University of Libraries Western History Collections

Royden Dangerfield Collection

Dangerfield, Royden James (1902–1969). Papers, 1914–1948. 3 feet. Professor. Reprints (1914–1940) and manuscripts (ca. 1930–1948) of both published and unpublished works by Dangerfield, including a political campaign platforms from 1890 to 1914; The Hidden Weapon: The Story of Economic Warfare, and other works dealing with international relations, Oklahoma state and local , and national and foreign affairs; and research notes (ca. 1930–1948) concerning the Oklahoma land run of 1889, Oklahoma politics, international law, and international relations, including research material relating to the allied blockade of Germany during World War II. ______

Box 1 Folder: Description: 1 Copies (handwritten) of newspaper and book articles: New York "The Independent", April 25, 1887. New York "The Independent", May 2, 1889. Literary Digest, July 5, 1890. "Dublin Review", July 1889. London, "The Illustrated News", May 18, 1889. London, "The Leisure Hour" London, "The Spectator", April 27, 1889. London, "The Saturday Review", April 27, 1889. "The Chautauquan", June 1889. "The Nation", April 4, 1889. "The Nation", May 2, 1889. Appleton's Annual Cyclopedia, 1889. "New York Herald", March 24, 1889. "New York Herald", March 28, 1889. April 12, 1889. (3) April 17, 1889. April 19, 1889. April 20, 1889. April 21, 1889. April 23, 1889. April 24, 1889. April 25, 1889. April 25, 1889. April 26, 1889. "Chicago Daily News", April 9, 1889. April 23, 1889. April 24, 1889. April 27, 1889. "Louisville Courier-Journal", April 17, 1889. April 18, 1889. April 19, 1889. April 23, 1889. April 25, 1889. April 26, 1889. "Kansas Star", March 27, 1889. March 29, 1889. March 28, 1889. April 8, 1889. April 12, 1889. April 16, 1889. London, "The Guardian", April 24, 1889. London, "The Times" April 18, 1889. April 19, 1889. April 20, 1889. April 22, 1889. April 24, 1889. April 25, 1889. April 26, 1889.

2 Analysis of the Law of Nations. Notes, personal, handwritten, "Diplomatic Intercourse of States." "Retorsion. Armed Force. Reprisals. Pacific Blockade." "Sanctions." "Legal Nature of War." "Civil War. Belligerency." "Conduct of Hostilities." "Enemy Aliens." "Intercourse with the Enemy." "Enemy Character." "Rights and Duties of Neutral States." "Visit and Search." "Blockade. Continuous Voyage." "Prize courts: Jurisdiction, Law, and Procedure."

3 "Europe's Needs." June 27, 1947. "InterAmerican Defense", July 18, 1947. Notes, unorganized, untitled. "Notes and Cases on International Law I." Winter 1926, Prof. Quincy Wright. Handwritten. "Relations of the Law of Nations to Municipal Law". "The Subjects of the Laws of Nations." "The Nature of Recognition." "Intent as an Element of Recognition." "The Recognition of New States and ." "The Consequences of Recognition and Non-Recognition." "Effect of Withholding Recognition upon Questions of Private Right." "Effect to be given to Acts of a Recognized Government." "State Succession to Obligations of Conquered State." "Change of Sovereignty and Private Rights." "Nationality." "Dual Nationality." "Territorial Waters." "The Territoriality of Bays." "International Rivers." "Jurisdictional Rights of Foreign States." "Jurisdictional Immunities of Foreign States." "Jurisdictional Immunities of Public Ships." "Jurisdictional over Nationals Abroad." "Extraterritoriality." "Jurisdiction over Aliens with Respect to Crime." "Extradition." "Jurisdiction over National Vessels." Class Syllabus - "Government 253 -- International Relations" by R.J. Dangerfield.

