Clinton Independent Clinton Independent
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Clinton Independent Clinton Independent i official r*raa or tii coi rrr.) ratio op Aovronome. It PmhUshsft Svsry Tkmrsftay, M 1 iu~ i in Sin c Vft c iooT. On# wook ...........|1 00 fl 8 e U OS|t «> ftS uu $« (Ml Cuuijf MM of CttiiM C«aM|. Two wooko ....... 1 Mr t *» 0 w* 4 H>, 7 U> t HI Three stooka ... * (*• « (JO 4 UO & 30 10 (*> 15 (II Knur weeks * Mil I rvj 4 •»» 0 9V.ll Ui lD (U OOHBIT & ESTES, Three mouths . 8 HO 5 00 7 to ltf 0 tlfti V HU Clinton Independent til Booth* ... 5 5 A (!) 10 O* 14 U> m (11 IH (1) The ^lo« month*... 7 (>• 10 UO 13 QU DUHU lUft*V UU Twelve month* HU 14 U0 15 UU M 0» 4* 00 NO (Ml TERMS. Legal AdvertWem. nt* at slat ale rates. In* India* poste|r, $lJi to advance, for papers •sal Ml or the couuiy Bad $1 .Ml fur thus* 1* Um Marriage and Death Notice* free. oooaiy I Easiness Card*. Arc line* or under, || per ye* All mot tort for publication mast bo ta band W»*4n#e*Ujr auralur to lnstur pablkatton tbs VOL.PXI.-NO. 9. ST. JOHNS, MICII., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 187<». WHOLE NO. 521). Local Boilisss Notice* )0 reot* a line fur drat, BBBia week. • and & riuu for each •ubsewucui lasertiou. fore hi* death, heard Brook* say he intended returns from that county, but were uot The foreign settlement of Yeddo, THI N4HHRTL MULTU.H IN PARV0. mourning-ring of black; from the ties, thffidfiby distending tlie lower to kill Pinkston; Brooks was a bad. angry, added u,> In the general result because It waa Japan, baa been recently partially destroyed New Y ork , Dec. 2.—Flour—White l»ortly hoop of gold pro|»er to the lady LATEST NEWS. not In evidence that the inspectors and clerks veins and separating the edges of the ouarrelaomc nun; on tbe uighf of thu mur by fire. Wheat Extras, $5.7V<*«.75. Wheat—No. 4 It la not tlie great burdens or aoiw who has celebrated her silver wedding, valves. Thus, the weight of an un THE UKNMAL KLEfTION. der witucss had seen a party of colored were sworn. The Democrat* had a certified rows of life that kill; it in the constant men pass hi* house going down the road eopv of the return* from Baker Uouuty, A Berlin dispatch of the 1st sayn an Chicago, Spring, (New) ftl 29(1# 1.80. No. to the yet more (mrtly signet which interrupted column has to !*• lorne by Thu returns at tbe ofllco of the Secretary coming from Ouachita; he thought the elec which gave them a maturity of i lnety-four, order was iu preparation calling out allKua- ft Milwaukee, (New) #l.:ilu#1.32 fret and worry at nothing that wears In fill) the railway president and the tlie veins. This, of course, causes of State of Calif ornia give a majority of one tion at Ouachita wa* as fair a one as they but a new return y*a* reed by the Board, Oats—Western Mixed and btate, 38 us out. hank director; fr< m the iMs-chased which, by throwing out several Democratic siana under fifty years of age. further distention, giving rise to (*>n- vote to Pacheao, the Republican candidate h d over had; did not *ee any wr ng going #4ftc. Corn —Western Mixed, 5&i#.Vk. Since the advent of the panic the hand of cheap gold **r mayhap of gest loq <>f the capillaries of the skin, for C*>ugrea# In the fourth District. • n; be belonged to the Democratic part). precinct*, gave forty on* Kepubli. su majori A lyondon dispatch of the lat nays ty. At the eveniug session Mr. Peeco, for Pork-Mess I16 87X. Lard —10K<\ Cattle consumption of coffee h;ut fallen o»T. gold washed bra*s. which the humble and canning swelling, eczema, aud ul The total vote in Kentr '.ijr wu 35n,Ntll>. Of After thla wltne-a bad concluded, the East the Cai’tstn of a whaler recently encoun B .ton Rouge case wa* c*lled up, and the toe Iteoiocrets. demanded to know If tered an Esquimaux who Informed him that —lNVOK>){c, for Good to Extra ■<*(• - Thirt it) becauDc of the ditliculty of muk* lover (dip* upon his shop-girl sweet timately ulceratiou. This is the vari these Tllden hud li'O.HS, and Have* HK.4I5, Hoard decided not t * open the boxc* from the Board had not received another 6fcq#4c. tiberp—434X45^e. Gold closed at ing it settle. heart’s finger, to Ihe dazzling blaze of cose ulcer so common in the la)sir Tildcn * majority fti.UJO. return from Baker County tt*an tbe one a tribe, living far uorthward of Cumberland seven poll* In which the Commission rs' re 10**. It haa l>een noticed that those who emerald, ruby and diamond, without ing classes. It it) always diffi Tilden ’* official majority in New York turn* *nd tally-sheet* had been locked up, which bad been read. He charged that th*- Gulf, many )tar* ago massacred Capt. Cro return* from that couuty baa been sup sier, aecond In command ot the Franklin East Liberty , l*a.