Clinton Independent Clinton Independent

i official r*raa or tii coi rrr.) ratio op Aovronome. It PmhUshsft Svsry Tkmrsftay, M 1 iu~ i in Sin c Vft c iooT. On# wook ...... |1 00 fl 8 e U OS|t «> ftS uu $« (Ml Cuuijf MM of CttiiM C«aM|. Two wooko ...... 1 Mr t *» 0 w* 4 H>, 7 U> t HI Three stooka ... * (*• « (JO 4 UO & 30 10 (*> 15 (II Knur weeks * Mil I rvj 4 •»» 0 9V.ll Ui lD (U OOHBIT & ESTES, Three mouths . 8 HO 5 00 7 to ltf 0 tlfti V HU Clinton Independent til Booth* ... . 5 5 A (!) 10 O* 14 U> m (11 IH (1) The ^lo« month*... 7 (>• 10 UO 13 QU DUHU lUft*V UU Twelve month* HU 14 U0 15 UU M 0» 4* 00 NO (Ml TERMS. Legal AdvertWem. nt* at slat ale rates. In* India* poste|r, $lJi to advance, for papers •sal Ml or the couuiy Bad $1 .Ml fur thus* 1* Um Marriage and Death Notice* free. oooaiy I Easiness Card*. Arc line* or under, || per ye* All mot tort for publication mast bo ta band W»*4n#e*Ujr auralur to lnstur pablkatton tbs VOL.PXI.-NO. 9. ST. JOHNS, MICII., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 187<». WHOLE NO. 521). Local Boilisss Notice* )0 reot* a line fur drat, BBBia week. • and & riuu for each •ubsewucui lasertiou.

fore hi* death, heard Brook* say he intended returns from that county, but were uot The foreign settlement of Yeddo, THI N4HHRTL MULTU.H IN PARV0. mourning-ring of black; from the ties, thffidfiby distending tlie lower to kill Pinkston; Brooks was a bad. angry, added u,> In the general result because It waa Japan, baa been recently partially destroyed New Y ork , Dec. 2.—Flour—White l»ortly hoop of gold pro|»er to the lady LATEST NEWS. not In evidence that the inspectors and clerks veins and separating the edges of the ouarrelaomc nun; on tbe uighf of thu mur­ by fire. Wheat Extras, $5.7V<*«.75. Wheat—No. 4 It la not tlie great burdens or aoiw who has celebrated her silver wedding, valves. Thus, the weight of an un ­ THE UKNMAL KLEfTION. der witucss had seen a party of colored were sworn. The Democrat* had a certified rows of life that kill; it in the constant men pass hi* house going down the road eopv of the return* from Baker Uouuty, A Berlin dispatch of the 1st sayn an , Spring, (New) ftl 29(1# 1.80. No. to the yet more (mrtly signet which interrupted column has to !*• lorne by Thu returns at tbe ofllco of the Secretary coming from Ouachita; he thought the elec­ which gave them a maturity of i lnety-four, order was iu preparation calling out allKua- ft Milwaukee, (New) #l.:ilu#1.32 fret and worry at nothing that wears In fill) the railway president and the tlie veins. This, of course, causes of State of Calif ornia give a majority of one tion at Ouachita wa* as fair a one as they but a new return y*a* reed by the Board, Oats—Western Mixed and btate, 38 us out. hank director; fr< m the iMs-chased which, by throwing out several Democratic siana under fifty years of age. further distention, giving rise to (*>n- vote to Pacheao, the Republican candidate h d over had; did not *ee any wr ng going #4ftc. Corn —Western Mixed, 5&i#.Vk. Since the advent of the panic the hand of cheap gold **r mayhap of gest loq <>f the capillaries of the skin, for C*>ugrea# In the fourth District. • n; be belonged to the Democratic part). precinct*, gave forty on* Kepubli. su majori ­ A lyondon dispatch of the lat nays ty. At the eveniug session Mr. Peeco, for Pork-Mess I16 87X. Lard —10K<\ Cattle consumption of coffee h;ut fallen o»T. gold washed bra*s. which the humble and canning swelling, eczema, aud ul­ The total vote in Kentr '.ijr wu 35n,Ntll>. Of After thla wltne-a bad concluded, the East the Cai’tstn of a whaler recently encoun ­ B .ton Rouge case wa* c*lled up, and the toe Iteoiocrets. demanded to know If tered an Esquimaux who Informed him that —lNVOK>){c, for Good to Extra ■<*(• - Thirt it) becauDc of the ditliculty of muk* lover (dip* upon his shop-girl sweet timately ulceratiou. This is the vari­ these Tllden hud li'O.HS, and Have* HK.4I5, Hoard decided not t * open the boxc* from the Board had not received another 6fcq#4c. tiberp—434X45^e. Gold closed at ing it settle. heart’s finger, to Ihe dazzling blaze of cose ulcer so common in the la)sir­ Tildcn * majority fti.UJO. return from Baker County tt*an tbe one a tribe, living far uorthward of Cumberland seven poll* In which the Commission rs' re­ 10**. It haa l>een noticed that those who emerald, ruby and diamond, without ing classes. It it) always diffi ­ Tilden ’* official majority in New York turn* *nd tally-sheet* had been locked up, which bad been read. He charged that th*- Gulf, many )tar* ago massacred Capt. Cro ­ return* from that couuty baa been sup­ sier, aecond In command ot the Franklin East Liberty , l*a.—Cuttle lteut, talk moat against mothers-in-law are which tbe shoddy dame suddenly cult to heoL and often imposM State ia k'i.SNl. In Georgia, 85,185. In the and the Parish Supervisor had omitted to grown rich cannot sleep o ’ nights, former State Peter Cupped had 1,987 un i G mention them In hi* consolidated stat* ’inent. press'd, and others substituted therefor. Exped tlon, snd five other white men, who ft5.00qff5.95; medium, #4 *#K<*4 75. Hogs — usually a very bud cloeff of •ona-in-law. Ide, except by prolonged rest iu l>ed. C Smith 3 STB .similar action was taken in the ewe of Tan- The Secretary subsequently reed the returns, refused to surrender their guns aud ammu­ Yorkers, ft5.40q5.5ot families are driven to tlie Iicai<* and three iH-mo* rat*. and the lower tinned by the Judge snd ftiierltf snd Jus­ because the ring is really venerable were opened on the l*»t, show lug 437 Votes TH K NKW WORLD. cash, January option* sold at 33%c. Rye- Unhealthy aa Washington ia aa a workhouse, and such c;ise* form a ma- house of eighU'eu Republicans and twelve tice, were sent uu. With tbe first returns and historic, bringing to uo remote, joVity in the wonchouse infirmary. The Democrat*. for the Tilden and nineteen for tbe Haves admitted the Tilden Electors would ha\e A Raleigh (N. C.) dispatch of the No. 2, ftH(4ftH>ffc. Barley, No. 2, 00<£0ftXc. city, tlie iiumlier of men who are will­ Electors. But little was done, the Board ad ­ 115 majority. With both returns, held sub. Mesa pork — $15.9 15.95. Cash. Lard quaint arid august memoirs. Far hack most frequent and flagrant cause of A Greenta>ro (N. C ) special to the New 24th says Dr. A. J. Glover, fiupervisor of ing to make the sacrifice of going there iu the ages, Mr. Jones tells us, the ring journing to the 2d. Senator John Bber- Jet t to future decision, the Democrats had —#9 9^9 95. Butter- G^od to Choice, remains umliminirihed. obstruction is the ordinary elastic gar ­ York JY- mcr of th* 27h. aay* the return* two Elector* by five majority, one by three Elections at ftwsn Quarter, II)de County, man, on the Hoth u|t., on behalf of the 94332<. Eggs —23(<$*24c. < attic—Good to w as a symbol of office and a mark of ter. Children shoflld never wear them show that the vote for Hayes and Sett)* lu majority, and the Republicans hare oue N. C, was drowned *#n the night of Nov. ft, Fkopi .k who oat ovKtera tRiould K«-pu)*licans, sent a request to John M Choice #1 2^'*<45.00; Medium Grades, $3.5emocratIe candidates for Ca lls, etc., $2.ftMtf3 30. Hogs —Good to straps to the waistband. If garters Democrats before the Board of Canva*sers Her. J. W. Williamson, I). T>., the then it i»egiii8 to shrink. from those times dow n to a la-riod are worn, ii is important to know how 4.0(H) or 5,000 behind him. Tie Dem­ Electors, that they might t*e forwarded, to- on thcvanhult. |d support of their claim of Lolot , $5 7(>%j$ft. 10. fthccp—Good to Choice ocrat* were very much excited by the geth r with copies of like testimony on the distinguished Ini verbalist author and di $8.50(44.50. Prosperity thinen on different per­ when ring* became merely universal to apply them with tlie least risk of discovery of the fact that one of Tiideu'a Republican side, to the Provident. To fraud in Archer precinct In Alachua County. The returns show ftSB votes cast while the \iue, and one of the fathers of Odd Fellow ­ sons much in the saute way tliat the and ornamental, ring.) had, in every harm; at the liend of the kite)* the elector* —Willi am H. Glenn —Is InflltgiMr. this an answer was sent that while the gen- ship in America, died at Cincinnati on the Min id linen on different ohjecto. Some use, a j>eculiar significance. Before* He is one of the Commissioner* sprouted tieiiivu with whom he (Gov. Paltnen affidavits are that only 319 ballots were Yb> National <«rxnr6* snjs-rticial veins of the leg unite, and by the Southern Claims Commission to take was associated were anxious that all deposited in that precinct. The Repub- 2bth. He wa* seventy years old. it hardeno like mud, while othera it even the great could conveniently w rite go deeply into tlie under |»art of the testimony. the fa ts relating to «he election in lleans introduced counter affidavits (rum Com. Haul Shirley, of iho United Tbo National Grunge of tlie P-itrons of ■ofteiu) like wax. so much as their names, the signet was thigh lieneath the It am-string tendons. Louisiana should be known to the four of the parties—Moore and Duke* used iiMtrud of the signature to official The following is the result of the official (two lu*)M.*ctor*i, and Belton and W«d**ter ftt uter Navy, died at Columbus, Ohio, on the Husbandry closed their session in Chicago Tiie man who whip* in a prize­ Thus a ligature below the knee ol>- count of the votes for President In Michi­ people of the Lulled State#. Mr. Sherman's on the 29tb ult. The Inter-Dsetia furnishes and formal documents. There was a note contained uo assurance that the (two mcnilter* of tbe County Canvassing 28th. fight io uot always the fellow who Vina structs all the Hiqierficutl veins, but if Board) —who had given the Democratic atlf- the following report: superstition that if a man, when thus gan: Have*, l»ift .504; Tllden, 141,00ft;Cooper, collected evidence would be laid before the Hon. J. Milton Turner (colored) the day. It all deju luls niM>n win* h the constriction is above, the ham­ 9,058. Htyri over Tilden, 23,489 davits, to the a fleet that such former affi­ The moat important act of any session of affixing his seal, broke the ring, his string tendons keep the pressure off country. . Upon this and other grounds they United States Minister to Liberia, having pugilist the majority of the crowd haa The official returns give ilaye* 2,707 tu* declined to be the medium of communica ­ davit* were made under dur* **, fear or ap­ the National Grange whs the passage >f tue sjteedy death was foreshadowed. the veins which return the blood from Joritv In California. tion between representatives of tbe Presi­ prehension, and were false. Jdir Democrats been refused accommodation at the A*tor final report of the Committee on ( o-opera- bet the most money on. introduced a third affidavit from Belton tlon. This report referred especially to in- Forgery by affixing a seal with a ring the legs; unfortunately, m«»st people, Tilden** majority lu New Jersey, accord ­ dent and Hie citizc a claiming to have been Mou.w, in New York city, ha* commenced The Auotrian Government has pub­ w;is a death-offense in Egypt. From chosen as El* * tors In Louisiana. Tbe C'om slating that if he gave any second affidavit a* lion against the proprielo-a to recover teruationsl c o-operation. Th*- rrc4*mmenda- in ignorance of the aliove facts, apply ing to the otlielal count. Is U,W)5. be wa* not responsible or in his true uilud liou* of the cost) iu It lee, shuli pertain to lished a decree in regard to the traffic this use of the ring, the next use, that mittee of Visiting Democrat* issued an ad ­ ft&.oun. under the provisions of the Civil the garter below the knee. Again, in The total vote In Kanaa* for President dress to the people of the l uitcd Mute*, on wh«-n he did so. He naffirmed. In his thtru (natters under ad\i*enicnt f«*r eighteen in |>oisons, declaring the following Hiib- is as a symbol of rank or |>ower, natu ­ affidavit, the assertion* made in his first. Right* bill nine out of ten tailoring men, we find was: Hayes, 7^,!Ct!; Tilden, 37,M02; Tein- ths iat. mouth- past, were adopted with very little fttancet to be included under the term rally came alsiut. Alexander the a piece of cord or a buckled strap peranei. UU; American Alliance, 12. Other affidavit* from citizens of Gslnsviile On the morning of the 27th lereral amendment. Toward th** Ui #ayst>*l Thoms* B. Keogh, the Chair* The Board of State Canvassers of South second affidavit was delivered. Rels'lve near Ctnal, in Chicago, mere destroyed by During tbe session 2-V* resolutions, memo ­ antimony. 3. Oxidet and halt;), in­ death-bed, he handed his signet toIVr- tic bands are the most injurious. They iusu of the Republican Slate Committee had Carolina were brought before the United to Bilker County, the Democrats produced fire. The upper stories were used as sleep­ rials, petition*, re;»<»rt', and utli* r papers cluding tlie chloride*, iodides, and diccas, as a sign that Derdtccas should an affidavit from the Clerk of the Court bate been preaentta. AH of these ha\e re- follow the movements of the muscles, tl'ed a protest wItb Gov. hroden against an States Circuit Court at Columbia, on appll ing room* for men, women snd children, bronddea of mercury. 4. Ordinary administer his kingdom. More inter­ and never relax their pressure on the announcement of the vote of North Caro ­ certifying that ibe return which gift* the celved the lequired atte itioii, and wets cation for writs of euryu*, on the Democrat# ninety five majority was the and at first It waa supposed that all had phosphorus. 0. Hrumine. 6. Prussic esting is the ring regarded not only lina for Presidential Elector*, Ii- enumer ­ 27th. Time w as given until ten o'clock on final y acted on. Aiuong ot! nr recommenda ­ veins. Non-elastic bands during mus­ true and only return from the coun ­ been removed In safety. After the fire tion*, tb«* following r« solutions, t one* ruing acid and preparations containing it, al­ os a symbol, but as a sort of txmd, in cular exertion become considerably ro- ated twenty-three counties to w hich he ob ­ the SUtli to m.vke a return to the application was extinguished the charred and jected, on the guiund of illegal return*. He ty of Baker; that it was the only int* ruationsl co op* ra U> operative ro work ts 1n th»- t'niird kingdom. ufacture)! artificially, such its the ;tl- and that the issues were grav* . aud asking W* thank t .eiu for tbr kind rer*-ption and hour cance are quaintly characterized by been notified that such a canvass was going wife and five children. He escaped in safety Ing (1* n our &>mint-sio'i. snd the sssnrauons of kaloids, curare, cautharides, etc. LOCnUHA. him to preside in the case. He responded Dean Comlter when he says: "The The Fpeira. that the business of the Supreme Court rs- iu be held, or asked to participate lu it, a* but went buck to s*Te Agnes Healey, when fr:*-n ULip b* hringi in* from item it s to ... k the law required he should be; that no re­ tii' ui for t um Hiin pampb **t« and psp«*r« |*r*> A writer in ti e Lexington (Ky.) matter of w hich this ring is made is There were present before the Louisiana ouired hi* presence In Wash ngton. hi wa* overcome with fire and smoke and Hardwi' ke'* Science-(Jourip contains R* turning Board on tlie 25th, for the Hepub. turn bad been handed to him with tbe re­ •i-uv-d os wld< h give u.urn n e !ed infor si oo. /Vt.v.v fays: " We may take a man of pure gold, signifying how noble and A Col um Ida (B. C.) telegram of the 2*Uh miserably perished. Healey, Bradley aud TtiW«e »r rpt the rettersl pr u iu tut'i e. the Kpeira— a common, web-making COX, Kelly aud Harker, and for the Demo ­ and s* *»o.*o a- prsctic'ibi*. the Aitg o Ain r.^aa munity, who by his attainments and round, to imply that our resptect or re­ United Mates tr*v>pa were marched into the Further certifi* d copies of each of the pre­ taurant* burned. Coop*, atiie Tmding Comp dt ft* th" purposes spider, well known by its globular crats, Messrs. Palmer, Trumbull, G B. ■ cinct return# in the county were presented, genteel bearing commands the highest gard shall never have an end;the place jHatr House, guard- being placed at the doors n*m«*d in their memorsu turn and *r»ir «-- of a *o kh v Smith, Higier ami Juiiau. After some other , signed by the Inspector, which footed up The Governor of Hhode Isl.ind, on Cist.on as »mfii ed Mi- bell* ve foe pit.n therein respect os an «aicg.tul gentleman and of it is on the fourth finger of the left I I . The writer relates, among proceed! gs, the votes in the contested par­ to prevent uniuthorired persons f om enter­ nlue ’y-flvc Democratic majority. the 2bth, called an extra session of the Leg ­ matured i« fs *!t>le an t will ar.o. nit h. wrh si lioJar, hut port Inn hail tu the mid ­ hand, where the ancients thought other incidents, that he once **aw a ishes of I>e 8 -b*, Duicbtia. Lincoln, Last ing. At twelve* M , the hour for the assem­ . On the 3>Rh ult. Moore snd Dukes were In­ islature to meet on Dec. 1, to elect a Presi­ )• *-t d* isy and expense and <*| |> gn-ateat dle, put oil a blue navat aud il unity there was a vein which came directly small spider of the genus Linyphia or and West Feliciana. Richland. Caddo and •eciirity. the motual wish *• o' th - !ri nds bling of the Legislature, the Derma-rat** troduced bv the Democrats. Moore swore dential Elector in place of fleo. H Corliss, of t: is mnrin an' in h »th * >untrtea. W« tii rs- piu in an elalxirate shirt-bosom, •'♦• U from the heart, w here it may be al­ Nereitu; drop into the domicile of au Bahine were announced from consolidated , formed in a body aud marched to tbe State that all points In bis affidavit of the 2Sd declared by tl»e ftupreme Court to be In­ f*«r*- u-MBii snd *h • plan i th *«• of **ur tae ..tiers ling, heavy waich-chain, yellow kids, ways in view, and, being a finger least Ey#ira. w hen the latter rushed out of statements, the total* tieing 5,7^7 for Hayea House, headed t*v the Edgefield delegation •re wU-r wit i in c. a -ti t>* n\■ I Ih 'selve- of and It),755 for Tilden. The votes of these Thev w. re refused admission, and Mr.Hhep- were true; that he had stated the facts there­ eligible. tbe hen> ..t« of Mich s t s«le «• it gapn* « to *s •mall cane, stii|»e er truckle on his alioea, and that man l>e worn out. but the main end is to be came u|>on the intruder with tigerish test* tiled for a hearing the following seek. vigorous protest. Afterward the Ih*mocraU w«« inspector at Archer, and only 31ft rote* prs'«ujt |*r-\ sious, tti*m_i it t»' at fl -t oo a u.od- stjnuuits a moial suicide by walking I velocity. Unexpectedly it met more The following account of the subsequent j weir cast or counted; that Mk*» vote# were 27th sajs Dews had Just been received from sr. i e -cal*-, with th * und" *:aud ii.’ tbit -uch a visible and lasting token of the withdrew to the Rh bland Rifle Club ha 1, •*a may be au.d ill I of *X- one square tlirougii JarxiugtotL And than its match in the attack, for the proceedings before the Board is given by the aud held a caucus to which no outsld* r was not cast; that he signed the election certifi* Old Fort H* no, to the tffect that Col. covenant which must never la- pe » *nc*' uiay -how to be mutually ueteasaiy and yet the * get-up* of that man i> ciuite little fellow it meant to slaughter, Associate i Preaa: admitted. The Republicans organized by cate in Idsr.k, not thi; k ng there could be Mackenzie, with ten companies of cavalry, auvsniaireona. forgotten." The ring used, in ­ “When the returns from the parishes the election of ea ongr* --man K. A M any dispute; that tie wa* approac ’.ed the had struck a large camp of ftioux, and at /. (41* That we advi-e our member* *o m in whose co^tuinea ing the wife w ith authority over her of its fere-legs with a bull-dog grasp, cratic counsel wire allowed to b* present swear iu the memtiers. A. O. Jones (colored) Sheriff of the county, who offered him ffluo st h ns* ’ ahol tu the r )tidj tent, be preject'd to u>uftpiouoti»ueas is the ii! i*ird^tiiimiiit household, for with it the household and sank a pair of poisonous fangs Th* returns from De Soto Parish were , was elected t lerk. They sul*sequentl » ad ­ if he would sign a paper. He a*kcd If h „ nies I and M. Fourth l avalry, were nearly I « nought In aud coutaincd in one pa k*gc ' had to swear to it. lie was told he would anniki a ted, and Lieut. McKinney killed. At couqisuy that .H**f HiiMtll tsks *n ll »» and lu* A. k* ys were delivered to her among the into it. The wounded Ej>eiru made journed to meet at noon on the 29th. In ofllcssIP u » f*r he w-**ter sod fct rut \r C .«i- no effort to tight back, but l**nt all its sealed with wax. When the seals were j the Bens e, Bwalla (colored) was elected uot. He then signed It, and received the last accounts they w* re sending mules from DitUee of th« .t'ltiiitiJ Una;’ < of to fact Let A ROMANCE at T.ctveu worth, Kan., Romans. In the Orkneys, to this day, .r ken by member* of the Board there President pt>. fan., snd a committee Money. 