Box 2 Folder: Description: 1 Reprints: "Reports of the Second National Conference on the Science of Politics." Sept. 1924. "Twentieth Century Beginnings of Italian Imperialism", J. J Inus Glanville. Spring 1940. "African Facts and American Criticisms." by Margery Perham. April 1944. "The Political Theory of German Fascism", by Frederick L. Schuman. April 1934. "New Light on the Monroe Doctrine" by William R. Shepherd. 1916. "A Comparison of the Ratios of Successful Industrial Enterprises with Those of Failed Companies." By Paul J. Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. 1932 "The of James E. Ferguson" by Cortez A.M. Ewing. 1933. "Procedural Limitations of the ." By Joseph Ray. 1938. "Universality of Jurisdiction over War Crimes." By Willard Cowles. 1945.

2 "A History of the Chicago Delegation in Congress." By Lewis Ethan Ellis. 1931. "Outline and References for Oklahoma History" by Dale and Wardell. 1933. "America's Part in World Reconstruction" by Henry Wallace. 1942. "The Round-up of 1883--A Recollection" by Ralph Records. "Memories of Round-up Days" by John Alley. 1934. "Apology for Utopia: II" by Mulford Q. Sibley. 1940.

3 "Is the Senate Unrepresentative?" by Carroll Woddy. 1926. "Voter Motivation in the 1936 Oklahoma Democratic Primary by Royden Dangerfield and Richard Flynn". 1936 "The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly" 1936. "The Background of the Sino-Japanese Crisis" by Tatsuji Takeuchi. 1938. "Educational Preparation for Public Administration" by Charles Ascher. 1938. "The Government of a Canadian City." By John Alley. 1934. "The War Power as the Basis for National Agricultural Program" by Maurice H. Merrill. 1938. "The Status of Social Science Research in the Southwest" by J.J. Rhyne. 1934. Norman, Oklahoma Telephone Directory, November, 1947; Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. "Draftsmen of the New World" ("There is a wide choice of blueprints for the planner of tomorrow's political reconstruction") 1943. "The Western Hemisphere as a Haven of Peace" by Stephen Duggan. 1940.

4 Pamphlet: "A Message to all Persons Interested in the Public Schools", by John Vaughn. "Slavery ... 1941 Model" by Frank Munk. 1941 "Cultural Relations with Latin America" by W.B. Bizzell. 1940. "Alfalfa Bill" by William Krohn. 1931. "An Introduction to the Government of Oklahoma" by American Legion, Dept. of Oklahoma. 1939. "Bulletin of Oklahoma A. & M. College." 1940. "50 Years of Progress", Annual Report of the of Norman, OK, 1939

5 Directory of the State of Oklahoma, 1931, issued by State Election Board.

6 Bulletin No. 33, "Financial Statistics of Local Governments in Oklahoma for 1937" by Oklahoma Tax Commission.

Box 3 Folder: Description: 1 Final Report, 1937: McLennan-Falls Public Forum. Pages 1-112.

2 Same, pages 113-195.

3 Term papers from Government 211, Summer Term 1941

4 Book, "Forum Outlines" by Royden Dangerfield

5 - 8 Reprints of Articles. "San Carlos: A Comanche Pueblo on the Arkansas River, 1787" by Alfred B. Thomas, 1929. "Is the Senate Unrepresentative?" by Carroll Woddy, 1926. "The Pacifist Bogey: An Apology to Prospective Citizens" by Dorothy Dunbar Bromley, 1930. "Some Economic Aspects of Southern Reconstruction" by M. Swearingen. "German Governmental Influence on Foreign Investments 1871-1915" by Walter H.C. Laves, 1928. "Roosevelt and the 1912 Disaster" by Owen Wister, 1930. "Satanta: Orator of the Plains" by C.C. Rister, 1931. "American Government and Politics", 1934.

