Program Review Physics and Astronomy

University of Hawai‘i Hilo

Version 1: February 26, 2017 Version 2: May 16, 2017 Contents

I. Mission Statement and Goals ...... 3

II. Secondary Accreditation ...... 4

III. Executive Summary ...... 4

IV. Program Organization ...... 6

IV.1 Background ...... 6

IV.2 Program Goals ...... 9

IV.3 Program Components ...... 11

V. Evidence of Program Quality ...... 34

V.1 Evidence of Student Success - Assessment Based ...... 41

V.2 Success of Current Students ...... 41

V.3 Former Student and Alumni Success ...... 41

V.4 Faculty ...... 42

VI. Future ...... 97

VI.1 Program Goals ...... 97

VI.2 Resource Requirements ...... 98

VI.3 Department Chair’s Evaluation ...... 99

VII. External Review ...... 102

VIII. Memorandum Of Understanding ...... 103

IX. Approvals ...... 104

1 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017

Appendices 105

A-1 American Institute of Physics Publications ...... 105

A-2 MOU - Institute for Astronomy & UHH Astronomy ...... 115

A-3 Physics and Astronomy Operation’s Budget ...... 118

A-4 Alignment of Physics Courses with UH-System ...... 127

A-5 UHH Core Competency Assessments - Written Communication ...... 137

A-6 UHH Core Competency Assessments - Quantitative Reasoning ...... 139

A-7 UHH Core Competency Assessments - Information Literacy ...... 143

A-8 Faculty CV ...... 145

A-9 China Scholarship Council ...... 196

A-10 NOI - Hoku Kea Observatory ...... 207

A-11 Agreement with Berry College ...... 210

Page 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017

I. Mission Statement and Goals

The mission of the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo (hereafter UHH) is:

‘A‘ohe pau ka ‘ike i ka h¯alauho‘okahi One learns from many sources

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at UHH offers two programs, the Bachelors of Science degree in Astronomy and Bachelors of Arts degree in Physics. Both degrees have their own mission statements which are closely aligned with the mission of UHH at large.

Physics Mission Statement1: The mission of the UH Hilo physics program is to provide students with a rigorous, high-quality foundation in physics. The primary goal is to prepare students for graduate studies, for work as professional physicists, or for careers in secondary education, engineering and just about any technical or scientific fields. Our program supports the liberal arts mission of the University by providing general education courses for all students and service courses for the natural sciences and pre-health fields. The physics program has, and actively seeks, partnerships with other UH Hilo STEM programs. Although a quality undergraduate education is the focus of our degree, our faculty, together with our students, conduct original research and make substantial contributions to community education and service on the Big Island.

Astronomy Mission Statement2: The UH Hilo astronomy program aims to (a) develop the science knowledge and analytic skills of students, whether they be majors or not, through a focus on the field of astronomy; and (b) instill an appreciation of science, particularly astronomy, in students. The program provides the students with transferable skills so they can excel in a wide range of STEM-related fields. Through the study of astronomy, graduates will also learn to appreciate and understand science more broadly, enabling them to be more informed citizens. The B.S. degree program, taking advantage of our access to Maunakea Observatories, provides the training needed for students seeking careers in astronomy—as professional astronomers, observatory technical staff, and educators. Our program supports the liberal arts mission of the University by providing general education courses in a field of major importance to the State of Hawai‘i.

The University of Hawai‘i’s 2011-2015 Strategic Plan identifies six different goals, which the Department also recognizes as important:

Goal 1: Provide learning experiences and support to prepare students to thrive, compete, innovate and • lead in their professional and personal lives Goal 2: Inspire excellence in teaching, research, and collaboration • Goal 3: Foster a vibrant and sustainable environment within which to study, work, and live • Goal 4: Cultivate, sustain and reflect a diverse, multicultural university that is rooted in the indigenous • history of Hawai‘i Goal 5: Strengthen UH Hilo’s impact on the community, Island and state of Hawai‘i through responsive • higher education, community partnerships, and knowledge and technology transfer Goal 6: Facilitate organizational excellence through continuous innovation, responsible resource develop- • ment, and effective communication 1 2

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II. Secondary Accreditation

Not applicable

III. Executive Summary

The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers two degrees the B.A. in Physics and B.S. in Astronomy and minors in Physics and Astronomy. The Department is housed under the College of Arts and Sciences and the Division of Natural Sciences. The program trains students interested in observational astronomy and physics. Our alumni continue their studies in related fields to either pursue master, doctoral or engineering degrees, they secure jobs in observatories, museums, planetariums, and laboratories. The astronomy program attracts students mostly from the mainland while the physics program attracts students from the State of Hawai‘i. The astronomy program is about twice as large as the physics program in number of majors. Currently most faculty in the department are trained as astronomers.

The Department has 4 tenure/tenure-track faculty, one instructor, one staff, and seven lecturers, two adjunct faculty and one affiliate faculty3. The Department has an observatory on Maunakea, the Hoku Ke’a, whose director is one of the four tenure-line faculty. In its current condition the observatory is inoperable and slated to be decommissioned but the situation may change in the next 6-9 months.

The operation’s budget of the department is currently $10,800 per year which is slated to the physics and astronomy laboratories, maintenance of two 4WD department vehicles to support field trips and to access the observatory, minor equipment (faculty computer upgrades), and office supplies.

The program services a large number of non-majors. Most of the students the department services major in Biology and Marine Science who require a one-year freshman physics class. The Department also services majors in Computer Science, Geology, Chemistry, Agriculture, pre-Engineering, and Natural Science with freshman physics courses that are part of their program requirements. The department offers several courses that meet the GE requirements, especially in astronomy, open to all majors and are taken mostly by non-science majors.

Since the last program review in 2006, the Department has seen the following changes:

1. The Physics and Astronomy Department has expanded its curriculum offerings to include more sophomore laboratories and has streamlined freshman labs in physics and astronomy. 2. With guaranteed access to state-of-the-art telescopes on Maunakea the astronomy program focuses on observational astronomy. 3. The number of full-time faculty decreased from nine to five since the last program review due to a number of unexpected circumstances. At nine faculty, the review process culminated with the recommendation that one experimental physicist be brought onboard. The growth of faculty in the department turned negative in 2012 and remains so in AY4 2016-17 even with the addition of a new hire starting in Fall 2017. 4. The number of majors has fluctuated and remains at about 40 in Astronomy and 15 in Physics. The number of graduates also fluctuates yearly and ranges from 2-8 but is on average 6.1 in Astronomy and 3.5 in Physics. These numbers are similar to peer institutions.

Looking into the future, the Department plans to:

3Adjunct and affiliate faculty are non-salaried appointments; affiliate faculty do research and adjunct faculty can teach at UHH 4Academic Year

Page 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017

1. Continue to justify and request lecturers be replaced with full-time faculty. 2. Utilize the guaranteed access to all telescopes on Maunakea efficiently and responsibly and develop new educational and research opportunities with this unique resource. 3. Seek a new site for the educational observatory of Hoku Ke‘a on the island of Hawai‘i.5 4. Continue to improve our academic program and research activities, as well as nurture a collegial working environment among faculty and students.

5The fate of the UHH observatory is in the hands of the Hawai‘i State Legal and Executive branches.

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IV. Program Organization

IV.1 Background

Physics and Astronomy Programs: The priority of the Department of Physics and Astronomy is to support the B.S. in astronomy, B.A. in physics, and respective minor degrees. In addition, the Department services eleven degree programs, the pre-engineering program, and the STEM Research Honors and Energy Science certificates. The eleven degree programs offered by the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Marine Science, Computer Science and Natural Science and the pre-engineering track require a one or two semester class in freshman physics. The certificates require upper division courses in physics and astronomy. Finally, the Department supports the university at large by offering an introductory courses in astronomy and physics that fulfill the Natural Science general education requirements.

The two degree programs in the Department are designed to prepare UHH students to compete for technical jobs in Size of Bachelor’s Class by Number of FTE Faculty astronomy, physics and related fields or continue onto grad- in Physics Departments Offering Only Bachelor’s Degrees uate school. Our alumni have secured jobs at astronomical LEGEND 28+ observatories, planetariums, science museums, research labs, O 1 department 26 private industry, and some have continued their education O 2 departments in master and doctoral degree programs in various fields. 24 O 3 or more departments Some alumni have followed the educational track and after 22 certification by the appropriate State, are teaching science 20 in high schools. 18

16 Synergy of Physics and Astronomy at UHH – According to 14 the American Institute of Physics (hereafter AIP) “Physics 12 departments that award a bachelors degree as their highest 10 degree typically have between 3 and 8 fulltime equivalent 8 6 verage Number of Bachelor’sverage Degrees Number of Granted 6 faculty ,” (included in Appendix A-1). UHH currently has A 1 3 of a full-time physics professor and thus the teaching of 4 7 physics is being carried out by the three astronomy faculty , 2 8 two instructors and five short-term hires defined as lectur- 0 ers in the UH system. Among US institutions undergradu- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19+ ate programs in astronomy are housed as a specialization in Number of Full-Time Equivalent Faculty Note: The number of bachelors represents a rounded 3-year average (classes of 2012, 2013, physics and tend to be smaller in faculty and students than and 2014). The number of faculty is for the 2014 academic year. Figure includes 454 departments that offered a bachelors as their highest degree for all 3 degree classes and the physics programs. With some exceptions large physics provided their faculty data. and astronomy programs are housed in institutions that also offer doctoral degrees. This is not the case at UHH. At UHH Figure 1: Size of Department versus degrees granted (Mul- vey, Tyler, Nicholson, and Ivie, AIP, February 2017) more students are enrolled in astronomy than in physics and since its inception, more students are graduating with an astronomy rather than a physics degree. The astronomy four-year degree program was established in 1997 and UHH conferred the first astronomy degree in 2001. Since 2001, on average 63% (6.1 students) of our majors have graduated with an astronomy degree. In contrast, the physics program established earlier graduated on average 1.5 students per year before the first astronomy degree was conferred and 3.5 after the creation of the astronomy degree. Clearly, the astronomy program boosted the physics program.

6Mulvey et al. American Institute of Physics Statistical Research Center: focus on, February 2017, page 3 7One of which is the Director of the Hoku Kea Telescope and has a reduced teaching load. 8On January 18, 2017, one of the two instructors passed away.

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In recent years, a select number of astronomy majors have opted to pursue both degrees. Since 2010/2011 the number of degrees granted in physics and astronomy are comparable (see Table 1) and in the period 2010/2011 through 2015/2016 on average 58% are in astronomy and 42%, in physics. UHH is unique in that most students enter the astronomy program and once enrolled, a few elect to add the B.A. in physics. This trend is quite different than what is seen in other physics and astronomy departments.

Table 1: UHH Graduates: 2011-2017

Degree 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017† B.A. Physics (%) 8 (50) 4 (40) 2 (50) 3 (33) 3 (30) 5 (36) 7 (58) B.S. Astronomy (%) 8 (50) 6 (60) 2 (50) 6 (67) 7 (70) 9 (64) 5 (42) Double Major‡ (%) 6 (60) 4 (67) 1 (33) 3 (50) 3 (43) 4 (40) 5 (71) Total Degrees 16 10 4 9 10 14 12

†Expected numbers as of December 1, 2016

The synergy between the physics and astronomy programs cannot be overstated. It has allowed the physics program to grow and remain in spite of the administration’s desire to discontinue it. This synergy evidently supports the astronomy program by providing all service courses in physics with the added value that many of the faculty that teach physics are trained astronomers and draw from astronomy to motivate physics problems. Astronomy has been identified as one of the specializations of the UHH campus and it is relevant to the State of Hawai‘i because of the natural resources offered by the mountain of Maunakea, arguably the best site in the Northern Hemisphere or in the world to observe the sky. To service both degrees by 2001 the Department had grown to have three astronomy and two physics tenure-line faculty and three instructors. Unfortunately the Department suffered several setbacks9 and in 2017 with more majors than in 2001, it had lost three permanent positions. The Department currently has three astronomy professors (one tenured), one tenured physics professor with a 60% reduced teaching load10, one instructor, and seven lecturers11. The synergy of the astronomy and physics programs at UHH have undoubtedly benefited each other but the growth of the programs has been stunted.

A successful astronomy program relies heavily on a strong physics program. This is evident especially in the upper division astronomy courses that bring together diverse elements from several branches of physics and mathematics. UHH astronomy and physics majors who have a solid training in freshman physics and mathematics pass upper division astronomy courses with good grades and in their first try and also engage successfully in research projects. To ensure competency in physics, the physics and astronomy degree programs share the majority of the required courses. All lower division courses in physics and mathematics are the same for both majors and two of the five upper division physics courses required for the physics degree are also required for the astronomy degree. The physics and astronomy programs have been designed purposely to allow students to change between these two majors or obtain both degrees in four years if they so choose.

Service: Our department offers several service courses mainly at the freshman level. A common denominator among the service courses is they instill critical thinking and use mathematics extensively to describe the phys-

9In 2008 Michael West leaves and Marianne Takamiya replaces West; in 2009 Robert Fox retires; in 2011 David James leaves; in 2011 Jesse Goldman replaces Fox; in 2012 R. Pierre Martin replaces James; in 2012 Richard Crowe dies; in 2012 William Heacox retires; in 2012 Jay Slivkoff (APT) dies; in 2013 Kathy Cooksey replaces Richard Crowe; in 2014 Jesse Goldman leaves, in 2017 Norman Purves dies. 10 2 Physics faculty has 3 duties assigned to the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM). 11Lecturers are casual semester-by-semester hires who cover classes as needed but do not have a contract with the University and are unable to commit long-term to our students or institution. A few of them have permanent jobs elsewhere. The teaching load of lecturers in the Department is 24 credits for Spring 2017.

Page 7 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 ical world. We address a wide range of natural phenomena and explain the laws of physics conceptually and quantitatively depending on the level of the course.

Most non-major students find algebra-based freshman physics such as PHYS 106 and PHYS 10712 inspiring yet challenging because of the wide breath of material covered and extensive use of mathematics. The calculus-based physics, PHYS 170 and PHYS 171, are required for majors and non-majors and are rigorous freshman courses suited for pre-engineers and physical science majors. These freshman physics courses are required for several degrees (see Table 11) but are not a requirement for a class except for Physical Oceanography (MARE 440)13 in the Marine Science program that lists PHYS 170/170L or PHYS 106/170L as pre-requisites. Most students at UHH take freshman physics, either the algebra or calculus-based track, in their senior year.

The department offers three freshman courses in astronomy that fulfill the Natural Science general education requirement at UHH. ASTR 110, General Astronomy, continues to be the course that attracts the largest number of majors in other disciplines. The Department offers this elective every semester with enrollments of approximately 50 students. Accompanying this lecture is the General Astronomy lab, ASTR 110L, that provides first hand experience using small aperture telescopes, activities at the ’Imiloa Astronomy Center planetarium, and field trips to the slopes of Maunakea. Life in the Universe, ASTR 150, is an introductory course that covers part of ASTR 110 but expands on the exciting and fast moving field of and origin of life intersecting areas of astronomy, biology, chemistry, and geology. This course is offered in spring semesters only with enrollments of 10-20 students.

Research: Astronomy and physics are sciences that advance on par with technology while also triggering tech- nological revolutions to reach their goals. Much of the development in astronomy is thus tied to technology and to provide opportunities for our students to skillfully embrace current state-of-the-art technologies, our astronomy program has developed a number of lower and upper division labs. The lab activities utilize technology to em- phasize the learning process and provide problem-solving opportunities while lessening the emphasis on obtaining the correct answer. In current times where solutions of textbook problems are easily accessible, the department views that professionals trained in open-ended problems are better prepared to succeed in the workforce.

UHH has access to ten observatories on the summit of Maunakea.14 In addition, the Department owns the Hoku Ke‘a observatory that houses a 0.9m telescope on the summit but is unfortunately inoperable at the moment and slated to be decommissioned. With Maunakea’s state-of-the-art instruments and telescopes, astronomy researchers and students can engage in research through a competitive time allocation process. The telescope allocation committee (TAC) is managed by the Institute for Astronomy at the University of M¯anoa(hereafter UHM) and is composed of 8-9 faculty, one of which is from UHH and the rest from UHM. Since September 2016, the Department was granted guaranteed time on all Maunakea telescopes at the level of 6 nights per year for five years, 10 nights for the next 5 years and 15 nights thereafter. This allocation comes from the UH system with a Memorandum of Understanding with the Institute for Astronomy at UH M¯anoa(See Appendix A-2). The UHH telescope allocation committee (UHHTAC) is managed entirely by the department and is composed of 4 astronomers, 2 of which are UHH faculty and 2 are astronomers from the observatories, all appointed by the chair of the department. The chair of the UHHTAC is a UHH faculty.

12PHYS 106 and 107 are in the process of being renumbered to PHYS 151 and 152. They will continue to be identified as PHYS 106 and 107 throughout the document except in a few instances where UHH managed lists have already updated this change. 13MARE 440 Physical Oceanography (3): Topics in physical oceanography include: distribution of water characteristics in the ocean; dynamics of circulation; water masses; wave characteristics including formation, propagation, dispersion and refraction; dynamic and equilibrium theories of tides as well as tsunami, seiche, and internal waves; sound and optics; and the latest methods and instrumentation in physical oceanography. Pre: MARE 201, MATH 205, PHYS 170/170L, or PHYS 106/170L, and instructor’s consent. Recommended: MATH 206. 14Keck I & Keck II 10m, Subaru 8.2m, Gemini 8.0 m, CFHT 4m, IRTF 3.8m, SMA radio interferometer, JCMT, UH2.2m, and UKIRT 3.8m

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Most faculty mentor more than one student. These activities regularly result in research presentations at national and international venues. In addition, faculty are engaged in research activities with national and international collaborators and supported by extramural and intramural grants.

Outreach: The astronomy faculty and students engage yearlong in outreach activities to promote astronomy to the public, K-12 students, and the UHH community. UHH is also part of the Maunakea Astronomy Outreach Committee (MKAOC)15 that coordinates and organizes outreach efforts of all the Maunakea observatories and institutions with ties to astronomy. Faculty, staff and students team up to develop activities and present activities and information to the public. The Department recognizes these efforts are important for a public institution like the UHH and expects these activities will allow the community to better understand and support our efforts. Through these activities, the Department also wishes to give back to the local community.

The astronomy majors lead the University Astrophysics Club (UAC) and one of our faculty mentors the club. The UAC volunteers at the Visitor Center, the entryway to all public to Maunakea, and host visiting students to campus with talks and viewing sessions island-wide.

In 2016, the department started the Robotics Club and in its first year the team participated in the NASA Robotics Competition in Houston, Texas. This year, two UHH teams from the Robotics Club will be participating in the NASA Robotics Competition and in the Swarmathon. This club is mentored by a lecturer and an instructor.

IV.2 Program Goals

Physics and Astronomy Majors

The goals of our two programs are stated in the UHH website.

The 2015-2016 UHH catalog states Physics majors should16: 1. effectively express scientific ideas in writing; 2. use standard mathematical and computational tools to solve problems in physics and astrophysics; 3. develop experimental skills appropriate for physics work; 4. become proficient at finding and analyzing scientific literature; 5. participate in original research projects; 6. earn internship and employment opportunities as appropriate.

The 2015-2016 UHH catalog states Astronomy majors should17: 1. understand the relations between astronomy and other areas of science; 2. solve problems with scientific reasoning and critical thinking skills; 3. communicate complex ideas effectively, both verbally and in writing; and 4. appreciate the impact of astronomy in the state of Hawai‘i.

15 16 17

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The Department has recently redesigned the degree requirements and course contents. These changes are a result of an internal assessment of the performance of students especially in upper division astronomy courses. Of interest are the numbers of students at different levels. The number of juniors in astronomy is lower than sophomore majors while the trend is reversed in physics. The Department is currently further assessing these trends to adjust the academic programs and to identify pinch-points in our programs.

Since August 2014, our Department has been tracking our alumni to build up a database of UHH physics and astronomy graduates. Surveys of and anecdotal feedback from our alumni have allowed us to reassess our goals to change our course goals, course content, and degree requirements. One of the main desires of the alumni surveyed is that UHH develops a master degree program. Moving forward, the Department will continue to improve our program to align itself with the ever-changing job market and graduate admissions process.


Students outside the major should have: 1. developed a basic level of problem solving skills, as encountered solving problems in physics and astronomy, that they can apply in problems they encounter in their majors, in their careers, and generic problems; 2. developed an understanding of the scientific method as applied in every day life and in their fields of expertise; and 3. developed an appreciation of the natural world and new technologies from our current understanding of physics and astronomy.

The Department continues to promote and certify courses that fulfill the Natural Science General Education (hereafter GE) requirements. The GE courses currently certified are listed in Table 2. The certifications are for Writing Intensive (WI), Hawai‘i Pan-Pacific (HPP), Global and Community Citizenship (GCC), Quantitative Reasoning (GQ), and Natural Science Requirement (GN) and each year these certifications may change depending on year of approval and years of certification. Detail information on the GE requirements and academic catalog for which courses are certified can be found in

Table 2: ASTR & PHYS General Education Courses Name Lecture Laboratory Certification

General Astronomy ASTR 110 ASTR 110L - Gen. Astronomy Lab WI†, GN Life in the Universe ASTR 150 ASTR 110L - Gen. Astronomy Lab§ GN Principles of Astronomy I ASTR 180 ASTR 110L - Gen. Astronomy Lab§ GQ, GN Physics for Liberal Arts PHYS 115 none WI, GN Weather & Climate of Hawai‘i PHYS 120 none WI, GN, HPP

College Physics I PHYS 151 PHYS 170L - General Physics I Laboratory GN, WI† Colelge Physics II PHYS 152 PHYS 171L - General Physics II Laboratory GN, WI† General Physics I: Mechanics PHYS 170 PHYS 170L - General Physics I Laboratory GN, WI† General Physics II: Electricity & Magnetism PHYS 171 PHYS 171L - General Physics II Laboratory GN, WI† Literature Review Practicum ASTR 375 none WI

Cosmos and Culture ASTR 381 none WI, GCC‡ Software System for Astronomy ASTR 385 none GCC‡ Space Studies Seminar PHYS/ASTR 496 none WI † Laboratory only is Writing Intensive § GE Committee would prefer that numbering is the same of lecture and lab ‡ Application submitted February 2017

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IV.3 Program Components

The B.S. in Astronomy and B.A. in Physics are designed to be versatile enough to accommodate students that plan to directly enter the job market or continue on to graduate school. Admission to the program is open to UHH students regardless of SAT scores. The two degrees overlap considerably in the first 5 first semesters as seen on Table 3. The required courses amount to 74 credits for the B.S. in Astronomy and 72 for the B.A. in Physics. The total number of credits required to graduate from UHH is 120 thus students have to pick up 46-48 credits in other courses while fulfilling their general education requirements. Students seeking both degrees can do so in four years following the plan presented in Table 4. These double majors will have 80 credits in required courses.

Table 3: Four-year Academic Plan for B.S. Astronomy and B.A. Physics† Fall Semester Spring Semester Credits Year B.S. ASTR B.A. PHYS B.S. ASTR B.A. PHYS B.S. ASTR B.A. PHYS PHYS 170 PHYS 171 PHYS 170L PHYS 171L MATH 205 MATH 206 28 24 1 ASTR 180 ASTR 181 N.S. elec. N.S. elective ASTR 110L CS 150 PHYS 270 ASTR/PHYS 260 MATH 300 ASTR/PHYS 260L 2 MATH 231 PHYS 341 24 22 ASTR 250 CHEM 161 N.S. elective N.S. elective ASTR 250L CHEM 161L PHYS 331 MATH 232 14 15 3 ASTR 350 ASTR 351 PHYS 330 PHYS 371‡ ASTR 350L¶ ASTR 351L¶ MATH 311 ASTR/PHYS 495A ASTR/PHYS 495B 8 11 PHYS 430 4 ASTR elective ‡ ASTR elective PHYS elective PHYS elective Total 74 72

† Items in italics are courses common to both degree programs. ¶ The upper division astronomy labs will be required for the B.S. in Astronomy degree starting Fall 2017. ‡ PHYS 371 and PHYS 430 are taught in alternate years.

The academic requirements for the physics and astronomy degrees and a proposed four-year plan are shown in Table 3. The Department expects to offer them in this cadence starting Fall 2017. The administration regularly asks all department to cancel courses when their enrollments are low. Every semester and across campus, low enrolled classes are cancelled. In our department, these cancellations affect mostly upper division required and elective courses18 which are sometimes taught as directed reading classes to help students graduate on time. The administration has asked us to offer the ASTR 350/351 sequence every other year to avoid cancellations the week before classes start. The department is reviewing this request and assessing the impact to students, and hopes to have a thought-out proposal after the ongoing program review is finished.

Both degrees require two years of courses that are in common. In the third and fourth year, the programs differ mainly in the choice of electives. Nonetheless, astronomy majors require on average two additional courses per semester. Astronomy majors can also choose upper division electives from the list of physics courses and students

18ASTR 350, ASTR 351, PHYS 330, PHYS 331, PHYS 341, PHYS 430

Page 11 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 who successfully do so finish the physics requirements and receive both degrees. In recent years, more students are opting to double major in physics and astronomy at UHH which is also consistent with nationwide trends. According to the AIP19 physics students have broad interests and 36% of physics bachelors in the academic year 2013/2014 reported having a double major in a wide variety of disciplines20. This is a large percentage given that nationwide only 5% of bachelors of all disciplines choose to double major. At UHH the percentage of double majors in physics and astronomy is even higher. Students receiving both degrees ranges from 33-71% within the last six years, and is on average 52%. This is a lower limit as some of our majors also double major in disciplines such as Computer Science, Mathematics, Biology, Geology, Japanese Studies, etc.

Table 4: Four-year Academic Plan for Astronomy and Physics Double Majors† Fall Semester Spring Semester Credits Year B.S. ASTR B.A. PHYS B.S. ASTR B.A. PHYS B.S. ASTR & B.A. PHYS PHYS 170 PHYS 171 PHYS 170L PHYS 171L 1 MATH 205 MATH 206 28 ASTR 180 ASTR 181 ASTR 110L CS 150 PHYS 270 ASTR/PHYS 260 MATH 300 ASTR/PHYS 260L 2 MATH 231 PHYS 341 24 ASTR 250 CHEM 161 ASTR 250L CHEM 161L PHYS 371‡ PHYS 330 MATH 232 ASTR 351 3 20 ASTR 350 ASTR 351L ASTR 350L MATH 311 ASTR/PHYS 495A 4 PHYS 331 ASTR/PHYS 495B 8 PHYS 430‡ Total 80

† The total number of credits in required courses for the double major is 80. ‡ PHYS 371 and PHYS 430 are taught in alternate years.

The Department has tried to align the two degrees to cater to interested students. In effect, the department offers three tracks: astronomy, physics and astrophysics tracks. Students interested in the latter are advised to purposely and carefully choose the upper division electives. An example four-year class schedule is shown in Table 4. This scenario is commonly followed by students that have double-majored in astronomy and physics.

Students enrolled in the B.S. in astronomy tend to add the physics degree in their third year at UHH. The B.S. in astronomy degree differs from the B.A. in physics only in the upper division courses. The following upper division courses are required for the physics but are not required for the astronomy degree: PHYS 371 (Classical Mechanics), PHYS 330 (Electromagnetism), and PHYS 430 (Quantum Mechanics I), and MATH 311 (Linear Algebra). The astronomy degree requires six credits of upper division astronomy or physics electives (ASTR elec. see Table 3) which can be met with two of the three physics upper division courses. By taking a third upper division course the astronomy major also fulfills the physics requirements. Because Quantum Mechanics (QM) and

19American Institute of Physics (AIP) Statistical Research Center, Spring 2016: 20Mathematics, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Engineering, Chemistry, Computer & Information Sciences, Music & Fine Arts, Phi- losophy & Theology, Education & Teaching Certification, Biology and Economics

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Electromagnetism (EM) are fundamental topics in astronomy and astrophysics, these are usually recommended for those astronomy majors intending to go into graduate school. Astronomy majors who then take PHYS 371 can also graduate with a physics degree. In fact many of the astronomy majors have obtained the physics degree following this example.

Students enrolled in the B.A. in physics degree can use astronomy courses to count as the 12 credits of Natural Science electives (N.S. elec. see Table 3) and as the six credits of upper division physics electives (PHYS elec. see Table 3). In the first two years, the physics major will take ASTR 180, ASTR 110L, ASTR 181, ASTR 250, ASTR 250L, CHEM 161, and CHEM 161L which can count as the N.S. elec. The student will have more than 12 credits of N.S. elec. In the upper division level, ASTR 350 and ASTR 351, which cover a wide range of physics concepts and applications, will count as the six credits of PHYS electives. It is not surprising that students initially enrolled in the astronomy program tend to be the ones that pursue both degrees. The situation is seldom mirrored for physics students because of the larger number of course dependencies in the astronomy track. Nonetheless, by advising students early, they can take the appropriate pre-required courses and add the astronomy degree.

The schedule for both degrees is front-loaded with major requirement courses. From student and alumni surveys and assessment of majors, the Department has started to advice that they take mathematics and physics courses in their first semester at UHH and concentrate on the GE courses later in their studies. This is different from what the UH Advising Center recommends which is that students ease into college by taking more GE than major required courses (see other physical sciences degree plans21). From a small survey of our majors, the outcomes are quite opposite: students who took two semesters of physics and mathematics in their first year at UHH either change majors at the end of the first year or graduated in four years in physics or astronomy. Financially and academically, the Department views changing major after the first year as a sound decision. Fulfilling a large number of GE requirements and taking a light load of physics and mathematics courses in the first years puts students in financial and academic risk without a realistic exit strategy. Study skills needed to succeed in physics and astronomy rely heavily on a vast experience of solving a wide range of problem and making connections between physics, mathematics and astronomy early on is advantageous.

The four-year academic plans in Tables 3 & 4 are closely tied to the cadence in which the Department proposes and the administration allows courses to be taught. Since the last program review in 2005/2006, our Department has explored several combinations of course offerings for fall and spring. The calculus-based freshman physics courses, PHYS 170 and PHYS 171, have seen the most modifications. Calculus I was a co-requirement until 2002 but became a pre-requirement afterward. In 2010, the department rolled that back to being a co-requirement as there was no evidence of better class performance or improvement of performance in upper division courses. The department also explored the concept of cohorts and created two new courses PHYS 172 and PHYS 173 which were exactly like PHYS 170/171 but taught for majors only. The PHYS 172/173 sequence was taught spring/fall and the PHYS 170/171 was taught fall/spring. Students in MATH 205 who were ready to take physics in their first semester did not wait and soon the intend of this concept watered-down. However, the main problem may have been staffing.

The duties of the Department to provide the necessary service courses to support other majors and to provide a coherent set of courses for the physics and astronomy majors each semester are shown on Tables 5 and 6. On occasions, internship courses (ASTR 400) and research oriented courses (ASTR 432 and PHYS 432) are offered to allow students to obtain credit for research projects carried out with faculty, observatory astronomers or adjunct faculty, i.e. visiting scientists or UH M¯anoafaculty. In addition, a few upper division elective courses are offered such as Comparative Planetology (ASTR 352), Literature Review Practicum (ASTR 375), Instruments and Techniques (ASTR 450), Gravitation and Cosmology (ASTR 460), Mathematical Physics (PHYS 360 cross- listed as MATH 360), and Chaos (PHYS 380 cross-listed as MATH 380). A few general courses are also offered


Page 13 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 such as Physics for Liberal Arts (PHYS 115), Weather and Climate of Hawai‘i (PHYS 120), ASTR/PHYS 224 (Spaceflight), ASTR/PHYS 230 (Applied Electronics), and the occasional special topics (course number ending in 94), experimental (ending in 98) and directed studies courses (ending in 99).

