C Arlo Sc Arp A
THE SHAPES OF LIGHT CARLO SCARPA CARLO CARLO SCARPA Magonza I will say right away that Carla Scarpa has always been a secret idol of mine. Secret because art and architec- ture go hand in hand, but without exchanging opinions or confidences. However, certain aspects and, in general, all his work, have established some modalities of partici- pating in space, of using and respecting materials, which have become true principles of a language that is not only architectural. Giulio Paolini Published on the occasion of Carlo Scarpa. The Shapes of Light curated by Marco Arosio and Paolo Repetto 26 September – 26 October 2018 Repetto Gallery 23 Bruton Street, W1J 6QF, London repettogallery.com CARLO SCARPA THE SHAPES OF LIGHT Magonza 6 Carlo Scarpa. The Shapes of Light Paolo Repetto 26 A Proud Venetian Charles Hind 66 Biography CARLO SCARPA. THE SHAPES OF LIGHT by PAOLO REPETTO “For an architect the most important thing in the the one able to sing. In the book Socrates is world, in life, is to be able to know the hour by looking surprised and enchanted by one of Eupalin- at the sky, to recognize the hours of the morning, of os’s precepts: “My temple must move men the day, of the evening; one must know the vibrations, the way they are moved by the object they the half tones; one must acquire the visual power nec- love”. Eupalinos was the symbol of perfection essary to dream things.” What is architecture? What of ancient Greek architecture, admired by are these solid, static shapes that separate us from Socrates and Phaedrus, and he dedicated space, from the sky, from light? What are these par- his temple to Hermes to his love, a beautiful allelepipeds, these – often ugly – elaborate cubes in girl from Corinth – a temple where one “feels which we live? Beyond its first function, which is that the presence of a person, of a woman at the of providing shelter from the cold and the heat, from moment of her blossoming, the harmony of rain, from wind and snow, a house, architecture, can be a captivating being.” The harmony of a form much more.
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