1hi# paper wa# the one urr*du< « d the infantry camp to bring in the dc *d and them rt trade. <»r in rtput tr.v|u a)«>ne. eran of .seventy-five contrived in some trotnal " by clasping hands through a the < ommiasloner*, ststemeuls, and tully ernor and inform him that tt e Gen Duk • * (colored) swore that he waa ln*|«e* to great round hole in one of those weird complished, at the end of a few sec­ iheita. Attached to the returns wen* s er«l Assemnly was organise ana ready at Archer Precinct; that only Sift votes w* re A lire on South Water stn*t, Chi­ ifesWeed, t tuit «o mou a« the au i kx- manner toopen a cnrre*|M>u lenee with cast; that he cau'l read or write, and that erutive ( omtn tt-e o' th Nat ..t *1 t.r .ii c In* of- mouoliths known as the Standiu ’ onds, it lied to its corner and began a arge number of protest* and aflldtoit*. to receive any communitwlion he might cago, on the night of the 3oth ult. destroyed fira.iy u orn.ed by anv oi our «» * _■ * - Kiiliona a lady in another State, aged fifty-four. The Secretary of the Board said the make. The regular s andiug committees he never signed a paper saying 535 votes th it ih*'T sre siillug to eubwerib* the r uired stones of Menu is." Here, possibly, is swift examination of its mairued were cast. Upon the rounter affidavit al- properly valued *1 |15n.'4W Each com-e tled their tm** hire fro il a< Wage had been received on the ap(H>inted. The Democrat* appointed $ \ « f the other, and l*ef*»re m inv letters had the origin of the pleasant custom of lueml**!' w ith its palpi, falces or labile Hth Inst., and was entered iu his receipt- 1 ou the eomtnltter to wait on Gov. ( isamlrer- l ged to have Iwn signed bv him being read, The Chicago A Lrio Railroad, an ti, i- com. an o e*la>*l.-h th# tic*r -ary «hi[.p>ng he swore be did not sign it; that ex Con ­ and rrcr.iiu^ d i-*t* an i iuanjsgri» in our .\tti* r - p t'^ed l>etween them U***v be^*ame en- slipping upon the dainty finger of the — the movement being too quick for book, and the returns, hr said, had come by 1 lain declined to act. During the evening the independent line made up of four connect Deimn-rat-organized a legislature by the gressman Wales snd Justice Belton came to c*ii -e«kHirt«, tht-y -hill at «*u • lit uily n d.fy gagi-d to l*e married, and the lalv, lady-love a token that her whispered the observer to note which. "At mail. Ins the course of inspection it was the hie uti'«* leiri' ill *••• of tt»e prop »*ed c*» u- discovered that one of the protests of the 1 election of W. II. Wallace as Bpeaker snd J. his house to get him to sign if, snd offer*d ing railroads, was abandoned as a distinct having seUled her affairs at koine and promise has I** Kindlier to anew fate. first," savs the writer, " 1 had the im­ him f45 if be would »ign it, bit he refused p->n» in 1 ng aud that «u* h la th" fa> . and met Nopcrvlsor charging general intimidation, S Lloan ms Clerk. Judg<- Cooke, of tbe organization on the 29th. Low rates and a our order is r« ■ * to cumpiet* uegolialious and U) the usual amount of *ewiug done, —Appleton' * Journal for December. pression that it was trving to suck the was dated Nov. 9, and sworn to in thi* c ity j K ghtb Circuit, swore In tbe officers snd to do to. The IkmiersU then charged quarrel among tbe constituent members of ),cu trade with them. (suson from the wound; but judge of that in affidavits from several hundred ne­ went to Leavenworth to meet le*r af­ before t r Commissioner of the Circuit uiemtH-rs. Hixtv-f*»ur Democrat* w* re sworn tbe scheme killed it. That where a**Ae(a»low* aWady ex- SatlngH Ranks In Prussia. my surprise w hen 1 saw it pull the Court. When ea led upon to explain how a iu. and two Republican* who althdrew from groes swearing that they voted at Archer l*t r*r may «oow )»• formed ae on? rr r memhera fianced, who had in the meantime pn tea' dated on the 2->Ui inst , to day, could - the B ale House Legislature. Tbe Bupreinr Precinct, eleven uame* appear in two places, A Fort Fetterman dispatch of th«* to any **t.itc. where it may he tho-ichf fcasiMe taken out a marriage lWboise. When poisoned limb out of its socket and get into a sealed registered picGp received {Court bad not vet decided the quesliuu of two usuies in three places, two names of :*)th u't. confirms the rei»ort of the tight by *nemu-*n« submitted object! >n* to two pre­ lodges sod their content# had been destroyed, r*perati"n are f illy mi nred. we■reconunrtid ttat matter* had gone go far, to have the bouses of the Btate legislature held ses­ th**y at l’*a»t 0|w»o * oer -p tide r With the Imperial Statistical Bureau and spider had fastened." This remarka­ era tic con* sel preaea’ in the set of mukiug cincts in Columbia County, alleging that and many warriors kilted. Besides Lieut. K. Vans‘tt*rt Ne«le. N'o. P O’ty B-illditi.'s. ceremony proceeded with. The lady, another entry on his book of l wo packages J sions on the J.'th ult. Tbe Repuldican the Democratic luspectur industriously McKinney, five white men were killed snd Cvr(er«tinB stre* t. Vtancbeet r. Kitgl-tod. He can however, was in a huff, and repacking present some very interesting facta. ble surgical operation indicated great received. House secured a quorum of ttfiy-niuc mem­ changed ballots when they were hand'd twenty wounded. placa them in lm:nediste Comrauni'atiou with her reticule, she set out for her distant The first savings liank started in heroism on the |>art of the ainpulator. “After some delay another package was bers, and seated five colored conte»'auta to him, and that the negroes were taken by (Hex* r*i o(M*mtivr aociede* in England that Prussia in lftl*. but the inquiry ex­ and likewise no small degree of reason produced, and found to contain a con soil- I the Democrats into a swamp ft we k be A Washington dispatch of the 30th mi> wi»h to her directly from our s sonatinas home. the seats for Barnwell County, for which cer­ ult. says tbe resignation of W. F. Clarke, It# wheal, cotton. • oni. wool, chee%e pork. tends only from 1839, when the system or instinct. It must have known that dated ttatcrueul of votes aud Commission ­ fore t^e election, and, after various out ­ ti»b*eco. »nd other farm prods t« needed for their A certain United Presbyterian er's returns, but uo protests or affidavits. tificate* had previously i*e* n given to the rages, were made to swear on their knees Chief of the Customs Bureau of the Treas­ was organized by the State, to 1874. life was endangered by the retention Ik-tuncrats by the B«*ard of {ktai>*Canvassers Coosuniptiot) Tbl* !• pr »aid d for * the present rhurch in the North of Luglan 1 was “ Th** member* of the Board were finable ’ that they would vote the Democratic ticket. sni ’•« of i*mi ittion of the pr>t»«»-ed Ar.jflo- The follow mg are the main results ob ­ of the poisoned limb, and may also and the Secretary < f State. This was done ury Department, had been requested, ten­ the seem* off two evening meetings in to explain the matter, and oei*al»r khenuau, Vance, colored, clerk at tbe Archer p c- Amercan Coo emti e ('omnsiir. a« (uu a'lesdr tained, the years to which the various have known that Nature would sup­ by a vote of forty-five to fourteen, protests dered and accepted. h**en * * forth in Worthy Master Jane* ’ ufllotal one week—namely, an evangelical of the Republican Visiting Committee, re cinct In Alachua County, swore, on the 1st, numliers refer lieing 1839, 1849, 1839, ply another when necessity compelled msrked that there was uo use to ulagulsc j U sugcuUrtd by iwo menil*e s. In tr e Ben «lrcslar of -I ■* or Btats Cady *as*ve fW)*an. Talcs - register) was reflectively z»$1.714, A special dispatch to the C'terinna'l G.urtte t m on tl.e l*t, to which time the Senate ha —ik Fla. Nov ?ft. Iril. -1 hrrfbv rertlfy that crtablish at tcarlo st |>ra« ticabte time the w ith a douce old Scotchman, a memlier has observed the Epeira laying up a explains as follows the qneatlon relative to adjourned. A protect, signed bv all tbe Moore and Dukes. Inspectors. P. P. the -stum- te in all (he rountie* of the fttate. «x proposed Mate or interstate A'#«w I *• l>o ; 504,980, 1,358,041, 1,907,914, 2.081,199. store of food in its cocoon, tor the Black (also colored) testified tha' of the church. "Now, David," quer­ the De Bob» return* before the Louisiana Democratic benator#, was fdaecd upon rec­ c**| t 0«de. WSfte Ihl- da* opsin d b. the Board of tel meeting* be called, with due notice, at The amount of deposits in the hanks nourishment of ita young. In one in ­ ord against the proceeding* of tne Senate he waa Inspec or of Elections of -• •• < m *a»er«. ai, ~* f r Electors, offi­ our chief trade renters, v State Grange*, ied the good woman, "Are ve com it* Board* Archer; that All votes were east, couuted cially ranva»»ed from ths face of the return* to in each of the years ree|»ective!v from stance he found a half-dozen larval- sh ell re- • goized. or propo ed to recognize, detail, a^greeste a* follow*: llumphrl*-*.*. or their Executive Committee*. Ia t tin «• up toe the meeting this week ?" "Oh! IS 9 \' .f* (in thalers) 8,076,788, 18,557,- " Tlie returns were receipted for bv the the 1 fall tv of the body call leg itself the ami put in a ce titteste regularly 1 be attended 'or such delegate* as ni'ior* ave.” exclaimed the canny Scot. " 1 shells of the house-fly in a cocoon. (1erk of the Board as having been made on lions were filed by the Dcmm-rat* to the Peirce. »< XM; Long. 24 *21; Holden. X4X ft; 3, 45.281,088, 157,187.404. 278,718,- Mstpesf R pr*-«ent*»lv**s. over w hlch E. W. Yoage Call, *4 >5. Hilton. dlnate, county and fttste <(ranges or lo« ul maun come tae the meeting; for I k»*n The young spiders were just ready to the l*th instant. Healed and in the same - M Mackey claiin* d to preside as Speaker. vote In Duval County, on the ground of bollock. it.JriX. '• he first four named are the bu*lne«s ssiiM lations niav auth* rize to r* {>- oo", 329,079,000, of w hich about one- leave the caae, and there was a small pa* Wage was eoatalued an affidavit of the The Drtnocratic liouft* went into secret ►#— fraudulent vu ing. and the Republicans filed Re)*tib|icsn. snd th* last foer the Democrat c r- st ot tl hi I t these * soary to eecure tlie well- vout Scot. " I dinns think that I can in 1839 to only 65 per cent, in 1874. the infant spiders. which was sealed with wax, and received on Co at mittee reported lual tne beer* tary hsd were not found in the ballot-boxes. being of their mem era \N h n ready for Of de{Misiton) of sums under 20 thalers the Inth, seven dais before. The They also objeced to Ja kaon County, merchants, looking to obtain tbe signature come. For ye see that I am **ne tired In the pursuit of his study *f the surrendered th** returns to Mackey, the work let acceptai>lc Mate s get its or other there was in 1849, 34l* )>er oent. of the Clerk promptly explained that be speaker of tbe Kepuhli* an House. The mil­ on the grncral charge of intimidation, vlo- of every business roan, regardle-s of party, reliable bu**ine** m< n ♦**• made th« ir t*u*»int -a at niclit that I c.*in hardly stir all mv Ej>eira, the oltsenrer invented a means had received a package purporting to itary *t11l garrisoned the S’a’e House. It uce and fraud. Ex Congressman Waive pledging him to support whoever receives manager*. 2. Hat e them so organized Hint cliair." whole de|H>siton); in 1874, 2-5lg j>er of rendering the fine, invisible welts of be the returns from I># Soto on I (colored) testified that he did uot offer the majority of Electoral vote#—whether all Palrens.and Pslrous only, can take stock cent. ; between 20 and 50 thalers, in the young spiders manifest to the eye, the hlli instant. The package was bro** Jfht The Democratic House took peaceable Uukea twenty-five dollars or anv other sum Hayes or Tllden —and to use his Inflncnee in them under proper restrictions, if they so A lad , narrating a fight in which he the former years, 28 ,j per cent. ; In and also of securing copies of them. hef*»re the Board and opened, and was possession of the Btate legislature hall on to sign the affidavit introduced bv tbe Re- desire. The report concludes: “Let us found to contain the returns of the Super- ' liod been engaged, said: " I’ll tell you the latter, 20* t j>er cent.; lie twee* 50 " Observing, one (lay in April last, a the fioth ult, at eleven o'clock. Tbe Repub­ publican*. Mftj. McCan (colored) said he do maintain peace and quiet throughout the sustain, by our combined trade and influ ­ how it was. You see. Kill an*l me visor, but not accompanied hv the additional J lican House entered the hall at noon. Both was in Bcltan's on l e 18th, and saw country. ence, the manufacturing and other firms st and loo thalers, in 1849, aMnit 22 i**r window-pane covered w ith small spid ­ affidavits. I he pac kage which had i*een went down to the wharf to fish; and I ft pea ken occupied the stand, Wallace Dukes put his mark to the affidavit that was A joint atock company ha* pur­ home which, fmm confidence in the s *uiid- cent. ; in 1874. 18 j*»r cent; la-tween ers j list out the cocoon, and l*ung un ­ op* tod was received vesterday, having been read to him. Dead of our principle* and the fidelity f our felt in my pocket and found my knife, (Detn.) In the chair, and Mackey (Rep) at loo and 20u thalers, 11 |>er cent, in able to see any webs, even with auJ mailed to the Board on that day. and aahav* 1 chased tbe Main Building at tbe Exposition Order, have r mained true to us. giving up and it w\ut gone; and I said. Hill, you ing twen retained by the fturwrrt or* for the the clerk's desk. Wallace was subs quently THR OLD WOfiLD* for 1250.000 It is intended to be used for a 1849 and 17 jn-r cent, in 1874; above ordinary pocket-lens, they were so finer in many instance* their old alliances and stole my knife, and he said I w;is an­ 200 thalers, nearly 5 per cent, in 1849 |*u pose of attaching the affidavit. The re- notified by a messenger from Gen. Roger James White*i(ler cent, in 1874. In 1839 there curred to me that, if the w ebs could lied exactly with the result in the second re­ bers from Edgeflrld would not be permit­ of the Court of (Jucen's Bench in Ireland. The New York Ifrrald announced Other mom mend ations were adopted. and he said it was no such thing; and was one savings Iwnk to every 58 turn. and showed no tampering with the re­ ted on the floor of tbe House. A la* dyed some color, it would render died on the ‘Jftth. *)n the lat that Tweed bad determined to The g- neral impression of members # that I said he was a liar, and could whip square (German) miles; in 1874 one to them visible, and then the exact form turns, and all the Republican delegation are letter was thereupon sent to Gen. dismiss hi* counsel and let the law take its if any disappointment ha* been felt in an satisfied that there i* notniiig wrong iu the Huger, signed by Messrs. T. B Gordon. On the *f>th the Cx:tr of Husnia is­ him if I was bigger'nhim; and he said every 0 square miles. In 1839 there of the circles could lie seen. Others, course. apparent want of useful seta at the lwgin- transaction." Wade Hampton and A. C. Haskell, express sued an imperial ukase providing that, after mug of the session tha last few days' work he’d rock me to sleep, mother; and I was one bank to every 175,629 inhabi­ examining them at the same time, After some preliminary proceedings on ing astonishment at this interference on bis Jan. 1, 1*77, all customs duties be paid In Thfi Rhode Inland Lcgiidature met h*' borne fruit wh!«h amply meets the ex­ said lie was a bigger one;and lie said I tants; in 1874 one to every 25,(819 in ­ thought that there were no webs, but U>« tttb, the Parish of Ouachita was taken part in bs proceedings of the Legislature, gold, and that common carrier* be relieved iu called special se aion on tbe lat. The pectation of the membership at large. nover had the measles; and I said for habitants. In 1H49 there w as one de- whi* h w* re being conducted In a good-na ­ that tlie spiders were all suspended by Up, aad four negro witness** were Introduced ' from responsibility when Interfered with by Governor communicated the opinion of the him to fork over that knife, or Pd fix iMjsitor to every 02 of tbe population ; tured manner, ami calling Ms atten ion to Rifle w omen. thin threads. Breathing upon them, la behalf * ft tkr Republicans, and were ex­ t>*e fact that he had previously assured them chcumstaoce* bejond tbelr control. In ftt. ftupreme Court, that Cories#, Presidential him for a tombetow at Cypress Hills; in 1874 one in 12. By distributing tbe however, produced a vibration in the amined by the Board. Their testimony was that no troops should thereafter l*e at tbe Petersburg and M«>*cow alone the subscrip­ Elector-elect, was ineligible, because having and he said my grandmother wa* no amount of deposits each year over the A Ffrw days affn the mcmberi of a spiders, and this convinced n»e that as to alleged Intimidation and outrages One j door of the House, and that under no dr- tions to the National lean exceeded the been a member of the United Slates Centen ­ gentleman; and I said he demn ’t Like whole population it would apj>ear that well was occupying the center of an cumstaneca would he Interfere except there California rilte aftAociatimi w**ro »*n* of the witnesses, named Kiixa Pinkston, l(il),uOO,UOO rubies asked for. nial Commission. Hon. W. D. bister was it up; but he did, you l»et; you never in 1839 there was less than a half- elastic and Invisible web, and 1 at once told a fearful tale of cruelty. She recited 1 should be a serious disturbance of tbe gaged in tlx* gr»*at moral duty of —well, you never did; then I got up peace. They close their letter aa follows: The Hi**-illation* and rumor* through­ elected by a vote of aighty to nineteen for thaler to each inhabitant; m 1849, 1 iiegan to try if they could not that hr husband and ou« child had tdiooting at a mark, when a lady, again, and said he wag too much afraid been murdered. and a little girl " The Democratic memtiers from Edgefield out Europe In respect to the Eastern qu« a- C. R. Cutler, the Democratic candidate. thaler; in 1859, 2t, thalers; in 1809, 7 dyed." The matter was accomplished snd luiurens are entitled to their scats bv carrying a long-rangi* ntte, decanted to do it again; and he tried to, but he seven years old was taken from tlon, on the 27th, were full of contradic ­ thalers; in 1873, 11 thalers; in 1874, 14 by the use of a steam spray-inhaler, the Judgment of the Supreme Court of tbe On tha night of tk« 29th ult., at with the uiiua] quantity of nurveying didn't; and I grabl»edhim and tlirowed the honse at t'e same time and had tions. England and Russia were reported to Columhua, Ohio, Mrs. Richard Barr, while thalers. This certainly shows a won ­ into the vial of which some aniline not been seen since. The witness herse f bad State, and we have advised them to remain instrumentfi and met**orologtca] him down on tlie top of me like several derful advance either in prosperity or been a victim of extreme cruelty, at d wa* • in that bail until retnov* d by your troop*, be thoroughly In accord and to have the Ailing a lamp with burning-fluid, In some blue whs introduced. The spiders that isane may be made, in this centennial machines, made her ap|>e;tninoe, bricks; and I tell you, it I teat ail—and in thrifty habits among the Prussian unable to w ilk wi bout help into' the tb nate programme of tbe future fully arranged, way caused flame from a lamp standing and announcevl that »he intended to so did he; and my little dog got behind w*ere made, by a few puffs of tobacco- Chamber. Ben James, another of the wit- t Tear of American Independence, whetherwe while there were equally positive reports that near to commitnleste with the explosive. people, probably in both.