Table 5: Department Course Offerings Fall/Spring: PHYS Fall Semester Spring Semester ID Title ID Title PHYS 106 College Physics I PHYS 106 College Physics I PHYS 106L College Physics I Lab (PHYS 106L) (College Physics I Lab PHYS 107 College Physics II PHYS 107 College Physics II (PHYS 107L) College Physics II Lab PHYS 107 College Physics II PHYS 170 General Physics I PHYS 170 General Physics I PHYS 170L General Physics I Lab (PHYS 170L) General Physics I Lab PHYS 171 General Physics II PHYS 171 General Physics II (PHYS 171L) General Physics II Lab PHYS 171L General Physics II Lab PHYS 270 Introduction to Modern Physics PHYS 260† Computational Physics & Astronomy PHYS 260L† Computational Physics & Astronomy Lab PHYS 331 Optics PHYS 330 Electromagnetism PHYS 371‡ Classical Mechanics PHYS 341 Thermodynamics PHYS 430‡ Quantum Mechanics PHYS 495A Seminar A PHYS 495A Seminar A PHYS 495B Seminar B PHYS 495B Seminar B † Same as ASTR 260 and ASTR 260L ‡ PHYS 371 and PHYS 430 are taught in alternate years.

Table 6: Department Course Offerings Fall/Spring: ASTR Fall Semester Spring Semester ID Title ID Title ASTR 110 General Astronomy ASTR 110 General Astronomy ASTR 150 Life in the Universe ASTR 110L General Astronomy Lab ASTR 110L General Astronomy Lab ASTR 180 Principles of Astronomy I ASTR 181 Principles of Astronomy II ASTR 250 Observational Astronomy ASTR 260† Computational Physics & Astronomy ASTR 250L Observational Astronomy Lab ASTR 260L† Computational Physics & Astronomy Lab ASTR 350 Stellar Astrophysics ASTR 351 Galactic & Extragalactic Astronomy ASTR 350L Stellar Astrophysics Lab ASTR 351L Galactic & Extragalactic Astronomy Lab ASTR 495A Seminar A ASTR 495A Seminar A ASTR 495A Seminar A ASTR 495B Seminar B † Same as PHYS 260 and PHYS 260L

There are a list of courses that have not been taught in the last 10 years. These are: PHYS 110 (Physics of Contemporary Issues), PHYS/ASTR 111 (Introduction to Space Exploration), ASTR 130 (Introduction to Space Science), PHYS 150 (World Models).

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Comparison With Other Programs: Graduation Rates and Enrollments

Physics: From the latest AIP survey of enrollments and degrees published in 2015, a total of 7,526 physics bachelor’s degrees22 were awarded in the U.S. in 2014. Physics degrees amount only to a small percentage (0.4%) of the total number of 1.8 million bachelor’s degreed conferred in 2014 in the US. For every 1,000 bachelor’s degrees awarded, only 4 were in physics (including astronomy). In Spring 2014, from the 663 de- grees conferred three were in physics and six in astronomy. UHH conferred 1% of degrees in physics & as- tronomy, higher than nationwide. When considering only the physics degree, UHH is consistent with the national values (0.5%), when including only the astronomy degrees, UHH fares better than the national av- erage (0.9%), and when considering both degrees, UHH fares even better at 1.5%. These numbers are im- pressive when learning that the largest undergraduate programs in the US are in universities that also offer graduate degrees in the discipline. UHH does not offer a master or PhD degree in astronomy or physics. The variations in total number of degrees in physics nationally has varied largely over the last decades reaching high numbers of approximately 6,000 in the 1970s and 2010’s and reaching lows of approximately 3,650 in 2000. However, over the last decade the number of physics degrees has increased steadily in the US and it has reached its maximum in 2014 at 7,526 as can be seen in Figure 2. UHH has one of the 751 degree- granting physics departments in the US and a crude average number of graduates per program is estimated to be 10 stu- dents. Compared to this very crude average, our programs granted a similar number of degrees of 10.5 in a time period of six year from AY 2010-11 to AY 2015-16 (see Table 1). Overall the number of graduates at UHH can vary largely from year to year. For example, at the end of AY 2012-13, the administra- tion was seriously considering cancelling the B.A. in Physics when the graduation numbers were two in physics and two Figure 2: Bachelor degrees in physics from 1955 to 2014. AIP focus on publication. in astronomy. This was not the first time the program was threatened and the faculty understands that there are tough financial decisions that it must take. However, these considerations engender anxiety and poor morale among faculty and staff and only degrade the quality of the program as faculty tend to leave and vacated positions are not filled. A wider time span and correlations with external and internal factors affecting UHH would help the institution understand the reasons for these variations and the correct changes if any that need to be implemented.

Astronomy: US institutions produced 428 bachelor’s in astronomy in AY 2013-14 among 67 departments as shown on Figure 3. On average, each department granted six degrees that year. UHH graduated six astronomy majors in the same year, thus the numbers at UHH are consistent with the national average. It is worth mentioning that the distribution of the number of degrees is not normal. A group of 13 universities (19%) identified in Table 7 that granted more than 10 degrees each, also offer the Ph.D. Astronomy. Of interest is also the number of students taking a general astronomy course (Column 6 in Table 7 ASTR 101). The number of students taking a general course in astronomy is in some cases one order of magnitude larger than at UHH, which is directly related to the size of these institutions and shows indirect evidence at how different these institutions are from UHH. A better comparison for UHH is the other group of institutions granting less than 10 degrees per year that represent the majority of the US institutions granting astronomy degrees (see Figure 3).

22The definition of a physics degree for the purposes of the AIP survey include all physics concentrations including astronomy.

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Figure 3: Distribution of bachelor degrees in astronomy granted in AY 2013-14 by institutions listed on Tables 7, 8, & 9.

Table 7: Institutions With > 10 Astronomy Graduates and UHH†‡

Institution Degrees JR SR Dept. Type ASTR 101 Highest Degree Northern Arizona 11 21 37 c 272 Ph.D. U. California, Berkeley 36 15 40 s 1509 Ph.D. U. California, Los Angeles 14 17 25 c 1519 Ph.D. U. of Colorado, Boulder 42 70 90 s 1588 Ph.D. Florida Institute of Technology 17 11 22 c 112 Ph.D. U. of Maryland, College Park 15 11 27 s 762 Ph.D. Boston University 12 10 15 s 806 Ph.D. U. of Michigan 13 10 16 s 2502 Ph.D. U. of Minnesota 15 11 36 s 1160 Ph.D. Pennsylvania State U. 14 12 26 s 4160 Ph.D. U. of Texas, Austin 16 16 43 s 2124 Ph.D. U. of Washington 27 16 29 s 1952 Ph.D. U. of Wisconsin, Madison 15 15 15 s 874 Ph.D. U. of Hawai’i at Hilo 6 6 10 c 107 bachelor † Data for 2013-2014 academic year ‡Source: American Physical Society APS

The achievements of UHH graduates holding degrees in astronomy and physics having secured a variety of jobs is a clear indicator of the success of the programs. The scant data from our alumni does not allow us to fully and directly compare our students’ achievements with other institutions’ however from a cohort of 31 respondents, we conclude that UHH is different from most undergraduate universities in where the alumni are after graduation. A survey of the AIP reported that of 5,760 physics bachelor’s who graduated in 2007 and 2008, 44% obtain

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Table 8: Institutions With < 10 Astronomy Graduates and UHH†‡

Institution Degrees JR SR Dept. Type ASTR 101 Highest Degree Embry-Riddle Aeronautical, AZ 0 0 0 c 31 bachelor Southern CA-U of USC 0 1 1 c 526 bachelor Connecticut College 0 0 0 c 91 bachelor Embry-Riddle Aeronautical, FL 3 9 6 c 18 bachelor Agnes Scott College 1 1 1 52 bachelor Valdosta State U 0 2 4 c 428 bachelor Benedictine Coll 1 1 2 c 72 bachelor Kansas-U of 3 6 9 c 254 bachelor Mount Holyoke Coll 1 1 2 s 235 bachelor Smith Coll 4 3 4 s 109 bachelor Wellesley Coll 3 6 5 s 179 bachelor Williams Coll 5 3 2 s 56 bachelor Wayne State U 0 2 3 c 1142 bachelor Minnesota St U-Mankato 1 - 1 c 672 bachelor Dartmouth Coll 2 2 0 c 301 bachelor Barnard Coll 1 0 1 c 100 bachelor Colgate U 4 5 6 c 161 bachelor Rochester-U of 7 3 3 c 149 bachelor SUNY Coll at New Paltz 0 5 5 c 410 bachelor SUNY-Stony Brook§ 6 8 17 c 511 bachelor Union Coll 1 0 0 c 58 bachelor Vassar Coll 4 2 6 c 137 bachelor Ohio Wesleyan U 0 2 2 c 92 bachelor Toledo-U of 0 6 6 c - bachelor Youngstown State U 1 5 2 c 521 bachelor Haverford Coll 5 2 5 c 11 bachelor Lycoming Coll 2 5 1 c 150 bachelor Swarthmore Coll 0 1 5 c 50 bachelor Villanova U 4 3 7 s 170 bachelor Charleston-Coll of 3 12 8 c 530 bachelor George Mason U§ 1 6 5 c 1382 bachelor Whitman Coll 6 4 6 s 160 bachelor U. of Hawai’i at Hilo 6 6 10 c 107 bachelor † Data for 2013-2014 academic year ‡Source: American Physical Society APS § Institution does offer graduate degree in Physics but not Astronomy

Table 9: Institutions With < 10 Astronomy Graduates and UHH†‡

Institution Degrees JR SR Dept. Type ASTR 101 Highest Degree U. of Arizona 7 15 22 c 1410 Ph.D. San Diego State U. 1 11 8 s 905 master Wesleyan 1 2 5 s 327 master Yale U. 2 5 7 s 307 Ph.D. Florida-U of 2 10 17 s 1337 Ph.D. Illinois-U of, Urbana 8 12 11 s 2451 Ph.D. Indiana U-Bloomington 3 7 5 s 2108 Ph.D. Iowa-U of 8 5 11 c 519 master Harvard 5 11 15 s 66 Ph.D. Massachusetts-U of, Amherst 9 21 22 s 1195 Ph.D. Tufts 0 0 0 c 268 Ph.D. Michigan State U 7 25 16 c 129 Ph.D. Princeton U 4 11 5 s 213 Ph.D. Columbia U 6 13 9 s 348 Ph.D. Cornell U 0 5 1 s 388 Ph.D. Case Western Reserve U 5 8 1 s 184 Ph.D. Ohio State U 7 17 22 s 1674 Ph.D. Pittsburgh-U of 3 3 0 c 954 Ph.D. Rice U 5 2 8 c 167 Ph.D. Virginia-U of 5 10 19 s 1741 Ph.D. Wyoming-U of 6 5 5 c 266 Ph.D. U. of Hawai’i at Hilo 6 6 10 c 107 bachelor † Data for 2013-2014 academic year ‡Source: American Physical Society APS

Page 17 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 employment while 56% went onto graduate school. From our survey of 31 alumni, about 30% of them continued on to graduate school and 65% obtained a job after UHH. From those with jobs 55% are in public institutions (observatories, planetaria, state universities). Compared to the national statistics shown in Table 10, UHH is different in that most students do not continue on to graduate school but instead seek jobs in related fields and secure them in public institutions.

Table 10: Bachelor’s Degrees 1 Year Later§ Number Employment (44%) Number Graduate School (56%) 1210 Private Sector 1890 Physics & Astronomy 280 College & University 630 Engineering 240 High School Teaching 320 Other Science & Math 160 Active Military 140 Medicine & Law 130 Government 140 Education 160 Other 100 Other 340 Unemployment, seeking

§ Source: AIP survey of 5,760 physics bachelor degrees conferred in 2007 and 2008

Comparison With Other Programs: Academics

Physics and Astronomy: Compared to other US physics and astronomy programs in public and private institu- tions, UHH’s programs are similar in the number of credits and courses required. The astronomy degree has a few more credits since it is a specialized branch of physics and has a few more dependencies: 200 and 300-level physics, math, and computer science courses are requirements of upper division electives. For example, ASTR 350 (Stellar Astrophysics) requires PHYS 270 (Introduction to Modern Physics) as a pre-req and PHYS 341 (Thermodynamics) as a co-requirement. Another point of contrast are laboratory experiences. UHH requires four astronomy labs, two physics labs, and one physics-astronomy lab (ASTR/PHYS 260L). The number of labs differs from program to program but usually physics has three labs for the first three physics courses.

The physics degree requires 72 credits of courses in physics, mathematics and electives (PHYS elective). Physics programs are fundamentally similar across the nation with variations when different tracks are offered (e.g. astronomy, computer science, engineering, etc.). Stark differences between programs lie in the availability and diversity of upper division laboratories. Small universities do not have enough resources to develop and maintain physics laboratories and not surprisingly UHH falls in that category. Although the department has acquired a suite of modern physics and optics experiments insufficient resources and faculty have prevented a full development of upper division laboratories. To a lesser degree, physics programs differ in the variety of upper division electives offered. At UHH the astronomy courses provide a good range of electives to the physics degree.

The astronomy degree requires 74 credits of astronomy, physics, mathematics and electives (ASTR and PHYS elective). Compared to other national astronomy programs, the required courses and credits are similar to the UHH program in that all require three years of mathematics courses starting from first semester of freshman and physics courses starting from the first or second semester of freshman until graduation. Differences among all programs lie in whether astronomy can be declared, either having passed a certain number of mathematics and physics courses or without requirement; set courses of upper division physics electives (e.g. Classical Mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism, Quantum Mechanics); and upper division physics laboratory courses. In general most astronomy programs are a physics program with astronomy courses required almost every semester starting in the second year. The program at UHH is slightly different in that there are astronomy courses every semester and from the eight astronomy courses five have laboratory components. These laboratory courses accompany the lectures in astronomy to build expertise in data acquisition and statistical analysis, and handling of hardware and software. Students are required to handle small 6”-Cassegrain-Schmidt telescopes on Alt-AZ mounts and simple

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CCD cameras in the first year, 9”.25 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes on German equatorial mounts, cameras, and spectrographs in the second year, and prepare for and carry out observing runs using large telescopes in their third or fourth year. Students who intend to go into graduate school or seek technical jobs are advised to engage in research with faculty or astronomers from the community using Maunakea telescopes from 2.2m apertures to 8-10m to learn how to prepare, observe, and process the data from state-of-the-art telescopes and instruments as part of a project.

It is important to point out the synergy that exists between the astronomy and physics programs at UHH. Most institutions that offer astronomy do so as a track in the physics program housed in a strong physics department usually offering graduate degrees in physics or astronomy. Usually these departments have a few astronomy faculty that augment their physics program. UHH is different in that most of the faculty are astronomers who teach physics and astronomy courses and most of our students graduate with a double major in astronomy and physics. Since 2011, 38 students graduated from our two programs and 55% of them graduated with the two degrees. In general, UHH graduates more astronomy majors than physics majors. Since spring of 2011, UHH has awarded 35 degrees in astronomy and 24 in physics. Of these, three students graduated only with a physics degree (no astronomy degree) and ten graduated only with an astronomy degree (no physics degree).

Service Courses

Physics Required Courses in Other Majors: The department offers a number of physics courses required for other majors in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM) and College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Division of Natural Sciences. In addition to the B.A. in Physics, physics courses are required in six B.S. degrees, six B.A. degrees, two certificates and one two-year program (pre-Engineering) as shown on Table 11. The courses that are required for other majors are PHYS 106 (College Physics I), PHYS 170 (General Physics I: Mechanics), PHYS 107 (College Physics II), PHYS 171 (General Physics II: Electricity & Magnetism) and their accompanying labs (PHYS 170L and PHYS 171L). Currently, the lab for PHYS 106 is PHYS 170L and that of PHYS 107 is PHYS 171L but this will change in Fall 2017 when the new labs PHYS 106L and PHYS 107L will be offered allowing for more statistical and error analysis in PHYS 170L and PHYS 171L. In addition to these freshman courses, a few majors also require 200 and 300 level physics courses as electives or are strongly recommended for students interested in graduate school (e.g. B.S. in Geology). By far the astronomy program hinges completely on the physics courses and to a large extent, the program itself. Service courses are listed in Table 11.

The calculus-based physics sequence, PHYS 170 and PHYS 171, is a requirement for degrees in the physical sciences and engineering. In general, academic programs such as Marine Science, Biology, or pre-Medicine 23 require a one-year algebra-based physics course. In contrast, at UHH these programs require calculus-based physics at the level of Halliday & Resnick. However, this has proven to be somewhat detrimental to the physics and astronomy majors. Non-majors, many who have never taken a physics course before, are taking this freshman course in their senior year, are not passing or are passing with a low grade. This course has earned the reputation of being hard for atypical reasons. Majors take this course in their freshman year and are having a hard time securing a seat since seniors have first priority to enroll in classes. Further, the stakes are high for non-majors who need to pass this course or they can not graduate at the end of the semester. Non-majors are particularly stressed to pass this course. To ameliorate the frustration of majors and non-majors, the department has asked the Biology and Marine Science Chairs to advise their students to take physics in the second and has also reached out to discuss the need for a calculus-based physics course. The Biology Department now requires the algebra based physics sequence (PHYS 106/107) and will also accept the calculus-based one if the student so prefers. However, the Marine Science Department rejected that idea arguing that they offer a Marine Science and not 23For instance: B.S. Biology and B.S. Marine Biology at University of Hawai’i M¯anoa(http://; B.S. Marine Science at California State University Monterey Bay ( courses); Pre-Med at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

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Marine Biology degree. Unfortunately, this requires that instructors spend a larger proportion of lecture time with conceptual ideas and exams are perceived to be harder because of the lack of training in physics and mathematics. This situation deteriorates further in PHYS 171 (Electricity & Magnetism) when multiple-integrals and vector calculus are required.

Physics and Astronomy General Education Courses: In addition to providing the necessary required courses for several majors in CAS and CAFNRM, the physics program also provides courses that fulfill the GE Core Re- quirements of the undergraduate program at UHH. Currently UHH requires 37 credits of GE and Integrative Requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Among other GE requirements, the baccalaureate degree at UHH requires seven credits of Natural Science Electives with one of these credits taken as an associated laboratory (Table 2). The department has offered PHYS 110 (Physics of Contemporary Issues - 3 credits) and PHYS 115 (Physics for Liberal Arts - 3 credits) however these courses are not offered regularly and when offered they usually draw few students and tend to be cancelled due to low enrollments, i.e. less than 10 students. As recent as 2015, the department has requested that PHYS 106, PHYS 107, PHYS 170, PHYS 171, PHYS 170L, and PHYS 171L be certified as GE courses that fulfill the Natural Science with laboratory requirements. This is an important addition since many of the physics, astronomy, and computer science majors had to take courses in other disci- plines to fulfill this particular GE requirement even though their course work already required several Natural Science courses with labs. The department expects that this will help students navigate more easily through the GE requirements.

The main service courses in Astronomy are ASTR 110 (General Astronomy), ASTR 110L (General Astronomy Lab), ASTR 150 (Life in the Universe), and ASTR 180 (Principles of Astronomy I). They are currently all certified as GE courses by the university and especially ASTR 110 continue to be the one course taken by most non-majors. A few students taking these lectures also take the lab (ASTR 110L). The Department has also requested that ASTR 150 and ASTR 180 be certified with the lab when ASTR 110L is also taken to allow students to fulfill the lecture and lab requirement of the Natural Science GE but the numbering usually confuses students and the system thus few students enrolled in these courses enroll in the lab. To address this situation, the department is considering building new courses to accompany them, i.e. ASTR 150L and ASTR 180L.

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Table 11: PHYS Courses Required In Degrees Other Than The B.A. in Physics College Degree 106 170 170L 107 171 171L Other

, XXXX , Energy Science§ ‡ 341¶ † XXXX CAFNRM 1 B.S. Agriculture XXXX B.S. Astronomy XXXX see Tables 3,4 XXXX B.A. Biology‡ XXXX 2 B.S. Biology XXXX B.A. Chemistry XXXX XXXX B.A. Chemistry Bioscience‡ XXXX B.S. Computer Science CAS XXXX Pre-Engineering XXXX B.A. Geology XXXX , B.S. Geology XXXX 260¶ † B.A. Marine Science XXXX B.S. Marine Science XXXX STEM Research Honors§ 270, 331† XXXX B.A. Natural Science‡ XXXX 1 B.S. in Agriculture Specialities: Animal Science and Aquaculture 2 B.S. in Biology Cell, Molecular & Biomedical Sciences Track and Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Track § Certificate † PHYS 260: Computational Physics and Astronomy (3 credits); PHYS 270: Introduction to Modern Physics (3 credits); PHYS 341: Thermodynamics (3 credits); PHYS 331: Optics (3 credits) ‡ Degree requirements are fulfilled if student passes either PHYS 106 or PHYS 170 and either PHYS 107 or PHYS 171. ¶ Elective or advised for continuation into graduate school

B.A. in Natural Science: The tracks of Earth Science and Physics in the B.A. in Natural Science degree require a set of physics and astronomy courses ranging from freshman to junior level. The requirements for these degrees call for 74-77 credits of math, physics, biology, chemistry, and astronomy. The Earth Science Track is a 74-77 credit program that requires the following courses in physics: PHYS 170, PHYS 170L, PHYS 171 and PHYS 171, or PHYS 106, PHYS 170L, PHYS 107, and PHYS 171L, and PHYS 170L , or PHYS 171. This program is managed under the Geology Department.

Table 12: ASTR & PHYS Courses in the B.A. in Natural Science Degree Program Track Required Track Required PHYS 170 or PHYS 106 PHYS 170 PHYS 170L PHYS 170L PHYS 171 or PHYS 107 PHYS 171 Earth Science PHYS 171L PHYS 171L Physics ASTR 180 PHYS 270 ASTR 181 PHYS 371 ASTR 110L PHYS 211 or PHYS 230 PHYS 330, PHYS 331, PHYS 341, or PHYS 360

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Curricula Changes

Our programs have been under scrutiny by the administration for two reasons: (i) the number of physics graduates is considered small by the administration (see Table 1) and (ii) there are too many low-enrolled courses in astronomy and physics at the upper division compared to other science programs at UHH. It is not obvious why there is a decrease in graduates and student enrollments but the department acknowledges that there is a retention problem. Nevertheless, the department members identified problem areas, discussed various possible strategies to address these, and adopted a number of modifications in the curricula and in course scheduling. During the academic years of 2012 through 2015 the astronomy and physics programs have been modified to provide training in practical skills that we have identified as important across disciplines. These are computer literacy, hands-on experiences in experimental astronomy and physics, and tasks involving open-ended problem solving.

New Vision:

A) Computer literacy: The two degree programs offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy were modified to require ASTR/PHYS 260 (a cross-listed course) entitled Computational Physics and Astronomy. This course takes advantage of our computer lab, a dedicated room with 12 stations running linux with a wide variety of programming languages and professional astronomy software. The objective of this course is to train students to solve physics and astronomy problems in programming languages such as Python, C++, C (gcc), Fortran, IDL, etc. Examples of problems that are tackled are the real pendulum, the orbit of Mercury when including GR effects, electric potentials of complex charge arrays, etc. ASTR/PHYS 260 requirements were changed to include CS 150 (Introduction to Computer Science) as a pre-requisite. More recently, the Department added a laboratory component to this course (ASTR/PHYS 260L) to allow students time to learn good coding strategies, debugging, and visualization of data in a hands-on environment. The main strategy has been to deliver a lecture in ASTR/PHYS 260 that motivates the use of numerical methods in astronomy and physics and use the laboratory sessions to allow students to work on problems in pair-coding or debugging sessions. B) Upper Division Astronomy Laboratories: The department has recently developed two new junior level courses ASTR 350L and ASTR 351L that accompany ASTR 350 (Stellar Astrophysics) and ASTR 351 (Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy), respectively. These laboratory courses are aimed at developing the necessary skills to learn how to observe various astronomical sources. ASTR 350L focuses on observations of stellar sources in imaging and spectroscopic mode. Analysis of these data will allow them to extract scien- tifically meaningful properties such as calibrated flux, colors, proper motions, equivalent widths, extinction, etc. ASTR 351L focuses on observations of extended sources also in imaging and spectroscopic mode. The science products students are expected to study are color terms, , emission line ratios, extinction, source sizes, etc. Using the guaranteed time on various Maunakea telescopes under the agreement with the UH system, students will be able to design their observations, carry them out and extract the necessary data. C) Upper Division Physics Laboratories: Three laboratory courses at the sophomore and junior level have been offered in the last five years. A modern physics lab course has been taught twice to accompany the course Introduction to Modern Physics (PHYS 270) as special topics courses and an Optics Lab to accompany Optics (PHYS 331). The objective is to support the material presented in the lecture courses and to promote the experimental side of physics. D) Recitation Sessions: The calculus-based physics courses (PHYS 170 and PHYS 171) are four-credit courses which have been modified in numerous ways over the last ca. ten years. Until 2015, they were taught five times a week in lectures of 50 minutes each. The following modifications were done: Majors and Non-Majors: The courses were divided into sections for majors (PHYS 172 and PHYS 173) • and non-majors (PHYS 170 and PHYS 171) where the material taught was exactly the same but the

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emphasis in the majors sections was on problems in pure physics and astrophysics whereas in PHYS 170/171, the emphasis was on biology and marine science examples. The motivation was to develop a community of physicists and astronomers in the major’s section. To conform with the requirements of the college and our programs, the PHYS 170/171 sequence was taught Fall/Spring and PHYS 172/173 Spring/Fall. Majors falling behind were taking the non-majors course and vice-versa which did not allow this model to reach its full potential. Pre- and Co-requisites: Up until the 2005/2006 academic year, Calculus I (MATH 205) was pre- or • co-requisite to PHYS 170. From the 2006-2007 academic year until 2010-11, MATH 205 became a pre-requirement along with a math placement exam. Until 2014-15, the laboratory course PHYS 170L was a pre-req for the second semester physics (PHYS 171) but it was dropped in 2014-15. The changes in pre- and co-reqs do not seem to have affected the performance of students in the upper division courses. Scheduling: For a number of years, the five-times a week class schedule became hard to schedule in • prime hours and was slated to an 8 AM schedule to avoid schedule conflicts with other departments. The department noticed that a large number of students were regularly skipping class or arriving late. Since Spring 2015, problem solving sessions have been decoupled from the lectures to allow a different time slot while still delivering the 4.5-contact-hours per week. Both courses are now regularly scheduled three times a week in lectures of 50 min and a 75-min recitation session in the afternoons (Thursday for PHYS 171 or Friday for PHYS 170). The weekly schedule of MWF 9:00-9:50 AM and the recitation sessions has been frozen to help other departments schedules around this service course. Each recitation session accommodates up to 20 students and is taught by faculty or senior physics majors.

In addition to these overall modifications, the following course and academic program changes have been imple- mented in the last five years. Those identified with an asterisk (*) have been proposed and, if approved, will be implemented starting Fall 2017.

New Vision Implementation: Course Modifications and New Courses:

A) ASTR 350 - Stellar Astrophysics - is the first required course in the program that draws elements from high level mathematics, physics and astronomy. Students tended to do poorly partly because of the lack of familiarity with concepts of thermodynamics. The pre-requirements of ASTR 350 were changed to include PHYS 341 (Thermodynamics), ASTR 250 (Observational Astronomy), and ASTR 260 (Computational Physics and Astronomy). B) ASTR/PHYS 260 - Computational Physics and Astronomy - is the first required course in the program where students encounter real physics and astronomy problems that can not be solved analytically but only numerically. To increase the success in this course, its pre-requirements now include CS 150 (Introduction to Computer Science) and the course itself has a lab component (ASTR/PHYS 260L). C) Electromagnetism (PHYS 330) and Quantum Mechanics I (PHYS 430) - are required courses in the physics program but electives in the astronomy program. Quantum Mechanics I used to be 3 credits but was changed in 2008-09 to a 4 credit course to include more material. Electromagnetism was also changed to be a 4 credit course in 2010-11. Astronomy students were not enrolling in these two courses partly because they were not able to fit one or two four-credit courses into their 4th-year. In Fall 2016, the Department decreased the number of credits from four to three of both these courses to increase enrollments by astronomy majors, to align our program with other institutions, and offer a realistic opportunity to astronomy majors to take upper division courses in EM and QM. D) *PHYS 430 pre-requisites were changed to include MATH 311 (Linear Algebra). They currently are Intro- duction to Modern Physics (PHYS 270) and Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH 300).

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E) *PHYS 106L and PHYS 107L - currently the algebra-based physics courses cater mostly to non-majors and share the same laboratory courses as those taking calculus-based physics. To provide better support to majors and non-majors, and to align with the UH system physics lectures and lab courses, this modification has been proposed and, if approved, should be implemented by Fall 2017. The laboratory experiments will be exactly the same as in PHYS 170L/PHYS 171L but the error analysis and theoretical background will be emphasized differently. This separation will also allow PHYS 170L and 171L to be writing intensive as the discussion sections in the reports of the calculus-based course can be expanded to include open-ended inquiries. F) We are the third department at UHH after Mathematics and Chemistry to align the course numbers with that of the UH-system in order to ease the transfer of students from other UH campuses24. The number of transfers from mainland colleges is significant in astronomy and with this alignment the department hopes that more in-state students transfer to physics and astronomy. The department aligned the following courses and created the accompanying labs for the algebra-based lectures (PHYS 106/107): PHYS 106/L PHYS 151/L • → PHYS 107/L PHYS 152/L • → PHYS 171/L PHYS 272/L • → PHYS 270 PHYS 274. • →

New Vision Implementation: Astronomy Program changes: A) CHEM 161+L - General Chemistry and Lab, are now required courses in the astronomy program. A chemistry approach to the electronic transitions detected in the optical and NIR spectrum of astronomical sources is beneficial to a solid understanding of the chemical makeup of distant objects. More recently, studies of Solar System bodies with varying compositions require a solid understanding of chemistry. B) ASTR 250L - Observational Astronomy Lab - has been a course regularly offered by the Department but was not a requirement for the major. Given the shift to a program with more experimental opportunities, the program now requires this course. Using newly acquired 9” Celestron telescopes and state-of-the- art cameras, with a large investment in time to develop laboratory experiences, this course is the first opportunity students have to obtain deep images of faint and extended sources. C) PHYS 371 & PHYS 341: Classical Mechanics (PHYS 371) used to be a required course for the major. However, students were underperforming in stellar astrophysics especially in topics of thermal physics. Thus we making Thermodynamics (PHYS 341) required while making Classical Mechanics an elective. D) ASTR 350L: A lab course that accompanies Stellar Astrophysics (ASTR 350) will be required starting Fall 2017. This course will train students in topics of astrometry and fundamental stellar photometry and spectroscopy. It will include observations of stellar orbits in close binaries to determine their mass, one of the most fundamental parameter in stellar structure; parallax with one epoch obtained previously or from existing databases; observations of stellar fluxes in globular and open clusters to determine colors of and generate color-magnitude diagrams; observations of stellar spectra to measure chemical abundances and stellar parallaxes. Students will further continue their training in the use of telescopes, imaging cameras and spectrographs. E) ASTR 351L: Similar to ASTR 350L that accompanies Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics (ASTR 351) also required starting Fall 2017. Having had training with the telescopes in ASTR 350L, the emphasis of this lab is on concepts of expansion of the Universe, gravitational potentials, interstellar extinction,

24UH M¯anoa,West O‘ahu, Hawai‘i Community College, Honolulu Community College, Kapi‘olani Community College, Kaua‘i Community College, Leeward Community College, Maui Community College

Page 24 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017

spectroscopic line properties. Students will measure recessional velocities of field and cluster and produce a Hubble Diagram; measure dispersion velocities in cluster galaxies to determine their ensemble baryonic mass; measure the Balmer Decrement to determine internal extinction in galaxies; measure AGN line and determine line profile shapes and kinematical properties of AGN disks.