6 "Will Alone Make the World Safe?" by George Blakeslee, 1918. "The Senate and Foreign Relations" by R.J. Dangerfield, 1936. "The Southwest: A Laboratory for Social Research" by J.J. and Clyde Russell Rhyne, 1929. "Thoughts Current" by Ernest Hopkins, 1936. "The Life History of Rainstorms" by C. Warren Thornthwaite, 1937. "City Beginnings in Oklahoma Territory" by John Alley, 1935. "Study of Population Redistribution: The Great Plains" by C. Warren Thornthwaite. "The Ideology of Hispanidad" by Bailey W. Diffie, 1943. "Public Opinion as recorded by the Fortune Quarterly Survey: X" 1937. "The Govt. of an English City" by John Alley, 1931. "Rights, Liberties, Freedoms" by C.J. Friedrich, 1942. "Local Option and Public Opinion" by Carroll Woody and Samuel Stouffer, 1930. "The Impeachment of J.B. Price" by Cortez A.M. Ewing, 1932. "Outlaws and Vigilantes of the Southern Plains, 1865-1885" by C.C. Rister, 1933. "The Impeachment of Colonel W.L. McGaughey" by Cortez A.M. Ewing, 1934. "Land Reserves for American " by H.S. Buttenheim and P.H. Cornick, 1938 "The American Capitol, the Presidency, Tammany Hall, Al. Smith" by Thomas C. Angerstein, 1928. "Climatic Research in the Soil Conservation Service" by C.W. Thornthwaite, B. Holzman and D. Blumenstock. "Wall Sheet of Farm Tariff Rates" by Republican Party, 1932.

9 State, Local, and Federal campaign election flyers. Campaign flyer for Frank M. Bailey of Chickasha for . Campaign flyer for Governor Smith of the Democratic Party. Campaign flyer: "Senator Curtis: the Destroyer of the Five Civilized Tribes." Campaign cartoons issued by Republican National Committee. "The President is Furnishing National Leadership," by Hon. Will R. Wood as a radio address over NBC. Editorial, "Franklin D. Roosevelt, 'International Banker'". Series of Roosevelt campaign flyers issued by the Democratic National Campaign Committee in New York City: "The Public Pays" "The Forgotten Farmer" "Why Wage Earners Want Roosevelt and Garner" "Half a Million Life Insurance" "The Home Loan Bunk" "As to 'Swapping Horses'" "Three Reasons Why Every Woman Should Vote for Roosevelt and Garner" "First to Face the Emergency: How Gov. Roosevelt Acted While President Hoover Waited." "Your Electric Bill" "Nobody Knows How Dry they Are" "Hoover's Campaign Ballyhoo" "Men and Women Who Work" issued by Republican National Committee.

Box 4 All Folders, 1-7: Report of the Brookings Institution on State and Local Government Problems in Oklahoma.

Box 5 Folder 1 - 3: Untitled manuscript on the American political party system. Pages partially numbered; approx. 400. Typewritten.

4 Manuscript: "The Hidden Weapon: The Story of Economic Warfare" by Royden Dangerfield and David L. Gordon. Carbon Copies.

5 "Survey of Foreign Policy of Roosevelt Administration 1933-41" by Gerald Nye, from the Congressional Record, March 8, 1941.

Manuscript: "The Strategy of the Pacific: 1940" by John Gossett, 1941.

6 Untitled manuscript, an inclusive essay on modern Oklahoma, covering all systems: political, social, economic. Author unknown; date unknown.

7 Collection of stories and notes by Walt Jory, 1940. (Sciborski Jory?)

8 Assorted materials: Statistique Des Etudiants Inscripts Pendant le Cours De Vacances 1928. Untitled report of 6 pages.

Box 6 Folder: Description: 1 Untitled manuscript: A history of Oklahoma campaign platforms, 1890-1914.

2 Same.

3 Untitled manuscript. Subject, author, and date unknown.

4 Democratic Party Platform, 1936. 4 copies.

5 Reprints of magazine and newspaper articles; handwritten: "Settlement", Nation, 1889. "My Early Days," by General Hugh. Johnson, "Red Book" magazine. "The Republican Party 22 years Old", The Ardmore Statesman, 1912. "Free Silver Convention," The Norman Transcript, 1895. "Political Groups Got Busy Before Run Closed," The Daily Oklahoman, 1925. 2 copies. "The Criminal Court of Appeals: It's History and Function", by Thomas A. Edwards, Presiding Judge, The Oklahoma State Bar Journal, 1931. "Emergency Legislation" by Robert Ray, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the State Bar of Oklahoma, 1930. 2 Copies.