—London sinoke, to vacate their premise**, and have a Government of law a* construed fihoot. The aatonifthed riflemen did Hill And bit him; »nd Hill kicked at the nesses, had been also terribly sounded war waa inevitable. Mrs Barr was evert'd with the fluid and so Time*. then the spray who showered all over by tbe courts, or a centralized dcspoUara not dare to opjMnie any objortion, but dog, and the dog ran, and 1 ran after ■■■ One of the parties meationrd as eng.tgrd whose onlv law Is force. L t the American A Loudon telegram of the 27th aavii badly burned (hat she died shortly after. tlie web, rendering It distinctly visible. In the murder of Henry Pinkston wa* ar­ flew* madly toward the target, in tlie dog to fetch him hack, and 1 didn ’t incase# of Onr O wn Causing. people behold the spectacle o' a Brigadier Capt. Allan Young, who commanded the A San Franeiftro dispatch of tl»c 1st order to obtain a safe position. catch him till 1 got clear home; and Sheets of white pi*i>er lasing afterward rested at New Orleans on the VUKh after the General of the army seated by the side of brought gently into contact w ith the Pandora in her recent trip to the Arctic re­ say* a Victoria press dispatch Just received The unrulTh*! lady stretched her I’ll whip him more yet. Is my eye O n on average, one-half of the mini* testimony of Elic* Pinkston. Ilia name '• Gov. < bsntber sin. In a room of the Btate web, a perfect impression was secured. Tom Lyon. House, and issuing hi* orders to a legisla ­ gions, will, next spring, again attempt the say* flftv rounds of ammunition had been •elf uj»on the ground, tied herself very block IT Ut of out-patients treated by a hospi­ Before the Returning Board on the 29tb tive body peacefully assembled in ooe of the northwestern passage in that «easel. issued to tbe militia of that province lu au- into the intricate knot muially coiled tal surgeon suffer from diseases due original thirteen Commonwealths of thla —In Klliott ’s report on European ult.Gov. Well* stated that the testimony in Union." Thft French Cbaml*»r of Itepntiea Uripfttton of a Fenian raid. *' the (,'retwlmoor ponition,** fihut her Finger-K lags. primarily to a want of knowledge of tbe contented ca*n* must be closed by four . on tbe 2*th rejected a bill to Increase priests* The telegraph line between Cheyenne eye* firmly and fired. To the dismay the laws of health and cleanliness, lighthouses, l»e notes that in several o'clock on the afternoon of Dec. 1. He Mid Tbs situation on tbe 1st waa unchanged. stipends which waa supported by tbe Gov ­ of the riflemen, nhe actually hit the A rnuori and interesting hook has ft'irst, the Ignorance of the hygienic coses tbe stairs Are circular, and ap­ Both bodies bad occupied the House of and Iieadwoud waa completed on the 1st. the Democrat* could present two witnesses • ernment. A ministerial crisis was threat­ Charle* R Wilkinson, defaulting target at the distance of 1,000 yardft, just been made by Mr. William Jones laws, which affects so disastrously the parently self-supporting, one end only In tbe caae of Ouachita. Tbe Democratic Representatives hall since the day before. ened. thereby aeriously inqieriling tbe liven on "Finger-Ring I»ve." Fingtr- health of the rich as well as the poor, being built into the w all. This method Numerous »ropoaittens /nr a compromise Uni Jed State* Revenue Collector at ftt. Jo ­ ( un**l said they ought to be a'lowed three An Athena (Oraece) telegram of the seph, Mo., was sentenced, on the 1st. to two of thnne who liod nought safety in itft ringm to he sure, have pretty much exists chiefly in regard to dress; ablu­ of stair-building is, he observe*, uni ­ w iincases, the nnm'*er permitted to the availed nothing. The United State* troop# 2ftth reports the existence ef a ministerial yeare’ imprisonment in the Missouri filate vicinity. It wan evident that lome lost tlie symbolism which once at­ tion and ventilation. This statement versal In Europe, both in public and other side, but Gov. Well* limited them te did not Interfere with *he proceedings. Gen. private batidings. The most recent two. Charles Tidwell and J. T. Hwatn testi­ Ruger sent a dGpateh to Gen Sherman ex- crisis in thatcountry. Penitentiary and to pay a fine of ftft.OOO. thing muftt lie promptly done to cheek tached to them; but they are on« of may, at first, appear startling, hut an fied ou the Democratic aide,giving rebutting plaining tbe action of the troops on the *>1h It waa reported from ranatantino- the threatened efftnuon of blood, and the few ornaments which arc indulged enumeration of tlie diseases that can lighthouse towers of the American The public debt ntatement, pub­ system are constructed with conical testimony tc that given by Eltta Pinkston j ulL, saying that as soon aa he had been In pte on tbe 99th ult., that Tnrkry had caused the lady wan, therefore, hurriedly pre­ in by the moat barlutrous and the most lie constantly traced to the altove One witness t- stifled that on the morning formed of the placing of the soldiers at the lished on the 1st, allow* a total outstanding interior walls, and iron staircases wind ­ to be drawn up proclamation* to tbe Mus­ sented with a gold mt^lal, and lured enlightened races alike, and it may be causes will show u)ion how sound a after the murder Eltn* had stated to him f entrance of ike House off Representative* debt of 92,ffitl .fiH5,fift4; total oaah In Treas­ | from the ground before she had time ing around the interior off the cone. that th* killing Was dona by colored people to protect Ike nr ion of a person engaged sulman population of Russia. A minis Liken for granted, from the universal ­ lwsls the statement rests. The fol ­ ury, flJt2.349.fiftft; debt less rash In Treasury, to fir# a fieeond fthoi.—N. F, Time*. lowing are examples; Varicose ul­ European towers are getierally con ­ Returns from Vernon, Franklin and Livings without lignl authority, iu examining ike terial crisis bed erieen In the Turkish Cabl. ft2.0H9.83ft, 9ft; increase during November, ity with which they or* found, that ton parishes were opened and laid over. certificates of thoeeclaiming to be m, mbera they will never go out of fashion. cers from dress; skin diseases from structed with an exterior conical and net in consequence of the Grand Vizier $457,062. an interior cylindrical wall, leaving an Returns from other parishes were brought of the House, he had ordered the soldier* having refused assent to tbe Constitution Steel ard new alloys are now Civilisation, while it has discarded tl* wont of cleanliness; chest diseases in daring th« day. her testimony on ilte withdrawn, a* he had jr. vhmslr Informed A Washington Amoaiatad 1‘rean manufactured of such density os to rings in the noee, in the ears, sad in and frvera from detective ventilation. unnecessarily large unused space l»e- 2*lh Kllsa Pink-tor alleged that the'murder Gov. Ci*amberlaln he should (Vufine hi* ac­ proposed by Midbat Paahn. who had ap­ tween the two. The sinuunt of mason ­ of her husband and child, and the other tion to the preservation of ike peace. pealed to tbe finite/) to support his refusal. dispatch of the lat, says reports prevailed necMfisitote tlie discovery of new' means the lips, which ruder people* art£11 Hie vast number of ulcerated legs of a disagreement In tbe Cabinet concern ­ treated ta the n«it-)«tlent depart ment ry In the American system is the same horrible outrages which she swore te and A Vlenaa telegram of the 30th ult of working them, especially where wear, and which, there is some leaaon detailed, were owing to her husband hav ng rpoxroA. ing fionth Carolina affairs. It was said that positive accuracy is required, steal to lieiieve, were thus worn by our re­ of hospitals, in workhouses, infirma­ as in tbe Europe**'. been a Republican. The perpetrators of •ays the three remaining military districts Secretary Flab had vigorously opposed the The Florida Board of Cuuvasters recon ­ cutters may m* bold tbeir edge a suf­ mote ancestors, still taxes the art and ries, and in private practice, arise th* outrage were white men, and all* ged of European Russia would be mobilised In Administration's p*diey la that filate, aad from varicose veius. Now, a vari­ —We sometimes think it Is jmt as the cause of the killing tha fset that Pink­ vened at ten on the morning of the 98tb. A* Deermher. ficient time to traverse tlie full extent fancy of the Jeweler to find new rtag- even contemplated resigning Thi# rumor of a face on substances so rigidly hard, patterns, though such patterns must cose ulcer is caused by a distended fatiguing to listen to a dull sermon as ston was a Republican, and voted the the opening of tbe oosk-d package* wa* pro- A 00*1 gaa explosion occurred on the Radical tb kti. reeded with the Repubticank gavo notice was not generally believed, and could not therefore it ts important that a U* somewhat limited in shape and ill condition of tbe veins of the legs it is to preach it, A great many min- ffith ult. oa the steamer Prussian white ly­ On tha 8(lth nit, • aaaond witness, named that they would oouteat the vote In nineteen be authenticated. substitute Its found of such tbeir capacity f«*r the transportation which have to sustain the pressuio of isterq,preach without having an#thing ing at tbe Liverpool docks. T*i Uborera J. 8 6war, was offered by the Democrat*, counties, and the (temoerat* gave notice of On the Hr* destroyed 112 holmes durability os to retain its cutting of jewels. ’ A flngcr-riug baa tlie the Wood caused by gravitation. In particular to say, and the people re­ were terribly and lataUy mutilated who swore that ha was a farmer and knew (puteft in uing looufiftft. The men it of tee In New Orleans, fifty of which were occu ­ edge intact, producing the same trite­ merit, however, of adapting itself to varicose veins, the valves which help venge themselves by pa# mg no partic­ Henry fiakKan; Pinkston waa not maoh Electoral tote a* reed from the faoe of the A Bnclitreftt telegram of the SOth pied by KQ fa ml • lea, who lost all their ef­ ness and accuracy of surface at the every condition of man, every char­ to support the column off Mood are to ular attention to it.— N. r. Herald. returns show Republican m*)er|tlas of 7,- engaged la polltlee, and witness newer heard «M. fte»0 taoaft the arrival of Tarkteh ea. fects and were rendered thoroug hly destitute. end of tbe work as at the oommence- acter, and every mood. From the a great extent destroyed, through the I la talk much about ftelttleel mat’era; j 4BA and Democratic majoriUee of 7.41ft Dade Uonnty was not yet It. The D* mocuU voyn deputed to fnalftt upon tbe annulment About twenty firemen ware Injured, seme ineet. Such a tool, when known to gorgeous solitaire wffh which the veins having been distended by me­ —The New (Swedenborgian) Church knew bn had n fight with another negro elfttnMwt rw. ntr three omitted voteg ta Clay off tha soar so Most between Russia and Ron- seriously The mine qf the property exist, willnodeuht prove a valuable " glided youth” hinds the promise of chanical otmtruGtem to the free re­ In Ibis country comprises ten sssocia- ranted BtdH Brooks, about M month* f* j County, which appeared on the fnuu ef tkte acquisition, aad he eagerly sought for. his *Mffidye fairle," ft* tie somber turn of tbe Mood from tbe excrovnt- Ctmus with 101 pastors. TNA^KMIIT»41 TSHRBV ■••aievKBs* veTin. w _ tl,« un*l< r*iyn< d laun.' I>«, n uppotnled, I*) BUSINESS CARDS. CHAS. LOSET, Ike |Rdff ntilrnt COMMERCIAL. lb* Probate Court, ol ('Union connty. Mlt-higai'. 1 ■•r *.«!««« ( "iiayrtuut n to r«. cltt,«tMftlftr aud adlu»t ad | IT. JOHM IIARKET. < Iftllftft »>.«1 OrtUftli.l* ftialhll JOHN 1.. I.VuN, SIMON HERRES, M. 0 Prices for fsrsisvs'frsasru l»t«an**d. Nolle# Ift hereby giv« n tbftl ft* ft ill H«alpkall#iSS 1c l» llUioric old Detroit? How many mv»*k S>i thft purpoee MlortftfttJ, »i M*,d'ft 11*11,; THURSDAY , DEC. 7, i#7«. M ...... Ift SI 1*1 In till TlU#g* ut Maple Rapids, In mM >1 fillitfiiH uror ’M A u;eiil 9 loud memories are clustered ’round thy A|l|ll*. ,|<«l *11 ...... to 41 b K eounty, oh lb* slat <1*) )n <-. t,.b*r, li*:s, C. C. DEUENBAUGH. M. 0 name ! How many sad and tender ft pc f 0 U ...... |S# 4 I Mb •mi t*y Ho nil. .*«i oi s»), |-T7 | r-wl.r, Ulrk. cm im- I bought M well up front the heart as one |»«i It...... 11 4ft •I W #'el«jt on • ftftl. of «l« ...... Is 0»wn.iu>«mm t<»r#<*«It#, 1 i«oU.* »n.l ft4tu-' a|i ' I b«r«» tat ; r-1mt•• • • mm.I 1 a tarn with a tower on it, ami men lUmi •*>» d» *4ft, A< Wfti-i.ljftiN, VI I*-b, service* upon the rostrum. It la only rt ho wider* ...... lu ^ OO LYOtf, lKr,»o>l. Niftier I* lirffl.) givvft lhai 1 looked after hiiu aud wouderad what 00 | ft in i» »r will for lb* |.urpt4ft, In M. #|LDRIMiK, U. k. ftWBIUMft.1 more on earth he could waut to put fat Hidtft,interned p«i |i,...... 7 ence paid her nearly f 100 for a lecture on his rihs aud give him a double-chin. •V* •.tltl Tbiirftdft), lb* ‘Jlftt day ,.f lu«N-m- Hoy*) p*rlb ...... IS (41 IS U*I . IS7S, ft».4 or. Sltitidft) . tb* 141b 4lr* I* lb* tio,r mr | KiMt ■fk eery. 4 ollcnion- and Conveyancing. | we could Judge, all, or nearly all were IS Ift W»w#d ersdllnra It, Mbtrl. i<> |»r*ft**r>t tb«lr etatio* prompt!r attend«-l In. XX ill defend in criminal on lit hU family. He had a daughter, LlTfltofipn ISOlbft ...... ft •»« t* '•# fur ftdjtiftt nir*r.i .- |f*i« «| Not, u,F*» r 14* h, l**t» satisfied with the expenditure of money the local poets wrote of her: OtUparbu.,.,.,...... raara. wie# in Miintrr’a new block. Sf.>, I to yft 11 mu\i< 1.. mo )--. Mich. 4C.1 and time. Our readers w ill therefore ‘ She Weighs ab<>ul XUU pound*, Onion* pi r by...... (A 7ft MYUON ... MOrfH ll*i ihuti ar* uumUr otu , <»jrs tere...... ift at* 4'omiitiftftion.rr fflwmnniBk peruse with luterest, the following, Her tjfM arc blue, her tunuli. U i* | Belt# ...... A0 A I no DR. GEO. E. BLISS, which we copy from the Boston Index: Llic some of those lu Uaaveo I*.M sloes ...... ftft 7ft UeiVIblH ITNIV is.4l.ft:.- tlMKOl'ATHlC I'HVHlt’lAN oo.rc un i Tftllow per l»»...... ft X(ftk Maty Hired, Fowler, VIIrh. All |.r0l—aiouai tier «alil It measure* fifty four. y A U b*r. ’h) gltro Uial by \ Irt.i* *• d in | . r»u “ It will give very great pleasure to Mo ana can pam around her, ! Turnip* per bu...... Xb >• **.'** of liv#ftM* aod auiborii) ftift.ii.d to mw on ihi- HP* »«»|*tly attruded lt», night or day . 4-1 our readers, as it does to us, that w e a ad aba la gentle, ktn4 aad iruc, ; xValnutsprrby...... 1 AS V #11 otb da? ol o. tMUr, A. 1* Hm. by lh,. .tnd^r ot rite# a ftperlftiiy ; #■#. » ul Jo year• atundlng I But ia t-ngagt-d, cunfoun-i bar!" \V >od , 1 *; o SO inch, * p r cord... | Ml. •prcdlly cured. I fto P» »b»l# of 4.'Union rounty, klirblyan, to ftHlr.a. 1 ale it are permitted to announce Mrs. Llixn- Yea; she was engaged. That was Horn! Wool* ...... Ift -ft eftiftl* brlo.iging lo Kir.b.o ft 1. Hi I, d**tftP«d,l > K beth Cady Stanton aa a new “Editorial Combing Wool*...... ft* ti­ n ill *Ht Ml public Mortlun lo ih* l.igb. •? bidder on what kicked up the row* In the double ­ Rv* per by...... A. T CROSS Contributor" of The Index. Mrs. Stau- 00 nt. 'b<- f*lh day mi VftM-Mbt r, A I* 1-76, Crockery, Ac., I rORNKk AT LAW ftnd Notary 1‘ubilr. parlors during the long fall evenings i W bftfti kUnpn bu ...... # 00 * ft* *t on* o clock p. M , attb* r« bile otto# 111 HI Jewtti & tou was one of the very earliest chsiu- | - Mo. 1 - ...... AAil roltucilonp promptly attended t#. trfHc* aud was what cauimu her father to " Mo. s •• ...... M S' 1 1* •lobn*. in ftftbi county, all thr iluht, title and in- Ka*i fti laof North xtapl* A t rnur, tan. ilourr from 1 pious of woEunu ’fi equality with man in stump around town with Are lu his exes 0 '41 t'lwt rtf ftald drr.-ftM A »n »r..1 to th# rast half of tlir corner of M.dn Hrrcel, If ante It-tprda, Mtcb. 447 all political or civil rights, and is to-day and nirro-glyccrine bubbling up in Ills north *a*l quarter of »# nonh of 1.11141- on* <1) to ti, In heart. Hilipti bbl ...... I 7ft 0 00 1'ttr.lon county, Mbhlynn --iHCrd Joht •,<**!. L. A. LAWRASON, M. D . frage Association. Her reputation lor Flourpc r M>l...... s .0 o#r> #Wr Ifttb. 1"76. >11 Y Mil. IA N AN/* HTIttJKOy Sarah had engaged without her par­ t'ursmi el per 100 I he...... liKKAT KAKGAIVS 1 iWiy on character and capacity Is national in ents ’ consent. She had been loving 1 7ft t 00 vi a it v ti. hall . I hfaln Htreet, Fufttrr, Afich. 443:1) extent, and she wears a veteran ’s crow u Mtonrlimr per be ...... 4 A AJ.ainiftir.triA of ib«-rftlair n| Frederick I. Ilall, away and loving away without their Wfti#rlline perbhi...... •ft .1wi| 1 >#m»rj. MARY P HAVENS. M AND of honor and grateful recognition from suspecting it, ami It was a Sort of earth­ Hloshurghcoal perIon ...... 1300 yt DOS ! 1 he *!-»% c ftfttr !• ft.lj- ut ited lo !*#• cn.brt lit b, H > iMliluft at •# 1*7®, at lb* aainc unt* and pUcr. J)IIVh|( IAN, St, John*, Vtich. All calls the hands of those for w hum she has quake to the old man w hen the clerk Corunna**on I prrton ...... ft 00 M4»lt4lft: IIHUI II Mat. of *ichi|sn OR. A. J. WIGGINS. more convincing proof of the value of daughter, ami I desire your consent to A Count) of Clinton. •*. At a n.*ft»|nn of the* IJIO^U'IAV -I KliKOV Jt A< i 1,1 < Ilf . this acquisition to our columns than by ProbateCoortfor the county of 4'linton . Holden A. ICRH. KM. Speciaiiii*:- Disease* of Women and our union. ” Ayer’s Ague Cure, at l he Probetel idler, in ihe village of Hit .Johns, D. C. HURD’S, Surgery. > i*f'• 1 • alls prompt! « attended. 4 J. L C. Fisher Pianos. quoting these striking parages from It wa» two or three minute* before on i*atuid«y,) he |lth dax ol NnvrrolH-r.lntheyear • ultatiou Hours : 9 lo II a . h. ; I to 3 aud 7 to 9 Mrs. Stanton ’s very kind acceptance of "me l iu ft a ltd eiglt t tin no red and fteventy— Is * •*. ft. Ofllcejover Dunn i l’ptoni on ('Union m tlie old man could get breath ami Far Fever and Jkaue, Intermittent Fe­ Avenue. on niotitlily | \ meni- x\ li**ii «Is--*»ri-<1. |ir»n’i fall ft* -**? iuc Itflnre x«*u our Invitation, which arc too profound ­ strength enough to pitch tlie young ver, Chill Fever. UeiniUent Fever, l*(«ftvni .loeill.Cranson, Jedgt of Probate 8T. JOHN8. Lux'. Dumb Ajpis. Fenodioal or Bilioue Fe­ In the ninltcr of Ihe Kftlale of ft]|.|.l\M ly wise and instructive to be buried gent through the window, lie waftti’t 4|4lODKF. |l*v.-aft>-4l. hixira 1, tiondea, Admin ver. Ac., and indeed all the affect tons R. STRICKLAND SI. John-, Oft. 24th, 1?7»*. 52J in a merely private letter:— careful about it, and the broken glass which artae from malanoua, maxah. or i-tratrix of aaid eftlaic, haviiif mad* nptdlration AW and Chancci) husineas l'articuiai si “Woman is held In bondage to-day by severed the clerk’s Jugular vein, and misamsUc poisons. for |b# allowar**e of her dnal ftdailnMradan ac- lentlob given to the riamlnatloi .vmi settle the complete jiervarsion ol the religi ­ count. L•*>»nt <*1 disputed! It 1« stn Real Lstair. Convey ­ his red life-blood ebbed away under the I* N«* »n»e i«-uhm 1v i- loftilei TtieivIt|».o it ift ordered, that Hood*), Ihe 111), ancing done with despatch. Agent for aaleand ons element ot her being. 1 have long bay-window. It was a clear case of < ailr«| f.»i by tlu m^ea-itir' day ef IXecr mber, lSTC, at 4* o ’clock in Ilu- forenoon be %—n,n l for i be exinilnation and allowance of purchase of land. Officeat realdt nre H . K Corner seen this, and tried to do the lHasr 1 murder, but Of the Aniero*an |»#o|d«- than 1’ourt Housi Hquarr.Ht Johns.kiich. 37 ) could bv liberal interpretations of the •aid aceouni , at lk«- l*ro*«ate I'flce, in 11 e village 1 he corooft'i jury #Ld fullj qrr* a sure and sift rurr tor rt Ht Johns: Audit is furlb* r oriiornl, that no ­ N. B. & B. W. BAYES Bible; but that, 1 lind, amounts to in bcbft.f of tbalit elal* atnd the peon I#, •V% #r aad liar. iu< h lle- 1»- given «.| the Min* and place of examining DENTISTRY. Tkfttpoor John Koa# did tnrn up to. • »e arc now enabled to offer, and allowing »ald aerount bx causing a <*n( ) of rpii k hft:%T ih th k « i« i: % ••t.w’i • very little so long as the priest, with Hy from • very high at.-< pit. MUIR, MICH.. ft with a perfhrl c. rtaiuty Uiat ItH* oid-*r !«• l*c pul>!.»lilep»n 1 holy uuction, teaches the opposite. 1 mtS«h»ii - FALL GOODS - The affair xxas ainoothetl over d'-nl, a n« a ftpaf-t r minted snd rlrculaied in old May be procured of I»K. i». K.C OKBIN for as it will eradicate the diecaae, an«l xiith s*-ur* !\ ft It b a superb sum - k ol have traveled very extensively through si po —ihle, hut it dutetl the f M irl.igiin , Hunk Hlorkg Bovilh 2«| ted as the w ill of God, w here can w e Thanksgiving the old man began to la better than cure; for the patient eeeapea Umj Cto.nij ,f riinton. •«. A' ►-lor, < | tin LUMBER*^ ^ tim ■ ANTHONY COOK, open the argument? A devout, com ­ n»k whi*h he niuRt run in violent atta« k« of iI t a’e a •»rx fur i It 4 ‘ ,ui \ «if 4 niaa|, ">N, they are grinding ut this family. to *.-ll r»-s! estate belong : rig to aaid deieatrd I lour i ncatiou In science and philosophy 1 The mother pined, the daughter *aw tain cure of InlcnuiUenU ie, that it rontaiu* rhetewpoe li Is 4)i Jerrd, Thai Thurs-lay, t he 4th SPAULDING A CRANSON. Low Price Store. da) ot Jatt., 14*7. at 14 o ’clock In the forenoon, hr doing •‘Oiuethirg for the ri-ing genera ­ vUions of murdered lovers at midnight, no Quinine or mineral; ronaequently it pro ­ .pplv th. d si TT4JRN K YB and Counaellor* at loxw.and rioltr tion of girls; but, :u* you say, these re- , J4n,| tjic fgther 1,^,1 paving tuxes to par, duce# no quiniam or other injurious effect* ssMs’i-d tor ih*’ hearing uf said petition, and that the heir* at lav ot said deceased, and ail other pet- A tors In Chancery ,Ht. John-, Clinton Co. Mich. !!*[«•• »u|>«r^Ki»'>*,ni»Wf'itl,f lr i.uh- 1110„, ©f ,,„m1 ontUwe.l i.n4 rallr.M.1 w hatever upon the conetitutiou. Thoae cured *«>ns mturcfttrd in said ealAte, are required to ap­ O. L. SPArLDIXO. I J. W. CRAVSON jection alter all 4*ertain. There is not, i 6toi ‘k assessments to haml iu until his by U are left aa healthy a- if they had never pear *t a session of said Court, then to be boidvn Having tuken advantage of the low prices that have 1 tielieve, an Orthinlox woman on our had tbe dtftcaae. at the Probate 4 Iftice, in Ike Village of r»t. Joktis, .M A 1 kit I A I. elLM'UKl. P<»h pile of diicnta w ouhl no longur till a Veter aad A*we i» not alone Ihe con ­ -.od -bow cause. If any there be, m by the prft) r r o| platform; there may t*e, hut 1 do not , pint cup. lita felt in hi* hones that the petitioner should not be granted And It Is prevailed during the pa«t dull *eaiion. we arc propareil to ri»call one Jiiat 110w. Now x\ hat can sequence of the una>mati<' |hhm)u . A great further Ordered, That notice l»e given to the per 1 Great Western Hailxvav ’ l ate, with a big F, was after hlin for vanety of diaoniera ariao from it* irritation, Sous iutmaltd In said estate, of ihe pendency of | Buildings fomplete OF CANADA. offer our gootls we do to get the suffrage movement out t his uufatherly comiuet, but he deter- among which are Vearal«ia, Hheaaia- -Mid |M-titlon, and t|«< bestIng thereof, by exits rg of the ruts, and ba*e it on universal mined to die game. W hen th»* Min*;' Siam. Veet. Hradarke. BliaSeew, « ropy of t his order lo b* puM.stud lu the diet on >*%Hw»:W Atlantic Exgresft j 4- a. iu. (Hun.lays With fork.'or apftd#, or aborrl. ment of Ihe Stomach, all of wlttch, when Included|, fr< m f»t OH 4 rftiWMDft II. State of Uichigan ourselves xvlth the struggle you and a XX'e are m .king i q>r< Ult. .n the in-x'iutaL'tnie Ik ST Pullman Palace Car* through'o N.w York THAN EVER BEFORE. Imaftoa that the----- mittent type, or become periodical. This County of t’ilnlon. s*. At a acasion of thx on thia train. few others are now making for free re­ Vm being raifted around that li. y»* 1Probate Court tor i he couaty ot Clinton, holderof round and square lu' a for holding water Any ligion, to avert the danger to our For hit aol# bcnedl , "Cnt" expel* the poi»on from the Mood, at the Probate office. 11* the x lilac, of 8 t .Johns, sir**, from 2 to o bsrr» l» (’.