New Vision Implementation: Physics Program changes: A) PHYS 260+L - are now required courses for the major. The emphasis of this course is to train physics majors in numerical methods while providing them with training in computer programming relevant to their program. The lack of any computer literacy in the physics program will better prepare students to engage in research and to acquire transferrable skills in a tight market for physics bachelors. B) MATH 311 - Linear Algebra - has been added as a required course for the major to better prepare students to handle Quantum Mechanics I.

Future Courses:

In addition to ASTR/PHYS 260L (Computational Physics and Astronomy Lab), ASTR 350L (Stellar Astrophysics Lab), and ASTR 351L (Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy Lab), the following courses have been submitted to the Curriculum Review Committee and have been approved as of February 2017. They will be included in the course catalog starting Fall 2017. These courses were developed to provide opportunities for students to fulfill their electives, some unique to our campus next to arguably the best observatory site in the world. A) ASTR 385: “Software Systems for Astronomy” is a course that brings together concepts of spherical as- trometry, computer programming, and web interfaces to operate observatories as a whole, i.e. telescope, dome, scheduling, weather, data reduction and dissemination. It was originally developed by a computer scientist working at the Keck Observatories on Maunakea and read at UHH as a special topics course in two consecutive summer sessions. B) ASTR 381: “Cosmos and Culture” explores the intersections of the historical, intellectual, social, and cul- tural context of Astronomy through investigations of selected topics in Cultural Astronomy, the Philosophy of Science, the History of Astronomy, Sociology of Science, Hawaiian Studies, Cultural Studies, and/or other fields. The intend is that this course provides a better understanding of the place of Astronomy in a multi-cultural society.

Course Scheduling

Over the course of many years, the Physics and Astronomy faculty have discussed ways to improve the delivery of material in physics and astronomy courses to increase students’ learning, student retention and graduation rates, and placement of jobs and graduate school acceptance of UHH graduates. The faculty also researched and compared our program nationwide and concluded the following:

A) PHYS 170/171: These courses used to be taught 5 times a week and could only be fit at 8am to avoid conflicts with other courses. Through student surveys and attendance trends, the faculty found that this cadence and early schedule was not conducive to a productive learning process especially when considering students in the age range of 18-20 years25. In addition, these courses require that students learn how to solve problems. Before implementing the recitation sessions, the instructor would pepper problems with the lectures. This ought to work well however junior and senior majors underperform in astronomy and


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physics exams usually lacking the skills to approach problems. The problem solving or recitation session were identified as a time to provide more training. They have been decoupled from the lectures in that different faculty and senior students lead them and are taught in different blocks of times in the afternoons. The lectures are taught three or twice a week for a total of 150 min (3 credits) by the instructor of record while the recitation sessions are held in sessions of 75 min (1.5 credit) once a week. This change in delivery changed the schedule and allowed them to be moved to later in the day which increased attendance. However recitation sessions are not common at UHH and thus students are slowly making use of these sessions. Some students have commented that they would not be able to pass this course without the recitations.

B) Schedule conflicts with other departments, notably Mathematics, Computer Science and Chemistry in freshman courses. To avoid these, the Department Chair consults with the other chairs and iterates on the schedule. Although simple, this was not the way the course schedules were handled which resulted in various astronomy and physics majors facing time conflicts with ASTR 350/ASTR 351 and Calc III (MATH 231) and Calc IV (MATH 232). In the last three years, there have not been any schedule conflicts. Our Department has agreed to freeze the schedules of PHYS 106, 107, 170 and 171 so that other departments can work around these times. C) ASTR 110L, the General Astronomy Lab, used to be taught during the day and inside the lab room. With the purchase of 6” Celestron telescopes, the Department now offers these in the evenings from 5-8pm. The main driver is to allow majors and non-majors time to grapple with simple ideas and equipment. The course culminates with a voluntary trip to the Onizuka Visitor Center where we set up the 6” telescopes and observer mostly planetary objects. The Visitor Center is an orientation center at 9,000 feet elevation on the way to the mountain of Maunakea. D) ASTR 250L is a lab required for the astronomy major, minor and Natural Science degrees. Students use the newly purchased 9” Celestron telescopes and acquire images of objects that require longer exposures, better tracking and image quality. This course begins with the observations and culminates with a data reduction to extract data science products from the observations. The course has three-four mandatory field trips scheduled to the mid-level point of Maunakea in the middle of the semester.

The Department generated a five-year course schedule presented in Tables 13 and 14. Starting Fall 2017, we expect to have the schedule streamlined and expect that the administration will allow us to offer low-enrolled courses so that students can graduate on a timely manner.

Page 26 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 Table 13: Five Year Plan: Astronomy Courses Comp. Phys & Astr Lab 260LSerminar ASerminar B 260L 260L 450A 450B 260L 260L 450A 450B 450A 450B Comp. Phys & AstrAkamai Internship Senior Lab/Thesis Proj. 260Space Studies 432 Seminar 260 432 260 496 432 260 432 496 260 496 432 432 496 496 §† §† § § ‡ § § ASTR110 Title110L150 General Astronomy180 General Astronomy Lab181 Life in250 the Universe Principles of250L Astronomy I Principles of260 Astronomy II Observational Astronomy260L Observational 110L Astronomy Lab275 110350 110L 180 F 2016350L 110351 S 2017 Stellar 110L Astrophysics351L Stellar Astrophysics Lab F352 2017 Galactic 110 & 110L 250L375 Galactic Extragal. 181 S & Astr. Extragal. 2018 150 Astr.400 250 Lab Comparative Planetology F2018 110L432 250L 180 Lit. Review450 350L S Practicum 2019 Observatory 250 Internship 110L460 399 F 2019495A Instruments &495B Techniques 110L 110 S 2020 Gravitation & 181496 Cosmology 351L 150 F 2020 250L 351 110L 180 S 2021 499 250 110L 350 110 110L 400 350L 181 150 352 250L 180 400 250 400 351 110 181 150 250L 351L 400 180 460 250 400 350 400 181 350L 150 400 400 450 351 400 351L 352 460 Cross-listed with PHYS Offered every semester amongOffered CHEM every summer and session GEOL by ISEE staff § † ‡

Page 27 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 450B 450B 450B 450A 450A 450A Table 14: Five Year Plan: Physics Courses † † Comp. Phys & Astr Lab 260LSerminar B 260L 260L 260L 260L Comp. Phys & Astr 260Senior Lab/Thesis Proj.Serminar A 432Space Studies Seminar 260 432 496 260 432 496 260 432 496 260 432 496 432 496 § § § § § § PHYS Title106107170 College Physics170L I College Physics171 II General Physics171L General I Physics I Lab260 General Physics260L General II Physics II Lab 106270 F 2016 107 170L330 S 170331 2017 171L Intr. 106 to 170L341 Modern F 107 Physics 171 Electromagnetism 2017360 170 Optics 171L S371 170L 2018 106 Thermodynamics 270380 107 171 F2018 Mathematical Physics 430 170 Classical S Mechanics 2019432 106 Chaos 107 171495A F 2019 Quantum Mechanics 170 I495B 106 171L S 2020496 170L 107 171 F 270 170 2020 331 106 430 S 107 2021 171 341 170 371 106 330 171L 107 171 170L 170 106 270 107 171 331 170 341 106 107 171 371 171L 170 170L 106 107 171 270 170L 170 331 341 430 171 171L 330 270 331 341 371 331 341 330 430 Cross-listed with ASTR Offered every semester among CHEM and GEOL § †

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On Tables 15 and 16, we present the historical enrollments in all astronomy and physics courses excluding directed studies and special topics courses. The most popular course in astronomy is ASTR 110 - General Astronomy. The enrollments have decreased in this course since Fall 2012. This coincides with the semester in which the University implemented the pre-builts, i.e. students were given preassigned courses in their freshman year and ASTR 110 was not in the prebuilt list. While the course used to be quite popular as the enrollments numbers show, this is no longer the case.

The Department also teaches courses in the two summer sessions, a short six-week and a nine-week session. They include general education courses such as ASTR 110, ASTR 150, directed studies (course numbers ending in 99), experimental courses (ending in 98) and special topics courses (ending in 94). From the special topics courses, two are perhaps worth mentioning: the Software Systems for Astronomy (currently approved as a catalog course as ASTR 385) and the Akamai Course, both approved by the curriculum committee as ASTR 385 and ASTR 375, respectively. ASTR 385 was developed and has been taught by Dr. Al Conrad, a former support astronomer at the Keck Observatories and currently at the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory in Arizona, and ASTR 375 was developed as part of the Akamai Internship Program ran by the Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators (ISEE) at the University of California Santa Cruz. The historical enrollments for summer sessions are shown on Table 17.

Page 29 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 4 § 7 2 26 2017 2016- 3 4 5 44 2 4 30 2016 2015- 3 42 15 34 36 47 2 4 63 2015 2014- 2 9 51 63 27 2 4 1 3 69 53 2014 2013- 2 2 31 70 † 2 2 65 2013 2012- 3 3 6 10 9 8 12 22 78 3 3 17 26 20 20 37 10 42 95 represent a total 2 2012 2 2011- 2 35 57 41 38 14 39 8 23 28 115 2 2 48 2011 2010- 2 2 2011 7 16 15 17 6 7 98 3 96 2010 2009- 2 2 73 3 81 2009 2008- 2 34 32 32 91 2 16 25 Table 15: Historical Enrollments: Astronomy Courses 2008 2007- 2 55 97 49 2 2 92 15 2 2007 2006- 2 2 100 52 2 15 28 95 2006 2 2 2 2005- 2005 2004- The superscript numbers in the number of students enrolled represent the number of sections offered. Thus 74 Enrolled as of November 30, 2016 110 77150 180 99 181250 27 42 11260 16350 23 22 19351 13 14352 17375 20 17 11400 14 17432 2450 12 14 17 12460 20 4 10 13 6 14 7 21 6 6496 9 3 6 1 26 8 2 2 17 12 11 1 18 5 1 14 5 5 23 11 8 4 7 11 4 3 2 10 10 21 1 5 11 9 10 7 9 8 5 6 4 12 14 8 2 of 74§ students enrolled in two different sections. † 110L 24 250L 11260L 350L 23351L 17 10 10 7 11 7 12 3 495B 6 8 5 1 6 9 22 20 1 495A 8 1 1 8 6 9 14 ASTR S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S

Page 30 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 2 4 4 5 § 7 1 1 40 41 66 63 2017 2016- 4 2 5 2 39 91 39 2 3 4 18 0 51 67 2016 2015- 6 3 8 1 91 43 7 3 65 81 42 62 111 64 5 2015 2014- 2 3 102 40 4 5 78 60 2014 2013- 6 10 9 8 4 4 78 76 † 6 2013 2012- 4 115 57 4 4 82 71 represent a total 6 2012 2 2011- 4 106 38 4 5 6 8 60 62 2011 2010- 5 4 86 40 4 4 38 39 50 55 58 65 60 60 47 56 49 30 24 36 33 49 72 2010 2009- 2 5 3 90 24 4 4 3 3 51 47 2009 2008- 4 4 68 38 4 4 Table 16: Historical Enrollments: Physics Courses 53 50 38 59 30 10 29 14 39 14 39 12 48 16 51 22 38 23 61 14 67 55 54 2008 2007- 5 2 2 3 2137 47 17 22 36 25 18 19 50 25 17 15 56 29 20 10 58 23 43 41 58 39 40 20 50 35 50 18 81 33 14 17 9 19 81 42 2 2 4 4 33 66 28 57 72 9 2007 2006- 2 2 12 46 19 24 20 116 6 2 2 33 66 25 50 69 107 3 10 2006 3 2005- 24 46 8 2 2 2005 2004- The superscript numbers in the number of students enrolled represent the number of sections offered. Thus 74 Enrolled as of November 30, 2016 106107170 74 102 32171 70 58 260270330 1331341 19 16360 19 12 19371 19 7380 24 19 15430 9431 14 22432 10 14 19 17 7 8 8 4 20 13 10496 8 7 12 20 8 7 13 1 7 9 9 9 5 8 10 11 10 5 15 7 19 11 4 4 5 13 7 8 19 6 1 10 12 7 11 11 7 13 11 4 8 10 11 8 9 11 12 8 6 10 10 6 10 of 74§ students enrolled in two different sections. † 170L171L 127 151 260L 495B 17 9 1 1 10 495A 9 16 2 2 16 PHYS S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S

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Table 17: Historical Enrollments: Astronomy and Physics Summer Courses

ASTR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017†

110 20 14 10 6 23 18 12 (JH) (NP) (NP) (MT) (NP) (JH§) (JH§) (JH§)

110L 18 11 12 8 (MR) ((NP) (PB) (Lec) (Lec)

150 11 14 20 9 11 6 10 (JH) (JH§) (CA§) (JH§) (JH§) (JH§) (JH§) (JH§)

294 38 30 22 29 (DH) (DH) (DH) (JS)

299 1 (SL)

352 JH

394 4 7 (AC) (WH) (AC)

398 11 (AC)

398L 9 (AC)

398 7 (MT)

499 (RC)

PHYS 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017†

106 7 8 14 18 16 9 (MR) (LA§) (LA§) (CA) (CA) (CA) (MR)

106L (MR)

107 12 21 (CA) (CA)

115 9 14 9 8 9 (PB) (JH§) (JH§) (LA§) (JH§)

119 2 (PB)

170 7 (DO)

170L 12 (MR) (MR)

399 2 1 1 (PB) (NP) (PB)

§ Online Instructors: NP: Norman Purves; MT: Marianne Takamiya, JH: John Hamilton; RC: Richard Crowe; PB: Philippe Binder; MR: Marc Roberts; CA: Christian Andersen; SL: Shawn Laatsch; WH: William Hartman; AC: Albert Conrad; LA: Lawrence Armendarez; DO: Daniel O’Connor; DH: David Harrington (Akamai); JS: Jerome Shaw (Akamai) † Planned

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The faculty engage in outreach events throughout the year. The goals of these efforts are to promote science among the public, especially the youth, and to increase enrollments in physics and astronomy at UHH. Although the department does not have budgetary or staffing resources to dedicate to these efforts, the administration expects that departments attracts students. For instance, the administration encourages us to provide courses for high school students from Kamehameha Schools online or in the summer, participate in Science Fair as judges and develop material for Science Olympiads, and hosts talks to high school students. Our department has engaged in these activities regularly but also participates in astronomy related events coordinated by the larger Hawaii-based astronomy researchers and staff from the observatories. These events start with Onizuka Day aimed at students in grades 4-12, teachers and parents, Journey Through The Universe (JTTU) aimed at K-12 students, ’Imiloa Birthday, Merrie Monarch Day Parade, Astro Day aimed at the public, Maunakea Skies Talk, The Universe Tonight at the Maunakea Visitor Information Station, Maunakea Series Talks at ’Imiloa, (see Table 18) in addition to public talks from the faculty on astronomy or physics state-wide.

Table 18: Outreach Activities Date Event Location Duration January Astronaut Ellison Onizuka Science Day (since 2001) UH Hilo Campus All day February/March Journey Into The Universe (since 2004) All Hilo K-12 schools One week February ‘Imiloa Birthday (since 2006) ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center All day March/April Merrie Monarch Parade City of Hilo All day April/May Astro Day (since 2001) Prince Kuhio Plaza All day Once a year The Universe Tonight Maunakea Visitor Information Center Evening Once a year Maunakea Skies Talks ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center Evening

Support of New Academic Programs

Our Department has committed to support two new academic programs: B.S. in Neuroscience and B.S. in Aeronautical Science when they deploy. The faculty spearheading these efforts expect that each year 12 students enrolled in the Neuroscience program will take PHYS 106 and PHYS 107 and their labs enrolled and 20 students enrolled in the Aeronautical program will take PHYS 106 and its lab. The Department can easily accommodate an additional 32 students in PHYS 106 and 20 students in PHYS 107 but the number of seats in the labs may be more challenging to meet now that the number of faculty has decreased since we last committed to support these programs.

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V. Evidence of Program Quality

Quantitative Data and Tables were prepared by the UHH Institutional Research Office26 and are presented on pages 31 trough 33 for the physics and 34 through 36 for the astronomy programs. Over the last ten years, the average number of majors in physics and astronomy are 14.5 and 41.8, and degrees granted are 3.7 and 7.6, respectively. Table 19: Majors and Degrees† Program Majors Degrees B.A. Physics 14.5 3.7 B.S. Astronomy 41.8 7.6 Total 56.3 11.3

†10 year : AY2005-06 to AY 2014-15

The cost of running each program is hard to tease out as astronomy faculty teach physics and instructors teach both physics and astronomy. The range of courses that astronomy faculty teach is wider at UHH than at other UH campuses and at most universities. The versatility of the astronomy faculty to teach any astronomy or physics course does not have a straightforward cost but it translates in finding and keeping capable faculty willing and able to teach physics and astronomy courses. With this caveat, the average cost of FTE27 per student semester hours (SSH28) is $192.28 for the physics program and $173.07 for the astronomy program.

In recent years as college enrollments at UH decreased, the administration asked us to be more fiscally responsible and concentrate on service courses over majors courses. Our department reacted to that request by decreasing the number of sections in PHYS 170 and ASTR 110 while increasing the number of seats in each section. To maintain the quality of instruction in PHYS 170, a critical course for majors and non-majors, the model with recitation sessions was deployed which also provides a reduction in cost. For instance, instead of offering two sections of PHYS 170 at a cost of 9 teaching credits for 60 seats, it costs the administration 7.5 teaching credits when three sections are offered where the lectures are held for all 60 students but the problem-solving sessions are split into three sections of 20 seats each. The lecture costs 3 teaching credits for 60 seats and the recitation sessions, 1.5 teaching credits each. In certain semesters, the department has hired senior physics students to lead one of the recitation sessions whereby the student gains teaching experience and gets a salary from Federal Work Studies (FWS) or the Natural Science Division B-budget, or receives credit as a directed studies class. This model has also decreased the teaching cost in our department.

In 2010, the UHH Faculty Congress passed a motion to develop pre-built schedules for incoming freshman. They were implemented campus wide by AY 2014. Before the pre-built schedules, General Astronomy (ASTR 110) used to be very popular course among freshman students and usually offered in two sections. However after the full implementation of the pre-builts, the enrollments dropped dramatically as can be seen on Table 15. Before the pre-builts, the total enrollments ranged from 139 - 210 students per year (average of 168 students per year), while after they dropped to 57-114 students per year (average 80 students per year). The pre-builts have been discontinued since AY 2016 but its effect was still felt in ASTR 110 this academic year.

26 27Full Time Equivalent 28The sum of semester hours taken by all students registered in all credit courses

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Appendix C: Quantitative Data University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Table 20: Institutional ResearchB.A. Office in Physics - B.A. Physics Program: 5 years *Adjusted Allocation*

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 1. Student Count Information (by Fall Semesters) a. Number of Majors 1 11 14 14 16 19 b. Number of Minors 2 3 3 3 1 4 c. Number of Graduate Students N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2. Annual Course Information (by Fall Semesters) a. Student Semester Hours (SSH) Generated 696 728 850 744 863 b. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) 3 46 49 57 50 58 c. Percent of FTE of own Majors 4.7% 3.7% 3.6% 3.5% 4.9% d. Percent of FTE of Majors within College 90.1% 90.5% 86.1% 87.6% 88.9% e. Percent of FTE All Others 5.2% 5.8% 10.2% 8.9% 6.3% f. Percent of FTE of Writing Intensive (WI) Courses 0.0% 0.0% 2.8% 0.0% 0.0% g. Percent of FTE General Education (GE) Courses 4 0.0% 2.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3. Course Delivery (by Fall Semesters) a. Average class size - Brick and Mortar 5 6 16 17 22 20 23 b. Average class size - Distance Learning 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 c. Number of FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 8 10 1.08 2.00 1.42 1.75 1.67 d. Number of FTE Adjunct Faculty 9 10 1.92 1.17 1.33 1.00 1.08 e. % SH Taught by Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 36.1% 63.2% 51.5% 63.6% 60.6% f. FTE% SH student-faculty Taught by Adjunct ratio 11Faculty 63.9% 36.8% 48.5% 36.4% 39.4% g. (FTE course enrollment / FTE total faculty) 15 15 21 18 21 4. Graduation and Placement (by Fiscal Year) a. Number of graduates/degrees earned 12 6 6 2 3 3 b. Percent of Majors Graduating 13 54.5% 42.9% 14.3% 18.8% 15.8% c. Number of Native Hawaiian graduates 0 1 0 0 0 d. Number of Certificates awarded 0 0 0 0 0 5. Cost of Delivery (by Fiscal Year) a. Budgetary Allocations 14 $342,651 $318,621 $249,255 $259,816 $311,709 b. Cost per SSH 15 $226.77 $192.87 $143.58 $156.23 $166.16

Notes: 1/ Number of Majors = Number of 1st Declared Majors of the selected program. These figures do not count 2nd, 3rd, or 4th declared major. 2/ Number of Minors = Number of 1st Declared Minors of the selected program. These figures do not count 2nd, 3rd, or 4th declared minor. 3/ Undergraduate FTE Calculation = SSH/15. Graduate FTE Calculation = SSH/12. 4/ GE Course Listing from C.Travis "approved gen ed and courses approved to meet integrative requirements nov 2013" 5/ Excludes classes numbered -99 (individual instruction) 6/ Average Class Size Calculation = Number of Registrations/Number of Classes 7/ Average Class Size Calculation = Number of Registrations/Number of Classes 8/ HR Datamart defines Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty as Instructor Grades: I3's, I4's, I5's and/or otherwise specified. 9/ Adjunct Faculty defined as Instructor Grades: I2's, LecA, LecB, and LecC and/or otherwise specified. 10/ Faculty FTE Calculation = SH Taught/12 11/ FTE Student-Faculty Ratio Calculation = Full Time Equivalent (FTE) / Total FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty & Adjunct Faculty 12/ Number of graduates/degrees earned includes dual degrees 13/ Percent of Majors Graduating Calculation = Number of graduates or degrees earned/Number of Majors 14/ Budgetary Allocation provided by R.Ivanova on 2014-05-20. Budget Allocations is not available by Program Level for the College of Arts and Sciences. Presented here is an approximation of the salaries paid for the Fiscal Year. This total includes faculty members with paid leave. This 15/ Cost per SSH Calculation = Budgetary Allocation/SSH Generated Sources: C. Travis "approved gen ed and courses approved to meet integrative requirements nov 2013; HR Datamart: "Faculty-Lecturer Listing 2005-2013"; IRO_BASE (Census); IRO_DEGREE (EOS); IRO_REGS (Census); IRO_SOCAD (Census); IRO_SOCALL (Census)

Prepared by UH Hilo Office of Institutional Research; Last Modified: 2016-05-20 ks/ko DB File: 345-v2_Program Review-B.A. in Physics Page 35 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 Page 1 of 2

Table 21: Institutional ResearchAppendix Office C: Quantitative - B.A. Data Physics Program: 10 years University of Hawai‘i at Hilo B.A. in Physics *Adjusted Allocation*

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 1. Student Count Information (by Fall Semesters) a. Number of Majors 1 16 18 16 12 9 11 14 14 16 19 b. Number of Minors 2 9 6 11 7 5 3 3 3 1 4 c. Number of Graduate Students N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2. Annual Course Information (by Fall Semesters) a. Student Semester Hours (SSH) Generated 1,033 873 801 639 688 696 728 850 744 863 i. Lower Division 929 776 615 526 604 588 637 787 656 780 ii. Upper Division 104 97 186 113 84 108 91 63 88 83 iii. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) 3 69 58 53 43 46 46 49 57 50 58 i. Lower Division 62 52 41 35 40 39 42 52 44 52 ii. Upper Division 7 6 12 8 6 7 6 4 6 6 iii. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c. Percent of FTE of own Majors 7.1% 7.3% 7.7% 8.0% 5.5% 4.7% 3.7% 3.6% 3.5% 4.9% i. SSH by Majors 73 64 62 51 38 33 27 31 26 42 ii. FTE by Majors 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 d. Percent of FTE of Majors within College 85.7% 85.9% 88.3% 82.2% 87.4% 90.1% 90.5% 86.1% 87.6% 88.9% i. SSH by College 885 750 707 525 601 627 659 732 652 767 ii. FTE by College 59 50 47 35 40 42 44 49 43 51 e. Percent of FTE All Others 8.7% 6.8% 4.0% 9.9% 6.7% 5.2% 5.8% 10.2% 8.9% 6.3% i. SSH by all others 90 59 32 63 46 36 42 87 66 54 ii. FTE by all others 6 4 2 4 3 2 3 6 4 4 f. Percent of FTE of Writing Intensive (WI) Courses 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 2.8% 0.0% 0.0% i. SSH by WI Courses 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 24 0 0 ii. FTE by WI Courses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 g. Percent of FTE General Education (GE) Courses 4 3.8% 4.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% i. SSH by GE Courses 39 36 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 ii. FTE by GE Courses 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3. Course Delivery (by Fall Semesters) a. Average class size - Brick and Mortar 5 6 17 16 17 14 16 16 17 22 20 23 Lower Division 20 17 19 19 20 17 19 25 23 25 Upper Division 7 10 12 5 6 12 9 7 8 12 Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i. Number of Registrations 415 362 328 262 284 296 332 373 304 344 1. Lower Division 379 313 267 224 256 260 285 352 279 320 2. Upper Division 36 49 61 38 28 36 47 21 25 24 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ii. Number of Classes 24 23 19 19 18 18 20 17 15 15 1. Lower Division 19 18 14 12 13 15 15 14 12 13 2. Upper Division 5 5 5 7 5 3 5 3 3 2 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b. Average class size - Distance Learning 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lower Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Upper Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i. Number of Registrations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. Lower Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. Upper Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ii. Number of Classes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. Lower Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. Upper Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty & Adjunct Faculty 10 4.33 4.17 3.42 3.08 3.25 3.00 3.17 2.75 2.75 2.75 Lower Division 3.42 3.25 2.42 1.83 2.08 2.25 2.25 2.00 1.83 2.17 Upper Division 0.92 0.92 1.00 1.25 1.17 0.75 0.92 0.75 0.92 0.58 Graduate Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 c. Number of FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 8 10 1.42 1.42 1.58 1.58 1.33 1.08 2.00 1.42 1.75 1.67 i. Lower Division 0.50 0.67 0.58 0.58 0.25 0.58 1.08 0.67 0.83 1.08 ii. Upper Division 0.92 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.08 0.50 0.92 0.75 0.92 0.58 iii. Graduate Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d. Number of FTE Adjunct Faculty 9 10 2.92 2.75 1.83 1.50 1.92 1.92 1.17 1.33 1.00 1.08 i. Lower Division 2.92 2.58 1.83 1.25 1.83 1.67 1.17 1.33 1.00 1.08 ii. Upper Division 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.25 0.08 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iii. Graduate Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total SH Taught 52 50 41 37 39 36 38 33 33 33 Lower Division 41 39 29 22 25 27 27 24 22 26 Upper Division 11 11 12 15 14 9 11 9 11 7 Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e. % SH Taught by Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 32.7% 34.0% 46.3% 51.4% 41.0% 36.1% 63.2% 51.5% 63.6% 60.6% i. SH Taught by Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 17 17 19 19 16 13 24 17 21 20 1. Lower Division 6 8 7 7 3 7 13 8 10 13 2. Upper Division 11 9 12 12 13 6 11 9 11 7 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 f. % SH Taught by Adjunct Faculty 67.3% 66.0% 53.7% 48.6% 59.0% 63.9% 36.8% 48.5% 36.4% 39.4% i. SH Taught by Adjunct Faculty 35 33 22 18 23 23 14 16 12 13 1. Lower Division 35 31 22 15 22 20 14 16 12 13 2. Upper Division 0 2 0 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 FTE3. student-facultyGraduate Level ratio 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g. (FTE course enrollment / FTE total faculty) 16 14 16 14 14 15 15 21 18 21 i. Lower Division 18 16 17 19 19 17 19 26 24 24 ii. Upper Division 8 7 12 6 5 10 7 6 6 9 iii. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. Graduation and Placement (by Fiscal Year) a. Number of graduates/degrees earned 12 2 1 6 5 3 6 6 2 3 3 b. Percent of Majors Graduating 13 12.5% 5.6% 37.5% 41.7% 33.3% 54.5% 42.9% 14.3% 18.8% 15.8% c. Number of Native Hawaiian graduates 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 d. Number of Certificates awarded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. Cost of Delivery (by Fiscal Year) a. Budgetary Allocations 14 $231,051 $314,235 $329,347 $377,198 $273,218 $342,651 $318,621 $249,255 $259,816 $311,709 i. A-Budget $231,051 $314,235 $329,347 $377,198 $273,218 $342,651 $318,621 $249,255 $254,416 $306,309 ii. B-Budget $5,400 $5,400 b. Cost per SSH 15 $123.49 $169.86 $215.97 $319.66 $208.25 $226.77 $192.87 $143.58 $156.23 $166.16 i. SSH by Fiscal Year 1,871 1,850 1,525 1,180 1,312 1,511 1,652 1,736 1,663 1,876

Notes: 1/ Number of Majors = Number of 1st Declared Majors of the selected program. These figures do not count 2nd, 3rd, or 4th declared major. 2/ Number of Minors = Number of 1st Declared Minors of the selected program. These figures do not count 2nd, 3rd, or 4th declared minor. 3/ Undergraduate FTE Calculation = SSH/15. Graduate FTE Calculation = SSH/12. 4/ GE Course Listing from C.Travis "approved gen ed and courses approved to meet integrative requirements nov 2013" 5/ Excludes classes numbered -99 (individual instruction) 6/ Average Class Size Calculation = Number of Registrations/Number of Classes 7/ Average Class Size Calculation = Number of Registrations/Number of Classes 8/ HR Datamart defines Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty as Instructor Grades: I3's, I4's, I5's and/or otherwise specified. 9/ Adjunct Faculty defined as Instructor Grades: I2's, LecA, LecB, and LecC and/or otherwise specified. 10/ Faculty FTE Calculation = SH Taught/12 11/ FTE Student-Faculty Ratio Calculation = Full Time Equivalent (FTE) / Total FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty & Adjunct Faculty 12/ Number of graduates/degrees earned includes dual degrees 13/ Percent of Majors Graduating Calculation = Number of graduates or degrees earned/Number of Majors 14/ Budgetary Allocation provided by R.Ivanova on 2014-05-20. Budget Allocations is not available by Program Level for the College of Arts and Sciences. Presented here is an approximation of the salaries paid for the Fiscal Year. This total includes faculty members with paid leave. This total does not include fringe benefits paid and/or overload costs and/or faculty paybacks. 15/ Cost per SSH Calculation = Budgetary Allocation/SSH Generated Sources: C. Travis "approved gen ed and courses approved to meet integrative requirements nov 2013; HR Datamart: "Faculty-Lecturer Listing 2005-2013"; IRO_BASE (Census); IRO_DEGREE (EOS); IRO_REGS (Census); IRO_SOCAD (Census); IRO_SOCALL (Census)

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Appendix C: Quantitative Data University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Table 22: Institutional ResearchB.S. Officein Astronomy - B.S. Astronomy Program: 5 years *Adjusted Allocation*