—Cuttle lteut, talk moat against mothers-in-law are which tbe shoddy dame suddenly cult to heoL and often imposM State ia k'i.SNl. In Georgia, 85,185. In the and the Parish Supervisor had omitted to grown rich cannot sleep o ’ nights, former State Peter Cupped had 1,987 un i G mention them In hi* consolidated stat* ’inent. press'd, and others substituted therefor. Exped tlon, snd five other white men, who ft5.00qff5.95; medium, #4 *#K<*4 75. Hogs — usually a very bud cloeff of •ona-in-law. Ide, except by prolonged rest iu l>ed. C Smith 3 STB .similar action was taken in the ewe of Tan- The Secretary subsequently reed the returns, refused to surrender their guns aud ammu Yorkers, ft5.40q5.5<i; Philadelphia*, $5.70 — ChOntjo Journal. much lea:) appear in her box at the Hence it is the dread of the surgeon, gipahoa. where tho vote, of on* poll as-* not which the Associated Press report says were Jacob*, the Republican candidate for Del nition. (45 96. Sheep—ft4.009ffft.25 The young lady who called ut a opera —it io a shape and style of orna and the cause of misery to thousands. returned by the Supervisor. By this action signed by the Clerk and Juttlce and proper ment which w iUi one voice every social egate to Congreaa from Washington Terri (lie Democrats lotc 1,1:16 Vote* lu EastBatou ly attested, and which gave a Democratic A great Arc waa ranging in Santan Chicago . — Wheat—No. 2 Spring book-Htore for "Drake on Attach Varicose ulcers are seldom admitted tory, has a majority of about MM). The Ter majority *f ninety-five. It appears that two ments," waa diftappointfffil to Und it grade conf******* its favorite. into general hospitals, so that hun Rouge. der ftpaln, on the lat. closed at 1.14% <#1.15,cash. Corn —ii o«ed We need not hke the fashion the less ritorial Council i* composed of sii Repub. Two boxes of the East Baton Rouge Parish returns, one slg ed a* above aud auother at44 V tor No. 2. OaU—No. 2, 32\®t»c, merely a law' Ixjok. dreds of i*>ot families are driven to tlie Iicai<* and three iH-mo* rat*. and the lower tinned by the Judge snd ftiierltf snd Jus because the ring is really venerable were opened on the l*»t, show lug 437 Votes TH K NKW WORLD. cash, January option* sold at 33%c. Rye- Unhealthy aa Washington ia aa a workhouse, and such c;ise* form a ma- house of eighU'eu Republicans and twelve tice, were sent uu. With tbe first returns and historic, bringing to uo remote, joVity in the wonchouse infirmary. The Democrat*. for the Tilden and nineteen for tbe Haves admitted the Tilden Electors would ha\e A Raleigh (N. C.) dispatch of the No. 2, ftH(4ftH>ffc. Barley, No. 2, 00<£0ftXc. city, tlie iiumlier of men who are will Electors. But little was done, the Board ad 115 majority. With both returns, held sub. Mesa pork — $15.9 15.95. Cash. Lard quaint arid august memoirs. Far hack most frequent and flagrant cause of A Greenta>ro (N. C ) special to the New 24th says Dr. A. J. Glover, fiupervisor of ing to make the sacrifice of going there iu the ages, Mr. Jones tells us, the ring journing to the 2d. Senator John Bber- Jet t to future decision, the Democrats had —#9 9^9 95. Butter- G^od to Choice, remains umliminirihed. obstruction is the ordinary elastic gar York JY- mcr of th* 27h. aay* the return* two Elector* by five majority, one by three Elections at ftwsn Quarter, II)de County, man, on the Hoth u|t., on behalf of the 94332<. Eggs —23(<$*24c. < attic—Good to w as a symbol of office and a mark of ter. Children shoflld never wear them show that the vote for Hayes and Sett)* lu majority, and the Republicans hare oue N. C, was drowned *#n the night of Nov. ft, Fkopi .k who oat ovKtera tRiould K«-pu)*licans, sent a request to John M Choice #1 2^'*<45.00; Medium Grades, $3.5<Hg rank.