‘Otraets will be made Bay Lxpresx-t Mt a. in f.M.t Third »treei A nd though he Lope J for h#tt»f da> a, and consequently cure* them all alike. It la on ’1’huraday, the ‘^Ath day of October, in th.- for their dellvety x* xny rail toad sta*|ou in the Istl) [Bund >) s rx.-ept. d | e Ju a. tn foot Brush schools, our constitution, in fact to y *arone 1 h>.u*an.i eight hundred and «evenly six . H'Sle. , •treet, arriving at Buftpenatun Bridg« 7.ffi, New Th*> didn't eotne a bit. an Invaluable protection to Immigrant* and i York 12.341 P to- Boston 4-ftO p. m. [»ok nt our £1U Cnssimere »Suit^. freiKiotn In all ilirectious. Though I Thanksgiving morning dawned at l>eraona travelling or temporarily residing in Present Joel II.IJrsnson,Ju.lgeof Probnii . In t Is.- matter of the estate of ,los#ph hueebel. Hu If« In l: x preaa |S.Z8 no n. fo..t of am not well enough informed to xx rite the malanoua di«trirt.v. If taken occasion ­ I’blrd street daily ; Hunday • excepted J. 1ft 00 noon f/jok at our SI- All-Wool Suits last. No goose, no oy-tera, no celery I*> e-as. <1. On reading and tiling the petition, du OUR DOORS the articles referred to, yet 1 w ill xx rite —nothing to make the day memorable. ally or daily while ex poke -1 to the infection, Iy verified, of Joseph l.ehrwsn, Adox'nistra*ot .*1 1)0’ Brush at reel. II >s attached Pullman's Draw from time to time on anything sugges ­ that will he excreted from the tyttero, and said utile, praxlng lie tui) he licc-n*e tired liin th. )m ii kiln-dri-dl i her A lr Ll t*e through ? »atd .'state. claring that he’d like to see hiinaelf Thereupon it ts Ordered, t h.»t Monday ,t he 1 ith and we will warrant them in »-vet) nap«vi. | u.tnsl Bridge,arriving xt Huff.Joat ‘Jfi p. tn. Look at our *•*> Heavy Overcoats. which I read regularly xxith much giving thanks; the mother lied a wet ripen into dieeaae Hence u la even more day of fieeeniber, 1X76, at ft <»’ciocft in the 1 You will llnd it a gres ’ aaxlnc by j r Hex* Fork t'.x press—4» ftj p mlootl Third pleasure. 1 am busy Just now writing valualdc Mr protection than tore; and few foienoon.besftsignedfort h< ht arti.g of oaldp. lllior. pHfr !! fore jrti» 1 ti x street Sundays, scented]. 0 00 p. fBrush | Uok nt our Beaver Overcoats, i toxvel around lier head aud xxent lo will ever ruffer from Intermittent* If they and that the hors at law ot said drca-ed, reel.arriving at Huspenslon Rridg. 4 00 a m. a history of the suffrage movement; Pu.lrnan s '-.*st H’.e. pit g Cars oti this train i bed, and the fair daughter with a avail thctnAcIvi-ft of the protection thia rem­ and all »»lh. t pcfftoti* inter.-sl* J in aaid cCstr V. It. A B. W. IMVIX l/ook at our Si Extra Quality llat when that is done, 1 intend to look Into ; are re«itilre«l to appear at a fteesion of aaid through to Rochester and Horn. Ilsvtlle. , wrecked mind slid dow u the banister edy afford*. Trnlnft arrive nt Detroit from the l>x>k at our 1 — lo. Canton Flannel the religions ami their effect i*n wom ­ and cut holeb In the hall car|*et. I roart .ta« ntn b«- I, olden at l he P to bate Offlr e , to an'* condition, I have no objection to For liver Complaint*, an-mg from torpid ­ the Tillage of .ut.Johnssnd • bow r att*. ,1 f %ny t h« r. k««t 7 00 a. m .ft 30 a m . ft 441 p-m.. ft 30 p. m. The mill* had ground and the gi Ut ity of tbe Liver, it l* an excellent remedy, he, wliy the prayer of the petition, r should not be Through Ttckrtft to all points K*»t by Look at our 25c. Bed Flannels. he enrolled among vour correspon ­ Rtimnlating the Liver into healthy activity, granted And it is Further Ordered, that notic ­ this Popular Koute and Bleeping Car aeeomrnod* xvns ready. Fate xvas to knoek things tioni s.-cored bv telegraph by applying to Look at our 25c. Shirting Flannels. dent#.** endwavs around that house that dax . and producing many truly remarkable cures, in'given to the persons*ntneaiedlo ftaldettate, Surely, a new day wouhl dawn for I of lire pendency of *aid petition and tbe bearing TIIOM4H HHOHM1, Old Ugly xxent to the barn to esti­ where other medicines fail. thereof by raaaing a copy ot Oils order to be pub­ Agent DnM.BK.Ht John* Look at our 75c. Watcr-Proof<. women, if only a thousandth part of mate the iiumler of niauliugs the mule raEFAmcD rt lish, d In tbe Clinton independent, a newspaper I Vt . »«. IIItTH , Western Pa-aeuger Agent. Ty>ok at our S2 Black Beaver Sacking. them were a« wise for themselves as could hear up under, and this Is what Dr. /. C. AYFH A CO.. Lowell. Maas., .rioted and elreulatedln said eounty of Clinton, j this true friend is wise for them. t'ractUml and Auoh/Hcal Chemist#. >. r f<»nr suer. «alve week* previous 1 e> sai l day lx)ok at our 25c. Heavy Kentucky Jean**. hamxened to him : JI of hearing 1 Johns Marble Works. KT HO IT .V|ICftllCiA*"~i*ft.lft S. Tb* mnlt had pond*rt-d o'#r :h« *-•< AND 84)I.D ALL ROUND TTIE WORLD .1 OKI. II. C K A N*41 >N . -I ti'ljr.i I Prot-sf * I) And hxd niM* It pretty clrwr (At rue ropy ) KK Look at our 16c. Plaid Delaines. That hi* hiod fe«*t w#r< t»»i#tok1fli *A silver cornet band has h4?cn organ - tionatbodr tb* ear j^T. JOIINH >MOM.4Tft. IIHDI M. BtateofMlebigan, NOV• 27 t k i IH74J. T/ook Rt our 30, 40 and GOc. Black Alpaca, •ame as lied at Muir. . Count) of Clinton, •*. At a aeeatonof tbe Cotilturther notice. Train* will ieaxe ^sint And fto, whan Lgiy w#ot to maul ProbateCourtI for t he Count y oi C Union, holden Johns as under: wax sold last season for 40. 50 and 75c. A six teen-year-old lad recently broke That poor foraaft«-n mala, I at t he Probat e Office. In the v Hinge of ij; .Johns, 5- L. TOWNER, Proprietor, GOING W KST— Ilia d#aih-b4ow cam# with awful for #, FOUNDRY j on Tdesday.tbe 14tla day of November, n tbeynr Through Freight at < nj e. m- out of the Portland jail and escajanl. Ua didn ’t «r*o howl. AND nee thousand eigh t hundredandseventy atx Mixed at *^S Grand Kapidsooly. Z. P. Cros-man, n leading citizen That finished him. As for the wife, j i’reeent.Joel l<.Cranson.Judgx of Probate. Night Kxpres*. with sleeping ear. at n:.r.7 ’a.m SI e bad auff#r#d Ion# with h#art dla*a**, Agricultural Works. In the matter ot the Lstate of Roxana C. t for Grand Rapid* and Grand Haven. \ fi ll i.ini -; oi and business man of Howell, dh-d on A nd, a* aha lay in b#d, i Trumbull, l*eeesse.| On reading and filing the Mail at 3 30 p.m. for Grand Haven. the 1st Inst. Tbe w»dt w fall -* auddan jar— petition, duly verified, ot Thomas J ft’oodraso and St. John* Accommodation arrives 9 40 p. to. And th# aarranta found h#r dra -1 Mill tirarlng mat ufa-t m-c to old. r Ard K Hmith. praying that an instrument dxt-J Mixed, for Grand Haven. Mondays or,! t 5 iu A new $1,500 M. £. Church wa» ded ­ Her case being disposed of, grim Fate I August 2|st. lfTS, ma> improved and admltted to , ro ^Ladies' and Gent's | Stsasn Rnglses stulali Kind*of Maebln | probate as the last will au# ftil aXftwskw tv I»AU i Jja , JrTOp. .C »crs. beasstgned f.»r the hearing of said petition,aaJ AI A II 111 .1 j Mail at 1.90 p tn. for Detroit. A* dead aa ah# ernld be - that tbs heirs at law of said deceas Mixed at 3.4# p.m. for Gwossu. Underwear & Hosier y seven graud-parents living. Thatchild Night Lxpress at 7,ft7 p m f. r l»ctr«.n ailb Nothing being left hut the mule, Si. Jshss (haptrr, \s. 13, K yj I and all other persons Intrrested in said « Jl are liaxe on hand ard for aslu the largest at.d most sleeping car attached bat a good “send off ” on life’s Journey. Fate slid dow u t<» the barn. __ y re.inired toappear at a session of fta.d Court .then complete stock of Marble ever brought into this Through Freiffht liiiw p tu. Sore* kiod:y baod an ear of errn Ther* will be a regular Convocation of At..fob ns ^ !f T* ‘ c* COH'tlv, acd at pilceft that drfit competition Mr. A. Beck, of I.auslng, has^made Had Icwfted th* huftfry be run. Chapter No. 43, k. A M .on th# follow ir,g dates H| John* arid show cause,Ifaoy there he,why lb# DAY K\PKESS- R- ' will should not he approved And ills further Aa^Tbroucht tickets to all points Fast and an assignment to Wm. C. Kyle for the And tba mule be tried tn gulp It down Tuesday , Keh. x. 1174, Tuesday, Aug 1,1(7* tirdervd. That not lea beglx'tnto the pcrsonsln- FLANNELS of all Descriptions. Without chewing in Ihe leaat ; •• Mir. 7, ” XX #st can he purebaaed at the Depr.t “ “ ihi. “ I terested I ns*Idlest.xte.ot th-pendency of the hear Hirer,imp Care on alt A ivht Traime. benefit of his creditors. Tba eoro it waan’t on tb# gulp. “ Apr. 4, •• «* ing thereof by causing a enpv of this order to be Monuments, There has Just been placed in the And in Lla throat alack faat. •• May *, *• 4let 31, " published In t he Clinton Independent a newspa­ Refrcshmcuts at Detroit. Owosso and Orand And man and wife,and raui# and glii •• ** is, •• Nev k*. •* per printed and circulated Insald eonntyof Clin­ Haven,and upon f*otrpany's Ferry SteaBieron I Alpacas and Fancy Dress Goods, l’olie#t#<1 were at la*t. •• July 4, •' I>#troit River. Comfortable hotel above ,|ep<.t , State fish hatchery at Fokagon about ! " Dee. to, *• ton.for hut .yecesalve weeks, previous tosaid at Grand Haven. And the sheriff sold the house and Bv liftnr ■ os vits ll P day of hearing. JUKI. II. CKANHON . a million young lake trout obtained at C. I’.WIl KH H.e’y, (Atruecnpv) J a-ige of Probate. CeNNecrioMS-At Detroit, with Great West-’ law-umower at auction .—Detroit P,ee ern and Grand Trunk Railways for all points Milwaukee. Pret*. Tablets, hast and Mich.Central and Mich. Southern R’y. ! Embroideries A Ribbons, Clotbs A series of monthly temperance meet­ 81 . Johns LoJfif \o. 105, K. k K M. ItltTf. 44«l. N (LL. — Default having , Passengets for Greet Western Railwav. go on THIX.S WOHTII KNOWING. M Or any t It mg In m> lit.-. furm»hrd at the lowrtf theCompany's Ferre Steamer et 1>. A M . R ings under directlou of the Woman ’** There util b*« ar-gTilai < . vt i Ht. ftftortgege, 4 whereby th* power tliervin contained Uriny rate*. 1 have workmen who understand Dock at * 40 end a m. end S-ft* p m. Two tea§poonfuls of fliifflj jKiwdereJ Johns L'xdge, No loft, F. A A M ,on lhi follow ; t* ked baft become op<-ratixe.) executed bx J »epL and Casglmeres, Ladies* Cash- Temperance Union, are to beheld In their hmoint •« and no slop notk is allowed to 9. R. CA I.LA WA 1, churcoal, drank in half a tumbler of , tng dates : 1 Urov# and kltxafteth hi. vtf« and Myron tv. Urove ieaxe the shop. I have alao *«-< uud ti e aervxees of General Superintendent . Ionia durlug the winter. Monday, January 14k,t*?* Monday. July 2.1*7*. ; of Ports, Montcalm ennaty. Miehiyan, to Anson Mr. Bcstcl, who has M-rtrd aonxc sixteen year* at water, will often give relief to the sick February 7, * •• •* 31 | Gilbert (lx w decease d x. late of P:IM, Gnaeee* the t rad**, ami rank* second to none on fine earv George Heydlauff of Muir was trii*l | March i. A ug c<*anty. Michigan, dated the filth day cf Ifsrrh, tng or lettering. Parties who wish anything of meres and Sackings of all kinds. headarhe w hen caused, as in nio»t cates April 3. 4»et. 9, j A. I), eighteen hundred and scv*-nly«two, :»nd n- the kind will plea*, give me a call before purehas ts CANADA SOUTHERN iu a justice court iu Ionia last w eek, it is, br a stipcrahuodanc** of acid on the May m, l corded in the office of th* Register of Deeds lor lug t-larwber. 'J'bey a til And it to their Mens' charged with selling liquor to minors; .lane Not 97, tbo (SOUnty of Clinton, in the Htat* of Michigan,to____ do ___ ao._ |,n, . **i *» iir< th«ro of powff treat- K All. BIA1 LINES. stomach. D«r.9ft. March ftxh, |H72. lit Utter 25<>f Morigsg*s.on paye« tmrmf, xrheihci th. \ l-uy or not, and shall hr Floor Oil Cloths, Hemp and Ingrain Carpeting. but the jury failed to agree and George Hv Oisiiomii W M and kfi, and not recorded In M»oic*liu county, nl<-*ac i at all ilnxr. t Lamps become iucru-ted inside w ith ; upon which mortgage there is claimed tobedua, P •c«' you Kimember ror The Only American Boute through Is happy again. C I* WJCl" H.See’i work is ell r,ni«hed up ar,d done arremflwf/ to settlings from the oil, and ordinary at the date of this notice, the sum of twenty • three roatraet. 4% r da list aril you a fife Canada. On the evening of Nov. 27, J. K. Jef­ N ehtp of Dvtd. on or about th# ;gth ef Heprem ' hundred ..nd forty-four and dollars t pL3t4.« fowl monument wssd deliver yaw m Remember tlmt we furnish patterns to cut Sacks, : w ashing will not remot e it. l ake soap ­ IS), and oo sun or proceedings at taw haring lien j) loot aitr. neither have tar bad frey’s baru, at Rome, burned dow n, l>er la*t, one yearling Ileifrr, horns turn In and lop lust itultd to recover any part tb« revf. cxcej t that any stone refused far want af ual Short and Quick Line to the suds and fill the lamp about one-third th* mortgaged premises were advertised f< r ash' Water-Proofs, Basques and Over-skirt* for every pur- its contents Including a span of horses, n little, spotted white a tv I red One yeerdng Hirer bring goad mark and according East, via Buffalo or full; then put in a little sharp sand, red, with little wbilson the belly. Any pee# >n Saturday, August Iff, l*7tj, adlourncd to August la t anirut l. Itu' • sonl iot»< wlaels»tifV chnco of three ilollar^ and upwards. wagon, hay,grain, etc. The team w as returning tb# wxme to me, or fnmifthtng auffXetent fO, 1X7'. aud erroneously bid by set-nt of ntortgs ctcnt. n«u»cmbrt'hi Niagara Falls. and shake rigorously. A few minutes informs*ion a. to ln*nr* tlulr rveoverv, will be gee and deed refused on s'teh bid. Notice is there owned by a man named Haddinnott. suitably rewarded. Information may be lell ut fore hereby give that on NalurdB), the. A 4# f, It .4 It / S. NO ct HI I S, G. W. STEPHENSON & SON. w ill remove every particle of settlings the oAc« of tkla paper. /7th day ol January. 1*47 7 . at 12 AIK j./vj :, ST K KI. KAILS. The Jackson Pattis* say* : Col. Shoo- ClIRtHTtll’IlKK o'clock noon, lahaJIseiint public auction, to the Wade's Old Stand, It is kald raxv egg* ami milk are a highest bidder, (ante to take place a, the front maker, of this city, was a member of Ovid, Nov. letb, )H7C ft2«Jw* I’oftt 4 tfflr Dim t ronnerHot • made at DETHOIT and sure retnetly for poison of any kind ; door of theClinton County Circuit C<-urt IIoum , “IM TOLLD4) with all Hallway Lines Irnm th* the first legislature that met In the I’rnbate lo lb# vilUg* ol Ht Johns, l^llrton eon nty, Mieh..) West, and at llnffalw and fcitapmaiai. taken into the stomach. This is infor ­ S' the pr-miaou contaln.'d in su<*h rr»«r»gaec, (or m, € oni AND Ul V ! I’M. present Capitol at Lansing. He is also Court tor Clfftton county. Not ice ia In-rrby Rrtdge with Srw York Central sndKrli Kali THE mation that may do a ileal of good if given that all claims and demon da agaia*t Dftxl.l much thereof as si all lo nec-eaary lo ratiafy the wax a. s member of the last legislature that 1* Hush, late of said county, deceased, will he re­ amount Inc on such mortgeg* , with Ur» |mi cent L. TOWN KB. Prop ’r. The r**s*r>gtT Kqulpinet.t of the Canada Hanth remembered, and can not possibly be ceived and adjusted by the Judge af IVit>ate of interest, and legal coals, together with aa attumc) Ht. Johns, Ms Hth.lft?* 4«ftt( ern la unsurpassed in the country. likely to meet In that edifice. •aid eounty, et ihe l*r«i>eie office la the villas*- of frr of uuc hundxvd dollar*,oovenai ted for thereto) J — productive of any barm. Fafte it in Ht. John*, n said coenlt, on Ihe 2*ih day of I Dec­ that is to say, the loiloning pier* or parcel of C. TURNER fit SONS, The Canada Hoatbrrn ie gvogiepi.lcaily situated John Lewl«, 74 years of age, who has your scrap-book. ember, |*7S, and the ??•! day of May, 1*77. at 9 and ftiloate In Clinton aad .Montcalm creutiro. an as to bo able to offer a targrr Met »*f route# to o'clock on each ot aaid day* ; and six month, from Michigan, vis: In Clinton county : the North-west ‘ •rlect from than any of lla competitor*, and bring been in Jail at Adriau cm a charge of| ihe date of IM# notice !• allowed credlior* tn which (ra<‘Xional quarter ot scciW-n sis (S) In toenvhtp the last ..f th* t*rva; Through Llcea eonstmeird, adultry with the w ife of Robert White­ to present their claim* for adjust merit.—Italcd V»- erect: (7) i^.rth of range four (4) Wot, containing combiaaft all the modero appliances foi the safi ty A fexv days since a "inooth-ttmgued xember fj. 1*7 *. one hundred and »ixtr-ulne eo In# acres ol land, and romfnrt of ita pa ror. #. side, of Cambridge, w as brought before individual called upon IVBert Bliss, JOfcl. 11 i'KAMBi.N, more or leo> ; also, la NteFsIm county , the soath- Ticket# on sale at all office* of cor nesting Mae#. ____ Judg e of I’rotair. ncel quar'er of the south-eft*! quxrt.-r and ihe For any Informatloa addrees Justice Lamb, on the 2bth ult., and of Xllet Tow nship and managetl to sell south half of the sonth-weel Quarter of section W. K.MCIR, IKANK X HNOW, )HOSAT»: SN Dt.K - State of MicbtgTu eight (S) Intowaehip eieven ill) sort)) of rang discharged for w ant of suitable testi­ him a lot of leaver and other tdotha, lu count? of ClietOD.sft. At a •...ton of the Den'i Maesger, 4>en’l f’a»s 4 lick A*t.. Are (ft) moot, containing one hundred sad twenty ! ______DXIholT. Sewing Machine mony. patterns, for which he gave his note. robot* Ooort for t he eonntyof C’linton .boldea scree am ne .•##*, according to the 7*. N, «orx t y at the Probate office, in tbe village of Hi Johns, tbereef.- FMnr. <»ctober 2fBh. MTS. On Saturday last Chic*. Rogers of After the sharper had gone and Mr. on Tueedey, the Ifftb day of November,tntheyeer UDBKItr 1‘. Ai rkfcN. M >rt(*Kee. one thousand elgh t hundred end seventy six. i A-lmlnUtretor of the Retnte of Ana n Gilbert, Buffalo, and Jas. Howe, of Rochester, Bliss had time to more closely examine Present .Joel if ,4’ranson Judgrnl Probate . Ike.-cased FirstNationalBank self Threading ahuttle. In the matter of the estate ot AMY K. rrF HT JOHN*. were arrested In East Saginaw, his purchase, lie found that he had CHAPIN, a Minor. On landing and filing the pe OfiCTCiAf.0: Mil. — D'-fauJt having charged with having robbed a store at been taken In and done for to the tune tit ion, doly vevlffed, of Henry if ferrlw. Uuardl* been mad* In th# conditions of a certain in IINDGRT4KERS, en of eaid minor, nrayine that he aaay he llcnied M t»f a cert i CAIMTA I,. lAO.UOU Self dotting Needle, Mt. Morris of about $500 w orth of of about twenty-five dollars, to aeil rani estate belonging to his aaid Ward. nterv of m *rtBBBPKP ge hearing date the nineteenth Surplus. - (10.000 Thereupon it le 4»rdered,thal Thursday . tbe 5*tb day of May, A D |a7ft, andexe-y 4n Oliver M Hidden, of Bay City, Hay county, and are now prepared to attend funerals <*uber (n JOHN 11 li KH, Vic# President , Tbo dead body of Henry Kauidian cardboard and canvass, for fancy xx ork, persons interested lo eeldestate, ere required to Michtgeii. parly of the #e«.-u<4 part the rtto. a bich tbe village or country . We keep a good assort, H ff. WALK KK. Cashier appear at a session of eaid Court, then to be hoi- mid mortgage was oo the nlne ’eenth day of May. mentof of Bay City, was found in tbe river at at J. Hicks A Co ’s. den at tbe Probate Office,! n the viilageof fft Jfohns A. D l*7ft. ot 11 q o'clock AM, duly recorded in the «>tP<-e of the Keglst, r of list dv of Clinton roan Dl reefwro : Never 8kipe 8titches. Bradley ’• mill slip Wednesday morn ­ end show canse.lf any ther* be, why the prayer of ty, Michigan, in Liber .IS of Moitgag.s, on peg# Ready-Niidc foflins on hand. Csmirkirr. Ami II Whim tbe petittonorshould not bo granted And iris Fur­ Jobs Ups* Josiab Crrot ing. Ranthan was employed as en- ther Ordered, that notice be given Vo tbepereons 173. which sai-t morgage was cxece:e«l as store New Years tall aaid to *«eerr a part of tbe pqrchaae price of tbe 411 calls premptly nllendrit • • ff.erai N V?*iirr Oftloe* vJNf 1 sf «* ft 4»i-moii Aviv, i>o|a- 4»lt. gineer In Sage's drill house anti has interested in said estate, of the pendency of said either Bay or tsl«hl. to* petition and tb# hearing thereof, by causing a vraises 4esrrll«4 in said mortgage by wtiieh de ­ copy of tbia order to be puhlsbed In tbe Clinton alt the power of **>* In mid mortgage contained r.,.. .. Rcc# and sell exchange oa all been missing since October 22d. Foul Chas beoorn# nperativ# aud upon said mortgage I ,B ** mtlM Tbe public ere invite* to «ltew4 e Feny Independent, a newspaper printed end circulated points, deal In Uold. Stiver. Canada Money play was suspected, but hi* money was tn said eonnty ef Clinton, for threeeucrcealve there is now claim*d to be due and unpaid aftSe date at thia notice for principal and lotereat the United Plate* Hoods, Ac , Ae. tfrretve deposit* undisturbed and there are no marks of AT weehs.rev toes to said day of headse. •unt of three hundred sixty-eight and 40 | v do) M. V. BROWN. Agent, St. Johns, Mich. COLEMANS HOTEL. JOEL H. CKANHON. Judge of Probate, MEAT MARKET tn the violence on the body. A lad of sixteen * A true copy). ______447 «w lore, sol tbe further sum ef twenty dollar* a* a Greenback. reasonable at lot be y fee provrded and stipulated made tbe discovery and will receive l>BOBA1■ATE ffBaPB. Plate of Michigan, for In aaid mortgage Should say proceedings be !