
Rcztis ed Prosrant. gmericsn glitturP Sssocfetion.

S EI/ E tY rH GE NE RA L M E E TING.-PROG RA M. Lere Gnonce, Tursoev, WnoNrso-lv, -Tnunso.tv SnpteMsnn 8 to rr, AND FRTDAV,fb Tsr sessions will all be held in the Sagamore House. Details of arrangements for excursions, arrd for Friday, will be announced at the confer-

Each session will begin exactly at the .time announced. Papers, Notes and Reports will be limited to the tirire allotted each' Topics bearing no name are open for brief pap"ri or notes, discussion or questions by any one lnleresteo, A question-box will be on the table, and at the close'of each session the time till adjournment vuili U" eiven to their reading and to volunteer answerJ to the queries in the box or to orat ques[ions. Brief suggestions or pertinent notes. of any t

$mertcsn llitrorU €lssocistion. J: S. BILLINGS, - Librarian National Medical Library. PRESlDENT. M. CHAMBERLAIN, Boston Public Librarian. JUSTfN WINSOR, - Librarian Harvard University. J: N. DYER, - St. Louis Mercantile Librarian' ,/ICE-PRESIDE NTS. J: EATON, - - - U. S. Commissioner of Education. A. R. SPOFFORD, - Libtarian of Congress. J: EDMANDS, - Philadelphia Mercantile Librarian. W: F: Librarian Chicago Public Library. POOLE, - WESTON FLINT, - - Librarian U. S. Patent Offrce. H: A. HOMES, - Librarian New York State Lrbrary. D : C. GILMAN' - Prest. Johns Hopkins University LLOYD P. SMITH, Librarian Philadelphia Library Co. REUBEN A. GUILD, - Librarian Brown University. SECRETAR". MISS C. M. HEWINS, - Librarian Hartford Library. - N{ELVIL DEWEY, Chief Librarian Columbia College. FREDERICK JACKSON, - St. Pau', Minn. ASSTSTANT SECRETARY. J: W. M. LEE, - Late Baltimore Mercantile Librarian. C: A- NELSON, - Astor Library, New York. K. A; LINDERFELT, - Milwaukee Public Librarian. TREASURER. C. W. MERRILL. - - Cincinnati Public Librarian.

JAS. L. WHITNEY, - Boston Public Library. REV. BRADFORI( K. PEIRCE. - F,,d,. Zion's lIerald, FINANCE COMMITTEE. MISS LUCY STEVENS, Late Toledo Public Librarian. S: S. GREEN, - - Worcester Free Public Librarian, ADDISON VAN NAME, - - Librarian Yale College. J. N. LARNED, Young Men's Library, Buffalo. JAS. W. WARD, - Librarian Grosvenor Library, Bufialo. DANIEL BECKWITH, Librarian Providence Athenaum ,,CO.OPERA TION COMMI'rTEE . C: A. CUTTER. Librarian Boston Athenaum, W: C, LANE, Catalog Dept. Harvard College. C. B. TILLINGHAST, - Massachusetts State Library,

L'OMMTTfEE ON LAKE CEORGE MEETINC. MELVIL DEWEY, Chair., Columbia College, New York R: R. BOWKER, - QIthe Li\rarjtJournal. F: M, CRUNDEN, St. Louis Public Librarian. No other parties have been organrzed. It is hoped that as man)' as can do so rvill join these companies, which aff,rrd so excellent an intro- Jpect4{t JePremoel r! rbd5. duction to the regular meetings. At Saratoga, the headquarters will be at the United States Hotel, the house nearest the sta- ARRANGEMENTS. tion, and one of the largest and finest there. TRAYELING Mcnrbers will meet after Jupper in on ol rhe par- lors of the hotel. This hotel is also tbe head- The New York Delegation rvill leave on Mon quarters of rhe American Social Science Associa- day morning, Sept. 7th, by the Hudson Dayboat, tion, and of the American Historical Association, C. Vibbard from foot of Vestry St., North River, rvhose meetings are held during the same we, k. at 8.4o, and at foot of W. zznd St. at 9, touch- The regular rates of $5. per day will be reduced ing at Nyack at ro.25; West Point, rr.5o; --to $3.oo per day ro members of the A. L. A. Nervburgh, rz.z5 ; Pought

l ers from Caldrvell, at the south end of the Lake, . and twice dailv bv steamers frorn B.,ldwin, at the north end of tlie Lake. Caldwell is reached direct by trains from Saratoga and Albanr', and Baldwin by trains which connect at Fori Trcon- deroga with Lake Champlain steamers and rvith the triins brtween Whirehalt and Montreal. Members may bring friends, who can become associates of the A. L, A. for the year on pay- ment of$2. and receive all reduced rates and a copy of the Proceedings. Members wishing, carr extend their stay at reduced rates, During the meeting, or immediately succeed- ing it, there will be excursions on Lake George. '1 Steam launches and row boats can be had for private parties is proposed I at the Sagamore. It I also to organize other excursions, to go, after the Conference, through Lakes George and il or through It Champlain, into the Adriondacks, lt the White Mountains, or across to the St Law- tl rence and and Saguenay { down to Buebec the 1 or up to the Thousand Islands. Another party I will go to Saratoga for a few days, while others will make a partt to go to New-York oq S?tqf. day via the Hu{sgn by daylight.