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 1. Student Count Information (by Fall Semesters) a. Number of Majors 1 44 48 44 40 36 b. Number of Minors 2 2 3 5 5 3 c. Number of Graduate Students N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2. Annual Course Information (by Fall Semesters) a. Student Semester Hours (SSH) Generated 522 532 490 484 438 b. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) 3 35 35 33 32 29 c. Percent of FTE of own Majors 25.5% 22.2% 21.6% 19.0% 29.2% d. Percent of FTE of Majors within College 60.5% 56.6% 64.7% 62.8% 61.0% e. Percent of FTE All Others 14.0% 21.2% 13.7% 18.2% 9.8% f. Percent of FTE of Writing Intensive (WI) Courses 2.1% 0.0% 8.6% 0.0% 2.1% g. Percent of FTE General Education (GE) Courses 4 74.7% 89.8% 85.1% 75.2% 67.1% 3. Course Delivery (by Fall Semesters) a. Average class size - Brick and Mortar 5 6 18 23 19 23 18 b. Average class size - Distance Learning 5 7 0 0 0 20 0 c. Number of FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 8 10 1.50 1.25 1.17 0.75 1.00 d. Number of FTE Adjunct Faculty 9 10 0.58 0.33 0.25 0.92 0.50 e. % SH Taught by Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 72.0% 78.9% 82.4% 45.0% 66.7% f. FTE% SH student-faculty Taught by Adjunct ratio 11Faculty 28.0% 21.1% 17.6% 55.0% 33.3% g. (FTE course enrollment / FTE total faculty) 17 22 23 19 19 4. Graduation and Placement (by Fiscal Year) a. Number of graduates/degrees earned 12 8 6 2 6 6 b. Percent of Majors Graduating 13 18.2% 12.5% 4.5% 15.0% 16.7% c. Number of Native Hawaiian graduates 0 0 0 1 0 d. Number of Certificates awarded 0 0 0 0 0 5. Cost of Delivery (by Fiscal Year) a. Budgetary Allocations 14 $203,520 $243,066 $262,062 $258,216 $212,198 b. Cost per SSH 15 $154.18 $181.94 $229.68 $215.90 $182.30

Notes: 1/ Number of Majors = Number of 1st Declared Majors of the selected program. These figures do not count 2nd, 3rd, or 4th declared major. 2/ Number of Minors = Number of 1st Declared Minors of the selected program. These figures do not count 2nd, 3rd, or 4th declared minor. 3/ Undergraduate FTE Calculation = SSH/15. Graduate FTE Calculation = SSH/12. 4/ GE Course Listing from C.Travis "approved gen ed and courses approved to meet integrative requirements nov 2013" 5/ Excludes classes numbered -99 (individual instruction) 6/ Average Class Size Calculation = Number of Registrations/Number of Classes 7/ Average Class Size Calculation = Number of Registrations/Number of Classes 8/ HR Datamart defines Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty as Instructor Grades: I3's, I4's, I5's and/or otherwise specified. 9/ Adjunct Faculty defined as Instructor Grades: I2's, LecA, LecB, and LecC and/or otherwise specified. 10/ Faculty FTE Calculation = SH Taught/12 11/ FTE Student-Faculty Ratio Calculation = Full Time Equivalent (FTE) / Total FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty & Adjunct Faculty 12/ Number of graduates/degrees earned includes dual degrees 13/ Percent of Majors Graduating Calculation = Number of graduates or degrees earned/Number of Majors 14/ Budgetary Allocation provided by R.Ivanova on 2014-05-20. Budget Allocations is not available by Program Level for the College of Arts and Sciences. Presented here is an approximation of the salaries paid for the Fiscal Year. This total includes faculty members with paid leave. This 15/ Cost per SSH Calculation = Budgetary Allocation/SSH Generated Sources: C. Travis "approved gen ed and courses approved to meet integrative requirements nov 2013; HR Datamart: "Faculty-Lecturer Listing 2005-2013"; IRO_BASE (Census); IRO_DEGREE (EOS); IRO_REGS (Census); IRO_SOCAD (Census); IRO_SOCALL (Census)

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Table 23: Institutional ResearchAppendix Office C: Quantitative - B.S. Data Astronomy Program: 10 years University of Hawai‘i at Hilo B.S. in Astronomy *Adjusted Allocation*

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 1. Student Count Information (by Fall Semesters) a. Number of Majors 1 63 54 44 45 44 44 48 44 40 36 b. Number of Minors 2 2 3 3 4 5 2 3 5 5 3 c. Number of Graduate Students N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2. Annual Course Information (by Fall Semesters) a. Student Semester Hours (SSH) Generated 592 521 419 459 418 522 532 490 484 438 i. Lower Division 513 487 316 381 316 394 490 439 451 333 ii. Upper Division 79 34 103 78 102 128 42 51 33 105 iii. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) 3 39 35 28 31 28 35 35 33 32 29 i. Lower Division 34 32 21 25 21 26 33 29 30 22 ii. Upper Division 5 2 7 5 7 9 3 3 2 7 iii. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c. Percent of FTE of own Majors 32.4% 17.5% 24.8% 22.2% 30.9% 25.5% 22.2% 21.6% 19.0% 29.2% i. SSH by Majors 192 91 104 102 129 133 118 106 92 128 ii. FTE by Majors 13 6 7 7 9 9 8 7 6 9 d. Percent of FTE of Majors within College 54.4% 67.2% 66.6% 62.1% 60.0% 60.5% 56.6% 64.7% 62.8% 61.0% i. SSH by College 322 350 279 285 251 316 301 317 304 267 ii. FTE by College 21 23 19 19 17 21 20 21 20 18 e. Percent of FTE All Others 13.2% 15.4% 8.6% 15.7% 7.7% 14.0% 21.2% 13.7% 18.2% 9.8% i. SSH by all others 78 80 36 72 32 73 113 67 88 43 ii. FTE by all others 5 5 2 5 2 5 8 4 6 3 f. Percent of FTE of Writing Intensive (WI) Courses 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.6% 2.1% 0.0% 8.6% 0.0% 2.1% i. SSH by WI Courses 0 0 0 0 11 11 0 42 0 9 ii. FTE by WI Courses 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 1 g. Percent of FTE General Education (GE) Courses 4 75.5% 92.9% 74.5% 81.7% 75.4% 74.7% 89.8% 85.1% 75.2% 67.1% i. SSH by GE Courses 447 484 312 375 315 390 478 417 364 294 ii. FTE by GE Courses 30 32 21 25 21 26 32 28 24 20 3. Course Delivery (by Fall Semesters) a. Average class size - Brick and Mortar 5 6 19 24 19 17 15 18 23 19 23 18 Lower Division 27 30 35 42 35 33 31 22 25 25 Upper Division 7 6 9 5 7 10 7 9 10 9 Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i. Number of Registrations 224 192 149 157 161 199 205 174 158 160 1. Lower Division 187 180 104 125 105 130 185 157 148 126 2. Upper Division 37 12 45 32 56 69 20 17 10 34 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ii. Number of Classes 12 8 8 9 11 11 9 9 7 9 1. Lower Division 7 6 3 3 3 4 6 7 6 5 2. Upper Division 5 2 5 6 8 7 3 2 1 4 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b. Average class size - Distance Learning 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 Lower Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 Upper Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i. Number of Registrations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 1. Lower Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 2. Upper Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ii. Number of Classes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1. Lower Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2. Upper Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty & Adjunct Faculty 10 2.08 1.50 1.67 1.42 1.83 2.08 1.58 1.42 1.67 1.50 Lower Division 1.42 1.17 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.17 1.42 0.92 Upper Division 0.67 0.33 0.92 0.67 1.08 1.08 0.58 0.25 0.25 0.58 Graduate Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 c. Number of FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 8 10 1.58 1.17 1.00 1.42 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.17 0.75 1.00 i. Lower Division 0.92 0.92 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.67 0.92 0.50 0.67 ii. Upper Division 0.67 0.25 0.50 0.67 1.00 1.00 0.58 0.25 0.25 0.33 iii. Graduate Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d. Number of FTE Adjunct Faculty 9 10 0.50 0.33 0.67 0.00 0.08 0.58 0.33 0.25 0.92 0.50 i. Lower Division 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.33 0.25 0.92 0.25 ii. Upper Division 0.00 0.08 0.42 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 iii. Graduate Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total SH Taught 25 18 20 17 22 25 19 17 20 18 Lower Division 17 14 9 9 9 12 12 14 17 11 Upper Division 8 4 11 8 13 13 7 3 3 7 Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e. % SH Taught by Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 76.0% 77.8% 60.0% 100.0% 95.5% 72.0% 78.9% 82.4% 45.0% 66.7% i. SH Taught by Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty 19 14 12 17 21 18 15 14 9 12 1. Lower Division 11 11 6 9 9 6 8 11 6 8 2. Upper Division 8 3 6 8 12 12 7 3 3 4 3. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 f. % SH Taught by Adjunct Faculty 24.0% 22.2% 40.0% 0.0% 4.5% 28.0% 21.1% 17.6% 55.0% 33.3% i. SH Taught by Adjunct Faculty 6 4 8 0 1 7 4 3 11 6 1. Lower Division 6 3 3 0 0 6 4 3 11 3 2. Upper Division 0 1 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 FTE3. student-facultyGraduate Level ratio 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g. (FTE course enrollment / FTE total faculty) 19 23 17 22 15 17 22 23 19 19 i. Lower Division 24 28 28 34 28 26 33 25 21 24 ii. Upper Division 8 7 7 8 6 8 5 14 9 12 iii. Graduate Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. Graduation and Placement (by Fiscal Year) a. Number of graduates/degrees earned 12 16 8 8 10 6 8 6 2 6 6 b. Percent of Majors Graduating 13 25.4% 14.8% 18.2% 22.2% 13.6% 18.2% 12.5% 4.5% 15.0% 16.7% c. Number of Native Hawaiian graduates 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 d. Number of Certificates awarded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. Cost of Delivery (by Fiscal Year) a. Budgetary Allocations 14 $163,795 $1,544,253 $304,385 $220,206 $199,162 $203,520 $243,066 $262,062 $258,216 $212,198 i. A-Budget $163,795 $1,544,253 $304,385 $220,206 $199,162 $203,520 $243,066 $262,062 $252,816 $206,798 ii. B-Budget $5,400 $5,400 b. Cost per SSH 15 $103.86 $1,000.16 $195.62 $154.21 $139.96 $154.18 $181.94 $229.68 $215.90 $182.30 i. SSH by Fiscal Year 1,577 1,544 1,556 1,428 1,423 1,320 1,336 1,141 1,196 1,164

Notes: 1/ Number of Majors = Number of 1st Declared Majors of the selected program. These figures do not count 2nd, 3rd, or 4th declared major. 2/ Number of Minors = Number of 1st Declared Minors of the selected program. These figures do not count 2nd, 3rd, or 4th declared minor. 3/ Undergraduate FTE Calculation = SSH/15. Graduate FTE Calculation = SSH/12. 4/ GE Course Listing from C.Travis "approved gen ed and courses approved to meet integrative requirements nov 2013" 5/ Excludes classes numbered -99 (individual instruction) 6/ Average Class Size Calculation = Number of Registrations/Number of Classes 7/ Average Class Size Calculation = Number of Registrations/Number of Classes 8/ HR Datamart defines Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty as Instructor Grades: I3's, I4's, I5's and/or otherwise specified. 9/ Adjunct Faculty defined as Instructor Grades: I2's, LecA, LecB, and LecC and/or otherwise specified. 10/ Faculty FTE Calculation = SH Taught/12 11/ FTE Student-Faculty Ratio Calculation = Full Time Equivalent (FTE) / Total FTE Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty & Adjunct Faculty 12/ Number of graduates/degrees earned includes dual degrees 13/ Percent of Majors Graduating Calculation = Number of graduates or degrees earned/Number of Majors 14/ Budgetary Allocation provided by R.Ivanova on 2014-05-20. Budget Allocations is not available by Program Level for the College of Arts and Sciences. Presented here is an approximation of the salaries paid for the Fiscal Year. This total includes faculty members with paid leave. This total does not include fringe benefits paid and/or overload costs and/or faculty paybacks. 15/ Cost per SSH Calculation = Budgetary Allocation/SSH Generated Sources: C. Travis "approved gen ed and courses approved to meet integrative requirements nov 2013; HR Datamart: "Faculty-Lecturer Listing 2005-2013"; IRO_BASE (Census); IRO_DEGREE (EOS); IRO_REGS (Census); IRO_SOCAD (Census); IRO_SOCALL (Census)

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V.1 Evidence of Student Success - Assessment Based

Institutional Assessments

UHH has developed a series of core competency assessments as part of the Western Association of Schools’ (WASC) accreditation process. UHH requires that each department measures Institutional General Requirement goals. Thus far, each department at UHH has assessed students in the areas of Written Communication (AY 2013-14), Quantitative Reasoning (AY 2014-15), Information Literacy (AY 2015-16) and is currently assessing the area of Oral Communication (AY 2016-17). The results of our majors is presented in Appendices A-5, A-6, and A-7. The department will be studying the performance of our majors from the institutional assessments and decide what changes if any, will be implemented in our academic programs.

Departmental Assessments

The Department of Physics and Astronomy does not currently have an uniform way to assess the performance of our majors but will be looking into this over the next few years. Since we implemented several changes in the last three years, we would like to gather data once at least one or two cohorts have followed the newest academic program from start to end before we assess and implement modifications again.

V.2 Success of Current Students

Over the last five years, many of our students have secured internships either at competitive NSF REU centers such as the National Undergraduate Fellowship through the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and the Maria Mitchell Observatory in Nantucket, Akamai Internship in Hawaii supported by Hawaii observatories and the University of California Santa Cruz, Hawaii NASA Space Grants, and intramural and extramural grants secured by the astronomy faculty. These projects have lead students to present their work in meetings at SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics, and Native Americans in Science) and national and international professional conferences such as the American Astronomical Society (AAS) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

The number of students being accepted in graduate programs (MS and PhD) has increased over the last 10 years and some of them have secured faculty and research positions after graduate school. Several held post-doctoral positions and some have moved into the private industry. One of our own undergraduates has recently accepted a tenure-track faculty position at UHH.

V.3 Former Student and Alumni Success

For the time period AY 2005-06 through AY 2014-15, on average, the Department of Physics and Astronomy has had 56.3 majors and conferred 11.3 degrees every year. The majority of majors and degrees ( 70%) are in astronomy. Since the B.A. Physics was established, 68 majors have graduated since 1991 and since∼ the B.S. in Astronomy was established, 101 majors have graduated since 2001. The Department has not been able to query the alumni in a systematic manner and thus most of the information we have gathered is anecdotal and heavily weighted toward those who remained in the island or in the fields of physics and astronomy. From a list of 30 alumni, approximately 30-40% of them have gone to graduate school in astronomy Twelve of them secured a job at the observatories or other astronomy center ( 40%) and most of them (10 of the 12) continue working in a STEM field. ∼

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V.4 Faculty

Faculty Composition

During the past ten years, the department lost four tenured, two tenure-track faculty and one instructor position. The administration allowed the replacement of five of them. The net growth in faculty remains negative. A tenure-track position in physics vacated in 2015 and the recent loss of an instructor in January 2017 has forced the department to hire a large number of lecturers, some of which have continued teaching over several semesters. Table 24 lists the faculty, rank, areas of expertise and years of service. Their CVs are presented in Appendix A-8.

Table 24: Physics and Astronomy Faculty & Staff Name Rank Fields of Experice Year of Service Philippe Binder Professor Nonlinear science, complex systems, physics education 16 Kathy Cooksey Assistant Professor Cosmic chemical enrichment 3 John Hamilton Instructor Planetary Astronomy/Geology, Space Physics (inc. Robotics) 14

R. Pierre Martin† Assistant Professor Chemical evolution of Galaxies, Telescope 5 Marianne Takamiya Associate Professor Star formation in galaxies, structure, globular clusters 12‡ John Coney APT§ IT, photography, web-master 20

†Director of UHH Observatory ‡3 years as non-tenure track §Administrative, Professional, and Technical

All tenured and tenure-track faculty have a 9-credit teaching load while instructors have a 12-credit load during the regular academic year. All teach introductory and upper division courses and given that most faculty are capable to teach a wide variety of upper division courses, the department attempts to assign courses in a fair and impartial way with the input from all involved.

The Department does not regularly offer a suite of courses in the summer but the faculty or lecturers interested in teaching in the summer propose courses. Many of them are delivered online.

The freshman physics labs PHYS 170L and PHYS 171L required a lab coordinator which used to count as a 3-credit teaching load from an instructor or professor. Due to the decrease in faculty, a lecturer has assumed the role of lab coordinator.

Administrative, Professional, and Technical - APT

The laboratory courses in physics and astronomy require large support from the APT. The APT is in charge of purchasing equipment for all labs: 5 freshman labs, 2 sophomore labs, and for supporting the instructional faculty’s needs. The APT is also involved in supporting field trips to the mountain, outreach events, and the research computers and instructional computers software and hardware.

Student Workers

Majors in astronomy and physics are regularly employed as lab assistants. Their jobs are to set up and take down the equipment every week. The physics lab coordinator supervises these students. The freshman physics labs PHYS 170L and PHYS 171L and starting in Fall 2017 in PHYS 151L and PHYS 152, have required a lab coordinator which used to count as a 3-credit teaching load from an instructor or professor. Due to the decrease

Page 42 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 in faculty, a lecturer has assumed the role of lab coordinator. In the physics freshman labs, physics majors are hired as lab assistants and their jobs are to set up and take down the equipment every week.

The astronomy freshman labs (ASTR 110L) do not have a position of lab coordinator and thus one of the instructors of record assumes this role. Similar to the physics lab, astronomy majors are hired as lab assistants. In addition to setting up and taking down the equipment, the astronomy lab assistants are expected to help during the lab sessions. They help answer questions and show how the equipment is used safely and carefully. The lab assistants are sometimes key when a faculty or lecturer teaches the lab for the first time as the lab assistant has had more experience with the equipment and the experiment. In the astronomy labs, student assistants also participate in the end-of-semester field trip to the mountain for night-time observations with 6-inch portable telescopes.

The sophomore astronomy lab (ASTR 250L) does require extensive support from the APT to set up equipment, attend 3-4 field trips to the mountain, and aid in the set up of the heavy 9.25-inch telescopes.

Faculty Achievements in Scholarship

Although the number of faculty has decreased since the last program review, all faculty are engaged in research. Most of the research includes UHH undergraduate students. Together, the faculty members have published a total of 26 refereed papers and presented papers in 25 conferences many with UHH undergraduate students as co- authors since 2012. Most recent refereed papers of faculty involve authors from well-established collaborations in prestigious journals. Many faculty, tenure-track and instructors, have received extramural grants from competitive sources as PIs and co-Is. All faculty have received seed grants from UHH. These grant activities have allowed each to develop their research program further and promote our institution and our academic programs to a wider audience. Most of the faculty serve as referees and reviewers of prestigious journals (ApJ, AJ)29 and funding agencies (NSF, NASA, and international funding agencies). All astronomy faculty can compete for telescope time at observatories on Maunakea and are consistently allocated time on all telescopes on Maunakea.

Our increased visibility has allowed us to maintain collaborations with individual colleagues and large groups (e.g. SIGNALS, BASALT, ACS Virgo Cluster Survey). The Department also collaborates with the Institute for Astronomy (IfA) at UH M¯anoain research (e.g. HEROES, RoboAO, IMAKA) and together have developed agreements that benefit UHH in many aspects. The UHH faculty have been serving in the Telescope Allocation Committee (TAC) soon after the astronomy program started at UHH. The Director of the IfA appoints one member of our faculty in the TAC for three consecutive years. This committee is tasked to allocate arguably the most important astronomical resource in Hawai‘i, which is the observing time on all but two telescopes on Maunakea. Nine of the 13 telescopes on Maunakea are allocated through the IfA TAC. Table 25 shows all the resources for astronomical research on Maunakea that are sensitive to the visible (350nm - 1µm), near-infrared (NIR: 1-2.5µm), mid-infrared (MIR: 3-25µm) and radio (1-660GHz, although some instruments in the higher energy bands are not available any more). The Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) time is allocated through NASA and the Very Large Baseline Array (VLBA) by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). From the 13 telescopes, two are currently not operational for different reasons: CSO is being decommissioned and the Department telescope has had some problems since its upgrade, which will be discussed later. While all faculty have access to the telescopes through the competitive TAC process, recently, the Department developed an agreement with IfA that provides guaranteed time on the telescopes starting in Fall 2016. The Memorandum of Understanding, attached in Appendix A-2, apportions observing time of all Maunakea telescopes to UHH astronomers starting with 5 nights in the first five years, 10 nights in the next 5 years and 16 nights thereafter. In turn, UHH commits to increasing the faculty in our Department to a total of seven tenure/tenure-track, two instructors, and two APTs to support education and research. This MOU was triggered by the IfA Director, Dr.

29ApJ: The Astrophysical Journal; AJ: Astronomical Journal

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Guenther Hassinger, the Chancellors of UH M¯anoa,Dr. Robert Bley-Vroman, and Hilo, Dr. Donald Straney, Vice Chancellor of Research at M¯anoa,Dr. Michael Bruno, and UH President, Dr. David Lassner. This commitment of IfA, one of the most prestigious programs in astronomy in the US, to support our program is a testament of the quality of our program and faculty. It is possible to assign an equivalent dollar amount to this gain. It depends on the operational budget of each telescope and is roughly $50k per night per large glass telescope (8-10m telescopes30) and $6,000 per night for smaller telescopes, based on the operational budget of $2M for the 2.2m and $17M for each Keck telescope. The equivalent in dollar amount per year gained by UHH from this agreement ranges from $36,000 - $200,000 to double and more than triple in the next two phases in the years 2021 and 2026.

Table 25: Maunakea Observatories N Name Diameter [m] Type TAC 1 Keck I 10 Visible/NIR/MIR IfA 2 Keck II 10 Visible/NIR/MIR IfA 3 Subaru 8.2 Visible/NIR/MIR IfA 4 Gemini North 8.0 Visible/NIR/MIR IfA 5 UKIRT$ 3.8 NIR/MIR IfA


7 IRTF§ 3.0 NIR/MIR NASA 8 UH 2.2 Visible/NIR IfA 9 UHH 0.9 Visible not operational 10 VLBA 25 1.2-96 GHz NRAO

11 JCMT‡ 15 230, 330 GHz IfA

12 CSO† 10.4 radio decommissioned

13 SMA∗ 8×6 180-410 GHz IfA

† NIR: Near-Infrared; MIR: Mid-Infrared $ United Kingdom Infrared Telescope, now managed by IfA ¶ Canada-Hawaii-France-Telescope § Infrared Telescope Facility ‡ James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, now managed by the East Asia Observatory † Caltech Submillimeter Observatory * Submillimeter Array

Most recently, UHH has been included in an agreement between US and China universities to exchange faculty and students in the field of astronomy. However, this agreement is mostly supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) whereby Chinese faculty, researchers and students are financially supported to come to the US to study or collaborate in the selected US institutions, which are mainly part of the University of California system and both UH campuses. The unprecedented motion was to add a pure undergraduate institution to the list of US host institutions since all others have graduate programs. Our Department pushed for inclusion in this agreement to start a closer collaboration with Chinese astronomers at the undergraduate level. The final document was signed June 7, 2016 in Beijing (see Appendix A-9).

As mentioned before, the Department owns and manages Hoku Ke’a, an observatory on Maunakea. The director is currently one of our faculty and receives a reduced teaching load for these duties. The process to upgrade the telescope from a 2400(60cm) to a 3600(90cm) began in 2003. The delivered telescope and dome were deemed inoperable in 2013. In 2015, the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i asked that some telescopes be decommissioned


Page 44 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 and the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs of UHH initiated the process with the Notice of Intent (NOI) attached in Appendix A-10. The community did not receive well the news of the cancellation of the only educational observatory on Maunakea. In May 2016, the Board of the Office of Maunakea Management (OMKM) held a public hearing and decided to not approve the NOI at that time but instead suggested that OMKM consults with a wider base of the community in order to make an informed decision on the NOI. The process is still ongoing. Before the NOI was triggered by the VCAA, the IfA received funding from the State of Hawai‘i through a $2M Capital Improvement Project (CIP) award to upgrade their own UH2.2m telescope. Knowing that the∼ UHH observatory was in dire situation, the IfA Director allocated $0.5M to the UHH observatory. Facing a lost of the site on Maunakea but sufficient funds to replace the defective∼ observatory, the faculty in the Department worked with UHH Chancellor to keep the funding for the observatory but find an alternative site. A new 2700(0.7m) PlaneWave31 telescope was purchased and is being characterized in the lab on the UHH campus. The 1800 dome built by Astrohaven32 has also been purchased and sits in a warehouse on campus. The dome and telescope were built by highly reputable companies that have delivered many of the exact same products to professional observatories and research groups. This is a very different situation than when the telescope was upgraded from a 2400 to a 3600 however the site is now uncertain.

The School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences of Berry College, a small liberal arts school in Georgia, has approached us to develop a dual degree program. This program is a joint academic collaboration with Berry College to automatically transfer students majoring in astronomy from Berry College to UHH. The MOU is in the process of being signed by the relevant authorities from both institutions and the unsigned final version is presented in Appendix A-11. While the growth in enrollments is not expected to be large, at the level of one student per year, this is a relatively large number for small programs like astronomy and physics.

In summary, the faculty engages in a wide range of quality research and have now guaranteed access to state- of-the-art astronomical resources in Hawai‘i. These agreements are also a direct testament of the quality of our program and faculty leading it.

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Faculty CV Curriculum Vitae

Department of Physics & Astronomy Phone : 808-932-7028 University of Hawaii at Hilo E-mail : [email protected] 200 W. Kawili Street Hilo, HI, 96720

R. Pierre Martin

Full Name: René Pierre Martin Permanent residency: USA (green card holder: exp. 2020) Data of Birth: July 11, 1964 Citizenship: Canadian Marital Status: Married to Dr. Patricia E. Pérez (US Citizen) Spoken and written languages: French & English, Spanish (basic)

A - Professional Experience

2012 – Present University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, HI

Assistant Professor of Astronomy/Observatory Director (Tenure track)

• Undergraduate teaching in physics and astronomy, department mission and vision, definition of content department curriculum, recruitment, student advising and mentoring, outreach and general services. Responsible for the implementation and operations of the UH-Hilo Hoku Kea Observatory, instrumentation for HK and integration within UH-Hilo curriculum. Supervision and maintenance of astronomy laboratory equipment, Mauna Kea director’s committee, OMKM participation, budgets, academic services, community interaction.

• Research in astrophysics: Galaxy evolution; abundances; instrumentation and modern observational processes for astronomy; large-scale study of abundances in nearby galaxies with SITELLE at CFHT (2015 - ); Extragalactic astronomy from the Moon (In collaboration with ILOA and NAOC).

2011 – 2012 Giant Magellan Telescope Organization, Pasadena, CA


• Revise the current conceptual operational plan for GMTO and develop a new plan for the Preliminary Design Review phase (planned for the end of 2012). Define observing modes (classical, remote, queue), general operations and facilities, operations survey of existing facilities, proposal submission and telescope scheduling, metrics, upgrades, new instrumentation development, data management, scientific and technical support, staffing, organizational structure, scalability, costs, contingency. 2008 – 2011 WIYN Observatory, Tucson, AZ

Executive Director/One Degree Imager Principal Investigator

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• Responsible for the health and progress of the WIYN observatory. Management, strategic planning. Instrumentation developments and operation models. Prioritization, project reviews, staffing, science activities, safety. Meetings, reports & scheduling. Observing efficiency and metrics. Evaluation of staff performance. Recruitment. Budget administration. Science Advisory Committee, Board of Directors.

• Research: Molecular near-IR imaging of planetary nebulae, interacting galaxies, Semi-regular variable stars abundances, instrumentation.

1997 – 2008: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, Kamuela, HI

Resident/Staff Astronomer (regular position)

• Director of Science Operations / Astronomy Group Manager / CFHT Executive: Supervision of Resident/Staff Astronomers, Observing Assistants, Service Observers, and Librarian. Prioritization, project reviews, manpower, science activities, safety supervision. Proposal submission process, technical evaluations. Meetings, reports & scheduling. Observing efficiency and metrics. Evaluation of staff performance. Recruitment. Budget administration. Science Advisory Committee, Board of Directors, Observatory Council, User’s meetings.

• Project Scientist/Manager. Queued Service Observing (QSO) Project with CFH12K/MegaCam/WIRCam/ESPaDOnS: Software design, implementation, testing, and integration. Queue operations: coordination, proposal evaluation, Phase 1 and Phase 2, short and long-term planning, training, reviews and reports, operational scheduling, statistics, data quality control, program management, calibration plan, night reports, email management, data distribution. . Budgetary and personnel issues. WIRCam/ESPaDOnS NOP (New Observing Process): development leadership/management. Observatory Automation Project: Science requirements, logistics.

• Instrument Scientist: Integral Field Spectrograph (OASIS), Fabry-Perot Interferometers, Spectral calibration system.

• Support Astronomer: OASIS Integral Field Spectrograph, Fabry-Perot Interferometers, Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS/OSIS), Adaptive Optics Bonnette (PUEO), CFH12K Mosaic Camera. Introductions/Support/Documentation/Proposal Submission.

• Research: Galaxy Evolution and Dynamics, Bars, Extragalactic Star Formation, HII Regions, Active Galactic Nuclei, Jets, Galactic Chemical Evolution, Cepheids, Planetary Nebulae.

1996 - 1997: European Southern Observatory, Santiago, Chile

New Technology Telescope (NTT) Postdoctoral Fellow

• Instrument Scientist: ESO Multi-Mode Instrument (EMMI) : CCD imaging, long-slit and multi-object spectroscopy, echelle and dichroic spectroscopic mode. Instrument commissioning, engineering, testing. Documentation.

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• NTT Team Coordinator: Operations on La Silla during support run; management of the scientific and technical staff operations.

• Service Observer: Queue mode (EMMI/SUSI).

• Research: Galaxy Evolution and Dynamics, Bars, Extragalactic Star Formation, HII Regions, Active Galactic Nuclei, Tidal Galaxies, Galactic Chemical Evolution.

1993 – 1996: Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson

FCAR/NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow

• Research: (Supervisor: Dr. R. C. Kennicutt, Jr.). Galaxy Evolution and Dynamics, Bars, Extragalactic Star Formation, HII Regions. Observations: Book 90-inch Telescope, MMT, CFHT

B - Education

1988 -1992: Laval University, Québec, Canada

PhD in Astrophysics

• Supervisor: Dr. Jean-René Roy. Thesis: “The Chemical Abundance Gradients in Barred Spiral Galaxies”. Optical Imaging (narrow-band)/Spectroscopy.

1987 – 1988: Laval University, Québec, Canada

Master in Astrophysics

• Supervisor: Dr. Jean-René Roy. Thesis: “The Optical Jet in the NGC 4258”. Narrow- band imaging.

1984 – 1987: Université du Québec, Rimouski, Canada

Bachelor’s degree in Physics

C – Fellowships/Grants

• UH Hilo Seed Money Grant ($10,771)(2013): Preparation for the galaxy survey with the CFHT FTS SITELLE. • Postdoctoral fellowship provided by the European Southern Observatory (1996-1997, La Silla, Chile)

• Postdoctoral fellowship provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (1994-1995, Steward Observatory)

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• Postdoctoral fellowship provided by the Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide la Recherche (1993, Steward Observatory)

• PhD fellowship provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (1989- 1991, Laval University)

• PhD fellowship provided by provided by the Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide a la Recherche (summer 1991, Laval University)

D - Teaching Experience/Mentorship

• UH-Hilo “General Astronomy” (ASTR110): Astronomy survey for non-science students (2012, 2013, 2015; 2016) (160 students)

• UH-Hilo “Observational Astronomy” (ASTR 250): Introduction to observational techniques of modern astrophysics for astronomy majors (2013, 2014) (25 students)

• UH- Hilo “Stellar Astrophysics” (ASTR350): Stellar physics for astronomy majors (junior level) (2014, 2015, 2016) (25 students)

• UH-Hilo “Observational Astronomy Laboratory” (ASTR 250L): Introduction to observational techniques of modern astrophysics for astronomy majors (2016) (12 students)

• UH-Hilo “Galactic and Extrgalactic Astrophsyics” (ASTR 351): Physics of the Milky Way and galaxies and introduction to cosmology for astronomy majors (2016) (8 students)

• UH-Hilo “Seminar” (ASTR 495): Seminar presentations on topics in the physical sciences for natural science majors (2015) (20 students)

• Mentor for UH-Hilo undergraduate student Cale Clementson (2014-2015): SITELLE (UHH Seed money grant)

• Mentor for UH-Hilo undergraduate student Travis Thieme (F2016): “Small-scale properties of in nearby disk galaxies” (NASA Space Grant fellowship)

• Mentor for UH-Hilo undergraduate student Callie Crowder (F2016): “Integration and Commissioning of the new UH Hilo Hoku Kea Observatory” (NASA Space grant traineeship)

• Mentor of Dr. Laurie Nepton-Rousseau, Canadian postdoctoral fellow within the UH Hilo Department of Physics & Astronomy (upcoming, 2017)

E – Additional Professional Activities

• Chairman of Search Committee for UH Hilo Faculty position within the Department of Physics & Astronomy (2016)

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• Member of UHH-UHM committee charging of defining the process of telescope time allocation on Maunakea Observatories for UH Hilo (2016)

• Active participation in educational discussions on astronomy and the future of Maunakea observatory with local communities.