• atfllnn the upward track, set pcopk ■•affar Kneeing, Jew. 1, mi, XT Coo nty -of Cltuten. se At a aoooion of tbo taken to forecioee the a«me, and ao proceedings hod the Nest of Saw Department the award offered —$150. Pro!sale Coatrt tor tbe Cessit of Clinton, bokten having been bod or taken either el lower equity Ofsumea* small as one dollar, on uhleh tbteie^ M«4< by Coffman A Rkhnsftd . lend. •t tbe Prebate Office. »* tbe YltHge of fft. John#, to recover the amount now remaining ine and ua The Lansing Journal of last Thurs­ en Ttftaodey. tbe t*xh dae «xf Mevember.tu tbe year petd and secarod by aaid moiigig-' or any part Frfhhs Dried and (Sail Mm In , atth* rateofflre per sent per aafttsm la paid on j day, says: John Mortly died on Mon ­ BIU U K F.COLtMAH, Prop r one t Hones nd eteht bondred and eeventy eii. thereof, notice |a hereby given that try virtue ei . . tb# first day* ef J«oeaad December, as all sums Preavftl, Joel If Crooeoe, Judge et Prohete. the power of **)# in aaid mortgage contained, tne Ao heretofore, and It at-..l be my farther aim to . , EBY A BESLEY, MONEY TO LOA N! day evening, at 9 o ’clock, from wounds le tbe matter of the estate of JOBN ttl!*LN- m»d mortgage will he foreclosed by a sale at nub l*e means «»f boat serving my caetomers ,|| of | pvavlon# to tbeac dele* the ■ r I^Tnnd rdfiird hirifii Krrvi a^rfid BP It, Dee eased lie vr-oduc xo the htgheal bidder ef the rremiaes whom will plea*# accept ray vtmsM thank* for ,*»i as In tbe Bering* Banks of the Re stern j BLACKSMITHS, >r th« received In the Marble-farm tragedy. On reeding aad fftieg tb* petittoe ,de»y verified, therein described a? so much thersmf as shell be thetr klnl anff libera! patronage In lb# paet, and I fftntesand ettjee. ef Bewlaed B. Vanffeoy, Administrator of said necessary to satisfy tb# amount An* and snpatd *»••• by keettaggood meat* and dealing alike to A Post MorUm examination was held. #•*•*#. preying that be may be Beeneed to eel! real apoa the aaid mortgage wuh Inrerrst, resit ss4 ! mf 6 wc^’ 1 H iD *»*•- MTAchool Dtatrt.ts «n this sn I adj dblt,, . wan In J. Stitts’s Old Shop. EJUITAELE TEUS7 COMPANY eat at# beteagtag to sold Sec eased . The wound on top of the head, from rbarges_aHowe4 by Uw. inc'ndlrg »s! 1 un WM BKHLLV Ueedeetrlog to procare maaasto bnild bonaeshy Thereupon ltd* Ordered . that Tharoday. tbe tStk on rrldssy , llse twenlt-lblrd An. tbelsseeof bends, are deelred te commanfent. ON XX F.VT WALKER HTRFFT OK Skf I.OMM.N which the akoll had been removed, was day ef December, | fe'etackln tb* ftr.sonn, wf lebraary, A* B. IffTf. et ten e'eb><\ Mi.Jubae. Mar. h fed. IftT* 174: 1 / b# aeetgasd tor tbe bearing of sold pet it to a, aad the l withas. filled with pntrid matter. The blow ia the toreaoon of sold day, at tb# Weal first door Am I refer* d to I nil! peypev tbell following price in Cask for M* ments b) Msrrlsgo remoTed back of tbe heed and inflicted a scalp- Blocks ef tbe___ It le further Ordered, That notice be given to the atedy, surd mortgage premises Msi nifts'ed In th# * «dwhich *pi«ar«l la. * rf 5»qu**t«l llo rail »nttuji to couple carl! camplUbed Their ll«liui» th- Gratiot Jo.mrl of Nor.M, In which ; J,D„«rjr, 18T7, ».. .1.4.17,.1,444, andmut the highc-l,highest, 4,467. | mission here w a. purely nier- Ladies' Silk Ties, t-iuned by l he pari ini failure of the | calm county. The « otidui ’tor bad h#*en It•- I - nnder-tood.... t lint tin*... Rc|>iihllt'aii« ... >bai Id Link Mg. For the Holiday*. ♦ugiir l*e»*t crop. lookingug for Juat .uch• uch a tuisbupmishap ouon ac- I |luVr »^4Mi 6,600 on the »tat»* ocuary. And hi doing till* he refers to - The lumbering businessbu-iiirv- in the .'count of the elutnay manner In which ticket, mid a good in a jority In the Log- 1 the letter* w hich he Grave-/ jeerived ... , , . _| a r«i: Uv at fro,,, M. friend. the , burch on Ih. „* W?"M "* ll1 pine wood* liaa already «ouimeii«*eil, j the iinfortuiiate young man |>erfortiicd FANCY GOODS, evening previous to hi* departure for H X^wtion to the fact that our LADIES' A GENTLEMEN’S and with good Weighing, will be ex-I hi-hazardous work. TAUtHAiai, Ha.,6 a. a.--fount Juat ! the east; and how they were opened h^*<»R I.Ahlke ANK ! IIM KRLN torn* of fever, tit subject* for the next centennial I he g< kk I w lfe averted dig 11 «nu t In Pot 11 i nd "of \ *» \ . charge* tnada In •ahl article. Mr. Grave* limko tin contract for delivery of New Variety Store, her authority, plunged our feet into hot a Knii l.iiu «r exhibition. water, wrapped u* in hot blankets, 2^*: “ We learn that the building erect­ •ay*: iiuv aiiecitiod number of feet, hut j ed by L. \N . Hill at Fugle station, and I'n r-in iwi. Fa., Xov. 2b, 1H7«. will loud nil tciunn applying at I 1 1 A vpiiidl Beaver Sackings, — Mnoe tin* uward* lute Im^*ii made and sent our faithful nun for a hotth* !Vo. CJliiiion by the leniennial C ommittee-, the pi­ Of A* Kk’a t'MKRRY I'Ei IdXUl . It I* a occupied l.y him for some time a* a .1 ,\,r. It. K-t,.-. K>q.-/var Bto.:- |Ay |M.r thou-1 Cassimeres, splendid medhdne— pleasant to take, store and dwelling, w.i- dr-tnoed l»\ ilour- our- wwas us received this morning with -. ..- 9’ -. -*.* •- * I Wk m ano maker* are going to leave It w ith In on Saturday i,ighi last, i !"■ build* l*"' artU le from the Gratiot J i m«hhI l«st t*-i nauinij. u I .nn tint _ M OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, RepellanU, &c. and ilid the job. We slept -mindly tile lawyer, to decide w hleh i* the la**t through the flight and awoke well the lug wa* ownet! by Mr. Hazleton, and titled “ An Incident With a Moral, ” pnvnhlc in Lumlicr from Saw Mill | VERY CHEAP. I K1UK V AMO Wll>4 lliatruill*llt. next morning. We know we owe our unoccnpleil. As there had been no tire |encloa«»d. I am greatly surprised, hut (when Lumber i- then ), work or quick recovery to the l'cctor^, and in or ala.ut the building for sometime will proceed to correct the mistake of — The annual election of officer* in the Are I* *uppo*ed to b' the work of some one, not to any Intentional libel nmlerida from Fieton 01 iMirni-1m,x |,AI'K,{S 1 ",l'a ,M,X ui,nartU » •hall not he.itale to recomcnd it to all t,m. WA.rnna H..I, ------K\ VKI]IvKH r.V-nil\i'J' •*t. .lohus Lodge, No. in.*., will he held who need such a medicine.— Tehunronn an iiieendiarv. and slander. And Ar*t I wish to say ture, Wagons, Bob Sleighs, or any SHEETING at their hall, Monday evening, I*ec. 25, (7r/»T*/ Rrtskyterian. that tin* .statements of the article re­ giMwls of our manufacture tow LRB. VI TOGKAHH .U.ltl MS AO c*„U. and of the St. John* t hapter, Tuesday fer roil to are utterly /oUt. New for the fflOICE BOOKS 25 cents. .listtei. t’ofHT. —The People t Mi­ Dki . 7. —Of late thieve* have been faets : After holding more than thirty PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS 25 cents. evening. Dec. 2t>th. plying their vocation in thia vicinity, meeting* during our eleven days *tay Si. Johns Manufacturing Co. ■, v SIX CENTS— — lint a few day* since *ixty men lan Gardner, o( DeM itt. Assault and VASE8 In great variety. having taken alKiiit 40 bu-hel* of w heat in '•t. John*, I was *o exhausted as to battery, with intent to kill. Thi* is John*. Mich., Dec. .*», l*7r». WRITING DESKS, C Jood Overoon (k were diudtarged from the Lansing di- from >aintiel II. Park*, and ten sheep forbid my opening the letters nr count- concerning the affray w hlcli took place from Mr. Myron Nitrgents. They uiuat j Ing the gifts of money the friends had WORK BOXES, vl-iou of the !.. S. A M. S. railroad. — — Prime brown cotton —yard w id< — ARTH LES OF HUOVTERIK. FOR $5.00. The gravel train lia* ln-en taken ufl and in |b*U itt alamt election time, and Iii be lover*of tea, tor they broke Into Mr. kindly given me, after the late hour 6c at J. Hick* a Co ’s. GAMES of all kinds. which the defendant Garduer, J. W.I{«">|**r'* "tore and took seven pound- of closing on that hh—eil Monday the section gang* reduced to two men — Germantown yarn, all shades and HOBBY HORSES, Remember that we make a ... , » i ...I . i and a c»f cotton cloth. night, .\tter getting iiim.ii the cars ^I r. TOY WAGONs. SPECIALTY or Fancy Goods. and a Iho *. .holding w ho keep* the hotel,/ and Not long since a suspicious looking Lcland and myself, hy the kind per* I<*dnrs. 0,>1\ In.* an ounce, at '•tephen- — Congressman Conger insist* that ILcury Morgan, were the principal ac* individual a polled for lodging with a mission of the *lecping-car conductor, j on s’, . In fact, everything to meet the wanu ol tin* tasty and careful buying. We tor*. Morgan received several severe certain lain if v in our village, w hldi j went into the state-room, and with - Another reduction in the price of have taken great pain* to select our Fall stock and do solicit from you a care­ Id* brother ui«*iub«,r from tld* Stale, knif.- WOIUI.J., nml tianlx-r Ulu|.|«ar. * fl'icuiilfr ifrai.ljJ, « Ii.ii I lx- |.r.v- . l-.o.l «... letkn mi.l ex- ful ln*l>ectloii of our stock, feeling as«ured lean oft»-r you Inducement* su- I* not a Republican, and for thi«> reason , , I prietor asked a neighbor to come with atnlned them carefully. Many envel- men and 1m.\ *. overcoat*, nt Stephen­ l»erlor to any foreign market. Your* truly, J. HICKS & CO. objected to him In making lip the com ­ ,$al and could not be found until I riday , |tg„n a„,| \* at«*h over the new and . o|»cs had gift* of money and no notes sons*. mittee to investigate (toliiieul matter* last, when lie w a* arre-ted In Detroit *trange guest. Everything was quiet, j at all. Others had note* with earnest Anew lot of Toy sand I amv by Detective Baker of Lausiug, and The oldest Inhahltaritsof row ler have word* of gratitude, but no signature; suitable for holiday presents, at Mi** R. R. EffffOm in the South. brought before Justice Adam*, on »wr IWbre witnessed such a general I while oilier*, with expression- of grat- Ihr independent — Dr. VanKrevelcn D now at the • , , . , , ’ ,, religious waking upa* ha- ticeii con- Unde and eiicoursgeiuc'it, were signet] F. K. Ttickerman ’s. Gibbs H oii -4-, and from w bat wc can rta-sdai , for evammation, nud li11a 11y , ducted bv Elder Maynard within the by the names of dear friend* we had — 1 he finest «tock ol millluary in I'rihlitbrd tor) Thur..).) , b> Ir.rn. I. I.„r.llv on.lor^.l br H km * i **»• loth* ...... »>«> for hi- : I..I Kkportp .r learned lo tore. Each letter vm i town, cheap for cash, at Miss F. E. COIUIIT At KHTEH, wkokava mMc.... . kte •W.-|*PP** ry,c* *>«• l*th. for r “------fully examined and rend with profound Tuc kerman'*. A*D LCI.AM), i ll*, love and gratitude. Our hearts were THE LATEST NEWS! i cntiiT. mm >. imi iNmUm . Those who are sorely afflicted should 1.4 tM.l l ISIS. greatly encouraged in our ble*sed w ork — Fight dollars will buy any man a The People r IVin. D<*lge. I call oa hlai. Th« People t W«. Uodjt. L»r.. The Pittsburg lhst»ttch of Nov. 2*, by these letters. And the design o? Bcui______i III ] H»r- —Grr.t_ _ rri I net ion . In the price of t ImUii of Walla. after reading the me«*agc: “The end l»eforeJu-( mi on 1 w day lattTTd rawing to a cloee In the Fourth Aven* tant to keep, Lpnt Into the-1<\,. n«,t 11,«* i, ii,.,* irj-nt ’s and children’s under ­ THE GREAT U*ii* .•4%lng Ht. John#, L»#t srxl W—l, will w hen he plead guilt} ’ and was fined **e Baptist church. Rev*. Grave* and wood-box) of the aleeping-car, w hile j lot* u follow* : 1* not yet.** wear at Stephensons*. Going K**t l* Minis Ml PM; Going West J.J* »25. Iii default of which b« na* on- Le,* n ‘l. 1»II'1 "lei.i-rlv.-, out for other. «err car.fiillv liamlcd to our and H 110 P. M — Albert Bogardu* of Ovid, w ho lo*t . n ,, . work in all direction-. At 'fount wives for |»eru*al and the cheer of their —1(M) piece- of comforter prints, only • iKPICE UOL’HH-7» A. W P. M tdiced to the I etnnt House of oi rec- Washington they held a union meeting heart*. We havctiever received or S.mJtO 19 00 to 1*0 P M hi* barn by lightning -ome time last pe- | sixpence a yard at Stephensons.' Oku A WKLI.A, I* M summer, had hi* d welling house con ­ lion for 60day*. jof churches on Friday. On Saturday rused letter* with more care or giati- A full lino of ladies' furs, from Peoplc r Rice Aruett, of Bingham, id^bt they Addre-sctl the colored tilde. And we have never visited . . . , sumed by tire ou Sunday last, while he Uni Palal Cadcinl*I »*. A--ault and battery on the i>er*on of of the city at the Grace place w here the dear friends in the L.*>0 a set, up, at Stephenson* . himself was in Detroit. But a ainall A c'uapttltir* cuniMtioii of r*odld«t*» for lb* , . .. ,p. ’ . * Presbyterian church, and on Sunday churches and outside, treated u* with —Another lot of ladles' beaver sack* POLITICAL QUESTION ,MMl CndeUhip la Ihrt'mird Huio liiiuarjr portion of the furniture w a« «aved.— JH-. i.arkin*. ihe Dclenduni wa- ar- afternoon they addrc*»ed *ome four- more consideration and love during juat received at Stephensons ’. Fully Insured. raigued before Justice Adams on Mon- teen hundred people in Dr. Gillespie’s our stay, and on leaving them in St. _ * hanrlif me litw» ft* i A *d(tr j nt Went Potni, will be b*ld nt ih« Clljr dav and trle K of Lu*ina. on tl.e fourth *lny of Jiouirjr, 1*.7, *• — Tw o girl* of Lunsingburg, X. Y., dercil a verdict on Tlietday evening of ‘“«,of Sunday they-poke in D. Pi«r- that we highly appreciate all thi* deep 1 lh^ bo»«l6y», just opened at J. two o ’elo:* p. m Applicant, nmt b* reatJeoi* «*f tbt. Confnwlintl Zi**rlet. Unit t. not !e** have made a novel election bel. The ’ * sou * lourth Avenue church to ovei n our liearts. Hick* A Cos. FINALLY SETTLED. loser i* to walk a certain distance from giuitx . wbtrtopaa tii- I i } Row congregation *. Many ii t» Yours, in f hrist Jesus, — Great inducements offered in w in ­ lh*a I?, n»r more that. 99 yearn old —not lew than and costs, making $29.14 in all, and , been added to the churches, and hut fit* feet In KHfKt-mutt be physical I jr *ound- one point t«i amulici in i bat t<*w n . clad , «• A. P. Gka YC s. ter clothing, by J. Hicks A Co. -,lU. j, i,, it,, i . i in caie of default in the payment of the died* have been revived. I Iii- w • %rvj auai put a MlnfKiory eton.nation h« *>r« a only iii Ih i %toi $*Io . nnn i fiiio* } . ('loupa tfip of IMF. I’It i:s 11) h. vr *s YKIH6K. — Tax receipt* neatly printed on . ... twenty dav- in the countv Jail. 1,., VV ‘ raeemitt- and so- Mie President's me- ige wm read iu jmm.t’e to he appointed for that purp^ee. ese. How ever, no one i« to know w hen • of the ablest presentations of trutli n* •< good paper may be had by calling at or OKORGE *1 DCBAXD. A- w *; go to pre-s a case i* before ^ ex|iectef|. I.a*t night *omc «coi* congress Tuesday, and owing to the Krp *th (Jonf. 1 *»•« Wtrli the thiug is to be iloue. lateness of the hour in which it was addressing this office, at low prices. m ► - — — We understand that arrangements Justice Stout In which John Austin is stoo*l up for prayer*, and a large nun. delivered, we are dehared from pre- charged with having a**au)ted Abram h* ‘r arc ^dng mi/ded to the churches. Firm Foe Same ,—120 acres, 70 acres — Tin- bc»t photograph Album* to be have been perfected by which parties ______renting it to our readers this week. It improved, good orchard, good outbuild ­ The verdiot of the people is that nad for $1, D at Einmon* ’. C n »nk. Is unusually britf, and Ksrti off with may ship expres- matter east by the A Model ^tove .—Messr*. Jewett d a general confession of Ignorance and ing-, log house, situated 8 miles north — A motto for young lover--->o-!a St. Johns Accommodation which lea\c* •H KIM. Ml IlklAHt IV U\lll. Root. Buffalo, X. Y., are, without failure In trying to fill the pre-iden- and 2’^. miles west of >t. John-. and no father. here at 7 :15 iu the inorning, a- well as The litymrr i>f the 1st, *ays : “Uii doubt, the mc*j»t successful and exten-! t* a^ f-’^sir. Mr. <»raut -ay * that no ad- Sijzox T. Hill. — At. exchange hm it that H. B. II. , , , . . . iniuDtration luu l>c* ,n free Trom mi*- b\ the regular express train. Rut all Monday night last the residence of W ■i>t. .nanuf-u'.ur.-.'..f\...eri- uk„( |,o lc«vi-.,-..u.|«rli», “tohL — Go to Kellogg ’- for a good Buggy -tand* for “ Returning Br*aitl lUfM.’’ RAX HEAVENRICH -uch matter must be delivered at the ( . Bennett, In till* village, was \i*ited ca. Manufacturing, a* they do, the tory, claiming that he has acted in or ( utter. — A handaonie line of Good* at C.’ole expre-s office on the e\eningprevious. by two burglar*, one of whom \arietv and nio-t d*-ircable every Instance from a con*cientbTu- —Call and see tlie New American i A Holcomb ’a for h dlday present*. — The Gratiot Journal of last week entered the house whiU the other |«tleru., llivrc U not . .. huol Ji.iri. t »° do «1'1»> » »’, Ujjl.t with-; ^"* 1,'!.“51!'lbJ“,0'* “l. .mv Th€ people of Manistee have been , t ...... U„..u.i vir i... lun f .1.11 i ! in the law, and for the be*t intere*t- It i- truly a wonderful machine, w iiaie*s thatinni theme store oiof James.iam*** 11 lies* HmtclMKl wU^‘de. Mr...... lia.... Ben*! |mn any stalemmic butoui whatnuhi mesethese gentlemengciiiicuicu ,vfof ||,he)e wtlAwhole|^ tMAnu th'ci - f*nf- -. ure# 54600:tf] Iff. V. Baowa, Aft., St. Johns. iSTur. rnjo> ing good -b'ighing the pa-i w e» . ilealer iti merchandi«e at nett gives u* the following particulars: . are more or le-s repre-entod by their have lice n error-ol judgment ntn^not . Great Reductiox in the Price oi — Complete f»tock of blank l*o°»*, 1 St. fx*uls, was closed on Monday, and The lir-t intimation of the pre-eiice of ware*. But a few days since wo pur- i of intent. r» Mfi Btomm .—Bead the follow tag ket memorandum*, etc., at Euiiiioi Ui. current rumor U that h* h.» f.llrd burgUr* ».» h.ltulatc. thr w urk of the 1 ' ' °®fr* d ’'Mr. L. 'I lh«.l>t tin- ...... i i... irt. intnw rr...... ‘/uctlonofthetateiUve Mai ' r,n«i«. of _the old and.rellabl. auc Y nil Uao «»f diaries for H4., | or a C least)* financially embarrassed, • wakened about 1 *. th© presence dealer in thi* village, md "b<* intro* t|M. reduction of tb«- nubile <1. t.r tH b|»* work-: Stones 3’._. feet high, for' l.tnmoi)*'. but the precl-e condition of his affair- m»iiiv one in her slee]>ing apart* . duced these -rove* in till* and Gratiot 1 Increase In trade, the pledge* of'con - grown (M'nple, lettered and *et in base,! — 1 lie radical friend-ol edm at im» art 1 m-e no t generally know* n to the public nsent, and at once ant up in bed and in- county, and w ho ha- sold a very large gross to resume N|**cio payment*, ami $18. Stones 2 feet high, for children, uow grunting over their high tax* !a-\ef. quired If either of her sons who-Dpt number with most -ati-faetorv am! the Indian question. On nil the*e l**tter*H| and «et in base, $5. These nearly four per cent. ; —IV#-not h^* by the o$id ii+jiaUr of ; shove, were there. There man no rc- cheering result*, for there are now a j a/readv^wVlY^krimrJI^V^He prices are les* than what the rough! material would co.*t tno*t d»*ab*r*. — The work «*f laying -icei 1 #«l- '*<•- |a§t ||,R( n,o \uf#* of Norman K. P*J ‘» burglar selzeil some cloth- goodly number In use w hich were pur- public. ||e ^ay- tlic n*Urioii- of ill!* —The New American Sewing Ma­ 1 ween this station and * v" * ,m'; Allen, a* well a* that of John Barden, !d»>ff »nd threw it over her head in *nch chase*! between twelve and fifteen United State* continue to be friendly, chine is the lie-t in the world. It nev ­ idly pregre-sing. of that tow nshi|>, have “ left their !w*d ;i manner a* to stifle her voice for the years ago, nml arc now 1 long to ami Hf> speak- of tin* centennial exhibiti<»n er -kip* stitches or breaks the thread, Clothier of St. Johns. — Rau -oiii PIuinstead wa-iu !w* D land Ixwitd without Just cause," etc.— J moment. A* soon as shu could extri- apitreciated tu much a-the old spotted and the inter«’ l and fueling there-♦ running ba< kward*or forward-. S«*lf-! iu manife-ted threading Shuttle. Self-M-ttiiig Nee-j Tuesday . He wa* looking well, and j|f J(l coM ,lrwirj. ^|nl€,r comes cate herself slit cried out for help and j cow or the family arc. all of w hich An extra me-sugc will be «<»ii| to die. Run* the light#*-!, make* the appeared lo he in go**l spirit-. | on, w ive* find thing- decidedly too cool springing out of bbd follow ed the r*- ensures profit, contentment ami iiii- t ongre — on the question of extra­ leu*t noi*e, ami i* the um-t durable. — Theuext Episcopal smlal w ill ba I a||j more agreeable sit- treating burglar to the kltchcif, where j bounded -atisfactinn lo the general dition. which lately arose bet w «*c Great Acknow ledge#! to 1»<* the Imi-- machine. held at the realdence 01 8 . 8 . 11 »lksrt j mikmi, the pointed licr finger at him (for w ant i liou-ewlfe —one of the fine«t -loves Britain ami tin* i 11 ited Mat#-*. On the M. \ . Brow n , Agt.. St. John*. •object of fraudulent naturalization l’.sq., this Thursilay'/ evening. ^ —Theo«lore, in-lead of < ha». Uurtis, of a revolver; and told him-he would found in their extensive cata" .gue, and expatriation the prc-ldent invite* « OX qtn cot BCII,. — The Lzmlslana Returning Board of Victor, a- print«*d hy u* la-t work, sho«»t him dead if lie did not g«*t out of entitle, *• t row uiug Glory, ” w hicli the earnest attention of f ’ongre-- to tin IKStltl MSI UNO. As a result of this announcement will lia\e to throw out 1U,U0U vole* In ha* recove red the oxen which he had the hon*e in a moment. Ilu did getn.imeb indeed verv appropriate f*»r necessity ami wisdom of •omc provi — OUXCIL ROOM «T .10)1 N^ urder lo give the* '-tale to Uaye*. ion regarding uniformity on the rec- f>am»4i( I)»- «, tsrs. 1 exchanged for a -tolen horse, mid w hlch iout in a hurry, ami together with hi thi* combination of rare Ih'huIv ami ri r lU i nn*f, *• 1 I mIIM |r ot«l»r t-v 1)m — A young lady in thi* village thinks lord* ami certificates of naturalization hor*e w a* taken from hi* prrmi-e- hy pnl -tarred down Mail) -treet on Hie uoefQ I radjust- to pro\ i-le ag.