H280 Hinton House Risley Warrington Cheshire WA3 6AS

Mr xxxxxx xxxxx [email protected]

27 August 2009

Ref: FOI 2009-038

2. How many of these staff are Officers, and at what level, for example, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant, PC, PCSO, etc?

The following is information gathered from the most recent assessment of officer numbers so will differ slightly from the 2008/09 figure above due to recruitment etc. which has taken place since.

1 Chief Constable 1 Deputy Chief Constable 1 Assistant Chief Constable 1 Chief Superintendent 5 Superintendents 8 Chief Inspectors 30 Inspectors 111 Sergeants 623 Police Constables

781 Total

3. What is the Civil Nuclear Constabulary's Management Structure?

The following information is found on page 9 of the Civil Nuclear Police Authority Annual Report and Accounts 2008/09:

"The day-to-day management on behalf of the Authority is carried out by the Command Team, which during the year consisted of:

Richard Thompson, Chief Constable; James Smith, Deputy Chief Constable to 30 June 2008, John Sampson, Deputy Chief Constable as of 1 December 2008; Alan Cooper, Assistant Chief Constable; Douglas Percival, Interim Director of Corporate Services as of 30 June 2008.”

4. How many members of staff classify themself as either Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT)?

To attempt to retrieve this information would require the manual searching of records for 856 police officers and staff. Following guidelines set out in the Freedom of Information Act, it has been calculated that this would cost in the region of £1775.00. This figure has been obtained based on the assumption that it would take on average 5 minutes to manually search a personnel file for the information required, therefore to check 856 files would take 71 hours. At the given rate of £25 per hour this would total £1775.00, though this figure does not take into account the additional time that would be required to extract and collate the required information.

A decision has been made based on these calculations that the cost of retrieving this information would exceed the appropriate limit of £450 set out in Section 12 of the Act, and as a result this part of your request is being refused.

Head Office : H280 Hinton House, Risley, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 6AS Email: [email protected]

5. How many vehicles does the constabulary operate around the UK, and from what locations?

There are 90 vehicles operated around the UK.

The disclosure of any further site specific operational information and any associated documentation is refused under section 24 National Security. It is believed that the non- disclosure of this information is required in order to safeguard national security as the disclosure of such specific information could, if put together with other information and/or assumptions, cause damage to critical national infrastructure as well as endanger the safety of CNC officers/staff.

The exemption conferred by Section 24 is non-absolute and so requires the application of the public interest test in deciding whether to maintain the exemption. In this case it has been concluded that, given the nature of the operations carried out by the CNC at any geographical location, the public interest lies in ensuring that the CNC is fully able to deny unauthorised access to nuclear material, and to provide for the safe and secure movement of such material, and so further detail regarding the locations of vehicles is being withheld.

We take our responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act seriously but, if you feel your request has not been properly handled or you are otherwise dissatisfied with the outcome of your request, you have the right to complain. We will investigate the matter and endeavour to reply within 3 – 6 weeks. You should write to:

Tony Regan Executive Director CNPA H280 Hinton House Risley Warrington WA3 6AS

E-mail: [email protected]

If you are still dissatisfied following our internal review, you have the right, under section 50 of the Act, to complain directly to the Information Commissioner. Before considering your complaint, the Information Commissioner would normally expect you to have exhausted the complaints procedures provided by the CNPA.

The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

FOI Compliance Team (complaints) Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF

If you require any further assistance in connection with this request please contact us at our address overleaf:

Head Office : H280 Hinton House, Risley, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 6AS Email: [email protected]

Info CNPA H280 Hinton House Risley Warrington WA3 6AS

E-mail: [email protected]

Yours sincerely

Sam Roberts

Sam Roberts Civil Nuclear Police Authority

Head Office : H280 Hinton House, Risley, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 6AS Email: [email protected]