN. have come to radio. They are now weeks. The Boswell sisters are also J ean Abbey, " The W om.il.o 's Home presented to child listeners tach Mon­ • newcomers to the series w lUle the pres­ Companion Shopper" heard regularly day at 5:30 p. m . Fred L. Jeske. Meet The "Barnyard Club" ent Chesterfield artists, Alex Gray, over WBBM, will take her listeners one of radio's ,tal old timers, and baritone, and Nat Sbilkert and his on an interesting trip th rough the Charles Flynn, young WGN actor, Meet tbe members of the "Barn­ orc.hestra are retained. The new store of Marshall Field and Com­ are featured on the broadcast. Mary yard Club", a group o f Middle West­ scmdule follows: pany this Tuesday at 9 :00 :.t. nl, Afflick of the WGN conlinuity .'luff Mondays-9:30-9 :45 p. Away from the microphone, Miss ern radio amateurs who5t: call letters m.-So.· announces the programs. well Sisters. Abbey is Mary Delaney Hold.en, well happen to spell out more Or less, the Tuesdays-9 :30-9 :45 p. m.-Shil­ known art connaisseur and club • names of well known denizens of the kret's Orchestra with Alex Gray. woman. Pat's Back barnyard. They are : W9BUL, Wednesdays-9:00-9 : 15 p, m . ­ • C. O. Gosch, Webb City, Mo.: -Ruth Etting. • P at Flanagan, WBBM's ace sports­ W9CAT, Boris Maximoff, 1752 W. Thursdays-9:30-9 :45 p. m.-So.· Crooning Auther well Sisters, caster and writer, is back from his Chicago Ave., Chicago: W9COW, S. month's stay with the Cubs on Cata­ Fridays-9 :30-9:45 p. m. - Shil ~ Libby Frank croons popular 90ngs Janiszewski, 1142 N , W ood St., Chi ~ lina Island looking tanned and ener­ kret's Orchestra with Alex Gray. for WGN each Wednesday and Fri­ getic. He is now snapping out the cago; W9DOG, F. Gerald Powell. Saturday's- 9 :00-9 : 15 p . m .-Rutb day at 10: 15 o'clock but she's w dt~ peppy exercise orders each weekday Frankfort, Kan. ; W 9DUC, Gerald T . Etting, ing a book in her spare time, "Drift from WBBM at 7 :00 a. m. Freddie Michels. Kankakee, Il l.: W9EGG. Local outlet W BBM. Away to Dreamer's Bay" is bet theme Rose assistl'l at the piano. C. K Rogness, W inona, Minn.; song, Libby is a Chicago girl but she has just returned to WGN from W9FLy , Nonna.n R.
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