«in-t it .md-. ami to a**ur« rrestJtm. prices on Clothing. Dry Goods, ’tD sweet to l»e watched over hy a Mr. Gray, it* owner, without the a»- run. In the meantime Minnie, the able pbni-bed copjwr rc*ervoir,* d the prot# ctioii to the honc«t voter*, -fc kill lriwtet* fv* (f, IIofVn#i . brother—of her dearest friend. lie recominemU the consideration of KuSoti, (ukilvpor atid JlcUiU r- n , -l-tance of the law. St Tlieo. i- again daughter, alio »( uiru'o ot U.i mt#:iny **(r^,*n4-ri ■mbm# J., hMWn ■ ,h, „,;ll . , . , . . , . . , certain claim* by cougrc** or the ex- Fancy Goods. Hats, Caps. Gents her mother, had ln*cii executing the a-h pit, large feed door, take* 2*1 inch , ccutive departments of the government, •ft'ioxl S|*eaker of th If4»u-e, by the |n*nnH ,rat- that h* will clear«*f every travnptie shrillest kind of -creaming, ami got w (mmI. oven * rutilated w ith heated air, instead of hy claim?* commissioners, Or*(ytino]i ui * CAin* ic Caucus. meet* hereafter. the l>ov* aw akeno*) and hastily dre--cd. large oven and warming closet, and l*cli#*viiig the present met lual of -ettl- I Ur toiioMinj ftoi-ount# mere p«^n>| hmU rr/« t r.-i to tLr Connutt#** on ( Aim* via . and Ladies Underwear, Notions — Mr. Fraud* E. Sellon ami Mis- — After nn ab-ence of between four One of them started for deputy sheriff upon the whole I* an ornament and ***£, {'^‘Bns to l»e unsatisfactory. Martha Kelley, both of Eagle, were f It M SloH ...... «10S (W and live week* the hunting party «• H- s. L*ddh-, wh* «wrt«l In I«ir- prm.-makrr iu any I101... I10I.I, «u«l, lu.Vrv”."'^^..'^ '!!x "mHiiun ’/l'n'oxl •• It m ...... a*: married on the 24th ull. H M Sl#rl ...... 30 ‘ii l listing oft ha*. Kij.j., ti»hn 01*d*toD(, ...... I 00 wall for the cards he ordered printed ('has. 11. Eaton, of St. John*, and E. poaroJ that (lie burglars had first eaten g haa many other very dc*lreahle pat- j e,.| ***',* lo prosecute work •' Huu. Kipp A ...... 2 <2 ** St. Johns MT(- tV.,.,..!...... 5"C #1 at this office some weeks since. Paine, of Duplain, returned here on i a l»ie, then stolen an overcoat ami «»oine the bottom. — A box of good writing paper with urn » ,n ,0* • •"*" an'' hr*,ln « : input's '7ro%itln}\onK nTil}*hf£SZ. | ■ rrr>»T. or »Ta?ioii«o coiiirttif. Tuesday. Their buuiiug grounds were ' other wearing apparel and Mrs. B#-n- stove*, from thi* Company, w ho stand ufacture «f small arm*. — I h*> CofnmUlM* on riotoia reponrit hocV oil envelopes, for 14c. at Einmon* ’Jewelry The appropr iii{Ogemaw loiinty, near George's lake, nett ’s gold watch and chain, worth at the head of all m a Ull fact u re rs of i iallons for Ihe lust named have been of tho fpr«(*>in|r orrountF, Fsrept that sf th* St and Book Store. 22 miles from the J. L. X S. K. R.t to $125, ami on going to the barn sto\ei in thi country. The name* of Jnllrr, Jr ^adequate during the past John* Manufartunnf Coty.pany, with a rt—'rrnif-n* allow *4 hp th* Vnari — Don ’t purchase mil of ) our holi­ w here they killed 26 dei*r«. Mr. Lin- R w as found that ths thieves had been Jewett A Root are a familiar to every day presents without first examining to a it urn tier of recommendations of Wlikh r*poit *m aii'-pu*. mon* killing the )ilghc-t number and there l>efore they commenced opera- child in thi* country, a* that of “ Old i the secretary of war; among them to 1 h* Coinniitte* on Ftr* an* Water rMoniurcJtd the beautiful stock at the milliuery Mr. Abhv the lowe*t. No serlou* ac- lions in ihc house and had harnessed Dog Trav.” transfer claim* for supplle* taken by that tlic It ar*l purthaM 2S0 feet of Rubber Ilo**, rooms of Cole A Holcomb. from Commisaary cideots are re|K»rted. Mr. Bennett ’s horse ready lobe attach­ SOHTII 1*1 i.i: % • the unnv, Ihe getl- flYF-pty. with capped «»«i* atiloy of Me**rs. Dunn «1 Upton, doubt, of taking the horse and buggy 2*»th,« ortland Hill. L-q.,of thi- town- of ait annuity fund for the families of °° OMtion th« moimnrniitlnB of lb# Comnlttn St. Johns, Nov. 30th, 1870 . dlue on shoemakers turkey—cmlfl-h— as salesman, has recently made ar­ together with w hat they might gobble ,ur * ‘ a! t,"‘ •*' ’bool- de#»easeil___ J$___ . officer*.. , vm huJ on t h* tablv on Thanksgiving day. .In • llie_ Iioum . ___TbU nlc«f programmeon ! house,Ameruiu on 1 pm>pl«the urttgre-* durtne iu.made rntt bv’cln* the I hf______rrnort of- .iio,tmo«t*r~cxc»* of o. »mi«i th. rangements w ith Messr-. L. S. Reel — Those wishing work done by the wWld doubtIm bun cnM out ulTyilfowV. Vt .hi-J-mittuUI • SCui-™ mU? I ' “ COU',NH- V"h«* C'”‘ Merry Christmas and Happy New St. John* Manufacturing Company, A Co., to fill a like position. Mr. But­ ler during his brief sojeurn In our but for the unfortunM. (to them)1 exhibition. The I ,30,743. Ji. th.rdiiittd'nmw MAHltlED. A Fi CM! Year. should attend to it at once, for they alarm of the inmates of the house ne- *w,,| »ii»g. an* H*® * **' 1" to '> •* for the same time being $30,645,115-- midst, ha* earned through his upright­ will shut down about the 20th. Hl UKOlrt-fcLI.IB-At the I’nrln H oom , In H i ness and rare sociablity and gentle- —«*-• 1 SttSi, H»r-1 Jotiti*. N->v. j0>h, 1S7S. by tit* Rev. T. II Cary, A HANDSOME STOCK OF Will the Clinton County Agrl- Mr. 1 ►*»!<] HiurgH lo Mi#* L la gilt*. ho?h of ,i b|»unlj beurlttg. many firm frl.nd. wh. f*"tb.y h»d full, .ccompll.hed their low of thl. pUr«.< born ">*•'« on. „Wblt «ill pmtronl** blm uh.nover I...... •*«'*>'• A* H W.. .her b.d to hoof It; hr the jolemum.rrl^evow. lhe PnMrn g t ..J «* attention of BKI2KE-W’ORDKN-Al th* r##M#n«# of the lOfUfntiOQ i*f Agricultural i n * , fJ|/nvr| tf j(i — - formomenlaca of aafetv. Mr. I.eddlck. L * .* m,, nt, 1 till. Iri ; Onirress cannot be too earn«*a»lv r brldv'a parent*, Bengal, Mirh. by tbv Rev. T H. Therefore, new- fortome plies of safety. Mr. Leddlck, ” * ahitnrV^nfVia^flr Tw o VV-Vr* 1 >n* r* ti too earnestly called Cary, Chart** C Bit*** and S'vtllv E Worden, LET EVERY PERSON IN 7 *1 Jackson on the 14tli instant. ■crompante.) by T. J. Moore, followed thc Empire S.,te, put fn » filing «'r‘5,!!!!’. bolhof Hoe heeler. — An American lady ciu dre-- nice­ trade will lie brought to Messrs. Reed er *nf#*guard over Hie method of choos ­ ItfM-heeler paper* plea** copy. SIST UPON A PAIR A. Co., hr thi* new and Important ac- ou their track. 1 hey ran about 5 nules appearance here not many days -luce, ing and declaring the election of a ly In Paris on $600 yer year if she will to Mi. Harrison Stanhope’s where they A Mr. Hudson, hailing (if we are COUNT. wr president. Under thc present system ha content with six pair of stacking*, cession to their business, which thev correctly informed) from Lansing, re­ j'M hi: lot u IIOXI* WITH cannot well fall to observe The ns me ^ • *P* U of horses and each one ...... there *eeins lo be no provide#! remedy a bonn©tt and a belt ribbon. cently purchashed the Parker fnrm iu Pleas© aallMidsev our slot k uf of Butler I* a true lnd#»x to prosperity ,no,,,lt,n « • horse took thei road again lhU v|c|0ny, and haa already removed for contesting t and very the emnbatlcailr election earsof W. J. KHL.EI IV YOU BUT YOUR — Please call and see our * ,.Merlptjone *1. lished, the Lansing .fomrdalsays of Mr*. •ociely, and is second u> iioue found In lb* beet Flo were e rv1 \V(,uMet i M reache«l this po.nipoint anuand e,3, a pwny|«»rt.v oiof menmet, unvisgdriving a four- . n|llfll J «Bnc afternft ’ thethm exniratlo., ^ I| lelhslo the westi,world. ae4•#, t»e way teerew Wsoi aBISta CALF PEGGED SHOES Marblt; “ Some twolve year* ago -he like town* In till* State. ’Tlie church Just in time to lateroept the fi<. Jwlias| lyr— t—i, —pposed to be en route t rtxei, U|M,III rdsise*4 Is well patronize#! and sustained hy was living In R’atertown.f ’llnton conn- •c-oibimm I.IIoi . wblcli tb.v enterol, ",T ‘,ln;ri.1,’**T 1'l",.r,'5hll",*H1 T,nU "■" I corning t«» thl* countrh to Imtoiiif citi Vleb *# Viorel OaKbr. quarterly. 9* rest* e ) *>*r. the best citizens of that MH-floti. The tv, with a former huslmnd, the father and rode to Fenton where they leG the suits; Stopping at Mr. llaDtead ’a, they # U * ro ‘n their own Vlfb '• r.’owef end \>»ftaM* (tenter., JS rent* in uf young C hapmHii. < s«s- ' -ch .ol- »r. i.. a proaperous condition, tr.ln .nj ll i. »ii|>p.*^.l t4K>k Mm. other ! to sl.iil » horw*. hut v ’''I" ‘r'' Ij.r r«|iil.llr Ad4r<-««, JAMk. tlc2, eMbMArr,*. T. pected a criminal Intimacy between The luilMIng erected and lately owned BIST till DOITS 11TOII HOLIDAY GOODS hla wife, now Mrs. Marhlr, and a fsl- b) l|r* w- fn,, » * nort Probft ’,,c lht> residence of Mr. Iliram M’eatherbee,1 HOLIDAY 600DS. low named Stead, anil one night dis- were safely Iu < anada a few hours la- wjlo lire* some distance west of Mr. t>vn» IrsMa.—We take the following covered the two locked up In his ow n j * lth It* «H>nu*nt*, totally eonvuined hy ter. Ilslstead'a. thev exchanged wagon*. — from the Remitter of I>ec. 1 ; Georg#* $6. ' R. GOETTE’S house. He flre^l through the door and «•» Saturday, 25th nit. The pro- 1^ Grange, from New York State, was We have the facts In relation to the ^ rom ^mith N.Hihlrcth, they cabbaged Plain and Fancy Candles, All Hand-Made Kip Boots, d# with Rarritj) roneiettng la pert ef wonoded Stead, after which he took I***) well Insur *1. and the origin- ... , . . a half hnshel basket filled wltii wheat arrested here Saturday evening last on of the fire remnin* a mv *terv with tlie Pur,u * frotw a part of the pnea*c wl»o) l)riTfn|n|pt And from K. I*. Ifcmghton a charge of forg«.*ry. He w ill pmbahly Sugar Toys, A m aalsae lisr wff Awsrlraa hi* ow n life. *he next marrle#! a man be taken to New York for trial on a 93.80. Watch*## Diaarr, Tew aa4 In- citizens. returned In charge of Mr. Stanhop** ’#; ^ took a set of double harness, en- A*H # frwfc »*4 eoyverb etnrk of SlvISaal feeler#, rsMalett Tew named Fowllck, living near 1 psilantl, - - - horses and for other reason#. The1 tire. Passing w’estw nrd to IVestphalla, requisition from Ihe Governor. ----- On Sric, Water Pitchwra.IBwtier Dish­ Monday afternoon Mr*. E. White es- ft**#, Alba#we#, Wwl trucker- and after much trouble the two were PI.R: %*r. rn toss tsta f %psmm. Sheriff and Moore continue#! the pnr- they rohh^l a clothes-line liehinglng to toss tsta r tp» . Igiterlff and presented her hushaml with a hand­ C >oiiitM*iioii€*i*y WoieTi Kip Shoes, $1.50. aid Plrk#, very Seel re Me preeewte, t be»c divorced. Then upon an unlucky day Ml Mh . DSV m MfStrattfly r^»",,-|ault and it l* barelv ftoaolhU tk#r mtr 1 ?!r‘ #•$•*• afilTpil I kettle I nun eo##»e line of Clerk# Iw every style and b»r.ljr il.-r mxj „r B.1)f,f..f.rn. some nine pound t»#y.— Mrs. fiirtl* mu rna hout >ayb . Alee, a eieHt ef variety- Rc mem her • hie: Marble manrUr ill Th. -U* fur I mi fin* — Among the black walnut trees TsheseM et KB FORM IRI< KH Call •#» «# RfaNff $Da$R •• aRffiBBR •«. rlng- and seanjlal* muhipli^d until Don't wait for a personal call; J. G. WATKINS and very sharp at the point, and unlike United State* tienrion*. and Me-«r*. purchased hy the St. Johns Manufac ­ any in either of our cutlery establish-! Perrins A Baldwin's office was filled turing < ompany on the state agricul ­ iKSWia.Tiwffarash1-*' — - ...... tural farm is one which ae^le#! 4,144. *• co«ttb* strangers. ” otarsY, ments. with anxiou* applicant*. NEXT TO TII POST Offl« Ils HALL OC COe at Jwhwe Xev awfc. ITS rtouB tor lata "i Rrtollto*. powerful enough to bear the respsrwlbility A Bspuhll— Paper nn the “ LnffU- people of thin oonahy foot lo face with the latter*i foil accidentally dropped nu AXI ■OUIIMOLB. w tlasaar of this new reU lliou against republican Bilt Change In the Nsgm Vnte.** the simple question whether the United off, and immediately afterward M. That lacoaparaM* sntl-d> spapiic cordial, libel 1y —Chifmyo 7 Wf*r in H<>utU Ciio IIqi bv G<»v, cry. On being taken up, it was found with salt, |»rpprr and powdered sage The IhaMcrtUe Prwlnat-A bonUUng very oon*ciualiou* Republican* is iu the dictates of his personal will and pleasure rs*) .("HUM b wlib a drait-c of prompituds CUurntorlain inti (H j, Huger It rrcog. that he had sustained a dangerous tofoi e buttiug iu tbe oveu. The gravy •BMzlng Catarrh, Chroala Ca­ chaoge of the negro vote. The Republi­ The House of Re presents!! ves, fortunate ■mat gratify tag to the victim ot tudigeaUua. nizeti bv every nUional citizen in the Deranrai. wound in the chest, the steel having should to mifb* of the drippings as in Tbe eradication of dyspepsia by tbe Bitters can* nave supposed, rather carelessly, but lv, is about to aaeetuble. Charges against tarrh, Uloaratlva Catarrh, North an an outrage siminsf republican the President must forthwith be prepared peuetrated deeply into the lungs. roast l**4*f —that is, thickened with ia, of course, accoiupan led by tbe disappear- ('••urasis, t. 0., Nev an perha|»s not unna ’uraliy, that tlie Freed- ante of every one of Ua multifarious and parMfientfyoaradfcy government of nnp*r*ltetotl enormity men would lie steadfast to the party and presented by the House to the Senate The Odessa correspondent of the browned flour. Allow fifteen minutes Tu every mnulv Northern Crenel, regard l’|Hio receipt of Gen Huger * order to puszling syinp orus, among which may to for vbdaiiug the law and his oath of of ­ Lccrifif Hera It l, Constantinople, credits to every pound of pork for roasting, mentioned as tne most prominent, heart­ lent of partisan aympathh**, there U a day the following reply was I named lately which gave them their freedom. They M*nt to him s have couutrd ou a deptii of conviction fice by ordering his M*ar Hecretary, Cam­ the war party in Russia with the most and serve turt applesauce with it. burn, flatulence, abdominal oppression after SANFORD’S feeling that It la not alom* the freedom of CoLi'saiA. H. C., Nov S. eron, to send trtMin* to Routh (Carolina for extreme measures in its efforts to —For chicken salad, boil a nice fowl, aa tug, *ud staking at other times, palpita­ representative government in Routh Caro and of |**rty attachment in the negro list T. H. Kntrr rommtodl&t Uslted HUte* which they have not counted on in the the purpoecs »p«s irt<-d In his order. MTitli frighten tlie Czar into *ar. Recently when cold cut off' all the meat anti tion# of the heart, water brash, vertigo, liua that baa tieen mmHiiltetl. The politi- true|M ia fco.iUi IruUsi: these there must also lw preparexl and pre­ sU-k headache end nausea. ifoste ’ter's RADICAL cal liberty of the American people —the while men who fought in the saute cause. this |H&rty disguised some hundred* of chop it, but not very small; chop a Hitters tone and regulate the various organs boar Sir—Wv have Just heard, through They have regardcoa majority of negro sented charge* against Cameron for exe­ their agents us Hashi-Ha/ouks, who large hunch of celery and mix with the supreme right of a Ns’ion to tie governed Maj. MHiinuU, oi your »taff, your «*rUcr cuting the order, against which it was which sa»iet in Ihc proceaeee of aealmlto t - by repre»entativev of their own selection - c'tuiiuuiikcatcxl to kr.,.', sprak.r uf I » ^.ur.ucc of . m» made a descent near the iin|»crial resi­ chicken, lioil four eggs hard, mash, ti< imilio .1 and evacuation, fortify the CURE his duty to have-resigned, rather than system agaiuat malarious lever* and develop is wmintletl by the bnytMiet* of a usurper thi* IIoum * of K4-1.reM.ul.Uvw 1, tl,.t ., tw.lvt. | jOflty of I,. |iu Mh .u \ 1 lie, «o,l dence. The ruse was highly success and mix with sweet oil, |»ep{»er, salt, liVWWX RiMMl Cn* m Cat swum Is a soCa, to morrow tlie uu iu ers elect from Kvlgi-tt* hi j grown ta> look wilh suapiciou and ui*tru»t execute. Similar charges also should in tlie enfeebl'd system fresh stores of in South Carolina in a moat vital part; Iw prepared and pnsM-nted against ful, for the Czar instantly gave orders mustard and a gill of vinegar. Heat vitality. In e(TU-a< v, o la popularity, they the freedom of a representative laxly to would not lx »Mowed ujm »u the floor of the upou every iu*taiice where such a coin for several regiments to come to shield this mixture thoroughly, anti just l*e- Mouse. To *ay that we are suiprised at tnunity givew a Denuu-ratic majority. Rut every Cabinet Minister who can be surp*»* any tonic or rtgulatlug medicine o« determine every question affecting the proved to have coun-eled or aided in the imperial residence in Livadia. fore dinner |*»ur it over the chicken. the age. ______n.ints! rsiton. Lo* ally stfllrd r***qr •» 0femnnnmua. ftuch *n order, after the . xplnu*V 4oii* and | j| [H uo ^ plain that iheve axioms of |H»lit- 1!, heal*, auu (wsMt* the n -sol pui&fM of validity of iu own composition. pl» dge* made by you U* each one of ua, Is to | icmj HrvUlut.ul ,mih| be reviaeii. Negroes preparing the order. If it can lx; proved Mo .ncvkk H. ConWAT, in a letter If done tofore, it makes it tough. every Mm of' heaxloess. obsireeilou. Uulu»*a. oc The words of the v«*oernhle William u»e wry uold la g>>ag« . w|«.i U»* outrage 1 that neither (Irani nor any member of bis to the Cincinnati Commercial, says: Burnett 's Cocoa mn.—A perfect dressing dtzx n« m. (onetttotioiisHjr aoil a ham, put into cold water for the hair. The ('«*oaiwb holds In a liq­ ths blood, purluee tl of tU'» act*l pojeon wKii e tilth It Cullen Hryaut and of Mr. (hrl Rckan of l m adsy last w » c.uuni tteo . lAsolas- la Mouth Carolina the nuiuberof such is Cabinet gave order* justifying the uaea to ** 1 have heard, from a source that 1 is alwajscbsrirtsd lu Catarrh, el In iat*»e* U»« Womsch, in.' of *riu* d .eutiurli at the • our of the anti change the water two or three uid form a Urge projection of deodorized uvsr and hhlueya, »«rfe« i# diffoetlon, wah«-* ne» unquestionably thesotor judgment small, am) they arc suhjecdccl tu great which the troops were pul at Columbia, have reason to trust, that the rumor blood, and ptnu.u the formalloa of sotind, h«*»lir./ of the lie»t men of the so-called lit-pub Mv.ust- of Ket>ie*> uuuvtn, wh.> d«-i .did up»u then every officer re* j anon ble on the spot times according to the saltuess of it. coroatiut oil, prepared expressly for this the adui b*.011 ol utcmlKia to Ihclr avals, and • cliutu from moat of their race. Rut in that (jueeii Victoria had sent an auto ­ tissue, aud Anally etSstns eoatpleto coairsiavtf tkl lican party—a party whose name at least for tbe conduct of their troops mu*t lx* Allow t»ne hour to every three pounds, purpose. dlsess . T)»s rciiisrhsbia cursilve powers, when all wlu’u Ui** provlait'U* of lh«-1 ouatituliou ai.U Louisiana, the prc*«-iii Returning lioani graph letter to tiie Emperor of Ger­ to tsdl it tender. When well done, other • ou rly fell, ©f iiurvtb's |{*hch imp to* hostility to an act that murders lie d«- nloD uf the Supreme lour wtrv has already ac cepted aa valid the returns put on trial by court-martial. If, under CVBB, sre nUrefed bj Who mr tefnl'y r« O- many is true. The letter contained l>eel off the *kiu ; lav it tm the dish for oinmpnd It to fsllow-saEV-rrre. No stsf< ment u its-is republican government. The words of t>roughi t.> your atu-nt on, y«»u distinctly aud of several parishes where the Democratic existing legislation, it can be shown that au earnest and solemn ap{>etil to the The Cm"40o Ledger .—A Urge popular rezardtoe It Hist cannot be swbstswtiaSo«l by l»*« luoR the former are: * ‘N\e cannot let U»e waruilt aivpcrlcd. again and ag-tln, lhal jour tbe President ha.- power, in tbe juilgtuent serving, the f atty sole up. and dot over weekly paper f« r fl (Ki ta-r year and 15 cents r<->:». ctsl'l.- and rrllobl* references. It is a great nnd gain*can only be explained by sup[Ki*ing Emperor to use his power ami influ ­ armed occupathui of the .^taU-house, old la Wire tnlauud. r» o d, lhal y>>U did of the Hecate, for what he ha* dotie, the with s|M»ts of hlack |*ep|**r. Cover for portage. Address I hb l.BlxiZK,Chicago, good ineiDclae, and worthy ail rwiSderf/. rscb that several liundnd negmea went over ence to save Euro{>e from the calam­ package contains * TreaUss onCstarrti and Dr tea and tlie act of the military iu taking U|n >ii out Intm d to i are a« utiui Is at Ut« door ot country must lx- solemnly informed of tlie the hone with a t»a|>er ornament, made lli.« or eaclo»e S-eeat stamp for sampla f',rd ‘slmpr.>ved Inhailug 1 ube.snd fall airerUonS I.>l the half, and that you h d list aud did n<»| jroui the lb-publican to the Democratic ity of w ar. From the same source I It* use In ail cases. tbemsi Ives to determine who shall con fact that an issue may Ixt intelligently l\v cutting a feather »*!ge tin a long frtNroao's Kai .icat , Crwi Is add t»y all wb^teeslx .ut. ud t aasume t • ide up •• l e legality side. New Orlcun* is full of negro poli- I have heard that a very remarkable stitute the legislature, pass without a pro. tician* who slumpcsl for the Ih-uiocrata, I made upou changing our law*. It ia the strip of stiff white or fancy-colored IIEVOI.VKK*. Cais.o*"* free Store* end retail druyirlMs K rou^hout lim Dinted Stele* «d any in..n't. aval, or upou hi* right to • ut. r reply has ls*en received by Her Maj­ U UA 3y.r»-sl v\ r-Iei ii (iuu * <.rks,l*Uisburrfk.Pa Price fl. Depot, WLLK.H 4 DuTTEIt, Boston. test of the utmost possible solemnity and ihc tali. !ou were theu u-«uindid by u* and ot negro voter*, who voted for them. ! tx*lief, we venture to *ay, of nine men p«t)MT, and winding it around the lame energy. We protest against this pro that >our guard revetted inairuvlvma out of ten of all parties that he has no esty, one not likely to l»e laid liefore d*»Wis aerk "slsry ensrsntee.t u>Dial«*A female H*Od l he fact of a large voluntary Democratic iu the sliajH*of a feather. The ham is ^ vxr«'»Mi|is»»t|» f..r|..r clrtclr« ulsrsulsr* K VIVI.H-allns. ILallne. (< IneliiasIt.O.IseliiMM* celling, not ouly in lire name of liberty (rum ouc Dcuu a, a cilisen and par- ! vote ia indisputable. such power, a* he ought to have no such the English public. In it she is re­ then ready for the table. and justice, but in behalf of the Repub­ il**n of U»»v. C hamheilala, Ut admit partit a Now, altlitHJgli It wa* rather difficult to power, hut the country must be formally, minded that a few years ago, when (IR (*• tC ‘if nt« Mtuiii.oUi Cuts fr-e r. —To cook pig ’s feet, clean them Eld TOr #9 S PON A < O . Ill M . S v. lican party, whose good name and record sar \ r[r ",u ruU,.m1'tt*- iu,r definitely and decisively brought to Germany was attacked and (tail to en ­ EVERYBODY ate brougiit in question bv this ream* t d.llltult, »fl. r it l.u and si-w or tie up iu a piece of linen, military force in a question purely im•]Iti- lic*u urgaiiizaliuu w a* cum pi t-Uid. luu aa- j happened. It is like one of tlnmc' me oijce, before another step can be taken or pressive appeal for |**ace came from ne/ 1»C p d for names of r< dents N * H. of 0. cal. Here is already ineorporaied Into t »urtd ua agaiu that auch »< rt uut your or chunicitl invention*, which acciii so aim- ao much a* meditated in this pathway, Her Majesty, and that the war w;is ami in a stew-pan with four a® beiid **•. 