10/10/2014 Shrinking The Skills Gap: Why Manufacturing Day Matters




ADVERTISEMENT Shrinking The Skills Gap: Why Manufacturing Day Matters

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 1:39pm

by Kylene Zenk-Batsford, Senior Manager, Manufacturing Practice Group, Kronos Get today's manufacturing headlines and news - Sign up now!

Today we celebrate Manufacturing (MFG) Day, during which hundreds of manufacturers throughout the U.S. and Canada are hosting open houses, plant tours and career workshops, in order to raise awareness about the excellent career opportunities in manufacturing. MFG Day began in 2012 in an effort to draw attention to a major problem threatening the industry, and the overall economy — the skilled labor shortage. There are almost half a million skilled positions unfilled in manufacturing, a situation that will only worsen as baby boomers exit the industry, while fewer numbers of young people elect to enter it. We must change the perception of manufacturing as a desirable career — that’s why MFG Day matters.

MFG Day provides opportunities for students, parents, educators, and the media to see today’s technologically advanced manufacturing facilities. And to observe firsthand the advanced skills and knowledge base of the modern manufacturing workforce. It gives manufacturers the chance to dispel misconceptions of manufacturing as dark and dirty environments where low wages are commonplace, which is far from reality. In fact, the average annual salary for a U.S. manufacturing worker is $77,505, greater than the U.S. median of $51,371.

MFG Day is just one solution to the skills gap problem. That’s why we’d like to know, “what are you doing to address the skills gap?” We also want to share how a few Kronos customers are working toward closing the gap by creating programs that connect with and provide opportunity for the future workforce:

Aker Philadelphia Shipyard, a leading manufacturer of vessels operating out of the U.S. http://www.manufacturing.net/articles/2014/10/shrinking-the-skills-gap-why-manufacturing-day-matters 1/7 10/10/2014 Shrinking The Skills Gap: Why Manufacturing Day Matters Offering a formal apprenticeship program

“We have a formalized three year apprenticeship program designed to produce highly skilled production workers who can perform successfully in a high performance work organization, compete in a world market, and participate in the future success of our organization. Approximately 90 percent of this time is spent with skilled workers in the apprentices’ craft, allowing the apprentice to master the proficiencies of his/her craft through scheduled job rotations. We recognize thaFt collalosswroom learning also plays a large roleS inh adreeveloping skills; therefore, the remainder of program time is spent in a classroom environment and independent learning.” — Michel Boeckx, chief technology officer, Aker Philadelphia Shipyard

Appvion, Inc., a leading manufacturer specializing in paper production

Working with local, trade educational institutions

“With such a large generational shift, U.S. manufacturing has the task of replacing a huge skilled workforce and we recognize this. While technology and automation has improved, we feel it is essential that we maintain the skill trades if the U.S. is to remain globally competitive in manufacturing. To address this, at Appvion, we are continuing to work with local trade schools and colleges to increase the opportunity of providing the employees of tomorrow with a solid foundation in manufacturing.” — Jason Carson, HR manager, Appvion, Inc.

Joy Global Inc., a worldwide leader in high-productivity solutions

Partnering with vocational schools and compensating well

“Finding talent can prove to be very difficult. We have partnered with vocational schools -both high and post-high school technical training schools/colleges - to provide the institutions with in depth explanations of what our requirements are so they endeavor to train the students to achieve the high level of skills that we are looking for. Retaining the talent is usually not too much of a problem as we are one of the top paying manufacturers in the region.” — Chris Wright, global Kronos business process manager,

Magnetek, a manufacturer of digital power and motion control systems

Working with local colleges and developing interns into employees

“We partner with Waukesha Technical College and other local colleges, in particular University of - , Milwaukee School of Engineering, and Marquette University. Since they are located close to our campus, interns can continue working 10 -15 hours weekly during the school year and we encourage them to return in the summer and once they graduate, work in full time positions depending on availability.