• Adviser for equipment procurement and maintenance and for the astronomical imaging program for the Maunakea Visitor Center.

• Member of the instrumentation development and commissioning team for the SITELLE imaging spectrograph built by Université Laval/ABB (2010-present)

• Collaboration with the International Lunar Observatory Association for the Astronomy from the Moon program

• Member of the University of Hawaii Time Allocation Committee (2012-2015)

• Informal consultant for the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE)(2015- ), Colby College Observatory (2015), University of Sao Paulo observatory (2013-2014), ILOA Moon Observatory (2015- ).

• Member of the AURA Coordinating Council of Observatory Research Directors (ACCORD) (2008-2011)

• Chairman of the working group and project scientist/manager for implementation of the remote observing facility at CFHT.

• Associate professor (1999 – 2004) at Laval University (co-supervisor of M. Lelièvre PhD Thesis on “Sub-critical star formation regime in galaxy disks”).

• Member of the CASCA “Optical and Infrared Astronomy Committee” chaired by René Racine (2003 - 2007)

• CFHT representative on the New Generation CFHT Committee (“NGC”), charged with evaluating the long-term future of CFHT and propose a replacement design for the actual telescope (1999).

• Co-editor of the CFHT Information Bulletin (#40) and proceedings for the CFHT Users Meeting in Quebec City (May 1998).

• Member of Local Organizing Committee for the ADASS IX Conference hosted by CFHT in October 1999. • Invited astronomer by Université de Paris VII for one-month stay at Meudon Observatory (July, 1996).

• Assistant teacher for an introductory course in astronomy at Laval University (1989).

• NTT representative on the working group for the ESO computer network system on La Silla.

• Student representative for the Scientific Committee of the Mount Megantic Observatory (1989 - 1992)

• Member of three departmental committees at Laval University (1988 -1991)

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F – Other Qualifications

• Very familiar with IRAF.

• Familiar with relational database design.

• Computer platforms: UNIX/Solaris/Windows/Mac OS/Linux

• Programming languages: Perl, Tcl/Tk, HTML, Fortran, SQL, Coldfusion, Python (basic).

• Tools: Latex, FrameMaker, MS Office, Dreamweaver, Data Designer, Adobe products, Skycat, SigmaPlot, Sybase, Kaleidagraph, Hummingbird, MaximDL, and others.

• Management and leadership training from Frontier Associates, Inc.

• Expertise with small aperture (<0.8m) telescopes and instrumentation.

• Formal training in modern teaching techniques for Physics and Astronomy.

• Some expertise in historical astronomy.

G – Professional Memberships

• Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the American Astronomical Society (AAS), and the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA).

H – Colloquia

• Invited speaker at the “2nd Beijing Forum on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration” in Beijing, China for a talk on “Exploring Galaxies From the Moon”, Sept 7-10, 2015.

• Invited speaker for a talk on WIYN at the Centre de Recherche en Astrophysique du Quebec (CRAQ), (Quebec City, 2009)

• Invited speaker for a review talk on abundance gradients in barred spirals at the International workshop on “Abundance Profiles: diagnostic tools for galaxy history (Quebec City, October 1997).

• Invited speaker for a review on star formation regions in galactic bars at the IAU Coll. No. 157, “Barred Galaxies”, (Tuscaloosa, May 1995)

• Conferences/Workshop (non-exhaustive): “ngCFHT”, (Hilo, 2013), “Science with Sitelle” (Canada, 2013), Telescopes from Afar (Hawaii, 2011), SPIE (San Diego, 2010), SPIE (Hawaii, 2002), ADASS XI (Victoria, 2001); ADASS IX (Waikoloa, 1999); SPIE (Kona, 1998); “Abundance Profiles” (Quebec City, 1997); “Barred Galaxies” (Tuscaloosa, 1995); “Effets d’environnement” (Paris, 1993); “Mass-transfer induced activity” (Lexington, 1993); “Dynamics of Galaxies” (Paris, 1990); “Le Monde des Galaxies” (Paris, 1989); AAS & CASCA (numerous meetings), WIYN Yale Survey Workshop (2010)

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I – Publications

Refereed Papers

1. Nepton-Rousseau, L, Drissen, L, Robert, C, Martin, T & Martin, R. P., 2016, Integral Field observations of NGC 628 with SITELLE. I., MNRAS, submitted.

2. Andrievsky, S.M., Martin R. P., Kovtyukh, V.V., Korotin, S.A., Lépine, J. R. D, 2016, Oxygen, a- element and iron abundance distributions in the inner part of the Galactic thin disc. II, MNRAS, in press.

3. Martin, R.P., Andrievsky, S.M., Kovtyukh, V.V., Korotin, S.A., Yegorova, I.A., Saviane, I., 2015, Oxygen, a-element and iron abundance distributions in the inner part of the Galactic thin disc, MNRAS, 449, 4071.

4. Drissen, L., Rousseau-Nepton, L., Lavoie, S., Martin, T., Robert, C., Martin, R.P., Mandar, J., Grandmont, F., 2014, Imaging FTS: a different approach to integral field spectroscopy, Advances in Astronomy, vol. 2014, 9.

5. Britavskiy, N.E., Andrievsky, S.M., Tsymbal, V.V., Korotin, S.A., Martin, P., Andrievska, A. S., 2012, Chemical composition of semi-regular variable giants. III, A&A, 542, 104.

6. Britavskiy, N.E., Andrievsky, S.M., Korotin, S.A., Martin, P., 2010, Chemical composition of semi- regular variable giants. II, A&A, 519, 74.

7. Drissen, L., Crowther, P., Ubeda, L., Martin, P., 2008, Wolf-Rayet stars in M33 II. Optical spectroscopy of emission-line stars in giant HII regions, MNRAS, 389, 1033.

8. Andrievsky, S.M., Korotin, S.A., Martin, P., 2007, Chemical composition of semi-regular variable giants, A&A, 464, 709.

9. Meech, K., et al., 2005, Deep Impact: Observations from a Worldwide Earth-Based Campaign, Science, 309.

10. Andrievsky, S. M., Luck, R. E., Martin, P., Lepine, J.R.D., 2004, The Galactic Abundance Gradient from Cepheids. V. Transition zone between 10 and 11 kpc., A&A. 413, 159-172.

11. Abbott, J. B., Crowther, P. A., Drissen, L., Dessart, L., Martin, P., Boivin, G., 2004, Wolf-Rayet Stars in M33. I: Optical Spectroscopy using CFHT-MOS, MNRAS, 350, 552

12. Menard, F., Dougados, C., Magnier, E., Duchene, G., Cuillandre, J.-C., Fahlman, G., Forveille, T., Lai, O., Manset. N., Martin, P., Veillet, C., Martin, E. & Magazzu, A., IRAS 04158+2805 : A Low- Mass Star with an Edge-on Disk, submitted to A&A.

13. Bacon, R., Emsellem, E., Combes, F., Copin, Y., Monnet, G., & Martin, P., 2001, The M31 double nucleus probed with OASIS: A natural m=1 mode?, A&A, 371, 409.

14. Martin, P., Lelievre, M., & Roy, J.-R., 2000, The O/H distribution in NGC 7479: Evidence of a minor merger event, ApJ, 538, 141.

15. Kennicutt, R. C., Jr., Bresolin, F., French, H., & Martin, P., 2000, An Empirical Test and Calibration of HII Region Diagnostics, ApJ, 537, 589.

16. Weilbacher, P. M., Duc., P.-A., Fritze-v.Alvensleben, U., Martin, P., & Fricke, K.J., 2000, Tidal dwarf candidates in a sample of interacting galaxies, A&A, 358, 819.

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17. Greusard, D., Wozniak, H., Friedli, D., Martinet, L., & Martin, P., 2000, Near-infrared probing of embedded structures in starburst and Seyfert galaxies, A&AS, 145, 425.

18. Martin, P., & Friedli, D. 1999, Star formation in bar environments II. Physical properties, age and abundances of HII regions, , A&A, 346. 769-777.

19. Martin, P., & Friedli, D., 1997, Star formation in bar environments I. Morphology, star formation rates and general properties, A&A, 326, 449-464.

20. Martin, P., & Belley, J., 1997, Nebular gas abundances and mixing processes in the ringed galaxy NGC 4736, A&A, 321, 363-373.

21. Martin, P., & Belley, J., 1996, Arm-interarm and large-scale O/H variations in disk galaxies, ApJ, 468, 598.

22. Jablonka, P., Martin, P., & Arimoto, N., 1996, The luminosity-metallicity relation for bulges of spiral galaxies, AJ, 112, 1415.

23. Roy, J.-R., Belley, J., Dutil, Y., & Martin, P., 1996, The O/H distribution in the low-mass galaxies NGC 2366 and NGC 4395, ApJ, 460, 284.

24. Martin, P. & Roy, J.-R., 1995, The oxygen distribution in NGC 3359 or a disk galaxy in the early phase of bar formation, ApJ, 1995, 445, 161.

25. Martin, P., 1995, Quantitative morphology of bars in spiral galaxies, AJ, 109, 2428.

26. Wozniak, H., Friedli, D., Martinet, L., Martin, P., & Bratschi, P., 1995, Disc galaxies with multiple triaxial features I. BVRI and Hα photometry, A&AS, 111, 115.

27. Wozniak, H., Friedli, D., Martinet, L., Martin, P., & Bratschi, P., 1995, Disc galaxies with multiple triaxial features I. BVRI and Hα photometry, Astro Lett. and Communications 31, 153.

28. Martin, P., & Roy, J.-R., 1994, The influence of bars on the chemical composition of spiral galaxies, ApJ, 424, 599.

29. Court\`es, G., Petit, H., Hua, C.T., Martin, P., Blecha, A., Huguenin, D., & Golay, M., 1993, Structure of the spiral arms of NGC 4258 in Hα and at 2000 Angs.}, A&A, 268, 419.

30. Martin, P., & Roy, J.-R., 1992, The oxygen abundance gradient in the NGC 4303, ApJ, 397, 463.

31. Plante, R., Lo, K.-Y., Roy, J.-R., Martin, P., & Noreau, L., 1991, Possible deflection of a jet by molecular clouds in NGC 4258, ApJ, 381, 110.

32. Martin, P., Roy, J.-R., Noreau, L., & Lo, K.-Y., 1989, The optical jet of the galaxy NGC 4258: interaction with the interstellar medium, ApJ, 345, 707.

Non-refereed papers

33. Rousseau-Nepton, L., Robert, C., Drissen, L., Martin, R. P., Martin, T., et al., 2016, SITELLE at CFHT, IAU No. 321, in press.

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34. Harbeck, D., … Martin, R. P, Muller, G., Knezek, P., Hunten, M., 2014, The WYIN one degree imager 2014: performance of the partially populated focal plane and instrument upgrade path, SPIE, 9147.

35. Gopu, A., … R. P. Martin, K. Archbold, 2014, ODI-Portal, Pipeline, and Archive (ODI-PPA): a web based astronomical compute archive, visualization, and analysis service., SPIE, 9152.

36. Harbeck, D., Martin, P., Cavin, J., Jacoby, G., Muller, G., Yeatts, A., McCloskey, R., Ivens, J., Blanco, D., Corson, C., 2010, The WIYN One Degree Imager: Project Update 2010, SPIE, 7735, 15.

37. Ivens, J., Yeatts, A., Harbeck, D., Martin, P., 2010, User interface software development for the WIYN One Degree Imager (ODI), SPIE, 7740, 36.

38. Drissen, L., Bernier, A.-P., Charlebois, M., Briere, E., Robert, C., Joncas, G, Martin, P., Grandmont, F., 2008, Science results form the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer SpIOMM, SPIE 7014, 246.

39. Vermeulen, T, Teeple, D, Mahoney, B, Thomas, J, Albert, L., Martin, P., Forveille, T., Yan, C-H., 2006, CFHT WIRCam Software Architecture and Implementation, SPIE, 627, 16.

40. Martin, P., Savalle, R., Vermeulen, T, & Shapiro, J., 2002, The Queued Service Observing Project at CFHT, SPIE, 4844, 74.

41. Abbott, J., Crowther, P., Drissen, L., Dessart, L, & Martin, P., 2002, Spectral Analysis of WC Stars in M33 using CFHT-MOS, IAU Symp. 212, van Der Hulst, Herrero & Kateban, eds.

42. Savalle, R., Martin, P., Shapiro, J., & Vermeulen, T., 2002, The Queue Observing Project at CFHT: Phase 2 database and observation submission tool, ADASS XI,

43. Vermeulen, T., Savalle, R., Martin, P., & Shapiro., J., 2002, The Queue Observing Project at CFHT: Queue preparation and observation tools, ADASS XI.

44. Dougados, C., Menard, F., Cuillandre, J.-C., Magnier, E., Lai, O., Manset, N., Forveille, T., Fahlman, G., Martin, P., Veillet, C., McDonald, & J., Bouvier, J., A search for substellar mass objects in Taurus.

45. Lelievre, M., Roy, J.-R., & Martin, P., 2000, Star formation in subcritical environments, in Stars, Gas and Dust in Galaxies: Exploring the links, ASP Conf. Series. Vol. 221, D. Alloin, K. Olsen, G. Galaz, eds. p.129

46. Greusard, D., Friedli, D., Martinet, L., Wozniak, H., & Martin, P., 1999, Near-IR probing of embedded structures in active galaxies, in Galaxy Dynamics: from the Early Universe to the Present, ASP Conf. Series., vol. 197, F. Combes, G. Mamon, V. Charmandaris, eds., p.57.

47. Magrath, B., Arsenault, R., Barrick, G., Martin, P., Grundseth, B., Ward, J., Wilcox, D., Healy, S., & Knight, W., 1998, Novel telescope mounted spectral calibration source for the CFHT, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3355, p.979.

48. Martin, P., 1998, Element distributions in barred galaxies, in " Abundance Profiles: Diagnostic Tools for Galaxy History", ASP No, 147, p.68.

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49. Martin,P., & Rucinski, S., 1998, Proceedings of the fifth CFHT User’s Meeting, CFHT.

50. Martin, P., 1996, Properties of HII regions along galactic bars, in ``Barred Galaxies'', IAU Coll. No. 157, p.70.

51. Jablonka, P., Arimoto, N., & Martin, P., 1996, The overabundance of magnesium over iron in bulges of spiral galaxies, in New light on galaxy evolution, IAU 171, Kluwer, p.396.

52. Martin, P., \& Belley, J., 1996, O/H abundances in the ringed galaxy NGC 4736: Mixing processes in the interstellar medium, in ``Barred Galaxies'', IAU Coll. No. 157, p.111.

53. Jablonka, P., Martin, P., & Arimoto, N., 1995, On the analogy between bulges of spiral galaxies and ellipticals, in Fresh Views on Elliptical Galaxies, ASP No. 86, p185.

54. Martin, P., 1993, The abundance gradients in barred galaxies : the role of radial flows, in Mass- transfer induced activity in galaxies, ed. I. Schlosman, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), p177.

55. Martin, P., Roy, J.-R., & Belley, J., 1992, The abundance gradients in barred spiral galaxies, in Physics of Nearby Galaxies : Nature or Nurture?, eds. T. X. Thuan, C. Balkowski, J. T. T. Van., Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, (Ed. Frontieres), p101.

56. Martin, P., Roy, J.-R., Noreau, L., & Lo, K.-Y., 1989, The shaping of the optical jet of the galaxy NGC 4258, in Structure and Dynamics of the interstellar Medium, Proc. of IAU No. 120, Springer- Verlag, p359.

IAU/MPEC Circulars

57. Veillet, C., Shapiro, J., Martin, P., $ Marsden, B.G., 2001, Minor planet Electronic Circ., C32.

58. Veillet, C., Shapiro, J., Martin, P., $ Marsden, B.G., 2001, Minor planet Electronic Circ., C21

59. Veillet, C., Shapiro, J., Martin, P., $ Marsden, B.G., 2001, Minor planet Electronic Circ., C20

60. Hainaut, O.R., Meech, K.J., Bauer, J., Martin, P., Mueller, K., Van de Steene G., Hurtado, N., & Miranda, J., et al., 1997, The recovery of comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, IAU Circular 6579.


61. Martin, P., & Friedli, D., At the Hearts of Barred Galaxies, 1999, Sky \& Telescope, vol.97, number3, p.32.

62. Martin,P., & Rucinski, S., 1998, Proceedings of the fifth CFHT user’s meeting

63. Martin, P., 1991, A la Recherche des Supernovae Extragalactiques, Le Qu\'ebec Astronomique, 11, 12.

64. Martin, P., 1991, Vers Mars, 1991, Astronomie-Qu\'ebec, 1, 12.

65. Martin, P., 1991, Recherche des Supernovae Extragalactiques, Ciel \& Terre, Societe Royale Belge d'Astronomie, 107, 131.

66. Martin, P., 1990, Recherche en astronomie amateure, Hyper-Espace, 2, no.2 , 3.

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67. Martin, P., & Levesque, S., 1987, Etudes Photographiques des Galaxies Exterieures, Le Quebec Astronomique, 7, 4

J – Related Activities

• Invited speaker for Federation des Astronomes Amateurs du Quebec, annual meeting 2007.

• Popular papers on astronomy in Le Quebec Astronomique, Astronomie-Quebec, Ciel & Terre, Hyper-Espace magazines.

• Popular talks on astronomy in Hilo, MKVIS, Quebec City, Rimouski, Montreal, Mount Megantic Observatory, Matane, Tucson, etc.

• Radio columnist on astronomy in Quebec City (CKRL-FM)

• Invited astronomer for interviews about future explorations of Mars and the at Radio-Canada (CBC) (Quebec City).

• First-price winner of the scientific journalism contest conducted by the Planetarium Dow (Montreal, 1991).

• Vice-president of the Rimouski Club for Amateur Astronomers (1986-1987).

• Co-founder and Member of the West Hawaii Astronomy Club

K – Other Interests

• Music: Drums and Percussion

• Amateur astronomy

• History: Science/World War II/Biographies/Music

L – References


Dr. Jean-René Roy Derrick Salmon Dr. Greg Fahlman

Associate Professor Director of Engineering General Manager

Département de Physique CFHT Corporation National Science Infras. (NRC-HIA)

Université Laval 65-1238 Mamalahoa Hwy 5071 West Saanich Road

Québec, QC, Canada, G1V 0A6 Kamuela, HI, 96743, USA Victoria, BC, Canada V9E 2E7

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

11 Page 56 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017

Prof. Charles Bailyn Dr. Dennis Crabtree Prof. Marianna Takamiya

Dept. Of Astronomy NRC/HIA Dept. of Physics & Astronomy

Yale University 5071 W Saanich Rd University of Hawai’i at Hilo

PO Box 208101 Victoria, BC, V9E 2E7 200 W. Kawili Street

New Haven, CT 06520-8101 Canada Hilo, HI, 96720

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Dr. Laurent Drissen Prof. Robert C. Kennicutt, Jr. Prof. Pieter Van Dokkum

Département de Physique Institute of Astronomy Dept. Of Astronomy

Université Laval University of Cambridge Yale University

1045 avenue de la Medecine Cambridge CB3 OHA PO Box 208101

Quebec, QC, CANADA UK New Haven, CT 06520-8101

G1V 0A6 [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

12 Page 57 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017


CONTACT INFORMATION Current Position: Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Department of Physics & Astronomy Phone: (808) 932-7195 Natural Science Division, STB 219 Fax: (808) 932-7295 200 West K¯awiliStreet E-mail: [email protected] Hilo, Hawai‘i 96720-4091, USA Web:

EDUCATION Graduate 2003–2009, University of California, Santa Cruz Ph.D. Astronomy & Astrophysics August 2009 Probing the Chemical Composition of the z < 1 Intergalactic Medium with Observations and Simulations (advisor: Dr. J. Xavier Prochaska) M.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics June 2005 Characterizing the Low- Intergalactic Medium towards PKS1302–102 (advisor: Dr. J. Xavier Prochaska) Undergraduate 1999–2003, Valparaiso University, Indiana B.S. Physics with Honors, Summa Cum Laude May 2003 Senior Honors Thesis: The Formation of Substellar Companions due to Protostellar Disk Instabilities: Modeling the Effects of the Gravitational Environment (advisor: Dr. Brian K. Pickett) Christ College Scholar (interdisciplinary humanities-based honors program) High School 1995–1999, Beavercreek High School, Ohio Diploma with Honors, Salutatorian June 1999

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY • Assistant professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i, Hilo, 2014–present • National Science Foundation Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT Kavli Institute, 2010–2013 – Section Leader, 8.02t: “Physics II,” MIT, spring 2011 • Postdoctoral Fellow for Prof. Robert Simcoe, Department of Physics, MIT, 2009–2010 • Graduate Student Researcher with Prof. Xavier Prochaska, Department of Astronomy & Astro- physics, UCSC, 2004–2009 – Instructor, AY5: “Introductory Astronomy—The Formation and Evolution of the Universe,” UCSC, summer 2008 – Astronomy Lead Instructor (Cluster 7), California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS), UCSC, summers 2005–2007 – Project Advisor (Cluster 7), COSMOS, UCSC, summer 2004 • Teaching Assistant, AY16: “Life in the Universe,” UCSC, fall 2003 • Northeastern University Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), CERN, summer 2002 • Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory REU, Caltech, summer 2001 • Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory REU, Chile, winter 2001 • VU Department of Physics and Astronomy research assistant, summer 2000

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TEACHING EXPERIENCE Undergraduate Mentoring: • Alex Hedglen (astronomy & physics major, UH Hilo): Organizing and processing spectra of 30 galaxy- quasar pairs; funded through HSGC Traineeship (academic year); summer 2015–spring 2016 • Jasmin Silva (astronomy & physics major, UH Hilo): Stacking analysis of multi-ion absorption-line systems in SDSS DR7; funded through Hawai‘i/NASA Space Grant Consortium (HSGC) Fellowship (spring–fall 2015) and UH Hilo Seed Grant (summer); spring 2015–spring 2016 • Iosefa Trainer (math & astronomy major, UH Hilo): Classifying multi-ion absorption-line systems in SDSS DR7 with non-parametric clustering analysis; funded through UH Hilo Seed Grant; spring 2015 • Robert Ponga (BA Physics & BS Astronomy, UH Hilo class of 2015): Analysis of high-resolution spectra, with VPFIT and CLOUDY, of strong C IV systems; funded as UCSC Jr. Specialist (summer 2014) and HSGC Fellowship (fall 2014); summer 2014–spring 2015 • Natalie Nagata (physics major, UH M¯anoa):Stacking analysis of absorption-line systems in SDSS DR7; funded/organized through Akamai Workforce Initiative Internship; summer 2014 • Eduardo Seyffert (BS Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, MIT class of 2014): Survey for intergalactic Mg II absorbers in SDSS DR7 quasars; funded/organized through MIT Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program; 2011–2013 – Publications: Matejek et al. 2013 (ApJ, 764, 9); Seyffert et al. 2013 (ApJ, 779, 161); and Gauthier et al. 2014 (MNRAS, 439, 342) Academic Courses: • Assistant Professor, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo – ASTR110L: “General Astronomy Lab”: lab component of the introductory astronomy for non- majors (S15: 17 students; F16: 22 and 15 students in 2 sections; S16: 17 and 13 in 2 sections) – ASTR180: “Principles of Astronomy I”: introductory astronomy course for majors, covering properties of light, astronomical observing, orbital mechanics, and solar system properties with group problem-solving active learning techniques (F14: 36 students; F15: 33; F16: 15) – ASTR181: “Principles of Astronomy II”: introductory astronomy course for majors, covering extragalactic astrophysics (e.g., stellar structure and evolution, formation and evolution of uni- verse), using group problem-solving active-learning techniques (S14: 23 students; S15: 13; S16: 21) – ASTR250: “Observational Astronomy”: introduction to modern observational techniques: statis- tics, instruments, data processing, etc. (S15: 10 students; S16: 7) – ASTR260: “Computational Physics & Astronomy”: introduction to scientific programming and numerical analysis (F15: 8 students) – ASTR375: “Literature Review Practicum”: writing-intensive, upper-division course where stu- dents read and synthesize, in writing, a current astronomy or physics topic (F14: 9 students) – ASTR394: “Spectroscopy in Astronomy”: experimental upper-division course covering how spectroscopy is used in modern astronomical research (S14: 9 students) – ASTR495A/B: “Seminar”: natural sciences senior seminar (cross-listed with CHEM, GEOL, MATH, and PHYS); presentations include guest lecturers and 495B participants (S14: 15/20 students) – ASTR399: “Directed Studies”: advised the student, Jennifer Solis, on an astrobiology literature review (S14) – PHYS170L: “General Physics I Lab”: lab component of the introductory mechanics class (F14: 21 students; S15: 11)


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– PHYS170: “General Physics I” recitation (F16: 20 students) – PHYS171L: “General Physics II Lab”: lab component of the introductory electromagnetism class (F14: 16 students) – PHYS171: “General Physics II” recitation (F16: 20 students) – PHYS331: “Optics”: upper-division physics course on optics, with focus on applications in astronomy (F14: 13 students; F16: 6) • Guest lecturer: – “Is Science a Meritocracy?: Issues of Diversity & Equity,” natural sciences senior seminar (ASTR/CHEM/GEOL/MATH/PHYS495A/B), UH Hilo, 19 September 2014 and 25 September 2015 – “The Universe in Absorption,” Astronomy 101: “Techniques in Observational Astrophysics,” Pomona College, CA, 20 November 2012 • Section Leader: 8.02t: “Physics II” (technology-enabled active learning version), MIT, spring 2011; instructor for one section of introduction to electromagnetism, content required for all MIT under- graduates ( 50 students) ≈ • Instructor: Astronomy 005: “Introductory Astronomy—The Formation and Evolution of the Uni- verse,” UCSC, summer 2008; 5-week introductory course for non-science majors (13 students) • Astronomy Lead Instructor: Cluster 7: “Stars and Cells,” California State Summer School for Math- ematics and Science (COSMOS) at UCSC, 2007; month-long introductory course on astronomy, as- trobiology, evolutionary biology, and paleontology for high-school students, focusing on inquiry-based teaching methods (17 students) • Astronomy Lead Instructor: Cluster 7: “Stars, Sight, and Science,” COSMOS at UCSC, 2005, 2006; month-long introductory course on astronomy and vision science for high-school students, focusing on inquiry-based teaching methods (15–17 students) • Teaching Assistant: Astronomy 016: “Life in the Universe,” UCSC, fall 2003, Laurence Doyle (in- structor); introductory course for science majors ( 50 students) ≈ Innovative Teaching & Outreach: • Volunteer: – After-school Python programming class at Kamehameha High School, Kea‘au, organized by Michelle Correia (chemistry and astronomy), fall 2015–spring 2016 – Amelia Earhart Girls Engineering Day speaker, co-sponsored by Waiakea High Robotics Club and Hilo Zonta Club, 10 October 2015 – “Labor Pains: Fighting for Women in Science” panelist, AAUW-Hilo & UH Hilo’s Women’s Studies co-sponsored event, 23 April 2015 – Thirty Meter Telescope panelist, HawaiiCon 2014, 14 September 2014 – Maunakea Astronomy Outreach Committee Annual AstroDay: ∗ 30 April 2016: supported students leading astrobiology demonstration and telescopes ∗ 2 May 2015: organized and manned all-day Telescopes demonstration at Prince Kuhio Plaza ∗ 3 May 2014: organized and manned all-day Color, Light, & Spectra demonstration at Prince Kuhio Plaza – Gemini Observatory “Journey through the Universe” ∗ 9, 10 March 2016: visited 2nd, 3rd, and 5th-grade classrooms to teach about galaxies, at E. B. DeSilva Elementary School ( 20 students), Chiefess Kapi‘olani Elementary School ≈ ( 20), and Waiakea Elementary School ( 30), respectively ≈ ≈ ∗ 3, 4 March 2015: visited 5th-grade and 7th-grade classrooms to teach about galaxies, at Ha’aheo Elementary ( 30 students) and Waiakea Intermediate ( 30), respectively ≈ ≈


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∗ 11 March 2014: visited three kindergarten classrooms to teach about galaxies; two at Wa- iakea Elementary ( 40 students total) and one at Ha’aheo Elementary ( 30) ≈ ≈ – Ellison Onizuka Science Day ∗ 30 January 2016: demonstrated simple reflecting telescopes ∗ 24 January 2015: answered questions and led activities for the Department of Physics & Astronomy table; activities included galaxy classification, solar observing, and angular momentum demonstration ∗ 25 January 2014: ibid. – Astronomy Open House @ MIT, 30 April 2011: demonstrate optical versus ultraviolet light with UV-sensitive beads; field questions from community • Discussion Leader: Organized and led discussion on issues of imposter syndrome for MIT Department of Physics Diversity & Inclusion Luncheon series, December 2011 – Described discussion in SPECTRUM (see Publications:Other) – MIT School of Science Infinite Kilometer Award 2012 • Mentor: MIT Office of Minority Education Mentor Advocate Partnership, 2011–2012; paired with freshman to assist her transition to undergraduate life – MAP “Titanium” Mentor Award 2012 • Co-Facilitator: “Three-kinds of Hands-on Learning” activity, ED212A: “Science Learning and Teach- ing in Elementary Classrooms,” UCSC, January 2007, Jerome Shaw (instructor); teaching inquiry techniques to undergraduate education majors • Co-Facilitator: “Color and Light Inquiry,” physics/engineering lab, December 2004 & 2005, Maui Community College, Mark Hoffman (instructor); teaching properties of light and additive and sub- tractive color mixing with inquiry • Project Advisor: “Stars, Sight, and Science,” COSMOS at UCSC, 2004; small-group, inquiry-based project on variable stars (3 students)

PRESENTATIONS Colloquia and Seminars: 16. “Precious Metals (or Lack of) in SDSS Quasar Spectra,” IfA M¯anoaColloquium, 8 April 2015 (invited) “Precious Metals in SDSS Quasar Spectra” • 15. Gemini Observatory North, 23 October 2014 (invited) 14. Subaru Observatory, 4 August 2014 (invited) 13. IfA Hilo Tech Talk, 29 January 2014 (invited) 12. IfA M¯anoaWEDGE, 22 April 2013 “Tracking the Evolution of Strong, 1.5 < z < 4.5 C IV Absorbers with Thousands of Systems” • 11. UC Irvine Astrophysics Seminar, January 2013 10. Caltech Tea Talk, November 2012 9. UCLA Journal Club, October 2012 8. Carnegie Observatories, September 2012 7. Leiden Observatory, August 2012 (invited) 6. MPIA Galaxy Coffee, July 2012 5. LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, July 2012 4. Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, May 2012 (invited) “The Last Eight-Billion Years of Intergalactic C IV and Si IV Evolution” • 3. CTIO, 19 November 2010


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2. Brown University, 10 November 2010 (invited) 1. Boston University, 1 November 2010 (invited) Conferences and Symposia: 12. “Precious Metals (or Lack Thereof) in SDSS Quasar Spectra,” From Wall to Web, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Berlin, Germany, July 2016 (invited) 11. “Precious Metals in SDSS QSOs: The Hunt for Intergalactic C IV in DR7,” MKI Postdoc Symposium, MIT, April 2012 “The Last Eight-Billion Years of Intergalactic C IV and Si IV Evolution” • 10. Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop 2011, Santa Cruz, CA, August 2011 9. The Cosmic Odyssey of the Baryons, Marseilles, France, June 2011 8. Gas in Galaxies: From Cosmic Web to Molecular Clouds, Kloster Seeon, Germany, June 2011 7. MKI Postdoc Symposium, April 2011 6. “The Cosmic Enrichment Cycle: Probing the Galaxy-IGM Boundary,” MKI Postdoc Symposium, MIT, March 2010 5. “The Last Eight-Billion Years of Intergalactic C IV Evolution,” The Chemical Enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium, Leiden, the Netherlands, May 2009 4. “Metals in the Low-redshift Universe: From Galaxies to the Intergalactic Medium,” 213th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Long Beach, California, January 2009 (dissertation-year talk) 3. “Properties of Metal-line Absorption Systems and Their Neighboring Galaxies,” The Cosmic Odyssey of the Elements, Aegina, Greece, June 2008 2. “Metal-Line System Survey: Characterizing the Low-z IGM,” Space Astronomy: The UV Window to the Universe, El Escorial, Spain, May 2007 1. “Gravitational-wave Signal Simulation for LIGO,” 16th National Conference of Undergraduate Re- search, U. of Wisconsin–Whitewater, April 2002 Public Lectures: 5. “The Universe in Absorption,” UH Hilo Faculty Lecture Series, 15 July 2015 “Is Science a Meritocracy?: Issues of Diversity & Equity” • 4. American Association of Undergraduate Women, Hilo branch, 21 January 2015 (invited) 3. UH Hilo Department of Physics & Astronomy, 23 October 2014 “The Universe in Absorption” • 2. The Universe Tonight series, Mauna Kea Visitor Information Station, 4 October 2014 1. What Physicists Do series, Sonoma State University, CA, 15 October 2012 (invited)

PUBLICATIONS Refereed Articles:

18. Glidden, A.,∗ Cooper, T. J.,† Cooksey, K. L. + 2. “Predominantly Low Metallicities Measured in a Stratified Sample of Lyman Limit Systems at z = 3.7,” 2016, submitted to ApJ, arXiV:1604.02144 17. Cooper, T. J.,† Simcoe, R. A., Cooksey, K. L. + 2. “The Incidence of Low-Metallicity Lyman-Limit Systems at z 3.5: Implications for the Cold-Flow Hypothesis of Baryonic Accretion,” 2015, ApJ, ∼ 812, 58 16. Crighton, N. H. M., Hennawi, J. F., Simcoe, R. A., Cooksey, K. L. + 4. “Metal-enriched, Sub- kiloparsec Gas Clumps in the Circumgalactic Medium of a Faint z = 2.5 Galaxy,” 2015, MNRAS, 446, 18

∗Undergraduate student at time of publication. †Graduate student at time of publication.