1> coulrsei. It Wrst. Chics, upon which just a* much progre*a Im- the history of our Kt-public* a precedent of uera. You were told by ns that notwi h pic U> Hit- uiu*w ol peo|de, alter aometiody j then prolonged by the continual suje onions, a little parsley, two carrots, s iUr si ttuiue M sir-<»r Eetnsle. W’e buy the or to COLLINS' us m-bttnii jf 4 nature at the art of Crotn- n«»w beeu made a-* in any way consists w J i .mple or 1 Hatred •*'/#<•. laV»-''' •» « n.< .c<>. rtaudmg the {h rp* tratlun of thi* iuvXpTvaai- el*c- lias *liown them how. Wc may all j ply of strength to France from En ­ two hay leaves and three cloves. Cook treU m>*«» he turned the ll iti'h d> wonder now that any reliance could have ! gland —just enough to prolong L1«mm1- »> • J « ' J tue t out of d*H>r». . . The usurpa ­ the right*ol the people, the evil* cuu.d a di been pluced on the paiu-an fidelity' of the j w ith our prosperity a. people.'* done, and nearly cool, take off the VOLTAIC PLASTERS. he reiuedb-d without any viulcuct or bloud- slied after the Iio |m* of successful re­ ti'I’V 'IV FOf St *10 i l.romus THKK. tion is pot marked with any plausible negroes at thd South. In the first place, linen, slip the feet in melted butter; AHL.1 I rt J vi A> N Vns 4 < o„ I t. . .. .I s pretext. It sweeps away every restraint »htd by the aiuipic withdrawal ut >uur sistance was passed. However, the VT*HF.T contain tbe grand curat!re element, Flro guaid 'turn the u« nai of usage ati 1 precedent ami law, amt *ul>- Emperor says- if my information l»e MV Ar*»’m ••not .Dill sr, c« . rw»s. r% tbicitt, combined with ths flneet romponnd ol maturity ot vote* U vide* all quaationa in to depth ot convictions and political ut- ! broil over a good tire or a gridiron; or, medicinal gurus tver united together. It therefor* stitute* simple force for the formalities of Washington , Nov . 23. correct he will not on that account WlUPJEiilM. II Ulllb) Dale*' Ani'IUnee* For aecurdanc-a with law and ihc u* gta ol Utchmcut*. the- negro ia warm am! I dip them in a batter, made of one cup . y seems Impoealble for them to fait Ia affording prompt ordinary legislation. 7 he JieffnlUitai* legtslalive bodiesbt»die* You a sted that uu ' faithful iu his personal atlai himails, but Gen. Rberman, in his annual rej»oit to fail to do Ills utmost to preserve the relief for all pains sod aches. part ft fa a rt potMtful enough in rotrtpari- of milk, thickened w ith flour, one egg Z . —- —• a 'V > Ut \k % lit' sim| r« f Kh K. troupe »huuld im at the dour, »u.i that uu- • bjM p^nu^nal attachmenla are not to a tx»- I the Hecretary of M'ar, says: |w*aceof Europe.** »Pej#j h »T I 4 P. U. Vlt hi UY, Aws-nsls. Maine. aon to the Opf*>aition to a us tain the rt-apon d.r ... *" “'•* I I Hit.I mlalrarti.HI, t.ll.ti . party, bat lo I and a little salt. Fry in hot drippings By the assignment of MaJ.-Gen. 8 SMS JO ai WF g “ F> Men I" -el! io Merchants. atbititg such tneaaurts.*' evpt'iity ol ftiioulUIbe peace, Hide OCluu1 ur affirmed ak Kfioub your de- ( LR■ * ©ninloyent,. neighbor» L. tuni, liasociates.J , ! INDUSTRIAL. till brow n and crisp. WV la IU I CUl'U.m nt'i^'nivlgri “ THE BF8 rPLA8 TER,” to the 8 u|x-nutcmlen<-v of the Military MM m w ■ W prntte* paid (.rm M r^c ■ o .St.LMSiS.M4 That these wortls express thesotor judg ­ Academy that institution ia made r>juid to —To roast a pig, wash and clean the Mt**ra. Wtrka & I\u*r, Gentleman, — PImm send teriulnatloa tu axervisc ao supervisory con- As M ll.iaiii I.ioyd t».»iri*on say*, “he is; me * ix < 014.1 xt‘ V oltaic PLaeTxna. *ond by retuiB n a month. Ii t.| and travellnr exprnara ment of the cooler ami wiser men of the trol what verovrr he boxiy ur bodies clam- t-ttallv concthated and easily intimidated, ■ that of ■ division command, and West Point O the coast in Sun Mateo County, pig thoroughly ; inen make a dressing [Mild to* «Mfr«»irH. \<> pe'l'ltinv. Ad- mall. I think they sre the best Floater I aver need. Republican party Utol there can nt*. iiU'llUi’i Ills injurit** arc easily condoned by should rightfully con-tllut* a military depart ­ Cal., farme.s are digging. j>otat<**s in of br»*ad crumbs Halt, jiepper, »ag*\ $80 are** Monitor Mamifz .« .l< Innatt, U. Please find money Inclosed. ment, *o that its 8 up*-rintcnd« ut, a* the HASKELL LEWIE. reasonable doubt. It would lie most un ­ Ail tnia occurred on yeaterday. i-a*t night, promises. ” M Ik u lie g, aud till* dcbtecluo* to the Republican {'a:1y in ! of Mich Colon *■ J- r, especially to order g<*o- California farmers are directing mix all well; stufi the pig and sew it in the principle* of republican govern -1 morning, after both boUic* were aaavmblad IHtWt, but lie i* moved by the Infiiicnct-* of j oSa i -y f— f v i. in i* . “AM EXCELLENT PLASTER." in l«.e t ails, y< u a»suieU tu n tiampum erid court#-mar ttal. to approve or disapprove more attention and effort to irrigation up; baste it often; allow half an hour Hi I a • - * * t- Meter*. We*ka a ffatar, Gentlemen, — Plesee send ment—among which the complete freedom ] the moment, junta.* they may come upper- I tu« D fln«lin'/a. and to exex-ute all sentences y If |y ( o, EOF Bruedsa' , New York. me another Colli**' V oltsic Plsstbb. 1 find tlM-rn lhal under uu ci*cumsl<*iicta wauld you In and relying less on Llm uncertain rain ­ for every pound to roast by an to bo an excellent !*laet«-r, — the nestthat 1 hsrt ere* of the repre-wtnlative body fr«»m any inter- j terftre except to krep the p are. What most in the creature of impressions. It not e*pe itlly reserved l»y the arth ’c* of w ar gy. In addition to it* wcll-cs crops. One g«»od soaking of a wheat- enough to cover tl e Inittom of the Lsoadwat , O.. July, LP76. ecutive is the nio-l vital—would in any 1 jU the lasuwn. u ol such «n Older aa tue one fought in our armi*-* during liie war, and tahllahedcharacter as a literary and acicntilic field where tiie plants are alxmt six pan. At lirst baste w ith melted butter, er i*»4.U Vy Ai-nu O.>*.•»**, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. wise seek to justify or countenance this }u*l aeut by you? Tuere 1* no bruaafc of the who voted the Republican ticket through s bool, should (> rm the rnotl< 1 for an army, $IJ; S25 . I*.. t..f, *«4 .'kraofc. t •'-t* I to monstrous executive Usurpation bv military mate, aud no pro*pt-ci of iu disturbance. ii,t. erisi* ot the rebellion, are already inches high is all that is required to in ­ afterward with the drippings. The ” —' , . a;,. .. Price, J* centa. Bent by mall, rarefully wrapc»ed, na and the habit- of th - you h trained therein ^4 fW,. i M rtt.tK'ffo toJN-. MiVOo- receipt tH ZV c -n’s fvr one piXt f< r *«*, or ai 'Z\ foC force. On t) e contrary, it is ouly reason ­ V -or e t<> the dre • AMPHUCAS P ULlfiilSG CO^ Who are its defenders * They are not' “The airgreirate force of the artnv now uihjii f* V« C* Is I 9 US' era - tiiey work |..r»sin ii a BTroan. Cos v ., t no *««<> 111... t i Mcik hati , O. ke* by wholesale dealers, or arc pur­ notes h\ way of conclusion, the d'.< <*r |-o*'k g ‘M»da amond th»t a nt sett, ln«tead of the sola r men, calm men. w i-c men, or 1 your honor a* a msu ana jour i at-, hr iK-niocratic negro vot« iu *ome |>v- I ,|.e SmiiIi. To l. gin with, Ui« fuUur.- ol i actively employed as though war existed. chased direct from the manufactories American custom of “turning out to acndi: g me a («*.tal .ard Jauiw I*,, Chicago. g(HMl men in the so-culled Republican tiuu u( hod iuUrnuiioB. 1 he Democratic ' . .. > ^ _ * , . . . . by large retailers, and offered to the th»* right.” One of the anomalies in »e hifHl < ' lltr it •• I.. I Ktllilil- u>.nl>o>. from Ku^viliid ud L.U..U. ... ,be rn.«' KEh T■hiseri'tti- it and //»-'<»rv. N«> LENTEN! EXHIBITION thut party combination is not {xmerful ■ to iu. lr ». -u hj the jua.'un ut O. oil over thr Naith, uid which were general officer nor at hand, wilh a part of of a wagon silting on the right-hand A Idrew.*• uO- - >d- »■*!-• iw^.k A lllhle l|.rtj»e,Chicago. It •• * t »-ter i».an ar-JT "th< r h«».*k One Agent Wild enough to sustain the terrible re*|b Risibil­ the t-uprciuc Court x*f tm* btstc, a:id we every where identified w itji the Hepubii- Home gentlemen who have !**en *4 c*'uie- In dar *- rnd f *r «M»r raira lerm* lo tlie army proportioned to the supposed nc- side, while he always turns out to the HAHTT critFD AT ROMX Agent*. National l*vnt.ieui xg Co .. Ocmgo. 111. ity of thi* imperial blow against repre haveadviaed tuem to retnwi . in mat ball | can Adtuiniatrat ion, could not but produce cet-sllv to maintain order and jieaee, w heretiy prospecting in the neighliorhood of v<, | iblirlte. T’rne eh' 'L u>.til rt-moved by y<«ur troops, that an issue general distrust of tiie Repulilican finny, tin s« ttlcmntt of the country may progress 1'vntinid Lake, in Nevada, r»*|H»rt hav­ •iglit w hen passing another team. It opium Term* in d'-rate. |,ii*tMtnno ENTERPRISE CUN*. WORKS. sen tat he gw eminent. Such men un ­ m«y t>e made iu tiii* c or ut a-sis. in-tin Dr f h Marah. Wulocy, Mi a conscious of the fact that a majority of and baisen the ties of attachment to it. and civil officer* b-i cnalil*-d to en'orce the ing found in the neighlwrhood of a matters not whether he is on the Aiucrtc n lath pciiUeim:, w ti« thc-r wu haw Second, the cause of Reform Government lrtws of the l nit«d Mate-. On the military broad, safe thoroughfare, or on a nar ­ •tari it.u In a hu^inr-ae y. a gov . rnnu-nt of law a* construe d by the place called Black Hock, two sptitigs NO Uiski a *>rrk at, .'Mit ca Hal. >*a*y TV* te.t It. uta—II. :W OVml ti.a •• tba ( I in place of the curju t bag Government divisions of the Atlantic there are no hostila row lane, or crowded city streets, his etaide ft*- *ltlirr *ei. AGE.NTn* k.r 114 M, »KK n«-k m4 i-H« O* *»» • »• surrender the litorty of representative court*, or a centralized des.oti'in wiio»c Indians, hut troops have actively ■ in- tl at flow about eighty or ninety gallons MONEY f’i-PH K»„ St Ihieery. New V'Tk. r«ruA AW-. «'"•* a*l *»• '')• government upon the orders of a die ! ouly law 1* force, ut the Aim r can people ha* got, in some Stat«*s, the car of the ployed in aiding United St-de* Marahsl- m rn- of petroleum |H*r day. The oil is al­ seat is the same. Thus situated, it is I) >. W- e.ak. i « >—l •»—I .wl In* rtSv •• •*;* lo la* negro leadt r*. 1 his i* show n by tile re­ WATCHES. CV-.T—< 1» th- kn.r.n .1 io- g) —|raV4 *•<• ... tutorial usurper, no matter how many b« uold the spectacle of a brigadier (• ueisl forting he revenu • l«wa. and in protecting most colorless, while the petroleum of very difficult to s»*e theexjiosed wheels - I A rst*. i.t te Jt %** s unvv a 4 WO* I4S * las H m* ot tlie army «eaUd by • he aide of uov. markable letter addressed to Rrcaident Wleeet. (aWnr* W. ba\ onets stand ready to obey his com ­ the wt-ak sgaiu-t t •* prejudlrt * of the Pennsylvania ■* quite dark. The inen in p.i>Miig. those w hich require the eye %|/ J For teruia oddreae OOULT ERA CO. .Chicago Sen. Ct.aiiiberiaiu In a room of Hie Mate Mouse Grant, la*t Ihctmber, by ex-Sc*nator atror g in the freijuent nwessllie* of civil mands. Such men do not and will not have located the springs, and will put of the driver. Doubtless this is a CtN r 3 rt-art •***• Sr A f - j tm *•• W«il Vj defend the military usurpation of repre­ aud issuing hi* order* lo a legislative body Revels of Miaslsaippi, well-known a* tire ek-ttiou*. 1 « *•- duties ea I for the highest $83 A WEEK rAI I OK f l M V I.F N - rajd- fn act full} *•»< iu bled in one ot the origin .1 qurtliti* - of Amine** and prudence, and 1 aiu up a series of tanks. prominent cause of the many collis ­ W> jin- Alertly work in it sentative government in South ( arolma. first cobired l uiled Slate* Senator, and Win nrti uih at h >>n*. day nr rrrn nr. thirteen commonwealths of thi* Lniou. who made a good impre»*ioD at the North s r»- the t,eiia>i< r of the tr*»ups in every in- A ritori>s of adulterating oysters ions tot ween passing teams, and the hnvr K* L'MO*, 1 . Gr*-« ti * tch ftre* t, S.-ar \ ork. Its defenders are persons of two cla-acs KespecUully vour*, -liitiu- has tumaaided the respect of all Jinn Jhltizu fur honesty and goral aetise, though not a has tx-cii discovered by a Philadelphia w onder is that more do not happen. X2:S3A'Xg T7 ____ 1. Persona of reckless charar ter and des ­ J. B. (iOKT*ON men. The care and preservation of public The custom was brought over by the Tl A lv .,rt **' f ' r e.r» w«. W't t’.i« fa ' arid perate fortunes, such a* have composed brilliant man. ller. Mr. Revel*, iu thi* savail. P consists in removing tlu* J Ajl-lrl i lii.u. . I'.ri ...eaeh u |*u aril Win 11 .vpi ox . property md of the aeaeoaat |k *i 1* is a * hief pilgrims, but like a Dutch sentence the • *aava»*e*vw,, **•«, # a--. . !**ct -al ro.rW wipe Younsr thr leading spirits, and in great part the A. C. IIaskbll . letter, told the President thut “ the cor ­ dut * of the tro p*. animal from sea-water to denser con ­ Mli'fim-r, in thetr "wn M.i.i.:**-•. p ••>»»<, pw No. I».------O ruption, theft and embezzlement” by the “The chief mtlit.«ry evnts of the year parts got trannpoeed in the transla­ |c,^hL 1'kniru.iri Iim. J, MvVTU. Su Lu.«, J»a •> ik . i ,OJO * -- • » r»jew i4 *k» k-rrC official*, of the Gran' dyua-ty . 2. lVr cent rated salt water. After Upcoming lii •> t.«n t-f CW f% ». T51- -o<-4 C.*«.-» sons of little sense and leas judgment, An Aiidreim. lU-pablican oflicial* in that State bad M ■ I indurated t4» tlu* new conditions, the tion. Across the pond the driver sits A s«fB \ LtM.t K fire Ut i . K . WT ► . :» tm u. all. All-... orarrtt * Du-.t n, created auch au “ ufuisirig of the whole the Mi *«mri, where a state of aetiutl war fi_ LA I - I k t I'A.-D iUHiK - n * i : 'e- tUliman ft. Co.- i.•• »• .Mil. Ok who are governed in their political idea* uy ster is moved back again, w hen, as on the right, hut always turns to the a w B • pi*ople ” as had oblitcrati-d the lines ol has exl-ted for uianv years, atrl still con- Im, , ^ - * !.; . ;* ■ : i 1 t fi. 1 lu < I-w* ! ■. '■ and actions almost whollv by their feel­ N«w Oana* ns , Dec. 1. 11. we*. 1 am not yet in p**so ssion of Geu. experiment has show n, he distends left. In copying the practice we re­ SF.TF.X ings and prejudices. From the latter color aud of party'. The “ ma**cs of my tained the useless part ami changed iir*( tint/ 4 henjeent Hwk* In tlie »»«»*•/»<. The Committee of Visiting Di-mocrah Bh* ridau's report, hut, in ai tieipallon of it* rapidly, absorbing water in proportion Ai. lr- e i 111-: D«> life. Tab its, chn». _ SHOT might tort-unrated a third cli as of mere people who read ” Could uot la- held to the REVOLVERS have is*uc-d the following address: receipt, will elide tor to give a concise re­ to the difference ltetween the density the essential, for some unexplained frit A K • e a Lin rF New HufFnlo lilll Hesolvrr professional party •• m anagers, ” for the To ibe People r#f the United hti.b-*: *upport of such a Government a* that. A* port of some of tiie chief points as gath­ reason. Possibly our fathers thought E Ti.X 3* pr) le-Lc* •' « >. jipai\ lu .\imi-.i< a— Sent with 1(4 t Artrttgw* for ft PrLX NirBLg Ft.a TO. b'ine recollect lour* of the war. lie *aid : ered from r« p ..or.rrlv.t hrrr. In r«.ttnf ihouttorl 7.^ bUterni to l>e consistent iu the matter ami, Inc reaaina l rver* where—b>wt 'Quuce- MKvlKlM t.I \ WOltKH. 4 hlrago. 111., and hate created bv the their progress. iiuine i>ed. ln*-uta- U'»u i* tiu.e—for irt ular to and conscienceless knaves. To this clas- atiproac e U> the offle s • who control the ! , . . , , *, lather than to right-handed in the sit­ t \ ( »«-r >4.. V, V f_0. It » 1447. 6ft I wt>om *t (McC*wratck BtockL P. O. H « JtO. shouhl le assigned the ja-ttifogging con ructions In thi* State, we discovered that * ** 1 * 1 slide have, in my opinion, been *• In the Department of the Gulf the l:C»H I >% XI troops a> tier G* u. Aug* r have been shifted K( RIRNFIfS MONTHLY. ting while left-handed in the driving, i.l II l 14 IP J i» i *e n f mi-mi ii./c < *l *»e. URTH VGM.Hf ii the two morning and the ; the Government had appointed none hut ! localities, and would have long since la-en The Erl o«e Atit-.niat r Kxt ng d*l*er Knrner authorities under he same rtate of faets at On V nrlvalrd llliistrat* >n.e in the I>« par meat of the South, wl*h I can'iot exp od>- ranimt be filled « Ulh* hnrntnr In- 'La' the returning officer*. con*tituting he uu{»riiiciplecl inea who would ke«-{> alive similar results, and have a wavs used th* if M'hen Srvihner iadnl it* famom* Mid- even - way inconvenient and is a worthy ♦*- — I s'aatlT .•ilium -1, .! jf dropped, hr- ken ».r • * -t. It i* only among such characters that State Board, were of the amm* political subject of reform in tins year when Put - nt a* 'u>jf m tu Mafied to any ad .r*,-*. f VO defenders of this monstrous military u*ur- j the biUernets of the i»ra.«*t and im uh ate power with consummate discreuou auu tuminer Holiday Number in July, a rt* > at. 1 r r ak-ei.T,. male A feu ale n < d •obool. Inf.tu-nc«d >>y the*e inau*f>iei«»u« a liatrtal ladween the race*, in go«jd ludgtut nt. friendly critic said of it: “ M‘e are not reforms are so much in favor. And .arge Bolt pep Moaufg » . 1 i. i (» it&tion of representative government can «urrouriding*, our thought* ati-t hop. * wc*re Ag*-nta *end Vcent ortlt-r that tlu-y may aggrandize tlieni- “ On the Tex aa frontier, e*y*erU11y the •ure but that Srriknrr hten touched hirh- since it m easier to change our |*>sition •tau.n for ctrrwlar to THE IDJIBT.IBt.K THIIEIIIOLI) la* found in the North. And even some 1 turned toward the eminent genth men who Vexi an border, ha* long existed an unsatis- hllKKS 4 HlUI. IM had teen selected by the Pr* *b,*Dt to h. t* Ives by office. ” I hirxl, tuo D*-mocrat* in Wiit'T mark. M’« durbt an asvluru band our friends up on the right side FOR SALE—BAR6AINS IN FARMS. ea*t, and on the 14th of Novernt>er invited vole. They cultivated U) an extravagant reached the ultima thule of excellence — Jefter*on < ouj.ty, Kan*a*. 1*0 arre*. Fi.V4 ficials of the party may commit, expe : on this side t f the Rio Grande; hut frwin of the w agon while we as driver take Dnn < o . Iowa, • Verm*. »..•*( tto. k farm la I »wa thete gen lemen to meet and confer with degree that pictureaque element w'nicii Gen Ord*a letters and report* there «crtn* they believe ‘‘there are other worlds to in- acre Farm. VI n -a. ta. f |U0 rieuce a difficulty in finding plausible ik . TMa eo operation w*p declined, t*ut *e the opposite side. firm* 'i*vm »f rml .1 A — * mi 0 — mu*t be w> captivating to the negro fanev. to be an organized system of robbery conquer, and they propose to conquer I.4*< a< r■ F arm. iL.ey kat. A« I.O.W^ worth AND WlflATHHH CkU/VKDIS, ground on which to bns« their dutiful de ­ neverthelea- have reason to l»c!ieve tnat to bv small bands of Mexteans and them.” E-i l*". ft use of what is wholly indefensible. F<»r I orch-light* and br*K* bau«t*— what could in A-rr*. Pawne* c.i,. VrhrwkA II.eft Keep Out of I !<• »i«. , t'.iGt. Itnln. V)u«t an I ihl* eorr*-*p<»adence mav t»e aitributed the Indian*, who cr*»sa to the T« \a* aide, Tlie proMv-t tin for the new volume Protecting Trees Against Mice. #4*' *cr* a. nee* I hit ago, l~> per at re. a»»t;yw, * s-pent r- and others out of w..ra *. ud be more alluring to the thousand* of col* for < Irrulura (<• M(lpT ns A Co, party. .Io Med. 11, would have people of tiimln.- Hoard to attend and tx* pr«aen: at ore^i young men, who have come of a^e etc., and cross back with tbeir st. 111. (mostly UluatrUcd). by writers of the high­ Whenever snow falls to any consid ­ 14 la kau« hireet, ( hicagu, 11a . re*|tecta -ic intelligence think that the Ex IG meetings *• *f*e<-*wt«»r* and wt no* e* of a!0Ce tlie xiaTk day* of slavery? They property to tbe oth-r side wtiere f. r S i a mm f. rewf it* proceeding*. Thr ugh thi*courtesy, and ■ u.M-d, al*o, ad tiie {xiiitical art* by which, est merit. Under the head of erable depth in winter there is always Itr r-r ( nitwit ecutive in a republican constitution is ex- j they are comparatively safe fro-n pursuit I (III \ ou it k 'ten Alafra and 14 «*rf«4 ” foreign travel ,” more or b *.* danger of mice gnawing disable for assuming to determine the ! th service* of a comix-tent att-Dographer, everywhere under |M»puiar *uttrage, the from our troops, who rar -I v hear of the raid a il l l-xdlr* to learn *r # r. ntmtm we became p< **«p*ed »*f all the e**eBti*l tloaling, ignorant and pun ba*aide Vote l* until it ia ton late to intercept th in. I be- we have “A M inter on the Nile,” by Gen. the bark from the stems of fruit ami * «-leg » aaln and ChM'-f*. I*le/#i rr», composition and organization of the Leg- . H ><»k - tier plug. Viii'iaaertf jeirrt- IjcUAeHvcred on the fared thaofficld p - ,ontroited, and which we m.