The real key to finding and retaining young talent is to provide meaningful work and training to develop the right employees so they are confident and feel that the company has interest in his/her advancement and skills. By providing mentorship, desirable skills are transferred. Talent will only help us recruit if the company culture is a strong differentiator and because ours is, we have a very successful employee referral program.” — LindaPintor, vice president of HR, Mangetek

Pioneer Metal Finishing, a manufacturer of metal finishing services with locations across the U.S. and Mexico http://www.manufacturing.net/articles/2014/10/shrinking-the-skills-gap-why-manufacturing-day-matters 2/7 10/10/2014 Shrinking The Skills Gap: Why Manufacturing Day Matters Investing in your own organizational development team

“Pioneer Metal feels the pain that most manufacturers are experiencing related to finding the talent necessary for today and the future. For us, our gap exists around finding strong leaders with the skills necessary to successfully lead, engage, and develop large teams of people. To address this, we invested very early in our own organizational development team. This gives us the capability to foster raw talent into strong leaders.

Pioneer Metal also feels that getting in front of young adults at an early age is important. We partner with a few key manufacturing alliance partners whose focus is on getting in front of students in high school and talking about careers in manufacturing. We have done several presentations with the alliance and have been a part of educational fairs to address the misperception of a career in manufacturing and show the growth and opportunities that are out there.” — Brad Nycz, director of HR, Pioneer Metal

We’d like to learn about how other organizations are addressing the skills gap. Please join the discussion and comment below.

Kylene Zenk-Batsford is the Senior Manager of the Manufacturing Practice Group at Kronos.



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Bernice • 2 days ago The Village of Elk Grove (IL) is working to address the need for skilled workers in its many manufacturing and technology firms by creating an Advanced Machining Program at Elk Grove High School in conjunction with local business sponsors:

http://wgntv.com/2014/10/07/ad... △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

deanrd • 7 days ago It's never too late. While this should have started 15 or 20 years ago, the US is still the http://www.manufcacetunrintge.nre to/afrt itcelesc/2h0n14o/1l0o/sghryin.k iTngh-thaet-s'ksil las-g gapr-wehayt-m baneugfacintunrinign-dga.y -matters 3/7 10/10/2014 Shrinking The Skills Gap: Why Manufacturing Day Matters center of technology. That's a great beginning. Now, if we could only stop that one political party from blocking everything. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

guest442 > deanrd • 7 days ago You mean harry reid who is blocking/sitting on about 400 bi-partisan house bills, including job creation bills? 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

deanrd > guest442 • 4 days ago I've looked at some of those bills. The title is always misleading. You may find a bill that says "invest in manufacturing" and it's only a tax cut for billionaires.

Remember, from 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to and over 40,000 factories were closed. The GOP controlled then entire government for six of those years and used reconciliation three times. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Troll > deanrd • 2 days ago Typical retort for your type. Repeat a lie often enough and the sheeple will believe it. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

John Chunn • 7 days ago Too little too late. 4 decades of manufacturing decay brought on by Business Schools pumping out MBAs with the mantra of "off shoring is good and will make you rich, who cares about the little people..." Thanks to enlighted preachers such as Peter Drucker, the manufacturing day can only be a small light in the dust cloud of doubt. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

ALSO ON MNET WHAT'S THIS? Is Currency Manipulation Hurting Banning Plastic Bags May Be Bad American Manufacturing? Science 3 comments • a day ago 165 comments • a day ago RayL80 — The USA is not the victim here, Milton — You started off your commentary the dollar is over valued by design. To by saying that it is your ethical duty to maintain the dollars role as the world's … abstain from producing a certain product …

Oil Dealers Suing Over Gas Expansion GM 'Self-Driving' Car Just 2 Years Away Plan 3 comments • 8 hours ago 2 comments • 6 hours ago Snowman — Did they get that ignition switch Breaking News — Just in. Milkmen, umm problem fixed yet - Yep I want one that http://www.manufacturing.net/articles/2014/10/shrinking-the-skills-gap-why-manufacturing-day-matters 4/7 10/10/2014 Shrinking The Skills Gap: Why Manufacturing Day Matters excuse me, milk carriers filed suit against the drives by itself from a company that … Association of American Grocers for …

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