l'r- Rcztis ed Prosrant. gmericsn glitturP Sssocfetion. S EI/ E tY rH GE NE RA L M E E TING.-PROG RA M. Lere Gnonce, Tursoev, WnoNrso-lv, -Tnunso.tv SnpteMsnn 8 to rr, AND FRTDAV,fb Tsr sessions will all be held in the Sagamore House. Details of arrangements for excursions, arrd for Friday, will be announced at the confer- Each session will begin exactly at the .time announced. Papers, Notes and Reports will be limited to the tirire allotted each' Topics bearing no name are open for brief pap"ri or notes, discussion or questions by any one lnleresteo, A question-box will be on the table, and at the close'of each session the time till adjournment vuili U" eiven to their reading and to volunteer answerJ to the queries in the box or to orat ques[ions. Brief suggestions or pertinent notes. of any t<ind mav EE nut in ths box, and thus brought dailv befirre th-e Association' Durine this hour all experienced librarians present will be considered on the witness-stand' i"o lit with questions as cross-examining law- ttto. eiving the fullest opportunity for in- i"t.hu.tg"""i". 6f viervs on toPics not elsewhere on the program' Frnsr Dev. SnpruItsan 8, Sarrnlirnn g' .Firs t Se s' i on, Tu e s day A rn o o 2. SEcoNo D.tv. ' fte n, 30- S, 30. OppNrNc Srssrorq. Rnponrs. ao-r2'45' Assembling of the Association at z.3o o'clock, Secontl Session, I'tr/ednesdalt Forenoon, President's address, Justin Winsor, Librarian of Harvard University. Btsr,toonA.rv AND CATALoGING' Secretary's report, Me1vi1 Dewey, Chief Li- Working American Bibliographies,-by.L' E' brarian Columtria College. oI ' Tones, co-mpiler of the A merican Uatalog Treasurer's report, Ja. L. \Yhitney, Boston ttll;., Pubiic Library. \,vorking plans of the A' L. A' catalog, Finance committee's report, S: S. Green, Li- bv Melvil DeweY. brarian Free Public Library, Worcester, Mass., "'li"i" o"-pti"t1ng of the British Museurn Cat- chairman. * Uu R"Garneit, of the British Museum' Co-operation committee's report, C: A. Cnt- "ton. on the Card Catalog of Leyden Univer- ter, Librarian ffi;; Boston Atheneum, chairman. sitv. bv W. N' De Rieu' Reports of special cornmittees: ''1'""iru i*.ri on Aids and Guides, .by F: On Lake George Meeting, by Melvil Dewey, U.^Ci"ia"n, Librarian St. Louis Public Li,b-rary' chairman. "'V;;;-;;rt on Classification, bY w: C' On Essal' Index, Edmands, Librarian J: Lane, oi llaivard College Library' - .- Phila. Mercantile Librarv. chairman. Value of minute subdivision in ciassrncatlon' On Transliteration, C: A. Cutter. Aii.te.-""t of-ii books relating to politics' by On School of Library Economy, by W: E. Ph i ladel phla Li bra-r-v' Ll;;a P:-S ; I il, brarian Foster, chairman. "'Lii*losi"ui urr.ng"-."t on shelves, by W' Paper on Sorne compensations " of a Li- S. Biscoe, Columbia College LibEry' . brarian's 1ife," by W: E. Foster, Librarian "tt{inn-i-"o'" Classification, by E' C' Richard--. Providence Public Library. son, LTbrarian Hartford Theol' Sem' Notes on New or Improved Library Appli- ""n".*i"""aiai and Librarians' by E' C' Rich- ances, Devices and Methods. Nore. Members will bring any models, srmples. F' Poole' - ^tTJJnn report on Indexes, by W: blanks, etc.. labelled, if practicable. for exhrbirion during the Public Library' sessions. At rhe close, unless claimed by the contributors. Librariin of-Chicago ^ these wrll be added to the general A, L. A. collection. Yearlv report on Cataloging, tJy u' Alex' for card catalog Nelson," Astor LibrarY. Blocks drawers, by Ja. L. -'S;;; Savary' Whitney. points in Caialoging, by John the LibrarY of Congress' Fastening catalog cards and Shelf supports, of"^ by by F: M. Crunden, St. Louis Public Librarian. P;i";;I"t lnd ruleJfor Alphabeting titles, Edrnands' Library numbering and other machines. Tohn by Book Supports, by G: W: Harris, of Cornell '"C"t"loeine .ul"t Anonymous articles University Library. k;;;'^lih%tt, uv ' e' Pick'man Mann' U' S. Notes and pueries, Agric. DePt. Appointment of Committees on Resolutions Book sizes bY actual measure' and Nominations, by the President. Printing catalog cards. The Hammond Card Cataloger. Type-writers. Third Session, tr4/ednesday Eaening, 7.3o-ro. handwriting. Library AND THE Punr-rc. Author's full names, by C. Alex. Nelson. Lrrn.rnros, LtunantaNs, ' Utilizing printed catalogs, by C. Alex Nelson. The College Library, by R. A. Guild, Li- On the cost of cataloging, by Ja. L. Whitney. brarian of Brown University. How accurately and how fully does it /)ay to !-; Yearly report on College Libraries, by W: catalog ? I. Fletcher, Librarian o{ Aurherst College. Note.-Rate of cataloging and cost per roo vols.