-d not here ’irvr no one suppo-e- the authorities < f the McClellan; “Sauntering* About Constan ­ other trees during o dd weather. Ap­ )..*!WANTED! iiidn* «ruerit* c.-r offered rev'srd'ng ladUM AGENTS.-..,i y. Vo rr/fti i-a. Mite. islative. and for executing such executive i p«-r*. VV* have t»e«n furnished with a certi­ Nstioral Government of Vtexieo can t*e tinople,” bv Charles Dudley Warner; for leariftng practlrally, seenrtrig »1f»iatlon* when r»r KUTti In 4 WP‘ me a t detai I. ple orchards in particular are frequent ­ ua.lfied. low terma. etc. Adurr-a With -Lamp, SupL usurpation of the representative preroga- fied copy of the duplicate statements of the i rtvv tt> this n* farlou* buslneaa, and it is “Out of Mv Window at Moscow.*' by /• . i Me have treati*«l thu* far in this articlo ly seriously injured iu this manner, f M TKLfd.KAPIf ( <>.. or Pr-or. BUhlMLv* COL rrm/ttn I. • iff- # the by military force, on the ground of j Votes made by the Conmii** one * of Fiic- prot'ably carried on spite of the better Eugene Schuyler: "An American in Li-.'iK, City Hall, t levriand. Olds. ( lrc'* fr«-e. A t- keeping “order.* That was the favorite tion at ea. h (dace of voting in the Blate. f,#ly of such control of vote* a-» i* legiti ­ l>le on both akiea of the txirder. Th* re are and it is very difficult to remedy the t. M> F t It 4 X From tht-w stall uietit* it appear* that the now in Texas two regimen ’s of ravalry. the Turkistan, ” etc. Three aerial stories are evil, although its prevention is easy FOR SS late ntreet. p an of tlie Ronapartes, and lias served i mate, or, if m>t legitimate, not ti*uaily announced : CHICAGO, ILL the ends of a great many other de*i»ols ! 'Idrtt n Wect4*ra rm eived the lo,lowing v Ua, made the subject of legal protest in other E eh h and Tenth, which wil lx- 111* d upas enough. As the mice work mainly fChil- WANTED rtf.: " NICHOLAS MIXTVRN,” BY DR HOLLAND, 1 lie military were only used os polio men, btaUw. Me doubt not there h*» also rapidlv as possible to the maxima'll stand under the snow and near the lsi.xe of MICROSCOPES■ _ _ ___drew, tw“ m:\uv roar Ai.M.xm ~ thmc ard; also three regiment* of In', the THE KIMTOB, ^gea. PnlverAme*. PhyWrUoa and Scteo- t«» preserve the |*eacc! says tlie Mediltiau i (Euery...... W|,7 »* been a u*e of means by the lh*m«K-rat* tit Inveougoriui.. ranging to price frame 4.10 tm W lckl rfe...... M.8 H0 T* nth, Ts ■ n*v-fourth ard Tw< ntv-lifth, whose atory of " Hevenoaka *' gave the the stem it is plain that if this part ot 0* 4*040. Alan, the arimt or Menthewmti- flunkv Ah! it was <*nl) to keep tlie peace j St. Ma'tla...... ,.NS< s ! not legitimate, not proper and not m-og- which are neccr-nrilv very email H id* r tt»e highest aatiafacMon U) the reader* of the the tree is protected there w kll to lit­ reel *■ A OjftJenl Irutri.metita we*» . f Philad'-lpMa CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION l*. grand buii.IingB, tive chamber with troop*, and stationed a DebUne ...... >...... bZ.-S7 | Hut l luted States troop* were scattered in a tivity, the-e tnmpa will suffb-e t*» protect NKLPdN. 4Z4 A #Z* *»tate htre« t. ( t.lcago (11 w.mderfu) •-xiirt» Pro- ■ I be ai-ene of thi* latest novcj ia laid on way to protect trees in an orchard , „ _ _ M ^ . — _ fwaelyfu.< If Illuatraieal.illuetraieal. thorough thorough gg popm.or pmpmine. anand-1 *w«ry military gu.ird at tlie dt*»r, and gave or- i t* bb ...... rBAPiJJ Uie very communities where the most of the bonier from Incursions which d *cr*ur- the banks of the Hudson. The ia a is to wrap the lower part of the I o 7 Post D 3 I Q .—S I .60. eheap. tnunrnwiy. '»d»0 ) A4.I.MH tiers to admit on ’y via li person*! as exhile j Oroa*...... sS. ihaw thi* i* allege*!, and no o |m-u and overt act a^e settlem nt and are otherwise very irri­ ■ # * WWVprulUi v ■ nWWn i waf,reel. -*e!„l f..r full nartl. ulara. This la (He tating and demoralizing. young man wfio has been always "tied to stems from the ground upward a foot elman«r i >/ 10*4 -»»r* ion.iH wuId do to preserve the [x-iuf and t *' since election. Ibe itrvioca of t4»e Cheyenne# and Arapahoe*, located on the gnaw. te'ling what wth happen In Angaat and vyieml rr Jo rj#h...... 74 ►*» with a fortune, hut w ithout a purpose. JOHN X j. SIIC prevent riot aud bbxxlahcd,” hy executing . m tn**ps were not required on tiie day of reservation at and near Fort Sill, have been Perhaps one of the clieapest mate­ SitdiD ...... 7 :*, 4 Another serial, “Hi* Inheritance,” by .‘Hi Broniflclit Slreel, lioaton. 10(30. **<# i f: i H. 1077. the decree of Clinnitorlam prescribing ) N*rh*...... tfJMtit : election, or afterward, nor i<* there any exceptionally quiet thi* summer, though re­ Miss Trafb>n, will licgin on the comple ­ rial* for thus pur{M»se is tar paper, such who should ami who should not comp**-- ! iarxta-ea ...... 7 B VTU quiring for reasonable security to the Kan­ l*rosrmalve ! 4 4Miij»r4*li©n*i\ © ! Hr w»ter...... 7 T> *»: rut an* of separating the intimidated from tion of “That louts o ’ Lowrie ’s,” by Mr*. its is used for lining buildings, and the Legislature! Thi is the astute sug ­ sas frontier pret y *t/o g garrison* nt Kortn Je(fen*oa ^ the voluntary* vote. All proper and all *111. Elliott, Did ra and Supply, and small Hodgson Burnett. Mr*. Burnett's story, which may be found in almost every gestion of an organ-grinder who thinks it j The result of tbe vo « for Pr< ald atial lM(«*>b*e precautions having lav n taken, gxrri-oiis along the Arkansas Kl\er and Kan- lie gun iu August, ha* a pathos and dra ­ country village as well as in cities. It his duty to defeud that monstrous milita­ Electors s* dDclo**4 c*n tbe face of the re- therefore, no violence la-ing proved, and ■a t'wetoh Railroad.** matic power which have been a surprise can to cut up into strips of the size Western Farm Journal, ALL 1HE WORLD TAKE NOTICE! CHICA-GfO, XlaXo, ry usurpation, whether ground of defense < turn* open d by ibe Returning Hoard In our R being impossible to throw out the in- Ti e chief < vent* to which Gen Sherman re to the public. required to go around the trees, and Mr are making the larg-at red net Iona can be found or not. presence lor the Tilden Electors ia aa (ol- timulated vote w ithout disfranchising uu f» r* are those relating to the war with the There is to be a aerie* of original and •rer |Iti n from I lie u«uni price of firat- A limnidh Weekly lor 4 onstry sad Town. M‘>ux, and after giving a detailed hi-tory tben tied iri place with strong twine. rla*a plan'Mand miaai. In such pettifogging, the busy little i unintimidate »*» r* «b i raiding b i a re n the Xonk nnd ; .1 PUfTIClL UIICI I.TI KIL tiF.ffSPlPER concerning tbe late exp d ti n« against Hcience,” by Mr*. Herrick, each paper the *«#ul h l*»le v* he aa III neud a a t hr. r nddrw*n partisan flunkeys amt bugle-blowers do ■ Mf vuriL ...... >ait2 i whether any attempt to correct thi* wrong them, and the death of Custer with his com ­ veniently obtained, strong brown "ill rrena e free at ennt n dr*< r pi • ve enia* t.uryomt on thr *'ontla»rait ! Dabiaat .. Z...7 .’ .re/m ntou M not be attended w ith still greater i»<* represent either the intelligence or i mand, etc., says: complete in itself straw or Manilla paper may Is* used Iw.ur. ■« lhal (key may hey el aalketr the judgment of the bc-iicr class of North Cohb.,...... , But t injustice. Tlu re are to be, from various pens, PIAVOV FtIK til It I *»T M IN. It* columns are replgte ere'« ssrk with fraah Inter- Irhlitr...... "Col. Ilar.en, of the Sixth Infantry, com ­ by lirst coating one side with coal- Fine r«»e*ar>od rate*, m v*d legs, splen­ rating kii»1 vnl.table m^tt. r for rvry bran* h of cm men who ate called Republicans Tlie 1*0. iw...... "r*« Ihit, without diacusaing this point manding at Fort Buford, lia* started up th* paneni on did lusri pitcea 4MI* •• % Hill, trraa S4-1 * «» »*• f a Ml* the Arpatiut-fita dr* .>*» raah a i.d A HI t“ the FlnWrff, luting SnlKm. Cni-rent latter are nit tue dunces wtiich so silly a 7.e j...... ? m :i: further, we merely set out to show that a Missoni I River for Fo^ Reek with four coin “HOME LIFE AVT) THATEL” ntuNtkl) i prlrew • lOO to '‘4041, p|, e*peciol OMennoa plea in defense of military usurpation im­ Cross ...... J .. a tea large legitimate change of the ucgTo vote nsni< s of hts regiment to h* ad «*ff r-1T11 njr lirst instance, keeping the tar on the ra-h mill * i » mom hl» t prt. • • t-TStf latfiOO, a* t» rrn-l'-r ibe J.ivbs al . in t • t* »ei»ae. a c m- Also, practical suggestions a* to town and K- " f sp. r forttig Farm, the M IremUte, ur tt.e plies. That the people of South Carolina i K r the Hayes Elector*: to the Democratic side is an undges Haik pulled from other kinds of II144* IN# Ft114 MIKINTMAR. In thr :»»«,«• for Jaia 1*1. I«77. will be romnienee lrra*.-«. •Wrrt«-*l quality of high-elms, Inatriictire »rr|al »il. g Ji*M lo S 4 >0 ; 1* I tu« |‘J't M-rfc*^...... 0-7 first, from tlie rnre character of the negro. | tnat down Had Route Creek, and to have * Mr. Barnard's article# on rsrioua indus ­ ewwit n n 4 * I tl moaihli- Unarorlv pay. for Ibe Wastern Fann Journal, i-otttled tutional right of representative Govern- Hr ws*er ...... ami, aectmd, from *(>ccial cause**, chief reaumed his course f r K-»rt Reck In the tries of Great Britain include tne history can also to employed for this purpose, ni'-uboii hianirt nr ui gans i« er I ve«i If de ­ THE LESSON FOR LIFE. ment is m* owing to the employment of among which are hi* |»ecuniary and polit ­ British possession*. Od. Miles reports lit* of “Home Experiments in Co-operation, ” but tar paper is the most readily ap­ sire .« I'l lns-ram- su . then ISr»haa|e. troop* by Geu. linger in support of mat Any thing to make trade lively, tWIt atll be res.1 w;tb a!-»<>rHu* lutereaC as sell U«ler«...... -j uf ical misfortumw at tlie hands of the Re i purpose to ri-pleniah his aupplie*, to turn “A Scottish !>>*f Factory in the No- plied ami removed. A few hours* w in k 14 F KIP* TF MPI.K 4»F Ml NIC, a* |ir<»At, by ail closse*. W'siys ro* mi a*<~ b usurpation, as every citizen with a grain north and follow this last desjx-rate band to 0-4 Nan Karen St„Chlraga, III. an«bt or nn*'Ta Wr « ant every moa soi woman J etTarsou...... !*.!**! 7 rr Ibe paper sod to set of sense plainly perceives. Whose is the In m<«st cases tbe returns opened by th* of c«»ncillation and fair promises on the the death. dale, ” in Deoomtor. Other pa|»crH are, mice may be tbe means of saving or ­ ** 'Rir sirent I’ fa*ene->q Ktigle sn'>*cripfWna. 9. i\> merit of preventing violence,Gen. Roger's , lbturn'ag Board correapoah-d pn Gtlv part of the Democrats \ »ugb tin* “(•en. Crook ore an I x*d a tew column at "The Hritinh Workingman ’s Home. ” "A • rear only Si 41** dubs No s*>eelAl auth-*tty to Fort Kelt* mi an with which he left on the chards w hich have taken years of wait­ art needed «*rad In your own auba rtntl->n and then or Made Hampton s* The answer which with tlit cetrU#«d - < pb* of atatemi nta of «change results, so far as we now under- Nation of Rhopkee{H-rs,” “ lla j>cnny a Othe . %• f*»t «• ••hianrd DON'T I'Fl NV? AM sab- th« Co r -iilOMr, cU.ii ,u„a thr r,-turn., in thr Onfr.l ot the 27th of October for another early wintercam- ing ami much money anu labor topro- » rip4toas rer«-tve.l daring l*.* will nis 9o end of UT7, Mr. Bryant gives will he recognized a* a psign against the faction of ho tile Week for Uie ChiW,” etc. true auMwcr by every candid Northern j Th»- irmst taaUrisi difference aro*.- from tt.e disre.-- N. Y.Xttn. NM!»I> r\PK-:A. HbTtEs an 1 (.HKTLAKE failure o' the Supervisors of East BaU»n /fez/wWiV.-jn’# preference for the PrasWency, Sioux under Crazy ll**rae. Gen. bherl- A richly-illustrated scries will be given The Fncmy of Disease, the Fof Tim. atorms man. •* It is not due to Gov. (,‘ha.nher- on " Amerii an H|s»rts by Flood and W MTKHN F A It VI JOt EXAL, R«»uge, Tangipahoa, and of Orleans to for ­ it ha* long been a cardinal poiut with tiie dan. in his last dispatch on this Bur) iusr Potatoes. of Pain to Man and Beast, lain. It in not doe to Mr. Denis, the fur ward the siaU ment* of the votes from *11 Jirjtuhl iotn that the division of th« caloml subject, use* this language, which 1 Field, ’* by various writers, and each on a f5i Washington hireet. Oitraga. cord allv Indorse. • If suceeaaful, of which 1 niture dealer, who, with troops at bisback, ! the vo ing placer In their respective per vote between the two parties at the South different theme. The subject of Is th« Grand Old usurps the office of judge of the election iahea. Ia lhirki-flvc out **f tiie Ihiriv-,riy-efght iirh' *ouM l»e the beat for tlie country. M’e do not doubt, the Moux war and all other ” HOUSEHOLD AJTD HOME DECORATION” A < oxeiderabi .b portion of the pota ­ of the Legislators. It i« not due to the Indian wars in this country of any niagnitud to crop of the country ijt kept hy Im in^ THE “FARM" CfilHMM. will be over f*»rev r.* will have a prominent place, whil-t the Administration at M aahingtoo. Jt is the “ Arrangements made for hemming In and InG-st pixxluctions of American humorists htiiieti in pitd out of door*. Themo«t It eoata knt one r«-ut to send yoar ad* merit ef the people < f South Carolina. They j rapturing the remainder of the hostile will appear from month to month Tlie common w;ty in to lieap the potatoes MUSTANG drssa by poaiat rsrJ lo allhar adfrr* have seen one of their dearest right* Sioux during winter must result In compar ­ list of shorter stories, biographical and on top of the ground and then raise a tloer In Ihla rnlawn with requeai for wrested from them—that of the peaceable which, on former occasions, has over ’^r riu*k*, if they abuse and cheat him ative or complete sueees*. Meantime no other sketches, etc., is a long one. mound of earth over them. Soil thus fnrih'-r Information roarrralgR the assembly of the men shun they have thrown the *ib of the propit a* expressed revolt from the Republican party change ran be attempt'd this )r<4 ACIIK. \I4 PAIN, Tlttl I'MltT'TT snd <;rs4n Ta-ni for sate, C s^-ea. near 44a they hate endured that rwSnigr eeUhout re- Ind the laiVd th.h?J.V-Ki°l r*! nrn * bold his vide nnlrws they recognize hi* prea» nt coat, and where, If there t»e any Mr. Welford. T"*.AI PI.I4 K44|>V TS OFTIIK A IIMRlit M A.j Oft o^/lF.R r kanda .tockgon < o . I)L I.f.SelUtaNd. rtakanfla. lMstMkM ana me law *• a the facta which should coo- ai.j u.,___ . J . . r . , petis tliat the potatoes are reiiclicd and T trol tne Returning hoard, with whb n we 1 1 " , ^ if they rts eive him into their ebauee to eivtllse them, tiie opportunity will The pares of the magazine will to open, IM»MF>T«C AMXf %(.. TjiAT MOKR XOT VABHtTY OF~lVICHOVKD FAHMS and rorg ruintM by the* frost. This of oounw T IF. 1.0 T«4 rra MAGfi'T4H ( II. A tot tie B> this remark able forbearance, which made \e* fainMDr. we have no heaita 1 W|11 acquire a power he far l>et er thau in their present scattered ss heretofore, so far as limited snare will \. ch’UO c.naimt L*ud« in J»■par Os., tnd A fine egenciea. ” may to avoidisl by putting on tvnough rj»d| kataftrsuvd »t ck snd dairy «*>*ai«(ry. I’rW Imr: payment* easy could m* be b< ped for in any Northern tioa ia aaymg that the result shown »*y the ■uthority in it. The very fact of their permit, to the discussion of all themes life of a ksman be lag. and restore#! to Kb*mb V Wan B. Art* *' re* ab >nt two n». Aa sa latestmeut at tbe price It cannot be ns tbe facte before it. lrregulerlUe« hare been printing office in which the coinjxx,i- We mean to make the magazine sweew pant, men, irrespective of ftartisaa laliels, as S m.m tied in tow- lealeece* by «»fficrrseot - when he has enough. Sometimes T»*e be*- skit rad drain Fsem In Cen»r»l t*>w« am they could n<* poesihly have done io any tor» are all women —a great innova ­ and purer, higher and nobler, more genial w hen he feels quite confident on the menm *e,i all ur an 'in*Uvtworatioo lr» the other; and *e to Intiinid *>e ( vk>l ndr, The lania of marriage were re­ fluences, and a more welcome visitor than his crop. The following will to found paN'i bolt nga nu«f nt >re m«*ne%. Mi«m land, on or otter Illegal arto preveeUng a ft*,- tad N»w Teas. Nov f* ever before in homes of refinement and roe*tv r***d ; aeboaf b>>n»e oljan at. . rcm>UiM e—bv governing themselves in Tbe Hun has a h»ng cdiu.riai xleciaring cently p.‘Gushed in I’aria tot wean the an excellent and saf»* wav to cover • a . «* t < entjr, Mlasonrl the interest «»f peace—they have furnished fMr election, there I# srldcsr on both a*d*-s, culture. * ___ J. & P. COATS • l»1r-V I) •#. tiled r#/ o i. f f tfi A* per *€ e. Marquis de i'regalec, aged eighty-five but not of such a character aa to affe< t th* that, what It calls ” the stealing of RtaUw FIFTEEN MONTHS FOE FOCI SOLUM. l*itatoea to save them through the IS s *p firm, wt ii g-i »*H b«*e«e >a! go-*d tm- the tiest possible try of their fitness for Hayes.” originated at Wa«bTngfnti and yearn, and Mile. Valentine llerlxrt, hare keen awarded a W ratal and Dip Ir­ i M* * w i«. cspei for that liberty <4 n prwmtative govern- general result. In rno*t ancea ihc aru Rrribner for December, now ready, sad winter: First cover with a good layer for t '4'. »«lr half value of viol reive proceeded from men of not by f hamberlain, Stearns and MVfl* aged seventeen. of straw, then put aliout four indies ma at tto Cantennlal Kipoaltlaa and Fta«-HL«b V*rm. Uat4rtaOa,h«a. MD srrra. fbr ment which a rcvcl itionafy military na- la • leesncea, aa In case of He-ry and which contains the opening chapters of fl* per are*- ... w # . . - - - -e---- It ‘ lowea thus “Now is U»e propitious Ciiili now manufacture* nearly all “Nicholm Minturn. ’* will be read with of flirt, then another good layer of •aananendeal by the Jndgas hr Addrem K T Hoirai is* 44 Bureau tor Sale af ur{tation has superseded by force of arms. lamia, I4f L* sehe atreet, ( hlrago. III. The sober judgment of all Intelligent *° fur fair minded, mini an ! rr*o. it* own woolen grxxls, and refines the eager curiosity and interest. IVrhapa no straw, and finally put on dirt to any sugar of Pern. Its paper mills and more readable nnmber of this magazine depth required. Probably one foot | ikiUN I.K IMT-ICONKD FARM—on ttma Ncrtkern men recognises this supreme I dfinr tildrM Ifttnanr W atoov Teaterdy ,K«am fact, and must and will enter a protest of WjJassr,«iri5c,5rss frrsi'iB/s type foundries supply the general trade has yet been iwued. The three numbers will to found sufficient during any of " SUPERIOR STRENGTH of Snrihnor for August, Heptrrator sod —A14D— 1 »>4 4 ACRKR. aaaefly WomDand. In Oark t oeafp. the utmost possible solemnity and energy of South America. our winters. It will to found that tbe a«|f fi muMla Addrana A H Hrr« hi»..s, t nt. against this monstrous military ueorption parishes was as large as at aay tlms hereto- -Aomini-*trauon or the success of Tilden October, containing the opening chapters fore, and la the whole Mate la 1,700 above Hayes. Tlie peace of the country , Some Asiatic notions would toar frost will s4ddom penetrate beyond the eoge. 111. It h wholly, utterly indefensible No transplanting In a town near Bey- of “ That Iossa o ’ Lowtie's, ” will be given outer layer of straw, even thouirh it sny vote heretofore rest An honest and pf<*p*rty , husinene in all its departmenta, lo every new subarritor (who request* it) possible ground of defense can lie found. fair eaerase of the returns, eree uudvr the values of every k 1ml are at stake Nbali rout, the young men wlm have lx*en might go much deeper in solid soil. EXCELLENT QUALITY FARMS WANTID. It Is simply the causeless rebellion of a and whose subscription togina with tin IxMilsIana law. cannot materially reduce thfsee Hoarxln aivi car-1 converted to Christianity have founded An o|>ening left At the top and filled local Executive defeated of re election, corrupt Returning preseftl volume, i. with the Novcmi cr AVE vor A FARNI To 9*tA AT A R ARUAIX ? Tilden** majority, aa shown om th* fact of pe» bag niters, barked by baronet* which a club for the ex preens purpose of with straw', and sheltered with aboard, Jlw . J* b re O er (WO b r.4v! bu a-S t" ’ • *Bt»*d against the renmentative part of the the resume •umber « wttb Wairr* Pvrjni Read kr tlrrftar Sad b4aak* < Signed) the l*r»w»deiit enstruk, Iw allowed to dis ­ putting an end to lying. Hubacription price, a ycar—^ cents will aid in keeping potatoes, apples, Xu rk'rm* un'#e ak mada. E. p H top mum a rn Constitution. It ft a usurpation of dicta ­ Joan M PajLMnn. turb Ihe general tranquility and destroy bale and Eirbaag* Rereaa for Wmtera rarau and torial powers by military force in the Ltwan TnfwerLt, A muor* accident recently oc ­ a numlwr Bpecial terms on bound voL etc.—ftiifo Fnrtnrr. SPOOL COTTON.” t-anda, 144 La SalT# street. Chlrago, III Wruun Bialib , thcee greet bile rent* * That is the ques­ curred at a fencing-school in Havre. times. Subscribe with the nearest book ­ heart of a republic, supported br a reck­ tion to-day, and Ucannot be shirked ' a . n. a C X. less and unworthy President of the Re Geo won B lUsirn, M. Hojiseel, a professor, was engaged seller, or seod a check or T 0 money A ritrTT-rr.KziwtvWG onneem ...... A. T. (itiNOlX, ttpartn flno wl. f*aoaua W. JcLiae, | The HVrAfn t-dllurial aayn t ” Stoaideut in a trial of skill with an advanced order to san June. Cal.. Iiaa drlod tliis sen iraau: J. ML SAWI.IT, Fran. ifrrfft rm amn public. The Republican “party is not 9 pea aft * .'be t. 9. Warns. j Grant has at last brought himself and the pupil, whan the button on Ibe point of doHtancn ft Co.. 74t Broadway. N Y. fifteen tons of pronm...... : AUt R