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15. Gauthier, J.-R., Chen, H.-W., Cooksey, K. L. + 3. “Halo Masses of Mg II absorbers at z 0.5 ∼ from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7,” 2014, MNRAS, 439, 342 14. Seyffert, E. N.,∗ Cooksey, K. L. + 4. “Precious Metals in SDSS Quasar Spectra II. Tracking the Evolution of Strong, 0.4 < z < 2.3 Mg II Absorbers with Thousands of Systems,” 2013, ApJ, 779, 161 13. Cucchiara, A., Prochaska, J. X., Zhu, G., M´enard, B., Fynbo, J. P. U., Fox, D. B., Chen, H.-W., Cooksey, K. L. + 9. “An Independent Measurement of the Incidence of Mg II Absorbers along Gamma-Ray Burst Sightlines: the End of the Mystery?” 2013, ApJ, 773, 82 12. Matejek, M. S.,† Simcoe, R. A., Cooksey, K. L. + 1. “Mg II Absorption at 2 < z < 6 with Magellan / FIRE. II: A Longitudinal Study of H I, Metals, and Ionization in Galactic Haloes,” 2013, ApJ, 764, 9 11. Cooksey, K. L. + 4. “Precious Metals in SDSS Quasar Spectra I. Tracking the Evolution of Strong, 1.5 < z < 4.5 C IV Absorbers with Thousands of Systems,” 2013, ApJ, 763, 37 10. Simcoe, R. A., Sullivan, P.,† Cooksey, K. L. + 3. “Extremely Metal-Poor Gas at a Redshift of z = 7,” 2012, Nature, 492, 79 9. Simcoe, R. A., Cooksey, K. L. + 10. “Constraints on the Universal C IV Mass Density at z 6 ∼ from Early IR Spectra Obtained with the Magellan FIRE Spectrograph,” 2011, ApJ, 743, 21. 8. Prochaska, J. X., Weiner, B., Chen, H.-W., Mulchaey, J. S., & Cooksey, K. L. “Probing the IGM/Galaxy Connection V: Associating Galaxies and Their Local Environments with Lyα and O VI Absorption at z < 0.2,” 2011, ApJ, 740, 91 7. Prochaska, J. X., Weiner, B., Chen, H.-W., Cooksey, K. L. + 1. “Probing the IGM/Galaxy Connection IV: The LCO/WFCCD Galaxy Survey of 20 Fields Surrounding UV Bright Quasars,” 2011, ApJS, 193, 28 6. Cooksey, K. L. + 3. “The Last Eight-Billion Years of Intergalactic Si IV Evolution,” 2011, ApJ, 729, 87 5. Cooksey, K. L. + 3. “The Last Eight-Billion Years of Intergalactic C IV Evolution,” 2010, ApJ, 708, 868 4. Lehner, N., Prochaska, J. X., Kobulnicky, H. A., Cooksey, K. L.† + 3. “The Connection Between a Lyman Limit System, a Very Strong O VI Absorber, and Galaxies at z 0.203,” 2009, ApJ, 694, ∼ 734 3. Cooksey, K. L.† + 4. “Characterizing the Low-Redshift Intergalactic Medium towards PKS1302– 102,” 2008, ApJ, 676, 262 2. Alcal´a,J. M., Wachter, S., Covino, E., Sterzik, M. F., Durisen, R. H., Freyberg, M. J., Hoard, D. W., & Cooksey, K.† “Multi-wavelength Observations of the Star-forming Region in L1616,” 2004, A&A, 516, 677 1. Day, A., Layden, A. C., Hoard, D. W., Brammer, G.,∗ Cooksey, K.∗ + 4. “Light and Color Curves of Six Field RR Lyrae Variable Stars,” 2002, PASP, 114, 645 Monograph:

1. Cooksey, K. L.† “Probing the Chemical Composition of the z < 1 Intergalactic Medium with Observations and Simulations,” 2009, kcooksey pub.pdf (Ph.D. thesis) Conference Proceedings: 4. Cooksey, K. L. + 5. “The CfAO’s Astronomy Course in COSMOS: Curriculum Design, Rationale, and Application,” 2010, ASPCS, 436, 381 (also arXiv:1011.0752) 3. Quan, T. K., Dorighi, K. M., & Cooksey, K. L. “Astrobiology: Identifying Bacteria from Extreme Environments,” 2010, ASPCS, 436, 264


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2. Cooksey, K. L.† & Prochaska, J. X. “Metal-line System Survey: Characterizing the Low-redshift IGM,” 2008, Ap&SS, 320, 31 1. Alcal´a,J. M., Covino, E., Wachter, S., Hoard, D. W., Sterzik, M. F., Durisen, R. H., Freyberg, M. J., & Cooksey, K.∗ “X-ray and Optical Observations of NGC1788,” 2003, ASPCS, 287, 140 Other: 1. Cooksey, K. L. “I!mposter: Understanding, Discussing, and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome,” SPECTRUM, the AAS Committee on the Status of Minorities in Astronomy newsletter, January 2014, files/spectrum Jan14.pdf

GRANTS and OBSERVING PROPOSALS • University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Research Council Travel Award 2016 to From Wall to Web ($2200) • Co-I, Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 24 (2016): “Birth of the Cool: Galaxies and their Neighborhoods Approaching the Epoch of Reionization” (PI: R. Simcoe; 20 orbits, declined) • Co-I, Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 24 (2016): “COS Ultraviolet Baryon Explorer (COS UBER)” (PI: H.-W. Chen; 359 orbits, declined) • PI, National Science Foundation Astrophysics Research Grant (AAG 12-589) through Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI 14-579): “RUI/AAG—Precious Metals in SDSS Quasar Spectra: Observing Galaxy Evolution in Absorption” – 2015: AST-1615296; 3 yr, $138,300 (Excellent and Excellent/Very Good preliminary ratings) – 2014: 3 yr, $195,518; declined (Excellent and Very Good) • PI, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Seed Money Grant (2014): “Observing Galaxy Evolution in Ab- sorption” (1 yr, $11,565) • PI, University of Hawai‘i observing time, semesters 2014B (2 n UH88, 3 n Subaru, 1.5 n Keck II), 2015A (2 n Keck II), 2015B (1 n Keck I), 2016A (1 n Keck I), 2016B (0.5 n Keck I, 0.5 n Keck II) • Co-I, Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 21 (2013): “The Structure of Mg II Absorbing Galaxies at z = 2: Linking CGM Physics and Stellar Morphology During Galaxy Assembly” (PI: R. Simcoe; GO-13303; 27 orbits) • Co-I, HST Cycle 19 (2011): “Probing the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium using Weak, Distributed Metal Absorption” (PI: M. Pieri; AR-12643) • PI, Magellan Clay 6.5-m Telescope, semesters 2009B (3 n), 2010A (2 n), 2010B (2.25 n), 2011A (2.7 n), 2012A (24 hr), 2012B (8 hr), 2013A (2 n) • Co-I, Magellan Baade & Clay 6.5-m Telescopes, semesters 2010B (8.5 n), 2012A (8 n), 2013A (2 n) • PI, National Science Foundation Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship 2010: “Seeking the Lost Interstellar Medium of Red-Sequence Galaxies” (AST-1003139; 3 yr, $253,000)

SERVICE • Optical/Infrared/Submillimeter Time Allocation Committee, University of Hawai‘i: 2015–2018 • University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Seed Money Grant proposal reviewer: 2015 • Hubble Space Telescope proposal-review panelist: Cycles 19 (2011); 21 (2013); 22 (2014); 24 (2016; external reviewer) • National Science Foundation proposal-review panelist: 2013 (2 panels); 2014 (1) • The Astrophysical Journal Supplement referee: 2015 (1 article) • The Astrophysical Journal referee: 2011 (1 article), 2012 (1), 2016 (1) • Kavli in Astrophysics Symposium delegate for MIT Kavli Institute, 15–18 July 2012, Kavli Royal Society International Centre at Chicheley Hall, UK


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• NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellows Symposium co-organizer, 7–8 January 2012, Austin, TX • MIT Kavli Institute morning coffee founder and organizer, 2010–2012 • MIT Kavli Institute Postdoc Symposium co-organizer, 13–15 April 2011

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT • Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop, 23–26 June 2014: training in active-learning tech- niques, with attention to education research; organized by American Association of Physics Teachers • ISEE/Akamai Mentor Workshop, 25–26 April 2014: develop plan for projects and learn/discuss mentoring-related issues in preparation for Akamai Workforce Initiative interns; organized Institute for Scientist and Engineer Educators, UC Santa Cruz • Summer School in Statistics for Astronomers VIII, 4–8 June 2012: overview of statistics as applied in astronomy, with hands-on training in R statistics software; organized by Center for Astrostatistics, Pennsylvania State University • Center for Adaptive Optics Professional Development Workshop, 2004–2008; trained in inquiry-based teaching methods, assumed advanced roles in 2005–2008 to help teach other participants; organized by (now) ISEE, UC Santa Cruz • Heidelberg Summer School on the Interstellar Medium, 25–29 September 2006: series of lectures and training activities pertaining to research in the gas in galaxies; organized by International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Cosmic Physics, University of Heidelberg

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS • American Astronomical Society: junior member 2001–2013; full 2014–present • Delta Epsilon Iota Academic Honor Society, 2002–present


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Current position (since 2008): Professor of Physics, with tenure (since 2015): Lead Faculty, Energy Science program

Address: College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management University of Hawaii at Hilo Hilo, HI 96720-4091, USA

Tel.: (808) 932-7196 E-mail: [email protected]


B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (High Distinction), University of Virginia B.S. in Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Hilo M.A. in Liberal Arts, St. John's College at Santa Fe Ph.D. in Applied Physics, Yale University

Funding at UH Hilo

-Determinism tests and external forcing in chaotic systems, Research Corporation, Cottrell College Science Award CC5885, 2003-2008 ($36,200, PI). -Effects of invasive species, human activities and climate change on Hawaii, NSF EPSCoR Grant EPS-0903833, 2009-2014 ($20,000,000 approx., Senior Personnel) -Knowledge extraction from massive graphs, Spanish Center for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI), through InnoQuant Analytics LLC, 2016 ($16,900, PI)

Professional Employment

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford, UK, 1990-1993 Physics Faculty, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 1995-2001 Physics Faculty, University of Hawaii at Hilo, 2001-present

Other professional experience

Member of the Editorial Board, Complexity, 1996-1997 Referee for Physical Review/Letters, 1995-present Referee for American Journal of Physics, 1999-present Referee for CHAOS, 2001-present External Evaluator, Colombian Accreditation Board for Universities (CNA), 2000-2001


Biographee, Who’s Who in America, since 2007 Biographee, Who’s Who in the World, since 2008

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Named species: Neostrengeria binderi (fresh-water crab)

Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities (UH Hilo), 2009 Taniguchi Award for Excellence in Innovation (UH Hilo) for work on 3-dimensional visualization, 2013

Visiting Positions

Graduate Student, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1986-1989 Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, American University in Cairo (Egypt), 1989 Visiting Scientist, INPE (Brazilian National Institute for Space Research), 1997 Visiting Faculty, Department of Physics, University of Washington at Seattle, 2000 Visiting Colleague, Department of Physics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, ongoing since 2003 Faculty Scholar, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, U. of California, Santa Barbara, 2006 Visiting Professor, Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Texas, Austin, 2008 Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, University of Cape Town (South Africa), 2015


University of Oxford (Tutor at St. Hilda's and Magdalen Colleges) 1990-1992: Solid-State Physics; Theory Option: classical, quantum and statistical mechanics; Foundations of Special Relativity; Philosophy of Quantum Theory.

Universidad de Los Andes, 1995-2001: Four-semester calculus-based physics sequence; Two-semester algebra-based physics sequence; Physics for biology, Physics for industrial design, Physics Laboratory 1 and 2; Thermal physics; Statistical mechanics; Mathematical methods; Computational physics; Electromagnetism; Contemporary philosophy of science; Intermediate laboratory (one 4-week module); Chaos for science majors; Chaos as a general elective.

University of Hawaii at Hilo, 2001-present (Boldface: courses I introduced.) Physics for the Liberal Arts, Conceptual Quantum Mechanics, Physics 1-2 (algebra-based); Physics 1-2 (calculus-based); Experimental Physics 1-2; Modern Physics; Classical Mechanics; Quantum Mechanics 1-2; Thermodynamics; Electromagnetism; Chaos; Mathematical Physics; Optics, Foundations of Quantum Theory, Computational Astronomy and Physics, Electronics, Foundations of Statistical Physics; General Astronomy Laboratory; Archaeoastronomy Seminar, Introduction to Energy Science.

Research Supervision

Peer-reviewed articles published with 11 undergraduate students at Universidad de Los Andes, and 30 undergraduates and one post-doctoral fellow at the University of Hawaii. Former research advisees have enrolled in graduate programs at U. of Bonn (Germany), Duke, École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques (France), Florida State, Georgia Tech, Harvard, U. of Hawaii at Manoa, London School of Economics, MIT, Michigan, Missouri, New York University, U. of Oldenburg (Germany), Penn State, U. of Texas, U. of Toronto, U. of Washington and Virginia Commonwealth (boldface correspond to UH Hilo students).

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Administrative Experience

University of Hawaii: Faculty Search Committees (multiple); Member of UH Hilo Faculty Congress (8 semesters) and of the Congress Executive Committee, General Education Standing Committee (chaired); Division Personnel and Tenure and Promotion Review Committees (multiple), and a Campus Awards Committee (chaired). Physics & Astronomy department chair for a total of 8 semesters.

Other Department Service

2005: Single-handedly prepared Physics Program Review for WASC. Document was approved unanimously by the department before submission.

2007: Administered the Major Field Test in Physics and produced a report for the department and the administration.

2013-2014: Led a 3-person team for 15-months to upgrade the Intro Physics Lab curriculum. More than half of 22 experiments were replaced or improved for better alignment with lecture topics, manuals were rewritten for clarity and more accurate physics content, almost 50 introductory videos were produced to avoid lengthy pre-lab lectures and to illustrate procedures on demand, several innovations resulted in publications (4 so far, two more conditionally accepted) and two team members (other than myself) won Taniguchi Awards.

2013-2014: Chaired a curriculum committee for the physics program that established learning outcomes for every required physics course in the major. The document was approved for subsequent use by the physics and astronomy department. Recommendations were made for the creation of two new courses in the major. These were not adopted by the department.

Multiple dates: Conducted several Physics GRE diagnostic, review and practice sessions for our graduating seniors or recent graduates, lasting between 2 and 6 months each.

Leadership Training

University of Hawaii Presidential Emerging Leaders Program, 2009-2010

Event organization

-Organizer, One-day International Workshop on Complex Systems, January 25th, 2000: 40 participants (held in Bogotá, Colombia) -Program Committee, International Conference on Complex Systems: 2002, 2004, 2007 and 2011; Session Chair in 2007 and 2011 (held in Quincy, MA) -Program Committee and Session Chair, Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena XIV, 2015 (held in Cartagena, Colombia)

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Research Interests

Nonlinear dynamics; Statistical mechanics; Complex systems; Time series analysis; Computational theory of physical processes; Biologically-inspired physics; Physics Education.

Media coverage (excluding local press)

J. Rehmeyer, A frustrating view of complexity. Science News (Math Trek column),, October 2008.

T. Phillips, The diagonalization of physics. Math in the Media (an American Mathematical Society web page),, November 2008.

E. DeMarco. How do giraffes drink water? Inside Science: giraffes-drink-water/3616, February 2016; also posted as How do giraffes defy gravity? ml, February 2016

C. Clark, How giraffes drink. Etosha National Park (Namibia) News,, February 2016.


P.-M. Binder and K. Smith (Editors). The Language Phenomenon: Human Communication from Milliseconds to Millennia. Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. ISBN 978-3-642-36085-5 (over 11,000 chapter downloads).

Journal Covers

The Physics Teacher: December 2015 (based on ⃰ below)

European Journal of Physics: September 2016 (based on § below)

Indexed Publications

70+ articles indexed in ISI Web of Science.

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Selected peer-reviewed articles:

Most influential papers, prior to joining UH Hilo

P.M. Binder and R.V. Jensen, “Simulating chaotic behavior with finite-state machines”, Physical Review A 34, 4460-3 (1986).

M.H. Ernst, G.A. van Velzen and P.M. Binder, “Breakdown of the Boltzmann equation in cellular-automata lattice gases”, Physical Review A 39, 4327-9 (1989).

P.M. Binder, A.L. Owczarek, A.R. Veal and J.M. Yeomans, “Collapse transition in a simple polymer model: exact results”, Journal of Physics A 23, L975-9 (1990).

P.M. Binder, “Limit cycles in a quadratic discrete iteration”, Physica D 57, 31-8 (1992).

P.M. Binder and V. Privman, “Second-order dynamics in the collective temporal evolution of complex systems”, Physical Review Letters 68, 3830-3 (1992).

P.M. Binder and N. Perry, “Comment II on ‘Simple measure for complexity’ ”, Physical Review E 62, 2998-9 (2000). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.62.2998

Papers with undergraduate co-authors, prior to joining UH Hilo

P.M. Binder and D.H. Campos, “Direct calculation of invariant measures for chaotic maps”, Physical Review E 53, R4259-62 (1996). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.56.2276

P.M. Binder and J.F. Jaramillo, “Stabilization of coherent oscillations in spatially extended dynamical systems”, Physical Review E 56, 2276-8 (1997). PhysRevE.56.2276

P.M. Binder and J.C. Idrobo, “Invertibility of dynamical systems in granular phase space”, Physical Review E 58, 7987-9 (1998). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.58.7987

P.M. Binder and D. Laverde, “Observation of structure in the Lorenz map”, Chaos 9, 206-7 (1999). doi: 10.1063/1.166391

N. Perry and P.M. Binder, “Finite statistical complexity for sofic systems”, Physical Review E 60, 459-63 (1999). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.60.459

P.M. Binder, P. Sinisterra and F. Esguerra, “The five-legged table”, The Physics Teacher 37, 360 (1999). doi: 10.1119/1.880319

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P.M. Binder, J.M. Pedraza and S. Garzón, “An invertibility paradox”, American Journal of Physics 67, 1091-3 (1999). doi: 10.1119/1.19087

P.M. Binder and J.A. Plazas, “Multiscale analysis of complex systems”, Physical Review E 63, 065203(R) (2001). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.63.065203.

P.M. Binder and C.A. Wilches, “Absence of determinism in El Niño Southern Oscillation”, Physical Review E 65, 055207(R) (2002). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.65.055207.

Most influential papers written at UH Hilo without student co-authors

P.M. Binder, “Frustration in Complexity”, Science 320, 322-323 (2008). doi: 10.1126/science.1156940

P.M. Binder, “Theories of almost everything”, Nature 455, 884-885 (2008). doi: 10.1038/455884a

P.M. Binder, “Reflections on a wall of light”, Science 332, 1334-1335 (2008). doi: 10.1126/science.1166681

P.M. Binder, “The edge of reductionism”, Nature 459, 332-334 (2009). doi: 10.1038/459332a

P.M. Binder and A. Danchin, “Life’s demons: Information and order in biology”, EMBO Reports 12, 495-499 (2011). doi:10.1038/embor.2011.83

⃰ P.M. Binder and D.L. Taylor, “How giraffes drink”, The Physics Teacher, 53, 518-520 (2015). doi: 10.1119/1.4935758

P.M. Binder and G.F.R. Ellis, “Nature, Computation and Complexity”, Physica Scripta 91, 064004 (2016). doi:10.1088/0031-8949/91/6/064004

Papers written at UH Hilo with undergraduate co-authors (as primary advisor)

P.M. Binder and N.H. Okamoto, “Unstable periodic orbits and discretization cycles”, Physical Review E, 68, 046206 (2003). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.046206

P.M. Binder, M. Iaukea-Lum and N.G. Purves, “The Poynting-Robertson effect”, The Physics Teacher 42 (1) 119-121 (2004). doi: 10.1119/1.1646489.

P.M. Binder, R. Igarashi, W. Seymour and C. Takeishi, “Determinism test for very short time series”, Physical Review E 71, 036219 (2005). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.71.036219.

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P.M. Binder, I.J.Crosson and R.R. Cadmus Jr., “Dynamics and forecasting of two chaotic stars”, Astrophysical Journal Letters 685, L145-L148 (2008). doi: 10.1086/592745

I.J. Crosson and P.-M. Binder, “Chaos-based forecasting of sunspot cycle 24”, Journal of Geophysical Research 114, A01108 (2009); doi:10.1029/2008JA013859.

B.D. Wissman, L.C. MacKay-Jones and P.M. Binder, “Entropy rate estimates from mutual information”, Physical Review E 84, 046204 (2011). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.046204

A. Richert and P.M. Binder, “Siphons, revisited”, The Physics Teacher 49 (2) 78-80 (2011). doi: 10.1119/1.3543576.

P.M. Binder and I.M. Cunnyngham, “The shadow knows: Inferring the density distribution of a nonuniform medium from its standing wave pattern,” The Physics Teacher 50 (5), 266 (2012). doi: 10.1119/1.3703538.

P.M. Binder and C.K.S. Tanoue, “Variations on the zilch cycle,” The Physics Teacher 51 (7), 434-436 (2013). doi: 10.1119/1.4820862.

P.M. Binder and R.M. Pipes, “How chaos forgets and remembers”, Nature 510, 343-344 (2014). doi:10.1038/510343a

§P.M. Binder, R.M. Figueroa-Centeno, K.J. Hui and K.M. Schlechter, “High-density electric potential plots”, European Journal of Physics 36, 035029 (2015). doi:10.1088/0143- 0807/36/3/035029

P.M. Binder and M.A. Magowan, “The buoyancy approach to U-tube problems”, The Physics Teacher, 54, 106-107 (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4940175

P.M. Binder, A.L. Grace, K.J. Hui and R.K. Loving, “Magnetic field in the plane of a physical dipole”, European Journal of Physics 37, 045203 (2016). doi:10.1088/0143-0807/37/4/045203

P.M. Binder, F. Cross and J.K. Silva, “Forces and torques between nonintersecting straight currents”, European Journal of Physics 37, 045206 (2016). doi:10.1088/0143-0807/37/4/045206

P.M. Binder, E.M. Holub, M.F. Roberts and V.K. Wasser, “Faraday induction when a loop grazes a magnet”, Physics Education 51, 043004 (2016). doi:10.1088/0031-9120/51/4/043004

P.M. Binder and J.F. Guerrero, “Theory of grazing electromagnetic induction”, European Journal of Physics (conditionally accepted).

P.M. Binder, R.B. Tate and C.K. Crowder, “Which dipole are you studying in lab?”, European Journal of Physics (conditionally accepted).

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Papers written at UH Hilo with undergraduate co-authors (not as primary advisor)

A. Baran et al. (31 authors including P.M. Binder, A. Dye, J. Stevick, S. Stewart and D. Terry), “The pulsating hot subdwarf Balloon 090100001: results of the 2005 multisite campaign”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 392, 1092-1105 (2009). doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.14024.x

J.L. Provencal et al. (55 authors including P.M. Binder and R. Knight), “2006 Whole Earth Telescope observations of GD358: A new look at the prototype DBV”, Astrophysical Journal 693, 564-585 (2009). doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/693/1/564

M.D. Reed et al. (61 authors including P.M. Binder, D. Terry, R. Avila, B. Berkey, S. Stewart and D. Bolton), “Whole Earth Telescope observations of the subdwarf B star KPD 1930+2752: A rich, short-period pulsator in a close binary,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 412, 371-390 (2011). doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.17912.x.

Recent Presentations in International Meetings

Scenarios for the Future of a Remote Island (with M. Kimura, post-doctoral fellow). Frontiers in Computational Physics: Modeling the Earth System. Boulder, CO, December 2012.

Simulations of Societal Collapse in the Island of Hawaii (with M. Kimura, post-doctoral fellow). Tenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. Split, Croatia, January 2014.

A Survey of Complexity: Computability, Frustration and Representation. XIV Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena. Cartagena, Colombia, September 2015 (Inaugural PlenaryTalk).

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27- 985 OLD MAMALAHOA HIGHWAY • PEPEEKEO, HAWAI'I • 96783 PHONE (808) 964- 5365 • FAX (808) 964- 5365 • E- MAIL [email protected] JOHN CARL HAMILTON


Instructor Department of Physics and Astronomy Natural Sciences Division College of Arts & Sciences University of Hawai’i – Hilo (UHH) 200 West Kawili Street Hilo, Hawai`i 96720

Manager, Pacific International Center for Space Explorations Systems (PISCES) Dept. of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT) Education/Public State of Hawai`i Outreach & Test 99 Aupuni Street, Suite 212-213 Logistics Hilo, Hawai`i 96720

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2009 July University of California Santa Cruz, Center for Adaptive Optics Akamai Observatory Internship Program – Short Course Hilo, Hawai`i

2003-present University of Hawai'i – Hilo Hilo, Hawai`i Department of Physics & Astronomy Instructor

Courses taught:

 ASTR 110 – Introductory Astronomy (non-Majors)  ASTR 110L – Laboratory for ASTR 110 & ASTR 180/181

 ASTR 150 – Life In The Universe

 ASTR 180 – Principles of Astronomy: Solar System (Majors)

 ASTR 181 – Principles of Astronomy: Stars & Stellar Systems (Majors)  ASTR 250L – Observational Astronomy Lab  ASTR 352 / GEOL 353 - Comparative Planetology

 ASTR 400 – Observatory Internship

 ASTR 494 – Special Topics: Astro-Chemistry  ASTR/CHEM/GEOL/MATH/PHYS 495A/495B – Physical Science Seminar  ASTR/PHYS 495A/495B – Seminar in Space Science

 ASTR 496 – Space Studies Seminar

 ASTR 399V,499V – Directed Research  ED 494 – Special Topic – Astronomy Teachers Excellence Workshop  PHYS 115 – Physics for Liberal Arts

 PHYS 106 – General Physics I: Mechanics (Algebra-based)

 PHYS 107 – General Physics II: Electricity & Magnetism (Algebra- based)  PHYS 170 – General Physics I: Mechanics(Calculus-based)  PHYS 172 – General Physics I: Mechanics (Calculus-based for Majors)

 PHYS 170L – General Physics Laboratory I for PHYS 106, 170 & 172

 PHYS 171 – General Physics II: Electricity & Magnetism (Calculus- based)  PHYS 173 – General Physics II: Electricity & Magnetism (Calculus- based for Majors)  PHYS 171L – General Physics Laboratory II for PHYS 107, 171 & 173

 PHYS 299v – Directed Studies

 PHYS 330 – Electromagnetism

 PHYS 399V, 499V – Directed Studies

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2005 Summer Na Pua No’eau – “From Baseballs to Blackholes” . 3 Week Residential Course for Native Hawaiian High School

2004 Summer Keaholoa – “Nānā Pono ko kakou Honua – Observing Our World; The Physics- Math Connection” . 4 Week Intensive Course for Keaholoa STEM Program

2004 Fall Kamehameha Schools East Hawaii Campus, High School

Substitute Physics/Astronomy Teacher

2002 Spring University of Hawai'i - Hilo Hilo, Hawai'i

Lecturer - Astronomy 110 – Introductory Astronomy

1979 Summer University of Hawai'i - Mānoa Honolulu, Hawai'i

Lecturer - Physics 100 – Introductory Physics for Non-Science Majors

1977 – 1978 University of Hawai'i - Mānoa Honolulu, Hawai'i Instructor for Physics 100L – Introductory Physics Laboratory for Non-Science Majors

1982-2003 Training of Telescope Operators at IRTF, CFHT and Gemini. 2000-2003 Training of staff on Laser Cutting Operation and Safety – Gemini Training of staff on Bar-Code technology, Database management, Data Archiving, Training of staff on troubleshooting and emergency repair. Training of staff on Safety and Rescue

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2006 Spring PHYS 711/ASTR 736 Topics in Particle & Fields: Particle Astrophysics University of Hawaii – Mānoa (Grade= A)

2001 Certificate: Industrial Control Software Repair & Operation, Acroloop Motion Control Systems Inc, Chaska MN ( for Gemini Observatories Laser Milling Machine / GMOS (Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph)

1999 Certificate: Laser Class IV Operator & Trainer, ART (Advanced Recording Technology), Escondido, CA ( for Gemini Observatories Laser Milling Machine / GMOS (Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph)

1999 Certificate: First Responder, American Red Cross/Hawaii Fire Department

1977-1979 University of Hawai’i - Mānoa Honolulu, Hawai'i Master of Science (M.S.) – Astronomy  Department of Physics & Astronomy / Institute For Astronomy

1973-1977 University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with Honors in Physics  Department of Physics

1973-1977 University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with Honors in Astronomy  Department of Astronomy

1972-1978 University of Hawai’i – Mānoa Honolulu, Hawai'i  Evening and Summer sessions concurrent with High School

1969-1973 `Aiea High School `Aiea, Hawai'i High School Diploma  State of Hawai'i Department of Education

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2013-present Manager, Education Public Outreach and Test Logistics – Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES)

2012-2013 Acting Director – Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES)

2010-Fall – 2012 Deputy Director – Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES) In charge of Hawaii operations for all PISCES activities – research, education and outreach. Coordinates with national and international space agencies (NASA, CSA, DLR, ESA), universities (UHM, CMU) and aerospace (Boeing, Lockheed-Martin), robotic (Honeybee, NORCAT) and information technology (Google) corporations.