-all Libraries of Y. M. C. A., by R. B. Poole, members are asked to bring any available facts and statistics Librarian of the Y. M. C. A. oi New York. as to the time taken per roo vols. for each of the processes through which a book goes, viz: order dept., accessioning, Yearly report on Theological Libraries, by carding, cla.sifying, plating, emhossing. p, cketing, etc. It E. C. Richardson. i' hoped to get mure definite ideas of the average rate and cost of citaloging by such a comparison of resu-its and Financial and educational relations of a Free views. Public Library to its community, by F. B. Per- kins, Finding lists zs. Catalogs. What relation shall the city government hold Norr.-Should time be found for them. the to the city library? By William Rice, D.D', following subjects will also be discussed : " Co- Librarian City Library, Springfield, Mass. operative Cataloging," " Publishers' Title slips," The probable intellectual and moral outcome " The Indexes to Periodlcals." 'r An American of the rapid increase of public libraries, by Rer" Index Society," " Proposed Index to Portraits," Dr. tsradford K. Peirce, Editor Zion's llerald, " American Obituary Indexes." Superintendent Newton (Mass.) Free Library. Yearly report on State and Law Libraries, and report on legislation, by C: C. Soule, Larv Wednesday a{ternoon will be devoted to an Publisher, Boston. excursion on the Lake, probably giving oppor- Yearly report on Reading of the Young, by tunity for the ascent of Black Mountain. Miss H. P. James, Librarian of Newton (Mass.) Free Public LibrarY. I How to supplant bad books with good books among children. Yearly report on Fiction, by F: B. Perkins, Librarian of San Francisco Public Library. The Libraries of Philadelphia before the Rev- olution, by Lloyd P. Smith, Librarian ol Phila- delphia and Loganian Libraries. Holv to keep readers advised of new books. Methods to Prevent book stealing. Delivery stations, as a substitute for branch libraries. Tnrno Dev. SoPrBulBR ro' Chargingsystems. Pocketing books. New slip-tray, by Miss H. P. Fourt/t Session, Thursday Forenoon, To-r2. 45. James. permanent Lrnnenv HousrNc eNo EcoNouY' Practical experience with card charging systems, by those who have tried them. Paper library buildings," by W: on "Small records use of each book and by F. Poole, Librarian Chicago Public Library' Value of of each reader. Iron stack s)'sterrt, by W: I. Fletcher. How to make library architecture servelibrary Sunday and holiday opening. administration. Civil Service rules in libraries. Yearly repori on Buildings, by Nlelvil Dewey. Technical libraries in business houses' libraries. The electric light in and business methods. Note on " Colors of bindings," by Melvil Library book-keeping Dewey. Librar.es and Museums, by I:l: A. Homes, Lettering backs of books, by J: Edmands. N. Y. State Librarian. Economy in binding periodicals, by W: I. ' Mexican libraries, by Arthur N. Brown, Fletcher. Columbia College Library. Temporary covers forchoice bindings. Vagaries and idiosyncrasies of German pub- Bindrng in duck, by W: T. Peoples. lishers and authors, by G. W: Harris. be done lor an old library with a What should Portolano the r6th century, by limited income, by Prof. George T. Little, Li- An Italian of brarian Bowdoin College. ,/ Justin Winsor. \( George Little, Notes and Bueries. Buying periodicals, by Pro{. T. Librarian Bowdoin College. Fifth Session, Thursday AJ ternoon, 2. 3o-5. 30. \ \ Practical limits of numbering. Large num- PueLrc DocuMnNrs. Mlscstr-aNrous. b\rs with few characters, by Melvil Dewey' U. S. Government Publications, by R: R. Sub-Committees and delegated authority in li- Bowker, of the Libraty Journal. brary management. on S. Public Documents, by Mr. Note U. L. Constitution, by E' C. McKee, of Senate Document Room. Article Il. of A. A. Report of Committee on distribution of public Richardson, documents, S: S. Green, chairman. The best month for our annual meeting. International excbanges, by C. Alex Nelson. Admitting readers to the shelves, by W. S. Advertising and the necessity of keeping the Biscoe, Columbia College LibrarY. Library before the people, by W: T. Peoples. Endowment of special subjects, by Melvil Notes and Bueries. I)ewev. The best use of duplicates, by Edmund M. Barton, Librarian American Antiquarian Society, Thursday evening will be devoted to a social Worcester, Mass. reception, unless an evening session is directed Need of duplicates of best books, by F: M. by the Conference. Crunden. St. Louis Public Librarian. OFFICERS COANC/LLORS. $mertcsn llitrorU €lssocistion. J: S. BILLINGS, - Librarian National Medical Library. PRESlDENT. M. CHAMBERLAIN, Boston Public Librarian. JUSTfN WINSOR, - Librarian Harvard University. J: N. DYER, - St. Louis Mercantile Librarian' ,/ICE-PRESIDE NTS. J: EATON, - - - U. S. Commissioner of Education. A. R. SPOFFORD, - Libtarian of Congress. J: EDMANDS, - Philadelphia Mercantile Librarian. W: F: Librarian Chicago Public Library. POOLE, - WESTON FLINT, - - Librarian U. S. Patent Offrce. H: A. HOMES, - Librarian New York State Lrbrary.
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