6 Incomplete manuscript, "Our Fight", pages 21-47. Outline, Economic Warfare and Economic Blockades. Untitled manuscript, 15 pages, on diplomacy. Class syllabus from Government 253, International Relations; Prof. R.J. Dangerfield, instructor. Report, "Europe in Ethiopia" by Royden Dangerfield, 1935. Report, "The Ethiopian Crisis: Can the United States Keep Out?" Author and date unknown. (R.J. Dangerfield)

Report, "The New Deal, The Courts and the Election of 1936." Author and date unknown. (R.J. Dangerfield?) Address to the Oklahoma Municipal League by Robert O. Bradley. 2 copies. "The Attack Upon the Problem of Local Government in Oklahoma," author and date unknown. Report, of Wichita Public Forum Official Project No. O.P. 5-309. Press Release of Oklahoma Tax Commission, Research and Statistics Division dealing with taxes. Date unknown. Untitled manuscript dealing with the treaty-making power of the U.S. Senate. Author and Date unknown. (R.J. Dangerfield?) Untitled manuscript dealing with the treaty-making power of the U.S. Senate. Author and date unknown. Is an entirely different essay than that listed above, but possibly of the same series. Untitled manuscript dealing with the foreign policy of Nazi Germany. Author and date unknown. (R.J. Dangerfield?) Approximate date is between 1935 and 1939.

7 Universite De Grenoble, Statistique Des Etudiants Etrangers, de 1918 a 1928. University of Grenoble, courses for the academic year bulletin. Year unknown. University of Grenoble, summer vacation courses for 1929 bulletin. Two copies. Universite De Grenoble, Cours De Francais pour les Etrangers: Examens. Universite de Grenoble, Cours De Francais. Comite de Patronage des Etudiants Etrangers pres l'Universite de Grenoble. Annee scolaire 1926-27, Rapport Annuel de Assemblee Generale du 31 Janvier 1928. Statistique Des Etudiants, Insorits pendant L'Annee Scolaire 1927-28. (Source: University of Grenoble?)

9 Magazine, "Foreign Policy Reports", April 15, 1941. Reprint, "The Neutrality of the Public Service" by David M. Levitan, 1942.

10 Various scribblings and doodles. Pad of handwritten notes possibly from a lecture or manuscript. Schematic chart (flow chart) of the mechanics of the United States federal government.

Box 7 Description: Manuscript, unpublished: "The Hidden Weapon -- The Story of Economic Warfare" by David L. Gordon & Royden Dangerfield. 290 pages.

Box 8 Folder: Description: 1 Table of Documents. Republican State Platform of 1918. Footnotes--chapters XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV.

2 "The United States Strategic Bombing Survey", Sept. 30, 1945 (U.S. Govt. Printing Office). Current Export Bulletin No. 276--Foreign Economic Administration, Sept. 10, 1945. Manuscript: "Rise and Fall of German War Economy 1939-1945" by Dr. Rolf Wagenfuehr.

3 "History of the Eire Section in Blockade Division", 12-28-44 (2 copies). "History of Enforcement Section in Blockade Division", 12-15-44. "Notes on Economic Warfare" by Nathan M. Becker. 2 copies.

4 Economic Cooperation Administration--A Basic Brief.

5 "Allied Economic Warfare in World War II" by Royden Dangerfield. "Export Control and Requisitioning." "A List of Periodical References Relating to Economic Warfare"--4 Nov. 1948. personal notations by unknown, dealing with economic vulnerability analysis, and the formation of the British Ministry of Economic Warfare. 8 pages. Operations Coordinating Board outline and itinerary of activities. Disorganized and incomplete reports: "III. United States Economic Warfare in World War II." "II. Weapons, Techniques of Economic Warfare. Highlights of FEA History As a Background for Some of the Present Decisions in Overseas Economic Organizations. Personal Notes of the aim of economic warfare, 5 pages. "Emergency Federal Agencies, Boards or Commissions Which Were Concerned With The Foreign Economic Relations of the U.S.". "Definition of Economic Warfare." Chart, "The Development of Principal Economic Warfare Agencies of the U.S. During World War II."

6 Memorandum to Mr. David Gordon. "Swedish and Swiss Imports and Exports of Foorstuffs, 1943." Memorandum: Turkey's International Financial Situation, 1944. Summary on Turkish policy. U.S. Policy Toward Sweden and Switzerland During World War II. Personal notations--rough draft of economic warfare analysis, 24 pages. Analysis of trade or stymied trade with various nations.