2008 Spring - 2010 Research Operations Manager – Pacific International Space Center for

Exploration Systems (PISCES) Responsible for the complete deployment of a Field Test Site for NASA, CSA and DLR, including budget, purchases, infrastructure, recruitment and hiring, on site management, assessment, inventory and storage of experiments and equipment. Total budgets (less salaries) $240K (2008), $155K (2010) 2007 Fall Interim Associate Director – Hoku Kea (1 Meter Telescope Project)

Assist with NSF grant for construction of 1 meter replacement telescope on Mauna Kea. Software development, student training

2006 Spring Interim Department Chair – Department of Physics & Astronomy

Manage budget and personnel (6 faculty/1 APT), schedule classes, report to UHH Administration. 2003 – present University of Hawai’i – Hilo – Department of Physics & Astronomy

Instructor  Conduct instruction in Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate classes.  Active participation in Outreach with Astro-Talks, Onizuka Day, Astro- Day, County Fair, Journey Through The Universe

1998 – 2003 Gemini Observatory Hilo, Hawai’i System Support Associate

 Science staff member responsible for the safe and efficient operation of 8.0- meter telescope on summit of Mauna Kea. Also operate 8.0-meter telescope on Cerro Pachon, Chile during annual exchange program. Responsible for safety of all personnel at night. Duties included assisting staff & visiting astronomers in use of instruments, weather monitoring, cryogenic transfers, and training of new operator staff (7).

1983 – 1998 Canada-France-Hawai’i Telescope Corp. (CFHT) Kamuela, Hawai’i Senior Observing Asst. / Observing Asst. / Telescope Operator

 Science staff member responsible for the safe and efficient operation of 3.8- meter telescope on summit of Mauna Kea and safety of all personnel at night. Duties included training and assisting visiting astronomers in use of instruments, weather monitoring, cryogenic transfers, and training of new operator staff (4).

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1982 – 1983 NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) Hilo, Hawai’i Telescope Operator  Technical staff member responsible for the safe & efficient operation of 3.0- meter telescope on summit of Mauna Kea. Responsible for safety of all personnel at night. Duties included cryogenic (LN & LHe) transfers, weather monitoring, program observing (comets), training of new operator staff (2).

1981 – 1982 Univ. Hawai’i Lunar Ranging Experiment (LURE) Kula, Maui, Hawai’i Research Associate IV / III  Member of 4-person team using high-powered lasers to distance range a variety of satellites for the purposes of updating the geo-metrodynamic model of the earth’s gravitational field.

1980 – 1981 Wailea Beach Hotel Wailea, Maui, Hawai’i

Public Lecturer  Led astronomy lecture and stargazing activities for hotel guests and general public with a variety of portable telescopes.

1980 – 1981 Univ. Hawai’i Mees Solar Observatory Kula, Maui, Hawai’i Research Associate II / I

 Solar observer (solo) with data collection and analysis of real-time data for the NASA Solar Max satellite in coordination with worldwide ground support. Duties included film handling and developing methods, optics cleaning, and detailed record keeping.

1979 – 1980 Univ. Hawai’i-Mānoa Institute for Astronomy (IfA) Honolulu, Hawai’i Graduate Research Assistant

 Assisted in various astronomical observations and data reduction on NASA IRTF 3.0m, UH 2.24m and both UH 0.6m telescopes on Mauna Kea. Assembled and optimized cryo-dewar in Infrared Lab and manufactured custom 30-micron IR filter.

1977 – 1979 Univ. Hawai’i-Mānoa Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Honolulu, Hawai’i Graduate Teaching Assistant

 Taught Lab sections for PHY 100L – Physics for Non-Science Majors for four

semesters. Developed laboratory exercises, lectured on experiment background, assisted students in execution of experiments, graded lab reports. Taught PHY 100 lecture section during summer using the text Conceptual Physics - Hewitt. Led numerous stargazing parties for students.

1974 – 1977 Univ. Texas at Austin Dept. of Astronomy Austin, Texas Laboratory Research Assistant

 Organized and maintained the department astronomy library.

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2016 June 7-9 The 7th joint meeting of the Space Resources Roundtable (SRR) and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS). Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO. June 7-9, 2016. Presented 3 papers.

2016 March 11-13 Physics Teacher Education Coalition Conference (PTEC), Baltimore MD, March 11-13, 2017. Poster presentation.

2015 Dec 3 Polar Regolith (Workshop without Walls), NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI), December 3, 2015.

2015 Oct 27-30 First Landing Site (LS)/Exploration Zone (EZ) Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston TX October 27-30, 2015. Presented two EZ sites.

2015 May 10-13 The 6th joint meeting of the Space Resources Roundtable (SRR) and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS). May 10-13, 2015 in conjunction with the Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM) 2015 Convention in Montreal, QC, Canada. Invited Session Chair as In-situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Expert

2014 June 10-11 The fifth joint meeting of the Space Resources Roundtable and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium. Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado on June 10-11, 2014.

2013 May 5-8 The fourth joint meeting of the Space Resources Roundtable and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium. May 5-8, 2013 in conjunction with the Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM) 2013 Convention in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

2013 Nov 4-7 International Society of Terrain-Vehicle Systems (ISTVS) 7th Regional Americas Conference, jointly with the105th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Tampa FL. November 4-7, 2013.

2012 June 4-7 The third joint meeting of the Thirteenth Space Resources Roundtable and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium. Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado on June 4-7, 2012.

2011 Nov 13-17 PISCES ILRP Leaders Summit, Kailua-Kona HI Invited speaker

2011 Nov 7-9 Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG), Lunar & Planetary Institute, Houston TX – invited speaker

2011 Sept 6-10 Invited guest (by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden) for GRAIL mission Launch. Invited participant with Lunar Science Institute associated education outreach Kennedy Space Center, FL

2011 July 30-Aug 3 Astronomical Society of the Pacific's Annual Conference "Connecting People to Science" (with American Geophysical Union) - Baltimore MD

2011 July 19-21 Lunar Science Forum, NASA Lunar Science Institute, NASA Ames, Moffett Field CA

Page 80 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS (CONT.)

2011 July 21 ILRP Executive Workshop, NASA Ames, Moffett Field CA

2011 July 16-19 Teacher Excellence Workshop with Center for Astronomy Education, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. UH-Hilo, HI

2011 June 19-22 The second joint meeting of the Twelfth Space Resources Roundtable and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in June 19-22, 2011. – invited presenter

2011 May 25 NASA-Hawaii Space Act Annex – w/ Gov. Abercrombie – Hawaii and Rebecca Kaiser – NASA Asst Administrator – State Capitol, Honolulu HI

2011 April 5 Internation Lunar Research Park Exploratory Workshop, NASA Ames (invited keynote speaker) – NASA Ames, Moffett Field, CA

2010 Feb 10-12 3rd Pacific International Center for Space Exploration Systems (PISCES) conference, Hilo HI

2009 Sept 12-16 Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), 120th Anniversary Meeting, Millbrae CA

2009 May 8-12 Institute for Scientist and Engineer Educators / Center for Adaptive Optics Professional Development Program (ISEE/ CfAO PDP) Inquiry Workshop in Science and Engineering Learning & Teaching, Lahaina HI

2009 Mar 13-14 Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PTEC) Conference, Pittsburg PA PRESENTER – Creating Better Learning Environment for Physics Majors

2008 Sep 29-30 2nd Pacific International Center for Space Exploration Systems (PISCES) conference, Hilo HI

2008 June 5-8 NASA Combined Centers Robotic Field Test, Moses Lake WA

2008 June 1-5 American Astronomical Society, 212th Meeting, St. Louis MO PRESENTER – Ashra Detector Status

2008 May 31-Jun 4 Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 119th Meeting, St. Louis MO International Year of Astronomy Symposiums

2008 Feb 29 Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Astronomer Meeting, NASA Ames, CA

2008 Jan 7-11 American Astronomical Association, 211th meeting, Austin, TX PRESENTER – Hoku Kea, UHH 1 Meter Educational Telescope

2007 Nov 7-10 1st Pacific International Center for Space Exploration Systems (PISCES) conference, Hilo HI

2007 Sept 27-28 Mauna Kea Observatories Users Meeting Keahou-Kona HI PRESENTER – UHH Hoku Kea Annual Report

2007 August 2-5 Cosmos in the Classroom – A National Symposium on Teaching Astronomy for Non-science Majors Pomona College Claremont CA

Page 81 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS (CONT.)

2007 July 9-12 The 20th International Conference on The First-Year Experience Kona, Hawaii

2007 Mar 15-16 The 6th International Workshop on Very High Energy Particle Astronomy - Connection between Wide Field Survey and Cosmic Ray Observation Hilo HI (LOC member) PRESENTER

2006 Oct 29 – Nov 3 Joint Meeting of the Pacific Region Particle Physics Communities (American Physical Society – Division of Particle & Field/Japan Physical Society) APS-DPF2006+PJS2006 PRESENTER Honolulu HI

2006 July 17-21 The NASA Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) 2006 College Astronomy Teaching Excellence Workshop: Advanced Strategies for Teaching Learner-Centered Astronomy Under Hawaiian Skies and The Great Observatories of Mauna Kea Kona HI

2005 May 10-12 3rd International Ashra Conference Hilo HI (LOC member) PRESENTER

2004 Oct KamLAND International Collaboration Meeting Hilo HI

2004 Aug 23-24 2nd International Ashra Conference PRESENTER Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Kashiwa Japan

2002 November 3-8 Galactic Center Workshop 2002 – The Central 300 (LOC member) Kona HI

2002 August 22-30 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) - Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation Kona HI

2001 Sept 30 –Oct 3 Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems XI (ADAS) Victoria BC Canada

2001 February 5-9 Astrophysical Ages & Time Scales Hilo HI

2000 March 25-31 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) – Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation 2000 Munich Germany

1998 March 20-28 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) - Astronomical Interferometetry II Kona HI

1997 August 18-30 International Astronomical Union (IAU) XXIII General Assembly Kyoto Japan

1994 May 15-16 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference on Amplitude & Intensity Interferometry II Kona

1994 March 13-18 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation for the 21st Century Kona HI

1987 March 24-26 Workshop on Ground-based Astronomical Observations with Infrared Array Detectors Hilo, Hawaii

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1980 June 23-27 International Astronomical Union (IAU Symposium 96) – Infrared Astronomy (LOC staff) Kona HI

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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES 2016 Field Deployment for NASA Biologic Analog Science Associated with Lava Terrains (BASALT), Craters of the Moon, Idaho (June). Mars analogue 2016 Invited Judge, NASA Kennedy Space Center Robotic Mining Competition (RMC) 2015 PI for NASA Cooperative Agreement Biologic Analog Science Associated with Lava Terrains (BASALT), 2015 Invited Judge, NASA Kennedy Space Center Robotic Mining Competition (RMC) 2014 Invited Judge, NASA Kennedy Space Center Robotic Mining Competition (RMC)

2013 Invited Judge, NASA Kennedy Space Center Lunabotics Mining Competition

2011 PI on NASA Cooperative Agreement for Analog Mission Testing 2008 Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES)/ NASA ISRU Robotic Field Test researcher

2008 Taiwan American Occultation Survey (TAOS) research collaborator

2008 American Astronomical Society (AAS) - Member

2007 Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) – Member

2006 International Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA)- Member

2006 Collaborative member of PanSTARRS (Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System)

2005-present Mauna Kea Observatories Outreach Committee (MKOOC) – UHH Representative

2004 June 8 Transit of Venus expedition – Orlando FL Organized and successfully completed field observations of the first pair of rare Transits of Venus (nest in 2012)

2004-present Collaborative member of Ashra (All-sky Survey High Resolution Air shower detector) University of Tokyo - Institute for Cosmic Ray Research and UH-Hilo Dept of Physics & Astronomy

2004-2006 Co-I, Michelson Educational Award, "Curricular Enhancements in Exo-Planet Theory and Observation", $72K; (w/ W. D. Heacox, R. A. Crowe); awarded by the Michelson Science Center at California Institute of Technology.

1998-2003 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) – Member

1990 July 11 Total Solar Eclipse expedition Waimea HI Expedition Leader Organized & outfitted 5-person team and successfully completed field observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of 1990

1979 Feb 26 Total Solar Eclipse Expedition Dufor, Oregon Expedition Co-Leader O i d fi d 5 d f ll l d fi ld b i f h

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PAPERS & PUBLICATIONS Published or Presented

(in preparation) Scientific Analogs and the Development of Human Mission Architectures for the Moon, Deep Space and Mars. Lim, Darlene et. al.. American Geophysical Union, Fall AGU San Francisco, CA 12-16 December, 2016. ------

The Journey to Mars with ISRU Pathway. John Hamilton, Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS), Golden CO June 2016

MoonRIDERS: NASA and Hawaii Lunar Surface Flight Experiment for Late 2017 in ISRU Dust Removal Technologies. R Kelso, J. Hamilton Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS), Golden CO June 2016

PISCES: Paving the Way to Planetary Basalt ISRU Construction - Lunar Launch/Landing Pad. R. M. Kelso, R.Romo, C. Andersen, R.P. Mueller, T. Lippitt, N.J. Gelino, J.D. Smith, I. I. Townsend, J.M. Schuler, M.W. Nugent, A.J. Nick, K. Zacny, M. Hedlund, J. Hamilton. Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS), Golden CO June 2016

Biologic Analog Science Associated with Lava Terrain. N. Thomas, J. Hamilton, A. Veillet and C. Muir. Bio-signature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments, Lake Tahoe, May 16-18, 2016.

Survival in Extreme Environments: Physics Program at the University of Hawai`i - Hilo. Physics Teacher Education Coalition Conference (PTEC), Baltimore MD, March 11-13, 2017

Hawai'i Ice Caves as Analogs to Perpetually Shadowed Craters Polar Regolith (Workshop Without Walls), NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI), December 3, 2015.

Formation of a Phyllosilicate-, K-feldspar-, and Sulfate-Bearing Hematite Ridge on Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii, Under Hydrothermal, Acid-Sulfate Conditions: Process and Mineralogical Analog for the Hematite Ridge on Mt. Sharp, Gale Crater, Mars. RV Morris, ME Adams, DW Ming, JG Catalano, TG Graff, RE Arvidson, EA Guinness, JC Hamilton, and SA Mertzman. Fall 2015 AGU Abstract: Draft 20150729

Ausonia Cavus and Kasei Valles: Complementary Exploration Zone Sites for Biology, Geology and , ISRU. J.C. Hamilton S. Lundblad, D.L. Clark, N.G. Purves, C.T. Milovsoroff, N.K. Thomas. First Landing Site (LS)/Exploration Zone (EZ) Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston TX October 27-30, 2015.

PRISM - PISCES Robotic International Space Mining competition; Leveraging University, State and Natural Resources for Student Success in Space Research. John Hamilton Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2015

Chemical And Mineralogical Characterization Of A Hematite-Bearing Ridge On Mauna Kea, Hawaii: A Potential Mineralogical Process Analog For The Mount Sharp Hematite Ridge. T. G. Graff, R. V. Morris, D. W. Ming, J. C. Hamilton, M. Adams, A. A. Fraeman, R. E. Arvidson, J. G. Catalano, and S. A. Mertzman, Jacobs, 45th Lunar & Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, Texas. March 17–21, 2014

PRISM: PISCES Robotic International Space Mining Competition, John Hamilton, Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS), Golden CO 2014

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PAPERS & PUBLICATIONS (CONTINUED) The International Lunar Research Park Concept, Schowengerdt, Hamilton, Rasky, Crisafulli. Lunar Science Forum, NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI), NASA Ames, Moffett Field CA July 2011.

Analog Field Testing in Hawai`i, John Hamilton, Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS), Ottawa Canada 2011

Use of Hawii Analog Sites for Lunar Scuence and In-Situ Resource Utilization, Sanders, Larson, Picard and Hamilton, EPSC_DPS 20111 European Planetary Science Congress and American Astronomical Society Division of Planetary Sciences Joint Meeting 2011. NASA Technical Report JSC-CN-24415, EPSC Abstracts, Vol 6.

Observational Search for PeV-EeV Tau Neutrino from GRB081203A, Aita, Aoki, Asaoka, Chonana, Jobashi, Masuda, Morimoto, Noda, Sasaki, Asoh, Ishikawa, Ogawa, Learned, Matsuno, Olsen, Binder, Hamilton, Sugiyama and Watanabe Physical Review Letters (in press) 2011

Combining Outreach and Education with Space Field Test Activities by PISCES, Hamilton, J, R. Fox, C. Andersen, F. Schowengerdt. Earth & Space Science: Making Connections in Education and Public Outreach - A Symposium on Improving the Community of Practice for EPO Professionals, Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder CO. 31 July-4 August, 2010.

Participatory Space Exploration and Education at PISCES, F. Schowengerdt, R. Fox, John Hamilton. Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS) & XI Space Resources Roundtable (SRR), Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO. June 8-10, 2010.

Conducting Lunar Analog Tests in a Culturally Sensitive Environment , R. Fox, F. Schowengerdt, John Hamilton. Global Lunar Conference, 11th ILEWG Conference on Exploration & Utilisation of the Moon, Beijing, China. 31 May-3 June, 2010.

The 2009 Akamai Observatory Short Course Inquiry Activity: “Design and Build a Telescope” Sonnett, S, Betsy Mills, John Hamilton and Heather Kaluna, The Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 2010.

PISCES Outreach: Bringing the Moon Down to Earth Hamilton, J, Robert Fox, Christian Andersen, Frank Schowengert. The 120th Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Millbrae CA

Lunar Surface Equipment Testing and Demonstrations at the PISCES Lunar Analog Facilities. Bland, Dan, Robert Carlson, Robert Fox, John Hamilton, Frank Schowengert. The 27th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Tsukuba Japan

Creating a Better Learning Environment for Physics Majors Hamilton, J, Robert Fox, Christian Andersen. Physics Teacher Education Coalition conference, Pittsburgh PA

Ashra Detector Current Status on Mauna Loa, Hawai`i. Hamilton, J (UHH)., Fox, R., Sasaki, M., and Asaoka, Y., (2008) AAS 212th Meeting, St. Louis MO

Hoku Kea – UHH 1 Meter Educational Telescope. Hamilton, J (UHH) and Fox, R.(UHH) –– AAS 211th Meeting, Austin Texas

Page 86 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 PAPERS & PUBLICATIONS (CONTINUED)

Construction Status of Ashra Hamilton, J (UHH). (2007) The 6th International Workshop on Very High Energy Particle Astronomy - Connection between Wide Field Survey and Cosmic Ray Observation

Observatory, Astronomical. Hamilton, J, , in AccessScience@McGraw-Hill,, DOI 10.1036/1097-8542.057500

Gemini Observatory, Hamilton, J, " in AccessScience@McGraw-Hill,, DOI 10.1036/1097-8542.YB020910

Observatory, Astronomical. Hamilton, J, – The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology (2000, 2007)

Ashra Report 2: Current Status, Hamilton, J (UHH)., Fox, R., Sasaki, M., and Asaoka, Y., (2006), Joint Meeting of Pacific Particle Physics Communities, Honolulu Hawaii, 31 October, 2006

Ashra Report 4 : VHE Gamma Ray Detection Okumura, Akira (ICRR) et al,, Joint Meeting of Pacific Particle Physics Communities, Honolulu Hawaii, 31 October, 2006

Ashra Report 5: VHE Neutrino Detection Noda, Koji (ICRR) et al, Joint Meeting of Pacific Particle Physics Communities, Honolulu Hawaii, 31 October, 2006

Ashra Project Learned, J (UH-Mānoa) et al., Joint Meeting of Pacific Particle Physics Communities, Honolulu Hawaii, 31 October, 2006

Status of Ashra (All-sky Survey High Resolution Air shower detector) Project, Sasaki, M. (ICRR), et. al., 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC)., Pune, India, 101-106 (2005)

Ashra Report 3: Hybrid Photo Pixel Detector As the Trigger Sensor Masuda, Masataka (ICRR) et al, Joint Meeting of Pacific Particle Physics Communities, Honolulu Hawaii, 31 October, 2006

Construction of the Ashra Detector, Hardman, J (UHH)., Hamilton, J., Fox, R., and Asaoka, Y., Joint Meeting of Pacific Particle Physics Communities, Honolulu Hawaii, 30 October, 2006

Ashra: All-Sky High Resolution Air Shower Detector, Trang, D (UHH)., Hamilton, J., Fox, R., and Asaoka, Y. (2006) Joint Meeting of Pacific Particle Physics Communities, Honolulu Hawaii, 30 October, 2006

"Industrial Lasers: Carbon-Fiber Spectrographic Masks Are Precision Laser Cut ". Hamilton, J (Gemini Observatories), Laser Focus World (October 1999 Issue, web: LASERS:-Carbon-fiber-spectrographic-masks-are-precision-laser-cu )

UV Detection of Quasar 3C273 with the Skylab S-019 Spectrograph Hamilton, J., NASA Internal Publication, Skylab Student Project (1977)

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AWARDS RECEIVED 2014 NASA Certificate of Appreciation - Mauna Kea Mars Analog

2011 August NASA Lunar Science Institute Travel Award – ASP "Connecting People to Science", Baltimore MD

2011 June NASA Group Achievement Award 2010 International Lunar Surface Operations ISRU Utilization Field Test

2010 May NASA Group Achievement Award In-Situ Resource Utilization Analog Demo Team

2010 May NASA Group Achievement Award In-Situ Resource RESOLVE Team (Regolith and Environment Science & Oxygen and. Lunar Volatile Extraction)

2010 Aug Scholarship for Cosmos in the Classroom 2010 from Astronomical Society of the Pacific – Boulder CO

2009 Sept Travel Scholarship – Outreach Workshops ASP 2009 from The Spitzer Science Center and ASP – Millbrae CA

2009 Mar Travel Scholarship – PTEC organization, COMPADRE - Pittsburg PA

2008 Outstanding Service Award - Japan-US Science, Technology & Space Applications Program (JUSTSAP) Commendation

2008 February Travel Award – NASA LCROSS Astronomer Meeting, Ames Research Center, CA

2007 August Scholarship for Cosmos in the Classroom 2007 from The Spitzer Science Center and Astronomical Society of the Pacific – Pomona CA

1999 October Commendation for Excellence in Technical Communication – Laser Focus World

1997 August Competitive grant to attend the XXIII General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Kyoto, Japan.

1972-1977 NASA Skylab Student Experiment Project – National Finalist (25) to fly an experiment (ED-23 UV from Quasars) onboard orbiting manned space station Skylab. Participated in pre-launch design reviews, launch activities, and post- launch data analysis with Dr. Karl Henize (scientist-astronaut) and his team at University of Texas at Austin and Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX.

1973 Summer Hawaii State Delegate, National Youth Science Camp - One of 2 State delegares

LANGUAGES Working knowledge in French, Spanish and Ōlelō Hawai΄i. Programming Languages - Fortran, EPICS, Linix, & Python

Page 88 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 Marianne Y. Takamiya ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN ASTRONOMY AT UHH Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, 200 Kāwili Street, Hilo, HI 96720  (808) 333-9508 |  [email protected] |  |  takamiya

Formal Education The University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois, USA PH.D. IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS Jul. 1993 - Aug. 1998 Galaxy Structural Parameters: Star Formation Rate and Evolution with Redshift (advisor: Dr. Richard Kron)

The University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois, USA M.S. IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS Aug. 1992 - Jul. 1993 The faint Globular Cluster Pal 13 (advisor: Dr. Kyle Cudworth)

Universidad de Chile - School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Santiago, Chile M.S. IN ASTRONOMY Mar. 1989 - Aug. 1992 ESO 207-61: A brown dwarf candidates in the Hyades moving group (advisor: Dr. Maria Teresa Ruiz)

Universidad de Chile - School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Santiago, Chile B.S. IN PHYSICS Mar. 1985 - Dec. 1989

Employment History Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Hilo, HI, USA CHAIR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY Aug. 2014 - present • Develops course schedule of physics and astronomy classes • Calls bi-weekly meetings with all faculty • Responds to students’ concerns • Responds to faculty, lecturers’, and APT concerns • Manages access to offices and research spaces and use of two Departmental vehicles • Responds to concerns of Division Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Dean and Associate Dean, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs on matters related to class and major enrollments and on Department budget • Triggered, negotiated, and secured guaranteed access to telescopes through agreement with the Institute for Astronomy from the Univer- sity of Hawai‘i at Mānoa that culmitated with the Memorandum of Understanding, signed by University of Hawai‘i President Lassner • Triggered and secured particiation of UHH as single undergraduate instutition as part of the 10+10 collaboration of the China Scholarship Council for exchange of students, researchers and faculty from ten Chinese Universities to ten US universities • Negotiated with Chancellor Straney the purchase of the 0.7m PlaneWave telescope as part of the Capital Improvement Projects as a re- placement of the inoperable 0.9m telescope on Maunakea • Iincrease visibility of the Department and increase collaborative opportunities for faculty and students with University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and Maunakea observatories by meeting with Subaru, CFHT, and Gemini observatory directors • Further developed the undergraduate program in astronomy to incorporate more laboratory courses through unique opportunities with the Subaru observatory

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Hilo, HI, USA ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Aug. 2013 - present • From a total of 23 required courses for our majors and non-majors, taught 20 of them • Gained access to several nights on Maunakea telescopes to carry out research on star formation in nearby galaxies and on the properties of distant galaxies detected as intervening sources against the light of quasar at Keck, Gemini, Subaru, CFHT, UKIRT, and the UH2.2m • Manage awarded extramural (NSF, Cottrell Scholar) and two intramural grants to carry out research while heavily involving several under- graduate students • Developed freshman astronomy lab ASTR 110L; trained lecturers and faculty, and student lab assistants on experiments and equipment in ASTR 110L • Developed a course on Communicating Astronomy to the Public as a special topics course

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Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Hilo, HI, USA ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Aug. 2008 - Jul. 2013 • Taught service and major courses in physics and astronomy to undergraduate students and in 2012 recognized with the Francis Davis Award for excellence in teaching at the UH system level • Through a competitive time allocation process, received 3-5 nights per semester to use Maunakea telescopes to carry out research on galaxies and the interstellar medium • Awarded National Science Foundation, Cottrell Scholars funding and intramural grants adding up to $ϵЈЈӴ ЈЈЈ • Lead internal assessment of the status of the University of Hawai‘i Hilo telescope commissioning process • Included 17 undergraduate students in research experiences at University of Hawai‘i Hilo and Maria Mitchel Observatory in Nantucket • Prepare them to deliver presentations as first authors in professional astronomy meetings, such as the American Astronomical Society meeting in 2010 in Washington, D.C. and 2011 in Seattle, WA, and the International Astronomical Union General Assembly in Honolulu in 2015 • Developed two special topics courses for astronomy majors on the interstellar medium of extragalactic sources and data processing • Served in UH Hilo committees including various selection committees (UHH hiring committeed, 3 years in the Telescope allocation com- mittee, Akamai internship) and UHH strategic plan implementation committees Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Hilo, HI, USA ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - NON TERNURE TRACK Aug. 2006 - Jul. 2008 • Taught service and major courses in physics and astronomy to undergraduate students • Develop research on star formation in distant galaxies using Maunakea telescopes in particular the Gemini, and Subaru telescopes; and research on globular cluster population statistics in the Virgo cluster of galaxies using Maunakea telescopes in particular Keck as well as space-based Hubble Space Telescope • Involve undergraduate student in research and prepare them to deliver presentations as first author in professional astronomy meetings at the American Astronomical Society meeting in 2007 in Honolulu Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Hilo, HI, USA NSF RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Aug. 2003 - Jul. 2006 • Lead the research on globular clusters population statistics in the field of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies using data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope to calibrate the galaxy globular cluster contents • Carry out imaging observations at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in Chile and infrared and visible imaging observations at CFHT and Keck • Develop own research path on distant galaxies’ interstellar medium using Maunakea telescopes through a competitive selection process while including undergraduate students in the research process Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Hilo, HI, USA VISITING FACULTY Aug. 2002 - Jul. 2003 • Taught physics and astronomy courses to majors and non-majors while developing own research path on distant galaxies’ interstellar medium using Maunakea telescopes Gemini Observatories - Gemini North Headquarters Hilo, HI, USA GEMINI SCIENCE FELLOW - POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER Mar. 1998 - Jul. 2002 • Member of the commissioning team of the Gemini North telescope meeting the expected first light date • Member of the commissioning team of various astronomical instruments: CIRPASS, GMOS, NIRI • Develop and test data reduction software in IRAF scripts for various visible and near infrared imagers and spectrographs • Carry out monthly one-week observations at the summit of Maunakea with various instruments on Gemini North • Develop web-based documentation for instrumentation and exposure time calculator Carnegie Instution of Washington - Las Campanas Observatory La Serena, Chile OBSERVER 1991 • Carry out multi-band CCD imaging observations of open clusters at Las Campanas Observatory using the Swope 1m telescope as one of the first chilean master degree students to be employed by the observatory University of Toronto - Las Campanas Observatory La Serena, Chile OBSERVER 1991 • Carry out multi-band plate imaging observations of globular clusters at Las Campanas Observatory using the University of Toronto 60cm telescope Universidad de Chile - Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas Santiago, Chile RESEARCH ASSISTANT 1990-1991 • Carry our spectroscopic observations with the 4.0 telescope at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory while delivering reduced spectro- scopic data before the end of the night

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Universidad de Chile - Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas Santiago, Chile RESEARCH ASSISTANT 1989-1990 • As senior student, carry our imaging CCD observations with the 0.9m telescope at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory and with the 1m telescope at Las Campanas Observatory • Carry out data reduction using IRAF to determine flux and colors of quasars Universidad de Chile - Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas Santiago, Chile TEACHING ASSISTANT 1986-1991 • Deliver recitation sessions to engineering, physics and mathematics students in freshman physics and astronomy courses whie a sopho- more, junior and senior undergraduate student

Grants & Awards UHH $8,000 SEED GRANT 2016-2017 The ISM in Nearby Galaxies

NSF - AST $142,000 EXTRAMURAL GRANT 2008-2013 Star Formation Rates: Near and Far

UHH $15,000 SEED GRANT 2008-2009 Star Formation Rates in Nearby Galaxies

AURA $15,000 EXTRAMURAL GRANT 1995-2000 Structural Parameters of Distant Galaxies

Government of Chile BECA PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA 1985 Universidad de Chile

Professional Affiliations American Astronomical Society US MEMBER 1995 - present • Participate in annual or bi-annual meetings, exchange ideas with collaborators while fostering new collaborations

Community/Civil Involvement Journey Through The Universe, AstroDay, Onizuka, UHH Hilo, HI PRESENTER OF ASTRONOMY OUTREACH EVENTS since 2003 • Engaged public in various astronomy and physics hands-on activities in K-12 classrooms, at the Hilo Prince Kuhio Mall, at the UHH campus, and various high school groups from Japan, Korea, and US mainland at UHH • Lead the first official representation of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo at AstroDay in2010 by organizing the faculty and students and producing material to inspire astronomy to the public

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Public Forums Hilo and Honolulu, HI THIRTY METER TELESCOPE AND DECOMMISSIONING OF UHH TELESCOPE since 2008 • Since 2008, met and discussed the issue of the TMT with UHH faculty and staff, including Native Hawaiian faculty and staff, the public (Mr. Richard Ha), and kept UHH astronomy majors informed about the situation • June 2014, provided testimony to DLNR hearing in Honolulu on TMT from a very personal perspective as a mother of two, teacher, minority, and member of the Hilo community • June 2016, met with PUEO, Perpetuating Unique Educational Opportunities, a group of Native Hawaiians in support of education at all levels for the local community, to exchange ideas of how to balance educational opportunities and technological advances while caring for our community as a whole