7 "The Economic Weapon in the War Against Germany" by A.E. Zimmern. "Fighting the Neutrals' Trade" by Philip C. Jessup (2 copies). "The New Economic Warfare" by Antonin Basch.

8 "The Economic Warfare Function." "Statutory Rules and Orders--Economic Warfare, Minister Of. (British origin). Press Releases of his Majesty's Govt., London through His Embassies in the U.S. Letter to Chief of Economic Warfare Division, London. Letter to Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, D.C. from Office of Economic Warfare. Extract from Official Report of House of Commons on economic warfare. "Portugal." "Wartime Mission in Spain" by Carlton J.H. Hayes. "Letter to Philip Kaiser, Chief of Projects Operation Staff."

9 Letter to Henry R. Labouisse of the Dept. of State. "War Trade Commitments to be asked from the Turkish Govt." "Aims and Accomplishments of FEA Program Toward Spain." "Notes on Economic Warfare" by Nathan Becker.

Letter to Brigadier-General John R. Deane, Secretary, Joint U.S. Chiefs of Staff.

"Spanish Embargo on Textile Exports." "Reduction of Turkish Strategic Exports to the Axis."

Box 9 1 "How We Blockaded Germany" by David Gordon, from Harper's Magazine. Letter to Dr. Royden J. Dangerfield of OU. "Aims and Accomplishments of the Portuguese Program." "Allied Economic Warfare in World War II" by Royden Dangerfield. "Economic Warfare Outline." "Operations of the Blockade in World War II." Republican State Platform of 1934.

2-5 Manuscript, untitled, dealing with Oklahoma electoral campaigns and their histories.

Box 10 Printed Materials

Dept. of State Press Releases, 1946

U.S. Delegation to the U.N. Press Release - 1946, 1947

Dept. of State Bulletins, ex. UNESCO monthly

Dept. of State Administrative Instruction, 1945

Dept. of State Background Info. - Refugees & Displaced Persons, 1946

"Reeducating Japan and Germany"

"UNESCO: A Provisional Program", 1946

UNESCO Progress Reports, 1946

"Report from Geneva to the Office of Public Affairs, Dept. of State"

" Dept. of State Registers of Visitors - 1946, 1947"

"Proposal Made by Lessing J. Rosenwald to the U.S. President" - 12/4/45

Dept. of State Monthly Information Sheet, 1946

"Address by William Benton at first general conference of UNESCO" 11/23/46

"Elements in European Recovery," address by Willard Thorp - 1/22/48

"The London Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers," report by George C. Marshall, 1947

"The Program of the Interdepartmental Committee on Scientific and Cultural Cooperation"

"UNESCO and the Universities" by Howard Wilson, 1947

"The Program of UNESCO"

"UNESCO and You", 1947

"UNESCO at Mexico City - Final Report"

"First Session of the General Conference of UNESCO", 1946

"Council of Foreign Ministers the Moscow Meeting", 1947

U.S. Congress Committee Reports on various subjects, 1947

"The Interstate Compact Since 1925" by Frederick Zimmermann

"The Constitution of the international Labour Organization Instrument of Amendment, 1946"

"Fiscal Policy to Fight Inflation", 1946

"Collective Bargaining: How to Make it More Effective" 1947

"UNESCO Guide," O.U. Extension Division

"Oklahoma UNESCO Conference", 1947

"Committee for Economic Development Digest", 1947

"What the International Bank Means to You"

"The American Foreign Service Journal", 1946

"The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Bulletin" 1947-1948

"Deutsche National Bibliographie" - 1933, 1936

"International Conciliation", 1944

"Platforms of the Two Great Political Parties, 1932-1944", 1945

"Charter for the International Trade Organization of the United Nations", 1946 "Fundamentals of U.S. Trade Policy" by Clair Wilcox

"A Guide to the National Labor Relations Act"

U.N. General Assembly Committee Minutes, 1946

UNESCO Reports - 1947, 1949

"Anales Del Congreso, Republica de Colombia", 1949