Professional Development ISEE Akamai Mentor Workshop Waikoloa, HI PARTICIPANT 13-14 May 2016 • Organized by the Institute for Scientists & Engineer Educators, ISEE, provided coaching and mentor skills to scientists and engineers for effective work with young undergraduates engaged in projects

Hawai’i National Great Teachers Seminar Volcano National Park, HI PARTICIPANT 5-10 August 2012 • Organized by Leeward Community College; tuition fully funded by UH system

Coaching Skills for Leaders University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, HI PARTICIPANT 27 April 2016 • Initiated and organized by Ms. Sulma Ghandi from UHH, it introduced various leadership skills by Ms. Mary Kuentz and Sydney Wiecking with a follow up one-on-one coaching session

Center for Astronomy Education - Astro 101 Teaching Excellence Workshop Washington, D.C. PARTICIPANT 2-3 January 2016 • Program to understand how non-majors learn and to learn skills that develop critical thinking process through astronomy

Conferences & Symposia

PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS (LAST TWO YEARS) • SPIE - Edinburgh June 2016 • China Scholarship Council - Beijing June 2016 • TMT Science Meeting - Kyoto May 2016 • IAU - Honolulu August 2015

Public Talks

• Maunakea Visitor Information Center: Astronomy at UHH - January 2017 • Maunakea Skies Talk Imiloa: Future of UH Hilo Astronomy Program - August 2016 • Office of Maunakea Management: Star formation in Galaxies -2014 • Year-round talks to national and international highschool students on astronomy - 2012 - present


Refereed Articles

[1] B. Li, E. W. Peng, H.-x. Zhang, J. P. Blakeslee, P. Côté, L. Ferrarese, A. Jordán, C. Liu, S. Mei, T. H. Puzia, M. Takamiya, G. Trancho, and M. J. West. A Gemini/GMOS Study of Intermediate Luminosity Early-type

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Virgo Cluster Galaxies. I. Globular Cluster and Stellar Kinematics. ApJ, 806:133, June 2015. [2] J. Vanderbeke, M. J. West, R. De Propris, E. W. Peng, J. P. Blakeslee, A. Jordán, P. Côté, M. Gregg, L. Ferrarese, M. Takamiya, and M. Baes. G2C2 - II. Integrated colour-metallicity relations for Galactic globular clusters in SDSS passbands. MNRAS, 437:1734–1749, January 2014. [3] J. Vanderbeke, M. J. West, R. De Propris, E. W. Peng, J. P. Blakeslee, A. Jordán, P. Côté, M. Gregg, L. Ferrarese, M. Takamiya, and M. Baes. G2C2 - I. Homogeneous photometry for Galactic globular clusters in SDSS passbands. MNRAS, 437:1725–1733, January 2014. [4] M. Takamiya, M. Chun, V. P. Kulkarni, and S. Gharanfoli. The Nature of a Galaxy along the Sight Line to PKS 0454+039. AJ, 144:111, October 2012. [5] M. J. West, A. Jordán, J. P. Blakeslee, P. Côté, M. D. Gregg, M. Takamiya, and R. O. Marzke. The globular cluster systems of Abell 1185. A&A, 528:A115, April 2011. [6] J. Vanderbeke, M. West, P. CÙté, E. Peng, J. Blakeslee, A. Jordán, M. Gregg, M. Takamiya, and M. Baes. New look at the Galactic Globular Cluster System. Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina, 54:163–166, 2011. [7] M. R. Chun, V. P. Kulkarni, S. Gharanfoli, and M. Takamiya. Adaptive Optics Imaging of a Massive Galaxy Associated With a Metal-Rich Absorber. AJ, 139:296–301, January 2010. [8] E. W. Peng, A. Jordán, P. Côté, M. Takamiya, M. J. West, J. P. Blakeslee, C.-W. Chen, L. Ferrarese, S. Mei, J. L. Tonry, and A. A. West. The ACS Virgo Cluster Survey. XV. The Formation Efficiencies of Globular Clusters in Early-Type Galaxies: The Effects of Mass and Environment. ApJ, 681:197–224, July 2008. [9] S. Gharanfoli, V. P. Kulkarni, M. R. Chun, and M. Takamiya. Emission-Line Spectroscopy of a Damped Lyᆿ-absorbing Galaxy at z = 0.437. AJ, 133:130–138, January 2007. [10] M. R. Chun, S. Gharanfoli, V. P. Kulkarni, and M. Takamiya. Adaptive Optics Imaging of Low-Redshift Damped Lyᆿ Quasar Absorbers. AJ, 131:686–700, February 2006. [11] I. Jørgensen, M. Bergmann, R. Davies, J. Barr, M. Takamiya, and D. Crampton. RX J0152.7-1357: Stellar Populations in an X-Ray Luminous at z = 0.83. AJ, 129:1249–1286, March 2005. [12] B. J. Weiner, A. C. Phillips, S. M. Faber, C. N. A. Willmer, N. P. Vogt, L. Simard, K. Gebhardt, M. Im, D. C. Koo, V. L. Sarajedini, K. L. Wu, D. A. Forbes, C. Gronwall, E. J. Groth, G. D. Illingworth, R. G. Kron, J. Rhodes, A. S. Szalay, and M. Takamiya. The DEEP Groth Strip Galaxy Redshift Survey. III. Redshift Catalog and Properties of Galaxies. ApJ, 620:595–617, February 2005. [13] G. P. Smith, I. Smail, J.-P. Kneib, C. J. Davis, M. Takamiya, H. Ebeling, and O. Czoske. A Hubble Space Telescope lensing survey of X-ray luminous galaxy clusters - III. A multiply imaged extremely red galaxy at z=1.6. MNRAS, 333:L16–L20, June 2002. [14] S. D. Ryder, J. H. Knapen, and M. Takamiya. Near-infrared spectroscopy of the circumnuclear star formation regions in M100: evidence for sequential triggering. MNRAS, 323:663–671, May 2001. [15] D. L. Block, I. Puerari, M. Takamiya, R. Abraham, A. Stockton, I. Robson, and W. Holland. Dust-penetrated morphology in the high-redshift universe: Clues from NGC 922. A&A, 371:393–403, May 2001. [16] M. H. Siegel, S. R. Majewski, K. M. Cudworth, and M. Takamiya. A Cluster’s Last Stand: The Death of Palomar 13. AJ, 121:935–950, February 2001. [17] T. G. Hawarden, S. D. Ryder, R. J. Massey, G. S. Wright, and M. Takamiya. A Near-IR Spectral Atlas of IR-Selected Nearby Spirals. Ap&SS, 269:501–504, December 1999. [18] M. Takamiya. Morphological Evolution of Galaxies. Ap&SS, 269:339–344, December 1999. [19] M. Takamiya. Galaxy Structural Parameters: Star Formation Rate and Evolution with Redshift. PASP, 111:772–772, June 1999. [20] M. Takamiya. Galaxy Structural Parameters: Star Formation Rate and Evolution with Redshift. ApJS, 122:109–150, May 1999. [21] M. Y. Takamiya. Galaxy Structural Parameters: Star Formation Rate and Evolution with Redshift. PhD thesis, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, 1998.

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[22] R. Guzman, D. C. Koo, S. M. Faber, G. D. Illingworth, M. Takamiya, R. G. Kron, and M. A. Bershady. On the Nature of the Faint Compact Narrow Emission-Line Galaxies: The Half-Light Radius–Velocity Width Diagram. ApJ, 460:L5, March 1996. [23] M. Takamiya, R. G. Kron, and G. E. Kron. Photoelectric Photometry of Zwicky Galaxies. AJ, 110:1083, September 1995. [24] M. T. Ruiz and M. Y. Takamiya. Spectroscopic Follow-Up of Large Proper-Motion Stars in ESO Areas 207, 439, and 440. AJ, 109:2817, June 1995. [25] D. C. Koo, R. Guzman, S. M. Faber, G. D. Illingworth, M. A. Bershady, R. G. Kron, and M. Takamiya. High-resolution spectra of distant compact narrow emission line galaxies: Progrenitors of spheroidal galaxies. ApJ, 440:L49–L52, February 1995. [26] M. T. Ruiz, M. Y. Takamiya, R. Mendez, J. Maza, and M. Wishnjewsky. Proper motions in the southern ESO areas 207, 439, and 440. AJ, 106:2575–2579, December 1993. [27] D. L. Welch, M. Mateo, E. W. Olszewski, P. Fischer, and M. Takamiya. The variable stars of the young LMC cluster NGC 2164. AJ, 105:146–154, January 1993. [28] M. T. Ruiz, M. Y. Takamiya, and M. Roth. ESO 207 - 61: A brown dwarf candidate in the Hyades moving group. ApJ, 367:L59–L61, February 1991.

Non-Refereed Articles

[1] C. Baranec, J. R. Lu, S. A. Wright, J. Tonry, R. B. Tully, I. Szapudi, M. Takamiya, L. Hunter, R. Riddle, S. Chen, and M. Chun, “The rapid transient surveyor,” in Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, vol. 9909 of Proc. SPIE, p. 99090F, July 2016. [2] C. Baranec, J. Tonry, S. Wright, R. B. Tully, J. R. Lu, M. Y. Takamiya, and L. Hunter, “The Rapid Transient Surveyor,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 227 of American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, p. 427.06, Jan. 2016. [3] J. Vanderbeke, M. J. West, R. de Propris, E. W. Peng, J. P. Blakeslee, A. Jordan, P. Cote, M. Gregg, L. Ferrarese, M. Takamiya, and M. Baes, “VizieR Online Data Catalog: Galactic globular clusters SDSS photometry (Vanderbeke+, 2014),” VizieR Online Data Catalog, vol. 743, Oct. 2014. [4] L. Straka, V. P. Kulkarni, D. G. York, M. R. Chun, M. Takamiya, and B. E. Woodgate, “A Search for Galaxies Producing Metal-rich Quasar Absorbers,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #216, vol. 41 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 828, May 2010. [5] M. Takamiya, M. West, P. Côté, A. Jordán, E. Peng, and L. Ferrarese, IGCs in the Virgo Cluster, p. 361. 2009. [6] S. Gharanfoli, V. P. Kulkarni, M. Chun, and M. Takamiya, “Galaxies Producing Low-redshift Damped Lyman- alpha Quasar Absorbers,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 39 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 875, Dec. 2007. [7] E. Peng, M. Takamiya, P. Cote, M. J. West, J. P. Blakeslee, L. Ferrarese, A. Jordan, and S. Mei, “The Spatial Distributions of Globular Cluster Systems,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 38 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 1062, Dec. 2006. [8] S. Gharanfoli, V. P. Kulkarni, M. Chun, and M. Takamiya, “A Search for Emission Lines from a Low-redshift Damped Lyman-alpha Galaxy with Keck LRIS,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 37 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 1362, Dec. 2005. [9] M. Chun, S. Gharanfoli, V. Kulkarni, and M. Takamiya, “Adaptive Optics Imaging of Low-redshift Quasar Absorbers with Gemini-North,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 36 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 1556, Dec. 2004. [10] M. P. Bergmann, I. Jorgensen, J. Barr, R. L. Davies, D. Crampton, M. Takamiya, and B. Miller, “Galaxy Evolution During Half the Age of the Universe,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 35 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 1417, Dec. 2003.

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[11] T. G. Hawarden, L. S. Douglas, G. S. Wright, M. Y. Takamiya, and S. D. Ryder, “A near-IR spectral atlas of nearby spiral galaxies: spectral signatures of nuclear activity?,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 35 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 1255, Dec. 2003. [12] D. L. Block, I. Puerari, M. Takamiya, and R. G. Abraham, “Penetration at high-z of the Greenberg “yellow stuff”: Eyes to the Future with NGST,” ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints, May 2003. [13] M. Takamiya, M. Chun, I. Jørgensen, and L. Kao, “Masses of Nearby Galaxies from WIYN IFU Spectroscopy,” in The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift (R. Bender and A. Renzini, eds.), p. 117, 2003. [14] L. Kao, M. Takamiya, M. Chun, and I. Jorgensen, “Star Formation and Mass of NGC 6052 and I Zw 207,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #200, vol. 34 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 956, June 2002. [15] B. W. Miller, J. Turner, M. Takamiya, D. Simons, and I. Hook, “Integral Field Spectroscopy with the Gemini 8m Telescopes,” in Galaxies: the Third Dimension (M. Rosada, L. Binette, and L. Arias, eds.), vol. 282 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, p. 427, Jan. 2002. [16] T. G. Hawarden, G. S. Wright, S. K. Ramsay-Howat, M. Y. Takamiya, and S. D. Ryder, “Molecular Hydrogen Emission (MHE) Galaxies: a New (Near Infrared) Spectroscopic Class,” in Galaxies: the Third Dimension (M. Rosada, L. Binette, and L. Arias, eds.), vol. 282 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, p. 246, Jan. 2002. [17] D. L. Block, I. Puerari, M. Takamiya, R. Abraham, A. Stockton, I. Robson, and W. Holland, “Dust penetrated morphology in the high redshift universe,” in New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics: the Link Between Stars and Cosmology (M. Chávez, A. Bressan, A. Buzzoni, and D. Mayya, eds.), vol. 274 of Astrophysics and Space Science Library, pp. 253–256, 2002. [18] K. C. Roth, I. Jorgensen, I. M. Hook, and M. Y. Takamiya, “Early Results from the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 34 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 571, Dec. 2001. [19] M. Takamiya, M. Chun, I. Jorgensen, and L. Kao, “Masses of Nearby Irregular Galaxies from WIYN IFU data,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 34 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 570, Dec. 2001. [20] M. Takamiya and M. Chun, “Understanding Galaxies in 3-D,” in Birth and Evolution of the Universe (K. Sato and M. Kawasaki, eds.), p. 419, 2001. [21] S. D. Ryder, J. H. Knapen, A. Alonso-Herrero, and M. Takamiya, “The Ages of Circumnuclear Starbursts from Near-IR Spectroscopy: Bushfires or Mexican Wave?,” in The Central Kiloparsec of Starbursts and AGN: The La Palma Connection (J. H. Knapen, J. E. Beckman, I. Shlosman, and T. J. Mahoney, eds.), vol. 249 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, p. 501, 2001. [22] S. D. Ryder, J. H. Knapen, and M. Takamiya, “Understanding Circumnuclear Star Formation in Spiral Galax- ies,” in Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies (J. G. Funes and E. M. Corsini, eds.), vol. 230 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, pp. 327–328, 2001. [23] D. L. Block, I. Puerari, R. J. Buta, R. Abraham, M. Takamiya, and A. Stockton, “The Duality of Spiral Structure, and a Quantitative Dust Penetrated Morphological Tuning Fork at Low and High Redshift,” in Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies (J. G. Funes and E. M. Corsini, eds.), vol. 230 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, pp. 137–144, 2001. [24] M. Takamiya and M. Chun, “Dissecting Nearby Galaxies,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 32 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 1525, Dec. 2000. [25] M. Takamiya, “VizieR Online Data Catalog: Galaxy structural parameters (Takamiya+, 1999),” VizieR Online Data Catalog, vol. 212, Sept. 1999. [26] M. Takamiya, “Structural parameters of Hubble Deep Field galaxies,” in American Institute of Physics Con- ference Series (S. S. Holt and L. G. Mundy, eds.), vol. 393 of American Institute of Physics Conference Series, pp. 610–613, Feb. 1997. [27] M. Takamiya, “Structure and Star Formation Rates in Nearby and Distant Field Galaxies,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 28 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 1381, Dec. 1996.

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[28] M. Takamiya and R. G. Kron, “Structural Parameters of field galaxies with HST and ARC 3.5m,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 27 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 1361, Dec. 1995. [29] M. Takamiya, R. G. Kron, and G. E. Kron, “B, V Photoelectric Photometry of Zwicky Galaxies,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, vol. 27 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 766, Dec. 1994. [30] K. Cudworth, M. Takamiya, S. Majewski, and R. Peterson, “The faint globular cluster Pal 13.,” in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 25 of BAAS, p. 885, May 1993. [31] K. Cudworth, M. Takamiya, S. Majewski, and R. Peterson, “The Faint Globular Cluster PAL 13,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #182, vol. 25 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 885, May 1993.

Non-Refereed Articles with UHH students

[1] M. Takamiya, D. Berke, F. Bremer, C. Jones, and G. Poquet, “SFR and Abundances of Nearby Galaxies,” in From Interstellar Clouds to Star-Forming Galaxies: Universal Processes? (P. Jablonka, P. André, and F. van der Tak, eds.), vol. 315 of IAU Symposium, p. E73, 2016. [2] M. Takamiya, C. Jones, and D. Berke, “Extinction, Star Formation Rates and Nebular Abundances of Star- Forming Regions in Nearby Gala,” IAU General Assembly, vol. 22, p. 2255532, Aug. 2015. [3] B. Browning, M. Y. Takamiya, M. R. Chun, V. P. Kulkarni, and S. Gharanfoli, “Identifying a Damped Ly- man Alpha Source in the Spectrum of Quasar SDSS J233544.18+150118.3,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #224, vol. 224 of American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, p. 318.10, June 2014. [4] E. Moravec, M. Y. Takamiya, and M. West, “Mapping the Characteristics of NCG 7081 as a Function of Galactic Radius,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #223, vol. 223 of American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, p. 246.13, Jan. 2014. [5] I. Cunnyngham, M. Takamiya, C. Willmer, M. Chun, and M. Young, “Spatial Distribution of Star Formation in High Redshift Galaxies,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #217, vol. 43 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 258.33, Jan. 2011. [6] D. Berke and M. Takamiya, “Calibrating the Star Formation Rate and Extinction at Visible Wavelengths in Nearby Galaxies,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #217, vol. 43 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 258.31, Jan. 2011. [7] M. Y. Takamiya, I. Cunnyngham, C. Willmer, M. Chun, M. Young, and MTakamiyaUHH, “Distribution of Star Formation in Distant Galaxies,” in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #217, vol. 43 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 114.01, Jan. 2011. [8] A. Ridenour and M. Takamiya, “Mapping Extinction and Star Formation Rates of Nearby Galaxies,” in Amer- ican Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #215, vol. 42 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, p. 258, Jan. 2010. [9] M. Takamiya, C. Willmer, M. Young, and M. Chun, “Disk morphologies at z=0.7,” in The Galaxy Disk in Cos- mological Context (J. Andersen, Nordströara, B. m, and J. Bland-Hawthorn, eds.), vol. 254 of IAU Symposium, p. 72, Mar. 2009.

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VI. Future

VI.1 Program Goals

The goal of the Department of Physics and Astronomy is to develop competitive undergraduate astronomy and physics programs with emphasis in applied areas. To achieve these goals the department expects to meet the following objectives in the next five years: subsubsectionObjectives:

1. Maintain and fully support the number of Astronomy majors at about 40: The number of Astronomy majors has been typically above 40 but is slowly decreasing to below 40 (see Tables 22 and 23). Our objective is to keep the number at about 40+. In the last few years, the retention from freshman to sophomore and sophomore to junior has decreased slightly and the department hopes to control it by better supporting students academically, by providing a stronger sense of community in the Department, and engaging students as lab assistants and recitation leaders.

2. Increase the number of Physics majors from below 20 to above 20: The number of physics graduates and majors has increased in the last few years (see Table 1, 20, & 21) although these trends could be due to inherent noise in small number statistics. One of the efforts the Department is continuing to pursue is to align the astronomy and physics programs closer so that more students opt to double major. The UHH administration has asked the Department to discontinue the Physics degree because of low numbers of graduates. The faculty have discussed the long term damage to all programs if that were to occur. While we attempt to strengthen the physics degree from within by providing more training in problem solving with dedicated recitation sessions, hands-on opportunities in more advanced labs and Robotics, the department is also promoting the double major so that Astronomy majors interested in graduate school also obtain the physics degree and thus take EM and QM I. A major set back occurred when a physics faculty left before applying for tenure in 2014. This position was not replaced until late last year but only after the Department repeatedly pleaded for it. UHH administration finally agreed in February 2016 for a search of an astronomy/physics/science education position which successfully ended in late February 2017 with the hire of a Native Hawaiian astronomer at the Assistant Professor level. With the addition of this new faculty, more students will be able to engage in projects and we expect that more Astronomy majors will opt to take more upper division physics courses as they plan to go to graduate school. 3. Increase Recruitment: With changes in the course alignment with the UH-System, the Department expects that more students from the UH community colleges and universities transfer to UHH. In general, UHH has more general education electives than any other UH campus. Advisers from other campuses, especially from Kapiolani Community College, one of the most STEM-oriented CCs in the system, have informed us that students avoid UHH because of of the GE requirements which add more years to their education and some courses are not easily transferrable, like the MATH and PHYS sequences which are numbered differently at UHH. By renumbering the calculus-based physics sequence, we expect more UH- system transfers. We expect that the new agreement with the Chinese government will entice a small number of undergraduates to come as exchange students to UHH and hopefully transfer. This will increase the enrollments in upper division courses. Finally, the new agreement with Berry College should also help in populating the Astronomy major and also increase enrollments in upper division courses. We will be seeking new ways to promote our programs and hope that these three new initiatives bear fruit in the next five years. 4. Increase retention and graduation rates of both majors: Although the Department does not have a study in place to determine why students majoring in Physics and Astronomy leave, through conversations with former majors, we can point at a variety of reasons: students did not know that Astronomy covered so

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much Mathematics and Physics, the job market is uncertain and graduate school is highly competitive, for mainland students Hawai‘i is too far from their families, students repeat foundational courses in Math or Physics in their freshman year or place rather low in Mathematics (e.g. one year below Calculus I - MATH 205). Former majors have mentioned these as reasons to drop the major. We loose most of our students to Computer Science and Mathematics, a few change to a Social Science discipline, and a few disappear either going back to the mainland or dropping out of school for personal or financial reasons. The faculty have taken a more aggressive role in advising majors so that those that leave, do so having had at least one course in Mathematics, Physics or Astronomy. The long term objective is to increase retention by preparing students better in physics, engaging them in projects, advising properly, and offer all required courses in the Physics degree without cancellation when low-enrolled. 5. Prepare majors beyond the classroom: The Department offers an algebra and a calculus-based fresh- man physics sequence. The calculus track is intended for students in the physics sciences and engineers while the algebra-based is intended for the rest. Majors in freshman physics are on average better prepared in mathematics than the Life Science students and thus the pace in the class, especially when elements of vector calculus and surface and volume integrals are used, needs to cater to both student populations. This is hard to achieve especially when most of the enrolled students are in the Life Sciences. This problem surfaces when students taken PHYS 270 (Introduction to Modern Physics) and all upper division physics courses. To address this situation, majors are asked to be recitation leaders under the mentorship of the in- structor of record where they are asked to solve problems and thus further develop their training in physics. Students are also asked to be assistants in the Physics and Astronomy freshman labs and also graders in ASTR 110. These varied opportunities allow students to revisit material after they have passed the courses and continue to develop their understanding of physics and astronomy. 6. Develop a hiring plan: While it is out of the control of the Department, we would like to start the discussion with the administration of keeping the number of faculty position in each Department without loosing them. Currently any position vacated by a faculty is redistributed to the College as needed. Thus programs who have grown tend to take these vacated positions as the administration favors programs with large enrollments and graduate rates at the expense of the smaller programs. Being a sum-zero game, small programs are impacted most negatively. Since 2012 four vacated faculty positions have been vacated and only two have been given back to the Department but with large delays of at least two years and with repeated requests and justification from the Department. 7. Continue to track majors: The Department website contains a link to the Alumni page33 that contains detail description of the whereabouts of 10 alumni. The Department continues to query alumni and hopes to develop a large database as we move forward. This information helps us also identify the strengths of our programs. 8. Upgrade of academic programs and courses: The Department will continue to modify the academic programs and courses as the faculty see fit. This process, done through Curriculum Central34 has become more streamlined and better supported by Academic Affairs. 9. Outreach: The Department will continue to have a strong presence in outreach activities with the astron- omy Hilo community involving students and staff.

VI.2 Resource Requirements

To achieve our objectives and realize our long term goal, we expect to increase the number of faculty and APT in our Department. A responsible utilization of the unique resources from Maunakea can only be realized if the

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Page 98 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 number of faculty returns to what it was in 2012, i.e. six tenure/tenure-track faculty, two instructors, and one APT. In addition, and in order to provide day-time assistance in the physics labs and night-time assistance in the astronomy labs and support of telescopes, a day-time and a night-time APT are required. In addition, the MOU with IfA, signed by UH President Lassner calls for two new hires. In the next five years, we expect to hire the following positions:

1. Tenure-track Physics: to replace Dr. Jesse Goldman’s teaching load currently covered by a lecturer with a 12-credit teaching load and the duties of the lab coordinator, currently being covered by a second lecturer;

2. Tenure-track Astronomy: to replace Dr. William Heacox whose teaching load is being covered by lecturers teaching astronomy and physics labs and by the increased teaching load to the Director of the Observatory; 3. Tenure-track Astronomy: to start the growth in the Department and develop new lines of research to fully utilize the resources on Maunakea. A researcher in an area of expertise different from what currently exists in the Department would be strategic, e.g. radio astronomy, , instrumentation; 4. APT: to help with the upgrades of Hoku Ke‘a and the UH2.2m telescopes and to support the night-time operations of the Department; 5. 4WD Car: replacement of one of the two 4WD cars (one was purchased used in 2005 and one was new and purchased in 2007).

VI.3 Department Chair’s Evaluation

The Department of Physics and Astronomy has undergone a drastic transformation since the last Program Review in 2006. Most faculty have turned around. Only two faculty were in the Department in 2006. While some of the vacated positions were due to accidents and retirement, the young faculty who left points at a problem of retention by the institution. Notwithstanding, the Department is being recognized by the local observatories and by the flagship campus of UH M¯anoanow more then ever. Program enrollments have decreased in the last years partly due to decrease in enrollments in universities nationwide which has prevented our Department to grow as had been expected in the last review. Unfortunately, morale is low as faculty recognize the great opportunities ahead but do not see a way to get there with the resources currently available.

Perhaps the most significant achievements over the past ten years are the new building where the Physics and Astronomy Department resides on the second floor of the Science and Technology Building. New physics and astronomy labs, with new equipment have allowed us to streamline the freshman physics labs (PHYS 170L and PHYS 171L) and astronomy lab (ASTR 110L). The ’Imiloa Astronomy Center on campus also plays an important role in our academic program. The ASTR 110L has a session once in the semester where students use the Planetarium for one of their activities. Other courses take students regularly to the exhibits and planetarium to render data in 2D or 3D and also foster discussions on topics displayed at ’Imiloa. New lab rooms also exist upper division labs especially the Optics Lab that has been taught once and the Department hopes to create this new course in the next few years. New equipment for a Modern Physics lab has allowed faculty to teach it twice as a special topics course. As new physics faculty are hired, these two courses may be added as required labs in the two degree programs. The sophomore astronomy lab ASTR 250L was made a requirement for the Astronomy degree only recently and with the purchase of two 9.25 in Celestron telescopes, they are now an important component of this lab. The computer lab room that holds 10 computers running linux are regularly used for PHYS/ASTR 260 and its lab and for research projects that faculty carry out with students. The computers have a suite of software tools regularly used at various observatories and research institutions (IDL35, python with

35Interactive Data Language software used for reduction and analysis of data delivered by many of the instruments on Maunakea

Page 99 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 most relevant libraries, several compilers, IRAF36).

The Department has moved forward in many ways and the typical comments from alumni visiting the 2nd floor of STB is that the Department is looking better with more student-faculty interactions, more open discussions, regular faculty meetings, beginning-of-semester gatherings to welcome new students, more science talks, both public and for experts, and more interactions with the other observatories and institutions in Hilo. Below is a list of recent activities and accomplishments that highlight the work of the faculty and students:

numerous student presentations at national and international conventions; • several Hawaii NASA Space Grant awards to students mentored by faculty in the Department; • many students securing summer internships nationwide; • faculty recognition at national and international level; • two Frances Davis Awards for Excellence in Teaching at the Undergraduate Level; • substantial extramural grants (NSF, NASA, State of Hawai‘i). •

The annual budget for the Department is inadequate when considered on an absolute scale and when compared to other laboratory sciences on campus. The maintenance of equipment in the astronomy and physics labs can easily empty the Department allocation especially as many of the sensors are delicate and tend to last short in the hands of freshman or non-majors students. Field trips are also a big ticket item as the Department manages two 4WD cars to access the mountain but have the current budget does not allow us to service them on a timely manner especially when big problems arise as they have. The responsibility of managing an observatory on the summit of Maunakea or any other place in the island requires a significant budget. The observatory has never had a budget assigned by the University but has had to make ends meet with extramural funds or help from other institutions, all of which are not sustainable in the long run. The faculty are convinced that the level of funding is inconsistent with the way in which the University advertises Astronomy as a unique program for UH Hilo.

The quality and preparation of declared majors has remained steady since the last program review. The main problem freshman students face when declaring Astronomy or Physics as their major is passing freshman physics and being able to enroll in Calculus I. To enroll in MATH 205, students need to take a placement exam before registration begins. Many of the freshman students do not do so and end up taking a lower level mathematics course and no physics course. Most of the students who fall behind in their first semester find it increasingly harder to enroll and pass math courses and may at best be behind by one year. There is a natural attrition of freshman and sophomore students moving into the upper division courses. The number of students in upper division physics and astronomy courses have shrunk which comes from the drop in progress at the freshman and sophomore level. Frequently, the Department receives transfer students who populate the upper division electives and allow these classes to be offered. Faculty feel uncertain and powerless as to how to increase these numbers that shape the long term health of a program. The number of students in upper division courses was growing when the last program review was done and thus it is not clear what the faculty can do given that the research activity now is higher than ever, more students are being admitted into graduate school, more students secure jobs after graduation.

The future of the Department will continue to be centered around Astronomy. The Department has been asked at least three times in the last 5 years to discontinue the physics program on account of the low number of graduates. Astronomy requires so many physics courses that the savings are at the level of two regular courses which would

36Data reduction software developed by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory and used by the Hubble Space Telescope, Gemini, Subaru

Page 100 Department of Physics and Astronomy Program Review 2016 - 2017 amount to a minimal saving while reducing the quality of the program for those students opting to go to graduate school. With the new agreements, guaranteed access to Maunakea telescopes, and new UHH observatory, the faculty expect that more students will be engaged activities and decide to remain in the program. As our program develops as the only undergraduate astronomy program to have guaranteed access to all telescopes on Maunakea more students will be attracted to our program.

Finally, the micromanagement of the administration to question every academic decision the Department makes diminishes the returns of the institution as a whole. Every new administrator questions the need for a physics program, the relation between astronomy and physics, and simply does not have an understanding of what it takes to do research in highly remote sites like Maunakea. Thus, the faculty have met with every new administrator when they step in to explain what we do. This has become tedious and ineffective especially when the main problem the administration faces are budget cuts. The Department does sympathize with it but it is not possible to be fiscally responsible if there is nothing else to cut. The Department has accommodated as needed by allowing no limits in seats in the General Astronomy course ASTR 110 while other Departments are allowed to count double teaching load when the enrollments are above 80. The Department combined all sections of PHYS 170 and PHYS 171 into a single large one with small problem solving sessions and decrease the expense to the institution. The Department has increased the caps in the physics labs from 12 to 20. The Department has reacted to the needs of the institution while trying to maintain high academic standards. The faculty are not comfortable with the administration and would like that new administrators take time to learn about each program before demanding program and class cancellations.

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VII. External Review

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VIII. Memorandum Of Understanding

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IX. Approvals

Departmental Approvals:

Marianne Takamiya, Chair

Rene Pierre Martin

Kathy Cooksey

Philippe Binder

John Hamilton

Norman Purves

Administration Approvals:

Jim Beets, Natural Sciences Division Chair

Susan Brown, CAS Dean

Matthew Platz, VCAA

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